Presentation "visual geometry" for elementary school. Presentation "visual geometry" for elementary school Modern ICTs include

“There is nothing more precious for a person than to think well”
L. Tolstoy

The main task of teaching mathematics at school is to teach the student not only to count, but also to reason logically, to argue his statements, to prove his thoughts. Of course, few will become mathematicians after school, and many will almost never apply most of the knowledge they have acquired. But everyone in their life will face a situation when they need to prove or analyze something. The teaching of mathematics has its own traditions, but the task of the school is not only to convey certain knowledge to students, but also to develop their cognitive interests, creative attitude to work, the desire for independent “acquisition” and enrichment of knowledge and skills, their application in their own practical activities. The main work of our children is teaching, and therefore it is very important to teach them to study intelligently.

It is generally accepted that mathematics is one of the most difficult subjects, it requires from students constant, painstaking and significant independent work, and very diverse. Therefore, one of the main tasks of a mathematics teacher is the formation and development of skills in studying mathematics, elements of a culture of learning and thinking. To do this, it is necessary to work out in detail the content aspect of education and select from the whole variety of methods, forms, technologies those that will lead students to assimilate the conceptual components of the training program, will develop the cognitive abilities of students, their activity in learning activities, as well as ensure the formation and development of communicative competencies of students.

The increase in mental load in mathematics lessons makes us think about how to maintain students' interest in the subject being studied, their activity throughout the lesson. It helps a lot to maintain interest in the subject and make the process of teaching and educating in the classroom the use of information technologies.

It is impossible to imagine today our life without a computer. Using it significantly increases the effectiveness of training and the quality of emerging knowledge and skills. The use of computer software in mathematics lessons allows the teacher not only to diversify traditional forms of education, but also to solve a variety of problems, one of them is to increase the visibility of learning.

In preparation for the lessons, I often create Presentations (Power Point), with the help of which I implement the principle of visibility in the classroom. Using presentations to explain new material, organize oral counting ( Appendix 1 ) gives good results. Using presentations at the stage of updating knowledge ( Annex 2 ) allows you to solve more problems, which makes it possible to save time in the lesson and arouses more interest among the children than work at the blackboard, allows you to diversify the work, make it more visual, bright, interesting.

What is a visual teaching method?

Visual teaching methods are understood as methods in which the assimilation of educational material is significantly dependent on the visual aids used in the learning process and technical means(ICT).

  • Observations
  • Illustrations
  • Demonstrations


This is independent work students on assignment and under the guidance of a teacher.

Observation is distinguished by the complexity of the psychological structure, is associated with all cognitive processes, and prepares students for abstract thinking.

Observation techniques

  • show-observation
  • demonstration-observation
  • notes and drawings
  • photographing and description

illustration method

involves showing students illustrative aids, diagrams, posters, tables, paintings, maps, drawings, layouts, sketches on the board, flat models.

Demo Method

usually associated with the demonstration of instruments, equipment, experiments, codoscopes, films, filmstrips, tape recorders, computer programs, presentations.

Method demonstrations

consists in showing the operation of real devices or their models, various mechanisms, technical installations, in setting up experiments and conducting experiments, in demonstrating processes (of various origins), design features, properties of materials, collections (minerals, art products, paintings, samples of materials, etc.).

Demo Method

AT modern conditions special attention is paid to the use of a personal computer (PC), which significantly expands the possibilities of visual methods in the educational process.

ICT is an important link in the visual teaching method.

Modern ICTs include:

  • educational electronic manuals;
  • receiving additional information through the Internet;
  • educational presentations;
  • multimedia aids and others.

Conditions for the effective use of visibility:

  • a) the visualization used must be appropriate for the age of the students;
  • b) visibility should be used in moderation and should be shown gradually and only at the appropriate moment in the lesson;
  • c) observation should be organized in such a way that all students can clearly see the object being demonstrated;
  • d) it is necessary to clearly highlight the main, essential when showing illustrations;
  • e) to think over in detail the explanations given during the demonstration of phenomena;
  • e) the visualization shown must be exactly consistent with the content of the material;
  • g) involve the students themselves in finding the desired information in a visual aid or a demonstration device.

Takova a brief description of visual teaching methods, classified by sources of knowledge. It has been repeatedly criticized in the pedagogical literature. Its main disadvantage is that this classification does not reflect the nature of the cognitive activity of students in learning, does not reflect the degree of their independence in academic work. However, it is this classification that is most popular among practicing teachers.

LET'S LOOK INTO THE HISTORY OF THE QUESTION YA.A. Kamensky "turned" the method of observation into a method of teaching. Perception (observation) Comenius considers as the source of all knowledge, since he assumes that things are directly imprinted in the mind, and only after getting acquainted with the thing itself, explanations should be given.

The problem of visualization was even wider and more justified in the works of I.G. Pestalozzi. If for Comenius observation (visibility) serves the child as a way of accumulating knowledge about the world around him, then for Pestalozzi visualization acts as a means of developing the abilities and spiritual powers of the child.

The problem of visualization in pedagogy was comprehensively and deeply analyzed by K.D. Ushinsky. When asked what visual learning is, Ushinsky answers as follows: “This is a teaching that is not based on abstract ideas and words, but on specific images directly perceived by the child.”

The process of cognition according to Ushinsky consists of two main stages: 1) sensory perception of objects and phenomena of the external world; 2) abstract thinking. He sees the essence of visual learning in the fact that, with the help of visual aids or the real objects themselves, to promote: - the formation of a clear and clear idea of ​​objects and phenomena in children; - identifying relationships between objects and phenomena; - the formation of a certain generalization.

Currently, pedagogy links visual learning with the following features: – correct application visibility depends on its accompaniment by the word of the teacher; - visual aids can be effective if the student has some experience with the object being studied; - for the effective assimilation of knowledge, visualization alone is not enough - it is necessary to attach the active activity of the student himself to it.

1. The use of electronic multimedia textbooks (CDs and DVDs) in the classroom One of the areas of modernization of the education system at school is the introduction of computer and multimedia technologies. Multimedia discs can significantly save time, both in the classroom and during the preparation of the material. The computer becomes a faithful assistant to the student and teacher. It allows you to accumulate and save the didactic base, solve the problem of visibility.

  • Topic 2.8 Systematization and processing of data arrays of legal content using subd
  • Topic 2.9 Introduction to the sql language
  • Section III. Computer networks in the information society.
  • Topic 3.1 Information and communication technologies in law
  • Topic 3.2 Network information technologies
  • Topic 3.3 Computer crimes and information protection
  • 3. Educational and methodological map of the discipline
  • 4. Information and methodological part
  • 4.1. Laboratory classes, their content and volume in hours
  • 4.2. List of tasks for self-guided work for full-time students
  • For 1 semester
  • For 2 semester
  • 4.3. Literature Main
  • Additional
  • Curriculum approval protocol
  • Additions and changes to the curriculum
  • 2 Theoretical section
  • 2.1 Conceptual foundations of information technology
  • Essence and types of information.
  • Information processing technology.
  • Essence and stages of development of information technologies.
  • 2.2 Personal computer hardware
  • Essence and classification of computers
  • Classification by purpose
  • Classification by level of specialization.
  • Classification by standard sizes.
  • Compatibility classification.
  • Classification by type of processor used.
  • Architecture of modern computers
  • Processors and their components
  • computer memory
  • Inner memory
  • External memory
  • Computer peripherals.
  • 2.3 Modern computer software
  • Software and its classification
  • Types of software licenses
  • Operating systems and their classification
  • File systems
  • Service and utility programs
  • Computer viruses
  • Data archiving
  • 2.4 Word and spreadsheet processors.
  • word processors.
  • Word processor features:
  • table processors. Spreadsheets.
  • 2.5 Multimedia presentations as a tool for visualization and visual presentation of information
  • Purpose, capabilities of programs for creating multimedia presentations
  • Development of content, choice of structure, design, display parameters
  • 2.6 Organization of information
  • Documents and their types.
  • Classification and coding of information.
  • The concept of a database.
  • 2.7 Data models
  • Three-level model of database organization.
  • hierarchical model.
  • network model.
  • relational model. Primary and foreign keys.
  • Post-shooting model.
  • Object-oriented model.
  • Object-relational model. Multidimensional model.
  • 2.8 Database management systems
  • The concept of subd
  • Subd architecture
  • Subd classification.
  • The functionality of the subd.
  • Productivity subd.
  • Operating modes of the user with subd.
  • 2.9 General characteristics and technologies for working with Access subd
  • Characteristics of the Access subd
  • Access subd user interface. Menu system, toolbars, window types.
  • Setting up the working environment in the Access subd. Settings.
  • Types of data processed by the Access subd.
  • Expressions. Operators.
  • Database technology.
  • 1. Define table field name
  • Designing forms in Access subd. Design methods. Form GUI elements. Design technology. Working with the database in the form.
  • Designing reports in Access subd.
  • 2.10 Introduction to the sql language
  • The sql language in subd. Purpose, standards, virtues
  • The structure of the sql command. Data types. Expressions
  • Functionality of the sql language
  • Dialects of the sql language in subd
  • 2.11 Networked information technology
  • Essence and topology of computer networks
  • Network Protocols
  • Internet and Intranet
  • 3.1 Lesson plan
  • 3.2 Methodological materials for laboratory exercises Laboratory work No. 1 “Word text processor. Basic features."
  • Cybernetics
  • Laboratory work No. 2 “Word word processor. Creating and editing styles. Creating a table of contents.
  • Text to set:
  • Laboratory work No. 3 “Editing large documents. Using Macros to Automate Document Editing»
  • 3. Creation of macros.
  • Laboratory work No. 4 “Excel spreadsheet processor. Data input. Navigating the table sheet. Using an autocomplete token. Cell formatting.
  • Laboratory work No. 6 “Excel spreadsheet processor. named arrays. Link types. Absolute and relative addressing.
  • Laboratory work No. 7 “Excel spreadsheet processor. Working with formulas and functions.»
  • Laboratory work No. 8 “Excel spreadsheet processor. Diagramming»
  • Laboratory work No. 8 “Excel spreadsheet processor. Working with statistical functions.»
  • Laboratory work No. 9 “Excel spreadsheet processor. Pivot Tables»
  • Lab #10 Passing Data Between Microsoft Office Layout Programs
  • Analysis of demand and sales of Ritm products
  • Laboratory work No. 11 “The system for creating PowerPoint presentations. Creation of a slide, types of objects on a slide. Use of animation and multimedia tools.
  • Laboratory work No. 12 “System for creating presentations Power Point. Presentation display. Management of slide show modes, their order and sequence
  • Laboratory work No. 13 “Working with records in the Access subd. Create a specific type of relationship between tables. bd schema. Modification of the table structure.»
  • Employees
  • Clients
  • “Working with records in the Access subd. Operations performed when working with a table. Operations to adjust the database "
  • “Organization of queries in the Access subd. Requests, their types and possibilities. Ways to create a request»
  • Laboratory work No. 16 “Appointment of the form. Form constructor. Creation of a complex and compound form. Report constructor. Create a simple report.
  • Part 1
  • Part 2
  • Laboratory work No. 17 "Performing a complex task for creating and processing a database in an Access subd"
  • Lab #18
  • Lab #19 “sql queries. Create a select request.
  • Lab #20 “sql queries. Queries with calculations.
  • Insert into Student ([last name], [first name], [date of birth])
  • Values ​​("Petrov", "Ivan", #03/23/80#)
  • Insert into Student select .* from
  • Laboratory work No. 21 “Structure of a Web page. html language. The main elements of the html file»
  • 1.2 Place each phrase in the body of the document on a new line.
  • 1.3 Center the text in the body of the document.
  • 2.1 Set the color of the lines, their width and height, alignment to the center of the Web page.
  • 5.1 Highlight each term in red, bold.
  • Laboratory work No. 22 “Web pages. Creating lists. Insert graphics.
  • Laboratory work No. 23 “Web pages. Create hyperlinks. Styles."
  • Note (as a basis for completing tasks 2-4, we take the html page from the lab. Work No. 23)
  • Laboratory work No. 24 “Web pages. Frame creation. Insert tables.
  • Laboratory work No. 25 “Web pages. Completion of a complex task»
  • 4 Knowledge control block
  • 4.1 Tasks for the resource and guidelines for their implementation Self-guided work of students No. 1 Topic: Conceptual foundations of information technology
  • Independent controlled work of students No. 2 Topic: Personal computer in the system of working tools of a lawyer
  • Independent controlled work of students No. 3 Topic: Modern computer software
  • Presentation requirements:
  • Http://life-prog.Ru/Programming languages ​​http://progopedia.Ru/Encyclopedia of programming languages
  • Independent managed work of students No. 4 Topic: Organization of information
  • 2.5 multimedia presentations as a tool for visualization and visual presentation of information

      Purpose, possibilities of programs for creating multimedia presentations.

      Development of content, choice of structure, design, display parameters.

    Purpose, capabilities of programs for creating multimedia presentations

    Presentation (from Latin praesento - I convey, hand over or English present - to present) is a modern effective way of oral or written presentation of information, which successfully combines the capabilities of a reference book, methodological or didactic development, etc.

    A presentation is an electronic document of complex multimedia content with playback control capabilities.

    Tools for developing dynamic presentations are developing in two directions:

    · for non-professional users: PowerPoint from Microsoft, Freelance Graphics from Lotus, Harvard Graphics from Software Publishing;

    For more advanced professionals: Visual Reality for Windows by Visual Software, Action and Macromedia Director by Macromedia, Astound by Gold Disk.

    To prepare and conduct presentations, the PowerPoint presentation graphics application that is included in the package is currently widely used. Microsoft office

    A multimedia presentation is a presentation made using a specialized computer program that uses all modern multimedia capabilities: it includes graphics and animation, texts and tables, photographs, video and audio materials.

    Benefits of using multimedia presentations

    There is a simultaneous inclusion of visual and auditory perception, which increases the efficiency of information perception;

    The expressiveness, visibility and entertainment of the presented material increases;

    There is a structuring of the material presented, focused on the goals of the speech;

    All selected and prepared material is presented in a concentrated, compressed form;

    Optimal conditions are created for the perception of information (general design or private - animation - solutions);

    The possibility of erroneous interpretation of thoughts is excluded.

    The presentation can increase the likelihood of persuasion and the degree of assimilation by 43%.

    Development of content, choice of structure, design, display parameters

    Any presentation planning involves asking the following questions:

    What specifically needs to be conveyed to the audience on a given topic;

    In what time;

    In what order;

    What will be the role, function of the presentation (accompaniment, illustration, etc.).

    Planning your presentation is the beginning, the first step.

    presentation planning.

    The second step in planning a presentation involves deciding which

    sections must be included, what is the purpose of each of them. Arrange them in a logical order and determine the speaking order.

    The third stage of planning a presentation is its completion. Think of a logical conclusion.

    The presentation begins with a slide containing its title and, possibly, the names of the authors. These elements usually appear in larger font than the body of the presentation. It is also advisable to place the logo of the company on behalf of which the presentation is being made on the first slide. As the background of the first slide, you can use a picture or photo that is directly related to the topic of the presentation, but the text on top of such an image should be very easy to read. A similar rule is observed for the background of the remaining slides (see below). However, a monotonous background or a soft gradient background will look quite impressive on the first slide too.

    To design your presentation, you should use standard, widely used proportional fonts, such as Arial, Tahoma, Verdana, Times New Roman, Georgia, etc. Using fonts that are not included in the set installed by default with the operating system may lead to incorrect display of your presentation on another computer, since the non-standard fonts that you decide to use may simply not be there. In addition, most of the designer fonts commonly used for large headings in printed publications, corporate identity design, packaging, etc., look too catchy within the presentation, distract attention from its content, and sometimes just irritate the audience.

    In one presentation, it is allowed to use no more than 2-3 different fonts, although in most cases one is enough.

    You should not get carried away with creating inscriptions using WordArt objects, which many applications of the Microsoft Office package, including PowerPoint, allow you to do. Such inscriptions, captivating the presentation developer with a bizarre shape, the ability to use a variety of shadows and volume, as a rule, only worsen the perception of slides.

    For the presentation, it is initially necessary to choose a color scheme: usually these are three to five colors, among which there are both warm and cold ones.

    Obviously, any of these colors should be perfectly readable against the background chosen earlier; the slightest suspicion that the color of the font merges at least a little with the background - and one of these must be replaced immediately: do not force those for whom the presentation is being made to spoil their eyesight.

    Having assigned a different color to each of the text elements, for example: large headings - red, small headings - green, captions - orange, etc., you need to follow this pattern on all slides.

    Highlighting words in different colors in the heading or paragraph of the main text is allowed only for the purpose of focusing attention on them: for example, if a new term is introduced or important numerical values ​​\u200b\u200bare given. "Coloring" text just for aesthetic reasons can, like bad font choices, lead to distraction and annoyance of the listeners. The main text is recommended to be typed in a neutral color - black, white or gray in various shades, depending on the brightness of the background.

    Animation effects for text and graphics should be avoided, except for the simplest ones, such as slowly fading or striping, although they should be used in moderation. Don't forget, your presentation and cartoon are not the same thing.

    As mentioned earlier, slides can have a solid background, as well as a gradient background or an image background. The choice of background is completely determined by the artistic preferences of the author of the presentation, however, it should be remembered that the fewer contrast transitions the background contains, the easier it is to read the text located on it. Reading comfort is usually the deciding factor for the person reading your presentation, and the wrong background can often force part of the audience to look anywhere but at the screen.

    Be sure to illustrate your presentation with drawings, photographs, visual diagrams, graphs and diagrams. Bright pictures attract attention much more effectively than dry text or, sometimes, even very good speech. The image should always be given as much as possible larger size; if possible, illustrations should be distributed over several slides, rather than placed on one but in a reduced form. Signatures are perfectly acceptable to be placed not above or below the image, but on the side, if it, for example, has a vertical orientation.
