What does a military meteorologist do. Special purpose meteorology

As part of this specialty, students study such subjects as climatology, meteorology, hydrology, the basics of soil science, geography, topography and much more. Teaching the theoretical foundations takes place in direct connection with the application of knowledge in practice. Students conduct research in the field, go on expeditions, learn to work at meteorological stations and in laboratories. Those who wish to study in this direction should not have chronic diseases, which could prevent his participation in expeditions, since they are an important part of the work of a meteorologist and allow him to acquire great experience.
The salary of a meteorologist depends on where he gets a job. In state institutions and small private companies, wages will not be very large, but if he can realize himself in navigation, aviation or large construction companies, you can secure a good income. In addition, such specialists are also in demand in agriculture and military affairs.

A meteorologist is one of the rarest and most romantic professions. After all, its representatives are indispensable participants in various expeditions, spend winters at polar stations. Most often they work in sparsely populated areas, on board liners, ships, aircraft, etc. Representatives of this profession can be in places that are inaccessible to mere mortals. However, in reality, this work is not as romantic and easy as it may seem at first glance to a naive graduate or an adult who wants to get a new qualification. What are its features? And what does it mean to be a meteorologist?


In short, a meteorologist is a specialist who studies weather phenomena. This work, although it is very popular, still does not belong to the category of highly paid. The duties of representatives of this profession are to monitor the changes that occur in the atmosphere. In the course of their work, meteorologists use various technical instruments, and also receive additional information from space satellites.

A meteorologist is someone who, based on available data, makes weather forecasts for various periods of time, and also calculates the time of natural disasters. Observations are carried out at different times of the day - the working day of representatives of this profession cannot be called normalized. In the case when the weather station is located far from a village or city, meteorologists work in shifts. In addition, a meteorologist is a specialist who studies the environment. The data that forecasters receive in the course of their work is important for a variety of fields of activity: aviation, construction, shipping, and agriculture.

Required qualities

In order to successfully fulfill their duties, a representative of this profession must possess several important qualities:

  • the ability to think analytically;
  • penchant for the natural sciences;
  • attentiveness and erudition;
  • excellent memory;
  • the ability to concentrate for a long time;
  • good health and stamina.

How to get a profession?

To get the profession of a meteorologist, you need to graduate from a university specializing in this profile. For example, such educational institution is in the Russian State Hydrometeorological University. But in addition to specialized universities, this specialty is taught in any educational institution where there is a department of geography. Anyone who wants to devote his life to this profession needs to get an education in one of the following areas:

  • geography;
  • applied hydrometeorology;
  • cartography and geoinformatics.

Features of work

One of the main personal qualities that every representative of this profession should possess - objectivity. A meteorologist is one who, in most cases, makes observations alone. The data received by him cannot be verified or corrected in the future. Therefore, objectivity should become the main principle in the work of every meteorologist - both in the process of observations and during the processing of records.

Another feature of such work is the constant concentration on the changes taking place in nature. Few people know that meteorologists' forecasts are made for a long time - an employee must watch the weather for hours without the opportunity to be distracted at least for a while and do something else.

However, it is difficult to find such an international profession. After all, monitoring the constantly changing atmosphere is impossible without international cooperation. Natural phenomena occur regardless of state borders, and data exchange takes place on the territory of the entire planet. The results of the meteorologist's observations must be compared using a system of measures that is uniform for the whole world, one for all states of the observation methodology.

The weather is never constant, and its changes are subject to complex patterns. No matter how calm the sky above may seem, changes can collapse at any moment. A meteorologist never works with the same situation, because they are so diverse that no one has compiled two identical weather maps. Another interesting feature of the work of meteorologists is that they have colleagues all over the globe. As a rule, representatives of this profession, regardless of citizenship and nationality, easily find a common language with each other.

A huge variety of materials, as well as an abundance of digital data obtained, is another feature of this profession. Meteorologists cannot do without the use of various digital equipment, as well as techniques mathematical statistics. As you know, representatives of this field need good engineering and mathematical training. About a quarter of the total study time in universities at the Faculty of Meteorology is occupied by physical and mathematical disciplines.

Other destinations

Meteorologist's Day is celebrated around the world on March 23rd. But it is celebrated not only by meteorologists themselves, but also by representatives of some related professions directly related to meteorology. For example, the professions of a meteorologist-technician and aerologist-technician are gaining more and more popularity.

A meteorological technician may have various labor obligations, depending on which station he works at. For example, he can perform atmospheric observations, maintain and repair equipment, compile tables for observations, process materials received by a meteorologist, and finalize data for facilities. mass media and other consumers.

Aerological technicians work mainly with instruments for sounding and studying different layers of the atmosphere. They measure temperature, air humidity, atmospheric pressure.

I. KOROTCHENKO: In the studio, the head of the hydrometeorological service of the Armed Forces Russian Federation Colonel Vladimir Viktorovich Udrish. Hello!

V. UDRISH: Good afternoon!

I. KOROTCHENKO: First of all, I would like you to tell our listeners what the hydrometeorological service of the Russian Armed Forces is doing today, what is its significance for the army and navy.

V. UDRISH: First of all, I will tell you about the history of the creation of the hydrometeorological service of the armed forces. Initially, it is connected with the history of the Russian army during the First World War. In September 1914, at the initiative of the director of the Main Physical Observatory, Prince Boris Borisovich Golitsyn, telegrams were regularly sent to the headquarters of the fronts with a daily weather forecast for the combat areas of the Russian army.

At that time, Russian aviation was just becoming, and it was necessary to know exactly the meteorological situation in order to successfully ensure flights. In December 1914, the Supreme Commander-in-Chief Grand Duke Nikolai Nikolayevich decided to form a squadron of airships "Ilya Muromets". Major General Shidlovsky was appointed commander of the squadron. The staff of the squadron also provided for the creation of a central weather station.

In January 1915, Rykachev Mikhail Mikhailovich was appointed head of the station. The detachments of the weather station were equipped mainly with meteorological barometers, barographs, weather vanes, a set of pilot balloon observations, psychrometers and thermometers.

This is the small equipment with which Russian military meteorologists provided the first aviation flights. In the future, the first flight was provided for the first time. On February 21, 1915, aerial reconnaissance of the Wellenberg railway station was carried out.

This was a significant event, after which regular use began. Measures were taken to provide meteorological support for balloons and aerial reconnaissance. In October 1915, seeing the need systems approach, Prince Golitsyn invites the General Staff to consider a proposal to create a military meteorological service.

On December 10, 1915, this note was considered at the military council, and on December 22, 1915, the Regulations on the Main Directorate of the Military Meteorological Service were approved by the Emperor. Just this date became the starting point for the creation of the governing body of the hydrometeorological service of the armed forces. Initially, this structure consisted of three departments: the department of weather predictions, the department of scientific research and instrumentation.

In addition, there were groups of inspectors on each front, which made it possible to ensure high-quality meteorological support. In 1915, when chemical weapons were used for the first time by the German army on the western and eastern fronts, a new development of the hydrometeorological service began. In addition to aviation, it was necessary to prepare initial data for forecasting estimates of wind speed, direction, and temperature.

Many parameters were taken into account in order to protect troops from weapons of mass destruction. In 1918, Naval Safety Directorates were established in all fleets. Under them, marine observatories were created, which included hydrometeorological stations. Naval observatories were led by famous meteorologists.

I. KOROTCHENKO: The story is clear. Of course, all this is connected with the origin and development of Russian aviation. Accordingly, the hydrometeorological service developed in parallel. How does your unit look like today? What do you do in the military?

V. UDRISH: Currently, the hydrometeorological service and its subordinate units are directly involved in all activities of operational, combat training, in the performance of combat training tasks, in ensuring daily life, as well as in activities for the development of the Arctic region.

I. KOROTCHENKO: Today, is the weather forecasting factor still of significant importance for the activities of aviation and the military component of our Aerospace Forces?

V. UDRISH: The peculiarity of the military hydrometeorological service is that when solving problems, it is very important to provide accurate information promptly, because the fulfillment of strategic operational tasks depends on it.

I. KOROTCHENKO: Could you explain in a popular way how the weather forecast works? For example, we have a task - to ensure the flight of strategic bombers directly into the zone of combat patrols. It is clear that often this is half the globe. Plus, it is necessary to give a forecast regarding the possibility of refueling. How does this happen?

V. UDRISH: First of all, all the meteorological units of the armed forces are on duty around the clock. In terms of territory, we cover almost the entire globe.

I. KOROTCHENKO: In what sense do you cover? Is there information?

V. UDRISH: The information obtained with the help of geoinformation systems enters the subdivision, and an analysis is carried out for those areas in which it is necessary to know the weather situation.

I. KOROTCHENKO: How accurate is this forecast? There is no time for jokes, since we are talking about the security of the state.

V. UDRISH: In most departments, we have a level of weather forecasts of 85-90%. I would like to note that the difference from civilian meteorologists is that in our forecasts, a study is carried out in more detail more parameters, as it is necessary for the safety of aviation and navigation flights.

I. KOROTCHENKO: Do you work directly to issue meteorological forecasts for the Air Force, and today for the Aerospace Forces, or for other branches of the military as well?

V. UDRISH: Every day, our duty services bring weather forecasts, storm warnings to almost all military units, formations and associations of the armed forces in order to ensure that the meteorological situation is taken into account, the use of aviation, fleet and everyday life.

I. KOROTCHENKO: Often, our ship groups perform tasks far from their native shores. We have established a permanent naval grouping in the Mediterranean. Our warships carry out ocean voyages, in particular, there was combat duty in the Horn of Africa to fight pirates. How are weather issues handled here?

V. UDRISH: Meteorological parameters are measured directly on each ship. These data are sent to the hydrometeorological center of the fleet, which provides this trip, and further information is brought to the ship about where the working conditions are, where it is safe to make transitions, where the ship needs to take shelter in a storm.

The navy has adopted a system of storm readiness. Crew commanders and commanders of coastal troops are informed in the event of a storm approaching the deployment area, and all officials take measures to ensure the safety of the task.

I. KOROTCHENKO: Let me ask this question, it may be philistine, but, oddly enough, it worries a wide range of citizens. Often, a number of anomalous natural conditions are interpreted as the possibility of someone using climate weapons. In your opinion, the opinion of a practical officer, is climate weapons a myth? Or in the future, artificial weather modeling can be used for military purposes?

V. UDRISH: The International Meteorological Congress was recently held, and just this congress gave an assessment of such a possibility. At the global level, what has been approved is that of active influences on local scales. We have a service for hail, ensuring avalanche danger, which was exactly what happened during the Olympic Games, when warning avalanche launches were carried out.

So, world experience shows that the impact of a global nature is impossible, since it requires very large energies and costs. Therefore, for local impacts, as we do during air parades, displays of equipment, Roshydromet conducts cloud dissipation. But even this requires a lot of data, a lot of costs. On a mass, global scale, this is impossible.

I. KOROTCHENKO: That is, it is impossible to simulate catastrophic weather processes, such as a hurricane, a tornado, an abnormal drought, or tropical rains that last for days, at the current level of development of science and technology?

V. UDRISH: Mankind strives for this forecast, but so far it is necessary to improve the system of modeling and visualization. You need to have information on almost all altitudes, you need to know the physics of these processes. So far, these questions are unreachable.

I. KOROTCHENKO: And what are the advantages of the new systems and means that are being introduced into the hydrometeorological units of the armed forces? What is the dynamics of income?

V. UDRISH: The advantage over the old models is, first of all, that we are moving to a new base. There are still outdated samples, for example, mercury barometers, without which aviation cannot provide landing aircraft. There is such a thing as a "baric stage". This is approximately 8 meters, that is, the meteorologist's error in measuring 1 millimeter of mercury, and the ship is either above the strip or below.

I. KOROTCHENKO: I see. What is this new equipment?

V. UDRISH: These are new electronic temperature sensors based on thermistors. If we talk about pressure devices, then based on quartz and its properties, they change their conductivity under pressure. Therefore, such technologies are being introduced that allow the measuring base to immediately digitize, analyze and output the values ​​of this parameter to the dispatcher console.

I. KOROTCHENKO: Tell me, do military hydrometeorologists somehow interact with civilians? And if so, in what directions?

V. UDRISH: Earlier, during the years of the Great Patriotic War it was a single service. On July 15, 1941, Georgy Konstantinovich Zhukov issued an order to establish the main department of the hydrometeorological service. After the Great Patriotic War, the hydrometeorological service of the armed forces remained in a small number and Roshydromet, our elder brother, was created.

Therefore, we use all the technologies of the methodology, data, mainly from Roshydromet, and where it is necessary to carry out meteorological observations, measurements, calculations, all this is done by military hydrometeorologists.

I. KOROTCHENKO: Does the computer make weather forecasts? Or do people make some adjustments?

V. UDRISH: Basically, the forecast of military hydrometeorologists is based on calculations performed by computers, but the final information product, such as the weather forecast that is issued to the leadership, is, of course, the result of the work of hundreds of thousands of people. Using their experience, knowledge of climatic characteristics, knowledge of local features of the development of one or another atmospheric process is taken into account when issuing certain recommendations that are used by commanders.

I. KOROTCHENKO: And where are specialists, officers for your units currently being trained? What are the requirements for graduates?

V. UDRISH: Speaking geographically, territorially, these are two cities: Voronezh and St. Petersburg. In Voronezh, in our military training scientific center The first faculty of the Air Force Academy is hydrometeorological. It consists of three departments and trains the bulk of weather forecasters, who later provide the Air Force, the Aerospace Forces.

In St. Petersburg within the walls of the Military Space Academy. Mozhaisky there is the 52nd department, the department of technologies and means of geophysical support. In addition, there is a department of military training at the Russian State Hydrometeorological University. This is mainly the training of reserve officers.

I. KOROTCHENKO: A question about the Arctic. Today we are actively expanding our military capabilities, but the Arctic is a very specific region. Just there, without weather forecasts, it is virtually impossible to conduct not only combat activities, but simply simply survive. What are the specifics of hydrometeorological support in the Arctic region?

V. UDRISH: The specificity is primarily due to the fact that in the Arctic region, as a rule, there are few settlements, there are few stations, but at the moment both Roshydromet and the hydrometeorological service of the RF Armed Forces are making every effort to ensure that the illumination of this region, from the point of view of hydrometeorology, is such that it will ensure safe activities in the Arctic.

I. KOROTCHENKO: Does this imply the expansion of the observation zone, posts, specialists?

V. UDRISH: Yes, these are new forecasting methods, these are new technologies, because if one parameter is needed in a temperate climate, then in the Arctic it is necessary to take into account the processes of ice formation, ice melting, movement, flow, drift of ice fields so that they do not cause damage ships and vessels of the Navy.

I. KOROTCHENKO: Did you participate in the Army 2015 forum?

V. UDRISH: Yes, the hydrometeorological service held three round tables, just one round table was dedicated to the Arctic, called "Arctic. Man and element. Hydrometeorological aspects of activity in the Arctic region”. Second roundtable on technical means, the third round table was “Space and hydrometeorology. Myths, Reality and Prospects.

I. KOROTCHENKO: In recent years, unfortunately, the number of emergencies natural character. For example, the situation in the Far East with floods, fires. What part does your service take in solving problems of prevention and liquidation of emergency situations?

V. UDRISH: We take a very active part. This is manifested in the fact that, around the clock, meteorological officers prepare all the necessary information for groups that are intended to eliminate the consequences of emergency situations. This is when you already know what will happen.

But meteorologists also, on the basis of their analysis, use the storm warning system to control and calculate. And when a picture is observed with a forecast of a dangerous phenomenon, especially a natural one, a storm warning is immediately issued, which is communicated to the military authorities, which are aimed at eliminating the consequences of emergency situations.

I. KOROTCHENKO: A military group has now been created in the South Kuriles. The area is seismic, therefore there is a danger of a tsunami. Is this issue being tracked by you?

V. UDRISH: Yes, of course. There are large, small and medium aftershocks every day around the globe, and this information comes from Russian Academy Sciences, and in the future it is brought to the management.

I. KOROTCHENKO: Thank you. Our guest was the head of the hydrometeorological service of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, Colonel Vladimir Viktorovich Udrish. Thank you.

V. UDRISH: Thank you.

Predicting the weather is a thankless task. The heavenly office is too unpredictable and sometimes capricious. Nevertheless, weather forecasters have a special responsibility: their mistakes can not only upset or disappoint many, but sometimes lead to fatal consequences. World experience suggests that it is possible to achieve the required accuracy. First of all, thanks to modern technology - radiosondes, satellites, an extensive network of locators and weather stations. However, the military, for whom a “sudden” downpour or an unexpected gusty wind can seriously backfire, are ready to argue: the main thing, they say, is the skills of specialists. They explain their principle of operation as follows: “In forecasts, we do not use the words “rain is possible” or “no significant precipitation.” We are obliged to give more specific information: what is the probability of this or that weather phenomenon in this or that period of time. It is not without reason that this service has - structural unit Air Force and Air Defense Troops - our Hydromet was recently advised to study by the President. How do they manage to give information by the clock for three days and never make a mistake, the SB correspondents found out.

To make a decision whether to take an umbrella with you or not, to put on an autumn coat or a windbreaker, we, the townsfolk, just need to look at the Internet: there are a lot of sites that talk about the weather on the World Wide Web. Military meteorologists make a reservation: far from everyone is worth trusting (figuratively speaking, there is no “correction for the wind” in computer analysis: different numerical models can differently see the development of certain natural phenomena), although the information is very useful and there is enough for them. Radar readings, for example. However, most of the data is still taken from Belhydromet. At the same time, they are guided by their own professional arsenal. An experienced weather forecaster will probably not find anything extraordinary in the available equipment. Hidden in a small white "house" are two thermometers, a psychrometer for measuring humidity, a weather vane on the roof, a cloud height gauge (at the base in Baranovichi there is also a radar, thanks to which you can see the movement of clouds, thunderstorm formations, possible precipitation) - everything is like everyone else .

“Now the issue of using new meteorological equipment, created at the Belarusian enterprise Peleng, is being decided,” the head of the meteorological service of the main headquarters of the Air Force and Air Defense Forces, Lieutenant Colonel Vadim Konopelko, shares his plans.

Roman Lazovoy and Vadim Konopelko are the faces of military meteorology.

New equipment will certainly make the job easier. However, the main thing is not to get bare data, but to correctly interpret them. "See the forest for the trees." After all, the inconstancy of the heavenly office is a very predictable factor. Military meteorologists say: agriculture, say, no matter how low the cloudiness, as well as visibility. Aviators also need to know almost all the weather nuances. And often with a layout by the hour. Textbooks on mathematics, geography and physics of natural phenomena - to help.

Any computerized weather analysis must have a manual "wind correction".

Roman Lazovoy, head of the meteorological service of the 50th mixed air base, introduces us to the course of natural aviation realities:

Flight safety is affected by various weather factors. You can take off in any weather conditions, but for landing at our or alternate airfield, the weather must be appropriate. Thunderstorm, rainfall, fog, low cloud cover - not Better conditions for a flight shift. A weighty reason for refusal is heat. The increased temperature background affects the state of technology. So when the temperature exceeds plus 30, flights are definitely cancelled. The airfield, meanwhile, is different for the airfield. For example, if there is a clear sky in Baranovichi, there may be fog in Machulishchi. The point is this. Air masses are constantly moving across the globe. In our country, mainly - from west to east. As soon as the air mass crosses the Neman in the Stolbtsy region, it absorbs moisture from the river: cloudiness develops. Meteorological observations are carried out around the clock, the forecast is constantly being adjusted. The material is piling up. An aviation-climatic description of the aerodrome is compiled every five years. And this is also the most important factor. After all, many processes can be explained from the people's point of view. If a person serves in the same place for a long time, he can simply predict the possibility of the occurrence of natural phenomena, based on his experience.

Forecaster on duty Sergei Kostyuk: the accuracy of the forecast is affected not only by equipment, but also by the skills of specialists.


Igor Golub, Commander of the Air Force and Air Defense Forces of the Armed Forces:

Forecast accuracy is of great importance not only for the Air Force, but also for artillery. The actions of these military branches largely depend on the meteorological situation and the completeness of the measurement of the necessary parameters. It is according to the information provided by meteorologists that we determine which crews to send on a mission and from which airfields, at what flight levels, at what time of the day, where to bypass a dangerous weather phenomenon, whether icing of an aircraft is possible. Among other things, we also carry out aerial reconnaissance of the weather - for this, a combat training aircraft with two experienced pilots in the cockpit is sent into the sky, who visually assess the state of the atmosphere.

During the recent Zapad-2017 exercise, accurate weather forecasting was very important.
Belt photo


In total, there are about thirty military meteorologists in the Air Force and Air Defense Forces. Most of them are graduates of the hydrometeorological faculty of the Voronezh Higher Military Aviation Engineering School, from where, by the way, in the Soviet years, the most prepared graduates of an educational institution with a red diploma were sent to our country (the Belarusian military district was considered one of the most prestigious for service).


Aviation of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, the State Border Committee, DOSAAF, as well as civilian airfields are now cooperating with military weather forecasters.

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    “Man would have nothing left to ask God, so that people would learn to predict the weather correctly”
    M.V. Lomonosov

    Training of military meteorologists was carried out: from 1950 to 1956 at the Serpukhov Military Aviation Technical School of Special Services; from 1956 to 1960 at the Chelyabinsk Military Communications School for Long-Range Aviation; from 1962 to 1963 at the meteorological cycle of the Michurinsk Military Aviation Technical School. From 1963 to the present, the training of specialists of the meteorological service for the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation has been carried out in the city of Voronezh. In 1975, on the basis of the meteorological cycle, the meteorological faculty was formed. In July 2001, due to a change in the staff structure, the meteorological faculty was renamed hydrometeorological. Since 2016, the faculty has been training specialists in the specialty "Metrology and metrological support of weapons and military equipment". The faculty gave a start in life to many future generals of whom the academy is proud: Colonel-General Sergey Ivanovich Grigorov (graduate of 1967), Lieutenant-General Petr Nikolaevich Ukraintsev (graduate of 1969), Major General Alexei Fedorovich Polyakov (graduate of 1967), Major General Anton Antonovich Goretsky (graduate of 1969). Two graduates were awarded the high title of Hero of the Russian Federation: Colonel General Sergei Grigorov and Senior Lieutenant Vyacheslav Shibilkin.

    The 1st hydrometeorological faculty was created on the basis of the meteorological cycle of the Voronezh Military Aviation Technical School in September 1975.

    The faculty carries out scientific activities in the direction of improving the efficiency and quality of hydrometeorological, environmental and metrological support for combat operations of the troops and is focused on the use of mathematical methods and computer science for meteorological support of aviation. The faculty studies the most complex disciplines from a mathematical point of view: Aerohydromechanics, Fluid and Gas Mechanics, Dynamic Meteorology, Theoretical basis modeling of atmospheric processes”, “Hydrodynamic forecasting methods”.

    The main scientific directions of the faculty are: modeling of atmospheric processes; optimal use of meteorological information; automated processing of meteorological information.

    Education under the programs of the specialist in the military specialty "Metrological support of weapons and military equipment" for graduates with full military special training is carried out at the department of metrology and metrological support of weapons and military equipment, which was formed at the direction of the NSS No. 314/10/5510 dated 11/30/2015 of the year.

    Scientific potential of the faculty:

    • doctor of sciences - 3;
    • PhD - 18;
    • professor - 2;
    • associate professor - 12.

    Currently, the Faculty of Hydrometeorology trains engineers with higher military special education in two specialties: special-purpose meteorology, the use and operation of special monitoring tools and systems, as well as metrology and metrological support of weapons and military equipment.

    Specialty: Meteorology for special purposes.

    Qualification: engineer.

    The military meteorologist provides command and flight personnel with all types of hydrometeorological and geophysical information for the effective use of aviation and ensuring flight safety. The main tasks solved by the relevant specialists of the faculty are related to improving the efficiency of hydrometeorological support for troops (forces) and the processes of recognizing natural and man-made objects by means and systems of aerospace monitoring. An important place is occupied by the issues of increasing the adequacy of prognostic hydrometeorological models and models to support the adoption of meteorological decisions.

    Military meteorologists are widely erudite specialists with a fundamental scientific base, mastering the methodology and methods of scientific creativity, modern geoinformation technologies, methods for obtaining, processing and analyzing hydrometeorological and geophysical information.

    A graduate of the meteorological specialty is intended to serve in officer positions in the meteorological units of the Aerospace Forces, other types and branches of the RF Armed Forces, ministries and departments of the Russian Federation, which have weather-dependent military formations in their composition.

    Specialty: Metrology and metrological support of weapons and military equipment.
    Qualification: engineer-metrologist.

    Region professional activity specialists in the field of training Metrology and metrological support of weapons and military equipment includes the following areas: organization and management of metrological support of weapons and military equipment in the field of defense and security of the Russian Federation; organization of measures to maintain the uniformity of measurements, high quality and safety of work on the metrological maintenance of weapons and military equipment, high economic efficiency based modern methods quality management in compliance with the requirements of operation and safety; development and improvement of measuring instruments for military purposes, carrying out research and development work in the field of metrological support for defense; development and application of metrological rules, regulations and standards, implementation of metrological supervision, carrying out metrological examination, military metrological support for the development, production and testing of weapons and military equipment.

    A graduate of the specialty is appointed in the metrological military units and subdivisions to the following positions: head of the department of the metrological support center; head of the group, researcher of scientific metrological centers; head of the laboratory of measuring equipment, head of a group (department) and in positions equal to them.

    A specialist metrologist is also in demand in civilian life in the production, testing and control of civilian products manufactured by industrial enterprises.

    Faculty today

    The term of study in both specialties is 5 years.

    As part of the additional vocational education The faculty carries out higher military operational-tactical training, retraining and advanced training of officers.

    The structure of the faculty includes: management, three departments (theoretical hydrometeorology, hydrometeorological support and metrological support of weapons and military equipment), an educational meteorological laboratory, cadet units.

    The faculty has established close ties with leading universities, research and production and industry organizations, including the Scientific Research Institute of Precision Instruments, the Russian State Hydrometeorological University, the Vega Concern, the Central Research Institute of Radio Engineering named after Academician A.I. Berg, Moscow state university, Central Design Bureau of Apparatus Engineering, Samara State Aerospace University. Academician S.P. Koroleva, "NPO" Typhoon "and others. Over the years, the faculty has trained more than 4,000 qualified military engineers.

    The permanent and variable composition of the faculty actively participates in the activities of the military scientific society of the academy, in experimental design and research work assigned by the Military Scientific Committee of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation and the Hydrometeorological Service, in international and all-Russian scientific and practical conferences, in exhibitions and salons of scientific -technical creativity "Archimedes", "Expopriority", "Interpolitech", " High tech”, as well as in the international annual military-technical forum “Army” and takes prizes. Officers and cadets of the faculty have repeatedly become laureates of the scholarship of the President of the Russian Federation, the Government of the Russian Federation, the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation. Currently, scientific research at the faculty is aimed at further improving the adequacy of hydrometeorological models, the effectiveness of their application, the development of proposals for improving the system of meteorological support for unmanned aircraft. The corresponding direction is being implemented within the framework of the scientific school “Optimization of hydrometeorological support of the RF Armed Forces, improvement of the system for receiving, processing and analyzing hydrometeorological information and aerospace reconnaissance data”.

    Currently, the faculty employs 5 doctors of science and 32 candidates of science. 3 doctoral and 14 master's theses were defended at the faculty. Almost the entire teaching staff has academic degrees and titles.

    Educational work

    Deputy Head of the Faculty for Military-Political Work
    Lieutenant Colonel Alfimov Andrey Gennadievich

    Educational work at the faculty is aimed at forming among the personnel of the state-patriotic consciousness, loyalty to Russia, constitutional duty, pride in belonging to the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation; discipline and diligence, a sense of military duty, honor and dignity; professionally important qualities required by military personnel; industriousness, a conscientious attitude to study and service, the desire to master the specialty to perfection; common culture and high moral qualities. The social activities of the faculty are aimed at perpetuating the memory of heroes, caring for military graves, conducting patronage work in general. educational institutions, participation in the KVN team.

    Educational and material base

    For the successful provision of the educational process, the faculty has the necessary educational material and technical base, located in two campuses.

    The faculty has a parking lot for meteorological equipment and a meteorological radar MRL-5. To ensure the educational process, the following are used: equipped computer classes, geographic information systems, electronic training and control programs, electronic textbooks, televisions, interactive whiteboards, multimedia installations, document cameras.

    Throughout the history of the faculty, special attention has been paid to the development and improvement of the educational and material base. Work in this direction is being planned and systematic. Civilian personnel, officers and cadets with soul and enthusiasm, sometimes regardless of personal time, have done and are doing everything to ensure that the educational and material base of the faculty is one of the best in the academy.

    O high quality The training of graduates of the faculty is evidenced by reviews from the places of service.

    Colonel Malyar Andrey Anatolievich, candidate of geographical sciences, associate professor. Born December 30, 1970 in Brzeg (Poland).

    In August 1988 he entered the Voronezh Higher Military Aviation Engineering School, from which he graduated in June 1993.

    From August 1993 to December 1997 he served as a meteorological group engineer. In December 1997, he entered the full-time postgraduate course of the Voronezh VAIU, which he successfully completed in 2000. After graduating from postgraduate studies, until November 2013, he held teaching positions: teacher of the 12th department of technical hydrometeorological means of the All-Russian Aviation Institute (Voronezh), then associate professor of the 12th department of technical hydrometeorological means and means of aerial reconnaissance of the All-Union Aviation Institute (Voronezh). From November 2013 to November 2016, he served as Deputy Head of the 1st Faculty of Hydrometeorology - Head of the Training Department of the Military Educational and Scientific Center Air force“Air Force Academy named after Professor N.E. Zhukovsky and Yu.A. Gagarin" (Voronezh). From November 2016 to the present, he is the head of the 1st faculty of the Hydrometeorological Military Educational and Scientific Center of the Air Force “Air Force Academy named after Professor N.E. Zhukovsky and Yu.A. Gagarin" (Voronezh).

  • For the successful provision of the educational process, the faculty has the necessary educational material and technical base, located in two campuses.

    In the educational buildings there are 13 modern audiences for lectures and practical classes, as well as other educational and educational support facilities equipped with information and computer technology, laboratory equipment and installations.

    The faculty has a parking lot for meteorological equipment and a meteorological radar MRL-5.

    To ensure the educational process, the following are used: equipped computer classes, geographic information systems, electronic training and control programs, electronic textbooks, televisions, interactive whiteboards, multimedia installations, document cameras.

    Throughout the history of the faculty, special attention has been paid to the development and improvement of the educational and material base. Work in this direction is being planned and systematic. Civilian personnel, officers and cadets with soul and enthusiasm, sometimes regardless of personal time, have done and are doing everything to ensure that the educational and material base of the faculty is the best.

  • V All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference " Methodological aspects development of special-purpose meteorology, ecology and aerospace monitoring systems” March 19-20, 2019

    1On March 9, 2019, on the basis of the 1st Faculty of the Hydrometeorological All-Russian Scientific and Practical Center of the Air Force "VVA" (Voronezh), the opening of the V All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference "Methodological aspects of the development of special-purpose meteorology, ecology and aerospace monitoring systems" took place.

    Competition "Forecaster of the elements (the best specialist in hydrometeorological support)" within the framework of the V All-Army festival-competition "ARMY OF RUSSIA -2018"

    In the period from September 4 to September 5, 2018, on the basis of the hydrometeorological faculty of the VUNC VVS "VVA" (Voronezh), within the framework of the V All-Army Festival-Competition "ARMY OF RUSSIA - 2018", the competition "Forecaster of the elements (the best specialist in hydrometeorological support)" was held.

    IV All-Russian scientific and practical conference "Methodological aspects of the development of meteorology for special purposes, ecology and aerospace monitoring systems"

    In the period from May 29 to May 30, 2018, the IV All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference "Methodological aspects of the development of special-purpose meteorology, ecology and aerospace monitoring systems" was held on the basis of the hydrometeorological faculty of the VUNC VVS "VVA" (Voronezh).

    The conference was attended by more than 35 representatives of various organizations, as well as the teaching staff of the Academy, adjuncts, students, cadets, military personnel of the scientific company. In total, more than 100 people took part in the conference, including 13 doctors of science, 11 professors, 18 associate professors and 32 candidates of science.

    In accordance with the plan of the conference, the work was carried out in three scientific directions, heard and considered 73 scientific reports. Based on the results of the conference, decisions were formed that reflect the issues of further cooperation within the framework of research cooperation between universities, scientific organizations, military units, industrial enterprises and the academy.

    VSTU Conference

    On October 27-28, 2017, on the basis of the Voronezh State Technical University, the IV International Scientific and Practical Conference "Complex Problems of Technospheric Safety", timed to coincide with the Year of Ecology in Russia, was held. The 1 hydrometeorological faculty of VUNTS VVS "VVA" participated in the organization and holding of this event. The program and organizing committees included Colonel Kuznetsov I.E., Lieutenant Colonel Gedzenko D.V., Major Shuvakin E.V.

    On the plenary session with a report covering the problems of hydrometeorological support, the head of the 13th department, doctor of technical sciences, associate professor, colonel Kuznetsov Ilya Evgenievich made a report. Cadets of the hydrometeorological faculty took an active part in the work in sections.

    As a result of the conference, the participants of our academy were awarded diplomas and certificates. Agreements were reached on joint cooperation on a number of issues related to hydrometeorological technologies, systems for monitoring and forecasting the state of the atmosphere with the leading universities of the city and research enterprises.


    September 9, 2017 at Central Square In the city of Voronezh, a solemn swearing-in of cadets of the 2017 enrollment took place. 38 servicemen joined the ranks of the hydrometeorological faculty. A graduate of the faculty in 2012, Captain Denega Ivan Zinovievich, was appointed commander of the unit. The culmination of the holiday was the passage of a solemn march in front of the command of the academy, veterans and honored guests of the event. Head of the Hydrometeorological Faculty, Candidate of Geographical Sciences, Associate Professor, Colonel Malyar Andrey Anatolyevich headed the formation.

    Courage Lessons

    In accordance with the plan for working with the personnel of the VUNC Air Force "Air Force Academy named after Professor N.E. Zhukovsky and Yu.A. Gagarin”, on September 1, 2017, lessons of courage were organized at the Faculty of Hydrometeorology in sponsored educational institutions and cadet corps. Active participation was taken by: Lecturer of the 11th Department of Theoretical Hydrometeorology, Lieutenant Colonel Evstafiev F.A., Associate Professor of the 12th Department of Metrology and Metrological Support of Arms and Military Equipment, Lieutenant Colonel Gonchar L.L., Associate Professor of the 13th Department of Hydrometeorological Support, Lieutenant Colonel Gedzenko D.V., as well as senior cadets faculty courses.

    Voronezh State Agrarian University Conference

    On February 1, 2017, the international scientific and practical conference "The influence of natural and climatic conditions on the quality indicators of agricultural products of high ecological purity" was held at the expo center of the Voronezh State Agrarian University. The personnel of the hydrometeorological faculty took an active part in the work of the conference. With reports on the history of development and specifics educational process training of meteorological engineers were made by Major Gedzenko D.V. - Associate Professor of the Department of Hydrometeorological Support, Captain Shuvakin E.V. - teacher of the department of hydrometeorological support, and cadets of the hydrometeorological faculty Fetisov G.D. and Zhogolev N.A. The participants of the VUNC VVS "VVA" were awarded diplomas following the results of the conference: "For knowledge in the field of meteorology, exchange of experience in the study and practice of forecasting natural and climatic phenomena."

  • On March 19, 2019, on the basis of the 1st Faculty of the Hydrometeorological All-Russian Scientific and Practical Center of the Air Force "VVA" (Voronezh), the opening of the V All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference "Methodological aspects of the development of special-purpose meteorology, ecology and aerospace monitoring systems" took place.

    In accordance with the plan of the conference, work is carried out in three scientific areas:

    1. Special purpose meteorology: methodological and technological aspects of improvement.

    2. Technologies and means of environmental monitoring. Metrological support.

    3. Organizational and technical systems and Environment. Ecological aspects of interaction.

    In the period from September 4 to 5, 2018, on the basis of the hydrometeorological faculty of the VUNC VVS "VVA" (Voronezh), within the framework of the V All-Army festival-competition "ARMY OF RUSSIA -2018", the competition "Forecaster of the elements (the best specialist in hydrometeorological support)" was held.