We buy charcoal on a regular basis. Charcoal

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  • Business Startup Technology
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Demand for charcoal has remained consistently high over a long period of time. It is used not only in everyday life, but also in the metallurgical, chemical industries, and also as a feed additive for animals. The popularity of charcoal as a commodity during the period summer holidays and picnic needs no proof. According to some reports, the profitability of a business in the production of charcoal is from 20 to 30%. The total investment in a mini-enterprise for the production of charcoal is at least 1.5 million rubles. This amount, as a rule, includes the purchase of equipment, the arrangement of the production site, the purchase of raw materials, the registration of activities and other unforeseen expenses ...

Most experts agree domestic market charcoal is unsaturated. The volume of charcoal production in Russia is just over 100 thousand tons per year. Although back in the days Soviet Union this figure was at least 350 thousand tons per year. For example, in Brazil, a little bit is produced annually - 7.5 million tons of coal. Our country, which has disproportionate reserves of raw materials for the production of charcoal, is forced to be an importer of this product, instead of exporting charcoal. The main countries exporting coal to Russia are Belarus, China and Ukraine.

If you decide to open your own charcoal production, then you should consider one very important point. Opening such a business is easier for those who already have a business in the forestry industry. This helps to significantly reduce the entry ticket to the business. In addition, woodworking enterprises have free raw materials for the production of charcoal, which ultimately reduces the cost of finished products, and therefore allows them to sell products at a more competitive price. If this is not possible, then significant initial investments will be required.

Room selection

Charcoal production is not considered environmentally harmful. Nevertheless, it is more expedient to place an enterprise outside the city or village, at a distance of at least 300 meters from the nearest residential complexes. The ideal option is to locate production near woodworking enterprises and sawmills, as well as wood harvesting sites. This is due not only to the requirements of the law, but also to the logistical component.

As for the size of the land plot, its area must be at least 200 square meters. meters. The main part of the equipment (furnace) is located on an open land plot. A separate part of the territory is allocated for a warehouse for raw materials and a warehouse for finished products. You should also install a small room (change house) for accommodation production staff and a guard. In addition, it is worth taking care of the presence of a sales and accounting department. The arrangement of the production and office area will require financial investments in the amount of 700 thousand rubles.

Renting a plot of such an area, depending on the region, will cost the entrepreneur 50-150 thousand rubles a month. According to experts, high rent can adversely affect the development of the business. Therefore, depending on the availability of start-up funds, it is more expedient to acquire a land plot and the buildings and structures located on it.

What equipment to choose for the production of charcoal

The set of equipment for organizing a small workshop for the production of charcoal includes: a charcoal kiln (~ 120 thousand rubles), a weight dispenser (~ 20 thousand rubles), an electric generator (~ 30 thousand rubles), a hydraulic wood splitter (~ 90 thousand . rub.), a packing machine (~ 100 thousand rubles), chainsaws (~ 30 thousand rubles for 2 pcs.). The cost of the entire set will be about 350 - 400 thousand rubles.

In addition to purchasing production equipment, you should also think about buying truck, which will transport raw materials and finished products. About 300 - 700 thousand rubles (used cars) should be provided for this item of expenditure.

The main component for the production of charcoal is a charcoal kiln (or pyrolysis plant). The purpose of the furnace is the processing of non-marketable wood and woodworking waste into environmentally friendly charcoal. Charcoal kilns, according to their purpose, are divided into stationary and mobile. Mobile ovens are primarily used by logging organizations and serve for the disposal of waste from the forestry industry. Mobile stoves are moved to the place of processing, thereby reducing the cost of delivering raw materials, plus, woodworking waste serves as additional fuel.

Stationary furnaces are located on a permanent basis and are usually large. The cost of stationary furnaces is several times higher than their mobile options. Such furnaces are used by large woodworking enterprises that need to dispose of wood waste. Coal production in such companies is often an additional source of income, in addition, it allows you to get rid of the remnants of non-marketable wood.

Raw materials for the production of charcoal

Hardwood trees are used as raw materials for the production of charcoal. Wood must comply with regulatory documents in accordance with GOST 24260-80 "Raw materials for pyrolysis and charcoalization". By specifications contained in this normative document raw materials are divided into three groups. The first group includes oak, elm, ash, beech, maple and birch. These tree species are most suitable for pyrolysis and charcoal burning. The second group contains species suitable for pyrolysis - alder, linden, aspen, poplar, willow. As well as conifers - spruce, pine, fir, cedar, larch. And, finally, the third group includes soft-leaved species and other tree species that are least suitable for charcoal burning: aspen, poplar, apple, pear, cherry, plum, acacia and others.

In the production of charcoal, not only the type of wood is important, but the size of the raw material. The criteria for the size of raw wood are as follows: thickness from 3 to 18 centimeters, length from 75 to 125 centimeters.

Which OKVED to indicate when registering a business for the production of charcoal

A license for the production of charcoal is not required. The organizational and legal form of business can be both individual entrepreneurship and a company with limited liability. When registering a business in the application, you can indicate the OKVED code 20 "Wood processing and production of wood and cork products, except for furniture."

Which taxation system to choose for the production of charcoal

As a taxation system, the simplified taxation system is most suitable. You can choose two options for paying tax: 6% of revenue (gross income), or 15% of the organization's profit. The second option is more profitable if there are high costs for the production of charcoal. Thus, the taxable base will be reduced, and hence the tax will be less.

How much can you earn if you produce charcoal

The average wholesale selling price of charcoal in the regions is 25 rubles/kg. Thus, the potential monthly revenue of an enterprise with a production volume of 40 tons can be 1,000,000 rubles. Naturally, subject to 100% sales of all manufactured products. In reality, one can count on the sale of 60-70% of the entire batch produced, that is, to receive 600-700 thousand rubles of income.

As for the expenses, the main ones should include: rent of a land plot and premises ~ 80 thousand rubles, wage(5 people) and insurance deductions ~ 150 thousand rubles, raw materials (chopped firewood 1500 rubles / m3) ~ 100 thousand rubles, transportation costs ~ 40 thousand rubles, communal payments(electricity, water) ~ 30 thousand rubles, other costs ~ 50 thousand rubles. Total total monthly expenses are about 450 thousand rubles.

Hence the potential profit of the enterprise, net of taxes, is 130 - 170 thousand rubles per month. Payback of the project, at initial investment in 1.5 - 2.0 million rubles, occurs in 12 - 16 months.

Step by step plan to start a charcoal business

  1. Sales market analysis.
  2. Search for wood suppliers, signing supply contracts.
  3. Registration of an individual entrepreneur or LLC in the tax service.
  4. Selection of premises for production, with an area of ​​​​more than 100 square meters. m. An ideal place is a warehouse near the city, near the location of the raw material base.
  5. Purchase and installation of equipment.
  6. Organization of sales of products.
  7. Start of production.

How much money do you need to start

  • Equipment (charcoal kiln) - 75-100 thousand rubles.
  • Packing equipment - 50 thousand rubles.
  • Devices for splitting wood - about 100 thousand rubles.
  • Chainsaw - 10 thousand rubles.
  • Scales for weighing coal - 5 thousand rubles.
  • Electric generator - 20 thousand rubles.
  • Purchase of raw materials - 200-300 thousand rubles. (depending on the type of wood).
  • Registration of a business, obtaining permits - 15 thousand rubles.
  • Other expenses - 20 thousand rubles.

In total, 600 - 700 thousand rubles are needed. You can reduce costs at the initial stages by using used equipment, manually packaging products.

Do I need permission to open

The production of charcoal does not require licensing and certification. The company may be in the line locality because it does not emit harmful substances.

Business Startup Technology

The technology of activity is to convert wood into coal. Production involves the passage of the pyrolysis process - roasting wood in a special oven without oxygen. The process itself is as follows: wood is fed into the loading chamber and its burning begins. Special sensors indicate the readiness of coal, after which it is unloaded and allowed to cool. Any wood can be used in the production process: waste from forestry, furniture companies, fallen trees.

First-class birch is used as the main raw material, birch charcoal is obtained from it. top quality. Modern new technologies and careful attitude to packaging allow you to offer you to buy birch charcoal - coal at the lowest prices in the region.

Charcoal wholesale 14 liters in a new package at a uniquely low price45 rub! quantity is limited.

Externally, the bag looks like 2.0 kg. Bestseller! The most low price charcoal in the Russian Federation.

Details on the "Promotions" page and in the price list

Charcoal wholesale company "Khozagroopt" - a product of birch wood processing by pyrolysis - burning by means of high temperatures without air access.

More details about the prices can be found on the page "Prices"


CHARCOAL 14 l. (photo) 45 rub.

The technology for the production of charcoal is simple, does not change for centuries and consists of the stages of charcoalization:

1. Knee wood.

3. Screening of cooled coal from fine and dust.

4. Packing of coal in bags for subsequent sale to wholesale buyers.

In our assortment, charcoal to buy at the best price is presented in high-quality paper bags of 14 liters, 3 kg and 5 kg. We always have charcoal from 39 rubles per bag. The sale is carried out by self-delivery from the Moscow region, Lobnya.

Prices on change depending on the season. Prices subject to the purchase of euro trucks: Packing 3.0 kg - from 70 rub per bag. Packing 5.0 kg - from 105 rub per bag. Packing 10.0 kg - 195 rubles. Charcoal 14 liters (outwardly the bag is like 2.5 kg)-45 rub is always available.Current prices for the 2018 season can be found on the "Prices" page.

Buying charcoal in 2018 is much more profitable in packages of 14 liters, because. buyers are switching to small mobile packages that are convenient to take with them, unlike bulky 5-10 kg and expensive bags. Less bag, more profit.
We also suggest that you familiarize yourself with the ignition fluid own production. The best combination prices and quality. Thanks to the great warehouse stock, we can ship high-quality charcoal to the buyer at any time of the year and in any quantity. Shipment is made from 200 bags at the prices indicated in the price list for 2018. Also in the summer of 2018, the production of coal briquettes for barbecue and heating opens.

Such a unique material as charcoal, the production technology of which has been known to the world since antiquity, began to be actively used as an energy source only in the last century.

Charcoal, which is almost 100% carbon, has many advantages and is environmentally friendly when burned. The demand for this type of fuel is constantly increasing, which cannot but attract entrepreneurs. that are in search profitable idea for business.

Product Applications

Charcoal has many uses:

  1. Heating of a private house.
  2. In the production of crystal, glass, paint, aluminium, boron, electrodes and semiconductors.
  3. As reducing agents in metallurgical production.
  4. It is used as a fertilizer and as food additives to animal feed.
  5. In the process of grinding and polishing parts that are used in printing.
  6. As an insulator in construction.
  7. As a substitute for graphite in the manufacture of plastics.

Also, acetic acid, solvents, methyl alcohol and turpentine are made from by-products that are released during the production process.

The main advantage of the charcoal production business is the quick payback of the initial capital.

The prospect of the direction is based on the following factors:

  1. Firstly, the business does not require large and unbearable investments for the entrepreneur.
  2. Secondly, raw materials are "waste" of wood processing enterprises which can be purchased at the lowest price.
  3. Thirdly, the final product is in high demand and has a high markup.

In addition, an entrepreneur does not need to have a special education, and anyone can learn the production technology.

Organizational moments

Depending on the type of wood used in the production process, the following results are obtained: varieties of charcoal:

  1. "White coal obtained from hardwood (acacia, oak, hornbeam, birch, ash, etc.). It is considered the highest quality grade of coal.
  2. "Black" coal made from softwood (alder, willow, linden, aspen, poplar).
  3. "Red" coal produced exclusively from conifers wood.

Firewood is an ideal raw material for the production of charcoal, but its use is overhead.

More often in production, waste generated during the processing and harvesting of wood is used. Availability modern equipment will allow even peat and sawdust to be used as raw materials.


Although the technology of coal production is not complicated, the entrepreneur it is necessary to acquire certain knowledge and gain practical skills. Otherwise, there is a risk of deterioration in quality and a decrease in the “output” of the final product from raw materials.

Modern technologies simplify the production process without causing any harm to the environment.

The charcoal production process consists of the following steps:

  1. Drying. The raw material is dried so that the wood smolders better in the kiln.
  2. Pyrolysis. key step in the process.
  3. Calcination, which is needed to separate gases and resins from charcoal.
  4. cooling down.

The pyrolysis technology used in the production process consists in burning wood:

  1. takes place in a closed container, in which there should be no access to oxygen,
  2. at temperatures up to 500 degrees.

During combustion, gases are formed that remain in the chamber and maintain the desired combustion temperature.

Pyrolysis can only be carried out in charcoal kilns (retorts), in which sensors are installed that control the degree of combustion and combustion temperature.

The process itself consists of several stages:

  1. To begin with, the retort is heated to 150 degrees, due to which the wood is dried.
  2. Further, the temperature rises to 350 degrees, at which gas evolution and charring of raw materials begin.
  3. Raising the temperature to 500 degrees, they achieve separation from the primary coal of the resin and non-condensable gases.

After cooling, the finished charcoal is crushed into small pieces and packaged in bags.

Within a month, you can start from 7 to 30 coal production cycles. The exact number of cycles depends on the volumes of raw materials loaded into the furnace.

Is it possible to set up the process at home?

The organization of the coal production process can be started at home, but in this case, the requirements for raw materials increase. It is possible to produce coal in this way only from solid wood.

Firing in a container:

  1. Logs need to be cleaned of bark, cut into small shapes and put in a barrel (bucket). Openings are made in the container for the removal of gases and resin, then it is tightly closed and placed above the fire, where it is heated to 350 degrees.
  2. After reaching the desired temperature, the barrel is held over the fire for another 2.5 hours. Then it is removed from the fire, and the lid is opened only after it has completely cooled.

Pit firing:

Instead of a barrel, you can also dig a hole and cover it with a sheet of iron. The process of burning wood in the pit also lasts for 2.5 hours.

How the process of producing charcoal in a pit takes place, see the video:

From 1 m3 of wood, which costs an average of 800 rubles, you can get up to 300 kg of charcoal. If you sell 1 kg of coal for 20 rubles, then you will end up with 5,200 rubles. income.

Above methods are a great place to start own business if the entrepreneur does not have money for modern equipment.

What is required to get started?

After studying the production process, analyzing the market and making the final decision to start a business, the entrepreneur must draw up a business plan that includes all the stages of creating his own enterprise.


The positive is that activities for the production of charcoal are not subject to compulsory licensing.

However, an entrepreneur needs to go through the process of mandatory state registration:

  1. As organizational form you can choose an individual entrepreneur or LLC (at the discretion of the entrepreneur).
  2. suitable tax regime is the Simplified Taxation System. The choice of object for taxation (Revenue - 6% or Profit - 15%) depends on the margin policy.
    If you are going to set a large margin, then it is more profitable to choose “profit” as an object. But if you are going to take the market at the expense of a low margin, then it is more profitable to choose "revenue".

Workshops and premises

Although modern technology provides a high level environmental safety, it is necessary to locate production outside the city limits. It is better to place it near the factories involved in the harvesting and processing of wood, which will reduce the time and money spent on transporting raw materials.

  1. The workshop should be located more than 300 meters from residential premises.
  2. Production area (land) must be at least 200 m2.
  3. Furnaces are placed on the land, in the fresh air.
  4. On the site, it is necessary to prepare a place for a warehouse of raw materials and a warehouse for finished products.
  5. It is also necessary to prepare a room for staff.

In order to save running costs Land is better to own.


In order to organize a workshop for the production of coal the following set of equipment is required:

  1. charcoal kiln- 120,000 rubles.
    Is the main element production process, with the help of which wood waste is processed into charcoal. Stationary (installed in one place) and mobile (can be moved from place to place) ovens are available on the market.
  2. Weight dispensers- 20 000 rubles.
  3. Electrical generators- 30,000 rubles.
  4. wood splitter(hydraulic) - 90,000 rubles.
  5. Chainsaw- 15,000 rubles.
  6. Packing machine- 100,000 rubles.

Above is a complete set of equipment necessary for the organization of the workshop. At the initial stage, you can do without a packing machine and a wood splitter, which will save significant resources at the stage of starting a business.

Raw materials

The question of the types of wood used was discussed above.

Here we will bring table of wood consumption and charcoal output.

As can be seen from the table the average "yield" of coal from wood is approximately 28%.

Based on this indicator, and the norms of manufactured products, it is possible to plan stocks of raw materials. It is worth considering that the consumption of raw materials depends on the equipment used..

If for 1 ton of coal produced in a single-chamber furnace, the consumption is 7 cubic meters wood, then for three-chamber furnaces the consumption will be much less.

financial planning

The demand for charcoal is constantly growing, and the markup on finished products very high. According to entrepreneurs, charcoal production business is very profitable and has great prospects.

Capital investments - 485,000 rubles.

  1. Registration - 10,000 rubles.
  2. Equipment - 375,000 rubles.
  3. Purchase of raw materials - 100,000 rubles.

Current expenses - 180,000 rubles.

  1. Land rent - 50,000 rubles.
  2. Salary (3 employees) - 80,000 rubles.
  3. Transportation costs - 20,000 rubles.
  4. Utilities - 20,000 rubles.
  5. Other expenses - 10,000 rubles.

Profit calculation

Under normal workload within a month, the minimum output of charcoal will be about 15 tons.

The average cost of 1 kg is 25 rubles. Net income in the case of wholesale sales of the entire batch at the minimum price is 375,000 rubles.

For the production of 1 ton, a maximum of 7 m3 of wood is needed at a cost of 8,400 rubles. (7m3*1200 r/m3). The total cost of raw materials to obtain 15 m3 of products will amount to 126,000 rubles.

Net profit= 375,000 rubles - 126,000 rubles - 180,000 rubles = 69 000 rubles per month.