Build projects from the command line. Project team: what is it

For successful completion design work to implement a corporate data warehouse, to achieve the planned results on time and with the proper quality, it is necessary to form project team consisting of consultants of the Contractor and specialists of the Customer.

project team is a set of individuals ( project participants) involved in the execution of project work and responsible to the project manager for their implementation.

Entry into the project team of key specialists and TOP-managers of the Customer is one of the conditions for the successful achievement of the project goals.

Below is project team structure and brief description project roles.

An example of the formation of an implementation project team
corporate data warehouse

Below is a description of the project roles of the project team on the part of the Contractor.

Project roleDescription of the project role
Project curatorAs a rule, the senior manager who oversees the project provides overall control and support of the project with financial, material, human and other resources. The project sponsor is responsible for achieving the project's end goals and delivering benefits to the organization.
Project ManagerProject team leader responsible for managing the project, achieving project goals within budget, on time and with a given level of quality.
System ArchitectProvides workgroup management and quality control throughout all phases of the project. Forms the architecture and ideology of the data warehouse, assessment of the available technical capabilities, interconnections with related systems, project documentation.
Business analystProvides a two-way relationship between the subject experts (functional specialists) of the Customer and IT-specialists of the Contractor by collecting requirements, processing them, documenting and transferring them to the Contractor's specialists, as well as by bringing the results to the Customer's representatives.
data model specialistHe is a data model architect. Forms conceptual and logical data models. Participates in the formation of a physical data model.
DBAPerforms installation and configuration of DBMS. Directly involved in the development of a physical data model. Responsible for the development of database requirements, its design, implementation, optimization, maintenance and archiving, including management accounts database users and protection against unauthorized access.
Application AdministratorProvides installation and configuration of the application server and its components, development of additional applications. Provides differentiation of access rights at the application level.
ETL process developerPerforms installation and configuration of the ETL server. Provides setting up processes for extracting data from systems, converting them for storage in specified structures and with a specified quality, loading into a permanent storage area.
BI application developerProvides customization of data visualization tools (reports, queries, graphs) in the required and most effective form for the user.

Below is a description of the project roles of the project team on the part of the Customer.

The following employees may be involved in the project on the part of the Customer.

System AdministratorAn employee who ensures the regular operation of server equipment, system software, support and configuration of information security at the system software level.
Security AdministratorEmployee providing information security inside the IT infrastructure of the company and the differentiation of access rights to both IT resources and data.
Responsibilities may vary from organization to organization.
Network administratorEmployee in charge of work computer network in normal mode, security settings and its development.
Developers information systems Employees responsible for the development and maintenance of the Customer's information systems.

For successful and well-coordinated work on the project, project team members must have the appropriate qualifications.

The degree of responsibility of each member of the project team for the performance of a particular task on each of


As you know, the process of recruiting personnel for the implementation of any project is not an easy task, since errors in the selection of employees can lead to significant losses, high staff turnover, poor moral and psychological climate in the company's divisions, low labor and executive discipline, and other negative factors. . To achieve the optimal result of the work of employees, effective management and rational formation of the project team is of particular importance.

Relevance This work is determined by the desire of each project team to achieve its goals, while avoiding negative consequences. Therefore, each project team must be well formed, and team management must know effective ways to plan for staffing requirements and select suitable employees for the requirements put forward. It is necessary to have an idea of ​​what a project is in general, what is specific project that you are working on, know effective ways to plan for staffing requirements and select employees suitable for the requirements put forward.

object studies of this work are the systemic processes of team formation and management

Subject research is team building as a process and team management

aim of this work is the analysis of team building as a process at the stage of team formation and identification existing methods effective management project team.

To achieve the goal, the following tasks were set in the work:

1. Describe the main provisions of the project team

2. Consider existing ways project team formation

3. Identify and analyze modern technologies and methods for ensuring effective project team management

The theoretical base of the study were the works of Belbin R.M., Shepeleva L., Karpushin E.S., Volkov T.R., Gershanok G.A., Popov Yu.A. and other authors, as well as information from electronic sources.

The work used general scientific research methods, such as: analysis and synthesis of information, generalization and systematization.


The concept of a project team

AT recent times in management, project management and other areas of applied management theory organizational systems more and more attention is paid to the teamwork of the organization's personnel. The commands are widespread. On the one hand, already in the mid-1990s. more than 50% of American firms had "production" teams. On the other hand, teams exist in many areas of activity: the terms “project team”, “management team”, “creative team” have become familiar.

The project team is a team of specialists united to achieve common goals and solve the tasks assigned to them within life cycle project. Each specialist included in the team has a specific expertise and each performs certain functions.

There are two basic principles for building a project management team.

1. The leading project participants - the customer and the contractor (besides them, there may be other participants) create their own groups, which are headed by project managers, respectively, from the customer and the contractor. These managers report to a single project manager. Depending on the organizational form implementation of the project, the manager from the customer or from the contractor may be the leader of the entire project. The project manager in all cases has his own apparatus of employees who coordinate the activities of all project participants.

2. To manage the project, a single team led by the project leader. The team includes authorized representatives of all project participants to perform functions in accordance with the accepted distribution of areas of responsibility.

The project team management system includes organizational planning, project staffing, creation of a project team, and also performs the functions of control and motivation labor resources project for the efficient progress of work and completion of the project. The system is aimed at managing and coordinating the activities of the project team, using leadership styles, motivation methods, administrative methods, staff development at all phases of the project life cycle. team project management exhibition

A project team requires that its members have a combination of complementary skills that fall into three categories:

1. Technical and/or functional, i.e. professional, skills

2. Problem Solving and Decision Making Skills

3. Skills interpersonal communication(risk taking, useful criticism, active listening etc.).

With proper planning and team selection, complementarity is prerequisite affecting the success of the project.

There are three types of project teams:

1. Project team.

The main role of this group is to actively support the process of achieving the goals of the project. Participants are involved in the project from the very beginning and are interested in finding the resources required for the project.

2. Work/process team.

The role of this group is the performance of certain tasks or work. The joint solution of the tasks set during the implementation of the project allows you to create a highly effective group of specialists who can be included in projects at any stage.

3. Project management team.

The role of this group is to coordinate, monitor and control the implementation of project tasks. Results of execution of organizational and managerial functions This group allows you to follow the project strategy and implement strategic decisions.

Composition and structure of the project team

The project team is created for the period of project implementation and after its completion is dissolved. Obviously, the number of people in the team is determined by the amount of work provided by the project.

To manage any project for the period of its implementation, a specific temporary organizational structure is created, headed by the project manager.

In form, the project team reflects the existing organizational structure of project management, the division of functions, duties and responsibilities for decisions made in the process of its implementation. At the top level of the structure is the project manager, and at the bottom - performers, departments and specialists responsible for individual functional areas.

Basic strategic factor creation and activities of the project team - project implementation, which has a high degree of risk and is subject to constant changes. Therefore, a special characteristic of the project team is the entrepreneurial nature of its activities, aimed at solving semi-structured tasks and quickly responding to requirements. external environment and changing project conditions.

The process of team building is usually considered as the formation of a single, integral team of managers capable of effectively achieving the goals of the project. Team cooperation of personnel allows to increase the productivity of managerial work by 70-80%.

The project team is created by the project manager - the legal entity-customer. The task of the project manager when forming a team is to select team members who would provide:

1. Correspondence of the quantitative and qualitative composition of the team with the goals and requirements of the project;

2. Effective group work on project management;

3. Psychological compatibility of team members and the creation of an active stimulating "intra-project" culture;

4. Expanded intra-group communication and development of optimal group solutions to problems that arise during the implementation of the project.

The project manager appoints a project manager who manages the project, controls its main parameters and coordinates the activities of team members. The project manager, with the approval of the manager, determines the required number of specialists - team members, their qualifications, selects and hires employees.

The "backbone" of the team is made up of its permanent members - the developers of the project. They can attract specialists in areas of interest to them as assistants.

The project team consists of people, each of whom is assigned a specific role and responsibility for the implementation of the project. After assigning roles and responsibilities to project team members, they should take an active part in project planning and decision making. Involving team members early in the project allows their experience to be used in project planning and strengthens the team's commitment to achieving results. As the project progresses, the professional and numerical composition of the project team members may change. Project team members are also referred to as "project staff".

Teamwork is distinguished by the mandatory and regular cooperation of team members, a clear distribution of roles, and strict, documented coordination of actions.

The project management team is part of the project team; she is responsible for performing project management activities (eg, planning, control, and completion). This group may be referred to as the core, executive, or leadership team. On small projects, project management responsibilities may be shared among all team members or delegated directly to the project manager. The project sponsor works in liaison with the project management team and is usually involved in issues such as project funding, clarification of project scope, and other issues that affect performance and economic efficiency project.

Project human resource management processes include the following:

1. Planning human resources- defining and documenting roles, responsibilities and accountabilities, and creating a staffing management plan for the project.

2. Recruitment of the project team - attracting the human resources necessary to complete the project.

3. Development of the project team - improving the skills of the project team members and strengthening the interaction between them in order to increase the efficiency of project execution.

4. Project team management - monitoring the effectiveness of project team members, ensuring feedback, problem solving and coordination of changes aimed at improving the efficiency of project execution.

Everything is present in teamwork: exchange of experience, work, thoughts, feelings, excitement, happiness, tension, pleasure, emotions, doubts and success. All this increases the organization's ability to learn. For this reason, almost everything in the concept of a universal performance system is implemented through teamwork. To achieve effective cooperation, it is necessary to take into account all the components of teamwork.

When the project is changed, the project management structure is changed, certain stages of the project are completed, employees are replaced due to professional inconsistency with the invitation of temporary specialists and experts, and in other cases, the reorganization stage begins. The task of the manager at this stage is to organize the adaptation of new team members to the style and methods of relationships in the team, in the development of their professional role, defining responsibilities, etc.

Upon completion of individual stages and / or the entire project, individual departments and / or the entire team are disbanded, respectively. In this case, two options for further actions of the company's specialists are possible. In the first case, at the end of the project, employees return to their functional units of the organization. In the second case, if the project team was not formed from employees of this organization, the project manager is faced with the problem of further employment of workers who are unable to return to their previous place of work. The team leader is advised to pay attention to the further employment of specialists in professional field provide objective advice to members project team indicating their qualifications, knowledge, skills and work experience.

Having considered the concept of the structure and types of project teams, it is advisable to move on to considering the procedure for forming a project team.

Similar information.

According to the results of many surveys of project managers in Russia and abroad, up to 80% of success in project implementation is due to the well-coordinated work of the project team, which, in turn, is ensured by the correct distribution of roles among the participants. Many project managers focus on "technical" roles such as database designers, network specialists, user interface experts, and so on. All of these are important, but you also need to think about the “psychological” roles that one or more team members can play. This article discusses some of the most well-known approaches in this area.

At an enlarged level, the roles performed by project team members can be divided into 3 groups:

  • roles focused on the fulfillment of team tasks;
  • roles focused on creating / maintaining the work of the team;
  • individual roles (non-functional).

In order for the team to work effectively, the roles of the first and second groups are equally important. It is not enough to focus only on the implementation of project tasks, it is necessary that team members<работали>and to maintain the team as such. The roles of the third group are destructive in terms of team interaction. To define roles, you can use a role definition matrix, which is completed, for example, during a meeting or periodically as the project progresses.

Team Task-Oriented Roles

Identifies problems: Define the overall tasks of the group.

Looking for information: requests factual information about the tasks of the group or methods of their implementation, asks for clarifications regarding proposals.

Provides information: offers information for use in solving problems, clarifies sentences.

Looking for opinions: asks for opinions on an issue under discussion.

Expresses opinions: makes statements on the issues under discussion.

Validation checks: compares the proposed solutions with the real state of affairs.

Roles focused on creating / maintaining the work of a team

Coordinates: explains the statements and shows their relationship with other statements, analyzes the proposed options.

Harmonizes: settles disputes and disagreements, emphasizes the commonality of views.

Orients: helps the group to stick to the plan, detects deviations, suggests procedures to improve the efficiency of the group.

Supports-inspires: expresses approval of the proposals of other participants, demonstrates a warm and sensitive attitude towards them.

Accompanies: consistently moves through all stages together with the team, accepts other people's ideas, expresses agreement.

Individual roles (non-functional)

Blocks: interferes with the work of the group, causing disputes, providing unreasoned resistance and disagreement. Later returns to forgotten questions.

Avoiding work: dozing, doing other things, talking to others, etc.

Deviates from the topic: turns discussions into a personal conversation, breaks out into a long speech on a short issue, etc.

The classic approach to the distribution of roles between project team members was proposed by Dr. R.M. Belbin (R. Meredith Belbin). In every project team that strives to organize its work effectively, regardless of its size, the following 8 roles should be performed:

  • Chairman (chairman) - chooses the path along which the team moves forward to common goals ensuring the best use of its resources; able to detect strengths and weak sides team and ensure the maximum use of the potential of each team member. One might think that such a person is usually the official project manager; however, in self-managed teams, it can be anyone.
  • Designer (shaper) - Gives form to team actions, directs attention and attempts to frame group discussions and results joint activities. Such a person may have the official position of "architect" or "lead designer", but the main thing is that this role is "imaginary". In a hopeless project, it is especially important to have a single and clear idea of ​​the problem and its possible solution.
  • Idea generator (plant) - puts forward new ideas and strategies, paying special attention to the main problems the group faces. It seems to me that the name "provocateur" is more suitable for such a role - a person who is trying to introduce radical technologies in the team, to look for new solutions to technical problems.
  • Critic (monitor-evaluator) - analyzes problems from a pragmatic point of view, evaluates ideas and proposals so that the team can make balanced decisions. In most cases, such a person acts as a “skeptic”, balancing the optimistic suggestions of the designer and idea generator. The critic is well aware that new technologies don't always work, promises from vendors about the capabilities of new tools and languages ​​sometimes don't come true, and things can go wrong.
  • Working bee (company worker) – turns plans and concepts into practical working procedures, systematically and effectively fulfills the commitments made. In other words, while the decorator completes the large technological solutions, the idea generator proposes radical new solutions, and the critic is looking for flaws and flaws in these proposals, the worker bee is the person who works without attracting attention, and issues tons of code on the mountain. Obviously, any hopeless project needs at least a couple of these bees, but on their own they are not able to bring success to the project, because they do not have the necessary breadth of outlook.
  • Support team (team worker) – supports the strength of mind in the project participants, helps them in difficult situations, tries to improve relationships between them and generally helps to raise the team spirit. In other words, such a person performs the role of a “diplomat” in the team.
  • Miner (resource investigator) – discovers and communicates new ideas, developments and resources outside the project team, establishes external contacts that can be useful to the team, and conducts all subsequent negotiations. The team earner has many friends and connections in his organization through which to beg or borrow necessary resources. The main thing is that the earner loves his work.
  • Final (c completer) - maintains the team's perseverance in achieving the goal, actively seeks to find work that requires increased attention, and tries, as far as possible, to rid the team of errors associated with both activity and inactivity. Such a person plays a dominant role during system testing in the final phase of the project life cycle, but his role in earlier phases is also important. The team needs to be reminded from time to time (or better yet every day) that they are not making a career for themselves for life, but only participating in a project with tight deadlines and intermediate milestones that must be reached on time so as not to fail the project.

An interesting approach has been proposed by Rick Barrera, a member of PMI and a specialist in project management. He identifies 4 main categories of participants, different in type of behavior. These are leaders (directors), “universal friends” (socializers), “personal friends” (relators) and thinkers (thinkers).

Managers are highly motivated and focused on the success of the project. They are unlikely to agree to do some other business while there is unfinished work. "Universal Friends" collect information, communicate with colleagues. Only then do they begin to work. “Personal friends”, like “universal friends”, communicate with other team members, but they do it face to face. Thinkers prefer to do all the work alone, analyzing and making sense of information, announcing the results only after all the work is completed.

To achieve the best result in the selection of the project team, you should adhere to an equal ratio of performers in each category and avoid dominance of one of them. It should be assumed that the project manager wants to assemble a team of specialists who are close to themselves in spirit - the same impetuous, or vice versa reasonable, although in this case it will be difficult for the manager to organize the full-fledged work of the team. Formation corporate culture depends on the diversity of project team members, their interests and ambitions.

Each category has undeniable strengths, which under certain conditions can turn into their disadvantages. For example, managers are so eager to get the job done that they often present a work in progress. "Universal Friends" offer a large number of ideas, many of which are unrealistic. "Personal friends" often distance themselves, doing work away from others, thinkers are too closed.

To ensure effective teamwork, the project manager must identify all categories of participants in order to select the exact roles for each team member and make the working environment as comfortable as possible. After all, for example, if you forbid "universal friends" to communicate with other team members, they will not be able to present any results of the work. Otherwise, the work of such a team member can be very productive. Having achieved this, the manager can count on greater efficiency in the work of his team. At the same time, he himself must possess the qualities of each group, understand the motivation of his employees and have a promising vision for the development of the project team.

In addition, the manager must be able to anticipate stressful situations when the behavior of all team members changes. In such a situation, thinkers can get lost, leaders, on the contrary, are able to show excellent results. If the manager has a forward-looking vision, he can easily respond to all project changes, especially now, in conditions of strong competition, with a constant change of customers and changing technologies.

At the end of the article, we present comparative analysis considered approaches to the distribution of roles in teams.

Tasks - Team
by Dr. Belbin
by R. Barrera
Task Oriented Roles Chairman
Idea's generator
working bee
Support-oriented roles Support team Everyone's friend
personal friend
Non-functional roles

The activity of the project manager is aimed at extracting the maximum benefit from the activities of their employees. At the same time, any pressure should be avoided so that the strengths of the team members can be revealed to the maximum extent and do not turn into weaknesses of the team, as well as develop team spirit and effective communication skills.

1. project team(CP) - the organizational structure of the project created for the period of the project or one of the phases of its life cycle. The task of the project team management is to develop policy and approve the project strategy to achieve its goals. The project team consists of persons representing the interests of various project participants.

2. Project management team(PMC) - the organizational structure of the project, which includes those members of the CP who are directly involved in project management, including representatives of some project participants and technical staff. In relatively small projects, the PMC may include almost all members of the PC. The task of the PMC is to perform all management functions and work in the project during its implementation.

3. Project management team(KMP) - the organizational structure of the project, headed by the manager (chief manager) of the project and created for the period of the project or its life phase. The project management team includes individuals directly performing managerial and other project management functions. The main tasks of the project management team are the implementation of the project policy and strategy, the implementation strategic decisions and implementation of tactical (situational) management.

The classification of project teams depending on the purpose of the project teams, the forms of their existence and the content of the work is given in Table 6.7.

Table 6.7 - Examples of classification of project teams

Types of Teams: KP - project team; UK - management team (group).

Questions for self-control

1. Specify the main aspects of team building.

2. Explain the concept of "group dynamics".

3. Describe the stages of development of the project team.

4. Specify and explain the types of project teams.

5. Indicate the main provisions for the creation and formation of a project team.

In this article, we will consider what kind of people need to be combined into a project team so that the project has every chance of successful completion.

Project execution is a team activity. The project team unites persons interested in achieving the project result. They are actively involved in the project and it affects their interests.

Let's take a closer look at the members of the project team.

Project customer(sometimes, but not always, he is also a user) - this is the person who will benefit from the result of the project.

Sponsor is the person who provides the project with comprehensive support. It can be finance or any other resources. It can also help with organization and administration.

Project office is a unit that may simply provide project management support or be directly responsible for the execution of projects.

Project Manager(well, that's understandable) - this is the person who is directly responsible for managing the project.

Project team is a group of people who carry out project work.

Suppliers- this is external organizations who carry out the supply of resources, provide the services necessary to achieve the results of the project.

As previously discussed, it is essential that the project is managed in a way that takes into account the expectations and interests of key stakeholders. If they contradict each other, a compromise must be found.

It is also usually worth separating external and internal projects in terms of the characteristics of the project team, stakeholders and their roles.

External projects- this is when the customer of the project is not your organization.

Thus, the Project Owner determines the objectives of the project and subsequently accepts the result. The sponsor is needed to resolve disputes that are beyond the competence of the project manager. At the same time, it is important to understand that the customer, sponsor and project manager are different people, and not one person combining these roles.

Note that customer and user are different roles. The customer sets goals and can accept the result. And the user will work with this result. If suddenly these roles are combined, it is necessary to evaluate the result from the point of view of the customer and the user, without mixing them.

It is also undesirable for the customer to combine the role of a sponsor. This often happens when performing internal projects, when the project is carried out within the organization and for an internal Customer. But in any case, it will be better if the Customer and the Sponsor are different persons.

Often the progress of a project in an organization depends on organizational structure organizations.
For example, in functional structure projects are usually implemented within the framework of functional unit. And if you need to attract an employee from another department, then you need to negotiate with the head of the department to which the employee belongs.

In this case, there are significant disadvantages associated with the fact that the project manager may not have enough authority, and communication may be difficult. There may be problems with coordination between departments and, control over the execution of the project is limited.

But there is also positive sides– for example, employees, working on different projects and in different teams, have the opportunity to improve their skills and gain new ones. Yet managing a project in an organization with a functional structure is difficult.

AT organizations with project structure each division is actually a project team created for a specific project. It includes various specialists, and they are all their time engaged in this project. Thus, the project structure is a feature of project-oriented companies and is appropriate for large and important projects.

However, it also has its pros and cons. Main advantages: best conditions for effective project management, the project manager has great powers, the project executors are fully involved in the project.

Of the minuses - at the end of the project, the team should be disbanded, and what the performers should do is not very clear. It is also possible to reduce professional level specialists due to the fact that they, being appointed to perform certain works within the framework of this project, do not receive new knowledge. In addition, there may be a problem of underloading resources during the project.

For most companies, the optimal compromise between functional and project structure is matrix structure. In which the main drawback is that each performer has two bosses: the project manager and his line manager, because of which conflicts are possible when clarifying the sequence and priorities of the work performed by the employee, which is aggravated by the limited powers of the project manager.