How to open a children's development center from scratch. How to write a business plan for a child development center

Behind recent times together with state preschool educational institutions various private kindergartens, clubs and centers began to appear, the activities of which are very similar, but there are a number of significant differences. Therefore, a detailed analysis of the business plan of the development center becomes relevant.

The most important thing is a different approach to the upbringing and education of children, which in such preschool institutions is several levels higher than in an ordinary kindergarten. The salaries and working conditions in them are better, which contributes to the recruitment of highly qualified teachers.

What does the child development center do

The task of the children's development center includes the qualitative preparation of their pupils, ensuring their the best conditions stay, increased security.

The end result that parents see is that their children are more prepared for the learning process in school.

As a rule, children already know how to read, count confidently, can add and subtract, have at the initial level knowledge in foreign language. They have objectively higher intellectual abilities than their peers in ordinary kindergartens.

This is achieved not only by a richer and more interesting curriculum, an individual approach, which is difficult to see in state institutions. Competitions and games based on modern educational methods are often held with children.

In some cases, fathers and mothers are invited to classes with the baby, who are directly involved in the development of their child through joint learning. This approach contributes to the fact that parents are also trained together with their children and are involved in a competent upbringing process.

Parents are willing to pay money for such institutions, and there are a lot of such parents. Therefore, there is no competition in this type of business. One can even note an acute shortage of such institutions, because the demand for them is several times higher than the supply, despite the high cost.

How to open a children's development center from scratch

Opening a center does not require much big investments, but to coordinate their actions, to bring their activities to the requirements of controlling organizations.

Permits and documents

Obtaining a license costs no more than 2.5 thousand rubles. But in addition to the license itself, you need to obtain conclusions from the sanitary and epidemiological station of the fire service. D In order to get these conclusions, you need:

  • completely renovate the premises;
  • conduct a number of studies assigned by the SES, the cost of which will cost 14-16 thousand rubles;
  • create the material and technical base of the institution;
  • install a fire alarm;
  • equip the premises with fire extinguishers, which will cost 6–7 thousand rubles.

It will take about 25 thousand rubles to obtain these documents. You can use the services of law firms that will take care of this issue. It will cost more, but you will not have to deal with obtaining various permits on your own.


It will not be possible to make a room for a development center small. The center should include:

  • reception room;
  • office for staff;
  • playroom and space for classes;
  • bedroom
  • spacious bathroom with toilet and 4-6 washbasins.

Someone makes a center of two or three apartments, the total area of ​​​​which reaches 180-220 square meters. But this has a certain drawback, since there is no separate closed place for walking.

An apartment building does not have much space for playgrounds and they are designed for all residents of the house. It is difficult to isolate any separate place, and you need a lot of it for walking.

The best way out is when the center is created on the basis of a private house in the private sector of the city, which has its own large territory. Here you can do the completion, rebuild the premises to the needs and tasks of the center. However, this will require large investments at the start - in the region of 5-7 million rubles or more. Whatever room you choose, it must have several exits.


Announcement that teachers for preschool children are required for good salary, will bring to you a lot of specialists, including very professional ones. Stop the choice on mature women, aged 30 to 45, who have their own children. The presence of relevant education and work experience for 5-7 years is mandatory.

It is not bad if you have your own specialist from the field of education who can professionally assess each candidate. Please note that teachers make the main "weather" for the center. If they captivate the process of teaching children, and they will tell their parents in detail about it, then adults will begin to share pleasant impressions with their friends. And it will attract new customers.

What do you need to open a children's development center?

Video: an example of opening a club for the development of children

You can watch a video in which people who have already started a business answer this question:

To open the center you will need:

  • register as an individual entrepreneur or a limited liability company;
  • find a room and bring it to the established order;
  • purchase furniture, equipment, teaching aids, etc.;
  • obtain a license and permits from the SES and the fire service;
  • find and hire staff;
  • run ads;
  • pick up the kids.

Estimated Cost Calculation

Before you start in this type of business, consider the possible costs of opening a center and monthly costs. Consider an option that provides for renting a room that requires moderate redevelopment and repairs, which will cost 100-150 thousand rubles.

  1. Another 45-50 thousand rubles will have to be allocated for furniture, tables and chairs for a group of 15-20 children.
  2. Beds and bedding will require the same amount.
  3. Equipment and furniture for the kitchen, toilet bowls and washbasins for the bathroom will require another 120-150 thousand rubles.
  4. The purchase of teaching materials, including a piano (or a synthesizer) will require 25-30 thousand rubles.
  5. Toys for children (this is a kindergarten, not a school) - 15-20 thousand rubles.

In total, together with the cost of documents, an amount of 350 thousand rubles is obtained. Provide another 15% of this amount for contingencies.

Every month you will have to spend:

  • for rent - from 50 thousand rubles;
  • utilities - 8-12 thousand rubles;
  • expenses for baby food - from 25 thousand rubles;
  • wages personnel - from 100 thousand rubles.

In total, monthly expenses will amount to 183 thousand rubles.

Where to start a business?

The above describes in detail what and where you will have to draw up and receive. But start your business by deciding on the form of activity of the center itself. It can be a center with daytime education, three meals a day and afternoon naps. The number of children in it will be limited - no more than 20 kids, or even 15 children.

Each of them will receive increased attention, but the cost of the service will be appropriate. Parents of one child will have to pay from 20 thousand rubles a month, if not more.

Not everyone can afford such services. And here it makes sense to think. For a certain category of parents, the quality of education of children, their development is important, and they are ready to pay a big price.

It makes sense to form a center for such a category of parents, recruit a group of 15 children and set a high cost for services. In this case, the center will earn from 250 thousand rubles a month.

But there is another option when the center provides hourly services. Up to 10 children are recruited into the group, who study for 1.5–2.5 hours, after which they are taken by their parents. The cost of one lesson ranges from 250 rubles. There are three to five such groups per day.

This makes it possible to collect cash from 200 thousand rubles. But here the expenditure part can be reduced by two or even three times. The room is suitable and simpler, there is no need to feed the children, put them to bed. A nanny, a security guard and a nurse are no longer needed, wage costs will be halved. You can reach a monthly income of 100 thousand rubles.

For many beginner centers, the second option is more suitable. Some of them specialize in one topic - language learning, development of mathematical or intellectual abilities, sports opportunities. This allows you to start with less investment, gradually gain momentum, accumulating income received from business and mastering this area.

Business plan children's center is a document that an entrepreneur needs to understand what and when to do in order for the business to be successful.

Capital investment in business: 2,285,000 rubles.
Payback of the children's center: from 10 months.

It's worth starting with why at all business plan for a children's development center may be needed by a businessman or someone who is just planning to become one.

The fact is that the use of various circles and sections has always been a popular topic for mothers of preschool children.

But state programs were gradually reduced, and not everyone can afford private lessons.

But taking your child to a development center where his skills will be improved in many ways is a great idea!

According to statistics, more than half of the parents of children aged 1-8 years think that way.

This makes the business idea of ​​​​opening a children's development center a popular idea.

Often, young mothers themselves come to this idea, who, for one reason or another, no longer want to visit other people's clubs, but are thinking about opening their own children's center.

There is a lot of competition in this business.

And young entrepreneurs may not fully understand how to fill their niche.

In addition, the question arises about the financing and payback of the project.

Finding answers and charting the path for the development of the club is possible thanks to the preparation of a business plan for a children's development center.

Consider its main sections.

We analyze the relevance for the business plan of the children's center

The idea of ​​opening a children's center has really gained particular popularity in recent years.

Therefore, before you open a children's center, you must conduct an analysis of future competitors, target audience and, in general, the feasibility of the solution in a business plan.

It is not so difficult to perform this task on your own, even without contacting specialists.

However, before starting the analysis, it is necessary to draw up a plan of action.

After all, simply by contacting 1-2 developing children's centers under the guise of a client, you will not get a particularly useful result.

It's best to do this:

    The administrator answers calls, purchases consumables, coordinates work.

    So you need to hire a serious, responsible girl.

    Experience is not required, but would be a big plus.

    But teachers must have not only experience in child care facilities, but also relevant education.

    Interview them in person.

    After all, a problem with a teacher can become a stain on the reputation of the entire children's center.

    Marketing section in the business plan of the children's center

    As in any other business, nothing can be more effective than word of mouth.

    This is especially true in the social circles of young parents.

    But in order to be remembered, and even told to friends, you need to start somewhere.

    You can attract your first customers using the following methods:

    • placement of outdoor advertising (banners, streamers);
    • creating your own website and its promotion;
    • distribution of leaflets in the area of ​​the center;
    • posting ads on forums, thematic sites and others.

    Financial section of the children's center business plan

    It has already been announced that children's development centers compete strongly with each other.

    And your income (as well as costs) will directly depend on what methods and how successfully you will get ahead of them.

    This may include the range of services offered, location, staff and the level of their training, selected advertising campaign and availability of special offers.

    Business plan for a children's development center: capital investment

    The cost of opening a children's club will depend on many parameters.

    Therefore, below is only an indicative list for a business plan for a children's development center.

    The financial cushion is the source of capital from which you will draw funds for the existence and development of the center until it reaches self-sufficiency.

    Not everyone includes this parameter in their calculations for a business plan.

    Because of this, a common problem for young entrepreneurs arises: a business, having successfully existed for six months or a year, is forced to close, as the money for its work is running out, and there is still not enough income to cover expenses.

    Business plan for a children's development center: monthly investments

    These are the very systematic expenses for a children's center that need to be taken into account at the stage of business planning.

    How to open a children's center and competently run a business,

    experienced owners of this case will tell in the video:

    Calculations of payback and profitability in the business plan of the children's center

    Naturally, the payback period directly depends on the size of capital investments in the business.

    Some sources mention a period of six months, while others call 3-5 years.

    One thing can be said with certainty: opening a children's development center is profitable. If you apply mind and diligence to the development of the business.

    Business plan for a children's center- This important document, which is simply necessary for the entrepreneur.

    Not just for loans or investments.

    But also to understand what and when to do in order for the business to be successful.

    Therefore, it is important to draw up a plan on your own, specifically for your needs, and not look for ready-made options on the Internet.

    Or you can turn to specialists if this work is not within your power.

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Dear visitors, below is an example of a business plan for a children's development center with economic calculations. Calculations are made by specialists with extensive experience in an Excel file, thanks to which they can be adapted to any business plan of another center. After reviewing the document, you can download the file with the calculations below. If you have any questions - ask them directly in the comments, the VKontakte group, or by writing to us by mail.


Purpose: "Organization of a children's development center in the city of Saratov."

Tasks: "Organization of a center for the education and development of preschool children."

Initiator of the project

The initiator of the project is a private person - an educator by education with more than 15 years of experience in the specialty. The entrepreneur was previously a kindergarten teacher and has educational experience.

Investment costs

To open a children's development center, you will need small investment in the amount of 300 thousand rubles, which will be spent on the renovation of the premises, the purchase of children's furniture and educational materials.

It is not planned to buy the premises, it will be leased.

The division of investments by areas is presented below:

  • Registration legal entity-10 thousand rubles;
  • Repair of the premises - 200 thousand rubles.
  • Purchase of children's furniture - 70 thousand rubles.
  • Purchase of training materials - 30 thousand rubles.

Project financing

To open the center, it is planned to receive a loan for up to 5 years at 15% per annum with an annuity repayment schedule. The collateral for the loan will be the apartment owned by the entrepreneur.

Financing through own funds will not be carried out.

According to the plan of income and expenses, a planned model for the development of the center was formed, which showed the following business performance indicators:

  • Simple payback period - 5.67 years;
  • - 7.6 years;
  • NPV - 396 thousand rubles.

Equipment suppliers and repair organizations

To carry out the repair of the premises, it is planned to use the services of a regular repair team, which will make cosmetic repairs in children's style and install baby plumbing.

Furniture and teaching materials will be purchased from local vendors who specialize in this.

Services offered

It is planned that the developing children's center will offer visitors the following classes:

  • Educational activities - mathematics, reading, logic, drawing, English, ethics
  • Services of a speech therapist
  • Psychologist services
  • Montessori lessons

To increase the quality of classes and reduce costs, their number is quite limited. For each lesson, an appropriate teacher with a high level of education and extensive work experience is selected.


Practice shows that by ordering a business plan from specialists, you will save time and increase quality. finished document 4-5 times and increase the chances of receiving investments by 3 times.

Investment plan

Investment size

The volume of investments in the opening of a children's development center is small. The main part of it will go to the renovation of the premises, which will be carried out by a third-party entrepreneur with experience repair work over 20 years. The rest will be spent on the purchase of children's furniture and educational materials. A detailed breakdown of investments is presented in the table below (rubles with VAT):

Payment and work plan

Below is a schedule for the implementation of work on the opening of a children's development center:


To open the center, a room was selected in the quiet center of the city in a working kindergarten. The room has good accessibility, is located near a large bus stop, where many buses and trolleybuses from different parts of the city fit, and there is also a good parking area nearby, which is almost always free during the day. The garden has a fenced protected area with a playground, as well as an intercom for entering the entrance.

Separate vacant premises have been allocated for the children's development center. With the help of renovation, separate rooms will be made in them for conducting classes with small groups. Also, the room will have a bathroom separately for adults and separately for children and a dining room.

Thus, the room will contain the following rooms with areas:

  • Study room No. 1 - 20 sq.m.;
  • Study room No. 2 - 22 sq.m.;
  • Dressing room - 6 sq.m.;
  • Toilet for children - 4 sq.m.;
  • Toilet for adults - 6 sq.m.
  • Dining room - 6 sq.m.

Working hours

It is planned that the children's development center will work from 8-00 to 20-00. This will make it possible to train children whose parents must appear at work from 9:00 to 18:00 (either before or after work), as well as to train other children during the daytime.

Day off - Sunday.

Cost of services

The main cost variable for services will be teacher salaries. To simplify, we will assume that it will be equal to 20% of the cost of the lesson (that is, the more children will be in the group, the more the teacher will receive). This will motivate teachers in such a way that they are also interested in increasing the number of children in the group and do everything possible for this.

Marketing plan


Competition in this area is growing from year to year. There are several reasons for this:

  1. A low threshold for entering this business - as we see even from this business plan, anyone who has 300 thousand rubles can start this business, but even if you don’t have them, you can always take them from the bank
  2. The desire of parents to give as much as possible to their growing children, and at the same time there are practically no such institutions at the state level, and if there is, then their level is quite low.

There are about 200 children's development centers in the city of Saratov. All of them work quite successfully and offer a large number of variety of services:

  • Classes in subjects - mathematics, reading, logic, drawing, and others;
  • Classes on various systems that allow to reveal the potential of the child;
  • Classes with psychologists and speech therapists.

According to the marketing research prices in the city, an approximate table of average prices for the services of developing centers was compiled depending on their level (private lessons, inexpensive development centers, medium and expensive).

It is planned that our center will compete with inexpensive prices, since additional investments in the renovation of the premises and more serious advertising support are required to move to the next level.

Enterprise Analysis


  • Availability of highly qualified staff and a manager with great experience work in the field of education
  • good location
  • The presence of contacts and good relationships with parents and their children, which will positively affect the recommendations of the center

Weak sides

  • There is a lot of competition from private teachers
  • Lack of experience in commercial structures and experience in attracting clients
  • Emergence on the market of large federal players with massive advertising support
  • Decrease in incomes of the population, which will certainly lead to a decrease in the cost of training programs


  • The presence of additional vacant premises in the kindergarten, which allows, with the success of the enterprise, to develop the children's center further and open additional groups classes

Sales structure and revenue

I would like to point out that this business has a very pronounced seasonality, which ultimately affects the work of the entire enterprise.

The table below shows seasonality indices:

month index
January 100,84%
February 96,78%
March 117,99%
April 101,98%
May 94,45%
June 78,52%
July 65,11%
August 102,38%
September 122,34%
October 124,33%
november 107,81%
December 87,47%

Below are the seasonality indices on the chart:

Based on the planned work schedule of the groups, the revenue of the children's center is planned, provided that it reaches maximum sales:

Based on the previously given seasonality coefficients and reaching the maximum sales volume, the planned revenue is built, which we will further use to build a payback model.

Advertising strategy

Some kind of active advertising strategy is not planned. Before the opening of the center, the entrepreneur will distribute business cards to parents of children from the kindergarten where he currently works. Additionally, an advertisement will be placed in a specialized magazine, a website will be made and contextual advertising will be launched.

organizational plan

Business form

For registration with the tax authorities will apply individual entrepreneur, which will be the initiator of the business. This type of business is the easiest for a children's center and does not require additional knowledge of accounting and tax accounting. As a taxation system, a simplified system based on income minus expenses - 15% will be applied.

Personnel and staff structure

The following staffing structure will be used for hiring staff at the children's development center:

In total, 7 people will work in the center. However, they will not work all day, but depending on the class schedule. The initiator of the project will work as the head teacher, he will also take over the entire economic part - the purchase necessary materials, work with suppliers of works and services.

The personnel subordination structure is shown in the figure below:

Financial plan


To compile a payback model for a children's development center, we assume the following input values:

  • Inflation - 10% per year;
  • Discount rate - 11%.

Tax rates:

  • personal income tax - 13%;
  • Contributions to social funds - 34.2%;
  • Income tax - 15%.

Project financing

Financing the organization of the center is planned to attract a loan secured by an existing apartment. The loan is planned to be attracted for 4 years at 15% per annum with an annuity repayment schedule. Such a schedule will make it possible to equalize all payments during the life of the project and not to burden the enterprise additionally in the first year of its existence, when incomes will be the smallest).

Project payback indicators

The constructed model of income and expenses of the children's center showed the following efficiency of the project:

  • Model building period - 10 years;
  • Simple payback period - 5.67 years;
  • Discounted payback period - 7.6 years;


    As can be seen from the table, the change in price has the greatest impact on the project. So, with a decrease in the cost of services by 20%, the project becomes unprofitable and it makes no sense to implement it. All other indicators do not change so drastically

    Risk Analysis

    The main risks that can dramatically affect the income of the center can be divided into 4 parts:

    Economic - a decrease in the income of the population, which will lead to a sharp decrease in revenue or a decrease in prices for services

    Political - the upbringing of children is an activity that is closely monitored by various authorities. The introduction of additional requirements for the premises or the maintenance of the premises may affect the increase in maintenance costs, or lead to the fact that you have to look for a new place to rent.

    Social - one of the factors dramatically affecting the activities of such centers is the birth rate factor, but it directly depends on the economic situation.

    Technological - they do not have a special impact, drastic changes in teaching technology are not expected.

How to open a children's center from scratch - this idea cannot be avoided if you have experience, an entrepreneurial streak and a willingness to work for yourself. Until recently, children were taught and brought up in state institutions of a general developmental type. Nurseries and kindergartens were a privilege municipal authorities. Private business in the field of education was not supported by the state. Courageous and enterprising people did not always know where to start or how to draw up a business plan for a children's center.

Current parents are so interested in getting a quality education for their child that they are ready to invest their efforts and means for the sake of the future of their children. There are those who are inspired by a good example of a business plan for a children's center to organize a children's club.

Download a ready-made business plan for a children's center

If you want to open an entertainment center for children on your own, you should outline the tasks and purpose of the enterprise. Accept the selected project as support for creativity and business. Plan your next activity.

Download a children's business plan for a child development center.

You can take a sample, adjust the steps as you wish. It's up to you to decide strategic plan on your own or use a ready-made example.

An example of a business plan for a children's center

There are 3 models of children's clubs: depending on the organization of developmental activities and management style. This may be a business plan for an early childhood development center or a business plan for a theater studio. Consider a family club. The business plan will serve as a basis for determining the scope of your own ideas.

Think about what is more interesting for you. Choose what you like, and work out the opening plan point by point.

The opening of a child development center with a set of various courses is actually much larger than a standard developmental complex. If you stop at developing classes for 3-year-olds, then there is no reason to waste energy on creating another business and courses.

Relevance of the idea and market analysis with competitor assessment

The idea of ​​disciplining unorganized and garden children connects several parental goals:

  • the presence of the child outside the home;
  • communication with children;
  • learning to communicate with other adults;
  • teaching self-development skills;
  • individual development of the child in reading, mathematics, the world around and more;
  • a positive experience for parents in raising children.

Research your competitors before starting a business. Analyze and describe each company in detail. It is worth discussing the premises and interior of rivals, leisure activities, teaching features - it is worth it in advance. Knowledge about the competitiveness of neighbors - entrepreneurs will become your strength. This will help both in your own planning and in creating the highlight of your center.

What to focus on?

  1. The name of the kids club. A sweet, affectionate, warming name from a children's theme, different from rivals.
  2. The address. "On hand" the proximity of kindergartens, high-rise buildings in densely populated areas of the city.
  3. Room. Preferably a bright and warm room.
  4. Personal website or other social network. For the purpose of active notification of interesting and daily events in the life of the club.
  5. Advertising. TV ads, radio, local newspaper, banners and flyers.
  6. Service list. A sufficient list of services for the selected age: from one to six years.
  7. The client base is made up of parents and children.
  8. Price. Prices for services should be "delicious".
  9. Peculiarities. For example, payment methods for staying in a club (cash, using a terminal to a current account or through a cash register).
  10. Reviews. Customers need positive feedback.

Beneficial Marketing: After reviewing the different models of kids clubs, you can approach the study of competitors in detail, conduct calculation and risk analysis.

Example with calculations and risk analysis

It is possible to prescribe a marketing plan if the entrepreneur has determined the mission and tasks of the club for himself, and has chosen the type of children's center. The calculation of a business with basic costs is shown in table 1.

But there are questions that are specific to childhood. They should not be omitted, but you need to focus attention - success lies in the expression of specificity.

The table shows an example calculation. The calculations do not include personnel costs. This article of business expenses will have to be calculated independently, based on the size of the company: how many people will you plan in the staff?

Educators in a child development center will differ in the way they conduct training from teachers in a theater studio or teachers in an early childhood development school. There's nothing you can do, teacher the highest category highly values ​​his experience and knowledge. The business start-up plan requires finance, materials and physical strength. There is a risk of unforeseen expenses in the process of paperwork, when performing repairs. It is risky to choose an unsuitable style of advertising.

Assortment of goods and products

What can be offered from child development programs? Depending on age:

  • a program to increase reading speed, reading comprehension;
  • mental capacity development program based on oral counting;
  • a program for the development of imagination, systemic and creative thinking;
  • a comprehensive program for the development of intelligence, memory and creative abilities.

The theme of organizing a child in this business implies versatility and multidirectionality. Defining children by age groups, it is necessary to draw up a plan for conducting classes for teachers, a schedule for pupils. Take into account the personal wishes of parents on the time of employment.

This is rough plan classes for two days a week for a group of preschoolers. It is enough for them to conduct lessons for 25-30 minutes with five-minute breaks. For kids, the number of classes can be reduced or short-term free-form sections can be organized.

Location selection: convenience, human traffic and rental price

The choice of a place for a children's center should be approached carefully. Connect real estate agencies and acquaintances to the search for premises. Look for yourself by interviewing by phone, bypassing the territory. Contact the city or district administration; it is very profitable to get an inexpensive long-term lease for business with the support of the city council. It is necessary to find a building that would meet the requirements of functionality and sanitary - technical standards. A separate building is a great option for a children's center. Comfortable spacious studio on the ground floor. Semi-basement premises are unfavorable. The second floors are acceptable for use in Moscow.

If the city in which you plan to open a business is a large metropolis, then the area matters. Young families with children live in high-rise buildings and new buildings. Take a closer look at the proximity of kindergartens, playgrounds. It can be advantageous to be in close proximity to a cosmetology beauty center on the same line.

If the town is small, then open in the center. A good kids club will bring children from all over the city.

Premises requirements, equipment and repairs

Free access and well-being at the entrance are the first accents for rent. The presence of windows, ventilation (ventilation) of the premises, as well as a bathroom, a hall for meeting children and parents, rooms for classes - the next important aspect for business. Professionals can be involved in the repair of the premises. But you can make creative notes yourself by turning to the Internet or repair magazines.

In the lobby, place information boards and an administrator's desk, hangers or lockers, chairs or trestle beds. Install tables and chairs in the office, according to the chosen age of the children, a fashionable bean bag chair.

Think over the original shelves on which children can leave the brought toys, games, magazines, books. Ordinary educational boards can be mounted on walls, installed on legs. Purchase will cost more interactive whiteboard. The choice of furniture when opening a business depends on the amount of the planned budget.

In one of the study rooms, spread a plain carpet on the floor. For younger children, most of the classes will take place in this area. Put soft toys, pyramids, cubes, cars, dolls on the shelves. In their free time, kids will play with pleasure. Tutorials are purchased in accordance with the chosen program and the age of the children. In the use of teachers, there must certainly be a music center or a tape recorder. If you purchase and install a quartz apparatus in the classroom, then it is more likely that the children will not get sick and miss classes. According to the norms of the SES for the maintenance of children's centers for children, it is necessary to organize a drinking regimen: a cooler with water at room temperature and disposable cups. Meals are optional. But you need to take care of the locker where the electric kettle, cups and spoons, cookies, tea, coffee, sugar, cream will be stored. This business can offer customers for free.

Registration of a legal entity and necessary documents

In order for the business to be legal and comply state standards, you need to be patient when processing. The procedure for opening a children's center is associated with the passage of many procedures for obtaining permits, licenses and safety documentation for a children's institution.

Set organizational - legal form: sole proprietorship or LLC. Obtain a license from the Ministry of Education. Obtain a permit for placement and a sanitary and epidemiological conclusion from Rospotrebnadzor. Expert opinions and permits from Rospozharnadzor. Conclude agreements with specialized organizations of the city or district: on the disposal of solid waste; on the disposal of fluorescent lamps; about deratization, disinfection, disinsection; about disinfecting works of air-conditioning and ventilation systems. Introduce registers for disinfectants and accounting for generated waste.

It is useful to know that when opening a children's institution in Moscow and the Moscow region, St. Petersburg and the Leningrad region and functioning, there are features in the preparation of documentation.

Employees and personnel: selection, hiring and registration

Plan your staffing in advance. Running line on television, free ads in city newspapers and Internet sites, an application to the employment center. Tell your friends about the opening of the children's center. "Word of mouth" will bring a considerable number of applicants. And it will be a good start for advertising for business.

Make up a questionnaire, collect resumes, carefully ask about the experience of working with children. Being scrupulous about little things is not a trifle in relation to children! After all, you, as a leader, have a true picture of the working days of the center. You are going to cooperate with correct, friendly and tactful people. Most importantly, loving children!

Interview applicants in person. The administrator, educators or teachers, the cleaner of the premises - the staff of the children's center. Those people on whom the mood of children and parents depends, the atmosphere in the classroom, the reputation of the children's club, peaceful sleep and the income of the leader. Offer teachers to run a trial lesson before opening, for example, with children of friends. Perhaps you will see answers to questions that were previously unclear. Making an approved candidate is better under a contract of employment. Let the contract be a short but capacious list official duties rights of employer and employee. Passport, TIN, sanitary book - mandatory documents in business when filling out an agreement.

Effective ways to promote and increase sales

Initially, restless advertising is indispensable. Although in the future it is better to periodically remind about yourself, even if the club is promoted. Order a short video and a ticker on TV channels, a message on the radio; post flyers on the doors of the entrances. Compose an original post on Vkontakte, Instagram and other social networks.

Try to keep abreast of local news - holding parades, excursions, holidays, exhibitions. Useful for business scheduling. Remind children and parents of city events, discuss colorful and memorable episodes. Celebrate birthdays with teachers and children New Year, congratulate and arrange small holidays. Create a friendly home environment that is comfortable for children and parents.

Notify clients of price increases for classes in a timely manner. Periodically offer a one-day promotion "zero +", short-term discounts "50% of the cost", "two classes for the price of one" during a period of low attendance. Organize a holiday camp - a service that brings additional income, and on the part of customers - the trust and joy of children.

Financial results and typical errors

Opening a child development center is not a quick payback business, it is rather a matter for the soul. Tune in to an adequate wave when opening and functioning personal business. The more positive and firm the chosen position, the more confident you and your team will feel.

Do not start work without a well-thought-out business plan. Fix the direction of your children's center. Do not try to ignore the requirements of the inspection bodies of the SES and the State Fire Supervision. The activity must be registered and legal. Otherwise the club will be closed.

The key factors in starting a business are a convenient and passable location of the club and the professionalism of the team. Missing the choice of area is half the trouble. It will be worse if you make a mistake with the staff.

Personally supervise the classes of teachers and the work of other employees. Keep your distance from employees. Don't try to be nice to everyone. Of course, the leader should take into account the interests of employees, take care of subordinates. But personal problems should not affect the performance of the club and your business.


Opening a children's center is not as difficult as setting up a job and launching it. There are pros and cons to every business. If your goal leads to the peaceful coexistence of children and business, then difficulties are within your reach. Focus on the positives and turn the negatives into positive ones. Please be patient with the paperwork. Turn around on repairs so that the implementation of the business plan for the center for children is for you

Approximate data:

  • Monthly income - 540,000 rubles.
  • Net profit - 113,730 rubles.
  • Initial costs - 80,800 rubles.
  • Payback - from 1 month (individually).
This business plan, like all others in the section, contains calculations of average prices, which may differ in your case. Therefore, we recommend that you make calculations for your business individually.

In this article, we will draw up a detailed business plan for a small children's development center with calculations.

Service Description

This business plan provides information related to opening your own development center for children. It provides classes for children of preschool and school age. At the same time, the center has not one focus, but several, which helps to cover a large part of the population. The entrepreneur is also the director (manager) of his center. The organization does not position itself as a kindergarten, that is, children do not stay within the walls of the organization without their parents for more than 3 hours, which allows not to introduce cooks and nannies into the staff.

Market analysis

Today, young parents pay more and more attention to the development of their children. If they are satisfied with the approach of kindergartens, then only partially. Therefore, many parents are trying to find some alternative, to get additional opportunities from the outside. Someone resorts to the use of nannies and tutors. But both of these methods are very expensive.

In addition, it is very important for children at any age to communicate with their peers. This makes it possible to go through the process of socialization. The child in the team begins to associate himself with society, to look for a suitable place in it. That is why it is very important to give your child the opportunity to communicate.

Today this problem is more acute than ever. After all, modern children love fancy gadgets and toys so much. Many of them forget how nice it is to play with their peers in the sandbox.

This is the first argument in favor of the development center, but far from the only one.

In addition, in such a center a child can develop in several directions at once. For example, to engage in drawing, modeling, vocals, the development of fine motor skills and other things. That is, parents, taking their child to such an institution, will know what abilities are developing. Moreover, adults will be able to choose their own, based on the characteristics and desires of their children.

According to statistics, children aged 6 months to 5 years use the services of development centers most often.

American scientists studying Russian market developing centers, found out that even during the crisis, this industry will grow.

Today in Russia there are more than 2 thousand private children's clubs and mini-kindergartens. Their number is growing every year. And this despite the fact that the state is paying more and more attention to the opening of new kindergartens. All this, because such development centers are not substitutes for kindergartens, but, on the contrary, complement them.

Today, there are 3 types of players in this area:

  1. Major franchise networks , which have a large number of points, and, consequently, are widely known.
  2. Medium networks . Such players own 5-10 small clubs located in the same region, as a rule. They also enjoy a positive reputation and demand in a particular area.
  3. Small local players , which have 1-2 objects. It is harder for them than all the others to compete in the market.

This type of business is not high margin. The thing is that it is very dependent on three factors:

  • rental cost;
  • employees' wages;
  • the cost of the services provided.

Do not spray directly on all kinds activities. We, in order to reduce costs, have abandoned leisure activities and the concept of a mini-garden. Therefore, you can think about subleasing the premises. For example, with a private kindergarten that does not work in the evening, or a school under an official contract. This will be a great opportunity to save on rent.

Potential consumers: these are active and independent parents under the age of 35 who pay attention to raising their own children. If speak about social status, then it must be said that most often these will be people with an average income and above average.

At the end of the analysis, I would like to provide data on why people refuse to use the services of children's development centers.

SWOT analysis

Before opening your own developmental center for children, it is necessary to conduct a thorough analysis of internal and external factors. Many of them can cause failure. To protect yourself, you need to study the features of the market for this type of service, your region.

To external factors can be attributed:

  1. Opportunities:
  • Providing a wide range of services.
  • Opportunities to expand your own business.
  • Work in the "useful" sector of the economy.
  • Opportunities to attract investors to develop your own business.
  • Wide range of customer acquisition opportunities.
  • State support.
  • The possibility of obtaining subsidies for the opening and development of their own production.
  • Lack of bureaucratization in this area of ​​the economy.
  • Growth in demand even during the economic downturn in the country.
  • Low financial barriers to market entry (almost non-existent).
  • Ease of paperwork.
  • No need to obtain a license (for our type of development center).
  • Strict requirements for the premises and staff in terms of ensuring the safety of life and health of children.
  1. Threats:
  • High level of competition.
  • Changes are possible in legislative acts which may result in the suspension of the center.
  • Decline in the income level of the population and, as a result, a decrease in demand for the services provided.

Do not underestimate the internal factors. Sometimes they play a decisive role, and it is almost impossible to change everything at once. Therefore, it is necessary to constantly analyze the activities of your development center. So to internal factors can be attributed:

  1. Strengths:
  • It is possible to expand the business, add new services.
  • Selection of a territory favorable for work in terms of competition.
  • The location of the center on the school grounds allows many parents to be attracted through word of mouth and advertising within the walls of the school.
  • Opportunity to establish cooperation with school teachers.
  • Possibility of cost increase.
  • Teachers have experience working with children.
  • Availability of courses that improve the qualifications of teachers working in the center.
  • Ability to reduce fixed costs.
  • The possibility of involving parents whose children go to the school where classes will be held.
  • No need for repairs.
  • No need to buy furniture.
  1. Weak sides:
  • High responsibility for children.
  • There may be a lack of staff motivation.
  • Need to find staff.
  • Lack of own client base.
  • Lack of programs to work with children.

Opportunity Assessment

So, as mentioned above, classes will be held on school grounds after school. This makes it possible to seriously save on rent, renovation of the premises, because the classes correspond to all SanPins. In addition, you can arrange classes with teachers who have extensive experience working with children.

When choosing a school, it is important:

  • that the institution does not work on the second shift;
  • so that the location is successful (it is better to choose the city center).

In addition, parents will be more confident in the classes held at the educational institution.

So, our institution will work according to the following schedule:

Total: 28 hours per week; 120 hours per month.

To conduct classes, we will rent 2 rooms, in each of which classes will be held in groups of 8-15 people.

Organizational and legal aspects

  1. . We pay a state duty in the amount of 800 rubles. OKVED codes can be:
  • 92.51 - organization of club-type institutions;
  • 93.05 - personal services.
  1. You can apply UTII or. In the second case, two options are possible - STS "Income" 6% or STS "Income minus expenses" 6-15% (the rate is determined depending on the region).
  2. In accordance with Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of March 16, 2011 N 174 "On Approval of the Regulation on Licensing Educational Activities":

"Educational activities carried out by conducting one-time classes various kinds(including lectures, internships, seminars) and not accompanied by final certification and issuance of documents on education, activities for the maintenance and education of students and pupils, carried out without implementation educational programs, as well as individual labor pedagogical activity not subject to licensing».

Therefore, we do not need to issue a license.

  1. You don’t have to get permits for the premises either - the school regularly undergoes such checks. However, during the school year, Rospotrebnadzor may conduct scheduled inspections, which should be reported to the school management.
  2. What is important, you don’t have to conclude contracts for garbage collection, deratization and others, because they are all concluded between the school and organizations.
  3. It is worth taking care of renting a room and storing the necessary supplies for work.
  4. Teachers can be accepted work book(after all, they probably already have a main place of work), but under a contract. Therefore, it is worth taking care of drawing up such an agreement and job descriptions in advance.
  5. It is also necessary to develop agreements with parents whose children will visit the institution. It is better to attach payment receipts to them for transfer Money. Therefore, it's better. Yes, and the school will have to pay through it.
  6. In fact, KKM is not needed.
  7. Do not forget to take care of the presence of a small office for the administrator to be there. It can be quite small and in any of the districts of the city. After all main task will receive calls, paperwork. If necessary, he will travel to an educational institution.
  8. Don't Forget About Availability medical books for all employees and timely medical examinations.

Marketing plan

After we have decided on the legal side, we need to think about ways to promote our own center. The most effective include:

  • Creation and promotion of your own website with parallel maintenance of your own group in social network. At the same time, contextual advertising can be used for promotion.
  • Placement of information within the walls of the school. And, as a rule, you can do it completely free of charge. It is worth looking into neighboring institutions - schools, kindergartens.
  • Posting ads on nearby houses. After all, it is important for parents that the location of the classes is located not very far from home.
  • Placing information in local newspapers. Moreover, you can place not only advertising, but also information about working teachers, the methods used, and the results.
  • Placement of information on various thematic forums of the city, bulletin boards.

It should be noted that word of mouth will play a huge role, because mothers love to share information with each other so much.

Do not neglect trips to nearby kindergartens - it is better to find out about the planned meetings in advance and come at the right time to the right place.

Calculation of projected income

Please note that these are average figures. It should be borne in mind that at the beginning the number of children will be much less. During the summer there may be no classes at all. Be sure to take this into account when calculating in your business plan.

Production plan

So, the entrepreneur will not have to make repairs, as well as purchase furniture. It remains only to register as a private entrepreneur, hire workers and purchase the necessary methodical material. This can include various notebooks, copybooks. If we are talking about drawing classes, then you will need consumables for teachers.

As for wages. It is better for teachers to set piecework wages in order to motivate them to attract children to the center and conduct quality classes.

The administrator can also set a salary as a % of the total income so that he actively works with the group and sites of the children's center. Meetings can also be entrusted to him or the entrepreneur himself can do this. He will work 5 days a week.

Salary will be as follows:

Teachers (10 people) - 50% of the proceeds from classes, including taxes. Total: 270,000 rubles for all. It turns out 27,000 rubles per person, despite the fact that they lead 12 hours a week each.

Administrator: 10,000 rubles + 3% of total revenue. Total: 10,000 + 540,000 * 0.03 = 26,200 rubles.

organizational plan

Financial plan

  • Profit before tax: 540,000 - 406,200 = 133,800 rubles.
  • Tax (we calculate the simplified tax system 15% of the difference between income and expenses): 133,800 * 0.15 \u003d 20,070 rubles.
  • Net profit: 133,800 - 20,070 = 113,730 rubles.
  • Profitability: 113,730/540,000*100% = 21.06%.
  • Payback period: 80,800/113,730 = 0.71. Therefore, the project will pay off in less than a month. But do not forget that at the beginning the number of visits may be less, and, consequently, the payback period will increase slightly.

At the initial stage, the percentage of attendance can be 30-35%.


Of course, it doesn't always turn out to be as rosy as we would like. Therefore, it is very important to study before starting work. possible risks and try to protect yourself from them as much as possible. So, what are the risks in this area:

Bad choice of location.

This factor can lead to low attendance, and, consequently, to low profitability or even losses. We chose to work at a school, which significantly reduces the cost of renting a room and helps as a free advertising platform.

In general, this option is practiced today by many enterprising beginner development centers. Only then they think about long-term lease of a separate room.

Possible changes in legislation.

Indeed, this can bring a lot of worries, including paralyzing the work of the center for an indefinite period. Avoiding risk is quite difficult, although the likelihood of its occurrence today is not so high. But you can think about the development of areas that are subject to licensing.

Possible lack of personnel.

This factor is the most important. No teacher, no process. Therefore, it is very important to start looking for staff in advance. It is also necessary to think about the development of a motivational policy. In our case, it is much easier to solve the problem, because most of the staff will be school employees. For them, these are both native walls and an opportunity to get a very significant additional income.

Responsibility for the health of children.

No accidents are acceptable here. Therefore, it is important to instruct staff, parents and children.

Important: Remember that you can write a business plan for your business on your own. To do this, read the articles:

Last request: We are all human and we can make mistakes, ignore something, etc. Do not judge strictly if this business plan or others in the section seem incomplete to you. If you have experience in this or that activity or you see a defect and can supplement the article, please let us know in the comments! Only in this way can we jointly make business plans more complete, detailed and relevant. Thank you for your attention!