Creation of a scheme of constructive interaction with the customer. Project management

1.1. Interaction with Customers (Main functions)

1.1.1. Order search For product information

1.1.2. Pre-contract work with the Customer

Regulatory documents Pre-contractual work with the Customer STP-1-01

ISO9000:2000 Quality Management System Requirements Clause 7 Customer requirements for products, including requirements for availability, delivery and maintenance Determination of the ability to achieve compliance with certain requirements

    // Analysis of product requirements / Processes related to the consumer / SALES OF PRODUCTS

1.1.3. Formation of Terms of Reference

Regulatory documents The procedure for the analysis and conclusion of the contract STP-2-01 // Standards of the enterprise enterprise Ellat (STP) / Documents of the quality management system / Internal regulations/ Regulations

ISO9000:2000 Quality Management System Requirements Clause 7 Requirements not specified by the customer, but necessary for the intended or specified use // Definition of customer requirements / Customer related processes / PRODUCT SALES Product-related obligations, including mandatory requirements and legal provisions // Definition of customer requirements / Customer related processes / PRODUCT SALES

    // Analysis of product requirements / Processes related to the consumer / SALES OF PRODUCTS Confirmation of consumer requirements prior to their acceptance, if the consumer does not provide a written statement of requirements // Analysis of product requirements / Processes related to the consumer / SALES OF PRODUCTS Clarification of changes in the requirements of the contract or order that differ from those previously submitted (for example, by bidding or links) // Analysis of product requirements / Processes related to the consumer / SALES OF PRODUCTS Determination of the stages of the design and/or development processes Applicable legal and regulatory requirements Applicable data derived from similar previous developments // Input data for design and development / Design and development / PRODUCT SALES Other requirements important for design and development // Input data for design and development / Design and development / PRODUCT SALES Assessing the ability to meet requirements

1.1.4. Conclusion of Agreements

Regulatory documents Regulations on contractual work with the Customer (STP-3-01) // Enterprise Standards Ellat (STP) / Documents of the quality management system / Internal regulatory documents / Regulations

1.1.5. Monitoring the fulfillment of contractual obligations

Regulatory documents The procedure for analyzing changes and making changes to the Contractual Documents // Regulations on contractual work with the Customer (STP-3-01) / Ellat Enterprise Standards (STP) / Documents of the quality management system / Internal regulatory documents / Regulations Procedure for handling complaints and claims of the Customer The procedure for eliminating the comments of the Customer // Regulations on corrective and preventive actions (STP-4-01) / Ellat Enterprise Standards (STP) / Quality management system documents / Internal regulatory documents / Regulations

ISO9000:2000 Quality Management System Requirements Clause 7 Processing requests, contracts, orders, including changes // Communication with the consumer / Processes related to the consumer / SALES OF PRODUCTS

1.2. Project Work Scheduling (Main Functions)

1.2.1. Clarification of the composition of the complex and scope of development

Regulatory documents

    // Enterprise Standards Ellat (STP) / Documents of the quality management system / Internal regulatory documents / Regulations

ISO9000:2000 Quality Management System Requirements Clause 7 Definition of product requirements // Analysis of product requirements / Processes related to the consumer / SALES OF PRODUCTS

1.2.2. Project Quality Assurance Planning

Regulatory documents Composition and procedure for developing a project quality assurance program (STP-5-01) // Enterprise Standards Ellat (STP) / Documents of the quality management system / Internal regulatory documents / Regulations

ISO9000:2000 Quality Management System Requirements Clause 7

  • 7.1.1. Setting quality goals for a product, project or contract
  • 7.1.3. Definition of review and approval activities and acceptance criteria // Planning of sales processes / SALES OF PRODUCTS Fixing the results of the analysis and subsequent follow-up actions (see clause 5.5.7) // Analysis of product requirements / Processes related to the consumer / SALES OF PRODUCTS Definition of review, verification and approval activities for each design and/or development stage // Design and development planning / Design and development / PRODUCTS SALES

1.2.3. Formation of private technical specifications for development constituent parts complex

Regulatory documents Project implementation technology. Stages and order of work (STP-7-01) // Enterprise Standards Ellat (STP) / Documents of the quality management system / Internal regulatory documents / Regulations

1.2.4. Project planning

Regulatory documents

    // Enterprise Standards Ellat (STP) / Documents of the quality management system / Internal regulatory documents / Regulations

ISO9000:2000 Quality Management System Requirements Clause 7

    7.1.2. Determination of the need for establishing processes and documentation, providing resources and infrastructure specific to the product // Planning of sales processes / SALES OF PRODUCTS

1.2.5. Coordination and operational control performance of work

Regulatory documents Corrective Action Procedure // Regulations on corrective and preventive actions (STP-4-01) / Ellat Enterprise Enterprise Standards (STP) / Quality management system documents / Internal regulatory documents / Regulations Regulation on work planning (STP-6-01) // Enterprise Standards Ellat (STP) / Documents of the quality management system / Internal regulatory documents / Regulations

ISO9000:2000 Quality Management System Requirements Clause 7 Identification of problems and development of proposals for follow-up actions // Design and Development Analysis / Design and Development / PRODUCT MAILING

    7.3.7. Design and development change management

1.3. Development of design, software and operational documentation (Main functions)

1.3.1. Development of documentation for the hardware of the complex

Regulatory documents Project implementation technology. Stages and order of work (STP-7-01) // Enterprise Standards Ellat (STP) / Documents of the quality management system / Internal regulatory documents / Regulations Work plan for the hardware development and production department

1.3.2. Development of the software part of the complex

Regulatory documents Project implementation technology. Stages and order of work (STP-7-01) // Enterprise Standards Ellat (STP) / Documents of the quality management system / Internal regulatory documents / Regulations Work plan for the development and production department software // Programs and action plans / Organizational and administrative documents of the company / Regulations

1.3.4. Analysis and approval of design results

Regulatory documents Project implementation technology. Stages and order of work (STP-7-01) // Enterprise Standards Ellat (STP) / Documents of the quality management system / Internal regulatory documents / Regulations

ISO9000:2000 Quality Management System Requirements Clause 7 Conform to design and development input requirements Provide appropriate information for manufacturing and service operations (see 7.5) // Design and development output / Design and development / PRODUCT MAILING Determine the characteristics of the product that are essential for its safe and proper use. // Design and development output / Design and development / PRODUCT MAILING Conformity of output data to input requirements // Design and Development Verification / Design and Development / PRODUCT SALES

    7.3.6. Approval of design and development results // Design and development / SALES PRODUCTS

  • Education, Development, Trainings


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In different sources of literature on sales, you can find a different number of stages of the sale. Each author considers them from his own point of view.

I propose to consider the key stages in working with the Client>:

Stage 1 "Making contact" or "Establishing contact"

Any sale starts from this stage.

Target this stage : win over the Client and interest him in further contact.

When establishing contact with the Client, it is important to greet him and introduce himself.

"Good afternoon. My name is Mikhail, I am the manager of the company "Windows Plus".

Before starting a conversation about the needs of the Client, it is recommended to talk with him on an abstract topic (the “Small Talk” technique), or offer tea, coffee, you can make a compliment, or use a number of other techniques of the contact establishment stage.

“What do you know about our company? Why choose us? What are you planning to buy?

It is important that the manager, by his non-verbal behavior, demonstrates an interest in contact with the Client, a desire to help him, goodwill. Non-verbal behavior includes open gestures, posture, smile, inclination of the body towards the Client, open gaze.

It is possible to determine whether contact with the Client has been established or not by the behavior of the Client. If he reacts positively to the words of the manager, feels relaxed, asks questions himself, we can assume that contact has been established. If the Client does not maintain eye contact with the manager, is tense, does not answer questions, or answers reluctantly, then it makes sense to devote more time to the stage of establishing contact.

Stage 2 "Identification of needs"

The purpose of this stage: to determine the needs of the Client.

The more accurately the manager determines the needs of the Client, the more effectively he will make a presentation of goods and services, which will subsequently lead to a deal.

When identifying needs, it is important for a manager to be able to ask questions and listen to the Client.

When interacting with the Client, it is important that he speaks more, and not the manager; for this, the manager is recommended to set more open questions.

What window are you planning to purchase? Where will you change the window? What is the climate in the apartment in winter and summer? Who else lives in the apartment? On what grounds do you choose a window?

Closed questions manager allow to specify the needs of the Client.

“Do you often ventilate the room? Do you have animals? Is it convenient for you if our measurer arrives tomorrow at 9 am?”

Alternative questions offer the customer a choice of options.

“Is it convenient for you to have the measurer come in the morning or in the afternoon? Are we planning to install new windows this week or next?”

During the entire meeting with the Client, it is useful to listen to him carefully, as Clients often speak openly about their needs themselves. If some words of the Client are not clear to the manager or he listened to them, it is advisable to ask the Client clarifying questions:

“Did I understand correctly that you need a window with increased sound insulation? As far as I understand, you want one sash of the window to be pivoting and the other to be tilt-and-turn?”

It is desirable to sum up the intermediate result after each discussed issue. Especially if the manager discusses several products or services with the Client.

“Thus, we agreed that we will measure tomorrow, and we will install windows next week on Friday. So, you are planning to install two new windows: in the kitchen, a double-leaf window with tilt-and-turn sashes, and in a room, a three-leaf window, in which two sashes are tilt-and-turn and one is “deaf”.

It is important to accurately identify the needs of the client and only then carry out a presentation of goods and services.

Stage 3 "Presentation"

Target: offer a product or service that best meets the needs of the Client.

The presentation of products and services contains a description of the characteristics of goods and services, the benefits from their use by the client, and the benefits that the consumer receives.

It is useful to start the presentation with the key benefits of the Client, which follow from the needs of the buyer, identified by the manager at the previous stage.

It is important to distinguish how the benefit of a product or service differs from a benefit.

Advantage is the benefit that any Customer receives by using this product or service.

"With this service, you can save time and cut costs by 10%." "This fitting allows you to reduce the number of adjustments."

Benefit is a characteristic or advantage that allows you to meet a specific need of the Client.

Thus, any characteristic or advantage can become a benefit, provided that the Client has a need for it.

“You wanted the window to be easy to open and close, European quality fittings can provide it.” “You said that the apartment is located on the ground floor and you are afraid for the security of the apartment, I suggest you install anti-burglary fittings on the new windows.”

During the presentation, the manager needs to include the Client in an active dialogue using questions.

“How do you feel about my proposal?”, “What do you think about this?”, “How do you like my proposal?”

Stage 4 "Working with objections"

Target: to dispel the Customer's doubts about the purchase and remove the negative in relation to the product or service.

In order to reduce the number of objections of the Client, it is useful for the manager to devote more time to the previous stages. Often the objections of the Clients are connected with the fact that the contact with him was not established well, his needs were partially identified, or the presentation of goods and services was not interesting for the Client, it was too long and did not satisfy his needs.

It is important to perceive the Client's objections as a signal that the manager needs to correct his behavior (especially if there are a lot of objections).

Objections from the Client may also arise at the previous stages of the sale. How to deal with emerging objections?

Effectively adhere to the objection handling scheme:

1. listen to the Client;

2. neutralize his emotions using phrases of understanding;

“I understand you”, “Yes, I agree that it’s unpleasant ...”

3. clarify, if necessary, information using questions;

4. offer constructive solutions or make an alternative proposal.

There are 4 types of customer objections:

1. objections related to changes.

“Why do I need this”, “I don’t see the point in this”

In dealing with such an objection, the manager must explain to the Client that the risks are excluded, show the consequences if the situation continues, give examples of positive experience using something for the first time.

“By purchasing a window with European fittings, you are guaranteed to be protected from drafts, additional adjustments of the sash pressure, jamming of the closing mechanism.”

2. price related objections.

"It is too expensive for me".

In the argument, the manager should pay attention to the additional benefit that the Client receives, you can compare the cost of the goods with the cost of any other not very necessary thing or divide the cost by a certain period of time.

“When you buy a window from our company, you get a window care kit as a gift, as well as the opportunity to use free adjustment of fittings”, “A beautiful new window in the kitchen will cost you only 300 rubles. in a day".

3. objections related to negative experiences.

"I heard you have a bad profile."

It is useful for the manager to clarify the information by asking questions to the Client, to show the Client that you understand him and acknowledge the facts of unpleasant events (in case they were in reality) and then offer an alternative solution.

“Yes indeed, we had a batch of defective profile, which we returned to the supplier. At the moment, we have received a new batch, have already manufactured and installed more than 30 windows, all Clients are satisfied.”

4. objections related to the decision.

“I need to think”, “I need to consult with my wife.”

In dealing with such objections, the manager can once again clarify what such a decision is connected with, make sure that the client has accepted and understood all the information, and also use the methods for completing the transaction.

“If we sign an agreement with you now, then at the end of the week you will be able to admire the new window in the kitchen.” "Only until the end of the month we have a discount on this product."

Stage 5 "Completion of the transaction"

Target: push the Client to the transaction and confirm the correctness of the decision made by him.

Before completing the transaction (signing the contract), the manager needs to make sure that the Client is ready to conclude the transaction.

This can be seen from the signals it shows:

  • positive feedback about a product or service;
  • The client expresses approval to the words of the manager (assents, nods his head, etc.);
  • directly says that he agrees;
  • asks clarifying questions.

Deal completion methods:

1. method of limiting conditions and time.

"If you sign the contract today, we give you a 20% window discount."

2. compliment method.

"You really made the right choice."

3. win-win alternative.

“Will you be booked in for a measurement on Tuesday or Wednesday?”

In conclusion, I would like to say that the effectiveness of sales depends on the skill of managers. How large quantity methods, the sales technician owns the manager, the more flexible and successful he is when interacting with the Client. The profession of a sales manager requires constant development and self-improvement of skills. We wish you success on the path of professional growth and increase in sales.

To bring back former customers, you need to understand what influenced their departure. Then you can take the right action and re-establish cooperation.

In this article you will read:

  • Features of working with customers that managers should know
  • What rules of work with customers will keep the most profitable of them

Features of working with customers in b2b are often similar from company to company. Here are 4 tips for managers to help organize work with customers and make it easier to interact with them.

Best Article of the Month

We have prepared an article that:

✩show how tracking programs help protect the company from theft;

✩ tell you what managers actually do during working hours;

✩explain how to organize surveillance of employees so as not to break the law.

With the help of the proposed tools, you will be able to control managers without reducing motivation.

1. If customers were poached by a former employee

Situation. The resigned manager opens his own business and takes away some of the clients, claiming that he is acting on behalf of his own business. former organization. In this case, you need to make the following decisions in organizing work with customers.

Decision. After dismissing a sales person, let all of his clients know which employee will now work with them. It's best if CEO personally call the head of each of the client companies. At the same time, you can get guarantees of further cooperation and expose the former subordinate.

2. If the client is not satisfied with the level of service

Situation. A meticulous customer demands that his order be completed as soon as possible. The manager refers to difficulties, postpones deadlines, gets irritated or rude. The customer refuses to cooperate.

  • Sales Manager Motivation: What Really Works

Decision. Call the customer in person, explain the situation, and apologize. In one of Russian organizations a pregnant employee, tired of a picky customer, hung up. The general director called the customer back and told him what was the matter. The next morning, the client arrived at the company with a basket of flowers for an employee and apologized himself.

3. If employees do not fight for the return of the client

Situation. Managers do not seek to retain existing or return lost customers, despite the fact that attracting new ones is expensive for the company.

  • Sales Manager Training: Preparing a Newbie in 3 Steps

Decision. Enter material motivation. For example, you can pay a bonus to an employee who, after a long break from working with a particular customer, will be able to conclude a new contract with him.

4. If the client was offered more favorable terms

Situation. The customer does not see the difference between your company and competitors and chooses more low price. At the same time, he may not understand that he will lose in quality.

Decision. If you cannot reduce the price without sacrificing quality, offer the client special terms of cooperation (bonus, gift, free services). In exceptional cases, when the client is strategically important, you can go to lower profits. With such customers, the CEO must communicate personally. Do not be afraid to directly ask the client on what conditions he agrees to work - it will be easier to negotiate.

Today, the process of creating complex software applications cannot be imagined without dividing into stages life cycle. Under the life cycle of the program, we mean the set of stages:

  • Analysis of the subject area and creation of technical specifications (interaction with the customer)
  • Program structure design
  • Coding (a set of program code according to project documentation)
  • Testing and Debugging
  • Program implementation
  • Program support
  • Disposal
Let's take a closer look at the design process. During the design process, an architect or an experienced programmer creates project documentation, including text descriptions, diagrams, models of the future program. In this difficult matter, the UML language will help us.

UML is a graphical language for visualization, description of parameters, design and documentation of various systems (programs in particular). Diagrams are created using special CASE tools such as Rational Rose ( and Enterprise Architect ( A single information model is built on the basis of UML technology. The above CASE tools are capable of generating code in various object-oriented languages, and also have a very useful reverse engineering feature. (Reverse engineering allows you to create a graphical model from the existing program code and comments to it.)

Consider the types of diagrams for visualizing the model (these are must-haves, although there are many more types):

Use Case Diagram

The designed system is represented as a set of entities or actors interacting with the system using so-called precedents. In this case, an actor (actor) or an actor is any entity that interacts with the system from the outside. In other words, each use case defines a certain set of actions that the system performs when talking to an actor. At the same time, nothing is said about how the interaction of actors with the system will be implemented.

Class diagram (class diagram)

The class diagram serves to represent the static structure of the system model in the terminology of object-oriented programming classes. A class diagram can reflect, in particular, various relationships between individual entities of the subject area, such as objects and subsystems, and also describes their internal structure (fields, methods ...) and types of relationships (inheritance, implementation of interfaces ...). This diagram does not provide information about the time aspects of the system operation. From this point of view, the class diagram is a further development of the conceptual model of the designed system. At this stage, knowledge of the OOP approach and design patterns is essential.

State diagram (statechart diagram)

The main purpose of this diagram is to describe the possible sequences of states and transitions that together characterize the behavior of a model element during its life cycle. The state diagram represents the dynamic behavior of entities, based on the specification of their response to the perception of some specific events.

Sequence diagram

Appropriate interaction diagrams are used to model the interaction of objects in the UML language. Interactions of objects can be considered in time, and then a sequence diagram is used to represent the timing of the transmission and reception of messages between objects. Interacting objects exchange some information with each other. In this case, the information takes the form of complete messages. In other words, although the message has information content, it acquires the additional property of exerting a directed influence on its recipient.

Collaboration diagram

In the diagram of cooperation, the objects participating in the interaction are depicted in the form of rectangles, containing the name of the object, its class, and, possibly, attribute values. As in the class diagram, the associations between objects are indicated in the form of various connecting lines. In this case, you can explicitly specify the names of the association and the roles that objects play in this association.
Unlike a sequence diagram, a collaboration diagram only depicts relationships between objects that play certain roles in an interaction.

Component Diagram

The component diagram, unlike the previously discussed diagrams, describes the features of the physical representation of the system. The component diagram allows you to determine the architecture of the system being developed by establishing dependencies between software components, which can be source, binary, and executable code. In many development environments, a module or component corresponds to a file. The dotted arrows connecting modules show dependency relationships similar to those that occur when compiling program source code. The main graphical elements of a component diagram are components, interfaces, and dependencies between them.

Deployment diagram

The deployment diagram is designed to visualize the elements and components of the program that exist only at the stage of its execution (runtime). In this case, only program instance components that are executable files or dynamic libraries are presented. Those components that are not used at runtime are not shown in the deployment diagram.
The deployment diagram contains graphic images processors, devices, processes and connections between them. Unlike logical representation diagrams, the deployment diagram is the same for the system as a whole, since it must fully reflect the features of its implementation. This diagram essentially completes the OOAP process for a particular software system and its development is usually the last step in model specification.

This concludes our overview of diagrams in particular and design in general. It is worth noting that the design process has long become a software development standard, but often you have to deal with a beautifully written program, which, due to the lack of proper documentation, acquires unnecessary side functionality, crutches, becomes cumbersome and loses its former quality. =(

I am convinced that a programmer is, first of all, a coder - he should NOT communicate with the customer, should NOT think about the architecture of the system, should not invent an interface to the program, he should only code - implement algorithms, functionality, appearance, usability, but no more…. The designer, starting from abstract diagrams (describing the subject area) to diagrams representing the data structure, classes and processes of their interaction, must describe everything step by step in detail. That is, the complexity of the work and the salary of a designer should be an order of magnitude higher than that of a programmer == coder. Sorry for the rant....

Consider the full scheme of interaction with the customer on the example of website development. Graphically, the stages of interaction can be represented as the following figure:

Primary is call or e-mail, which are processed by the account manager. The manager talks about the services of the Beehive company, gives answers to all questions of interest and explains the further process of interaction to the customer.

* It is worth noting that the customer is allocated a personal manager for the entire period of his project, who is ready to answer all questions and help in solving all problems.

Next, the manager helps to complete brief form for the development of a website that contains the necessary clarifying questions on the subject of cooperation and adds a contact to internal system CRM (Customer Relationship Management System).

The data is entered into the system to securely store all the necessary customer data and to ensure the quality development of the site as a whole.

Based on the completed brief, Beehive specialists prepare individual offer with a description of the timing and cost of work and the manager sends it to the customer for consideration.

Next comes the process of agreeing on the terms of cooperation, the result of which is treaty. To speed up the start of work, the contract is signed by both parties and the parties exchange scanned copies of the contract. The originals of the contract are sent by mail by registered mail(hereinafter, all paper copies are exchanged by mail or courier). After the party receives the original in paper form, one copy is sent by mail back.

*The process from calling to signing the contract usually takes no more than 1-2 days.

After signing the contract and exchanging electronic scanned copies, the customer pays an advance, the amount of which is usually 50% of total amount contracts.

After receiving an advance payment and conducting an analysis of the subject area, the stage of development and approval begins terms of reference (TOR), where all the requirements for the site being developed are prescribed, schemes are given and a detailed prototype of the entire site is created. TK is a mandatory annex to the contract, approved by both parties and signed in the same way as the contract.

* It should be understood that technical task is very important document both for the performer and the customer. It allows you to design and execute an Internet project with high quality and on time.

After all requirements are approved, the customer is sent list of necessary text and graphic materials, which the customer must provide before the start of the development stage (i.e. during the development of the design layout by the contractor, the customer collects and provides all the necessary materials). This list may include: a description of the company, with whom they cooperate, what awards and certificates they have, prices and price lists, a product catalog and description of goods, a description of services, contact information published on the site, etc.

Sometimes it is difficult for the customer to describe his services himself or there is simply no time for it. In this case, the contractor is ready to complete the work on writing the missing content for the site (pictures, texts, videos, etc.).

* Provision by the customer necessary materials is critical because:

  • it is necessary to correctly enter all the content provided by the customer into the layout of the site at once (it makes no sense to do extra work);
  • technological process the contractor is scheduled literally "by the minute" and we do not want to violate it and incur additional costs;
  • filling an Internet project with test information also makes no sense (firstly, again, the amount of unnecessary work increases; secondly, search engines can pessimize a hosted site with test content; third, your potential clients may have a negative attitude towards a site that contains obviously useless information);
  • It is important for both you and us to complete the project professionally and on time.

* Dear customers, please do not delay the development of your own site and profit from it. Provide content on time! Otherwise, the project will be frozen until we receive information from you and, accordingly, the deadline for submitting the site has been postponed. If there is no time to collect and write information, order writing texts and photo processing to us, it's inexpensive.

In parallel, a working group for the project is created and the stage starts design layout development future site.
After the design layout is ready, it is sent to the customer for approval. Once approved, the mockup becomes a valid design.

* Depending on the complexity of the project, the customer may be given access to the project management system (for example, Redmine), where you can upload necessary resources project, follow the development stages and publish comments.

For further continuation of work, it is obligatory to receive from the customer all the necessary materials, the list of which was sent to the customer earlier.

As soon as the missing materials are received. An important site development stage in accordance with the approved TOR.
This stage includes a large number of types of work: this is a cross-browser layout of site layouts, development of the necessary design templates for the selected content management system (CMS), installation and configuration of the CMS itself, installation of the necessary modules and components, development of missing modules, a comprehensive study of website operation algorithms, filling the site with content, deployment of the project on the technical domain and transition to testing.

Testing of the Internet project is carried out by the contractor's specialists, all errors and comments are eliminated, the site is fine-tuned for work.

As soon as the work is completed and testing of the site on the technical domain is completed, the handover stage. Here, on the part of the customer, the fulfillment of the requirements of the TOR and the entire process of the functioning of the Internet project are checked.
After the customer makes a decision on the full compliance of the site with the requirements of the TOR, the site is transferred to the customer and the project is published on the hosting.

The result and confirmation of the delivery and acceptance of works is a workable site and an act of acceptance, which is signed by both parties. The signed act, together with the entire set of documents for accounting, is sent by mail.

After signing the acceptance certificate, the customer, in accordance with the contract, pays the remaining cost of the work.

After the final calculation, along with the documents and the website, the customer receives a user manual, a copy of the site on DVD and free technical support within 2-4 weeks from the date of acceptance of the site.

In this diagram, we tried to fully reflect all aspects of interactions from the initial call to the delivery of the project. For simple projects, some of the steps may be combined or omitted. But in any case, everything is reflected in the contract.

The scheme of work for the services "Comprehensive development of the site", as well as "Website promotion" structurally repeats the process of interaction between the customer and the contractor described above and therefore detailed description does not require.

We hope that the described scheme of interaction is transparent and understandable. If you still have questions, please