What category does Belarusian agriculture belong to? Agriculture

The authorities extended the decision on the minimum prices for sugar until the end of the year51 March 18, 2020 at 11:50 amIn Belarus, until the end of this year - from March 31 to December 31 - the state regulation of prices for white crystalline sugar was extended. This decision was approved by the EEC Board.

Nobody needed the “abandoned house” until money was poured into it. "How a family fights for a house in the village11 March 18, 2020 at 10:07 amA large family wanted to buy a house in a village near Vitebsk. The local economy agreed to sell it - sort of like at a book value of 1.4 thousand rubles. Even before the deal was signed, the couple began to make repairs in the house. And then the collective farm was attached to the Vitebsk meat processing plant - and the new owner decided to sell the property for more market value, for 6.8 thousand rubles

Lukashenka appoints new personnel in Minsk regionMarch 16, 2020 at 13:56The deputy chairmen of the Minsk Oblast Executive Committee and the Minsk District Executive Committee have been replaced, and a new head of the Smolevichi District has been appointed.

“And what do we do with our obligations?” Business began to receive "letters of happiness" from agricultural debtors93 March 16, 2020 at 13:52Creditors of agricultural enterprises in the Vitebsk region began to receive "letters of happiness" from their debtors.

Belarus appoints new minister of agriculture and food49 March 16, 2020 at 12:04 pmThey became Ivan Krupko. Prior to his appointment to this post, he served as chairman of the Minsk Regional Executive Committee.

Nervous breakdowns and unexpected pregnancies. How female shooters appeared in the USSR8 March 11, 2020 at 03:08 pmDuring the war years, she personally met with Stalin, on her initiative and with the approval of the Generalissimo, a unique "women's volunteer rifle brigade" was created, her military exploits were glorified by Soviet newspapers. And then ... she was accused of sabotage, espionage and arrested by the NKVD. The further fate of the Guard Major Vera Krylova is still unknown.

A Mogilev resident brought chickens from his dacha to spend the winter under the windows of his high-rise building. Now he gets fined9 March 10, 2020 at 09:30Gennady convinces that until recently there were no dissatisfied with his birds. On the contrary, "neighbors rejoice when they hear a rooster crow in the morning, as in the village."

First minister of agriculture of independent Belarus diesMarch 9, 2020 at 03:26 pmAt the age of 84, Fyodor Mirochitsky, who was the Minister of Agriculture from 1991 to 1994, died of oncology, NN.by reports.

"Just started living - the collective farm fell apart." The history of the village, where the problem farm will not be sold30 March 9, 2020 at 08:48Among the losers was the once large and strong farm - KSUP "Vasilevichi". A few years ago, the news about the farm was one worse than the other: sometimes machine operators sit without electricity and heat in winter, then they began to pay salaries for September only in November, then there is no sowing equipment needed to start. Now the farm is put up for auction.

Special settlers. Who and why 90 years ago forcibly evicted its elite from Belarus170 March 5, 2020 at 18:5290 years ago, forced deportation of peasants from the BSSR to uninhabited areas began Soviet Union. Yaroslav Chaplya was the first Belarusian journalist who, in 1990, traveled to many districts of the Arkhangelsk region in search of witnesses to those events and wrote a book about it, “The Kulak Echalon.” We tell how the peasants were deprived of their property, how the move went, and in what conditions the Belarusian elite had to improve their lives.

“The son is crying over the payer:“ That’s it, mom, I’m on Russia. ” In the Gomel region, people received salaries that they cannot live on444 March 5, 2020 at 02:17 pmSalaries do not even reach the minimum, and workers run in all directions. Those who cannot run go to a local shop to take food “for a promissory note”. The debt is paid after the salary - and then they again fit into a new one. That's how they live.

Major General of the KGB Ivan Valko dies10 March 2, 2020 at 04:46 pmAt the Eastern (Moscow) cemetery in Minsk, a farewell ceremony was held for Major General of the KGB Ivan Valko, who died at the age of 92

I live in Demski. The story of a farmer who gives work where there is no school and no money from the collective farm30 March 1, 2020 at 11:06 amVladimir Kashkur from the village of Demskie, Miory District, used to head a collective farm. Then he became seriously ill. Someone in his place would have “registered” in hospitals and asked everyone to feel sorry for themselves. And Kashkur planted a garden.

Structure and role in the economic complex. The share of agriculture in Belarus now accounts for 7.5% of the gross domestic product, over 12.0% of the main production assets and production of products and services, it employs 9.5% of the working population. Agriculture specializes in the production of milk and meat, potatoes and flax.

crop production has a diversified structure and is engaged in the cultivation of grain, industrial and fodder crops, potatoes, fruits and vegetables. IN animal husbandry The most widespread are cattle breeding, pig breeding and poultry farming. Sheep breeding and beekeeping are traditional, fur farming and fish farming have expanded in recent decades.

Land areas. The land fund of Belarus is 20.7 million hectares, the area of ​​agricultural land is 8.9 million hectares, or 43%. Depending on the natural conditions, development of the territory and other factors, structure agricultural land , which may change over time. It is not the same in certain regions, regions of Belarus, as well as within individual agricultural enterprises. In general, the country is dominated arable land , which account for more than 60% of the area of ​​agricultural land. The largest share of arable land is on old developed lands, located mainly on hills, especially in the Grodno and Minsk regions. With a decrease in the share of arable land in the structure of agricultural land, the share of meadow lands (hayfields and pastures) is growing. But this fluctuation does not significantly affect specific gravity land occupied by permanent crops (gardens and berry fields) (Fig. 121).

Arable land in our country is distributed under the crops of various agricultural crops, and the ratio between the area under crops of individual groups of crops varies over the territory and over time (Fig. 122). (What ratios between the crops of certain groups of crops were observed at different stages of the development of the economyBelarus?)

Plant growing. In the crop production of Belarus, the most important grain farming. Not only the provision of the population with food grain products, but also the production of concentrated feed for animal husbandry, and the strengthening of the economic situation of farms depend on the quality and quantity of grain.

Cereal crops are grown in all administrative regions of Belarus, their share in crops varies depending on natural conditions. The largest share of grain crops is typical for regions in the center and south-east of Belarus. Their share here is over 45%. In general, in Belarus, this figure on average over the past few years was 42%, in 2010 it was 46%. The areas under crops of winter and spring grain crops are approximately equal. Among individual grain crops, spring barley is the most common (26.3% of crops). In second place is winter triticale (15.7%). Next come winter rye (more than 13.6%), winter (14%) and spring (9.6%) wheat. In recent years, crops of triticale, or wheat-rye hybrids, have increased.

Now mainly high-yielding zoned varieties of grain and leguminous crops are sown. (Name the main varieties of cereals and legumes grown in Belarus.)

The geography of grain crops is characterized as follows. Rye - the most stable culture in relation to the natural conditions of Belarus. It easily tolerates adverse weather, low soil fertility and its acidity, and responds well to fertilizers. The highest density of rye crops is in the south of the country.

The most valuable food crop - wheat . It is demanding on heat, moisture, soil fertility and cultivation techniques. In terms of crop area, spring wheat slightly predominates. Largest areas wheat crops are confined to areas with better soil conditions in the Grodno, Minsk and Brest regions.

Barley - one of the most high-yielding and early crops. Its crops in Belarus expanded significantly in the 70s. 20th century The culture has excellent fodder qualities. Cultivation, like wheat, requires high soil fertility and intensive technology. Barley occupies the largest areas in the central, eastern and northeastern parts of Belarus.

oats - Demanding to humidity and cool weather crop, sown earlier than other spring cereals. It is grown everywhere, but the concentration of crops is greater in the north of the country. Sowings expanded in the south of Belarus corn for grain.

In the south-east of Belarus, the traditional cereal culture has long been buckwheat . Even at the beginning of the twentieth century. in terms of area under crops, it was second only to rye. But since that time, its productivity, unlike other grain crops, has hardly grown, so the area under its crops has decreased tenfold. accident on Chernobyl nuclear power plant led to radioactive contamination of the main area where buckwheat was grown. The accumulation of radionuclides in its grain is the second reason for the reduction in buckwheat crops. But, nevertheless, since 2008 there has been an increase in the sown area of ​​this crop.

potato growing - one of the branches of specialization of agriculture in Belarus. Potato is a versatile crop used in human nutrition, animal feed and as a raw material for industry. Soils that are light in texture, optimal thermal and water conditions of the territory, and the availability of labor resources, which very quickly mastered the peculiarities of growing potatoes, contributed to the spread of this crop precisely here. (Remember where the center of origin of the potato is located.) Potato crops are concentrated in the east of Grodno, south of Minsk and northeast of Brest regions, where the mild climate, cultivated light loamy soils are perfectly combined and there are a sufficient number of workers.

By collecting potatoes per person, Belarus occupies one of the first places in the world (about 1 ton). The country annually provides 3-4% of the world harvest of this crop, fully meets its needs for ware potatoes, and exports a significant amount of it. About 1/4 of the harvest is used to feed people, 1/3 is processed by industry, the same amount is used to feed animals.

vegetable growing develops mainly in the suburban areas of Minsk, Gomel, Mogilev, Vitebsk, Brest, as well as in the raw materials areas of large vegetable processing enterprises. The largest enterprises for growing vegetables are the Zhdanovichsky greenhouse complex and the Minsk vegetable factory.

Industrial crops in Belarus, in comparison with other groups of crops, occupy small areas. Only a few crops are grown, among which the most ancient and traditional - fiber flax . The highest concentration of flax is in the Vitebsk region, in the north of the Grodno, Minsk and Mogilev regions, where the summer is cool and humid with a significant number of cloudy days, loamy and sandy soils are favorable for fiber flax. Flax growing here is a branch of specialization of agriculture.

An important technical culture in Belarus is sugar (factory) beets . Its crops are concentrated in areas around sugar factories and confined to loamy and sandy mineral and drained and cultivated peat-bog soils.

As the main industrial crop in all regions of Belarus, rape from the seeds of which vegetable oil is obtained. Rape occupies the largest share in the crops of industrial crops in the Gomel, Mogilev and Vitebsk regions (75-90%), and Minsk and Vitebsk regions stand out in terms of the area of ​​its crops. Other industrial crops grown in Belarus include hop, medicinal And essential oil crops .

Gardening at the beginning of its development, it was represented mainly in the landowners' households. The total area of ​​fruit and berry plantations is 107 thousand hectares, and the gross harvest of fruits and berries is about 800 thousand tons. Modern direction development - intensive horticulture, which involves the use of primarily low-growing fruit plantations (trees 3-3.5 m high), which begin to bear fruit in the 2-3rd year after planting.

The most favorable conditions for horticulture are found in the southeastern regions of the Gomel region, although the level of radioactive contamination remains high there even now. The main suppliers of fruits and berries are farms with a complete production cycle (growing, storage, commodity processing, processing). The largest arrays of gardens are in the Brest ("Dawn"), in Minsk ("Zubki"), in Mogilev ("Dusen") regions. So far, Belarus is not able to fully provide itself with fruits and berries grown in temperate latitudes, so some of them are imported from Moldova, Ukraine, Poland.

During the last decades after the end of the Great Patriotic War share in the country fodder crops in the field crop rotation constantly increased. Therefore, now, in terms of the sown area (2-2.5 million hectares), fodder crops are commensurate with the area occupied by grain and leguminous crops, and in a number of areas they even prevail. In Vitebsk and Mogilev regions, fodder crops occupy 40% of crops.

Most of the perennial grasses are grown in the northern zone, mainly in the Vitebsk region, where red and pink clover predominate. Lupins and timothy are common in Polissya, in the northwest, west and south - corn crops for silage.

Livestock. It provides the most high-calorie food products (milk, meat, eggs), raw materials for industry. For some branches of light industry, it supplies wool, bristles, hides, and furs. Develops in close relationship with crop production.

The natural basis for the development of animal husbandry is natural flood and upland meadows, fallows, swamps, and shrubs.

Their share in the area of ​​agricultural land in the whole country is 1 / 3 . Within the Polesskaya lowland, the share of natural hayfields and pastures is much higher, and in some places it makes up about half of the total area of ​​agricultural land, which contributes to the development of cattle breeding and sheep breeding. The fodder base is also made up of fodder crops on arable land, mixed fodder, waste from the food industry and public catering.

In terms of meat production per capita, Belarus is ahead of all the former republics that were part of the USSR, and in terms of milk it is second only to Lithuania. In the structure of meat products, almost half is pork (Fig. 125). Livestock breeding is more developed in Grodno, Brest and in the west of Minsk regions.

Cattle breeding serves for the production of beef and milk. Beef belongs to the valuable and most demanded types of meat products, therefore, breeding large cattle are practiced throughout the country. It has more than 4 million heads. The density of cattle per 100 hectares of agricultural land is the highest in the Grodno, Brest and partially Minsk regions. In these regions, there are also high rates of cattle breeding productivity. Cattle of the black-and-white breed of the dairy direction are grown up, the most adapted to local conditions. Cattle of dairy and milk-meat breeds are also bred: red Belarusian, brown Latvian, Kostroma, Dutch and others; from meat - charolais, limousine . Breeding farms have been created for livestock breeding, the largest of them are: "Red Star" (Kletsk district), "Korelichi" (Korelichi district), "Ros" (Volkovysk district), "Luch" (Berezovsky district), "Druzhba" (Kobrin district ), "Vedrich" (Rechitsa district). As you can see, most of them are located in the Brest and Grodno regions.

In Soviet times in Belarus in all regions were created livestock complexes, where production by its nature was close to industrial. (What is the industrial nature of production in livestock complexes?)

In cattle breeding, a certain specialization has developed, which is influenced by the characteristics of the forage base. In the north of Belarus there are more favorable conditions for the development of meat and dairy cattle breeding, in the south - meat production prevails. Farms around major cities specialize in milk production. In the rest of the territory, the dairy-meat direction is combined with the meat-and-milk direction.

Pig breeding - the second most important branch of animal husbandry. Like cattle breeding, it develops throughout the country. Pork accounts for more than 40% of meat production. The industry is characterized by concentration and specialization of production. In the 1970s the industry began to be transferred to an industrial basis. For these purposes, large highly mechanized complexes were built and a flow-shop production system was introduced. In total, about 4 million heads of pigs are grown in Belarus, and the main breeds are large white, black and white, Belarusian meat, landrace.

On average in Belarus, there are 70 pigs per 100 hectares of arable land, but their highest density is in the central and southern parts of the country. Pork production is the cheapest in Vitebsk and Grodno regions, where about 90% of pigs are concentrated in large complexes. The concentration of pig production in large complexes has led to an environmental problem due to the difficulty in manure disposal.

Sheep breeding - a traditional and at the same time promising branch of animal husbandry. During the period after the Great Patriotic War, the number of sheep decreased by 20 times. Now 90% of their livestock falls on private farms. Sheep breeding in Belarus has a meat and wool direction of specialization. For feeding sheep, land with poor herbage is usually taken away, and silage and roughage are harvested for the winter. Sheep breeding is widespread mainly in the Brest region. Of the breeds of sheep, prekos, Latvian dark-headed and Romanov predominate.

poultry farming has a pronounced industrial character. Large poultry farms industrial type are available in all regions of the country, and in some of their regions (Minsk, Baranovichi) - several. The intensification of the industry is based on deep specialization and concentration of the poultry population. In all categories of farms, about 30 million head of chickens, geese, ducks, turkeys, guinea fowls are bred. Quails and ostriches are also bred. Most of the eggs are obtained from poultry farms. Breeding plants and breeding reproducers have also been created. The largest poultry farms are located near Orsha, Baranovichi, Dzerzhinsk, Smolevichi, Minsk (Fig. 126).

Fur farming - one of the youngest branches of agriculture. He breeds valuable fur-bearing animals (mink, arctic fox, fox, nutria, rabbit, etc.) at fur farms. The largest fur farms are located near Molodechno, Baranovichi, Pinsk, Vileyka, and Grodno.

Beekeeping develops in bee enterprises, in farms and in significant numbers among amateur beekeepers. For the breeding of bees and the qualitative improvement of bee colonies, bee nurseries have been created (Brest, Baranovichi, Grodno). The largest bee enterprises are located near Mosty and Shchuchin. Beekeeping in Belarus has a pollination-honey direction of productivity.

The Carpathian breed of bees is mainly bred.

Fish farming. As a branch of agriculture, it includes pond, cage and industrial farming of freshwater fish. You already know that there are more than 10,000 lakes in Belarus, about 160 reservoirs, over 1,500 ponds. Most of them are suitable for fish farming. At present, there are 18 pond farms and one cold-water trout breeding farm in the republic, fish ponds of a number of agricultural enterprises and auxiliary farms. industrial enterprises. They mainly breed carp, grass carp, silver carp, crucian carp. Since 2006 sturgeon breeding has been started.


1. Geography grade 10 / Tutorial for the 10th grade of institutions of general secondary education with the Russian language of instruction / Authors: M. N. Brilevsky- From the Authors, Introduction, § 1-32; G. S. Smolyakov- § 33-63 / Minsk "People's Asveta" 2012

The Republic of Belarus is an export-oriented state with a developed industry, service sector and agriculture. Belarus adheres to the socially oriented model market economy which has proven its worth and effectiveness.

In general, for 2010-2018, the republic's GDP increased in comparable prices by 17.5% with an increase in labor productivity over the specified period by 26.8%.

Gross domestic product per capita at purchasing power parity in the republic increased from 16.9 thousand US dollars in 2010 to 19.8 thousand US dollars in 2018.

According to the Human Development Report 2018 prepared by the UNDP, Belarus took 53rd place in the global annual ranking according to the composite human development index and entered the group of countries with a very high level of human development.


Data in Belarusian rubles are given in actual prices, from 2016 - in the price scale effective from July 1, 2016 (a decrease of 10,000 times).


The main sectors of the Belarusian economy include industry, agriculture, construction, trade, transport, information and communications.


Despite the limitations of its own fuel and energy resources and the most important types of raw materials, as well as the external economic shocks of recent years, Belarus has retained its industrial potential.

The development of industry largely determines the main economic trends in our country. A quarter of the gross domestic product is produced here, about 37% of all fixed assets of the republic are concentrated, 23.7% of total strength employed in the economy.

basis industrial production The republic is made up of the manufacturing industry. In 2018, it accounted for 88.6% of the total production volume.

The leading sectors of the manufacturing industry are the food industry (25.7%), the production of petroleum products (17.6%), mechanical engineering (16.2%), chemical production (10,5%).

The structure of the manufacturing industry by type of economic activity (2018):

Manufacture of food, beverages and tobacco products

Manufacture of textiles, clothing, leather and fur products

Manufacture of wood and paper products; printing activities and replication of recorded media

Production of coke and refined petroleum products

Production of chemical products

Manufacture of basic pharmaceutical products and pharmaceuticals

Manufacture of rubber and plastic products, other non-metallic mineral products

Metallurgical production. Manufacture of finished metal products, except for machinery and equipment

Manufacture of computing, electronic and optical equipment

Production of electrical equipment

Manufacture of machinery and equipment not included in other groups

Production Vehicle and equipment

Manufacture of other finished products; repair, installation of machinery and equipment

The Republic of Belarus is a regional leader in the production of tractors, they are produced in the country about 80% of the total production of the countries of the Eurasian economic union. Our country is also a major manufacturer of agricultural machinery - combines, various kinds forage harvesting equipment and units.

The share of potash fertilizer production is about 16% or one sixth of the world production.


Trucks, loaders, mining trucks

Tractors, grain and forage harvesters

Refrigerators, microwave ovens, electric and gas stoves


Flax fiber

Chemical fibers and threads

Meat products

Dairy products

mechanical engineering

The mechanical engineering of the republic includes the production of electrical equipment, machinery and equipment, computing, electronic and optical equipment, as well as vehicles and equipment. It accounts for more than 16% of the manufacturing industry of the republic.

Vehicle manufacturing

Belarus specializes in the production trucks, buses, mining dump trucks. Key enterprises are JSC "Minsk Automobile Plant" - Management Company holding "BELAVTOMAZ" and OJSC "BELAZ" - the management company "BELAZ-HOLDING" (Zhodino). JSC "BELAZ" occupies a third of the world market of heavy-duty mining dump trucks and is included in the group of the world's leading manufacturers of mining equipment.

The leading Belarusian manufacturer of grain and forage harvesters, known under the PALESSE brand, is the Gomselmash holding. The company has a wide export geography - these are the CIS countries, the European Union, China, Latin America, as well as a developed commodity distribution network, a number of joint ventures and assembly plants.

The production of passenger cars is a rapidly developing area of ​​the automotive industry in Belarus.

Today, the main manufacturer of passenger cars in the republic is the full-cycle plant of the SZAO BelGee, whose production capacity is up to 60,000 cars per year.

Production of electrical equipment

The electrical industry includes enterprises in the industry that produce various products: electrical transformers, cable and wire products, electric motors, equipment for receiving, accounting and distributing electrical energy.

The holding "Minsk Electrotechnical Plant named after Kozlov" manufactures world-class electrical equipment.

Thanks to the constant modernization of production and staff development, the plant has become the largest manufacturer of electrical transformers and has earned recognition in the domestic and international markets. Now the company supplies products to 16 countries of the world and rightfully occupies one of the leading positions in its industry.

JSC "Belaruskabel" is modern enterprise producing cable and wire products. The scope of manufactured products covers such industries as radio electronics, aviation technology, instrument making, construction, communications, telecommunications and electrical engineering, gas and oil refining industry.

OJSC "Brest Radio Engineering Plant" produces floor boards for receiving, accounting and distributing electrical energy, personal computers, electric heaters, components for manufacturers of electric and gas stoves.

OJSC "Brest Electromechanical Plant" serially produces electric energy metering devices for single- and three-phase networks.

Manufacture of computing, electronic and optical equipment

A large diversified enterprise - the BelOMO holding - specializes in the field of laser, optical-electronic and opto-mechanical devices and systems.

OJSC "Minsk Mechanical Plant named after S.I. Vavilova, the managing company of the BelOMO holding, has a great production potential. It produces sights, binoculars, night vision devices and much more. An innovative project of BelOMO is the production of domestic thermal imagers.

JSC "Gomel Plant of Measuring Instruments" is one of the leading enterprises in the instrument-making industry of the Republic of Belarus, which specializes in the production of analytical instruments designed to control and regulate technological processes and monitoring environment, as well as electrode systems for potentiometric measurements.

Another enterprise of the instrument-making industry - Evistor Plant OJSC - specializes in the supply of components (electromechanisms, electromagnets, electric drives, windshield wipers, variators, converters) for agricultural engineering enterprises.

Petroleum production, chemical production and the production of rubber and plastic products

The oil refining industry of Belarus is represented by OAO Naftan (Novopolotsk) and OAO Mozyr Oil Refinery. These are modern complexes for the production of petroleum products High Quality, which are delivered to the countries of the European Union, Ukraine, the Russian Federation and other CIS countries.

The largest enterprises in Belarus - exporters of mineral fertilizers - JSC "Belarusian Potash Company", JSC "Gomel Chemical Plant", JSC "Belaruskali" and JSC "Grodno Azot".

JSC "Belaruskali" is one of the world's leading producers of potash fertilizers. Over 90% of its products are exported to South and North America, Southeast Asia, Europe (more than 100 countries of the world, including India, China).

JSC "Belshina" is one of the largest enterprises in Europe for the production of tires.

Metallurgical complex

The metallurgical complex of the republic includes about 20 large and medium-sized organizations metallurgical production producing steel pipes, metal cord, various types of wire, and more than 60 organizations for the production of finished metal products - prefabricated building metal structures, various types of metal tools, tanks, cisterns, tanks, boilers, fasteners and others.

The largest producer of steel and steel products is the Belarusian Metallurgical Company holding.

The holding includes: JSC "Belarusian steel plant” – the managing company of the Belarusian Metallurgical Company holding (Zhlobin), Legmash Plant OJSC, Polesyeelectromash OJSC, Kobrin Tool Plant SITOMO OJSC, Rechitsa Hardware Plant OJSC, Mogilev Metallurgical Plant OJSC , JSC "Minsk Bearing Plant", JSC "Beltsvetmet", JSC "Beltsvetchermet", PUP "Brestvtorchermet", PUP "Vitebskvtorchermet", PUP "Gomelvtorchermet", PUP "Grodnovtorchermet", PUP "Mogilevvtorchermet", JSC "BELNIILIT", SUP " Zhlobinmetallurgstroy, OJSC Zhlobin Quarry of Molding Materials, SUE Paporotnoye, TPUE Metallurgtorg, PUP Tsvetmet, TUE Metallurgtrans, PTUE BMZ Service Center.


The fuel and energy complex (FEC) of Belarus includes systems for the extraction, transportation, storage and production of all types of energy carriers. About 85% of the energy resources involved in the country's economy are imported. The core of the fuel and energy complex is the electric power industry. This is one of the leading sectors of the economy as a whole; the traditionally high level of technical and engineering potential of Belarus is concentrated here. Gas supply and gas transportation through the territory of Belarus is provided by Gazpromtransgaz Belarus.

In the future, a significant part of the fuel and energy complex in Belarus will be nuclear power. In 2008, it was decided to build in the country its own nuclear power plant with a capacity of up to 2000 MW, which will reduce the cost of electricity produced by up to 20%.

Manufacture of food, beverages and tobacco products

Today, food production in the republic is a modern, dynamically developing industry, whose enterprises produce more than a quarter of manufacturing products, which fully ensures food security country. Thanks to the large-scale modernization and the introduction of modern production technologies industry enterprises produce high-quality products that are in stable demand for domestic market and abroad.

The main areas of development of the industry are the production of dairy products, meat and meat products (more than 50% of the volume of food, beverages and tobacco products). In addition, the republic produces sugar and confectionery, processes and preserves fish and fish products, fruits and vegetables.

The largest enterprises for the production of food and beverages are Savushkin Product OJSC, the Belarusian-German JV Santa Bremor LLC, Slutsk Cheese Plant OJSC, Babushkina Krynka OJSC - the managing company of the holding Mogilev Dairy Company Babushkina Krynka ”, Volkovysk OJSC “BELLAKT”, RPTUP “Molochny Gostinets”, JV OJSC “Spartak”, SOJSC “Kommunarka”, OJSC “Brest Meat Processing Plant”, OJSC “Berezovskiy Cheese Making Plant”, OJSC “Milkavita”, OJSC “Volkovysk Meat Processing Plant”, OJSC "Dairy World", OJSC "Grodno Meat Processing Plant", OJSC "Minsk Meat Processing Plant".


The share of agricultural production is about 6-7% of GDP. At the same time, more than 8% of the total number of people employed in the country's economy work in the agricultural sector.

Belarus is almost completely self-sufficient in food: imports account for less than 10% of total consumption.

In addition, 21.2% of the world's flax crops are concentrated in the country. Among the 22 leading flax fiber producers, Belarus is in the top five.

The production of agricultural products per capita in the republic corresponds to the level of developed countries and in many positions (production of potatoes, sugar beet, meat, milk) exceeds the indicators achieved in the CIS countries.

In terms of milk production per capita, the Republic of Belarus occupies one of the leading positions in the world and is ahead of such countries as the Russian Federation, Ukraine, Kazakhstan. Milk production per capita in the country has reached 775 kilograms.

In the world milk production, the Republic of Belarus occupies 0.9%.

Belarus is one of the 15 countries of the world's largest exporters of dairy products, and for butter it ranks seventh in the world ranking, for buttermilk, yogurt, kefir - eighth, for milk and condensed and dry cream - thirteenth, for whey - fifteenth.

In terms of meat production in slaughter weight per capita (129 kilograms), our country, as well as in terms of milk, is ahead of the Russian Federation, Ukraine, and Kazakhstan. At the same time, twice as much meat is produced per inhabitant of the Republic of Belarus than in the Russian Federation, Ukraine, and Kazakhstan.

The share of the Republic of Belarus in the world meat production is 0.4%.

We are among the top 30 meat exporting countries, while we are ranked seventeenth in the world rankings for poultry meat and eighteenth for beef.

According to the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), in terms of gross harvest (in value terms) of flax fiber, Belarus is in 3rd place in the world, cranberries - in 7th, rye - in 5th, sugar beets, strawberries - in 15th place.

transport and logistic

Belarus is the most important transport artery of the Eurasian space. Every year, over 100 million tons of European cargo passes through the country, of which about 90% is between the Russian Federation and the EU. At the same time, the republic fully ensures the efficiency and safety of transit. Transport services are rail, road, air, river and pipeline modes of transport.

Information and Communication Technologies

Information and communication technologies play a role necessary tool development of a high-tech sector of the economy, creating conditions for the transition to digital economy, improving the institutional and the formation of a favorable business environment.

In order to create favorable conditions for increasing the competitiveness of sectors of the economy based on new and high technologies, improving conditions for the development of modern technologies and increasing their exports, attracting domestic and foreign investments in this area, the Park was created in Belarus. high technology(HTP).

The first resident companies were registered in the Park in June 2006. Today, the HTP is one of the leading innovative IT clusters in Central and Eastern Europe. The HTP has created a unique favorable environment for business development in the information technologies, which combines unprecedented tax benefits with the availability of well-trained professionals for the IT industry.

Belarusian specialists participate in IT projects of any complexity, from system analysis, consulting, selection of hardware, to the design and development of complex systems.

Belarusian consumers software created by HTP residents are well-known global corporations such as Microsoft, HP, Coca-Cola, Colgate-Palmolive, Google, Toyota, Citibank, MTV, Expedia, Reuters, Samsung, HTC, Mitsubishi, British Petroleum, British Telecom, London Stock Exchange, World Bank and others.

HTP resident companies are included in the list of the largest software developers and vendors "Software 500", published by the influential edition of the global IT industry SoftwareMagazine, and successfully compete in the high-tech markets of North America and Western Europe.

With the development of information and communication technologies, the contribution of the production of goods and services related to ICT to the creation of added value is increasing. The share of gross value added of the ICT sector in the gross domestic product of the Republic of Belarus increased from 2.8% in 2011 to 5.6% in 2018.

The share of exports of computer services in the total volume of exports of services of the Republic of Belarus has increased by 3.7 times since 2011 and amounted to 18% in 2018 (in 2017 -15.3%). About 90% of the Belarusian export of computer services is provided by the residents of the High Technology Park.

According to the International Telecommunication Union, in the ranking published in 2017, the Republic of Belarus ranked 32nd out of 176 countries in terms of the development index of information and communication technologies.

According to the UN report “Electronic government. Overview 2018: E-government as a support for sustainable development” The Republic of Belarus took 38th place in the ranking on the index of readiness for e-government from 193 countries of the world, moving up 11 positions compared to the 2016 ranking. She entered the top 40 for the first time.

In the republic, cellular mobile telecommunication networks cover 98.2% of the territory, where 99.9% of the population lives. Active development of cellular mobile telecommunication networks of the fourth generation is underway.

As of January 1, 2019, the number of cellular mobile telecommunications subscribers was 11.6 million.

78.4% of households had access to the Internet (the average value of this indicator in the world is 53.6%).

Today in Belarus Internet services are used by 79% of the population aged 6-72 years, of which almost 80% use the Internet daily.

The Republic of Belarus was the first among the CIS countries to complete the full transition to digital broadcasting.

International trade

The variety of manufactured products produced by the manufacturing industry determines the profile foreign trade countries and provides most of the foreign exchange earnings.

More than 60% of manufactured industrial products are exported, which is typical for countries with a high degree of development and openness of the economy.

Belarus maintains trade relations with almost all countries of the world. The main trading partners of the republic are the Russian Federation (according to data for 2018 - 49.2% of the total trade turnover), Ukraine (7.6%), China (5%), the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (4.7%) , Germany (4.6%), Poland (3.5%), Netherlands (2.4%), Lithuania (2.1%), Turkey (1.4%), Italy (1.3%), Kazakhstan (1.2%).

The place and role of the country in the international market of services is growing. Compared to 2010, their exports increased by more than 1.8 times.

Significant growth was shown computer services, whose exports increased by more than 7 times compared to 2010. The volume of exports of this type of service in 2018 exceeded $1.5 billion, and the share in total exports increased from 4.5% to 18%.

The Republic of Belarus is one of the world leaders in the export of IT services per capita. In the ranking of the Top 100 best outsourcing companies in the world-2017 there are six IT companies with Belarusian offices. Such products as Viber and World of Tanks brought fame to our country.

Banking system

The banking system of Belarus is adopted in international practice a two-tier system consisting of a central bank - the National Bank of the Republic of Belarus and second-tier commercial banks.

The main goal of the National Bank's activities is to maintain price stability, which means ensuring a consistently low level of inflation.

As of September 1, 2019, there are 27 banks and non-bank credit and financial institutions operating in the Republic of Belarus that have the right to conduct banking operations.

In accordance with the Decree of the President of the Republic of Belarus dated June 21, 2011 No. 261, the Development Bank of the Republic of Belarus OJSC was established in order to develop a system for financing state programs and socially significant investment projects, export lending.

Industry of Belarus

Remark 1

The development of Belarusian industry for a long time was oriented towards the national economic complex of the USSR. Currently, the country's economy focuses mainly on its own labor resources and depends on imported raw materials.

basis fuel and energy complex is peat. The country's economy uses a large number of imported gas from Russia and Ukraine. Imports Belarus and oil. Power industry mainly represented by thermal power plants (Vasilevitskaya, Berezovskaya, Lukomlskaya). HPPs in the country are low-capacity and have only local significance. The reason is that the flat terrain does not allow the construction of dams with a large height difference.

  • mechanical engineering well developed. Automotive presented in Minsk, Mogilev, Zhodino. A developed network of enterprises has been created in the country agricultural engineering(Minsk, Gomel, Bobruisk, Vitebsk, Borisov). Enterprises play an important role instrumentation and electronic engineering Minsk, Mogilev, Vitebsk, Gomel, Mozyr. It produces televisions, radio equipment, cameras, watches, refrigerators. Almost $85$% of engineering production is exported.
  • New industries for Belarus are ferrous and non-ferrous metallurgy . These industries are developing on imported raw materials.
  • Chemical industry It is represented by the production of potash fertilizers, synthetic fibers and resins, the production of household chemicals, and the wood chemical industry.
  • The production of building materials is developing almost entirely on its own raw materials.
  • Forestry and woodworking industry are also developed on their own raw materials. The enterprises are located in many cities of the republic. The largest of them are located in Vitebsk, Shklov, Dobrush, Mozyr.
  • Enterprises light industry work both on their own and on imported raw materials. Belarus is famous as a manufacturer of various fabrics, knitwear and garments, leather goods and footwear. The main centers of light industry are located in Mogilev, Orsha, Baranovichi, Minsk, Gomel, Vitebsk, and Brest. The products of these enterprises are in demand not only in the country, but also for export.
  • food industry represented by meat, dairy, canning, alcohol and starch industries. It focuses entirely on agricultural products. The food industry is developed in every area, and a significant part finished products goes for export.

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Agricultural production in Belarus is characterized by a high level of intensification and is an important component of the country's agro-industrial complex. Natural conditions favor the development of agriculture throughout the republic. Both animal husbandry and crop production are developed in Belarus. Agricultural land occupies almost half of the entire area of ​​the country.

Remark 2

Leading Industries animal husbandry are breeding dairy and meat cattle and pig breeding. Near the cities placed poultry enterprises.

crop production represented by cultivation grain crops(barley, rye, buckwheat, oats), fiber flax, potatoes, beets. Grains account for $45% of crop production. Flax growing- the traditional branch of specialization of the republic. The country has long been famous for its linen products and handicrafts.


Belarus is a developed state. Therefore, all types of land transport and aviation are developed in this country. The leading transport industry is railway transport. The main transport hubs are Brest, Minsk, Gomel. An important role is played by automobile transport. The length of paved roads exceeds $52,000 kilometers. Pipeline transport ensures the flow of gas and oil into the country and transit to Western Europe. River transport is poorly developed, since most of the rivers are non-navigable.

Agriculture occupies an important place in the structure national economy and is designed to perform three important tasks:

1) provide the population of the country with high-quality food, i.e. be the guarantor of food security;

2) supply food and light industry in sufficient quantities with the necessary raw materials;

3) to preserve attractive landscapes as a living space, a territory for the resettlement of people, the creation of recreation areas, areas for the development of agro-tourism.

In the structure of gross agricultural output, the share of livestock production has noticeably decreased, which in the previous stages developed largely on imported feed, had a higher marketability, but the share of crop production increased (all categories of farms). However, in personal subsidiary plots of the population and peasant (private) farms, the share of crop production in 2003 reached 74.2%, while in agricultural organizations - only 44.3%. Thus, we can conclude that agriculture in personal subsidiary and peasant (farm) farms has a crop direction, and in agricultural organizations - livestock. It is predicted that by 2010 55.0% will be produced in animal husbandry, and 45.0% in crop production - 45.0% of the gross agricultural output (all categories of farms).

Plant growing. Belarus has significant opportunities to increase the gross harvest of grain and industrial crops, potatoes and vegetables, as well as fodder for livestock. The main source of growth is the increase in yields based on the intensification of production. Sufficient soil moisture in Belarus ensures high efficiency of using mineral fertilizers in combination with organic fertilizers. The transition to intensive production on the most fertile soils would allow, with a reduction in sown areas, to increase yields by 2.5–3 times, and reduce fuel costs and the need for machinery by 1.5–2 times. Strict adherence to soil cultivation technology is required. In this regard, accelerated development requires research in the field of adaptive-landscape farming. It is in this direction that great reserves lie as to increase the productivity of agricultural land, preserve soil fertility, and significant savings in mineral fertilizers and protective equipment.
For cereal grains, the task is to breed varieties and hybrids with a potential yield of 100–120 centners/ha, including malting barley that meets the requirements of brewing standards with a protein content of not more than 10.5% – with a yield of 70–75 centners/ha; corn for grain - 100 centners / ha, potatoes - 350 - 400 centners / ha, sugar beet - 500 - 600 centners / ha and legumes 50 - 60 centners / ha.

The shortage of grain can be overcome by increasing its production by improving the structure of the grain wedge, increasing the production of fodder grains, preparing balanced mixed fodder, and making more extensive use of rye in the preparation of mixed fodder.
Livestock. The industry provides the bulk of marketable products in agricultural enterprises of the Republic of Belarus.

Despite the fact that the territory of Belarus belongs to one natural zone, within the republic there are significant differences between its individual regions, and even more so between farms. Territorial differences in the socio-economic and natural conditions of the regions determine the zones of specialization of agriculture:

1. The dairy-meat-flax zone covers a total of 47 districts. This zone accounts for approximately 40% of the total area of ​​agricultural land and arable land. In this zone, dairy and beef cattle breeding is combined with pork production.

2. Zone of dairy and meat cattle breeding, pig breeding with developed flax breeding. It accounts for approximately 20% of agricultural land and arable land of the republic. The average score of arable land is 37, and agricultural land - 33. Here, due to the significant concentration of potato crops, there are quite favorable conditions for the development of pig breeding.

3. The zone of meat and dairy cattle breeding and beet growing unites 16 administrative districts. All areas of this zone are located in the raw areas of sugar factories. It occupies about 14% of arable land with high natural soil fertility (42 points) and the same amount of agricultural land (39 points). In this zone, the production of cheap beef based on the use of beet pulp can develop.

4. The zone of meat and dairy cattle breeding covers 22 districts of the Polissya part of the republic. It differs from other zones in the high availability of natural fodder lands. The average score of agricultural land is 26, and arable land is 52. Pig breeding is developing here as an additional industry.

5. The fifth (suburban) dairy-vegetable-potato zone is concentrated around regional and large industrial centers Belarus. It includes 8 administrative districts. The plowed area of ​​agricultural land here reaches 70%, and the soils have a fairly high natural fertility (the average score of arable land is 41). In this zone, in the future, it is possible to deepen the specialization of farms for the development of dairy cattle breeding, vegetable growing, the cultivation of early varieties of potatoes, berries, and the development of industrial poultry farming.

In the agro-industrial complex of Belarus, intensive and comprehensive work is being carried out to implement the State Program for the Revival and Development of the Village for 2005-2010.

The main objectives of the Program are the revival and development of the village on the basis of strengthening the agrarian economy, increasing the incomes of the rural population, the level of social and engineering arrangement of rural settlements, conservation and improvement of the environment in them and rational use public and other investments.

The goals set are complex in nature and can be achieved subject to the simultaneous implementation of two priority areas, which include:

1. Sustainable socio-economic development rural areas, contributing to the formation necessary conditions for the livelihood of the population, making the rural way of life and work attractive, and achieving established social standards.

2. Formation of micro- and macroeconomic management systems in market conditions that ensure the development and consistent increase in the efficiency of agro-industrial production.

The solution of the tasks envisaged to improve the efficiency of agricultural production and the integrated development of rural areas can be successfully implemented only on the basis of a high level of scientific support and support for the socio-economic processes carried out in the agro-industrial complex.

The most important direction in the development of agriculture should be the intensification of production based on the modernization of the production and technical base and the introduction of the achievements of scientific and technological progress. Systematic and complex re-equipment of the industry with high-performance machines and units of a new generation will ensure a significant increase in labor productivity and saving material resources.