Ways to create motivation in improving the health of the population. Motivation for health and healthy lifestyle

From the very beginning, you need to learn that no wishes, orders, punishments can force a person to lead a healthy lifestyle, protect and strengthen their own health, if the person himself does not consciously form his own style of healthy behavior. To preserve and restore lost health, a person must perform some actions. For each action, a motive is needed, and the totality of motives constitutes motivation (motivation is an impulse that causes the activity of the organism and determines the direction of this activity).

What are the motives underlying the formation of a healthy lifestyle?

  • 1. Self-preservation. When a person knows that some action directly threatens life, he does not perform this action. For example, a person who wants to live will never walk along a railroad track towards a speeding train. Empirically, a person found out that he had itching and a rash on egg white. Man will not eat eggs. The formulation of personal motivation may be as follows: "I do not perform certain actions, as they threaten my health and life."
  • 2. Obedience to ethnocultural requirements. A person lives in a society that for a long time selected useful habits, skills, developed a system of protection against adverse factors external environment. For example, residents of the Far North eat raw frozen fish, as it provides the most complete balanced diet. Another example: a child is taught from childhood to send his physiological needs to certain places. This is dictated by hygienic, ethical and aesthetic requirements. The wording of the motivation: “I obey the ethno-cultural requirements because I want to be an equal member of the society in which I live. The health and well-being of others depends on my healthy lifestyle.”
  • 3. Getting pleasure from self-improvement. This simple hedonic motivation is formulated as follows: "Feeling healthy brings me joy, so I do everything to experience this feeling." Most children like to wash their faces because the change in blood circulation makes them feel good. If the water is too cold or adults rub the baby's delicate skin too much, then the child perceives washing as a punishment and tries to avoid it.
  • 4. Opportunity for self-improvement. Wording: "If I am healthy, I can climb to a higher rung of the social ladder."
  • 5. The ability to maneuver. Wording: "If I am healthy, I can change my role in the community and my location at my own discretion." A healthy person can change professions, move from one climate zone to another.
  • 6. Sexual realization. Wording: "Health gives me the opportunity for sexual harmony."
  • 7. Achieve the highest possible comfort. Wording: "I am healthy, I am not bothered by physical and psychological inconvenience."

Cases where seven motivations are equally significant for a person are extremely rare. Throughout life, a person goes through different motivations. In childhood - ethno-cultural requirements and enjoyment, in adolescence - the possibility of self-improvement and the ability to maneuver.

For young people, the first motivation sometimes loses its meaning: self-preservation. Health and strength sometimes deprive you of the necessary caution, reduce your sense of responsibility for your body. It seems to young people aged 18-25 that their health resource is unlimited. Unfortunately, this is a misconception.

Young age from 12 to 30 years is called the most auto-aggressive period. It is at this age that dangerous for health and life, that is, auto-aggressive actions are on the rise: smoking, drinking, experimenting with drugs, casual intimate contacts leading to unplanned pregnancy, unwanted fatherhood, sexually transmitted diseases, AIDS. At this age, there is a neglect of the elementary rules of food hygiene, sleep, work and rest, clothing hygiene. All this lays the foundation for chronic non-communicable diseases leading to early disability and death (atherosclerosis, liver cirrhosis, gastritis, lung diseases, kidney diseases, metabolic disorders, etc.).

At the same time, young people are the most receptive to learning. It is by working to educate young people with healthy lifestyle skills that one can achieve main goal which is healthy health protection.

Introducing a person to a healthy lifestyle should begin with the formation of his health motivation. Caring for health, its strengthening - should become value motives that form, regulate and control its lifestyle.

It has been proven that no wishes, orders, punishments can force a person to lead a healthy lifestyle, protect and strengthen their own health, if all this is not controlled by conscious health motivation.

The formation of health motivation should be based on two important principles: age and activity. The first principle says:

Education of health motivation must begin from early childhood.

The second principle states that the motive for health should be created through health-improving activity in relation to oneself, i.e. form new qualities through exercise. On this principle all human social evolution. Mankind learned to be human, acting. Mankind lived by learning to live solely from my own experience.

Hence the experience of health-improving activities and exercises in it. create appropriate motivation and attitude (willingness to

activity) on health, just as “appetite comes with food." Based on this conscious motivation, one’s own healthy behavior style. Healthy lifestyle is defined by different motives.
Self-preservation motivation.
The formulation of this motive is
the fact that a person does not perform this or that action, because he knows that it threatens his health and life. For example, a person will not jump from bridge into the river if he cannot swim, because he knows for sure that he will drown.

Motivation for obedience to ethno-cultural requirements.

Formulation of the motive: a person obeys ethno-cultural requirements because he wants to be an equal member of society and live with it members in harmony. During a long social evolution, society selected useful habits, developed a system of protection against unfavorable factors. All of this has been passed down from generation to generation. in the form of requirements or traditions of a particular ethnic group. Disobeying it requirements was seen as a challenge to society, and it punished for it.

Motivation to enjoy health.
It's simple hedonic (enjoyable) motivation is formulated as follows: “Feelinghealth brings me joy, so I do everything to experience itfeeling.” For example, children and teenagers like to run, jump, dance, becausethese exercises improve blood circulation in their body, increase metabolismsubstances that cause positive emotions, improve mood. All thiscontributes to the formation of motivation that encourages maximizationmotor activity of this nature, and later to the formation

interest in systematic dancing or physical education.As they grow older, these activities will turn into a habit that will certainlywill be a pleasure, because the result will not only be goodmood, but also physical perfection.

Motivation for the possibility of self-improvement.
“If I am healthy, I can rise to a higher levelsocial ladder. This motivation is essential foruniversity graduates when it is necessary to be competitive in order toachieve a high level of public recognition. Healthygraduate more likely to succeed!

Motivation to be able to maneuver.
Wording: "If I
I will be healthy, I will be able to change my role incommunity and location. A healthy person can changeprofessions, move from one climate zone to another, hefeels free, regardless of external conditions.

Motivation for the possibility of sexual realization .
"Health gives me the opportunity for sexual harmony." Sexythe potency of men and women is directly dependent on health.

Motivation to achieve the highest possible comfort.

Wording: “I am healthy, I am not disturbed by physical and psychological inconvenience".

Is it possible to consider a person who preaches a healthy lifestyle a fanatic? Yes, and, on the one hand, this is bad, because many fanatics of a healthy lifestyle are trying to impose their culture on the “unenlightened”. On the other hand, they do it absolutely sincerely, because, having tasted a healthy life, it is almost impossible to go back.

I was extremely pleased to see that several people, inspired by my example, also embarked on the path of proper nutrition and minimizing bad habits. The only trouble is that there were dozens of people who learned from me, and only a few of them took advantage of the advice.

I used to think it was their fault. Over time, I began to lean towards the fact that the reason is in me, because it was I who could not interest them. Looking back, I understand that with the current (albeit relatively small) experience, I can interest you much more. I tried to choose the reasons why I can not imagine myself without a healthy lifestyle, and I hope that soon you will not be able to imagine either.

You will stop satisfying only lower needs

You must have heard of Maslow's pyramid. This is a scheme that divides human needs into levels: from the lowest to the highest. This is how she looks.

If your only joy is to eat, then you're screwed. In the ass of Maslow's pyramid.

Since the satisfaction of physiological needs is the lowest level of the pyramid. And by no means am I saying that enjoying sex, food and sleep is bad, no. The bottom line is that the higher the level of the pyramid, the more varied and the more fun you get. And a healthy lifestyle is the top of the pyramid.

You develop, become better, set goals and achieve them. Ultimately, you will enjoy what you enjoy. A closed, but very pleasant circle.

Think long term

Now you want to eat a sandwich, smoke a cigarette, or skip a workout. These are short term pleasures. What comes out in the long run? A sandwich turns into extra pounds, a cigarette into an inability to run more than a kilometer without shortness of breath, and a missed workout translates into a year of no activity.

And vice versa, starting to train right now, not tomorrow, not from the first day, not from the new year, you create a wonderful long-term perspective for yourself. You are gradually turning into a person who can do almost everything and who learns every day.

early old age

It's not even that by encouraging bad habits, you will die sooner. The fact is that you will age much faster. And you know without me that this is fraught not only with a bad appearance, but also with a limitation in capabilities. Want to lie on the couch and do nothing? What if, after some time, you already have there will be no opportunity get up off the couch?

You diversify your life

You have no idea how much emotion sports adds and how versatile it can be. You can ride bicycles with friends out of town, go jogging in a snowy forest or make an exhausting forced march,. And I didn't go crazy.

Moreover, you will make new friends and acquaintances. Sports bring together.

you will become more beautiful

And there is a hidden benefit to this. Seeing your changes in better side, you will become more confident in yourself, and it may even seem to others that you are. In the end, let's be honest: healthy and athletic people are treated better. And if you are dealing with people, then this is another plus in the piggy bank.

That's all. You will rise from the bottom of Maslow's pyramid, get a brighter future, protect yourself from early old age and become more beautiful. The price is also high: you have to work on yourself almost every day. It will be difficult to start, it will become easier and easier over time - until you ask yourself the question of how you lived without all this before. And then you will remember this article and understand that I and many others were right.

The article discusses the possibilities of physical culture in the formation of students' needs for a healthy lifestyle, their familiarization with the problem of maintaining and strengthening their health.

Modern education enters new stage its development, when the main goal is aimed at high-quality training of specialists, in accordance with world educational standards. Ensuring a high level of quality in education is especially important in terms of the sustainable development of society in the face of intense socio-economic, scientific, technical and professional changes.

Student health is topical issue, because it determines the future of the country, the scientific and economic potential of society. Therefore, the health of student youth is priority areas public policy in the field of education.

Despite this, in modern world there is a persistent trend of deterioration in health indicators; the number of healthy children decreases, and the number of chronic forms of diseases, on the contrary, increases.

There are several reasons for this situation. But one of the main factors of health problems, in our opinion, is the insufficient level of motivation to preserve and strengthen the health of the students themselves.

Motivation is a complex psychological phenomenon and, from the point of view of different authors, includes more than one concept. Most often, in the scientific literature, motivation is considered as a set of psychological causes that explain human behavior, its orientation and activity. The teacher needs to identify and show the reasons that should influence the student's choice in favor of active work to preserve and strengthen their health.

We single out three main groups of motives that will help students realize the need for regular classes. exercise.

Physiological is the desire to improve one's functionality, eliminate figure flaws.

Psychological - education of character and willpower, self-education and self-improvement.

Social - achieving success and recognition from friends, self-esteem and self-affirmation.

In higher educational institutions, the traditional theoretical forms for raising the level of motivation for physical exercises are lectures, talks about a healthy lifestyle, conferences held by the Department of Physical Education. Practical forms include participation in mass sports events, sports holidays and festivals held by the university, classes in sports sections, as well as assistance in organizing sports and recreational events.

Introducing students to the problem of preserving and strengthening their health is, of course, an upbringing process aimed at realizing the great role of physical culture in the life of any person.

Higher education faces a difficult task - to create favorable conditions for educational activities, supplementing the content of educational material with knowledge, skills and abilities in order to form students' oriented approach to a healthy lifestyle, motivation to maintain and strengthen their health.

To solve this problem, it is necessary to effectively distribute the volume and structure of educational material in curricula, to correctly coordinate the applied teaching technologies, to observe the cyclicality in the organization of educational activities.

Preserving and strengthening the health of students as a pedagogical process is determined by complex, multiple and multidirectional factors, which makes it difficult to detect natural connections in it.

In order to understand how to form the need for the preservation and promotion of health among students of higher educational institutions, it is necessary to know who has the greatest influence on the formation of the correct ideological position of students about their health.

This is the student himself, his family, his environment, university teachers, coaches and organizers of mass sports work at the university.

The theoretical part of the discipline "Physical Education" offers traditional forms of classes that increase students' motivation to improve their health. These are lectures, and consultations on a healthy lifestyle, conversations on the prevention of bad habits, conferences, seminars on the benefits of physical exercise and increasing the physical activity of students.

The practical part of the discipline "Applied Physical Culture» includes not only practical classes, but also participation in various sports events organized by the university, classes in sports sections, assistance in organizing sports holidays and festivals.

Involving students in the problem of maintaining and strengthening their health is another important point in the process of education and upbringing, which is laid at a young age and remains for life.

Today, educational institution higher education has a huge influence on the consciousness and subconscious of the student, on the formation of his personal qualities. Universities have the opportunity to properly guide, help, manage the student's actions in relation to a healthy lifestyle and health in general. A healthy lifestyle of a person is formed by social manifestations and by the individual himself.

Physical education and sports are one of the main components of a student's healthy lifestyle. The main feature of physical culture is the impact on the emotional state of a person, which is expressed in the appearance of a feeling of cheerfulness, joy, satisfaction, optimistic, cheerful mood.

Physical exercises strengthen the nervous system, improve the blood supply to the brain. Thanks to this, the nerve cells receive the necessary nutrients and oxygen in sufficient quantities, and, therefore, perform their complex functions better.

Currently, the number of cardiovascular diseases has increased. Many researchers have paid attention to emotional stresses and their impact on blood circulation in the human body. Systematic physical work, a high level of physical activity reduce the risk of negative effects of emotional stress on the cardiovascular system.

Long-term limitation of motor activity (hypokinesia) changes the regulation of blood circulation, worsens the condition of the heart muscle and blood vessels, which increases the risk of high blood pressure and cardiac disorders during stress.

Regular exercise is associated with a reduction in anxiety and depression. Most studies examining the relationship between physical activity and mental well-being have used aerobic activity. It was found that only loads of sufficient duration and intensity can lead to positive psychological effects. Involving students in regular physical exercise will help them overcome the negative effects of overexertion, improve their health, and give up bad habits.

The organization of the educational process in physical culture at the university should provide students with the opportunity to acquire knowledge and skills in the application of physical exercises to improve their physical development and physical fitness in accordance with individual abilities, personal attitudes, needs and interests.

To maintain motivation, purposeful work is needed to promote physical culture, a healthy lifestyle among students. It is necessary to involve students in physical culture and health-improving activities by finding new forms of classes and interesting competitions, where students can realize their own needs in move.

All subsequent human activity depends on the success of the formation and consolidation in the mind of the principles of a healthy lifestyle.




Formation in schoolchildren

motivation for a healthy lifestyle
AT modern conditions the problem of children's health becomes the most significant. The health of a child is determined by the influence of external and internal influences on his body, on the one hand, and the ability of the body itself to resist these influences, on the other hand.

Health is one of the most important components of human well-being, happiness, one of the inalienable human rights, one of the conditions for a successful social and economic development any state. It is the health of people that should serve as the main "visiting card" of the country. If we don't take care of our health, we won't have a future. The future of our country is happy children. The best way to make children happy is to make them healthy. Therefore, it is important to instill healthy lifestyle habits from early childhood.

Children's health is a multifactorial problem. It is determined by heredity and lifestyle of the child. modern science claims that only 20% of the level of health depends on hereditary factors, 20% - on the environment, 10% - on health care activities, and the remaining 50% - on a person's lifestyle. The concept of "lifestyle" includes physical, psycho-intellectual and labor activities; motor activity; communication and everyday relationships, habits, mode, features of work.

Since most of the time the child spends at school, his health depends on the conditions of stay in it. The school is a place of active activity of the child for 9-11 years. During this period, the health of schoolchildren is influenced by a large complex of social, hygienic, environmental and other factors. Unfortunately, this effect is not always positive.

The development of modern educational institution goes along the path of intensifying the physical and mental stress on the child. According to the Research Institute of Pediatrics, only 14% of modern children are practically healthy. Accordingly, 86% are accounted for by those who have health problems. Of these, 50% have deviations in the development of ODS, 35-40% suffer from chronic diseases, 80% of children enter the 1st grade, having various deviations in the state of health (from functional disorders to chronic diseases). The reason is hypodynamia. In other words, insufficient physical activity negatively affects the health of schoolchildren. Statistics show that the trend of deterioration in the health of children over the past 10-15 years continues to persist. This concerns, first of all, their weak physical development, various disorders of the musculoskeletal system, posture, an increase in the growth rate of the number of chronic diseases and other indicators.

The result of studying at school today is not only the sum of knowledge, skills and abilities, but also a set of key competencies, which include learning independence. It is known that a healthy lifestyle, a positive attitude towards a healthy lifestyle, sports and physical education is laid in the school years.

Our role as educators is to motivate students to lead a healthy and safe lifestyle.

Only a teacher who is truly interested in strengthening the health of schoolchildren, brought up on the basis of citizenship and social responsibility, an active supporter of a healthy lifestyle.

An analysis of approaches to determining the essence of motivation and consideration of the features of a healthy lifestyle allow us to determine our own understanding of the motives of a healthy lifestyle.

The innovative experience involves determining the means to ensure the implementation of the goal through the formation of positive attitudes towards volunteering among students, providing positive influence co-creation on peers when they choose life values. Only everyday painstaking, systematic work can bear fruit.

The process of formation of motivation for a healthy and safe lifestyle among schoolchildren should be considered as an organic part of a holistic pedagogical process, as the interaction of external and internal factors, manifested in co-creation. Internal factors are the need-motivational sphere of the student, his value orientations, relationships, self-esteem, interests, individual properties. external factor in this case, the educational process.

Thus, the implementation of the process of forming the motivation for a healthy and safe lifestyle of schoolchildren provides for such a construction of a system of means, which, on the one hand, is aimed at changing the conditions of the educational process at school, on the other hand, at changing the intrapersonal sphere of schoolchildren through consciously-volitional work on understanding, rethinking their attitude to a healthy image and to the style of their lives.

Practical experience shows that children are able to independently not only form goals, but also embody them. Joint activities with them will help to understand what they know about health, what interests them, worries, worries the most, what they would like to do for their health and public health. And the tool can be co-creation, joint comprehension of knowledge, experience - in an informal, partnership interaction of children and teachers.

One of the key points in developing a child's motivation for a conscious attitude to his own health and the health of others is to create a situation for him to succeed in solving issues of physical and moral improvement.

The situation of success is the result of the co-creative activity of the teacher and pupil, in which the result of the adolescent's activity is comparable to his expectations. This is the fundamental core in shaping the worldview of students to adopt a healthy lifestyle, and education occurs as a result of daily painstaking work. The task of the teacher is to carefully plan the educational process, directing it in the right direction.

Healthy lifestyle motivation

What do we understand by the motivation of health and a healthy lifestyle? Before answering this question, let's consider the very concept of "motivation".
So, motivation is a stimulus to action. A motive is a reason that compels us to perform an action. Both positive and negative emotions can serve as a motive. We may imagine how happy we will be after achieving a certain goal, or we may feel the inferiority of the present situation that we want to correct.

In order for a person to act, he needs motivation. Motivation is caused by motive. The motive is desire. A person must want to act in a certain way. He must want results. No other way. Nothing will force a person to act just like that if he does not see any benefit for himself in this.

Health motivation is the motivation for actions aimed at maintaining or improving health. The problem is that a person cannot want to be healthy if he is healthy in this moment and does not experience any discomfort. You cannot want to be in Paris if you are already in Paris. This will not be your goal. But you may feel uncomfortable that you are sitting in some remote place and you have no money for a trip or you liked Paris so much that you will do everything to return there.

It's the same with health - what you want most is to be healthy when you're sick. When we are healthy, we simply do not realize all the beauty of our current state! And as a result, we lead a lifestyle that is not at all conducive to promoting or maintaining health.

How to develop motivation?

Speaking about the motivation for a healthy lifestyle, first of all, people should learn to understand that their health is a variable value. Health is like a flowering plant: if it is not properly cared for, not watered, not fertilized, then it will soon wither, its flowers will wither, its leaves will fall, and it will take a lot of effort to restore it to its previous state, if at all possible.

Secondly, you can help a person treat himself correctly by putting these rules into his still small children's head. And what rules does the child learn best? That's right, those that are performed by people who are authorities for him, or rather, his parents. And then, throughout life - friends, like-minded people and close circle.

In a group (fitness, mailing lists, forums) it is always easier to keep yourself motivated, especially during its “fall”. And that time always comes. The energy circulating in groups helps to “raise” motivation and gives a person new strength to advance.

Another effective way to keep yourself motivated is to visualize what you want. Imagine what you want to achieve final result, and consciously go to the goal.

Take responsibility for your actions. If you have already decided something, then do it. Of course, it is difficult for us to constantly stay on the same wavelength, we feel sorry for ourselves and often give ourselves indulgences. You need to accept this as a fact and understand that no one is going to do anything for you.

Find and fix in yourself any excuses that will tempt you to abandon your plans. Feel free to discard the insignificant ones, and take into account the essential ones and, in accordance with them, adjust further actions to achieve the best result in the most pleasant way.

Types of motivation

Among the various motives are the following:

conservation motive

No special activity is required here.

Psychological foundations for the formation of motivation in a healthy lifestyle in preschoolers

Disease Prevention

We suffer when we are sick. We have to go to the clinic, take medicine, put up with some physical limitations, spend time on physiotherapy, etc.

All these activities are not pleasant, and the desire to avoid them is often a powerful incentive for a healthy lifestyle.


The disease is a serious obstacle to study and career.

An employer is more likely to hire a healthy person than someone who has health problems, because. his frequent illness will hinder the profit of the enterprise, create problems with work schedules and the need to pay temporary disability benefits.

The pleasure of feeling good

It takes place when a person enjoys his healthy state, his ability to improve physically, play sports, dance.

Obedience to social demands

It consists in observing the requirements and traditions that have been passed down from generation to generation by the people, in order to protect themselves from adverse factors. Using the toilet to fulfill one's physiological needs is an example of such submission.

Possibility of sexual realization

The sexual possibilities of both men and women directly depend on their health. Being sexually attractive is very important for a person and therefore is a serious motivator for maintaining one's health.

Usually one motivation prevails in a person, otherwise one might think that he is overly concerned about his health. The type of motivation depends on the age of the individual. At a young age, motivations that predict good health in the future can do little to help. But the topic of sexual realization is very relevant and can make you think before another bottle of beer or a cigarette. In any case, if a person from childhood has not learned the value and rules of a healthy lifestyle, then in adulthood it will be difficult to reason with him until he encounters certain health problems. The surrounding society often affects young people in a very different way, telling them that alcohol and drugs are what make them happy.

Thus, choosing a society, we choose a way of life.

To interest a person in a healthy lifestyle, the following requirements must be met:

  1. 1The goal must be truly worthwhile: a person must see that he benefits from this
  2. 2 Desire to be prosperous
  3. 3Desire to be the master of your life
  4. 4Look at the world positively
  5. 5Respect for yourself, allow yourself to enjoy all the blessings of life

If you still decide to go to the side of health

On this difficult path, internal struggle, laziness, self-doubt and many other difficulties will await you. Here are some tips to help you deal with them:

  • The goal must be real and specific. Determine for yourself a realistic goal and the time for which you will achieve it. Break down your big goal into many small and easily achievable ones. Take small but sure steps.
  • The result will not be immediate. Have patience. Prepare in advance for the fact that you will want to leave everything in the very near future due to the fact that you will not see progress. But there will be progress, the main thing is not to retreat and not to succumb to our own weaknesses.
  • Effort must be followed by reward. So you will consolidate your efforts and successes. Give yourself nice gifts for a kilogram of weight lost, a month without alcohol or a week without a cigarette. It can be going to a concert, a new wardrobe item, a CD of your favorite band and other things that you like.
  • Compare your new self to your old self. Frequently evaluate how much healthier you have become since you started exercising, eating right, quit smoking. Don't be afraid to be proud of yourself.
  • Create an environment that will support you. It’s good if among your friends or work colleagues there are those who want to lose weight, quit smoking or go to gym. You will also support them and thanks to common efforts you will definitely reach the goal together.

Man's lifestyle, its components. Types of motivation for maintaining a "Healthy lifestyle".

Components of a healthy lifestyle

A healthy lifestyle includes the following main elements: work and rest regime, elimination of bad habits, optimal motor mode, personal hygiene, hardening, rational nutrition, etc.

1) Mode of work and rest is an essential element of a healthy lifestyle. With a correct and strictly observed regimen, a clear and necessary rhythm of the functioning of the body is developed, which creates optimal conditions for work and rest, and thereby contributes to strengthening health, improving working capacity and increasing labor productivity.

Sleep is an essential and most complete form of daily rest. Hours intended for sleep cannot be considered as a kind of reserve of time, which can be used frequently and with impunity for other purposes. This, as a rule, is reflected in the productivity of mental labor and psycho-emotional state. Disordered sleep can lead to insomnia and other nervous disorders.

2) The next link in a healthy lifestyle is the eradication of bad habits(smoking, alcohol, drugs). These violators of health are the cause of many diseases, drastically reduce life expectancy, reduce efficiency, and adversely affect the health of the younger generation and the health of future children.

a) Many people begin their recovery by quitting smoking, which is considered one of the most dangerous habits of modern man.

It is not for nothing that doctors believe that the most serious diseases of the heart, blood vessels, and lungs are directly related to smoking. Smoking reduces the accuracy of the test, the perception of educational material.

Motivation of a healthy lifestyle among middle school students.

The smoker does not inhale all the harmful substances in tobacco smoke - about half goes to those who are next to them. It is no coincidence that children in families of smokers suffer from respiratory diseases much more often than in families where no one smokes. Smoking is a common cause of tumors in the mouth, larynx, bronchi and lungs. Constant and prolonged smoking leads to premature aging. The action of nicotine is especially dangerous during certain periods of life - youth, old age, when even a weak stimulating effect disrupts nervous regulation. Nicotine is especially harmful to pregnant women, as it leads to the birth of weak, low-weight children, and to lactating women, as it increases the incidence and mortality of children in the first years of life.

b) The next difficult task is to overcome drunkenness and alcoholism. It has been established that alcoholism has a destructive effect on all human systems and organs. As a result of the systematic consumption of alcohol, a symptom complex of morbid addiction to it develops:

- loss of sense of proportion and control over the amount of alcohol consumed;

- violation of the activity of the central and peripheral nervous system (psychosis, neuritis, etc.) and the functions of internal organs.

Changes in the psyche that occur even with episodic alcohol intake (excitement, loss of restraining influences, depression, etc.) determine the frequency of suicides committed while intoxicated.

Alcoholism has a particularly harmful effect on the liver: with prolonged systematic alcohol abuse, alcoholic cirrhosis of the liver develops. Alcoholism is one of the common causes of pancreatic disease (pancreatitis, diabetes mellitus). Along with changes affecting the health of the drinker, alcohol abuse is always accompanied by social consequences that are harmful both to those around the patient with alcoholism and to society as a whole.

Drug use is one of the bad habits. The systematic use of drugs leads to a sharp depletion of the body, a change in metabolism, mental disorders, memory impairment, the appearance of persistent delusional ideas, manifestations similar to schizophrenia, personality degradation, and infertility. The general degradation of the personality occurs 15-20 times faster than with alcohol abuse. It is very difficult to treat drug addiction, the best option is not to even try drugs.

3) The next component of a healthy lifestyle is a balanced diet. When talking about it, one should remember two basic laws, the violation of which is dangerous to health.

The first law is the balance of received and expended energy. If the body receives more energy than it consumes, that is, if we receive more food than is necessary for the normal development of a person, for work and well-being, we become fat. Now more than a third of our country, including children, is overweight. And there is only one reason - excess nutrition, which ultimately leads to atherosclerosis, coronary heart disease, hypertension, diabetes mellitus, and a number of other ailments.

The second law is conformity chemical composition diet to the physiological needs of the body in nutrients. Nutrition should be varied and meet the needs for proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals, dietary fiber. Many of these substances are irreplaceable, since they are not formed in the body, but come only with food. The absence of even one of them, for example, vitamin C, leads to illness, and even death.

Meals should consist of mixed foods that are sources of proteins, fats and carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals. Only in this case it is possible to achieve a balanced ratio of nutrients and essential nutritional factors, to ensure not only a high level of digestion and absorption of nutrients, but also their transportation to tissues and cells, their complete assimilation at the cell level.

Rational nutrition ensures proper growth and formation of the body, contributes to maintaining health, high performance and prolonging life.

Physical activity.

Optimal motor mode is the most important condition for a healthy lifestyle. It is based on systematic physical exercises and sports, effectively decisive tasks strengthening the health and development of the physical abilities of young people, maintaining health and motor skills, strengthening the prevention of adverse age-related changes. At the same time, physical culture and sports act as the most important means of education.

The main qualities that characterize the physical development of a person are strength, speed, agility, flexibility and endurance. The improvement of each of these qualities also contributes to the strengthening of health, but not to the same extent. You can become very fast by training in sprinting. Finally, it is very good to become agile and flexible by applying gymnastic and acrobatic exercises. However, with all this, it is not possible to form sufficient resistance to pathogenic effects.

Thus, in order to perform a motor regimen, motor activity in the amount of 1.3-1.8 hours per day is necessary. Due to the use of motor activity with a relatively high intensity, it is possible to reduce its duration.

5) Hardening:

For effective healing and disease prevention, it is necessary to train and improve, first of all, the most valuable quality - endurance, combined with hardening and other components of a healthy lifestyle, which will provide the body with a reliable shield against many diseases.

Widely known various ways hardening - from air baths to dousing with cold water. The usefulness of these procedures is beyond doubt. Since time immemorial, it has been known that walking barefoot is a wonderful tempering remedy. Winter swimming is the highest form of hardening. To achieve it, a person must go through all the stages of hardening.

The effectiveness of hardening increases with the use of special temperature effects and procedures. Their basic principles correct application everyone should know: systematic and consistent; taking into account individual characteristics, health status and emotional reactions to the procedure.

Another effective hardening agent can and should be a contrast shower before and after exercise. Contrast showers train the neurovascular apparatus of the skin and subcutaneous tissue, improving physical thermoregulation, and have a stimulating effect on the central nervous mechanisms. Hardening is a powerful healing tool. It allows you to avoid many diseases, prolong life for many years, maintain high performance. Hardening has a general strengthening effect on the body, increases the tone of the nervous system, improves blood circulation, and normalizes metabolism.

6) Personal hygiene:

Knowledge of the rules and requirements of personal hygiene is mandatory for every cultured person. Body hygiene makes special demands on the condition of the skin, which performs the following functions: protection internal environment body, excretion of metabolic products from the body, thermoregulation, etc. They are performed in full only with healthy and clean skin.

Oral and dental care requires rinsing the mouth with warm water after eating. It is recommended to brush your teeth 2 times a day. The toothbrush should not be too hard, and the brushing procedure should take at least 2 minutes. To keep your teeth, it is important that the food contains enough calcium. When eating, you should avoid the rapid alternation of hot and cold dishes. It is undesirable to gnaw nuts, seeds of berries and fruits, since the enamel covering the teeth can crack, after which the destruction of dental tissues proceeds very quickly. At least 2 times a year it is necessary to visit a dentist for a preventive examination of the teeth.

The hygiene of clothing requires that its choice be guided not by motives of prestige, but by its hygienic purpose in accordance with the conditions and activities in which it is used. Special requirements are imposed on sportswear, due to the nature of the activities and the rules of competitions in sports. It should be as light as possible and not restrict movement. Sportswear should only be used during activities and competitions; it must be washed regularly. Footwear hygiene requires that it be light, flexible, well ventilated, and also ensure the correct position of the foot. In this regard, shoes made of genuine leather have the best qualities. Sport shoes, in addition, must protect the foot from damage and have special devices for practicing the relevant sport

Sports, proper sleep and rest make a person's life better, protect against illness and stress. Sometimes it can be difficult to give up behavioral habits that interfere with a healthy lifestyle. In order to improve the quality of existence, well-built motivation is necessary.

It includes a correct understanding by a person of such questions as: why do I need to eat right and play sports? What will I get if I give up bad habits? How will my life change if I adopt healthy lifestyle habits? Without proper motivation, it is not always possible to achieve the set goals, especially when they require a change in views on oneself, one's inner and outer world.

It happens that a person really wants to change, but he still fails to form healthy habits. Why is this happening? Perhaps there is something in his habits without which it is difficult to imagine a safe existence. In this case, it is necessary to work with what keeps the person from striving to live differently, having an attachment to a healthy lifestyle.

Motivation is an active impulse to action that forces a person to use all his resources to achieve results and improve the quality of life.

Proper motivation can significantly bring closer the realization of the goals that a person sets for himself. What does it consist of? First of all, it is the presence of a strong desire to possess something necessary. This can include both material things, such as purchases and acquisitions, and intangible things - effective behavior, mastering new ways of communicating and thinking.

To be highly motivated means to want something very strongly, to know how to achieve it, and to have practical skills. When a person really wants something, in his hands is concentrated great strength helping you reach your goals and overcome obstacles. Therefore, it becomes clear why without desire and motivation to act, it is not possible to come to changes.

A person's habits to improve his life can change throughout his existence and depend on the conditions in which he lives. People do not always succeed in forming ways of behavior and thinking that would lead to a healthy lifestyle. This is facilitated by special exercises for training consciousness and habits of thinking, which will help to understand what goal a person pursues when he begins to take care of his health, nutrition, and appearance.

Exercises to Increase Motivation

Motivation reveals the true goals of a person and false ones. It is often difficult to force yourself to do something because the goal is not the truth. It is easy to find out by analysis. Answer a few questions:

  1. Do I really want this? Or do other people want this from me (friends, parents, colleagues, children, etc.)?
  2. What will I get when I achieve this?
  3. How will my life change after I see the result?
  4. Why do I need it?

When the need to change oneself meets such a serious goal as starting to lead a healthy lifestyle, the result that a person will receive in this case should fully satisfy his needs, please, inspire. Without it, it is impossible to form high motivation, which means that it will be difficult to strive for activity.

Relying on thinking alone, without practical action, it will be difficult to achieve changes in your life. Therefore, the formation of a healthy lifestyle should begin with practical skills. One of good habits for a healthy lifestyle is to control the mode of work and rest. Getting into the habit of getting up and going to bed at about the same time means not only developing self-regulation skills, but also feeling good about yourself every day.

The habit of putting things off until later takes a lot of time and energy, especially when they turn into unresolved issues. It is important to learn how to solve problems in a timely manner, making a plan for their implementation.

The habit of being lazy is one of the first character traits that you should get rid of on the way to a healthy lifestyle. In order to do this, it is important to understand what is really behind laziness? Perhaps it is a reluctance to be active. Any motivation begins with the words: why do I need what I strive for? As soon as visible and hidden advantages, results and changes in life, health, appearance are indicated, laziness will fade into the background, giving way to a healthy desire to improve the quality of one's existence.

The habit of avoiding fast food and fast food will give visible results. When a person begins to monitor his diet, this is reflected in his internal state and appearance - the body feels light, the unpleasant feeling of heaviness disappears, the complexion and the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract improve.

Sport helps to tune in to a healthy lifestyle, forms the ability to take care of yourself and treat your body with love, helps maintain health and excellent appearance. If it is difficult to immediately form the motivation for sports or force yourself to do them regularly, you can start with small changes. Introduce evening or morning jogging into your habitual lifestyle, master yoga or meditation. Gradual familiarity with your own body will contribute to the desire to work on it and make it even more attractive.

The mind needs care too.

Healthy lifestyle habits are about taking care of your emotional state too. How can a person take care of his psyche? First of all, it is a rejection of old grievances - they spoil the mood and take away the desire to be active. Taking care of yourself in the present moment allows you not to succumb to sad thoughts about past events that are long gone. Also, in order for the human psyche to be healthy, it is important to communicate with people who do not manipulate during communication, avoid disrespectful behavior, experience sincere sympathy and know how to listen.

The human psyche and his physical health are closely related to each other. It is difficult to lead a healthy lifestyle when a person is overloaded with stress at work and in the family. In this case, first of all, one should deal with the problems of a personal plan - this will be the first step in the formation of high motivation for the development of healthy lifestyle habits.