Application of marketing concepts in tourism. Marketing in tourism

Marketing in social and cultural services and tourism Yuliya Bezrutchenko

2.3. Tourist enterprise is the main link in the implementation of the marketing concept

Tourist enterprises are an important component that forms the tourist offer in the subsystem "subject of tourism". A variety of tourism enterprises operate in the tourism area. Some of them offer only tourist services, while for others, tourism is one of their areas. commercial activities. Enterprises that live only at the expense of tourism are called tourism enterprises in the sphere of primary services, and enterprises that earn profit not only from tourism activities are called tourism enterprises in the sphere of secondary services. Consequently, the services of the first group are the basis of its existence, and the services of the second satisfy only a separate part of the tourist demand, since tourism for this group is one of several ways to generate income and not only tourists can use their services.

But we must remember that individual tourism enterprises, depending on the functions they perform, may belong to these two categories at once. For example, hotels and tourist agencies invariably provide exclusively primary tourist services, and catering places in a sanatorium or hotel are primary service enterprises, but the same catering places in the city are no longer tourist organizations, as they implement a secondary tourist function.

Tourist enterprises of primary services

A tour operator is a tourism enterprise that synthesizes its personal services and third party services into a new independent tourism product. This New Product is called a lump-sum (complex) tour. The tour operator offers the consumer a comprehensive tour on its own behalf, at its own peril and risk and at its own expense.

All tour operators operating on tourist market, can be grouped by their size, place of work, depth of the tourist program and economic goals.

There are large, medium and small tour operators. Enterprises that serve more than 100 thousand customers a year, and their turnover reaches 35 million dollars, are classified as large tour operators. Enterprises serving from 30,000 to 100,000 customers per year are classified as medium-sized tour operators. In most cases, they are highly specialized: they occupy only one of the market niches (they can specialize in a certain tour - for example, medical tours; in a specific region - for example, the Caucasus). To the group small tour operators include all kinds of enterprises whose specialization is hiking or youth tourism, they can organize cruises; it can also be bus companies, one of the activities of which is the transportation of tourist groups.

According to the geography of activity, international, interregional, regional and local tour operators are distinguished. International tour operators a little. Only a few major tour operators offer their services in a few countries. The most common option is when they open in different countries their affiliates or interact with local businesses.

Category interregional tour operators include enterprises operating in a large area (several regions). Regional tour operators carry out their entrepreneurial activity only in a certain geographical region, but in terms of turnover and the number of tourists served, they can be included in the group major tour operators. Local Tour Operators operate within a small radius.

Offers of tour operators also have their differences. Wide offer includes many various kinds travel - for example, relaxing on the lake, sightseeing and medical trips, getting to know the sights of cities. The offer of the tour operator can be considered more deep, if for any type of trip a sufficiently large selection of all kinds of products is offered.

Tour operators differ from each other in terms of economic goals. Not every company, when organizing a trip, seeks to get the highest income in the first place. In this sense, one should distinguish commercial tour operators, generally useful (non-commercial) tour operators and enterprises of "black tourism". The primary task of commercial tour operators is the acquisition of a permanent and large income. Non-profit tour operators also seek to make a profit, but the interests in terms of increasing income are not the main ones. They pay much more attention to organizational and educational goals. The category of tour operators of "black tourism" includes enterprises that are engaged in tourism activities not all the time, but for certain reasons. For example, the director of a manufacturing holding decided to organize a trip to some city for his colleagues. To do this, he orders hotel rooms and buys tickets for travel to this city and back, orders a city tour and books tickets to the theater.

Travel agents are, one might say, a collective image. It includes all enterprises and organizations that in their main and secondary activities are intermediaries.

The concept of a travel agency refers exclusively to those enterprises whose main activity is mediation. In no other field of activity is mediation as important as in tourism. Sometimes this can be explained by a rather large geographical distance between producers and consumers of services (for example, between a tourist base and a vacationer), sometimes ignorance of the market (a vacationer is rarely familiar with the offers of a country he has never been to), the need for advance booking with limited capabilities of the manufacturer services. A trip abroad, to unfamiliar places, is booked in most cases with the help of several intermediate organizations. The operator involved in inbound tourism also supervises the organization of travel on the spot (booking, collection, sale, etc.), i.e. the intermediary performs significant managerial tasks. In most cases, travel agents are contacted if they want to implement a complex trip, as they are the link between the consumer and the manufacturer tourism services. Travel agents can be characterized by such parameters as assortment, legal and economic status, size of the enterprise.

Range of travel agent services. The assortment is the main criterion that makes it possible to recognize travel agents. It is determined by the quality and quantity of tour operators and service providers with which the intermediary enterprise interacts. There are eight types of enterprises.

1. Travel agency offering a full range of tourist services on the market. This type of travel agency operates under a license. The company must be licensed by the International Air Transport Association to sell air tickets and, quite often, a license to sell rail tickets. Participates in representing the interests of not only large, but also numerous medium and small tour operators.

2. Bureau of travel and excursions. These bureaus specialize in the implementation of packaged (complex) tours, sometimes they sell air and railway tickets.

3. Specialized travel agencies. They are engaged in the marketing of a certain type of tour, while they have high professional competence in their field (for example, medical tours, pilgrimage tours, etc.).

4. Travel agency for the sale of last-minute trips, cheap plane tickets (they do not have a license to sell air tickets).

5. Travel agency branch. The branch has a narrow specialization of activity, it can be located outside the country.

6. Department of reservations. It implements tours of one tour operator, can function as one of the structures of the tour operator, and can be one of any types of enterprises.

7. Tourist office for the reception of guests (inbound tourism) implements tourism services that a certain region can offer tour operators from other regions or visiting tourists.

8. Tourism department, which cannot be called a tourism organization. This is a department of an organization whose main activities lie outside the tourism sector.

Legal and economic status of travel agents. Booking departments, as well as travel agencies related to tour operators, do not have a legal and economic status. Licensed travel agencies operate on the basis of contractual obligations with numerous tour operators and have the right to open their own representative offices and branches; associations of tourist agencies that coordinate their activities with common aspirations; travel agencies formed on the basis of a concluded franchise agreement.

The scale of the work of travel agents. Depending on the size of the enterprise, there are large, medium and small intermediaries. In the tourist area, mainly small and medium-sized enterprises operate.

Transport enterprises of special purpose. There are also transport companies that specialize in transporting tourists on the tourist services market. Since the central direction of their activity is related to tourism, they are classified as tourism enterprises of primary services. At the same time, the distance of transportation of tourists and the duration of the move are completely unimportant. This category includes both a charter airline that transports tourists from America to Australia, and an organization that operates elevators and ski lifts. The same category includes railways, ferries, sightseeing and cruise liners, cable cars.

Hotel enterprises. The next group, which belongs to the tourist enterprises of primary services, is hotels. Hotel complexes make a profit only from the accommodation of guests. To hotel companies include large hotel complexes (hotels, boarding houses, holiday homes) and small hotel-type enterprises (camping sites, youth hostels, apartments).

Other tourist enterprises of primary services. In addition to transport companies, tour operators, hotels and travel agents, there are a number of organizations that can also be attributed to tourism. The main ones are sports equipment and boat rental stations, Insurance companies, credit institutions, manufacturers of goods for tourism and recreation, sports schools, advertising agencies and etc.

Primary tourism service organizations refer to organizations that issue and track traffic. sums of money. Tourists usually enjoy credit cards during foreign travel. A credit card can be used to pay for services and purchases of goods. With this method of payment, there is no need to carry cash with you.

Insurance companies, if they specialize in tourist insurance, can also be classified as tourist enterprises. One of the main special products of insurance companies is insurance in case of withdrawal from contractual obligations, insurance of things of tourists and insurance in case of illness during travel outside the country.

Primary service tourism enterprises are related to rental organizations sports equipment, boats, and specific sports schools. It does not matter what is offered for rent - surfboards, boats or sailing yachts, skis, bicycles, diving equipment, sleds. The largest part of the rental users are tourists.

sports schools can be considered tourism enterprises in the event that their services are used not by the local population, but by visiting tourists. Very often this happens when a person can engage in any kind of sport exclusively during the holidays.

When listing the tourist enterprises of the first group, you need to remember about manufacturers of goods for tourism and advertising. Itinerant tourists are always in need of goods such as guidebooks and maps, suitcases, travel bags. important economic importance has a sale of souvenirs that tourists buy to keep the memory of the places they visit.

Advertising, of course, is a significant tool that promotes the marketing of tourism services. If an organization specializes in the production of advertising for tourism, this is the basis for classifying it as a tourist type enterprise.

Tourist enterprises of secondary services

If a tourism organization offers a product that is used by both tourists and non-tourists, then in this case it can be considered as a tourist enterprise of secondary services. Among these are public catering organizations, some transport organizations, as well as production, trade organizations and organizations household services.

The group of public catering organizations includes restaurants, cafes and bars, the services of which can be used by both tourists and the local population. Transport organizations of secondary services differ from tourist transport organizations in that their consumers are dominated not by tourists, but by the local population (on the usual routes of ski resorts in winter there are additional bus routes for transporting skiers). Additional income from tourism is received by certain industrial and trade enterprises(a confectionery shop supplying confectionery to a hotel restaurant, etc.), as well as organizations in the service sector (insurance companies with a variety of activities, consumer services enterprises, etc.).

A common feature of all tourist enterprises of secondary services is the impossibility of determining the true volume of goods and services used by tourists. The division of demand between tourists and the local population can vary greatly depending on the season. In addition, the location of the enterprise plays a significant role in determining the degree to which an enterprise belongs to the tourism sector (for example, in a cafe or bar located near the railway station, the bulk of visitors are travelers).

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In foreign and domestic theory and practice, there is no consensus and approach regarding the content and sequence of the implementation of the marketing concept. Based on the fundamental methodology of marketing as a market management concept, we will try to find, in a sense, a universal approach to defining and describing marketing activities and bringing it into a logically consistent system.

If we consider marketing in tourism as a system, then we must proceed from the fact that it contains certain components. Singling out and considering them in interrelation and interaction, it is possible to outline the main contours of the implementation of the concept of marketing in a tourism enterprise.

The process of marketing activity begins with the analysis of market opportunities. This problem is solved by carrying out a complex marketing research. Their result is an analysis of the initial situation and specific recommendations for determining the prospects for the activities of a travel agency, taking into account the most attractive areas for investing capital. Based on a comparison of the identified market opportunities with the goals and resources of the enterprise, its marketing opportunities are highlighted.

The definition of marketing opportunities allows you to select the most promising target markets for a travel company. This approach allows not to disperse marketing efforts, working on the entire market, but to focus them on meeting the needs of selected groups of customers that the company is able to serve and it is profitable for it.

One of the most important tasks of marketing is to establish the maximum possible regularity in the activities of the tourist enterprise. This is ensured by choosing the optimal marketing strategy. This reduces the degree of uncertainty and risk in marketing activities and ensures the concentration of resources on selected priority areas. Strategies are specified in programs.

The practical implementation of the marketing strategy is associated with the choice of means that ensure the materialization of the goals and objectives. Therefore, the most important place in marketing activities is the development of a marketing mix. This is a set of means of influencing consumers of the target market in order to evoke the desired response from them.

AT recent times Often there are several more components of the marketing mix:

  • - personnel, their qualifications and training;
  • - the process of providing the service;
  • -environment.

Tourism business is unique in the sense that the staff of enterprises? it is part of the tourism product. Hospitality, friendliness? essential for all employees, not just direct customer service professionals. Marketing should be an integral part of the philosophy of the entire organization, and marketing functions should be performed by all employees. key factor the competitiveness of a tourist enterprise is a measure (measure) to mobilize the creative activity of the team. A well-known specialist in the field of service culture R. Norman introduced a special term "moment of truth". It occurs when the employee of the enterprise and the client come into direct contact. The consequences of such contact are weakly influenced by the firm. Skills, motivation, skills used by the representative of the tourism company, on the one hand, the expectations and behavior of the client? on the other hand, they create a service delivery process. Norman borrowed the idea of ​​R from the bullfighters, who used the term to describe the moment when the bullfighter stands in front of the bull in the ring. In spite of all the education and training of the bullfighter, one wrong move or the unpredictable move of the bull can lead to a disastrous outcome. Similarly, in the interaction of employees and customers, a mistake made by an employee or an inability to fulfill an unexpected request of a client can end up in that he will not be satisfied with the service. .

An important factor in high-quality customer service is the environment, the appearance of the building, office decoration, furniture, equipment, office equipment, etc. The atmosphere of a product offering (the physical environment) is perceived through the senses (sight, hearing, smell, touch) and influences purchasing behavior in four ways:

  • - can serve as a carrier of information for potential consumers;
  • - can serve as a means of attracting the attention of customers;
  • - can be a carrier of a certain effect (colors, sounds and surface properties of the objects surrounding the client affect his consciousness and encourage him to buy);
  • - can create a certain mood.

Considering the extreme importance of the marketing mix within the framework of the overall marketing strategy, private strategies are developed for all its main elements:

  • - product strategy;
  • - price strategy;
  • -sales strategy;
  • - communication strategy.

The product strategy provides for the development of a tourism product that best meets the needs of tourists, as well as the development and introduction of new tourism services to the market.

Pricing strategy involves determining the behavior of an enterprise in the market in the long term and pricing tactics for a shorter period in relation to each tourist product, as well as a specific market segment.

The marketing strategy includes the definition of channels, forms and methods of bringing the tourist product to the consumer.

The communication strategy defines the purposeful activity of a travel company to disseminate positive information about itself and its product. These activities include advertising, sales promotion, personal selling, promotion, as well as participation in exhibitions and branding. In the context of the development of relationship marketing, the development of a communication strategy should be given the closest attention. Within its framework, it is necessary to provide not only classical events, but also measures for the formation and optimization of personal communications, interactions, and interactions.

When developing a marketing mix as a whole and private strategies for its constituent elements, it is advisable to be guided by the following principles:

  • 1. Sequence, which ensures the coordination of the elements of the marketing mix. So, for example, a high quality tourist product must be accompanied by high-quality advertising and impeccable customer service;
  • 2. A balanced approach, which involves researching and taking into account the sensitivity of the market to constantly changing variables that shape its conjuncture;
  • 3. Accounting change budget spending, which determines the need to comply with budgetary discipline and complexity in planning the structure of the marketing mix. Rationality and a reasonable combination of marketing tools for each specific market situation should be the basis effective use enterprise funds. Therefore, for each combination of elements of the marketing mix, it is advisable to determine the dependence of changes in sales volumes on marketing costs, as well as plan costing for the entire structure of marketing activities.

To ensure the effectiveness of marketing management, the development of its auxiliary systems is required.

The marketing information system ensures the receipt, systematization, evaluation and use of information characterizing the state of the external and internal environment tourism enterprise. Without objective, relevant, sufficiently complete marketing information, it is impossible to make operational and strategic decisions.

The marketing organization system is aimed at creating an appropriate organizational structure tourist enterprise, providing the implementation of marketing activities.

For continuous monitoring of performance marketing strategies and programs, a system of marketing control is being created.

The essence of marketing in tourism

Marketing is the most important component of the activity of any organization. The main goal of marketing in the service industry is to ensure efficiency through complete customer satisfaction.

Definition 1

Marketing in tourism is a system of constant coordination of services being sold with services that are in high demand in the market, and which a tourism company is able to offer more efficiently from an economic point of view than competitors do.

Initially, marketing found its application in the manufacturing industry and only then began to be actively used by tourism enterprises. This has led to the growth of competition and the commercialization of the tourism industry, this has become the reason for the need to introduce key marketing elements into the practice of tourism enterprises. However, it is important to take into account certain features of tourism, which are associated with the specifics of the services provided, the form of sales, etc.

The main aspects to pay attention to when studying tourism marketing are the following:

  1. Marketing is not a separate action, but a whole system: an interconnected process of providing services depending on demand.
  2. Marketing cannot end in one action as the market is constantly changing and evolving. In other words, we can say that marketing is a continuous process.
  3. All actions within the travel company must be consistent with the external environment.
  4. Marketing should be based on planning and forecasting the state of the market under the influence of various factors.
  5. Marketing is one of the main tools to increase the profitability of the company.

So, marketing is a kind of compass in the process of studying the supply and demand for a particular tourist service, setting prices for new services, developing advertising campaign etc.

Principles of marketing in tourism

The essence of marketing in tourism defines its key principles. Among them:

  • focus on economic results;
  • the complexity of the approach to achieve the intended goals;
  • taking into account market conditions and requirements and at the same time targeted impact on the market;
  • all goals should be developed for the long term;
  • active, offensive and enterprising steps in the process of responding to external stimuli.

Being a specific economic phenomenon, tourism marketing should be used under a number of conditions:

  • saturation of the market with tourist services;
  • the presence of acute competition between travel companies for the client;
  • free market relations.

The first of these conditions determine the relevance of the application marketing approach. The third condition is designed to ensure the effectiveness of the use of marketing in a particular enterprise. A travel company, as an economically independent entity, must apply a systematic approach to managing its marketing activities, since in the presence of fierce competition, unsystematic management makes it a weak link in the market.

Key functions of marketing in tourism

It is customary to single out such key functions of marketing in tourism as:

  • establishing contact with the client in order to convince him that this service fully meets his needs and expectations;
  • development for the purpose of designing innovations to find new markets and distribution channels;
  • control, which involves the analysis of the results of marketing activities for their effectiveness.

Thus, with the help of marketing, it is possible not only to effectively meet market needs, but to increase the competitiveness of a tourism enterprise.

Remark 1

So, marketing ensures not only the effective satisfaction of market needs, but also the success of the enterprise in the competitive struggle.

There are four different marketing objectives to be identified:

1) maximizing consumption;

2) maximizing the degree of consumer satisfaction;

3) maximizing the choice of consumers;

4) maximizing the quality of life.

It is undeniable that it is impossible to achieve all these goals to the same extent. At different stages of the development of society, different goals can dominate. Recently, in developed countries, there has been a tendency to increase the importance of solving the issues of improving the quality of life, they are given great attention by the state and various organizations. So, on the starting points of the concept of social and ethical marketing, guided by which the organization tries not only to most fully and effectively meet the certain requirements of some consumers, but also of the whole society, the concept of environmental marketing has appeared. This concept focuses on addressing issues related to the protection environment, scarcity of resources, rapid population growth.

Macromarketing is very active, helping to shape public policy in certain areas of society. Macromarketing basically contains an analysis and understanding of the needs of society, establishing the degree of influence of these needs on government decisions.

Recently, interesting experience has begun to accumulate in the use of marketing ideas at the level of regions and cities of various countries. Here we can talk about territorial marketing aimed at increasing the business and tourist attractiveness of the regions. Territorial marketing is aimed at creating and maintaining attractiveness, increasing the prestige of the territory as a whole, increasing the attractiveness of natural, material, technical, financial, labor, organizational, social and other resources, as well as increasing the potential for the implementation and reproduction of such resources.

More and more clearly there is a tendency to apply the concept of marketing in cooperation between countries. At the same time, the term megamarketing is used, which involves the strategic coordination of economic, political and psychological methods to enter a specific market, often closed to goods from other countries.

Organizations that work for many foreign markets large-scale businesses, such as multinational companies, are increasingly using global marketing in their activities. In this case, the world is presented as one integral global market, in which its regional and national differences do not matter. Production capacity markets are located in different countries, global logistics systems and financial flows. At the heart of global marketing are decisions about the level of adaptability of the marketing mix to local conditions.

We can also talk about the extended use of personality marketing, which characterizes the activities undertaken to form, maintain or transform the public's attitude (behavior) towards specific people. A large number of people and organizations use personality marketing to grow their fame and expand their business: politicians, artists, doctors, athletes, lawyers, businessmen, etc. The implementation of personality marketing is similar to the process of marketing products and services.

2.2. Levels and coordination of marketing in tourism

The following levels of marketing in the field of tourism can be distinguished:

1) marketing of tourism enterprises (tour operators and travel agents) is a process of coordinating the capabilities of enterprises and consumer requirements, as a result of which services are provided to tourists that meet their needs, and enterprises receive the income necessary for the development and best meet the requirements of customers in the future;

2) marketing of tourism service providers is a system of comprehensive research of consumer needs and demand to organize the provision of services that are most aimed at meeting the needs specific clients, and ensuring the most effective forms and methods of service;

3) marketing of public tourism organizations - activities focused on organizing, maintaining or transforming a favorable public opinion;

4) marketing of territories and regions - an activity carried out with the aim of forming, maintaining or transforming the behavior of consumers of a tourist product in relation to specific cities, localities or even countries as a whole. Similar activities are carried out by regulatory and coordinating organizations in tourism at the municipal, regional and national levels.

In the period of saturation of the tourist market, special interest tourism acquires special meaning. Tourist enterprises do not offer their product to all tourists, but strive to satisfy specific target groups of consumers. Abroad, personal and exotic vacations are gaining more and more popularity. Collective tours to well-known resorts no longer satisfy many. Tourists are increasingly opting for individual trips, chosen according to their taste. Instead of the blissful island of Fiji or the golden beaches of Spain, they prefer Alaska, where the tourist business is rapidly becoming the main income for the local population.

Changes in frequency and duration tourist trips. Frequency tends to increase, duration tends to decrease. The reason lies primarily in the desire of consumers to "split" the main holiday. Instead of one long holiday per year, preference is given to 2-3 short-term tourist trips (for example, summer vacation, winter vacation and trips on weekends or holidays).

Consequently, structural changes in the market of tourist services and conditions of competition, consumer behavior are forcing tourism enterprises to look for new marketing techniques.

The modern consumer in the tourist market wants to get as many new impressions from the trip as possible, which makes the tourist vacation intense, full of excursions, walks, meetings, etc.

Marketing in tourism is a complex for managing and organizing the activities of tourism enterprises to develop new, more efficient types of tourist and excursion services, their production and marketing to gain profit based on the growth of the quality of the tourism product and taking into account the processes that occur in the global tourism market.

The tourism product has its own distinctive features.

1. This is a set of services and goods characterized by complex system connections between various components.

2. Demand for tourism services is highly flexible in relation to income levels and prices, but at the same time depends on political and social conditions.

3. The consumer, as a rule, cannot try the tourist product before its consumption, and the consumption itself takes place right at the place of production of the tourist service.

4. The consumer overcomes the distance that separates him from the tourist product and the place of consumption, and not vice versa.

5. The tourist product is dependent on such variables as space and time, it is characterized by fluctuations in demand.

6. The tourism product is formed by the efforts of many enterprises, each of which has its own methods of work, special needs and different commercial goals.

7. Unreachable High Quality tourist services even if there are insignificant shortcomings, since good tourist service includes small details and subtleties.

8. The quality of tourism services is affected external factors that are of a force majeure nature (natural conditions, weather, tourism policy, international events, etc.).

Marketing expands its functions, focusing on relationships with consumers. Long-term relationships with consumers cost much less than the marketing costs needed to attract consumer interest in the organization's services, find a new client.

A tourist product must be a good buy. Consequently, tourism marketing is a consistent action of tourism enterprises focused on achieving such a goal.

2.3. Tourist enterprise is the main link in the implementation of the marketing concept

Tourist enterprises are an important component that forms the tourist offer in the subsystem "subject of tourism". A variety of tourism enterprises operate in the tourism area. Some of them offer only tourism services, while for others, tourism is one of their areas of business. Enterprises that live only at the expense of tourism are called tourism enterprises in the sphere of primary services, and enterprises that earn profit not only from tourism activities are called tourism enterprises in the sphere of secondary services. Consequently, the services of the first group are the basis of its existence, and the services of the second satisfy only a separate part of the tourist demand, since tourism for this group is one of several ways to generate income and not only tourists can use their services.

But we must remember that individual tourism enterprises, depending on the functions they perform, may belong to these two categories at once. For example, hotels and tourist agencies invariably provide exclusively primary tourist services, and catering places in a sanatorium or hotel are primary service enterprises, but the same catering places in the city are no longer tourist organizations, as they implement a secondary tourist function.

Tourist enterprises of primary services

A tour operator is a tourism enterprise that synthesizes its own services and services of third parties into a new independent tourism product. This new product is called a lump-sum (complex) tour. The tour operator offers the consumer a comprehensive tour on its own behalf, at its own peril and risk and at its own expense.

All tour operators operating in the tourism market can be grouped according to their size, place of work, depth of the tourism program and economic goals.

There are large, medium and small tour operators. Enterprises that serve more than 100 thousand customers a year, and their turnover reaches 35 million dollars, are classified as large tour operators. Enterprises serving from 30,000 to 100,000 customers per year are classified as medium-sized tour operators. In most cases, they are highly specialized: they occupy only one of the market niches (they can specialize in a certain tour - for example, medical tours; in a specific region - for example, the Caucasus). To the group small tour operators include all kinds of enterprises whose specialization is hiking or youth tourism, they can organize cruises; it can also be bus companies, one of the activities of which is the transportation of tourist groups.

According to the geography of activity, international, interregional, regional and local tour operators are distinguished. International tour operators a little. Only a few major tour operators offer their services in a few countries. The most common option is when they open their branches in different countries or interact with local enterprises.

Category interregional tour operators include enterprises operating in a large area (several regions). Regional tour operators carry out their entrepreneurial activities only in a certain geographical region, but in terms of turnover and the number of tourists served, they can easily be included in the group of large tour operators. Local Tour Operators operate within a small radius.

Offers of tour operators also have their differences. Wide offer includes many different types of travel - for example, relaxing on the lake, sightseeing and medical trips, getting to know the sights of cities. The offer of the tour operator can be considered more deep, if for any type of trip a sufficiently large selection of all kinds of products is offered.

Tour operators differ from each other in terms of economic goals. Not every company, when organizing a trip, seeks to get the highest income in the first place. In this sense, one should distinguish commercial tour operators, generally useful (non-commercial) tour operators and enterprises of "black tourism". The primary task of commercial tour operators is the acquisition of a permanent and large income. Non-profit tour operators also seek to make a profit, but the interests in terms of increasing income are not the main ones. They pay much more attention to organizational and educational goals. The category of tour operators of "black tourism" includes enterprises that are engaged in tourism activities not all the time, but for certain reasons. For example, the director of a manufacturing holding decided to organize a trip to some city for his colleagues. To do this, he orders hotel rooms and buys tickets for travel to this city and back, orders a city tour and books tickets to the theater.

Travel agents are, one might say, a collective image. It includes all enterprises and organizations that in their main and secondary activities are intermediaries.

The concept of a travel agency refers exclusively to those enterprises whose main activity is mediation. In no other field of activity is mediation as important as in tourism. Sometimes this can be explained by a rather large geographical distance between producers and consumers of services (for example, between a tourist base and a vacationer), sometimes ignorance of the market (a vacationer is rarely familiar with the offers of a country he has never been to), the need for advance booking with limited capabilities of the manufacturer services. A trip abroad, to unfamiliar places, is booked in most cases with the help of several intermediate organizations. The operator involved in inbound tourism also supervises the organization of travel on the spot (booking, collection, sale, etc.), i.e. the intermediary performs significant management tasks for producers and consumers. In most cases, travel agents are contacted if they want to implement a comprehensive trip, as they are the link between the consumer and the producer of tourist services. Travel agents can be characterized by such parameters as assortment, legal and economic status, size of the enterprise.

Range of travel agent services. The assortment is the main criterion that makes it possible to recognize travel agents. It is determined by the quality and quantity of tour operators and service providers with which the intermediary enterprise interacts. There are eight types of enterprises.

1. Travel agency offering a full range of tourist services on the market. This type of travel agency operates under a license. The company must be licensed by the International Air Transport Association to sell air tickets and, quite often, a license to sell rail tickets. Participates in representing the interests of not only large, but also numerous medium and small tour operators.

2. Bureau of travel and excursions. These bureaus specialize in the implementation of packaged (complex) tours, sometimes they sell air and railway tickets.

3. Specialized travel agencies. They are engaged in the marketing of a certain type of tour, while they have high professional competence in their field (for example, medical tours, pilgrimage tours, etc.).

4. Travel agency for the sale of last-minute trips, cheap plane tickets (they do not have a license to sell air tickets).

5. Travel agency branch. The branch has a narrow specialization of activity, it can be located outside the country.

6. Department of reservations. It implements tours of one tour operator, can function as one of the structures of the tour operator, and can be one of any types of enterprises.

7. Tourist office for the reception of guests (inbound tourism) implements tourism services that a certain region can offer tour operators from other regions or visiting tourists.

8. Tourism department, which cannot be called a tourism organization. This is a department of an organization whose main activities lie outside the tourism sector.

Legal and economic status of travel agents. Booking departments, as well as travel agencies related to tour operators, do not have a legal and economic status. Licensed travel agencies operate on the basis of contractual obligations with numerous tour operators and have the right to open their own representative offices and branches; associations of tourist agencies that coordinate their activities with common aspirations; travel agencies formed on the basis of a concluded franchise agreement.

The scale of the work of travel agents. Depending on the size of the enterprise, there are large, medium and small intermediaries. In the tourist area, mainly small and medium-sized enterprises operate.

Transport enterprises of special purpose. There are also transport companies that specialize in transporting tourists on the tourist services market. Since the central direction of their activity is related to tourism, they are classified as tourism enterprises of primary services. At the same time, the distance of transportation of tourists and the duration of the move are completely unimportant. This category includes both a charter airline that transports tourists from America to Australia, and an organization that operates elevators and ski lifts. This category also includes railways, ferries, sightseeing and cruise liners, cable cars.

Hotel enterprises. The next group, which belongs to the tourist enterprises of primary services, is hotels. Hotel complexes make a profit only from the accommodation of guests. Hospitality enterprises include large hotel complexes (hotels, boarding houses, holiday homes) and small hotel-type enterprises (camping sites, youth hostels, apartments).

Other tourist enterprises of primary services. In addition to transport companies, tour operators, hotels and travel agents, there are a number of organizations that can also be attributed to tourism. The main ones are sports equipment and boat rental stations, insurance companies, credit institutions, manufacturers of goods for tourism and recreation, sports schools, advertising agencies, etc.

Organizations that issue and track the movement of money are related to organizations of primary tourist services. Tourists are usually happy to use credit cards during their travels abroad. A credit card can be used to pay for services and purchases of goods. With this method of payment, there is no need to carry cash with you.

Insurance companies, if they specialize in tourist insurance, can also be classified as tourist enterprises. One of the main special products of insurance companies is insurance in case of withdrawal from contractual obligations, insurance of things of tourists and insurance in case of illness during travel outside the country.

Primary service tourism enterprises are related to rental organizations sports equipment, boats, and specific sports schools. It does not matter what is offered for rent - surfboards, boats or sailing yachts, skis, bicycles, diving equipment, sleds. The largest part of the rental users are tourists.

sports schools can be considered tourism enterprises in the event that their services are used not by the local population, but by visiting tourists. Very often this happens when a person can engage in any kind of sport exclusively during the holidays.

When listing the tourist enterprises of the first group, you need to remember about manufacturers of goods for tourism and advertising. Itinerant tourists are always in need of goods such as guidebooks and maps, suitcases, travel bags. Of no small economic importance is the sale of souvenirs that tourists purchase in order to preserve the memory of the places they visit.

Advertising, of course, is a significant tool that promotes the marketing of tourism services. If an organization specializes in the production of advertising for tourism, this is the basis for classifying it as a tourist type enterprise.

Tourist enterprises of secondary services

If a tourism organization offers a product that is used by both tourists and non-tourists, then in this case it can be considered as a tourist enterprise of secondary services. Among these are public catering organizations, some transport organizations, as well as industrial, trade organizations and organizations in the sphere of personal services.

The group of public catering organizations includes restaurants, cafes and bars, the services of which can be used by both tourists and the local population. Transport organizations of secondary services differ from tourist transport organizations in that their consumers are dominated not by tourists, but by the local population (on the usual routes of ski resorts in winter there are additional bus routes for transporting skiers). Additional income from tourism is received by individual industrial and commercial enterprises (a confectionery shop supplying confectionery to a hotel restaurant, etc.), as well as organizations in the service sector (insurance companies with various activities, consumer services enterprises, etc.) .

A common feature of all tourist enterprises of secondary services is the impossibility of determining the true volume of goods and services used by tourists. The division of demand between tourists and the local population can vary greatly depending on the season. In addition, the location of the enterprise plays a significant role in determining the degree to which an enterprise belongs to the tourism sector (for example, in a cafe or bar located near the railway station, the bulk of visitors are travelers).

2.4. Classification of types of tourism

Tourism is diverse in form and content: these are walks, trips, excursions, travel, rallies, etc.

Traveling to resorts, summer cottages, relatives, friends, exhibitions, forums can also be called tourist. A tourist, as a rule, when traveling has several purposes (for example, a trip to rest and sightseeing), the prevailing of which is determined by tourist route, time of year, duration of travel, method of moving to the destination, type of temporary home (hotel, recreation center, tent), etc. The goals and circumstances of the trip, in turn, are determined by the financial capabilities of the traveler, age, his physical condition, cultural level, etc., as well as the material and technical basis of tourism and social assistance(cash payments from public and private funds, all kinds of benefits to tourists and tourism organizations).

Trips within the borders of one's own country are united by the concept of "domestic (national) tourism", and abroad - "foreign tourism". Most of the total number of travel in the world (75-80%) falls on domestic tourism.

Distinguish between organized tourism - travel according to a program developed by a tourist organization (with a full range of services), as well as unorganized, so-called "wild tourism" - travel according to a program that was developed by the tourist himself (with a more or less significant share of self-service).

Hiking is the most common form of tourism. A camping trip is a journey with an energetic mode of transportation in an area remote from the place of residence, carried out for research, sports, educational or recreational purposes.

Depending on the goals, trips can be: educational, recreational and sports.

Tourism can be classified according to different criteria.

According to the purpose of the trip. This criterion is of primary importance, because the actual purpose of the trip mainly affects the formation of the tour and the organization tourist service. Traveling, a tourist can define several goals for himself, but only one of them will be predominant.

Depending on the purpose of the trip, tourism can be divided into the following areas:

1) educational or cultural and entertaining;

2) business;

3) ecological;

4) tourism associated with hobbies (hunting, fishing, etc.);

5) suburban tourism - mass short-term trips of large groups, some groups and individuals to the suburbs, including special recreation areas;

6) public - participation in social events;

7) religious - visiting "holy" places.

According to the method of movement, tourism is distinguished: walking, cycling, horseback riding, skiing, mountaineering, motorcycle tourism.

By degree of use Vehicle. Tourism is based on the movement of people from one place to another, both within the country and abroad. Trips using standard modes of transport, namely: air transport (flights on schedule, out of schedule); water transport (passenger lines and ferries, cruises); land transport (railway, intercity and city buses, private cars, vehicle rental, etc.); using exotic modes of transport (cable car, funicular, hot air balloon, hang glider, etc.).

Depending on the type of placement, there are the following types tourism: hotel tourism; tourism in a motel; tourism in a boarding house; camping tourism; tourism in the tourist village; at the camp site, etc.

A separate category is sports and extreme tourism. Sports tourism, which in Russia is commonly referred to as active tourism, consists of trips along routes of an established category of difficulty and competitions in tourism techniques. It aims to increase the skill of tourists, improve routes, develop various methods of insurance and master new types of equipment.

Combined tours are gaining popularity today - general holding in one route of a water, bicycle and horse tour.

Classification in tourism is the detection of its individual forms and types, depending on the main indicator - the criterion. The classification of types of tourism helps to study the development of tourism, its transformation and main trends in more detail. But tourism is a complex and multifaceted concept. It is very difficult to note the forms and types of tourism in their pure form, so there is no generally accepted classification.



In the late 1970s, Marriott realized that the urban market was filled with hotels. She had a need to develop the concept of a provincial and suburban hotel.

The concept of the new hotel was named Courtyard Marriott. Marriott selected employees from various departments to develop the concept for the new hotel. The company has done a great job of studying its competitors and the market, as a result of which it has developed certain conceptual foundations for a new type of hotel project, which should:

1) be focused, first of all, on the market of transit, rather than long-term tourists staying at the hotel;

2) have no more than 150 numbers;

3) have a homely atmosphere;

4) not steal customers from other Marriott hotels;

5) have at their disposal a restaurant with a small menu;

6) have premises for collective use and premises for meetings;

7) have a complex available standard services and have 5-8 branches in one region;

8) The Marriott brand name will be assigned to new hotels for better recognition.


1. How effective is the application of this concept?

2. What advantages and disadvantages can be identified in hotels of this type?

3. What other concept can be proposed to Marriott?


1. What type of tourism can be engaged in middle lane Russia?

2. According to practitioners, more than a third of proposals come from consumers of tourist services, which can be called innovations in tourism. Does this go against the philosophical line of marketing that says, "Find a human need and satisfy it"?


How can you conduct territory and region marketing? Apply this type of marketing to any region of your choice.