What to do if the Beeline Internet does not work? What to do if the beeline mobile Internet does not work on the phone.

At the time of 2018, Beeline is one of the top three among Russian television systems. In the arsenal mobile operator you can find tariffs and cellular services for every taste. Mobile Internet is also included in the list of options offered by the TV system. However, what to do if the Beeline Internet does not work? What are the reasons for the failure of the Web network and is it possible to correct the situation?

Reasons why the Internet does not work on Beeline

There may be several reasons why the Beeline Internet does not work well. Moreover, you can find out why your device has a bad Web signal on your own. So, interneta feed failure may occur due to:

The lack of Beeline coverage is the first factor that can cause not only a failure of the Web connection, but also of mobile voice communications. For a correct connection, it is necessary that there are at least three divisions on the signal level icon. If there are fewer of them, then you are in the zone of "uncertain reception".

It is possible that the TV system tower is too far from your place of residence, or the signal strength was affected by bad weather conditions. In this case, as soon as you find yourself in a different location, try restarting the cellular device and turn on the data transfer.

Insufficient funds

The most common factor in the lack of traffic is the lack of funds on the phone. You can check the status of your account in your personal account in the "Internet" column, or in a similar application for cellular devices "My Beeline".

In addition, users of prepaid tariffs can find out information about the state of the balance by sending a system request * 102 # . Postpaid customers can use the toll-free number 06745 for these purposes.

If there are not enough funds on the balance, a simple replenishment of the account will solve the problem.

Wrong setting

If you recently changed your tariff or installed a new SIM card, WAP settings may have gone wrong. A simple reboot of the gadget or its correct configuration can correct the situation (the algorithm for its implementation can be viewed below).

In addition, you can check if your device is connected to the World Wide Web. To do this, drop the request * 110 * 181 # .

If it turns out that there is no connection, you can order interneta settings on Beeline as follows:

  • You can get WAP autotuning by calling service number 0880 . If the system asks for a password, dial "1234".
  • You can also order them through the free number 06503;
  • If you have any problems receiving auto-settings, call Beeline technical support at 0611 or 8 800 700 0611 and tell the company employee about the purpose of your request.
  • In addition, you can solve the problem through an email box. [email protected] In this case, you will need to clearly describe the purpose of your appeal, indicating the necessary data in the letter: phone number, full name, paper contract number (if any).

And now let's see how you can set up Beeline internet yourself.

On the computer

Of course, first of all, if Beeline home Internet fails, you need to call the technical support service at 8 800 700 8000.

However, if you wish, you can check why the sites are loading slowly and on your own. To do this, do the following:

  • Go to the Beeline website:
  • Select the "Help" tab, then "Home Internet";
  • After that, click on the item you are interested in and read the information.

In a smartphone

If the 3 or 4G signal on your smartphone does not catch well, you need to check the correctness of the Beeline mobile Internet settings. To do this, on your android, go to the "Cellular networks" tab, then "Mobile Internet", then "Access Point" and enter the following data:

  • APN: internet.beeline.ru;
  • Name: beeline;
  • Password: beeline
  • APN type: default;
  • APN protocol: IPv4.
  • Authentication: PAP.

If the gadget does not have all the indicated items, fill in the ones that are, and this will be enough. After changing the settings, restart the device and turn on "Data Transfer" again.

On a tablet

Why does not it work Mobile Internet Beeline on a tablet? As mentioned above, if you are in the coverage area of ​​​​the telesystem and you have enough funds on your account, then most likely the problem of the lack of a wireless Web connection lies in the wrong settings.

To correct the situation, do the following:

  • APN: internet.xxxx.ru.
  • Name: Beeline Internet;
  • Access point: internet.beeline.ru;
  • Password and Nick: Beeline.

After that, restart the gadget and try to connect to the Web networks again.

Advice! For the mobile Internet to work correctly, delete all unused APNs (access points).


Among other things, for clarification why 3 or 4G internet does not work, any Beeline client can contact the telesystem support service at 0611 or 8 800 700 8000. After connecting, describe in detail to the operator the essence of your problem and ask for help.

And also, if it doesn’t make it difficult for you to go to the office of a mobile operator (with a passport), you can find out the reason why the Internet stopped working right on the spot.

Many users face problems related to the operation of the Internet. Why might such situations arise? After all, there seemed to be no prerequisites. And suddenly you can neither watch a movie online, nor check your mail, nor sit on a social network. Why is this happening? Let's figure it out.

Internet Service Provider

The first likely cause of internet outages could be related to your ISP. Each company that provides Internet access services uses only the most advanced technologies to connect its customers. How effective are they? This question is hard to answer. Sometimes the quality of the services provided depends on the name of the provider. If you are constantly experiencing problems when working on the Internet with your provider, then you may need to think about giving up their services. After all, there are still many suitable organizations around.

Bad weather conditions

No matter how strange it may sound, but even today in the century digital technologies The quality of the Internet connection directly depends on weather conditions. Sometimes, to understand why the Internet does not work, it is enough to look out the window. And if you think about it, it makes perfect sense. Quite often, the work of the Internet depends on the weather. Think about what will happen if suddenly the wires hanging on street poles are torn by a tree that has fallen due to strong gusts of wind.

Naturally, in this case, the signal from the Internet provider will stop coming to your computer. One more possible reason- abnormal heat. The server may fail due to high temperature. But if you notice that the Internet does not work well not only during bad weather, but also at any other time, then you should probably think about other reasons.

Geographical position

Suppose you are convinced of the efficiency of the Internet provider, and the weather conditions are favorable, but the Internet still works very poorly. With what it can be connected? Maybe it's all about geographic location. Depending on the location of the subscriber, the signal may reach better or worse.

Everything will depend on the location of the towers responsible for signal transmission. In one house, the Internet can work perfectly, while in the next house there may be no signal at all. If you suddenly find that the Internet has stopped working, try to check the rest of the equipment, for example, a television antenna. If other electronic devices also receive a bad signal, then the problem most likely lies precisely in the location.

Mobile Internet

Quite often, users experience interruptions in the mobile Internet. But there is nothing unusual about this. If you decide to use a mobile type of communication, then be prepared for failures. This is especially true in cases where the Internet provider is testing equipment or the next system upgrade.

Interruptions in the Internet are likely to occur when switching to the new kind connections. Conscientious operators usually warn their customers in advance about such work. But if you encounter problems when using mobile Internet too often, it may be worth contacting technical support or going to a salon. cellular communication. Perhaps they will explain to you what the matter is. Maybe there was an accident at the station, and you just need to wait until it is eliminated.

Perhaps your gadget has a virus that slows down the entire system. If you use the mobile Internet from Megafon, you may not be surprised by interruptions in work. Among all other operators, this one is famous for its slow internet. But Megafon has very good tariff plans. Therefore, if you plan to use mobile Internet frequently, it is better to choose another provider.

Mini routers

Increasing development in modern world get mini-routers and USB modems. Thanks to this fast and convenient way, you can access the network at any time from your laptop or desktop computer. But unfortunately, very often such products refuse to work properly. Today, the most popular Internet provider that provides its customers with various tariffs and models of routers for accessing the network is MTS.

All products offered by the operator are characterized by durability and high speed. But from time to time, the MTS Internet can still work poorly. What is it connected with? The first reason may lie in a hardware malfunction. This could be damage due to misuse or a manufacturing defect.

In this case, you should contact the service center and check the equipment. If a factory malfunction is detected, you can exchange the router for a new one. If the problems in the operation of the router are associated with improper handling, then it will not be possible to exchange the router. In this case, you will have to purchase a new device.

Another reason for interruptions in the Internet is an accident at the station. This has already been said above. If you suddenly lost the Internet, try calling the service center and find out what happened. Perhaps you just have a bad signal from the network. To check this fact, just look at the identification light that is on your router.

If you carefully read the user manual, you can find information there that the color of the identifier depends on the signal level. In this case, you can simply try to move the router to another location. In some cases, this helps to resume stable operation.

Legacy equipment

If you often encounter the problem of poor Internet performance, then perhaps the answer lies in the life of the equipment you use. A good modem runs smoothly for about 5 years, and about 8 years if you turn it off from time to time. After this period, it may start to work intermittently.

That is the reason bad internet- the connection may lie in the wear of the router or modem. Try to give him a break at least once in a while. If you need the Internet around the clock, be prepared to buy new equipment after 5 years. It is advisable to buy the same models of routers. This will greatly facilitate the setup process, and you can quickly regain access to the World Wide Web.


Many ISPs face a large number of complaints from subscribers about poor connectivity. The large provider Rostelecom is very familiar with this problem. This company is bombarded with such calls very often. In some cases, interruptions in the Internet may be associated with the occurrence of emergencies at the stations.

Such situations usually occur due to bad weather conditions, poor-quality equipment or inappropriate attitudes on the part of employees. Not a single provider is immune from accidents. Such cases must be treated with understanding. First of all, try restarting the modem. If the signal does not appear after this, call the provider and try to clarify the situation.

Reset hardware settings

Another reason why the Internet stops working is the “gathering” of settings. Quite often, Megaline faces this problem. With this Internet provider, the equipment settings “fly off” regularly. Because of this, the signal inevitably deteriorates or disappears altogether. You will not even be able to open a search engine to look for a solution to this problem on the Internet.

If a factory reset occurs, try setting up your hardware again. There are also known situations in which the signal simply refuses to work with a certain browser. Such problems can occur due to crashes or virus activity. Try changing your internet browser and reconnecting to the internet. After that, restart your computer and try to connect to the Internet again. If that doesn't work, contact your ISP.

If there are no problems on the provider's side, and you are using new high-quality equipment, then the problem may be in a computer virus. It just blocks the signal. Try to check your computer for viruses, if any are found, get rid of them and restart the machine. After that, the problem should disappear.

Modern man is so accustomed to the Internet that he cannot imagine a day of life without the World Wide Web. Most likely, everyone who reads these lines has had such cases when the Internet was urgently needed, but for some reason it was not at hand. Feelings are not the most pleasant, especially for truly "Internet-addicted" comrades and those who constantly need the Internet for work.
One way or another, various problems may arise in the work of any telecom operator, due to which connected subscribers may be left without the Internet for some time. Beeline is no exception. Moreover, at the moment, given operator communications can rightfully be considered one of the most “problematic”, especially when it comes to home wired Internet.

Why does Beeline mobile Internet not work? What to do? Where to call? What should be checked first? You will find answers to these and other questions in our guide.

Article content

  • 1 What to do if the mobile Internet does not work?
  • 2 What to do if it doesn't work home Internet?
  • 3 Conclusion

What to do if the mobile Internet does not work?

Internet on the phone does not show signs of life? In this case, the first step is to find out the reason why the data is not being transferred. The problem may be related to both the operation of the device and the operation of the telecom operator itself.

Do the following:

  • Make sure packet data is enabled and configured correctly on your device. In some cases, especially if the device uses two or three SIM cards, the SIM card for data transfer must be determined manually, through the appropriate options in the settings of the device used.

  • Make sure that the balance on the SIM card is not negative. Yes, it sounds too banal, but it’s not better to check the balance once again and make sure that there is money in the account. To check, use the short number *105#. Remember that the Internet may not be available if there are not enough funds on the balance to pay the monthly subscription fee debited from the SIM card or pay for Internet traffic per megabyte.

  • Check the amount of available internet traffic in the connected package. In the event that the user spends the traffic included in the tariff, the Internet speed drops significantly and is enough in this case only to use Internet messengers and chats in in social networks. To learn the command to check available traffic, see the description of the connected tariff plan on the website of the Beeline operator.
  • If, in your opinion, everything is in perfect order, and the problem is definitely not in the phone settings or the negative balance on the account, you can find out why the Beeline Internet does not work by contacting the operator's technical support.

    You can contact technical support in the following ways:

    • Call the short number 0611. Keep in mind that you can only make a call to this short number from a Beeline SIM card.

    • Call the number 8 800 700 06 11. You can call this phone for free from absolutely any number, including landline.

    • Call 7 495 974 88 88. Unlike the above number, this number can be called from anywhere in the world. For Beeline subscribers, the call will be free.

    You can also contact one of the nearest Beeline offices. In some cases, this is necessary, for example, if the SIM card is damaged and needs to be replaced with a new one.

    What to do if home internet does not work?

    Home Internet from Beeline, like any other wired Internet, is far from ideal and regularly "pleases" its users with disconnections, accidents and other sudden surprises, which are often presented at the most inopportune moment.

    The cause of a broken home Internet can be a variety of things, and the provider is not always to blame. Therefore, before rushing to call technical support with cries for help, the first step is to make sure that everything is working correctly for you. To do this, follow the instructions from this list:

  • Check the router, the stability of Wi-Fi and the network card. The first step is to check the health of the router. Also, if you access the Internet from a laptop or other mobile device, you should make sure that the Wi-Fi module installed in it is stable and working properly. For example, to do this, you can try to connect to the network using mobile phone on Android and check the data transfer on it. In addition, in some cases, the reason may be in the computer's integrated network card.

  • Check if the network cable is working. Twisted pair is quite vulnerable and can be very susceptible to various external influences. Make sure that the cable connected to the router (or directly to the computer) does not have obvious mechanical damage and is operated under normal conditions.

  • Check your network connection settings. When connecting home Internet from Beeline, the operator gives the user a manual that describes in detail the process of setting up the network on a PC and router. In the event that the Internet disappeared after reinstalling the system or changing some individual software components (drivers, etc.), it is likely that the settings have gone wrong.
  • Everything is fine? So the problem is definitely not in your equipment. It's time to call the support of home Internet users and find out why the Internet is not working and how quickly the reason why it is missing will be eliminated.

    Support can be contacted by calling 8 800 700 8000. As a rule, after making a call, you will have to wait for some time, as the operator's line is usually overloaded, especially in the event of an emergency.


    Now you can easily establish the reason why your mobile or home Internet from Beeline does not work. Do not be lazy to call technical support, because in some cases only this will help you determine the true cause of the problem (for example, if the fiber optic cable was damaged somewhere around your house, etc.).

    As you well know, Beeline is not only one of the leading mobile operators in Russia, but also one of the largest Internet providers. Many subscribers, faced with the problem of non-working mobile Internet, immediately rush to set up their gadgets, but meanwhile, the reasons why Beeline mobile Internet does not work may lie on the surface. So, why doesn't Beeline mobile Internet work?

    1. Make sure that your device really supports Internet access.
      Information about this can be viewed, for example, on the box from under your phone or tablet.

      No matter how ridiculous it may sound, but you need to check. If you bought a cheap Chinese gadget, then most likely you ran into a fake, in which the Internet access function is not provided at all.

    2. Check if you have activated the “Pack of three services”.
      This is a free service, it has no monthly fee and allows you to use mobile Internet, WAP and MMS using 2G, EDGE and 3G/4G/LTE technology (if the network allows).

      Actually, the “Three Services Package” is activated automatically when you purchase a SIM card, but anything can happen: suddenly there was some kind of failure, and this service is not connected to your number? Or maybe you turned it off earlier and forgot about it?

      To check if the "Pack of three services" is activated on your SIM card, call the free service number 0674-09. In response, you will receive an SMS with a list of all connected services. If the “Three Services Package” does not appear in this list, then to activate it, call 0674-09-181.

      If you have disabled the “Three Services Package” earlier, you can reactivate this service with the USSD command ✶ 110 ✶ 181 # .

    3. Make sure your device has data enabled.
      How to check:
      • For Android OS:
        On the Apps screen, select the Settings menu. Find the section responsible for the "Data Transfer" settings and select it. In different versions operating system this section is called differently: “Data usage”, “Data transfer”, “Cellular network settings”, etc. "Data transfer" must be enabled ("tick" opposite). You can also view the status of "Data transfer" in the settings menu in the Notification Center. Lower the "curtain" and find the icon responsible for data transfer. It must be active.
      • For iOS OS:
        For iPhone running iOS 7: Settings → Cellular.
        For iPad running iOS 7: Settings → Cellular Data.
        For iPhone and iPad running iOS 6 or earlier: Settings → General → Network. In all cases, the Cellular Data toggle must be turned on.
      • For Windows Phone OS:
        From the main screen, swipe left, tap Settings → Data Transfer (or Mobile Networks). Check that the switch to enable "Data Transfer" is turned on.
    4. Make sure you have enough funds in your phone account to charge a subscription fee for mobile Internet.
      All Beeline tariffs have their own subscription fee, which is charged at the beginning of each month of use. Please note: the countdown is not from the calendar beginning of the month, but from the day when you bought a SIM card or connected to the Internet (switched to a special tariff, bought an Internet traffic package - it doesn’t matter). That is, if you connected on July 12, then the subscription fee will be charged on the 12th of each month.

      And here it is very easy to get into trouble: you can have a positive balance, you can call and send SMS without any problems, but if there is not enough money to pay for the Internet, then it will not work.

      What to do? Just top up your balance. Did not help? Reboot your device.

    5. Check if the traffic quota has been exceeded.
      Speaking in Russian, this means that each tariff, even the most unlimited one, has a limit - a limited number of megabytes or gigabytes available for use during the month (again: not a calendar month, but from the moment when you connected to the internet).

      If you have used up the allocated gigabytes, then the operator severely limits the speed of the Internet. Formally, the Internet seems to exist, but in fact its speed is so low that it is simply impossible to browse the web.

      What to do? Buy a package or wait for the beginning of next month when the speed limit is lifted.

    6. Don't forget to overload your gadgets.
      This is a medicine that helps in 90% of cases. Therefore, if you have made any changes to the settings or replenished the balance, do not be too lazy to spend half a minute to reboot your device.

    If the answer is yes on all points, but there was no Internet, then try it yourself or. A technical support specialist will check your SIM card, reset it if necessary, or help you set up mobile Internet.

    It is immediately difficult to say for what reason the Beeline Internet does not work on the phone and it does not catch the network. Why is the internet not working? There are many reasons for this.

    The reason why Beeline mobile Internet does not work may be due to poor network quality, incorrect settings, equipment problems, etc. Therefore, there is no universal way to solve such a problem.

    Before you fix the problem, you need to find out the reason why there is no Internet on Beeline. The following will be given ways to solve problems that are universal for all cellular subscribers, including Beeline.

    Beeline Internet for Android may not work for the following reasons:

    1. The device itself has failed.
    2. The settings are off.
    3. The operator is carrying out technical work.
    4. The subscriber is outside the network coverage area.
    5. Not enough balance on the phone.
    6. Disabled data transfer on the phone.
    7. End of traffic.
    8. The device has not been automatically registered to the network.

    As you can see, the problems for the lack of Internet on the phone can be many different. Of course, there may be other problems, but the most common ones are listed above.

    Internet settings

    It may well be that the appropriate network settings have not been made on the gadget. If earlier you still managed to use the mobile Internet and go online from your phone, then you should not immediately write off this problem. They could just automatically go astray. In any case, you will need to check the settings on your phone again. If there is no necessary data, then you can contact the Beeline operator. He will send them. To contact the Beeline operator, you can call him at 06503.

    No Internet at the initiative of the telecom operator

    There is a possibility that the Internet on the phone does not work due to the exhaustion of the traffic limit. In this case, you can wait until the traffic is credited or activate an additional service.

    This can be done with the help of a consultant by calling him at 06745, or in your personal account on the operator's website.

    Other reasons for the lack of Internet on the phone

    1. Disabled data transfer on the device. You need to check your device. Everything will depend on the phone model.
    2. No money on balance. You need to check your balance and replenish it if necessary.
    3. Bad signal. This may rarely happen, since Beeline has coverage throughout the country, but this possibility should not be ruled out either.
    4. Engineering works. The operator can make certain works, due to which the subscriber may not have the Internet. All details should be clarified with the operator.
    5. Phone problems. Any device can fail sooner or later. Initially, you need to check all the other factors listed above, and then, if necessary, contact a service center to repair the device.