Stages of analysis of the financial results of the organization. Evaluation of the "quality of financial results


Chapter 1 . Theoretical aspects of the basis for analyzing the financial results of an enterprise 6

1.1. Methodology and significance of the analysis of the financial results of an enterprise 6

1.2. Tasks and information sources for analyzing the financial results of an enterprise 8

1.3. Stages of analysis of financial results 12

Chapter 2 Accounting for the financial results of the enterprise 19

2.1. Accounting for income and expenses for ordinary activities 19

2.2. Accounting for other income and expenses of the organization 29

2.3. Accounting for the final financial result 37

2.4. Accounting for the use of profits 40

Chapter 3. Analysis of financial results in activities enterprises (on the example of Tekmash OJSC) 49

3.1. Organizational and economic characteristics of the enterprise 49

3.2. Factor analysis of the dynamics of changes in the structure of formation of financial results and analysis of profit from financial economic activity enterprises 50

3.3. Factor analysis of profit from product sales,

goods (works and services) 52

3.4. Analysis of the factors of formation and distribution of total accounting and taxable profits 56

3.5. Proposals for improving accounting and analysis of financial results at Tekmash OJSC 60




In market conditions, each business entity acts as a separate commodity producer, which is economically and legally independent in choosing a business area, forming a product range, prices, determining costs, accounting for sales proceeds, and therefore in identifying a financial result - profit or loss. Evaluation of the financial result is part of the financial analysis. It is characterized by a certain set of indicators reflected in the balance sheet as of a certain date. The financial result characterizes in the most general form changes in the allocation of funds and sources of their coverage. Profit reflects a positive financial result. Profit growth creates a financial base for self-financing, expanded reproduction, and solving problems of the social and material nature of the enterprise's activities. At the expense of profit, external financial obligations to the budget, banks, extra-budgetary funds and other organizations are fulfilled. It characterizes the degree of business activity and financial well-being. Profit determines the level of return of advanced funds in the return on investments and assets. In market conditions, a business entity seeks, if not to maximum profit, then to such a profit that will ensure the dynamic development of production in a competitive environment, allow it to maintain its position in the market for this product, and ensure its survival. Losses based on the results of activities show errors, miscalculations in the directions of using funds, put the business entity in a critical financial situation that does not exclude bankruptcy.

The main purpose of the analysis of the financial result is to identify on-farm reserves to strengthen the financial position of the enterprise based on an objective assessment of the use of financial resources.

To identify the financial result, it is necessary to organize the accounting of income and expenses that form it. All this determines the relevance of the chosen research topic.

The degree of development of the problem. Currently, economic research uses various methods and developments dedicated to accounting, analysis and audit of the financial results of an organization. The works of this direction include the development of such economists as A.F. Aksenenko, I.A. Basmanov, P.S. Bezrukikh, A.A. Dodonov, M.Kh. Zhebrak, V.B. Ivashkevich, N.P. Kondrakov, E.G. Lieberman, A.Sh. Margulis, V.F. Paly, V.I. Petrova, A.D. Sheremet and others. Their work is related to accounting for costs, income analysis, as well as control over the financial results of the enterprise.

All these works are of great theoretical and practical importance and are the foundation for creating a financial performance management system that can improve the economic efficiency of industrial enterprises. However, an integrated approach to profit management as the final financial result in modern economic literature has not yet been sufficiently developed. The main direction of the research is devoted to the improvement of an integrated approach to the problem under consideration, which consists in accounting and analysis.

The purpose of the thesis is to consider the accounting mechanism for the formation of financial results, providing analytical procedures to identify reserves for profit growth in the enterprise.

Achieving this goal involves solving the following tasks:

· disclose the methodological aspects of the accounting policy of the enterprise on the formation of the financial result from the sale of products, from other sales and the final financial result;

· evaluate the dynamics of absolute and relative indicators of financial results (profit and profitability);

Conduct a factor analysis of profit from product sales
and final financial result;

· to determine the possible reserves of profit and profitability growth at the enterprise under study and calculate their economic effect.

The object of the study is JSC "Tekmash".

The subject of the study is the mechanism for managing financial results, which includes accounting and analysis.

theoretical and methodological basis researches were the works of domestic and foreign scientists on economic theory, enterprise economics, accounting, analysis of financial and economic activity. When considering the subject area of ​​the study, the regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation regulating the processes under study, statistical materials and materials of the periodical press were used. In the process of research, such scientific methods as analysis and synthesis, identification of causal investigative links, economic and mathematical methods.

The degree of development of the problem. Currently, economic research uses various methods and developments dedicated to accounting, analysis and cost management in an enterprise.

The practical significance of the study. The study of an integrated approach to managing financial results through accounting and analysis showed the need for further improvement of the accounting mechanism, analytical procedures at the enterprise. The proposed approach improves the efficiency of the system of accounting and analysis of financial results in the enterprise.

The presented work consists of a table of contents, an introduction, three chapters, a conclusion, a list of references and an appendix.


1.1. Methodology and significance of the analysis of the financial results of an enterprise

Each enterprise has its own goals and objectives, recommendations that are acceptable for managing one enterprise may be harmful or useless for another. Therefore, each enterprise, in accordance with the specifics of its activity, has the right to choose those accounting options that will ensure the most complete implementation of the functions of management, control and analysis, in order to put into practice the main goal of any enterprise - effective functioning.

The value of the analysis of the financial results of the enterprise has a huge role in strengthening its financial condition. It is known that without making a profit, an enterprise cannot develop, therefore the task of improving the financial result is vital for an economic entity. The main purpose of the analysis of financial results is to timely identify and eliminate shortcomings in the financial activities of the organization and find reserves for improving the financial condition of the enterprise and its solvency, the development and adoption of reasonable management decisions aimed at improving the efficiency of the business entity.

The results of the financial analysis make it possible to identify vulnerabilities that require special attention and develop measures to eliminate them.

The method of financial analysis is understood as a method of approach to the study of economic processes in their formation and development.

TO characteristic features method include: the use of a system of indicators, identifying and changing the relationship between them.

In the process of financial analysis, a number of special methods and techniques are used. Ways of applying financial analysis can be divided into two groups: traditional and mathematical.

The first group includes: the use of absolute, relative and average values; method of comparison, summary and grouping, method of chain substitutions. The method of comparison consists in compiling the financial indicators of the reporting period with their planned values ​​and with the indicators of the previous period. Reception of summary and grouping is to combine information materials in analytical tables. The method of chain substitutions is used to calculate the magnitude of the influence of factors in the overall complex of their impact on the level of the aggregate financial indicator. The essence of the methods of chain substitutions is that, successively replacing each reporting indicator with the base one, all other indicators are considered unchanged. This replacement allows you to determine the degree of influence of each factor on the total financial indicator. In practice, the chosen methods for analyzing financial statements are: horizontal analysis, vertical analysis, trend, method financial ratios, comparative analysis, factorial analysis.

Horizontal analysis - comparison of each position with the previous year. Vertical analysis - determination of the structure of the final financial indicators with the identification of the impact of each reporting position on the result as a whole.

Trend analysis - comparing each reporting position with a number of previous periods and determining the trend. With the help of the trend, possible values ​​of indicators in the future are formed, and, therefore, a prospective analysis is carried out.

Analysis of relative indicators - calculation of relationships between individual positions of the report or positions of different reporting forms, determination of the relationship of indicators.

Comparative analysis is both an on-farm analysis of the summary indicators of divisions, workshops, subsidiaries, etc., and an inter-farm analysis of an enterprise in comparison with competitors' data, with average general economic data.

Factor analysis - analysis of the influence and individual factors on the performance indicator using deterministic and stochastic research methods. Factor analysis can be both direct and reverse, i.e. synthesis-connection of individual elements into a common performance indicator. Many mathematical methods: correlation analysis, regression analysis, and others, entered the circle of analytical developments much later.

Methods of economic cybernetics and optimal programming, economic methods, methods of operations research and decision theory, of course, can be directly applied in the framework of financial analysis.

1.2. Tasks and information sources of financial analysis

enterprise results

Financial results are a set of indicators reflecting the availability, placement and use of financial resources. Since, the purpose of the analysis is not only and not so much to establish and evaluate the financial condition of the enterprise, but also to constantly carry out work aimed at improving it. The analysis of financial results shows in what specific areas it is necessary to work, makes it possible to identify the most important aspects and the weakest positions in the financial condition of the enterprise. The assessment of financial results can be performed with varying degrees of detail, depending on the purpose of the analysis, available information, software, technical and staffing.

Financial analysis makes it possible to evaluate:

the property status of the enterprise;

the degree of entrepreneurial risk;

· capital adequacy for current activities and long-term investments;

the need for additional sources of funding;

The ability to grow

Rationality of attraction of borrowed funds;

· the validity of the policy of distribution and use of profits.

In this case, it is necessary to solve the following tasks:

· Based on the study of the cause-and-effect relationship between various indicators of production, commercial and financial activities, assess the implementation of the plan, according to the receipt of financial resources and their use from the standpoint of improving the financial condition of the enterprise;

· forecasting possible financial results, economic profitability based on the real conditions of economic activity and the availability of own and borrowed resources;

development of models of financial condition for various options for the use of resources;

· development of specific measures aimed at more efficient use of financial resources and strengthening the financial condition of the enterprise.

Financial performance analysis is the process by which we evaluate the past and current financial position and performance of an organization. However, at the same time main goal is an assessment of the financial and economic activities of our organization in relation to future conditions of existence.

Accounting (financial) reporting is information base for financial analysis. basis information support analysis of financial results should be financial statements, which is the same for organizations of all industries and forms of ownership. It consists of forms of financial statements approved by the Order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation dated July 22, 2003 No. 67n “On Forms of Accounting Statements of Organizations”.

From the forms of financial statements use:

· balance sheet, form No. 1, which reflects retained earnings or uncovered loss of the reporting and previous periods (section III of the liability);

· profit and loss statement, Form No. 2, is compiled for the year and for intra-annual periods, which is the main source of information on the formation and use of profits, which shows the items that form the financial result from all types of activities;

· annual report on changes in capital, form No. 3, reflects the state and change of the reserve fund, information on retained earnings of previous years by composition, on the fund for the social sphere, targeted financing and receipts, reserves for future expenses, estimated reserves;

· reference 4 reflects various sources of capital increase for individual items;

traffic report Money, form No. 4, which contains data on the receipt of funds from various sources, as well as information on the expenditure of funds;

· Appendix to the annual balance sheet, form No. 5, in the reference to section 3 contains information on the amount of depreciation of non-current assets for each type at the beginning and end of the reporting year, and the result of indexation in connection with the revaluation of these assets.

Financial analysis is carried out in different ways, depending on the task. It can be used to identify business management problems. It can serve to evaluate the performance of the organization's management. It can be used to select directions for investing capital. And, finally, it can act as a tool for predicting individual indicators and the financial activities of the organization as a whole.

However, in all cases, for the disclosure of the content of information, it is of great importance to conduct a preliminary analysis of reporting forms, i.e. transformation of the presented reporting into analytical one.

This process includes the following:

· verification of the materiality of the main items of the balance sheet, income statement;

· drawing up a compacted balance sheet and income statement, where there are only significant items that need to be analyzed and that have a real impact on financial decision-making;

Detailing of unreasonably aggregated articles, for which data from the explanations and additions to the reporting are used;

· preparation of dynamic balance sheets and profit and loss statements, which allow to identify trends in financial results;

· introduction of reference data for comparison with reporting indicators, which can be used as the normative level of indicators, industry average indicators or achievements of the best enterprises.

This is a preliminary analytical processing of financial statements, which precedes in-depth analysis and calculation of financial ratios.

1.3. Stages of analysis of financial results

In the course of the analysis, it turns out whether the company managed to get the planned profit, for what reasons, if such is recorded, the implementation of profit plans was not ensured; who is to blame - poor planning or poor work.

Profit analysis is carried out in several stages.

At the first stage, the analysis of the dynamics of profit in general for the enterprise and its divisions is carried out by identifying the trend in the change in the mass of profit for the period under study. For this purpose, the rates (basic and chain) of growth (decrease) of the analyzed indicators are calculated and compared with the dynamics of similar indicators of competitors and with the average annual rate of return on invested capital.

At the second stage, the influence of factors on profit is assessed:

a) the change in the volume of trade in current prices is calculated by the formula:

where: APaq - change in profit due to a change in the size of turnover;

Qp and Qb - the volume of trade in the reporting and base (planned) periods, million rubles;

Rtb - profitability of sales for the previous (planned) period;

b) change in sales volume in comparable prices (physical volume of trade), calculated by the formula:

where: CQ - comparable turnover;

c) the following formula can be used to measure the impact of prices of goods sold on profit:

where: FT - physical mass of goods;

Ip - price index of the reporting period in comparison with the base one.

The total influence of the factors of the physical mass of goods and price changes should give the result of a change in profit due to a change in the volume of sales at current prices:

d) the impact of changes in the level of gross income on profit is determined as follows:

where: UVDf - the actual (expected) level of gross income in the current year (period);

UVDb - the level of gross income in the base period;

Qf - volume of actual turnover;

e) assessment of the impact of distribution costs on profit can be measured using the following equation:

where: UIOf - the actual level of distribution costs;

UIP - the level of distribution costs in the base period;

Of - the actual volume of trade;

f) the impact on the balance sheet profit of changes in other income and costs is determined by the direct account method. The change in the difference between income and expenses will be the size of the influence of this factor on the result;

g) the change in the efficiency of the use of resources and capital of the enterprise is measured using the following formula:

where: P - the amount of invested resources (capital) in the valuation;

Ppr - profitability of using a certain type of resources (capital).

The cumulative impact on the formation of profits of the size of the resources used and the efficiency of their use is calculated as follows:

At the second stage of the analysis, based on the recommendations of individual economists, it is also proposed to calculate specific gravity gross income in trade, the share in gross income of net products (wages plus profit), the share in net products of profit, and then, based on these indicators, plot their relationship and determine the sufficiency of income and profit to solve the main tasks.

At the third stage, reserves for increasing profits are identified and

possibilities for their use in the future.

The influence of factors on the size of the deviation of actual profit from the planned one is determined by analogy with the above methodology.

Profit is greatly influenced by price factors. With an increase in prices for goods, the amount of gross income increases and, conversely, a decrease in prices leads to its decrease (direct dependence). Changing tariffs for services of other industries changes the amount of distribution costs. With their increase, costs increase, and thereby profit decreases (inverse relationship).

To calculate the impact price factors it is necessary to recalculate the amount of gross income and distribution costs in comparable prices. Along with these factors (changes in prices and tariffs), the analysis establishes the impact on profit of changes in the volume of sales of goods in comparable prices and the structure of trade turnover.

Profit analysis ends with a generalization of unused reserves for their growth. These are the acceleration of turnover working capital, improving the efficiency of living labor costs, reducing distribution costs, increasing labor productivity, efficiency ratios retail space, growth in sales of goods in physical units.

To deepen the analysis, it is necessary to study in more detail all the above-mentioned profit growth reserves for the real possibility of their implementation in order to obtain higher profits and profitability. In this regard, it is recommended to use the materials of operational analysis. And then proceed to predictive analysis.

A deep profit analysis is an important information source for the development of a reasonable forecast and, based on it, a profit plan for the future.

Although in the conditions of an unstable economic situation and constant price growth, many refuse to plan because of the difficulty of predicting even unambiguous quantitative indicators, nevertheless, without such calculations, the manageability of an enterprise is significantly reduced. As foreign experience shows, it was detailed planning that allowed firms to survive, develop and win in the competition.

In the absence of forecast calculations for the most important indicators, the enterprise is not able to quickly control its income and expenses and make appropriate management decisions.

The development of predictive profit calculations is due to the need to quarterly submit a certificate on the relationship with the budget for taxes on profits (income) to the tax inspectorate of your district. This certificate shows the profit accepted in the enterprise plan, including income from other activities and activities, real estate tax, deductible and taxable income, tax rate and the amount of profit that must be transferred to the budget. To draw up such a certificate, in addition to profit, it is necessary to calculate all other intermediate indicators: gross income, distribution costs, turnover.

In order to increase the reliability of forecast calculations of profit, it is recommended to develop a forecast not for a year, but for a quarter (and for internal purposes - for a month), i.e. go from the particular to the general.

The object of special attention in any enterprise is the profit from the sale. As the analysis of the composition of profit showed, the gross profit largely depends on the profit from sales, therefore, conducting a factor analysis of profit from sales allows:

· evaluate the reserves for increasing the efficiency of production;

· to form management decisions on the use of production factors.

The profit from the sale of products as a whole for the enterprise depends on four factors of the first level of subordination: the volume of sales of products in natural meters Q, its structure D, the cost price C and the price level P. The volume of sales of goods can have a positive and negative impact on the amount of profit. Increasing the volume of sales of cost-effective products leads to an increase in profits. If the product is unprofitable, then with an increase in sales, a decrease in the amount of profit occurs.

The structure of marketable products can have both a positive and a negative impact on the amount of profit. If the share of more profitable types of goods in the total volume of its sales increases, then the amount of profit will increase. On the contrary, with an increase in the share of low-margin or unprofitable goods, the total amount of profit will decrease.

The cost of goods and profit are inversely proportional: a decrease in cost leads to a corresponding increase in the amount of profit, and vice versa.

The model of dependence of profit on the listed factors has the following form:

where n is the number of product names in the product range.

To simplify the analysis procedure, the following procedure for studying the influence of factors on profit can be used:

· the influence of first-order factors (sales price and cost) on the profit from a unit of production for each item is considered;

· the influence of second-order factors (structural shifts and specific profit for each product name) on the average profit per unit of production is calculated;

· the influence of the total volume of output and profit from a unit of production on the profit from sales is estimated.


2.2. Accounting for income and expenses for ordinary activities

The financial result reflects the change in equity for a certain period as a result of the production and financial activities of the organization.

The financial result is determined on account 99 "Profit and loss". The credit of this account reflects income and profits, and the debit - expenses and losses.

Business transactions are reflected in account 99 on a cumulative basis, i.e. cumulatively since the beginning of the year. Comparison of credit and debit turnovers on account 99 determines the final financial result for the reporting period. The excess of credit turnover over debit is reflected as the balance on the credit of account 99 and characterizes the size of the organization's profit, and the excess of debit turnover over credit is recorded as the balance on the debit of account 99 and characterizes the size of the organization's loss. Account 90 has a one-sided balance.

The final financial result of the organization is formed under the influence of:

a) financial result from the sale of products (works, services);

b) financial result from the sale of fixed assets, intangible assets, materials and other property;

c) other income and expenses.

The difference between these components of profit or loss is that the financial result from the sale of products and other property is initially determined from sales accounts (90, 91), and then debited from these accounts to account 99.

Organizations receive the bulk of their profits from the sale of products, goods (works and services). Profit from the sale of products (works, services) is defined as the difference between the proceeds from the sale of products (works, services) in current prices, excluding VAT and excises, export duties and other deductions provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation, and the costs of its production and sale.

The financial result from the sale of products (works, services) is determined by account 90 "Sales".

Account 90 "Sales" is intended to summarize information on income and expenses associated with the ordinary activities of the organization, as well as to determine the financial result for them. This account reflects revenue and cost for:

finished products and semi-finished products of own production;

work and services of an industrial nature;

work and services of a non-industrial nature;

Purchased products (purchased for assembly);

· construction, installation, design and survey, exploration, research, etc. works;


services for the transportation of goods and passengers;

· forwarding and loading and unloading operations;

communication services;

provision for a fee for temporary use (temporary possession and use) of their assets under a lease agreement (when this is the subject of the organization's activities);

granting for a fee the rights arising from patents for inventions, industrial designs and other types of intellectual property (when this is the subject of the organization's activities);

Participation in the authorized capital of other organizations (when this is the subject of the organization's activities), etc.

When recognized in accounting, the amount of proceeds from the sale of goods, products, performance of work, provision of services, etc. is reflected in the credit of account 90 “Sales” and the debit of account 62 “Settlements with buyers and customers”. At the same time, the cost of goods sold, products, works, services, etc. is debited from the credit of accounts 43 “Finished products”, 41 “Goods”, 44 “Sales expenses”, 20 “Main production”, etc. to the debit of account 90 “Sales” .

In organizations engaged in the production of agricultural products, the credit of account 90 "Sales" reflects the proceeds from the sale of products (in correspondence with account 62. "Settlements with buyers and customers"), and the debit - its planned cost (during the year when the actual cost, not shown to them) and the difference between the planned and actual cost of goods sold (at the end of the year). The planned cost of products sold, as well as the amount of differences, are written off to the debit of account 90 “Sales” (or reversed) in correspondence with those accounts on which these products were recorded.

In organizations that carry out retail and keeping records of goods at sales prices, the credit of account 90 "Sales" reflects the sale value of the goods sold (in correspondence with the accounts of cash and settlements), and according to the run, their accounting value (in correspondence with account 41 "Goods") with simultaneous reversal of the amounts of discounts (markups) related to the goods sold (in correspondence with account 42 “Trade margin”).

To account 90 "Sales" Sub-accounts can be opened:

90-1 "Revenue";

90-2 "Cost of sales";

90-3 "Value Added Tax";

90-4 "Excises";

90-9 "Profit/loss on sales".

Sub-account 90-1 "Revenue" takes into account the receipt of assets recognized as revenue.

Subaccount 90-2 "Cost of sales" takes into account the cost of sales, for which revenue is recognized on subaccount 90 - 1 "Revenue".

On sub-account 90-3 "Value added tax" the amounts of value added tax due to be received from the buyer (customer) are taken into account.

On sub-account 90-4 "Excises" the amounts included in the price of sold products (goods) are taken into account.

Organizations - payers of export duties can open a sub-account 90-5 "Export duties" to account 90 "Sales" to record the amounts of export duties.

Sub-account 90-9 "Profit/loss from sales" is designed to identify the financial result (profit or loss) from sales for the reporting month.

Entries on subaccounts 90-1 "Revenue", 90-2 "Cost of sales", 90-3 "Value added tax", 90-4 "Excises" are made accumulatively during the reporting year. On a monthly basis, by comparing the total debit turnover on subaccounts 90-2 "Cost of sales", 90-3 "Value added tax", 90-4 "Excises" and the credit turnover on subaccount 90-1 "Revenue", the financial result (profit or loss) is determined from sales for the reporting month. This financial result is monthly (final turnovers) deducted from sub-account 90-9 "Profit/loss from sales" to account 99 "Profit and loss". Thus, synthetic account 90 "Sales" has no balance on the reporting date.

At the end of the reporting year, all sub-accounts opened to account 90 “Sales” (except for sub-account 90-9 “Sales profit/loss”) are closed by internal entries to sub-account 90-9 “Sales profit/loss”.

Analytical accounting for account 90 “Sales” is kept for each “sold goods, products, work performed, services rendered, etc. In addition, analytical accounting for this account can be maintained by sales regions and other areas necessary for managing the organization.

In Tekmash OJSC, the working chart of accounts provides for the following sub-accounts for account 90:

90-1 "Revenue";

90-2 "Cost of sales"

· 90-3 "Value Added Tax";

· 90-9 “Profit/loss from sales”.

A sub-account intended for VAT accounting is integral part prices.

Revenue is the amount of funds that the company receives or should receive from buyers (customers) for the goods sold by them (products, work performed, services rendered).

The amount of revenue is reflected on sub-account 90-1 if it is received from the usual activities of your organization, that is, from the sale of products and goods, the performance of work or the provision of services.

When recording revenue from ordinary activities in accounting, an entry is made:


Recognized the amount of revenue from the sale of goods (products, performance of work, provision of services)

Revenue is reflected in accounting immediately after the ownership of the goods (products) sold by the organization has passed to the buyer (the work has been accepted by the customer, the service has been rendered).

As a rule, this happens at the time of shipment of goods (products) or at the time of transfer to the customer of the results of work performed (services rendered).

Simultaneously with the reflection of revenue, the cost of goods sold is written off as follows:

DEBIT 90-2 CREDIT 41 (43, 45, 20, ...)

The cost of goods sold (products, work performed, services rendered) has been written off.

On the debit of subaccount 90-2 indicate the cost of only those goods (products, works, services), the income from the sale of which is taken into account on the credit of subaccount 90-1.

In the sale and purchase agreement, in some cases, the organization may provide that the ownership transfers to the buyer not at the time of shipment of the goods, but later (for example, after the goods have been paid for). A contract that contains such a condition is called a "contract with a special transfer of ownership."

In this case, revenue is recognized only after the receipt of money from the buyer.

Goods that are transferred to the buyer under such an agreement are recorded on account 45 “Goods shipped” until the moment of their payment.

DEBIT 45 CREDIT 41(43)

Shipped goods (finished products) under the contract with a special transfer of ownership.

There are peculiarities in the reflection of revenue from barter (barter) transactions.

Unless otherwise provided by the contract, the right of ownership of the goods that is transferred under a barter agreement passes to the buyer only after the property is received from him, which he must transfer in return. Until this moment, the goods transferred to the buyer under a barter agreement are recorded on account 45 “Goods shipped”.

The amount of revenue under a barter agreement is calculated based on market value the property received in return.

If the price of goods established under a barter agreement deviates from the market price by more than 20%, then taxes under the agreement are calculated based on the market price of goods (clause 2, article 154 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation).

The price of the goods in the contract can be set in any foreign currency or conventional monetary units. However, in Russia, payments are made only in rubles. Therefore, the price set in foreign currency or conventional units is converted into rubles.

Thus, the contract of sale may provide for the condition that the goods are paid for in rubles at the foreign exchange rate on the day the money is transferred by the buyer.

In such a situation it is necessary:

a) reflect the proceeds on the day of transfer of ownership of the goods to the buyer (at the foreign exchange rate in force on that day);

b) adjust (increase or decrease) revenue based on the amount of cash actually received from the buyer.

If the foreign exchange rate on the date of payment for the goods is greater than on the date of its shipment, then a positive sum difference arises. For this amount, additional revenue is accrued:


Additional revenue accrued for the amount of the positive sum difference.

Positive sum differences on sub-account 90-1 are included in the turnover subject to VAT.

If the foreign exchange rate on the date of payment for the goods is less than on the date of its shipment, then a negative sum difference arises. Revenue is reduced by this amount and a reversal entry is made in accounting:

[DEBIT 62 CREDIT "90-1]

Reduced revenue by the amount of the negative sum difference.

Negative sum differences on sub-account 90-1 reduce the turnover subject to VAT.

In the contract of sale, the organization may provide that the buyer is granted a deferral or installment payment for the goods sold to him, that is, the buyer is provided with a commercial loan.

Under such terms of the contract, the buyer pays the cost of the goods themselves and interest for deferred payment. The amount of interest that the organization receives increases the proceeds from the sale.

In this situation it is necessary:

a) reflect the proceeds on the day the ownership of the goods passes to the buyer;

b) increase revenue by the amount of interest that the buyer paid for deferred payment.

Accounting consists of postings:


Reflected revenue from the sale of goods;


Increased revenue by the amount of interest for deferred payment.

After the revenue is reflected in the accounting and the cost of goods sold (work performed, services rendered) is written off, tax entries are made, which are an integral part of the price.

For tax purposes, sales revenue is accounted for using one of two methods:

· at the time of shipment of products;

· at the moment of payment for the shipped products (work performed, services rendered).

When accounting for shipment revenue, taxes on revenue are accrued after the ownership of the shipped goods has passed to the buyer (after the work has been completed, the services have been rendered).

If the organization calculates taxes on shipment, when calculating VAT, an entry is made:

DEBIT 90-3 CREDIT 68 sub-account "VAT settlements"

Accrued VAT payable to the budget

When accounting for proceeds from payment, taxes on proceeds are accrued after the buyer has paid for the goods (work, services).

If an organization calculates taxes on payment, and at the time of revenue recognition, payment from customers has not yet been received, a posting is made:

CREDIT 76 sub-account "Calculations on unpaid VAT"

Accounted for VAT on unpaid revenue.

After the money is received from the buyer, an entry is made in the accounting:

DEBIT 76 subaccount "Calculations on unpaid VAT" CREDIT 68 subaccount "Calculations on VAT"

VAT is charged to be paid to the budget.

The chosen method of accounting for revenue for tax purposes is fixed in the accounting policy of the organization.

To account for the amounts of excises that are received from buyers as part of the proceeds, a subaccount 90-4 “Excises” is opened to account 90.

The excise tax is reflected as follows:

DEBIT 90-4 CREDIT 68 sub-account "Calculations on excises"

Regardless of how the organization determines revenue for tax purposes (by payment or by shipment), the excise payable to the budget is charged on the day the goods are transferred to the buyer.

An exception for the payment of excises is provided only for certain categories of excisable goods (clause 1, article 195 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation). For these goods, excises are charged after they are paid.

The accrual of excise duty after payment for goods is reflected in the accounting as follows:

on the day of shipment of goods:

DEBIT 90-4 CREDIT 76 sub-account "Calculations on unpaid excises"

Accounted for excise tax on unpaid revenue;

on the day of receipt of payment:

DEBIT 76 sub-account "Calculations on unpaid excises" CREDIT 68 sub-account "Calculations on excises"

Excise tax payable to the budget has been accrued.

At the end of each month, the accounting department of the organization determines the financial result (profit or loss) from sales.

This is done like this:

If the difference between revenue (excluding taxes) and cost of sales is positive, then the organization made a profit in the reporting month.

This amount is reflected in the final turnover of the month on the debit of sub-account 90-9 from sales and the credit of account 99 “Profit and Loss”:


Reflected profit from sales.

If the difference between revenue (excluding taxes) and the cost of sales is negative, then the organization in the reporting month received a loss, which is reflected in the accounting records by the final turnover of the month on the credit of sub-account 90-9 and the debit of account 99 “Profit and Loss”:


Reflected loss on sales.

Account 90 has no balance at the end of each month. However, all sub-accounts of account 90 have a balance during the year, and their value increases starting from January of the reporting year.

At the same time, subaccount 90-1 has only a credit balance during the year, and subaccounts 90-2, 90-3, 90-4, 90-5 and 90-6 have only a debit balance. Subaccount 90-9 can have both a debit balance (profit) and a credit balance (loss).

On December 31, after the financial result for December is determined, all sub-accounts opened to account 90 are closed:

a) the credit balance of sub-account 90-1 is closed

DEBIT 90-1 CREDIT 90-9

Sub-account 90-1 closed at the end of the year;

b) debit balances of sub-accounts 90-2, 90-3, 90-4,
90-5 and 90-6 are closed with postings:

DEBIT 90-9 CREDIT 90-2 (90-3, 90-4. 90-5, 90-6)

sub-accounts 90-2, 90-3, 90-4, 90-5 and 90-6 are closed at the end of the year.

As a result of the postings made, the debit and credit turnovers on the subaccounts of account 90 are equal.

As of January 1 of the next year, the balance both on account 90 as a whole and on all sub-accounts opened to it is equal to zero.

2.2. Accounting for other income and expenses of the organization

In addition to products (works, services), organizations can sell fixed assets, intangible assets, inventories, securities and other assets, while receiving income and having certain expenses.

Account 91 "Other income and expenses" is intended to summarize information on other income and expenses of the reporting period.

The credit of account 91 “Other income and expenses” during the reporting period reflects:

receipts associated with the provision for a fee for temporary use (temporary possession and use) of the organization's assets - in correspondence with the accounts of settlements or cash;

· proceeds related to the granting for a fee of rights arising from patents for inventions, industrial designs and other types of intellectual property - in correspondence with the accounts of settlements or cash;

· receipts related to participation in the authorized capitals of other organizations, as well as interest and other income on securities - in correspondence with the accounts of settlements;

profit received by the organization under a simple partnership agreement - in correspondence with account 76 “Settlements with various debtors and creditors” (sub-account “Settlements on due dividends and other income”);

· receipts related to the sale and other write-off of fixed assets and other assets other than cash in Russian currency, products, goods - in correspondence with the accounts of settlements or cash;

· proceeds from operations with containers - in correspondence with accounts for accounting for containers and settlements;

Interest received (receivable) for the provision of the organization's funds for use, as well as interest for the use by a credit organization of funds held on the organization's account with this credit organization - in correspondence with accounting accounts financial investments or money;

fines, penalties, forfeits for violation of the terms of contracts received or recognized to be received - in correspondence with the accounts of settlements or cash;

· receipts related to the gratuitous receipt of assets - in correspondence with the account for accounting for deferred income;

receipts in compensation for losses caused to the organization - in correspondence with the accounts of settlements;

· Profit of previous years, revealed in the reporting year - in correspondence with the accounts of settlements;

· amounts of accounts payable for which the limitation period has expired - in correspondence with accounts payable;

exchange rate differences - in correspondence with cash accounts, financial investments, settlements, etc.

The debit of account 91 “Other income and expenses” during the reporting period reflects:

Expenses associated with the provision for a fee for temporary use (temporary possession and use) of the organization's assets, rights arising from patents for inventions, industrial designs and other types of intellectual property, as well as expenses associated with participation in the authorized capital of other organizations - in correspondence with cost accounting accounts;

· the residual value of assets for which depreciation is charged, and the actual cost of other assets written off by the organization - in correspondence with the accounts of the corresponding assets;

· expenses associated with the sale, disposal and other write-off of fixed assets and other assets other than cash in Russian currency, goods, products - in correspondence with cost accounting accounts;

· expenses on operations with containers - in correspondence with cost accounting accounts;

Interest paid by the organization for providing it with the use of funds (credits, loans) - in correspondence with the accounts of settlements or cash;

· Expenses related to payment for services rendered by credit institutions - in correspondence with settlement accounts;

fines, penalties, forfeits for violation of the terms of contracts, paid or recognized for payment - in correspondence with the accounts of settlements or cash;

maintenance costs production capacity and objects under conservation - in correspondence with cost accounting accounts;

compensation for losses caused by the organization - in correspondence with the accounts of settlements;

· Losses of previous years recognized in the reporting year - in correspondence with the accounts of settlements, depreciation charges, etc.;

· deductions to reserves for the depreciation of investments in securities, for the depreciation of material assets, for doubtful debts - in correspondence with the accounts of these reserves;

· amounts of receivables for which the limitation period has expired, other debts that are unrealistic for collection, in correspondence with accounts receivable;

exchange rate differences - in correspondence with cash accounts, financial investments, settlements, etc.;

Expenses associated with the consideration of cases in courts - in correspondence with the accounts of settlements, etc.

To account 91 "Other income and expenses" sub-accounts can be opened:

91-1 "Other income";

91-2 "Other expenses";

91-9 "Balance of other income and expenses".

Sub-account 91-1 "Other income" takes into account the receipt of assets recognized as other income.

On sub-account 91-2 "Other expenses" other expenses are taken into account.

Sub-account 91-9 "Balance of other income and expenses" is designed to identify the balance of other income and expenses for the reporting month.

Entries on sub-accounts 91-1 "Other income" and 91 - 2 "Other expenses" are made accumulatively during the reporting year. On a monthly basis, by comparing the debit turnover on sub-account 91-2 “Other expenses” and the credit turnover, on sub-account 91-1 “Other income”, the balance of other income and expenses for the reporting month is determined. This balance is monthly (final turnovers) debited from sub-account 91-9 “Balance of other income and expenses” to account 99 “Profit and loss”. Synthetic account 91 "Other income and expenses" has no balance as of the reporting date.

At the end of the reporting year, all sub-accounts opened to account 91 “Other income and expenses” (except for sub-account 91-9 “Balance of other income and expenses”) are closed by internal entries to sub-account 91-9 “Balance of other income and expenses”.

Analytical accounting on account 91 “Other income and expenses” is kept for each type of other income and expenses. The construction of analytical accounting for other income and expenses related to the same financial, business transaction provides the ability to identify the financial result for each transaction.

Account 91 is used to record income and expenses under a lease agreement if two conditions are met:

the rental of the property is not marked as
type of activity in the charter of the organization;

· the amount of rental income does not exceed 5% of the total revenue for the reporting period.

The amount of rent due to the organization under the lease agreement is accounted for as follows:

DEBIT 76(62) CREDIT 91-1

Income from the rental of property.

Income from renting out property, if received in the course of the ordinary activities of the organization, is recorded on account 90 “Sales”

Expenses associated with the provision of property for rent (for example, repairing the premises at your own expense or paying utilities), reflect the following wiring:

DEBIT 91-2 CREDIT 02 (10, 70, 69, ...)

Expenses from the rental of property are reflected.

Expenses associated with the provision of property for rent, if they are received in the ordinary course of the organization's activities, are recorded in the cost accounting accounts.

Income and expenses associated with participation in the authorized capital of other organizations are reflected in the accounting in the same manner as income and expenses from the lease of property.

The amount of money that the organization receives from buyers for the fixed assets, intangible assets and other property sold to them is reflected:

DEBIT 62 (76) CREDIT 91-1

Proceeds from the sale of property are taken into account.

At the same time, the residual value of the sold fixed assets, intangible assets, as well as the actual cost of other property transferred to buyers, are written off to the debit of sub-account 91-2: DEBIT 91-2 CREDIT 01 (04, 03, 10, 58, ...)

Written off the residual value of the property sold

Proceeds from the sale of the organization's property (excluding securities) are subject to VAT:

DEBIT 91-2 CREDIT 68 sub-account "VAT settlements"

VAT is charged on proceeds from the sale of property.

All expenses associated with the sale of property are reflected in the debit of sub-account 91-2:

DEBIT 91-2 CREDIT 20(23.25,...)

Expenses associated with the sale of property are taken into account.

To take into account cash, accounts payable or receivable in foreign currency, they are converted into rubles.

For recalculation, the official exchange rate is used, which is valid on the date of receipt of foreign exchange funds or acceptance of foreign currency debt for accounting.

Due to changes in the exchange rate of foreign currencies, the cost of funds and the amount of debts are periodically recalculated based on the new exchange rate. As a result of this translation, positive or negative exchange differences are formed.

Positive exchange rate differences are formed:

♦ when recalculating funds in a foreign currency account or currency on hand - if on the date of the transaction with the currency (date of reporting) its rate has increased;

♦ when recalculating accounts payable - if on the date of repayment of the debt (date of reporting) the exchange rate turned out to be lower than on the date of its occurrence;

♦ when recalculating receivables - if on the date of repayment of the debt (date of reporting) the exchange rate was higher than on the date of its occurrence.

The amount of a positive exchange difference is credited to sub-account 91-1:

DEBIT 50 (52, 60, 62, 76, ...) CREDIT 91-1

A positive exchange rate difference is reflected.

Negative exchange rate differences are formed:

· when recalculating funds in a foreign currency account or currency in cash - if on the date of the transaction with currency (the date of reporting) its exchange rate has decreased;

· when recalculating accounts payable - if on the date of repayment of the debt (date of reporting) the exchange rate was higher than on the date of its occurrence;

· when recalculating receivables - if on the date of repayment of the debt (date of reporting) the exchange rate was lower than on the date of its occurrence.

The amount of the negative exchange rate difference is attributed to the debit of sub-account 91-2:

DEBIT 91-2 CREDIT 50 (52, 60, 62, 76,...)

At the end of each month, the balance of income and expenses on account 91 is determined

This is done like this:

The balance of other income and expenses shows the financial result from other activities of your organization - profit or loss.

If the amount of income exceeded the amount of expenses, then the organization made a profit. This amount is reflected in the final turnover of the month on the debit of sub-account 91-9 and the credit of account 99 “Profit and Loss”:


Reflected income from other activities.

If the amount of income is less than the amount expenses, the organization suffered a loss. This amount is reflected in the final turnovers of the month on the credit of sub-account 91-9 and the debit of account 99 “Profit and Loss”:


Reflected loss from other activities.

Account 91 has no balance at the end of each month. Sub-accounts 91-1 and 91-2 have balances during the year, and their value increases starting from January of the reporting year.

At the same time, subaccount 91-1 during the year can only have a credit balance, and subaccount 90-2 can only have a debit balance. Subaccount 91-9 can have both a debit balance (profit) and a credit balance (loss)

On December 31, after the balance of other income and expenses for December is determined by internal entries on sub-accounts of account 91, all sub-accounts opened for account 91 are closed:

The credit balance of sub-account 91-1 is closed by posting:

DEBIT 91-1 CREDIT 91-9

Sub-account 91-1 was closed at the end of the year;

The debit balance of sub-account 91-2 is closed by posting:

DEBIT 91-9 CREDIT 91-2

Sub-account 91-2 closed at the end of the year

2.3. Accounting for the final financial result

Account 99 "Profit and Loss" is intended to summarize information on the formation of the final financial result of the organization's activities in the reporting year.

The final financial result (net profit or net loss) is made up of the financial result from ordinary activities, as well as other income and expenses. The debit of account 99 “Profits and losses” reflects losses (losses, expenses), and the credit - profits (income) of the organization. Comparison of debit and credit turnover for the reporting period shows the final financial result of the reporting period.

Account 99 “Profit and Loss” during the reporting year reflects:

profit or loss from ordinary activities - in correspondence with account 90 "Sales";

· the balance of other income and expenses for the reporting month - in correspondence with account 91 “Other income and expenses”;

· accrued income tax payments and payments on recalculations of this tax from actual profit, as well as the amount of tax sanctions due - in correspondence with account 68 “Calculations for taxes and fees”.

At the end of the reporting year, when compiling the annual financial statements, account 99 “Profit and Loss” is closed.

In this case, the final entry in December, the amount of net profit (loss) of the reporting year is debited from account 99 “Profit and Loss” to the credit (debit) of account 84 “Retained earnings (uncovered loss)”.

The construction of analytical accounting on account 99 “Profit and Loss” provides the formation of the data necessary for compiling a profit and loss statement.

Account 99 reflects the final financial result of the organization's activities for the reporting period: net profit or net loss.

The model for the formation of profit indicators of the organization:

Income from ordinary activities

Expenses for ordinary activities

income tax

Income tax recalculations payments

Sanctions for violation of tax laws

Net profit (loss) for the reporting period

If the organization made a profit in the reporting month, make the following posting:


Reflected profit from sales (final
turnover of the reporting month).

If the organization in the reporting month received a loss, then the following entry is made:


The loss from sales is reflected (the final turnover of the reporting month).

For the amount of excess of the organization's income over its expenses, a posting is made:


Reflected profit from other activities of the organization

If the amount of income of the organization is less than the amount of expenses, the following entry is made:


Reflected loss from other activities of the organization
(the final turnover of the reporting month).

The amounts of tax from actual profit accrued for payment to the budget according to the Calculation (tax declaration) are reflected in accounting by posting:

DEBIT 99 CREDIT 68 sub-account "Calculations for income tax"

The amount of income tax accrued for the reporting period

If the tax inspectorate, based on the results of the audit, accrued penalties and fines to the organization, against the payment of which it does not object, an entry is made in the accounting on the debit of account 99 and the credit of the subaccount, which takes into account the tax for which the sanctions are accrued:

DEBIT 99 CREDIT 68 corresponding sub-account

Penalties (fines) for violations of tax laws have been accrued.

The amount of penalties and fines accrued for violations of tax legislation does not reduce taxable income.

On December 31 of each year, account 99 “Profit and Loss” is closed. This final transaction of the reporting year is called balance sheet reformation. As of January 1 of the following year, the balance of account 99 must be equal to zero.

If, at the end of the reporting year, the organization made a profit (that is, the balance on account 99 is credit), then they make the posting:


The net profit of the reporting year is reflected.

If, at the end of the reporting year, the organization received a loss (that is, the balance on account 99 is debit), make an entry:


The net (uncovered) loss of the reporting year is reflected.

As of January 1 of the next year, the balance on synthetic accounts 99, 90, 91, as well as on all their sub-accounts, will be equal to zero.

Disclosure of information on profits and losses in financial statements is carried out in the Profit and Loss Statement (Form No. 2).

The profit and loss statement is compiled mainly according to the data of accounts 90 “Sales” and 91 “Other income and expenses”.

2.4. Accounting for the use of profits

To summarize information on the use of the profit of the reporting year during this year, account 84 “Retained earnings” is intended. This account is active-passive. The amount of net profit is written off to the credit of account 84 with the final entry in December in correspondence with account 99. The amount of uncovered loss is written off to the debit of account 84.

The distribution of profits is legally regulated in that part of it that goes to the budgets of different levels in the form of taxes and other obligatory payments. Determining the directions of spending the profit remaining at the disposal of the enterprise, the structure of the articles of its use is within the competence of the enterprise.

The principles of profit distribution can be formulated as follows:

· the profit received by the enterprise as a result of production, economic and financial activities is distributed between the state and the enterprise as an economic entity;

· profit for the state goes to the respective budgets in the form of taxes and fees, the rates of which cannot be arbitrarily changed. The composition and rates of taxes, the procedure for their calculation and contributions to the budget are established by law;

· the value of the profit of the enterprise, remaining at its disposal after paying taxes, should not reduce its interest in increasing the volume of production and improving the results of production, economic and financial activities;

The profit remaining at the disposal of the enterprise, first of all, is directed to accumulation, which ensures its further development, and then to consumption.

At the enterprise, the net profit is subject to distribution, that is, the profit remaining at the disposal of the enterprise after paying taxes and other obligatory payments. Sanctions paid to the budget and some off-budget funds are collected from it.

IN modern conditions management, the state does not establish any standards for the distribution of profits, but through the procedure for granting tax benefits, it stimulates the direction of profits for capital investments of an industrial and non-productive nature, for charitable purposes, financing of environmental protection measures, expenses for the maintenance of facilities and institutions social sphere etc. The size of the reserve fund of enterprises is legally limited, and the procedure for forming a reserve for doubtful debts is regulated.

The distribution of net profit is one of the areas of intra-company planning, the significance of which in the conditions market economy is of great importance. The procedure for the distribution and use of profits at the enterprise is fixed in the charter of the enterprise and is determined by the regulation, which is developed by the relevant divisions of economic services and approved by the governing body of the enterprise. The profit of the reporting period is adjusted for payments to the budget, which either increase or decrease it in accordance with the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, after which taxable profit is obtained, from which income tax is taken. The expenses at the expense of the profit remaining at the disposal of the enterprise include: various social payments and other expenses for the promotion of the organization's personnel.

In accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation and the provisions of the constituent documents, a reserve fund is created at the enterprise. If the constituent documents do not provide for the creation of a reserve fund, then the enterprise does not have the right to create it. Contributions to the reserve fund at the enterprise are made before taxation of profits. The resources of the reserve fund are intended to cover the balance sheet loss for the reporting year, to redeem bonds and buy back shares of the joint-stock company in the absence of other funds. The fund's resources can be partially used to pay dividends in case of insufficient funds for the profit of the reporting year (if the reserve fund was formed at the expense of deductions from net profit). The charter of the enterprise defines possible directions for using the resources of the reserve fund. The enterprise makes contributions to the reserve fund until the reserve fund corresponds to the size of the reserve fund established by the charter of the enterprise. If the resources of the reserve fund are used for other purposes (for example, for the payment of dividends on preferred shares), additional contributions to the fund by reducing taxable profits are not made.

In accordance with the Regulations on Accounting "Accounting Statements of the Organization" (PBU 4/99), at present, the enterprise may create reserves for doubtful debts. This reserve is created at the expense of the profit of the reporting year based on the results of the inventory, if the order for accounting policy provides for the creation of this reserve. At the expense of this reserve, by decision of the manager, doubtful debts can be written off (accounts receivable not repaid within the terms established by the contract and not secured by an appropriate guarantee, debts that are not real for collection). The amount of the reserve for each doubtful debt is determined separately (depending on the solvency of the debtor and the probability of debt repayment).

Retained earnings in a broad sense as profit, and retained earnings of previous years indicate financial stability enterprises, about the availability of a source for subsequent development.

Business profits are subject to income tax. The object of distribution is the balance sheet profit of the enterprise. Its distribution is understood as the direction of profit to the budget and according to the items of use in the enterprise. In accounting, the balance sheet profit is revealed as a credit balance on account 99 “Profit and Loss”. In this case, the amount of income of the organization from equity participation in other enterprises, dividends and interest on securities.

Debit 84 Credit 70 "Settlements with personnel for wages"; 75 "Settlements with the founders"

Accrued income to employees or founders

Debit 84 Credit 82 "Reserve capital"

Deductions to the reserve capital

Debit 84 Credit 84

Covering the loss of the previous year

The amount of the net loss of the reporting year is written off by the closing entries in December:

Debit 84 Credit 99

Losses of the reporting year from the credit of account 84 to the debit of accounts 82 when written off at the expense of the reserve; 75 when paying off the loss at the expense of the founders; 80 "Authorized capital" when bringing the value of the authorized capital to the value of the net assets of the organization.

Analytical accounting on account 84 "Retained earnings" should ensure the formation of information on the areas of use of funds. At the same time, retained earnings used as financial collateral industrial development organizations or other similar activities for the creation and acquisition of new property and still unused, in analytical accounting can be separated.

A significant part of taxes has an impact on the formation of financial results of economic activity of enterprises and the amount of net profit. Part of the taxes is related to the financial results of the economic activity of the enterprise, that is, it is charged on the debit of account 99 “Profit and Loss”. These include taxes of the subjects of the Russian Federation:

· property tax (fixed assets, intangible assets, materials, low-value and wear-and-tear items, work in progress, non-capital works, deferred expenses, finished products and goods (at cost).

Some local taxes are also included in the financial results:

target fees from enterprises, regardless of their organizational and legal forms, for the maintenance of the police,

car parking fee,

fee for film and television filming,

· tax on the maintenance of the housing stock and social and cultural facilities.

These taxes are paid by enterprises if they are introduced in a given territory. local authorities authorities.

Other federal taxes (tax on transactions with securities, fee for the use of the name "Russia"), as well as part of local taxes are paid from the profits left at the disposal of the enterprise (tax on the construction of industrial facilities in the resort area; fee for the right to trade, tax for car resale, computer science, license fee for the right to trade in alcoholic beverages, license fee for the right to conduct local auctions and lotteries; a fee for the use of local symbols, a fee for opening a gambling business), if they are introduced in a given territory.

Income tax is the main form of withdrawal of profits to the budget. The procedure for calculating and paying income tax is established legislative acts Russian Federation.

Income tax is calculated and collected in accordance with Chapter 25 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation.

financial work on the calculation of income tax at the enterprise consists of several stages: determining the amount of taxable profit, the correct application of tax rates and benefits, ensuring the timeliness and completeness of settlements with the budget.

Profit tax payers are enterprises and organizations - legal entities, as well as branches of enterprises that have a separate balance sheet and current account.

The initial base value for calculating taxable profit is the gross profit of the enterprise. To determine it, the value of the balance sheet profit of the enterprise, calculated in the prescribed manner, is used. It increases for enterprises engaged in direct exchange or sale of products at prices not higher than cost. For the purpose of taxation on such operations, profit is determined as the difference between the amount calculated at market prices that is valid when an enterprise sells similar products and the cost of production.

When making a direct exchange of fixed assets and other property or selling these types of property at prices not exceeding their book value, the transaction amount is determined by the market value of the property. It excludes the balance sheet value of the sold or disposed of property and the amount of profit calculated in this way increases the gross profit of the enterprise.

Funds allocated for the formation of the authorized capital of enterprises by their founders in accordance with the legislatively established procedure, funds pooled by enterprises in joint activities are not taxed, as well as contributions, voluntary donations of individuals.

The amount of income tax is determined on the basis of the amount of taxable profit, taking into account the benefits provided and the income tax rate.

An important element of the taxation system is the provision of tax benefits by the enterprise.

Specific types of benefits are adjusted annually based on the objectives of financial policy. In modern conditions, the reduction in the amount of taxable profit at the actual costs and expenses incurred at the expense of the profit remaining at the disposal of the enterprise is carried out in the amounts:

· aimed at financing capital investments for production and non-production purposes; directed to financing in the order of share participation of capital investments for industrial and non-productive purposes, to repay bank loans received and used for these purposes;

· aimed at conducting research and development work by enterprises (no more than 10% of taxable profit);

in capital investments for environmental protection measures;

· sent as voluntary contributions to the Fund for Entrepreneurship Support and Competition Development.

The profit of enterprises received from the sale of produced and processed agricultural products is completely exempted.

The remaining benefits are of a social nature and are provided to enterprises in the amount of costs (within the approved standards) for the maintenance of objects and institutions of the social sphere on their balance sheet.

The following profits are subject to full exemption from taxation:

enterprises public organizations persons with disabilities aimed at ensuring the statutory activities of these organizations or spent independently for the social needs of persons with disabilities;

· industrial (labor) workshops at establishments of social protection and social rehabilitation of the population;

· enterprises of the Federal Forestry Service of Russia.

The Tax Code of the Russian Federation defines the relationship of taxpayers with the bodies of the State Tax Service. It defines the obligations of the taxpayer, his rights, the rights of the tax authorities, the obligations of banks and credit institutions to transfer taxes to the budget, the period for the indisputable collection of arrears from legal entities, the taxpayer's liability for failure to fulfill his obligations. Complements and expands the Tax Code of the Russian Federation Law.

The responsibility of the taxpayer for violation of tax legislation is reflected in the Tax Code of the Russian Federation. In addition to administrative and criminal liability, the Tax Code of the Russian Federation provides for three types of economic liability: collection of hidden profits or tax for another object of taxation, a fine of 10%, and a penalty.

Fines and penalties are financial sanctions that are of a property nature and consist in collecting from violators a certain sum of money to the budget. The amount of the fine is calculated as a percentage of the amount of hidden (underestimated) profit, and the penalty - from the time of delay in paying the tax.

In case of concealment (understatement) of profit, the entire amount of underpayment and a fine in the amount of the same amount, that is, in a single amount, are collected, and in case of repeated violation - a fine in the double amount of this amount.


3.1. Organizational and economic characteristics of the enterprise

The main activity of OJSC "Tekmash" is the production and sale of tableware, kitchen and other household products.

The purpose of JSC "Tekmash" activity is the production of these products and the satisfaction of the existing demand for it in the market and, accordingly, making a profit in the course of this activity.

JSC "Tekmash" created an authorized fund, the amount of which is 75435 thousand rubles.

In order to carry out business activities, the JSC has fixed assets, their residual value at the end of 2008 amounted to 9739 thousand rubles. During the analyzed period, the cost of fixed assets increased by 674 thousand rubles, which is explained by their receipt as a result of new construction and the acquisition of fixed assets. The amount of depreciation as of January 1, 2008 is 5,508 thousand rubles, it increased by 469 thousand rubles compared to 2007. The degree of depreciation of fixed assets as of January 1, 2007 is 36.1%. In 2008, the depreciation rate of fixed assets increased by 0.4%. The renewal ratio is 9.2% at the end of the analyzed period. It grew by 8.32% in 2008.

In the reporting period, machines and equipment were purchased for 774 thousand rubles, vehicles for 46 thousand rubles. Despite some renewal of fixed assets, a still large depreciation coefficient is observed for their individual types. The most obsolete are machines and equipment, the wear rate of which is 58.7%, vehicles - 55.6%, transmission devices - 41.8%. Improving the indicators of the state of fixed assets of an enterprise can be achieved through the acquisition of new machinery and equipment that meets the new requirements for increasing labor productivity and improving product quality.

The efficiency of production as a whole depends on the degree of efficiency of the use of fixed assets. The return on assets of fixed assets in 2008 amounted to 1.3 rubles. and increased compared to 2007 by 0.43 rubles. The return on equity increased by 9.78% and amounted to 18.46%.

In the structure of inventories (IPZ) for the reporting year, there were also positive changes: the amount and the share of goods for sale increased by 2,461 thousand rubles, respectively. or by 17.9%. In the reporting year, the turnover of inventories accelerated by 143.7 days, as a result of which funds were released from turnover by 6,468 rubles.

The year 2008 ended with a profit. Net profit amounted to 485 thousand rubles.

3.2. Factor analysis of the dynamics of structure change

formation of financial results and profit analysis

from the financial and economic activities of the enterprise

When starting to analyze financial results, it is necessary first of all to identify whether, in accordance with the established procedure, the balance sheet profit (loss) and all the initial components for its formation, in particular, such as revenue from the sale of goods, products, works, services, were calculated; the cost of selling goods, products, works, services; selling and administrative expenses; interest receivable and payable; other income and expenses.

On the basis of the Profit and Loss Statement of JSC "Tekmash" presented in Form No. 2, it is necessary to evaluate the composition, structure and dynamics of the factors that form the financial results of the organization (Table 1).

Dynamics and factors of change in the formation structure

financial results

(thousand roubles.)

Table 1


Prior year

Reporting year

Deviation (+,-)

Growth rate, %

In % of total

In % of total

1. Revenue (net) from the sale of goods, products, works, services (net of VAT, excises and similar obligatory payments)

2. Cost of sales of goods, products, works, services

3. Selling expenses

4. Management expenses

5. Profit (loss) from sales

6. Interest receivable

7. Interest payable

8. Income from participation in other organizations

9. Other income

10. Other expenses

11. Profit (loss) before tax

12. Balance sheet profit (loss) of the reporting period

As evidenced by the accounting and analytical information presented in Table 1, profit in the reporting year increased by 1.04 times compared to the previous year, while profit from sales - by 3.1 times, profit from financial and economic activities - by 1 .04 times. Growth in profit from sales and financial and economic activities was accompanied by an increase in sales proceeds by 3.05 times; the cost of selling goods, products, works, services - 2.6 times.

3.2. Factor analysis of profit from the sale of products, goods (works and services)

Particular attention in the process of analyzing and evaluating financial results should be paid to the most significant item of their formation - profit (loss) from the sale of goods, products, works, services as the most important component of balance sheet profit and often exceeding it in volume. Thus, the data in Table 1 indicate that if in the previous period the profit from sales was -39.3% in the balance sheet profit, then in the reporting period it was already 117.97%, i.e. balance sheet profit is formed mainly from profit from sales and those objective and subjective factors that affect its value. For these purposes, it is recommended to carry out a multivariate analysis of changes in profit from sales of products in the reporting period compared with the previous one under the influence of factors that have either a positive or negative impact on its change.

Dynamics of profit formation factors from the sale of goods, products, works, services

(thousand roubles.)

table 2


Previous year (base)

Prices and costs on a factual basis. sales volume of the reporting year

Reporting year

1. Proceeds from the sale of goods, products, works, services (excluding VAT, excises and similar obligatory payments)

2. Cost (production) of the sale of goods, works, services

3. Selling expenses

4. Management expenses

5. Full cost of sales of goods, products, works, services

6. Profit (loss) from sales

7. Growth rate of sales volume, calculated in base year prices, %

The calculation of the influence of factors on the change in profit (loss) from sales is given in table 3.

Calculation of the influence of factors on the change in profits (losses) from the sale of goods (works, services)

Table 3

Profit change factor

from implementation

Calculation result, thousand rubles

Influence of the factor on the change in profit, thousand rubles (+,-)

A. Total change in sales profit

1. Changes in sales volume


2. Changes in production cost of sales

3. Change in selling expenses

4. Change in management costs

5. Price changes


6. Implementation structure


7. The cumulative influence of factors on the change in profit from sales

The calculations in Table 3 clearly show that this organization has sufficient reserves to increase profits from product sales, and, above all, by reducing the production cost of sales, as well as by increasing the share in the volume of sales of more profitable goods and products.

The analysis of profit from sales is completed by assessing the dynamics of sales performance indicators given in Table 4.

Dynamics of performance indicators for the sale of goods (works, services).

Table 4

As Table 4 shows, all performance indicators in the reporting year exceeded their qualitative characteristics in comparison with the previous year; at the same time, the profitability of sales amounted to 7.24%, sales efficiency - 6.7%, and the cost per 1 ruble of sales decreased from 1.07 kopecks to 0.93 kopecks.

3.2. Analysis of the factors of formation and distribution of total accounting and taxable profits.

Profit formation factors are presented in table 5, the most important components of which are profit (loss) from financial and economic activities.

Profit (loss) formation factors

Table 5

Profit also has opportunities to increase not only by mobilizing reserves for growth in profits from sales, but also by reducing costs. A summary of reserves for the growth of balance sheet profit in the reporting year compared to the previous year is presented in table 6.

A set of reserves to increase balance sheet profit.

Table 6

As the data in Table 6 show, the largest amounts of reserves for the growth of balance sheet profit were found in the reduction of expenses, whose share in the total volume is 1.4%, and in the reduction in the production cost of sales (82.2%).

To analyze the use of financial results, it is necessary to evaluate the composition and structure of the distribution of balance sheet profit that have developed over two years (Table 7).

Dynamics of the composition and structure of distribution of balance sheet profit, thousand rubles

Table 7


Prior year

Reporting year

Deviation, points (+,-)

in % of the total

in % of the total

1. Balance sheet profit - total


2.1. income tax

2.2. Abstract funds

Authorized capital

Reserve capital

dividend payments

other purposes, including reimbursement of imposed sanctions at the expense of net profit

3. Retained earnings (uncovered loss)

4. Net profit remaining at the disposal of the enterprise

The data in Table 7 show that in the reporting period, retained earnings amounted to 4.3% of the total balance sheet profit. 95.7% of the balance sheet profit was spent, of which 17.5% - income tax, 78.2% - diverted funds. The share of income tax in balance sheet profit decreased in the reporting period from 27.2% to 17.5%.

Balance sheet profit, formed in accordance with the current established procedure, normative documents and instructive provisions, is the base value for calculating taxable income. The procedure for calculating taxable profit, its composition and structure are presented in Table 8.

Composition and structure of taxable income

Table 8


Amount, thousand rubles

In % of total

1. Balance sheet profit calculated at the time of shipment of goods, products and work performed, services

2. Profit in shipped products and work performed

3. Balance sheet profit calculated at the time of sale

4. Lost profit from the sale of imported goods

5. Losses from write-off of fixed assets

6. Losses from excess water consumption

7. Travel expenses

8. Losses from writing off overdue receivables

9. Losses from exchange differences on transactions in foreign currency

10. Total gross profit accepted for taxation

11. Exclusions from gross income subject to tax

12. Taxable income

13. Income tax rate, %

14. Income tax amount

15. Due to income tax budget

The data in Table 8 show the elements of the formation of taxable profit, which amounted to 294 thousand rubles, or 59% of the balance sheet profit.

3.5. Proposals for improving the accounting and analysis of financial results at Tekmash OJSC

As discussed in this thesis, in a market economy, the value of profit is enormous. The desire to make a profit directs commodity producers to increase the volume of production needed by the consumer, reduce production costs. With developed competition, this achieves not only the goal of entrepreneurship, but also the satisfaction of social needs. For the entrepreneur, profit is a signal that indicates where the greatest increase in value can be achieved, creates an incentive to invest in these areas. Losses also play their part. They highlight mistakes and miscalculations in the direction of funds, organization of production and marketing of products.

To improve the efficiency of the enterprise, it is of paramount importance to identify reserves for increasing production and sales volumes, reducing the cost of products (works, services), and increasing profits. The factors necessary to determine the main directions for the search for reserves to increase profits include natural conditions, state regulation prices, tariffs and others external factors; change in the volume of funds and objects of labor, financial resources (internal production extensive factors); increasing the productivity of equipment and its quality, accelerating the turnover of working capital and other intensive factors; supply and marketing activities, environmental protection and other non-productive factors.

The paper analyzes: the composition and structure of the balance sheet profit, the analysis of the factors of formation of the balance sheet profit of the enterprise and the analysis of the assessment of its dynamics; factor analysis of profit from the sale of products (works, services) and from other sales; analysis of factors in the formation of profit from financial and economic activities, analysis of the composition and structure of taxable profit.

JSC "Tekmash" analyzed in this paper in the study period received the largest profit from the sale of tableware, kitchen and other household products, which is the main activity according to the Charter.

The share of other expenses of the company in the total profit from sales is small and amounts to 14.4%, which is equivalent to 104 thousand rubles.

JSC "Tekmash" has a profit on the work performed, but not paid for in the amount of 10 thousand rubles. Also in the year under study, the company received additional profit for the previous period in the amount of 24 thousand rubles.

Summarizing this information, we will get another important indicator for assessing the financial and economic activities of the enterprise - the balance sheet profit accepted for taxation. As of January 1, 2008, it amounted to 588 thousand rubles.

The analyzed enterprise in 2008 made capital investments in the amount of 294 thousand rubles. The company gets the opportunity to create funds at the expense of the profit remaining at the disposal. So the net profit of the enterprise amounted to 485 thousand rubles. Undistributed profit of the reporting year of Tekmash OJSC amounted to 4.3% of the total balance sheet profit - 25 thousand rubles.

The conducted research allows us to give some recommendations for improving the efficiency of the company:

· to carry out measures for the timeliness of receipt of funds for the sold products by inventorying accounts receivable, identifying the reasons for its formation and maturity;

control over compliance with the terms of contracts;

In connection with the increase in the cost of production, identify internal reserves for its reduction.


The result of the study on the chosen topic of the thesis is the substantiation of general conclusions and practical remarks, which can be reduced to the following.

1. Financial result - a general indicator of the analysis and evaluation of the effectiveness (inefficiency) of the activities of an economic entity at certain stages (stages) of its formation. In the chart of accounts of the organization, a matching synthetic account is opened. 99 "Profit and Loss", designed to identify the final financial result of the activities of any commercial organization. The purpose of their activity is to extract profit for its capitalization, business development, enrichment of owners, shareholders and employees.

Profit and loss account is linked to other synthetic accounts accounting, which reflect the movement of income and expenses of the organization. So, on c. 90 "Sales" the financial result is formed from economic activity, which is reflected in the reporting f. No. 2 "Profit and Loss Statement" in two indicators: gross profit and profit from sales. If gross profit is calculated as the difference between sales proceeds (form No. 2, line 010) and the cost of goods sold (form No. 2, line 010), then sales profit is formed as the difference between sales proceeds (form No. 2, p. 010) and total cost products sold(form No. 2, line 020 + line 030 + line 040), which includes the cost of goods sold, selling and administrative expenses.

2. The financial result from all types of ordinary activities is expressed in two indicators: profit before tax (the difference between income and expenses from the main production, financial or investment activities) and profit after tax, which in the Profit and Loss Statement is called profit from ordinary activities and represents the difference between profit before tax and income tax:

Effective since 2000 f. No. 2 "Profit and Loss Statement" and account data. 90 "Sales" and 91 "Other income and expenses" allow you to calculate the profit (loss) from ordinary activities both in general for the year and quarterly:

3. The final financial result of the organization's activities is the net (retained) profit, which is formed on the account. 99 "Profit and Loss".

4. Net profit is the main indicator for declaring dividends to shareholders, as well as a source of funds allocated to increase the authorized and reserve capital, capitalization of the organization's profits. The final entries in December of the reporting year net profit is transferred to the account. 84 "Retained earnings", which in essence should be equal to retained earnings, if the organization during the year did not use, in exceptional cases, net profit to cover current expenses for on-farm programs.

Net (retained) profit characterizes the real increase (accumulation) equity organizations. In this regard, in the scientific and educational literature on financial analysis, the student, if desired, will find various definitions of the concept of “financial result”, depending on which side of the activity is considered in each particular case. In general, a certain economic meaning is put into the concept of "financial result": either the excess (decrease) in the cost of manufactured products over the costs of its production; or the excess of the cost of sold products over the total costs incurred in connection with its production and sale; or the excess of net (retained) profit over incurred losses, which ultimately is the financial and economic basis for increasing the organization's own capital. In addition, a positive financial result also indicates the effective and expedient use of the organization's assets, its fixed and working capital.

5. Thus, the final financial result of the activity of a commercial organization of any organizational and legal form of management is expressed by the so-called accounting profit (loss) revealed for the reporting period on the basis of accounting of all its business operations and assessment of balance sheet items according to the rules adopted in accordance with Regulation on accounting and financial reporting, approved by order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation dated July 29, 1998 No. 34 n. According to this Regulation, the final financial result of the reporting period is reflected in the balance sheet as retained earnings (uncovered loss), i.e. the final financial result revealed for the reporting period, minus taxes due from profits established in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation and other similar obligatory payments, including sanctions for non-compliance with taxation rules.

The object of the study was the enterprise JSC "Tekmash", the main activity of which is the production of tableware, kitchen and other household products.

At the same time, the state of accounting work of Tekmash OJSC was recognized as satisfactory.

When evaluating the composition, structure and dynamics of factors in the formation of financial results, it was revealed that profit in the reporting year increased by 1.04 times compared to the previous one, while profit from sales - by 3.1 times, profit from financial and economic activities - 1.04 times. Growth of profit from sales and financial and economic activity was accompanied by growth of proceeds from sales by 3.05 times; the cost of selling goods, works, services - 2.6 times.

An analysis of the factors affecting the change in profits (losses) from the sale of goods, works, services show that this organization has sufficient reserves to increase profits from the sale of products and, above all, by reducing the production cost of sales, as well as by increasing the share in the volume of sales more profitable goods and products.

Implementation efficiency indicators in the reporting year exceeded their qualitative characteristics in comparison with the previous year; at the same time, the profitability of sales amounted to 7.24%, sales efficiency - 6.7%, and the cost per 1 ruble of sales decreased from 1.07 kopecks to 0.93 kopecks.

Profit also has opportunities to increase not only by mobilizing reserves for growth in profits from sales, but also by reducing costs.

The analysis of the reserves for increasing profits showed that the largest amounts of reserves for the growth of balance sheet profit were found in the reduction of expenses, the share of which in the total volume is 1.4%, and in the reduction in the production cost of sales (82.2%).

The dynamics of the composition and distribution structure of balance sheet profit show that in the reporting period, retained earnings amounted to 4.3% of the total balance sheet profit. 95.7% of the balance sheet profit was spent, of which 17.5% - income tax, 78.2% - diverted funds. The share of income tax in balance sheet profit decreased in the reporting period from 27.2% to 17.5%.

The balance sheet profit, formed in accordance with the current established procedure, regulatory documents and instructive provisions, is the base value for calculating taxable profit. The elements of formation of taxable profit amounted to 294 thousand rubles, or 59% of the balance sheet profit.

In general, the result of ordinary activities was a profit in the amount of 588 thousand rubles.

The above calculations clearly prove that this organization has sufficient reserves to increase profits from sales of products and, above all, by reducing the production cost of sales, as well as by increasing the share in the volume of sales of more profitable goods and products.


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Introduction ................................................ ............................................ 4

Chapter 1. Theory of analysis of financial results in the enterprise ............................................ ....................................... nine

1.1. Tasks and objectives of the analysis of financial results ............... 9

1.2. Analysis of the composition and dynamics of balance sheet profit. Factors of its formation .............................................................. ................................. eleven

1.3. Analysis of financial results from other activities. 19

1.4. Analysis of the profitability of the enterprise's activities............. 21

Chapter 2. Analysis of the financial results of LLC "ONIX PLUS". ................................................. .................... 24

2.1. Characteristics of the financial and economic activities of LLC "Onyx Plus" .............................................. ................................................. ............... 24

2.2. Analysis of the composition, dynamics and implementation of the balance sheet profit plan for the reporting year.................................................................. ................................................. 27

2.3. Analysis of financial results from the sale of products. thirty

2.4. Analysis of the profitability of the activities of Onisk Plus LLC. 37

2.5. Analysis of the distribution and use of enterprise profits 46

Chapter 3. Reserves for increasing profits and profitability of the enterprise. Conclusions and proposals for improving the performance of Onyx Plus LLC 50

3.1. Reserves for increasing profits and profitability of the enterprise 50

3.2. Conclusions and proposals for improving the financial performance of LLC "Onyx Plus" .................................................................. ........ 63

Conclusion................................................. ................................... 66

List of references .............................................. 70

Appendix................................................. ................................. 73


In this thesis, we have to consider the topic "Analysis of financial results at the enterprise" in as much detail as possible. In our opinion this topic is very interesting to study and relevant.

The transition of the Russian economy to market relations and the related processes of the formation of a mixed economy based on different forms of ownership, the formation and development of the market infrastructure and its economic mechanism have radically changed the economic, informational and legal environment for the functioning of enterprises. These changes have affected all aspects of the activities of enterprises.

Enterprises have gained independence in management and management of the economy, the right to dispose of resources and the results of labor, and bear full economic responsibility for their decisions and actions. In such conditions, the well-being and commercial success of the enterprise depends entirely on how effective its activities are.

The transition to a market economy requires enterprises to increase production efficiency, competitiveness of products and services based on the introduction of scientific and technological progress, effective forms of economic management and production management, overcoming mismanagement, enhancing entrepreneurship, initiative, etc.

An important role in the implementation of this task is assigned to the analysis of the economic activity of enterprises. With its help, a strategy and tactics for the development of an enterprise are developed, plans and management decisions are substantiated, control over their implementation is carried out, reserves for increasing production efficiency are identified, and the performance of the enterprise, its divisions and employees is evaluated. A qualified economist, financier, accountant, auditor must know well not only the general patterns and trends in the development of the economy in the transition to market relations, but also subtly understand the manifestations of general, specific and particular economic laws in the practice of his enterprise, notice trends and opportunities to improve efficiency in a timely manner production. He must be proficient in modern methods of economic research, methods of systematic, comprehensive economic analysis, the skill of accurate, timely, comprehensive analysis of the results of economic activity.

The final financial result of the economic activity of the enterprise is profit.

An economic indicator that characterizes the financial results of the economic activity of the enterprise;

Stimulating function, manifested in the process of its distribution and use;

One of the main sources of formation of financial resources of the enterprise.

Profit is the main source of financing for the increase in working capital, renewal and expansion of production, social development of the enterprise, as well as the most important source of formation of the revenue side of budgets of different levels.

In a market economy, the main goal of entrepreneurial activity is to make a profit, increase the material interest of business participants in the results of financial and economic activities. Profit maximization in this regard is the primary task of the enterprise. For the amount of profit in production activities factors of a subjective nature and objective factors that do not depend on the activity of an economic object influence.

Subjective factors: the organizational and technical level of business management, the competitiveness of products, the level of labor productivity, the cost of production and sales of products, the level of prices for finished products.

Objective factors: the level of prices for consumed materials and energy resources, depreciation rates, market conditions.

The purpose of writing this thesis is to identify reserves for increasing profits and profitability based on the analysis of the financial results of the enterprise and the proposal of measures aimed at improving financial and economic activities and, accordingly, financial results.

To achieve this goal, it is necessary to solve the following tasks:

  1. Consider the theoretical aspects of the analysis of the financial results of the enterprise, namely, set out the tasks, sequence and methodology of analysis;
  2. To show the application of the above methodology in practice, namely, to consider the example of the activities of the production enterprise LLC "Onyx Plus". Analyze the formation, dynamics and implementation of the profit plan, calculate profitability indicators, conduct a factor analysis of profit and profitability.
  3. Based on the analysis, identify existing reserves for increasing profits and profitability, develop and propose a set of measures aimed at using the identified reserves.

The sequence of tasks set by us will fully correspond to the structure of the work.

To write this thesis, we will use both the works of foreign authors and domestic ones (Kovalev V.V., Savitskaya G.V., Rusak N.A., etc.), who have very interesting developments that take into account our reality.

Chapter 1. Theory of analysis of financial results in the enterprise

1.1. Tasks and objectives of the analysis of financial results

The financial results of the enterprise are characterized by the amount of profit received and the level of profitability.

Profit is the real part of the net income generated surplus labor. Only after the sale of the product (works, services) net income takes the form of profit. The amount of profit is determined as the difference between the proceeds from the economic activities of the enterprise (after paying value added tax, excise tax and other deductions from proceeds to budget and non-budget funds) and the sum of all costs for this activity.

Making a profit is the main goal of any business entity. On the one hand, profit is an indicator of the effectiveness of the enterprise, because. it depends mainly on the quality of the enterprise, increases the economic interest of its employees in the most efficient use of resources, tk. profit is the main source of production and social development of the enterprise. On the other hand, it serves as the most important source of formation of the state budget. Thus, both the enterprise and the state are interested in the growth of profit amounts.

Profitability is one of the main cost qualitative indicators of the efficiency of an enterprise, characterizing the level of return on costs and the degree of use of funds in the process of production and sale of products (works, services). Profitability indicators are expressed in coefficients or percentages and reflect the share of profit from each monetary unit of costs. Thus, more fully than profit characterize the final results of management, tk. their value shows the ratio of the effect to the available or used resources.

The amount of profit and the level of profitability depend on the production, marketing and commercial activities enterprises, i.e. these indicators characterize all aspects of management.

The main objectives of the analysis of financial performance are:

Monitoring the implementation of plans for the sale of products and making a profit, studying the dynamics;

Determination of the influence of both objective and subjective factors on the formation of financial results;

Identification of profit growth reserves;

Evaluation of the enterprise's work on the use of opportunities to increase profits and profitability;

Development of measures for the use of identified reserves.

The main goal of financial analysis is the development and adoption of sound management decisions aimed at improving the efficiency of an economic entity.

1.2. Analysis of the composition and dynamics of balance sheet profit. Factors of its formation

The following profit indicators are used in the analysis: balance sheet profit, (works, services), profit from other sales, non-operating results (income and expenses from non-operating operations), taxable profit, net profit.

Balance sheet profit is part of the balance sheet profit, which serves as the basis for calculating the tax payable to the budget.

Net profit is the profit that remains at the disposal of the enterprise after paying all taxes, economic sanctions and contributions to charitable funds.

In the process of analysis, the composition of the balance sheet profit, its structure, dynamics and the implementation of the plan for the analyzed period are determined. When studying the dynamics and implementation of the balance sheet profit plan, the comparison method is used: comparing the indicators of the reporting period with the previous one in the first case and comparing the actual indicators of the reporting period with the planned ones.

When studying the dynamics of indicators, inflationary processes should be taken into account. Comparability of indicators is ensured by recalculation for the price index. The price growth index is determined by the formula:

where K i - output in the analyzed period in physical units;

Пi - price of a unit of production in the analyzed period;

C about - the price of a unit of production in the base period;

Many factors influence the change in the balance sheet profit. Factors of the first, second and third orders can be quantitatively measured.

First-order factors include changes in:

1) profits from the sale of products (goods, works, services);

2) profit from other sales;

3) non-operating financial results.

In turn, the profit from the sale of products (goods, works, services) depends on the following factors:

1) the volume of products sold;

2) the structure of products sold;

3) the full cost of goods sold;

4) prices for sold products.

These factors belong to the factors of the second order of balance sheet profit.

In more detail and visually, the factors of the three levels are presented in Fig. 1.

The relationship of factors of the first and second orders with the balance sheet profit is direct, with the exception of the cost, the reduction of which leads to an increase in profit.

When calculating the influence of first-order factors on the balance sheet profit, we use an additive factorial model:

where PB - balance sheet profit;

PR - profit from the sale of goods;

PP - profit from other sales;

BP - non-operating results.

The quantitative change of each factor is equal to the influence of this factor on the change in the balance sheet profit.

To calculate the influence of factors on which the profit from the sale of products (goods, works, services) depends, such as the volume of sales of products, their full cost and average selling prices, the method of valuable substitutions or the method of absolute differences is often used.

Fig.1. Structural and logical scheme factor system book profit.

Profit from the sale of homogeneous products is calculated by the formula:

where P - profit from the sale of products;

V is the volume (quantity) of products sold;

C - selling price of a unit of production;

C is the unit cost of production.

We use this formula as a factorial model for determining factor analysis.

The method of chain substitutions allows you to determine the influence of individual factors on the change in the value of the effective indicator by gradually replacing the base value of each factor indicator in the volume of the effective indicator with the actual value in the reporting period. For this purpose, a number of conditional values ​​​​of the effective indicator are determined, which take into account the change in one, then two, three, etc. factors, assuming that the others do not change. Comparing the value of the effective indicator before and after changing the level of one or another factor allows you to eliminate the influence of all factors except one, and determine the impact of the latter on the growth of the effective indicator.

Calculation algorithm by chain substitution method for factorial model (1.3.):

Planned (basic) value of profit;

The first conditional indicator of profit, showing what value profit would have with the actual volume of sales of products and the planned price and planned cost;

The second conditional indicator, reflecting the amount of profit with the actual volume of sales and the actual price, but with the planned cost of production;

Actual profit.

Total profit change:

Including through:

1) change in the volume of sales of products:

2) change in the average selling price of products:

3) change in the cost of production:

The algebraic sum of the influence of all factors must necessarily be equal to the total increase in the effective indicator:

The absence of such equality indicates errors in the calculations.

Method for calculating the influence of factors by the method of absolute differences:

1) In the factor model, instead of the value of sales volume, we substitute its deviation and calculate the effect of volume changes on profit growth:

2) The product of the deviation of the price by the volume of sales of products shows the change in the amount of profit due to the change in price:

3) The product of the deviation of the cost of production by the volume of its sales, taken with the opposite sign, shows the effect of the deviation of the cost on the change in profit:

Here, too, the sum of the influence of factors should be equal to the total profit deviation:

If the enterprise produces heterogeneous types of products, then the structural factor is added to the above factors. The influence of the structural factor on the change in profit can be calculated by taking absolute differences using the factor model:

where UD f i , UD pl i - respectively, the actual and planned share of the i-th type of product in the total sales volume,%;

P 1 pl i - the planned amount of profit per unit of the i-th type of product;

V f - the actual total volume of products sold in nominal terms.

Also, to calculate the influence of the structural factor on the change in the total amount of profit, you can use the model:

where R pl i is the planned profitability of the i-th type of product (the ratio of the amount of profit to the total cost of sales).

After calculating the influence of all these factors on the change in profit, it is necessary to study the reasons for the change in sales volume, price and cost for each type of product.

1.3. Analysis of financial results from other activities

Along with the sale of products (goods, works, services), the source of profit can also be the activity of the enterprise that is not related to the sale of products. This is profit from equity participation in joint ventures; income from the lease of land and fixed assets; received and paid penalties, fines, forfeits; losses from writing off uncollectible receivables for which the statute of limitations has expired; income from shares, bonds, deposits; income and losses from foreign exchange transactions; profits (losses) of previous years revealed in the current year; financial aid from other organizations; losses from natural disasters, etc.

The analysis is reduced mainly to the study of the dynamics and causes of losses and profits for each specific case.

Losses from the payment of fines arise in connection with the violation of contracts with other enterprises, organizations and institutions. The analysis establishes the reasons for non-fulfillment of obligations, measures are taken to prevent mistakes.

A change in the amount of fines received can occur not only as a result of a breach of contractual obligations by suppliers and contractors, but also due to a weakening financial control by the enterprise in relation to them. Therefore, when analyzing this indicator, it should be checked whether, in all cases of violation of contractual obligations, appropriate sanctions were presented to suppliers.

Losses from writing off bad receivables usually occur at those enterprises where the establishment of accounting and control over the state of settlements is at a low level. Profits (losses) of previous years, identified in the reporting year, also indicate shortcomings in accounting.

Income from securities (shares, bonds, bills, etc.) deserves special attention. Enterprises - holders of securities receive certain income in the form of dividends in the process of analysis, the dynamics of dividends, stock prices, net profit per share are studied, the rates of their growth and decline are established.

The amount of dividends received depends on the number of shares purchased and the level of dividend per share, the amount of which is determined by the profitability of the joint-stock company, the tax and depreciation policy of the state, the level of interest rates for loans, etc. insufficiently high level of qualification of economic personnel, lack of knowledge of the laws of the market, inability to assess conjecture market laws can result in significant losses for the company. When evaluating the results of financial activity, inter-farm comparisons, studying the experience of other enterprises in the securities market, can be of great benefit.

At the end of the analysis, specific measures are developed aimed at preventing and reducing losses and losses from non-sales operations.

1.4. Analysis of the profitability of the enterprise

Profitability indicators characterize the efficiency of the enterprise as a whole, profitability various directions activities (production, business, investment), cost recovery, etc. They are used to assess the activities of enterprises and as a tool in investment policy and pricing.

Profitability indicators can be combined into several groups:

1) indicators characterizing the profitability (payback) of production costs and investment projects;

2) indicators characterizing the profitability of sales;

3) indicators characterizing the profitability of capital and its parts.

All these indicators can be calculated on the basis of book profit, profit from sales of products and net profit.

The profitability of production activities (recoupment of costs) is calculated as the ratio of gross or net profit to the sum of costs for sold or manufactured products:

where R s - profitability of production activities (return on costs);

P vp - gross profit from product sales;

PE - net profit;

And - the amount of costs.

It shows how much the company has profit from each ruble spent on the production and sale of products. It can be calculated as a whole for the enterprise, individual divisions and types of products.

The payback of investment projects is determined in a similar way: the received or expected amount of profit from the project refers to the amount of investment in this project.

The profitability of sales is calculated by dividing the profit from the sale of products (goods, works, services) by the amount of the proceeds received. It characterizes the profitability of sales per ruble of sales.

B - sales proceeds.

Profitability (profitability) of capital is calculated as the ratio of net profit to the average annual cost of the entire invested capital or its individual components; own, borrowed, main, negotiable, etc.

When calculating the return on capital, it is necessary to take average value capital for the reporting period, however, in terms of inflation, more realistic estimates can be obtained using the instantaneous values ​​of these indicators.

Chapter 2

Having considered the theoretical aspects of the topic "Analysis of financial results in an enterprise", we will proceed directly to the analysis of the financial results of a particular enterprise, namely LLC "Onyx Plus"

2.1. Characteristics of the financial and economic activities of Onyx Plus LLC

The main activity of Onyx Plus LLC is the production and sale of woodworking products: lumber (cars, edged and unedged boards, etc.), as well as wood products (window frames, doors, door blocks, plinths, platbands, etc.).

The purpose of Onyx Plus LLC is the production of these products and the satisfaction of the existing demand for it in the market of Tver and the Tver region and, accordingly, making a profit in the course of this activity.

Production company "Onyx Plus" is a company with limited liability(OOO). LLC is the organizational and legal form of an enterprise. An LLC is an association of citizens and (or) legal entities for joint economic activities, which has an authorized capital divided into shares, the amount of which is determined founding documents, and liable for obligations only within the limits of its property. Members of an LLC are liable within the limits of their contributions.

A charter fund has been created in Onix Plus LLC, the amount of which is 713 thousand rubles. The property of a limited liability company is formed from the contributions of participants, income received and other legal sources, and belongs to its participants on the basis of the right of shared ownership. The number of participants of LLC "Onyx Plus" is 19 individuals.

The supreme management body of LLC "Onyx Plus" is the meeting of participants. Its competence includes the issues of determining the main areas of business activity, reviewing and approving estimates, reports and balance sheets, electing and recalling the executive body and the audit commission, determining the conditions for remuneration of officials, distributing profits and determining the procedure for covering losses, etc.

The executive body of LLC "Onyx Plus" is the director. His competence includes the development and implementation of goals, policies and strategies for achieving them, as well as the organization and management of the current activities of the company, the disposal of property, the hiring and dismissal of personnel.

In 1999 average headcount employees of Onyx Plus LLC amounted to 62 people.


Management staff - 3 people;

Specialists - 3 people;

Production workers - 51 people;

Service staff - 5 people.

In the previous year, 1998, the number of employees of the company was 60 people.

LLC "Onyx Plus" produces wide range of woodworking products, containing more than twenty items. The prices for the manufactured products of LLC "Onyx Plus" are similar to the prices of competing firms.

Table 1.

Basic indicators of financial and economic activities of Oniks Plyus LLC for 1999, thousand rubles.

The main sources of information for analyzing the financial performance of the enterprise in question are financial statements: Form No. 1 "Balance Sheet" (Appendix 1); Form No. 2 "Profit and Loss Statement" (Appendix 2); form No. 5 "Appendix to the balance sheet"; as well as a survey of specialists of Onyx Plus LLC.

It should be noted here that the collection of information about the activities of the enterprise presents certain difficulties, because. experts, fearing leakage of confidential information, are reluctant to make contact.

The company we are considering regularly conducts an internal analysis of financial and economic activities, however, both the results and some of the initial data of this analysis are not disclosed, since the management of Onyx Plus LLC considers this information a commercial secret.

2.2. Analysis of the composition, dynamics and implementation of the balance sheet profit plan for the reporting year

Let's consider the structure of the balance sheet profit of LLC "Onyx Plus" for 1999, trace its dynamics, comparing it with the indicators of the previous year, and also evaluate the fulfillment of the plan for the balance sheet profit.

As the data shown in Table 2 show, the balance sheet profit plan was overfulfilled by 10.21%.

Table 2.

Analysis of the composition, dynamics and fulfillment of the balance sheet profit plan of Onyx Plus LLC.

The composition of the balance sheet profit



The actual amount of profit in comparable prices in 1998, thousand rubles.

Amount, thousand rubles

Structure, %



Amount, thousand rubles

Structure, %

Amount, thousand rubles

Structure, %

balance sheet profit

Profit from product sales

Profit from other sales

Extra-operating results

Compared to the previous year, the growth rate of balance sheet profit amounted to 391.66%, however, inflationary processes had a significant impact here, because. in comparable prices (in prices of the base year - 1998) the growth rate was 173.09%. Such a significant increase is a positive trend.

The largest share in the structure of balance sheet profit is occupied by profit from the sale of marketable products - 96.29%.

The share of non-operating results amounted to only 3.71% of the balance sheet profit.

This is a reflection of the fact that the company is engaged only in the main activity - the production and sale of woodworking products and is not engaged in non-sales activities, namely, it does not have equity participation in other enterprises, does not have securities, is not a lessor of fixed assets, etc.

2.3. Analysis of financial results from product sales

The main part of the profits of the company OOO "Onyx Plus" is received through the sale of marketable products. The plan for the amount of profit from the sale of marketable products for 1999 was overfulfilled by 22.66 thousand rubles. , or by 6.12%. Compared to the previous year, the amount of profit increased by 314.06 thousand rubles. , or by 399.57%.

Profit from the sale of marketable products depends on four factors of the first order: the volume of sales of products; its structures; prime cost and the level of average selling prices. The same factors are factors of the second order in relation to the balance sheet profit.

It should be noted here that we analyze the results of the enterprise's activities for 1998 and 1999. After August 1998, product prices rose significantly as a result of inflation. The price index for products in 1998 was 1.8 (this index was calculated by the accountant of the enterprise we are considering). There was an increase in the cost of a conventional unit of production by 1.7 times due to inflation. In our opinion, a factor analysis showing by what factors and how much the amount of profit changed in 1999 compared to 1998 is of undoubted interest.

The initial data necessary to calculate the impact of these factors on the amount of profit are placed in table 3.

Table 3

Comparing the amount of profit of the previous year and the conditional one, calculated on the basis of the actual volume and range of products of the reporting year, but at the prices and cost of the base (previous) year, we find out how much it has changed due to the volume and structure of products sold (DP (V, str .):

To find the effect of sales volume alone, we multiply the base year profit amount by the percentage increase in sales volume estimated at cost or in conditional terms and divide the result by 100.

The increase in sales amounted to:

Influence of sales volume on the amount of profit (DP (V)):

Let us determine the influence of the structural factor (DP (p.)):

The impact of a change in the total cost on the amount of profit (DP (C)) is established by comparing the actual cost of goods sold in the reporting year with a conditional indicator calculated in base year prices:

The change in the amount of profit due to selling prices for products (DP (C)) is established by comparing the actual revenue of the reporting year with the conditional one that the company would receive for the actual sales volume at the prices of the base period:

Total change in the amount of profit:

thousand roubles.,

including by changing:

1) sales volume thousand rubles;

2) the structure of marketable products thousand rubles;

3) total cost thousand rubles;

4) sales prices thousand rubles.

This analysis will also be carried out by the method of valuable substitutions, successively replacing the planned value of each factor with the actual one. The calculation algorithm is presented in Table 5.

Table 4

Initial data for factor analysis of profit from the sale of marketable products, thousand rubles.

Table 5

Calculation of the influence of factors on the change in the amount of profit from the sale of products.


Terms of payment

Calculation algorithm

Volume of sales

The structure of marketable products


Cost price

In pl - From pl

P pl * K rp

In conv - With conv

V f - P condition

where В pl, В f, В conv - proceeds from sales without VAT, respectively, planned, actual and conditional;

C pl, C f, C c - cost;

P - profit;

To rp - the percentage of the implementation of the plan for the number of products sold.

  1. P pl \u003d 370 thousand. rub.
  2. Let's find the sum of profit at the actual volume of other factors. To do this, we calculate the percentage of the implementation of the plan for the sale of products (K pr) and adjust the planned amount of profit by this percentage:
  1. thousand roubles.
  2. thousand roubles.
  3. thousand roubles.
  4. thousand roubles.

Change in the amount of profit due to:

Product sales volume:

thousand roubles.;

Structures of marketable products:

Average selling prices:

thousand roubles.;

Cost of goods sold:

Balance of factors:

The results of calculations show that the profit plan was overfulfilled to a greater extent due to a change in the structure of products (by 13.6 thousand rubles), and an increase in the volume of sales of products contributed to an increase in the amount of profit by 7.4 thousand rubles. The increase in sales prices led to an increase in the amount of profit by 4.3 thousand rubles.

The increase in the total cost of production had a negative impact on the change in the amount of profit, due to this factor the profit decreased by 2.64 thousand rubles.

Such results of factor analysis show that the management of the enterprise pays great influence to the structure of products, namely, it seeks to increase the share of more profitable products. Thus, finished wood products, such as doors, frames, door blocks, are more cost-effective products than raw lumber.

It should also be noted here that the positive impact of the growth in sales prices and the increase in the volume of output significantly offsets the negative impact of the increase in the cost of production. It also positively characterizes the activity of the enterprise.

2.4. Analysis of the profitability of the activities of LLC "Onisk Plus"

To analyze the profitability of the activities of Onyx Plus LLC, the data presented in Table 6 is required.

To calculate the return on capital, it is preferable to take the average amount of capital. Thus, equity at the beginning of the year amounted to 828.42 thousand rubles, and at the end of the year - 1059.9 thousand rubles. The average amount of capital used in the profitability formula will be:

However, in the context of inflation, more realistic estimates can be obtained using momentary values ​​of capital indicators. For this reason, and also because we do not have information about the amount of capital at the beginning of 1998, we used the one-time value of capital for 1998 - at the end of the year.

Table 6

Initial data for the analysis of the profitability of the enterprise.



thousand roubles.


thousand roubles.

Revenue from the sale of marketable products

Production and marketing costs

Profit from product sales

balance sheet profit

income tax

Net profit


Fixed assets

The entire capital of the enterprise

Let's calculate the profitability indicators:

1) Profitability of sales

where R p - profitability of sales;

P rp - profit from the sale of products;

B - proceeds from the sale of products.

In the analyzed period (1999):

In the previous period (1998):

Thus, if in 1998 the enterprise received profit of 4.09 kopecks from each ruble of sold products, then in 1999 this figure increased by 2.67 times and amounted to 10.9 kopecks.

2) Profitability of production activities (recoupment of costs):

where I - the cost of production and marketing of products.

It follows that each ruble of expenses for production and marketing of products in 1999 brought the enterprises a profit of 12.23 kopecks, which is 2.87 times more than in the previous 1998.

3) profitability (yield) of the entire capital of the enterprise (R K):

where PE - net profit;

В (avg) - total balance (average).

In 1999, the company's net profit amounted to 13.7% of the average annual value of all invested capital. In 1998, the share of net profit amounted to 3.48% of the total capital at the end of the year.

4) Return on non-current assets (R F):

where F (sr) - average cost non-current assets.

For every ruble invested in non-current assets, there are 85.19 kopecks. net profit, which is 3.62 times more than in the previous year.

5) Return on equity (R sk):

where SC is the company's own capital.

The efficiency of using the enterprise's own funds in 1999 increased 4.34 times as compared with the previous year.

The above profitability indicators depend on many factors. Here we present a factorial analysis of the level of profitability of the enterprise's production activities.

Table 7

Indicators of profitability of "Oniks Plus" LLC activity.

The level of profitability of production activity (recoupment of costs) depends on three main factors of the first order: changes in the structure of products sold, their cost and average selling prices.

The factor model of this indicator has the form:

where V rp total - the total volume of sales;

UD i is the share of the i-th type of product in the total volume;

Пi - selling price of the i-th type of product;

C i - the cost of the i-th type of product.

The calculation of the influence of first-order factors on the change in the level of profitability for the whole enterprise will be performed by the method of chain substitutions, using the data in Table 3.:

(sales growth 2.36%)

Comparing the calculated conditional and actual indicators, we calculate the influence of factors:

Balance of factors:

Let's summarize the data obtained in a table (see Table 8.)

Table 8

Influence of factors on the profitability of the production activity of the enterprise.

The results obtained show that the growth in the profitability of production activities occurred due to an increase in average selling prices and a change in the structure of marketable products. The increase in the cost of production had a negative impact on the level of profitability. It should be noted here that both the increase in prices and the growth in the cost of commercial products are the result of inflationary processes, however, the growth rate of sales prices outpaces the growth in production costs, and this lead has a positive effect on the change in profitability (+4.9%).

2.5. Analysis of the distribution and use of enterprise profits

Profit is a source of financing needs that differ in their economic content. When it is distributed, the interests of both society as a whole, represented by the state, and the entrepreneurial interests of the founders of the enterprise and the interests of individual employees intersect. The object of distribution is the gross profit. Legislatively, the distribution of profits is implemented in the part that goes to the Federal budget and the budgets of the subjects of the Federation in the form of taxes and other obligatory payments. The distribution of the remaining part of the profit is the prerogative of the enterprise, is regulated by the internal documents of the enterprise and is fixed in its accounting policy. The distribution of profits is based on the following principles:

1) priority fulfillment of obligations to the budget;

2) the profit remaining at the disposal of the enterprise is distributed to accumulation and consumption.

The mechanism of the impact of finance on the efficiency of economic management depends on the nature of distribution relations, the specific forms and methods of their organization, and their correspondence to the level of productive forces of production relations. The benchmark for establishing the relationship between accumulation and consumption should be the state of production assets and the competitiveness of manufactured products. In the process of distributing net profit, the enterprise has the right to independently determine the method of distributing net profit.

The distribution of the net profit of LLC "Onix Plus" is carried out through the formation of special funds: an accumulation fund, a consumption fund and a reserve fund.

The accumulation fund of LLC "Onyx Plus" is used for design and technological work, development and development of new types of products, technological processes, to finance the costs associated with technical re-equipment and reconstruction of production, environmental protection measures. This also includes expenses for the repayment of long-term loans and the payment of interest on them, the payment of interest on short-term loans in excess of the amounts attributable to the cost of production, financing the increase in working capital.

The consumption fund of the analyzed enterprise is used for social development and social needs. It finances the construction of non-industrial facilities, pays bonuses for the performance of especially important production tasks, rendering financial assistance etc.

As can be seen from Table 9, more than 50% of net profit remained undistributed. The share of deductions to the accumulation fund is 39.67% of net profit, which allows us to conclude that the management of Onyx Plus LLC plans to expand production, namely, to increase the main and revolving funds develop new types of products.

Table 9

Distribution of profits of Onyx Plus LLC.


Amount, thousand rubles

balance sheet profit

income tax

Tax on income from securities

Profit remaining at the disposal of the enterprise

Economic sanctions

Contributions to charitable foundations

Net profit

Distribution of net profit:

to the reserve fund

To the accumulation fund

To the consumption fund

Undestributed profits

Share of net profit, %

to the reserve fund

To the accumulation fund

To the consumption fund

In retained earnings

A small share (5.9%) of deductions to the consumption fund shows that the plans of the management of the enterprise in question in the short term do not include a significant development of the social sphere of the enterprise.

Chapter 3. Reserves for increasing profits and profitability of the enterprise. Conclusions and suggestions for improving the performance of LLC "Onyx Plus"

3.1. Reserves for increasing profits and profitability of the enterprise

In this chapter of our thesis, we will consider the reserves for increasing the amount of profit of the Onyx Plus manufacturing company.

Reserves for profit growth are quantitatively measurable opportunities to increase it due to an increase in the volume of sales of products, reduce the cost of its production and sale, avoid non-sales losses, and improve the structure of products. Reserves are identified at the planning stage and in the process of implementing plans. Determination of profit growth reserves is based on a scientifically based method of their calculation, mobilization and implementation. There are three stages of this work: analytical, organizational and functional.

At the first stage, reserves are allocated and quantified; at the second, they develop a set of engineering, organizational, economic and social measures that ensure the use of the identified reserves; at the third stage, they practically implement measures and monitor their implementation.

When calculating the reserves for profit growth due to a possible increase in sales volume, the results of the analysis of output and sales of products are used.

The amount of the reserve for profit growth due to an increase in the volume of production is calculated by the formula:

where: - reserve for profit growth due to an increase in production volume;

P i - planned profit for i-th unit products;

RP ki - the number of additionally sold products in natural units of measurement.

If the profit is calculated per ruble of marketable products, the amount of the reserve for its growth due to an increase in the volume of sales is determined by the formula:

where: PV - possible increase in the volume of sold products, rub.;

P - actual profit from the sale of products, rub.;

V - the actual volume of products sold, rub.

Comparison of the possible sales volume, established by the results of marketing research, with production capabilities of the enterprise allows predicting an increase in the volume of production and sales of products of Onyx Plus LLC by 5% next year.

Let's calculate the reserve for increasing profits by increasing the volume of output and sales of products of Onyx Plus LLC according to the formula (3.2).

PV = 3603.1 thousand rubles * 5% = 180.155 thousand rubles

P \u003d 392.66 thousand rubles.

V = 3603.1 thousand rubles

Thus, by increasing the volume of output by 5%, the enterprise under consideration will increase its profit by 19.633 thousand rubles.

An important direction in the search for profit growth reserves is to reduce the cost of production and sale of products, for example, raw materials, materials, fuel, energy, depreciation of fixed assets and other expenses.

The comparison method can be used to identify and calculate the reserves for profit growth due to cost reduction. In this case, in order to quantify reserves, it is very important to choose the right base of comparison. Such a base can be the levels of use of certain types of production resources: planned and normative;

The methodological basis for the economic assessment of reserves for reducing the costs of materialized labor is a system of progressive technical and economic norms and standards for the types of costs of raw materials, materials, fuel and energy resources, standards for the use of production capacities, specific capital investments, norms and standards in equipment, etc.

With the comparative method of quantitative measurement of reserves, their value is determined by comparing the achieved level of costs with their potential value:

where: - reserve for reducing the cost of production due to the i-th type of resources;

- the actual level of use of the i-th type of production resources;

- potential level of use of the i-th type of production resources.

A generalized quantitative assessment of the total amount of the reserve for reducing the cost of production is carried out by summing up their value by certain types resources:

where: - the total value of the reserve for reducing the cost of production;

Cost reduction reserve for the i-th type of production resources.

If the analysis of profit is preceded by an analysis of the cost of production and the total amount of the reserve for its reduction is determined, then the calculation of the reserve for profit growth is carried out according to the formula:

where: - reserve for increasing profits by reducing the cost of production;

Possible cost reduction per ruble of products;

V - the actual volume of products sold for the period under study;

PV - a possible increase in the volume of sales of products.

The costs of production and sale of manufactured products in general and by items for the reporting year (actually and according to the plan), as well as for the previous year, are presented in table 10.

Table 10

The cost of production and sales of products.


1998 thousand rubles

1999 thousand rubles



Raw materials

Depreciation of fixed assets

Management expenses

Selling expenses

In order to bring the costs of production and sale of products by items into comparable values, we recalculate them for 1 ruble of manufactured and sold products using the formula:

Table 11

The cost of 1 ruble of marketable products.


1998 thousand rubles

1999 thousand rubles



Raw materials

Transport and procurement costs

Wages of production workers (basic and additional)

Depreciation of fixed assets

Other operating expenses

Production cost of products

Management expenses

Selling expenses

Full cost of production

As Table 11 shows, there are reserves to reduce the cost of production by reducing management and commercial costs.

The possible reduction in costs per ruble of marketable products is equal to:

The cost per ruble of marketable output in 1999 amounted to 0.891 rubles. a decrease in this amount by 0.03 rubles. will increase the amount of profit. Calculate the reserve for increasing the amount of profit due to cost reduction:

And this, in turn, will increase the profitability of sales.

The actual return on sales in 1999 was:

Possible profitability of sales with a decrease of 0.03 rubles. the cost per ruble of sold products will be:

A significant reserve for profit growth is the improvement in the quality of marketable products.

The considered enterprise OOO "Onyx Plus" manufactures products of the 1st and 2nd grades. The specificity of the manufactured products, namely woodworking products, is such that the quality does not always completely depend on the manufacturer. Often the quality of products depends on the quality of raw materials. However, compliance with technological discipline, control over the operation of equipment and its timely adjustment, storage and transportation of raw materials and finished products are the most important factors in improving the quality of commercial products.

The reserve for increasing profits through quality improvement is usually determined as follows: the change in the share of each variety is multiplied by the selling price of the corresponding variety, the results are summed up, and the resulting change in the average price is multiplied by the possible sales volume of the product:

where: - reserve for increasing profits by improving product quality;

LE i- share of the i-th type of product in the total volume of sales;

C i- selling price of the i-th type of product;

V- the actual volume of sales of products in the analyzed period;

PV- possible increase in sales volume.

In 1999, the products of the 1st grade in the total volume of sales of products of Onyx Plus LLC amounted to 65%, the 2nd grade - 35%.

The selling price of woodworking products of II-grade is 20% lower than the price of products of I-grade (i.e. = 100%; = 80%).

The enterprise has the opportunity to change the structure of products in such a way: to increase the share of products of the 1st grade by 5% and to reduce the share of products of the 2nd grade by the same amount.

Calculate the reserve for increasing profits due to such a change in the structure

Table 12

Calculation of the reserve for profit growth by improving product quality.

The average selling price of a conventional unit increased by 1 conventional monetary unit.

Let's calculate what 1 conventional monetary unit is equal to.

We will take the entire volume of production as 100 conventional units of quantity, then the actual volume of products of the 1st grade will be equal to 65 conventional units of quantity, - of the 2nd grade - 35 conventional units of quantity.

The amount of proceeds from the sale can be expressed in conventional units and presented as a sum:

conv. den. units

At the same time, the proceeds from the sale of products, taking into account the possible increase in the volume of production and sales of products, is 3783.255 thousand rubles.

Then 9300 conv. den units = 3783.255 thousand rubles.

Hence 1 arb. den units = 0,4068 thousand roubles.

So, due to the increase in the share of products of the 1st grade by 5% and the reduction in the share of the 2nd grade, the average price increases by 0.4068 thousand rubles. per conventional unit of quantity, and the amount of profit for the possible volume of sales increases by 40.68 thousand rubles.

Let us summarize all the identified reserves for profit growth (Table 13).

Table 13

Generalized reserves for increasing the amount of profit.

The main sources of reserves for increasing the level of profitability of products is an increase in the amount of profit from the sale of products, a decrease in the cost of commercial products. To calculate the reserves for increasing the profitability of sales, the following formula can be used:

where: - profitability growth reserve;

Profitability is possible;

actual profitability;

The actual amount of profit;

Profit growth reserve from sales of products;

Possible cost of production, taking into account the identified reserves;

Actual cost of goods sold.

The possible amount of costs per ruble of marketable products:

0.8910 - 00.03 \u003d 0.861 rubles.

We multiply this amount of costs by the possible volume of marketable products expressed in selling prices (3783.255 thousand rubles), we get the value of the sum of the possible cost:

Having calculated all the known data in formula (3.8), we calculate the reserve for increasing the profitability of the production activities of the Onyx Plus LLC due to the above factors:

Thus, with an increase in production and sales of products by 5%, a decrease of 0.03 rubles. costs per ruble of marketable products, an increase of 5% in the share of products of the 1st grade in the total volume of sales, the company Onyx Plus LLC will receive additional profit in the amount of 173,813 thousand rubles. and increase the profitability of production (return on costs) by 5.16%.

3.2. Conclusions and proposals for improving the financial performance of Onyx Plus LLC

Based on the analysis of the reserve for increasing profits and profitability of the enterprise, carried out in the previous paragraph of this chapter, here we can conclude that the enterprise in question has the following reserves for increasing profits:

Increasing the volume of production and sales of manufactured products;

Reducing the cost of manufactured products;

Improving the quality of products.

It also seems to us necessary to make a number of proposals to improve the financial results of Onyx Plus LLC, which can be applied both in the short and medium term, and in the long term:

Consider and eliminate the causes of overspending of financial resources on administrative and commercial expenses;

Improve enterprise management, namely:

Allocate cost centers and responsibility centers as part of the structural divisions and structural units of the enterprise;

Implementation of the system at the enterprise management accounting costs in the context of responsibility centers, cost centers and individual groups of marketable products;

To increase the share of small-scale wholesale products in the composition of sales;

Carry out timely markdown of products that have lost their original quality;

Implement effective pricing policy differentiated in relation to certain categories of buyers;

Carry out systematic monitoring of the operation of equipment and make its timely adjustment in order to prevent a decrease in quality and the release of defective products;

When commissioning new equipment, pay enough attention to education and training of personnel, improving their skills, for the effective use of equipment and preventing its breakdown due to low qualification;

Improving the skills of workers, accompanied by an increase in labor productivity;

Develop and introduce effective system material incentives for personnel, closely linked to the main results of the enterprise's economic activity and saving resources;

Use systems for de-bonding employees in case of violation of either labor or technological discipline;

Develop and implement measures aimed at improving the material climate in the team, which will ultimately affect the increase in labor productivity;

To exercise constant control over the conditions of storage and transportation of raw materials and finished products.


The search for reserves to increase the efficiency of the use of all types of available resources is one of the most important tasks of any production. These reserves can only be identified and put to practical use through careful financial and economic analysis.

Analysis of the financial performance of the enterprise is an integral part of the financial and economic analysis. The main indicators characterizing the efficiency of the enterprise are profit and profitability.

As the analysis of the financial results of the production enterprise Onyx Plus LLC showed, this enterprise successfully operates in the market of the city of Tver and the Tver region, it is competitive, and in the period under review it improved its financial results.

The balance sheet profit in the reporting year increased by 39155% compared to the previous year, in comparable prices this increase was 173.09%. The plan for balance sheet profit was overfulfilled by 10.21%.

The company receives its main income from the production and sale of woodworking products. The share of profit from sales in the balance sheet profit - 96.29%

The profit plan from the main activity was overfulfilled by 22.66 thousand rubles. or by 6.12%.

The amount of profit from the sale of products in 1999 is almost 5 times (399.5%) more than in 1998.

The net profit of the enterprise increased by 221.26 thousand rubles. or 395%.

Inflationary processes played a significant role in such a rapid increase in the amount of profit. However, the improvement of the activity of the enterprise itself also played a significant role. This was shown by a factor analysis of profit and profitability.

The greatest change in profit from the sale of products occurred due to a change in the structure of products sold. In the structure of manufactured products, the share of more profitable products is increasing. Thus, the enterprise is increasing the production of finished wood products, such as doors, at a faster pace. Frames, door and window blocks than raw lumber. The increase in profit from product sales due to the volume of production increased by 2.36%.

More fully than profit, the final results of management characterize the indicators of profitability.

Return on sales, showing the share of profit in the amount of proceeds from sales, in the reporting year amounted to 10.9%, which is 2.67 times more than the figure for the previous year and 0.4% more than planned.

Profitability of costs for production and sale of products in the reporting year amounted to 12.23, which is 0.46% more than according to the plan and 2.87 times higher than the result of the previous year.

The profitability of the entire capital increased by almost 4 times and amounted to 13.7%. Profitability of non-current assets amounted to 8519%, which is 3.62 times higher than the figure of the previous year.

The analysis also showed that at the enterprise we are considering there are reserves for increasing profits and profitability. These include: increasing the volume of production and sales of products, reducing the unit cost of production and improving product quality.

Using the identified reserves, Onyx Plus LLC can earn additional profit in the amount of 173,813 thousand rubles and increase the profitability of production from 12.23% to 17.39%, i.е. 1.42 times

In this thesis work, we analyzed the financial results of the manufacturing enterprise LLC "Onyx Plus". This analysis is retrospective, as used information of already accomplished facts of economic activity; internal, i.e. the activity of only one enterprise was studied; final (for one year); financial and economic, i.e. its content is the study of the interaction of economic processes and financial results.

According to the methodology used, our analysis is comparative and factorial. In terms of the coverage of the studied objects - selective and thematic, i.e. not all aspects of the economic activity of Onyx Plus LLC were considered, but only financial results.

This analysis is not exhaustive, this is dictated by the limited information provided by the enterprise and, to some extent, the limited scope of this thesis. one of the tasks of this work is to show the mastery of various methods and methods of analysis.


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  1. Balance sheet (Form No. 1).
  2. Profit and Loss Statement (Form No. 2).

The financial results of the activities of a commercial organization are characterized by the amount of profit received and its level of profitability.

The main sources of information in the analysis are analytical accounting data and a statement of financial results.

Algorithm and sequence of financial results analysis

A. D. Sheremet proposes to analyze the profit and profitability of products in the following sequence:

    A number of indicators are formed in which the financial results of the organization are manifested. At the same time, such indicators as gross profit, profit (loss) from sales, profit (loss from sales and other non-sales activities, profit (loss) before tax (general accounting profit), profit (loss) from ordinary activities, net profit ( retained earnings (loss) of the reporting period).

    The analysis at the preliminary stage is carried out both in absolute terms of profit and in terms of its relative indicators, for example, in relation to profit to sales proceeds - in terms of profitability of sales.

    An in-depth analysis is carried out by studying the impact on the amount of profit and profitability of sales of various factors, which are divided into a group of external and a group of internal factors.

    Then the impact of inflation on the financial results from product sales is analyzed.

    The quality of profit is studied - a generalized characteristic of the structure of sources of profit formation.

    An analysis of the profitability of the company's assets is carried out.

    Profit margin analysis is carried out.

1. A classification of profit is given, which is considered as an indicator of the effect of economic activity. For analysis purposes, profits are classified:

  • in order of formation: gross profit, marginal income, profit before tax, net profit;
  • by sources of formation: profit from the sale of services, profit from the sale of property, non-operating profit;
  • by type of activity: profit from ordinary activities, profit from investment activities, profit from financial activities;
  • by frequency of receipt: regular profit, extraordinary profit;
  • by the nature of use: profit directed to dividends (consumed), profit capitalized (retained) profit.

At the same time, it highlights the following goals of profit management:

  • profit maximization in accordance with the resources of the enterprise and market conditions;
  • achieving the optimal ratio between the maximum possible level of profit and the risk of its receipt;
  • high quality arrived;
  • ensuring an appropriate level of payment of dividends to owners;
  • ensuring sufficient investment from retained earnings;
  • increase in the market value of the enterprise;
  • ensuring effective programs for the participation of personnel in the distribution of profits.

2. Profit indicators are formed, the basis for their calculation is revealed, and the relationship between them is revealed.

3. The economic factors influencing the amount of profit are listed, a factor analysis of profit before tax is carried out.

5. An analysis of the "quality" of profit is carried out, which is understood as "a generalized characteristic of the structure of the sources of formation of the organization's profit". Profit is of high quality if the volume of production grows, production and sales costs decrease, low quality of profit means that there is an increase in prices for products without an increase in output and sales in physical terms. In addition, the quality of profit is characterized by:

  • the state of settlements with creditors, the less overdue accounts payable, the higher the quality of profit;
  • level of profitability of sales;
  • profit adequacy ratio;
  • structure of profitability by types of products.

6. The cash flows of the organization are considered in order to determine the degree of sufficiency of cash receipts from current activities to ensure outflows from the current and investment activities of the enterprise. It is proposed to link the analysis of financial results with the analysis of cash flows.

7. An analysis of financial results is carried out according to the financial statements of the enterprise, i.e. their level, dynamics (horizontal analysis of the income statement) and structure (vertical analysis) are studied.

8. A scheme of factor analysis of the total accounting profit (profit before taxation) and profit from product sales is proposed.

9. The change in profit from the sale of products is influenced by two groups of factors. The first group includes: a change in the volume of sales of products in the assessment of the basic or planned cost, a change in the volume of production due to changes in the structure of products. The second group of factors is represented by savings from reducing the cost of production, savings from reducing the cost of production due to structural changes, changes in costs due to the dynamics of prices for materials and tariffs for services, changes in prices for one ruble of products.

The disadvantage of this technique is that when disclosing the composition of factors affecting the change in profit, a methodological error was made, which consists in the fact that it is recommended to take into account the influence of the same factor on the change in profit twice, namely, a structural shift in the product range is taken into account simultaneously in two groups of factors. It can be noted that the proposed classification of factors and its division into two groups raises questions.

10. Then it is recommended to analyze the use of profits on the basis of the income statement, considering the main directions of use of net profit. The author proposes, in the course of vertical and horizontal analysis of the use of net profit, to calculate the capitalization ratio, the rate of sustainable growth of equity capital, and the profit consumption ratio. At the same time, the profit capitalization ratio means the share in the total net profit of funds allocated to reserve funds and the accumulation fund, the consumption coefficient - the share of funds from net profit directed to consumption (consumption fund, social sphere fund, dividends, charitable and other purposes) in the total amount of net profit. The sustainable growth rate of equity capital is the ratio between the difference between net and consumed profits and the average equity capital for the analyzed period.

11. Considerations are made that the final stage of the analysis of financial results should be a profitability analysis, within which profitability indicators should be determined, a definition of economic and financial profitability is given with consideration of the effect financial leverage, an analysis of the return on assets, equity, profitability of products and production assets is carried out.

Summarizing the above, it can be noted that the methodological approach to the content of the economic analysis of the financial results of the enterprise should be as follows:

The analysis of financial results should be carried out following the logic of moving from the general to the particular and, further, to determining the impact of the particular on the general. In other words, first, the generalizing indicators of financial results are analyzed in their dynamics, then their structure is studied, the change in the analyzed period is determined in relation to the base period or to the business plan; factors are identified, the action of which led to changes, indicators that can be used to quantify the impact of factors on changes in financial results.

Detailed analysis of financial results based on in-depth study of private indicators and identification of profit growth reserves

Following this logic of analysis, first of all, the formation of profit is studied, i.e. the mass, dynamics and structure of the total (general accounting) profit of the enterprise with the identification of factors of its change and potential reserves.

Then they analyze:

  • components of total profit, which are profit from sales and profit from other activities (operating and non-operating profit);
  • profit in the context of the release of specific types of products, specific contracts with buyers;
  • profit from other activities in the context of individual operations and transactions;
  • profitability (profitability) of activities, in particular, profitability of sales, which characterizes the amount of profit per each ruble of sales proceeds.

The next direction is the analysis of profit from sales as part of marginal income with the allocation of semi-fixed and semi-variable costs in general for the enterprise and at the level of a specific product. And, finally, a marginal analysis or analysis of incremental revenues and costs is carried out in order to determine the volume of production (sales) that corresponds to the possibility of obtaining the maximum profit from sales by the enterprise.

The indicators used for the analysis are estimated at basic, planned and actual prices, taking into account the effect of inflation, risk factors and uncertainties when making a profit.

Calculations of changes in financial results are carried out by direct account and using various methods of economic analysis, the content of which is studied in his theory, which makes it possible to reveal the system of private changes under the influence of various factors and show its connection with changes in general indicators.

At the same time, sources of profit, the degree of stability of profit are being studied, and measures are being developed in order to realize reserves and forecast financial results.

Institute of Economics, Management and Law (Kazan)

Nizhnekamsk branch

Faculty of Economics

Department "Accounting and audit"

Course work

topic: Analysis of the financial results of the enterprise

discipline: Comprehensive economic analysis

Edinaia Olga Nikolaevna

2. Analysis and evaluation of the financial results of the enterprise

2.2 Analysis of sales profit

3. Ways to improve the financial performance of the enterprise

List of used literature


In a market economy, the most important indicator of the effectiveness of the organization is performance. The concept of "performance" consists of several important components of the financial and economic activities of the organization. Turnover, that is, the total volume of sales of products (services) for a certain period, was considered to be the most general characteristic of the effectiveness of the financial and economic activities of an organization. For organizations operating in a market economy, the main indicator reflecting the effectiveness of their activities is profit.

A general assessment of the organization's activities is given on the basis of such resulting financial indicators as profit (loss) - an absolute indicator and profitability - a relative indicator. Profit and profitability reflect the efficiency of the production process.

IN In general, the concept of "financial result" includes a certain economic sense: excess (decrease) in the cost of manufactured products over the costs of its production; the excess of the cost of sold products over the total costs incurred in connection with its production and sale; the excess of net (retained) profit over incurred losses, which ultimately is the financial and economic basis for increasing the organization's own capital. In a market economy, financial performance management occupies a central place in the business life of an economic entity. In addition, a positive financial result also indicates the effective and expedient use of the organization's assets, its fixed and working capital.

Financial results are the merit of the organization. In this case, profit is the result of good work or external objective and subjective factors, and loss is the result of poor work or external negative factors. Profit is, on the one hand, the main source of financing for the activities of organizations, and on the other hand, it is a source of income for budgets of various levels. Article 50 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation states that making a profit is the main goal of the activities of commercial organizations.

Making a profit will ensure the further development of a commercial organization. At the same time, the resulting profitability should be considered not only the main goal, but also the main condition for the business activity of the organization, as a result of its activities, the effective implementation of its functions to provide consumers with the necessary goods in accordance with the existing demand for them.

In a market economy, the study of financial results with the aim of alternative use of resources, as well as the search for factors that affect their size, is of priority importance, since the efficiency of the business depends on the depth of knowledge and the correct use of the result obtained. Analysis of financial results is one of critical aspects research of economic activity of the enterprise. Studying the composition and structure of profits, conducting a factor analysis of the result of the sale are necessary to assess financial performance and economic forecasting. The purpose of the analysis of financial results is to quantify the reasons that caused the change in profit or loss, tax payments from profit to the budget, to identify the impact of costs on changes in financial results or the impact of price changes caused by market conditions.

Particular attention in the process of analyzing and evaluating the dynamics of the financial performance of an organization should be paid to the most significant item of their formation - profit (loss) from the sale of goods, products, work performed, services rendered as the most important component of economic (net) profit.

The analysis of the financial result based on the income statement as mandatory elements includes the study of changes in each indicator for the analyzed period, the study of structural changes. AND The study of the financial result traditionally involves the study of the dynamics of indicators for a number of reporting periods.

The analysis of financial results involves the solution of the following tasks:

analysis of the composition and dynamics of profit;

analysis of financial results from ordinary and other activities;

analysis of the distribution and use of profits.

The course work outlines the theoretical foundations for analyzing the financial performance of an enterprise, analyzes profit before tax, analyzes profit from sales, analyzes profitability, and also discusses ways to improve the financial results of an enterprise.

1. Theoretical basis analysis of the financial results of the enterprise

1.1 Economic entity financial results

In modern economic science, the term "profit" and its content cause a lot of controversy and inconsistencies. The current possibility of ambiguous interpretation of the definitions of types of profit gives rise to problematic situations related to the assessment and study of this complex economic category. With the development of economic theory, the set of concepts and terms that define profit has undergone significant changes from the simplest as income from production and sales to the concept that characterizes the final financial results in all the variety of commercial activities.

The concept of profit as the development of economic theory is constantly becoming more complicated. Moreover, the interpretation of profit was and still is quite controversial. Without a doubt, common to all researchers-economists in the field of profit is the opinion that profit is a difference, a deviation, a remainder. Researchers unanimously view profit as "something" contained in the sale proceeds. Disagreements, and very significant ones, arise when trying to establish what components this "something" consists of. So, according to J. St. Mill, for example, profit is calculated by subtracting from the company's income the costs of purchasing the necessary goods and services (raw materials, transport), as well as paid to staff wages. Such an interpretation of profit as a component income was challenged by McKilloch, and then, after some hesitation, by A. Marshall. In their opinion, in addition to the above-mentioned costs, the remuneration of the capital used in this production should also be deducted from the company's income. It should immediately be noted what kind of capital we are talking about: attracted, own or capital in general - it is not clear. Further, based on the ideas of H. von Thünen and L. Walras, Naith and Weston introduced the concept of net profit, a kind of balance from the balance, from which, in addition to the already named elements, compensation to the company's management and risk premiums were removed.

K. Marx, exploring the nature of surplus value, points out that "surplus value or that part of the entire value of the commodity, in which the surplus - or unpaid - labor of the worker is embodied, I call profit." In other words, the normal and average profit, according to Marx, is formed in the form of a share of the unpaid labor of workers when goods are sold at their actual value.

In the modern economy, profit is considered from two positions - microeconomic and macroeconomic levels. At the microeconomic level, it is associated with the process of education in operating organizations, and at the macroeconomic level, the place of profit in state income is determined.

For example, from the theoretical studies of V.P. Petrova it follows that profit is formed in the process of circulation and turnover of funds in macroeconomics and characterizes the increase (increase) in the real wealth of the state in monetary terms. It manifests itself in practice in the form of increased wealth of individual entrepreneurs. Therefore, the profit of all enterprises in the aggregate should be equal to the sum of the increase in the wealth of the state. Similarly, profit can be viewed in world space.

It is not enough to consider profit only from the standpoint of determining the economic category and its functions. For a more complete description of profit, it should be presented both as an effective and as quantitative indicators: effective - it reflects the efficiency of the use of available resources, the results of the organization's activities; quantitative - this is the difference between the price and cost of goods, between sales and cost.

The American economist Samuelson believed that profit is an unconditional income from factors of production, it is a reward for entrepreneurial activity, technical innovations and improvements, for the ability to take risks in conditions of uncertainty, it is a monopoly income and an ethical category.


State educational institution of higher professional education




Department of Economics

Plaksina Irina Vladimirovna

Analysis of financial results

Student's test

4th year of distance learning, external study

Moscow 2009


    Tasks and objectives of the analysis of financial results…………………….4

    Analysis of the composition and dynamics of balance sheet profit. Factors of its formation……………………………………………………………………….6

    Analysis of financial results from other activities…14

    Analysis of the profitability of the enterprise……………….…16


Bibliography…………………………………………................................ 19


The financial results of the enterprise are characterized by the amount of profit received and the level of profitability.

Profit is the real part of the net income created by surplus labor. Only after the sale of the product (works, services) net income takes the form of profit. The amount of profit is determined as the difference between the proceeds from the economic activities of the enterprise (after paying value added tax, excise tax and other deductions from proceeds to budget and non-budget funds) and the sum of all costs for this activity.

1. Tasks and objectives of the analysis of financial results

Making a profit is the main goal of any business entity. On the one hand, profit is an indicator of the effectiveness of the enterprise, because. it depends mainly on the quality of the enterprise, increases the economic interest of its employees in the most efficient use of resources, tk. profit is the main source of production and social development of the enterprise. On the other hand, it serves as the most important source of formation of the state budget. Thus, both the enterprise and the state are interested in the growth of profit amounts.

Profitability is one of the main cost qualitative indicators of the efficiency of an enterprise, characterizing the level of return on costs and the degree of use of funds in the process of production and sale of products (works, services). Profitability indicators are expressed in coefficients or percentages and reflect the share of profit from each monetary unit of costs. Thus, more fully than profit characterize the final results of management, tk. their value shows the ratio of the effect to the available or used resources.

The amount of profit and the level of profitability depend on the production, marketing and commercial activities of the enterprise, i.e. these indicators characterize all aspects of management.

The main objectives of the analysis of financial performance are:

    control over the implementation of plans for the sale of products and profit, the study of the dynamics;

    determination of the influence of both objective and subjective factors on the formation of financial results;

    identification of profit growth reserves;

    assessment of the enterprise's work on the use of opportunities to increase profits and profitability;

    development of measures for the use of identified reserves.

The main goal of financial analysis is the development and adoption of sound management decisions aimed at improving the efficiency of an economic entity.

2. Analysis of the composition and dynamics of balance sheet profit. Factors of its formation

The following profit indicators are used in the analysis: balance sheet profit, profit from the sale of products (works, services), profit from other sales, non-operating results (income and expenses from non-operating operations), taxable profit, net profit.

Balance sheet profit is part of the balance sheet profit, which serves as the basis for calculating the tax payable to the budget.

Net profit is the profit that remains at the disposal of the enterprise after paying all taxes, economic sanctions and contributions to charitable funds.

In the process of analysis, the composition of the balance sheet profit, its structure, dynamics and the implementation of the plan for the analyzed period are determined. When studying the dynamics and implementation of the balance sheet profit plan, the comparison method is used: comparing the indicators of the reporting period with the previous one in the first case and comparing the actual indicators of the reporting period with the planned ones.

When studying the dynamics of indicators, inflationary processes should be taken into account. Comparability of indicators is ensured by recalculation for the price index. The price growth index is determined by the formula:

where K i - output in the analyzed period in physical units;

Пi - price of a unit of production in the analyzed period;

C about - the price of a unit of production in the base period;

Many factors influence the change in the balance sheet profit. Factors of the first, second and third orders can be quantitatively measured.

First-order factors include changes in:

    profits from the sale of products (goods, works, services);

    profit from other sales;

    non-operating financial results.

In turn, the profit from the sale of products (goods, works, services) depends on the following factors:

    the volume of products sold;

    structure of products sold;

    total cost of goods sold;

    prices for products sold.

These factors belong to the factors of the second order of balance sheet profit.

In more detail and visually, the factors of the three levels are presented in Fig. 1.

The relationship of factors of the first and second orders with the balance sheet profit is direct, with the exception of the cost, the reduction of which leads to an increase in profit.

When calculating the influence of first-order factors on the balance sheet profit, we use an additive factorial model:

where PB - balance sheet profit;

PR - profit from the sale of goods;

PP - profit from other sales;

BP - non-operating results.

The quantitative change of each factor is equal to the influence of this factor on the change in the balance sheet profit.

To calculate the influence of factors on which the profit from the sale of products (goods, works, services) depends, such as the volume of sales of products, their full cost and average selling prices, the method of valuable substitutions or the method of absolute differences is often used.

Fig.1. Structural and logical scheme of the factor system of balance sheet profit.

Profit from the sale of homogeneous products is calculated by the formula:

, 2 (1.3.)

where P - profit from the sale of products;

V is the volume (quantity) of products sold;

C - selling price of a unit of production;

C is the unit cost of production.

We use this formula as a factorial model for determining factor analysis.

The method of chain substitutions allows you to determine the influence of individual factors on the change in the value of the effective indicator by gradually replacing the base value of each factor indicator in the volume of the effective indicator with the actual value in the reporting period. For this purpose, a number of conditional values ​​​​of the effective indicator are determined, which take into account the change in one, then two, three, etc. factors, assuming that the others do not change. Comparing the value of the effective indicator before and after changing the level of one or another factor allows you to eliminate the influence of all factors except one, and determine the impact of the latter on the growth of the effective indicator.

Calculation algorithm by chain substitution method for factorial model (1.3.):

Planned (basic) value of profit;

The first conditional indicator of profit, showing what value profit would have with the actual volume of sales of products and the planned price and planned cost;

The second conditional indicator, reflecting the amount of profit with the actual volume of sales and the actual price, but with the planned cost of production;

- the actual rate of profit.

Total profit change:


Including through:

1) change in the volume of sales of products:


2) change in the average selling price of products:

3) change in the cost of production:


The algebraic sum of the influence of all factors must necessarily be equal to the total increase in the effective indicator:

The absence of such equality indicates errors in the calculations.

Method for calculating the influence of factors by the method of absolute differences:

    In the factor model, instead of the value of sales volume, we substitute its deviation and calculate the effect of volume changes on profit growth:

    The product of the deviation of the price by the volume of sales of products shows the change in the amount of profit due to the change in price:

    The product of the deviation of the cost of production by the volume of its sales, taken with the opposite sign, shows the effect of the deviation of the cost on the change in profit:

Here, too, the sum of the influence of factors should be equal to the total profit deviation:

If the enterprise produces heterogeneous types of products, then the structural factor is added to the above factors. The influence of the structural factor on the change in profit can be calculated by taking absolute differences using the factor model:

3 , (1.4)

where UD f i , UD pl i - respectively, the actual and planned share of the i-th type of product in the total sales volume,%;

P 1 pl i - the planned amount of profit per unit of the i-th type of product;

V f - the actual total volume of products sold in nominal terms.

Also, to calculate the influence of the structural factor on the change in the total amount of profit, you can use the model:

4 , (1.5)

where R pl i is the planned profitability of the i-th type of product (the ratio of the amount of profit to the total cost of sales).

After calculating the influence of all these factors on the change in profit, it is necessary to study the reasons for the change in sales volume, price and cost for each type of product.

3. Analysis of financial results from other activities.

Along with the sale of products (goods, works, services), the source of profit can also be the activity of the enterprise that is not related to the sale of products. This is profit from equity participation in joint ventures; income from the lease of land and fixed assets; received and paid penalties, fines, forfeits; losses from writing off uncollectible receivables for which the statute of limitations has expired; income from shares, bonds, deposits; income and losses from foreign exchange transactions; profits (losses) of previous years revealed in the current year; financial assistance from other organizations; losses from natural disasters, etc.

The analysis is reduced mainly to the study of the dynamics and causes of losses and profits for each specific case.

Losses from the payment of fines arise in connection with the violation of contracts with other enterprises, organizations and institutions. The analysis establishes the reasons for non-fulfillment of obligations, measures are taken to prevent mistakes.

A change in the amount of fines received can occur not only as a result of violation of contractual obligations by suppliers and contractors, but also due to the weakening of financial control on the part of the enterprise in relation to them. Therefore, when analyzing this indicator, it should be checked whether, in all cases of violation of contractual obligations, appropriate sanctions were presented to suppliers.

Losses from writing off bad receivables usually occur at those enterprises where the establishment of accounting and control over the state of settlements is at a low level. Profits (losses) of previous years, identified in the reporting year, also indicate shortcomings in accounting.

Income from securities (shares, bonds, bills, etc.) deserves special attention. Enterprises - holders of securities receive certain income in the form of dividends in the process of analysis, the dynamics of dividends, stock prices, net profit per share are studied, the rates of their growth and decline are established.

The amount of dividends received depends on the number of shares purchased and the level of dividend per share, the amount of which is determined by the profitability of the joint-stock company, the tax and depreciation policy of the state, the level of interest rates for loans, etc. an insufficiently high level of qualification of economic personnel, lack of knowledge of the laws of the market, inability to assess the conjecture of market laws can bring big losses to the enterprise. When evaluating the results of financial activity, inter-farm comparisons, studying the experience of other enterprises in the securities market, can be of great benefit.

At the end of the analysis, specific measures are developed aimed at preventing and reducing losses and losses from non-sales operations.

4. Analysis of the profitability of the enterprise

Profitability indicators characterize the efficiency of the enterprise as a whole, the profitability of various activities (production, business, investment), cost recovery, etc. They are used to assess the activities of enterprises and as a tool in investment policy and pricing.

Profitability indicators can be combined into several groups:

    indicators characterizing the profitability (payback) of production costs and investment projects;

    indicators characterizing the profitability of sales;

    indicators characterizing the profitability of capital and its parts.

All these indicators can be calculated on the basis of book profit, profit from sales of products and net profit.

The profitability of production activities (recoupment of costs) is calculated as the ratio of gross or net profit to the sum of costs for sold or manufactured products:

5 ; (1.6.)

; (1.7.)

where R s - profitability of production activities (return on costs);

P vp - gross profit from product sales;

PE - net profit;

And - the amount of costs.

It shows how much the company has profit from each ruble spent on the production and sale of products. It can be calculated as a whole for the enterprise, individual divisions and types of products.

The payback of investment projects is determined in a similar way: the received or expected amount of profit from the project refers to the amount of investment in this project.

The profitability of sales is calculated by dividing the profit from the sale of products (goods, works, services) by the amount of the proceeds received. It characterizes the profitability of sales per ruble of sales.

, (1.8.)

where R p - profitability of sales;

P rp - profit from the sale of products;

B - sales proceeds.

Profitability (profitability) of capital is calculated as the ratio of net profit to the average annual cost of the entire invested capital or its individual components; own, borrowed, main, negotiable, etc.

When calculating the return on capital, it is necessary to take the average amount of capital for the reporting period, however, in the context of inflation, more realistic estimates can be obtained using the instantaneous values ​​of these indicators.


The search for reserves to increase the efficiency of the use of all types of available resources is one of the most important tasks of any production. These reserves can only be identified and put to practical use through careful financial and economic analysis.

Analysis of the financial performance of the enterprise is an integral part of the financial and economic analysis. The main indicators characterizing the efficiency of the enterprise are profit and profitability.


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