Factors affecting the development of foreign economic activity. Forms and conditions for the development of foreign economic activity

Foreign economic activity(foreign economic activity) is commercial activity business entities associated with their participation in international economic relations. This activity is the implementation of foreign economic relations (FER) of a country.

International economic relations(IEO) - the totality of all relations that arise in the process of economic exchange and interaction between the economies of individual countries.

Foreign economic relations(WES) - the totality of all relations associated with the participation of a given country in international economic relations.

Subjects FEA - legal and individuals who are engaged in entrepreneurial activities in accordance with the current legislation of this country and can carry out foreign economic activity.

Foreign economic activity is a historical and economic category. As a historical category, foreign economic activity is a product of civilization. It arose with the advent of states and develops along with them. As an economic category, foreign economic activity is a system of international economic relations that cover all spheres of the economic life of the state, and above all its production, trade, investment and financial activities.

  • 1) organization and maintenance of international economic exchange;
  • 2) international recognition of the use value of products of the international division of labor;
  • 3) organization of international monetary circulation.

Content first function is to bring the products obtained in the process of the international division of labor to specific consumers. In progress second function the act of international commodity-money relations is completed - the product of the international division of labor is exchanged for money, as a result of which use value, enclosed in the product of the exchange, receives international recognition. content third function is to create conditions for the continuous movement of money in the process of international payments.

Foreign economic activity is the implementation of foreign economic relations. Foreign economic relations, both reimbursable and non-reimbursable (without reimbursement of the costs of one party to the other) are manifested in the coordination of work, the coordination of areas of activity, the discussion and adoption of common decisions, the creative exchange of experience, etc. Currently, wind farms are carried out mainly on a reimbursable basis.

Gratuitous types of foreign economic activity include activities aimed at international protection environment, development of the wealth of the oceans, international unification of standards, etc.

The main types of foreign economic activity of a reimbursable nature (Fig. 1.1) are:

  • foreign trade - the exchange of goods in material form and services related to the implementation of trade;
  • technical and economic cooperation - assistance in the field of industrial and civil construction and the provision of engineering and technical services;
  • scientific and technical cooperation - the exchange of achievements in science and technology and joint implementation scientific and technical work;
  • export of capital abroad in order to obtain entrepreneurial profit, as well as participation in operations on foreign stock and currency markets.

Rice. 1.1.

International economic relations (IER) is an element of a complex and mobile system, which is the world economy.

world economy - a set of state-registered national economies and non-state entities that interact economically in various forms at the macro and micro levels.

Modern conditions in which the world economy functions, and international economic relations as an integral component This economy is characterized by the following provisions.

I. The world is one. The modern world economy, on the one hand, is a part of the universe and therefore functions according to the laws and principles common to the whole world, but on the other hand, it is an independent system with its own laws and rules, the elements of which are interconnected and interdependent not only with each other, but and with elements of other systems (political, legal, biological, ecological, etc.) Complete economic isolation of the country is now impossible. Attempts to live independently of the world community do not lead to success.

2. The modern world economy is based on market relations, and economic leaders are countries with a higher level of development of these relations.

The first of these provisions reasonably leads to the emergence of the concept globalization. The concept of "globalization" is used in relation to all areas human activity. They began to talk about the globalization of the legal space, political relations, the economy, crime, and so on. The essence of this concept lies in the fact that the processes taking place in one sphere of public life inevitably acquire a global character and, at the same time, have an impact on processes and phenomena in other spheres.

Globalization of the world economy as a special case of globalization in general - the process of strengthening the interdependence of economic agents to such an extent that the actions of one of them affect the interests of all others (take on a global character) and at the same time have an impact on processes and phenomena in other areas.

The second provision means the recognition of the necessity and practical use of a single criterion for all countries for assessing the place of a particular country in the world hierarchy.

The modern classification of countries of the world is based on the criterion of compliance of the economy of any state with the principles of market economy. This implies the possibility of dividing the world community into the following groups of countries with market economy:

  • developed;
  • developing;
  • undeveloped;
  • non-market.

For development externally economic activity two groups of factors influence:

  • direct (general), directly affecting the foreign economic activity of business entities;
  • indirect, affecting foreign economic activity indirectly, through international economic relations.

Indirect factors are presented in table. 1.2.

Table 1.2

Factors affecting the development of international

economic relations

Acceleration of scientific and technological progress (STP)

It is expressed in the spread of new technologies, including means of communication, transportation and weapons. The global computerization of economic activity, which is taking place under the influence of scientific and technical progress, raises the question of ways of doing business in a new way. international business; global informatization greatly facilitates the possibility of obtaining commercial, general economic, special information

Global environmental change

The exhaustion of the ecological base necessary to support the ever-expanding production raises the question of sources of financing. Serious actions in relation to the environment will inevitably lead to a sharp strain on the functioning of the world economy. Solution Tools environmental issues can be found at the expense of the countries of either the periphery, which will lead to even greater inequality between the center and the periphery, or the center, which will inevitably cause a decrease in the standard of living there

Growth and constant movement of population

The population is displaced due to the disastrous ecological, unsatisfactory economic and political situation

Widening gap between poor and rich countries

Strengthening competition between the countries of the center causes a decrease in the flow of capital to less developed countries and is exacerbated by the need to invest in the economy of countries in transition in order to increase the predictability of their behavior in world commodity markets

The growth of economic interdependence of the countries of the world

Leads to the unification of the norms of law, cultural values, lifestyle, style of behavior, etc., which collides with the position various groups population interested in preserving their distinctive features, national and historical values ​​and traditions

Strengthening the role of international



The domestic and foreign actions of states are increasingly guided by an impressive and ever-expanding set of regulations formulated by international economic organizations.

The growing role of non-state structural formations

Non-governmental organizations, TNCs have a significant impact on the solution of international issues, including economic

General factors in the development of foreign economic activity are presented in Table. 1.3.

General factors for the development of foreign economic activity

Table 1.3

unevenness economic development various countries of the world

Each country has its own structure of industries, its own level of industrial development, Agriculture, transport, communications, services, which determines its international specialization

Difference in human, raw materials, financial resources

Human, raw (natural) and financial resources are unevenly concentrated in different countries ah, which contributes to their active trade exchange

The nature of political relations

The presence of friendly political relations between countries contributes to the strengthening of foreign economic activity. And vice versa, political confrontation sharply reduces foreign trade turnover, up to the rupture of economic relations.

Different level of scientific and technological development

The formation of foreign economic activity is facilitated by the exchange between countries of students, interns, researchers, teachers; conducting joint research, experiments; participation in geological and archaeological expeditions; execution of contracts for design, research and development work (R&D)

Features of the geographical location, natural and climatic conditions

The uniqueness of the geographical location, natural and climatic conditions of some countries provides them with external competitive advantages and defines their role in international trade

In the management of foreign economic activity, it is important to understand the influence of all factors that determine its development, and take into account the significance of each of them in a particular situation. For example, focus financial resources in developed countries, on the one hand, and favorable geographical conditions, cheap work force and friendly political relations with developing countries, on the other hand, contribute to the export of capital and the formation of transnational corporations, which are most often national in terms of capital and international in terms of activity. There are also transnational corporations, which are international in terms of activity and capital.

An essential prerequisite for the development of foreign economic activity is the possibility of increasing the rate of profit on the basis of foreign trade operations. The expansion of foreign trade reduces the cost of elements of fixed and variable capital and thus helps to reduce production costs. Thanks to competition between manufacturers in different countries in the world market, it is possible to bring world prices for goods to the level of their international value, which is lower than the national value in less developed countries with low productivity. social labor, but above the level of national value in developed countries.

The development of foreign economic activity is aimed at:

  • to the further deepening of the international division of labor;
  • economy of social labor in countries actively engaged in foreign economic activity;
  • intensive and rational exchange of labor results;
  • further strengthening of political, scientific, technical, cultural and other ties;
  • an increase in the number of countries in the world creating a market economy;
  • successful functioning of transnational corporations.


  • 1. Name two principal directions in the theory international trade.
  • 2. Which of the well-known concepts of international trade support each of the directions of international trade?
  • 3. List the features of the world market in comparison with the national markets of individual countries.
  • 4. What is the essence of foreign economic activity?
  • 5. List the main types of foreign economic activity that are reimbursable.
  • 6. What criterion is the basis of the modern classification of the countries of the world? What groups of countries are distinguished according to this criterion?
  • 7. What are the general factors in the development of foreign economic activity.
  • 8. What are the results of the development of foreign economic activity in the world?
Parameter name Meaning
Article subject: FOREIGN ECONOMIC
Rubric (thematic category) Sport



The concept, principles and types of foreign economic

activities (foreign economic activities)

Lecture number 1. Plan.

1. Characteristics of the causes and conditions for the development of foreign economic activity.

2. The concept (definition) of foreign economic activity, its relationship with economic activity.

3. Signs of foreign economic activity (territorial sign, the presence of a foreign element).

4. Subject and methods legal regulation FEA (imperative and dispositive methods of legal regulation).

5. Principles of foreign economic activity.

6. general characteristics varieties of foreign economic activity.

Key words and concepts: foreign economic relations, foreign economic policy, foreign trade policy, foreign exchange policy, protectionism, foreign economic activity, principles of foreign economic activity, types of foreign economic activity.

Description of the causes and conditions for the development of foreign economic


Distinctive feature the last few decades is the growing role and importance of foreign economic policy among many areas of the overall economic activity of the state. Of course, the state has actively interfered in the sphere of international economic relations before, using trade, customs, protectionist policies, stimulating exports, balancing trade and payments balances. But at present, when, as a result of the rapid internationalization of economic life, many important characteristics of the economic development of countries are formed under the influence of external factors attention to the issues of foreign economic policy has increased markedly.

International management and management of foreign economic activity arose approximately in the 60s of the twentieth century under the influence of the rapid development of international and commercial activities of transnational corporations, the deepening of the international distribution of labor, and the development of international economic integration. To understand the formation of foreign economic activity management, develop approaches and principles for its formation and use on present stage development of the country, it is extremely important to briefly consider the main stages in the development of foreign economic activity in Ukraine. Modern researchers distinguish three stages in the development of this process.

First stage (1918-1987)– foreign economic relations of the former Soviet Union during this period they developed differently: during the years of the Cold War, less intensively, and later - more intensively. In general, the volume of foreign trade turnover has been constantly increasing. So, in 1960ᴦ. it amounted to 10 billion rubles in 1970ᴦ. - 22 billion rubles, in 1980ᴦ. - 91 billion rubles, in 1985ᴦ. - 145 billion rubles.

At the same time, in the mid-80s, the growth rate of the foreign economic turnover of the Soviet Union began to decline sharply. By this time, in the development of foreign economic relations former USSR the following negative factors emerged:

· backward strategy and structure of foreign trade turnover; its main focus is on raw materials;

· unsatisfactory use of the export potential of the processing industry, especially mechanical engineering;

The irrational nature of imports: a lot of wide range of products that could be produced at domestic enterprises;

· Insufficient use of new forms of foreign economic relations. The main form of international economic cooperation was foreign trade, and such new forms as international specialization and production cooperation, direct ties, compensation agreements, licensed trade, etc.
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had little development;

there was an underestimation of the role of foreign economic relations as a factor economic growth;

Alienation of direct producers from foreign markets.

Many of these negative factors were mainly due to the extensive nature of economic growth, as well as the specifics of the relevant economic management mechanisms. In the conditions of extensive growth, the main thing was to achieve quantitative results, while production costs, product quality, its competitiveness, technical progress, social problems receded into the background, which negatively affected the socio-economic development of the country.

Second stage (1987-1991). This stage is characterized by the elimination of the state monopoly on foreign trade and a change in the principles of organizing the management of foreign economic activity. At this time, two basic questions are being addressed:

1. Expansion of the rights of ministries and departments, associations and enterprises to enter the foreign economic market, establish direct ties, develop industrial and scientific and technical cooperation.

2. further improvement state regulation VED.

On the this stage A number of important government decrees were adopted to address these issues. Of particular note is the resolution "On the further development of foreign economic activity of state cooperative and other public associations and organizations" dated 12.12.88 ᴦ., in accordance with which all enterprises received the right to enter the foreign market.

At this stage, much attention is paid to the restructuring of the foreign economic apparatus at the level of enterprises, regions and the country as a whole. A new system of regulation of foreign economic activity is being created. At the same time, its formation did not always have an offensive movement. Enterprises that received the right to enter the foreign economic market did not have the proper experience in export-import operations, sufficient knowledge in the field of business relations and ethics of international business.

The third stage (from 1991 to the present) is the period of reform and development of foreign economic activity and its management in Ukraine as a sovereign state.

The essence of the concept adopted at the initial stage was the development of active cooperation with far abroad countries, entry into the global integration process, improvement and further development of economic ties with neighboring countries, transferring them to market relations. During this period, a number of important legislative acts were adopted, namely:

· Law of Ukraine ʼʼOn foreign economic activityʼʼ,

· Law of Ukraine ʼʼOn the common customs tariffʼʼ,

· Law of Ukraine ʼʼOn foreign investment regimeʼʼ,

Decree of the CMU ʼʼOn the foreign investment regimeʼʼ,

Decree of the CMU ʼʼOn the system of currency regulation and currency controlʼʼ

During this period, the number of entities engaged in foreign economic activity has significantly increased, the volume of foreign trade turnover has increased, the geography of foreign economic relations has expanded. At the same time, there are still many unresolved problems in the organization and management of foreign economic activity in Ukraine. Namely:

the structure of foreign trade turnover, as before, is mainly of a raw material nature,

import is still irrational,

· JVs with foreign capital are not functioning effectively enough.

Greater attention is also required to such issues as the creation of a stable legal framework, a favorable investment climate͵ effective system management of foreign economic activity at the enterprise level, improving the quality of export products and many others. The training of specialists for the sphere of foreign economic activity requires special attention.

The process of internationalization of economic life is that national economic systems can only develop effectively if they interact and intertwine. For this reason, it is now difficult to find a state that would not be a subject of international economic relations and would not be influenced by the external (international) environment.

If we consider the state economy from the point of view of functional orientation, it consists of two sectors: internal and external economy. Purpose domestic economy - meeting the needs of consumers through domestic production, external - entering the international markets for goods, services and factors of production in order to increase the general economic well-being of the state. Thus, the main criterion for distinguishing these two sectors is the existence of economic ties between economic units that mutually represent different states.

Based on this, it is possible to give a definition of foreign economic relations as a complex system of versatile forms of international cooperation between states and their subjects in various sectors of the economy.

Among the basic reasons that stimulate the development of foreign economic relations, the following should be singled out: the uneven economic development of different countries of the world, differences in raw materials, differences in human resources, uneven distribution of financial resources, the nature of political relations, different levels of scientific and technological development, specific geographical location, natural and climatic conditions.

Thus, most of the world's states, having a limited resource base and a narrow domestic market, are not able to produce a sufficient amount of efficient goods that are necessary for domestic needs. For such states, foreign economic relations are a way to obtain the necessary goods. A state with a large raw material potential bases its economic systems on the basis of the realization of its export potential. That is, the extremely important existence of foreign economic relations is due to the fact that different states have different production conditions.

Why does Ukraine need foreign economic relations? Ukraine, as a young sovereign independent state, existing as such for only 20 years, today is distinguished by a low standard of living of the population, instability of the economy, lack of developed system export promotion͵ financing of export deliveries, insurance. Like any state, Ukraine strives to reach an effective Common Market, to the free movement of goods, services, capital, labor, to the elimination of any interstate barriers and restrictions, to the provision of equal opportunities for free economic activity, and this is impossible without foreign economic relations.

The effectiveness of relations is largely predetermined by the foreign economic policy of the state itself, ĸᴏᴛᴏᴩᴏᴇ is one of the basic components of the economic policy of Ukraine.

Foreign economic policy - a set of targeted state methods regarding the realization of the economic potential of the state in the foreign market and satisfaction own needs at the expense of goods and services of a foreign manufacturer.

The main elements of the foreign economic policy of the state:

1. Foreign trade policy.

2. Monetary policy.

3. Policy in the field of attracting foreign investment.

4. Customs and tariff policy.

Foreign trade policy- This public policy, which affects foreign trade through taxes, subsidies, direct restrictions on export and import operations.

There are 2 systems of foreign trade policy - protectionism and free trade (liberalization). Protectionism is aimed at providing favorable conditions for the sale of goods of national producers on the domestic market, protection domestic market from foreign competition. Free trade policy expressed in more open access to the national market of foreign goods.

Monetary policy- this is a set of actions of the state in order to maintain economic stability and form the basic principles for the development of international economic relations by influencing the exchange rate and foreign exchange relations.

Foreign Investment Promotion Policy- this is a set of state measures to attract and use foreign investments and territories of the state, as well as to regulate the export of investments abroad.

Customs and Tariff Policy- a comprehensive system of measures aimed at ensuring the economic sovereignty of the state, protecting state borders, implementing a foreign economic strategy through the sphere of customs relations.

It should be noted that the specific direction of foreign economic policy, the nature of its impact on the domestic economic policy of the state is changing based on the internal and external conditions of development. national economy. At the same time, to achieve the desired results, a fairly large arsenal of forms, methods and tools of state regulation of foreign economic activity is used. And based on what priorities the country adheres to in the field of world economic relations, ᴛ.ᴇ. what type of foreign economic policy is preferred at this stage, one or another set of tools is used. In Ukraine, such a type of foreign economic policy as protectionism is used. Protectionism represents

foreign economic policy based on a set of tools

capable of protecting the national market from foreign competition. Among these are the following: protectionist duties, import quotas, non-tariff barriers - licensing, unjustified quality standards, voluntary export restrictions, etc.

The acquisition of independence by Ukraine gave rise to the processes of market reforms and its integration into the world economic space. The sphere of foreign economic relations is gradually expanding, both in the sphere of import of goods and services of foreign origin to the territory of Ukraine, and in the sphere of export of domestic products to foreign markets. This circumstance led to the intensive development of legislation regulating foreign economic activity.

Foreign economic activity covers a very wide range of relations, in connection with this, in order to regulate relations in the field of foreign economic activity, the state establishes special rules, the totality of which creates foreign economic law.

The norms of foreign economic law can be divided into general and special.

General rules- constitute the general part of the law, which includes the basic concepts of foreign economic activity, its subjects and objects, types and procedure for its implementation, provisions on the subject and method of foreign economic law, its sources, principles, forms and methods of regulation of foreign economic activity.

To special part foreign economic law can include provisions on the specifics of the implementation of foreign economic activity in various sectors of the economy, in the production and non-industrial sectors, export control, certification of products and services, foreign exchange regulation, liability of subjects of foreign economic activity, insurance of foreign economic activity, foreign exchange transactions, etc.

Along with this, in the system of legal norms of Ukraine regulating foreign economic activity, there are norms of different areas of law that belong to different branches of law: constitutional, administrative, civil, economic, financial, criminal and other areas. This is explained by the fact that the process of foreign economic activity is quite complex in its legal nature, its subjects enter into various kinds of social relations. Thus, for example, the norms of constitutional law determine legal status and general principles activities of foreign citizens and stateless persons on the territory of Ukraine. One of the areas of law, which is also used as a means government controlled foreign economic activity is administrative law. The administrative legislation highlights norms that define the foundations of state regulation of foreign economic activity, the competence of state bodies in this area, etc.

A significant role in the regulation of foreign economic activity is played by civil law, the norms of which are contained in Civil Code Ukraine, as well as in a number of civil law acts. Civil law belongs to the fundamental areas of law, the main sphere of its regulation is property relations. At the same time, the peculiarities of regulation of property relations of business entities belong to the field of economic law. In particular, Art. 1 of the HC of Ukraine it is noted that the Economic Code defines the basic foundations of economic management in Ukraine and regulates economic relations that arose in the process of organizing and implementing economic activity between economic entities, as well as between these entities and other participants in economic relations.

Row important aspects FEA is regulated by the norms of financial law - in particular, accounting and reporting of subjects of foreign economic activity, customs, tax and currency regulation of FEA.

Importance in the regulation of foreign economic activity, they acquire the norms of criminal law, since it performs a protective function with respect to certain relations in the field of foreign economic activity. Criminal law punishes the most dangerous legal violations that cause the greatest damage to economic relations and pose a threat to the economic security of the country.

The definition of foreign economic activity is given in Art. 377 of the HC of Ukraine, according to which ʼʼforeign economic activity of economic entities is economic activity, which in the process of its implementation requires crossing the customs border of Ukraine with the property specified in the first part of Article 139 of this Code, and/or labor forceʼʼ.

Recall that Part 1 of Art. 139 of the Commercial Code of Ukraine defines the term ʼʼpropertyʼʼ as ʼʼa set of things and other values ​​(including intangible assets) that have value, are produced or used in the activities of business entities and are reflected in their balance sheet or are accounted for in other forms of accounting for the property of these entitiesʼʼ.

The main characteristics of the definition of foreign economic activity are also reproduced on the basis of the Law of Ukraine "On Foreign Economic Activity" dated April 16, 1991 (hereinafter - the Law "On Foreign Economic Activity"). In Art. 1 of this law, foreign economic activity is recognized as the activity of economic entities of Ukraine and foreign economic entities, built on the relationship between them, which takes place both on the territory of Ukraine and abroad.

The literature notes certain differences in the regulation of foreign economic activity between the HC of Ukraine and the Law ʼʼOn Foreign Economic Activityʼʼ, in particular regarding the fact that, according to the Law, such foreign economic activity is not necessarily connected with the crossing of property or labor force of the customs border of Ukraine. At the same time, such a contradiction should be interpreted on the basis of the general legal principle "the subsequent law cancels the effect of the previous one" (lex posteriori derogat prioti): the legislator has refused the possibility of carrying out foreign economic activity without crossing the results of its customs border of Ukraine.

FOREIGN ECONOMIC - concept and types. Classification and features of the category "Foreign economic" 2017, 2018.

Types and forms of foreign economic activity.

FEA refers to one of the areas of international business based on the production of products (performance of work and provision of services intended for foreign markets).

AT Russian practice this concept has been actively used since the late 80s of the last century in connection with the beginning of the economic reform (1086-1987), the essence of which was the decentralization of state foreign trade and the transition from the system of intergovernmental foreign economic relations to the independent implementation of foreign economic activity at the enterprise level. - manufacturers of export products.

Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of November 15, 1991 No. 213 “On the liberalization of foreign economic activity on the territory of the RSFSR” established that “all enterprises, organizations and associations registered in the territory of the Russian Federation, regardless of their form of ownership, are allowed to carry out foreign economic activity without special registration” . Any Russian person founding documents which provides for the conduct of foreign economic activity, has the right to import or export goods in accordance with the concluded contract.

As a result of the reform of the WES in Russia, two concepts “WES” and “VED” have developed, the last of which changed the content of the previously used category of WES, its meaning and nature. At the same time, foreign economic activity and foreign economic activity should not be considered as two separate foreign economic spheres of functioning and state regulation in the Russian economy. Because one of the priority aspects of foreign economic activity is that the foreign economic strategy of individual export-oriented enterprises, as well as the sectoral ministries and departments that they belong to, largely determines the directions and principles of the state's foreign economic policy.

Foreign economic relations. - one of the forms of interstate relations in the field of scientific, military-technical, industrial and trade-economic cooperation and monetary and financial interaction.

The content of the FEA consists in the unconditional fulfillment, in the state interests of Russia, of export deliveries (and import purchases for federal needs) arising from the bilateral intergovernmental trade and economic agreements reached, as a rule, of a mutual nature within the framework of international specialization and cooperation, as well as in the fulfillment of financial and credit obligations.

Planning of volumes and determination of the commodity nomenclature of export-import products and services within the framework of the FEA is carried out by federal structures, i.e. at the government level for strategically important positions through the state order system and at the expense of the state budget.

The state order, in fact, acts as a directive plan for ensuring the production of export products for specialized enterprises selected as a contractor. Under the formed order, the government allocates limits for centralized logistics and monetary and financial resources.

By transferring the state order to the executing enterprises, the federal structures responsible for the implementation of foreign economic agreements undertake the obligation to pay it in full on time within the stipulated period.

Foreign economic activity refers to the market sphere of relations, is based on the criteria of entrepreneurial activity, structural connection with production processes and is distinguished by legal and economic autonomy, as well as legal independence from sectoral departmental guardianship.

Foreign economic activity is carried out at the level of enterprises in partially or fully ensuring the production of export products and their sale on the foreign market. Such enterprises, companies, firms are export-oriented enterprises.

FEA is based on complete independence in the development of an export strategy, in the choice of an export product, its nomenclature and composition of assortment items based on production and technological capabilities, as well as the external market, a foreign partner, the basic and financial and economic conditions of foreign trade transactions, in determining the export price and the cost of the contract, the timing of delivery of products and methods of transportation.

Factors of development of foreign economic activity.

Foreign trade began to develop rapidly under the capitalist mode of production and reached its greatest development with the entry of a number of largest countries world (USA, Japan, Germany, France, etc.) into the world market economic system.

The most significant factor that influenced the rapid development of foreign trade between countries in the 19th century was the development of sea and rail transport. In the XX century. the possibility of a broad development of foreign trade has increased due to the constant improvement of all modes of transport.

Intensive development various kinds machine production makes it important to increase foreign trade exchange operations, as new types of raw materials, fuels, materials, as well as scientific developments are needed.

The following groups of factors also influence the development of foreign economic activity:

1. Economic factors. Throughout history, there has been an uneven economic development of various countries of the world. Each country has its own structure of industries, its own level of development of industry, agriculture, transport, communications, and its own specialization in the economy.

2. Political relationships. The presence of friendly political relations between countries contributes to the strengthening of foreign economic activity.

3. Scientific and technical development of the country. The formation of foreign economic activity is facilitated by the exchange between countries, researchers, teachers, students; conducting joint research, experiments, fulfillment of contracts for design, research and development work.

4. Features of the geographical location, natural and climatic conditions.

5. Resource factors. The difference in human, raw material and financial resources also creates the basis for exchange relations.

After the Second World War, when the world was dominated by countries with a closed economy, the view was widespread that every state should succeed in all areas of the economy. This trend was due to the desire to ensure the country's self-sufficiency, as well as the opinion that access to modern level involves the development of manufacturing industries, and not a concentration on those areas where the country has achieved the greatest success. However, international experience has shown that prerequisite successful development was a deeper integration of the country into the world economy, allowing to obtain new technologies and know-how, as well as increasing the role of competition.

Management of foreign economic activity is the main and most common type of international management in Russia.

Foreign economic activity (Foreign economic activity) is the commercial activity of business entities associated with their participation in international economic relations. It is a process of implementation of foreign economic relations of a country.

International economic relations (IEO) - the totality of all relations that arise in the process of economic exchange and interaction between the economies of individual countries.

Foreign economic relations (WES) - the totality of all relations associated with the participation of a given country in international economic relations.

Subjects of foreign economic activity - legal entities and individuals who are engaged in entrepreneurial activities in accordance with the current legislation of a given country and can carry out foreign economic activity.

FEA is a historical and economic category. As a historical category, it is a product of civilization and arises with the advent of states, and then develops along with them. As an economic category, foreign economic activity is a system of international economic relations that cover all spheres of the economic life of the state, and above all its production, trade, investment and financial activities.

The essence of foreign economic activity as economic category manifested in its functions:

  • o organization and maintenance of international economic exchange;
  • o international recognition of the use value of products of the international division of labor;
  • o organization of international money circulation. The content of the first function is to bring

products obtained in the process of the international division of labor, to specific consumers.

In the process of performing the second function, the act of international commodity-money relations is completed - the exchange of products of the international division of labor for money, as a result of which the use value contained in the product of exchange receives international recognition.

FEA is a process of implementing foreign economic relations. Foreign economic relations are divided into reimbursable and non-reimbursable (without reimbursement of costs of one side by the other - coordination of work, coordination of activities, discussion and adoption of common decisions, creative exchange of experience, etc.).

Currently, foreign economic activity is carried out mainly on a reimbursable basis.

Gratuitous types of foreign economic activity include activities aimed at international environmental protection, development of the wealth of the world ocean, international unification of standards, etc.

The main types of foreign economic activity that are of a reimbursable nature (Fig. 4.1) are:

  • o foreign trade - the exchange of goods in material form and services related to the implementation of trade;
  • o technical and economic cooperation - assistance in the field of industrial and civil construction

Rice. 4.1.

activities and provision of engineering and technical services;

  • o scientific and technical cooperation - the exchange of achievements in science and technology and the joint implementation of scientific and technical work;
  • o the export of capital abroad in order to obtain entrepreneurial profits, as well as to participate in operations in foreign stock and currency markets.

International economic relations (IER) is an element of a complex and mobile system, which is world economy.

World economy - a set of state-registered national economies and non-state entities interconnected by a system of international division of labor, politically and economically interacting in various forms at the macro and micro levels.

The modern conditions in which the world economy operates, and the IER as its integral part, are characterized by two main provisions.

  • 1. The world is one. The modern world economy, on the one hand, is part of the universe and therefore functions according to the laws and principles that are uniform for the whole world. But, on the other hand, it represents an independent single system with its own laws and rules, the elements of which are interconnected and interdependent not only with each other but with elements of other systems (political, legal, biological, environmental, etc.). Complete economic isolation of the country is now impossible. Attempts to live independently of the world community have not led and cannot lead to success.
  • 2. The modern world economy is based on market relations, and economic leaders are countries with a higher level of development of these relations.

The first of these provisions reasonably leads to the emergence of the concept globalization. The concept of "globalization" is used in relation to all spheres of human activity. They began to talk about the globalization of the legal space, the globalization of political relations, the globalization of the economy, the globalization of crime, and so on. The essence of this concept lies in the fact that the processes taking place in one sphere of public life inevitably acquire a global character and, at the same time, have an impact on processes and phenomena in other spheres.

Globalization of the world economy as a special case of globalization in general - the process of strengthening the interdependence of economic agents to such an extent that the actions of one of them affect the interests of all others (take on a global character) and at the same time have an impact on processes and phenomena in other areas.

The second provision means the recognition of the necessity and practical use of a single criterion for all countries for assessing the place of a particular country in the world hierarchy.

The modern classification of countries of the world is based on the criterion of compliance of the economy of any state with the principles of market economy. The world economy is complex system, characterized by a plurality of elements and a hierarchy.

This leads to the division of the world community into groups:

  • o countries with developed market economies or industrialized countries;
  • o emerging market economies or developing countries;
  • o countries in transition, represented mainly by the states of Central and Eastern Europe, China and Russia.

However, it is currently difficult to draw a sharp line between these groups. For example, already now a whole group of developing countries in a number of economic indicators should be attributed to the developed countries of the world.

At the same time, developing countries sometimes differ so widely in terms of per capita income, economic structure, social structure society, that sometimes there is doubt about the appropriateness of including them in one classification group.

The world economy as a system consists of three main groups - subsystems, each of which includes a certain number of countries. a brief description of data subsystems of the world economy is presented in table. 4.1.

Table 4.1.

Schematically, the structure of the world economy for the main subsystems is presented in fig. 4.2.

The development of foreign economic activity is influenced by two groups of factors:

  • 1) direct (general) - directly affecting the foreign economic activity of business entities;
  • 2) indirect - affecting foreign economic activity indirectly through the impact on the process of development of the international economic relations.

Rice. 4.2.

Indirect factors are presented in table. 4.2.

Table 4.2. Indirect factors influencing the process of development of the IER


Acceleration of scientific and technological progress

It is expressed in the spread of new technologies, including means of communication, transportation and weapons. The global computerization of economic activity raises the question of how to conduct international business in a new way; global informatization greatly facilitates the possibility of obtaining commercial, general economic, special information

Global environmental change

The exhaustion of the ecological base necessary to support the ever-expanding production raises the question of sources of financing. Serious actions in relation to the environment will inevitably lead to a sharp strain on the functioning of the world economy. Funds for solving environmental problems can be found either at the expense of the countries of the periphery, which will lead to even greater inequality between the center and the periphery, or the costs will be assumed by the center, which will inevitably cause a decrease in living standards there.

Growth and constant movement of population

The population is displaced due to the disastrous ecological, unsatisfactory economic and political situation

Widening gap between poor and rich countries

Increasing competition between the countries of the center causes a decrease in the likelihood of capital being directed to less developed countries, aggravated by the need to invest in the economy of countries in transition in order to increase the predictability of their behavior in world commodity markets

Growth of economic interconnectedness of the countries of the world

Leads to the unification of legal norms, cultural values, way of life, style of behavior, etc., which will collide with the position of various groups of the population interested in preserving their distinctive features, national and historical values ​​and traditions

Strengthening the role of international economic organizations

The domestic and foreign actions of states are increasingly guided by an impressive and ever-expanding set of regulations formulated by international economic organizations.

The growing role of non-state structural formations

I ^government organizations, TNCs have a significant impact on the solution of international issues, including economic

General factors in the development of foreign economic activity are presented in Table. 4.3.

Table 4.3. General factors for the development of foreign economic activity


Uneven economic development of various countries of the world

Each country has its own structure of industries, its own level of development of industry, agriculture, transport, communications, services, which determines its international specialization.

Difference in human, raw materials, financial resources

Human, raw (natural) and financial resources are unevenly concentrated in different countries, which contributes to their active trade exchange

The nature of political relations

The presence of friendly political relations between countries contributes to the strengthening of foreign economic activity. And, conversely, political confrontation sharply reduces foreign trade turnover, up to the rupture of economic relations.

different level

scientific and technical


The formation of foreign economic activity is facilitated by the exchange between countries of students, trainees, researchers, teachers; conducting joint research, experiments; participation in geological and archaeological expeditions; execution of contracts for design, research and development work

Features of the geographical location, natural and climatic conditions

The unique geographical location, natural and climatic conditions of some countries provide them with external competitive advantages and determine their role in international trade.

In the management of foreign economic activity, it is important to understand the influence of all factors that determine its development, and take into account the significance of each of them in a particular situation.

For example, the concentration of financial resources in developed countries, on the one hand, and favorable geographical conditions, cheap labor and friendly political relations with developing countries, on the other hand, contribute to the export of capital and the formation of TNCs, which are most often national in capital and international in scope. activities. There are also transnational corporations, which are international in terms of activity and capital.

An essential prerequisite for the development of foreign economic activity is the possibility of increasing the rate of profit on the basis of foreign trade operations. The expansion of foreign trade reduces the cost of elements of fixed and variable capital and thus helps to reduce production costs. Thanks to competition between producers from different countries, it is possible in the world market to bring world prices for goods to the level of their international value, which is lower than the national value in less developed countries with low social labor productivity, but higher than the level of national value in developed countries.

Results of the development of foreign economic activity:

  • o further deepening of the international division of labor;
  • o economy of social labor in countries actively engaged in foreign economic activity;
  • o intensive and rational exchange of labor results;
  • o further strengthening of political, scientific, technical, cultural and other ties;
  • o increase in the number of countries in the world creating a market economy;
  • o successful functioning of TNCs.

Foreign economic activity is one of the areas of economic activity of the state, enterprises, firms, closely related to foreign trade, foreign loans and investments, with the implementation of joint projects with other countries.

The development of foreign economic activity is beneficial for both the state and the enterprise. Its implementation contributes to the saturation of the domestic market with goods that are not produced in the country or are produced, but not enough, the introduction of new technologies and equipment.

Foreign economic activity in all countries performs a number of functions:

* helps to increase the level of economic development;

* carries out a comparison of national and world costs;

* realizes the advantages of the international division of labor.

Foreign economic activity has a positive impact on the development of the economy due to:

* receipt of foreign exchange earnings;

* raising the technological level of production through the import of modern equipment and technologies;

* long-term industrial cooperation with foreign partners, production of competitive products and access to world markets with it.

The main directions of foreign economic activity are:

1) international investment cooperation, investment Money firms into foreign financial assets to receive interest and dividends, as well as into tangible and intangible assets;

2) international scientific and technical cooperation is the joint development of scientific and technical problems by firms from different countries, the mutual exchange of scientific achievements, production experience;

3) international technical and economic cooperation involves assistance in the field of industrial and civil construction, the provision of industrial and technical services, contract cooperation;

4) foreign economic activity of the enterprise.

The foreign economic activity of an enterprise is the sphere of its economic activity associated with international industrial and scientific and technical cooperation, export and import of products, access to the foreign market. It is based on foreign trade operations that involve the implementation of a sale and purchase agreement, and includes a set of economic, monetary, financial, organizational, legal and technical measures for the preparation, conclusion and execution of foreign trade transactions.

As types of foreign economic activity of the enterprise, along with foreign trade activities production cooperation, investment cooperation, foreign exchange and financial transactions.

1.3. Foreign economic complex: concept, development indicators

The foreign economic complex is a set of industries, sub-sectors, enterprises and organizations that systematically produce and sell export resources of all kinds, consume imported goods and services, carry out all types of foreign economic activity, as well as government bodies federal and regional levels, coordinating foreign economic activity, public organizations contributing to its development.

The main task development of the foreign economic complex is its transformation into a dynamic and balanced production and commercial system, which will enhance the country's participation in the world economy.

Currently, the country's foreign economic complex is developing dynamically (Table 1). The main indicator characterizing the development of the foreign economic complex is the foreign trade turnover.

Table 1 - Dynamics

foreign trade turnover Russian Federation(billion dollars)

turnover 136,6 141,9 151,8 195,9 257,1 339,9 439,5 552,2
Export 102,8 100,7 105,8 124,9 181,5 241,3 302,0 352,2
Import 33,8 41,2 46,0 71,0 75,6 98,5 137,5 199,7

The conditions for the successful development of the foreign economic complex are:

* modernization of the economy;

* building up export potential;

* the presence of competing industries;

* granting greater independence to the regions;

* improvement of the legal framework;

* increasing the share of science-intensive industries;

* optimal inclusion in various forms of joint venture.

Chapter 2. Forms of foreign economic cooperation