Presentation on the topic of art form literature. Literature as the art of the word

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In addition to literature, than to breathe, Sinking to the bottom of the sea ... M. Shcherbakov. Whole summer

“As a person, as a person, the Russian writer ... stood illuminated by the bright light of selfless and passionate love for the great cause of life - literature, for the people weary in labor, for their sad land. He was an honest fighter, a great martyr for the sake of truth, a hero in labor and a child in relation to people, with a soul as transparent as a tear and bright as the star of the pale skies of Russia. M. Gorky.

“The whole of Greece and Rome ate only literature: there were no schools, in our sense, at all! And how they have grown. Literature is actually the only school of the people, and it can be the only and sufficient school…” V. Rozanov.

“Russian literature ... has always been the conscience of the people. Her place in the public life of the country has always been honorable and influential. She educated people and strove for a fair reorganization of life. D. Likhachev. D.S. Likhachev

Poems by Russian poets about writing, about the role of writers in society

Ivan Bunin The word The tombs, mummies and bones are silent, - Life is given only to the word: From the ancient darkness, on the world churchyard, Only the Letters sound. And we have no other property! Know how to take care of it Even to the best of your ability, in the days of malice and suffering, Our immortal gift is speech.

A. Akhmatova Creativity It happens like this: some kind of languor; In the ears the clock does not stop; In the distance, a rumble of fading thunder. Unrecognized and captive voices I see both complaints and groans, Some kind of secret circle narrows, But in this abyss of whispers and bells There rises one, all victorious sound. It is so irreparably quiet around him, That you can hear the grass growing in the forest, How famously he walks on the ground with a knapsack... But now words have been heard And signal bells of light rhymes, - Then I begin to understand, And just dictated lines Lie down in a snow-white notebook .

B. Pastrnak In everything I want to get to the very essence. In work, in search of a way, In heart trouble. To the essence of the past days, To their cause, To the foundations, to the roots, To the core. All the time grasping the thread of Fates, events, Live, think, feel, love, Make discoveries. Oh, if only I could At least in part, I would write eight lines About the properties of passion. About lawlessness, about sins, Runs, chases, Accidents in a hurry, Elbows, palms. I would deduce her law, Her beginning, And repeat her names Initials. I would break poetry like a garden. With all the trembling of the veins, the lindens would bloom in them in a row, in single file, in the back of the head. In verses I would add the breath of roses, The breath of mint, Meadows, sedge, haymaking, Thunderstorms. So once upon a time Chopin put the living miracle of farmsteads, parks, groves, graves into his sketches. Achieved triumph Game and torment - A stretched string of a tight bow.

Questions Why is literature called the art of the word? Show with examples what the art of the word is? Remember the works whose heroes read books and give them their assessments. Why is literature important to them? What did you learn from literature about love and betrayal, about death and immortality, about nobility and meanness? Is such knowledge important for a person? How has literature helped your own spiritual development? - What useful can give a modern person reading the literature of the past?

Through the thin, tall stalks of grass, blue, blue and purple hairs showed through; yellow gorse jumped up with its pyramidal top; white porridge was full of umbrella-shaped caps on the surface; brought in, God knows where, an ear of wheat poured into the thick. Partridges darted under their thin roots, stretching out their necks. The air was filled with a thousand different bird whistles. The hawks stood motionless in the sky, spreading their wings and motionlessly fixing their eyes on the grass. The cry of a cloud of wild geese moving to the side resounded in God knows what distant lake. A gull rose from the grass with measured waves and luxuriously bathed in the blue waves of the air. There she disappeared in the sky and only flickers like one black dot. There she turned her wings and flashed before the sun. Damn you, steppes, how good you are!

N.V. Gogol "Taras Bulba"

“Do you want to know what I saw in the wild? - Lush fields, Hills, covered with a crown of Trees, overgrown around, Noisy with a fresh crowd, Like brothers in a circular dance. I saw piles of dark rocks, When the stream separated them, And I guessed their thoughts: It was given to me from above! Stretched in the air for a long time Their stone embraces, And they yearn to meet every moment; But the days are running, the years are running - They will never meet!

M.Yu. Lermontov "Mtsyri"

Answer in writing one of the questions: How are people and history related in Pushkin's The Captain's Daughter? What moral values ​​does the poem by M.Yu. Lermontov "Mtsyri" What is “bad in Russia” is ridiculed by N.V. Gogol in the play “Inspector General” and M.E. Saltykov-Shchedrin in fairy tales? Bring to the lesson the text "Words about Igor's Campaign" - an Old Russian text and its translation into modern Russian. Homework

Thank you for the lesson!!!

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Literature as the art of the word

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architecture or architecture

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Figurative comprehension of reality:
Painting - view visual arts associated with the transmission of visual images by applying paints to a solid or flexible surface.
Sculpture is a type of fine art, the works of which have a three-dimensional form and are made of clay, wax, stone, metal, wood, bone and other materials.
Theater is a spectacular art form, performances in the theater.
Circus is a kind of spectacular art, according to the laws of which an entertaining performance is built.

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Filmmaking is an art form based on technical basis cinematography.
Ballet is a kind of stage art; performance, the content of which is embodied in musical and choreographic images.
Architecture or architecture is the art of designing, constructing buildings and structures (also their complexes).
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Music is an art, the means of embodying artistic images for which are sound and silence, organized in a special way in time.

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Levitan "Golden Autumn"
Sad time! Oh charm! Your farewell beauty is pleasing to me - I love the magnificent withering of nature, Forests clad in crimson and gold, In their vestibule the wind noise and fresh breath, And the skies are covered with wavy mist, And a rare ray of sun, and the first frosts, And threats distant gray winter. (1825)
Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky (1840-1893)
The play "October. Autumn song»

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What means do the artist, composer and poet use to create a picture of autumn nature?

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With the help of paint colors creates a picture of autumn nature.
With the help of the sounds of the melody, he creates a picture of an autumn landscape.
Draws a picture of autumn nature with words. How musical and expressive language can be! How many possibilities for depicting life are hidden in the word. Words can convey both the mood that Tchaikovsky's music evoked and the colors of Levitan's painting.

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This word came into our language in the 18th century, borrowed from the Latin language and comes from the Latin word "litera", that is, "letter". Literature is the art of the written word.

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How charming is the rosy reflection on the white bark from the ruddy rays of the rising sun! Isn't the tender spring greenery of a birch a charm? How the pointed, fragrant, shiny leaves caress our eyes! The birch is especially good in autumn, when the foliage is covered with gold, and the birch “glistens with yellow carvings in blue azure.
D. Kaigorodov
Deciduous tree of the birch family, with a powerful wide crown, up to 30 m in height. The bark is smooth, white, in old trees at the base of the trunk it is black, with deep cracks. The branches are drooping, red-brown, densely covered with odorous resinous warts. The buds are sticky, red-brown, with a balsamic smell and a slightly astringent resinous taste. Leaves are long-petiolate, alternate, triangular or rhombic-ovate, with a heart-shaped base, young - sticky, later covered with glandular warts

Cognitive perspectives of literature: With the help of the word, reality is comprehended not only from the sensual, but also from the mental, mental side; With the help of the word, literature calls the reader to an independent dialogue, a dispute with the author; Fiction is the art of reproducing a human voice carrying an emotionally charged thought

Robert Rozhdestvensky I'll drown in your eyes - Can I? After all, drowning in your eyes is happiness! Come and say hello! I love you very- Difficult? No, it's not hard, it's hard. It is very difficult to love - Do you believe? I'll go up to a steep cliff, I'll fall - Will you have time to catch it? Well, if I leave, will you write? It's hard for me without you! I want to be with you - Do you hear? Not a minute, not a month, but for a long time A very long time, all my life- Do you understand? So together always - Do you want to? I'm afraid of the answer- You know? You answer me, but only with your eyes. You answer me with your eyes - Do you love? If yes, then I promise you that you will be the happiest. If not, then I beg you Don't reproach with your eyes, don't, Don't pull you into the pool, But you remember me a little I will love you- May I? Even if you can't...I will! And I will always come to the rescue, If it will be difficult for you!

Literature at the beginning of its history was a performing art, as it existed only in oral form. With the advent of writing, performing forms of literature did not disappear (folklore), but the main lines of its development acquired a non-performing character.

Literature is one of the types of art, the same as sculpture or choreography. The word is an expressive means and thought form of literature, the symbolic basis of its imagery. In the beginning there was a word... This is how the Bible speaks of the creation of the universe. The artistic world created by literature arises precisely according to this formula.

Construction material sculpture, painting, film clay, paint, film pre-socially processed, "humanized". The building material of literature is the word Hegel called the word the most plastic material, directly belonging to the spirit. The word in a literary work is flexible, mobile, changeable and definite in its sense. It trembles in the poet's hand like a freshly caught fish. The word is a verbal sign.

And I also asked the money changer, In the heart of timidity is deeper, How to tell me for the beautiful Lala, How to tell her that she is "mine"? And the moneychanger answered me briefly: They don’t talk about love in words, They sigh only furtively about love, Yes, eyes, like yachts, burn. The kiss has no name, The kiss is not an inscription on the coffins. Red rose kisses glow, Petals melting on the lips. From love do not require bail, With her know the joy and trouble. “You are mine,” only hands can say, That they tore off the black veil I asked the money changer today, What gives a ruble for half a fog, How can I say for the beautiful Lala In Persian gentle “I love”? Today I asked the money-changer, Lighter than the wind, quieter than the Van jets, How can I call the affectionate word "kiss" for the beautiful Lala? S. A. Yesenin

Thanks to the flexibility and limitless expressive possibilities of the word, literature is able to absorb elements of the artistic content of any art. Images of other types of art can be translated into the language of literature. Leo Tolstoy in "War and Peace", for example, describing the dance of Natasha Rostova, creates an almost visible choreographic image; Hugo in Notre Dame Cathedral reproduces the image of an architectural work; Pushkin in "The Bronze Horseman" sculptural image of Falcone.

In the words, in the language of any people, its history, its character, the nature of the Motherland are imprinted, the wisdom of centuries is concentrated. The living word is rich and generous. It has many shades. It can be formidable and affectionate, inspire horror and give hope. No wonder the poet Vadim Shefner said this about the word: With a word you can kill, with a word you can save, With a word you can lead regiments behind you. The word can be sold and betrayed and bought, The word can be poured into smashing lead

Literature genres: Structural Novel Short story Poem Poem Tragedy Comedy Melodrama Vaudeville Thematic Historical novel Psychological novel Adventure novel Functional Ode Epigram

Genres and types of literature since Aristotelian times were considered the main stylistic factors: Epic Lyric Drama Essays Genres Epic Dramatic Tragic Lyrical Styles

Essay (from French essai "attempt, test, essay"), a literary genre of prose writing of a small volume and free composition. The essay implies the freedom of creativity and expresses the individual impressions and thoughts of the author on a specific occasion or subject and does not claim to be an exhaustive or defining interpretation of the topic. An essay can be of a historical-biographical, literary-critical, philosophical, popular-science, fiction character. The content of the essay evaluates, first of all, the personality of the author - his worldview, thoughts and feelings. In terms of scope and function, the essay borders, on the one hand, on scientific article and a literary essay (with which an essay is often confused), on the other with a philosophical treatise.

Essay form letter word open letter speech essay Addressees readers audience friend interlocutor person with whom they are arguing

An essay is a way to tell about the world through yourself and about yourself with the help of the world. A. Elyashevich

LOVE Now like a snake, curled up in a ball, It conjures at the very heart, Now it coos all day like a dove On a white window, Then it flashes in bright hoarfrost, It seems like a left-handed man in the slumber ... But faithfully and secretly leads From joy and peace. He knows how to weep so sweetly In the prayer of a yearning violin, And it's scary to guess it In a still unfamiliar smile. November 24, 1911, Tsarskoye Selo A. Akhmatova

Task: Write an essay. Sample Topics literary and journalistic essay: “They say that love is a gift from God. Is it so?" “The one who has never sought either friendship or love is a thousand times poorer than the one who has lost both of them” (Jean Paul) “Love is the desire to live” (M. Gorky) “To love deeply means to forget about yourself "(J. J. Rousseau) "The greatest happiness in life is the confidence that you are loved" (V. Hugo). “Love gives nobility even to those whom nature has denied it” (W. Shakespeare).

Not renounce loving. After all, life does not end tomorrow. I will stop waiting for you, and you will come quite suddenly. And you will come when it is dark, when a blizzard hits the glass, when you remember how long we have not warmed each other. And you want so much warmth that you didn’t like once, that you won’t be able to wait out three people at the machine. And, as luck would have it, the tram, the subway will crawl, I don’t know what is there. And the blizzard will sweep the paths on the distant approaches to the gates... And in the house there will be sadness and silence, the wheezing of the counter and the rustle of the book, when you knock on the door, running upstairs without a break. You can give everything for this, and I believe in it so much that it’s hard for me not to wait for you, without leaving the door all day Veronika Tushnova

Artistic image in literature

The artistic image is a complex phenomenon that includes the individual and the general, the characteristic and the typical. An artistic image is an image from art, which is created by the author of a work of art in order to most fully reveal the described phenomenon of reality. An artistic image is nothing more than a sign, i.e. a means of semantic communication within a given culture or related cultures

"Eternal images" are artistic images of works of world literature, in which the writer, on the basis of the vital material of his time, managed to create a durable generalization applicable in the life of subsequent generations. So, in Prometheus, the features of a person who is ready to give his life for the good of the people are summarized; The image of Don Quixote, created by the famous Spanish writer Miguel Cervantes (XVI-XVII centuries), embodies a noble, but devoid of vital soil, daydreaming; Hamlet, hero of Shakespeare's tragedy (XVI early XVII c.), a nominal image of a bifurcated, torn by contradictions man

The main means of artistic expression EPITHETS are colorful, figurative definitions, most often expressed by adjectives. Examples: Stately aspens babble high above you; Long, hanging branches of birches barely move, a mighty oak stands ... (I.S. Turgenev) The air is clean and fresh, like a kiss of a child (M.Yu. Lermontov)

COMPARISON is a comparison of one object or phenomenon with another, giving the description a special figurativeness, visibility, pictoriality. Eyes like the sky, blue; The leaves are yellow, like gold ... (A. Tvardovsky) There, like a black iron leg, the poker ran, galloped (K. Chukovsky) A white snow drift rushes along the ground like a snake (S. Marshak) The main means of artistic expression

METAPHOR - the use of a word in a figurative sense based on the similarity of two objects or phenomena (in other words - an unnamed comparison) Similarity can manifest itself: In shape (a ring on a hand is a ring of smoke); By color (gold medallion - golden curls); According to the impression (black veil - black thoughts) According to the arrangement of objects (animal tail - comet tail) According to other signs ... A fire of red mountain ash burns in the garden ... (S. Yesenin) - the poet compared the fiery color of the clusters with a flame. The comparison in this case would look like this: Clusters of mountain ash turn red like a flame, and an autumn tree is like a fire.

Brilliant books are inexhaustible, they again and again make people think about the main thing: about themselves, about human destiny and the destiny of mankind. They are like a mirror in which everyone new Age sees himself

Questions Why is literature called the art of the word? Show with examples what the art of the word is? What did you learn from literature about love and betrayal, about death and immortality, about nobility and meanness? Is such knowledge important for a person? How has literature helped your own spiritual development? What useful can give a modern person reading the literature of the past?

Come up with and write down Invent and write down in notebooks a literary text on the theme “Autumn in the Forest”, using epithets, comparisons and metaphors. Think up and write down Think up and write down epithets for the word clouds; comparisons to the word sun; metaphor for the expression the wind blows)

Conclusion: Art is a great magician and a kind of time machine. Any writer, observing, studying life, embodies with the help of words, everything that he saw, felt, understood. Literature has a special power of education in a human being. It enriches us with very special knowledge - knowledge about people, about their inner world. Literature as the art of the word has an amazing ability to influence the minds and hearts of people, helps to reveal the true beauty of the human soul.

Creativity It happens like this: some kind of languor; In the ears the clock does not stop; In the distance, a rumble of fading thunder. Unrecognized and captive voices I see both complaints and groans, Some kind of secret circle narrows, But in this abyss of whispers and bells There rises one, all victorious sound. It is so irreparably quiet around him, That you can hear the grass growing in the forest, How dashingly it walks on the ground with a knapsack... But now I heard the words And signal bells of light rhymes, Then I begin to understand, And just dictated lines Lie down in a snow-white notebook. A. Akhmatova The presentation was prepared for the MHK lesson in grade 9 according to the program of G.I. Danilova as a teacher of fine arts and MHC Petrova Oksana Viktorovna MBOU Toguchinsky district Gornovskaya secondary school

Literature as the art of the word and its role in the spiritual life of man

Literature lesson in grade 9

Subbotina I.K.,

teacher of Russian language and literature, secondary school № 448, St. Petersburg

In addition to literature, than to breathe, sinking to the bottom of the sea ...

M. Shcherbakov

Literature -

These are all works of writing that have a certain social significance. Literature can be scientific, artistic, epistolary.

In a very simplified, philistine sense, literature is books. Most often, we are still talking about artistic written products. Literature in this sense is a cultural phenomenon, a form of art.

Studying literature is a branch of the science of philology,

which is called literature.

Art -

it is a creative reflection of reality, its reproduction in artistic images.

Not all creations are called a work of art, it must be something of very high quality, the most interesting and capable of changing the mind of the viewer (listener). Art is perceived by a person with all senses.



How are people and history connected in Pushkin's The Captain's Daughter?

What moral values ​​does the poem by M.Yu. Lermontov "Mtsyri"

What is “bad in Russia” is ridiculed by N.V. Gogol in the play “The Inspector General” and M.E. Saltykov-Shchedrin in fairy tales?