Home food delivery business. food delivery business plan

Online shopping is becoming an increasingly popular and in-demand practice in our country. There are several reasons for this. First, lack of time. Walking around the shops in search of the right thing is a rather tedious and often lengthy task. While on the Internet, the purchase is completed in minutes.

Second, more choices. If in real life the offer is limited to the stores available in a particular city, then in the virtual space you can buy goods from all over the world. Thirdly, banal laziness or unwillingness to go somewhere, if the right thing can be brought right to the threshold of the door. Most popular goods for online ordering are clothes and shoes, electronics, Appliances and other durable items.

When it comes to food, we do not hesitate to go to the supermarket or the market. Like it or not, but if the refrigerator is empty, you have to go. But if it were possible, many citizens would not refuse to order these goods on the Internet. The need for such a service exists, especially among busy people. So why not start a home delivery business? Some entrepreneurs have already taken this idea into circulation, but the niche is still free.

Ways to organize grocery delivery: which one to choose?

There are several options for providing this service. First - open own online store with a specific range of products. However, this idea requires large financial investments and is quite difficult to implement. It is necessary to think over transport logistics, organize a warehouse where thousands of items will be stored (if the assortment is small, it will be difficult to compete with ordinary supermarkets), and create a single IT platform.

The second way to implement this business- an online grocery store based on an existing, real trading network. This method is much simpler and more convenient, since in addition you will only need transport and a courier, and the "parent" company will supply the products. But the option is suitable for those entrepreneurs who already have such a business in real life.

The third is to organize the delivery of products from the stores existing in your city, earning money on courier services. This method is the most interesting, the least expensive in terms of financial investments and quite attractive in terms of profitability, if you approach the implementation correctly. At the same time, there are free niches in business. In Russia this service not yet so popular, although in some regions it has already become quite popular.

Scheme for the implementation of product delivery and the necessary attributes to start

The main working platform for the delivery business will be an Internet resource. It should be as convenient and understandable as possible for all categories of the population. This is where the order will take place. The gist of the work is:

  1. Buyers go to your site, fill out a product order form and a questionnaire, which indicate the name and contact phone number. In addition to the list itself, stores are selected from which products should be purchased, and specific wishes for the product. For example, brand, grade, fat content, etc.
  2. The operator receives the order and contacts the buyer to confirm it. If there are any clarifications, they are entered into the form according to the customer.
  3. The list with detailed instructions is then handed over to the courier. He makes a purchase, observing all the requirements and wishes, and delivers the order to the buyer.
  4. Payment is made either in cash to the courier, or through the site by bank transfer.

Such a home delivery business is unique in its own way, but in demand. The service will be of interest to both young people and the elderly. And in order for the service to be really convenient and of high quality, you need to think through all the main nuances. Yes, the site should have detailed instructions on the formation of an order, information about the rules for the provision of services, its cost.

When calling the buyer, the operator must warn that if the list does not indicate the wishes for the product, for example, the fat content of sour cream, then the purchase will be made at the discretion of the courier. Therefore, it is in the interests of the buyer himself to fill out the form as detailed as possible (when developing the site, pay special attention to the purchase field).

Features of ordering products: payment and other nuances

It is necessary to think in advance how payment for delivery services will be carried out. Will it be a fixed price or a percentage of the purchase amount? Both have their pros and cons, so pick the one that works best for you. You can offer particularly impatient customers express delivery, when the purchase of products will occur as soon as possible, but at a higher price.

It is also worth offering customers the opportunity to specify wishes for a specific delivery time. For example, place an order in the morning, given that the courier will bring it at 7 pm. It will be convenient for customers who are at work to shop and receive them when they come home.

In addition, some buyers will be interested in specific services, such as home delivery of village products. It can be offered as an additional one if you have the opportunity to establish cooperation with producer farmers. However, this option is suitable as a seasonal.

What do you need to organize a delivery service?

We figured out how to place an order and deliver products to your home. The business plan must include detailed information about all the attributes necessary to start the activity. Let's talk about what you need to get started.

The site of the company

It should be convenient, understandable, functional. If customers get confused about how to place an order, what needs to be filled in, where to find out about the price and other conditions, then they will simply refuse to complete the application.


This is a dispatcher who will accept and process orders, transfer them to couriers and provide comprehensive customer support by phone. He can work both in the office (then you have to rent a room and equip it with a workplace), and remotely. The main thing is that during the working day he is constantly in touch and monitors the receipt of orders.

The most important employees are couriers. Their number depends on the frequency and number of orders. Minimum - two people. It is best to hire people with a private car and just pay them gas. This will significantly reduce the required investment.


As mentioned above, the most convenient option is to hire employees with personal vehicles. Otherwise, you will have to buy it, and this is a significant cost. The only desirable thing to do is to purchase one van equipped with a thermal body, on which specific orders (for example, very large or requiring a certain temperature) will be delivered.

In general, that's all. In order to organize a home delivery business (not to be confused with an online grocery store), nothing else is needed. The most important thing is to competently organize the work of the dispatcher and couriers. It is good if employees report on the status of the order (purchase / delivery) to the coordinator so that he can control the progress of its execution and, if necessary, inform the customer.

Together with the ordered purchases, the courier must necessarily hand over the check to the customer - directly into the hands, and not just in the package with the products. This will avoid possible misunderstandings and complaints. It is also necessary to organize feedback from customers to know what points need to be improved/corrected.

Organization of food delivery activities

The company can be registered as LLC or IP. You just need to have a permit entrepreneurial activity associated with courier services. Since you yourself will not produce or sell anything, there will be no difficulties here. Your job is delivery services. This is a huge plus compared to other types of business, when the company itself rents a warehouse, purchases and resells food products.


Doing business on the delivery of products to your home in our time is very profitable. People now do not have much free time, which is often expensive. Therefore, many of them are willing to pay to have someone else do the purchase and delivery of products for them. For a novice entrepreneur, this is an opportunity to start their own business with minimal financial investments and good earnings prospects.

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How to open and ruin a business, and then bring it to a plus

Friends from Yaroslavl launched a food delivery service, but after 10 months the project was on the verge of collapse.

Victor Sikirin

spoke to the owner of the food delivery service

Vlad went out of business, and then restarted it with a new partner. Now the service brings them 120 thousand rubles a month.

Why food delivery

At the end of 2016, Vlad and his friend Nikolai decided to start a restaurant-level ready-to-eat meal delivery business. They saw such services in Moscow.

In Yaroslavl, only two local companies. Vlad and Kolya did not like their services: the food was offered tasteless and the service was not popular.

Vlad tried to lose weight and knows how difficult it is to eat right on his own: you need to calculate the ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates, buy food and cook. So he offered to solve the pains of fellow customers and deliver healthy, restaurant-quality meals.

The guys were guided by people who have no time or are too lazy to calculate calories, and then cook. In all dishes, the caloric content and the ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates are calculated. There are no fried and fatty foods on the menu: everything is steamed, baked or boiled, without sugar and with a minimum of salt.

First launch for 240 000 R

In a few days, Vlad and Kolya found a 40 m² room with a kitchen at Avito for 25 thousand rubles a month. It had all the necessary communications and furniture. The only thing missing was the equipment. 85 thousand rubles were spent on it.

At the same time, they made a website and hired a cook with a nutritionist, who were also found through Avito. For 2 evenings, Vlad and Kolya came up with a menu of 70 dishes: they looked at the experience of other services, took into account the cost and listened to the advice of a nutritionist and a chef. Tested recipes at home in the kitchen.

30 000 R

spent Vlad and Kolya on the online cash register

For the first 2 weeks, food was cooked in our own dishes, then we bought a new one for 15 thousand rubles from the turnover. The rest was bought gradually: meat grinders, a blender, graters, a core cutter for apples, a waffle iron, an air grill, a juicer, openers, a stone remover, a form for laying food and baking, a coffee grinder - to grind nuts in it.

Entrepreneurs invested 5,000 rubles in targeted advertising and connected an online cash register for 30,000 rubles. Vlad and Kolya did not think that people would actively order food from an unknown service, but in two weeks they collected 200 thousand rubles. The amount was enough for the purchase of food, dishes, some equipment and the first salaries of the team.

To start, you need to notify the opening of Rospotrebnadzor. The institution must prepare documents and permits, comply with sanitary and fire regulations. Within 3 years, inspectors can come at any time and demand documents. For 2 years of work, no one reached the entrepreneurs. In the corner of the buyer there is a book of reviews and suggestions, the texts of the laws "On the Protection of Consumer Rights", "On the Protection of Legal Entities", the rules of trade and the provision of services, and sanitary and epidemiological requirements.

Employees who come into contact with products need health books. Entrepreneurs hired experienced chefs who already had them.

Delivery earned 3 weeks after the start.

Launch costs - 240,000 R

Staff salary

90 000 R

Kitchen equipment

85 000 R

IP registration and online cash desk

35 000 R

Premises for rent

25 000 R

5000 R

Something went wrong

A month later, the owner announced that he would rent the premises to another entrepreneur who offered a higher price. For Vlad, this was a lesson - you need to conclude a long-term lease for at least a year in order to insure yourself against such cases. They didn’t fight for a place - they decided to look for a bigger option to accommodate both the kitchen and the office.

The menu turned out to be poorly balanced: customers complained about the taste, quality of products and recipes. After trying the service for a week, they didn't order delivery again.

Entrepreneurs did not keep financial records. Half of the items on the menu earned nothing: the ingredients were too expensive. For example, Kolya wanted to add more shrimp to the menu, but spending on them ate up almost all of the week's profit. Vlad insisted that shrimp can be replaced with chicken - it is cheaper, but the calorie content is the same.

Contradictions and management errors accumulated, and customers continued to refuse the company's services. Since March 2017, the project went into the red, and Vlad went out of business.

After 10 months of work, "Everything is ready" had only 20 customers and losses.

Second launch for 650,000 R

After leaving the business, Vlad met Denis, an experienced entrepreneur and owner of a restaurant, several shops and industries.

They learned that Kolya was selling "Everything is ready" for debts. In October 2017, Denis bought the business for 350 thousand rubles - Nikolai owed this amount to suppliers and friends. Vlad and Denis went to: brand, technology, premises, marketing channels and menus.

Entrepreneurs hired an administrator, a sales manager, a buyer and couriers. Another 300 thousand rubles were spent on additional equipment, furniture, marketing and a new website.

Premises and renovation

Vlad and Denis started in the premises, where the service “Vse is ready” moved during the first launch. There has never been a kitchen - it had to be customized to meet the requirements of catering organizations.

To save money, Vlad did almost all the work himself: he installed a hood, plumbing in the kitchen, made a dry warehouse for storing non-perishable products, and tiled the walls in the kitchen.

62 000 R

spent Vlad and Denis on repairs

Commercial kitchen equipment draws more current than home appliances. For example, an oven works without interruption for 8 hours - an ordinary household network will not withstand it, everything will overheat in it, close and the work of the entire kitchen will stop. I had to change the wiring, and they also made it so that each device worked independently of the others. Now, if something burns out, the equipment will simply be plugged into another outlet. The calculation and plan of individual wiring from an electrician cost 15 thousand rubles. Friends helped with the work.

Repair - 62 000 R

Hood components

20 000 R

wiring plan

15 000 R

Dry warehouse

10 000 R

Wiring materials

5000 R


5000 R

Tiles in the kitchen

4000 R

Hood installation project

3000 R


The premises include a kitchen, warehouse and office.

Every month, Vlad asks employees what to buy. For example, there is not enough pan and you have to work for an hour and a half longer - that means they buy it. The manager is in charge of shopping. 10 thousand rubles a month are allocated for spending. They are cumulative: everything that is not spent this month can be used next, and vice versa. If you bought something for 9 thousand rubles in May, then in June you can spend 11 thousand rubles. But if you had to spend 15 thousand rubles in July, then in August only 5 thousand will remain for modernization. This is convenient - you can clearly plan expenses and not go beyond the budget.

5000 R

spends on household goods and hygiene products per month

Another 5 thousand every month goes to household goods: detergents, personal hygiene products for cooks and cleaners, shoe covers, gloves, caps, slippers and sponges.

The new refrigerator cost 40 thousand rubles. Entrepreneurs decided to save money and took 3 refrigerators restored after repair for this money. One broke right away. The guys returned it together with another, still working, paid 5,000 rubles extra and bought a new one - it's more reliable. Now the kitchen has 4 refrigerators and 1 chest freezer.

You can save on furniture. For example, new stainless steel cutting tables cost 3000-5000 rubles apiece. Vlad bought 5 used for 10 thousand. For two days he laundered, cleaned, collected and polished them, but he saved 15 thousand rubles.

Furniture, appliances and utensils for the kitchen - 157 000 R

3 refrigerators, used36 000 R
2 convection ovens for baking, new26 000 R
Freezer for frozen food, new20 000 R
Blenders, mixer, steamer, air grill, coffee grinder, juicer, waffle iron, new20 000 R
Crockery: knives, pots, bowls and small things, new15 000 R
2 sinks (one for dishes, another for ingredients), new14 000 R
5 stainless steel cutting tables, used10 000 R
Racks and shelves, used10 000 R
Delivery of equipment, movers5000 R
Package sealer1000 R

3 refrigerators, used

36 000 R

2 convection ovens for baking, new

26 000 R

Freezer for frozen food, new

20 000 R

Blenders, mixer, steamer, air grill, juicer, coffee grinder, waffle iron, new

20 000 R

Crockery: knives, pots, bowls and small things, new

15 000 R

2 sinks (one for dishes, another for ingredients), new

14 000 R

5 stainless steel cutting tables, used

10 000 R

Racks and shelves, used

10 000 R

Delivery of equipment, movers

5000 R

Package sealer

1000 R

Furniture and equipment for the office - 71 000 R

2 laptops

30 000 R

Safe for money and documents

20 000 R

3 tables and chairs

15 000 R

5000 R


1000 R

Menu and products

The menu is developed jointly by the chef, nutritionist and Vlad. The nutritionist calculates the calorie content and nutritional value, the chef comes up with the recipe, and Vlad thinks it's cost-effective.

Before the restart, there was a single menu for a week without options - 1200 kilocalories of three meals a day. Clients didn't like it: some wanted less, some more. Now “Everything is ready” has 13 menu options: taking into account the calorie content, the number of meals, the duration of the program and the days of the week.

If the client does not know what he needs to choose for the goal, he can consult with a nutritionist for free on the Internet. Often they make up an individual menu: for example, one client does not eat chicken - beef is put in the dish instead.

Twice a year, ready-made meals must be handed over to the sanitary and epidemiological supervision to check for compliance with the standards.

It is important that the finished products look like in the photo. This is monitored by the administrator and Vlad himself. Sometimes dozens of servings are thrown out and remade due to their inconsistency appearance reference. If you do not redo, you can lose customers.

The margin on products is 45%, but entrepreneurs want to bring it up to 50%. The minimum cost of 3 meals for 800 kilocalories per day is 3000 rubles per week. Maximum - for 5 meals for 2000 kilocalories per day. A week will cost 8680 rubles, a month - 33 thousand. More often, customers order an option with 1200 kilocalories and 5 meals on weekdays. It costs 6510 rubles per week.

3000 R

costs the cheapest set of dinners for 800 kilocalories per day


3 cooks, 2 cleaning assistants, a nutritionist, an administrator, a purchaser, 7 couriers and a director - Vlad work in "Everything is ready". Denis does not have a clear position - he is engaged strategic management and corrects the work of the team.

The work shift starts at 13:00 and ends at 22:00. 2 cooks and 1 assistant work in the shift. During the day, chefs prepare lunches for tomorrow, pack them and leave them in the refrigerator until morning. If the chefs do not have time to prepare orders before 22:00, they are paid for a taxi to their homes. This happens several times a month. Overtime work paid extra.

The administrator receives calls and communicates with customers. He draws up a map of orders for tomorrow, leads internal documents(acts of write-off, purchases) and monitors the expiration date of products. The administrator also monitors the health of the staff and every morning checks for rashes or cuts on the skin of workers.

The buyer is responsible for the suppliers. He orders products, monitors their quality, works with documents and checks licenses. Each delivery of vegetables and fruits is checked for the presence of nitrates. If they are more than the norm, the products are returned to the supplier for replacement - this item is also spelled out in the contract. This happens 4-5 times a month. Then the buyer himself goes to buy products in a store or market. Vse is ready has 6 large suppliers and dozens of small ones - shops and markets.

Staff salary for August 2018 excluding taxes

80,000-150,000 R (90 R per point, including gasoline costs)

55 000 R (130 R / hour)


36 000 R

Cook assistants

19 000 R (90 R / hour)


19 000 R


12 000 R

Packing and shipping

At first, the packaging was purchased in Moscow. They were cardboard containers with plastic inserts that constantly leaked. Each cost 18 rubles.

After the restart, cardboard containers were replaced with plastic ones from the Yaroslavl supplier - they are airtight and do not leak. One piece costs 7 rubles. A full set of packaging for 5 dishes with a menu and stickers, designed for a day, costs 30-40 rubles.

In the morning, couriers come for orders and deliver them from 6 to 11 am.

So far, "Everything is ready" does not work with payment through the site. You can pay for the order only with a courier - in cash or by card through the terminal. At the first order, the client pays the full cost of meals for one or two weeks or a month.

Clients and marketing

80% of clients are women aged 28 to 45. They have an average or high income, they care about their health, they want to lose weight and save time.

* Calculations use average data for Russia

Of course, a person can live without food. But not for long.

Like any other living being, a person must replenish the energy expended in the process of life. To do this, we have to eat - eat food, completed in varying degrees of fats, proteins and carbohydrates. At the same time, we love that this food be tasty, that is, not only meet our requirements for taste, but also exceed them. Often we do not have sufficient skills to prepare it in this way. Or we do not want to spend time preparing it. Or both together. It is to meet such needs that all kinds of catering establishments have appeared that provide us with food, meeting one or several requirements at once: tasty, fast and without spending your own time on cooking. As a rule, cafes and restaurants try to provide a cozy atmosphere for visitors and quality service.

And yet, despite these amenities, sometimes there may be a desire (and sometimes a need) to eat deliciously not in a restaurant, but at home. A romantic dinner in a pleasant seclusion, a meeting with friends, just the desire to spend the evening in a cozy armchair with a delicious dinner - all this can make us refuse restaurant service. Some establishments offer a home delivery service - and in this case, this is the way out. Some, but not all. To date, no more than 10% of establishments are ready to deliver food on their own. The reason for this is that the creation of a delivery service is not only an additional financial cost, but also the need for it. proper organization. This is where a profitable business opportunity arises.

The organization of a food delivery service is a relatively new business niche for Russia. So far, there are practically no active and successful players here: in response to a corresponding request search engines in an average city with a million inhabitants, they will offer no more than 3-4 options, two of which will be players at the federal level. It is difficult to say exactly what this state of affairs is connected with. We can only state certain difficulties that arise in the organization similar business. But what is a business without difficulties?

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First of all, you need to think about organizational chart delivery: what transport and in what quantity is needed, how to manage logistics. The most important thing here is the moment of compliance with the declared delivery time. It should also be determined with particular care - if you declare too short a time, there is a risk of not being in time, which will cause negativity on the part of the client; if you declare too much to be safe, no one will respond to advertising. It is necessary to take into account not only the time of the courier on the road from the place of deployment to the restaurant, and from there to the client, but also (possibly) the time of preparation of the ordered dish. For an average regional center, a delivery time of 1.5 hours would be appropriate. Ideally, the courier, having arrived for the order, should receive it already without waiting - here it is necessary to ensure the competent work of the dispatcher, who, having received the application from the client, immediately broadcasts it to the institution where the dish will be prepared.

When organizing logistics, a specialized software– CRM-system that ensures the work of the operator and the courier in a single space. A big advantage in this case will be its integration with a geographic information system to build the most efficient courier route. Today, a similar system is offered by one of the market participants - a franchisor, who several years ago organized a food delivery business from restaurants. Of course, buying a franchise is good way get practically ready business and minimize the risks associated with bringing to market new service. However, for various reasons, not every entrepreneur makes a decision in her favor. An alternative is to use CRM systems that already exist in the public domain, and for those who have programming knowledge, create their own software.

The choice of transport for couriers is determined by the conditions of a particular city of deployment. In Krasnodar, for example, food delivery on scooters is quite successful. Despite the fact that this is one of the least expensive modes of transport - only public transport is cheaper - it is hardly suitable for a city with a harsher climate. In this case, the purchase of small cars is required - new or used, depending on the planned investment in the project. As for the public transport mentioned above, it may also be relevant in some cases. In Moscow, for example, at rush hour with a small order, it is much faster to get on the subway; Of course, there are some reservations - the order should not be too voluminous, the route should not be too complicated and long.

At the time of the start of the project, two simultaneously working couriers will be quite enough - this will allow serving up to 5 customers per hour. Over time, the number of couriers will increase, and the cost of their maintenance will be covered by an increasing customer base. You will also need a small office equipped with a minimum set of office equipment, as well as smartphones or tablets for couriers with an installed CRM system. So the initial cost is:

Development and promotion of an Internet site - at least 150-200 thousand rubles, if transferred to a contract; if knowledge and skills allow, you can develop it yourself, but you still have to spend at least 50-70 thousand on advertising;

CRM-system - an average of 40,000 rubles per one workplace"boxed" version, but there are cloud services that allow completely free use of versions with limited functionality for small companies; if necessary full version, then its rent will cost from 1,000 to 10,000 rubles, depending on the functionality and the number of connected users;

Transport for couriers - from 30,000 rubles for a new scooter with a guarantee or two times cheaper for a used one; a new small car-foreign car will cost ten times more - 300,000 rubles, and a used domestic one in good condition - 80-100 thousand, so the choice will be determined by the size of the entrepreneur's budget;

Computer and mobile equipment - up to 50,000 rubles;

Working capital for several months - to pay salaries to couriers, pay for a rented office, advertising, etc.

As a result, in the most budgetary version, we get the sum start-up capital at 300-350 thousand rubles. However, it will take a lot of patience, effort and, most importantly, luck to achieve impressive results with such investments. The optimal amount of starting capital can be considered the amount of 600-800 thousand rubles.

However, it is worth starting the creation of such a business not with the gross purchase of transport and equipment, but with agreements with local catering establishments. Before making a final decision on investing free capital in a project, you need to get the consent of cafes and restaurants to work with your delivery service. As practice shows, there are two main options for cooperation: in the first, the minimum order amount is not limited, the customer pays a fixed cost of delivery; in the second, delivery is free for the customer, the minimum order amount is limited, and the delivery person gets a percentage of the invoice amount paid by the restaurant. The first option is more applicable to the fast food format, the second - to cafes and restaurants with a wide range dishes. The opportunity to pay interest on the order appears at the institution by attracting additional customers from the delivery service, as well as due to the fact that the amount of the check does not include the cost of renting and maintaining the hall and the wages of waiters; according to various estimates, the delivery person can receive 20-25% of the order amount. Pricing for a client can also be different - the cost of a dish at home can be equal to its cost in an institution, and various discounts or markups can be provided - it all depends on a competent marketing rationale for the pricing policy.

Only after obtaining agreement in principle (in the ideal case, signing an agreement) from 10-15 establishments - there is simply no point in working with a smaller number - you can start buying equipment and organizing an office. To promote the project, you can use such channels as the Internet, including your own website, advertising in elevators, flyers in cafes and restaurants. You can position your business in different ways. There are examples when the delivery service only delivers pizza, or only sushi and rolls. However, such specialization, on the one hand, facilitating logistics and relationships with suppliers, can significantly reduce the client base - a Russian person loves a wide range.

The work schedule for such a business is suitable only for shifts - but round-the-clock or time-limited will allow you to determine marketing research region or directly practical experience. Wage couriers can be both fixed and with a variable part, depending on the number of deliveries made. Based on 5 deliveries per hour by two couriers with a 12-hour working day, we get 60 served customers per shift. With a minimum fixed delivery cost of, say, 200 rubles, this will amount to 12,000 rubles per shift. In the case of delivery of a set menu from a restaurant - a modest dinner for two now costs no less than two thousand - the delivery person will already receive 400-500 rubles for one order; thus, the maximum daily revenue can reach more than 20 thousand rubles. With a shift schedule without days off, the monthly revenue will be from 360,000 rubles. The 12-hour schedule assumes the presence of two shifts - two couriers and one dispatcher at the first stage of the project development. Another piece-work courier can be connected during peak hours or at the most demanded time - Friday and Saturday evenings.

Ready-made ideas for your business

The salary of a courier should be at least 20-22 thousand rubles per month, depending on the labor market of the region, or 100-120 thousand rubles per month gross for the enterprise. Two dispatchers - another 40-50 thousand rubles a month in total. Office rent will cost 10-15 thousand, CRM rent - an average of 5,000 rubles; communication costs are the same. Fuel and lubricants for cars and their maintenance - 50,000 rubles (scooters, respectively, are cheaper). Total monthly expenses - 225,000 rubles. Gross profit in this case will be at least 135,000 rubles. A very good indicator for a small business. The main factors for the success of the project are the competent promotion of the service in order to ensure the planned number of orders and compliance with the deadlines for their implementation. With the growth of the business, the client base, the number of couriers and partner restaurants will increase, and, consequently, the profit of the enterprise.

Until the planned sales figures are reached, an additional volume of orders can be attracted by the delivery of other goods. In particular, the Russian franchisor in the field of food delivery also offers services for the purchase of order and delivery of any goods - from diapers to auto parts; it can also be just the transportation of some thing from one place to another. However, here you should already resort to reservations, otherwise you will soon have to accept orders for moving with the transportation of pianos and other interesting things. The most popular and easy to transport are flowers, auto parts, food and medicine.

In an era of rapid development information technologies, a mobile offer can become an indispensable tool for communication with the client, with the help of which the client can place an order and track its status. The development of such an application will cost at least 80,000 rubles, and its promotion - at least 50,000.

As we said above, about 10% of all catering establishments have their own delivery service. Build partnerships it is still necessary with them - often they focus on advertising own brand, aimed at visitors to the establishment, and delivery goes by the wayside. Thus, a certain target group is cut off - people who want to get a dish from a given restaurant, but who are not able to come there. In this case, partnerships will consist in placing the restaurant menu on the site and in mobile application delivery service, delivery will be made by the restaurant itself, and the delivery person will receive a small percentage for the advertising opportunities provided.

Starting small and having worked out the scheme of work in one city, after a while you can organize branches in other cities of the country. The next step may be the creation of a franchise and its sale, or the creation of a federal delivery network. As always in business, development opportunities are limited only by your desire.

Denis Miroshnichenko
(c) - portal of business plans and guides for starting a small business

121 people are studying this business today.

For 30 days, this business was interested in 109299 times.

Profitability calculator for this business

For many years in Moscow, St. Petersburg and other cities of Russia, home delivery of ready-made food and groceries has been successfully operating. Many do not want to waste time going to a restaurant, they order lunches to offices, use this service at night. That is why many aspiring entrepreneurs expect to buy an established business in this area.

Buy a food delivery business

When looking for a suitable option, it is important to pay attention to the presence of the following points:

  • equipped warehouse, with refrigeration and freezers;
  • a kitchen that meets all legal requirements;
  • harmoniously organized work couriers and call center operators;
  • well-designed and well-advanced website;
  • well-established food supply.

Buying a food delivery business is done with BBport. The site offers thousands of ads that can be sorted using a convenient filter. Among them, there are such as the sale of a home delivery business - you can buy without an intermediary and with. Ads display full information, data on income and expenses, personnel, warehouse, etc.

Sell ​​a ready-made food delivery business to your home or office

The sale of the company is carried out with the help of agents or independently. BBport is specially designed for each option. The idea of ​​this portal belongs to experienced brokers who know exactly what is needed to sell a finished business, both in Moscow and St. Petersburg, and in the regions of the Russian Federation.

To do this, you need to place a high-quality ad that includes financial and legal information, a full description and high quality photos. You can indicate, for example, that business lunches or home orders are in great demand.

In addition to publishing an ad, it is important to accurately evaluate your business and get all the necessary documentation in order. These services will be provided by a broker or agency whose rating list is available on BBport.

Currently, the food industry is one of the most promising and quickly paid off.

AT modern world the main resource is time. Therefore, most people simply do not have the opportunity to cook for themselves, as this is a long and laborious process. It follows that the delivery of lunches to offices is becoming increasingly popular. Today, many employees prefer healthy and balanced food.

This type of business is attractive with relatively low investment, which can be returned in the first months of the project.

It is more expedient to start such a business in a city with a population of more than 1 million people.

In order to outperform competitors in this niche, before starting a business, you need to conduct a thorough analysis and draw up a competent business plan.

Basic principles of success:

  • Attractive prices
  • Healthy and quality products
  • Fast shipping
  • Varied menu
  • Balanced Meals

The amount of initial investment is 529 500 rubles.

The break-even point is reached at 3 month of work.

The payback period is from 14 months.

Average net monthly profit 48 000 rubles.

2. Description of the business, product or service

Lunch delivery to offices includes the process of food preparation itself, its delivery and beautiful serving.

The main advantage for customers is, of course, the price. On average, the price of brought lunches is 30% lower than food in cafes and restaurants. It also saves time and the opportunity to eat without breaking away from important and urgent work.

The kitchen itself should be located closer to the city center, because, as a rule, it is here that large quantity business centers and the most convenient way to get to other points in the city. To begin with, an area of ​​\u200b\u200babout 40-50 m2 is enough. The staff includes 6 people: manager, administrator, cook, kitchen worker, 2 couriers.

It is important to pay attention to the development of the menu and the choice of the chef. Healthy eating trends dictate their own rules. We recommend developing a menu with calorie content, salt, sugar, lactose content.

So that the food does not get bored, periodically you need to change the menu, add new interesting desserts, as well as dishes that correspond to the current season. This can be done cyclically, every 3-4 weeks.

The menu includes 30-40 items of various dishes that can be combined and combined with each other.

Opening hours: 10:00 - 20:00.

3. Description of the market

The current trend is that people are spending more and more time at work and less and less at home. This applies to both men and women. Thus, cooking takes a backseat. However, at lunch I want homemade, full-fledged food.

The target audience of such a project is men and women aged 25 to 45 working in various companies with an average income level.

Implementation corporate culture, as well as increased competition among employers, contribute to the creation of attractive working conditions and increase the importance of social security for employees. Increasingly, customers of lunch delivery services are becoming precisely legal entities. Usually food is ordered to offices, meetings, meetings, training, that is, in cases where there is no time to get to the restaurant.

Most often these are small organizations, the number of employees of which does not exceed 60 people. Such offices do not have their own canteens, and therefore are in dire need of the delivery of ready-made meals.

turnover Catering in the Russian Federation continues to grow rapidly, over the past 7 years it has grown by 653,210 million rubles. (data from Rosstat)

4. Sales and Marketing

In general, the catering market is very competitive. In order to successfully enter this niche and create a profitable project, you need to carefully consider your marketing policy.

There are several areas that you should pay attention to.

First, it's a beautiful package. Hire professional designer who will make a logo, a brand book, will participate in the creation of a website and page design in in social networks. Your own unique style will become the hallmark of your establishment.

Great attention should be paid to the creation of the site, since it will become the main channel for promotion. On the site, you can present a menu with mouth-watering photos of dishes, which will help attract more and more new customers to your database. The ability to see in advance what exactly you offer and to get acquainted with the prices contributes to a positive decision on the order.

Also, the client should be able to easily and simply place his order.

Secondly, it is important to pay special attention to direct sales. to corporative clients. This direction is attractive because you save on delivery, scale and preparation time.

You can search for clients using cold calls, meetings with company representatives, KP mailing lists, and also by promoting the site.

In the early stages, a good marketing move would be to provide trial free lunches. If you do everything right, then the flow of regular customers is guaranteed to you.

Also, for promotion, it is important to always be in sight and on hearing. Participate in various exhibitions, tastings, city events.

And, of course, always be very careful and responsible about the quality of your food. After all, your reputation depends on this, and as a result, the flow of customers.

This business has great potential for growth and expansion, and a continuous effective marketing policy will allow you to achieve high results.

5. Production plan

6. Organizational structure

For harmonious and quality work you need to create a powerful team. Within the framework of this project, at the first stages of development, a team of 6 people is needed:

  • Manager;
  • Cook;
  • Administrator;
  • kitchen worker;
  • Courier - 2 people.

The accountant will work remotely.

The choice of a chef should be taken seriously. After all, the quality of the finished dishes and the main impression of your product depend on it. As for couriers, they must be polite, responsible and punctual. All employees must have medical books on hand.

Basic requirements for personnel: activity, stress resistance, neatness, accuracy, honesty, diligence, responsiveness and friendliness.

All employees receive a fixed salary.

Payroll fund, rub.

Amount of workers

Salary part

Salary amount



kitchen worker




The full calculation of the payroll for 24 months, taking into account the bonus part and insurance premiums, is presented in the financial model.

7. Financial plan

The main cost item in investments is equipment. In the following table, we will write it down by articles.



Price for 1 piece

total amount

Refrigeration equipment


Electric meat grinder

Furniture (tables, chairs, hanging cabinets)

production table

double sink stainless steel

Water dispenser