Creating a product inventory table in excel. Paid programs - analogues of Excel

Wine Gallery Company

Manager Kirichenko D. Product:

Wine Gallery is the first retail project of our team. We are a distributor of local alcoholic products in Vietnam. Our main the target audience are tourists who come to rest in Vietnam.

When starting this project, we clearly understood that the accounting and analysis of goods and cash flows is the foundation of our business. On the advice of friends, we chose the USU (Universal Accounting System) program.

We were prepared for a long period of study as this was our first experience with a program of this type. But the program turned out to be simple and intuitive. The very next day after the acquisition, we put it into practice and every day opened up new opportunities that helped to capture and analyze a huge flow of information without any difficulties.

This program certainly helps in our daily tasks, but with the development and growth of our business, many regular customers have appeared, and we have an individual approach to each of them. Therefore, it was important for us to be able to obtain sales data at a very different categories goods, for each counterparty. We turned to the specialists of the USU company to resolve this issue. The guys quickly finalized the program for our needs, which greatly improved and facilitated our interactions with clients.

We are glad that we chose USU to implement the accounting system for our first business and continue to cooperate with the guys on the basis of other projects.

Sincerely, Director of Wine Gallery Kirichenko D.S.

We sell children's orthopedic shoes, children's rehabilitation products and various orthopedic products. Every year the range of products and the number of customers increases. For more effective management accounting needs to be automated. It is automation that enables any enterprise to move to a new level of development!

The choice of the program was done for a long time and carefully. The task was to find a universal program at an affordable price, which will combine all the functions at once: both the position of a cashier and a merchandiser, and when logging in with a different password, it will serve as an excellent analytical program for a store manager. And so we found USU. Just a find for an individual entrepreneur!

Only one thing was embarrassing... the lack of representation in our city, and then, as it turned out, in Russia as a whole. They could not imagine how it is possible to successfully cooperate, being at different ends of the world.

But, thanks to the professionalism and attentive attitude of the team USU we have decided.

Today we have an easy-to-use sales automation program. Accounting for inventory balances, analysis of sales by product groups, maintaining a customer base and much more. It is possible to model the program specifically for our type of activity.

Technical support is top notch. Specialists quickly respond to all questions and help with any request.

Sincerely, The head of the store "OrtoBoty" Timerbayeva A.A.

We express our deep gratitude to the entire team of the Universal Accounting System. As the owner of a child thrift store, we know the importance of systematizing data on consignors and incoming goods for sale. On the recommendation of our partners, we decided to try USU for a thrift store, and after using its demo version, we were delighted with what you can do in this program. Accounting for the receipt of goods from consignors, suppliers, barcoding of goods, cost accounting, stock balances, inventory, payments to consignors, returns of goods to consignors and much more.

The developers did a great job, they listened to our wishes and added a contract, retention for the storage of goods, our percentage for the agency fee. Despite the fact that the training took place remotely, USU employees were very accessible and quickly explained how to work in the program. In general, working with such a program is a pleasure.

Finagin M.Yu.

Russian Federation, Leningrad region, city of Vsevolozhsk

IP Bogubaeva Dinara

Sharipov Darkhan Product:

Wedding Boutique Malinelli (IP Bogubaeva Dinara) expresses its heartfelt gratitude to the company IP Akulov N.N. for the installation of the program at our enterprise Universal Accounting System.

Thanks to the program, we forgot about keeping records in notebooks and Excel. All our information is stored on a computer and processed within a few seconds.

The program interface is very simple. All sellers have mastered the system very quickly.

I, as a manager, can at any time see the results of the day's work from the workplace or at home.

We set up a system of visits. Now we can see which of the employees is on vacation or sick. It has become very convenient to calculate vacations and sick days.

The accountant now sees the whole picture of the movement of goods and cash flows, and can also reflect payment both in cash and by card or using various payment systems.

Maintenance is very timely and to a high standard. professional level. The guys patiently answer all of our many questions and complete the job on time.

Sincerely, Sharipov Darkhan

IP "Buranbaev"

Director Buranbaev U.A. Product:

Rating: 5/5

Product: Program for trade and warehouse.

Our company is engaged in the sale of auto parts.

The management and staff of IP "Buranbaev" expresses its gratitude to you for providing quality services and a professional approach to supporting and servicing the program USU - universal accounting system.

Taking into account the experience of working with the program developed for us, we can note the effectiveness and stability of the software. The provided program fully meets the requested parameters. The specialists of your company have shown high professionalism, having qualitatively installed the program and trained employees to use it.

We thank the employees of your company for professional service and look forward to further cooperation.

Director of IP "Buranbaev" Buranbaev U.A.

IP Kurakova O.N.

Individual entrepreneur Kurakova Olga Nikolaevna Product:

Thank You Letter.

We would like to express our deep gratitude to IP Akulov N.N. and his team for help in organizing the business, namely the adaptation of the program USU for retail clothes.

To date, the software market has enough a large number of business support options, but all of them are either high in price or do not have the required functionality and require additional improvements, which also affects the final price and project launch time.

Our choice fell on USU for a number of reasons, namely:

1) democratic price.

2) transparency of calculations.

3) the opportunity to try out a demo version of the product.

4) high speed project launch in stages from product selection to full launch of the project (less than 5 days.)

Unlike many software products, presented on the market, this software is quite flexible to the requirements of the user and allows you to customize almost any aspect according to the characteristics of the business. Also, the advantages include the absence of requirements for the use of special equipment. Separately, I want to say thank you for the lightning-fast reaction of those. support for inquiries.

We wish your team prosperity and new professional success!!


Individual entrepreneur Kurakova Olga Nikolaevna.

Institute of Proper Nutrition, Kit LLP

Director Koishegarina A.N. Product:

Individual entrepreneur "Universal Accounting System" managed to quickly and efficiently organize the work on the development and implementation of a software system for the Institute of Proper Nutrition in Astana, as a result of which the enterprise systematized the current work of several departments, optimizing it to a minimum, but at the same time the form of the report remained complete, detailed and transparent.

We would like to note that the employees completed all the installation work on time, made our adjustments and changes, in strict accordance with the terms of the Agreement. Upon completion of the work, for their part, the employees promptly provided the Certificate of Completion.

Managers and programmers are very punctual and polite.

In general, the program is simple and easy to manage.

Director Koishegarina A.N.


ECOSTYLE company

Director Arkaev N.E. Product:

Taking into account the experience of working with the program developed for us, we can note the effectiveness and stability of the software. When ordering a program from our company warehouse accounting, software development was completed on schedule. The presented program fully meets the requested parameters, the company's specialists have shown high professionalism, having qualitatively installed, adjusted the program and trained employees to use it.

Thanks to this software tool, it was possible to most fully optimize all processes for managing and controlling warehouse accounting.

Trade Organization "Value Shop"

Director Seitkazieva M.M. Product:

I started my business from my small kitchen. First bouquet. First unrest. Mommy on maternity leave. Standard history. It's time for the volume to grow. Grow customer base. At first I managed to keep everything in my head. Then came Excel. By the way, it turned out to be not so easy to lead. Since all formulas, names, lines, everything had to be thought out independently. Having abandoned Excel, having received even more volume, invoices came to replace. It seemed that this is happiness. But as it turned out. Not at all either. The numbers diverged. Finding out the presence of the remains took a huge amount of time. And then the idea to automate came to mind. Began analysis, calls. And I chose usu. What I don't want to this day. I've been using it for over a month and a half. More specifically: the happiest thing is to shoot reports. The balances are withdrawn instantly, it is possible to make a discount, accrue bonuses, view any diagrams. Today I can't even take a step without this program. If something happens to my laptop, I convulse convulsively.

What difficulties. 1. Get ready if you are the same plushies like me. Then you will have to enter a thousand little things into the database and think over. But it's a matter of 3-4 days of hard work. During this time, you get to know the program better and you begin to feel it. I am grateful to Irina, who at first withstood the attack of calls: what, how, where, what gives. Then there were the guys programmers. By the way, who have golden patience and good brains :-). So, my experience with the program is positive. Of the minuses, I became somewhat dependent on her and fell in love with the reports. Well, how about it, now I’m smartly taking reports and holding meetings). Usu is a new step for me. Which showed my growth. Efficiency. Nothing gets past the account. Every penny, every product knows its place. Usu helped me grow as a businessman. Who if knows: oh well, I won’t count it. Okay, I'll give it to you. Passes, the stage of goodness. The stage of growth and respect for one's own work begins. I am grateful. I am grateful to every employee who led me to my personal small victory.

2) It is possible to take a photo of the product, and the sellers see what they are selling when selling. That's great - there's a lot less resorting going on.

3) It is possible to get a check of 2 types and carry out a sale without a check - the goods are written off in any case.

4) Excellent performance analysis. You can see graphically (which is more visual) the result behind this issue. And in terms of profit, and in terms of goods and sales of each seller, and much more.

5) Responsive and competent employees of the company, which is very nice. They are quick to help and help resolve issues.

I don't think I made the wrong choice.

Great accounting tool! Convenient, simple, understandable and intelligible program.

Thanks to its creators for making accounting easier.

Sole proprietor Samarina T.V.

Inventory management in Excel is a great solution for any trading company or production organization for whom it is important to keep records of the amount of materials used, raw materials and finished products.

Who can benefit from spreadsheets

Large firms acquire ready-made solutions for these purposes in electronic format. However, they are quite expensive, and some complex programs require a qualified employee with a high salary to work in the warehouse. This is not possible for start-ups or small companies. Fortunately, there is a way out, and you can use Excel tables. This electronic tool, which is inferior in popularity only to the Word office program, has functionality that is quite sufficient for solving warehouse accounting problems.

A few important rules

Those who are interested in the question of how to keep inventory records should seriously approach the issue of creating their own computer program from the very beginning. In this case, from the very beginning, adhere to the following rules:

  • All directories should initially be created as accurately and in detail as possible. In particular, one should not be limited to simply indicating the names of goods and should also indicate articles, codes, expiration dates (for certain types), etc.
  • Opening balances are usually entered into tables in monetary terms.
  • You should follow the chronology and enter data on the receipt of certain goods at the warehouse earlier than on shipment to the buyer.
  • Before filling in Excel spreadsheets, it is imperative to conduct an inventory.
  • It should be foreseen what additional information may be needed, and enter it, so that in the future you do not have to specify the data for each of the goods.

Before you start developing a spreadsheet to ensure the normal functioning of your warehouse, you should consider its specifics. General recommendations in this case are as follows:

  • It is necessary to compile directories: "Buyers", "Suppliers" and "Points of accounting for goods" (small companies do not need them).
  • If the list of products is relatively constant, then we can recommend creating their nomenclature in the form of a database on a separate sheet of the table. In the future, the expense, income and reports must be filled out with links to it. The sheet in the Excel table with the heading "Nomenclature" must contain the name of the product, product codes, commodity groups, units of measurement, etc.
  • The report is generated using the PivotTable tool.
  • Receipt to the warehouse should be taken into account on the "Incoming" sheet.
  • It is required to create sheets "Expense" and "Remains" to track the current state.

We create directories

To develop a program to keep inventory in Excel, create a file with any name. For example, it may sound like "Warehouse". Then we fill in the reference books. They should look something like this:



Legal address

A comment

Moscow LLC

OOO "Summer-3"

CJSC Morning

In order for the headers not to “run away”, they need to be fixed. To do this, on the "View" tab in Excel, you need to click on the "Freeze Panes" button.

The "Customers" table looks exactly the same.

It will be able to provide a convenient and partially automated free service if you create an auxiliary directory of goods release points in it. True, it will be required only if the company has several outlets (warehouses). As for organizations that have one point of issue, it makes no sense to create such a directory for them.

Accounting points


A comment

Shop 1

Own program "Warehouse": create a sheet "Incoming"

First of all, we need to create a table for the nomenclature. Its headings should look like "Product name", "Sort", "Unit of measure", "Characteristic", "Comment".

  • Select the range of this table.
  • In the "Name" field, located directly above the cell with the name "A", enter the word "Table1".
  • Do the same with the corresponding range on the "Suppliers" sheet. In this case, "Table 2" is indicated.
  • Fixing of income and expenditure transactions is carried out on two separate sheets. They will help you keep inventory records in Excel.

For "Incoming" the table should look like the figure below.

Arrival of goods

The supplier

Accounting point

Unit meas.

Accounting automation

Inventory accounting in Excel can be made more convenient if the user can choose from a ready-made list of the supplier, the name of the product and the accounting point.


  • the unit of measurement and the supplier's code should be displayed in the table automatically, without the participation of the operator;
  • invoice number, date, price and quantity are entered manually;
  • the program "Warehouse" (Excel) calculates the cost automatically, thanks to mathematical formulas.

To do this, all directories need to be formatted as a table and a drop-down list should be created for the "Name" column. For this:

  • select a column (except for the header);
  • find the "Data" tab;
  • click on the "Data Check" icon;
  • in the "Data Type" field, look for "List";
  • in the "Source" field, specify the function "=INDIRECT("item!$A$4:$A$8")".
  • check the boxes next to "Ignore empty cells" and "List of valid values".

If everything is done correctly, then when filling in the 1st column, you can simply select from the list. At the same time, in the column "Unit. rev.» the corresponding value will appear.

Similarly, auto-completion is created for the "Code" and "Supplier" columns, as well as a drop-down list.

To fill in the column "Cost" use the multiplication formula. It should look like - "= price * quantity".

You also need to create a drop-down list called "Points of Accounting", which will indicate where the incoming goods were sent. This is done in exactly the same way as in the previous cases.

"Turnover sheet"

Now that you have almost created a convenient tool that allows your company to keep inventory records in Excel for free, it remains only to teach our program to display the report correctly.

To do this, we start working with the corresponding table and start time period we set zeros, since we are still going to keep inventory records. If it was carried out earlier, then this column should display the balances. In this case, the units of measurement and names of goods should be taken from the nomenclature.

To facilitate inventory control, the free program should fill in the "Shipments" and "Receipts" columns using the SUMIFS function.

The balance of goods in the warehouse is calculated using mathematical operators.

This is how we got the Warehouse program. Over time, you can independently make adjustments to it in order to make accounting for goods (your products) as convenient as possible.

At the first stage of the business, store owners are trying to save money by choosing the free Excel program for warehouse accounting. In the article, we will talk about templates for accounting for goods in Excel and offer a more interesting free option for accounting in a store than standard software.

What you will learn about:

Who can benefit from spreadsheets

Accounting for goods in Excel is used by those entrepreneurs who have 2-3 sales per day and they have enough time to transfer sales data to spreadsheets.

Let's represent on the scheme "evolution" of goods accounting in small business. We compiled the figure after a survey of more than 10 entrepreneurs who are currently users of the Business.Ru commodity accounting program (third stage).

Most of them started working with a "notebook" - they kept the receipt and expenditure of goods in a notebook, but when it was necessary to make a report and analytics, they transferred the data from the "notebook" to Excel.

When the business began to generate income of more than 15 thousand rubles per month, and sales became 5-10 per day, there was a need to use a special inventory service.

After all, Excel has drawbacks: the main one is that you cannot associate the program with the cash register. software(you need to record sales manually). Therefore, when expanding a business or to deal with queues (if seasonality is present), the entrepreneur uses a program for inventory accounting connected to the checkout ().

With this disadvantage, Excel has advantages:

    you can find on the Internet templates for the warehouse accounting program in excel for free;

    you can also learn how to fill them out for free (using lessons from Youtube or on your own, intuitively);

    you can independently make tables for the sales report on separate sheets and keep statistics, analytics and other calculations (however, for this you need to study all the features of Excel, which will take more than one day).

How to keep inventory records in Excel?

To maintain warehouse records in Excel, sales data are recorded manually in a notebook upon purchase, and then in the evening, after the store closes, the sold goods are found in the table and the quantity sold is noted.

In the same way, the table is updated when the goods arrive.

Warehouse management in Excel: features

Inventory management in Excel is suitable for you if you:

    you can do without the connection between the accounting table and the cash register;

    no queues, two or three purchases a day, which allows filling out the accounting table in the “window” between buyers;

    focused on painstaking work with tables, articles, etc.;

    do not use a scanner to enter goods into the database, but are ready to fill in everything manually.

Working with tables in Excel is possible if one or two people, no more, are engaged in commodity accounting. Otherwise, confusion may arise - employees may accidentally change the data, and you will not see the previous version.

To fully appreciate all the benefits of warehouse automation, try the Business.Ru program. The program has an intuitive interface with the ability to customize for a specific user. All of the above benefits are already included in the basic functionality of the Business.Ru program.

For inventory in Excel, you can use ready-made templates. You can develop them yourself.

    Before the introduction of accounting, it is necessary to conduct an inventory to determine the exact amount of product leftovers. About why it is better and how to do a nightly inventory,

    Carefully, paying attention to details, enter the data about the product - name, article. If it's about food products, then you should make the column “expiration date” in the “Excel” table.

    It is necessary to take into account the shipment of goods not earlier than it arrived at the warehouse. The chronology of warehouse operations is important, because otherwise the analytics and the final graphs of receipts and sales in the month may be distorted.

    If you work with multiple vendors, you need to create help pages.

    Additional information in the table is important - data about the forwarder or manager who made the order can save the situation if there is a problem with the order.

The first stage of inventory accounting in Excel - filling in the product data and forming columns in the table - can take a significant amount of time, from three hours to a week. It all depends on the number of products in the store and your spreadsheet skills.

You can increase the efficiency of the store warehouse in five steps - about them

Sales Analytics Excel Template Structure

The most important thing for accounting for goods in Excel is to choose a convenient template for entering data.

For example, a sales table template might have the following columns:

    Product Name;

  • quantity in stock;

For the convenience of analytics, you need to make a new page (Sheet) for each month.

The table for sales accounting differs from that required for inventory accounting.

Excel table "Warehouse accounting"

Structure excel template for warehouse accounting should include the following sections:

1. Article - taken according to the manufacturer, needed for quick search item in the list.

2. Product name. Product name and a brief description of. For example:

    dress "Anfisa" blue;

    dress “Anfisa” red with flowers;

    sundress denim mini blue.

You can come up with a name yourself or take what the manufacturer has in the description.

3. Units of measurement. Usually these are pieces, but there may be running meters, cubic meters, kilograms, etc.

4. Remains (available, left, reservation - if the reservation of goods is encouraged).

5. Price (two columns - sell price and buy price).

6. Supplier.

In addition, you can make other columns:

    pre-order (if a lot of time passes between ordering goods from a supplier and bringing them to your warehouse);

    a regular customer (to highlight regular customers and assign them a discount or provide a special offer);

    discount number (if a coupon was presented during the sale, etc.).

In a separate sheet of the Excel table, you must place a reference - a table with the names of suppliers.

Issues with Excel item posting

Commodity accounting in Excel has significant disadvantages:

    If someone from the staff accidentally replaced a number in the table, clicked “Save”, and then closed the file, it will be problematic to find the error.

    To maintain a database of goods remotely, you can use Excel from Google Tables, however, with an increase in the number of rows to 100 or more, this program for accounting for a warehouse in Excel “slows down” a lot.

    Inability to integrate with a cash register or accounting software.

    Requires a lot of manual work, unable to connect the scanner.

    There is no way to plan deliveries, control stocks by expiration date, etc.

    You cannot use the file by several users at the same time (the exception is Google Tables).

    It is not possible to set up an automatic check for the “correctness” of the entered data, except for the type of data (numeric, alphabetic, etc.).

Overview of free programs for warehouse accounting in Excel

Microsoft Excel is a paid program, due to the prevalence of which some users think of a free installation. However, you can download several free programs, which can replace Excel at the first stage of doing business.

Open Office Calc

The most popular Excel-type program that can be used for inventory accounting is called OpenOffice Calc. It is included in the Apache OpenOffice free software suite.

OpenOffice Calc supports Russian, takes up less space on your computer's disk and loads faster than Excel.

The program has an interface similar to Excel 2003, so if you have experience with just such a program, it will be easier to get used to.

Of the features:

    the ability to create tables, graphs, calculate using formulas, assign cells;

    support for exporting to PDF, which is important for sending an invoice to a buyer;

    the ability to use the "Wizard" to create special functions.

The only inconvenience is that the program has its own format, ODS. Usually XLS files open in this program, but sometimes it opens with an error.

Also, Calc can create files in the XLS format, rather than the more advanced XLSX.

LibreOffice Calc

Once LibreOffice Calc is installed, the user may not be able to tell it apart from Open Calc. And no wonder. This program was developed by former OpenOffice programmers. Therefore, the principle and interface was taken similar.

The functionality is similar: creating tables, graphs, calculating by formulas.

Unlike OpenOffice, LibreOffice allows you to save documents in the EXLX format.

The application is convenient for quick calculations, functional, loads in 7-12 seconds. It is possible to work with functions and macros through the "Wizard".


The third program in our review of warehouse programs in Excel (you can also download it for free on the developer's website) is PlanMaker. This is software that is included in the SoftMaker software package.

Like previous programs, PlanMaker helps you do calculations using functions (using the "Insert function" tool). Unfortunately, the free PlanMaker can only support the XLS format, while XLSX is available to those who have installed the paid version.

Paid programs - analogues of Excel

The difference between paid warehouse accounting programs and free ones is in ready-made downloaded templates and support for several warehouses. We present two such programs in the table below. All of them are desktop, that is, they are loaded into the computer's memory. This is inconvenient if you work from several devices - at home and in the office, and also plan to remotely control the work of employees (for example, during vacations).

Table - Comparison of the programs "Warehouse Excel" and "Warehouse production"

The name of the program

Main characteristics

Price, rub

Warehouse in Excel

    acceptance of an application;


    shipment or write-off;



    work with invoices;

    formation of requests to suppliers;

    invoice printing;

    reference books;

    price list printing;

    the ability to log in with different kind access to the program.

Production warehouse

    flow control;

    posting of raw materials;


    formation of a table of shipment of products;

    receipt analytics;

    report on the consumption of raw materials;


If you are looking for a free or inexpensive warehouse accounting program, pay attention to Business.Ru - a cloud service for all operations in a warehouse, which greatly simplifies the procedures for posting, ordering goods, working with invoices and inventory.

Opportunities of "Business.Ru" as a free cloud program like Excel

All of the above programs have all the disadvantages of Excel. This software is an indisputable assistant for organizing stable accounting in a small point of sale with 2-3 sales per day. However, if there are more buyers, more advanced software is needed.

Today there is a large selection of specialized tools for inventory management: from simple free programs to expensive full-featured WMS systems. Despite this, many entrepreneurs initially choose Excel spreadsheets for inventory management. At first, this seems like an affordable and convenient solution, but as the number of orders in your organization grows, using Excel for inventory tracking is fraught with many problems. The more storage facilities The more items, the higher the probability of their occurrence. What difficulties do users face when working with Excel?

  • Data entry errors. Due to a single input error, it becomes necessary to double-check all the data in the tables.
  • Inconvenience joint work. Often a situation arises when, when editing data by one user, they are overwritten by another. Thus, accounting in Excel may not be correct.
  • Performing many manual operations. Excel is not designed as a warehouse management solution, the program combines many basic functions, and therefore often you will have to spend time on monotonous manual labor.
  • Difficulty in validating data. When using Excel, a lot of effort goes into checking the correctness of the entered data and bringing the information into the appropriate form. If you have a large warehouse, it is better to download Excel for other tasks, and keep inventory records using more advanced programs.

These problems may not occur so often, however, they take a lot of work time. Warehouse program in Excel Corrections of errors and typos, lengthy checking of the correctness of stock data and forced manual labor when working with Excel are the main reasons why entrepreneurs eventually come to use specialized warehouse accounting solutions. Even experienced professionals who know how to keep inventory in Excel still choose other Excel-based programs or completely new solutions.

How to keep inventory records in Excel?

Whether you choose Excel spreadsheets, MySklad or another specialized retail solution, there are a few basic principles to follow. If you download the program and do not use special rules, over time, work taking into account will become more complicated at times:

  1. Correct design of reference books. A directory with unmarked goods creates guaranteed accounting problems, inconvenience to the seller and difficulties in reporting. When entering data, it is necessary to fill in as much information as possible in various cells (for example, codes, articles, prices, VAT). If the inventory of the sold goods in the warehouse is carried out using the MySklad service, all the necessary data on the goods are automatically inserted into the documents, which saves a lot of time when processing orders.
  2. Institution initial balances in quantitative and total terms. Correct data at the beginning of the work will give adequate reports in the process of work, and those who make sales from a “clean slate” should not count on this.
  3. Compliance with chronology in the preparation of documents. It is necessary to register the arrival of goods at the warehouse from the supplier strictly before it is shipped to the buyer. Otherwise, the cost price will “go” and you will not be able to accurately calculate how much you have earned. In MySklad for each purchase and sale of goods, you can specify an arbitrary date.
  4. Structured storage of additional information. When keeping inventory records, it is important to collect Additional information about sales (for example, method of delivery and payment, date of shipment, name of the customer, name of the manager) in separate fields. All this data will be useful in the future for compiling route sheets for couriers, calculating salaries for managers, and analyzing statistics. In MySklad, you can easily create the required number of free fields for use in directories and documents without programming.

Users of the Internet service MySklad have access to free support by phone and e-mail. Support staff not only help with the program, but also share tips on optimal inventory management and setting up basic business processes. Download the free version and try our new solutions.

Warehouse management is one of the most important components in running a business. The quality and success of the organization depends on the situation at the storage facility. That is why entrepreneurs are required to pay sufficient attention to how to properly organize the inventory management system and control it in the future.

Due to the importance of this issue, we have repeatedly touched on the topic in articles and.

Now let's take a closer look at how it is convenient to monitor the movement of stocks using the simplest MS Excel program.

Most organizations that sell a particular product have a warehouse for storage. Hence the justified need for record keeping. The use of special programs for this helps organizations to make their work more efficient, while reducing costs and increasing profits. MS Excel is great for small shops and other small organizations.


  • Shows stock levels in stock
  • Structures and analyzes data on existing assets
  • Sales reports for any period of time

Accounting for goods inMSExcel Benefits

MS Excel is exactly the program that can simplify warehouse accounting and has a number of functions for controlling the movement of goods.

Accounting for goods in MS Excel: disadvantages

It is important to note that Excel also has many disadvantages. For example, a complex series of operations that require skills and qualifications, as well as large temporary resources, which we so often lack. Due to errors that sometimes occur in the program, it is possible to lose all available data.

Excel Functions for Inventory Management

The product is tables that are populated with data. You can select individual products or groups of products. With this software tool, it is possible to perform analytical functions and operations using formulas. The program requires necessary knowledge on working with her. Try to make the most of all the features of the computer program. The greater the set of functions you know and know how to handle with them, the greater your opportunities when maintaining inventory records.

With the help of Excel, it is possible to track the incoming and outgoing products. You can also calculate data regarding the actions performed in the warehouse, for example, to find out the amount of leftovers for a particular type of shoe or a number of products. To minimize the amount of leftovers, find out which brand of shoes is most likely to be purchased. Get acquainted with the recommendations in the field of sale of children's shoes.

Suppose that the table header needs to be stretched over two or more lines. To do this, turn on the word wrap function directly in the cell in advance, and then you will not have any difficulties. Your table will look neat.

The program allows you to insert various fonts, which are very convenient to use when highlighting a number of products or individual categories, based on their parameters.

It is preferable to highlight more important product groups by formatting cells, columns or rows. These techniques will provide easy perception of information in the table.

Recommendations for inventory management withexcel

Ensuring the accounting of products that are in stock is explained by the need to monitor, control the assets of the store, and compile reports during the sales period. It is recommended that a competent specialist who knows the basics of MS Excel perfectly and knows how to apply them in practice is responsible for this.

Here is a good example of how to get started with inventory management in MS Excel (all values ​​are approximate):

At the beginning of the table, you should keep the expense:

Goods accounting table MS Excel

Go down a few hundred cells below and create an income table, for example, in three cells: 1-product, 2-quantity, 3-purchase price.

Goods arrival table in MS Excel

Each product that has just arrived at the warehouse needs to be assigned a price, which is very easy to do in the program. Fill in the table, for example, shoes, sandals, sneakers, sneakers, boots, and others. These are generalized names, in practice, you will fill in the product column with other names. For example, order products that are popular among the audience of buyers for your store. The list is individual for each store.

Important! So that the name of the product in the consumption table matches the name that is indicated in the invoices. Therefore, in the table it is necessary to write the name in full, without abbreviating it. You can enter information up to the size and color of the shoes. The more specific the information, the more convenient it is.

Quantity and purchase price. These columns are filled in.

Adding a new arrival to the list is easy with just two clicks. Also, immediately set the price, quantity and other parameters.