Specific gravity 08x18n10t. Density of stainless steel - domestic grades and AISI standard

    How to determine the weight of stainless steel: calculation method. Specific gravity of stainless steel 12x18n10t

    Specific gravity of stainless steel 12x18n10t - sovetskyfilm.ru

    "Stainless" in engineering use is a fairly large group of steel grades, which includes several groups of steels with specific properties that are not limited to rust resistance alone.

    So, for example, the most common grades of stainless steel, such as 12X18H10T and 12X18H12T, are assigned simultaneously to corrosion-resistant steels, heat-resistant, cryogenic and structural steels, and according to their chemical composition, respectively, to groups of steels with the addition of chromium, nickel and titanium.

    To perform certain types of work, it is necessary to take into account the qualitative characteristics of materials. Stainless steel, as one of the most popular types of rolled metal, has a different chemical composition, mechanical and other properties, which determine its practical application.

    Methods for calculating the weight of stainless steel

    A standard formula is used to calculate the specific gravity of stainless steel. The ratio between the mass and volume of stainless steel metal will be its specific gravity.

    In turn, to calculate the mass of the rolled product, the available specific gravity is multiplied by the cross-sectional area of ​​the rolled product and its length.

    Consider the calculation of the weight of stainless steel using specific examples:

    Example 1. We calculate the weight of circles with a diameter of 50 mm from steel 12X18H10T, 4 meters long, in the amount of 120 pieces.

    Find the cross-sectional area of ​​the circle S = πR 2 means S = 3.1415 2.5 2 = 19.625 cm 2

    Let's find the mass of one rod, knowing that the specific gravity of the brand 12X18H10T \u003d 7.9 g / cm 3

    M = 1&.6259middot; 4009middot; 7.9 = 62.015 kg

    Total weight of all bars M = 62.015 120 = 7441.8 kg

    Example 2. We calculate the weight of a pipe with a diameter of 60 mm and a wall thickness of 5 mm made of steel 08X13, 6 meters long, in the amount of 42 pieces.

    We find the cross-sectional area of ​​the pipe, for this we determine the cross-sectional area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe pipe as if it were a circle and subtract the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe internal empty space

    S \u003d 3.1415 3 2 - 3.1415 2.5 2 \u003d 28.2735 - 19.625 \u003d 8.6485 cm 2

    Therefore, with the specific gravity of the brand 08X13 \u003d 7.76 g / cm 3, the mass of one pipe will be

    M \u003d 8.6485 7.769middot; 600 \u003d 40.267 kg

    Total all pipes weigh M = 40.267 42 = 1691.23 kg

    Example 3. We calculate the weight of sheets with a thickness of 2 mm and a cutting size of 500x500 mm from steel 15X25T, in the amount of 6 pieces.

    The volume of one sheet is V \u003d 2 5009middot; 500 \u003d 500000 mm 3 \u003d 500 cm 3

    Sheet weight based on the specific gravity of the brand 15X25T = 7.7 g / cm 3

    M \u003d 500 7.7 \u003d 3850 grams \u003d 3.85 kg, therefore

    Total mass of all rolled products М = 3.85 6 = 23.1 kg

    Stainless steel can be classified

    1. by microstructure,

    2. by chemical composition,

    3. according to the method and type of production,

    4. by scope.

    Below are data on the specific gravity of some of the most common types of steels, which are calculated using this formula:

    The inclusion of various chemical elements in stainless steel can improve some of its characteristics:

    impact strength,

    anti-corrosion resistance,

    In addition, manganese, aluminum, chromium and carbon reduce the specific gravity of stainless steel, while nickel, tungsten and copper, on the contrary, increase it. You can find out about its composition by labeling.

    The scope of stainless steel is difficult to overestimate, since there is not a single industrial or household area where it would not be used in one form or another. Medicine, food industry, electronics, electric power industry, household appliances, automobile and mechanical engineering, chemical and oil and gas industry, construction - stainless steel is in demand in each of these industries because it combines unique characteristics.

    With unparalleled anti-corrosion and anti-oxidation properties, stainless steel is in dire need of the food and pharmaceutical industries. Thanks to it, it is possible to maintain the purity of the chemical composition of food and medicine, the organic elements of which do not react with "stainless9raquo; elements of equipment, tools and special containers.

    In construction, structures made of stainless steel can reduce the load on the capital foundation. The construction of multi-storey skyscrapers became possible thanks to stainless steel structures.

    Speaking about the practical value of stainless steel, one should not forget about its aesthetic characteristics. The appearance of stainless steel products is so spectacular that this material is now actively used by architects and designers, not only to give structural strength, but also as decorative elements.

    To calculate the mass of stainless steel by specific gravity - there is a special metal calculator.

    _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

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    The density of stainless steel, as well as other metals, as well as materials and substances, is a characteristic that many do not even suspect exist, having long forgotten almost everything that was studied in physics classes at school. Meanwhile, anyone who needs to know the exact weight of rolled metal from high-alloy alloys cannot do without this parameter.

  1. Density of 12X18H10T and a number of other common stainless steels

Density (P) is a physical quantity that is determined for a homogeneous material or substance by their mass (in g, kg or t) per unit volume (1 mm 3. 1 cm 3 or 1 m 3). That is, it is calculated by dividing the mass by the volume in which it is enclosed. As a result, a certain value is obtained, which for each material and substance has its own value, which varies depending on temperature. Density is also called specific gravity. Using this term, it is easier to understand the essence of this characteristic. That is, it is the mass possessed by a unit volume of a material or substance.

Specific gravity of stainless steel

And to calculate the theoretical (calculated nominal) weight of 1 running or square meter of any metal product, this physical quantity is used - the density, of course, for the corresponding metal. And in all GOSTs of the assortment, where the main characteristics of rolled products are given, after the tables that list the theoretical masses of 1 linear or square meter of products of different sizes, it is necessary to indicate which density value was taken in the calculation. Why and when you need to find out the weight of 1 meter of metal products. everyone who needs it knows. This parameter is used to calculate the total mass of one product or a whole batch by their total length or area. But why and when do you need to know the density of steel, in particular stainless steel?

The fact is that for all types of metal products, the theoretical mass of 1 meter, given in GOSTs and reference books, was calculated using one or another average density value. For rolled steel, the most common indication is a value of 7850 kg / m 3 or 7.85 g / cm 3. which is the same. And the actual P of steel, depending on the alloy used for the production of the product, can vary from 7600 to 8800 kg / m 3.

If you wish, it is easy to calculate what the error will be if you calculate the mass of a corner (or a product of another type of rolled steel) made not from carbon or other steel with a density of 7850 kg / m 3, but from another heavier one (for example, steel 12X18H10T) or light alloy. For small volumes of rolled products, and when accurate weight determination is not required, the difference will not be significant. That is, an approximate calculation of the total mass of metal products based on tabular data from GOST on the weight of its 1 meter will be justified. In addition, during shipment, as a rule, weighing is done to determine the actual weight of the products for the accuracy of mutual settlements between the supplier and the buyer.

The density of steel 12X18H10T and some other most common stainless alloys is indicated in the tables below. In the last column of the tables, the approximate density coefficient is 7850 kg / m 3 (7.85 g / cm 3).

Stainless steel sheets

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Home » Rolled metal products » Stainless steel » How to determine the weight of stainless steel: calculation method

What is specific gravity for?

We calculate the mass of the pipe

  • the specific gravity value of 7900 is multiplied by the diameter: 7&00*0.1=790;
  • multiply by the length and thickness of the wall: 7&0*10*0.001=7.9;

sheet material

Railings and fences

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How is density calculated?

p=8 g/cm3 or 7.93

Stainless steel is an alloy steel that is resistant to corrosion in aggressive environments and atmospheres. This type of steel is divided into three groups: corrosion-resistant, heat-resistant and heat-resistant. These groups are specially divided to solve certain problems.

Thus, corrosion-resistant steels are used where high corrosion resistance of materials is required, both in domestic conditions and in industrial work. Heat-resistant steels are used in situations where good corrosion resistance at high temperatures is required, such as in chemical plants. Heat-resistant steels - where high mechanical strength is required at high temperatures.

When working with stainless steel, it is extremely important to know the quality index. To help determine this parameter, such a characteristic as the specific gravity of stainless steel will help.

Table of specific gravity of stainless steel

Below is a table of values ​​that will help you make all the necessary calculations when working with stainless steel, including the weight of stainless steel.

Specific gravity and weight of 1 m3 of stainless steel depending on the units of measurement

From 7650 to 7950

Specific Gravity Calculations

In order to carry out all the necessary calculations, it is necessary to determine the very concept of this characteristic. So, specific gravity is the ratio of weight to volume of the desired material or substance. Calculations are carried out according to the following formula: y=p*g, where y is the specific gravity, p is the density, g is the free fall acceleration, which in normal cases is a constant and equals 9.81 m/s*s. The result is measured in Newtons divided by a cubic meter (N / m3). To convert to the SI system, the result is multiplied by 0.102.

Density is the value of the mass of the required material or substance, measured in kilograms, which is placed in a cubic meter. It is a very ambiguous value, which depends on many factors. For example, temperatures. So, the density of stainless steel is 7950 kg/m3.

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Density of stainless steel 12X18H10T and other grades + Video

Density (P) is a physical quantity that is determined for a homogeneous material or substance by their mass (in g, kg or t) per unit volume (1 mm3, 1 cm3 or 1 m3). That is, it is calculated by dividing the mass by the volume in which it is enclosed. As a result, a certain value is obtained, which for each material and substance has its own value, which varies depending on temperature. Density is also called specific gravity. Using this term, it is easier to understand the essence of this characteristic. That is, it is the mass possessed by a unit volume of a material or substance.

And to calculate the theoretical (calculated nominal) weight of 1 running or square meter of any metal product, this physical quantity is used - the density, of course, for the corresponding metal. And in all GOSTs of the assortment, where the main characteristics of rolled products are given, after the tables that list the theoretical masses of 1 running or square meter of products of different sizes, it is necessary to indicate which density value was taken in the calculation. Why and when it is necessary to find out the weight of 1 meter of metal products, everyone who needs it knows. This parameter is used to calculate the total mass of one product or a whole batch by their total length or area. But why and when do you need to know the density of steel, in particular stainless steel?

The fact is that for all types of metal products, the theoretical mass of 1 meter, given in GOSTs and reference books, was calculated using one or another average density value. For rolled steel, the most common indication is 7850 kg / m3 or 7.85 g / cm3, which is the same. And the actual P of steel, depending on the alloy used for the production of the product, can vary from 7600 to 8800 kg/m3.

If you wish, it is easy to calculate what the error will be if you calculate the mass of a corner (or a product of another type of rolled steel) made not from carbon or other steel with a density of 7850 kg / m3, but from another heavier one (for example, steel 12X18H10T) or light alloy. For small volumes of rolled products, and when accurate weight determination is not required, the difference will not be significant. That is, an approximate calculation of the total mass of metal products based on tabular data from GOST on the weight of its 1 meter will be justified. In addition, during shipment, as a rule, weighing is done to determine the actual weight of the products for the accuracy of mutual settlements between the supplier and the buyer.

But it is often necessary to know the exact, albeit theoretical, weight even at the stage of placing an order for the supply of rolled products, and for design and design calculations this is a prerequisite. It is in such cases that the density is determined for the alloy from which the metal product is made, and then, based on these data, an adjustment is made to the weight of 1 meter taken from GOST. And only then calculate the total weight of the rolled products. How to adjust the weight of 1 meter is discussed below.

Why calculate the density of rolled metal? It will most likely never be needed. However, circumstances may arise when the density calculation may be the only quick available method that allows you to approximately determine to which group of alloys (steel grades) the metal from which the unmarked product of interest is made belongs. In accordance with the above definition of density, its calculation for an alloy of one rolled product or another is quite simple. You have to divide its mass by its volume. The first value is determined by weighing, and the second is calculated after measuring all the required dimensions of the product.

One way to calculate the density of steel

It is also quite simple to correct the theoretical mass of 1 meter of rolled metal taken from the GOST tables or reference books. It is necessary to divide it by the density, which is indicated in the standard or reference manual used, usually before or after the tables with product sizes. As a rule, it is written there that the density of the metal is taken equal to such and such a value. Then we multiply the obtained value by the actual P of the alloy from which the product of interest is made.

Also, for adjustment, you can use the conversion factor obtained by dividing the actual density by the one used to calculate the theoretical weight of 1 meter.

It is given in a number of GOSTs and reference books for some grades of alloys. In this case, it will be enough to multiply the theoretical mass taken from the standard by this coefficient. However, it must be borne in mind that such an adjustment will be less accurate than when using the previous method, since the coefficients are approximate due to rounding to hundredths.

3 Density of 12X18H10T and a number of other common stainless steels

The density of steel 12X18H10T and some other most common stainless alloys is indicated in the tables below. In the last column of the tables, the approximate density coefficient is 7850 kg/m3 (7.85 g/cm3).

Stainless steel sheets

Table 1. Density of domestic grades of stainless steel

Grade of stainless steel

Density p, kg/m3 (g/cm3, kg/dm3)

K coefficient equal to p/7850 (ρ/7.85)


Table 2. Density of some grades of stainless steel according to the AISI standard


DENSITY stainless steel | density 12x18n10t, AISI 304, etc.

Stainless steel is the same alloy of iron and carbon, but with the addition of alloying elements. Depending on what was added there, the characteristics of the metal, including density, change.

Generally speaking, the density of stainless steel ranges from 7701-7900 kg/m³, see the tables below for more details.

Steel grade (HEAT RESISTANT) test temperature, °C
08Х137760 7740 7710
12X137720 7700 7670 7640 7620 7580 7520 7490 7500
12X18H12T7900 7870 7830 7780 7740 7700 7610
12Х18Н9 (aisi 304)7900 7860 7820 7780 7740 7690 7600 7560 7510
12Х18Н9Т7900 7860 7820 7780 7740 7690 7600 7560 7510

How is density calculated?

To do this, just multiply the width by the height and by the thickness. We multiply the resulting number by 7.85 (theoretical, specific gravity)

Features 12X18H10T

It has high corrosion resistance, heat resistance. Widely used in industry. Excellent heating: at a temperature of 1030 - 1100 oC (cool in water). Forging can be done at 1200°C. Has endurance limit σ-1=279 MPa, n=107

The density of stainless steel 12X18H10T is 7900 or, in other words: 7.9 10³ kg / m³.

p=8 g/cm3 or 7.93

Excellent "cooked", has high ductility and resistance to corrosion. It is used to make sinks and other catering equipment. Due to its heat resistance, it is often used in construction and to create various tanks. Acid resistance.

Video showing the stages of production.


Physical characteristics of stainless steel AISI (GOST). Calculation of the weight and density of stainless steel. |

The main physical characteristics of stainless steel, which are taken into account when designing stainless steel products and structures, are the mass of the unit of measure (linear meter) and density. This article will help you deal with this issue, and the tables below will help you make the necessary calculations.

Calculation of the weight of stainless steel

Calculate the weight of stainless steel of any steel grade (aisi, or GOST) will help formulas that are known to us from the school physics course. For the calculation, it is necessary to know the geometric dimensions and density of the steel grade from which this product is made. Multiplying the cross-sectional area by the length of the product and the density of the steel, we get the weight of the stainless steel.

Below are the simplest formulas for calculating the mass of stainless steel: circle, round pipe, sheet. To calculate the mass of more complex shapes (hexagon, angle, stainless profile pipe or I-beam), you can use a metallurgical calculator or special tables.

  • Calculation of the mass of a stainless circle (bar):
  • Calculation of the weight of a running meter of a stainless pipe:
  • Sheet metal weight calculation:

π - 3.14 (constant value), ρ - density of the metal or alloy, in g / cm3, d - outer diameter in mm, t - wall thickness in mm, h - width in mm, l - length in mm, * Final The weight value is given in grams. To convert to kilograms, the result must be divided by 1000. * The calculation of the weight of the stainless pipe and the circle is made for 1 meter, in order to get the total mass of the footage you need, you must multiply the result by l.

Density table

Density is the mass of a substance per unit volume. Due to their chemical composition (low or high content of carbon and alloying elements), different grades of stainless steel have different densities. The density of stainless steel must be taken into account when calculating the mass of stainless steel that will be used for your purposes.

Table of density of some grades of stainless steel according to GOST

Stainless steel grade (according to GOST) Density of steel ρ, g/cm3 (kg/dm3) Coefficient K, ρ/7.85
08Х22Н6Т 7,60 0,97
08Х13 7,70 0,98
08Х17Т 7,70 0,98
12X13 7,70 0,98
12X17 7,70 0,98
04Х18Н10 7,90 1,00
08X18H10 7,90 1,00
08X18H10T 7,90 1,00
08Х20Н14С2 7,70 0,98
08Х18Н12Т 7,95 1,01
08X18N12B 7,90 1,00
10X23H18 7,95 1,01
06HN28MDT 7,96 1,01
10X17H13M2T 8,00 1,02
08Х17Н15М3Т 8,10 1,03

Table of density of some grades of stainless steel according to the AISI standard

Tables of weights for various types of stainless steel

We offer you tables for converting the weight of stainless steel of various types. These tables are presented for preliminary calculations, and do not cover the entire range of stainless steel. For a more accurate calculation of the weight of the stainless steel that you need to buy, we suggest you download the metal-roll calculator.

Table for calculating the weight of a circle (round bar) made of stainless steel.

Diameter of a corrosion-proof circle (bar), mm Linear meter weight, kg
3 0,056
4 0,099
5 0,154
6 0,222
7 0,302
8 0,395
9 0,499
10 0,617
11 0,746
12 0,888
13 1,042
14 1,208
15 1,387
16 1,578
17 1,782
18 1,998
20 2,466
22 2,984
24 3,551
25 3,853
26 4,168
28 4,834
30 5,549
32 6,313
35 7,553
36 7,99
40 9,865
42 10,88
45 12,48
50 15,41
55 18,65
57 20,03
60 22,19
65 26,05
70 30,21
75 34,68
80 39,46
82 41,46
85 44,55
90 49,94
95 55,61
100 61,65
105 68
110 74,6
120 88,8
130 104,14
140 120,78
150 138,65

Table for calculating the weight of stainless steel

Table for calculating the weight of a stainless steel sheet *

*For ordinary/matt/mirror stainless steel sheet. The weight of a corrugated or perforated stainless steel sheet is calculated according to the above formulas, depending on its size and density.

Sheet thickness Cutting (standard) Linear meter weight, kg
0,5 1000x2000 8
0,6 9,6
0,8 12,8
1 16
1,25 20
1,5 24
2 32
2,5 40
3 48
4 64
5 80
6 96
0,5 1250x2500 12,5
0,6 15
0,8 20
1 25
1,25 31,25
1,5 37,5
2 50
2,5 62,5
3 75
4 100
5 125
6 150
0,8 1500x3000 28,8
1 36
1,25 45
1,5 54
2 72
2,5 90
3 108
4 144
5 180
6 16

Table for calculating the weight of a stainless round pipe

Pipe diameter Shelf Linear meter weight, kg
6 1 0,13
8 1 0,18
1,5 0,262
10 1 0,23
1,5 0,32
2 0,397
12 1 0,28
1,5 0,39
2 0,496
14 1 0,33
1,5 0,47
2 0,601
15 1 0,35
1,5 0,51
16 1 0,38
1,5 0,54
2 0,7
17,2 1,6 0,62
2 0,76
2,3 0,86
18 1 0,43
1,5 0,62
2 0,8
20 1 0,48
1,5 0,69
2 0,9
3 1,28
21,3 1,6 0,79
2 0,97
2,6 1,22
3 1,375
22 1,5 0,77
2 1
23 1,5 0,81
25 1 0,6
1,5 0,88
2 1,15
3 1,65
25,4 1,5 0,9
26,67 3,9 2,23
26,9 1,6 1,01
2 1,25
2,5 1,53
2,6 1,58
3 1,8
28 1 0,67
1,5 1
2 1,29
30 1,5 1,07
2 1,4
2,6 1,78
3 2,03
31,8 1,2 0,92
1,3 0,96
32 1,2 0,93
1,5 1,15
2 1,5
2,5 1,85
33 1,5 1,18
33,4 2 1,57
33,7 2 1,59
2,5 1,95
3,2 2,44
34 1 0,83
1,2 0,99
1,5 1,22
35 1,5 1,26
2 1,65
38 1,2 1,11
1,5 1,37
2 1,8
2,5 2,22
3 2,63
38,1 1,2 1,11
1,5 1,37
40 1 0,98
1,5 1,45
2 1,9
42,4 1,5 1,54
2 2,02
2,5 2,498
2,6 2,59
3 2,99
3,2 3,14
44,5 2 2,13
2,9 3,02
45 1,5 1,63
2 2,15
2,5 2,669
3 3,155
48 2,5 2,867
48,26 2 2,32
3,7 4,11
48,3 2 2,32
2,5 2,87
3 3,4
3,2 3,61
3,6 4,03
50 1,5 1,82
2 2,4
4 4,61
50,8 1,2 1,49
1,6 1,97
2 2,44
51 1,2 1,5
1,5 1,86
2 2,45
3 3,606
52 1 1,28
1,5 1,9
2 2,5
53 1,5 1,93
54 1,5 1,97
2 2,6
57 1,5 2,08
2 2,75
2,5 3,41
2,9 3,93
3 4,06
3,6 4,81
4 5,31
60,3 1,5 2,21
1,6 2,35
2 2,92
2,6 3,76
3 4,3
3,6 5,11
4 5,64
6 8,16
60,33 2,8 3,99
63,5 1,5 2,33
2 3,08
2,6 3,96
65 5 7,51
70 2 3,41
73 3 5,26
5 8,51
76,1 2 2,8
1,5 3,71
2,5 4,61
2,9 5,32
3 5,49
3,2 5,84
3,6 6,54
4 7,22
5 8,9
80 2 3,91
84 2 4,11
85 2 4,16
88,9 2 4,35
2,5 5,41
3 6,45
3,2 6,87
3,6 7,69
4 8,5
5 10,5
5,5 11,49
101,6 2 4,99
3 7,41
4 9,78
6 14,36
103 1,5 3,81
104 1,5 3,85
2 5,11
106 3 7,74
108 2 5,31
3 7,89
4 10,42
5 12,9
114,3 2 5,62
2,5 7
3 8,36
3,2 8,9
4 11,05
4,5 12,37
5 13,68
6 16,27
128 1,5 4,75
129 1,5 4,79
2 6,36
133 2,5 8,17
3 9,77
4 12,92
139,7 2 6,9
3 10,27
4 13,59
153 1,5 5,69
154 1,5 5,73
2 7,61
3 11,34
156 3 11,49
159 2 7,86
3 11,72
4 15,524
204 2 10,116
219 3 16,233
273 3 20,282
4 26,843
324 4 32,041
406 3 30,304

Table for calculating the weight of a stainless profile pipe

Pipe stainless profile rectangular Shelf Linear meter weight, kg
10x10 1 0,29
15x15 1 0,45
1,2 0,56
1,5 0,66
20x10 1,2 0,53
1,5 0,66
20x20 1 0,61
1,2 0,73
1,5 0,9
2 1,18
25x15 1,5 0,9
2 1,02
25x25 1 0,77
1,2 0,92
1,5 1,14
2 1,49
30x15 1,5 1,05
2 1,34
30x20 1,2 0,92
1,5 1,14
2 1,49
30x30 1 0,93
1,2 1,11
1,5 1,38
2 1,81
3 2,63
35x35 1,2 1,3
1,5 1,62
2 2,13
2,5 2,72
40x10 2 1,55
40x15 1,5 1,26
40x20 1,2 1,12
1,5 1,379
2 1,81
3 2,65
40x25 1,5 1,51
40x30 1,5 1,62
2 2,13
3 3,26
40x40 1 1,24
1,2 1,5
1,5 1,86
2 2,45
3 3,6
45x45 2 2,77
50x10 1,5 1,387
50x20 1,2 1,3
1,5 1,62
2 2,13
50x25 1,5 1,74
2 2,29
50x30 1,5 1,86
2 2,45
3 3,6
50x40 1,5 2,1
2 2,77
3 4,08
50x50 1,5 2,34
2 3,09
3 4,56
4 6,21
60x20 1,5 1,86
2 2,45
60x30 1,5 2,1
2 2,77
3 4,08
60x40 1,5 2,34
2 3,09
3 4,56
60x60 1,5 2,8
2 3,74
3 5,52
4 7,45
70x40 3 5,12
70x70 2 4,37
3 6,47
4 8,69
80x30 3 5,12
80x40 1,5 2,81
2 3,73
3 5,52
4 7,45
80x60 2 4,37
3 6,47
80x80 2 5
3 7,43
4 9,93
5 12,42
100x20 2 3,73
100x40 2 4,35
2,5 5,43
3 6,47
100x50 2 4,66
3 6,95
4 9,31
5 11,64
100x60 2 5
3 7,43
100x100 2 6,28
3 9,34
4 12,42
5 15,52
6 18,62
120x40 3 7,45
120x60 2 5,61
3 8,39
120x80 2 6,28
3 9,34
4 12,42
120x120 2 7,56
3 11,26
4 14,91
6 22,35
140x80 5 17,07
150x100 4 15,52
150x150 3 14,13
4 18,74
200x100 4 18,62

For a more accurate calculation of the weight of stainless steel of the grade you need, we suggest downloading a metallurgical calculator and calculating the exact amount of stainless steel that you need to buy.

You can view the chemical composition of AISI stainless steel and find Russian (GOST) and European (EN) analogs of AISI steels here, in the article about stainless steel analogs and in the material on the chemical composition of stainless steel.

You can learn about the areas of application of various grades of stainless steel depending on its properties in the article on the purpose and use of stainless steel grades.


sheet, Aisi 304 and 430

The use of stainless steel today is very common in many industries. Among them are the construction of buildings, both industrial and residential. Automotive, aircraft and shipbuilding also cannot do without the use of this metal. The price of steel sheets and pipes on sale is always indicated per kilogram.

What is specific gravity for?

When carrying out construction work, it is necessary to calculate the weight not only in order to acquire the required amount of material, but also to determine what the load on the support will be.

The specific gravity of stainless steel is the main characteristic of the metal, which allows you to make the necessary calculations. Knowing this parameter, you can use special calculators and programs to determine the mass of the material. The specific density of steel is from 7700 to 7900 kg/m3.

We calculate the mass of the pipe

  • length;
  • diameter;
  • thickness;
  • specific gravity.

Using the tables, you can choose the required ratio of the length and diameter of the pipe. And you can calculate the mass of the product by multiplying its volume by its density. Accordingly, to calculate the volume, it is required to multiply the value equal to the wall thickness by the surface area. In this case, the area is defined as the product of the number "pi", the length of the pipe and its diameter.

For example, if you need to determine how much a 12x18n10t steel pipe weighs, the length of which is 10m, the diameter is 10 cm, and the wall thickness is 1 mm, the calculation procedure will be as follows:

  • the specific gravity value of 7900 is multiplied by the diameter: 7900*0.1=790;
  • multiply by the length and thickness of the wall: 790*10*0.001=7.9;
  • multiply by the constant value "pi": 7.9 * 3.14 \u003d 24.81 (kg).

However, these calculations may not be very accurate. This is determined by the round surface of the pipe.

You can also use another formula, it is a more simplified version and is used to calculate the running meter of the product.

To determine the mass, you need to subtract from the value that determines the diameter of the product, the wall thickness. The field of which the obtained value is multiplied by the wall thickness and by the value of 0.025. In general, the formula has the following form:

1 p. m. \u003d (D-T) * T * 0.025

Then a linear meter of the same pipe will weigh 2.475 kg. Although the difference in the numbers obtained is negligible, a little more material should be purchased than was calculated, taking into account the costs of cutting and processing.

sheet material

It should also be borne in mind that stainless steel includes a large group of grades of this metal. The most common brands are: 12x18H10T, 08x18H10, as well as 12x18n12T. Foreign analogues are also popular, among them Aisi 321, Aisi 304 and Aisi 430. All these grades are characterized by a high degree of corrosion resistance, ease of processing, and high strength.

The material can be thin sheet or thick sheet depending on the type of rolled products. Thin sheets are products having a thickness of 0.5-5 mm. For thick sheets, this number is 5-50 mm.

The most common sheet sizes are 1000x2000 mm, 1250x2500 mm, 1500x3000 mm. The weight of stainless steel sheet is somewhat easier to calculate than the mass of the pipe.

To calculate the weight of a stainless steel sheet, multiply the value of height, thickness and width. In general, the required amount of material can be calculated by multiplying the mass of one sheet by the required number of sheets.

For example, the weight of stainless steel 12x18n10t for a sheet measuring 0.5x1000x2000 mm will be about 8 kg. A sheet of the same size, but with a thickness of 1 mm, will already weigh 16 kg.

To determine the mass of sheets, you can use special theoretical tables or a calculator.

Railings and fences

Stainless steel due to its properties and attractive appearance is often used to create stair railings and railings. Often, products from this metal are used by designers and architects as decorative elements. It is necessary to know the weight of structures when transporting products in order to calculate the expected load on the base of the railing. Knowing the above formulas, the calculation process is greatly simplified.

For example, the average weight of a railing or stair railing would be approximately 5-6 kg. If it is assumed that there is a glass sheet in the design of the fences, the mass will exceed 20 kg. When planning the transportation of parts, you should consider not only how much they will weigh, but also the length of the products. In the photo you can see examples of the use of this metal.


Steel 12X18H10T. Characteristics, application and decoding

Stainless steel 12X18H10T is characterized by durability, environmental friendliness and safety. It has certificates confirming technical performance in accordance with Russian and foreign standards.

Popularity in many industries is due to high working qualities, a large number of advantages, as well as low cost. Ease of machining and a variety of welding methods make it possible to create structures for various purposes, as well as use the material almost everywhere.

Structural cryogenic steel 12X18H10T is austenite, it is obtained by melting in electric arc furnaces. This manufacturing method provides resistance to corrosion due to the unique crystal lattice, as well as the ability to maintain its characteristics when the temperature rises to 800 degrees Celsius. The material is subjected to cold rolling, as well as heat treatment.

At the present time, pipes are sold not by footage, but by tons. But how can you still calculate the required number of pipes with the required diameter? We will tell you about this in this article, which after reading to the end, everything will immediately become clear.

Pipe dimensions are specified in GOST
  • The specific density of certain grades of steel billets;
  • Product diameters;
  • wall thickness;
  • Running meters.

Specific Gravity: Weight Correspondence Chart

In order to make everything clear to you, we give for example a table with popular brands of stainless steel products with characteristics.

Product name, type Marking, or what it means Weight (g/cm3)
Stainless structural cryogenic steel 12 to 18 8
Stainless steel construction, corrosion resistant and high temperature resistant 08 to 18 8
Low alloy steel structural 09 to 2 7,89
Steel structural quality carbon 10-40 7,89
Structural carbon steel St3 sp, 3 ps 7,85
Die tool X 12 mf 7,8
Structural spring-loaded 65 g 7,9
Die tool 5 x 7,75
Structural alloyed 30 hg 7,89

Tip: For accurate specific gravity, ask for help from experts who will quickly resolve all issues for you.

Electrowelded profile pipes GOST 11068-81

  1. They supply liquids, gases, heating, for work at a construction site.
  2. In oil and gas production, for the pump of chemical productions. For such according to GOST 10704 91.
  3. In industries where resistance to pressure drops and high temperature conditions is required. Galvanized oval pipes with a wide density and a small diameter are also used.
  4. In the field of geological exploration at the site of oil wells.
  5. The structure of wagons, machines, in the manufacture of equipment for construction and repair. Here, products with thin walls and a length of no more than are widely used.
  6. For mechanical engineering.

GOST 11068 81 is not only the above parameters and characteristics, in order to calculate the density of steel and the weight of a stainless pipe, find in books or on the pages of Internet sites a complete list of standard and non-standard products.

As for the length, they are unmeasured, but not higher than in the provided GOST table, the allowable deviation is 1.5 cm. If the customer agrees with the manufacturers, it is provided that the length of the manufactured pipe is exceeded by dimensions larger than indicated.

The end of each product is cut according to a right angle and cleaned from chips, small chamfers may be present. Upon agreement between the consumer and the customer, special chamfers are applied to the ends of the pipes, allowing several products to be welded together.

Each hot-formed pipe is manufactured in accordance with GOSTs and standards, all the requirements that are prescribed in the technical regulations are met and approved in accordance with the established procedure. For production purposes, it takes only those steel grades that are indicated in the table, do not use metals with chemical additives.

The outer and outer surface of a seamless hot-formed product is tested by temperature, withstands more than 350 C, and only after that it is sent for sale. If a captivity, a sunset, a crack or a torn place with defects is noticeable on the surface, it is recycled with the elimination of all damage. The diameters and wall thickness of the pipes must comply with GOST 11068 81.

How to calculate the weight of a stainless pipe 12 x 18n 10t using formulas: a linear meter of material measuring 1 meter

With the right amount of data, we can quickly and easily calculate the weight of stainless steel.

It is equal to the volumetric weight of steel and density. To find out the approximate volume, multiply the area of ​​the stainless pipe by the surface equal to the diameter and wall thickness.
For example:

  1. We take pipes made of steel, the wall diameter of which is 100 millimeters;
  2. Their length is 10,000 millimeters;
  3. Specific gravity of steel 7900
  4. 7900 * 100 mm * number P 3.14 * 10,000 mm = 24.8 kg.
All pipe parameters are specified in GOST

As practical measurements show, this calculation of the pipe weight is not 100% accurate, as there may be adjustments on a round surface. The weight calculation formula is a bit simpler:

The weight of the outer diameter is the wall thickness * wall thickness * 25 g \u003d 1, which is the weight, or even simpler:

(diameter-thickness)*wall thickness*25g= . Tip: when calculating using different formulas, you may encounter different values, but the difference in them will be small, which can be completely neglected. It is better that the weight of stainless steel be bought with a margin that will be lost during processing or cut off.

Popular sizes of profile pipes are:

  1. Side length 1.5 by 1.5 cm, wall thickness 0.01, 0.015 and 0.02 cm - weight 0.48 to 0.91 kg / mm
  2. DC 2 by 1.5 cm - TS 0.015 and 0.02 cm, weight 0.9-1 kg / mm.
  3. DC 2 by 2 cm - TS 0.01, 0.015 and 0.02 cm - B 0.63-1.22 kg / mm.
  4. DC 2.5 by 1.5 -TS 0.01, 0.015 and 0.02 cm - B 0.6-1.22 kg / mm.
  5. DC 2.5 to 2.5 -TS 0.01, 0.015 and 0.02 cm - B 0.78-1.5 gc / mm.
  6. DC 3 by 2 cm - TS 0.015 and 0.02 cm - B 1.2-1.49 kg / mm.

For a broader concept of a dimensional grid, which indicates the length of each side, wall thickness, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with sites on the Internet, where there is a complete list of values.


We hope the article was useful for you and before buying you will calculate the correct amount, which will not cause you any hassle and unplanned waste. The density of stainless steel is always needed to calculate the weight of a stainless pipe.

Stainless steel is an alloy steel that is resistant to corrosion in aggressive environments and atmospheres. This type of steel is divided into three groups: corrosion-resistant, heat-resistant and heat-resistant. These groups are specially divided to solve certain problems.

Thus, corrosion-resistant steels are used where high corrosion resistance of materials is required, both in domestic conditions and in industrial work. Heat-resistant steels are used in situations where good corrosion resistance at high temperatures is required, such as in chemical plants. Heat-resistant steels - where high mechanical strength is required at high temperatures.

When working with stainless steel, it is extremely important to know the quality index. To help determine this parameter, such a characteristic as the specific gravity of stainless steel will help.

Table of specific gravity of stainless steel

Below is a table of values ​​that will help you make all the necessary calculations when working with stainless steel, including the weight of stainless steel.

Specific Gravity Calculations

In order to carry out all the necessary calculations, it is necessary to determine the very concept of this characteristic. So, specific gravity is the ratio of weight to volume of the desired material or substance. Calculations are carried out according to the following formula: y=p*g, where y is the specific gravity, p is the density, g is the free fall acceleration, which in normal cases is a constant and equals 9.81 m/s*s. The result is measured in Newtons divided by a cubic meter (N / m3). To convert to the SI system, the result is multiplied by 0.102.

Density is the value of the mass of the required material or substance, measured in kilograms, which is placed in a cubic meter. It is a very ambiguous value, which depends on many factors. For example, temperatures. So, the density of stainless steel is 7950 kg/m3.

The density of stainless steel, as well as other metals, as well as materials and substances, is a characteristic that many do not even suspect exist, having long forgotten almost everything that was studied in physics classes at school. Meanwhile, anyone who needs to know the exact weight of rolled metal from high-alloy alloys cannot do without this parameter.


Density (P) is a physical quantity that is determined for a homogeneous material or substance by their mass (in g, kg or t) per unit volume (1 mm 3, 1 cm 3 or 1 m 3). That is, it is calculated by dividing the mass by the volume in which it is enclosed. As a result, a certain value is obtained, which for each material and substance has its own value, which varies depending on temperature. Density is also called specific gravity. Using this term, it is easier to understand the essence of this characteristic. That is, it is the mass possessed by a unit volume of a material or substance.

Specific gravity of stainless steel

And to calculate the theoretical (calculated nominal) weight of 1 running or square meter of any metal product, this physical quantity is used - the density, of course, for the corresponding metal. And in all GOSTs of the assortment, where the main characteristics of rolled products are given, after the tables that list the theoretical masses of 1 running or square meter of products of different sizes, it is necessary to indicate which density value was taken in the calculation. Why and when you need to find out, everyone who needs it knows. This parameter is used to calculate the total mass of one product or a whole batch by their total length or area. But why and when do you need to know the density of steel, in particular stainless steel?

The fact is that for all types of metal products, the theoretical mass of 1 meter, given in GOSTs and reference books, was calculated using one or another average density value. For rolled steel, the most common indication is 7850 kg / m 3 or 7.85 g / cm 3, which is the same. And the actual P of steel, depending on the alloy used for the production of the product, can vary from 7600 to 8800 kg / m 3.

If desired, it is easy to calculate what the error will be in the case (or a product of another type of rolled steel) made not from carbon or other steel with a density of 7850 kg / m 3, but from another heavier (for example, steel 12X18H10T) or light alloy. For small volumes of rolled products, and when accurate weight determination is not required, the difference will not be significant. That is, an approximate calculation of the total mass of metal products based on tabular data from GOST on the weight of its 1 meter will be justified. In addition, during shipment, as a rule, weighing is done to determine the actual weight of the products for the accuracy of mutual settlements between the supplier and the buyer.

But it is often necessary to know the exact, albeit theoretical, weight even at the stage of placing an order for the supply of rolled products, and for design and design calculations this is a prerequisite. It is in such cases that the density is determined for the alloy from which the metal product is made, and then, based on these data, an adjustment is made to the weight of 1 meter taken from GOST. And only then calculate the total weight of the rolled products. How to adjust the weight of 1 meter is discussed below.


Why calculate the density of rolled metal? It will most likely never be needed. However, circumstances may arise when the density calculation may be the only quick available method that allows you to approximately determine to which group of alloys (steel grades) the metal from which the unmarked product of interest is made belongs. In accordance with the above definition of density, its calculation for an alloy of one rolled product or another is quite simple. You have to divide its mass by its volume. The first value is determined by weighing, and the second is calculated after measuring all the required dimensions of the product.

One way to calculate the density of steel

It is also quite simple to correct the theoretical mass of 1 meter of rolled metal taken from the GOST tables or reference books. It is necessary to divide it by the density, which is indicated in the standard or reference manual used, usually before or after the tables with product sizes. As a rule, it is written there that the density of the metal is taken equal to such and such a value. Then we multiply the obtained value by the actual P of the alloy from which the product of interest is made.

Also, for adjustment, you can use the conversion factor obtained by dividing the actual density by the one used to calculate the theoretical weight of 1 meter.

It is given in a number of GOSTs and reference books for some grades of alloys. In this case, it will be enough to multiply the theoretical mass taken from the standard by this coefficient. However, it must be borne in mind that such an adjustment will be less accurate than when using the previous method, since the coefficients are approximate due to rounding to hundredths.


The density of steel 12X18H10T and some other most common stainless alloys is indicated in the tables below. In the last column of the tables, the approximate density coefficient is 7850 kg / m 3 (7.85 g / cm 3).

Stainless steel sheets

Table 1. Density of domestic grades of stainless steel

Grade of stainless steel

Density p, kg / m 3 (g / cm 3, kg / dm 3)

Coefficient K, equal to p/7850 (ρ /7,85)


table 2. The density of some grades of stainless steel according to the AISI standard