Development of broadband. Broadband internet access

Number of users wired internet in Russia (broadband access, broadband access) in 2017 increased by 4.3% to 32.9 million. This follows from the report of TMT Consulting. Revenue from their services increased by 3.7% to RUB 130.1 billion. At the end of the year, the penetration of broadband access in Russian households amounted to 58%.

At the end of 2017, Rostelecom had the largest increase in the subscriber base - the number of its subscribers increased by 400,000 (3.4%). TMT Consulting connects this with the active construction and modernization of networks by Rostelecom. On the 2nd place in terms of growth - "Er-Telecom Holding". During the year, the number of its users increased by 386,000 (+12.4%). These are the fastest growth rates among the largest Russian providers. A significant part of the new subscribers went to the company through mergers and acquisitions. In particular, ER-Telecom Holding bought Novotelecom in Novosibirsk last year, Akado in St. Petersburg and the Sverdlovsk Region, and Columbia Telecom in Volgograd, the report says.

Vimpelcom for the first time in the past few years not only managed to stop the decline in the broadband subscriber base, but even increased the number of users of this service by 3.2%, according to the TMT report. Analysts attribute the growth to the development of the All-in-One convergent offer (free home Internet for users of cellular tariffs of the "All" family). The base of home fixed Internet users was steadily declining in 2013-2016, notes Irina Yakimenko, an analyst at TMT Consulting.

« Rostelecom”continues to expand into small towns and villages, notes its representative Valery Kostarev. In 2014-2017 digital divide operator built 46,000 km of new fiber-optic communication lines, covered more than 5,600 villages and other settlements he says. Rostelecom's base is also expanding in large cities, where the operator has built optical access networks for up to 33 million households, adds Kostarev.

The asset acquisition strategy in the broadband market is now the most efficient way development retail business providers, says Iskratelecom CEO Alkhas Mirzbekov. According to him, another way of development is working with developers and providing broadband access services in new buildings. In Moscow, the market has already been formed - and the growth of subscriber bases of certain providers is associated with the reconnection of customers from one provider to another, says Mirzabekov. It is possible that the shares of players in the Moscow market will change during the renovation, he predicts.

Active marketing and convergent tariffs allowed Vimpelcom to increase the user base, its representative Anna Aibasheva notes. In 2017, the number of All-in-One users has nearly doubled to over 870,000, she says. More than half of those who connected are new subscribers who have not previously used the company's mobile or fixed-line services, Aibasheva says. According to her, the development of fixed communications is one of VimpelCom's strategic priorities in 2018.

The growth of the subscriber base of ER-Telecom in 2017, the representative of the company connects with local operators. He also talks about the development of digital products and services. In 2017, ER-Telecom paid much attention to the quality of services, improvement of client and technical service, modernization of the network and subscriber equipment, lists the representative of the operator.

According to the results of the study, the communication market in Moscow is in deep stagnation. According to Direct INFO, the total market volume for 9 months of 2016 amounted to 104.1 billion rubles and, compared to 2015, decreased by 6%. The level of penetration of broadband Internet in Moscow decreased by 1%, presumably due to competition between fixed and mobile technologies.

The market shares of operators have also changed. MGTS became the only operator that showed an increase in its presence in the market. Compared to 2015, the share of MGTS in the broadband Internet market increased by 4% to 37%, in the digital TV market, the operator's share increased by 8% to 34% compared to last year. At the end of 2016, MGTS was recognized as the leader in these market segments.

Key theses of the study:

  • Revenue from the provision of communication services by Moscow operators amounted to 582 billion rubles and decreased by 1.9% yoy;
  • The total volume of the market for fixed communications, data transmission and the Internet* amounted to 104.1 billion rubles for 9 months of 2016 and, compared to 2015, decreased by 6%. This is due to the crisis, as a result of which all consumer segments showed a negative trend;
  • The number of fixed Internet subscribers in Moscow amounted to 3.72 million at the end of 2016 (since the beginning of 2016, the decline was 1%, the fixed broadband market for the population has been declining for two quarters in a row). Overall volume market in monetary terms amounted to about 11.9 billion rubles at the end of the year;
  • The pay TV market is characterized by general stagnation and even a slight contraction of the pay TV market in January-September 2016. This may be due to the competition of the service with other channels: OTT video services, online video. Operator revenue growth this market caused primarily by an increase in tariffs for services;
  • The penetration rate of fixed broadband access decreased slightly over the year due to competition with mobile Internet (from 92% to 91%). The penetration rate of digital pay TV remained at about the same level (about 32%).

In conditions of stagnation, the following change in the shares of the main players in the market took place:

  • Three players - MGTS, Rostelecom and Beeline - control more than 70% of the broadband access market in terms of the number of customers. In the first place in terms of the number of MGTS clients (37%), Rostelecom is in the second place (22%), and Beeline is in the third place (14%). The market share of MGTS increased significantly (from 34% in 2015 to 37%). The share of Beeline and Akado, as well as small operators, has decreased;
  • Three players - MGTS, Rostelecom and Akado - control more than 77% of the pay digital TV market in Moscow in terms of the number of customers. MGTS is in first place (34%), Rostelecom is in second (24%), and Akado is in third (19%). The market share of MGTS increased significantly (from 26% in 2015 to 34%). The share of Beeline and Akado decreased. The share of Rostelecom remained at approximately the same level.
“We manage to maintain the growth rate of the broadband user base due to the unique speed characteristics of our tariffs. We try to maintain the average market ARPU with almost no decline, providing our users with more speed than competitors. At the end of 2016, over 30% of our subscribers were connected at speeds over 100 Mbps. An important role in maintaining ARPU is also played by convergent offers with TV and mobile communications. All this together led to a noticeable increase in broadband revenue in 2016 compared to 2015,” Dmitry Kulakovskiy, MGTS Marketing and Business Development Director, commented on the results of the study.

Russia has the cheapest unlimited internet among developed countries

Information and analytical agency Content Review published in June 2019 the results of a study of tariffs for the service mobile internet in 50 countries of the world. During the study, tariff offers of 136 telecom operators were analyzed and the cost of one gigabyte in Russian rubles was calculated. For the first time, the cost of tariffs with unlimited mobile Internet was also fixed. The cheapest unlimited mobile Internet in Russia, in the cost rating of 1 Gb, Russia took 4th place, improving its performance compared to 2018.

Basic moments:

  • the average global cost of 1 gigabyte of mobile Internet was 195.5 rubles, in Russia - 37.9 rubles (269.3 and 55.5 rubles in December 2018, respectively)
  • the average global cost of a tariff with unlimited mobile internet was 2,791.8 rubles per month
  • Russia ranked first in the ranking of countries with the cheapest unlimited internet(See Graph #1), relevant tariffs are present in 26 of the 50 countries surveyed
  • Russia entered the top five countries with the cheapest mobile Internet, moving to 4th place (see chart #2)
  • The following factors affect the cost of a gigabyte:
    • increase in mobile traffic packages with a simultaneous decrease in their cost
    • introduction of unlimited tariffs
    • volatility of national currencies
    • market competition
    • country size
    • 5G availability

To calculate the cost of a gigabyte, tariffs and options with included traffic were taken with a target of 10 gigabytes. In each of the countries, tariffs were considered for up to the four largest operators; in the final calculations, the average value of the cost of a gigabyte converted into rubles at the exchange rate of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation as of June 24, 2019 was used. The list of countries has not changed since 2016, when the first study was released, and reflects the top countries in terms of GDP. The exception is Venezuela, which, due to a long financial crisis replaced by Romania at the end of 2019.

“It has become noticeable among operators around the world that tariffs are divided into three groups: for the older generation with a package of up to 6-7 gigabytes, for young people with a package of 15-20 gigabytes, and for hyper-enabled subscribers with unlimited Internet. Operators began to launch tariffs with unlimited Internet, but only in a few countries they can be called affordable, Russia is the leader among developed countries in terms of the availability of unlimited tariffs. It is noteworthy that the launch of 5G is pushing operators to launch unlimited tariffs, but with a high monthly fee,” explains Sergey Polovnikov, head of Content Review and author of the study.

In 2019 unlimited tariffs appeared in half of the countries participating in the study. At the same time, "unlimited" is limited more often by the speed of access and the quality of streaming services than by the amount of traffic available at maximum speed. Distribution of the Internet on tariffs with unlimited traffic is limited almost everywhere and is provided for an additional fee.

In Russia, tariffs with unlimited internet were returned to the market in 2018. To date, for new subscribers, the most favorable tariff is offered by Beeline, for those who have connected a SIM card with the Unlim tariff, there is a preferential price of 300 rubles per month. MTS offers new subscribers a 10% discount. The MegaFon operator does not allocate a tariff with unlimited Internet, the connection of this service is optional, the cost and conditions depend on the subscriber's tariff plan. The Tele2 operator does not offer discounts for connecting the "Unlimited" tariff.

In most countries of the world considered in the study, operators offer subscribers options that cancel traffic billing for a number of applications (social media, video, etc.). The division into "day" and "night" traffic is a thing of the past, but is present in Asian countries. In a number of countries, operator sites already offer services, but their cost is often higher than in LTE / 3G.

Russia entered the top twenty countries with the cheapest mobile Internet

The top ten countries with the most affordable mobile internet also include: Ukraine, Rwanda, Sudan, Sri Lanka, Mongolia, Myanmar and the Democratic Republic of the Congo. At the same time, researchers noted that mobile Internet in the CIS countries is mostly cheap. Only Turkmenistan was among the countries with high prices, where 1 GB costs an average of $19.81.

The most expensive mobile Internet was in Zimbabwe, where 1 GB costs $75.2. In addition, high Internet prices have been recorded in Equatorial Guinea, Saint Helena, the Falkland and Bermuda Islands, Djibouti, Greece, Samoa, Tokelau and Nauru.


32 million Russians use the Internet only on mobile devices

According to the All-Russian omnibus GfK, by the beginning of 2019, the share of Internet users on mobile devices reached 61%, or 73 million people. A year earlier, this figure was 56%.

At the same time, an important qualitative shift of recent times is the rapid growth of the audience of mobile only users - those who use only mobile access to the Web, the company emphasized. A year ago, this type of user only found himself on the market (18% of all Internet users). Over the year, this segment has doubled and by the beginning of 2019 amounted to more than a third (35%) of all Internet users in Russia, analysts calculated. Read more.

Russia is in 8th place in the list of countries with the cheapest internet

On December 26, 2018, the Information and Analytical Agency Content Review published the results of a study of tariffs for mobile Internet service in 50 countries of the world. During the study, tariff offers of 136 telecom operators were analyzed and the cost of one gigabyte in Russian rubles was calculated. The cheapest mobile Internet in Romania, Russia - 8th. Read more.

Comparison of mobile internet speeds

In March 2018, the previous edition of the Speedtest Global Index was published - a rating of Internet connection speed in the world, which is compiled based on the results of measurements by the service. In the February list, Russia was in 77th place in the mobile Internet segment, dropping one position compared to the previous edition of the rating.

In our country, mobile data transmission is carried out at a speed of about 16.53 Mbps, which is less than, for example, in Nicaragua (16.78 Mbps), Bahrain (16.9 Mbps), Honduras (20.31 Mbps) and Myanmar (22.68 Mbps). The speed is about 27.39 Mbps.

The fastest mobile internet remains in Norway, where speeds exceed 62 Mbps. Iceland moved up to second place from fourth with 58.44 Mbps. The top three included Holland (54.53 Mbps). The average data download speed in cellular networks in the world is 22.16 Mbps.

The study also provides the balance of power of the countries with the fastest wired internet. Singapore has long been unrivaled here, where local residents go online at a speed of about 161.53 Mbps. In Iceland and Hong Kong, which took second and third places respectively, we are talking about 157.73 and 129.64 Mbps.

In the list of states with the fastest fixed Internet access, Russia in February 2018 slipped down one position, taking 43rd place. The average speed of wired Internet in the Russian Federation is estimated at 38.25 Mbps. According to this indicator, Russia is inferior to the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago (39.59 Mbps), Moldova (43.52 Mbps), Barbados (49.73 Mbps) and Macau (87.9 Mbps).

The authors of the rating are counting on the basis of data coming from more than 7 thousand servers around the world. How many of them are in Russia is not specified.


*The number of mobile users reached 121 million people

In Russia, by 2022, the number of mobile communication users will be 124 million people, or 87% of the total population of the country. For comparison, in 2017 there were 121 million of them. The number of mobile users in the world by 2022 will reach 5.5 billion (in 2017 - 5 billion), which will be 71% of the total population of the Earth.

According to a report published by Cisco, by 2022 the average annual growth rate of mobile transmission traffic in Russia will be 43% and will exceed the growth rate of fixed-traffic (19.9%) by 2.2 times. By 2022, mobile data traffic in Russia will reach 43.9 exabytes, and thus more than 6 times higher than in 2017 (7.3 exabytes). Average mobile traffic per user in Russia will reach 29 GB per month (5 GB in 2017). At the same time, it is expected that the annual volume of global mobile traffic by 2022 may reach the zettabyte mark. This is almost 113 times the amount of global mobile traffic generated in 2012.

Cisco is working hard to help carriers meet the growing demand for mobile data usage from residential consumers, business users, and a variety of IoT applications. Global mobile traffic is entering the zettabyte era, while Russian traffic is steadily growing. We believe that technology and Wi-Fi will complement each other at the access level, but in order for the infrastructure to cope with growing demands, a completely different approach to building networks is needed.

The latest generation network architectures are already available to our customers: Intent-Based Networks, capable of automatically preventing cyber threats, as well as constantly self-learning and improving.”

Deloitte Data

Russian Internet users prefer fixed broadband Internet access (BBA) to mobile, the share of those who use only mobile Internet at home was 16%, Kommersant newspaper reports, citing a study by Deloitte.

According to analysts, the growth in the number of mobile Internet users amounted to 7.5% in general, while the average monthly traffic grew by 34%.

Mobile Internet revenues are growing at a slower pace, at only 12% year-on-year, while overall mobile operators' revenues are declining due to competition and declining voice revenues. One way to increase profits is to raise the cost of services, and a number of operators have already begun to abandon unlimited tariffs.

Content Review

Mobile Internet has become the main service mobile operators worldwide. During 2016, most operators left their data transfer rates unchanged, but introduced new offers with an increased traffic package. At the same time, in many countries where the cost of 1 gigabyte of mobile data exceeded Russian tariffs by dozens of times, the tariffs decreased. In comparison with the tariffs of the Russian "Beeline", the cost of one gigabyte of data is (UK) 7 times higher, in South Korea- 6 times, in Germany - 5 times. Cheaper than in Russia mobile Internet in Iran, Pakistan, Kazakhstan and Egypt. These countries are united by the low development of mobile networks and growing competition between operators, which affects the quality of services provided.

In most countries of the world, there are no operators among the offers tariff plans with unlimited data traffic. The exception is some Scandinavian countries, where, due to their small geographical area and small number of subscribers, operators can provide such a service without significant network and maintenance costs. Among major developed countries, only the United States launched unlimited data plans in February 2017 by all carriers as a result of increased competition. It is especially worth noting that the unlimited tariffs of American operators imply a minimum subscriber ARPU of about $80 per month. For comparison, in Russia ARPU is about $6.

Tariffs for mobile Internet in Russia in 2016 decreased by 14%. The largest price reductions in the countries included in the rating happened in Kazakhstan (76%), Egypt (63%), Malaysia (71%), Norway (51%) and Algeria (88%).

TNS: half of Russian users go online from a smartphone

50% of Internet users in Russia go online using smartphones. This figure is true for the population over 12 years old living in cities of 100 thousand + (over the past year it has grown by 18%), and in Russia as a whole the figure is 43%. The main increase in indicators in this sector is provided by the audience over 25 years old. Such data was provided by TNS Russia agency.

The second segment in terms of growth dynamics is the Smart TV audience, the growth of which from April-September 2015 to March-August 2016 amounted to 16%. At the same time, for large cities, the growth is not so noticeable - only 6%.

As for the time of using devices, so far in large cities with a population of more than 700 thousand people, the main time of content consumption falls on a PC - 128 minutes a day. In all age categories, users spend about 20-30 minutes less on mobile devices.

Social networks remain the most frequently visited resource type. On a PC, users most often use search engines. The top 3 content types in both categories are video and TV. Every month, 16.2 million people watch videos on PCs and 12.8 million people on gadgets. It is noted that in general, viewers with mobile devices are younger than PC users. Most of the audience of video resources are women (51%) aged 25-34, working as specialists in various fields. On average, there are 3.8 video resources per each Russian user.


J'son & Partners Consulting

According to J'son & Partners Consulting, as of the end of 2015, there were 107 million active mobile data subscribers (SIM-cards) in Russia. The subscriber base grew by 9% compared to the results of 2014. The main drivers of growth in the number of mobile data users are the growing penetration of smartphones and tablet PCs, as well as the development of the M2M market.

Separately, we note the growing popularity of mobile applications and heavy mobile content: video and TV. Mobile messengers have already become one of the main means of communication between people; many motorists cannot imagine their way without geolocation services, and some mobile applications and do not have popular analogues in the "big" Internet. Smartphones and tablet PCs are considered by many users as the main devices for watching videos, music and games. Thus, not only the total active subscriber base of the mobile Internet increases, but also the average traffic per device.

The spread of high-speed data transfer technologies (HSPA +, LTE) makes it possible to comfortably use services with "heavy" Internet traffic. In addition, LTE-enabled devices are becoming more affordable, it became possible to purchase 4G smartphones and tablet PCs with 4G for less than 5 thousand rubles, which is especially important in the light of the current difficult macroeconomic situation.

According to J'son & Partners Consulting, in 2015 the total Russian mobile data traffic reached 2.5 EB per year, compared to the results of 2014, the figure increased one and a half times.

One of the main factors in the growth of mobile data traffic is also the replacement of conventional mobile phones smartphones that consume ten times more data on average. It should be noted that since 2012, the active subscriber base of mobile Internet users on smartphones has tripled, and traffic per device has quadrupled.

Content Review: Mobile internet rates in Russia are among the lowest in the world

Technical measurements were carried out in economically developed countries of the world. In accordance with the presented diagram, Russia shows progress in this direction, ahead of Japan, the Philippines and Mexico.

According to experts, it is in these countries that the Internet access service for smartphones and gadgets is very popular -.

If we analyze the results of measurements that are relevant for new generation networks, it is noticeable that in Russia the average mobile Internet speed per second was 9.6 Mbps. Japan lags behind in this indicator - the average speed of using mobile Internet per second is 8.9 Mbps. Download speed in the US does not exceed 7 Mbps. Russia is ahead of the United States by almost 43% in the speed of downloading information.

Nevertheless, the Russian Federation is in 23rd place in terms of development rates. In this ranking list, Spain occupies the leading positions. Here, mobile Internet speeds of at least 18 Mbps are available for users. In second place is Finland with 17 Mbps. Denmark and South Korea are not far behind Finland.

By March 17, 2015, according to OpenSpace, 128 countries have successfully mastered the communication standard. Eighteen countries are going to launch this communication standard in 2015.


Dynamics of development of mobile Internet access in Russia: preliminary results of 2014

On March 16, 2015 the J'son & Partners Consulting company provided brief results of a research of mobile access to the Internet in Russia: preliminary results of 2014.

Key indicators of the Russian market

For March, 2015 the segment of incomes from mobile data transmission one of the fastest growing segments additional services in networks cellular communication Russia. The active growth of the mobile Internet segment is based on the active deployment of third and fourth generation networks, an increase in the user audience and the traffic consumed by users. Separately, analysts noted an increase in the penetration of tablet PCs among the population. According to Gartner, there are 3 smartphones per tablet PC in Russia.

According to preliminary estimates by J'son & Partners Consulting in 2014, there are about 99 million subscribers of mobile data networks in Russia.

The subscriber base grew by 10% compared to the results of 2013, the penetration of mobile Internet reached 70%.

According to J'son & Partners Consulting, at the end of 2014, the average traffic per active mobile data subscriber is 1.6 GB per month.

In 2012, the level of penetration of the "stationary" Internet in Russia was significantly lower than the world average (59% to 70%). However, the penetration of mobile Internet in Russia over the same period more than doubled the global average. At the same time, 93% of the world population uses mobile communications, and in Russia this figure reaches 98%. period June-August 2014. As a result, the most promising alternative to web services was identified.

The audience of Internet users in Russia in 2013 amounted to about 70 million people (59% of the country's population). At the same time, according to TNS, on average, during the month, 53.1% of the population use the Internet only with personal computers, 44.5% of the population use both mobile and desktop channels of access to the network, and only 2.4% of the population are users of exclusively mobile Internet. Thus, the total audience of mobile Internet users in September 2013 amounted to 21.2 million users.

With the development of IT technologies, access to the Internet began to be in increasing demand, thus, there was a need for new methods of connection, which became broadband Internet access. With the advent of high-speed Internet, users have more options at minimal cost.

What is broadband internet access?

Many network users, of course, needed the need to receive high-speed and high-quality communication, and best of all, unlimited. Every avid Internet visitor dreams of unlimited traffic and the opportunity to get the necessary information for a small fee.

Broadband access will help satisfy all the needs of Internet users, it is designed to organize access to the network and is actively used by service providers, IP-telephony operators, mobile communications and other organizations.

Broadband Internet access implies the ability not only to access the network at high speed, but also to transfer data from a computer. This is a fundamental difference from the Internet using a modem. The latter operates on the subscriber line principle and is limited to 56 kbit/s transmission. Broadband access is 40 times more efficient - up to 2 Mbps.

Benefits of broadband access

More recently, dial-up access using a modem and a telephone line was the main one. But dial-up access is already outdated, because it blocks the telephone line, and this is not always convenient. high speed internet but it is devoid of this drawback, since it does not affect the line.

The main advantage of broadband access, in addition to high-speed data transmission, is a stable connection to the network and the possibility of "two-way communication", which allows you to receive and send data at high speed in both directions.

Providers as a broadband access can also offer DSL using digital telephony, although this method allows you to improve the speed of the Internet, however, it is based on the use of the same telephone lines with copper wires. Its advantage lies only in the parallel operation of telephone communications and the Internet.

Broadband Internet access technologies are based on the use of which performs a huge variety of other functions, and satellite communications. At the moment, this is the most promising and reliable way to transfer data.

The convenience of high speed internet

The ability of the Internet user to receive and transmit data of various content at high speed makes life much more convenient. It is impossible to list all the possibilities of broadband access, the main ones are online purchases, applications, ticket booking, online maps and much more.

Broadband access services include digital television services, voice data transmission, and remote data storage.

Broadband, no doubt, can transform the entire Internet. The applications of this access have yet to be explored to help unlock its full potential.

Types of broadband connection

  • Wired Access - Based on wired access technologies such as Ethernet.
  • Wireless Broadband - Based on wireless technology like Radio-Ethernet.

Varieties of broadband Internet access

In hard-to-reach places, this type of Internet is almost the only way to connect with the world.

2. Broadband Internet access using 3G/4G technology.

4G Internet is cheaper than the previous connection, so it is more logical to choose it, if, of course, there is such a choice. If there is either the first option or the second, then you need to be content with the access that is available.

Networks with 3G / 4G access are not rational to install at a distance of more than 20-30 km from residential areas, so areas that are poorly populated are forced to make do with VSAT.

3. High-speed Internet with access via FOCL.

Access through a fiber-optic communication line uses as a signal carrier e / m radiation of the optical range, as guiding systems - optically transparent fiber.

The main advantage of FOCL is that the lines are not subject to E/M interference and are inaccessible for unauthorized use.

Broadband prospects

Broadband Internet access certainly has great prospects, because Internet users are experiencing an increasing need for high-speed access. Cable and telephone networks are used for this purpose. On the market Russian Federation The most common and promising way of broadband access is ADSL technology, for which telephone networks are used. Turning to this technology, the user can use the Internet, while having an unoccupied telephone line.

However, a large share of the high-speed access market is occupied by home ETTH networks. A fiber optic backbone is connected to the user and Ethernet switches are installed. Compared to ADSL, this method requires more time and money for indoor wiring, but it provides users with the highest speed.

Broadband access as a corporate connection

Why is broadband access essential for solving business problems? Because it provides guaranteed high speed which saves time. And this is very important point in modern world.

Not only speed is an indicator, because of which it is worth choosing broadband access. It is very important to pay attention to quality. Broadband access is subject to absolutely no disconnections, and other problems that users of other types of network connection have had to deal with. It also preserves nerve cells.

High-speed Internet is indispensable in the work of companies, it will help organize the smooth operation of not only everyone individual worker, but also the company as a whole, and this is a really important plus.

Thus, we can conclude that broadband access plays an irreplaceable role in the organization of high-speed Internet access. Whether it's for individual subscribers or corporations, broadband is the future, and it's hard to argue with that.

According to TMT Consulting's preliminary estimate, at the end of 2017, the number of broadband Internet access subscribers in the retail segment in Russia reached 32.6 million, penetration - 58%. The market volume amounted to 130.1 billion rubles, ARPU - 339 rubles.

According to the company's analysts, no significant changes in ARPU are expected in the near future. On the one hand, the popularity of convergent offers continues to grow, diluting revenue between Internet access, pay TV, telephony and mobile services. On the other hand, due to the migration of subscribers to higher-speed tariff plans, a significant decrease in ARPU is also not expected.

TOP-5 Internet providers at the end of 2017 form 69% of the subscriber base of broadband Internet access in the B2C segment in Russia.

  • Rostelecom remains the leader in absolute subscriber base growth, having increased the number of its broadband users by almost 400,000 (or 3.4% compared to 2016). Rostelecom is the largest operator in Russian market fixed Internet access and serves 37% of individual subscribers. The company accounts for about 40% of revenues in this market segment. The growth driver of the operator remains the construction and modernization of networks (transition to FTTB and PON access technology), at the same time, the company is actively updating tariff and package lines. In 2017, the operator increased the number of its subscribers both in the regions and in the saturated Moscow market.
  • ER-Telecom ranked second in terms of absolute growth in the subscriber base with a result of 386,000 new customers. In relative terms, the growth rate of the operator was the highest among the TOP-5 and amounted to 12.4%. A significant part of the new subscribers was brought by the acquired companies: Novotelecom from Novosibirsk, Akado in St. Petersburg and the Sverdlovsk region, Columbia Telecom in Volgograd. In addition to issues of extensive development, in 2017 ER-Telecom implemented a project to modernize and expand the network.
  • MTS is in third place in terms of the increase in the subscriber base (by 218 thousand subscribers - 7.7%), while, unlike its closest competitors, the growth of the provider's subscriber base in 2017 was only organic. The growth in the number of MTS users occurred both at the expense of MGTS and at the expense of the regions. The company carried out work on the point expansion and modernization of fixed-line networks on regional markets. In the Moscow market, MGTS, a member of the MTS group, occupies a leading position (serves about 33% of broadband subscribers). At the end of 2017, MGTS continued to strengthen its position in the Moscow market, demonstrating an increase of 91,000 users compared to 2016.
  • The increase in the subscriber base of the TTK operator amounted to 134 thousand subscribers (or 8.8%). This year, the operator focused on the introduction of new services: it began to develop IPTV services, and also launched its own OTT service "TV Without Borders".
  • Thanks to increased marketing activity, VimpelCom for the first time in the past few years managed to stop the decline in the fixed broadband subscriber base and increase the number of service users by 3.2% compared to 2016. The company's main successes in the fixed broadband market are related to the development of the All-in-One convergent offer. At the end of 2017, about 39% of the company's broadband access subscribers (or 870,000) used the offer.