1c retail 8.3 discount for a specific product. Accounting and taxation of discounts

In the documents "Sales of goods and services" and "Invoice for payment to buyers", the provision of discounts by the amount per line or the amount per document is not provided. To reflect the fact of providing such discounts in the document "Sales of goods and services", you can use the following mechanism:

  • Add to the reference book "Nomenclature" new service"Amount discount";
  • In the document "Sales of goods and services", where it is necessary to reflect the discount on the "Services" tab, indicate the "Amount discount" service in the tabular section. In the "Change cost" column, specify the method of change by selecting the "Decrease" value. In the footer of the document, using the "Distribute by goods" flag, specify the method of distribution. Next, to launch the distribution mechanism, click the "Distribute" button on the document action bar.

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Must be done by the seller if he applies discounts associated with a change in the price of a unit of goods. In this article, we will look at this problem by the buyer of the goods.

As we have already noted, there are two options:

  1. the price of the goods is changed before it is shipped to the buyer;
  2. the price is changed after the goods have been shipped to the buyer.

If the price of the goods is changed before the shipment of the goods, then the buyer in accounting and tax accounting shows the cost of purchasing the goods and the amount of VAT presented by the seller already at the price, taking into account the discount.

The second option for issuing a discount leads to serious adjustments to the accounting and tax accounting.
First, having received from the seller a notice of a change in the price of goods or a universal adjustment document (UCD), the buyer is forced to make changes to accounting.
Secondly, it is necessary to adjust tax accounting for the purpose of taxing profits.
Thirdly, if the amounts of VAT on goods received from the seller have already been deducted, they will have to be partially restored.

We take the conditions for the example exactly the same as in the previous article.
The Dawn organization applies common mode taxation - accrual method and Accounting Regulations (PBU) 18/02 "Accounting for corporate income tax calculations". The organization is a payer of value added tax (VAT).

On September 26, 2016, the Supplier organization shipped goods to the Rassvet organization under contract No. 7 in the amount of 236,000 rubles, including 18% VAT (36,000 rubles). Invoice No. 13 was received and invoice No. 7 dated September 26, 2016 was received. The contract contains a condition for granting a discount of 10% of the cost of the goods, if payment for the goods is made no later than 30 days from the date of shipment of the goods. The Rassvet organization paid for the goods on October 20, 2016.

Since on the date of receipt of the goods the conditions for granting a discount have not yet been met, the goods are accepted for accounting and tax accounting in accordance with shipping documents at contractual prices without taking into account the discount.
In the program, the receipt of goods is recorded using the document Receipt (acts, invoices) with the operation type Goods.
The "header" of the document indicates the counterparty-seller and the contract with him.
The tabular part indicates the received goods, their quantity and price, excluding discounts. Accounts in the configured program are filled in automatically.
In the "footer" of the document, the invoice received from the seller is registered - the document Invoice received is created.
When posting a document in accounting and tax accounting, the goods are credited to the debit of account 41.01 "Goods in warehouses" and allocate the amount of VAT presented by the seller in correspondence with the credit of account 60.01 "Settlements with suppliers and contractors" in the debit of account 19.03 "VAT on acquired inventories" ". The document will also make an entry in the VAT accumulation register submitted. An example of filling out the document Receipt and its result are shown in Fig. one.

Picture 1.

The VAT amounts presented by the supplier, the buyer, after posting the goods in the presence of an invoice, has the right to accept for deduction. In the program, VAT can be accepted for deduction using the regulatory document Formation of purchase book entries, or directly in the Invoice document received when the Show VAT deduction in the purchase book checkbox is enabled by the date of receipt. In our example, the Rassvet organization uses the second method.

When posting the Invoice document received in accounting, it will deduct the amount of VAT presented by the supplier, forming a posting on the debit of account 68.02 in correspondence with the credit of account 19.03. Will write off the VAT accumulation register submitted and make an entry in the Purchase VAT accumulation register (purchase book).

The document Invoice received and the result of its execution are presented in Fig. 2.

Figure 2.

On October 20, 2016, before the expiration of 30 days from the date of shipment, the organization paid for the goods. The conditions of the agreement for granting the discount were fulfilled, so the payment was made taking into account a ten percent discount in the amount of 212,400 rubles (including VAT of 32,400 rubles).
Transfer fact Money to the seller is executed in the program using the document Write-off from the current account with the type of operation Payment to the supplier.
An example of filling out a document and its posting is shown in Fig. 3.

Figure 3

Having received from the seller a notice of a decrease in the price of goods and an adjustment invoice (or a universal adjustment document (UCD)), the organization must make an adjustment accounting and tax accounting for profit taxation and VAT.

By general rule, the actual cost of goods, at which they are accepted for accounting, does not change, except in cases where established by law RF (clause 12 PBU 5/01 “Accounting for inventories). However, in this case, due to the fulfillment of the conditions specified in the contract, the contract price of goods has changed, and such a possibility is directly provided for by civil law. Changing the price after the conclusion of the contract is allowed in cases and on the terms provided for by the contract (clause 2, article 424 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation). Therefore, on the date the discount is presented, the organization in accounting must adjust the actual cost of goods and the amounts of VAT related to them, taking into account the discount. This adjustment is not a correction of the error, since at the time of receipt of the goods the organization did not have the right to a discount. Therefore, the provisions of PBU 22/2010 "Correction of errors in accounting and reporting" in this situation, in the opinion of most consultants, do not apply.

For the purpose of taxation of profits, a change in the price of goods also entails an adjustment of tax accounting data. In accordance with the explanations of the Ministry of Finance of Russia, for discounts provided to the buyer by specifying a reduced price of goods in the sales contract, paragraphs. 19.1 p.1 art. 265 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation "Non-operating expenses" does not apply. When reflecting in the tax base for the tax on the profit of the buyer's organizations the discount provided to him by revising the price of the goods, this taxpayer does not receive taxable income. The organization is obliged to adjust the cost of goods in tax accounting, taking into account the discount received (letter of the Ministry of Finance of Russia No. 03-03-06 / 1/13 dated 01/16/2012).

For VAT purposes, in accordance with paragraphs. 4 p. 3 art. 170 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, when the value of shipped goods changes downwards, including in the event of a decrease in the price (tariff), tax amounts are subject to recovery in the amount of the difference between the tax amounts calculated before and after such a decrease.

To perform all of the above operations in the program, the document Adjustment of receipts will help us.

In the "header" of the document, select the type of operation - Adjustment by agreement of the parties, select the counterparty-seller and the contract with him. Specify the details of the received notification and select the basis document - the Receipt document with which the goods were credited. We will reflect the adjustment in all sections of accounting, and we will restore VAT in the sales book.

The tabular part (in our case, on the Goods tab) will be filled in automatically from the Receipt document. The line of the tabular part for each item consists of two substrings: before the change and after the change. The substring before the manual change is not edited, but the substring after the change can be edited. We need to change only the price of the goods in the substring after the change - indicate the new price, taking into account the discount. In our case, the new price, taking into account the 10% discount, is 180 rubles per item. The remaining indicators of the line will be recalculated automatically. Thus, after receiving the discount, the actual cost of the goods in accounting and tax accounting will be 180,000 rubles (decrease by 20,000 rubles), and the amount of VAT presented by the seller will be 32,400 rubles (decrease by 3,600 rubles).
An example of filling out the document Receipt Adjustment is shown in Fig. 4.

Figure 4

In the "footer" of the document, using the appropriate button, you must register the corrective invoice received from the seller to the primary invoice. Transaction type code 18 - Change in the cost of shipped goods (works, services) downward. The created document Correction invoice received No. 15 dated October 20, 2016 is shown in Fig. 5.

Figure 5

Let's see the result of posting the Receipt Adjustment document.
In accounting and tax accounting, the document reduced the cost of goods and the debt for goods to the seller by 20,000 rubles (reversal Dt 41.01 - Kt 60.01), reduced the amount of VAT presented by the seller (reversal Dt 19.03 - Kt 60.01) and restored this amount of VAT payable (Dt 19.03 - Kt 68.02). The document also made an entry in the Sales VAT accumulation register, that is, made an entry in the sales book.
The result of posting the Receipt Adjustment document is shown in Fig. 6.

Figure 6

Such postings will be made by the document if, until the moment the discount for the goods is received, the organization "Rassvet" this product did not upload.
Let's complicate the example a bit.
Let the purchased goods be shipped. Moreover, there were two shipments: 250 units of goods were shipped in September (in the past months) and 250 units of goods were shipped in October (in the current month).
Account card 41.01 is shown in Fig. 7.

Figure 7

If before receiving the discount, these goods were sold, then it is necessary to adjust the costs - the cost of sales (account 90.02.1). Corrections in accounting must be made in the period when the discount was received.

For the purpose of taxation of profits, if the purchased goods have already been sold, it is also necessary to adjust the tax base. But the question of in what period to make adjustments is debatable.

On the one hand, in accordance with paragraph 1 of Art. 54 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, if errors (distortions) are found in the calculation of the tax base relating to past tax (reporting) periods, in the current tax (reporting) period, the tax base and the amount of tax are recalculated for the period in which the indicated errors (distortions) were committed . In cases where it is impossible to determine the period of the error (distortion), or when the errors (distortions) made led to the excessive payment of tax, it is allowed to recalculate the tax base and the amount of tax for the tax (reporting) period in which the errors (distortions) were revealed. .

In our case, as a result of the discount, the cost of goods decreased, which means that expenses also decreased, and this led to an increase in the tax base. It turns out that the organization did not pay extra tax. Therefore, it is necessary to adjust the tax base for the tax (reporting) period in which the goods are sold to buyers and their value is recognized as an expense for tax purposes, submit an updated tax return for income tax, pay the amount of tax and penalties. This opinion is shared by the Ministry of Finance of Russia and the tax authorities, which is confirmed by numerous letters (for example: Letter of the Federal Tax Service of October 17, 2014 No. ММВ-20-15 / [email protected]).

On the other hand, the Tax Code of the Russian Federation does not disclose such concepts as "mistakes" and "distortions". Therefore, to determine them, you can use the legislation on accounting (clause 1, article 11 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation).

In accordance with paragraph 2 of PBU 22/2010 "Correction of errors in accounting and reporting", inaccuracies or omissions in the reflection of facts are not errors economic activity identified as a result of obtaining new information that was not available at the time of reflection (non-reflection) of such facts of economic activity.

The right to a discount arose from the organization only in October, therefore, a decrease in the cost of goods and a corresponding decrease in expenses this month is not a mistake from the point of view of accounting. Therefore, we can conclude that such a change should not be considered as an error (distortion) and for tax purposes. This opinion is reflected in the Letter of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated January 30, 2012 No. No. 03-03-06/1/40. Based on this position, it is possible to reflect the decrease in expenses as a result of the discount provided for the purpose of taxing profits in the period of its provision (the current period).

Let's see what will change in the postings of the Receipt adjustment document if the goods were partially sold before the discount was received.
Firstly, the cost of goods (account 41.01) is reversed only in terms of the balance of goods in the warehouse and goods shipped in the current month.
Secondly, in terms of goods shipped last month, expenses in accounting and tax accounting are reversed - the cost of sales (account 90.02.1).
The postings of the Receipt adjustment document, in the presence of a shipment of goods, are shown in Fig. eight.

Figure 8

The cost of sales (account 90.02.1) for the current month will be adjusted (reversed) in accounting and tax accounting when the month is closed by the scheduled operation Adjustment of item cost.
The posting of the above scheduled operation is shown in Fig. nine.

Figure 9

I don't really like the entries (No. 3 and No. 4) of the Receipt Adjustment document. Let's try to generate a balance sheet on account 41.01 for goods at a discount (Fig. 10).

Figure 10.

With arithmetic, everything seems to be correct - the balance at the end of the period is true. But the turnover for the period on debit and credit is surprising.
Therefore, I propose to correct the wiring a little. You can make a corrective accounting statement, or you can directly correct the result of the document. I will choose the second method, as it is less time consuming.
To do this, as a result of posting the document, you must enable the Manual adjustment checkbox. After the adjustment, do not forget to use the "Record and close" button.
In posting No. 3, I propose to reflect the entire amount of the discount without VAT (reversal), and in posting No. 4, replace credit account 60.01 with account 41.01 with the appropriate analytics.
The postings of the Receipt Adjustment document after manual adjustment are shown in Fig. eleven.

Figure 11.

Let's form once again the balance sheet for account 41.01. Now I like the balance sheet (Fig. 12).

Figure 12.

As we remember, the Rassvet organization made the first of two shipments of the purchased goods in September, that is, in the third quarter - the last reporting period for income tax. The Receipt Adjustment document adjusted expenses (cost of goods sold) in accounting and tax accounting in the period of receiving the discount (in the current period). For accounting, this is definitely correct, but for tax accounting, as we have already said, this is a moot point. If the accountant adheres to the position that, for the purposes of taxation of profits, he can make an adjustment to the taxable base in the current period, then our example can be considered complete. But it is worth noting that this approach is very risky.

If the accountant decided to adjust the taxable base in the past period, then he will still have to write additional entries. Therefore, we continue to correct the movements of the Receipt Adjustment document.

The first three wirings are no longer of interest to us at all, but wiring No. 4 will have to work a little. In the current period, we want to reduce expenses only in accounting, so we will delete the tax debit amount (NU Amount Dt) and reflect the corresponding temporary difference (VR Amount Dt).
Copy the last line. Set the posting date to match the previous period. In the posting, we indicate only the amount of tax accounting for debit (NU Amount Dt) and also reflect the corresponding temporary difference (VR Amount Dt).
Further options may be several. First, let's consider the most obvious one - we will close account 90. To do this, we will create a new posting with the date of the previous period. For debit, select account 90.09 “Profit / loss from sales”, for credit, select account 99.01.1 “Profit and loss”. We will indicate the amount only in tax accounting and reflect the corresponding temporary differences.
The corrected and added transactions are shown in Fig. thirteen.

Figure 13.

This option would have been completely suitable for us (respectively, without indicating temporary differences), if the Rassvet organization had not applied PBU 18/02.
When applying PBU 18/02, this posting option can only be used if the organization does not re-close past periods, since at the close of the month (for our example, this is the month of September), PBU 18/02 in the program will generate incorrect postings.

So let's look at another option. Let's change the last wiring we created. Let's write off the credit turnover of the balance of account 90.02.1 in tax accounting. The debit account does not matter. Let's add another posting with the date of the current period. We will reflect the amount of the reduction in expenses in tax accounting on the credit of account 99.01.1. The debit account does not matter. Don't forget to record the relevant temporary differences.
We created posting No. 5 to automatically fill out an updated income tax return - the declaration is interested in the debit turnover of account 90.02.1.
Transaction No. 6 removes the influence of the previous transaction on the closing of the month.
Posting No. 7 on an accrual basis increases the amount of tax profit and, accordingly, the amount of income tax payable to the budget - account 68.04.1 “Settlements with the budget”.
The modified wiring is shown in Fig. fourteen.

Figure 14.

As always, we will check the correctness of our operations in VAT accounting. Let's see what is happening in the book of purchases and the book of sales of the organization "Rassvet" - the buyer of the goods.
Having credited the goods and received an invoice from the supplier, the Rassvet organization rightfully deducted the entire amount of VAT presented by the seller, and reflected this in the purchase book for the third quarter.
A fragment of the shopping book is shown in Fig.15.

Figure 15.

In the fourth quarter, having received a discount and an adjustment invoice from the seller, the organization restored the VAT amount to reduce the cost of shipment and made an entry in the sales book for the fourth quarter.
A fragment of the sales book is shown in Fig.16.

Figure 16.

Consider a step-by-step solution for a hypothetical exam ticket Specialist Consultant version 11. I hope this solution will help you prepare for the exam. I want to warn you, I do not guarantee that the answer to this question is 100% correct and complete, this is just my vision.

The ticket itself can be downloaded at. The text of the task itself will not be given in the text.

Solution of Task No. 8 of ticket No. 3 specialist consultant Trade management 11

1. Initial base setup:

On the Administration tab:

  • in the “Marketing” section, check the boxes “Automatic sales discounts”, “Partner segments”, “Item segments”, “Price groups”.

2. Input of NSI

Let's introduce the organization: "Coffee-trade", for it we set the method for estimating the cost, the taxation system, the bank account, checkout KKM(with stand-alone cash register type) and cash desk of the organization.

Let's create new , Nomenclature, Price groups - "Tea" and "Coffee".

Enter new Segments of the nomenclature - “Tea” and “Coffee”, include the corresponding positions of the nomenclature in them:

Enter the settings for Discount Terms (Marketing tab):

Let's add two new Discounts (Marketing tab):

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Let's create two Partners — "Normal" and "VIP-client".

Let's create two Segments of partners - "Regular" and "VIP", where we will include the corresponding Partners:

For the created segments, you need to create new Standard Agreements (Marketing tab), where we indicate the appropriate discounts for different segments:

Many of our users are wondering how to set displacement discounts for promotional goods in the 1C program? We call crowd-out discounts a discount that is given for a certain group of goods for a certain period of time. At the same time, discounts for this group are considered to have priority over those that are permanent.

Consider an example according to the conditions of our task, in which:

  1. We will establish permanent discounts on discount cards with a fixed discount percentage equal to 5%.
  2. We will sell this product at retail with a 5% discount.
  3. We will establish a displacement discount of 10% for promotional goods.
  4. We will arrange a sale, with the participation of constant discounts and goods with a discount.

Set up permanent discounts

This type of discount will be valid from March 1, 2016 until manual cancellation. It will apply to all products from the price group "Shoes". The discount will be given in the amount of 5% upon presentation of the Muscovite Card discount card.

This type of discount is set by the document "Setting item discounts" with the type of operation "By price groups".

The document settings are shown in the picture:

< >

We will arrange the sale of goods with a discount

To do this, we will create a document "KKM check" with the following settings.


The date of the document must fall within the validity period specified in the "Discount from" parameter of the "Set item discounts" document. Otherwise, you may get unexpected results.

Don't forget to indicate discount card for which discounts are provided.

The product specified in the tabular part must be tied to a given price group.

If you did everything right, the document itself will show you automatic discounts for products that fall into the specified price group.

Set up crowd-out (promotional) discounts

Let's say that these discounts will be valid from March 2 to March 5 and will apply to a limited list of goods. We will set the discount rate for promotional goods to 10%.

Let's set these discounts with a new document "Setting item discounts" with the operation type "By item".


In this case, the period must be specified in full, indicating the values ​​"from" and "to". This is necessary so that the discounts are automatically canceled after the period has passed.

In this example, we have introduced a limit on the size of the discount so that it is no more than 1,000 rubles in absolute terms.

If necessary, we can set both a single discount on all products from the promotional list and different ones.

As can be seen from the screenshot, in the document issued on March 4, there is both a promotional product with a 10% discount, and a product sold with a regular 5% discount. The program determined both types of discounts automatically on the basis of the issued documents "Setting item discounts".

If, when drawing up a document, you “play around” with the date of the document, for example, changing it to March 10, you will see how automatic discounts “jump”.

Attention! Do not forget to indicate the discount card presented by the buyer.

Thus, you can regularly, after one promotion, immediately create the next one, and so on. The main thing is to be attentive to the period of validity of discounts and the dates of execution of sales documents.

Control of granted discounts

Discounts granted are easy to control with the "Discounts granted" report.

An example of this report in its simplest form is in the picture.

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1C Trade Management 11 implements flexible and convenient functionality for assigning discounts and markups. Proper use of the discount system can be a very useful tool in the marketing policy of the company and contribute to a significant improvement in its economic performance.

Discounts and markups in 1s 8.3 are stored in the "Discounts (markups)" directory, and the conditions for their action are also assigned there. 1c, the markup is entered with a minus sign, the discount with a plus sign.

What discounts can be provided to customers when making a wholesale sale?

The following types of discounts are presented in 1C Trade Management:

The essence of the first three is clear from the name, we will dwell on the rest in a little more detail.

 Quantity discount - when purchasing several products of the same name, a certain amount of them will be provided completely free of charge. For example, a client takes 7 books, one goes as a gift

 Gift - upon purchase (you can purchase any goods, or you can determine the list of goods), a product from the specified segment is provided as a gift. For example, you buy any game console, the joystick comes as a gift.

 Special price - the discount is calculated as the difference between the price for the product in the sales document and the price for the same product set in the system for the selected price type. For example, according to the agreement, the price type Retail is valid, for which the cost of the TV is 15,000 rubles, but for it there is a discount that specifies the price type Wholesale. For this type of price, the cost of this TV is 12,000. The discount will be calculated as 15,000-12,000=2,000, i.e. in fact, the goods will be sold at the wholesale price type.

 Message – if certain conditions are met, a window with information message;

 Document amount rounding – this type assumes the following parameters: accuracy, minimum rounded amount, and psychological rounding. For example, rounding accuracy is 10, rounding min sum is 1,000, psychological rounding is 0.01. When buying in the amount of 1,000 rubles, the amount payable will be 999.99

 Shipping Method Percentage - Some shipping options offer a discount. For example, when self-delivery, the buyer receives a 5% discount on the compensating part of the transport costs.

What conditions must be met in order for the discount to be granted to the client?

A discount or markup in 1s 8.3 can be provided for compliance with certain conditions (for example, when buying more than 5,000 rubles), or provided without any conditions (for example, when goods are released from the central warehouse, an 11% discount applies to everyone)

As we discussed above, some types of discounts already contain certain conditions for the provision, for example, they are valid only when purchasing products from a given list. The remaining conditions are assigned for a specific discount value and contain their settings and parameters.

There are the following types conditions for granting discounts and markups in 1C 8.3

 For one-time sales volume. Influencing parameters:

One-time purchase (valid within one document);

Volume (number of goods, amount, number of items, number of identical items);

Selling nomenclature

For example, a markup is provided to the customer when registering the sale of goods belonging to the Kitchenware segment for an amount of less than 14,000 rubles.

 For accumulated sales volume. Influencing parameters:

Sales for a certain period;

Within the framework of one agreement or in general for a partner;

The item being sold.

For example, the partner "Tea Yard" when buying any teapots in the amount of 150 pcs. discount will be given this month.

 For the form of payment.

For example, the discount takes effect only when paying for the goods in cash.

 Per day and time of purchase.

For example, when making a purchase on Wednesday from 8 to 11

 For the client's birthday.

Discount is available for individuals only. persons with the specified date of birth. Valid on the day of birth, as well as the specified number of days before and after.

For example, a birthday discount is provided 2 days before and 2 days after the birthday.

 For payment schedule.

For example, the discount is valid for a cash advance payment of 60%

 User group restriction.

The person responsible for clearing the sale must belong to a specific group.

For example, only the head of the sales department can assign a discount.

 Entry of the client into the segment.

For example, a discount for VIPs only

 For assortment sold in the previous month

For example, if a regular customer bought 15 pairs of men's shoes and 15 pairs of women's shoes last month

For one discount, it is possible to set many conditions! For example, a discount is provided only to those customers who are included in the VIP segment and make an advance payment of 80%

How to tell the system the rules of action when the conditions for several discounts are met at once.

Imagine a situation where an individual entrepreneur had a birthday yesterday, the discount for which is 5%, but at the same time he also fulfilled the condition of a one-time purchase for 33,000 rubles, for which a 7% discount is due. How should the discount be calculated in this case?

For solutions this issue such concept as the Group of joint application is used.

Discounts and markups 1c can be grouped. The directory elements included in the group obey the rules assigned to it. Those. if a customer purchased a product and met the conditions for assigning two or more discounts in the same group, then how the discounts should be provided depends on the Combined Application Option specified in it.

 Addition - the system will add the values;

 Multiplication - values ​​will be assigned sequentially according to the priority sequence

 Minimum - the minimum value will be applied (for example, in the discount group: the amount for the document at the first sale is 555 rubles and for the time 777 rubles. The smallest value will be valid - 555 rubles.)

 Maximum - The maximum value will be applied.

 Displacement - the discount with the highest priority is in effect

How to create a markup or discount in 1C?

You must first set the corresponding constant in the NSI and administration section → CRM and marketing

The creation of discounts and markups in 1s 8.3 is performed in the corresponding directory Discounts (markups) of the CRM and marketing section. The directory is made in the form of a workplace consisting of two windows. Groups and their subordinate elements are displayed in the left window, discounts are assigned for partners or warehouses in the right window, i.e. setting the status to Active.

First of all, you can select or create a new group, which will include new discount, and assign a sharing option to it. Use the Create Group command.

On the Conditions tab, you can select previously created elements of the Discount (markup) conditions directory, or select the type of conditions and fill in the corresponding parameters using the Add command.

How to set the discount action?

The discount/markup is set for a specific partner under an individual agreement, for several partners under a standard agreement, is valid on a loyalty card or when goods are released from a specific warehouse.

You can assign a discount action either in the corresponding cards or in the Discounts (markups) directory. To do this, select an element of the directory in the left part, an agreement or a directory in the right part, and when you click the Set status button, the Active status is assigned.

How will the automatic discount work?

When registering sales documents, if the conditions specified for the Discounts (markups) directory element are met at the time of posting the document, the system will calculate all existing discounts according to the conditions met and the result will be displayed in the corresponding columns of the tabular part of the document. Or you can perform the calculation using the Assign automatic discounts (markups) action. In columns displaying the size of the discount, you can open a window for decoding the discount applied to the line.

Do you have any questions? Fill out the form below. Our specialists have great experience settings and automation of 1C Trade Management 11, they will be able to answer your questions.