Ministry in an emergency. Salaries of employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations in Russia Bonus on the day of the Ministry of Emergency Situations in the year

About a year ago, the State Duma of the Russian Federation considered the issue of raising the salaries of rescuers, which was urgently requested by the head of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, Vladimir Puchkov. The latter noted that first of all, firefighters and rescuers should receive more.

According to Puchkov himself, the growth of income of his subordinates is a priority for him. At the same time, he said at the time that the Ministry of Emergency Situations would not be able to avoid cuts in 2019.

What is the salary in the Ministry of Emergency Situations at the present time

In 2017, the average salary for the Ministry of Emergency Situations was approximately 25-30 thousand rubles per month. In general, the income of a rescuer directly depends on how much he job responsibilities pose a risk to life and health.

Thus, an increase in salary at the moment, taking into account the state of affairs in the Russian economy, and in particular the rise in prices, becomes an urgent need.

The final salary received by the employees of the rescue department depends on the following parameters:

  • the amount of salary determined for each specific position;
  • seniority bonus;
  • payments for unsafe working conditions;
  • additional payments for work in the Far North;
  • for titles and awards;
  • premium.

Why this year there was a problem with the indexation of salaries of employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations

Until last year, salaries were indexed regularly, based on presidential decrees. Russian Federation for all employees public sector. However, the country is currently economic crisis the consequences of which have not yet been overcome. It is also safe to say that the problem will not be resolved over the next few years.

There are several reasons for the crisis:

  • geopolitical issues related to Ukraine;
  • attempt Western countries isolate the Russian Federation by imposing restrictions;
  • high volatility of the Russian foreign exchange market;
  • instability in the oil market;
  • a sharp rise in consumer prices noted over the past few years, etc.

In general, the average salary in the country has decreased markedly. Critical values, of course, are still far away, but the earnings of Russian citizens have decreased by about 10 percent compared to 2016.

All this led to the fact that a certain number of insufficiently strong economic entities were forced to stop their own activities. As a result, there was pressure on the labor market. All this contributed to the reduction of revenue items of the state budget.

The lack of funds led to the fact that the authorities were forced to cut funding for various departments. This was experienced by almost all state employees. It is this last circumstance that makes the employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations worry about the possible freezing of their salaries.

What actions are the authorities taking?

However, apparently, the most difficult year for the Ministry of Emergency Situations was the last one. In the current one, President Putin signed a decree according to which the salaries of rescuers will be increased.

How much the indexation will be is absolutely known - 5.5 percent. It should be expected in October.

Such a delay is caused by the need to determine the real possibilities of the budget of the Russian Federation. Of course, this increase in salaries is very modest, but in view of the great difficulties of the economic order, the authorities cannot afford greater generosity.

For his part, the head of the rescue department, Puchkov, suggested that the government allow the Ministry of Emergency Situations to engage in ancillary activities, that is, to provide services to the population and organizations, and to direct the profits thus obtained to domestic needs.

He also ensured that the authorities prepared a draft law that would increase salaries for rescuers, increase bonuses and other financial incentives. In parallel with this, reorganization continues in the Ministry of Emergency Situations. This year, the staff of the department should be reduced by several thousand employees.

First of all, this will affect civilian and executive workers. Also, the main goal remains the need to ensure that the difference between ordinary employees and management in terms of earnings becomes less significant.

Under no circumstances will employees directly employed in rescue units be affected.

In addition, the ministry also plans to get rid of unnecessary real estate, write off obsolete equipment, etc. All this will allow to reduce costs, because you will not have to spend money on paying extra utility bills and maintaining old cars.

At the same time, certain positions previously held by officers will be transferred to civilian status. In particular, we are talking about:

  • lawyers;
  • accountants;
  • physicians.

The money that can be saved from these events will be used to increase the salaries of the remaining staff. At the same time, Minister Puchkov promises to improve technical support rescue units.

The civilian staff of the Ministry of Emergency Situations is also likely to be able to count on wage increases. However, the size of the increase and the timing have not yet been announced. It should not be ruled out that at least the indexation, which was previously mentioned, will definitely affect them.

In December 2015, firefighters of the Federal Fire Service of the Ministry of Emergency Situations were offered loans instead of salaries - not to everyone, but to many. Before new year holidays they received only 7-10 thousand rubles each and did not receive the promised bonuses for the 25th anniversary of the department. At the same time, their superiors received an instruction: “to prevent social tension<…>communicate to employees about the possibility of obtaining<…>debit card banks and overdraft connections” and negotiate with banks so that they do not charge penalties for late payments on loans.

The situation was actively discussed at professional forums, scans of the orders ended up on the websites of regional media. It is known that problems with salaries arose in Primorye, Transbaikalia, Perm and Krasnoyarsk Territories, Sverdlovsk, Chelyabinsk, Tomsk, Kemerovo, Omsk, Kirov, Voronezh, Kaluga, Bryansk, Moscow, Tambov, Rostov, Vladimir, Tula, Arkhangelsk regions, the Republic of Komi , on Yamal and even in Moscow.

The main department of the Ministry of Emergency Situations in the Kaluga region denied everything: in any case, the press service employees told journalists that they received their salaries on time and had not heard of any delays. In the Sverdlovsk region, too, at first they tried to talk about the minister, who "clearly and clearly said that all cash payments would be made strictly on time," but then they admitted - yes, they did not pay, but in January we will close all debts.

And in January they really closed it - at the expense of the money allocated for salaries for 2016.

In the regional centers of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, they do not believe that they will be able to finish this year without debts to personnel - there is nowhere to get funds from. At the same time, debts to utilities are growing. “Courts are coming, our accounts are being blocked,” Novaya Gazeta was told on condition of anonymity in one of the regional centers.

Where are the holes from

Colonel Aleksey Vagutovich, head of the department for organizing and informing the population, believes that the economic situation in the country affected the activities of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, because of which the budget was cut to the department. So, in 2014, the Ministry of Emergency Situations had at its disposal almost 192 billion rubles, in 2016 - a little more than 168 billion. At the same time, he, however, is sure that the blame for the debts lies with the regional centers and territorial administrations. “At the end of 2015, indeed, in some departments of the ministry, due to the fault of local leaders, there was a problem with non-payment of salaries to employees for December. The head of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia took this issue under his personal control, punishing the perpetrators.” However, he could not explain how the hole had formed and what exactly the chiefs from the regions were to blame for.

In the Sverdlovsk region, an official of the regional government suggested that the problems arose because the reductions that the Ministry of Emergency Situations was supposed to carry out in February 2015 were not carried out.

In Perm, they said that they had just made cuts, but they did not take into account in the calculations that most of the employees of combat units had accumulated a lot of bonuses: for working hours, overtime, non-vacation leave.

And in the Chelyabinsk region, there were rumors among firefighters that the matter was not at all in the regional department of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, but in the central office: “the money was transferred from the item of monetary allowance to prepayment for two fire planes.”

In one of the regions of Novaya Gazeta, they agreed to tell how the debt was formed, but asked not to give geographic references - employees are afraid of being fired from their jobs.

“It started back in 2013. At the end of the year, the ministry needed a certain amount of funds, and the minister ordered that more than half a billion of utility bills be taken from us. He promised that everything would be restored, but they never did,” says one of the financiers. In addition, the federal center did not receive the necessary amount of funds for financial allowances for firefighters of the FPS and social benefits. According to the specialist, by the beginning of 2015, accounts payable reached almost 400 million rubles - including allegedly due to "target incentive orders from the minister with payments from the current budget." As an example, he cites bonuses for the delivery of humanitarian cargo to the Donbass - 100,000 rubles per person for each trip. At the same time, even payments of additional financial assistance employees who find themselves in a difficult life situation.

Did not help. At the beginning of 2016, the debts of the Ministry of Emergency Situations to firefighters reached 4.7 billion rubles - such data was provided by State Duma deputy Anatoly Shein during the "government hour" with the participation of Minister Vladimir Puchkov.


Employees reacted quite sharply to non-payment of salaries. They say firefighters were ready to stage a protest in Moscow in Teatralny Proyezd, in front of the main building of the ministry. Minister Puchkov, in an attempt to save face, hastily announced that no one from the leadership of the ministry would receive a bonus at the end of the year, and all the money would go to pay off debts. As far as we know, the regions actually received additional money, just a few days before the New Year, but in the wrong way - it was impossible to spend it on salaries for firefighters without violating the Budget Code.

This year, the regions are also talking about underfunding. Thus, they received only about 50% of the annual need for utility costs. In April of this year, salaries were not fully paid to employees of autonomous institutions in the structure of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, whether they will pay them in May is still unknown. AT Nizhny Novgorod employees of the Logistics Center of the FPS at the end of April went to a spontaneous rally. Svetlana Petrova, spokeswoman for the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Emergency Situations for the Nizhny Novgorod Region, said that salary problems arose due to the transfer of the Support Center from budget institution into autonomous ones.

At the height of the season of forest fires, pilots of the Ministry of Emergency Situations began to complain about non-payment of salaries. Last week, they said that they were promised salaries “like in civil aviation” - about 300 thousand rubles, but were given about 60 thousand. The management immediately promised to raise salaries and stated that everything that had happened was the result of bureaucratic confusion.

Internal stress

Lack of money is not the only problem within the Ministry of Emergency Situations that employees complain about. As part of the "optimization" in the department, large-scale reductions continue, under which specialists of various profiles fall, and a large number of positions have already been transferred from military to civilian - so less money is spent on salaries. Fire supervision, one of the most corrupt departments of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, was reduced by 70%. Now the inspector has the opportunity to visit each facility entrusted to him no more than once every 20-25 years. Entrepreneurs will obviously breathe easier, but what will happen to fire safety, not very clear.

It was declared that combat units (fire brigades and rescue teams) would not be touched, but at the beginning of 2015, vacant (unoccupied) positions in the structure of the Federal Fire Service were reduced - jobs for more than six thousand people. Reduced all supporting units. At the end of 2015, it was decided to fire everyone who reached the age limit, that is, 45 years. Any exception to this rule was obliged to coordinate already with the central attestation commission Ministry of Emergency Situations. The problem is that in villages, for example, almost all firefighters are of the age limit. Plus, in some specialties, people reach the required level of professionalism only by this age. This applies to the chiefs of fire guards, drivers on special fire equipment (these are generally piece specialists). The last order on such reductions, which is at the disposal of the editors, was signed in mid-December last year.

However, the press service of the Ministry of Emergency Situations claims that “there was not a single reduction in the number of personnel in the responding units,” and they refer to the fact that already in January of this year, the heads of the Ministry of Emergency Situations in the regions were forbidden to dismiss those who work in combat units. Although reductions in age continue.

The Ministry of Emergency Situations could not answer questions about how many people in general have already been laid off in the department, how many more are planned for reduction, what economic effect has been achieved, how they will solve the problem with debts for utility bills and salaries at the end of the year.

The heads of the territorial departments of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, whom Novaya Gazeta managed to contact, are well aware of the situation, worry about their subordinates, but are categorically not ready to discuss it publicly: “You understand, everyone has their own circumstances, family, children.”

MOSCOW, 14 December. /TASS/. EMERCOM of Russia will send more than 6 billion rubles. for the payment of social bonuses and allowances to employees of the responding departments of the ministry. This was announced on Wednesday at an expanded board of the Ministry of Emergency Situations by the head of the department, Vladimir Puchkov.

"There are resources at the federal level. We are sending 6 billion rubles to the localities, but I demand that every penny reaches people. This is a bonus for the Day of the Rescuer and additional material incentives for people," Puchkov said, instructing employees to make payments by December 25 .

The minister warned about the responsibility of the heads of regional centers and heads of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Emergency Situations for the work of bringing payments to the personnel of the Ministry of Emergency Situations.

“I personally warn all leaders about the strict observance of the requirements of regulatory documents and the timely delivery of monetary allowances and wages, all due social payments and allowances to the personnel. The priority of this work is on duty guards and responding units - all those who directly put out fires, liquidate emergencies, respond to road accidents and perform tasks in the most difficult conditions," the minister said.

Puchkov stressed that not all local leaders are aware of the importance and responsibility of this work, therefore, in 2017, in order to further optimize, a three-tier funding system will be organized: the federal budget, at the level of the subject and directly in the responding units.

According to the head of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, this is being done in order to strengthen control over the distribution of budget funds and eliminate cases of social injustice against junior commanders and rank and file of combat units.

"This year, we have taken unprecedented measures to optimize the budget in order to provide the personnel of the Russian Emergencies Ministry with all mandatory social payments, toughly asked managers, said goodbye to some heads of search and rescue and fire and rescue teams, heads of territorial bodies," - he said, noting that despite the overall reduction in the ministry's spending, there was no reduction in funding for equipping responding units with machinery and equipment.

As Stanislav Pischunnikov, director of the financial and economic department of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, explained to TASS, the volumes of limits on budget obligations have been brought to the places to ensure the payment of bonuses. So, employees of the Federal Fire Service (FPS) will be paid 30 thousand rubles each, federal state civil servants 25 thousand rubles each, military personnel and employees of territorial bodies 25 thousand rubles each, military personnel of rescue military formations - 20 thousand rubles each. rub., employees of search and rescue teams and State Inspectorate for small boats (GIMS) - 10 thousand rubles each.



ORDER November 23, 2016 Moscow No. 616

On approval of the Uniform requirements for the establishment and implementation of incentive payments, payments of additional bonuses, one-time incentive (one-time) bonuses to the personnel of the EMERCOM of Russia

In accordance with the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of December 26, 2006 No. 1459 “On additional measures to improve the efficiency of the use of funds for the remuneration of employees federal bodies executive power”, by orders of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia dated 07.12.2012 No. 751 “On approval of the Procedure for providing monetary allowances to military personnel of rescue military units of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia” as amended by orders of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia dated 11.28.2013 No. 763, dated 05.26.2015 No. 261, dated 30.03.2016 No. 156, dated March 21, 2013 No. 195 "On approval of the Procedure for providing monetary allowance to employees of the federal fire service of the State Fire Service" as amended by orders of the EMERCOM of Russia dated November 28, 2013 No. 764, dated February 11, 2015 No. 66, dated May 26, 2015 No. 261, dated 30.03.2016 No. 156, dated 10.26.2006 No. 616 “On the financial allowance of federal state civil servants of the EMERCOM of Russia” as amended by orders of the EMERCOM of Russia dated 01.04.2008 No. 158, dated 06.04.2012 No. 180, dated 28.12. 2015 No. 700 "On the system of remuneration of employees of budgetary, autonomous and state institutions of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia and civilian personnel of rescue military units of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia", in order to ensure uniform approaches to establishing and about the implementation of incentive payments, payments of additional bonuses, one-time incentive (one-time) bonuses, other incentive payments to the personnel of the EMERCOM of Russia, I order:

247142075692000 Approve the attached Uniform requirements for the establishment and implementation of incentive payments, payments of additional bonuses, one-time incentive (one-time) bonuses to the personnel of the EMERCOM of Russia.

Minister V.A. Puchkov

Approved by order of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia

No. 616 of November 23, 2016



Uniform requirements for the establishment and implementation of incentive payments, payments of additional bonuses, one-time incentive (one-time) bonuses to the personnel of the EMERCOM of Russia (hereinafter referred to as the requirements) have been developed in order to ensure uniform approaches to the establishment and implementation of incentive payments, payments of additional bonuses, one-time incentive ( one-time) bonuses, other incentive payments to the personnel of the EMERCOM of Russia (hereinafter referred to as a one-time payment). These requirements apply when establishing the personnel of the EMERCOM of Russia lump sum payments.

The personnel of the EMERCOM of Russia in these requirements include civilian personnel of rescue military units, search and rescue units, federal state civil servants, military personnel of rescue military units, employees of the federal fire service of the State Fire Service, employees of the federal fire service (hereinafter referred to as personnel).

A) assistants (advisers);

B) specialists;

B) providing specialists.

A) specialists

B) technical performers;

B) workers.

A) senior officers;

B) junior officers;

C) ensigns and midshipmen;

D) soldiers, sailors, sergeants and foremen.

A) positions of senior commanding staff;

B) positions of the middle commanding staff;

C) positions of junior commanding staff;

D) positions of the rank and file.

Decision on the allocation of additional subsidies for the financial support of implementation state task to provide public services(performance of work) and additional subsidies for purposes not related to the reimbursement of standard costs for the provision of public services (performance of work), as well as additional limits on budget obligations to increase wage funds and monetary allowances for personnel of the EMERCOM of Russia for lump-sum payments are accepted by the chief administrator budget funds.

The amounts and conditions for making lump-sum payments for all categories of employees of institutions are established by agreements collective agreements, local regulations taken taking into account the opinion of the representative body of employees on the basis of formalized indicators and performance criteria, as a rule, on a quarterly basis and in the presence of adjusted limits of budget obligations, subsidies for financial support for the fulfillment of the state task for the provision of public services (performance of work), subsidies for purposes not related to with reimbursement of standard costs for the provision of public services (performance of work).

The development of performance indicators and criteria is carried out taking into account the following principles:

A) objectivity - the amount of remuneration of an employee should be determined on the basis of an objective assessment of the results of his work, as well as for the achievement of collective labor results;

B) predictability - the employee must know what remuneration he will receive depending on the results of his work, as well as for the achievement of collective labor results;

C) adequacy - remuneration should be adequate to the labor contribution of each employee to the result of collective work;

D) timeliness - remuneration should follow the achievement of results;

E) transparency - the rules for determining remuneration should be clear to each employee.

The wages of employees of institutions (excluding bonuses and other incentive payments) when changing the wage system cannot be less than the wages (excluding bonuses and other incentive payments) paid to employees before the change, provided that the volume of labor (official) the duties of employees and the performance of work by them of the same qualification. Amounts and conditions for making lump-sum payments for military personnel and employees of the federal fire service

of the State Fire Service are established taking into account the indicators of military service (employee service) determined by the orders of the Russian Emergencies Ministry of December 7, 2012 No. 751 “On approval of the procedure for providing monetary allowance to military personnel of rescue military units of the Emergencies Ministry of Russia”, dated March 21, 2013 No. 195 “On approval of the Procedure for ensuring monetary allowance for employees of the federal fire service of the State Fire Service.

The amounts and conditions for the implementation of lump-sum payments for federal state civil servants are determined differentially depending on the results of their activities in accordance with the requirements of the order of the Russian Emergencies Ministry of October 26, 2006 No. 616 “On the financial allowance of federal state civil servants of the EMERCOM of Russia”.

Heads of organizations (institutions) have the right to:

A) reduce the size of the lump-sum payment to personnel or deprive it completely for omissions in work (service) and violations of service (labor) discipline;

B) increase the size of the lump sum payment to personnel who have achieved the highest performance, but not more than 50 percent and within the general fund of lump sum payments.

Lump sum payments to personnel are made on the basis of an order of the head of the organization (institution), which indicates to whom and in what amount the lump sum payment is to be paid, as well as the reasons for reducing or depriving it completely.

The maximum ratio of the size of the lump-sum payment of managers and personnel (excluding the head, deputy heads, chief accountant, head of the personnel body) must be determined in a multiple of 1 to 4, depending on the position to be filled and the category of personnel specified in paragraphs 4, 5, 6, 7 of these requirements.

The size of the lump-sum payment for the position of the head, deputy heads, chief accountant, head of the personnel department is determined by the higher head.

The amount of a lump sum payment to personnel is established in accordance with Annexes No. 1, 2, 3, 4 of these requirements (with the exception of the deprivation of a lump sum payment based on the order of the head of the organization (institution) with an indication of the reason).

Appendix No. 1 to the Uniform Requirements

Sizes of lump-sum payments for federal state civil servants in the territorial bodies of the EMERCOM of Russia on a priority basis



Main departments of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia (by subjects)

Providing specialists

1. Specialist of the 1st category no more than 25.0

2. Specialist 2 category no more than 25.0

3. Specialist 3 category no more than 25.0

4. Senior specialist of the 1st category no more than 35.0

5. Senior specialist 2nd category no more than 35.0

6. Senior specialist 3rd category no more than 35.0


7. Specialist-expert no more than 40.0

8. Leading specialist-expert no more than 45.0

9. Chief specialist-expert no more than 50.0

10. Consultant no more than 55.0

Assistants (advisers)

11. Assistant to the head of the territorial body no more than 60.0


12. Deputy head of a department of a territorial body no more than 70.0

13. Head of department of a territorial body no more than 75.0

14. Deputy head of the territorial body no more than 80.0

Providing specialists

15. Specialist of the 1st category no more than 35.0

16. Specialist 2 category no more than 35.0

17. Specialist 3 category no more than 35.0

18. Senior specialist of the 1st category no more than 45.0

19. Senior specialist 2nd category no more than 45.0

20. Senior specialist 3rd category no more than 45.0


21. Specialist-expert no more than 50.0

22. Leading specialist-expert no more than 55.0

23. Chief specialist-expert no more than 60.0

24. Consultant no more than 65.0

Assistants (advisers)

25. Assistant to the head of the territorial body no more than 70.0


26. Deputy head of a department of a territorial body no more than 80.0

27. Head of department of a territorial body no more than 85.0

28. Deputy head of the territorial body no more than 100.0

Appendix No. 2 to the Uniform Requirements

The amount of lump-sum payments for military personnel undergoing military service under a contract with the Russian Emergencies Ministry on a priority basis


Payment Job title<*>The amount of the lump sum payment (in thousand rubles)

Rescue centers

1. Military positions of military personnel undergoing military service under a contract in military positions to be replaced by soldiers, sergeants, foremen and warrant officers no more than 20.0

2. Squad leader in a rescue platoon no more than 25.0

3. Commander of the rescue platoon no more than 30.0

4. Commander of the rescue company no more than 35.0

5. Chief: communications, services (all items); deputy battalion commander, deputy detachment commander no more than 40.0

6. Commander of the rescue squad no more than 45.0

7. Battalion commander, deputy chief of staff (all titles) no more than 50.0

8. Deputy head of the center (all items) no more than 55.0

9. Chief of Staff - Deputy Chief of the Center no more than 55.0

10. Head of the rescue center no more than 60.0

Military educational organizations higher education Russian Emergency Situations Ministry

11. Junior researcher no more than 45.0

12. Associate Professor, Senior Lecturer, Assistant Head of the Academy no more than 50.0

13. Deputy head: faculty, department, building, center (all items); professor no more than 55.0

14. Head of the center (all items), head of department (all items) no more than 60.0

15. Deputy head of the institute, leading researcher, head of: faculty, department, building no more than 65.0

16. Head of the Institute no more than 70.0

17. Deputy Head of the Academy no more than 80.0

Main Directorate of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia for the subject of the Russian Federation

18. Deputy head of department (all titles); head: departments, groups; head of service, senior officer, officer no more than 55.0

19. Deputy head of department (all titles), head of department no more than 60.0

20. Assistant to the head of the main department, head of the department no more than 60.0

21. Deputy head of the main department no more than 65.0

22. First Deputy Head of the Main Department no more than 70.0

23. Head of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia for the subject of the Russian Federation with a population of less than 2.5 million people, not more than 80.0

24. Head of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia for the subject of the Russian Federation with a population of over 2.5 million people, not more than 100.0

National Crisis Management Center

25. Senior officer - operator, duty officer, senior engineer, officer, head of department, senior specialist, assistant head of department, engineer, specialist no more than 60.0

26. Head: department (motor transport (operational vehicles)), group, communication center; operational duty officer, deputy head of the communications center, senior duty officer (on duty in the center) no more than 65.0

27. Deputy head of the operational duty shift, head of department (as part of a subdivision)Deputy head of department, deputy head of department - head of the group no more than 65.0

28. Deputy head of the center (all titles), head of department - deputy head of the center, head of department, head of department (independent) no more than 70.0

29. Head of the center no more than 80.0

30. Senior operational duty officer (all titles), head of department - deputy head of the national center no more than 75.0

31. Deputy head of the national center no more than 100.0

Regional Center for Affairs civil defense, emergencies and disaster relief

32. Deputy head of department, senior inspector, senior inspector pilot (all titles), senior inspector - navigator, senior officer, officer no more than 65.0

33. Head: department, communications, service (all items); head of communications - head of department (all titles), deputy head of department - head of service (all titles) no more than 70.0

34. Deputy head of department no more than 75.0

35. Assistant to the head of the center no more than 80.0

36. Head of department no more than 80.0

37. Deputy head of the center no more than 95.0

38. First Deputy Head of the Center no more than 100.0

<*>in other institutions and for other positions, when determining the size of the lump sum payment, be guided by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 05, 2011 No. 992, the order of the EMERCOM of Russia of December 19, 2011 No. 761 of the position in relation to the standard

Appendix No. 3 to the Uniform Requirements

Lump sum payments for employees of the federal fire service of the State Fire Service of the EMERCOM of Russia on a priority basis


Payment Job title<*>The amount of the lump sum payment (in thousand rubles)

I. Private and junior commanding staff

1. Fireman no more than 30.0

2. Senior fireman no more than 30.0

3. Squad commander, junior inspector no more than 30.0

II. Higher, senior and middle commanding staff

Fire and rescue teams and fire and rescue units of the federal fire service, teams and fire units of the federal fire service

4. Head of department, senior inspector, inspector no more than 35.0

5. Head of the fire and rescue unit, fire unit no more than 45.0

6. Head of the fire and rescue squad no more than 45.0

Main departments of the EMERCOM of Russia for the constituent entities of the Russian Federation with a population of less than 2.5 million people, crisis management centers of the main departments of the EMERCOM of Russia for the constituent entities of the Russian Federation

7. Deputy head of department no more than 45.0

8. Head of department no more than 50.0

9. Deputy head of the crisis management center no more than 55.0

10. Head of the crisis management center no more than 65.0

11. Head of the main department no more than 85.0

Main departments of the EMERCOM of Russia for the constituent entities of the Russian Federation with a population of over 2.5 million people, crisis management centers of regional centers of the EMERCOM of Russia

12. Head of department no more than 50.0

13. Deputy head of department no more than 55.0

14. Head of department no more than 60.0

15. Deputy head of department no more than 65.0

16. Head of department no more than 70.0

17. Deputy head of the crisis management center no more than 60.0

18. Head of the crisis management center no more than 70.0

19. Head of the main department no more than 100.0

Regional Center for Civil Defense, Emergencies and Disaster Relief, National Crisis Management Center of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia

20. Head of department, operational duty officer no more than 60.0

21. Deputy head of department no more than 65.0

22. Head of department no more than 70.0

23. Deputy head of the department of the regional center no more than 75.0

24. Head of department of the regional center no more than 80.0

25. Deputy head of the regional center no more than 95.0

26. First Deputy Head of the National Crisis Management Center of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia no more than 100.0

<*>in other institutions and for other positions, when determining the size of the lump sum payment, be guided by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of February 16, 2013 No. 128, the order of the EMERCOM of Russia of February 26, 2013 No. 140 in relation to a typical position

Application No. 4

to common requirements

The amount of lump-sum payments for civilian personnel of rescue military formations, search and rescue units, employees of the federal fire service of the State Fire Service on a priority basis



1. Civilian personnel, workers filling positions in the professions of workers no more than 35.0

Technical performers

2. Clerk, cashier, checkpoint controller no more than 45.0

3. Typist, secretary, freight forwarder no more than 45.0


4. Engineer (all items), technician (all items) no more than 50.0

5. Specialist of civil defense (all titles) no more than 50.0

6. Administrator, legal adviser no more than 50.0

7. Dispatcher (fire communication dispatcher): of a detachment of the State Fire Service (fire and rescue squad of the federal fire service of the State Fire Service), a fire department of the State Fire Service (fire and rescue unit of the federal fire service of the State Fire Service), a separate post no more than 50, 0

8. Operational duty officer for the detachment of the State Fire Service (fire and rescue detachment of the federal fire service of the State Fire Service) no more than 50.0

9. Assistant chief of the detachment of the State Fire Service (fire and rescue detachment of the federal fire service of the State Fire Service) no more than 55.0


10. Head of department: as part of the department, as part of the service, as part of the headquarters, as part of the center in the institution, as part of the representative office; head: independent department (group), control point no more than 65.0

11. Head of the fire department of the State Fire Service (fire and rescue department of the federal fire service of the State Fire Service); commander: paramilitary mine rescue platoon, militarized mine rescue station no more than 70.0

12. Head of: department, service, headquarters, center in an institution, production and technical center of the State Fire Service, technical service detachment, training center State fire service no more than 75.0

13. Head of: a detachment of the State Fire Service (fire and rescue detachment of the federal fire service of the State Fire Service), a training and rescue center, a specialized fire and rescue unit, a paramilitary mountain rescue unit; commander of a paramilitary mountain rescue squad no more than 80.0

14. Head of the crisis management center no more than 80.0

15. Head (head, director) of the institution no more than 100.0

16. Head of: regional search and rescue team, State Central Airmobile Rescue Team, search and rescue team no more than 100.0

Prime Minister of the Russian Federation D.A. Medvedev approved a program for the gradual improvement of salaries in state institutions, which is planned to be fully implemented by 2018.

The chairman of the Ministry of Finance said about this program that wages will be increased not only for employees in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation and the Ministry of Internal Affairs, but also for firefighters. And the Minister of Emergency Situations, Vladimir Puchkov, said that for employees of his department, in accordance with it, new conditions for calculating wages are provided. Based on parameters such as the category of the city where a particular employee serves, and what position he has, he will receive wages 60% more than he currently has.

The minister said that already now the junior staff earns 2.5 times more than before the time when this program was introduced. And the chief of senior teams can count on a 1.5-fold increase in pay in the future. Officers of the Ministry of Emergency Situations are expected to receive an average salary of 50,000 rubles per month. The department plans to announce more exact salaries soon. But one can already imagine that if an employee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs now receives 60,000 rubles, then an increase in this amount of payment by 1.6 times will be quite significant. Based on the announced coefficients, it is possible to preliminarily calculate the average earnings of firefighters and employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations in all places in Russia.

Vladimir Puchkov added that employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations will receive especially high remuneration for performing difficult combat missions, that is, those that are combined with a risk to life. They are present in services such as fire departments, aviation, rescue service, divers and dog handlers. But he also said that simply increasing the level of wages is not enough to fully motivate employees. It is better to start developing new incentive methods through training in related specialties. In other words, if an employee of the Ministry of Emergency Situations works additionally in a fire department or a special unit, he is entitled to an additional payment. Below are eight criteria that qualify for the allowance.

Additional payments and allowances to the employee of the Ministry of Emergency Situations

For special conditions of service, this also includes an allowance for working with funds personal protection respiratory organs;
for work with information containing state secrets;
for special achievements in the service;
incentive payments or bonuses;
seniority or length of service;
for class qualifications;
regional increasing coefficients;
for the performance of tasks combined with a risk to health and life and increased danger.

Moreover, for events in which an employee faces a risk to his life, he receives a bonus equal to the monthly salary.

With the help of allowances, the state seeks to motivate employees in the Ministry of Emergency Situations to improve their professionalism and quality of work. Plus, the allowances further guarantee their social protection. It is still possible to achieve that the efficiency of the work of rescuers will increase when they provide assistance to citizens. Because when a specialist is literate in various fields, he will be able to perform tasks in a complex manner.

It should be added that this year, firefighters have been given bonuses at the highest level, which will be issued for such work as participation in extinguishing a fire of the third category of complexity and more, as well as for extinguishing a fire in large cities.

If we consider the earnings of employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations by regions of the Russian Federation, it turns out that those who, for example, work in the Moscow region, receive almost 26,000 rubles, in the Kirov region - 10,000, in the Krasnoyarsk Territory - 30,000 rubles, and in the Nizhny Novgorod region - 17,500.

Since the beginning of 2014, along with the increase in the minimum wage, the salaries of employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations have increased by 5.5%.