Theatrical performance Performance for Mother's Day "Naughty Kitten" methodical development (preparatory group) on the topic. Theatrical production for Mother's Day using ICT for the middle group Poems "Mom's Helpers"

Musical living room for Mother's Day

Concert program for parents


Prepared by:

music director

Abrosimova L.I.

Show the significant role of mother for each person. Create a cheerful, festive mood.
Cultivate a respectful and caring attitude towards the mother. To give pleasure and joy from joint communication. Develop memory, attention. Build expressive reading skills.
musical material.

1. Playing the violin "My affectionate and gentle beast"

2. Song "Mom" music. Partskhaladze

3. Orchestra "Humoresque"

4. Scenes: “Talk about mom”, “On a bench near the house”

5. Teacher's poem "Mom"

6. Dance "Educators and children"

7. Song "My mother" soundtrack "Snow" Kirkorov to the verses of Christina Romanova

8. Dance "Do you love me"

9. Kitchen orchestra with parents

10. The game "Find out who is crying?"

11.Children's gifts

Music sounds ( listen to 1 verse and chorus of the song) № 1

Presenter1: Good afternoon, dear mothers, hello dear women! Let me congratulate you on a tender family holiday, Mother's Day, filled with tenderness, kindness and love. We would very much like our meeting today to bring you joy, tearing you away from everyday worries at least for a while, so that you feel how much your children love you, how much your attention is dear to them. We begin!!!

Host 2: Today we will call our festive concert "The Living Room", I have a book in my hands, which we will read together ...

We will look at all the pages of our book dedicated to MOM. Let's open our book!Page one - historical .

Presenter 1: In our country, the holiday "Mother's Day" does not have a specific date, but falls annually on the last Sunday of November. It was established by Decree of the President of Russia in 1998. On this day, it is customary to congratulate mothers and pregnant women, unlike International Women's Day, when all female representatives accept congratulations.

This day was created so that we can all thank our mothers for all the selfless sacrifices they make for the good of their children.

Presenter2: Page two - congratulatory . And the first to congratulate you: a graduate of our kindergarten, a pupil of the children's music school - NATALIA ZHURAEVA, a teacher of the Kanash Pedagogical College and a teacher of the children's music school in the violin class - Vasilyeva Elza Pavlovna.

"My Sweet and Tender Beast"

The bow soars... And the strings of the violin cry...
And fingers gently hug the cane ...
Sometimes words mean almost nothing...
And with music we feel love...

Exit #2

Room #3

Bow, departure No. 4


This house is subject to immutable prohibitions.

Entry to men here is forbidden from time immemorial.

But in cold winters and rainbow summers

He is besieged with might and main by the strong sex.

Young fathers, dispersing in earnest,

They hang on trees and knock on the window,

Announcing a wake-up call to neighboring wards,

To take a look at the beloved children.

I saw how they come here early in the morning,

They leave at night, taking a taxi ...

How two dads brought a ladder with them

And climbed on it to the fourth floor.

The chief doctor could not stand it, she went out into the street

And angrily drove the fathers from the wall.

And she said: “You, right, would have climbed onto the roof,

If only the roof were made of glass.

But there was a joker and handed her violets,

And, praying for forgiveness to others and myself,

Whispered: “Darling, are you really sorry?

Let me go to the drainpipe."

Poem "Angels" middle group)

They say the angels are gone
And in the world they no longer live ...
And they just lost their wings
And now they are called mothers.
I often wake up at night
And I pray to God:
Lord, bless your mother!
Let it be nearby, always ask!

Presenter 1: Most recently, almost all the women sitting in this hall were in the maternity hospital, and all became mothers.

With all my heart I would like to congratulate all the mothers who are present in this hall. We wish you happiness, health, prosperity, kindness and warmth to your home!

Music sounds, children enter the hall (preparatory group) No. 5

Child: (preparatory group)

There are many different songs
In the world about everything.
But now we'll give you a song
Let's sing about mommy!
The song "Mama" by music.Partskhaladze is performed

Children leave the room number 6

There remains a boy who, together with his mother, recites a poem Kind heart (see at the end of the script)

Host 2: How many nights have you mothers spent in cribs! As soon as they heard a child's voice, they jumped out of bed. And I think it will not be difficult for you to recognize your child by voice.

Now your children will cry like in childhood. But don't worry, they will make-believe crying. You need to guess your baby's cry.

(Presenter 1 comes in turn to each child, who should cry into the microphone (outside the door) making the sounds “wa-wa”. The mother, who recognized the child, should raise her hand, the child runs out and hugs her mother.)

Background #7

Host 2: Dear mothers! I want to wish you that these were the last children's tears that you heard!

Children leave room number 8

Presenter1: The mothers all smiled
So, we have not tried in vain.
To really cheer up
We would like to invite the following children.

Entrance of children of the senior group No. 9

Presenter 1: Senior boys now

The orchestra will perform for you!

Orchestra No. 10

Children's Care No. 11

Lead 2 : Page three - theatrical

province gave birth to 69 children. She gave birth 27 times: 16 times - twins, 7 times - triplets and 4 times - a quadruple.

cope with so many children. But our educators cope: they work with children, play, feed, walk and still manage to put on such wonderful scenes for the holidays.


"Talk About Moms" middle group (see at the end of the script)

"On the bench near the house" preparatory group (see at the end of the script)

Presenter1: Page four - lyrical!

An interesting phenomenal caseshenny in the Guinness Book of Records. In the second half19th century peasant woman Vasilyeva from the village of Shuya Ivanovprovince gave birth to 69 children. She gave birth 27 times: 16 twins, 7 triplets and 4 quadruplets.

world record number of newbornsin one birth - ten (2 boys, 8 girls) was recorded in Brazil in 1946.

It's amazing how these womencope with so many children.

The happiness of a mother is the happiness of her children.

No matter how adults children grow up, for mothers they will always remain children. And mothers worry about their adult children no less than when they rocked them in the cradle. And children who have scattered from their parental nest sometimes have no time to call, to come.And mother's heart hurts...

Exit educator number 12

Reading the poem MAMA (see at the end of the script)

Host 2: Our educators are also mothers, namely the second mothers for your children. Escorting graduates to school, they return to the kids again and start all over again ....

Dance teacher and children "No. 13

Presenter1 : withfifth page - original

How often do we offend with inattention

We are in the youth of fathers and mothers!

Coming home from the institute,

Let's hurry to our friends.

We throw flowers at our girlfriends,

Forgetting to pick a bouquet for mother.

And the mother is waiting for us, lives and breathes us,

Update sews, prepares dinner for us.

The forest holds us, Kama does not let go.

It's already dark. Dine and sleep.

And only in a dream we repeat: "Mom",

And our dreams are protected by the mother.

And the night goes on, embracing the whole earth.

Lulling the sleeping houses,

But the mother does not sleep.

I understand this since I became a mother myself.

The song "My Mom" ​​No. 14 is performed

Host 2: page six - dancing

What a sin to hide - our planet has become impoverishedgeniuses. Not like the 18th-19th century, when every countryhad her titans. And why? That is why, according to the DnieperPetrovsky scientist A.V. Tkachenko, that now we have an axelwalkie-talkie. Previously, in intelligent families, they married at maturity.scrap age, and now she is 17, or even less, and to him, God forbid,so that 20. Tkachenko, having access to unique information,made the discovery that if the parents of the child at the time of hisbirth between the ages of 28 and 55, then the probability ofgenius increases 10 times. Comparing the biographiesface people, he confirmed this practically. So fatherBeethoven at the time of the birth of the great son was 32yes, and mothers - 22, Tchaikovsky - respectively 45 and 27,Pushkin - 31 and 24, Darwin - 43 and 44, Peter 1-43 fromtsu and 19 mothers. Balzac's parents are 53 and 32. So think for yourself, decide for yourself. However, there are exceptions to every rule, and maybe your child is already a genius.

Output of children of the middle group No. 15.

Dance "Do you love me?" No. 16

Care of children No. 17.

Presenter 1: Page seven - playing

American researchers askedprosom: how playing the piano affects mental spochildren's properties? A group of 3-year-olds daily in thoseFor 10 minutes, light melodies were played. After 9 monthstook an IQ test. It turned out that children involved in music are 35% smarter than their non-musical peers. So sing a lullaby to your children more often and let them play on all musical and not verymusical instruments, spend with them musicalgames.

Sounds music number 18

Teachers hand out tools

Performed "Kitchen Orchestra" No. 19

Sounds music number 20

Teachers collect tools

Background #21

Host 2: The last one remained in Mom's bookeighth page - farewell

Little sorcery. Kirillova Ludmila Vasilievna

I'll put a pink bead in my palm,

I have such a tiny bead,

I found her in the garden, inconspicuous in the grass,

She whispered her most cherished dream:

- “May my grandmother never grow old,

And stay with me forever!”

I put a bead in my grandmother's pocket ... ...

Let the tiny bead work now!

How I want to put a bead to my mother,
May my mother live a long, long life!
To stroke her wrinkles every day ...
I'm not too lazy to look for such a bead!
Tiny bead, find yourself soon ...
Save us, bead, our mothers!

I invite you to make a cherished wish. Let's join hands. Let everyone close their eyes and make a wish that will make your family even happier(parents do). I think I will not be mistaken if I say that most of you wished that your mothers were always healthy, beautiful and joyful. No wonder people say: "A mother's heart warms hotter than the sun." If mom is doing well, then everyone in the family is happy. And who makes you happy, dear mothers?(Our kids.)

All children come out №22

They give gifts to their mothers, hug them and leave the hall together.

scene " Talk about moms

1 pair.

Mum: You know, my daughter,

Dad and I love you.

Dad is our main in the family,

Knows what, how much, and where.

What to buy and what to sell

Where can you get a sister?

Dad: Sister can wait

But you need to take the car,

Toyota, Ford, Renault, Hyundai,

Well, honey, take your pick.

Listen to your husband and man

I want a good car.

Mum: Cool down, drink some mineral water,

Let's start with the laundry.

2 pairs.

Mum : Sleeping quietly our baby

You can rest a little

Dad: And play on the computer

Mum: Can you make a dress..

Dad: It's better to call a friend.

Mum: Can we clean the floor?

Dad : No, I'd rather watch football.

Crying baby - recording

Mum: Oh-oh-oh, what are you waiting for?

Do you see our baby crying?

I need to change my diaper

Give a pacifier as soon as possible.

Dad: Oh, I didn't watch football

I didn't have time to turn on the computer.

Because I have

More fun is the game.

Dad rattles with a rattle.

3 pairs.

Mum: My baby you are so good

And he looks like mommy.

Your eyes, nose, ears

Sleep quietly on your pillow.

All in me you are mine, dear,

My son is golden.

Dad: What are you, what are you talking about?

Are you flattering yourself?

Maybe your eyes too

But look at the lips.

On hair and forehead

How he chews on a pacifier.

And I'll say I'm not melting

He will be smart like me.

4 pairs.

Mum: Bye-bye, bye-bye

Sleep, son, sleep.

What did you want to tell me?

I need to download my son.

Dad: Bought a ticket for the concert

Litvinkovich is your idol.

Drop everything and get dressed

Dress up better.

Mum: How did you buy the tickets

Have you forgotten about your son?

If we take it

Oh, he will arrange a concert.

Dad: This is what I predicted

I called grandmothers to us.

5 pair.

Boy: Our lovely mothers

Our good grandmothers

You are more precious than everyone in the world

And the kids love you.

We wish all women

Never lose heart.

Every year to be more beautiful

And scold us less.

Girl: May God protect you

And you have enough strength for everything:

For family, work, home,

And a prayer before bed.

We also ask God

For you to be healthy

Never to be sad

All: And lived under peaceful skies.

On the bench near the house

Leading: On the bench, near the house,

Tom sighs heavily.

Toys are on the side

Her friends are indifferent.

Neighbor Layla came up:

Leila: “What are you sitting, not tired?

Let's play catch up

In the classics, or skipping ropes "

Tom: "No," the friend replies.

Sadly shakes his head

"I have great grief,

I'm in a quarrel with my mom"

Leading: Layla said anxiously:

“Is it possible to argue with your mother?”

Tom: “No, I didn’t be rude to my mother,

Mom fell out of love with me

All attention bro

Fruits, diapers, panties,

I asked for a new doll

My mom didn't buy me

Looked and said

To play with the old ones.

Andryushka buys everything,

But he doesn't notice me"

Leading: Layla Tomu got it

And called my sisters

She has six of them

And there is also a brother.

Leila: "Look at us, friend,

It's good for us to live with each other,

And we have enough toys

And no one bothers us

We are a wall for each other

How bad is it to be alone?

We are sitting at the table together,

Mom knows what we need

We help her in everything.

We don't hate mommy

After all, we have one

She gets tired during the day.

Do you help your mom?

Do you play with your brother?

Leading: Tom was very embarrassed

She is of no use in the house

Walks, whimpers all day,

She is too lazy to clean up after herself.

Tom: "I'm going home now

And I'll put things in order

I will wash dresses for dolls

And I'll play with Andryushka.

Leila: "Well done, I understood everything" -

Leading: Layla hugged Tom

Leila: "Mother's heart is

Very good, great

How much love, warmth,

And it does not hold evil.

Leading: Toma said goodbye to Leila,

And quickly rushed home. . .

I took a broom and a dustpan

Swept in the corridor

And then toys, books -

Gave everything to my brother

Quietly rocking the stroller

I told my brother a story

I put sliders in a pile,

Mom was very surprised:

Mum: "What happened? Here's the thing

Our daughter has grown up! -

Leading: Mom kindly said

And got a box:

Mum: "Here, daughter, get it,

Play with the new doll."

Leading: Tom kissed his mother

And whispered in her ear:

Tom: "I will not be capricious,

Want? I'll wash the dishes

I go shopping

I'll sit at home with my brother ... "

Mum: "Daughter, what's wrong with you?"

Tom: “There are only two of us with my brother,

You talk to dad

And give me a little sister."

Mum: Tom, I'm surprised

Did you want to be alone?"

Tom: "No, mommy, dear,

We need a big family

Here we have Andryusha,

And you need six sisters,

Like Leila, a neighbor,

Dashi, Sasha, Ksyushka, Svetka…

Tom and Mom: The world will become brighter, kinder,

Let the laughter of children ring in it!”


Son: I once brought a puppy into the house,
homeless tramp,
To feed him a little
Hungry poor man.

Mum:- Well, - said my mother, - let
He will live a little
There is such sadness in his eyes!
There is a spoon of soup ...

Son: I found in the yard later
A little bit alive kitten
I also brought it to the house,
Mom said again:

Mum:- Well, well, - she said, - let
He will live a little
There is such sadness in his eyes!
There is a spoon of porridge ...

Son : I found a chick under the nest,
Crows hovered over him
I hid in a tomboy's hat,
We came home with him.

Mum:- Well, well, - said my mother, - let
He will live a little
There is such sadness in his eyes!
There is a crumb of bread ...

Son : Once I brought a hedgehog,
snake and turtle
And the hare ran into our door,
Probably out of fear.

Mum: Mom said: - Let them live
The apartment is so wonderful
If you make room, here
And we have a place!

In more than once already darned robe
Made from brightly colored fibers
In a crowded hospital room
An old woman is standing, crying at the window.
Nobody comforts her anymore.
Everyone knows about the reason for these tears.
They visit neighbors in the ward,
And to her, only once, her son brought a dressing gown.

I forgot about the slippers, he said embarrassedly:
- I'll bring it tomorrow ... Will you be patient, mother?
- Of course I will. I'm on the feather
And I can lie in woolen socks.
Where can I go here? There is little space.
The nurses will bring food.
I've been sick so much,
What would I just lie down and rest.
The son sighed and looked away.
- Here ... You understand ... It's up to you ...
It's all very confusing and subtle...
But don't think badly of me!
Your apartment is empty
And my wife and I thought about
What are you here and there ... Alone ... Sick ...
If you get better, we'll take you with us.
And the grandchildren will be happy, you know
They do not have a soul in you, mother!
All! Decided! You are moving in with us!
We will sell your apartment!
He took out papers, said without a doubt:
-I thought of everything, trust me, mom ...
As soon as we see improvements,
From here you will immediately go to live with us.
What do you say here? He is her son, her own blood ...
And grandchildren are worth living for!
And signed without suspecting
How things really work.
Days go by, weeks go by...
There is no son. And he is unlikely to come.
The old woman was consoled and pitied ...
But who and what does not understand here?
And every day the old woman is getting weaker
And at night more and more dreams
As the porridge in the morning warms the son,
But he cries and does not want to eat.
And the first steps of a baby son,
And the word that he said for the first time
And the first scratches and bumps,
And kindergarten, and school - first grade ...
Doctors are silent, trying their best
At least somehow alleviate her suffering.
And relatives strictly forbade
Tell the old woman about the diagnosis.
She doesn't know this hospital is-
Not a city simple hospital,
That there is no more chance for a correction ...
But, for her, ignorance is not a nightmare.
"Hospice" sign on the wall at the entrance
She doesn't say anything bad.
Strange words have long been fashionable
And should anyone be blamed for that?
She doesn't know what son is doing right
Calls doctors, twice a week:
- You said - dying ... Strange,
That she is still alive.
She's alive. She waits and believes
That the son will come, hug, explain ...
Now the chamber doors will open,
She will understand everything and forgive everything ...
With the last strength she gets out of bed
Holding on to the wall, go to the window.
How much more patience does she have?
So to believe the indifferent son?
She is ready to try
And the forces that are not, she must find.
Will he suddenly come? She must wait!
He will come ... Well, how can he not come?
Standing and crying… Waiting for news from his son…
Just look at the sky casually
And tugs at the pectoral cross with his hand -
Like, wait, Lord, don't take it...

Musical director Abrosimova Lyudmila Ivanovna

Scenario of a non-traditional holiday dedicated to Mother's Day "Warmth of hearts for our beloved mothers"

1) cultivate a respectful attitude towards mothers, a desire to help them;
2) to help children enter real life through the game, and mothers to distract from it for a while;
3) create a warm moral climate between mothers and children.

Preliminary work:
1. Selection of fiction for reading and memorization.
2. Selection and learning of songs.
3. Selection of musical screensavers.
4. Selection of costumes.
5. Script development.

- wall newspaper "My mother is the best!";
- drawings of children;
- gifts from children;
- balls;

Technical means:
-music Center;
-record player;
- a projector for showing a video presentation;
-a laptop

Musical numbers:

The course of the holiday

1. Introduction

Presenter 1: Good evening, we say to you. It is not by chance that we have gathered today, this November evening, in our cozy hall. After all, it is in November that we celebrate such a holiday as Mother's Day. We welcome all mothers and grandmothers who came to our evening, which we dedicated to the kindest, most sensitive, most gentle, caring, hardworking, and, of course, the most beautiful, our mothers.

Host 2: Today you will meet with jokes and surprises, with songs, poems, in general, you can’t count everything. But whether it will be fun today depends on you, dear friends. Because we don’t have professional artists, but each of you, I’ll tell you a secret, is an artist, if you encourage him a little and tune him in a lyrical way.

Presenter 1: Dear friends! Today we have a holiday and we will have fun with our mothers and grandmothers. We are always happy when you have smiles on your faces and the expectation of something unusual. Therefore, today we will try to meet your expectations. And let the grateful spectators do not skimp on applause.

Host 2:- Dear parents: mothers, grandmothers! In honor of today's wonderful holiday, we have prepared a special channel for you
Warmth of hearts for beloved mothers.
Presenter 1: On our holiday information channel you will see the following programs:
- News, “While everyone is at home”, “Through the mouth of a baby”, “Guess the melody”, “Minute of glory”, “Relish”, “Dancing with the stars”, “Field of miracles”.
- And the weather forecast for tomorrow will finish our program.
Host 2:- In addition, the festive channel will be decorated with musical breaks, games and special reports.

Presenter 1:- And now we invite you to familiarize yourself with the main events of this day.

Sounds like "News".

Leading:- So, the news is on the air. Today the whole country celebrates Mother's Day. In Moscow, in Kazan, in Bugulma, in Arsk and in other cities, all children prepare gifts for their dear and beloved mothers. At these moments, a concert dedicated to this wonderful holiday is being held at the educational institution Cadet boarding school "Rescuer". Watch live broadcast from the auditorium.

2. Main body

A video screensaver with a song about mother appears on the screen, against the background of her children read poetry.
Read poems about mother.
Reader 1:
Today is a holiday, today is a holiday
Holiday of our lovely mothers!
This holiday, the most tender,
Comes to us in November!
Reader 2:
There is no end to gifts
And in verses words
After all, today is the main holiday
Holiday of our mothers!
Reader 3:
The hall is lit up with lights
He gathered favorite guests.
Fun hour will share with us
The smiles of our lovely mothers.
Reader 4:
On our holiday today
Boredom is not allowed.
We want your mood
It was only rated five.
Reader 5:
Mum! What a good word!
Mom is ready to be there all the time.
In a moment of misfortune, she is always there,
Support with a smile, and a word, and a look.
Reader 6:
Allow me to congratulate you
Leave joy in your soul.
Give a smile, wish you happiness,
Away with adversity and bad weather.
Let the shadow of sadness disappear
On this festive day of yours.
Reader 7:
Mom is like a magician
If he smiles -
Every wish comes true for me.
Mom kisses - the bad is forgotten.
New day, happy day
Starts right away.
Reader 8:
Oh, sweet, tender mother!
I offer my respects to you
I love you dear mother
And I will always be by your side!

Reader 1:
Today is some kind of special day.
Both adults and children are concerned.
We are talking about the most tender, sensitive,
About the most important woman in the world.
Reader 2:
Mom - how much is in this word
Sun, light and heat.
Mom is not more precious than you.
You gave life to us children!
Reader 3:
Early in the morning at dawn
Only the birds will sing
Children open their eyes
Mom is called.
Reader 4:
I love you mom! For what? I don't know,
Probably because I live and dream
And I rejoice in the sun and a bright day
For this, dear, I love you.
Reader 5:
I love you, mom, the warmth of your hands
Because you are my most reliable friend
I love you mom! For what? I don't know…
Because you are the only one in the world.
Reader 6:
We gathered a lot of guys in the hall
Their voices are loud and joyful.
The most important holiday of light and good
Our kids are celebrating today.
Reader 7:
Gathered to congratulate
Glorious our mothers.
Dear, dear,
Thank you for everything!
Reader 8:
The golden sun rolled down
The gentle sun turned into a mother
Dear mommy, smile
With your tender heart
You come close to me!
Reader 9:
Our mothers, believe me, it is better not.
Smile, let it become brighter in the hall.
And from those smiles a bright light
For many years, let it not go out for us yet.
Reader 10:
If the sun woke up - the morning shone,
If mom smiled, it was so gratifying.
If the sun hid in the clouds, the birds fell silent,
If mom is upset - where can we have fun!
Reader 9:
So let it always sparkle
The sun shines on people!
Never, you, dear,
We will not grieve!
Reader 10:
How to find worthy words
How to say without extra phrases,
That we are very grateful
That we love you very much!
We give wonderful gifts for the holiday to mom
Bouquets of flowers are bright, airy red balloon.
We also give a song, it rings and pours.
Let mom have fun, let mom smile!

Presenter 1: You see, dear mothers, how children love you! How beautiful and kind, caring and sensitive you are. And it’s not in vain that they say: “Through the mouth of a baby, the truth speaks!”. Now we invite you to the festive program "Through the Mouth of a Baby".

Sounds saver "Through the mouth of a baby."

Host 2: Dear mothers! Children will give you tasks, and your task is to complete them. So, attention!
On the eve of the holiday, the guys from the 5th and 6th platoons painted portraits of their mothers. Today this exhibition is in front of you. Now you should recognize yourself and your artist by the portrait (parents get up and choose their portraits)
Dear parents, the names of your children are written on the reverse side, if the name of your child, then you have chosen your portrait.
Presenter 1: Well done, dear mothers. Everyone did their best, chose their portrait correctly, and for this you have a musical gift.

Musical number - "My mother is the best in the world"

Host 2: And we continue our program.
And we invite you to play the game "Guess the melody".

Sounds saver "Guess the melody."

And the game today is extraordinary,
You will definitely guess everything.
There will be songs not pop,
Not folk, not round dance,
And children's famous.
As soon as a melody sounds, you need to quickly guess it, raise your hand and sing or say the name.

The melodies of children's songs are heard.

Presenter 1: Commercial break - Watch a play called "Mother's Day"
The curtain opens. The stage is divided in half. On one side is the parents' room, on the other is the boys' room. Early morning. Mother, in a dressing gown and slippers, uncombed, rushes around the apartment. The sounds of morning exercises are heard from the radio.
Mother: Egor, get up, it's already seven.
Father (wakes up, yawns) Another five minutes.
Mother(goes to the boys room): Vitalya, get up.
Vital(he is older, wakes up, yawns) A: Five more minutes.
Mother: Danichka, get up, my dear. Already seven.
Danil (he is the youngest, wakes up, yawns) A: Five more minutes.
Mother: Get up now. Five minutes yes five minutes, and then all together in the bathroom.
Danil: Let Vitalka go, I'm small.
Mother: Vitaly, get up!
Vitalik: Let Danka get up, he needs to do gymnastics.
Mother: Well, that's enough, get up and go wash, otherwise your father will take the bathroom.
Danil (gets up without opening his eyes, goes to the bathroom): Since I'm small, everyone can mock me.
Mother (kissing him): Well, well, don't grumble, son. (Daniel leaves.) (She wakes up her father again.) Yegor, get up, you'll be late.
Father (stretching.) Is the bathroom already free?
Mother: And while you have breakfast. (Pours tea.) drink it, it will get cold. (Father sits down at the table, leaning a book against the sugar bowl, absorbed in reading) Guys who don't wash, go have breakfast. Grab some milk along the way.
Vitalik(from my room): Mom, I won't have milk, I want coffee.
Danil (from bathroom): I, too! I, too!
Mother: There is nothing to invent. Children need to drink milk in the morning.
Vitalik: Children? Let Danka drink.
Danil (from bathroom): I'm already big!
Vitalik: Well, you're a smart ass, man. When it suits you, you are small, and at other times you are big.
Mother: Don't argue, boys, go have breakfast.
While there is a dispute between the children, the mother manages to make the bed, put the scattered things in place. She doesn't sit down for a minute.
Vitalik: Mom, tell him to get out of the bathroom.
Mother: Danil, get out of the bathroom, otherwise I'll get you out myself.
Danil: Do not bother me! I wash my ears and neck. Today we have a commission.
Father: What is the commission? What is he talking about?
Mother: What, didn't you hear? Once every two weeks, the sanitary commission comes to the classroom and examines whether their ears and neck are washed.
Father (finished eating): Well, is the bathroom free?
Vitalik enters dressed and grabs a roll from the table, chewing it on the go.
Mother: Vitalik, sit down at the table.
Danil(from the room): Mom, he didn't wash at all!
Vitalik: We don't have commissions anymore. (Suddenly stops in his tracks.) Listen, listen! Twenty-ninth!
Mother: So what?
Vitalik: Natasha's birthday!
Father (from bathroom). That's the thing, Anna!
Mother(preoccupied with breakfast). Terrible cottage cheese, crumbles all the time.
Vitalik: Again, you, mother, forgot to remind about the holiday. I forgot last year too. Where can I get flowers now?
Mother: Why do you need flowers?
Vitalik: For Natasha.
Mother: For what reason? Why?
Father (enters, tying his tie): Just because. (Pulls out money.) Danil, quickly go to the flower shop, buy what you can get.
Danil: I will buy for my teacher her birthday too.
Vitalik: Dad, let him buy me one for my teacher too.
Father: Wow! These are already two bouquets of flowers. Anna, do you have any money?
Mother: Where? You know, payday is far away.
Father: Well, at least a little.
Mother: For what?
Vitalik: Well, mom, we've said it a hundred times. I'm for Natasha, Petka - for the teacher. Flowers!
Mother: Ah yes, birthdays! That's what they would say. I foresaw all this. (Pulls out two boxes of sweets and proudly places them on the table.) Here!
Vitalik: Mom, I need flowers.
Mother: Children! What are you talking about? Flower shops are still closed for now.
Father: What to do?
Mother: Listen. I have a suggestion: draw flowers on greeting cards. And put it like this. (Pointing to a candy box.)
Danil: That's great! Thanks mommy. (Runs away.)
Vitalik: Mom, draw for me. I still need to call Efremkin.
Danil (runs in with a can of water and paints). I will draw. Oh, mom, Vitalka pushed me.
Mother: Hush, hush, sit next to me and let's draw. What would you think of? (Takes two postcards and draws.)
Vitalik (dials a number on the phone). Hello! Maksimka! Hey! Listen, what did they ask us in literature? Wait, not so fast, I'll write it down now.
Mother (hurriedly draws, writes, speaking aloud). Dear class teacher...
Father (tying a tie in front of a mirror). Anh, and you let him copy the lessons. This one spilled water on the floor. This very minute to the kitchen for a rag!
Danil (looks pleadingly at mother). Mom, wipe yourself.
Mother: Okay, son, let's finish. You take this one, and give Vitalik another one. At the break, color it with colored pencils.
Vitalik: Max, wait a minute. Mom, at recess I have to write off math. You know, I watched a movie on TV yesterday. Color it please! Hello, Maxim? Well, I write, dictate.
Mother: Danechka, color you!
Father: Hell!
Mother: What?
Father: You need a white shirt. I will probably be forced to speak at a solemn meeting.
Mother: Take it there in the box.
Danil: Mom, if the teacher does not take chocolates, I will eat them myself, and I will tell her that you did not want to give money. Can?
Mother(not listening). Okay son.
Father: Anna, there's no button here.
Mother: Let me sew. Children, you haven't had breakfast yet. Vitalik, stop talking.
Danil: We ate, mom, I painted the flower green. Maybe make the leaves red?
Mother (not listening). Okay son! (Gives the shirt to his father.)
Father: Finally, she could have thought before, and not at the last moment.
Mother: Vitalik, stop talking!
Vitalik: Mom, I don't want a cottage cheese sandwich.
Father: A half past seven! Wow! (Picks up briefcase.) Well, I'm running.
Danil: Dad, what about the jacket?
Father: My God, you can leave this house naked, no one will pay attention.
Mother: How not to turn? Vitalik! Don't eat this sandwich, it's for you to take away.
Vitalik: Can't you even eat a piece of bread? Mom, give me money, I'll buy myself something to eat on the way.
Danil: What about me, what about me? I also want to buy something.
Father: I hope you don't let them in in those dirty sweaters.
Mother: Oh sure. (He takes out two white shirts, gives one of them to Danilo, he quickly dresses.) Vitalik, shirt!
Vitalik: Where is my ballpoint pen? Did you pull it off? (Hit brother.)
Danil: Mom, he beats me!
Father: I'm finally leaving. Goodbye. (Exits.)
Mother: Stop fighting or I'll add more... (Puts on Danil's second shirt.)
Danil: Mum! What are you doing?
Mother: Wait, I'll take care of you eventually.
Vitalik: Mom, where is my white shirt?
Danil (helplessly). Mom is pulling on me.
Mother(Gives Danil a slap, pulls off his second shirt.) Couldn't tell before. It stands and is silent.
Vitalik: Mom, give me money!
Mother: I won't give you anything. Go at last! I'm fired from my job because of you. I haven't started getting dressed yet.
Vitalik: You're fine, you're going to nine. Okay, I don't have breakfast. I'll stay hungry. (Takes bag, wants to go out.)
Mother: Wait brother. Daniel, come on, finally!
Vitalik: Goodbye mom!
Danil: Goodbye. (Leaves.)
Mother: (She has Vitalik's shirt in her hands). Vitalik! Put on a clean shirt! (Slams the door.)
Mother (falls into chair in front of mirror). Oh my god, I'm a woman too! (Begins combing her hair, putting herself in order.)
Blackout. Then the stage is brightly lit again, and the Mother appears in front of the curtain. She is tired. sits down on
chair. And then suddenly she remembers her husband and children.
Oh god, it's so late and they're not home yet? Where are they?
The curtain opens. The table is beautifully set. A father and two boys are at the table.

Father: Our dear mother! Congratulations. (They kiss her and present flowers. At this moment, Danil pours milk, Vitaly pushes him, the father runs for a rag and, singing something cheerfully, wipes the floor.) May there always be sunshine, may there always be mother!
Performers line up in front of the curtain and read poetry.
You know your mother only at home;
Native hands protect
Home affectionate comfort,
So familiar and familiar.
But if mom sometimes
Will come tired from work,
Warm her with your care
Help her in everything!

"Fanfares" sound, music for the program "Minute of Glory".

Presenter 1: So, the people's program "Minute of Glory" is on the air! The program is opened by young but very talented musicians.
These kids are great!
They are friendly with music.

So, meet young talents!
Musical number performed by children

Musical instruments

Lead 2: Amazing! And now - the program "So far, everyone is at home" and the heading "Crazy Hands".

Sounds saver "While everyone is at home"

Presenter 1: To please the mother, together with the children, we have prepared a surprise for you, dear mothers, grandmothers. We did all this with the guys in our workshop. Please, guys, give your souvenirs to your beloved mothers!

Children give gifts to their mothers.

Host 2: You sang and played
But they haven't danced for a long time.
We invite you, friends,
On the program "Dancing with the Stars".

Sounds like Dancing with the Stars

Let's dance together
So that you don't get bored on the holiday!

The game "Repeat partner" is conducted by Irina Mikhailovna

Presenter 1: We continue our program, dear mothers. And we invite you to the program "Field of Miracles".

The screensaver "Field of Miracles" sounds.

The seniors are leaving.

Miracles happen all the time in our lives, especially at home. Family miniatures.

It's not easy to get kids on their feet - especially in the early morning.

Results of the past year: the father's belt with a buckle was recognized as the best teacher of the year.

Scottish children can hold on not only to their mother, but also to their father's skirt.

Grandma, why do all the children go to school during the day and I go to school at night?
- But because you are studying to be a watchman!

So, son, come here, let's check the diary.
- Hold on, dad.
- So ... Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday - everything is correct! ..

Vovochka comes home from school:
- Mom, we were vaccinated today!
- Against what?
Against our will!

What did you learn at school today? the father asks.
- I learned to prompt without moving my lips.

Modern parents. Mother to father:
- And don't forget to check how Seryozha downloaded the essay from the Internet!

There is a feeling as if the first four classes at your child's school are an exciting competition between parents: who draws, sculpts, glues better ...

Mom asks Vovochka:
- Vovochka, why is your diary lying in the corner?
- And I punished him for a deuce!

Mom, they tease me at school as a greedy man!
- Who?
- Give me 100 rubles - I'll tell you!

It's good to have a glamorous father.
- Why?
- The belt does not punish.
Why isn't he being punished?
- Afraid for straziki on the belt.

The father asks his son:
- Well, how are you doing at school?
- Fine! The contract with the fifth grade has been extended for another year!

It has been proven that children with funny surnames grow up strong.

Advice to all parents present in the hall: “Do not put your children in a corner at an early age, because it is during this period that their main facial features are formed.”

If silencers were made for children, they would sell well.

Well, son, show the diary.
What did you bring from school today?
- Yes, there is nothing to show, there is only one deuce.
- Only one?
- Don't worry, dad, I'll bring more tomorrow!
- Dad, can you sign with your eyes closed?
- Yes, why?
- Then sign in my diary.

Mom asks her son:
- What did you ask today?
- Nothing.
- Good. So, you're going to wash the dishes again.

After a conversation in the director's office, the shocked father exclaims:
- Is my son the worst in the class?
- What are you doing! What do you! At school!!!

Policemen's children in children's camps do not smear each other with paste, but circle with chalk!

Dad, I need to tell you something!
- Only briefly and clearly.
- one hundred dollars.

Message on the forum of young parents:
- Last week for the first time took her to school. Please advise if it's worth it?

Do you want your children to grow up healthy and obedient? Pediatricians recommend giving children "Strap".

Mom, I didn't want to tell you... I called the helpline three years ago...
- So what?
- I said that if I do not solve the problem in mathematics, my mother will kill me .... They solved it for me!

Host 2: And now, as we promised, the weather forecast for tomorrow.

The screensaver sounds.

Presenter 1: Sunny weather will continue on the territory of our country tomorrow. In the coming days, precipitation in the form of fog and tears is not expected. In general, remember that immediately after autumn - winter comes, and after winter - spring comes, give each other a good mood and the warmth of your hearts!

Host 2:
Let the world be beautiful
And it doesn't take a genius.
To revive the planet
For new generations.
And on earth, on the whole wide earth
Suddenly at once
Our happiness will come.

Final song.

On stage: The hall is darkened, in the center there is a fake bed, a girl with a doll “sleeps” in it, a night lamp is lit, illuminating the center of the hall. The bed is rocked by "Mom" in a scarf singing a lullaby. After the first verse, he gets up, takes off his scarf, puts it on his "daughter", and leaves. The girl gets up, ties her "mother's" handkerchief, shakes the crib, puts the doll down and continues to sing the same song.
Dear readers, if you think that your work should be paid higher, you can always find vacancies for agencies that organize holidays and corporate events, details on the site - A thousand jobs.

Host, child, god)
Leading: -The day before his birth, the child asked God:
Child: - They say that tomorrow they will send me to Earth. How will I live there, because I am so small and defenseless?
Host: God answered:
God: - I will give you an angel who will wait for you and take care of you.
Leading: - The child thought, then said again:
Child: - Here in Heaven I only sing and laugh, this is enough for me to be happy.
Host: God answered:
God: - Your angel will sing and smile for you, you will feel his love and be happy. -
Child: Oh! But how can I understand him, because I do not know his language? - What should I do if I want to contact you?
Host: God gently touched the child's head and said:
God: Your angel will put your hands together and teach you how to pray.
Host: Then the child asked: —
Child: - I heard that there is evil on Earth. Who will protect me?
God: - Your angel will protect you, even risking his own life.
Child: - I will be sad, because I will not be able to see you anymore ... -
God: Your angel will tell you everything about me and show you the way to return to me. So I will always be by your side.
Host: At that moment, voices began to be heard from the Earth; and the child in a hurry asked:
Child: - God, tell me, what is the name of my angel? -
God: -His name doesn't matter. You will just call him Mom.

"Ave Maria". Against its background, the words are read (from behind the scenes):

Stand up, all the way! Accept standing
Preserved in simple beauty
This word is ancient, holy!
Get up!.. Straighten up! Stand up everyone!
As forests rise in the hours of dawn
Like blades of grass tearing towards the sun again.
Stand up everyone, having heard this word,
As if love itself has come to you!
This word is a call, and a spell,
And a prayer in the far side
The word is the first ray of consciousness,
The groan of the last perishing in the fire.
In this word is the power of unselfishness,
Kindness, which life is bright,
What the leaves whisper a little,
What the bells are ringing about
This word will forever be
And, breaking through any traffic jam,
Even in stone hearts will awaken
Hidden reproach of conscience.
The word both heals and hurts.
There is a life being hidden in it.
It is the source of everything. He has no end.
Get up!.. I pronounce it:

Presenters exit, to the music of Fanfare

HOST 1: Good afternoon, dear guests! We dedicate today's holiday to the dearest and most beloved person of each of us, Mom!
PRESENTER 2: Not so long ago, since 1994, our country celebrates a holiday, "Mother's Day", but it has already become traditional.
LEADING 1: Mother's Day is a wonderful occasion to once again say words of love and gratitude to the dearest and closest person, to pay tribute to love, for generous motherly hearts, for their caring and affectionate hands.
HOST 2: Today we would like to give moments of joy to sweet and affectionate mothers, loving and beloved grandmothers sitting in our hall.
HOST 1: The vocal group "Shubyanochka-Rossiyanochka" sings for you

HOST 2: The word for greetings and congratulations is given to the head of the village council S.I. Loburenko ... ..
HOST 1: Gives his musical gift

Music sounds
Carlson runs in (he has a steering wheel in his hands, he hums loudly)
Presenter 2: Hello, Carlson! Stop, stop, don't rush!
Carlson: Hello guys! (bows)
Boys and girls! (greets each child)
Hello mothers, dear ladies!
(Fun): Hello friends, here I am!
You got it right, you got me!
I flew by here
And I saw you through the window.
Beauty, comfort all around,
Know me waiting here!
I am a man, no matter where,
And I came to visit you.
Where is the treat treat?
Maybe it's a birthday?
Presenter 1: Dear Carlson, we have a holiday. We congratulate our women on Mother's Day.
Carlson: Oh, trouble, trouble, grief. How could I, a man in the prime of life, forget about such a holiday ... And I didn’t prepare any gifts. But I flew not alone with me guys from our school. And they must have prepared something. We welcome them with thunderous applause.
(Children get on stage)
Carlson: Our dear mothers, on this holiday,
Accept the words of congratulations from the smallest children.
1st: Ding-de-laziness!
2nd: Ding-de-laziness!
3rd: Good afternoon!
4th: Good afternoon!
5th: A holiday has knocked on the house where we live happily.
6th: Open your eyes wider - the best holiday in the world has come.
Together: Congratulations to the children of their mothers. Hooray!
1st-Mom is the sky! (hands up)
2nd-Mom is the light! (with hands above we show flashlights)
3rd Mom is happiness! (hands to chest)
4th-Mom - better not (lean forward and wave your head no-no)
5th-Mom is a fairy tale! (thumbs up "Wo!")
6th-Mom is laughter! (laughing, smiling)
7th-Mom is a weasel (stroking ourselves on the head)
8th Moms - love everyone! (slam a kiss with two hands to moms)
Teacher: Now we will sing a song for mom,
Congratulations on mother's day
Let's send a kiss! (all together slam a kiss)
They sing the song "Oh, what a mother!"
(Children leave the room)
Carlson: Thank you guys, they helped me out.
Now guess my riddle:
There is a word in our world that is eternal, short, but the most cordial.
It is beautiful and kind, it is simple and convenient,
It is sincere, beloved, incomparable with anything in the world!
Children: Mom!
Carlson: Mom! How much warmth, tenderness is in this word. It's good to have mom around! Mom is our protection, this is our concern, this is our friend, this is the most precious thing we have.
Now I suggest to play. I will ask questions, and you all answer in unison. Deal?
- Who came to me in the morning? All: Mommy!
- Who said: "It's time to get up? » All: Mommy!
- Who managed to cook the porridge? All: Mommy!
-Pour into a cup of tea? All: Mommy!
- Who braided my hair? All: Mommy!
- The whole house was swept by one? All: Mommy!
- Gently who hugged me? All: Mommy!
- Who kissed me? All: Mommy!
-Who childish loves laughter? All: Mommy!
-Who is the best in the world? All: Mommy!
Carlson: Well done! Of course, these are our affectionate and gentle mothers.
Presenter 2: Second-graders give their congratulations to their mothers.
Teacher: Who was sitting on the ladder, Who was looking at the street. Dima ate (holds a bag of chips) Sasha played Kirill drew with crayons. It was evening, there was nothing. Here comes the car. The cat climbed into the attic. Then Dima said to the guys Just like that ...
Dima: And I have chips in my pocket. And you?
Olya: And I have clips in my pocket. And you?
Sasha: And today we have a cat, She gave birth to kittens yesterday. The kittens have grown a little, but they don't want to eat Kitiket!
Cyril: And we have gas in the kitchen. And you?
Danil: And we have a microwave. Deftly?
Lera: And from our window, the whole Market, as if on the palm of your hand. Every day I look and wait... I want a children's playground!
Sasha: And we had a quiet hour - This is the time. There is a pit in the middle of the yard - These are two. And fourthly, our mother is going to Novosib tomorrow, Mom will bring the goods - She will invite everyone to the market.
Host: Vova answered from the ladder ...
Vova: Entrepreneur mom? Cool!
Olya: But Misha, for example, has a policeman's mother!
Sasha: And Yulia's mother, Dima's mother are shop assistants!
Dima: And I have a simple answer - my mother is a speech therapist!
Nata: All the more important...
Host: Nata said ...
Nata: Mom from the food factory. Who will make you waffles? Definitely not an entrepreneur!
Vova: And Alena and Ivan have both mothers as accountants!
Dima: And Valya and Katya have teachers at school!
Host: And Cyril said quietly ...
Cyril: My mother is not a dressmaker, Not a cashier, not a controller, Mom is just a director.
Presenter: Vova was the first to respond ...
Vova: Mom is a holiday?! That's cool! The cook makes compotes. This is very good! In bookkeeping reports, That's good too! The doctor treats us for measles, There is a teacher at school. All kinds of mothers are needed, All kinds of mothers are important.
All: Well, our mothers are all sweeter and more beautiful!
Presenter 2: For you, dear women with a great name, mother is our next musical number.

Host1: Probably everyone will agree that there is nothing more beautiful than the joy of a mother who bowed to a baby who fell asleep on her chest. There is nothing more disturbing than endless sleepless nights and unclosed mother's eyes.
Presenter 2: Mothers always burn themselves and light the way for others. They are full of tenderness, selfless love, and their hands do good on earth.
Host1: So where does mom start?
Presenter 2: And mom starts from this magical house!
("MAGIC HOUSE") Grade 3
Student 1: What is happiness? Such a simple question
Perhaps more than one philosopher asked.
2 student: But in fact, happiness is simple!
It starts with half a meter of growth.
3 student These are undershirts. Booties and bib
A brand new described mother's sarafan.
4 student Torn tights... Broken knees,
These are the walls painted in the corridor ...
1 student Happiness is soft warm palms,
Behind the sofa candy wrappers, crumbs on the sofa ...
2 student This is a whole pile of broken toys,
It's a constant rattle of rattles...
3 student Happiness is barefoot heels on the floor ...
Thermometer under the arm, tears and injections ...
4 student Abrasions and wounds. Bruises on the forehead ... this is a constant "What" and "Why?" ...
1 student Happiness is a sled. Snowman and slide...
A small candle on a huge cake...
2 student: This is the endless "Read me a fairy tale",
These are the daily Khryusha with Stepashka ...
3 student This is a warm nose from under the blanket ...
Bunny on the pillow, blue pajamas ...
4 student: Splashes all over the bathroom, foam on the floor ...
1 student: Puppet theater, matinee in the garden ...
Student 2: What is happiness? Everyone will answer you;
Everyone has it
TOGETHER: Who has children!
3 student We are always proud of our mothers,
We always remember them
4 student In honor of their victories, in honor of their work,
We will perform our dance.
Stage 4 class
Boy: You know, I heard that all girls want to grow up quickly so that they can get married later.
Girl: Well, of course! And who among us does not want to receive gifts, flowers, sweets ...
Boy: Do you think that becoming a wife and mother, you will only dress up, eat sweets and receive gifts?
Girl: How could it be otherwise?
Boy: And here are the statistics of one magazine that gives these numbers:
1st On average, mothers spend more than 3,000 sleepless hours at the bedside of sick children.
2nd During the life of a mother, 500 kinds of a wide variety of dishes are prepared.
3rd And they wash piles of laundry. If you add up all the washed clothes for a lifetime, you get a mountain as high as Elbrus.
4th If you add up all the towels they have ironed, you get a belt for the entire globe.
1st Mothers sing songs, read poetry, knit and sew.
They rejoice and grieve.
2nd And mothers cry. Mother's tears are a sea or even an ocean, which can be called an ocean of sadness.
3rd And being a mother means seeing the happy eyes of your children!
4. As we want, relatives,
So that you always smile.
To bypass you
Every trouble.

1. Let your eyes shine
Only good light!
And the love of your children
Life will be warm!

We are your kind smiles
We will collect in a huge bouquet
For you, dear mothers,
We will sing a song today.

Presenter 1: Kind, sweet, hospitable, beautiful women in everything - our musical number is for you.
Carlson: Well done guys! And now I want to play with you and your moms. Children, you are my friends! And you have sweets!

Presenter 2: Carlson, we know that you love jam, sweets and chocolate very much, but your teeth deteriorate from sweets, so we prepared yogurts for a fun game.
Game "Feed Mom"

(2-3 pairs play at once.)

Carlson: Dear mothers and grandmothers, your children will feed you yogurt.
(The child sits on a chair opposite his mother, he has a jar of yogurt and a spoon in his hands, you can prepare napkins. The child gently, on command, begins to feed his mother. The one who does it quickly and accurately will win. Carlson can also participate in the game).

Carlson: Children, it was very interesting for me with you and your mothers! Therefore, I want to treat the children with candy! Here she is so beautiful (pulls out and shows)
Presenter 1: Wait, Carlson! After all, there are a lot of guys, but you have one candy. Not enough for everyone, what to do?
Carlson: And my candy is not simple, but with a secret. Look here (Opens, and there are a lot of sweets.) Now there is enough candy for everyone.

(Carlson distributes sweets to children to the music

Carlson: Dear mothers, grandmothers, always remain unique and desirable, the most beautiful and kind. Let modesty and gentleness, meekness and tenderness shine in your eyes - those qualities that give you so much charm and charm. May the star of happiness and love always shine on you! And it's time for me to fly. Something I'm already hungry. It's time to refresh.
Leading out
Presenter 2: Our holiday does not end there. And we once again say to you, mothers: "You are the most beautiful and dear thing that every person has." May your kindness bring warmth to the hearts of those around you. May the music of love, kindness, happiness and children's laughter always sound in your heart.

Presenter 1: Grandmothers are sitting in our hall. Dear grandmothers, I am glad to greet you, people of different ages, but close in spirit! It is you who, with your warmth and affection, teach to always be kind and sensitive. Grandmothers deserve respect and gratitude for their love for their grandchildren.
Host 2: We believe in you and love you. For many children, the grandmother became a second mother. May you live quietly and peacefully. And we will try not to upset you over trifles.
Presenter 1: Not a step towards old age,
Not an hour in sorrow.
But only in joy
And only in vigor.
Host 2:
We wish health to be a companion,
So that trouble does not knock on the door.
We wish you success, family happiness
And good spirits always!
Presenter 1:
May this day not add wrinkles,
And the old ones will be smoothed out and erased.
Strengthens health, relieves failures.
Bring more joy and happiness.

You will hear a song about your grandmother.
Watch and enjoy with us.

Presenter 2: In our school, the action "Fives for Mom" ​​was held. The main work of the student is studying. Today, summing up, we will see how our children have worked.
To award the winners of the action "Fives for Mom" ​​the floor is given

Receive a song as a gift

Presenter 1: Today, on this holiday - the day of the dearest, the day of the holy person, We congratulate all the women who have such a happy and difficult fate at the same time - to be a mother.

Presenter 2: In our difficult time, giving birth and raising one child is already an act, and raising three or more children is a feat! In our village there are such mothers - heroines. We have them-30 Children in these families-?
We wish you health, love and warmth,
So that life is interesting and long,
So that there is comfort in the house, love and advice,
So that the house was protected from grief and troubles.
Presenter 1: This year 14 babies were born in our village. Congratulations to the mothers on a wonderful event - the birth of children. Health to you and your kids.
Children sing for you
Presenter 2: Today I would like to express gratitude and respect to mothers whose sons repay their debt to the Motherland, Fatherland. And to those whose sons have recently returned home. Low bow to you….

Host1: Mom, mommy ... How we are used to the fact that she just is, and that's it! Sometimes we forget that there is somewhere a person who thinks every minute, remembers us, worries, at the first call rushes to help support, calm, give his whole heart.
The poem "Mother is ill"
Presenter 2: Thank you, relatives for your care
For every breath of the night at the head.
For what our souls you willingly
And sacredly fill with love.

Host 1: Forgive us for every wrinkle.
After all, because of us, it is not easy for you!
Forgive us for every tear
Stealthily wiped from my native cheek.
Presenter 2: Many nights have passed without sleep,
Worries, worries can not be counted.
Earth bow to you all mothers
For the fact that you are in the world!
Host 1: Obeying the command of the heart.
I'll look into the eyes, my dear, I'll look ...
I'll gently fall on my knees
And I'll tell you: "Thank you ..."

Scene “A holiday every day” Scene one
Mom walks around the house, tidies up toys and says
Mom: What is it?
It's such a mess here!
Just a moment of peace
They won't let me!
I washed the clothes
And cooked dinner.
I'm so tired
But I have no rest.
I'm tired, I'll go, for the first time in my life I'll lie down until the children from school come. And then I'll clean myself up.
scene two
The son comes from school, all lathered, on the go sings to the tune of “The Bremen Town Musicians”
Son: There is nothing better in the world,
Than to drive football at least until dawn.
And in hockey to fight until you drop,
This is all I need to be happy.
Son: Mom, I'm here! Mom, I forgot to buy bread again. Mom, I want to eat! (looks into the room) Sleeping... (surprised) Strange... Well, okay, while he's sleeping, I'm driving for bread (singing) La-la-la
scene three
Daughter comes home from school. Sings (to the motive “She has eyes ...” gr. “Prime Minister”)
Daughter: My neighbor does not sleep, does not eat -
He only talks about me.
Says there is nothing more beautiful
Better than the girl that sits with him
Look slowly
Am I not good?
I will note about myself .... Yes!
My eyes are two three carat diamonds
My curls - all the guys go crazy.
My lips are the doors of the two gates of paradise,
And in general, I'm all, all like that - melted!
Daughter: Mom! (whining) Mommy, I'm terribly tired and cold, take off my boots! Mum! I have beautiful nails! Mom! (takes off shoes, looks into the room) Are you sleeping? (bewildered) I don't understand!
scene four
The son appears with bread, singing a song.
Daughter: Shut up! Wake up mom!
Son: How?... Is she still sleeping? Oh wow! She needs to be awakened! I do want to eat!
Daughter: Yes, I already tried, nothing works.
Son: Then you feed me, you see I'm hungry!
Daughter: What else! I have beautiful nails! I'm tired…
Son: Do you think I'm not tired? By the way, I study at a sports school!
Daughter: So what! And I'm in the music.
Son: Yes, okay! Well, what do we do now? Can a doctor be called? did mom get sick? (frightened) What if she's having this... lethargic dream?
Daughter: What?
Son: Well, this is when they sleep for a whole year .... Horror! Maybe call your dad at work?
Daughter: No, you don't need a doctor, and you shouldn't bother dad. Our mom is healthy. She's just tired. Spinning alone like a squirrel in a wheel all day, and no help from us! Here the body could not stand it! Poor thing!
Son: Got it! Let's clean up everything here ourselves, and mom will wake up and be delighted. What a great idea I came up with!
Daughter: You're right! We tortured our poor little mother. Look how tired she is. And I have noticed this before. Everything! From this day on, we start helping mom!
Son: Cool!
Son and daughter sing a song to the motive “Water Carrier Song”
Mother must be respected
Mom needs help
Do not say anything
Clean it up here, don't litter there.
I will tell you a secret
There is no better mother than ours
Do not say anything
Clean it up here, don't litter there.
Daughter: I'll iron the clothes!
Son: You don't know how!
Daughter: I'll learn nothing!
Son: And then I'll take out the trash! Here!
Daughter: You're lying!
Son: Yes, so that I burst at this place! Deal?
Daughter: Hands down! Deal!
Scene five.
Mom wakes up. Children joyfully run to her, hug her and kiss her.
Son: Mom!
Daughter: Mommy!
Mom: (surprised) How clean it is here! Oh yes, well done! Is today some kind of holiday?
Daughter: No, Mommy! But from now on we will help you!
Son: Yep!
Mom: Why all of a sudden?
Daughter: We just understood one simple truth. To love means to protect, take care, help and support each other.
Son: Always! Right, mom?
Mom: That's right, children! (Hugs children)

Presenter 2: Our dear mothers, grandmothers. Once again we want to congratulate you on Mother's Day and wish you:
Leading 1: Let all sorrows go out in the light of days,
May all maternal dreams come true.

Presenter 2: We wish you always to cover
Path of life with the light of kindness.
(The soundtrack of the song “Parental House” sounds. Everyone comes to the fore, join hands, raising them, shaking them up to the beat of the music. The music subsides).

Voice-over: Rain hits the window like a frozen bird.
But she will not fall asleep, continuing to wait for us.
Today I want to bow from the bottom of my heart

The one who gave us life in agony,
The one that sometimes did not sleep with us at night,
Her warm hands were pressed to her chest,
And she prayed for us to all the holy images.
The one who asked God for happiness
For the health of their daughters and sons.
Each new step for her was like a holiday,
And she was sicker from the pain of children.
We fly from our native nest like birds,
We want to become adults as soon as possible.
Today I want to bow to the ground
Our Russian woman named MOTHER!
1st school We bow to all mothers for selfless love.
2nd school Kindness. For the hands that create goodness and justice on Earth, decorate life, fill it with meaning, make it happy.
3rd. We bow to you, mothers, for your great maternal feat.
4th. We bow to you for your concern.
5th. For understanding and patience.
6th. For your kindness and for having you with us.
The children standing on the stage bow and leave.
Presenter 1: Dear mothers! We are waiting for you in our hospitable hall again and again, and we really hope that today we managed to give you some wonderful moments, pleasant minutes on your holiday!
Presenter 2: Peace to your home! Thank you for being with us this festive evening! Goodbye, see you again!

The path of each person begins with the hands of the mother, who until the end of her days remains the dearest and closest person. In gratitude to all mothers for the gift of life, in 1998 a holiday appeared on the calendar - Mother's Day, celebrated on the last Sunday of November. So that children and relatives do not forget to congratulate their dearest women, morning performances and festive events are held in children's groups, which can be decorated with funny scenes about mom.

For kindergarten

An important educational and teaching moment at an early age is the memorization of poetry. It improves speech and develops memory. Therefore, for a children's matinee, you should choose a small rhyming text, filled with the opportunity to prove yourself in a game role, so that the kids are interested. You can collect material on well-known poems by prominent authors: Agniya Barto, Elena Blaginina, Grigore Vieru. For the attention of the audience, it is very important that the ending be unexpected and contain intrigue. The most correct thing is if the scene about mom is funny, because positive emotions are very important in it.

But it must necessarily be of an educational nature: not only contribute to the formation of a sense of humor, but also teach kindness, mutual assistance, and pride in one's family. The role of the leader can be taken by the educator, and in the older group - the most prepared child, able to keep the thread of the plot, otherwise the content will not be brought to the attention of the audience.


Children's sketches about mother are widely represented in literary collections, we bring to the attention of the reader the sketch "Festive Day":

Participants: presenter, mother, father, daughter, son.

Today is Mother's Day!

But we are too lazy to sleep with our sister:

A ray of sun only through the window,

We are already playing with the cat.

(A boy and a girl approach the door of the next room, listen).

Daughter says to her brother:

Mom and dad are fast asleep

And they don't want to feed us!

We won't wake them up

We can make our own soup!

(Takes sister to the kitchen.)

Able to knead the dough

And vacuum the chair!

Decorate the closet with flowers

Here's a surprise for mom!

(Children drag a vacuum cleaner, open a can of paint, spill it on the floor. Dough is kneaded on the table, which sticks to hands, clothes, hair).

The sound of footsteps down the hall... who is that?

We'll find out soon!

If mom, that's the trouble,

We didn't make it, as usual!

Final scene "Holiday"

Scenes about mom and children cannot do without dad, who plays a major role in the plot, which is very important:

(Dad enters, looks in amazement at the mess in the kitchen).

What happened, I do not understand!

I will punish you both!

Daughter ( upset):

We wanted, don't be angry

Surprise Mommy!

Dad got sad at the same time

He forgot about the holiday.

Didn't buy a bouquet of flowers

No gift, pies!

He rolled up his sleeves

I dipped my hands into the paint

And said…

Well, kids, it's all over! For one or two!

(With cheerful music, everyone gets down to business. Cleaning is going on quickly, breakfast is being cooked, a cake is being baked, flowers are drawn on the cabinet doors, dad runs off to sleep).

Mom got up in the morning

Quietly trudged into the kitchen.

The door opened, closed...

Wow, how clean!

Smells like hot cakes

The closet is painted all over with flowers,

The cat is purring at the window...

Son and daughter:

Mom, happy holiday to you!

Mom hugs kids

caresses them on the head,

And quietly says:

It's a pity ... dad is fast asleep!

School scenes about mom: features for primary school children

At the beginning of school life, the leading activity for children is educational. The main authority is the teacher, whose opinion is more important for students than parental. Therefore, it is advisable to use a very popular and funny humoresque:

Get up, son. The alarm clock is ringing, you'll be late for school!

I do not want. Again, Petrov will start pestering everyone ... he will start a fight!

If you don't get up, you'll be late for the first lesson.

Well, okay. Watch how Ivanov will throw rags again?

Still, it's not good to be late.

Is it good when Sidorov shoots at people with a slingshot?

Son, you can't not go to school, because you are ... the director!

A scene about a son and mother is a dialogue on the topic that adults remain small children for their parents. And even the director has a caring, understanding mother, in front of whom he wants to be capricious, remembering his childhood.

For middle management

At a time when the teacher's opinion is important for the student, it is necessary to remind them of the need to help the dearest women - mothers and grandmothers. This can be done with humor, using the upcoming holiday. The option in verse is interesting in that it is easier to perceive and makes you think about your own behavior in similar situations, looking at yourself from the outside. "Caring son" - a scene about mom. A funny story can be easily played out by two students, because only the son and the mother who has returned from the store are involved in it.

(Mom enters, heavy bags in her hands).

How many times have I asked you

You don't listen, mom

No need to lift bags

10 kilograms each.

Yes, I'd love to advice

I got yours, son!

Can you go to the store

Two times, it's easier!

Funny only when it does not contain sarcasm and disrespectful attitude towards the woman-mother. The object of ridicule is those who show indifference or ingratitude.

In high school

High school students are able to prepare a mini-performance, as well as interesting miniatures, bringing their own creativity to them. They can be prepared:

  • For your peers.
  • Children from elementary grades.
  • Parents and teachers.

Parents and peers need solid scenes about mom for Mother's Day. Funny performances of poems, for example, to the work of E. Uspensky "The Rout", will be appropriate for younger children. What can be played for the holiday?

"In the bar"

Three characters take part in the scene: a boy, a girl and a mother.

(A girl sits at the bar at the counter. The guy is walking towards her.).

Guy: Hello baby! Are you bored?

Girl: Hello! Not without it!

Guy: Do you want me to arrange an unforgettable evening for you? Come with me?

Girl: Yes, I would be glad, only my mother strictly ordered me to return at 23:00.

Guy: Haha! You're not ten years old! Maybe you will still go on dates with your mother?

(Suddenly, a hand takes the young man by the ear).

Guy: Mom? How did you get here?

Mom: How did you get here? You have a test tomorrow!

Guy: Mom, yes I ...

Mom: March home! No excuses!

Boy ( girl): Baby, I'm sorry, I ...

Mom: Home!

This scene about mother is funny, because there is a lot of irony in it, through which a respectful attitude towards the figure of the mother is emphasized.

School KVN

There are probably several KVN teams at the school, between which competitions regularly take place. The topic for jokes can easily be timed to coincide with holidays, including Mother's Day, which will expand the audience and develop the ability to notice funny situations in real life. Self-irony is one of the most important qualities of a true KVN officer. Among the competitions in KVN are used:

  • Greetings.
  • Warm-up (short jokes on the topic of playing KVN).
  • Homework with the use of an entertainer.
  • A music competition during which the lyrics of famous songs are remade.

In the greeting, small scenes about mom will be appropriate. KVN requires sparkling jokes, so they should be short, but very capacious. As an example, the following would be recommended:

Mum ( adult son):

You see, the son of his mother is growing as an assistant! She washed, and he takes off the linen from the rope!

Yeah ... Only it seems that this is your assistant, our underwear is hanging on a rope!

For adults

At home, during the celebration, a scene about a mother for adults will be appropriate. It can be completely improvised and built on any comic situation. Two options can be offered.

  • Medical examination with the issuance of a conclusion. In the main document will be noted: a flourishing age, universal hearing, one hundred percent vision. Each item can be deciphered with humor. Among the problems, one should state an increased heart rate, which shows a high level of anxiety for children, their education, personal life, and professional career.
  • Rewarding the mother with the Order of Merit with their transfer. You will need an awarder, a support group, spectators who give a standing ovation, an assistant who brings gifts and flowers. An example would be the item: "For the education of faith in God." As an example, phrases from life can be voiced: “Mom, you always said: “Pray, son, that this stain on the trousers is washed off!”.

Improvised scenes about mom on Mother's Day are funny memories from childhood, giving the holiday a special touching and warm homely atmosphere. They can be accompanied by music that evokes the necessary associations, viewing family photos and gift cards.

Scene about mom: "Funny situation"

Today, many reprises and comic scenes have been published about the inability of mothers and grandmothers to cope with a computer. This is especially funny in the "Diesel Show". It will be original to play your version about a daughter and mother. The scene changes the idea of ​​the children about the potential of their own parents:

(Daughter-high school student sits at a computer, mother enters).

I need a computer for a couple of minutes, I want to upload the pictures to Odnoklassniki.

(The girl reluctantly gets up from the table. The mother opens the photo album and tries to insert the photo into the drive).

Daughter: Mom, what are you doing? These are printed pictures.

Mom: But how to reset them to Odnoklassniki?

This is done from a flash drive, do you have an electronic media?

Little thing that looks like a lighter?

Well, yes ... And to reset them, you need to go to the site. What is your login?

What is it?

Login! A code word without which it is impossible to enter the site. Write it here in Latin letters. And a password.

Oh, now, I don't remember by heart.

(He takes out a crumpled piece of paper and begins to clumsily poke at the keyboard. The daughter tries to help her, but her mother hides her note from her. Daughter waves her hand and angrily leaves the room).

mother ( puts on headphones and quickly opens skype):

This is the Arrow. Sea Wolf, are you ready? Daughter freed the computer for a couple of hours. So let's start. Go around One Eye on the left and I'll blow him up on the right. Dive into the crevice, hide! Hi Anaconda! Have you lost your daughter too? Freed up a job? Come on, connect, bypass it on the left. Ready! Know ours! Forward to the spaceport, in a couple of seconds, a flight to a neighboring planet. Let's show these Multi-armed Vishers!

Short sketches about mom will easily fit into any scenario of a festive event, giving it a positive mood and bringing a smile to those for whom it is held.

Attention! The site administration site is not responsible for the content of methodological developments, as well as for the compliance of the development of the Federal State Educational Standard.

Scenario for mother's day for children 5-7 years old. during the festive event, children start an argument about who is better than boys or girls and prove to their mothers that they are the most wonderful sons and daughters.

Target: harmonization of parent-child relations


  1. Contribute to the creation of positive emotional experiences for children and their mothers from the joint celebration of Mother's Day.
  2. Contribute to the creation of warm relationships in the family.
  3. Contribute to the creation and maintenance of family traditions.
  4. Contribute to the creation of a positive microclimate in the group.
  5. Raise love and respect for the dearest person - mom.
  6. Contribute to the development of the ability to expressively perform poems: use natural intonations, logical pauses, stress, convey your attitude to the content.
  7. To develop smooth voice leading, expressiveness in singing, dancing.
  1. Presentation "Mom dear"
  2. The song "I love you so much, mom" (music and lyrics by Kolmogorova).
  3. Congratulatory roll call Dance "Quarrel"
  4. Game "Tell me a word"
  5. Game "Say kindly"
  6. The song "What girls are made of"
  7. Attraction "How attentive you are" My mother has (eyes, dress, hair clips ...).
  8. Attraction "Disassemble with your eyes closed, someone needs something" (items for girls and boys)
  9. Poems "Mom's helpers"
  10. Attraction "Make a sandwich"
  11. Attraction "Who Has the Longest Potato Peeling"
  12. Attraction "Venikoball"
  13. Chastushki.
  14. Dance "Washing"
  15. Song "Lullaby for Mom"
  16. A story for moms.
  17. The song "Mom for a mammoth"
  18. Congratulations from dads.
  19. The song "Girls - boys, such naughty ones"
  20. Dance with hearts "Good gentle mother". We give hearts (balloons heart)
  21. Dance "Dance teacher"

Materials and equipment.

multimedia equipment. Presentation "Mom dear". Handkerchiefs, items that girls, boys need 5 pieces each, products for a sandwich, 4 potatoes, knives, a broom, napkins, masks of a hare, a hare, a titmouse, a hedgehog, cats, a guitar, flowers, 3 canvases, 12 hearts - flashlights, a tape recorder, musical accompaniment.

Event progress

Parents are greeted by the presentation "Mom dear".

Group reading of the verse by E. Serova “There is turmoil and noise in the kindergarten” (Appendix No. 1)

The song “I love you so much, mom” sounds (music and lyrics by Kolmogorova). (Appendix No. 2)

Educator: Today we are glad to welcome in this hall our dear guests, the sweetest, beloved and only ones, our mothers. Happy holiday, our dear mothers!

The word "mom" is a special word. It is born, as it were, together with us, accompanies us in the years of growing up and maturity.

Poem by Sergei Ostorovoy “There is a holy and prophetic sign in nature, Brightly marked through the ages!” (Appendix No. 3)


Mom - this means tenderness, this is affection, kindness,

Mom is serenity, This is joy, beauty!

Mom is a bedtime story, It's the morning dawn

Mom - a hint in difficult times, This is wisdom and advice!

Mom is the greenery of summer, This is snow, an autumn leaf,

Mom is a ray of light, Mom means LIFE!

Presentation "My mother is the best" (photo of mothers with children)

Children(collective reading):

Everything in the garden makes noise, sings - Mother's Day is coming!
Everyone needs to discuss: What will we give mothers?

Monkey dads will say: -We will buy bananas for moms!
So that we cook banana compote all year round.

Dads-hamsters will say: - We will buy hooks for moms!
To day-to-day to night
We knitted sweaters!

They will say, daddy bears will say:
- Buy-buy mothers covers!
We will buy jars, roots.
Let moms cook jam!

Well, a bunny on the edge rushes into the distance, spreading its ears,
Hey, wait! Where are you?

I'm in a hurry to buy flowers!
After all, why donate hooks?
Oh, you bears, hamsters!
For moms to rest
So that they flutter like little birds,
Let's love moms!
Let's give them flowers! (give flowers)

Children are built in two rows (girls, boys - start a quarrel).

Dance "Quarrel" to the melody of the song. “I was offended” by the author of the words - Lisits Regina, composer - Igor Kornelyuk (Appendix No. 4)

Educator: What is it, what happened. What quarrel happened?

Boy and girl: Rather, solve our dispute, if you can prove who in the world is cuter than a daughter or son.

Educator: Of course, we understand that the age of questions has come. But this one is very complex. And only our mothers can answer it. Let's arrange competitions, and our moms will be a strict and impartial jury. Instead of points and ratings, we will present our participants with applause.

Educator: As a warm-up, I suggest you play a game.

Game "Tell me a word"

In the mornings, mothers take their children to (kindergarten).

We declare firmly, directly: the best in the world. (mother).

I'll put the portrait in a frame, I'll admire it. (mommy).

Mom will kiss on the cheek for a little night. (daughter).

Eat your mother's pancake, grow up soon. (son).

Mom has doves, her only one. (son).

There are many mothers in the world, they love them with all their hearts. (children).

And now let's play with moms: I start, and you finish the phrase!

There is no sweeter friend than your own. (mother).

Warm in the sun, mother. (good).

Mother's caress of the end. (does not know).

The birds are happy about spring, and the child. (mothers).

Do you love mom? And kind words for her say? Whoever says more will win.

Game "Say kindly"

Educator: You are all so different: funny, kind, mischievous, affectionate.

New task "Who will sing whom"

The song "And what are girls only made of"

Educator: New task

The game "How attentive are you"

My mother has (eyes, dress, hairpins).

Attraction "Disassemble with closed eyes to whom, what is needed"

(items for girls and boys)

Educator: Do you help your mom at home? But as? We will check now. We will do everything to make them happy.

Poems "Mom's helpers"

(Appendix No. 5)


We invite dads "Make a sandwich",
"Who Has the Longest Potato Peel"


Here they are - mother's helpers.
But in fact, everything is not so bad. Let's check.

Attraction "Venikoball"


Moms and dads listen carefully
Prepared palms. Clap for sure

(Appendix No. 6)

Educator: Do you know how to wash? And teach your mothers?

Dance "Washing"

We washed, swept, cooked soup, did not get bored.

It's time to relax and take a nap

Vanya: They light the lanterns before going to bed, sit down and talk to me before going to bed.

The whole evening you were not with me, You have all the affairs and affairs.

I don't stand over your soul. I'm still waiting and silent as a big one.

Sit down and talk to me before bed.

Let's look at the lights together.

Song "Lullaby for Mom"

I woke up early in the morning. Mom is still sleeping. Even the sun, yawning, quietly dozes in golden clouds.

Chorus: Bye, bye, I sing a lullaby for my beloved mother.

I want to give you a new day on Earth, mommy.

The breeze knocks on your window like a white apple tree.

The birds sang for you. Dear mother, my sunshine.

Educator: While mom is resting. A fairy tale will enter her house.

Music "Visiting a fairy tale".

A story for moms.

Hare, Hare, Titmouse, Hedgehog, Cat.
in some kingdom. In a dark state.
There is a Christmas tree in the forest, a prickly needle.
Like a hare lived under the tree. The bunny was not friends with his mother.
The bunny offended the mother. "I'm not friends with you," he said.

("Stop it, Zainka don't shawl")

Mom wiped her tears and went into the dense forest.
The bunny had a lot of fun, jumping, running and spinning.

("There, hustle there, hustle And we don't need anyone")

But in the forest, in the night forest, it became scary to be alone.

"Oh oh oh. Mommy Where. You are scary to me. I want to eat. I'm cold.

I cried for a long time, I went to look for Mommy.

Titmouse, little one, have you seen my mother?

I flew through the forest, I didn’t see your mother. Come to my thread. Fly faster, baby.

I can not fly.

Then look for another mother.

The hare wandered for a long time. All wet, and all tired.

Hedgehog, hedgehog, friend. Have you seen my mommy?

I live under a bush, come into my hole. I give you my fur coat.

The hare approached the hedgehog, wanted to hide under its thorns. Yes, he stumbled. Hurt

Oh oh oh

What happened to you.

A fur coat like a Christmas tree, needles on the shoulders. It hurts the bunny's paws. I'll rush off without looking back.

I looked out the window, and there was a mother cat.

The cat sings a song. Affectionately and tenderly.

He strokes his belly with his paw, like a snow feather bed.

Oh oh oh.

Cat - What's wrong with you? What are you sad bunny.

Mom, I really offended. How to have fun here.

What to do. How to say? Where can we find mom?

Children, or maybe together we will sing a song “Mom for a mammoth”, and you parents sing along.

Song "Mom for a mammoth"

Bunny falls asleep

A rabbit appears.

How is my bunny. How is my little one?

Stop hare, don't cry What happened, tell me.

Bunny, son, I have. Only without a quarrel we do not live a day.

Disobedient and pugnacious. Still, he's my favorite.

Got angry and drove away. I came and he disappeared.

Here I go looking for him. Maybe he met a fox?

Or a bad wolf. He's been gone for so long.

Cat - And you are a bunny, look if your bunny is sleeping under our Christmas tree.

Cat - Wait, don't wake up.

Hide yourself behind the Christmas tree and listen to him.

(wakes up the bunny)

Bunny, get up. It's time to look for mom.

Of course, I'm happy to. Yes, just where. Offended her greatly. She left.

Zainka, and you will still offend her.

I won't, I won't. Offend mother bunny.

I will, I will, respect and hug my mother bunny.

I will try very hard to help her and not to fight.

(mother comes out from behind the tree).

Mommy, forgive me.

Zainka, mommy loves you very much and forgives you.

This is how our story ends happily.

And you promise to protect your mother. Will you help her? To love, kiss, hug and speak affectionate words? Moms, are your kids the most wonderful?

So far, our strict but very cordial jury is summing up our competitions.

We would like to hear a few words from those. Who also loves our moms, from your dads.

Congratulations from dads.

Dear moms, well, who won. Who is better, girls or boys?

The song "Girls - boys, such naughty ones."

Dance with hearts "Good gentle mother."

We give hearts (balloons heart)

Moms are gentle, moms are sweet.
The best, very happy.
Children congratulate you on the holiday.
They only wish good things in life.
Don't get sick, don't get old
Sing, love and be beautiful. Happy holiday.
We invite you to a common dance.