Methodology for planning the pedagogical process in preschool education. Theoretical foundations for planning educational work in preschool

Liliya Fyodorovna Ogorodnik
Types and forms of planning in the preschool educational institution

Types and forms of planning in the preschool educational institution

Changes in Russian education encourage teachers to look for new approaches to the implementation of the tasks of preschool education. The changes affected not only program documents, but also, mainly, the activities of teachers with children. It is known that the first step towards activity should be planning.

The document remains unchanged, which we focus primarily on when compiling preschool planning. This is the order of the Ministry of Public Education of the RSFSR dated September 20, 1988 No. 41 "On the documentation of preschool institutions".

According to this document, DOW uses two main planning forms: annual and calendar plan.

Annual plan work for the academic year is the most important local act preschool. It must fully comply federal law "On education in Russian Federation» , the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standards, federal and municipal legislation and be based on modern achievements in pedagogical management, didactics, psychology, etc.

Form of writing the Annual Plan DOE may be different.

Calendar (broken down by months,

Cyclic (contain a certain cyclicity forms of work,

Textual (have a textual description of the content,

Tabular (have a tabular form of writing,

Block - schematic (broken down into specific blocks of work).

But in what form annual was not written plan, its first part is "Analysis of work for the past academic year".

Now I would like to tell you more about planning of preschool teachers.

Teachers traditionally use types of planning as a calendar-thematic, perspective-calendar, block, complex. The new look is the modular planning. Let's consider each type separately.

Comprehensive planning educational educational process in age groups is planning in accordance with the basic general education preschool program in all educational areas and is its integral part.

Such planning compiled by the methodologist and teachers of each age group jointly and developed before the start of the school year (from September to May inclusive).

Often this kind planning called complex-thematic. Such planning is formalized in hard copy and must have a title page.

promising planning educational process in age groups is an early determination of the order, sequence of the educational process for the academic year with the definition of tasks and content for each month. Its basis is the main general educational program of a preschool institution. Perspective plan compiled by teachers of each age group for a month, quarter, six months or a year (correction is allowed in the course of work in plan of this type). Perspective plan is developed by educators and specialists independently for one academic year and is carried out on the basis of an educational plan approved by the manager.

promising planning The GCD is compiled for each age group, taking into account the complex thematic planning.

Now about Calendar-Themed planning educational process in age groups. This is an early determination of the order, sequence of educational work, indicating necessary conditions, funds used, forms and methods. The preschool educational institution establishes a unified structure of the calendar-thematic planning.

The plan drawn up for two weeks and provides planning all activities of children and related forms their organization every day.

This kind plan upbringing and educational work should provide for a reasonable alternation of organized and independent activities of children based on children's initiative and activity, and should also ensure the organization of children's life in three forms:

Direct educational activities;

Unregulated activities;

Free time provided for the child in preschool during the day for free spontaneous play activities and communication with peers.

block-schematic planning may be presented on one sheet, or each quarter on a separate sheet. With such planning there is no need to separately write out events for teachers for a month. This kind planning more often used by senior educators, methodologists of preschool educational institutions.

And now about modular technology planning. When compiling plan a single distribution scheme is created on the basis of the module forms work with preschoolers for a week, the teacher can only write down the name of the games, the topics of conversations, indicate the objects of observation, specify the tasks of work for this period.

Creating a module plan begins with the distribution of activities organized by the teacher with the children, finding their place in the daily routine.

In order to arrange these arbitrary types of planning, it is expedient to introduce common approaches to planning in a preschool. This can be done in the form of a local act adopted and approved by the DOE.

It's no secret that registration documents are often relegated to a secondary role. However decorated timely and correct plan can become our first assistant.

You know, looking for quotes from great minds about plans and planning, I realized with some disappointment that most of them planning is ridiculed they say we we are making plans, and someone decides for us what the final result will be. But there is one man, the American author of business books and audio programs Brian Tracy, who plans said the following: "Remember that every minute spent on planning saves ten minutes of your labor." And I completely agree with him.

Thank you for your attention! And I wish that your workers plans coincided with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard and the current legislation.

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PLANNING THE EDUCATIONAL PROCESS in a preschool educational institution

from work experience

Planning - this is an early determination of the sequence of educational work, indicating the necessary conditions, means, forms and methods.

To create a system in planning in preschool educational institution Several different types of planning are used:

1. A long-term development plan or a development program for a preschool educational institution drawn up for 3

Of the year;

2. Annual plan of preschool educational institution;

3. Thematic plans (by main types of activity);

4. Individual plans for specialists and administration;

5. Calendar and advanced planning in a specific age group.

Let us consider in more detail the two types of planning necessary for the educator - prospective and calendar-thematic, since in practice it has been proven that educators, using only calendar plan are much more likely to make mistakes in planning.



Let's write down the first three principles, and then consider them in detail.

  1. Compliance with the optimal teaching load for children (the number and duration of classes meets the requirements of SanPiN).
  2. Compliance of the planned pedagogical process with the physiological growth and development of children (biorhythms are taken into account, complex classes are planned on Tuesday, Wednesday).
  3. Accounting for medical and hygienic requirements for the sequence, duration of the pedagogical process, and especially for the implementation of various regime processes.

What do you think the purpose of the first 3 principles is?

(Preservation and strengthening of children's health). Open page 1 and tell me what points must be followed when implementing principle 1? ... 2 principles? ....

3 principles?

  1. Accounting for local and regional climate features.

Almost all comprehensive programs have been drawn up taking into account the climatic conditions of our region and do not need to be corrected.

  1. Accounting for the time of year and weather conditions. This principle is implemented during walks, hardening and recreational activities, and environmental studies.
  2. Accounting for individual characteristics. (it is necessary to know the type of child's temperament, his hobbies, advantages and disadvantages, complexes in order to find an approach to his involvement in the pedagogical process).
  3. Reasonable alternation in terms of organized and independent activities. (classes; games, club activities, joint work children and the educator, as well as free spontaneous play activities and communication with peers).
  4. Accounting for changes in the working capacity of children during the week when planning classes and the requirements for their compatibility (scheduling classes with maximum mental load on Tuesday and Wednesday, alternating static classes with classes with high physical activity).
  5. Accounting for the level of development of children (conducting classes, individual work, games in subgroups).
  6. The relationship between learning and development processes (learning tasks are planned not only in the classroom, but also in other activities).
  7. Regularity, consistency and repetition of educational influences (one game is planned several times, but the tasks change and become more complicated - to introduce the game, learn the rules of the game, follow the rules, cultivate a friendly attitude towards children, complicate the rules, consolidate knowledge of the rules of the game, etc.)

Let's consider ON THE EXAMPLE of the role-playing game "Family" what tasks can be planned within 1 - 2 weeks:

Day 1 - To promote the formation in children of the ability to follow the rules of role-playing behavior;

Day 2 - teach children to come up with a game plan in advance;

Day 3 - promote unification with the game "Shop", pay attention to

culture of communication;

Day 4 - promote the use of substitute items in the game;

Day 5 - cultivate a friendly attitude towards children.

  1. The inclusion of elements of activities that contribute to emotional discharge (psycho-gymnastics, daily relaxation, as well as color therapy, music).
  2. Planning is based on the integration of the efforts of all specialists.

It is necessary to interact with specialists, plan work on one topic, conduct individual work to prepare for classes, and conduct integrated classes.

  1. The planned activity must be motivated.

Motive is interest, desire.

Motivation is practical - to learn how to do it.

Game motivation (use of game techniques in the lesson N: Dunno came to visit, something happened to him, you need help. How? ...)

Cognitive motivation (interest in new information - Want to know how

Do birds live in the forest?

  1. Plan a variety of activities that contribute to the maximum possible disclosure of the potential of each child.

In order to implement this principle, it is necessary not only to plan a variety of activities, but also to create a full-fledged subject-developing environment in the group: corners - environmental, sports, theatrical and musical, patriotic (in Art. Gr), artistic and speech, manual labor, disguise (in gr. early age and ml.) - in Art. gr., touch; centers of "Science", "Entertaining Mathematics", a zone of role-playing games.

  1. The planned activities of the teacher with children should be based on the general tasks of the preschool educational institution.

It is supposed to involve parents in the general educational process.(consultations, conversations, educational work - “What to teach at home?”, “What should a child know and be able to do by the end of the year?” Fulfillment homework in notebooks is given only on weekends.


1. Knowledge of program tasks.

2. Knowledge of the individual capabilities and abilities of children.

3. Using the principle of repetition with the complication of tasks (3-4 times) with a small interval.

It is very convenient to use task tables for all sections of the program.

If the task is used in the classroom more than 4 times, move it to an unregulated activity.

4. Joint preparation of the plan by both educators. As well as a constant exchange of views on the results of observations of children: how they learn the material they have studied, how they perform their duties, what are their skills of culture of behavior, manifestations of what character traits were observed, and so on. Thus, the main part of the plan is outlined by both educators, and the details - each separately.


Long-term plan -is compiled for a quarter or for a year (correction is allowed in the course of work in a plan of this type).

In the long term it is planned:

1. Goals and objectives (for the quarter);

2. Types of children's activities:

A) gaming activity;

B) social development;

C) physical culture and health work (hardening, sports. exercises,

Outdoor games);

D) cognitive and practical activities (observations, familiarization, experiments,


D) artistic activity (speech, theatrical, musical, gaming,


E) elements of labor activity.

3. Working with the family.


Calendar-thematic planning -structures the content of the educational process. In order to develop a detailed calendar-thematic plan, it is necessary:

  1. Set the scope of the plan in conditional training hours.
  2. Determine the topic, content, number of lessons for the passage of each topic.

H: Vegetables - 2 lessons, OBZH - 6 lessons, Seasons - 4 lessons.

  1. Choose the best forms of conducting classes and teaching methods to achieve the goals and objectives.

It is impossible to oversaturate unregulated activities, since the plan will turn out to be very tough. Other activities can be added, if necessary, in the course of scheduling throughout the year.


Purpose: Organization of a holistic, continuous, meaningful pedagogical process.

The pedagogical process is a set of various activities, phenomena aimed at teaching, developing and educating children from goal to result.

Pedagogical process - Team work educator and child.

Calendar plan– provides for the planning of all types of children's activities and the corresponding forms of their organization for each day.

The calendar plan is a mandatory document (1987).

The components of scheduling are:

1. Purpose. It is aimed at development, education, training.

  1. The content (types of actions and tasks) is determined by the program.
  2. Organizational and effective component (forms and methods must correspond to the tasks set).
  3. Result (what was planned at the very beginning and what was received must match).

The goals and tasks planned in the calendar-thematic plan should be diagnosable. N: to cultivate love for nature is not a diagnosable goal, but to form a careful attitude to flowers in a flower garden (watering, not tearing, etc.) is a diagnosable goal.

The calendar-thematic plan should be drawn up for one day, but practice shows that educators, working in pairs, alternately draw up a plan for 1 - 2 weeks. Consider what activities and in what period of time you need to plan:


MORNING. Target: create a cheerful, cheerful, workable mood.

In the morning period, you can plan all types of activities at the request of children (games, communication, work, individual work, etc.), but they must meet the following requirements:

  1. The activity should not be long in time (15-20 minutes), the child should see the result of his work. N: role-playing and building games are long and are not planned in middle and senior groups.
  2. It is not advisable to plan activities for the morning that involve a lot of


  1. You can not plan an activity in the morning that is supposed to

The use of piercing and cutting objects of labor.

  1. In the morning, we plan only activities that are familiar to children.
  2. Morning exercises are planned. Trained in physical education

The complex changes in two weeks.

STROLL. Target: provide high active, meaningful, varied, interesting activities and relieve fatigue.

The walk begins with observation if it was preceded by a dynamic lesson (musical, physical education, choreography, etc.) and begins with a mobile or sports game if there was a static lesson before the walk. Let's take a closer look at what you need to plan for a walk:

1. Observation (weather, nature, transport, adult work, seasonal

Changes in clothing, etc.). Natural phenomena are observed

More often.

  1. Outdoor game (plot "Geese-geese ...", plotless "Day - Night",

competitive - "Who is faster"), in which all the children of the group take part. It is planned taking into account the weather, the peculiarities of the season.

3. A sports game, exercise or elements of a sports game is planned in

Senior groups (badminton, basketball, football, hockey, towns).

4. Didactic, round dance, fun, creative games.

5. Individual work on the development of movements, in preparation for

Classes (mathematics, speech development), with children who have not learned

Material (3 - 7 minutes), with gifted children, preparing for the holidays.

6 ..Work by subgroups (at the request of the children - what they want to do). Toddlers

It is necessary to form the need for labor.

It is not necessary to follow the sequence of actions on a walk, it all depends on the mood and desire of the children.

7. Planned conversations on the culture of communication, on the education of moral qualities.

EVENING. Target. Create a joyful mood so that the next day the child will go to kindergarten with pleasure.
During this period, it is planned:

1. All types of games - desktop-printed, role-playing, construction,

Mobile, didactic, developing, theatrical. Desires are taken into account

Children's needs.

2. Entertainment, holidays, surprises held by the teacher are planned 1 time

Weekly (Thursday or Friday).

Approximate names of holidays: holiday " soap bubbles”, “Balloons”, “Paper snowflakes”, “Thread (paper) dolls”, “Fuzzies”, “Flying doves”, “Jumping frogs”, “Funny words”, etc. Also planned different kinds theater, mini-concerts where children perform their favorite poems, songs and dances; new toys are introduced and played with.

  1. Labor ( manual labor, household (cleaning, washing) collective, by subgroups.

Plan a familiar kind of watch no

Necessity, the plan reflects only innovation.

4. Individual work on all types of activities. According to the pictorial

Activities, design before class, class is the result of work

Educator. Before class, it is advisable to plan individual work with

Timid, "weak" in this type of activity by children, in order to

These children felt more confident during the lessons.

6. Working with parents.

7. Work on ZKR.

In order to systematize in terms of activities outside of classes, a cyclogram is needed.

direct educational activities.

The GCD entry in the calendar plan must be done as follows:


Tasks (program content).

Tasks (educational, developing and educational). What to form, what mental processes to develop (thinking, memory, eye, curiosity, etc.) and what moral qualities to instill. Trinity of tasks is mandatory.


Dictionary activation.

Methods and techniques.


In the methodological literature, educational and developmental tasks are indicated in detail and educational tasks are often absent (see Vasilyeva's program).

N: EDUCATE - goodwill, the ability to take care of children, express sympathy, not interrupt the speaker, the habit of calmly behaving in the room (do not make noise, do not run), c. negative attitude towards rudeness, greed, etc.

At the end of each quarter, final classes are planned in the form of quizzes, KVNs, and entertainment.


The forms of planning depend on the program and on professional level educator. There are the following forms of planning:

1. Text - the most detailed form of the plan. It is essential for beginners. It describes in detail all activities, tasks, methods, and forms.

2. Scheme-grid.

1 page - list of children.

2 page - a grid of classes.

3 page - the main tasks of training, development and education (no more than 10). These tasks are set during the whole week, in all types of activities.

N: we write down the game “Wonderful bag”, and next to it in brackets is the number of the problem.

The list of children in subgroups from 2 to 6 children is located at the end of the notebook and filled in with a pencil, since the composition of subgroups may change during the year. The younger the children, the more subgroups. Subgroups are completed according to the sympathies of children.

Scheduled activities should be related to the same topic throughout the week. The complication of each event should be a continuation of yesterday's events. The grid scheme is used by experienced educators.

3. block planning- an option for creative, responsible educators.

During the week, one object, phenomenon or topic is played out.

This form of plan is feasible in early age groups and younger groups.

N: Theme "Fish" Development of speech Reading the poem "Where the fish sleeps",

Drawing - "Let's draw a tail for a fish", Objective world - "Colorful fish", etc.

The main criterion by which the quality of a good plan is determined is the provision of meaningful and interesting activities for each child.


1 week scheduling

A game


cognitive development



individual work

1 half day

Didactic, developmental.


1. with math

2. on ecology

3. for the development of speech

4. finger


Observations from the window

for the state of nature

birds, snow, etc.

In the corner of nature.

1. Conversations (morals, environmental,

Patriot, healthy lifestyle, safety)

2. Consideration


3. Reading fiction


In the corner of nature

Self service


speech development,



Mobile, sports


1. for the weather

2. for animals and plant.

3. for changes in


4. for the labor of adults

5. for transport

Conversations on moral


Consolidation of knowledge

received in the classroom.


domestic work

labor in nature


Speech development

Preparing for


2 half a day



theatrical, music did.,

desktop printed…

Composing stories.


Learning a poem.

Looking at pictures.

Manual labor


household work,


1 entertainment in


art, design


In preparation for


ACTIVITIES OUTSIDE NOD FROM ______ TO ______ _________________

A game


cognitive development



individual work

1 half day

D / and "Wonderful

bag "- fasten. zn.

geom. figures

D / and "From what they cook"

vegetables fruits

R / and "Tangram"


P / and "Edible -


1. Consider

blooming flower

(how to care)

2. Behind the wind from the window -

drives clouds, sways trees (bend).

1. Conversation “The city in which we are

We live" - ​​architect. monuments

2. "Parts of the day" - what are we

We do morning, afternoon, evening.

3. "I love vegetables" - teach

Compiled descriptive. story.

4. "Nature is living and inanimate" -

who? what?

5. "Visiting a fairy tale" review.

illustrations for fairy tales.

1. Teach

On one's own

cook material

to classes.

2. Flower care

in the corner of nature


3. Teach

dress and undress independently.

1. Right

use a fork

Petya, Cyril.

2. Fix the concept

vowel sounds - Artem,


3. Color, shape, size -

Artem, Julia

4. Names of trees -

Katya, Dima.

5 Item no. -Julia,

Dima, Artem.


P / and "Homeless Hare"

P / and “At the bear in


P / and "Day and night"

Sp / and "Football"

Sp/exerc. "Towns"

C / r and. "chauffeurs"

1 Behind the clouds - reading the poem “What

like clouds"

2 For insects -

about the benefits.

3 At senior games

children - observance

rules, friendliness.

4. For freight


1. Shopping in the store "-

Close knowledge about vegetables

Grow what they do with them.

2. Compilation of stories according to

Theme "Autumn"

1. Fruit picking

rowan for manual


2. Get the kids involved

cleaning dried

flowers and flower beds.

3. Washing toys

After a walk.

4. Cleaning


5.Help the little ones

Get to the group.

1.Fix temporary

concepts: morning, day,

evening, night - Katya, Petya.

2. Score within 10 -

Cyril, Artem.

3. Learn to throw the ball in

goal - Yulia, Artem.

4. Repeat text

nursery rhymes - Katya, Vera.

5. To teach to actively participate in games -

Vladik, Nastya.

2 half a day

C / r and "Library"

S / r "Family"

C/r Shop»

D / and "What has changed"


D / and "Say kindly"

Pages “Cities and


P / and "Mousetrap"

1. Compilation of the story “If

I wish I were a wizard"

2. Retelling the tale "The Fox and

Jug "(illustrated)

3. Learning proverbs about


4. "Our street" (considered-

Nie pictures according to traffic rules)

5. Memorizing the text

Finger gymnastics.



2. Learning to work




3. Restoration

old books (learn


using calque).

1. Literary


"Learn the tale"



According to the text,

by riddle)

1. Learn right

rinse your mouth - Artem, D

2. Dictionary expansion by

theme "Autumn" - Andrey,

Cyril, Vera.

3. Learn to cut out

paper figures by

contour-Nastya, Katya.

4. Learn to answer

question with a full answer -

Julia, Vera

1 Week

2 weeks

3 week

4 week


Introduction to Russian

national culture:

Introduction to fairy tales.

Introduction to Russian

national culture:

Learning riddles, proverbs,


Introduction to Russian

national culture:

Getting to know people


Introduction to Russian

national culture:

Reading and memorizing nursery rhymes,


Household work.

Household work.

Household work.

Household work.

Observation of seasonal changes in nature.

Observation of seasonal changes in nature.

Observation of seasonal changes in nature.

Word games and exercises.

Word games and exercises.

Word games and exercises.

Word games and exercises.


I take care of my health.

I take care of my health.

I take care of my health.

I take care of my health.

labor in nature.

labor in nature.

labor in nature.

labor in nature.

Animal observation.


Insect observation.

observation of the inanimate


Introduction to creativity


Introduction to creativity


Introduction to creativity


Introduction to creativity



SDA (reading).

SDA (games).

SDA (conversation).

SDA (observation).


Target walk.

Target walk.

Target walk.

Math games

Quantity, account.

Math games

Form, size.

Math games


Math games

Orientation in space.

Cultural and hygienic


Cultural and hygienic


Cultural and hygienic


Cultural and hygienic



Literary Hour.

Literary Hour.

(world folk art)

Literary Hour.

(poetic works)

Literary Hour.


plant observation

the world.

plant observation

the world.

plant observation

the world.

plant observation

the world.

Theatrical games.

Theatrical games.

Theatrical games.

Theatrical games.

Work on fixing the topic

on cognitive development.

Work on fixing the topic

on cognitive development.

Work on fixing the topic

on cognitive development.

Work on fixing the topic

on cognitive development.


PPB (conversation)

PPB (reading)

PPB (game).

PPB (reading).

An evening of entertainment.

An evening of entertainment.

An evening of entertainment.

An evening of entertainment.

Memory games,


Memory games,


Games for the development of speech,


Games for the development of speech,


Observation of inanimate nature.

Observation of inanimate nature.

Observation of inanimate nature.

CYCLOGRAM. Distribution of activities by day of the week.

1 Week

2 weeks

3 week

4 week


Educational games

"Merry Account"


Logic exercises.

Orientation, form.


"Day and Night"

"Seven Brothers"


"Calendar", "Clock"


Changes in nature.

Changes in nature.

Changes in nature.

Changes in nature.







"Russian Literature"

speech development, vocabulary.

compiling stories,

creative storytelling


Word games.

Literary quizzes.

"World of Nature"

Vegetable world.

Animal world.

The relationship of a person with


Ecology: conversations,



Animal and

vegetable world.

Animal and

vegetable world.

Animal and

vegetable world.

Animal and

vegetable world.


Household - household.

Household - household.

Household - household.

Household - household.


"Learning to be healthy"

Life safety.

culture of behavior,

rules of etiquette.

Life safety

Hygienic basics.


reading, dramatization,

theatrical games

Learning by heart.

Acquaintance with writers.

Riddles and riddles.


For the weather.

For the weather.

For the weather.

For the weather.


labor in nature.

labor in nature.

labor in nature.

labor in nature.


"The world around us"





"Our Motherland"

"Our country is


"Our town"

adult labor.

"I'll open it myself" in the club



adult labor.

adult labor.

adult labor.

adult labor.


In the corner of nature.

In the corner of nature.

In the corner of nature.

In the corner of nature.



Reading works.

looking at posters,

illustrations, paintings.

Creation of problematic

sitatsii, games.


Introduction to Russian

national culture

Rituals, holidays.

proverbs, sayings,

folk signs.


target walk


For transport.

For transport.

For transport.

For transport.

Manual labor

With paper.

With natural material

waste material.

Builder drawing up a plan.

With fabric.

Forms of work in the second junior group.







Illustrated Conversations

(development of speech, familiarization with others).

Didactic game on REMP.

Mobile game.

Board educational games with rules.

Articulation gymnastics.

Observations in the corner of nature (environmental education, articulation of speech).

Telling stories with pictograms.

Mobile game.


Game finger gymnastics.

Individual work on familiarization with others (play, communication)

Conversation on moral education.

Individual work on art activity.

Mobile game.

Learning verses.


theatrical activity.

Conversations on life safety, stories from personal experience.

Didactic game for the formation of the grammatical structure of speech.

Individual work on labor education.

TRIZ elements.

Mobile game.

Individual work on the formation of self-service skills.

Mobile game.

Didactic game on REMP.

Writing a descriptive story.

Work on the development of fine motor skills of hands.

An experiment game.


Mobile game.

Individual work on REMP (preliminary preparation for a future lesson).


Problem-play situation (education of humanism, familiarization with the environment).

Mobile game.

Role-playing game.

Reading fiction.

Sculpting, "beating" handicrafts and speech work.

TRIZ elements.

Mobile game.

Designing, "beating" handicrafts.

Game exercise for the development of articulation (onomatopoeia, chimes).

dynamic hour.

Role-playing game.

Mobile game.

Role-playing game.

Individual work

To consolidate the skills of using scissors, a brush with glue.

A game for the development of memory, attention, thinking.

Reading fiction.

Mobile game.

Role-playing game.

Household activities (by subgroups).

Poetry competition.

Dramatization game.

Didactic game to expand and activate the vocabulary.

Musical and sports entertainment.

Cyclogram of scheduling for the program "Childhood".

Forms of work in the middle group.







Observation in the corner of nature.

Learning verses.

TRIZ elements.

Development of phonemic hearing (sound automation).

Drawing up stories according to the scheme (description).

Mobile game.

Didactic game for the development of speech.

Conversation on moral education (solving problem situations, stories from personal experience, reasoning).

Mobile game.

TRIZ elements.

Didactic game for the development of speech.

Drawing up stories according to the scheme (narration).

Mobile game.

Individual work on the grammatical structure of speech.

TRIZ elements.

Didactic game for the development of speech.

Folk game.

Labor education.

Mobile game.

TRIZ elements.

Didactic game for the development of speech.

Individual work on the sign. with the surrounding.


Mobile game.

Role-playing game.


Didactic game for the development of speech.

Individual work on REMP.

Individual work on the sign. with the surrounding.

Role-playing game.

Preliminary work in preparation for the application (with paper and scissors).

TRIZ elements.

Reading fiction.


Mobile game.

Individual work on moral education.

Role-playing game.

Drawing up stories according to the schemes.


Educational game for the development of memory, attention, thinking.

dynamic hour.

Mobile game.

Individual work on the development of fine motor skills of hands.

Educational game for the development of memory, attention, thinking.

Work on the differentiation of sounds.

Role-playing game.


TRIZ elements.

Mobile game.

Individual work (preliminary preparation for a future lesson on cognitive development).

Role-playing game.

Reading fiction.

Theatrical and play creativity.

Cyclogram of scheduling for the program "Childhood".

Forms of work in the senior group.







Didactic game for the development of speech.

Individual work on art activity.

Mobile game.

Drawing up stories according to schemes (description).

Didactic game on REMP.

Didactic game for the development of speech.

Individual work on the development of fine motor skills of hands.

Mobile game.

observation in nature.


Mobile game.

Individual work on REMP.

Making up stories from personal experience (narration and reasoning).

Articulation and finger gymnastics.

Mobile game.

Individual work in notebooks on the development of fine motor skills of hands, activation of thinking and speech.

Activating communication (solving problem situations).

Learning verses.

Mobile game.

Didactic game by sign. with the surrounding.


Mobile game.

Role-playing game.

Individual work on the formation of the grammatical structure of speech.

TRIZ elements.

Didactic game on REMP.

Learning verses.

Mobile game.

Individual work on the development of memory, attention, thinking.

Reading fiction.


Theatrical and play creativity.

Individual work on physical education.

Mobile game.

Role-playing game.

TRIZ elements.

dynamic hour.

Designing with "beating" crafts.

Mobile game.

An experiment game.

TRIZ elements.

Reading fiction.

Dramatization of a fairy tale.

Mobile game.

Individual work on the activation of the dictionary.

Role-playing game.

Individual work on the development of phonemic hearing.

Household work.

Musical and sports entertainment; competition of readers, riddles, etc.

Cyclogram of scheduling for the program "Childhood".

Forms of work in the preparatory group for school.







Activating communication (stories from personal experience, problem solving).

Observation and work in a corner of nature.

Individual discussion of the implementation of "homework" in notebooks.

Mobile game.

Drawing up stories according to schemes (narration, description).

Didactic game by sign. with the surrounding.

Articulation and finger gymnastics.

Mobile game.

TRIZ elements.

Individual work on the development of fine motor skills of hands.

An experiment game.

Household work.

Educational game (logical and spatial thinking.

Mobile game.


Learning verses.

Conversation (social and moral education).

Developing game (spatial and logical thinking, imagination).

Mobile game.

Conversations with the use of pictograms on life safety.

Articulation and finger gymnastics

Mobile game.

Fun game (folk, round dance, low mobility).

Dramatization of a fairy tale.


Mobile game.

Individual work on the sign. with the surrounding.

Role-playing game.

Didactic game to prepare for learning to read and write.

Didactic game on REMP.

Individual work

on the development of phonemic hearing, elements of the sound analysis of the word.

Preliminary work in preparation for the future lesson on cognitive development.

Role-playing game.

Mobile game.


Individual work on REMP.

Didactic and developmental exercises using cards (attention, memory, hand motility).

Preliminary work in preparation for the future lesson of the visual cycle.

Mobile game.

Reading fiction.

Didactic game to activate the vocabulary.

Individual work on the development of fine motor skills of hands.

Household work.

TRIZ elements.


Didactic game (grammatical structure of speech).

Individual work on REMP.

Designing, playing with crafts (2nd week - musical and sports entertainment).

Models for writing an abstract directly educational activities(node).

Option 1.

  1. Node theme.
  2. Triune task (education, training, development).
  3. Equipment.
  4. Dictionary activation.
  5. Methodological techniques (forms of organizing cognitive activity):
  1. Organizational moment (motivation)
  2. The first part (consolidation of the material covered)
  3. The second part (acquaintance with new material, the formation of concepts vocabulary)
  4. The third part (consolidation of new material)
  5. The result of the lesson in accordance with the goals.

Option 2.

  1. Node theme.
  2. Triune task (education, training, development)
  3. Dedicated workspace.
  4. Dictionary activation.
  5. Methodical methods:

a) The first part (introductory). The purpose of the activity is to set children up for active work, positive contact with each other, create interest in the upcoming activities.

b) The second part (the motivational basis of activity). The purpose of the type of activity is to stimulate the acceptance of elements of the learning task, to create interest in the content of the lesson.

c) The third part (joint productive activity). Creating a problem situation, finding a way out of it.

Fourth part (final).

Variety of methods and techniques.


  1. story to the educator to get involved in verbal methods
  2. reading learning is impossible - this leads to
  3. conversation formal acquisition of knowledge.

Visual (connection to the memorization and assimilation of educational material

All sense organs - hearing, sight, smell, taste, touch):

  1. Observation The most necessary methods in the process Demonstration of initial learning.
  2. consideration


  1. intriguing start
  2. emotional connection
  3. surprise moment, etc.


  1. creating an entertaining situation
  2. riddles
  3. creating a situation of novelty
  4. surprise effect, etc.

Methods that arouse interest in obtaining knowledge and skills:

  1. creating a clash of opinions
  2. game (cognitive, educational, didactic, mobile, etc.)
  3. game exercise
  4. heuristic method - discovery method
  5. experience
  6. experimentation
  7. problem-search methods

Calendar-thematic planning

Academic year

Kind of activity _______________________________________________

Age group_______________________________________________

Program ___________________________________________________________________
_(complex, partial


the date

Direct educational activities

Joint and independent activities


a week

GCD theme

Program tasks

Additional methodological support

Games, game exercises, reading, memorization, observation, experiments. Experiments, excursions, search and research activities, etc.

(1-3 events)

  1. This type of planning is developed for the entire academic year.
  2. The number of GCD should correspond to the curriculum of the preschool educational institution.
  3. Program objectives must meet the age standard and program requirements.
  4. In column 5, it is obligatory to indicate methodological literature and pages.
  5. Topics must be relevant to the program.
  6. Joint activities are determined by the choice of the teacher.

Planning is the beginning of any activity, pedagogical and educational work in a preschool educational institution (hereinafter - DOE) is no exception. With its help, the administration and methodologists determine the procedure for the implementation of educational and educational work, allocate the means, forms and methods necessary for its implementation.

  • cyclic;
  • block-schematic (the document is divided into blocks and diagrams);
  • tabular (the document is built in the form of a table);
  • textual (text descriptions of all stages are given).
  • employment of children outside of classes (games, work, acquaintance with the outside world, education of cultural and hygienic skills, physical culture and health-improving minutes);
  • individual work and group lessons;
  • work with parents
Calendar Plan-outline for one to two weeks, which covers children's employment throughout the day. It includes the goal, the content of the activities according to the program, the forms and methods of work, the result.
  • individual work in the morning;
  • topic, program content of classes in the afternoon;
  • outdoor games, work, observation during a walk;
  • in the evening and in the afternoon - entertainment and gaming activities
Daily Plan-summary for the working day, regulating educational and educational work with pupils. It is designed to help the teacher in the systematic implementation of educational tasks.
  • educational and training sessions;
  • walks, daily routine;
  • free time;
  • additions
Thematic , half a year or a quarter for the organization of entertainment and educational activities, games, meetings, exhibitions.
  • meetings with writers, artists, veterans, representatives different professions;
  • exhibitions, workshops, quizzes, competitions;
  • outdoor games;
  • musical and theatrical events.

Planning the work of kindergarten teachers

Traditionally, teachers kindergarten use the following forms of planning:

1. Calendar-thematic

It determines the procedure for the implementation of educational work, and most importantly, the methods, forms and means necessary for this. Each garden takes a special form of calendar-thematic plan. It is made up for two weeks, taking into account the alternation of individual and organized activities of preschoolers. It provides for free time and unregulated types of employment for children.

2. Perspective-calendar

It is developed for each month, determining the sequence of implementation of the educational process. In the plan, it is important to display the tasks and content of the work for each month. Work on it is based on the main program of preschool education and integrated thematic planning. Teachers draw up a document for a year, half a year, a quarter or a month for each age group of children.

3. Block planning in the preschool educational institution according to the Federal State Educational Standard.

Download in.docx

the date Calendar of significant dates essence Content
September 1 - Knowledge Day It is important to adapt children in kindergarten, to create a positive attitude towards learning and teaching. Role-playing games, excursions to the school, stories, riddles, songs on the theme of the school, project work.
9 - Beauty Day Formation of ideas about beauty, external and internal beauty of a person. Room decoration with bouquets of flowers and autumn leaves, observation of autumn nature, a workshop for decorating household items, solving situations of moral choice.
27 - Day of the educator and all preschool employees Formation of a positive attitude towards all kindergarten teachers. Monitoring the work of the educator, developing games, all possible assistance to the educator.
October 1 - International Music Day Introduction to musical art, creation of a positive idea about it.
Conversations on the theme of the holiday, acquaintance with music of different directions, outdoor games to the music.
4 - World Animal Day Creating a positive like our little brothers. Dramatization games, mobile and role-playing games, learning poems and songs on the theme of animals, conversations, stories about pets.
28 - Animation Day Formation of value ideas, introduction to the art of animation. Watching cartoons with problem situations, project activities.
November 1 - World Tolerance Day Creation of ideas about the ways of communication, relationships with representatives of different nationalities. Situational conversations, game situations, theatrical games.
25 - Russian Mother's Day Raising a sense of respect and love for the mother, the desire to take care of her and help. Role-playing games, listening to music and poems about mom, a workshop for making gifts for moms.
December 10 - Human Rights Day Introducing kids to the basics legal sphere, key human rights. Conversations, photo exhibitions, problematic and pedagogical situations.
28 - International Cinema Day Formation of aesthetic taste, positive attitude to the world of cinema Watching films and short films with problem situations, role-playing games.
January 11 - International Thank You Day A week of courtesy, the development of tolerant communication skills in children, replenishment of the vocabulary of polite words. Pedagogical situations, learning poems on the topic of politeness, situations of moral choice.
18 - Alan Alexander Milne's birthday Acquaintance with the works and biography of the writer. Listening to excerpts from Milne's works, watching cartoons based on them.
February 10 - Memorial Day of Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin Acquaintance with the works and biography of the poet. Listening to Pushkin's poems, learning some by heart, role-playing games, quizzes.
17 - Birthday of Agnia Barto
17 - Kindness Day
Formation of ideas about kindness based on the works of the writer. Reading on the theme of the holiday, situational conversations, acquaintance with illustrations for fairy tales, role-playing games, project activities.
March 1 - Day of cats in Russia To promote the development of a caring attitude towards cats, to cultivate a desire to protect nature. Conversations on the topic, viewing presentations, outdoor games.
8 - International Women's Day Raising a respectful attitude towards women, expanding gender representations. gifts for mothers, grandmothers and sisters, all kinds of children's activities, acquaintance with the history of the holiday, reading works about mothers.
31 - Birthday of Korney Ivanovich Chukovsky Acquaintance with the works and biography of the writer, the formation of the need to read good books and respect them. Role-playing games, song performance, excursion to the library, quiz, book exhibition.
April 7 - World Health Day Habit Formation healthy lifestyle life, striving for sports, instilling cultural and hygienic skills. Sports games, riddles and quizzes about hygiene, the human body.
12 - Aviation and Cosmonautics Day Expansion of pupils' ideas about space, formation of ideas about outstanding Russians Role-playing games, rocket design, drawing competition, .
May 1 - Spring and Labor Day The development of positive respect for work, nature, others. Creative workshops, outdoor games, outdoor activities.
9 - Victory Day Systematization of preschoolers' knowledge about the Great patriotic war, the feat of people in those years. Acquaintance with veterans, manufacturing gift cards for them, problematic situations.

Thematic planning in the preschool educational institution, which is recommended, may not coincide with the official date of the celebration of a particular day. The postponement of some dates contributes to the optimization of the educational process, therefore, teachers independently determine the dates for celebrations and thematic weeks.

Thematic weeks have acquired a special role in the organization of the educational environment in kindergarten. Thanks to the thematic, the life of pupils of the preschool educational institution becomes exciting and diverse. As a complex form of methodical work, the administration of the kindergarten is increasingly choosing thematic weeks. They allow you to combine the efforts of teachers, parents and children, creating an active creative and research activity.

They are highly effective, because they contribute to the flexibility of thinking, involve all participants in the educational process in active work, and allow students to show their creative abilities. Thus, methodologists involve integrated forms of work in the practice of kindergarten, they manage to rally a team of teachers and children to achieve their goals, enrich the subject-developing environment.

The tasks and goals of the thematic weeks are practical in nature, and therefore develops the professional features of teachers, establishes, and contributes to improving the pedagogical literacy of parents. The main thing is to choose a socially and educationally important, pedagogically appropriate topic that will be relevant and interesting to all participants in the process.

Daily planning in preschool

Since the daily plan of classes, free time and rest does not imply the systematic work of the teacher, it is the most effective in the context of the implementation of the educational process. The reason for the success is that daily planning in preschool allows you to quickly respond to the successes or failures of pupils, changes in the subject-environment, seasonality, health status and the emotional background of the children's team.

When compiling the document, they rely on the schedule of classes, the motor mode, the plan of educational and educational work.

The daily plan includes:

  • group motor activity (warm-ups, outdoor games);
  • individual dialogue with the pupil;
  • retelling or reading books that are relevant for solving problematic or pedagogical situations;
  • developing, creative games and didactic exercises;
  • creative, artistic and musical employment;
  • cognitive five minutes;
  • work;
  • relaxation exercises, psycho-gymnastics.

Educators analyze, systematize the results of observations, draw conclusions based on the results of past periods in order to make the new daily plan the most effective and efficient.

Pedagogical activity is always purposeful. The purpose of the work of teaching staff of preschool educational institutions is socially significant, and reflects common goals and the tasks of society in the formation, development and upbringing of preschool children.

The law of the Russian Federation “On Education” states that a network of preschool educational institutions is working to help the family “to educate children of preschool age, protect and strengthen their physical and mental health, develop individual abilities and necessary correction of developmental disorders of these children.”

Each educational institution has its own characteristics, certain traditions of national and local significance. The teaching staff of such institutions is often unstable. Therefore, it is natural that the management of an educational institution, including preschool, requires a certain planning in work, foresight of the entire system of educational work with pupils, teaching staff and a clear prediction of its result.

Educational work in a preschool educational institution is carried out on the basis of a plan. The plan for the whole institution is drawn up for a year. In addition, educators and specialist teachers make plans for a certain period of time.

Based on the methodological recommendations and practice of the work of preschool educational institutions, a variety of different types and forms of preparation of annual plans. The annual work plan of a preschool institution itself can be schematically block, calendar-monthly, calendar-network, etc. When drawing up an annual plan, you should always remember that it will be carried out by the entire teaching staff and be sure to take into account what programs the kindergarten works on

The main task of planning is to provide a scientifically based approach to the pedagogical process and its organization that would allow systematic work with all pupils and ensure an individual and personal approach to the child.

Planning helps the educator and the entire teaching staff of the kindergarten to correctly determine the content of work with children for a specific period of time, to select the most rational ways and methods for solving the set tasks of education and upbringing. A pedagogically sound plan of upbringing and educational work with children ensures a clear organization of their activities, and makes it possible to outline interesting perspectives in working with children.

To draw up a plan means to see the course of the pedagogical process in all its diversity. A creatively working teaching staff, especially educators, can not only present the content of activities with children, but also provide for its results.

Certain pedagogical requirements are imposed on the planning of educational work. These requirements should be taken into account when creating the annual work plan of the kindergarten and when planning the work of individual educators and specialist teachers.

1. Ensuring the unity of purpose, objectives, content, methods and organizational forms educational process. This pedagogical requirement for the preparation of a work plan reflects the idea of ​​a holistic approach to the education and upbringing of children. In accordance with the level of development of children, their upbringing, the teacher specifies educational tasks for a certain period of time.

At the same time, educational tasks are reflected in the plans-summaries of training sessions. In the selection of the tasks of the pedagogical process, the educator is helped by new versions of programs for kindergartens for each age group. The proposed educational tasks are being implemented not in isolation from each other, but in a complex, in a single pedagogical process.

2. A reasonable combination of verbal methods of pedagogical influence with the organization of the activities of pupils. Educational work will be effective if the plan provides for the use of teaching methods, exercises, storytelling, conversation, etc., in combination with the active inclusion of children in play, labor, artistic and aesthetic activities.

3. Compliance of the content, forms and methods of educational work with the age and individual characteristics of children. This pedagogical requirement assumes that the educator is well aware of the content of the program he has chosen for the development, upbringing and education of preschool children and builds his work in accordance with this content. In addition, when planning the activities of children, he takes into account the level of development of each child, provides for specific work with one or another pupil. However, taking into account the age and individual characteristics of children does not mean complete adaptation to them. The content of educational work must, to a certain extent, outstrip the development of the child. The educator should take this feature into account when planning the collective, group and individual activities of children.

4. The reality of the plan, its systematic and consistent nature. When drawing up an annual plan for a preschool institution or a teacher’s work plan, it is important to consider the correct saturation of it with a variety of activities. Preschoolers, due to their age, cannot themselves carry out a role-playing game, staging a fairy tale, organize work with natural material, etc. Adult help is needed everywhere.

Therefore, in the plans of any level, a certain number of interesting, creative activities are planned in such a way as to be able to help children. If many such cases are planned, then it is clear that they cannot be prepared at a high level and, therefore, the educational effect will not be achieved. Already in junior preschool age children should look forward to any holiday, matinee, meeting with older children with joy.

Each planned business should be expedient, carry an educational charge. The consistency and systematic nature of any plan of a kindergarten or a teacher helps to realize educational tasks and maintain the continuity of the educational process itself.

5. Consistency of all work plans, especially the plan of the educator with annual plan preschool institution. The kindergarten work plan is usually drawn up for a year. It indicates the leading directions of activity of a preschool institution in accordance with the general tasks of upbringing and education; work with the teaching staff, parents, society, etc. is specified. For example, in the annual plan of the kindergarten it is indicated that the priority area of ​​​​activity this year is artistic and aesthetic. The educator, knowing this, plans the tasks of aesthetic education and development of children - to teach children to see the beautiful in nature, to acquaint children with the creation of beautiful applications, to develop in children the ability to perceive beauty in the canvases of artists, etc. In accordance with these tasks, the educator selects certain material to work with children. Great assistance to the educator in planning his activities is provided by comprehensive programs for the development, upbringing and education of children.

The annual plan of a preschool institution may have a different structure. It is compiled collectively. A teacher-psychologist, a social pedagogue, a senior educator are involved in planning. The annual plan is discussed and approved by the pedagogical council.

The annual plan of the preschool institution and the work plan of the educator are working documents and should be convenient for work.

All educators of preschool educational institutions draw up their plans in the areas of the upbringing process - gaming activities, social and moral education and development of children, physical development, etc. This takes into account the time of training sessions with children.

In the last decade, preschool educational institutions have been drawing up long-term plans that are designed for 5 years. Sometimes, instead of long-term plans, you can see developed concepts. In any case, the following directions can be traced in the structure of these plans and concepts: analysis of the work of the institution over the past 2-3 years; prospects for the development of the occupancy of groups of children for each year; provision with methodological material, its updating, introduction of pedagogical innovations; advanced training of teaching staff; social protection of teachers and children; material and technical base of the institution; connection of the kindergarten with other institutions and research teams; work with parents.

In many preschool educational institutions, weekly plans are drawn up on the basis of annual and long-term plans. Such planning is especially convenient for the teacher of the children's group, who adjusts the work tasks for each week, selects the content of the children's activities.

The weekly plan to a greater extent allows you to implement a personality-oriented model of education. It is convenient when the weekly plans of an institution or educator are drawn up for a month. At the same time, they are very clearly training sessions, and outline plans are drawn up for them and methodological material is selected. Weekly planning is sometimes called a teacher's work schedule for a certain period of time.

The annual work plan of a preschool educational institution corresponds to the chosen comprehensive program, the type of preschool institution (general developmental, combined, compensatory) and priority areas of activity.

In recent years, the priority areas in the work of various types of kindergartens are - artistic and aesthetic education and development of children, physical education. The priority direction determines the content of the activity of a preschool educational institution.

Detailed recommendations for planning the work of the educator for the year are contained in the Rainbow program. In accordance with these recommendations, the plan should have the following sections: periods (wakefulness, sleep, wakefulness), regime processes (reception of children, breakfast, free independent activity, organized activity, dinner, walk, duration of regime moments), pedagogical content.

Planning the work of a kindergarten, a teacher is a creative process; it can change depending on weather conditions, the developing pedagogical situation, holidays, traditions, wishes of parents.

Thus, when planning the educational process in a preschool institution, it is necessary to take into account regime moments and their duration, medical and hygienic requirements for organizing the life of children in kindergarten, climatic conditions, regional characteristics, the contingent of children and their individual characteristics. The work plan should include emotional moments that create a joyful mood, relieve the fatigue of children, encourage them to new vigorous activity.

Tasks for independent work

1. Name the types of plans for a preschool educational institution.

2. Expand the pedagogical requirements for the preparation of work plans.

3. What should a teacher know and be able to do in order to draw up an effective plan for educational work?

4. On specific example reveal the content of the work of the educator senior group with parents.

5. Analyze the content of the annual plan of a preschool educational institution that has any priority in the development and upbringing of children.

Teaching and educational activities in educational institutions cannot exist without preliminary professional planning of the teacher's work. Proper organization of labor allows you to highlight goals and objectives, note the results, achievements of pupils for a certain period. How to methodically correctly draw up a thematic educational process in a preschool educational institution will be discussed in this article.

What is planning and why is it needed?

Planning in pedagogy is the construction of the educational process in such a way that the tasks curriculum in a particular children's team were solved with maximum efficiency. Why is it necessary to plan educational activities in kindergarten? In order to:

Types of planning

In a preschool educational institution, according to the federal state standard, mandatory documents are such types of plans as:

  • perspective;
  • calendar-thematic plan of the group.

The first type includes the annual plan of the preschool educational institution, which is drawn up by the administration and approved. The second is described in more detail in the next section of the article.

Calendar-thematic plan

What is the calendar-thematic plan of the preschool educational institution? This is such a pedagogical activity, which describes in detail the daily work of the educator with children. This document is compiled by the teacher for each working day, indicating dates and topics based on the annual and long-term plan of the preschool institution. In turn, the main document that is the basis for planning is the educational program.

It is also important to take into account the orientation of the kindergarten (for example, with in-depth study of foreign languages) and the availability of the material and technical base of the institution. That is, those tasks that the educator displays in the calendar-thematic planning should be implemented in practical activities within the framework of a single educational process in a particular kindergarten.

The thematic calendar plan is also a mandatory document in the preschool educational institution.

Types of thematic calendar plan

According to the federal educational standard, there are no clear guidelines regarding the form of maintaining such documentation. The administration of a preschool institution or the teacher himself has the right to choose the most convenient way to display daily work with kids. State standard The following types of calendar-thematic plans are recommended:

  1. Text. It describes in detail the daily educational activities of the teacher during working hours. Often this type of document is proposed to be kept by young inexperienced specialists.
  2. Schematic - compiled in the form of a table, the columns of which are various types pedagogical work during the day (game, educational, cognitive, communicative, labor, independent games of children, physical activity, work with parents).

AT government document on education states that each educator has the right to independently choose the most convenient form of documentation for him. But for effective organization educational process in a preschool educational institution, it is more practical to determine single standard conducting planning. Such a decision can be made at the pedagogical council.

In order to correctly draw up a calendar-thematic plan for the Federal State Educational Standard, the educator should adhere to certain pedagogical recommendations:

  • the content must correspond to the educational program;
  • it is necessary to take into account the age, psychological and individual capabilities of a group of children;
  • work should be planned in all main areas of pedagogical activity (educational, gaming, cognitive, etc.);
  • it is important to adhere to the principles of consistency, systematic, complication of the material;
  • it is necessary to harmoniously combine the educational, developmental and educational function of the educational process in the thematic content of the plan;
  • take into account the season, climate, local traditions;
  • integrate topics into different types of activities (for example, the topic “Animal Forests” is discussed in a speech development lesson, then children are asked to draw a bunny in an educational activity, and then make it from plasticine on modeling).

Circle work planning

The leader, as well as the educators, needs to draw up a calendar-thematic plan. This is a separate document, which consists of the following sections:

  • explanatory note stating general information about the direction of circle work;
  • relevance;
  • set goals and objectives;
  • thematic sections;
  • forms of work;
  • number of training hours, schedule;
  • description of the course of the lesson, indicating the topic, date, purpose, equipment, literature;
  • monitoring work of pupils' achievements for a certain period.

Thus, the calendar-thematic plan of the circle has a more voluminous content and large quantity sections.

Approximate calendar and thematic plan for the younger group of preschool educational institutions

Before making a calendar-thematic plan junior group kindergarten, you should carefully read the content of the curriculum for this age category of pupils, as well as the methodological documentation of the preschool institution. After filling in and entering information about parents and children, you can begin to scheduling classes. Usually, a methodologist or a senior educator is engaged in this activity.

Based on the schedule approved by the administration of the preschool educational institution, you can think over a grid of classes indicating dates and topics. As an example, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with a fragment of such a document for the younger group for December:

Then, the planned activities with parents, as well as gymnastics complexes and life protection work, should be included in the thematic calendar plan.

Planning is not just keeping records that can be presented to regulatory authorities. The thematic calendar plan is a great help in organizing the practical daily work of a teacher in a preschool educational institution, an effective way to systematize various forms of pedagogical activity.