Afanasiev m p logic of a scarce economy. Mstislav Platonovich Afanasyev: biography

participant of the encyclopedia "Famous Scientists"

Afanasiev Mstislav Platonovich Rector of the Academy of Budget and Treasury of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation

Professor, Doctor of Economics.


1991 Moscow State University. M. V. Lomonosov, Faculty of Economics, diploma with honors

1992 Paris-VII and Paris-VIII Universities, Faculty of Economics, Master's degree

1994 Full-time postgraduate study at the Faculty of Economics, Lomonosov Moscow State University M. V. Lomonosov

1997 Paris Institute of Political Science (IEP de Paris), Faculty of Economics, PhD

2003 State Procurement Institute HSE, advanced training: “Public Procurement Management”

2006 Graduate School of Social Sciences (EHESS), Paris, habilitation of the director of scientific research

Specialty by education and qualification

economist, teacher of political economy

Acting State Councilor of the Russian Federation, 1st class (since 1999).

Academic degree:

Doctor of Economic Sciences (Russia, 1999)

Doctor of Economic Sciences (France, 1997)

Candidate of Economic Sciences (Russia, 1994)

Master of Economic Sciences (France, 1992)

Academic title:

professor (Russia, 2002)

research director (France, 2006).

Professional experience:

Working Center for Economic Reforms under the Government of Russia

Head of Department, First Deputy Head

Office of the Government of Russia

Head of Finance Department, Deputy Head,

First Deputy Head, Acting Head

Accounts Chamber of Russia

First Deputy Chief of Staff, Chief of Staff

Teaching activity:

Academy of Budget and Treasury of the Ministry of Finance of Russia

Professor, Head of the Department of Finance

High School of Economics

Senior Researcher, Professor, Head of the Department of Public Finance

Russian Academy of Public Administration under the President of Russia


Graduate School of Social Sciences (Paris, France)

visiting supervisor

Professional interests:

theory and practice of public and corporate finance,


Knowledge of foreign languages:

English (fluent),

French (fluent).

Training courses:

Budget and budget system

State finances

budget policy

State financial control

Organization of public financial bodies


Member of the Board of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation

Head of the Finance Department of the ABC of the Ministry of Finance of Russia.

Chairman of the Academic Council of the ABiK of the Ministry of Finance of Russia.

Editor-in-chief of the Academy of Budget and Treasury of the Ministry of Finance of Russia. Financial magazine.

Member of the editorial board of the SU-HSE Economic Journal.

Member of the editorial board of the journal "State and municipal management".

Chairman of the Doctoral Dissertation Council of the ABC of the Ministry of Finance of Russia.

Member of the doctoral dissertation council of the State University - Higher School of Economics.

Member of the Attestation Commission on the issues of conferring the academic titles of professor in the department and associate professor in the department of the Federal Service for Supervision in Education and Science.

Member of the Scientific and Coordinating Council of the Federal Target Program "Scientific and Scientific-Pedagogical Personnel of Innovative Russia"

Member of the American Economic Association (USA)

Member of the French Association of Political Economy (France)

Member of the International Institute of Public Finance (Germany).

Has awards:

Honorary title "Honored Economist of Russia" 2009

Medal "In memory of the 850th anniversary of Moscow" 1997

Medal "For merits in conducting the All-Russian population census" 2002

Medal "In memory of the 300th anniversary of St. Petersburg" 2003

Jubilee medal "200 years of the Ministry of Finance of Russia" 2002

Commemorative sign "200 years of the Ministry of Defense of Russia" 2002

Breastplate of the State Statistics Committee of Russia "For active participation in the All-Russian population census of 2002" 2002

Honorary Diploma of the Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation, 2004

Breastplate of the GUVO of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia "For Distinction", 2004

Gratitude of the Chairman of the Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation 2003

Scientific publications:

Main publications:


Budget and budget system (recommended by the Federal State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education ABiK as a textbook for students of higher educational institutions and students of advanced training and additional education programs studying in the direction of "Economics"; specialties "Economics", "Finance and Credit"). / Foreword by A.L. Kudrin. M., Yurayt Publishing House, 2009, p.777 (with A.A. Belenchuk and I.V. Krivogov).

The main directions of formation and development of classical budgetary thought. Teaching aid. - M., ed. Academy of Budget and Treasury, 2009, 66 p.

Modernization of public finances (recommended by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation as a textbook for students of higher educational institutions studying economics at universities). 2nd ed. / Foreword by A.L. Kudrin. M., ed. SU-HSE House 2007, p.439 (with I. Krivogov).

Scientific works:

Essays on the history of economic thought M., BDTs Publishing House, 2005, p. 326;

The logic of a scarce economy 2nd ed., revised and supplemented M., RAGS, 2004, p. 160 (1st ed., Moscow, Bit, 1991, p. 182);

Corporate governance at Russian enterprises M., Interexpert, 2000, p. 448;

Marketing: strategy and practice of the firm M., Finstatinform, 1995, p. 214.

Current articles:

Fundamentals of the modern budget system: European aspect// ABiK. Financial magazine, 2010, no.1. pp. 5-10.

Methodological and theoretical foundations for the formulation of A. Wagner's law. Approaches to its testing// Issues of state and municipal management, 2009, No. 3. pp. 47-70 (with Afanasiev Ya.M.).

Prerequisites for the formation of the theory of public finance / / Questions of state and municipal management, 2008, No. 2. pp. 50-72 (with I. Krivogov).

Finances of the legal state // Issues of state and municipal management, 2007, vol. 2, no. 2-3, p. 17-37 (with I. Krivogov);

Modernization of public finance // Questions of Economics, 2006, No. 9, p. 103-112 (with I. Krivogov);

Purity of stabilization // BusinessWeek (Russia), 2006, No7, p.62;

Europeanization of Russia // BusinessWeek (Russia), 2006, No5, p.62;

New macroeconomics // BusinessWeek (Russia), 2006, No1, p.62;

Budget reform in Russia: results and possible prospects // Questions of Economics, 2005, No11, pp. 57-70 (with I. Krivogov).

Balance management of the federal budget: foreign debt to Russia) / / Questions of Economics, 2005, No. 4. pp. 4-22 (with I. Krivogov).

Performance Based Budgeting (New Trends)// Economic Issues, 2004, No. 9. S. 130.

Readers (materials for lectures):

Improving the budget process, M., HSE, 2006, p. 222;

Federal budget reform M., HSE, 2004, p. 476.;

State Financial Control M., HSE, 2002, p. 398;

Budget policy and the budget process, parts 1 and 2 M., HSE, 2000, p. 414.

Main translations from French:

Garello J. Illusions of socialism, foreword by Yu.B. Kochevrin, M: Text-Master, 1993, p.32 (translation, afterword);

Shavans B. Economic reforms in Eastern Europe, foreword by A. Nove, M: Text-Master, 1994, p.160 (translation, afterword, editor-in-chief);

Scientific area:

public and corporate finance, macroeconomics

Place of work:

State University of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation.

Alma mater: Known as:

professor, economist

Mstislav Platonovich Afanasiev (January 14 ( 19670114 ) , Moscow) - Rector of the former State University of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation. Professor, Doctor of Economic Sciences.

Acting State Councilor of the Russian Federation, 1st class. Honored Economist of the Russian Federation. Member of the collegium of the Ministry of Finance of Russia.


  • 1991 Moscow State University. M. V. Lomonosov, Faculty of Economics, diploma with honors;
  • 1992 Paris-VII and Paris-VIII Universities, Faculty of Economics, Master's degree;
  • 1994 Full-time postgraduate study at the Faculty of Economics, Lomonosov Moscow State University M. V. Lomonosov;
  • 1997 Paris Institute of Political Sciences (IEP de Paris), Faculty of Economics, PhD;
  • 2003 State Procurement Institute of the State University-Higher School of Economics, advanced training: “Public Procurement Management”;
  • 2006 Graduate School of Social Sciences (EHESS), Paris, habilitation of the director of scientific research.

Specialty by education and qualification

  • Economist, teacher of political economy
  • Active State Councilor of the Russian Federation, 1st class (since 1999).

Academic degree

  • Doctor of Economic Sciences (Russia, 1999);
  • Doctor of Economic Sciences (France, 1997);
  • Candidate of Economic Sciences (Russia, 1994);
  • Master of Economic Sciences (France, 1992).

Academic title

  • professor (Russia, 2002);
  • research director (France, 2006).

Professional experience

  • Working Center for Economic Reforms under the Government of Russia

head of department, first deputy head;

  • Office of the Government of Russia

Head of the Department of Finance, Deputy Head, First Deputy Head, acting Head;

  • Accounts Chamber of Russia

First Deputy Chief of Staff, Chief of Staff.

Teaching activity

  • State University of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation

Professor, Head of the Department of Finance;

  • High School of Economics

Senior Researcher, Professor, Head of the Department of Public Finance;

  • Russian Academy of Public Administration under the President of Russia


  • Graduate School of Social Sciences (Paris, France)

invited scientific advisor.

Professional interests

  • theory and practice of public and corporate finance;
  • macroeconomics,
  • history of budgeting.

M.P. Afanasiev is a consistent supporter and initiator of the development of undergraduate and graduate programs in the programs "Finance and Credit", "Accounting, Analysis and Audit".

Knowledge of foreign languages

  • English (fluent);
  • French (fluent).

Training courses

  • Budget and budget system;
  • State finances;
  • budget policy;
  • State financial control;
  • Organization of state financial bodies.


  • Member of the Board of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation;
  • Head of the Department "Finance" of the State University of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation;
  • Chairman of the Academic Council of the GUMF of Russia;
  • Editor-in-chief “State University of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation. Financial magazine";
  • Member of the editorial board of the SU-HSE Economic Journal;
  • Member of the editorial board of the journal "State and municipal management";
  • Chairman of the doctoral dissertation council of the GUMF of Russia;
  • Member of the Doctoral Dissertation Council of the State University - Higher School of Economics;
  • Member of the Attestation Commission on the issues of conferring the academic titles of professor in the department and associate professor in the department of the Federal Service for Supervision in Education and Science;
  • Member of the Scientific and Coordinating Council of the federal target program "Scientific and scientific-pedagogical personnel of innovative Russia";
  • Member of the American Economic Association (USA);
  • Member of the French Association of Political Economy (France);
  • Member of the International Institute of Public Finance (Germany).
  • Member of the European Economic Association
  • Member of the European Association for International Education

Major Publications

Textbooks and study guides

  • Fundamentals of the budget system(recommended by the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation as a textbook for economic specialties of universities). Foreword by A.L. Kudrina M., HSE Publishing House, 2004, p. 243, republished M., Ed. House of SU-HSE, 2009, p.228;
  • Budget and budget system(recommended by the Federal State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education ABiK as a textbook for students of higher educational institutions and students of advanced training and additional education programs studying in the direction of "Economics"; recommended by the State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education SU-HSE as a textbook for students of higher educational institutions studying in the specialties "Economics" , "Finance and credit"). Foreword by A.L. Kudrin. M., Yurayt Publishing House, 2009, p. 777 (with A. A. Belenchuk and I. V. Krivogov);
  • The main directions of formation and development of classical budgetary thought. Teaching aid. - M., ed. Academy of Budget and Treasury, 2009, 66 p.;
  • Modernization of public finances(recommended by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation as a textbook for students of higher educational institutions studying economics at universities). 2nd ed. Foreword by A.L. Kudrin. M., ed. SU-HSE House 2007, p.439 (with I. Krivogov).

Scientific works

  • Essays on the history of economic thought M.: Publishing house of BDTs, 2005, p. 326;
  • The logic of a scarce economy 2nd ed., revised and supplemented M.: RAGS, 2004, p. 160 (1st ed., Moscow, Bit, 1991, p. 182);
  • Corporate governance at Russian enterprises Moscow: Interexpert, 2000, p. 448;
  • Marketing: strategy and practice of the firm M.: Finstatinform, 1995, p. 214.

Current Articles

  • "General Theory" by J. M. Keynes: origins and future (on the 75th anniversary of the first publication) // ABiK. Financial magazine. - 2011 .- No. 1. - P.151-156.
  • Program budget: best practice / M. P. Afanasiev, A. A. Belenchuk, L. A. Eroshkina, S. E. Prokofiev, V. V. Sidorenko, A. G. Siluanov / / ABiK. Financial magazine. - 2011 .- No. 1. - p.5-22
  • Fundamentals of the modern budget system: European aspect // ABiK. financial journal, 2010, No. 1. pp. 5-10.;
  • Methodological and theoretical foundations for the formulation of A. Wagner's law. Approaches to its testing // , 2009, No. 3. pp. 47-70 (with Afanasyev Ya.M.);
  • Prerequisites for the formation of the theory of public finance // Issues of state and municipal management, 2008, No. 2. pp. 50-72 (with I. Krivogov);
  • Lawful state finances // Issues of state and municipal management, 2007, vol. 2, no. 2-3, p. 17-37 (with I. Krivogov);
  • Modernization of public finance // Economic questions, 2006, No. 9, p. 103-112 (with I. Krivogov);
  • Stabilization Purity // Business Week (Russia), 2006, No7, p.62;
  • Europeanization of Russia // Business Week (Russia), 2006, No5, p.62;
  • New macroeconomics // Business Week (Russia), 2006, No1, p.62;
  • Budget reform in Russia: results and possible prospects // Economic questions, 2005, No11, p.57-70 (with I. Krivogov)
  • Balance management of the federal budget: foreign debt to Russia) // Economic questions, 2005, No. 4. pp. 4-22 (with I. Krivogov);
  • Performance budgeting (new trends) // Economic questions, 2004, No. 9. S. 130.

Readers (materials for lectures)

  • Improving the budget process, M., HSE, 2006, p. 222;
  • Federal budget reform M., HSE, 2004, p. 476.;
  • State Financial Control M., HSE, 2002, p. 398;
  • Budget policy and the budget process, parts 1 and 2 M., HSE, 2000, p. 414.

Basic translations from French

  • Garello J. Illusions of socialism. Foreword by Yu.B. Kochevrin, M: Text-Master, 1993, p.32 (translation, afterword);
  • Shavans B. Economic reforms in Eastern Europe. Preface A. Nove, M: Text-Master, 1994, p.160 (translation, afterword, editor-in-chief);
  • Sapir Zh. New approaches to the theory of individual preferences and its consequences // HSE Economic Journal, 2005, Vol. 9, No. 3, p. 325-360 (translation, scientific editing);
  • Sapir J. Economics of information: a new paradigm and its limits // Higher School of Economics Journal of Economics, 2005, Volume 10 (translation, scientific editing).

About the work of prof. M. P. Afanas'eva

  • Malis N.I. Actual textbook on the budget and the budget system // ABiK. Financial magazine, 2010, no.1. pp. 157-162;
  • Mau V.A., Afanasiev M.P., Krivogov I.V. Modernization of Public Finances: Textbook// Economic Issues, 2007, No. 11;
  • Oreshin V.P.M.P. Afanasiev. Essays on the history of economic thought / / Questions of Economics, 2005, No. 12;
  • Chichkanov V. New Systemic Representation of the State Budget//Questions of Economics, 2004, No. 5;
  • Mau V. A. About the new book// Economic Journal of the Higher School of Economics, V.8, 2004, No. 2;
  • Oreshin V.P. A new textbook for financiers// Vestnik RUDN University, ser. Economics, 2004, No. 1(10), pp.165-166;
  • Pavlov V. A. We advise you to read / / Taxes, 2004, No. 9;
  • Pavlov V. A. From the “Finance Plan” to the present day.//Economics and Life, 2004, No. 6;
  • Makarova L. Budget structure of the Russian Federation// Economics and Life, 2004, No. 16;
  • Makarova L. A new textbook - for universities / / Our government, 2004, No. 4;
  • Makarova L. Fundamentals of the budget system // Business Education, 2004, No. 3-4;
  • Makarova L. A new book on the budget system has been published // Bookseller newspaper, 2004, No. 3;
  • Krikunenko A. The trace of a comet // Entrusted to protect, M., Moskovsky worker, 1987, p. 128-142.

Has awards

  • Honorary Diploma of the Federal Treasury (Treasury of Russia) 2010;
  • Honorary title "Honored Economist of Russia" 2009;
  • Medal "In memory of the 850th anniversary of Moscow" 1997;
  • Medal "For merits in conducting the All-Russian population census" 2002;
  • Medal "In memory of the 300th anniversary of St. Petersburg" 2003;
  • Anniversary medal "200 years of the Ministry of Finance of Russia" 2002;
  • Commemorative sign "200 years of the Ministry of Defense of Russia" 2002;
  • Badge of the State Statistics Committee of Russia "For active participation in the All-Russian population census of 2002" 2002;
  • Honorary Diploma of the Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation, 2004;
  • Breastplate of the GUVO of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia “For Distinction”, 2004;
  • Gratitude of the Chairman of the Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation 2003


  • Service in the army: 60th Tamanskaya Red Banner Rocket Division (RVSN).
  • Hobbies: kendo, iaido, swimming, bowling.
  • Married, has two sons.



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See what "Afanasiev, Mstislav Platonovich" is in other dictionaries:

    Chief of Staff of the Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation since January 2002; was born on January 14, 1967 in Moscow; Graduated from the Faculty of Economics of Moscow State University. M. V. Lomonosov in 1991, Doctor of Economics, Professor; 1991 1993 Deputy General ... ... Big biographical encyclopedia

    - ... Wikipedia

    - (January 14, 1967, Moscow) Rector of the Academy of Budget and Treasury. Professor, Doctor of Economics. Member of the Board of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation. Head of the Department "Finance" of the Academy of Budget and Treasury. Chairman ... ... Wikipedia

    Contents 1 Men 1.1 A 1.2 B 1.3 C ... Wikipedia

    The article presents a list of persons who have held the positions of First Deputy and Deputy Chief of Staff of the Government (in 1992 1993 - the Council of Ministers - Government) of the Russian Federation since 1991. After the date of appointment or dismissal ... Wikipedia

    The Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation consists of the Chairman, Deputy Chairman and 12 auditors appointed for a period of 6 years. The chairman and 6 auditors are appointed to the post by the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian ... ... Wikipedia

Oreshin V.P. Review of the book by Afanasiev M.P. "Fundamentals of the budget system"



Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov 2 KGF, Sparrow Hills, Moscow, Russia

Review of the book on the book by M.P. Afanasyev "Fundamentals of the budget system". - M.: GU-VSHE, 2004. - 243 p.

In 2004, the publishing house of the Higher School of Economics published a new textbook by M.P. Afanasiev "Fundamentals of the budget system", which immediately attracted the attention of the general scientific and pedagogical community. Mstislav Afanasiev is a specialist in the field of public and corporate finance, who received a classical economics education at the Lomonosov Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov, including full-time postgraduate studies, continued his studies at the University of Paris-Vll-Jussieu, where he received a master's degree (DEA) in economics, and then doctoral degrees in economics awarded in Russia and France at the Institut d'études politiques de Paris. He is a professor, head of the Department of Public Finance at the State University - Higher School of Economics (SU-HSE) and the author of many publications.26.

The textbook is based on lectures given by the author since 1998 at the State University Higher School of Economics. This manual consists of 16 lectures and begins with highlighting the history of building the state budget system, which was proposed at the beginning of the 19th century by the outstanding Russian scientist and reformer M.M. Speransky. It is on the principles he proposed that the current Budget Code of the Russian Federation is built. For most readers, it will probably be a discovery that the concepts with which they are well acquainted, namely, tax and non-tax revenues, classification of income and expenses, and many other concepts, were proposed by Mikhail Mikhailovich Speransky.

The textbook reveals the basic concepts related to budget legislation, gives a modern budget classification, presents the principles of the functioning of the budget system as such, as well as the formation of the federal budget and the budgets of extra-budgetary funds. The basis of the analysis of the budget system M.P. Afanasiev laid down the principles of the so-called. "new institutional theory" (R. Coase, D. North, V. Niskanen and others) in the presentation of the key concepts of the theory of public finance.

The manual discusses the problems associated with interbudgetary relations, budgetary regulation, which hinder the implementation of reforms, incl. administrative. When considering the issue of reforming interbudget

26 See: Afanasiev M.P. Reform of the federal budget. Materials for the lecture. - M.: GU-HSE, 2004; Afanasiev M.P. State financial control. Materials for lectures. - M.: GU-HSE, 2001; Afanasiev M.P. Budgetary policy and budgetary process. Materials for lectures, part 1, m. 2. - M .: GU-HSE, 2000; Afanasiev M.P. Corporate governance at Russian enterprises. - M.: Interexpert, 2000; Afanasiev M.P. The logic of a scarce economy. - M .: Bit-Risk, 1991. (second edition - publishing house of the RAGS, 2004), as well as his articles in the journal "Economic Issues" for 2004 "Result-oriented budgeting (new trends)" in No. 9 and “The Stabilization Fund Toolkit: Experience and Perspectives” in No. 3

relations, the main emphasis is on reducing "unfunded mandates" by delimiting tax revenues between the levels of the budget system of the Russian Federation on the principle of "one tax - one budget".

In the manual, a significant place is given to the issues of balancing budgets and managing external and internal public debt. An important place is given to the disclosure of concepts related to the budget process. The participants of the budget process and their powers are described in detail, their main functions and tasks are analyzed, the procedure for drafting the budget, budget approval, its execution and control is considered. A special lecture is devoted to treasury budget execution.

In his work, M.P. Afanasiev pays special attention to procedure during the budget process. It is a detailed description of procedural issues, adapted to the activities of each participant in the budget process, that makes it possible to ensure the preparation and implementation of an effective budget that rationally takes into account the interests of all business entities.

The last lecture of the study guide sets out the principles of government finance statistics compiled according to IMF standards. To consolidate the material at the end of each chapter, control questions are given, and at the end of the book itself there is a glossary of key terms.

This manual clearly reveals the main problems associated with budget policy and the budget process, and its consistency and brevity are the undoubted advantages of this manual, which makes it possible to recommend it to a wide range of stakeholders. Positive responses to the textbook prepared by M.P. Afanasyev, presented in many reviews, published

bathrooms before. On the whole, we can say that this textbook is a step towards the reader, since complex concepts presented in a simple and understandable language will not scare away, but will help to understand the issues of the budget system, and in the future to read those books to which this textbook refers.

In conclusion, I would like to note that the textbook "Fundamentals of the Budget System" is a very timely book that meets today's intellectual needs of the economy and society.


Moscow State University, Department of Economics,

2bldg, Vorobievy hills, Moscow, Russia

The review of the textbook: M.P. Afanasiev. Fundamentals of the Budget System. M.: SU-HSE, 2004.-243 p.

27 See: Makarova Jl. Budget device of the Russian Federation. Economics and Life, No. 16, 2004; New textbook - universities. Our power, No. 4, 2004; Fundamentals of the budget system. Business Review, No. 3-4, 2004; A new book on the budget system has been published. Bookseller newspaper, No. 3, 2004; Pavlov N. From the "Finance Plan" to the present day. Economics and Life, No. 6, 2004; We advise you to read. Taxes, No. 9, 2004; Chichkanov V. New system representation of the state budget. Questions of Economics, No. 5, 2004., May V.A. About the new book. Economic Journal of the Higher School of Economics, vol. 8, no. 2, 2004.

Mstislav Platonovich Afanasiev(born January 14, 1967, Moscow) - Russian economist, professor, doctor of economic sciences.

Acting State Councilor of the Russian Federation, 1st class. Honored Economist of the Russian Federation.


  • 1991 Moscow State University. M. V. Lomonosov, Faculty of Economics, diploma with honors;
  • 1992 Paris-VII and Paris-VIII Universities, Faculty of Economics, Master's degree;
  • 1994 Full-time postgraduate study at the Faculty of Economics, Lomonosov Moscow State University M. V. Lomonosov;
  • 1997 Paris Institute of Political Sciences (IEP de Paris), Faculty of Economics, PhD;
  • 2003 State Procurement Institute of the State University-Higher School of Economics, advanced training: “Public Procurement Management”;
  • 2006 Graduate School of Social Sciences (EHESS), Paris, habilitation of the director of scientific research.

Specialty by education and qualification

  • Economist, teacher of political economy
  • Active State Councilor of the Russian Federation, 1st class (since 1999).

Academic degree

  • Doctor of Economic Sciences (Russia, 1999);
  • Doctor of Economic Sciences (France, 1997);
  • Candidate of Economic Sciences (Russia, 1994);
  • master of economic sciences (France, 1992).

Academic title

  • professor (Russia, 2002);
  • research director (France, 2006).

Professional experience

  • Working Center for Economic Reforms under the Government of Russia

head of department, first deputy head;

  • Office of the Government of Russia

Head of the Department of Finance, Deputy Head, First Deputy Head, acting Head;

  • Accounts Chamber of Russia

First Deputy Chief of Staff, Chief of Staff.

Teaching activity

  • State University of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation

Professor, Head of the Department of Finance;

  • High School of Economics

Senior Researcher, Professor, Head of the Department of Public Finance;

  • Russian Academy of Public Administration under the President of Russia


  • Graduate School of Social Sciences (Paris, France)

invited scientific advisor.

Professional interests

  • theory and practice of public and corporate finance;
  • macroeconomics,
  • history of budgeting.

M.P. Afanasiev is a consistent supporter and initiator of the development of undergraduate and graduate programs in the programs "Finance and Credit", "Accounting, Analysis and Audit".

Knowledge of foreign languages

  • English (fluent);
  • French (fluent).

Training courses

  • Budget and budget system;
  • State finances;
  • budget policy;
  • State financial control;
  • Organization of state financial bodies.


  • Member of the editorial board of the SU-HSE Economic Journal;
  • Member of the editorial board of the journal "State and municipal management";
  • Member of the Doctoral Dissertation Council of the State University - Higher School of Economics;
  • Member of the Scientific and Coordinating Council of the federal target program "Scientific and scientific-pedagogical personnel of innovative Russia";
  • Member of the American Economic Association (USA);
  • Member of the French Association of Political Economy (France);
  • Member of the International Institute of Public Finance (Germany).
  • Member of the European Economic Association
  • Member of the European Association for International Education

Major Publications

Textbooks and study guides

  • Fundamentals of the budget system(recommended by the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation as a textbook for economic specialties of universities). Foreword by A.L. Kudrina M., HSE Publishing House, 2004, p. 243, republished M., Ed. House of SU-HSE, 2009, p.228;
  • Budget and budget system(recommended by the Federal State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education ABiK as a textbook for students of higher educational institutions and students of advanced training and additional education programs studying in the direction of "Economics"; recommended by the State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education SU-HSE as a textbook for students of higher educational institutions studying in the specialties "Economics" , "Finance and credit"). Foreword by A.L. Kudrin. M., Yurayt Publishing House, 2009, p. 777 (with A. A. Belenchuk and I. V. Krivogov);
  • The main directions of formation and development of classical budgetary thought. Teaching aid. - M., ed. Academy of Budget and Treasury, 2009, 66 p.;
  • Modernization of public finances(recommended by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation as a textbook for students of higher educational institutions studying economics at universities). 2nd ed. Foreword by A.L. Kudrin. M., ed. SU-HSE House 2007, p.439 (with I. Krivogov).
  • PhD: specialty Doctor honorus causa
  • PhD: Specialty Habilitation à diriger des recherches (HDR)
  • Academic title: Professor
  • Doctor of Economic Sciences: specialty 08.00.05/10
  • PhD: specialty Docteur en sciences économiques
  • Candidate of Economic Sciences: specialty 08.00.01
  • Master's in Economics University of Vincennes-Saint-Denis Paris VIII

    Specialist: Moscow State University named after V.I. M.V. Lomonosov, specialty "economist, teacher of political economy"

Education, academic degrees and titles


2006 - Paris Higher School of Social Sciences (EHESS), habilitation of the director of scientific research (HDR), (France);

1997 - Paris Institute of Political Sciences (IEP de Paris), Faculty of Economics, PhD (Docteur en sciences économiques), (France);

1994 - Full-time postgraduate study of the Faculty of Economics, Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov;

1992 - Universités Paris -VII et Paris VIII, Faculty of Economics, Master's Dea (DEA), (France);

1991 - Moscow State University. M.V.Lomonosov, Faculty of Economics, diploma with honors;

1984 - School No. 73 with in-depth study of the French language, Moscow.

Academic degree:

Doctor of Economic Sciences (Russia, 1999);

Doctor of Economic Sciences (France, 1997);

Candidate of Economic Sciences (Russia, 1994);

master of economic sciences (France, 1992).

Academic title:

professor (Russia, 2002);

research director (France, 2006);

doctor honorus causa of John Cabot University (USA, 2012).

Research seminar "Modernization of public finances"

Achievements and promotions

  • Honored Economist of the Russian Federation" (September 2009)
  • Medal "For Merit in Conducting the All-Russian Population Census" (September 2003)
  • Medal "In memory of the 300th anniversary of St. Petersburg" (June 2003)
  • Certificate of Honor from the Higher School of Economics (November 2002)
  • Medal "In memory of the 850th anniversary of Moscow" (February 1977)


Professor researcher

Participation in the editorial boards of scientific journals

Since 2007: member of the editorial board of the journal "Issues of State and Municipal Administration".

Publications 33

    Book Afanasiev M.P., Belenchuk A.A., Krivogov I.V. / Nauch. ed.: M. P. Afanasiev. T. 1. M. : Yurayt, 2019.

    Article Afanasyev M. P., Shash N. N. // Issues of state and municipal management. 2014. No. 2. S. 48-64.

    Article Afanasyev M. P., Shash N. N. // Issues of state and municipal management. 2013. No. 3. S. 48-69.

    Book Afanasyev M.P., Belenchuk A., Krivogov I. / Ed. ed.: M. P. Afanasiev. 3rd ed., stereotype. M.: Yurayt, 2012.

  • Article Afanasiev M. P., Afanasiev Ya. M. // Issues of state and municipal management. 2009. No. 3. S. 47-70.

  • Article Afanasyev M. P., Krivogov I. V. // Issues of state and municipal management. 2008. No. 2. S. 50-72.

  • Article Afanasyev M. P., Krivogov I. V. // Issues of state and municipal management. 2007. No. 2-3. pp. 17-36.

  • Article by Sapir J. / Translated by: M. P. Afanasiev, Yu. 2005. No. 10. S. 4-24.



program budget. M.: Master. 2012, 384 p.

Budget and budgetary system: textbook. / M. P. Afanasiev, A. A. Belenchuk, I. V. Krivogov; ed. M. P. Afanasiev; foreword A. L. Kudrina. - 2nd ed., revised. and add. - M .: Yurayt, 2011. - 777 p. – (Universities of Russia).

Fundamentals of the budget system: textbook. allowance. - 2nd ed., revised. - M.: ID GU HSE, 2009. - 226 p. – (Textbooks of the Higher School of Economics).

Finances of the legal state / M. P. Afanasiev, I. V. Krivogov. - M .: ed. ABiK Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation, 2007. - 38 p.

Modernization of public finances: textbook. allowance / M. P. Afanasiev, I. V. Krivogov; foreword A. L. Kudrina. - 2nd ed. - M.: ID GU HSE, 2007. - 439 p.

Fundamentals of the budget system: textbook. allowance. - M.: ID GU HSE, 2004. - 243 p. – (Textbooks of the Higher School of Economics).

The most important scientific works

Introduction to econometric models: textbook-method. allowance / ed. M. P. Afanasiev. - M.: GU Ministry of Finance of Russia, 2011. - 170 p.

The main directions of the formation and development of classical budgetary thought: textbook.–method. allowance. - M .: ed. ABiK Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation, 2009. - 66 p.

Essays on the history of economic thought, M., Publishing House of the BDTs, 2005, 326 p.

The logic of a scarce economy (2nd ed., revised and supplemented), M., RAGS, 2004, p.160 (1st ed. M., BIT, 1991, p. 182)

Corporate governance at Russian enterprises, M., Interexpert, 2000, p.448

Marketing: strategy and practice of the firm M., Finstatinform, 1995, p.214

Current Articles

Program budget as a tool to increase the openness of the budget process // ABiK. Financial magazine. - 2011. - No. 3. – P. 5–18 (with A. A. Belenchuk, A. M. Lavrov)

Program budget: best practice // ABiK. Financial magazine. - 2011. - No. 1. – P. 5–22 (with A. A. Belenchuk, L. A. Eroshkina, V. V. Sidorenko, A. G. Siluanov)

Program budget: goals, classification and principles of construction // ABiK. Financial magazine. - 2010. - No. 3. – P. 5–18 (with B. I. Alekhin, A. I. Kravchenko, P. G. Kradinov)

Modernization of public finances//Questions of Economics, 2006, No. 9, p.103-112 (with I. Krivogov)

Purity of stabilization // BusinessWeek (Russia), 2006, No7, p.62.

Europeanization of Russia // BusinessWeek (Russia), 2006, No5, p.62;

New macroeconomics // BusinessWeek (Russia), 2006, No1, p.62;

Budget reform in Russia: results and possible prospects // Questions of Economics, 2005, No11, pp. 57-70 (with I. Krivogov);

Readers (materials for lectures)

Improving the budget process, M., HSE, 2006, p.222

Reform of the federal budget (materials for lectures) M., HSE, 2004, p. 476.

State financial control (materials for lectures) M., HSE, 2001, p. 398

Budget policy and the budget process (materials for lectures), part 1 and 2, M., HSE, 2000, p. 414


since 1993 NRU HSE Head of the Department of Public Finance of the Faculty of State and Municipal Administration, Professor

Updated budget process

More than 200 years ago, the Universal Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen (1789) proclaimed one of the key principles of the organization of the rule of law state: "All citizens have the right to establish themselves or through their representatives the need for state taxation, voluntarily agree to its collection, monitor its spending ...". In Russia, where up to 40% of the produced GDP is redistributed through the system of state budgets (and a corresponding fee is charged for this compulsory service - about 5% of GDP), the need to clarify and change the rules of the budget process in the very near future has become obvious.


Purity Stabilization

Now we can be proud not only of Russian ballet and spaceships, but also of domestic financial instruments. At least the Stabilization Fund, which has been one of the few real achievements in economic reform in the last decade. In terms of content and technicality, this economic and political project - by the way, which has no direct analogues in world practice - was implemented very masterfully. However, this does not mean that the fund in its current form is destined for a long life. And that's why.