Luminous production. Idea for your photo studio: making glowing images

The most colorful business, as well as the one that does not require large financial and resource costs, is the painting of facade stone and tiles with a special Glow in the Night Paint TAT 33.

If you are one of those people who are eager to open some new business for themselves, then before doing this, you should decide where to start it. You need to try to look at this or that traditional occupation from a completely new angle. Need to think about what will be absolutely in demand in the future? Absolutely everything that is connected with the construction and repair! How to find your niche in this market? The answer is simple - you need to offer a potential buyer something new and unexpected for him! In this article we will talk about a simple, but pretty profitable business― production and sale of a finishing stone glowing in the dark called “lumino concrete”, or rather a stone that is covered with phosphor paint.

So, what is lumoconcrete?

This fully corresponds to the production of such a new material as luminous concrete, which is a finishing stone that glows in the dark. It is coated with luminescent paint TAT 33 (luminous powder). It can fully glow in the dark from 6 to 12 hours. But full attenuation begins after 40 hours. It can be painted from concrete surfaces to light alloy car rims. The service life of the luminescent pigment is 200 years!

Higher-quality stones are made by hand - for this, phosphor powder is added to the cement. Thus, the finished finishing stone will constantly glow at night!

On the present stage in our country, this type of business is new, respectively, and competition in this area is minimal with a fairly stable demand. High-quality and modern materials intended for interior decoration are in demand at all times, so the production of such products will be guaranteed to generate income regardless of a particular season.

Such a coating accumulates light throughout the day. At the onset of darkness, it begins to emit a pleasant glow of a certain color (green, red, orange, dark pink, yellow, blue, blue, pink and other colors). The most important thing is that luminous concrete looks great externally, not only in the dark, but also in relatively bright sun. Phosphor paint is a highly pure material, which is absolutely safe to use indoors. Its only drawback is the expensive price.

One kg of phosphor paint (powder) costs about 200 euros. When ordering from 20-30 kg, suppliers usually make a significant discount - 20-30 euros per kg.

In order to proceed directly to this, it is enough profitable business, office space not required. It will be enough for these purposes to use a garage or other room suitable for installing equipment for the manufacture of decorative stone in it. The production of luminous concrete is a business that requires minimal financial investments, since everything that is necessary for its maintenance, including the production technology itself, will cost the entrepreneur approximately 60-100 thousand rubles

But! If you want to fully produce facing stones that glow at night, then 300 thousand rubles will not be enough for you to start such a business.

Buying paint (the most expensive), some other consumables (brushes, thinner, heaters to keep the room warm in winter period time) and room preparation. All materials (tiles and other finishing) are provided by the customer.

You need to add transparent lacquer (suitable for your surface to be painted) to the luminescent paint (powder) TAT 33 itself and apply it on building tiles or stone, then let it dry.

Glow in the Dark Powder TAT 33 is a powder that glows at night and is applied to stone, concrete, wood, metal, plastic, PVC and other surfaces (a separate mixture is used for each surface). The phosphor must be diluted with a colorless varnish, which is intended for a special surface.

Video on how to make glowing phosphor powder with your own hands at home (instruction):

At the first stages, potential customers will need to be found on their own, for example, through Internet portals, newspapers, with the help of acquaintances, etc. But over time, the news about an unusual material of this kind, like luminous concrete, will spread through the so-called "word of mouth", and your employees will only have time to fulfill constantly incoming orders on time. In the process of demonstrating material samples to their potential clients, you definitely need to talk about the fact that new world technologies in the field of construction today provide an opportunity to easily and beautifully decorate absolutely any furniture, all kinds of panels (mosaic paintings), fireplaces, as well as the facade of a cottage / house or a stone path in the garden with a phosphor!

Another video about phosphor and business ideas that can be dyed:

More photos of glow-in-the-dark stones.

Everyone wants to make their home cozy and beautiful. People plant front gardens with flowers, build gazebos and construct decorative wells. Everyone builds his nest according to his abilities. Some do it with the help of ultra-modern interior delights and technical innovations, while others make interesting design masterpieces with their own hands. Luminous stones can be called such man-made miracles.

In ancient myths, it is said that such stones have special strength and energy. It is clear that legends can say a lot, but the fact that luminous stones, no matter what you decorate with them, will cheer you up is a fact.

Glow in the dark stones are used in making souvenirs, decorating photo frames and other small items. They are used in interior decoration, they decorate aquariums, bookshelves and flower pots. In general, with their help, the world around you can be changed beyond recognition, there would be a desire.

Luminous stones, whatever you decorate with them, will cheer you up

The principle of operation of miracle stones

Initially, such stones were made of plastic and filled with luminous paint. But at home, the blanks are covered with acrylic paints with a luminescent effect. Such paint has a glossy or matte surface that cannot be washed off or faded. During the day, the luminescent surface, like a battery, accumulates sunlight and begins to emit it at nightfall. Therefore, such stones are very popular not only in decorating small things, but also in landscape design. They look great in summer flower beds and along the banks of the pond. A glass vessel filled with such stones looks very original. It can be used not only as a decoration, but also as a lamp.

A glass vessel filled with luminous pebbles looks original

A big plus of such stones is that they are charged not only from sunlight. This can be done with a flashlight or the simplest lighter, so if the weather is gloomy, this does not mean that the stone will not glow at night. A large palette of colors makes it possible to decorate any room with stones, while fitting into its design.

We create beauty with our own hands

Before you make glowing stones with your own hands, you need to decide what you will decorate with them in order to choose the right shape and size. In order not to rack your brains about which blank company is better to take, you can use natural material - ordinary cobblestones or pebbles. In addition, you will need TAT33 light accumulative paint, which you need to color your pebbles. The dried surface can be used immediately. Luminous paint does not deteriorate even in the presence of a humid environment, so it is often used to decorate the bottom of decorative ponds and aquariums. Also, the paint is environmentally friendly and safe for people and animals. She can safely paint interior items.

With this paint for concrete surfaces, you can make whole luminous borders, and this good way decorate the territory without spending a lot of money. If you want to make a glowing paving slabs, then you need to cover it after laying. But if you need to make a flower bed or border, then you first need to paint them and dry them.

Glowing stones have become an indispensable thing for landscape design. Experts divide them into three types, which depend on their size: crumb (about 5 mm in diameter), river pebbles (1-2 cm) and boulder (27x17 cm). These standards come from the manufacturers of finishing materials, so you do not have to measure each workpiece with a ruler and generally stick to specific numbers. After all, you create comfort for yourself, which means that you yourself choose the size and shape of the stones.

You can decorate your house with luminous stones not only from the outside by sticking them on the finishing tiles. If you want to decorate the inside of the house, then on a freshly plastered wall, you need to impose a construction grid on which pre-painted stones are pasted. Empty spaces between the stones are carefully rubbed with plaster. Ceiling tiles can also be framed with luminous chips.

Making glowing stones often turns into a hobby. Even if you have already decorated everything possible with them, your hands reach for the paint again and again. In such cases, people begin to study art more deeply and even find a way to make good money. So it makes sense to work.

How to decorate a garden with glowing stones

Decorating your site in the first place will require your own imagination. If you want to strew the path with them, then it is better to use pebbles painted in a color that fits into the design of the garden. The boundary between the path and the lawn can be laid out with boulders. A sufficient number of luminous stones in the garden will significantly save on electricity costs and will not allow you to stumble in the dark.

Also, the path can be strewn with pebbles of different colors, for example, the main color is blue, and dotted inclusions are pink. Or make a mix of natural gravel and painted stones that looks like a "moonlight path" at night, which any romantic is sure to love. Glowing pebbles are especially relevant in those regions where the day abruptly turns into night and there is almost no twilight: they have time to recharge as much as possible and when darkness falls, they begin to glow very intensely.

Another version of the track is provided for those who already have it laid out from another material. Typically, such trails are made of a log house or country-style logs, it’s just between the wooden masonry that you need to fill everything with small pebbles, you can even crumble.

A mix of natural gravel and painted stones looks like a "moon path" at night

Flower beds must be framed with boulders. They can also be dotted between flowers if they do not grow very densely. If the flowerbed is dotted with lawn in places, then it is decorated with multi-colored crumbs, inventing beautiful patterns that are visible not only at night, but also during the day.

Having the talent of an artist, you can paint lonely boulders. If this is not within your competence, apply a special sticker on a transparent film to the flat surface of the stone and open the surface with varnish. A large luminous boulder looks very attractive under natural curly flowers such as sweet peas or morning glory. If hops weave along the stone, then you can plant any bush with bright inflorescences nearby.

The garden decorative well is framed both at the base and along the uprights. Depending on its size, the size of the stones is determined. It is better to paste over the roof with crumbs or pebbles. Also, glowing stones are ideal for decorating a children's sandbox. The main thing is that they should be large and heavy so that the child cannot pick them up and drop them on their feet. You don’t need to decorate the playground with small pebbles, children love to taste them, and this is unsafe for health.

Thus, luminous stones are a design element that awakens imagination and improvise. And who better than you to know how to decorate your territory. Good luck and creative success!

In today's oversaturated market with services and goods, it is quite difficult to surprise a spoiled buyer. Therefore, with the seeming freedom of action in the field of business, making money is not so easy.

In order to secure a high and stable income required original idea, a service or product that has no analogues in the country or a particular region.
It is this idea that is the production and sale of glow-in-the-dark stones.

Luminous stones will serve as a true decoration of any site ennobled by landscape design. The feeling of a beautiful fairy tale created by them will please anyone, even a beautiful person far from feeling. That is why glow-in-the-dark stones will first of all attract the attention of experienced landscape designers, who will become the main clients that bring income to your business.

This is not surprising. After all, anything can be created from such stones. Everything is limited only by the imagination and talent of the project developer.

In addition, luminous stones allow you to save electricity on the site, as they are partially or completely able to replace street lighting. Everyone will agree that in our time economy is the basis of a prosperous existence. This fact will also play into your hands, because the owners who want to minimize their expenses for suburban real estate without sacrificing beauty and style will also be interested in your products.

In addition to landscape design, your products will be in demand when creating soil for aquariums. There are a lot of fans of aquaristics and this line of business is just as profitable as site design.

An aquarium with luminous soil is simply a fabulous sight and will not leave indifferent neither children nor adults.

In addition, there is a high profitability from the aquarium hobby. The cost of a good aquarium is very high and income from work on only one order can vary from 10,000 to 300,000 rubles.

Given the relatively low cost of production and materials, as well as a huge segment of consumers who want to purchase these products, high profitability and a quick payback for your business are guaranteed.

Production of luminescent stones.
The easiest way, of course, is to buy finished products and resale to the direct consumer. However, in order to obtain higher incomes, it would be more expedient to establish the production of luminous stones. This is all the more relevant, because the production of these products is, in principle, a simple process that does not require huge costs.

And so, for the production of original glowing stones, we need:
Wear-resistant and durable plastic. This is the main material for production, and it is on its quality that your products will be so durable.

The main thing you should pay attention to when purchasing plastic is its increased resistance to aggressive environment and above all to alkalis. Good plastic costs from 500 rubles per kilogram, which, in general, is quite inexpensive given the high profitability of the output.

In addition to plastic, you will need a high-quality luminescent pigment in at least several colors.

As a rule, in the production of stones, the TAT 33 pigment is used. At the moment, its cost ranges from 200 to 800 rubles per liter and depends on the quality and the specific manufacturer.

Detailed calculation of income.

Packaging and resale.

If you plan to buy and resell glowing stones, then the following profit calculation example will come in handy:
Let's say you decide to pack ready stones in bags of 30 pieces. Your costs will be approximately 1 ruble for the pebble itself and 20 kopecks for packaging. In addition, it will cost a ruble or two to make a beautiful label for your products. Well, about 1 ruble will be the wages of a worker packer.
As a result, we get the maximum cost of packing luminous stones 34 rubles. That is, even if you sell a package of 68 rubles, the yield will be 100%. But in the absence of competitors (and competitors in this business really a little), the retail price of 68 rubles is far from the limit.

Income from production.

Consider the average profitability of a business for the production of luminous stones, using the example of the manufacture of luminous facing tiles based on gypsum and plastic per 1 sq. meter. In this case, the cost of one stone, taking into account the cost of the material, will be approximately 1 ruble.

Now let's move on to the calculations:
And so on m it will take 200 stones. This is 200 rubles. You will also need 5 kg of gypsum. % kilogram of gypsum will cost us about 50 rubles. 50 rubles, equals the average price of wages for an employee who will work in your production. Total costs will be about 250 rubles.

That is, the cost of one 20x20 tile will be approximately 10, and 25x40 25 rubles.
Considering the average retail price for a similar tile is 500, and in the absence of competitors and 1,500 rubles per 1 square meter, the profitability of your business will be at least 100-300%!
You can achieve even greater profitability by making original and simply unusual products glowing in the dark. After all, the more original the fruit of your imagination, the higher its price.

Don't be afraid to be bold and dream big. A smile of good luck is guaranteed!

There are substances that glow due to stored energy. Their glow can continue very intensely even for several hours after preliminary illumination. Recipes for just such compounds are given below. Compared to other light compositions, they have a number of advantages: they do not oxidize, do not contain radioactive impurities, can glow regardless of air access, and do not require any friction or shaking, unlike triboluminescents. Their only two drawbacks are that they need to "recharge" from time to time to store energy, and it's still quite difficult to get their ingredients.

Violet Blue Recipe (Long Glow):

Recipe orange-red (medium intensity):


Thinners for luminous paints:

As diluents for all of the above luminous colors liquid glass (silicate glue) turpentine can be used. You can dilute luminous paints with dammar varnish, which includes: dammar resin 52%, xylene 43% and castor oil 5%. The resin is poured with xylene and thoroughly mixed after dissolving the resin, castor oil is added. The resulting mixture is filtered through suede. The varnish has a straw-yellow color and evaporates easily, so you need to store it in a glass container with a ground stopper. If over time a precipitate appears in the dishes, then the varnish must be filtered again. 2.5 parts of luminous paint are dissolved in 1 part of Dammar varnish and the mixture is thoroughly mixed.

Each of us wants to make our home as beautiful and comfortable as possible, because it reflects the soul of the owner. And if, for certain reasons, we cannot turn it into the embodiment of cutting-edge technical innovations and interior delights, then we try to do everything that we can and can do with our own hands. And sometimes we manage to make original designer things with our own hands, which at first glance seem like unearthly wonders. An example of such a man-made miracle - glowing stones.

Luminous stones are primarily used to decorate the garden.

Fashion in recent times luminous stones are not just a spectacular decoration, but also an unexpected opportunity to change the world around you beyond recognition, and do it yourself. In addition to interior decoration, such stones are used in the design of the territory near the house, in the manufacture of original souvenir trifles, in decorating photo frames, and so on. These stones can be a wonderful decoration for an aquarium, flower pot or bookshelf.

A flower pot decorated with stones looks very beautiful at night.

Initially, they were invented as artificial stones, made of plastic, had different sizes, mainly from one to two centimeters. During production, they are filled with luminous paint.
At home, plastic blanks of stones cover acrylic paint with luminous effect. This surface layer of paint is quite wear-resistant, does not lend itself to washing off and fading, has a matte or glossy surface. During the day, the stones accumulate sunlight and begin to radiate it at nightfall. Glow in the dark stones, are used during the construction and decoration of premises, in the production of souvenirs and promotional items, for decorating halls in entertainment facilities and as accessories for mobile phones.

Stones covered with fluorescent paint adorn the flower beds.

Such stones look original in glass vessels filled with them. The product can be used not only as an exclusive souvenir, but also as an economical night lamp. industrial production stones with the effect of inner glow offers them to revitalize residential areas. Such ordinary magic can transform a traditional garden, plot or park into a real fairy tale. In addition, stones can serve as night lighting for a site, garden, park and other objects. So glowing stones for landscaping became not just a decoration, but also a practical detail in the interior. This decorative element is used in the manufacture of original finishing tiles that look very stylish and fashionable.

Luminous stones for landscape design are different sizes: from small to huge boulders.
Luminous stones decorate not only the garden and aquarium, they are inserted into decorations.

Luminous stones are often used in the design of interiors in canvases for decoration. They are successful both in the design of the internal facade of the house, and in the decoration of the external foundation of the house and cottage. Also, the stones just look fabulous in the aquarium, adding mystery and intrigue to the magical underwater world. The design of the stones depends on their use. So they are laid in an intricate pattern along the front garden or path, artistically scattered along the bottom of the aquarium, fixed in a frame or attached to a string in jewelry, key chains.

This is how the stones look day and night.

Luminous stones fill containers, for example, decorative transparent vessels. Production of luminous stones is activated due to their demand, as well as unpretentiousness in operation and storage. So their shelf life is unlimited, and the maximum temperature that the stones can withstand reaches forty degrees. Typically, luminous stones are shaped like sea pebbles with a matte or pebbled surface, which allows them to imitate natural stones even more believably. Their color under normal lighting is white and white-green, and the glow of stones is green, blue and blue. The return of the accumulated light usually lasts about seven hours. In a standard package, there are from one and a half to thirty kilograms of stones, and one kilogram contains about five hundred luminous stones with a diameter of 2 centimeters. It is characteristic that this crumb can withstand a load of up to one ton. The size of the luminous stone can be different: from huge boulders to pebbles and to luminous "stone" crumbs.

If the stones are covered with paint of different colors, then a similar effect can be achieved.

And for those who are looking for a way good earnings, luminous decorative stones can be a highly profitable business opportunity. Production of stones from self-luminous polymer plastic grades PL and PP today are carried out with the addition of a luminosity catalyst. And since the design of the pebbles is as close as possible to the shape of natural river stones, the difference between them can only be noticed in the case of very close examination or by weight. After all, artificial stones are 10 times lighter than similar natural stones. This is another advantage of the polymer, which simplifies its shipment and transportation. Well, the most important, magical and unique quality of artificial stones is that they really glow at night! Without bulbs, without wires, without special painting and processing, without phosphorus, they emit a mysterious alluring light!

Luminous stones in landscape design.

glowing stones video