What's new learned about the profession being studied carpenter. Job description of a carpenter

Stolya r- A woodworker who creates wood products. The profession is suitable for those who are interested in world artistic culture and work and economy (see the choice of profession for interest in school subjects).

Features of the profession

In kinship with the carpentry profession - the profession of a carpenter. However, carpentry is thinner than carpentry. A carpenter can build a house, but a carpenter can build everything that is inside. The skill level of a carpenter is indicated by a rank. The highest category is 6. The simplest work: selection, sorting of lumber, preparation of bars, etc. - belong to 2-3 categories. A 4th grade carpenter mainly manufactures and assembles rectangular objects. Workers of the 6th category make, install and restore especially complex curly and patterned handrails, skirting boards, trims, etc.

A carpenter can specialize in a particular direction. For example, in the manufacture of furniture, windows, doors, stairs, musical instruments, etc.

Among the furniture joiners, a small group of cabinet makers stands out. They design new furniture, restore old furniture, carry out individual orders.

A ship's carpenter installs and fastens furniture on ships.

A construction carpenter is engaged in finishing houses.

A carpenter for the manufacture and repair of musical instruments cuts openwork and contours of parts, assemblies.

When working on a product, a qualified carpenter relies on a sketch and a drawing (which he develops himself or receives from a designer / customer). Then he selects lumber suitable for work, makes blanks, turns them into parts. By combining them, he gets the finished product.

Depending on the specialization, the carpenter works outdoors or indoors. Sometimes - at high altitude (carpenters-builders). At the same time, the master has to saw, plan, grind, glue, etc. At the same time, he uses a workbench, a circular saw, a hacksaw, an ax, a hammer, a planer, and many other tools and materials. Working with them requires skill and safety. Failure to comply with them is fraught with injuries (mainly injuries of the limbs, eyes) and occupational diseases.

The carpenter has to breathe varnishes, paints, wood dust. Some instruments create a lot of noise and vibration. All this can cause occupational diseases: diseases of the respiratory tract, spine, hearing loss (among carpenters). Fortunately, all this can be avoided if you monitor the convenience of the workplace, use goggles, a mask, earplugs, etc., and also alternate work with outdoor activities and sports. Many carpenters work successfully until old age.


Joiners work at enterprises of the woodworking, forestry, wood-chemical industries, at construction and repair and construction enterprises, shipbuilding and ship repair enterprises, in the administrative and economic departments of organizations and institutions. With good qualifications, you can work individually.

Important qualities

Tendency to work with hands artistic taste, developed eye, spatial imagination, correct color perception, good vision and hearing, coordination of movements, accuracy, attentiveness, balance.

Diseases accompanied by loss of consciousness, rheumatic diseases, skin diseases, impaired coordination of movements can be considered contraindications for carpentry work.

However, some operations (sawing, planing, polishing small parts, fitting knots, fastening on small benchtop equipment using hand and power tools) can be performed by people with limited leg mobility.

Knowledge and skills

The carpenter needs to be able to "read" drawings and sketches. A carpenter working individually should be able to draw up sketches and drawings of future products on his own. It is necessary to know the properties of wood, to know how to process it, how to manufacture, fit and hang joinery products.

A carpenter is a craftsman engaged in joinery work: the manufacture of complex furniture, doors, windows, arches, stairs and other products from solid wood with the possible use of veneering, veneering, laminating, without hand carving. The carpenter performs more precise, fine work than the carpenter.

The carpenter is engaged in wood processing, manufacturing, assembly, installation of various wood products: cabinet, office, upholstered furniture, windows, doors, railings, other wooden interior items, cross-country skis, etc. His duties also include cutting door locks, handles, wall cladding with wood panels.

For successful activity, you need: love for a tree; good health, vision, good joint-muscular sensitivity, good distribution of attention; quick visual-motor reaction, ability to concentrate attention for a long time and its flexible distribution, good spatial imagination and visual-figurative thinking.

The carpenter must know: the properties of wood of different species, how it is processed; wood defects, methods of sealing its individual places; methods of manufacturing, fitting and hanging joinery; technology and equipment.

It is desirable for a carpenter to have a secondary specialized education. In some cases, work experience is not prerequisite in employment, carpenters are trained directly at the workplace. The carpenter must understand the drawings, types of wood, know how to process it, have the skills to work on woodworking machines, with carpentry tools, a good eye, spatial thinking, have physical force and endurance, such qualities as accuracy, accuracy, attentiveness.

Medical contraindications

Work is contraindicated for people with diseases: musculoskeletal system; deformity of the fingers; diseases of the vestibular apparatus; respiratory organs; of cardio-vascular system; musculoskeletal system; nervous system.

Occupational diseases

To occupational diseases carpenters include mainly diseases of the respiratory tract (like lung cancer or cancer of the nasal cavity), injuries of the musculoskeletal system (sacrum, spine), and injuries of the limbs (sawing off the fingers, palms, amputation of the toes due to their injury), hearing loss (in joiners-machinists).

A carpenter is a profession in demand at wood-cutting enterprises, factories for the production or repair of any wooden products, in construction, engineering, organizations involved in the repair of houses, apartments, offices. Works in construction and repair and construction organizations.

The profession of a carpenter has an average level of demand in the labor market. The carpenter has career prospects, with the growth of work experience and the level of professionalism, there is the possibility of increasing the rank, obtaining the position of foreman. In the presence of higher education you can grow to the position of a master, foreman. The carpenter can also choose related professions - carpenter, party cutter.

Wood is one of the most ancient and loved by mankind building and ornamental materials. From wood, people built houses, churches, made furniture and utensils, household items and tools. It would seem that everyone can work with a tree. In practice, it most often happens that I decided to trim the legs of a stool, but in the end sawed off everything. That is why, if we need to make something out of wood, then we turn to a woodworking specialist - a carpenter.

Wood is one of the most ancient and loved by mankind building and ornamental materials. From wood, people built houses, churches, made furniture and utensils, household items and tools. It would seem that everyone can work with a tree. And it’s true, what’s so difficult here: I took a board, measured what I needed, sawed it off, put it together - and you’re done! However, such work seems simple only in theory. In practice, it most often happens that I decided to trim the legs of a stool, but in the end sawed off everything. That is why, if we need to make something out of wood, then we turn to a woodworking specialist - a carpenter.

Note that quite often carpenter profession confused with the related trade of carpentry. In fact, these are two fundamental different professions: figuratively speaking, the carpenter builds houses, and the carpenter builds interior items (in other words, the carpenter's work is more subtle and elegant). In addition, the profession of a carpenter has a number of features, due to which not everyone can master it at the proper level. What are these features? You can find out about this right now.

Who is a carpenter?

A highly skilled worker, craftsman and craftsman who makes and turns wood or wood-based products, possibly using lamination, veneering or veneering.

The name of the profession comes from the Polish stolarz (table). This may indicate that in the 18th century, when the profession of carpenter, in fact, arose as a separate field of activity, such artisans specialized in the manufacture of only furniture. Let's make a reservation right away that it is impossible to consider the 18th century as the date of formation of this profession, since it arose in ancient times, when a person realized that wood is an excellent material not only for maintaining a flame in the hearth, but also for making the most various items and things.

The sphere of activity of modern carpenters has significantly expanded compared to the 18th century. Today, these craftsmen make complex furniture, doors, windows, stairs, cornices, plinths, arches, wooden elements of marine and aircraft, micromodels on a wooden base, etc. If we list the main professional carpenter duties, then they will look something like this:

  • wood processing;
  • production and restoration of furniture;
  • installation and installation of window openings, doors;
  • insertion of locks, handles;
  • repair of wooden parts;
  • installation of built-in furniture;
  • grinding and polishing wood;
  • production of small items made of wood: from sports equipment to wooden boxes;
  • work with different fixtures, paints and varnishes.

That is, the carpenter is a generalist who personally performs all stages of the manufacture of wooden objects: from the choice of workpiece and material, to the final finish. finished products. The expansion of the scope of the work of a carpenter has led to the fact that narrow specializations have appeared within the profession:

  • cabinet makers- make and repair furniture (including antiques);
  • joiners working at a construction site - they specialize in decorating a house from the inside, manufacturing and installing windows, doors, and built-in furniture. Joiners at ship and aircraft factories, by the way, do the same;
  • joiners who make musical instruments - the most famous of the "musical" joiners - Antonio Stradivari.

By the way, the secret of the famous Stradivarius violins has not yet been revealed, so young professionals have every chance to unravel it and thus write their name into history.

What personal qualities should a carpenter have?

The carpenter spends almost the entire working day on his feet, so good health and endurance are the key to successful development. professional qualities masters. Wherein, joiner's work is one of the most dangerous. His tools: a plane, a saw, an ax - require careful attention and strict adherence to safety precautions, therefore responsibility, attentiveness, high concentration and accuracy are integral personal qualities of a true professional. In addition, since this is also a creative profession, the master must have such personal qualities, as:

Also, the carpenter must have extensive knowledge. He must understand the difference in wood species (there are, for example, white species, softer, and red, harder and more expensive), determine the quality of the blanks and choose the most suitable in each case. This is especially necessary for those who work with furniture or musical instruments. Useful carpenters and knowledge chemical composition adhesives and paints. Among other things, it is vital for a carpenter to be able to read blueprints, and for a high-class craftsman to also develop them.

Benefits of being a carpenter

Since the profession of a carpenter is one of the working specialties, the shortage of which is felt more acutely today than ever, its main advantage, of course, can be called demand. Moreover, such specialists are in demand everywhere: at the construction site, and in the furniture industry, and in the field of shipbuilding, etc. Therefore, a carpenter's diploma guarantees trouble-free employment in the specialty and a quite decent level of payment (the average monthly salary of a carpenter in Russia today is about 40-50 thousand rubles).

Another advantage of the carpentry profession can be considered a great opportunity for additional income. The carpenter's tool is simple (saw, hammer, jigsaw, screwdrivers, pliers, etc.) and is available for purchase, and it is also quite simple to carry it. At the same time, in order to find customers, it is enough to place ads once, for example, in a newspaper or on an Internet resource, and therefore word of mouth will already start working and regular customers will appear who need to refurbish furniture, fix a sofa, restore grandmother’s chest of drawers or rebuild closet.

It is also worth noting that in Russia the profession of a carpenter has enjoyed well-deserved honor and respect since ancient times. Good craftsmen were revered no less than crowned persons. Due to the fact that after many years of "reign" of mass-produced wooden products in modern society once again they began to appreciate individually made carved furniture, unique decorative elements and original interior items made of wood. Joiners, as before, took their rightful place in society.

Disadvantages of being a carpenter

Disadvantages of being a carpenter directly related to working conditions. The carpenter works with tools that, if not handled carefully, can cause serious injury. Waste materials (chips and chips) can also injure the operator. Another big problem is the varnish, paints and glue that a professional has to deal with in the process of work. Their toxic fumes can cause poisoning, allergies and respiratory diseases.

In addition, the carpentry workshop is a constant noise and vibration, due to which the specialist may have hearing loss and diseases of the nervous system. Therefore, the carpenter has to work not only in work clothes and goggles, but also in ear plugs. Agree, when it's hot outside, working in such vestments is not very comfortable.

Where can you get a job as a carpenter?

Become a carpenter possible in several ways. Firstly, you can enroll as an apprentice in production, and learn the basics of the profession under the guidance of an experienced master. Secondly, you can enter a specialized technical school or college, on the basis of which qualified carpenters are trained. If you want to become a cabinet maker of the highest class, then you need to combine both ways to get this profession. That is, to graduate from a vocational school, and then get a job as an apprentice to an experienced master.


Profession carpenter

Actual profession carpenter is now acquiring new spheres of influence. Basically, a carpenter is an employee of construction or repair and construction organizations, providing all kinds of wood processing services. Moreover, his competence also includes the development of sketches and templates for plastering work.

Among all the materials used in industry, wood is the simplest and most convenient to work with. It is thanks to this fact that the profession of a woodworker has been developing since time immemorial, having found substantive confirmation in the luxurious decor elements of modern historical monuments of architectural art. However, if earlier work was more individual and provided to order, the carpenter profession is becoming more widespread and accessible to all segments of the population.…

The demand for the profession today is quite high, especially when providing services for the manufacture of doors, window structures with further development and installation of all necessary fasteners and equipping them with locks, latches or bolts. The creation of furniture is the second area of ​​application of carpentry skills, which, often moving from the status of a hobby to the main occupation, can bring a tangible income to the master.

The profession of a carpenter can be both mass, if the employee works in production, or unique, if the master combines not only the creation of a product, but also its modeling, while acting as a decorator. Anyway, given profession requires excellent physical health, the presence of joint-muscular sensitivity, attentiveness and, of course, a penchant for woodworking. Along with this, the carpenter must have deep knowledge in the field of processing methods for different types of wood, as well as be able to correct possible defects in wood. For productive work, you also need to study Newest technologies work with wood, as well as follow the latest in the field of equipment.

The disadvantage of the profession is a list of medical contraindications, including cardiovascular diseases, disorders of the musculoskeletal system, respiratory organs or nervous system.

You can get an education by profession in the relevant specialties of technical schools, colleges and other professional educational institutions.


There are such workers joiners and carpenters! Are these lessons necessary, relevant? What do carpenters do? Let's find out!

The profession of a carpenter-joiner is one of the most respected and oldest. Make from wood various items, as well as build dwellings, people guessed a long time ago.

Wood is one of the most convenient materials for processing, it is much easier to process than, for example, stone. In addition, the tree is beautiful, environmentally friendly, neat and convenient.

The one who works with wood is what a carpenter and joiner is. In the old days, there was a fairly clear division: carpenters were engaged in procurement work, took part in the manufacture of load-bearing structures in construction, and built houses. Their work was considered more rough and forceful. Joiners were engaged in the manufacture of smaller items, such as furniture, decoration details, dishes. Currently, there is no strict division, you can choose the direction you like.

The specialty of a joiner-carpenter is not an anachronism, but quite modern profession. Woodworkers are in great demand in construction, they perform work on the mechanical processing of wood, carve out various parts and elements from it, make Construction Materials and support structures.

Carpenters are involved in the construction and repair of housing, bridges and other buildings and structures. They build walls, ceilings and partitions, as well as rafters, beams, trusses, scaffolding, floor panels, walkways and fences.

Carpenters and joiners work in furniture production, as well as in enterprises engaged in the manufacture of wooden windows, doors and other wood products.

Wooden houses are a wonderful habitat for a person, especially in modern realities, when people have learned to overcome the main drawback of this material - its fire hazard. Now there are special refractory compositions that impregnate wooden structures and structures, as well as interior details and even furniture. This is also included in the scope of professional skills of a carpenter / joiner, among others.

Features of the specialty carpenter-joinera

Pros: high demand, the ability to choose an interesting area of ​​activity, to master related work.

Cons: high requirements for endurance, physical fitness, injury risk.

It is not recommended to work as a carpenter or joiner for those who have diseases of the nervous system, respiratory organs, cardiovascular system, musculoskeletal system, gastrointestinal tract, organs of vision and hearing, those who have allergies.

Skills required for the profession of a carpenter-joiner: the ability to use tools, both manual and electrified, including the ability to work with woodworking machines, the ability to work with timber, the ability to read drawings and take control measurements, the ability to make and assemble parts of a wooden structure.

Also, a wood worker must correctly select the material for work, taking into account the characteristics of the tree species and the properties of the tree.

Individual qualities for the profession of carpenter: technical mindset, endurance, ability to concentrate, three-dimensional imagination, good eye, good vestibular apparatus, organization, attentiveness.

At the same time, the variety of opportunities in this profession is much greater than one might assume without delving into the details. A carpenter does not only rough and monotonous physical work, there is also a creative moment in his work.

The creation of wooden architecture or unique author's furniture, interiors - this is the field for the application of the artistic abilities of the worker. Specialties such as cabinet maker have always been considered and are still considered elite, good masters of their craft will never sit without orders. Those wishing to make themselves exclusive furniture or a box as a gift will be recorded in the queue. As well as experienced carpenters who can build a beautiful log house, like hot cakes. The price also includes experienced carpenters and restorers. The rumor about such masters always goes ahead of them. The skills of a carpenter joiner are among the most versatile. The ability to process wood can be applied in various industries industry, in private practice.

Where to study the profession of a joiner-carpenter?

You can learn carpentry and joinery as in secondary vocational educational institutions, and in courses, seminars or in the process practical work adopting the experience of more advanced colleagues. The most convenient way to get a profession is different for everyone.

It can be said that the skills of a carpenter-joiner are not only good in terms of professional implementation, but also useful in Everyday life. Even if you work in a different field, the ability to work with your hands and make something unique for yourself and your family and friends will come in very handy.