Regulations on the preservation of library funds of the regional regional. Regulations on the library fund

by order of the NIGHT "UMTS VOG"
dated 07/01/2017 No. __




1.​ General provisions

1.1. Activities with the library fund of the NCHU "UMC VOG" (its acquisition, replenishment, use, preservation, etc.) are organized and carried out in accordance with federal law"On education in Russian Federation”, the Charter of the NCHU “UMC VOG” (hereinafter referred to as the Educational Organization), based on Russian cultural and educational traditions.

1.2. Purpose of creating a library fund. The creation of a library fund is based on an educational and educational function aimed at:

Formation and expansion of knowledge and culture of the individual;

Using the achievements of universal culture and knowledge about the characteristics of people with various physical disabilities (deaf, hard of hearing, late-deaf, deaf-blind) and using silent language with the outside world - manual, sign language;

To provide educational and methodological support for educational and educational process;

Increasing the effectiveness of educational and information services for students training courses(hereinafter - the Students) Educational organization.

1.3. The library fund of the Educational organization contains a variety of literature (including: educational and methodological literature in the direction of educational programs, popular science, fiction and others), which is provided for temporary use by individuals and legal entities.

1.4. The library fund is available both for the Students and for employees and teachers of the Educational Organization, as well as other employees educational institutions, parents (guardians) of minors studying individuals. It also satisfies the requests of parents for literature and information on pedagogy and education, taking into account available opportunities.

1.5. The procedure for access to the library fund and library information, the list of basic services and the conditions for their provision are determined in the rules for using the library fund.

2. Tasks of the library

2. Tasks of the library fund:

2.2.1. Ensuring the educational process and promoting the self-education of Students through information and library services for Students, teachers and other categories of readers, users of the library fund.

2.2.2. Formation of the skills of an independent library user among the Listeners, readers: teaching how to use a book and other information carriers, how to search, select and critically evaluate information.

3. Basic functions of the library collection

3.1. Dissemination of knowledge and other information that forms the library and information culture of Students and other users (readers), participation in the educational process.

3.2. The main functions of the library fund: educational, informational, cultural.

3.3. Formation of the library fund in accordance with the educational orientation (programs) of the educational organization.

3.4. The library fund is mainly completed according to the professional and sectoral composition: educational, reference, methodological, scientific and pedagogical, popular science literature, periodicals, professional literature for teachers of the Educational Organization.

The composition of the fund, its exemplars vary depending on the number and contingent of Students, the specifics of training.

3.5. Information and library services for Students, readers, teachers, parents, consulting when searching and choosing books (textbooks), consulting with readers on the basics of library and information knowledge, on cultivating culture and creative reading, instilling skills and abilities to search for information.

3.6. Organization of a differentiated, personalized service to readers with maximum consideration of the interests of the user. Servicing readers in need of literature during the holidays.

3.7. Maintaining the necessary documentation for accounting of the library fund and servicing readers in accordance with the established procedure.

3.8. Popularization of literature with the help of individual, group forms of work (conversations, exhibitions, discussions of books, reading literary evenings, quizzes, etc.).

3.9. Improving the skills of employees, creating conditions for their self-education and professional education.

3.10. Ensuring an appropriate sanitary and hygienic regime and favorable conditions for servicing readers.

3.11. Studying the state of reader demand (degree of its satisfaction) in order to form the optimal composition of the library fund.

3.12. Organization in accordance with the established procedure of the sale of books and teaching aids (textbooks) written off from the main and educational funds.

3.13. Informing readers about the procedure for using the library fund of the Educational Organization.

3.14. Performance on a commercial (contractual) basis of additional library and information services, compilation of lists of references; photocopying of printed sources, etc.

3.15. Ensuring the required mode of storage and preservation of the library fund, according to which the storage of textbooks is carried out in a separate room.

3.16. Organization of work on the preservation of the library fund.

4. Organization and management of the library fund

4.1. The main condition for the creation of a library fund is the availability of an initial fund, a source of funding for the acquisition and replenishment of the educational and literary fund, the appointment of an official (or assignment of duties) responsible for the preservation of the fund and servicing readers.

4.2. The management of the library fund, control over its acquisition and preservation, as well as the creation of a comfortable environment for readers, is carried out by the director of the Educational Organization.

4.3. A number of functions for working with the library fund are delegated by the director of the Educational Organization to a full-time employee of the Educational Organization (methodist, etc.).

4.4. Information about the library fund is included in the annual reports of the Educational Organization on the implementation of statutory educational activities.

4.5. The schedule for using the library fund is established in accordance with the schedule training sessions in the Educational Organization, as well as the rules of the internal work schedule. Once every three months, the library fund is subjected to sanitary treatment and checking the safety of the fund.

4.6. The official responsible for the state of the library fund, based on the financial capacity of the Educational Organization, may be given an allowance to the official salary based on the local regulatory documents of the Educational Organization, taking into account the volume and complexity of work.

5. Rights, duties and responsibilities of the employee

for the state of the library fund

5.1. The official who is entrusted with the duty (functions) of working with the library fund has the right to:

5.1.1. Make proposals to the rules for using the library fund and other regulatory documentation (the amount of compensation for damage caused by users of the library fund, etc.).

5.1.2. For additional wages provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation and established regulatory and local acts of the Educational Organization.

5.1.3. For additional annual paid leave up to 3 (three) working days for additional work with the library fund of the Educational Organization, repair of textbooks, their sanitization, etc., based on the financial capacity of the Educational Organization.

5.1.4. For advanced training in the field of work with library funds of educational organizations.

5.2. Employees who are entrusted with the functions of working with the library fund are responsible for:

5.2.1. observance of labor functions for working with the library fund, regulated by the legislation of the Russian Federation on labor and regulatory and local acts of the Educational Organization.

5.2.2. Improper performance of the functions provided for by this Regulation and official duties (job description), resulting in damage to the library fund of the Educational Organization.

5.2.3. The official who is entrusted with the duty (functions) of working with the library fund shall be liable for the safety of the library fund in the manner prescribed by the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

"Regulations on the library"

1. General Provisions

1.1. Library of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education A.N. Kosygin" (hereinafter referred to as the Library) is one of the leading structural divisions of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Russian State University. A.N. Kosygin (Technology. Design. Art) (hereinafter referred to as the University), providing documents and information for the educational process and scientific research, as well as a center for the dissemination of knowledge, spiritual and intellectual communication, and culture.
The University, as the founder of the Library, finances its activities and exercises control over this activity in accordance with the current legislation.

1.2. The library in its activities is guided by the federal laws "On Education", "On Higher and Postgraduate Professional Education", "On librarianship”, “On Information, Informatization and Information Protection”, Federal Law of July 25, 2002 No. No. 114-FZ "On counteracting extremist activity", resolutions of the Government of the Russian Federation, orders and other regulatory legal acts of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, the Charter of the University, orders and instructions of the rector, internal regulations, other local regulations and this Regulation.

1.3. The activities of the Library are based on the principles of democracy, humanism, accessibility, priority of universal human values, citizenship, free development of the individual; formation in the university environment of the worldview and spiritual and moral atmosphere of ethnocultural mutual respect, based on the principles of respect for human rights and freedoms, striving for interethnic peace and harmony, readiness for dialogue.

1.4. In accordance with federal law No. 114-FZ of July 25, 2002 “On Counteracting Extremist Activities”, the Library prohibits the distribution, production and use of extremist literature.

1.5. The library reports to the rector and vice-rector for educational and methodological work.

1.6. The Library is managed by the Director of the Library, who is appointed to the position and dismissed by the order of the Rector of the University on the proposal of the supervising Vice-Rector. The main functions, rights and responsibilities of the Director of the Library are given in the job description.

1.7. A person with a higher professional education and at least 5 years of work experience in the specialty is appointed to the position of the Library Director.

1.8. The staffing of the Library is established by the management of the University, taking into account the tasks assigned to it. The staff list is approved in accordance with the procedure established by the University.

1.9. Duties, rights, responsibilities and requirements for the qualifications of the Library employees are given in the relevant job descriptions.

1.10. The order of access to the funds, the list of basic services and the conditions for their provision are determined by the rules for using the Library.

1.11. The Library has the right to have a stamp with its own name and the name of the University, its own symbols, emblem and other details.

1.12. The library solves the tasks assigned to it in cooperation with all departments of the University.

1.13. The general methodological management of the University Library, regardless of departmental subordination, is carried out by the Central Library and Information Commission of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation. The main republican methodological center for libraries of higher educational institutions is Science Library Moscow state university them. M. V. Lomonosov.

2. Main tasks

2.1. Complete and operational library and information bibliographic service students, students, graduate students, doctoral students, scientists, teachers, engineering and technical personnel and other categories of readers of the University in accordance with information requests based on wide access to funds.

2.2. Formation, acquisition and preservation of the fund of publications and documents in accordance with professional educational programs and directions of scientific research carried out by the University, as well as the information needs of readers. Development electronic library University.

2.3. Organization and maintenance of a reference and search apparatus: catalogs (electronic and traditional), file cabinets and databases. Ensuring wide and prompt access to the electronic resources of the Library.

2.4. Providing information on the composition of library collections through the catalog system and other forms of library information; advisory assistance in the search and selection of sources of information.

2.5. Formation in the university environment of the worldview and spiritual and moral atmosphere of ethnocultural mutual respect, based on the principles of respect for human rights and freedoms, striving for interethnic peace and harmony, readiness for dialogue. In order to counteract extremist activity, within its competence, the Library carries out preventive, including educational, propaganda measures aimed at preventing extremist activity. Distribution among Library readers information materials helping to increase the level of tolerant consciousness. To this end, a ban has been imposed on the dissemination of extremist literature and other information.

2.6. Education of library and information culture of Library readers. Formation of the skills of experienced users of local and global information resources among students, teachers and employees of the University.

2.7. List expansion library services, improving their quality based on technical equipment Libraries, introduction of modern technologies and computerization of library and information processes.

2.8. Conducting scientific research and methodological work on library and information and bibliographic services.

2.9. Coordination of the work of all departments of the Library, interaction with departments and public organizations University, carrying out educational and humanitarian and educational work. Contribute to the formation of socially necessary knowledge and skills, citizenship, professional interests among students.

2.10. Coordination and cooperation of activities with libraries, bodies of scientific and technical information and other institutions to better meet the needs of readers in documents and information.

2.11. Implementation of economic activities in order to optimize library services.

3. Main functions

3.1. Organizes a differentiated service for readers in reading rooms, subscriptions and other points of issue for a single library card, using methods of individual and group service.

3.2. Provides readers with basic library services free of charge:

    provides complete information about the composition of the library fund through the system of electronic and traditional catalogs and card files, as well as other forms of library information;

    provides access to users (readers) to resources electronic catalog, local and remote information resources of the Library;

    provides consulting assistance in the search and selection of printed works and other documents, including electronic ones;

    lends documents from library collections for temporary use;

    is to help scientific and academic work University bibliographic lists of literature; performs thematic and other bibliographic references;

    organizes training in the skills of searching for information in the reference and search apparatus of the Library, local and remote bibliographic and full-text databases.

3.3. Ensures the acquisition of the fund in accordance with the profile of the University, educational and professional programs, curricula and research topics. Acquires educational, scientific, periodical, reference, fiction and other types of documents, taking into account the Federal List of Extremist Literature Prohibited for Distribution on the Territory of the Russian Federation, approved Federal body executive power.
Independently determines the sources of acquisition of funds.

3.4. It studies the degree of satisfaction of reader demand in order to bring the composition and themes of funds in line with the information needs of readers. Analyzes the provision of students with textbooks and teaching aids.

3.5. Carries out accounting, placement and verification of funds, ensures their safety.

3.6. Excludes documents from the library fund in accordance with the current regulations.

3.7. Quarterly checks the documents and incoming literature (on any media) available in the Library's collections against the Federal List of Prohibited Materials of Extremist Content. Upon detection of prohibited materials of extremist content, he removes them from the library fund and draws up an act, maintains a journal of reconciliations of the Library fund with the Federal List of Extremist Materials.
The Department of Automation and Computerization regularly, at least once a quarter, works to block access from computers installed in the Library to websites and electronic documents included in the Federal List of Extremist Materials. The work done is recorded in the reconciliation journal.

3.8. Informs about the activities of the Library on the page of the official website of the Library. Link to the Federal List of Extremist Materials ( Website of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation) is placed in the section "About the Library" - "Federal List".

3.9. Ensures the safety of rare publications from the Library's collection, their registration and inclusion in automated databases.

3.10. Carries out placement in the electronic database of methodological and teaching aids, laboratory work, monographs published by teachers of the University.

3.11. It popularizes its funds through the reference and information apparatus (catalogs, card indexes), as well as by organizing book and illustrative exhibitions, information days and other events.

3.12. Carries out educational and humanitarian-educational work, conducting thematic exhibitions, talks, seminars.

3.13. Conducts classes on the basics of information and bibliographic culture, teaches readers modern methods search for information in traditional and automated information and library systems and global information networks.

3.14. Carries out methodological work (analytical, organizational, consulting) to improve all areas of the Library's activities.

3.15. Introduces advanced library technologies.

3.16. Organizes training and advanced training of the Library staff in order to improve their professional level, computer literacy and information culture.

3.17. Coordinates work with departments and departments of the University.

3.18. Interacts with libraries, bodies of scientific and technical information, other organizations, incl. international, having information banks data, in accordance with applicable law, federal government programs, as well as agreements concluded between the University and organizations.

3.19. Leads economic activity in order to expand the list of services provided and the social and creative development of the library, provided that this does not prejudice the core activities.

3.20. Performs other functions in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation and the Charter of the University.

4. Library management. Structure and states. Logistics

4.1. The library is managed by the director, who is appointed by the rector of the University and is a member of the Academic Council.

Library Director:

    organizes the activities of the Library and bears full responsibility for the fulfillment of the tasks and functions assigned to the Library;

    issues, within its competence, orders and instructions on the Library, binding on all employees and checks their execution;

    organizes and controls the safety of library collections and other property of the Library;

    submits the structure and staffing of the Library for approval to the Rector of the University;

    carries out in accordance with the established procedure the selection of the staff of the Library. Library employees are appointed and dismissed by the Rector of the University on the proposal of the Director of the Library;

    makes proposals on allowances, additional payments, the amount of bonuses to employees in accordance with the Regulations "On wages";

    is responsible for the accuracy of the Library's reporting data;

    represents the Library in other libraries, institutions and organizations, including international ones;

    conducts correspondence with other libraries, institutions, organizations in accordance with the established procedure.

4.2. The structure and staff of the Library are determined by the exemplary structure and staff of libraries of higher educational institutions.

4.3. Labor Relations Library employees are regulated Labor Code Russian Federation. Library employees are subject to periodic certification, the procedure for which is established by the Government of the Russian Federation.

4.4. The management of the University provides guaranteed funding for acquisition, provides the Library with the necessary office and industrial premises in accordance with applicable standards, electronic computing and copying equipment, telecommunications equipment and office equipment.

4.5. The economic services of the University ensure that the Library performs the necessary work at its first request.

4.6. The library maintains documentation and provides reports, work plans and other information about its activities in the prescribed manner.

5. Relationships and connections with other structural units

Interaction with structural divisions The University is organized and carried out to fulfill the tasks assigned to the Library in accordance with these Regulations.

In the course of its activities, the Library interacts:

5.1. With external organizations:

    Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation - on the provision of statistical data on the activities of the Library.

    The Central Library and Information Commission of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation - on the issues of providing the Library with methodological and consulting assistance.

    Booksellers and publishing organizations - on the acquisition of literature.

    Organizations that develop and distribute software for libraries - on the acquisition and use of relevant products.

5.2. With the structural divisions of the University:

    personnel department - on hiring and dismissal from it, registration of sheets of temporary disability;

    educational and methodological department - on the issues of providing the Library with work programs of academic disciplines on electronic media, curricula for order approval educational literature and determining the availability of books in professional educational programs; allocating hours for conducting library and bibliographic classes with students;

    institutes / faculties, departments and scientific divisions - on the acquisition of the Library's fund and the exclusion of obsolete literature;

    the editorial and publishing department - on the issues of providing the Library with publications of the authors of the University in printed and electronic forms;

    center information technologies- for support and repairs technical means Libraries;

    management accounting and control - on financial matters;

    management of property and development of the material and technical base - on the issues of material and technical support for the activities of the Library;

    case management (office) - on the organization of timely receipt and dispatch of incoming and outgoing correspondence;

    educational and scientific departments of the University, a branch of the University - on the exchange of information necessary for the Library to perform its functions; when completing funds with publications (documents);

    the department for labor protection and safety - on the issues of briefing on labor protection and safety;

    legal department - on the issues of coordination and endorsement of contracts with suppliers of goods and services and regulatory documentation.

6. Rights and obligations

The library has the right:

6.1. Independently determine the content and specific forms of its activities in accordance with the goals and objectives specified in the Regulations.

6.2. Develop the structure, staffing, rules of use and other local regulations Libraries.

6.3. Manage the funds provided to the Library.

6.4. Determine the conditions for access to information resources, including the library fund, on the basis of agreements with legal entities and individuals.

6.5. Introduce restrictions on the use of especially valuable, rare and small copies of documents.

6.6. Determine, in accordance with the rules for using the Library, the types and amounts of compensation for damage caused by readers to the Library.

6.7. Get acquainted with educational programs, curricula, topics of research work carried out in the educational and scientific departments of the University to solve the problems assigned to the Library.

6.8. Represent the University in various institutions, organizations, including international ones; take direct part in the work of scientific conferences, meetings, symposiums, seminars on library and information-bibliographic activities.

6.9. Conduct correspondence with other libraries, organizations, including foreign ones, in accordance with the established procedure.

6.10. To enter into library associations in the order established by the current legislation.

6.11. Participate on a competitive or other basis in the implementation of federal and regional programs development of librarianship.

6.12. Library staff can improve their skills in educational institutions advanced training and retraining of personnel, in higher educational institutions, research institutes and other leading domestic and foreign scientific and industrial organizations.

The library must:

6.14. Ensure the implementation of the rights of citizens to receive information established by the Federal Law "On Library Science"; serve users (readers) in accordance with these Regulations, the Rules for using the Library and applicable law.

6.15. Conduct a quarterly reconciliation of documents and incoming literature (on any media) available in the Library's collections with the Federal List of Extremist Materials, remove them from the Library's collection, and keep a journal of reconciliations of the Library's collection with the Federal List of Extremist Materials.
The Department of Automation and Computerization quarterly conduct work to block access from computers installed in the Library to sites and electronic documents included in the Federal List of Extremist Materials.

6.16. Ensure the safety of book funds and tangible property.

6.17. Perform in full the functions assigned to its competence and listed in these Regulations.

6.18. Report on their activities to the University and authorities state statistics according to established order.

7. Final provisions

7.1. On the proposal of the Director of the Library, these Regulations may be amended and supplemented, which come into force after their approval by the Rector of the University.


Head of the Department of Culture of the Committee for Social Policy and Culture of the Administration of Irkutsk


"______" ______ 2008

I approve

Director of the MUK "Centralized Library System of Irkutsk"


"______" ______ 2008


on the preservation of a unified library fund

MUK "CBS of Irkutsk"


1. General Provisions

1.1. The Unified Library Fund (UBF) of the IUK "Centralized Library System of Irkutsk" consists of the fund of the Central City Library. , fund of the Central Children's Library. ; collections of public and children's libraries of the CLS. The collection of rare and valuable books is part of the Central City Library fund.

1.2. The EBF is a cultural heritage of the citizens of Irkutsk, a monument of history and culture, part of the country's total book fund.

1.3. The EBF is under the protection of the state in accordance with the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the law "On objects cultural heritage(monuments of history and culture) of the peoples of the Russian Federation”, the National Program for the Preservation of Library Collections of the Russian Federation, the Federal Law “On Library Science”, the Law “On Library Science in the Irkutsk Region”, the Law of the Irkutsk Region “On the Legal Copies of Documents”.

1.4. The collections of the Central Library Library are organized into an interconnected system that allows full and efficient conduct of information-library and bibliographic services, and are divided into active collections and an exchange-reserve fund.

1.4.1. The existing funds are designed to meet the needs of readers, they include the funds of reading rooms, subscriptions, book storages of the CLS libraries, the fund of the information-bibliographic and methodological departments.

1.4.2. The exchange-reserve fund is intended for the formation of the exchange and reserve funds in accordance with the “Regulations on the Exchange and Reserve Fund of the Central Bank of the City of Irkutsk”

1.5. Founder. Irkutsk, administration of the Central Library Service for the storage and preservation of funds.

1.6. The working body exercising control over the implementation of measures for the preservation of funds is the commission for the preservation of the Unified Library Fund.

2. Ensuring the safety of the fund in the process of its acquisition and re-equipment

2.1. The safety of funds in the process of acquisition is regulated and ensured by documents of summary and individual accounting, registration and accounting card indexes of periodicals, topographic catalogues, a general accounting catalogue, income and expenditure acts.

2.2. Accounting for the library fund is carried out in the Acquisition, Accounting and Technical Processing Department (OKUiTO) on the basis of the “Instructions on Accounting for the Library Fund” dated 02.02. No. 000, GOST 7.20-2000 "Library statistics". The department also keeps records of the movement of library funds, checks the status of books of the total accounting of libraries.

2.3. The admission of library staff to inventory books located in the acquisition department is made only with the permission of the head of the department without the right to take them out. Access to the General Accounting Catalog is permitted only to the chief specialists of libraries with the permission of the head of the OKUiTO.

2.4. Librarians are allowed into the cataloging department only with the permission of the head of the department.

2.5. The exclusion (recompletion) of documents from the collections and the replacement of documents lost by readers with equivalent ones is carried out in accordance with the Federal Law of the Russian Federation "On librarianship", "Instructions on accounting for the library fund", "Regulations on the exclusion of documents from the collections of libraries-branches of the MUK "CBS of Irkutsk" , "Instructions on the procedure for replacing documents lost by readers from the collections of the libraries of the Central Library Service of Irkutsk."

2.6. Libraries donate non-core and superfluous doublet editions to the exchange-reserve fund free of charge. Documents that are in the exchange fund and have not been claimed by other libraries for a long time can be sold in accordance with the "Regulations on organizing the sale of unused books and other printed works from the collections of libraries of the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation." Publications not in demand by libraries and not sold to the population are handed over to the procurement organizations of Recycled materials.

2.7. Control over the safety of publications in the technological cycle of acquisition, processing and cataloging is carried out by the heads of the OKUiTO and the cataloging department in accordance with the technological instructions.

3. Ensuring the safety of the fund in the process of its use

3.1. Documents stored in the library fund are provided to users in the library service departments in accordance with the Federal Law "On Library Science", the Law "On Library Science in the Irkutsk Region", 2 Rules for Using the Library of the Central Library Library of Irktusk.

3.2. When issuing and returning documents issued to users, the librarian of the service department checks the presence of illustrations, diagrams, tables, etc. In case of damage caused by users, the heads of libraries act in accordance with the “Regulations on the procedure for compensating for damage caused to the library fund of the Central Library Library of Irkutsk” .

3.3. Documents from reading rooms, the most valuable and rare publications, publications of small and large formats, newspapers, reference books, dictionaries, encyclopedias, single copies are not issued to users at home.

3.4. Users are given the opportunity to make copies of documents within the library in accordance with the “Regulations on Copying Documents”.

3.6. Users are given the opportunity to copy and scan documents on the library equipment in accordance with the "List paid services provided by the IUK “CBS of Irkutsk”, approved by the Decree of the Mayor of Irkutsk and clause 10 of the “Rules for using the library of the MUK “CBS of Irkutsk”.

3.6.1. For the safety and security of funds, it is not allowed to copy:

Editions, the binding spine of which does not allow opening 180 degrees or the height of the spine is more than 4 cm;

Publications whose physical condition does not allow them to be copied (as a result of copying, the integrity of the publication, paper fragility, etc. may be violated);

Broken or damaged documents;

Editions with a deaf spine;

Rare books and especially valuable editions;

Valuable books in a single copy;

Editions in especially valuable bindings;

Books in which the notebooks of the book side are fastened with a seamless adhesive method;

Extra large copies.

3.7. Rare books are exhibited only in showcases and closed bookcases away from windows and heat sources.

3.8. Libraries are systematically working to eliminate reader debt (reminders about the return of publications, paperwork for administrative action, etc.). Users who have violated the return deadlines are charged a penalty, the amount of which is established on the basis of the “List of paid services provided by the MUK “CBS of Irkutsk””, approved by the Decree of the Mayor of Irkutsk.

4. Organization of storage of the library fund

4.1. The storage conditions of the library fund should ensure its protection from physical, chemical, biological and mechanical damage in accordance with GOST 7.50-84 "Storage of documents in the fund of libraries and bodies of scientific and technical information."

4.2. Founder. Irkutsk, the administration of the CBS creates the necessary conditions for storing documents:

Ensure uninterrupted and trouble-free operation of heating, plumbing and sewer systems, electrical networks;

Carry out the organization of current repairs of premises;

Provide measures to maintain the temperature-humidity and sanitary-hygienic regime in all book depositories of the Central Library System (the following temperature and air humidity standards are maintained: for printed publications - +18.55%; for documents on magnetic media: reel-to-reel magnetic tapes with sound recordings, audio and video recordings on cassettes, floppy disks + 15 ± 3 and relative humidity 30-40%; for photographic documents - no higher than +15 and relative humidity 40-50%; for documents on optical media: laser discs, CD-ROM - at temperatures below +20 at a relative humidity of 40%);

Provide cleaning of library premises with detergents and sanitary products;

They systematically check the condition of the roof, the reliability of the bars on the windows and doors of the book depositories and take measures to repair them;

Develop the introduction of fire and security alarm installations into libraries.

4.3. Heads of libraries and structural subdivisions are responsible for compliance with the norms, methods and conditions for the placement and storage of funds.

4.4 Rare and especially valuable publications are stored at a stable temperature and air humidity in cabinets and safes, which are periodically opened for air exchange.

4.5. Funds of printed publications are placed on shelves depending on their type and size in accordance with GOST 7.50-90 “Conservation of documents. General requirements»: newspaper filings are placed no more than 4-5 sets in each cell of the rack; sheet editions are stored in boxes or folders; posters and cards are kept in folders, tubes or in a horizontal position on racks.

4.6. Transportation of publications is carried out in accordance with GOST 7.50-90, “Conservation of documents. General requirements". Documents are placed in bags, trunks, suitcases, containers, boxes. Printed publications are packed in bundles, then wrapped in thick paper and tied with twine, under which strips of cardboard are placed. Literature is transported in covered vehicles or covered with a tarpaulin from rain and snow.

4.7. It is forbidden to keep any foreign objects in the storage (empty containers, packaging materials, waste paper, etc.). It is not allowed to bring food, eat food.

4.8. In the premises of the library, it is prohibited to perform work related to the use of open fire, heating electrical appliances, aggressive chemicals.

4.9. Every last day of the month there is a sanitary day in the library. This day is used for cleaning the premises, dedusting the fund. In book depositories, dedusting of funds is organized at least 1-2 times a year (in the open access fund - 3-4 times a year).

4.11. Transportation of publications within the library is carried out on trolleys. In this case, it is necessary to monitor their correct installation.

4.12. Operational evacuation of library funds in case of accidents and natural disasters is provided in accordance with the plan approved by the library.
4.13. Libraries systematically produce small Maintenance publications. Publications intended for permanent and long-term storage are restored using harmless materials in accordance with GOST 7.50-90 “Conservation of documents. General requirements". Binding works are carried out in accordance with the plan and schedule.

5. Organization of preservation and protection of the library fund

5.1. To ensure control over the preservation of library collections, the CLS organized the work of the Commission for the Preservation of the Unified Library Fund, acting on the basis of the “Regulations on the Commission for the Preservation of the Unified Library Fund of the IUK “CLS of Irkutsk”.

5.2. The libraries of the Central Library Library regularly carry out scheduled checks of funds in accordance with the “Instructions for organizing the check of the library fund of the IUK “CBS of Irkutsk”. The annual inspection is carried out in accordance with annual plan according to the schedule approved by the director of the CBS. Prior to the start of scheduled inspections, the Preservation Commission makes trips to libraries to provide methodological assistance and control the readiness of libraries for scheduled inspections, including the state of accounting documentation.

5.3. Entrance to the premises where incoming literature is processed, accounted for and stored is strictly limited. Employees of other departments and libraries can only be in the presence of employees of this department. It is not allowed to independently remove publications from the shelves, use official catalogs and file cabinets, as well as bring in and take out printed works, foreign objects and personal items. Cleaning of premises is carried out only in the presence of employees of this department.

5.4. During construction and repair work, workers are strictly forbidden to independently approach the shelves, remove and rearrange publications.

5.5. Users in coats and hats, with briefcases and bags larger than 30x40 cm are not allowed to enter the service funds.

5.6. Libraries provided with means of security and fire alarms in non-working hours are closed and handed over to the security console by library employees who have the right to access the alarm system.

5.7. Library employees protect funds from theft by users.

6. Responsibility of librarians for the safety of the collection

6.1. Library staff are required to comply with the rules for accounting, storage and use of library funds and are responsible for their violation in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

6.2. Full material responsibility for the storage and use of library collections is borne by the CLS libraries in accordance with the Agreement on full collective (team) liability.

6.3. Heads of libraries of the Central Library Library ensure the correct organization of accounting and storage of the fund in accordance with the current instructions. In the absence of the conditions necessary for the preservation of the fund, the manager has the right to restrict the access of users to the fund.

6.4. Heads of libraries are responsible for compliance with the norms, methods and conditions of placement and storage of funds available in their department.

6.5. Employees who have access to the fund are responsible for its safety. Liability upon detection of a shortage, librarians bear if the damage is caused by a negligent attitude to work or violation of established rules, that is, through the fault of librarians. If, with open access to the fund, all precautions were taken against theft of publications and materials, then the librarian is relieved of responsibility for the missing books, since the damage is classified as a normal production and economic risk.

7. Responsibility of users for the safety of the fund

7.1. Library users are responsible for the safety of the fund in accordance with the law of the Russian Federation "On librarianship", the law "On administrative responsibility for offenses in the field of librarianship in the Irkutsk region" (dated 01.01.01), "Regulations on the procedure for compensating damage caused fund of libraries of the MUK "CBS of the city of Irkutsk", other normative legal documents of an administrative and criminal nature.

7.2. In case of damage caused to the library fund by the user, expressed in the damage of the document or refusal to return it, the user shall reimburse the market value of the damaged or lost document or replace it with a document recognized as equivalent. Issues of compensation for damage caused to the fund are decided by the Commission for the Preservation of Library Funds.

Municipal budgetary educational institution Kagalnitskaya secondary school No. 1

Regulations on the library fund

(with changes: order dated 02.04.2015 No. 105,

Minutes of the Governing Council dated 02.04.2015 No. 3)

Art. Kagalnitskaya

one . General provisions

1. The library is a structural subdivision of the Municipal Budgetary General Educational Institution of the Kagalnitsky Secondary General Education School No. 1 (hereinafter referred to as the OS), participating in the educational process in order to ensure the right of participants in the educational process to free use of library and information resources.

2. The goals of the library are consistent with the goals of the educational institution: the formation of a common culture of the personality of students based on the assimilation of the mandatory minimum of the content of general education programs, their adaptation to life in society, creating the basis for a conscious choice and subsequent development of professional educational programs, education of citizenship, diligence, respect for rights and human freedoms, love for the environment, Motherland, family, formation healthy lifestyle life.

3. The library is guided in its activities by federal laws, decrees and orders of the President of the Russian Federation, decrees and orders of the Government of the Russian Federation, the Charter of the school, the Federal Law "On Education in the Russian Federation" No. 273-FZ of December 29, 2012 p.3, 4 9 article 18, the Constitution of the Russian Federation.

4. The activity of the library is based on the principles of democracy, humanism, general accessibility, the priority of universal human values, citizenship, and the free development of the individual.

5. The organization of service for participants in the educational process is carried out in accordance with safety regulations and fire, sanitary and hygienic requirements.

2. Main tasks

2.1. Providing participants in the educational process - students, teachers, parents (other legal representatives) of students (hereinafter referred to as users) - access to information, knowledge, ideas, cultural values ​​through the use of library and information resources of a general education institution on various media: paper (book fund, collection of periodicals), digital (CD-disks), communicative ( computer networks) and other media;

2.2. Education of cultural and civic consciousness, assistance in the socialization of the student, the development of his creative potential;

2.3. Formation of skills of an independent library user: learning to search, select and critically evaluate information;

2.4. Improving the services provided by the library based on the introduction of new information technologies and computerization of library and information processes, the formation of a comfortable library environment.

3. Main functions

3.1. The library forms a fund of library and information resources of the educational institution:

completes the universal fund with educational, artistic, scientific, reference, pedagogical and popular science documents on a book basis;

replenishes the fund with information resources from the Internet, databases and data banks of other institutions and organizations (MU "IMC", "Book World");

accumulates a fund of documents created at school.

carries out placement, organization and safety of documents;

3.2. The library creates information products:

carries out analytical and synthetic processing of information;

organizes and maintains a reference and bibliographic apparatus: catalogs (alphabetical, systematic), card indexes (systematic card index of articles, thematic card indexes), electronic catalog;

provides information to users about information products;

3.3. The library provides differentiated library and information services for students:

Creates conditions for the realization of independence in learning, cognitive, creative activity based on communication;

Organizes training in the skills of an independent library user and consumer of information, promotes the integration of a complex of knowledge, skills and abilities to work with a book and information;

Provides information support in solving problems that arise in the process of their educational, self-educational and leisure activities;

Organizes mass events focused on the development of a general and reader culture of the individual;

Assists members of the teaching staff and the administration of the institution in organizing the educational process and leisure of students (watching videos, CDs);

Leads educational work with a book in after-school groups.

3.4. The library provides differentiated library and information services for teachers:

Identifies information needs and satisfies requests related to the education, upbringing and health of children;

Identifies information needs and satisfies requests in the field of pedagogical innovations and new technologies;

Carries out current informing (days of information, reviews of new arrivals and publications), informing the school management on the management of the educational process.

3.5. The library provides differentiated library and information services to parents (other legal representatives) of students:

Satisfies user requests and informs about new arrivals to the library;

Advises on the organization of family reading, introduces information on the upbringing of children, advises on educational publications for students.

4. Organization of the library activities

4.1. The availability of a well-stocked library in the school is mandatory.

4.2. Library and information services are carried out on the basis of library and information resources in accordance with the educational and educational plans of the school, programs, projects and the library work plan.

4.3. Sponsorship received by the library in the form of targeted funds for the acquisition of the fund and the purchase of equipment does not entail a reduction in the standards and (or) the absolute amount of funding from the budget of the educational institution. Cash for the waste paper handed over by the library, they are spent on improving the material and technical base of the library, subscribing professional publications, and completing the fund of documents.

4.4. In order to ensure the modernization of the library in the conditions of informatization of education and within the limits of funds, the school provides the library with:

Guaranteed funding for the acquisition of library and information resources (in the estimate of the institution it is displayed separately);

Necessary service and production premises in accordance with the structure of the library and safety regulations for the operation of computers (no high humidity, dustiness of the room, corrosive impurities or electrically conductive dust) and in accordance with the provisions of SanPiN;

Modern electronic computing, telecommunications and copying equipment and the necessary software products;

Repair and after-sales service technology and equipment of the library;

Library equipment and stationery.

4.5. The educational institution creates conditions for the safety of the equipment, equipment and property of the library.

4.6. Responsibility for the systematic and quality of acquisition of the main fund of the library, the acquisition of the educational fund in accordance with the federal lists of textbooks and educational publications, the creation necessary conditions for the activities of the library is the director of the OU.

4.7. The working hours of the library are determined by the head of the library in accordance with the internal rules of the school. When determining the mode of operation of the library, the selection is provided:

Two hours of working time daily to perform internal library work; once a month - a sanitary day on which no service is provided to readers;

At least once a month - a methodical day.

5. Management. States

5.1. The library is managed in accordance with staffing librarian.

5.2. The general management of the library activities is carried out by the director of the educational institution.

5.3. The librarian is responsible within his competence to students, their parents (other legal representatives) for the organization and results of the library in accordance with functional responsibilities provided for qualification requirements, labor contract.

5.4. The librarian is appointed by the director of the school, is a member of the teaching staff and is a member of the pedagogical council of the educational institution.

5.5. The librarian develops and submits to the director of the school for approval the following documents:

Regulations on the library, rules for using the library;

Planning and reporting documentation (library diary, summary book of textbooks, summary book of fiction).

5.6. A librarian can carry out pedagogical activities. The combination of library-information and pedagogical activities is carried out by a library employee only on a voluntary basis.

6. Rights and obligations of a librarian

6.1. The librarian has the right:

6.1.1. Independently choose the forms, means and methods of library and information services for educational and upbringing processes in accordance with the goals and objectives specified in the Charter of the OS and the Regulations on the library;

6.1.2. To conduct, in accordance with the established procedure, lessons and circles of library and bibliographic knowledge and information culture;

6.1.3. Determine the sources of acquisition of information resources;

6.1.4. Withdraw and sell documents from the funds in accordance with the instructions for accounting for the library fund;

6.1.5. Determined in accordance with school library policy approved by the school principal and in consultation with the parent committee or board of trustees types and amounts of compensation for damage caused by library users;

6.1.6. Have annual paid leave;

6.1.7. To be presented to various forms of encouragement, awards and distinctions provided for employees of education and culture;

6.1.8. Improve your skills in deadlines.

6.2. The librarian must:

6.2.1. Provide users with the opportunity to work with the information resources of the library;

6.2.2. Inform users about the types of services provided by the library;

6.2.3. To ensure the scientific organization of funds and catalogues;

6.2.4. To form funds in accordance with the approved federal lists of educational publications, educational programs of a general education institution, interests, needs and requests of all categories of users;

6.2.5. Improve information, bibliographic and library services for users;

6.2.6. Ensure the safety of the use of information media, their systematization, placement and storage; provide a mode of operation in accordance with the needs of users and the work of the school;

6.2.7. Report in the prescribed manner to the director of the educational institution.

7. Rights and obligations of library users

7.1. Library users have the right to:

7.1.1. Receive full information about the composition of the library fund, information resources and services provided by the library;

7.1.2. Use the reference and bibliographic apparatus of the library;

7.1.3. Receive consulting assistance in the search and selection of sources of information;

7.1.4. Receive textbooks for personal use for the period of study of a subject, course, discipline (module);

7.1.5. Receive for temporary use on a subscription and in reading room printed editions, audiovisual documents and other sources of information;

7.1.6. Extend the period of use of documents;

7.1.7. Receive thematic, factographic, clarifying and bibliographic references based on the library fund;

7.1.8. Receive consulting assistance in working with information on electronic media when using electronic and other equipment;

7.1.9. Participate in activities organized by the library;

7.1.10. Apply for permission conflict situation to the director of the OU.

7.2. Library users are required to:

7.2.1. Follow the rules for using the library;

7.2.2. Treat printed works with care (do not tear out, do not bend pages, do not underline, mark in books), other documents on various media, equipment, inventory;

7.2.3. Maintain the order of arrangement of documents in the open access of the library, the location of cards in catalogs and file cabinets;

7.2.4. Use valuable and reference documents only in the library premises;

7.2.5. When receiving documents, make sure that there are no defects, and if found, inform the library worker about this. The last user is responsible for the defects found in the delivered documents;

7.2.6. Sign in the reader's form for each textbook received (high school students in preparation for the exam);

7.2.7. Return documents to the library on time;

7.2.8. Replace the library documents in case of their loss or damage with equivalent ones, or compensate for the damage in the amount established by the rules for using the library;

7.2.9. Return to the library at the end of the academic year that completes the study of the subject, course, discipline (module), in the event that the student moves to another during the academic year educational organization textbooks, teaching aids, teaching materials;

7.3. How to use the library:

7.3.1. School students are recorded in the library according to the list of the class on an individual basis, pedagogical and other school employees, parents (other legal representatives) of students - according to their passport;

7.3.2. Library users are re-registered annually;

7.3.3. The document confirming the right to use the library is the reader's form;

7.3.4. The reader's form fixes the date of issuance of documents from the library fund to the user and their return to the library.

7.4. Procedure for using the subscription:

7.4.1. users have the right to receive at home from multi-volume publications no more than two documents at a time;

7.4.2. maximum terms of use of documents:

Textbooks, teaching aids - academic year;

Popular science, cognitive, fiction - 1 month;

Periodicals, high-demand editions - 15 days;

7.4.3. users can extend the use of documents if they are not in demand from other users.

7.5. How to use the reading room:

7.5.1. documents intended for work in the reading room are not issued at home;

7.5.2. encyclopedias, reference books, rare, valuable and single copy documents are issued only for use in the reading room;

7.6. The procedure for working with a computer located in the library

7.6.1. work with the computer of participants in the educational process is carried out according to the schedule approved by the director of the educational institution and in the presence of a library employee;

7.6.2. no more than two people are allowed to work at one personal computer at the same time;

7.6.3. work with the computer is carried out in accordance with the approved sanitary and hygienic requirements.

7.7. Rules for the use of school textbooks.

7.8. Students sign each textbook received from the school library;

7.9. Textbooks should have an additional removable cover;

7.9.1. Students are required to return school textbooks in a tidy condition. If necessary, they are repaired (glued, cleaned).

7.9.2. In case of damage or loss of textbooks, parents (adoptive parents) or trustees must compensate them with new or equivalent ones in agreement with the school library, unless they prove that the damage was not their fault.

From the Regulations you will learn how the school fund of textbooks is formed, the procedure for its accounting and issuance, how the safety is ensured and what are the requirements for the safety of the library fund of textbooks, as well as the rules for using textbooks and the responsibility of all participants in the educational process from the school principal to students and their parents .



State budgetary educational institution

secondary school No. 605

with in-depth study of the German language

Vyborgsky district of St. Petersburg


  1. General provisions …………………………………………………………………. 3
  2. Formation of the fund of textbooks…………………………….. 4
  3. The procedure for accounting for the fund of educational literature…………………. five
  4. The procedure for issuing textbooks……………………………………... 6
  5. Preservation of the library

fund of school textbooks…………………………………. 8

  1. Rules for using textbooks for students

and parents……………………………………………………… 9

  1. Requirements for use and provision

preservation of textbooks………………………………………. nine

  1. Responsibility of participants in the educational process ... 10




  1. General Provisions .

1.1. This Regulation has been developed in accordance with the following regulatory documents:

  • Law of the Russian Federation dated December 29, 2012 No. No. 273-FZ "On Education in the Russian Federation", art. 35;
  • By the Law of St. Petersburg dated July 17, 2013 No. No. 461-83 "On education in St. Petersburg", art. 7;
  • Federal Law of the Russian Federation of December 29, 1994 No. 78-FZ “On Librarianship”;
  • Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated March 31, 2014 No. No. 253 "On approval of the federal list of textbooks recommended for use in the implementation of state-accredited educational programs of primary general, basic general, secondary general education";
  • Instruction No. 2488 dated August 24, 2000 “On Accounting for the Library Fund of the Libraries of Educational Institutions”;
  • Instruction of May 23, 1978 "On the creation and updating of library funds of textbooks, the procedure for their use and measures to ensure the safety of literature";
  • The procedure for accounting for documents included in the library fund dated 08.10.2012. No. 1077;
  • Letter of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated 08.12.2011. No. MD-1634/03 "On the use of textbooks in the educational process";
  • Letter of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation No. 01-16-23/13-0-1 dated January 10, 2013 “On the direction of Methodological recommendations for educational institutions on the choice of textbooks that ensure the implementation of federal state educational standards general education”;
  • Letter of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated 02.02.2015 No. No. NT-136/08 "On the federal list of textbooks";
  • By order of the Committee on Education of the Government of St. Petersburg dated 06.11.2013. No. 2585-r “On Approval of the Procedure for Providing Use to Students Mastering Basic Educational Programs within the State Educational Standards, Textbooks, Teaching Aids, as well as Teaching and Methodological Materials, Training and Educational Tools”;
  • Decree of the Committee on Education of the Government of St. Petersburg dated March 22, 2016 No. 820-r “On Amendments to the Order of the Committee on Education dated November 6, 2013 No. 2585-r”;
  • The Charter of the State Budgetary Educational Institution of General Education School No. 605 with in-depth study of the German language in the Vyborgsky District of St. Petersburg.

1.2. This Regulation determines the procedure and mechanism for the formation, accounting, preservation and provision for use of textbooks, teaching aids, educational materials for students of the State Budgetary General Educational Institution General Education School No. 605 with in-depth study of the German language of the Vyborgsky District of St. Petersburg (hereinafter referred to as the school) mastering the main educational programs within the federal state educational standards.

1.3. This Regulation is a local act of the school, is considered and adopted at a meeting of the Pedagogical Council, approved by order of the school principal. Amendments and additions to this provision shall be made in the same manner.

1.4. Concepts used in the Regulations:

  • A textbook is an educational publication containing a systematic presentation of an academic discipline that corresponds to the curriculum and is officially approved as a given type. It can be submitted in printed and electronic form.
  • A textbook is a textbook that supplements or replaces partially or completely a textbook officially approved as a given type.
  • A workbook is a textbook that has a special didactic apparatus that helps independent work student over the development of the subject.
  • Teaching materials - a set of materials that fully ensure the teaching of this discipline (atlases, contour maps, lesson planning, knowledge control tools, reference books, work programs, etc.).
  • Means of training and education - other sources of educational information provided to students in the course of the educational process.

1.5. The purpose of this provision is to create conditions for the maximum provision of school students with educational literature, increase the responsibility of the teaching staff and the family for the correct, rational use school textbooks, organization of work among students and their parents to educate a conscious, careful attitude to the textbook.

  1. Formation of the fund of textbooks.
  1. The acquisition of the educational fund of the school library is carried out on the basis of the List of textbooks, educational and teaching aids used in the educational process of school No. 605. This list is compiled annually in accordance with the educational programs implemented at the school, curriculum schools and the Federal List of Textbooks recommended and approved by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation for use in the educational process on the principles of a systematic, planned approach, taking into account the prospects and continuity of the implementation of educational programs.
  2. The school is independent in choosing and determining:
  • a set of textbooks, teaching aids, educational and methodological materials that ensure the teaching of a subject, course, discipline (module);
  • means of training and education. The choice of means of training and education is determined by the specifics of the content and the form of organization of the educational process.
  1. The fund of educational literature is completed at the expense of budget appropriations the federal budget, the budget of the subject of the Russian Federation and the local budget, as well as other sources not prohibited by the legislation of the Russian Federation.
  2. Direct management and control of work on the creation and timely replenishment of the library fund of school textbooks is carried out by the head of the educational institution.
  3. It is allowed to use educational and methodological kits included in the Federal List of Textbooks, agreed upon by the Pedagogical Council and approved by order of the school principal.
  4. For effective organization the educational process uses educational and methodological support from one subject-methodical line.
  5. The process of work on the formation of the fund of educational literature includes the following stages:
  • the work of the teaching staff with the Federal list of textbooks recommended (approved) for use in educational institutions;
  • preparation of a list of textbooks planned for use in the new academic year;
  • providing a list of textbooks to the pedagogical council for approval and approval;
  • diagnosing the level of provision of students with educational literature for the next academic year, drawing up a long-term plan for completing the educational fund;
  • ordering textbooks and teaching aids in accordance with the approved list of textbooks and the acquisition plan;
  • holding an auction and concluding an agreement with a supplier on the purchase of educational literature;
  • acceptance and accounting of newly received educational literature in the library.
  1. The procedure for accounting for the fund of educational literature.
  1. The library fund of school textbooks is taken into account and kept separately from the main fund of the school library.
  2. The library fund of educational literature includes textbooks, teaching aids, spelling dictionaries, mathematical tables, collections of exercises and tasks, workshops, books for reading, anthologies, workbooks, atlases, contour maps.
  3. Accounting for the library fund of educational literature reflects the receipt, disposal, total amount of the fund of textbooks, and serves as the basis for its correct formation, intended use and preservation, control over the presence and movement of textbooks.
  4. Accounting for the library fund of school textbooks is organized in accordance with the main provisions of the Methodological Recommendations for the Application of the "Instructions on Accounting for the Library Fund in the Libraries of Educational Institutions", approved by Order of the Ministry of Education dated August 24, 2000 No. 2488.
  5. The process of accounting for the library fund of textbooks includes: acceptance, stamping, registration of receipts, distribution by class, disposal, as well as summing up the movement of the fund and checking it.
  6. All accounting operations are carried out by the head of the library, cost accounting is carried out by the accounting department serving the school. An inventory of the educational fund and reconciliation of the library and accounting data is carried out annually.
  7. Accounting for educational literature is carried out in a group way and is kept in the "Book of total accounting" (hereinafter - CSU). The KSU of textbooks is stored in the library permanently.
  8. The KSU consists of three parts:

Part 1. Admission to the fund. This part records the total number of textbooks received and their cost with the obligatory indication of the number and date of the accompanying document. The record number starts at #1 each year and goes in order of receipt.

Part 2. Withdrawal from the fund. In this part, the numbers of acts for writing off textbooks are recorded, indicating the date of approval of the act and the total number of written off textbooks for the total amount. The numbering of entries about retired publications continues from year to year.

Part 3. Results of accounting for the movement of funds. The third part records the results of the movement of the textbook fund:

  • the total number of textbooks received for the current year, in the amount;
  • the total number of retired textbooks for the current year, in the amount;
  • the total number of textbooks registered as of January 1 of the next year, by the amount.

3.5. Individual (group) accounting of textbooks is carried out in the file of textbooks on catalog cards of a standard size. The card indicates registration number, bibliographic description of the textbook, information about the number of textbooks received with an indication of the price. In case of repeated receipt of a textbook that has no differences, except for the year of publication and price, all receipts are recorded on a single card. If additions and changes are made to the textbook, then a new card is created for it. Cards are placed in an accounting file by class, and inside the classes− by subjects. After writing off all the textbooks, the cards are removed from the file cabinet.

3.6. Registration cards of textbooks are registered in the "Journal of Registration of Registration Cards of the Library Fund of School Textbooks", which is maintained according to the model: serial number, name, class, number of the act of issuing the card.

3.7. All types of textbooks and teaching aids are subject to accounting. Workbooks, didactic materials, tables, copybooks, contour maps, atlases are temporary documents. Their accounting is carried out in the "Notebook for accounting documents of a temporary nature."

3.8. Textbooks lost and taken in return are recorded in the "Notebook for accounting for lost and taken in exchange textbooks." Instead of lost or damaged textbooks, textbooks of the same name, author and publisher are accepted.

3.9. Textbooks are written off at least once a year. For each type of write-off (“Dilapidated”, “Obsolete in content”), an act is drawn up in 2 copies, which is signed by the commission and approved by the school principal. One copy of the act is stored in the library, the other is transferred against receipt to the accounting department, which writes off the cost of textbooks indicated in the act from the balance of the school. Textbooks written off under the act are handed over to the relevant organizations for the procurement of secondary raw materials. The money from the delivery of textbooks is deposited into the school's current account.

3.10. Part of the textbooks that are in a satisfactory condition, after writing off, can be issued to students to prepare for exams, transferred to study rooms or used to repair other textbooks.

  1. The procedure for issuing textbooks.
  1. The procedure for using educational literature is determined by the Regulations on the library, the Rules for using the library and this Regulation.
  2. Students who master the main educational programs within the federal state educational standards include:
  • students mastering the program of primary general education;
  • students mastering the program of basic general education;
  • students who master the program of secondary general education.
  1. The school provides students with textbooks, educational and teaching aids free of charge in accordance with the federal list of textbooks recommended (approved) for use in the implementation of accredited educational programs of primary general, basic general, secondary general education within the limits of federal state educational standards. Providing students with these publications is carried out at the expense of publications available in the school library. The library fund is replenished annually with the necessary textbooks, educational and teaching aids.
  2. Educational literature has been used for at least 5 years, but if it complies with the Federal Standard and the Federal List of Textbooks, it can be used for up to 10 years (letter of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated 08.12.2011 No. MD-1634/03).
  3. Textbooks, teaching aids and educational materials necessary for students to master subjects, courses, disciplines outside the federal state educational standards, parents (legal representatives) purchase independently.
  4. For children with disabilities and children with disabilities studying at home in basic general education programs using distance learning technologies, textbooks are provided free of charge for the period of education.
  5. Textbooks, teaching aids and teaching materials (work programs, lesson planning, teaching aids etc.) for personal use, school teachers purchase independently. If these publications are available in the library fund, teachers are provided with them in a single copy free of charge.
  6. Textbooks, educational and teaching aids are provided to school students for personal use in one set for a period of one year, regardless of how long they are designed for. The second set of textbooks can be issued at the request of the parents in connection with the deterioration of the health of the student, if there are free copies in the library.
  7. Before the start of the school year, the librarian gives textbooks to the classclass teachers 1-11 gradesaccording to the schedule approved by the school principal. The issuance of educational literature to class teachers is recorded in the "Book of issuance of textbooks" and is confirmed by the signature of the class teacher.
  8. School students receive textbooks and teaching aids from the library fund from class teachers at the beginning of the school year. The issuance of textbooks and teaching aids to parents of grades 1 and students of grades 2-9 is recorded by class teachers in the "Statement of issue and return of textbooks" and is confirmed by the personal signature of one of the parents of the student in grade 1, and in grades 2-11 - by the personal signature of the student. "Statements of issuance and return of textbooks" are stored in the library. Class teachers of grades 1-11 conduct a conversation-instructing students in their class and their parents (legal representatives) about the rules for using textbooks.
  9. In exceptional cases, students (debtors, new arrivals, as well as to prepare for the OGE and the Unified State Examination, for summer education) receive textbooks from the librarian. Textbooks for preparing for the OGE and the Unified State Examination to students of the 9th and 11th grades and newcomers are issued only if they are available in the library. Distribution of required textbooks summer period is recorded in the reader's forms under the personal signature of the students.
  10. Textbooks can be issued both new and previously used. Within one week, students must review all textbooks and teaching aids issued to them for personal use. If defects are found that interfere with the perception of educational material (lack of sheets, damage to the text), the student or his parents (legal representatives) can contact the library to replace it with another one. The textbook can be replaced if it is available in the library fund. After the expiration of the specified period of claims for appearance and the quality of the textbook are not accepted by the library, and the student who used them is responsible for the defects found in the handed-in textbooks.
  11. At the end of the school year and when a student moves from school to another educational organization during the school year, textbooks, teaching aids, workbooks and teaching materials provided for the personal use of students are returned to the school library. In case of damage or loss of a textbook, educational or teaching aid provided to a student for personal use, parents (legal representatives) are obliged to compensate for the damage and return a new textbook to the library.
  12. Graduation students before receiving a document on graduation are required to pay the library in full (according to the bypass sheet).
  13. return textbook in at the end of the school year is carried out according to the schedule drawn up by the head of the library and approved by the principal of the school. Textbooks are accepted:
  • from students of grades 1 - 8, 10 - by class teachers;
  • from students of grades 9 and 11 - the head of the library together with class teachers. The class teacher ensures 100% attendance of students with all textbooks in accordance with the schedule.
  1. Students are required to return textbooks to the school library in a condition that meets the uniform requirements for their use and preservation.
  1. Ensuring the safety of the library fund of school textbooks.
  1. The safety of the fund is ensured by the creation of optimal conditions for the storage and use of textbooks, as well as their protection from damage and theft.
  2. Storage of textbooks is carried out in accordance with the current Instructions on labor protection and fire safety.
  3. The textbook fund is located and accounted for separately from the main fund.
  4. Responsibility for organizing the preservation of the fund of textbooks rests with the principal of the school and the head of the library.
  5. Students using this fund are responsible for the condition and safety of the issued textbooks during the academic year. They also make repairs if necessary.
  6. In case of loss or damage to the textbook, parents (legal representatives)compensate for the damage caused in accordance with applicable law.
  7. In order to control the safety of textbooks by students, 2 times a year (September and April), the library conducts selective raids to check the condition of textbooks. Information about the results of the raid is brought to the class teacher, if necessary, to the head teacher for UVR. Based on the results of the check, an act is drawn up.
  8. Criteria for checking the status of textbooks:
  • Availability of a record of ownership of the textbook by the student;
  • Availability of all textbooks at the time of verification (according to the lesson schedule);
  • The presence of covers on textbooks;
  • The appearance of the textbook (no dirt, inscriptions, bruises, cuts, torn pages, damage to the bindings in textbooks);
  • For 1 - 4 classes - the presence of bookmarks.
  1. Rules for using textbooks for students and parents:

6.1. Students have the right to receive textbooks provided by the educational programs of the school for temporary use from the library fund free of charge.

6.2. Textbooks are issued to students for a period of one year, regardless of the period of study they are designed for, without the right to transfer and sale. Return of textbooks is guaranteed by parents (legal representatives).

6.3. Textbooks can be issued both new and previously used. Problems of shortage of textbooks are solved through the exchange-reserve fund of district schools.

6.4. Students must sign each textbook received from the school library (academic year, last name, first name, class).

6.5. The textbook should have an additional removable cover.

6.6. You cannot write, draw, fold or tear pages in textbooks, etc.

6.7. Students are required to return school textbooks in a tidy condition and, if necessary, repair them.

6.8. Textbooks must be returned to the library on time at the end of the school year, before the summer holidays.

6.9. Graduates (grades 9.11) are required to pay the library at the end of the study period (before receiving a certificate).

6.10. Students dropping out during the school year are required to turn in textbooks before receiving documents.

6.11. In case of damage or loss of textbooks, students are obliged to reimburse them with new or equivalent ones in agreement with the head of the library.

6.12. Responsibility for the safety of received school textbooks is borne by both students and their parents.

  1. Requirements for the use and preservation of textbooks.
  1. Students are requiredtreat textbooks with care, avoid contamination and damage that leads to loss of information, impairs readability, reading conditions (loss of image elements, stains, scratches, missing one or more pages, gluing pages and damage to text or illustrations when opened, deformation, shabby block or binding).
  2. When using the textbook 1 yearin great condition: clean, intact, without damage or wear to the spine, binding corners, without tearing the binding from the block.
  3. When using the textbook 2-3 years, it must be handed over to the school libraryin a good condition: clean, intact, minor damage is acceptable: the corners of the binding, the spine may be slightly worn (but not torn).
  4. When using the textbook 4-5 years, it must be handed over to the school librarysuitable for further use: clean, tearing of the spine (no more than 1 cm from the edge) and binding at the junction with the block is allowed.
  5. When using the textbook for 6 years or more, it must be handed over to the school libraryin fair conditionsuitable for further use: clean, tearing of the spine (no more than 2-3 cm from the edge) and binding at the junction with the block is allowed.
  6. All damage must be neatly glued with translucent paper, or wide transparent tape.
  1. Responsibility of participants in the educational process.
  1. Head teacher is responsible for organizing work on the timely replenishment of the library fund of school textbooks, providing students with textbooks, teaching aids, educational and methodological materials, means of education and upbringing.
  2. Deputy directors of the school for teaching and educational workdetermine the school's need for textbooks that correspond to the curricula, monitor the use of teaching staff in the course of the educational process of textbooks, teaching aids and teaching materials in accordance with the list determined by the school, together with teachers and the head of the library, monitors the fulfillment by students of uniform requirements for the use and preservation of textbooks.
  3. Classroom teachersare responsible for instilling in students a caring attitude towards educational book, for the condition of textbooks and teaching aids of students in their class during the academic year, the timely issuance (delivery) of textbooks, scientists and teaching aids to the library in accordance with the schedule approved by the school principal.
  4. The head of the library is responsible for the accuracy of information about the availability of textbooks, teaching aids and teaching materials for school students, for organizing the work of the library in issuing and returning textbooks, teaching aids and teaching materials to students, for the safety of the library fund of educational literature.
  5. Parents (legal representatives) of students are responsible for the safety of the received textbooks, teaching aids and teaching materials and compensate for their loss or damage to the school library.
  6. Students are responsible for the safety of textbooks, teaching aids and teaching materials received from the school library.

Agreed with the Council of Parents of GBOU School No. 605