Mars library system. Mars - the world of magazine articles


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© I.G. Morgenstern, 2005

Chelyabinsk State Academy of Culture and Arts 454111, Chelyabinsk, st. Ordzhonikidze, 36a

Analysis of managerial, organizational, methodological and technological features database MARS (Interregional Analytical List of Articles), which is a product of corporate interaction of 95 regional scientific, university, central city libraries of the Russian Federation in the context of the all-Russian system of analytical information on the content of periodicals and ongoing publications.

Key words: article painting, analytical painting, periodicals, magazines, corporate projects.

Among the many corporate projects for organizing library and bibliographic activities in the electronic environment, which are mostly frozen results of systematizing links to information resources of Russian libraries and information centers, is distinguished by the dynamism and richness of the development of content and search capabilities of the MARS system - Interregional Analytical List of Articles. I am not involved in the organization of this database, and therefore, as a bibliographer, I can and strive to judge it, the problems of its organization and management with interest and, if possible, objectively.

The development and implementation of the MARS project began in the fall of 2000 on the initiative of specialists from the scientific libraries of the Saratov, Udmurt and Chelyabinsk universities. The characteristics of the project can be found in a number of publications /1, 2 and others/ of the organizers of the project and on a special website ( The latter also contains links to 13 corporate library systems of a similar nature, sites of federal libraries, descriptions of programs, formats, rules and standards, statistics of journal receipts and database visits. It allows you to open a complete alphabetical list of journals, indicating the libraries that process them.

Dozens of libraries join the project, accepting the principles of maintaining a consolidated database and the criteria for selecting articles, choosing new journals for development. As of mid-February 2005, 95 regional scientific, university, central city libraries located in 41 cities (most of all in Saratov and Yekaterinburg), paint 835 cents for MARS.

ral and peripheral journals in Russian. Consequently, each library accounts for an average of 8-9 journals, which is many times less than the volume of independent processing of subscribed periodicals. The volume of the consolidated database at the same time amounted to more than 227 thousand records.

Working on an average of 5 to 10 journals, each of the libraries participating in the project has the opportunity to search the full array of articles in recent years by search criteria, which are authors, personalities, titles, subject headings, LBC and UDC classification indices. In addition, bibliographic records include reference annotations, which, as a rule, are not available in the bibliographic resources of other information centers, including the Russian Book Chamber (RCC). MARS allows users to get acquainted with the annotated content of individual issues of journals. Project participants also practice free electronic delivery of documents, for which they scan articles and send copies of them upon request. Thus, MARS goes beyond the strict framework of the bibliographic system.

The project is open for new libraries to join, and members of the Association of 13 Regional Library Consortiums (ARBICON), formed in 2002, can use the consolidated database of articles without restrictions.

The 4-year period of formation and operation of MARS testifies to the effectiveness of this project. Otherwise it is impossible to explain the growth in the number of its participants and other parameters. From originally interregional, it becomes international (the libraries of Belarus and

Kazakhstan), eliminates the need to maintain parallel databases. Thus, the organizers and participants in the maintenance of the regional consolidated database "Articles" (17 libraries of the Sverdlovsk and Chelyabinsk regions) refused to continue their project and entered the MARS system.

AT professional attitude it is extremely valuable that the leaders of MARS, when organizing a consolidated database of articles, firstly, strive to comply with the current state standards(so, since September 2003, the system has adopted GOST 7.1-2003 “Bibliographic record. Bibliographic description” for execution, secondly, they look for and find solutions to problem situations, fixing them in management decisions, strive to improve the system in the interconnections of its elements.

Judging by the publications and the content of the common site, the project managers and participants pay great attention to training and advanced training of personnel, ensuring that they comply with the established standards and rules. The names of librarians and bibliographers are displayed in the "Participants" section of the general site.

The advantages of this project are undeniable. The more I get acquainted with it and observe the evolution of this consolidated database of articles, the more I come to the conclusion that MARS is a phenomenon of electronic bibliography, and of domestic bibliography in general. It is possible that the world. MARS is not only a valuable source of multi-aspect research, but also an exceptionally strong stimulator of professional development for bibliographers. For them, the ideas of coordinating activities, observing standards, and timely actions are not abstract theoretical propositions, but a living reality. Already now MARS is the richest object for multifaceted scientific research.

But he also has problems of an objective and subjective nature, requiring the search for non-standard solutions. Chief among them is the difficulty of controlling the timely, complete and high-quality processing of documents by project participants. Each bibliographic entry indicates the library that compiled it, which increases the responsibility of bibliographers. But random testing shows that the bibliographic

interval for individual issues of journals pre-

embroider set time in seven to ten days

1 The problem of prompt presentation of bibliographic records in the database, as shown by N.E. Kalenov /3/, is also relevant for other projects. With geographically distributed processing of bibliographic reflection objects, it is impossible to establish exactly when the mail delivered the journal number to the library. Across the country, the delivery interval of periodicals reaches months. city ​​libraries

some annotations are not very informative, etc. For example, by keywords (CS) "Virtual help desk» (VSS) there are no records, although several articles by E. D. Zhabko and other specialists of the Russian National Library are devoted to VSS. Only two articles when searching for the CS "Virtual reference" (in my file cabinet there are five of the publications processed in the MARS system). Although the project managers have developed a program for automatic control of the completeness of the processing of journals and have established strict control over the quality of processing publications, the subjective factor cannot but affect.

It is not clear how the corpus of edited publications is formed. One gets the impression that potential new participants in the project get acquainted with the list of publications already being processed, suggesting those they receive but are not on the list, and coordinate it with the leaders of MARS. I believe that project managers should also have a certain initiative. The source of such an initiative can be an annual list of journals, articles from which are signed in the Chronicle of Journal Articles, subsection "Periodicals" of the section "Bibliographical sheets" of the journal "New World". Comparing the latter in No. 1 for 2005 with the MARS list, I found unedited publications: Arion, Itogi, Political Journal, Rodomysl. Apparently, there are other reputable sources to complete the list. The project participants themselves note the need to increase the share of natural science and technical publications /2/.

Participation of libraries in the project is absolutely voluntary. It is not clear why the libraries of Moscow (except for the Kyiv Central Library Library), St. Petersburg and other large cities refuse to participate in MARS. Siberia is poorly represented: only four cities (Kemerovo, Novokuznetsk, Omsk, Surgut). As far as I know, there are no equivalent publicly available information resources in the libraries of the cities not participating in the project. True, MARS is unrestrictedly available to ARBICON members, but the legitimacy of such a provision is questionable. It turns out that the participants of MARS, spending a significant amount working time qualified employees give someone the opportunity to use a valuable resource for free.

Each library starts processing its logs from the moment it joins the project. The issue of retro-painting of magazines until 2003 is not raised, but the year of the beginning of painting is not indicated either.

journal publishing houses have a natural advantage in this respect. MARS uses it, but most of the journals are published in Moscow and St. Petersburg, whose libraries do not participate in the project.

Over time, after the array of processed publications has basically formed, the difference in the beginning of processing will lose its sharpness. But I do not rule out that there will be a problem of cleaning the database from obsolete texts. As you know, the vast majority of universal and university libraries clean up the systematic card indexes of articles, keeping cards with records of the last three to five years and selectively - for a longer period. Thus, they not only restrain the growth of the file cabinet, but also ensure the relevance of its content. In addition, bibliographers regularly edit the card index, breaking down large sections and headings or transforming them. As is known, the “keyhole” effect operates in the bibliographic database /4, p. 120/, the overflow of sections and headings is not obvious. If the database is not cleaned, then it is very likely that information noise will increase when searching by classification indices and subject headings.

For the organizers of any bibliographic database, the quality of subject headings and/or keywords is a difficult problem. Usually an alternative decision is made. But the subject headings selected from a pre-compiled list do not fully reflect original ideas authors of publications, and keywords are inevitably subjective to some extent. In order to control the quality of their placement from the outside, you need to re-acquaint yourself with the text of the processed document. This problem can be solved only selectively by testing.

Assessing the MARS project positively on the whole, I cannot get away from the natural question: what about the rest of the libraries in Russia? If most of them join him, he will go from hard to manage to hard to manage. If bibliographic services everywhere unite in the implementation of similar projects, is it rational on a national scale? Isn't it more efficient for bibliographic services in certain aspects and search situations to use the databases of the authoritative center of the state bibliography - RCP2, the resources of other federal information centers? Where to look for newspaper articles, some of which remain relevant for a long time? On those simple questions no answers.

Electronic technology opens up unrealistic opportunities for traditional bibliography to manage the development of not only local, but

2 RCP for the Chronicle of journal articles and the corresponding database discloses annually the contents of 1 100-

1,200 serials, including ongoing ones,

but the search capabilities of its resources are noticeably inferior to MARS.

and distributed bibliographic resources. An example in this respect is again shown by MARS. In addition to the above methods of maintaining the quality of the database, the project organizers are constantly developing new ways to monitor the development of journals and adherence to established program and methodological solutions. The section of the general site "Statistics of current receipts" is a mirror of the study of journal issues for the current year. In the table, by the title of the journal, its periodicity and raw numbers are indicated. It is not clear why only 333 journals are placed in the table, and not all? If the mail did not deliver some issue of the journal to the library, this is a common thing, does it make sense to ask another library to process this issue?! In traditional technology, this number remained unprocessed, and bibliographers put printed cards in file cabinets.

The openness of the system implemented on the MARS common website also acts as a means of influencing the behavior of the libraries participating in the project.

Like any dynamic open web Information system MARS is constantly changing and improving. It is likely that the problems indicated in this article will be resolved by the time of publication, the gaps will be filled. But even today MARS is a valuable original contribution to the development of Russian bibliography. We will be grateful to its organizers and participants.


1. Zelenina, G.N. Interregional analytical painting of articles / G.N. Zelenina, I.V. Krutikhin, L.P. Besklinskaya // Nauch. and tech. b-ki. - 2003. - No. 9. -S. 51-60.

2. Zelenina, G.N. Project MARS: 100 participants... What's next? [Electronic resource] / G.N. Zelenina, I.V. Krutikhin. - Access mode: Section "Publications".

3. Kalenov, N.E. Reflection efficiency analysis

bibliographic descriptions in the consolidated catalog LIBNET [Electronic resource] / N.E. Kalenov // Electron. b-ki. - 2003. - Vol. 6, issue. 1. - Access mode: http://www.elbib. ru/index. phtml?page=elbib/rus/

4. Sokolov, A.V. Automation of bibliographic search / A.V. Sokolov. - M.: Book, 1981. - 167 p.

The material was received by the editors on April 18, 2005.

Information about the author: Morgenstern Isaak Grigorievich - Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, Honored Worker high school Russia, full member of the International Academy of Informatization, head of the Department of Information and Bibliography, tel. (351-2) 36-78-71

Scientific Library of Kostroma state university participates in projects aimed at modernizing and improving the quality of library services and library resource management.

The participation of the library in the projects of the Association of Regional Library Consortiums ARBICON implies effective interaction with partners to create and provide corporate resources. Projects are based on the introduction of promising information technologies in the processes of organizing access to information resources:

Project MARS (Interregional analytical list of articles) unites more than 200 libraries of various systems and departments.

Objective of the project- creation by joint efforts of a consolidated database of analytical painting of articles from periodicals.

Work in the corporation is based on the principle: each participant paints a certain number of magazines, and in exchange receives everything that other project participants paint.

The main goal of the library's entry into the MARS project is to support information support priority areas of science for KSU.

The KSU Scientific Library has been participating in the project since 2007.

Results of work in the project- expanding the range of information services provided:

  • readers have the opportunity to obtain information about the article through subject indexing: all articles of the project are indexed by keywords, subject headings. Mandatory presence of a brief annotation.
  • since 2007, readers have the opportunity to obtain information about articles from journals that are not in the KSU fund, in the MARS database electronic catalog.

Project EDD (Electronic Document Delivery) provides a service for ordering copies of journal articles. The order is carried out on the basis of the Consolidated Catalog of Periodicals of Russian Libraries using specially developed software.

Purpose of the EDD project- bringing together organizations to improve quality information service due to the prompt provision of copies of journal articles from the funds of the project participants, the development of information resources of the project.

Project services can be used by contacting Information and bibliographic department libraries. To search for articles, you can use the MARS database. The catalog contains about 230,000 articles from journals received by the library. The data is updated weekly. The services of the project can be used by third-party readers by contacting the scientific library. Orders are carried out for educational or scientific purposes.

Results of work in the project:

  • electronic copies of articles, information about which is found in the MARS database of the electronic catalog, can be ordered from the Reference and Bibliographic Department.
  • after placing an order by the reader, within 3 days the library receives a scanned copy of the article by e-mail or Web. Copies of journal articles are transferred to the customer ( to an individual) only in printed form.

Attention! The contractor and customers must comply Civil Code RF - Part 4, section VII: "Rights to the results of intellectual activity and means of individualization". Derived from scientific library KSU electronic copies of publications are allowed to be used only for scientific and educational purposes. It is forbidden to replicate the received copies, reproduce them in any other form, except for the legally permitted one (single printout electronic document), transmit on any basis received copies to other persons or organizations. Responsibility for unauthorized use of copies of documents received from the library in accordance with applicable law lies entirely with the user.

“Gorodets painting” - Fine art lesson in grade 7 Topic: “Gorodets painting. The master holds the brush perpendicular to the painted surface. Flower petals have the shape of semicircular arches. The color of the arms matches the color of the center of the flower. After registration of the arches - petals, the flowers are clearly transformed. The next step is to determine the center of the flower.

"Opposition of Mars" - Great oppositions of Mars since 1830. to 2035 Portrait of Giovanni Schiaparelli. The structure of Mars. The Earth orbits a little closer to the Sun, and Mars a little further. Earth and Mars are space neighbors. Movement of Mars in the second half of 2003. Basic details on the surface of Mars. Details of the 2003 confrontation

"Zhostovo painting" - The main motif of the painting is a flower bouquet of a simple composition, in which large garden and small wild flowers alternate. The shape of the trays is round, octagonal, combined, rectangular, oval, etc. The craft of painted metal trays arose in the middle of the 18th century. in the Urals, where they were located metallurgical plants Demidovs (Nizhny Tagil, Nevyansk, Verkh-Neyvinsk), and only in the first half of the 19th century, trays began to be made in the villages of the Moscow province - Zhostov, Troitsky, Novoseltsevo, etc.

"Gzhel painting" - The works presented here are copyright and are 100% exclusive. To which you need to look for answers. Our action plan. 3. We will show the prepared material to our classmates. It is no coincidence that in the very word "Gzhel" echoes of the verb "burn" are heard. At the turn of the 19th-20th centuries, the Gzhel craft fell into decline.

"Information-analytical system" - You can use additional filters for a more accurate search for enterprises. Enterprises Branches Subjects of the Russian Federation Countries of the world. Ministry economic development and trade. Our users are usually specialists in the following departments. For example, during workshops and business meetings. Significant reduction in the cost of acquiring information.

"Painting on glass" - Sometimes the drying time may be longer. 3. The contour of the drawing is applied with paint-outliner. 4. Then a painting is applied with a synthetic brush or a natural hair brush. Glass painting process. So, we will describe these types of paints in more detail: Acrylic paints. Paints can be matte or transparent.

MARS- "Interregional analytical painting of articles" - a consolidated catalog of periodicals of Russian libraries.

Analytical abstract database of journal articles - DB MARS - contains bibliographic descriptions of all articles from more than 1800 Russian magazines from 2001 to the present.

Now the volume of the consolidated MARS database is more than 2.7 million records. The database is updated by 1,000 records daily.

The Martian record of our library is counting down since 2005. And we have the ability to search bibliographic information on the ARBICON website from 2005 to 2016 in an array of 2,375,867 bibliographic documents.

« We were the first, and therefore it was difficult for us, ”said in an interview Valentina Tereshkova. Anyone who starts a new business can say that.

With all the enthusiasm of the pioneers, we took up this business - the corporate signature of magazine articles in machine-readable form.

Having studied the documents and completed the test task, we joined the advanced "Martians" in May 2005.

Since May 2005, the Central Library has been included in corporate project according to the painting of magazines Interregional analytical list of articles (MARS) on the basis of the scientific library of the Saratov University. The following documents have been carefully reviewed:

  • simple partnership agreement (about joint activities),
  • "Methodology for filling in the fields" on 92 pages,
  • “Rules for filling in the field “Geographic rubric”,
  • “Methodology for filling in the field “Keywords”,
  • “Methodological recommendations for compiling annotations within the framework of the MARS project”,
  • "The procedure for receiving and transmitting data."

We received a converter for MARK.

Several magazines were painted, then the magazines for painting that were not in the project were selected (which was very difficult to do). Passports were compiled for 5 journals with indexes of the journal according to the Rospechat catalogue, indicating the type of journal, the subject of the journal, periodicity, the average number of articles in 1 journal and the number of articles per year, the ISSN of the journal, the presence of author's abstracts and author's keywords, the electronic address of the journal and e-mail address of the editorial office of the journal.

Under the terms of the contract, we were obliged to paint from cover to cover all the magazines that we chose from our subscription. These were the magazines Asia and Africa Today, Applicant, World Pathfinder, Ideas for Your Home, Russian society Red Cross".

In the first year joint work 12 files were prepared, 516 bibliographic records for journal articles were created.

Patience and a little effort. They worked tirelessly. Figuratively speaking, "blood and sweat" got bibliographic records. Day and night honed skill, aerobatics: to express the essence of the article in one sentence and at the same time not to repeat the title. Employees involved in the project surfed the Internet in search of the exact dates of the life of personalities, the correct names of organizations and events; expanded their horizons by studying obscure scientific and technical terms. Almost akin to a spelling dictionary. Sending their notes by e-mail to MARS, they always secretly hoped that this time they would do without ADVERTISING from the bibliographer-controller.

The corporate project taught us to humble our ambitions, obeying the MARS majority, and strictly follow the accepted rules and methods. We acknowledged our mistakes with dignity, but sometimes argued with the controllers over certain nuances of bibliography and often defended our point of view. Courage and perseverance were sometimes required to defend one's innocence.

Not everyone has a penchant for painstaking bibliographic work. But along with the project, bibliographers grew professionally, mastered new technologies: data exchange, format conversion, filling out web forms. During the existence of the project, we have successfully survived the repeated change in the Painting Methodology, the updating of the Rubricator, the next replacement of the bibliographer-controller, to whose requirements we have already become accustomed.

Do what you must, and let it be what will be. Thank God, the project is alive, developing, bringing tangible benefits. Over time, even the most advanced technologies become familiar, mundane. Who will be excited about flying into space now? Yes, astronauts fly and calmly do their job. So are we Martians. We continue to work with dignity for the common good. Our work is not always noticeable, not in plain sight, “behind the closet”. But this does not detract from our merits. We are honor and glory: the organizer of the "pioneers" on MARS - Pavlova Olga Nikolaevna and many thanks to the project participant Ekaterina Borisovna Tekutieva, over the past few years, responsibly, competently and carefully, checking the names, dates, events, describing articles via the Internet. A low bow and gratitude to the bibliographers-controllers and coordinators of the MARS project. Special thanks Igor Valerievich Krutikhin for faith in us, for first aid, prompt consultations on technical matters for your kindness and patience. And hope for the future generation, which will continue OUR COMMON CAUSE.