Recommendations for opening an educational center. Venue

Not so long ago, in Soviet times, the educational level of a person did not play a global role in his fate. There was no such fierce competition in the labor market as it is now, and even without skills, everyone had the opportunity to get a job and receive a stable salary. Moreover, they could learn many professions right at the place of their employment. They even paid for it!

At that time, the majority could not even think that there would come a time when it would be necessary to have not one specialty, but even two or three, and that in the conditions of a gradual transformation of the economy, some professionals would simply be out of work. Previously, no one wondered how to open Training Center, and had no idea that training can build a very profitable business.

In modern times, everything has changed dramatically. Now the employer prefers to take ready-made personnel into his staff, and even more so, rarely anyone agrees to pay for training. Understanding the situation, today people are ready to invest good money in knowledge, and not necessarily in the education of children, many want to improve their level or acquire it in a short time new profession. Not everyone has the opportunity to spend many years on expensive education at universities, so a business built on short-term education is now considered highly profitable and relevant (if there is a properly drawn up business plan), which is currently of interest to many investors and entrepreneurs.

It is important to note that if a person has a plan to open any non-state educational institution(NOE), you should be aware that such a business is subject to mandatory licensing in the supervisory authorities in the field of education at the level of the subject of the Russian Federation.

Licensing must be included in the business plan, since without this procedure, such activities will be considered illegal, and the entrepreneur will inevitably face large penalties.

This process includes providing required documents to the licensing authority. Their consideration takes place, as a rule, within a month, and if the applicant meets certain requirements, then a decision is made to issue a license. It is beneficial to pay tax in this case according to a simplified system.

List of required documents for the licensed body

  • Application, which will need to indicate which educational programs will be provided at the training center.
  • All information regarding the teaching staff, which must correspond to their category and have supporting documents. Staffing should correspond to the declared number of future students.
  • Documents confirming the availability of an appropriate training room and its plan.
  • Information about what is available technical equipment premises and relevant educational and methodological literature for each declared training program.
  • Information on the registration of the training center as a non-state educational institution with a list of the entire founding staff.

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What start-up capital is needed, and what will profitability depend on

As can be seen from the above, the training center must be equipped with special equipment, and therefore, the entrepreneur, after selecting a suitable room (it must be at least 200 sq. M.), The plan should include the costs of acquiring the necessary furniture, equipment, and so on. For example, if you intend to open computer courses, then for this it will be necessary to buy items such as modern computers, tables and chairs for them, copiers, faxes, and so on.

If there is a plan based on the training of future hairdressers, then completely different attributes should be present in the center: mirrors, special chairs, professional hair dryers, and so on. In this case, it will be necessary to purchase consumables (shampoos, varnishes, combs, scissors), which will be needed to train the profession of a hairdresser.

In other words, what start-up capital will be needed depends to a greater extent on the direction of the training center and its volume. The business plan before starting its activity is worked out strictly individually by each entrepreneur or investor, and the exact figures of the necessary initial capital it is impossible to name.

You can take on such a business, having on hand an amount of about 300 thousand rubles. The training center will be relevant both in large cities and in villages, where there is a catastrophic shortage of teaching staff. The business plan is calculated based on the fact that renting a suitable room will cost an average of 1-2 thousand rubles per 1 sq. m. m.

NOU can be opened in several areas of study. For example, it may include accounting, computer and language courses. Today, such areas as teaching the 1C program, design and layout of sites, studying feng shui and many others are popular. In fact, the choice of courses in this area is unlimited, and you can add to the business plan Additional services on individual training even in the course of work of the center. Such additions can also change from fashion trends.

If the fashion for hand-made has gone, then you can open, for example, courses on making dolls. It is imperative to monitor the saturation of the labor market with various professions. In the event of an overabundance of any specialty on it, it will be necessary to abandon training for it in your center and offer the population a more popular option.

It should be noted that the more educational institution provides services, the more significant the profit will be and, accordingly, the faster it will pay off. Depending on the investment, the cost of renting the premises, what kind of marketing plan is in place, and other factors, such a business will approximately pay for itself in one to two years. Its profitability, as a rule, is about 30% of the invested funds.

The educational business is gaining popularity all over the world. Technology development trends oblige people to constantly improve their skills. Opening a training center is a profitable and cost-effective enterprise. Along with the demand for services in general, companies are experiencing a need for modern equipped sites.

Advantages and disadvantages

Before starting a project, it is worth carefully studying the strengths and weak sides.

The advantages of doing business in the field of educational services include:

  1. Profitability from ten to thirty percent.
  2. Short time payback is sometimes achieved within six months.
  3. Constant demand when attracting competent and in-demand teachers.
  4. Starting investments allow even an inexperienced entrepreneur to start working.
  5. Flexibility to demand, as well as the withdrawal of business on an autonomous basis.

As for the basic shortcomings, they include the need to search for sought-after qualified specialists. Also, the cost of services depends on external conditions, for example, in cities the price tag is higher, but competition, and in the regions low wages.

Business is subject to crises and fluctuations in the economy. AT difficult times it is more difficult for people to part with the money that goes to improve the quality of their knowledge. Let's consider how to open a training center that will meet the requirements of the time and training standards.

An analysis of the advantages and disadvantages of a business helps to determine the prospect of implementation and identify areas in which it is advisable to focus. For example, if business is subject to fluctuations in the structure of demand, then it is necessary to think in advance about ways to change directions.

In the minds of not all people today, an idea has been formed of what a training center is. A decade ago, such an institution was understood as a place where academic educational services. In 2019, the training center is a platform for interaction between experts and knowledge seekers. Focuses on training and consulting services.

There are two basic directions in modern additional education:

  • personalized work with a coach;
  • B2B - using the center's capabilities to train employees.

The second option brings big profits, because due to the speed of changes in the world, companies are willing to pay big money for staff development.

One of the important features is that professionals who need up-to-date information are ready to take part in short-term trainings. Due to the dynamics of change, they feel the need to increase their knowledge, but not enough time to self search information. It is more comfortable for them to turn to a specialist who summarized, selected and prepared all the information for money.

Training centers are relevant for people whose professions are becoming closely related to information technology. The constant updating of systems and programs forces citizens, if they wish to keep workplace learning to innovate. Step-by-step instruction how to open child Center, is presented below. The number of courses is determined by the entrepreneur.

A modern training center is an institution that provides actual information in compressed form. Part of the training is provided online, as people are limited in time.

Today, two formats of additional education are developing: online and offline. The second option, which involves the classical system of obtaining knowledge, where the lecturer and students are in the same room, will be considered in more detail.

Consider the benefits distance learning:

  1. The organization of online trainings is less expensive, there is no need to rent a room, buy tools and basic equipment.
  2. Acceptable low pricing policy, which will attract more customers.
  3. The chance to work with representatives of different cities and even countries, both in relation to clients and experts.
  4. People learn in the environments that are comfortable for them, such as at home or during lunch breaks.

As for the disadvantages of this format, they are identical to the advantages of the offline method.

These include:

  • difficulty in conducting modeling and game training;
  • the impossibility of conducting objective testing of knowledge.

People often come to trainings seeking to find new contacts, meet the right people. The online format of training deprives them of such an opportunity. The business plan of the training center involves the choice of the format of work, do not exclude the option of combining technologies.

When opening a training center, it is worth considering the needs target audience. If the majority prefers to receive knowledge remotely, it is recommended to include this item in the list of services.

Before opening an institution, it is worthwhile to carefully consider the areas for training that will be implemented in the work. It is permissible to teach people everything, but you should not spray yourself in many areas at the same time. But it is also not advisable to neglect profitable offers of cooperation, even if the trainings are not consistent with the main topic.

Consider the basic features of modern education in Russia, which will allow you to plan your work:

  1. Over seven million people in Russia receive or have ever been involved in additional education.
  2. Short-term courses are more attractive to citizens than those that last more than one month.

The market of educational services is evenly divided between teenagers and professionals who improve their qualifications.

Additional training for teenagers can be divided into the following areas:

  • preparation for final and entrance examinations in specialized subjects;
  • language training, recent times exotic languages ​​are gaining popularity;
  • creative studios are common among children under the age of fourteen.

Courses for working professionals are based on areas where people lack higher education for the successful completion of their duties. Gradually, the concept of continuous education, which is widespread in Europe, is gaining popularity in Russia. It is assumed that a person improves throughout his life and attends trainings on self-development and professional development. Specifying how to open courses, we note that it is not enough to choose a direction, we are talking about creating programs. Specifying how to open a school of accountants, we note that there is a need for demand for services, according to calculations, this is profitable.

There is no universal advice regarding the choice of direction. It is recommended to give priority to new professions, areas where technology is developing dynamically, and the education system is lagging behind.

It is permissible to select specialists for both full-time and part-time employment. The second option will be attractive for teachers, and the entrepreneur will save on the rate and get the maximum benefit.

In addition to teachers, the following specialists will be required:

  • Deputy Head;
  • accountant;
  • Methodist;
  • head of the educational department.

As for teachers, experience and qualifications depend on the directions and specialization of the center. If we are talking about working with adult employees, then it is advisable to look for experts, and for working with children, it is important to have a pedagogical education. The training center should be opened in one specialization, the spread in directions is not credible.

At the initial stage, it is permissible to perform a number of functions independently. But you need to look for specialists right away; for this, job search sites, social networks and other sources are used.

Choosing a location for a training center is not easy. important point but also a priority. The fact is that in order to open an LLC, you will need to provide a legal address. The premises meet the following criteria:

  1. The number of classrooms is equal to the areas of work or agree on a schedule so that the courses do not overlap.
  2. Separate area for the director and administrative staff.
  3. Hall, which can easily accommodate a group of people.

It’s good if you can arrange a wardrobe and a cafe. At a minimum, you need to install a cooler and a coffee machine.

It is worth considering the option of renting part of an existing educational institution, for example, a school or institute. Ideally, organize a separate entrance, but even the option of getting through the main one will do. The advantage of space in fully equipped rooms.

When choosing a room, you should be guided by the principle of accessibility for customers. If a person has to go through a factory or construction site to get in, then he will prefer other courses.

The training center does not have to be located in passable places, but it is preferable that it be located near the metro. This makes it easier for people to get to.

The list of equipment depends on the fullness of the chosen visit. Sometimes you need to buy equipment in the form of a projector, computers and literature.

But if we are talking about bare walls, then you need to purchase furniture:

  • cabinets;
  • tables and chairs;
  • shelves and racks.

You should not take cheap options for equipment, as uninterrupted operation of systems and equipment is necessary. Modern requirements the educational aspect involves equipping centers high speed internet.

Depending on the areas of activity, specialized equipment will also be required, for example, headphones and equipment for teaching a foreign language. Sometimes you need manuals that are not sold in the public domain and are ordered from creators from other countries.

It is necessary to equip the premises with high-speed Internet. It is also worth taking care of modern educational literature; before purchasing it is worth consulting with specialists.

In order for the institution to work, and the owner does not encounter difficulties, it is important to arrange it in accordance with the rules and standards.

Upon obtaining a license for educational activities, you need to prepare the following list of documents:

  • paper on which all educational programs implemented on the basis of the center are indicated;
  • information about the teachers of the institution with their level of education and documentation confirming the right to conduct training;
  • plan of premises that meet the requirements fire safety and accommodating the declared number of students;
  • educational and methodological plans for ongoing courses, as well as documentation and a list of technical equipment used in the learning process.

The document is a certificate of state registration center as a type of business. the best organizational form becomes an LLC.

The training center needs to obtain a license to conduct business. Without it, the operation of the institution is illegal. It is recommended to involve an experienced lawyer who will help in resolving organizational issues. The cost of services is about thirty thousand rubles.

A bypass option for registering a business is the following form of activity:

  1. An entrepreneur enters into an agreement with each teacher, but not for educational services, but for renting a room.
  2. The one who conducts the training enters into an agreement with the students.

The use of technology is ambiguous, since, firstly, it is complex and requires constant monitoring in the conclusion and extension of contracts. Secondly, it is unacceptable to organize an online business according to a similar scheme. The above technique reflects how to open a training center without obtaining a license.

Obtaining a license to operate is a long and laborious process. For simplicity, it is worth contacting a company that helps in registration. It costs money, but saves time and effort.

Starting capital and payback

The profitability of a business depends on a number of factors. The entrepreneur will need to invest in renting the premises, wages for employees and the purchase of equipment. To calculate the costs, it is advisable to draw up a business plan, indicating what is required to open a particular center.

Let's look at some examples of expense items:

  1. Study room - tables, chairs, interactive board, computer, consumables.
  2. Training of hairdressers - tables, mirrors, tools, consumables, including shampoos, paints, gloves.
  3. Children's developing room - carpets, toys, educational games, protective mechanisms for corners and sockets.

Despite the start-up costs, the business belongs to the category of high margins. This is due to the fact that regular purchases of raw materials are not required, which is typical for production. From the income received wage and rent of premises. The difference between income and costs is the entrepreneur's profit.

Pays off opening educational center for several years. A businessman needs to constantly create demand for services, invest in marketing and advertising. Conclusion of agreements with commercial organizations that send employees for advanced training will speed up the return process starting investments. Such a scheme reflects how to open an educational center.

Business pays off quickly, if you do not delay its promotion. It is recommended to launch a marketing campaign and find teachers before starting the activity.

The training center as a business represents a new direction in the educational industry. The demand for services is growing daily, and there is little competition. To organize an institution, an entrepreneur needs to decide which format of the center is closer, find a room, select staff and think over a strategy for promoting services. Business, in which there is no material goods, is flexible and mobile. It is easier for an entrepreneur to respond to changing market conditions. The business idea of ​​how to open an additional education center for children is popular among businessmen.

Additional education is one of the most important requirements in all fields of activity. Therefore, highly qualified specialists are trained on permanent basis constantly expanding and deepening their knowledge. Thanks to this, educational or training centers have become widespread. Open your own training center - promising idea, requiring certain knowledge from the field entrepreneurial activity and the availability of a competent business plan for the training center.

The purpose of the training center is to provide additional education or advanced training for specialists of various levels. In connection with such specifics, the main consumers will be individuals or organizations interested in receiving various educational services.

Most of today's companies are based on international corporate standards. This allows you to increase the level of professionalism of employees, improve the microclimate within the team and increase productivity, while increasing the quality of the company as a whole. Compliance with certain standards promotes employee motivation and retention, preventing employee turnover.

The main reason why new market participants should take up this type of activity can be called a significant increase in demand, as well as a lack of modern training centers that meet the requirements modern society. At the same time, an increasing number of companies, especially international ones, are striving to meet existing standards.

As for the form of entrepreneurial activity, for a training center that claims to cooperate with large corporations, more suitable status legal entity. When forming an LLC, its founder actually declares his seriousness and reliability, confirming these qualities with a charter and making authorized capital. In addition, applying for a loan to a bank in the status of a legal entity, it is easier for the applicant to get a positive answer. The same applies to cooperation with potential clients- more trust is caused by training centers, formalized as an opening or closed joint-stock companies.

The LLC registration process includes preparation constituent documents according to this list:

  1. - the charter, which will indicate the type of activity of the company;
  2. - the decision to establish an LLC;
  3. - decision on the appointment of the head;
  4. - minutes of the meeting of founders;
  5. - receipt of payment of state duty;
  6. — confirmation of the contribution of the authorized capital;
  7. — copies of personal documents of all founders.

These some other documents that may be requested from the tax service are submitted along with a completed application, which indicates the appropriate OKVED code for the selected type of activity. The main code may be 85.41 "Additional education for children and adults." But other basic and additional codes are also possible - it is important that the services offered correspond to the declared information.

Financial aspects of the business plan of the training center

An enterprise providing additional educational services, according to preliminary calculations, needs financing. The most rational way to get the necessary funds is to turn to lending. According to the provisions of the business plan, it will be necessary to obtain a bank loan of a commercial nature in the amount of 1 million 950 thousand rubles. This is the approximate size of the total cost of this project. The duration of the project from the moment of its launch until the company reaches the level of self-sufficiency will be 2 years. Taking into account the fact that the interest rate will be 14 percent, and payments on the loan will begin from the first month of the establishment of the center, the total amount of interest payments for this period will be approximately 123 thousand rubles. For the selected period, the overall economic effect will reach 9 million 242 thousand rubles.

Such figures can be obtained, given the fact that large training companies, relying on the long term, can focus on annual turnover from 1.5 billion rubles, subject to the conclusion of a contract of at least 3 million. But such centers must have highly qualified specialists who need an appropriate salary level, as well as a massive marketing campaign. Medium-scale training centers that do not claim to be premium-class trainers should expect that in the first year of operation, big profits should not be expected - during this period, all efforts and funds are invested in the development of the company, attracting qualified trainers and selecting a customer base. The main reason why most centers get a zero balance by the end of the first year is the lack of really big clients. This is logical - in the first 2 years, the company only earns a reputation in the market.

In addition to lending as the main source of new business investment, entrepreneurs resort to other sources of financing. Approximately 30% will fall on the issuance of bonds, 25% - the placement of shares on the stock exchange, 23% - the participation of financial investors and within 14% - own funds.

Such calculations can be obtained by analyzing the existing offers in the industry, studying the pricing policy and comparing these data with the costs incurred during the opening and promotion of the company.

When planning the pricing policy of the future center, it is necessary to take into account all existing factors. Thus, the average price of an open curriculum is from 300 to 700 dollars. True, in elite organizations, the cost can significantly exceed this figure. Corporate programs will cost from 3 to 5 thousand dollars. Depending on the territorial features, the composition and saturation of training programs and the qualifications and reputation of trainers, the price indicator can significantly differ upwards.

The profitable part of the business plan is determined by several important features - the level of demand, the state of this market segment and the nature of the proposals of a particular organization. At the same time, in order to avoid bias in the calculations, the lowest profitability threshold should be taken into account, not forgetting the existing risks.

Taking into account that the period during which the company will reach the level of self-sufficiency and will bring stable income, will be approximately 2 years, a plan for the volume of services provided in this billing period should be prepared:

If the indicated financial results are maintained during the first two years and, in addition, the trend towards profit growth and an increase in the client base continues (in this case, the growth rate will be from 20 to 55 percent per year), the annual growth in sales volumes will reach 18 million rubles and more.

One of the main points of the business plan will be its expenditure side. If we take into account the most significant items of expenditure, we can draw the following conclusion:

Item of expenses 1 month, rub. 12 months, rub. One-time costs, rub. Total for the year, rub.
Buying or renting premises 93.8 thousand 1 million 125 thousand 187.5 thousand 1 million 313 thousand
Purchase of equipment 37.9 thousand 37.9 thousand
Purchase of computer equipment 81 thousand 81 thousand
Creation of a website, hosting, purchase of scripts 92 thousand 92 thousand
Advertising expenses 50 thousand 600 thousand 200 thousand 600 thousand
Wage 738 thousand 8 million 856 thousand 8 million 856 thousand
tax payments 236 thousand 2 million 832 thousand 2 million 832 thousand
Unforeseen expenses 93.6 thousand 93.6 thousand
Total 882 thousand 10 million 880 thousand 1 million 30 thousand 11.5 million

When drawing up a financial plan, be sure to take into account all existing risks. The most significant factors include:

  1. - high competition, which has a constant upward trend;
  2. — uncertainty in market trends;
  3. — high level of investment.

All of these factors, common to most organizations providing continuing education services, can be overcome by providing the highest quality of services and developing an effective marketing strategy.

The tax part of the costs will depend on two main factors - the chosen taxation system and the income that the organization receives. But in general, the list of tax deductions for the training center will be standard:

The conclusion that can be drawn as a result of studying the market for additional educational and training services is very optimistic: this sector is very promising and is constantly open to new participants. By properly organizing the activities of the company, it is possible to make it highly profitable business with a tendency to constant development and expansion. Calculating financial investments and the expected income, you can pre-plan all the steps for creating and developing an organization.

In this material:

Many businessmen who plan to start their own business with minimum investment are thinking about how to open a training center, because education is always in demand among the population.

Many people dream of working for themselves and starting their own business, but not all of them decide. The reason for this is often the lack of funds for initial investments, because everyone knows that without initial capital it will not be possible to realize their business idea. At the same time, in our time there are many ways to obtain funds for business development. Now money is offered not only by private financial institutions, but also by the state. Of course, you should not expect large amounts of assistance, but what is offered in the form of subsidies can be considered quite a worthy amount to start your own business. The main thing is to spend money wisely and implement a really good business plan for the training center.

If a Russian citizen is going to open his own business with small initial investment you can try yourself in the field of education. At the same time, it is not even necessary to be a teacher with experience in order to open your own training center. Most often, all the work is done by professionals hired by the entrepreneur, and the businessman himself decides only organizational matters, performs simple accounting work and can be an administrator to save on salaries.

Room and furniture

When it comes to the training center, you do not need to think about purchases complex equipment, products for sale and so on. Knowledge will be sold here, so the most important point, which should contain the business plan of the training center, should be the selection of experienced staff. But besides this, students must also be provided with a good environment in which it will be pleasant to study. To do this, you need to purchase high-quality and modern furniture for classes.

Do not forget about the need for a sufficient amount of free space. The premises for the training center should consist of several rooms, so the rent will become a significant expense item.

As a rule, a training center for all comers consists of such premises as a reception room, where the administrator's desk and a waiting room with upholstered furniture will be located, several training rooms, depending on how many groups are planned to be recruited, as well as a rest room for employees, replacing the teacher's room, and a bathroom.

These are the main premises, without which it will be difficult to do. Additional classrooms may also be needed, although here everything depends solely on the type of educational institution. For example, if there is enough space, it is advisable to additionally equip a dressing room. This will be extremely important in the cold season.

As for the location of the training center, transport accessibility and developed infrastructure are important here. It is possible to open a training center in a residential area, but it is important that it can be easily found. It is unlikely that people will look for a long time for a house in which classes are held, especially if it is located in an unfamiliar area. It is best to find a room nearby with a stop, and draw a small map on your website and on business cards.

Staff and training program

When opening a training center, no matter what direction, the most important condition will be highly qualified staff. If a businessman has acquaintances who are teachers, this is great, because you can invite them to work. In fact, finding good teachers is not difficult. After all, they are ready for a part-time job, since the wages of specialists, unfortunately, are quite low.

The training center will be in demand if it offers its clients a special training program. It can be developed together with experienced professionals. It is important that the training center is different from what other institutions of this type offer. This is the only way to win the competition.

Documents for starting a business

A training center is a business that does not require significant investments, but in order for the work to be legal, it is necessary to draw up all the papers correctly.

Moreover, when it comes to educating people, additional licenses that are issued to educational institutions to be able to provide services of this type can play a big role.

But first, a businessman must register as an individual entrepreneur. This is necessary for the official conduct of business in the Russian Federation. In addition, it is necessary to choose an appropriate taxation system, which in this case can be PSN. It is important that the number of employees in this case does not exceed 15 people. In addition, the entrepreneur must complete the registration procedure in Pension Fund and officially become an employer.

To get a license to provide training services, you need to prepare a large package of papers. This includes the program of the training center, information about the staff and their qualifications, data on the premises, the equipment used. The training center must be present educational literature in the right amount. Which material will be used for training is also indicated in the data for obtaining a license. Without permitting documents, the educational institution will not be allowed to work and will not be able to issue existing certificates of the course.

But at the same time, it is worth noting that not all entrepreneurs who open their training centers care about a license. If a person wants to get knowledge, not a diploma, he will not be very disturbed by the license. But the received certificate will not be taken into account at the official level.

Restaurant advertising

To learn about the training center, you need to talk about it. There are many effective ways to advertise your business, but not quantity, but the quality of the audience for the training center, so not all marketing moves are suitable here.

One of the most popular types of advertising for attracting customers is the creation of their page in in social networks. Here you can find many people who will be interested in such information. Moreover, this is how advertising will be available to those people who have the opportunity to study in the new center, that is, living near it.

You can print ads and hang them on poles. This is a good and effective way, but it requires money, unlike the dissemination of information on the Internet. The main thing is to gain the first class, and after, when one group of people will become known about the high quality of training in the center, popularity will begin to grow quickly.

The learning center is good way start your business with small investment. At the first stage, 10 thousand dollars are enough, which will quickly pay off.

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DH School of Design is one of the leading modern schools design in St. Petersburg and Russia. The School provides training for adults in the following areas: “Interior Design”, “ Graphic design", "Clothing design", " landscape design". First of all, these are programs vocational training, where students for two years gain the knowledge and skills necessary to start a successful career in a new ...

Investments: Investments 220,000 - 520,000 ₽

Investments: Investments 10,000,000 - 15,000,000 ₽

In 2018, ADAMAS celebrates its 25th anniversary since the founding of the company. Today it is a network of more than 200 jewelry stores and own manufacturing plant in Moscow. Range breadth jewelry has more than 30,000 products and satisfies the needs of any buyer not only in Russia, but also in the CIS countries. Many unique technologies for the production of products ...

As your own business project, you can consider a private training center, which can be of a different profile and focus. Such a business can bring a good income, but this requires a detailed business plan for the training center, as well as organizational and teaching qualities from the owner of the center. The main question that needs to be answered before drawing up a business plan is what will be taught at the center? You can teach anything, but people will be willing to pay money for the knowledge that will allow them to acquire a new specialty or improve their skills. Now, for example, computer design, web programming, as well as courses for accountants and hairdressers or stylists are popular.

Curriculum and teachers

Be sure to draw up a curriculum for the new training center. Lessons should consist of an introductory theoretical part and practice, which is reinforced by homework. The effectiveness of the structure of the lesson can be preliminarily checked on relatives and friends - whether the material is presented intelligibly, whether the students have time to learn and do it homework? It is better if the courses are presented in two warrants: daytime and evening. The duration of the course will depend on the discipline. So, learning 3D graphics will take 15-20 lessons, and English will need to be studied during 70-90 lessons.

After compiling the curriculum, you can proceed to the manufacture teaching aids and looking for teachers. The rate of teachers on the course usually starts from 5 c.u. per lesson hour.

Registration and permissions

The training center must be issued through the permission of the Ministry of Education and Science. To do this, both the head and teachers of the center must have Teacher Education, a learning programs should be drawn up according to state standards learning. It is also necessary to fulfill the requirements for the premises. For example, each study place must be equipped with a washbasin.

Among the documents required for a license:

  • Permits from the Sanitary and Epidemiological Service and the Fire Inspectorate
  • List of employees
  • Educational plans
  • Notarized diplomas of teachers

The license is issued for a period of 3 years and then it must be confirmed. In addition, it should be remembered that the Ministry of Education does not license SPD and PE, so you need to register an LLC. You can do it differently: if you plan small courses with 3-5 students, then you can register the activity as the provision of information and consulting services.


The office for the training center should be located near transport stops or a metro station, and people are unlikely to want to travel to residential areas or to the outskirts of the city. At first, for classes with a small group of students, a room of 15-17 square meters will be enough. meters area. The office must have a telephone and the Internet. It is best to rent an office in an administrative building, for example, in a former research institute.

Equipment and furniture

Since the premises are usually rented unfurnished, it will be necessary to take care of equipping the training center. You can look for used office furniture, which will cost 2-3 times cheaper than new. Computer-related courses require a PC. They can also be bought second-hand, but in this case it is better if there is a person among the employees who is well versed in computer components and software. By the way, installing pirated programs on computers is dangerous, because at any time you can run into trouble.

If you are going to teach courses related to the beauty industry, then it is better to negotiate with the owners and hairdressers about the use of their premises.

Work organization

It is better to recruit students with a basic secondary education. An agreement is required, which will describe the rights and obligations of the parties. For your part, you undertake to teach the client certain skills, and he undertakes to attend classes, complete assignments and pay the cost of the courses (usually an advance payment of 50% is made). You can specify the number of trial lessons (1-3), during which the student will have to decide whether the courses are suitable for him. It is better if the training center provides discounts. For example, 5-10% can be discounted to pensioners, the poor or the disabled. And you can also arrange discount promotions in the summer, during the holidays, or during the New Year holidays.

At the end of the course, certificates are usually issued. But they should not be confused with a state-recognised diploma, because it does not have any course certificate. It is, as a rule, a laminated sheet of paper on which there is a course print. This paper says that a person has attended such and such courses for so many hours. This certificate does not confirm the quality of the services of the training center; rather, the number of employed students will be such an indicator. It is always worth keeping statistics of graduates who got jobs in their specialty, which will be a big advantage over other training centers.


A new training center cannot do without an advertising company. At the moment, advertising on the Internet is the most effective - on thematic portals, on the sites of your city, on forums, in social networks, etc. It is also necessary to create your own website, on the pages of which you can place not only contact information and curricula, but also the cost of courses, a list of employers, as well as information about promotions and discounts. It is worth remembering that your own site requires technical support and advancement in search engines.

The distribution of leaflets and posting ads are not working as efficiently as they used to, so it is better to give preference to online advertising.

Expenses and income

Initial costs:

  1. Registration of a company (from 5 c.u. for PE)
  2. Furniture - 5 tables and 5 chairs, can cost about 250 USD.
  3. Office equipment (computers, printer, scanner) - from 2000 c.u.
  4. Website - from 100 USD
  5. Total: from 2355 c.u.

Monthly expenses will be:

  1. Office rent - from 300 USD
  2. Printing of teaching aids and educational materials - from 50 c.u.
  3. Website technical support - from $70
  4. Utilities payment - from 30 c.u.
  5. Taxes - from 30 c.u.
  6. Total: $480

Monthly income depends on the number of groups and the duration of the courses. For example, let's take training course of 30 lessons of 3 hours over 2.5 months for daytime groups and a course of 60 lessons of 1.5 hours over 5 months for the evening group. Let's take the cost of the courses as 100 USD. If we take a group of 12 students during the day and 20 students in the evening, then the monthly income can be about 880 USD.

Net profit will be equal to 400 USD, and the payback period will be about 5 months.