Stages of development of the organization. Fundamentals of strategic human resource management Organization life cycle and human resource management

Life cycle organizations and management by human resourses
The process of forming a personnel strategy consists of several stages (phases). It is carried out most often not in a “pure” form, but is marked by many deviations, especially if it is carried out according to a resource-oriented model.

Rice. 3.5. Stages of formation of personnel strategy
On the first stage carried out situational analysis , which has two main goals: 1) determining what kind of human resources the company has ( enterprise analysis); 2) identification of its chances and risks in relation to personnel in comparison with competitors ( analysis environment ). The central question that needs to be answered as a result of the situational analysis is: “What is the position of the enterprise at the present time with the available human resources?
Enterprise Analysis, the result of which should be the realization of the first goal of the initial stage of developing a personnel strategy, is essentially an analysis of the personnel employed in it. It aims to study "the human resources of an enterprise in terms of their presence in the organization and suitability for implementation. strategic decisions". The tool for such a study can be the development of a "portfolio of human resources": the employees of the enterprise are divided into four categories, for each of which a corresponding square is assigned in the matrix (Fig. 3.6).

Rice. 3.6. "Human Resource Portfolio"
To "Stars" are the most valuable asset human capital enterprises - firstly, because the level of productivity of their work is already high at the present time, and secondly, because they also demonstrate potential in their further development. Abilities and Opportunities "Rooters" in achieving significant (maximum) results, they are limited by certain limits, which must be taken into account when setting goals and formulating tasks and, accordingly, in organizational expectations from an employee. "Problem Workers" can be both managers and ordinary employees. Their difference from other categories of personnel is the absolute recorded insufficiency of labor results and, at the same time, limited personal development potential. When implementing strategy in an organization, such employees are a danger. Question marks are a group of employees who are united, on the one hand, by high potential performance in their work, and, on the other hand, by their achievements, which are qualified as “below the available opportunities”. Dealing with such personnel should include an in-depth situational analysis of the task at hand and thoughtful motivation to enable them to demonstrate their ability to achieve organizational goals.
The distribution of employees by categories and the analysis of quantitative indicators of the received shares show the opportunities for development and improvement of personnel performance. The division of employees into performance categories should be carried out and analyzed in each of the formed groups.
portfolio method
portfolio method for the assessment of managerial personnel introduced by the American company General Electric Company (GE). The main goal was to find out how managers, realizing their managerial behavior, are ready to implement a resource-oriented personnel strategy. The components of the evaluation were such organizational values ​​as the inclusion (inclusion) of employees; direct, personal communications, similar to contacts in small businesses; the so-called management without borders, i.e. communication and cooperation, regardless of the levels of the hierarchy or the boundaries of the areas of activity. Such a goal was determined due to the current situation in the company, which was characterized by the fact that "... some leaders were unwilling or unable to move away from the habit of autocratic leadership and the role of "big whales" and embrace the values ​​that they were trying to develop in the company" .
As a result of the work carried out, four types of managers were identified, to which other executives were subordinate, depending on whether they contribute to or hinder the implementation of organizational values. To first type leaders who involve their employees in decision making and share the values ​​of the company were classified. This variant of behavior is progressive: the management team using it represents the essence of organizational top management for the long term. Second type managers does not accept proposals from subordinates and does not share the values ​​of the company, so he does not stay in the company. Leaders third type, on the one hand, they generally share the values ​​of the company, although not always, and on the other hand, they sometimes do not accept the proposals of employees. This category of leaders "has a chance to improve." Managers related to fourth type, are characterized by good short-term results in work and there is nothing to criticize them for. However, achievements are made at the expense of their authoritarian behavior, which is contrary to the values ​​of the company and may reduce the readiness of employees for long-term productive work. “The last test to reinforce words in the company with deeds was the decision to eliminate managers of the fourth type. This turning point was necessary: ​​the only option for the employees of the General Electric Company to answer for words, and in addition to maintaining traditional authoritarian relationships and functional casting, learn to actively cooperate with each other.
object environmental analysis are, first of all, competitors - in this case, those human resources with which they are provided at present and in the future. It becomes the responsibility of specialists involved in personnel marketing to compare the attractiveness of jobs for employees already employed in the organization (internal labor market) and candidates who intend to take the appropriate position in any enterprise (external labor market). The traditional tool for doing this work is to create a profile of the attractiveness of the workplace. With its help, it is determined which factors of attractiveness when choosing an employer are important for applicants and what chances and risks are identified regarding the provision of human resources to the organization in the future. Conducting subsequent internal (comparison of the claims of candidates with the capabilities of the enterprise) and congruent (comparison of the possibilities to meet the needs of candidates with the proposals of competitors) analysis makes it possible to develop an action plan and ensure effective positioning of the enterprise in the labor market.
The analyzes of the enterprise and the environment provide, in aggregate, information on weak and strengths (production areas, the enterprise as a whole), the chances and risks in the field of personnel expected in the future (Fig. 3.7). Since the situational analysis is the starting point for making further management decisions, then, according to experts, it should be carried out as carefully as possible and with all the necessary expenses.

Rice. 3.7. Profile of chances and risks in the field of personnel
On the second stage carried out setting goals . First of all, the requirements imposed by the personnel strategy on the development of human resources in their qualitative and quantitative terms are examined. According to experts, in carrying out this study, policymakers should determine what human resources are needed now and in the designated future in order to provide the desired adaptability in relation to the business strategy of the enterprise; the implementation of which business strategy allows the available staff resources.
In accordance with the overall strategy of the enterprise, it is important to determine the goals in the field of work with personnel:
- provide the necessary human resources for the implementation of the enterprise strategy;
- to ensure their further development in order to make it possible to implement other (relative to the present) strategies of the enterprise, etc.
When setting the goals of the staffing strategy, the possibility of achieving them, based on the results of a situational analysis, should be taken into account. The goals are achievable if the required human resources can really be provided to the enterprise in the planned period of time and in the required quantity.
Third stage development of personnel strategy - need for development . main goal this stage- analysis of deviations, during which the difference between the required potential of human resources and its actual state is revealed. Based on the deviation indicator, the need for personnel development is calculated and the so-called “field of activity” of the personnel strategy is determined, due to the business strategy in the organization.
Depending on the combination of internal and external factors, target groups, organizational units of the enterprise, different elements of the personnel strategy will be decisive. Different formulation of the central points in the personnel strategy (coordinated with the business strategy) is shown in fig. 3.8.

Fig 3.8. Central target positions in personnel strategy
With short-term "niche strategies" the acquisition of know-how is carried out through external recruitment of personnel, short-term planning and little in-house activity in terms of personnel development, which is central to the personnel strategy. Personal development of personnel in the face of high quality short-term requirements makes little sense.
When building an enterprise stable product and market relations On the contrary, the dominant orientations of the personnel strategy are the following:
– intensive development of personnel in order to provide the required competencies for long-term satisfaction of customer needs;
- long-term personnel planning to ensure that in the long term the required human resources will be at the disposal of the enterprise;
– Intensive internal assistance to the personnel, so that the once created human resources potential can be optimally used in the long term.
On the fourth stage development of a personnel strategy, planning of events is carried out. Here, all the target positions identified at the previous stages are specified, priorities are set. Areas of activity ("field of activity") are ranked in order to streamline tasks by the time they are completed. To carry out this work, an accurate schedule is required, containing the time horizons for carrying out the planned activities (such a plan should allow answering the question: “what needs to be done and at what time?”).
As part of the planning of events, the prerequisites for their implementation are formed and specific performers are identified. In addition, the development of the plan must be accompanied by appropriate justification from the financial and human resources.
Event planning can be supplemented strategic workforce matrix(Table 3.10), which gives an overview of the directions of the personnel strategy regarding the tasks and stages of long-term development.
Table 3.10
Human Resources Strategic Matrix

Important in the implementation of the personnel strategy is checking or monitoring the achievement of a goal.
During the formation of the strategic procedure, it is necessary to check whether the goals formulated in the second stage are valid and legal and whether the activities stipulated by them will be successfully implemented. Identified deficiencies through corrective actions should be eliminated. An analysis is also important and necessary, the result of which should be information confirming or refuting the fact that the chosen personnel strategy and the activities following from it really lead to the creation of a personnel structure that contributes to the implementation of the goal defined by the organization's business strategies.
Structures of all levels of the organizational hierarchy should take part in the process of forming the personnel strategy. “The development of personnel strategy is not a delegated task of management.” Line management not only participates in the development of personnel strategy, but also contributes to the implementation of tasks that implement the strategy at the planned time and with the adoption of operational decisions. At the same time, line managers should actively promote adaptation and increased responsibility so that through the implemented personnel strategy, strategic goals organizations.
The success of the personnel strategy formation process is also determined by regular target conferences, the obligatory delegates of which are representatives of the personnel service and line management. An important point is the participation in them also of representatives of the Council of the enterprise and labor collective. At BMW, for example, instead of conferences during the formation of a personnel strategy, “ round tables”, which were attended by relevant line managers; the functions of management and moderation were performed by the personnel service (Fig. 3.9).

Rice. 3.9. System version of personnel management
A condition for the success of a personnel strategy is that it must cover all personnel management, performing functions that are implemented at the corporate level, as well as those related only to the area of ​​\u200b\u200bHR. General functions - planning, conducting and managing work with personnel - allow you to determine, if possible, the most significant contribution to the achievement of organizational goals. The group of profile functions implemented for the implementation of work with personnel includes employee remuneration, time management, group dynamics, leadership and motivation, personnel controlling

3.3. Human Resources Policy

3.3.1. History of economic and managerial thought on the term "politics"

Poli... - part of compound words corresponding to the Russian "many ..." - from such a definition given in encyclopedic dictionary, you can start studying the term "politics". Its appearance in Russia is associated with the Petrine era - it was at this time, according to the research of etymologists, that it was borrowed from the French language. French polytique (derived from the Greek. polytike) - derived from the Greek. polis - "city", "state". The initial use of the term "politics" was associated only with activities at the state level: "state policy", "policy of the ruling party", etc. At the end of the nineteenth century. the term went "beyond the elite sphere government controlled and became widespread in public life. In this regard, the German sociologist Max Weber noted somewhat ironically: “... It has become equally customary to talk about the monetary policy of the Reichsbank, about the policy of the trade union during a strike, one can talk about the school policy of an urban or rural community, about the policy of the governing board of a corporation and, finally, even about the politics of a smart wife who seeks to control her husband. A significant expansion of the scope of the term "politics" was explained by the increased level of managerial culture in society, the realization of the realized fact that increasing the efficiency of socio-economic activity is impossible without a clear goal setting and development of principles for achieving it. The German scientist Walter Eucken, whose name is associated with the development of the foundations of the theory of economic policy, proved that an integral attribute of economic policy is clearly defined principles for its implementation in practice: “just as a builder, in order to build a house, must know the laws of statics, a person, the implementer of economic policy must be familiar with the principles necessary for the construction in concrete buildings of a specific order, - W. Eucken wrote in his work "Basic Principles of Economic Policy".

3.3.2. Meaning, types of personnel policy and stages of its development in the organization

The concepts of "policy" and "strategy" are closely interrelated. It is difficult to distinguish between them in practice. However, in theoretical terms, the problem of forming a personnel management policy, or personnel policy , suggests an independent approach. Within the framework of a certain people management strategy in an organization, there may be various options for implementing personnel policy, since the personnel management policy is determined by its strategy. In table. 3.11 shows the ratios of the main categories that determine the hierarchy of procedures for the functioning of the organization and the implementation of its main "market tasks".

Table 3.11
The ratio of the categories "mission", "strategy", "policy" and "tactical activity"

The definition of an organization's personnel policy is ambiguous. According to the position of representatives of the German school of work with personnel, personnel policy is a relatively abstract action plan aimed at a working person, which should serve as a guide for specific actions in the field of personnel planning, organization, management and education of personnel. Another variant: " personnel policy a part of the general business policy is indicated, which is aimed at providing the organization with personnel, its use and preservation. The subject of personnel policy and its result, as a result, is the influence on a person to form his behavior that is adequate to the chosen goal. School of Human Resources of the Russian Academy of Economics. G.V. Plekhanov allows for a broad and narrow interpretation of personnel policy.
AT wide In the sense, the personnel policy of an organization is understood as a system of norms and rules, on the basis of which the main activities (tactical steps) for personnel management are planned in advance and agreed with a common understanding of the goals and objectives of the organization. narrow interpretation implies a set of specific rules, wishes and restrictions in the relationship between the employee and the organization (for example, hiring personnel with only completed specialized education and computer skills).
School of Human Resources State University management defines personnel policy as a general direction of personnel work, a set of principles, methods, forms, an organizational mechanism for developing goals and objectives aimed at preserving, strengthening and developing human resources, creating a qualified and highly productive cohesive team capable of responding in a timely manner to constantly changing requirements market, taking into account the development strategy of the organization.
The presence of a developed personnel policy in an organization means that:
– approaches to the most important elements of personnel work and their interrelation are defined;
– saves time for making personnel decisions;
– reduces the risk of erroneous decisions that can potentially be made individual workers;
- ensuring constancy, stability of approaches in the conduct of personnel work;
- monitoring compliance labor law;
- the process of adaptation of employees to the conditions of the organization is facilitated;
- Support for personnel decisions is provided by the employees of the organization.
There are several types of organizational policy.
Personnel policy can be active or passive.
Active personnel policy is developed on the basis of a reasonable forecast and strategy for the development of the organization and personnel management, has means of influencing the predicted situation, the personnel department is able to develop anti-crisis personnel programs, constantly monitor the situation and adjust the implementation of programs in accordance with the state and changes in the external and internal environment. For example, the activity of personnel policy in providing an organization with personnel is that it is in contact with educational institutions, attracts various services, forms external advertising about vacancies, participates in job fairs and other events, monitors the effectiveness of each of the actions and timely adjusts the course and methods of attracting new employees to the organization.
An active personnel policy can be rational and irrational, or adventurous.
Rational personnel policy is carried out on the basis of a scientifically based forecast of the development of the situation and an arsenal of means of influencing it. Having the means of diagnosing personnel, predicting changes in its main characteristics, the personnel management service has reasonable information about the quantitative and qualitative needs of employees in the medium and long term, develops options for the implementation of personnel work.
Irrational, or an adventurous personnel policy is distinguished by the desire of the organization's management to influence the work with personnel without having a diagnosis of the situation and a scientifically based forecast of its development in the future. Plans for working with personnel are formed more on emotions than arguments, which in some cases does not prevent them from being correct and does not prevent their authors from “guessing” really important goals in the field of upcoming personnel work. The risk of an adventurous personnel policy is that it may turn out to be ineffective or erroneous if a change is not taken into account during its development. external environment, the emergence of "sudden" competitors, new goods or services on the market, for the production of which the organization is not ready due to the lack of specialists or unaccounted for aging of personnel, the retraining of which is irrational, etc.
Passive personnel policy implies the absence of a pronounced program of action for personnel, a developed forecast for changes in its characteristics, and information about future needs. Personnel work is reduced to the elimination of negative actual consequences through emergency response to problems or conflict situations- as a rule, "by any means", without attempts to analyze the causes and possible consequences.
In personnel management, there are also reactive and preventive personnel policies.
Peculiarity reactive personnel policy - the implementation by the management of the organization of control over the symptoms of a negative state in work with personnel, the causes and situation of the development of the crisis: lack of motivation of employees to work, insufficient attractiveness of the organization for young professionals, conflict situations, etc. When implementing a reactive policy, the causes of emerging problems are analyzed, diagnosed situation, adequate emergency assistance is being carried out.
preventive (preventive, protective) personnel policy is called if the organization, having reasonable forecast data for the development of the situation in the future, does not have the means to influence it. The problem of such organizations is the development of targeted personnel programs that can be used to influence the work with people in the organization.






Department of Economics and Management

in the subject: "Human Resource Management"

on the topic: "The life cycle of an organization and HRM"

completed by a 2nd year student

full-time education

specialty 6.030601


Groups M-13

Kucheryavaya A. A.



Factors affecting the change of life cycles in the organization

Stages of development of the organization

Features of personnel development depending on the stages of the life cycle

The influence of the size of the organization on the features of human resource management

Environment and features of human resource management

Goals of human resource management at the stages of the life cycle of the organization


List of used literature


An organization is a group of people working together to achieve common goals. To successfully achieve these goals, the activities of people in the group must be coordinated. Therefore, an organization can be viewed as a group of people whose activities are consciously coordinated to achieve common purpose or goals.

Human resource management is an approach to enterprise personnel management in which employees are considered as the most valuable resource in the competitive struggle, which must be motivated and developed in order to achieve the strategic goals of the organization.

The main goal of human resource management is to provide the organization with such employees that will enable the organization to effectively achieve its goals. AT modern conditions When the personnel of the enterprise is a critical resource, one of the main tasks of human resource managers is to participate in shaping the strategy of the enterprise, based on the state of human resources.

In the process of its development, the organization usually goes through four main stages: formation; growth; maturity; reduction and reorganization of production or termination of activities.

Factors affecting the change of life cycles in the organization

Consider the factors affecting the average lifespan economic organization(firms). The first, already noted by us, is the size of the firm. Further - application industry, product type, degree of combination, diversification, horizontal and vertical integration, technical level, general state of the national and world market conditions, management success (structure, strategy<#"829261.files/image001.jpg">

Features of personnel development depending on the stages of the life cycle

A new philosophy for the formation of personnel policy in Russia should proceed from the fact that personnel policy needs to be integrated into the strategy development of the enterprise, taking into account economic laws this development.

Features of the personnel of the organization depending from the stage of the life cycle and the strategy of personnel development are given in table 1.

It should be noted that depending on on the stage of the life cycle and the type of personnel strategy of the organization one direction or another becomes the leading or most important type. activities of personnel officers. It is expedient to talk about the content of personnel activities that are typical for open and closed types of personnel strategies. . There are three levels of planning to take into account. : long-term (strategic), medium-term (tactical) and short-term (operational).

Table No. 2 Characteristics of the characteristics of the personnel depending from life cycle and strategy stages organization development

Organization life cycle stage Strategy type Brief description of the strategy Characteristics of features

Organization formation Entrepreneurial - Lack of resources to meet growing demand

Projects with a high degree of financial risk are accepted.

Rapid implementation of immediate measures - short-term plansEmployees must be proactive, communicative, innovators,

ready to take risks, not afraid of responsibility.

Growth of the organization Strategy dynamic growth or limited growth - Creation of the foundation for the stable development of the organization.

Reducing the degree of risk.

Definition of the firm's mission and policy development of the company. - Organizational - fixedness


Recession Liquidation Strategy - Sale of assets.

Elimination of possible losses.

Falling profits.- Reduction of employees.

Focused workers.

Staff ready to work short

Influence of the size of the organization on the features of human resource management

The size of the organization has a significant impact on the specifics of work with personnel in enterprises and organizations.

Thus, it is generally accepted that large organizations are more stable. They are more likely to survive in times of crisis. For those who work in large organizations, there are great opportunities to participate in various projects, movements within the organization both horizontally (from one position to another) and vertically, up career ladder. In addition, large organizations, as a rule, have a powerful personnel management service. Its employees have the opportunity to specialize in various fields personnel management such as recruiting , training of the company's employees, planning their career growth, organization of the compensation system. The ability to focus on specific areas of work allows you to increase its efficiency.

Small businesses often do not have the opportunity to maintain their own personnel service. The development and implementation of personnel decisions are usually carried out by the first persons in the organization, for example, its owner. At the same time, it is positive that the person who determines the strategy development of the organization, at the same time makes strategic personnel decisions that ensure the implementation of the organization's development strategy. It is good if the owner has sufficient knowledge in the field of personnel management and natural intuition in these matters. If both are missing, serious problems and miscalculations may arise in personnel work. Moreover, in small enterprises Negative influence on the results of work is even more obvious than in large organizations. For example, in small enterprises, due to the specifics of the work of personnel which manifests itself in close interaction and interchangeability of employees, there are special requirements for the selection of personnel . In addition to the requirements for professional qualities employees, it is imperative that new employees are consistent with the spirit and culture of the organization, were accepted by its other members. Indeed, in small organizations, each employee is in full view of the rest. In addition, each employee informally takes part in assessing the labor contribution of others and the degree to which the remuneration corresponds to the results achieved.

Provision of resources: financial, material and labor. Their excess, as a rule, is accompanied by their irrational use, a decrease in work efficiency. However, lack of resources can lead to conflicts. So, excessive savings on personnel, lack of work force relative to the planned scope of work lead to poor-quality performance and an increase in marriage. In addition, work in conditions of constant overstrain is accompanied by stress, with all the ensuing negative economic and social consequences for the employee and the organization as a whole.

2. The dynamism of the environment, the degree of its mobility in response to changing conditions. Where there are frequent changes, such as in high technology, the strategy selection, evaluation, training and stimulation of personnel should be designed in such a way as to stimulate high labor mobility workers and promote their adaptation to constant changes in the conditions of production and management.

The degree of complexity of carrying out economic activities, depending on the level of competition in the industry and on regional market products and services. The environment is considered quite difficult if there are several strong competitors on the market, between which there is a fierce struggle for the redistribution of the market. New competitors emerge with an aggressive policy On the market. The peculiarities of the work of the organization in such difficult conditions leave a direct imprint on the adoption of personnel decisions. Human Resources are forced to take into account the situation in this segment of the labor market, to monitor trends in the level of wages in order to prevent employees from leaving for competitors. Salary surveys are widely used for this purpose. Interest from HR managers to them increases significantly. HR management services of foreign companies economic activity in Russia, constantly use salary surveys to make personnel decisions.

The goals of human resource management at the stages of the life cycle of the organization.

Each of the stages of development of the organization is allocated specific goals for the development of employees corresponding to these stages.

Table 3 Organization life cycle and HRM goals

Stage of development of the organization

Challenges facing the organization

Human resource management

Organization formation

Stabilize deals, form cash flow to determine the market profile of the company

At this stage, most often human resource management is not allocated to special function. Hiring, onboarding, identifying functional duties etc. carried out by the leaders themselves. For the function of personnel management, as well as for the entire enterprise management system, the main task is to stabilize the activities of the enterprise

Intensive growth

At this stage, personnel management stands out as an independent managerial function. The main task is to ensure the growth of the company by attracting and training staff. Of particular importance are the tasks of training line managers in the main tools of regular management, improving the organizational structure and developing the basic professional competencies of employees


Human resource management activities are carried out in all major areas. The main task is to increase the efficiency of the main processes of the enterprise, create a system of long-term and targeted development of employees of the enterprise - personnel reserve enterprises, targeted development of employees. The motivation system is being improved, measures are being taken to increase labor productivity. Of great importance are actions aimed at mobilizing employees to achieve the strategic goals of the organization

Exit to new markets, creation new products or the death of the organization

At this stage, the search and selection of creative and active top managers of the enterprise, training of top management, and actions aimed at improving the quality of the enterprise play a huge role. innovation activities employees of the enterprise - new, experimental forms of organization of interaction between employees and departments (quality circles, interdisciplinary teams, etc.), reduction of inefficient staff, etc.

In modern conditions, when the personnel of the enterprise is a critical resource, one of the main tasks of the heads of human resource management services is to participate in the formation of the enterprise strategy, based on the state of human resources.

In fact, it can be difficult to distinguish one stage of organizational development from another. Sometimes several stages can take place simultaneously. A transition from a higher stage to a lower one is possible, for example, after the stage of reducing production, a period of rapid growth of the organization may again begin.

Features of the organization's activities at various stages of its formation and development have a direct impact on the strategy organization, and consequently, the choice of an adequate human resource management strategy.

List of used literature

1. Kushelevich E.I., Filonovich S.R. The theory of life cycles of the organization by I. Adizes and Russian reality / / Sotsis. - 2006, No. 10.

Akulov V. B., Rudakov M. N. Theory of organization: Tutorial. - M., 2005

M; Lobanov A.A. Human resources management. - M.: Delo, 1993.

Dyrin S.P. Organization Theory: Textbook. - Naberezhnye Chelny, Publishing House of the Institute of Management, 2006.

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Department of Economics and Management

in the subject: "Human Resource Management"

on the topic: "The life cycle of an organization and HRM"

completed by a 2nd year student

full-time education

specialty 6.030601


Groups M-13

Kucheryavaya A. A.


2014 academic year year


Stages of development of the organization

Features of personnel development depending on the stages of the life cycle

Influence of the size of the organization on the features of human resource management

Goals of human resource management at the stages of the life cycle of the organization


List of used literature


An organization is a group of people working together to achieve common goals. To successfully achieve these goals, the activities of people in the group must be coordinated. Therefore, an organization can be viewed as a group of people whose activities are consciously coordinated to achieve a common goal or goals.

Human resource management is an approach to managing the personnel of an enterprise, in which employees are considered as the most valuable resource in the competition, which must be motivated and developed in order to achieve the strategic goals of the organization.

The main goal of human resource management is to provide the organization with such employees that will enable the organization to effectively achieve its goals. In modern conditions, when the personnel of the enterprise is a critical resource, one of the main tasks of the heads of human resource management services is to participate in the formation of the enterprise strategy, based on the state of human resources.

In the course of its development, an organization usually goes through four main stages:

o becoming;

o maturity;

o reduction and reorganization of production or termination of activities.

Factors affecting the change of life cycles in the organization

Consider the factors that affect the average life of an economic organization (firm). The first, already noted by us, is the size of the firm. Next - the application industry, product type, degree of combination, diversification, horizontal and vertical integration, technical level, general state of the national and world market conditions, management success (structure, strategy, image, corporate ideology, corporate culture, cost level, etc.) and many others.

It must be said that in the life cycle of a company a very important place belongs to the fourth (last) phase. The emerging “fork” either gives the company the opportunity to develop in the future, or leads to the death of the economic organization.

Development opportunities in organizational plan a wide variety are provided. These are mergers and acquisitions of companies, the creation of financial-monopoly and financial-industrial groups. As a result, a new intra-company structure appears, different from the previous one. It can be either a higher hierarchy (the number of "floors" of management and, accordingly, the cost of coordination increases), or a flatter one (creation of financial and industrial groups, transition to network structures, etc.).

It should not be thought that the stage of withering away of the organization is irreversible. Above, the authors very carefully formulated the trajectory of the movement of firms that find themselves in this position. This is primarily due to the fact that in this phase there is an organizational technique (organizational technology) that saves the company from bankruptcy and death. Probably, this is also a transition to a different quality, but not accompanied by an increase in the size of the company and its business (this thesis is very important when we consider the life cycle of a company in its fourth phase, which is associated either with the positive development of the company or with the negative one).

We are talking about the restructuring of companies that are in a crisis. As a result of strong and directed actions, firms can survive the crisis and remain as real economic entities, but this is achieved at a high price (reducing the size of the companies' business, painful structural restructuring, staff cuts, austerity in management costs, and partial loss of independence and sovereignty and etc.). If the restructuring fails, then nothing can save the firm. It ceases to exist, at least as an independent market participant.

Stages of development of the organization

management human resource personnel

At the stage of formation of the organization, the training of personnel in most cases is not as decisive as at the subsequent stages of the development of the organization, especially if time and funds are limited. The main emphasis here is placed by administrators on attracting already formed and trained specialists, as well as on forming a team of talented managers and production organizers. This often requires the establishment of salaries at a level not lower, and sometimes significantly higher, than is currently the case in the labor market.

At the stage of growth of the organization, new personnel problems appear, in particular the task of maintaining equality in pay for domestic market labor, maintaining optimal pay ratios between managers and subordinates, between those who already work in the organization and new employees. The decisions made during this period have a fundamental impact on the fate of the organization, its further development. At this stage of development, organizations, as a rule, make serious financial investments in the development of production, including human resources, their training and development, in order to provide significant advantages over competitors. In this regard, there is a problem of assessing the effectiveness and payback period of these investments.

At the stage of maturity, many approaches to solving personnel problems and organizational culture already formed. This provides the organization with a stable efficient work. At the same time, it is at this stage that there is a serious danger of stagnation in the development of the organization, weakening labor motivation. If an organization does not adhere to the concept of constant renewal and development, it may face serious economic and social problems in the future.

The stage of reduction and reorganization of production (crisis), as a rule, is accompanied by a serious aggravation of labor problems, the solution of which requires special efforts and targeted actions on the part of personnel officers.

The specifics of the personnel decisions made in certain periods of the organization's existence are shown in Table. 1.10.

Table 1 Organization life cycle and human resource management

Features of personnel development depending on the stages of the life cycle

The new philosophy of forming personnel policy in Russia should proceed from the fact that personnel policy must be integrated into the enterprise development strategy, taking into account the economic laws of this development.

Features of the organization's personnel personnel, depending on the stage of the life cycle and the personnel development strategy, are given in table 1.

It should be noted that, depending on the stage of the life cycle and the type of personnel strategy of the organization, one or another direction becomes the leading or most important type. activities of personnel officers. It is expedient to talk about the content of personnel activities that are typical for open and closed types of personnel strategies. In this case, it is necessary to take into account three levels of planning: long-term (strategic), medium-term (tactical) and short-term (operational).

Table No. 2 Characteristics of the characteristics of personnel depending on the stages of the life cycle and the development strategy of the organization

Organization life cycle stage

Strategy type

Brief description of the strategy

Characteristic features


Organization formation


Insufficient resources to meet growing demand

Projects with a high degree of financial risk are accepted.

Rapid implementation of immediate measures - short-term plans

Employees must be proactive, communicative, innovators,

ready to take risks, not afraid of responsibility.

Growth of the organization

Dynamic growth or limited growth strategy

Creation of the foundation for the stable development of the organization.

Reducing the degree of risk.

Determination of the mission of the company and the development policy of the company.

Organizational - fixedness


Flexibility in changing conditions.

Period of stable development



Maintaining the current level of profitability.

Cost minimization.

Low risk.

The management system is well developed.

Termination of recruitment.

Maximum performance


Liquidation strategy

Sale of assets.

Elimination of possible losses.

Falling profits.

Reduction of employees.

Focused workers.

Staff ready to work short

Entrepreneurial strategy

Reducing costs in order to survive in the near future.

Measures related to the stabilization of the enterprise.

Flexibility to changing conditions.

The dedication of the staff.

Willingness of staff to endure

temporary discomfort in conditions

and wages.


Influence of the size of the organization on the features of human resource management

The size of the organization has a significant impact on the specifics of work with personnel in enterprises and organizations.

Thus, it is generally accepted that large organizations are more stable. They are more likely to survive in times of crisis. For those who work in large organizations, there are great opportunities to participate in various projects, move within the organization both horizontally (from one position to another) and vertically, up the career ladder. In addition, large organizations, as a rule, have a powerful personnel management service. Its employees have the opportunity to specialize in various areas of personnel management, such as recruiting, training company employees, planning their career growth, organizing a compensation system. The ability to focus on specific areas of work allows you to increase its efficiency.

Small businesses often do not have the opportunity to maintain their own personnel service. The development and implementation of personnel decisions are usually carried out by the first persons in the organization, for example, its owner. At the same time, it is positive that the person who determines the organization's development strategy simultaneously makes strategic personnel decisions that ensure the implementation of the organization's development strategy. It is good if the owner has sufficient knowledge in the field of personnel management and natural intuition in these matters. If both are absent, serious problems and miscalculations in personnel work can arise. Moreover, in small enterprises, their negative impact on performance is even more obvious than in large organizations. For example, in small enterprises, due to the specifics of the work of personnel, which manifests itself in close interaction and interchangeability of employees, there are special requirements for the selection of personnel. In addition to the requirements for the professional qualities of employees, it is extremely important that new employees correspond to the spirit and culture of the organization and be accepted by its other members. Indeed, in small organizations, each employee is in full view of the rest. In addition, each employee informally takes part in assessing the labor contribution of others and the degree to which the remuneration corresponds to the results achieved.

Environment and features of human resource management

There are various indicators that characterize the environment in which the organization carries out its economic activities. In this case, we will focus on the three most important characteristics of the environment that affect human resource management and personnel work.

1. Provision of resources: financial, material and labor. Their excess, as a rule, is accompanied by their irrational use, a decrease in work efficiency. However, lack of resources can lead to conflicts. So, excessive savings on personnel, lack of labor in relation to the planned scope of work lead to poor quality of their implementation and an increase in marriage. In addition, work in conditions of constant overstrain is accompanied by stress, with all the ensuing negative economic and social consequences for the employee and the organization as a whole.

2. The dynamism of the environment, the degree of its mobility in response to changing conditions. Where there are frequent changes, such as in the area high technology, the strategy for selecting, evaluating, training and stimulating personnel should be built in such a way as to stimulate high labor mobility of workers and help them adapt to constant changes in production and economic conditions.

3. The degree of complexity of economic activity, depending on the level of competition in the industry and in the regional market for products and services. The environment is considered quite difficult if there are several strong competitors on the market, between which there is a fierce struggle for the redistribution of the market. New competitors are emerging, pursuing an aggressive policy in the market. The peculiarities of the work of the organization in such difficult conditions leave a direct imprint on the adoption of personnel decisions. Human resources departments are forced to take into account the situation in this segment of the labor market, to monitor trends in the level of wages in order to prevent employees from leaving for competitors. Salary surveys are widely used for this purpose. Interest on the part of HR managers to them is growing significantly. HR departments of foreign companies doing business in Russia constantly use salary surveys to make personnel decisions.

The goals of human resource management at the stages of the life cycle of the organization.

Each of the stages of development of the organization is allocated specific goals for the development of employees corresponding to these stages.

Table 3 Organization life cycle and HRM goals

Stage of development of the organization

Challenges facing the organization

Human resource management

Organization formation

Stabilize transactions, generate cash flow, define the company's market profile

At this stage, most often, human resource management is not allocated to a special function. Hiring, adaptation of employees, definition of functional responsibilities, etc. carried out by the leaders themselves. For the personnel management function, as well as for the entire enterprise management system, the main task is to stabilize the activities of the enterprise.

At this stage, personnel management stands out as an independent management function. The main task is to ensure the growth of the company by attracting and training staff. Of particular importance are the tasks of training line managers in the main tools of regular management, improving the organizational structure and developing the main professional competencies employees

Human resource management activities are carried out in all major areas. The main task is to increase the efficiency of the main processes of the enterprise, to create a system of long-term and targeted development of the employees of the enterprise - the personnel reserve of the enterprise, targeted development of employees. The motivation system is being improved, measures are being taken to increase labor productivity. Of great importance are actions aimed at mobilizing employees to achieve the strategic goals of the organization

Entering new markets, creating new products or the death of an organization

At this stage, the search and selection of creative and active top managers of the enterprise, training of top management, actions aimed at improving the quality of innovative activity of employees of the enterprise - new, experimental forms of organizing interaction between employees and departments (quality circles, interdisciplinary teams, etc.) .p.), reduction of inefficient staff, etc.

In modern conditions, when the personnel of the enterprise is a critical resource, one of the main tasks of the heads of human resource management services is to participate in the formation of the enterprise strategy, based on the state of human resources.

In fact, it can be difficult to distinguish one stage of organizational development from another. Sometimes several stages can take place simultaneously. A transition from a higher stage to a lower one is possible, for example, after the stage of reducing production, a period of rapid growth of the organization may again begin.

Features of the organization's activities at various stages of its formation and development have a direct impact on the organization's strategy, and, consequently, on the choice of an adequate human resource management strategy.

List of used literature

1. Kushelevich E.I., Filonovich S.R. The theory of life cycles of the organization by I. Adizes and Russian reality / / Sotsis. - 2006, No. 10.

2. Akulov V. B., Rudakov M. N. Theory of organization: Textbook. - M., 2005

3M; Lobanov A.A. Human resources management. -- M.: Delo, 1993.

7. Dyrin S.P. Organization Theory: Textbook. - Naberezhnye Chelny, Publishing House of the Institute of Management, 2006.

5. Organization life cycle and human resource management

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competitive staff economic

There are various indicators that characterize the environment in which the organization carries out its economic activities. In this case, we will focus on the three most important characteristics of the environment that affect human resource management and personnel work.

  • 1. Provision of resources: financial, material and labor. Their excess, as a rule, is accompanied by their irrational use, a decrease in work efficiency. However, lack of resources can lead to conflicts. So, excessive savings on personnel, lack of labor in relation to the planned scope of work lead to poor quality of their implementation and an increase in marriage. In addition, work in conditions of constant overstrain is accompanied by stress, with all the ensuing negative economic and social consequences for the employee and the organization as a whole.
  • 2. The dynamism of the environment, the degree of its mobility in response to changing conditions. Where there are frequent changes, for example, in the field of high technology, the strategy for recruiting, assessing, training and stimulating personnel should be designed in such a way as to stimulate high labor mobility of workers and help them adapt to constant changes in production and economic conditions.
  • 3. The degree of complexity of economic activity, depending on the level of competition in the industry and in the regional market for products and services. The environment is considered quite difficult if there are several strong competitors on the market, between which there is a fierce struggle for the redistribution of the market. New competitors are emerging, pursuing an aggressive policy in the market. The peculiarities of the work of the organization in such difficult conditions leave a direct imprint on the adoption of personnel decisions. Human resources departments are forced to take into account the situation in this segment of the labor market, to monitor trends in the level of wages in order to prevent employees from leaving for competitors. Salary surveys are widely used for this purpose. Interest on the part of HR managers to them is growing significantly. HR departments of foreign companies doing business in Russia constantly use salary surveys to make personnel decisions.
  • 6. The goals of human resource management at the stages of the life cycle of an organization

Each of the stages of development of the organization is allocated specific goals for the development of employees corresponding to these stages.

Table 3. Organization life cycle and HRM goals

Stage of development of the organization

Challenges facing the organization

Human resource management

Organization formation

Stabilize transactions, generate cash flow, define the company's market profile

At this stage, most often, human resource management is not allocated to a special function. Hiring, adaptation of employees, definition of functional responsibilities, etc. carried out by the leaders themselves. For the personnel management function, as well as for the entire enterprise management system, the main task is to stabilize the activities of the enterprise.

At this stage, personnel management stands out as an independent management function. The main task is to ensure the growth of the company by attracting and training staff. Of particular importance are the tasks of training line managers in the main tools of regular management, improving the organizational structure and developing the basic professional competencies of employees

Human resource management activities are carried out in all major areas. The main task is to increase the efficiency of the main processes of the enterprise, to create a system of long-term and targeted development of the employees of the enterprise - the personnel reserve of the enterprise, targeted development of employees. The motivation system is being improved, measures are being taken to increase labor productivity. Of great importance are actions aimed at mobilizing employees to achieve the strategic goals of the organization

Entering new markets, creating new products or the death of an organization

At this stage, the search and selection of creative and active top managers of the enterprise, training of top management, actions aimed at improving the quality of innovative activity of employees of the enterprise - new, experimental forms of organizing interaction between employees and departments (quality circles, interdisciplinary teams, etc.) .p.), reduction of inefficient staff, etc.