Self-assessment as a method of staff development and improvement of library activities. Self-assessment sheet for professional activities Self-assessment as a method of staff development and improvement of library activities

IN AND. Pavlova,

Director of the Pskov Regional

universal scientific library

Self-assessment as a method of staff development
and improvement of library activities

The adoption of the ideology of continuous improvement involves rethinking the stereotypes that have developed over the years and implementing its reengineering (introduction of new approaches). This requires a thorough analysis of existing methods for the effectiveness of achieving quality objectives.

Such an analysis was carried out by the Pskov Regional Universal Scientific Library (hereinafter referred to as POUNB) in the form of a self-assessment of activities for participation in the competition for the Government quality award. It was our first experience of participating in such a prestigious competition, but we became diploma winners and received a full assessment of our activities from independent experts and identified areas for improving the library's quality management system.

The advanced training system for library specialists in the Pskov region is built on the basis of the regional targeted comprehensive program for the implementation of additional vocational training and continuing education "Modernization of libraries based on quality management" for 2009-2011. The program is aimed at introducing into the work such important principles of quality management as customer orientation, process and systems approach in the organization of library services and continuous improvement of services for the population; mastering the philosophy of quality and methods of self-assessment of activities.

Within the framework of production meetings for middle managers of the POUNB, production meetings are held at which the issues of introducing quality management into the activities of the library are considered: customer satisfaction with the quality of service, interaction between departments to improve the quality of services, implementation information technologies, quality of databases and electronic catalogue, etc. The agenda of the meetings includes issues of self-assessment of the activities of the structural divisions of the library.

Self-assessment of structural units is carried out according to the model and criteria of the quality award of the Government of the Russian Federation, which are acceptable for any organization, firm, department, etc.

The model includes two groups of criteria:

  • the first group of criteria characterizes how the organization (in our case, the department) achieves results in the field of quality, what is being done for this ("opportunities");
  • the second group of criteria characterizes what has been achieved (“results”).

The main role in the departments of the library is played by its leaders (the "Leadership" criterion). They define the core values ​​and principles for the operation of the department as described in all other criteria. They also form a network of main processes that cover the work of the department and influence its results (criterion "Processes"). For each of the processes and for the department as a whole, quantitative indicators are determined, with the help of which the level of their implementation is analyzed (these indicators are used in the results criteria).

Based on certain values ​​and principles, the policy, strategy and plans of the department are developed (criterion "Policy and strategy"). The planning process includes reviewing activities and identifying ways to improve them (all capability criteria) and determining the performance level of the department (results criteria).

The strategy and plans of the department must be provided with all necessary resources, including personnel (criteria "Personnel" and "Partnership and resources"). To do this, the requirements for the necessary resources are determined, their availability is ensured, and the ways of the best use.

Since the employees of the department are not only one of the types of resources necessary for the performance of work, but also creative, proactive participants in the process, personnel management is singled out as a separate criterion, which includes promoting the activity of employees, involving them in improving activities within all criteria.

Successful planning of the activities of the department and provision of its resources is the basis for the direct work described in the "Processes" criterion. Processes are managed through established performance indicators. Such management includes maintaining processes at a stable level and improving them in order to fulfill the strategy and plans.

During the implementation of the processes, indicators of their implementation are formed and monitored, which are the basis for the results criteria. The achieved indicators are compared with the planned values.

Based on the analysis of the results achieved (including their comparison with the results of other libraries), the key principles and values ​​are reviewed and improved by the leaders of the departments, which leads to new improvement in performance and improved results. Thus, all criteria are linked into an integral, closed system for managing a department or organization as a whole.

During the self-assessment of the department, a process of group work takes place, which involves: the department team participating in the self-assessment directly, the heads of all structural divisions that take part in the discussion and give recommendations, the entire library staff, which is informed on the results of the meetings and subsequently participates in working groups organized to carry out improvement activities. And, of course, first of all, the library administration, which, based on the results of the self-assessment and discussion at the production meeting, makes management decisions for corrective actions aimed at improvement, allocates resources, sets deadlines and responsible for the implementation of certain actions, schedules subsequent hearings and develops plans quality for the entire library.

Internal information, communication processes provide a common understanding of the goals and objectives of the library.

Thus, we see the effectiveness of production meetings on self-assessment of the activities of structural units in the fact that they (production meetings) motivate many people, including those who do not participate in it, but receive appropriate instructions from its participants, have all the information about the activities libraries and gain new knowledge. This achieves full involvement staff in the library management process.

For three years, self-assessment of their activities was carried out by all structural divisions of the library. I will give two examples.

1. After a self-assessment of the activities of the acquisition department, certain changes were made to improve the work of the library. In the structure of the department, a Library Acquisition Center was created to support the current acquisition of the region's libraries. The Center formed consolidated orders of libraries to publishing houses and bookselling organizations, distributed and arranged gifts charities and funds.

The Acquisition Center was further developed after a self-assessment of its own activities:

  • Organization of Picker Days for libraries in Pskov and the region,
  • Conducting presentations of publishing houses in Moscow and St. Petersburg (such as: Eksmo, Vlados, Grand Fair, etc.), distribution of promotional products to help the current acquisition of libraries,
  • Organization of training events at the Zonal Schools of Quality, which also host presentations of publishers and orders for literature for libraries.

2. The second example concerns the department of literature in foreign languages, which, after a self-assessment of its activities, was reorganized into the International Library Center.

The work of the department of literature in foreign languages ​​in the traditional form, even with the creation of the Center for educational materials from the German Cultural Center. Goethe in St. Petersburg did not contribute to the development of the library as a center of intercultural cooperation. The Center was faced with the task of establishing external relations and developing partnerships libraries.

Self-assessment contributed to:

  • Further establishment of international relations with countries near and far abroad: France, Germany, Poland, USA, Finland, Austria;
  • Strengthening relations with the Consulates of the border countries: Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania;
  • Development of good-neighborly relations with the Republic of Belarus, creation of the Belarusian Book Center “Slavic World”;
  • Rapprochement Organizations different cultures, citizens of the former Soviet republics living in the region, a series of meetings "Dialogue of Cultures".
  • Promotion of literary and artistic and information and book resources through project activities in the countries of far and near abroad;
  • Involvement of foreign library specialists to conduct training seminars on quality management;
  • Implementation of electronic user service.

Self-assessment of the activities of the library, in our opinion, is one of the main components of the work of the central regional libraries of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation. It is a complex and multi-stage process, based on an equally important personal self-assessment process . Psychologists, sociologists, managers are now talking quite a lot about the self-assessment of the work team, which reflects the measure of self-respect, confidence not only in one's own value, but also in the value of the activities of the organization in which one works.

However, we must remember that the basis of the success of the activities of a group, team, organization in which a person works, as modern research shows, is precisely personal self-esteem.

This is evidenced by our first experience of attestation of library specialists in 2008. For its implementation, the questionnaires "Employee self-assessment" and "Evaluation of the manager" were developed.

Each questionnaire includes an assessment of personal and business qualities in the following categories:

  • independence;
  • persistence;
  • the ability to defend one's point of view;
  • ability to understand issues;
  • ability to coordinate and interact;
  • ability to supervise work;
  • attitude to work;
  • experience;
  • suitability for the position.

The performance of an employee is assessed on the basis of its compliance qualification requirements position, job description, as well as based on the assessment of the quality of the work performed by him and its effectiveness.

According to the results of certification, the employee is given one of the following assessments:

  • corresponds to the position and position;
  • corresponds to the position held, corresponds to the official category; but the commission does not recommend a transfer to another official category;
  • does not correspond to the position and position.

The results of the attestation are recorded in the attestation card and in the minutes of the meeting of the attestation commission. The employee gets acquainted with the attestation card against receipt.

Based on the results of the work carried out, it was concluded that self-assessment is important both for the employee himself and for the manager, since it makes it possible to identify reserves for increasing the level of employee return, to find out what needs to be done in the field of self-education and self-education.

Of course, the process of conducting a self-assessment of both a personal and a structural unit and organization is a laborious process and requires special training. To do this, we conduct seminars, trainings, practical classes, creative laboratories, group and individual consultations. Classes are held for various categories of employees on the following topics: “Self-esteem as a factor in personal and professional development”, “The art of conflict resolution”, “Leader and leadership”, “Team building technology”, etc.

Self-assessment is the road to self-improvement, to the quality of activity to which we aspire. And this is one of the promising areas of activity of the central regional libraries of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

A dynamically changing market forces businesses to constantly change their goals. To reach ambitious heights today, it is necessary to take on new tasks, reorient business processes and redefine the functions of individual departments. The company's management understands that this requires highly qualified personnel. Assessing the qualifications and potential of the company's employees is the task of the HR department, so our HR programs have been developed and implemented jointly with the heads of structural divisions certification procedure.

For every conscientious, purposeful professional, certification is a real way to once again test their knowledge and skills, demonstrate their abilities, convey their own opinion to management, prove themselves with better side! For a competent manager who is interested in the development of his people, certification is an invaluable opportunity to look at subordinates (and colleagues) from a different point of view. Having assessed the potential of each employee, the manager receives "live" material for making important decisions. management decisions.

Yes, certification * is a test, and like any test, it makes a person a little worried. But the feeling of satisfaction experienced by both the employees themselves and their managers after successfully completing all the procedures has a powerful impact on their self-esteem and motivation. It would be a big mistake not to use this factor in personnel management.

Of course, one cannot but take into account that the very word "certification" for many employees is a negative irritant; excessive emotions and fear can sometimes cause strong resistance to the accepted procedure. Every person has their own reasons. Sometimes it is very difficult to convince people - but, nevertheless, it is possible! Of course, managers and HRs need to start with themselves - by changing their own attitude towards evaluation procedures. The experience of certification in our company proves it.

The hardware and software complex of Agromat LLC has a complex structure, which includes its own shopping centers, warehouse complexes, production units and office centers. A large number of employees and the remoteness of departments bring their own characteristics to all management processes.

It is practically impossible to carry out attestation of all employees of the company at the same time, so we carry it out in stages. Together with the heads of structural divisions, we have drawn up a schedule for the certification - so that the dates of the events do not coincide. Therefore, we conduct certification all year round - it is an integral part of the personnel management process.

The Human Resources Department is responsible for preparing for certification in the company. The tasks of our HRs:

    development normative documents and evaluation forms;

    training of heads of attested divisions;

    briefing of employees of certified divisions;

    analysis of completed individual assessment forms and characteristics;

    conducting an attestation conversation and monitoring compliance with procedures;

    preparation of an attestation report;

    organizational support for the certification procedure.

In each structural unit where certification is carried out, an employee is appointed who is responsible for the training and organizational matters. Responsible may be the head of the unit, his deputy, administrator or office manager (the choice of a candidate depends on the structure and size of a particular unit). Person responsible for certification:

    draws up lists of employees subject to certification in this reporting period;

    coordinates the date of certification with each employee;

    fixes all questions and problems that arise in the process of filling out attestation forms and characteristics;

    collects completed documents, and also transfers all the necessary information to the HR department;

    communicates to employees information related to the certification;

    prepares the premises for the meeting of the attestation commission.

We have developed a single “Regulation on the certification of employees of the company Agromat” for all structural divisions. The attestation procedure, the form of conducting and the requirements for attestation are the same for all its employees. At the same time, for each position, we developed an individual set of competencies, professional and personal characteristics (based on the main tasks of the unit). On the basis of this set, forms for evaluating employees in various positions were compiled.

Prior to the certification, the employees of the HR department, together with the head of the unit, determine the main goals and objectives of the certification. To help them, we have developed a convenient form ( Appendix 1). The manager sends the completed form to the Human Resources Department.

In all divisions of the company, the certification procedure consists of three stages:




The most important (and longest) is the first - preparatory stage, which actually covers the entire period of time between the last and subsequent certification. During this period, each employee has the opportunity to prove himself: competently fulfilling the set professional tasks taking initiatives, taking part in various projects, corporate events etc. In preparation for certification, three documents are prepared for each employee of the company:

    "Review-characteristic" application 2).

    "Form for assessing the level of development of competencies"- filled in by the immediate supervisor ( appendix 3).

    "Employee Self-Assessment Questionnaire"- filled in by the employee himself ( annex 4).

All forms are designed in such a way that it is convenient to fill them out and that this process takes as little time as possible.

Immediately before the certification, the employee fills out a self-assessment questionnaire and gets acquainted with the review - a characteristic given to him by his immediate supervisor. In addition, he receives a form for assessing the level of development of his competencies and analyzes (together with the manager) the results of his activities for the last period (six months, a year). Preparatory stage this ends.

Certification stage. On the appointed day, the members of the attestation commission conduct an attestation conversation with each employee of the unit. Each division has its own evaluation committee. Its members are appointed representatives of those departments that interact most closely with the assessed employees. As a rule, it includes:

    employees of the Human Resources Department;

    direct supervisor of the certified employee;

    leading specialists of the department;

    heads/leading specialists of related departments.

Due to the fact that the attestation commission includes a wide range of specialists and managers, the most objective comprehensive assessment of each employee is ensured. Disputable issues that sometimes arise are resolved by voting members of the attestation commission - in accordance with the procedure approved in the Regulations.

During the meeting of the attestation commission, each certified employee has the opportunity to give his own assessment of his activities, as well as the right to challenge the assessments and characteristics given to him by his immediate supervisor. It should be noted that there were cases when the certification committee took the side of the employee, while the immediate supervisor recognized his assessments as inaccurate or erroneous. (This happened when the leader approached the certification formally.)

After the completion of the attestation conversation, the employee is given a final grade; recommendations are given for further professional and personal development.

The attestation commission in its conclusion assesses the degree of compliance of the employee with the requirements of the company for the position he occupies at a given time. Our Certification Regulations provide for four assessments: Great, well, mediocre and bad.

An employee who receives a rating of "mediocre" has the opportunity to correct the situation. To do this, he (together with the leader) must draw up a plan for individual professional development; after the implementation of all the measures provided for by the plan, he gets the opportunity to re-pass certification (in three to six months, depending on the complexity of the tasks set). Thus, open, understandable for all "rules of the game" are established. In case of complete disagreement with the assessment of the attestation commission, the employee, in accordance with the approved procedure, has the right to file an appeal addressed to CEO companies.

What does it mean to "successfully pass the certification"? Each employee understands the “success” of the results in his own way, depending on what goals he sets for himself and how he relates to his work. One person agrees to consider only the maximum rating as a success and, accordingly, an increase in category, position, status. Another is pleased with the approval of the head, the third - confirmation of progress in their professional development. Today the opportunity to keep your workplace and get a chance to prove yourself again, you see, is also good luck.

As a rule, employees quite objectively evaluate their labor achievements and professional level, adequately compare themselves with others, so the results of certification for both the employee and the manager are rarely unexpected.

After the end of the meeting of the attestation commission, the manager for personnel assessment and motivation proceeds to the processing and analysis of the collected information and draws up a report on the results of the attestation. In the report, each certified employee is given a brief, capacious description, taking into account the assessment given by the manager and the results of the certification conversation. Thanks to this complex characteristic, the head of the department receives additional material for making managerial decisions, as well as assisting the employee in drawing up a personal plan for professional development.

With regard to certification, our company has an “unwritten” rule: all employees of the company, even newcomers, take part in it. But for them, this procedure differs from the “typical” one: the “youth” is immediately informed that the commission will not give them an assessment. New employees are preparing for certification together with the whole team - they fill out documents, come to a meeting of the certification commission. Their main task is to take part in an attestation conversation, to talk about their first successes and achievements in a new position, about plans and wishes.

During the appraisal, a newly hired employee learns a lot about the company, gets acquainted with representatives of related departments, and receives recommendations for further professional development. Members of the commission, for their part, have the opportunity to assess how successfully a person has adapted to the position and "joined" the team, as well as "measure" his potential.

For beginners, participation in certification is a learning event. Common emotional experiences help them quickly join the team, become part of the team.

Today we can safely say: certification in the company "Agromat" is a celebration of professionalism! Each of our certification breaks the established stereotypes. We believe that this is the only way to perceive this procedure! The Human Resources Department is trying to convince not only the heads of departments, but also all our employees of this.

Appendix 1

for department heads

The purpose of the survey: determine the goals and objectives of the upcoming certification.

Before proceeding with the organization of the personnel certification procedure, it is necessary to set clear goals for this certification. Traditionally allocate three main objectives of certification:

1) making administrative decisions;
2) identifying the potential of employees;
3) evaluation of the activities of the employees of the unit.

In one procedure, it is recommended to combine no more than two targets for example: capacity and performance evaluation, or performance evaluation and administrative decisions, etc. The choice of attestation objectives depends on the needs of the organization at a given time period. The lack of clearly defined goals or the choice of too many of them significantly reduces the effectiveness of appraisal, as it makes it difficult for employees to understand and accept the assessment procedure.

Exercise: The table shows the goals and objectives that can be achieved / solved using the certification procedure. Determine the goals/tasks for the next certification in your unit - select the most significant at the moment (no more than two). Mark the most relevant goals and objectives for you (highlight in color in the table) and send this document (in electronic form) to the HR department.

Goals of certification

Making administrative decisions

Identification of the potential (development) of employees

Performance evaluation

Attestation tasks

Change wages

Receipt feedback from employees Evaluation of the activities of employees for a certain period

Change in the reward system

Revealing the potential of employees Evaluation of their achievements and results over the past period

Evaluation of suitability for the position held

Informing about what the company expects from employees Identification of training needs
Assessing their ability to take on new tasks (to adjust organizational plans) Identification of work problems
Employee career development Improving the current activities of the division/company
Personal development of employees
Obtaining Information for Planning Human Resource Requirements
Setting Performance Standards

Department: __________________
Date of completion: _________________
Head of department (full name): ________________________

After graduation, had the following work experience in companies (specify city)

In the PTK LLC "Agromat" has been working since "____" ____________ 200__ in the position (s) (list all previously held positions in the company)

During the time of work in the company (after the last certification) passed (a) training ( indicate which trainings, seminars attended):


Has a qualification specify a category): ____________________

Has promotions indicate if any): _____________________

During his time with the company, he showed:

Professional quality _________________________________

Business qualities __________________________________________

Personal qualities ________ _______________________________

Attitude to the rules of internal labor regulations / discipline in the workplace / compliance with accepted standards

Relationships in the team _______________________________

"____" ____________ 200__ Signature of the head ___________

Position of the head _____________________________________

I am familiar with the review-characteristic: (signature) /(FULL NAME.)/

"____" ____________ 200__

Appendix 3

sales department manager
(to be completed by direct supervisor)

Instruction: Having carefully studied the list of professional and personal qualities, and having familiarized yourself with the rating scale, evaluate your employee according to the proposed characteristics. Try to be as objective as possible.

FULL NAME. employee ___________________________
Position held _______________________

Evaluation scale:

  • "5" - always shows this quality, fully complies with the requirements of the company / division;
  • "4" - often shows this quality, strives to meet the requirements;
  • "3" - rarely shows this quality;
  • "2" - does not show this quality in any way.

List of competencies


Management qualities

Ability to make decisions independently
Ability to manage business processes
commercial thinking
systems thinking
Ability and willingness to train subordinates

Competencies important in customer service

Customer focus
Product Knowledge
Knowledge of sales techniques
Development of partners/clients
Efficiency at work

Attitude to work

Loyalty to the company
The desire for self-development

Individual qualities

Focus on results
Stress tolerance
Teamwork skills

Signature of direct supervisor _____________/ (FULL NAME.)

"_____" ____________ 200__

Signature of employee _____________________

Appendix 4

(to be completed by each certified employee individually)

Analyze your work and the main tasks that you perform daily in your position. Please complete these sections yourself.

My division ________________________
My post ____________________________
FULL NAME. ___________________________________

I have been with the company for ______ years/months; in unit _____years/months

In my position, I am responsible for:

  1. ___________________________
  2. ___________________________
  3. ___________________________
  4. ___________________________
  5. ___________________________
  6. ___________________________
  7. ___________________________
  8. ___________________________
  9. ___________________________

Departments of the company with which I interact:

To perform well official duties I need to know and be able to:

To do my job even better, I need (I lack):

I appreciate my work:
"excellent" / "good" / "mediocre" / "bad" ( underline what you need)

"_____" ____________ 200__ My signature _________________

* Certification(from lat. certification- certificate) - review, characteristic; determining the qualifications of an employee, the level of knowledge of students (or the quality of products, jobs, etc.).
AT " encyclopedic dictionary Brockhaus and Efron" attestation is defined as "review of the ability and trustworthiness of an official. According to the “Code of Laws” (1857 edition), in the track record of each official in a special column it was noted: “is it capable of continuing civil service and worthy of a promotion, and if not, then for what reasons” ... A. this one had importance; by the way, disapproving A. in the course of her service deprived her of the right to a pension. A. are usually made by the direct superiors of the official and presented to the highest - in certain cases. The right of the governor to certify the officials of the province under his jurisdiction follows from "his responsibility to the supreme government for the state of the province entrusted to him."

Article provided to our portal
the editors of the journal

In the Kugultinsky rural library in 2008, in order to study the interests of readers aged 17 to 23 years, an analysis of 15 forms was carried out. They contain not only educational literature, but also popular science publications. In fiction, preference is given to the fantasy genre, combat fiction, western, historical novel. The most widely read authors are Paulo Coelho, Angel de Couatier, Haruki Murakami. Popular literature on the psychology of D. Carnegie, W. Geller and others. An analysis of the forms revealed the need to complete the fund with the most requested books.

In the first quarter of 2008, a survey was conducted in the rural library on the topic “Library in the life of a pensioner”. It was attended by 36 people, including 27 women and 9 men.

To the question of the questionnaire about whether a library is needed in our village, all respondents answered positively.

When asked about the frequency of visits to the library, the votes were distributed as follows: 16 people answered - 2 times a month, 11 people - 1 time per month, 9 people - 1 time in two months.

To the third question of the questionnaire “Does the book fund of the library meet your needs, interests, leisure activities?” 50% answered that they considered reading their hobby and leisure. 30% answered - love for the book, 20% - in order to develop interest.

Almost all survey participants answered that the library fund fully satisfies the needs of pensioners.

Among the favorite authors are V. Pikul, A. Christie, I. Lazutin, J. Verne, M. Weller, L. Ulitskaya, B. Akunin. Of the periodicals, pensioners are interested in magazines and newspapers on various topics: Health, Healthy Lifestyle, Selskaya Nov, Household Farming, Oracle, My Cozy Home, Home Hearth, Motherland, Argumenty and Facts”, “Peasant”, “Modishe Mashen”, “Valya-Valentina”, etc.

Readers noted the ones they liked the most in the library: the exhibition-lawyer "Legal Ambulance", information minutes "Convictions, Rights, Duties", the press exhibition "History in One Line", the exhibition-council "Healing Basket".

Everyone found the library schedule convenient for visiting. In the librarian they see an interlocutor, an adviser and just a listener. The library for them is a center of communication, a place where attention is paid to them, "where we are needed and we are welcome."

The librarians outlined a plan to meet the wishes and demand reflected in the questionnaire. This is an extension of the subscription to 2-3 publications for pensioners, the organization of open thematic viewings of literature and book fairs.

In the first quarter of 2008, in the Kugultinsky Children's Library, a survey was conducted among active readers entitled "Study of the reader's interests of younger schoolchildren." 17 people took part in the survey: 8 boys and 9 girls.

An analysis of the results showed that children show interest in reading, they visit the library with pleasure, and despite being busy with lessons and reading books, they find time to read for the soul to help the school curriculum. Reading is discussed by children with parents and friends. Self-selection of books leads the way.

In the Bazovskaya rural library, a survey of readers aged 7-9 years old was held on the topic: "I am a reader." The purpose of the survey: to study the interest in literature among schoolchildren. 22 students of the Basic Primary School took part in the survey. In September, a reader's benefit “Let's look into the reader's form” was held. Alena Lukyanchuk became the leader in reading among junior schoolchildren, and Ira Morozova among senior students.

In the Oktyabrskaya rural library, summing up the work for 2008, an analysis of the reader's forms was carried out. The purpose of this analysis was to identify the interests of readers of all social groups and the most active groups - those who frequently visit the library. The purposes of reading, readable types of publications, topics of readable periodicals and literature are clarified.

When analyzing the forms, it turned out that women are the most active readers. 41% are readers under 14, youth - 2.9%, other social groups - 56.1%. By level of education, 3% of users have higher education, 54% - incomplete secondary education, 9% secondary and incomplete higher education. Primary education has 1% of readers. Therefore, reader requests are varied and also depend on the type of activity of the reader.

Preference is given to fiction, 2nd place is occupied by popular science, 3rd place is literature of agricultural content. The remaining departments of the fund are in almost equal demand among the reader.

In the Novospitsevskaya rural library, there is a "Chest of Wishes" in the library to study the reader's interests. Throughout the year, readers dropped their wishes on this or that literature and periodicals. After analyzing the requests, we can say that the majority of readers (48%) are in favor of having more subscription periodicals in the library, including the magazines "Health", "Peasant", "Homestead"; the newspapers Arguments and Facts, Krestyanin, Sobesednik, Aibolit; teenagers noted the magazines "Marusya", "Rovesnik", "Technique-youth", "Burda". 25% of respondents, mostly the younger generation, were in favor of purchasing a computer, middle-aged readers want to read romance novels, students need books on economics and psychology. Also in September, a survey was conducted among 23 high school students, the purpose of which was to find out what role local history literature plays in the life of the reader.

As we can see from the examples, only systematically organized research work in the library will allow librarians to study the information requests of readers and respond to them in a timely manner.


head of methodological and bibliographic department

MU Stavropol CBS

The promotion of reading and the study of personnel are the leading areas of research activity in the libraries of the Stavropol Central Library Library

Sociological research, which has become part of the work practice, helps the librarians of the Stavropol Centralized Library System to adjust their activities aimed at providing accessible and comfortable user service, as well as respond to readers' requests in a timely manner.

What do modern children like to read, what is the demand for fiction and popular science literature among them? How does the computerization of society and the poor material base in children's libraries affect the reading behavior of children? After asking themselves these questions, librarians realized that they could not be easily answered. It was decided to conduct a detailed study "The state of reading of children and adolescents in the Stavropol Central Library System" using a questionnaire. Having received an interesting cut of statistical data, I wanted to go beyond statistical indicators, to look deeper into the world of reader preferences and motivations. For this, another study was conducted - "The Book and Me". Its purpose is to find out how the book is reflected in the mind of the child, how he understands what he read, what he pays attention to, first of all, when reading the work, what he feels.

The questionnaire included sixteen questions, the answers to which included an analysis of the read work, their own conclusions and assessments. And although the anonymity of the survey was guaranteed, some guys tried to publicly declare their position, make their own opinion public, and this was only welcomed by the organizers of the survey.

Getting acquainted with its results, we were convinced again and again: each book read is a step up in the development of the child, in his knowledge of the world around him and himself. How the guys overcome these steps can be seen from their answers.

Analyzing the children's answers, we made sure that they are always frank, sometimes naive, emotionally colored. We can safely say that many people know how to immerse themselves in a work of art after the author. The most accessible and understandable to young readers are the problems of good and evil, the feeling of first falling in love, friendship, relationships between peers.

The guys think about the actions, feelings of a literary hero, feel him as a person. Books evoke an emotional response in them. Indifference is an excellent basis for the development and deepening of reader's interest. It is also gratifying that in many answers the light of thought is clearly burning. Reflecting on the content of what they read, children make important life discoveries for themselves.

An analysis of the data obtained during the survey revealed some serious problems - not all children are able to comprehend the “string” space, delve into the psychology of the characters, and express their thoughts. This means that reading also needs to be taught, and here for librarians, as well as for teachers, there is a huge field of activity. Once again, we were convinced when studying the survey materials: the mental and moral development of a child is impossible without referring to the spiritual potential fiction, and especially - to Russian and world classics.

As experience shows, the results of each questionnaire survey of readers are a new reason for reflection.

The modern library is a living, constantly evolving organism, and therefore librarians face new challenges: in particular, work to promote reading. Behind all the changes are specific people. The key figure of the library is a competent, knowledgeable librarian. In the books of aphorisms, you can find Voltaire's statement that without a competent librarian, a library is nothing, just a repository of books. And if there is no good librarian, there is no interested reader. Therefore, we considered the staff as capital, and their management is a priority in the activities of the library management. The sociological survey “Social portrait of a librarian” contributed to the study of the staff of the Stavropol CBS. Professional orientation is not an isolated process that depends only on a new employee, including young specialist. It takes place in real conditions, is determined by the system of job transfers. 60 respondents took part in the survey. The survey revealed:

the percentage of staff stability in the CBS;

factors of choosing a profession and the formation of professional consciousness;

job satisfaction;

the attractiveness of the profession, its public recognition;

the possibility of professional self-realization;

information needs of specialists and the degree of their satisfaction;

the percentage of employees not in the profession indicated in the diploma;

the degree of advanced training of library staff.

The study allowed not only to get a real picture of the state of the human resource, but also to identify promising areas in personnel policy.

The study made it possible to highly appreciate the level of organizational and corporate culture in the CLS, as well as the compliance of the socio-psychological climate in the team with the norms of human communication. We have seen that the vast majority of participants are satisfied with their work, despite the low level of wages. Librarians are truly and deeply concerned about the prestige, preservation and development of the CLS. At the same time, the percentage of employees of retirement and pre-retirement age is very high, so it is necessary to take care of the professional change by developing a system of labor incentives and continuing professional education.

The result of the study "Social portrait of a librarian" served as a pretext for further work. Methodological service decided to conduct a study among young librarians "Self-assessment of the work of a library employee." The purpose of the study: to identify the potential opportunities of young professionals, the formation personnel reserve, motivation of young specialist. For the study, a questionnaire developed by specialists from the Scientific Library of the Siberian Technological University (Krasnoyarsk) was used. The survey involved 22 employees of the Stavropol CBS under the age of 36. The questionnaire contains 12 questions on which the respondents were asked to evaluate their abilities. The study showed that almost all librarians have a higher education, but only 14% have a higher library education. As a result of processing questionnaires to the question "What types of activities are the most complex and difficult?" revealed: work that requires high professionalism and experience, as well as oratory skills, causes the greatest difficulties. An important place in the study was given to the issues of increasing professional level young employees. In the course of the survey, information was revealed about the sources of obtaining professionally significant information, directions and forms of advanced training. Habits of independent work with printed professional publications have not been developed by half of the young employees.

The study showed that the majority of young library employees are satisfied with their work and feel confident in the workplace.

When determining the ideal portrait of a librarian, the vast majority of respondents confirmed that a modern librarian is, first of all, a professional in his field, able to learn new things, perform his work responsibly and conscientiously, possess organizational skills, an independent and proactive employee. We only have to regret that such qualities as the ability to maintain normal relations in a team, exactingness towards oneself and others, turned out to be among the latter. This allows us to conclude that young employees are not sufficiently initiative, purposeful, and unsure of themselves.

The main motivating factors in the work of young employees are: interesting job, recognition and respect of colleagues, social security. It follows that the highest level needs (the need to reveal one's potential, the need for recognition and respect) came to the fore in job satisfaction.

At the same time, the study revealed a number of problems and shortcomings in working with young librarians. In this age category, the percentage of specialists with library education is low - 14%. In conditions of stability of the staff in the library, career growth is difficult. Vacancies for managers and leading specialists appear infrequently (if not rarely!) Such a motivating factor as the prospects for career advancement is, according to young specialists, in 9th place.

The study showed that young employees work extremely poorly on themselves, on improving their professional level. 50% of them turn to professional literature rarely or do not read at all. Reasons for this phenomenon include the following:

library workload, lack of time;

misuse of working time, which is planned for reading professional literature;

The absence of the need for self-education, insufficient manifestation of activity and initiative on the part of young specialists led to the fact that the most complex and difficult activities for young specialists were the development of documents, public performance, work with financial documents, preparation of lectures, reports, messages. These facts indicate that the system of advanced training needs to be substantially adjusted. It is necessary to attract more young professionals to seminars, courses, round tables, etc.

We presented only two areas of research that are being conducted at the Stavropol CBS. The first group includes research on the promotion of reading. The second group of studies includes the study of the human resources of the system. Based on the results of research, decisions are made that make you think, create and develop.


Head of Innovation and Methodology Department

MUK "Centralized library system

Sociological Service of the Central Regional Library of Izobilnenskymunicipal district: from work experience

In the early 1990s, the librarianship of our country was on the verge of significant changes. Library profiling has already begun in many CLSs. We remember the first family reading libraries, museum libraries, libraries of historical and spiritual revival, etc.

In 1991, on the initiative of the director, a sociological center was established on the basis of the central district library, whose research helped determine the directions of socio-cultural programs for the libraries of the Izobilnensky district.

Thus, for many years now, the Ptychensky rural library (the program "Seven-I"), the Baklanovsky rural library (the program "Cossacks"), the Staroyobilnensky rural library (the program "Ancient old times"), the Ryzdvyanenskaya village library (the program "Ecology ").

In the process of implementing these programs, many questions arose regarding the study of the information needs of readers and the compliance of library funds with them, the introduction of the most effective forms and methods of mass work, attracting potential readers to the library, etc., which needed to be answered. As a result, the ongoing episodic studies have become systematic.

In order to provide a scientific basis for this work, the CRH specialists developed a package of regulatory and methodological documents: a model regulation on a sociological service, a concept for the development of a sociological service for the next 5 years, a comprehensive targeted program for the development of a sociological center and a work plan for a sociological service. Also, a cycle of classes on sociological research was developed and training sessions were held for personnel at the School of Library Innovation.

Since 1995, fruitful cooperation between the central library and the research department of the Russian National Library (St. Petersburg) began on the problems of reading in small towns of Russia. The following problems have been studied on the basis of the district libraries:

· Modern Literature: Scale of Values;

· Reading modern Russian literature, historical fiction, reading youth;

· Modern literary process and real reader demand;

Place and role of books in the life of society;

The fate of literary and art journals and their role in maintaining a unified cultural space Russia;

· The path of the book to the reader and the role of libraries in this process;

· Readers' preferences in the libraries of the Izobilnenskaya Central Library Library.

In the libraries of the district, the days of continuous accounting of reader demand have passed: reader forms have been studied, a survey of readers has been conducted, and a circle of reading of various categories of readers has been identified.

The National Library of Russia published information publications "Reading in Russian Libraries", which used data obtained in the course of sociological research conducted in the libraries of the Izobilnensky district.

In 2002, the sociological center of the Central District Library took part in the second All-Russian competition of municipal libraries "Modern trends in serving readers" with materials on the study of readers and reading in the Izobilnenskaya Central Library Library and was awarded a special prize.

The most important socio-demographic factor influencing the demand for libraries today is, of course, the education sector. We are seeing an increase in the proportion of students among library visitors, an even faster increase in the percentage of requests related directly or indirectly to education, with a regional component, with secondary and higher programs educational institutions. Today, these requests are more than 50%. Information services are used by 38% of education workers. Marketing research "Information support of the educational process", conducted by the Central District Library, allows you to monitor the situation in schools and libraries, including adjusting the work of the library in terms of scientific and methodological support for the teaching process. Research helps to find out how ready teachers are to work on new programs, use new technologies in teaching, and cooperate with partners.

The Central District Hospital pays special attention to informing socially vulnerable groups of the population. the main objective of this work is the creation of a system for informing persons with disabilities, including information support centers. The priority tasks of the sociological service in this direction are: studying the information needs of this category of readers, analyzing the state of library funds, organizing its completion and expanding the range of periodicals, providing the disabled and the elderly with copies of legislative documents related to social protection and pensions.

The Izobilnensky CLS has developed a “Concept of Continuous Environmental Education and Upbringing”, which defines the main areas of work aimed at creating an information support system for environmental education and the mass dissemination of environmental knowledge. The Ryzdvyanenskaya village library became the base platform for work in this direction. The sociological center of the Central District Hospital developed questionnaires, prepared materials for conducting surveys and interviews on this topic. So more than 20 specialists from 11 teams and more than 60 students were interviewed. The results obtained made it possible to identify the information needs of the respondents and analyze their attitude to the environmental problem. And librarians were able to determine the most effective forms of work with different categories of readers.

Much attention in the Central District Hospital is paid to the adaptation of young people in society, their interests and leisure activities. Marketing research conducted by the sociological service helps to identify the degree of socialization of our youth and to identify the role of the library in this process. Employees of the Moscow, Novotroitsk and Solnechnodolsk libraries place particular emphasis on working with young people. The connection with the Novotroitsk vocational school No. 36 and the Moscow vocational school No. 43 became close.

The concern of the library institutions of the district about the growing negative phenomena among the youth contributes to the cooperation of interested organizations in the prevention of alcoholism and drug addiction. By joining forces, the education department, the central library and the Izobilnensky deanery developed a comprehensive program “Spirituality. Moral. Culture. Its implementation was preceded by research work. The Sociological Center conducted surveys “Drugs and youth” (teenagers and their parents were surveyed) and “Morals and spirituality: what do these concepts mean to you?”

One of the most attractive topics that the sociological service is working on is reading and leisure in the family. Here are closely intertwined issues such as a young family, raising children, family relationships, conflict situations in family.

Conducted sociological research on issues local government give us the opportunity to study the public opinion of the population on the most important aspects of the life of municipalities, to determine the circle of reading of specialists, the level of awareness and political culture of respondents, to identify the most relevant topics of informing, to find more effective forms of their service.

Studying the interests of readers, we came across a group of extraordinary people who are fond of theater, painting, classics and poetry. At their request, a literary theater was formed on the basis of the literary and musical club "Sobesednik", which pleased our readers theatrical performances based on the work of I. Bunin, M. Tsvetaeva, M. Zoshchenko, I. Ilf and E. Petrov, A. Pushkin, A. Akhmatova, A. Chekhov.

The Izobilnensky regional literary association "Svetelka", operating on the basis of the Central District Hospital, unites the writers of the region - venerable authors and those who are just starting to try the pen. Specialists of the sociological center conducted a number of interviews and surveys in the schools of the district in order to identify talented youth, thanks to which the literary association "Svetelka" was replenished with new members.

The library is now becoming a center of attraction for people who are looking for truth, their meaning in life. For this category of readers, the CRH operates a Sunday school for children and adults, among which sociological surveys are also constantly conducted, affecting such vital issues as morality, spirituality, attitudes towards Orthodoxy, the holy places of the Fatherland, and others.

The data obtained in the course of many studies conducted by the sociological center of the Central District Library of the Izobilnensky district are used not only in library practice. We try to convey them to the general public through the media. The data of the conducted studies are also used by the specialists of the Central District Hospital in the preparation of works for participation in all-Russian and regional competitions.

The acquired experience in conducting sociological research was reflected in the organization of problematic seminars and round tables, in improving the quality of library services to readers and raising the professional level of library workers.

The sociological service of the Izobilnensky Central Library System sees the prospect of its activity in creating favorable conditions for the prompt provision of users with information, modernizing librarianship in the region, introducing new information and management technologies, in forecasting priority areas library services for the population of the region.


methodologist of the MUK "Trunovskaya inter-settlement

central district library "

Questioning and its role in attracting readers

in the libraries of Trunovsky district

There are many communication tools and techniques to get closer to the reader, to know his interests - individual conversations, interactive forms of work, observation of readers visiting the library, and much more. Our library experience in studying the reader suggests that the most effective and efficient forms of study are questionnaires, testing, surveys, collection and analysis of reader feedback, i.e., techniques used in sociological research.

The librarians of the municipal institution "Trunovskaya Intersettlement Central Library" were systematically engaged in the study of readers, especially intensifying this work in the last five or six years. The reasons for this are as follows: firstly, knowing our reader, we can serve him better, more clearly understand what a modern person needs from a library; promptly take into account the requirements, requests and wishes of all categories of readers; determine trends in the development of information needs and thereby anticipate their implementation; influence fundraising. Secondly, taking into account the results of the research, we plan the further work of libraries. Thirdly, questionnaires, tests and surveys, if carried out correctly, tend to please readers. This helps to establish closer contact, the ability to invite the reader to a frank conversation, despite the fact that the librarian observes the condition of anonymity. Fourthly, with our mini-research, we try to arouse the interest of readers in any relevant and important issues, unobtrusively draw their attention to something that you don’t always ask or talk about.

For children readers game-questionnaire "Who owns these feelings?" The message to the reader says: “In fantastic works and fairy tales, there are plots when people lose their feelings for one reason or another. Some sell them, as in the story of D. Crews "Tim Tyler or Sold Laughter", other people leave these feelings and this loss turns into a real tragedy for a person. Remember how it happened to Kai in the Snow Queen fairy tale? Imagine the incredible: our acquaintances from various literary works have lost their feelings.

You are listed lost feelings. Tell me who to return them to. Just make no mistake, otherwise a person will cease to be himself.

AT survey "I love these books!" P 77 respondents aged 9 to 15 took part. Among them - 72% of women and 28% of men. Readers were asked to name their favorite writers, favorite books and favorite genres, as well as answer the question: “How do you find out about books worth reading? Whose advice do you usually follow?

In February 2008, a survey was conducted "What does reading mean to me?" The object of the study was students of the 11th social and humanitarian class (6 girls and 14 boys).

The purpose of the survey: to study the reading preferences of young people, their attitude to the book, to what they read.

During the analysis of questionnaires, librarians faced the fact that young people do not know how to share their impressions of what they read, they have no ideals in literature, and many do not have favorite works. Based on the results of the survey, librarians outlined a work plan that includes:

Recommending to young people the literature necessary for study and recreation, through the organization of round tables, reader's conferences, the presentation of book exhibitions, conducting reviews of books of cultural value, for the socialization of the personality of a young person;

· supplementing the funds of municipal libraries with classical fiction, as well as books by contemporary authors - laureates of prizes in the field of literature.

The research activity carried out by the Trunovsky District Libraries makes it possible to draw up a portrait of the modern reader, identify needs, understand his views, learn opinions on a variety of problems and issues, determine his intellectual, psychological and moral levels. Thanks to this, we timely correct work in this direction.

Those who conduct research work in the library

Butenko, conduct applied research: a guide for a librarian /; Ros. Institute of Cultural Studies. - M.: RIK, RGDB, 1994. - 96 p.

Vasiliev, research in libraries: pract. allowance / , . - St. Petersburg: Profession, 2003. - 176 p. - (Library workshop).

Organization and conduct of sociological research in libraries / SGK UNL im. //System of advanced training of library workers of the region for 2009. - Stavropol, 2008. - S.33-42.

Sociologist's workbook /gen. ed. G. Osipov. - 4th ed., Sr. - M.: KomKniga, 2006. - 476 p.

Samokhin, in the library, or a librarian as a sociologist: pract. a guide for those who want and love to explore. – M.: Ros. state young man b-ka, 2008. - 194s.

Poisons, sociological research: description, explanation, understanding of social reality: textbook. allowance /. 3rd ed., Rev. - M .: Omega-L, 2007. - 567 p. – (University book).

On the information and reference portal "library. en» , in the "Libraries" section (Sociologist's page) you can find:

information about research, as well as past and upcoming events (conferences, seminars, competitions, etc. - not only library ones) related to our subject matter;

· references and texts - articles on the sociology of reading and librarianship, dissertations, reports on specific studies.

On the website "socioline. en"(sociology in a new way) published publications on sociology, presented in electronic form.

Sociological research in the library industry of the region…………………………………………………………………………………… 4

, Organization of increasing professional competence in the library industry of the region: sociological analysis …………………………………………………………….. 10

Using the resources of sociological surveys in the process of budget planning…………………………………………………………... 13

Sociological research as a method of studying the quality of services provided by the libraries of the Georgievsky district………………… 16

Conducting sociological research in the libraries of the Kursk municipal district………………………………………………... 19

The study of library services for the population of the city of Neftekumsk……………………………………………………………………….. 22

Library research as the basis for organizing library services for the population of the Andropov region……………... 24

The importance of sociological research in the work of the libraries of the Pyatigorsk Central Library Library ……………………………………………………………………. 29

Questioning and its role in attracting readers to the library: from the experience of the MUK "MCBS" Blagodarnensky district……… 31

Sociological research in the practice of a librarian………………………………………………………………………….. 33

The experience of sociological research in the libraries of the Neftekumsk region……………………………………………………………….. 35

The study of the readership in order to analyze the activities of the library…………………………………………………………. 37

Sociological research in the libraries of Grachevsky district………………………………………………………………………………. 38

Promotion of reading and study of personnel are the leading areas of research activities in the libraries of the Stavropol Central Library Library……………………………………………………………………………………. 42

Sociological Service of the Central Regional Library of the Izobilnensky Municipal District: From the Work Experience……. 46

Questioning and its role in attracting readers to the libraries of the Trunovsky district…………………………………………………….. 49


1 SELF-ASSESSMENT SHEET FOR PROFESSIONAL ACTIVITY professional activity. Evaluation of the effectiveness and efficiency of his work can be based on competency-based skills, and above all skills associated with the use of new technologies of library processes. Skill level I do not have or do not fully possess I apply with low efficiency 3 5 I use it effectively 6 I apply it most effectively, I constantly improve Competence-based skills Design 0 Plan work Determine the goals, forms and methods of library services Predict the desired results of activities Analyze work Determine efficiency services and prospects for its development Look for reasons for failures in the shortcomings of their own activities Communicative Establish optimal relationships with various user groups Find ways to solve problems of the library with the school administration Coordinate their activities with subject teachers and class teachers Pedagogical and oratorical Conduct public events

2 Organize a certain system of events for the formation information culture Technological Work with C 5 Work with office programs to create electronic documents(Word, Excel, Publisher, power point etc.) Use the resources of the Internet Use a scanner, copier TOTAL POINTS 0 One of the most important activities of the school library is the formation of the information culture of students and teachers. It is assumed that the "former" himself is at his best in this matter. At what height can the test show. Of course, if you do not dissemble with yourself. Indeed, as a result of testing, gaps clearly appear, and, therefore, you can decide in which areas you should work on yourself. The test assumes that the librarian in his work (self-education) also uses libraries as a reader. Therefore, when answering questions 4, one should proceed from the position of the user, and not the library worker. Each question has three possible answers, from which you can choose the one that suits you best. Write down your answers as follows: a, c, 3b, etc. Using the key, enter the points for each answer and calculate the result. Question I think that in the library If I am sent to advanced training courses Answer options a b c you can always find something that I will go because it is necessary for the management not everything will be found that I will go to acquire new knowledge you will never find something that I will refuse because they don't give anything.

3 3 I think that every specialist should read mainly books on his own journals on his own books and magazines on related specialties m 4 When I go to the library I try to use the catalog occasionally I turn to catalogs I do not turn to catalogs 5 I try to consciously regulate the flows coming to me ( radio, TV, books, conversations), choosing only what I should focus on myself more, so as not to miss anything limit the quantity, using only the main 6 When I read a book, I mainly pay attention to the main ideas, the author’s logic and argumentation quality presentation and style When I read a book that goes beyond the scope of my immediate activity, I do this because of the desire to expand the general erudition of interest in improvement and my professional knowledge of indications of its usefulness on the part of a person I respect For me, graphics, diagrams, drawings in books or articles are usually more useful than text if they are accurate useful if they are backed up are explained and explained by the text no more and no less useful than other materials

4 I absorb new ideas best when I can relate them to current and future activities apply them to specific situations find similarities with familiar ideas interesting person or event Exchange of experience with colleagues participate in events, speak, communicate, try to learn something new take part, as it is necessary, do not participate, since the benefit is negligible Reading domestic literature, I try to follow all the news periodically individual works I find little use in reading modern literature 3 I look through refereed journals regularly I know that there are such journals I find it difficult to answer what they are 4 I subscribe to 3 journals for a home library, I subscribe to some books, but I subscribe to one journal, as it requires administration 5 Computer technology I would like to use electronic means of obtaining, if possible, using traditional sources

5 Methods of obtaining interlibrary sources by lending the services of a scientific library the services of a library at the place of work I study works of a theoretical and pragmatic nature only theoretical studies practical recommendations in general terms what interests me 0 I use information obtained from books at the level of concepts at the level of the main idea at the level of modeling the situation Key to assessment Answers 3a, 4a, 5a, 6c 6 a, b, 3c, 4a, 5a, 6b, b, b, b, 0b, a, a, a, a, a, 0c 5 3b, 4b, 5b, 6b 4 b, a, 3b, 4b, 5c, 6a, a, a, a, 0a, b, b, b, b, b, 0b 3c, 5c, 6a c, c, 3a, 4c, 5b, 6c, c, c, c, 0c, c, c, c, c, c, 0a If you scored from 5 to 4 points, you have a fairly high level of information culture. If your score is between 45 and 4, you have work to do. Think about what you can do to improve your information culture. If the total score is less than 45, you will have to work hard. My answer options: b, b, 3c, 4b, 5a, 6a, a, b, b, 0c, a, c, 3b, 4b, 5a, 6a, c, c, a, 0c. Sum of points:

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general education means readiness to effectively organize their internal and external resources for decision-making and achievement of the goal.) 2.2. Priority in the regional system of general

1. The main tasks of the library for the 2015-2016 academic year 1. Providing participants in the educational process with access to information, knowledge, ideas, cultural values ​​through the use of library information

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1. General Provisions. 1.1. The library is a structural subdivision of the budgetary vocational educational institution of the Udmurt Republic "Syumsinsky College of Forestry and Agriculture»,

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Demand for libraries in modern conditions largely depends on their work, on the ability to quickly respond to needs, take into account changes in the social structure of the population and build their activities on the basis of studying the interests and requests of library users, as well as predict problem situations, find ways to solve them so that the activities of libraries are successful.

A sociological approach is necessary to comprehend the real place of the library in general and each library in particular in a constantly changing socio-cultural environment.

The annual analysis of the text reports of the municipal libraries of the Pskov region clearly demonstrates that today almost all libraries are involved in active research activities. They not only take part in all-Russian and regional studies and monitoring, but also independently, based on their own needs, initiate various studies of a local nature.

Research work is carried out in several organizational areas:

sociological / marketing research in order to match the range of library services to the expectations and needs of the population,

· sociological research in projects to promote books and reading.

In the implementation of the first direction, the compliance of library services with the expectations and needs of users was studied and the tasks of determining the attitude of respondents to the library, identifying the degree of satisfaction of reader needs, assessing the quality and cost of paid services were solved.

The main methods used were questionnaires, observation, polling, analysis of reader's forms.

In libraries MAUK "Centralized Library System", Pskovpassed monitoring of user satisfaction with library services, as a result of which the range and quality level of library services were analyzed. In total, 131 questionnaires were distributed among the respondents, containing 4 questions with answer options and social information about the respondent. The highest ratings from users among the libraries of the system were received by the library "Rodnik" named after. S.A. Zolottsev and Historical and Local Lore Library named after. I.I. Vasilev, among children's libraries - Library - Center for Children's Reading.

During the regional month "Efficiency and quality of library services" in the branch libraries of the city conducted a survey of readers and virtual users . To assess the quality of the organization of library and information services, the SERVQUAL / LibQUAL method was applied. A comparative system of user expectations and the real state of affairs (the actual quality of service) made it possible to fairly accurately assess the situation and answer the questions: what is the opinion of library users about us, what should we strive for and where are our “weak points”, is it possible to achieve the required quality with the same efforts And what is the order of the necessary changes?

In continuation of the events of the month, a survey was held - self-assessment of library staff "My contribution to the activities of the library." A special place in the questionnaire was given to the study of the demand for information posted on the CLS website, the degree of its use and promotion by the librarians of the system.

The plan of events for the month of efficiency and quality also included: analysis of feedback and suggestions books, guest books and portfolio libraries; monitoring of the documentation of the head of the library (library department), organization of accounting and reporting in the CLS libraries.

Development Department MKUK "TsGB im. M.I. Semevsky" a study was undertaken, the purpose of which was to determine the level of awareness of the population about the services of Velikie Luki city libraries. The results of the study should help libraries to identify the reasons for the decline in the number of regular users; evaluate the organization's activities in informing about basic and additional services; determine the most convenient services for consumers and channels for disseminating information; calculate the optimal frequency of updating information on the central library website and in social media.

The survey, which was attended by about 300 respondents, was conducted in the branch departments of the library system, educational and other institutions of the city. Some of the results of the study gave librarians food for thought. For example, a significant proportion (12%) of those surveyed stated that they were library readers several years ago; 16% did not know about events held in libraries, but most of them want to receive information about events, exhibitions, new arrivals and clubs working in libraries. Residents of the city named the library website and mailing list as their preferred sources of information. email. Many people want to receive information from announcements in the library, in social networks, from publications in the media, by phone.

Speaking about the quality of service in libraries, 60% of the respondents rated the completeness of information provision as "excellent", 58% - the efficiency of librarians. The rating "good" is given to such a criterion as "waiting time".

The result of the study was the creation of a strategy for promoting library services, in which the greatest attention was paid to measures to improve marketing technologies for promoting services: a set of measures to modernize the site, introduce additional services using Internet resources, create thematic virtual and photo exhibitions on the central library website.

Polls, questioning the quality and efficiency of service were conducted in all branch libraries of the city. In Branch No. 2, for example, there was a questionnaire table with a selection of questions on various themes: Why do you come to the library? "How are you served?", "Your opinion and suggestions on the work of the library." Cards of 5 colors were laid out on the table, each color determined its own question. The user lowered a card of the color that corresponded to his answer into the box.

Research, the purpose of which was to find out how satisfied library readers are with the quality, efficiency of service, organization and replenishment of funds, working hours, etc., were also organized in the libraries of Velikoluksky, Dedovichsky, Ostrovsky, Pechorsky, Pustoshkinsky, Sebezhsky and other districts.

The results of the survey were taken into account when drawing up a work plan and collecting funds (MKUK "TsGB named after M.I. Semevsky"); were voiced in the classes of the school of continuing education (Velikoluksky, Porkhovsky districts).

In the Sebezhsky district (Boyarinovskaya rural library-club), readers were asked to evaluate the work of the library and make suggestions for its improvement. As a result, it was proposed to unite two museums - the school and the library, joint holding subject weeks with the school, as well as a proposal to collect the memories of the prisoners of the Krasnovatik camp, which was located on the territory of the Boyarinovskaya volost during the Great Patriotic War.

Sociological research in projects to promote books and reading- the next direction of activity of municipal libraries in the system of research work. Reading is a complex process that requires certain efforts, skills, habits, and the habit of reading creates a need for reading. The need to address the problems of studying the reading of young people is dictated by a number of social and economic factors: the situation of young people, the situation with education, book publishing, and information literacy. Among the local studies of municipal libraries, a significant place is occupied by questionnaires and surveys on this issue.

What are young people reading today? (Fishnevskaya rural library of the Bezhanitsky district); “Youth and Book” (Palkinskaya Central District Hospital, Vishlevskaya Rural Library of the Novorzhevsky District); "The world of my hobbies" (Nasvinskaya rural library of the Novosokolnichesky district); “I read…” (Library “Rodnik” named after S.A. Zolottsev of the Pskov Central Library Library) - these are just some of the names of the studies conducted by rural and urban libraries.

The conclusion that library specialists make based on the results of the survey is that reading fiction is directly related to the educational process. Such writers as A. Pushkin, M. Bulgakov, A. Platonov, M. Zamyatin, F. Dostoevsky, I. Turgenev, I. Bunin began to appear in school forms. More often began to ask students and schoolchildren Z. Prilepin, V. Pelevin and the novels of the Strugatsky brothers. Traditionally, young people are in demand for books in the series "Stalker", "Combat Magic", "Historical Fantasy". There is an interest in periodicals for young people: "Lisa", "Caravan", "Age of Age", "Marusya", "Behind the wheel", "Miracles and adventures", "Fisherman". At the same time, to the question: “How do you prefer to spend your leisure time?” high school students prefer to communicate with friends and the Internet, visit libraries, theaters, museums, exhibitions are given little time. The task of the library, therefore, is to attract young people to library halls, to develop an interest in reading through the use of non-standard methods and forms of reading promotion.

In addition to questionnaires and surveys in libraries, regular reader forms are analyzed different user groups. So, for example, the Ivankovskaya rural library of the Loknyansky district made an analysis of the reading of youth, employees and workers (“Reader of the 21st century. Who is he?”); Porkhovskaya district library - 11th students classes (“Reader and Library”), Pushkinogorsk Central District Hospital - reader forms and key indicators of work with youth for 2012 (“What the youth of Pushkinogorye reads”); Pytalovskaya CRH - students of PU-19 and working youth, Zarechenskaya rural library of the Novorzhevsky district - workers of the livestock complex.

The thematic range of research conducted by municipal libraries includes other areas of library activity: local history, history of Russia and native land, elections, healthy lifestyle life and others.

As part of the events dedicated to the 85th anniversary Velikoluksky district, CRH them. I.A.Vasilyeva conducted a survey on the topic “Knowledge of the history of the native land: necessary or not necessary?” for readers of the subscription .

TsGB im. M.I. Semevsky (Velikie Luki) - a survey of students of the Agrotechnological College as part of the festive marathon "Russia in the Heart and Destiny" in the Year of Russian History; poll"The book as a memory of the war"(branch number 2. Velikiye Luki).

« Where does the Motherland begin, or what do I know about my area? - this was the name of the study, which was organized in libraries Kunyinsky district during preparations for the 85th anniversary of its formation. The survey involved 48 people aged 33 to 80 years. The questions included in the questionnaire concerned the history of the formation of the region, its symbols (coat of arms with a marten), territory, population, famous countrymen, writers, etc. Some questions of the questionnaire caused difficulties, for example, the question about the heroes of the Soviet Union - natives of the Kunyin land or the question about the honorary citizens of the region. “The work of libraries on this topic, especially information, is more aimed at the younger generation, youth, and older people are given less attention in this regard,” the authors of the study concluded.

Libraries of the region have always paid great attention to work with voters, during the election campaigns, various surveys and polls were conducted in Krasnogorodsky, Novorzhevsky, Palkinsky, Pechora and other districts: “Do you know about the elections?”, “Elections are…”, “The main topic is elections!” "We vote for the future of Russia."

As part of the implementation of library programs aimed at preventing antisocial phenomena, such as drug addiction, smoking and alcohol abuse, library staff of the Velikoluksky, Gdovsky, Kuninsky, Novorzhevsky, Novosokolnichesky districts, Pskova and Velikiye Luki surveyed teenagers, high school students, to find out if they knew where to get information about the prevention of bad habits, what methods of addiction treatment currently exist, and what alternatives to addictions are.

Sociological / marketing research can also be a tool for identifying promising areas for the development of libraries. For a better understanding of the direction in which to move forward, Pechorskaya the district library conducted an express survey among librarians based on the results of the work of the School of Continuing Education. When analyzing the questionnaires distributed at the last meeting, it turned out that library specialists are more in demand practical advice for work, accompanied by multimedia presentations; reviews of methodological literature; the work of the Theological School; holding skill competitions.

Gdovsky librarians at the beginning of the school year at the School of Continuing Education were offered questionnaire "Experience of colleagues - in the practice of work", containing 4 questions, the answers to which helped to make additions and changes to the advanced training program for employees of the MBU "Gdovskaya Regional Central Library" for 2012-2014.