Coursework: Statistical analysis of freight transport. Analysis, planning and calculation of the cost of transporting goods at the enterprise JSC "Moloko" Conclusions and suggestions

Introduction ................................................ ................................................. ...........3

Chapter 1. Characteristics of modern cargo transportation..................................................4

1.1. Definition of freight .................................................................. ...............four

1.2 . Cargo transportation in Russia .............................................................. .........................5

Chapter 2. Comparison of requirements and characteristics of cargo transportation ....... 10

2.1. Analysis of the "requirements-characteristics of cargo transportation" .................. 10

2.2. Analysis of "requirements-characteristics" using the house of qualities ................................................. ....................eleven

Chapter 3. Analysis of the transport network and cargo transportation .........................................13

3.1. Analysis of the indicators of cargo transportation .......................................................... .13

3.2 Cause and effect diagram .......................................................... .....16

Conclusion................................................. ................................................. ...19

List of references .............................................................................. .............twenty


Road transport is one of the most important sectors of the national economy, developing as an integral part of a single transport system. In modern conditions, the further development of the economy is unthinkable without well-established transport support. The labor rhythm of industrial enterprises, construction companies largely depends on its clarity and reliability. t wa and agriculture. It provides, along with other modes of transport, rational production and circulation of industrial and agricultural products, satisfies the needs of us e leniya in transportation.

The main task of transport is the timely, high-quality and complete satisfaction of the needs of the national economy and the population in transportation. The effectiveness of the organization of the transport process and its management, and ultimately the further development of road transport, is largely determined by the training of highly qualified engineers who own scientific theory. The theory of the transport process considers its inherent patterns and optimization methods. On the basis of this theory, the organization of transportation is built and management is carried out. in lenie them.

At the same time, it should be noted that the current state of the country's road transport does not allow it to adequately fulfill its tasks. This is largely due to the inconsistency of the economic interests of the industry and the clientele it serves, the incomplete correspondence of the type and structure of the fleet to the urgent needs of transportation, the poorly developed production base of motor transport enterprises, and other shortcomings. t kami.

These problems can only be solved with the transition of road transport to a market economy, which will upgrade transport services and increase them to but honor.

Chapter 1. Characteristics of modern cargo transportation

1.1 Definition of freight

Cargo transportation is the process of moving large, fragile, valuable or any other objects to a certain place by means of transport. The need for cargo transportation can arise for anyone: both an entrepreneur who works in the field of cargo transportation, and a simple layman who just needs to transport things to a new place of residence.

Historically, the appearance of cargo transportation can be dated to the period of the emergence of Homo sapiens. Of course, at the dawn of mankind, it would be more appropriate to call cargo transportation a simple transfer of objects. With the invention of the wheel, the process of transporting goods became much easier, this event can be called the “first revolution in cargo transportation”. The second revolution in the development of cargo transportation is the appearance of livestock (domestication of animals), with the help of which a person no longer needed to spend his own strength on moving goods. And finally, the third revolution - the invention of vehicles. Naturally, with the development and production of cars, ships and aviation, the transportation of goods has accelerated several times. At present, thanks to the development of new technologies, any cargo transportation can be carried out quickly and at any distance.

The modern activity of various organizations is impossible without close cooperation with transport companies. For many of them, timely and high-quality delivery of goods is one of the most important factors affecting stability and development. For private customers, the proper level of transport services is no less important, since it is the key to peace of mind and confidence in the careful transportation of property. Therefore, interest in representatives of the cargo transportation industry is growing every year.

Service in the field of transportation offers not only the transportation of general or groupage consignments, but also the insurance of transported objects, their customs clearance if necessary, the preparation of a full range of documents for the goods (waybill, invoice, Cargo Customs Declaration and certificates of conformity).

Freight transport organizations provide their customers with an ever wider range of services, while guaranteeing their quality. The path of the cargo begins with the development of the concept and the optimal route for its delivery, the preparation of documentation and the calculation of the cost of transportation. At the same time, the necessary transport and loading facilities are determined, the necessary permits are issued, and the movement of cargo is monitored from the moment the shipment begins until the moment it is delivered to its destination.

1.2 Cargo transportation in Russia

In recent years, cargo transportation has become an integral part of the infrastructure of our state, the market providing cargo transportation services in Russia is experiencing active growth, limited only by the capabilities of the transport structure. SoIn 2009, Russian carriers made 465.6 thousand trips to 38 countries, which is 30 percent more than in 2008. In the short term, the increase in the number of trips may be 2 - 3 percent per year. Currently, 14,804 carriers of various forms of ownership work in this area. According to the developers, the implementation of a new program for the development of international road transport of goods - from 543.4 to 668.4 million US dollars.

According to the Federal State Statistics Service of the Russian Federation, in 2009 the turnover of organizations of the transport complex increased by 15% compared to 2008 and reached 2,788 billion rubles. the level of 2008. Cargo turnover increased by 3.6% over the level of 2008 and amounted to 205.8 billion t-km. The volume of commercial trucking of goods in 2009 amounted to 1987.9 million tons of cargo (110.5% against the level of 2008), commercial freight turnover - 79.1 billion t-km (107.1% against the level of 2008). In 2009 . positive dynamics was observed in the air cargo market, the growth rates were very high and amounted to 116% in terms of cargo turnover, and 114.3% in terms of traffic volume. Freight turnover in 2009 reached its maximum value of 3,424.5 million t-km in recent years, and the volume of cargo transportation by air amounted to 732.2 thousand tons. The structure of air cargo transportation carried out by Russian companies is dominated by international transportation. The share of air transportation of goods in international traffic in the cargo turnover of Russian airlines in 2009 exceeded 75%, and in the volume of cargo transportation it amounted to 63%. 2008 level) with a cargo turnover of 83.7 billion t-km (96.5% of the 2008 level). The growth of cargo transportation by inland water transport in 2007 is motivated by the increase in navigation time in river basins. The decrease in cargo turnover in 2009 is due to a 24% reduction in transportation in foreign navigation by river-sea vessels. The volume of cargo handling in river ports amounted to 225.5 million tons, exceeding the level of 2008 by 17.6%. positive for the Russian merchant fleet and the country's seaports. The volume of cargo transportation by sea in 2009 increased by 5.1% against the level of 2008 and amounted to 26.7 million tons. The cargo turnover of maritime transport in 2009 increased by 0.5% compared to 2008 and amounted to 61.9 billion t-miles. The volume of cargo transshipment in Russian seaports in 2007 increased by 7.2% compared to 2006 and amounted to 451 million tons. The dominant position in the structure of maritime cargo flows is occupied by the export direction - out of the total volume of cargo transshipped in Russian seaports in 2009, exports amounted to 351 million tons, or 79%. The rail transportation market is stabilizing. If in 2007 its volumes grew by 4.3%, in 2006 - by 2.9%, then in 2007 the growth rate of rail freight traffic was only 2.6%. In 2009, 1344.2 million tons of cargo was transported by public rail transport, the freight turnover of rail transport amounted to 2087.7 ​​billion t-km, or 107% compared to the results of 2008.

Cargo transportation makes it possible to conduct trade transactions in various parts of our vast country, facilitate the development of economic ties and the growth of the welfare of Russia as a whole. A huge number of companies build their business on the provision of cargo transportation services in Russia. The dynamically developing trade relations in the country inevitably increase the demand for cargo transportation in Russia, so finding a reliable partner in the field of cargo transportation becomes the most important task for the head of any company.

Modern business cannot develop without the ability to deliver its products to where they will be bought, so the cargo transportation market will always exist in one form or another. Today, you can deliver your cargo by rail, send it by ship or organize air transportation in Russia or abroad, however, despite all these possibilities, a car is still used most often to deliver cargo.

Today it is difficult to give any forecast for the development of each of the areas of the market for cargo transportation services, since only in 2010 did it begin to recover and revive after the crisis. Judging by the results of the first half of this year, there is a rather active rise in the market for the provision of transport services, which may be due to increased investment in engineering, industry, raw materials extraction, and a competent pricing policy (a slight increase in tariffs for services). In addition, consumer demand is gradually shifting towards domestic producers, which in itself contributes to an increase in requests for domestic transportation.

If we talk separately about trucking in Russia and abroad, then they undoubtedly have a good future. Today, a car is the only mode of transport listed above that can get to any wilderness of our country. And in some cases, he has to make his way along the dirt surface or along the so-called off-road. Road freight transportation is characterized by mobility, the ability to take a fairly decent load in terms of the ratio of the transported cargo / own weight, which largely affects the cost characteristics of transportation. reloading the customs terminal, you can adjust the route in advance and send the car to another terminal, but for the plane, the only choice is Sheremetyevo customs). In addition, in this field of activity, healthy competition has always helped active development, helping to reduce the cost of processes within the transport company itself.

However, not everything is so rosy in the transport industry. Firstly, today there are a lot of old trucks on the line, draining the budget of the carrier company, requiring the cost of constant repairs. This state of the vehicle fleet harms the quality of cargo transportation services and does not contribute to the reduction of tariffs.

Secondly, the crisis contributed to the collapse of the truck leasing market, and the already low rates of renewal of the truck fleet have practically stopped. In addition, prices for diesel fuel, gasoline, diesel fuel, despite the rich resources of our country, are constantly growing.

Thirdly, our roads require both resurfacing and significant expansion near major distribution hubs. Today, there is practically no network of roadside car services designed for heavy trucks, which does not at all help to reduce the risk of force majeure.

And finally, our government does not contribute at all to the active development of the transport and logistics business, which is trying to patch holes in the budget of the road fund at the expense of the owners of heavy vehicles, trying to load them with an additional tax.

Chapter 2. Comparison of requirements and characteristics of cargo transportation.

2.1. Analysis "Requirements-characteristics of cargo transportation"

Having become acquainted with regulatory documents for road transport of goods andhaving processed electronic sources (Internet) of information, a table was obtained in which interested parties put forward requirements, then turning into characteristics, and they into indicators.

Table 2.1.

Interested party






various information (on the state of the object of transportation, its cost, quality, etc.), cargo insurance,service personnel qualification.

shipping cost,

cargo insurance,observance of terms of delivery and terms of payment.

Yes / No


Decent salary, working conditions, safety.

Health insurance, wages satisfying the staff.

Yes / No

Partner (suppliers)

Confidence in the company, customs clearance, availability of terminals

Cooperation with a well-known company

Yes / No


Driver health requirements, special driver training, briefingaccording to the peculiarities of transportation of a particular type of cargo, compliance with traffic rules, control over the technical condition of the vehicle, sanitization. Licenses.

Studying the properties of transported dangerous goods; training in first aid for victims,

law enforcement

Yes / No

Comparison of "requirements-characteristics" of cargo transportation.

2.2 Analysis of "requirements-characteristics" with the help of a house of qualities.

“The House of Quality, a basic design tool from a management point of view, known as “Structuring the Quality Function” (QFK), appeared in 1972 in the shipbuilding department of Mitsubishi in the city of Kobe (Japan). The House of Quality was successfully used in the Japanese industry by electronics manufacturers , electrical appliances, clothing, integrated circuits, synthetic rubber, engineering equipment and agricultural machinery. As a set of planning and interaction procedures, the structuring of the quality function focuses and coordinates the capacity of the organization first to design, then to produce and sell the products that customers want and will want to buy in the future. The basis of the house of quality is the belief that products should be designed in accordance with the desires and tastes of consumers. This means that marketing people, design engineers and production staff must work closely together from the very moment a product is conceived.

The House of Quality is a kind of blueprint that provides a means of cross-functional design and interconnection. Thanks to this, people with different tasks and responsibilities can competently discuss the order of design work, referring to the lattice structures of houses of quality for evidence.

The main tool of the SFC is a table called the "House of Quality". It displays the relationship between actual quality indicators (consumer properties) and auxiliary indicators (technical requirements). This method allows you to make informed decisions on process quality management. At the same time, it is possible to avoid adjusting the parameters of the product after it has appeared on the market, and, consequently, to ensure both a relatively low cost (by minimizing non-production costs) and a high value of the product.

One of the most effective methods in the field of quality planning is structuring (deployment) (Quality Function Deployment - QFD). Structuring quality functions is a method of structuring the needs and wishes of the consumer through the deployment of functions and activities to ensure that at each stage of the life cycle of a product creation project such quality, which would guarantee the receipt of the final result that meets the expectations of the consumer.

According to the SFC method, consumer requirements should be deployed and specified in stages - from pre-investment research to pre-sales preparation.

The main instrument of the SFC is a table called the “Quality House” (Quality House). It displays the relationship between actual quality indicators (consumer properties) and auxiliary indicators (technical requirements).

Requirements / Characteristics

Medical insurance

Compliance with the delivery time

Compliance with payment terms



Specialist. driver training

Personnel Requirements

Control over those condition



Transport instruction

Compliance with traffic rules


Applying the method of structuring quality functions in cargo transportation, Denoting the criteria for the relationship between requirements and characteristics in the color palette: weak - "turquoise", medium - "yellow", strong - "green". The table above shows that the main requirements are; license, delivery time, terms of payment and staff qualifications.

Chapter 3. Analysis of the transport network and cargo transportation.

3.1 Analysis of indicators of cargo transportation.

Analysis of the market for road groupage transportation for the 1st quarter in one of the most popular directions Moscow-Yekaterinburg.

small volumes
rub. per kg

average volumes,
rub. per kg

large volumes,
rub. per kg

Change tariffs,
cf. %










Auto trading



























Tariff change, %














Cargo carrier



























Tariff change, %









































Tariff change, %














Business Line



























Tariff change, %














Baikal Service



























Tariff change, %









































Tariff change, %









































Tariff change, %














The average cost is old, rub.




Average cost new, rub.




Total change in tariffs, %




3.2 Cause and effect diagram.

In quality management, one cannot simply set a task and demand its unconditional fulfillment. It is necessary to understand the meaning and levers of managing the process, to master it and to create within the framework of this process ways to produce higher quality products, set more promising goals and achieve the necessary results. To facilitate this process, Kaoru Ishikawa proposed a special diagram.

The number of causal factors is infinite. In any work, in any process, ten to twenty causal factors can be immediately identified. It is impossible to control all these causative factors. Even if it were possible, such work would be unprofitable.

Despite the large number of causal factors that are truly important, that is, those that significantly affect the results, there are not so many. If you follow the V. Pareto principle, you need to standardize and manage the two or three most important factors, but first you need to identify these main causal factors.

Ishikawa's cause-and-effect diagram is a tool that allows you to identify the most significant factors (causes) that affect the final result (effect).

A cause-and-effect diagram is also known as a fishbone diagram. To draw up a cause-and-effect diagram, it is necessary to select the maximum number of factors related to a characteristic that has gone beyond the allowable values. At the same time, to investigate the causes of the phenomenon, it is necessary to involve third parties who are not directly related to the work, since they may have an unexpected approach to identifying and analyzing the causes, which may not be noticed by people familiar with this working environment.

The chart structure looks like this:

We conducted an analysis of a medical service using a cause-and-effect diagram as an example. And we see the influence of external and internal causes on medical services.


Exploring the service of cargo transportation through Internet resources, regulatory documents, using some quality tools. After analyzing the “Requirements-characteristics”, we see the dependence of indicators on characteristics, and characteristics on the requirements put forward by the interested party. And also by conducting an Analysis of "Requirements and Characteristics" with the help of a "house of quality" we saw the main connections.

Today, cargo transportation is an integral part of the infrastructure of the state. They make it possible to carry out trade transactions at various distances, contribute to the development of economic ties and the growth of the welfare of the country as a whole. A huge number of companies build their business on the provision of cargo transportation services at various levels of the administrative system - from the city and regional levels to the international one.


1) "Road transportation" Afanasiev L. L. 2011

2). "Unified transport system" Troitskaya N.A. Chubukov A.B. 2009

3) "Theory of organization and management of road transport: The logistical aspect of the formation of transportation processes." A.V. Velmozhin, V.A. Gudkov, L.B. Mirotin 2010

4) "Business and Logistics-2010": Collection of materials of the Moscow International Logistics Forum.

5) Economic geography in tables, V.V. Klimanov, O.A. Klimanov 2011

6) Russian Statistical Yearbook, Federal State Statistics Service

7) "Transport statistics", E.V. Petrova, O.I. Goncharenko, A.L. Keves, Ed. M.R. Efimova. - M.: Finance and statistics, 2010




Chapter 1. Transport statistics and the theoretical foundations of the methods used to characterize it statistically

1.1 Transport statistics and characterization of test indications

1.2 Methods for calculating statistical indicators

Chapter 2. Statistical analysis of the activities of public freight transport

2.1 Analysis of cargo transportation by public transport

2.2 Analysis of the turnover of public transport




The purpose of this course work is to evaluate the activities of public freight transport, the study and characterization of these indicators for transport (railway, road, pipeline, sea, inland water and air), their change depending on these periods (from 2006 to 2010), the study of statistical indicators.

In accordance with the goal, the following tasks were set:

make calculations of analytical indicators of the activity of public freight transport using the methods of the general theory of statistics;

· provide a visual representation of the actual and analytical performance of public freight transport;

draw conclusions on the calculations made and characterize the activities of public freight transport;

· to summarize.

The object of the study is the types of freight transport, the activities of transport and its results.

The subject of the study is the statistical indicators characterizing the activity of transport, the regularity of their change over the period under study.

The official portal of the Federal State Statistics Service served as the information base.

The topic of this course is relevant, since transport, especially freight transport, is very important for the development of the economy of any country, as well as for its socio-political stability. Statistical analysis of transport activities helps to identify further prospects for its development, make a forecast for improving transport activities, and specifically increase the volume of freight traffic, freight turnover, etc.

Chapter 1. Transport statistics and the theoretical foundations of the methods used to characterize it statistically

1.1 Transport statistics and characteristics of the studied indications

Transport as a type of economic activity is divided into general transport and non-public use.

Public transport- transport that meets the needs of organizations of all types of activities and the population in the transportation of goods and passengers, moving various types of products between producers and consumers, providing public transport services to the population. Transportation by public transport includes transportation on a commercial basis (for a fee) of passengers or goods. Transportation carried out by a commercial organization is recognized as transportation by public transport if it follows from the law, other legal acts that this organization is obliged to carry out the transportation of goods, passengers and luggage at the request of any citizen or legal entity.

The contract of carriage by public transport is a public contract.

Non-public transport (departmental)- transport, which, as a rule, transports goods and passengers of its organization.

Transport statistics is one of the branches of economic statistics.

The object of its study is transport, i.e. a set of enterprises whose production process consists in the movement of goods and passengers.

By the nature of the work, the diversity and complexity of the production units of the transport enterprise in the process of reproduction, it occupies a special place among other sectors of the economy with which it is inextricably linked. The successful activity of all sectors of the economy depends on the level of its development rates, results and quality of work: industry, construction, agriculture, and an increase in the standard of living of the population. By linking all sectors of the economy into a single whole, transport contributes to the rational use of natural resources and the location of production, serves the purposes of developing and strengthening economic and cultural ties between the regions of the country and other countries.

Transport is one of the largest consumers of certain types of products: metal, fuel, timber, electricity. Industries such as railway engineering, automobile manufacturing, shipbuilding, and the aviation industry are entirely working to meet the needs of transport.

The subject of the study of transport statistics are mass economic phenomena, which are the result of the transport process and the conditions (factors) for its implementation in specific conditions of place and time. With the help of a system of statistical indicators, volumes (levels), structure, dynamics and the relationship between the results and factors of the production process are determined. Thus, statistics quantifies patterns and relationships in the development of transport.

To characterize the results and the factors that determine them, it is necessary to create a scientifically based system of indicators.

statistic is a quantity that adequately characterizes a real process or phenomenon in time and space. At the same time, quantitative certainty is associated with qualitative originality.

Scorecard is a set of interrelated indicators that characterize the essential aspects of the phenomenon.

When constructing a system of statistical indicators, they proceed from the main provisions of socio-economic theory and the principle of the dialectical method of cognition.

Statistics should translate economic categories and concepts into statistical indicators. For example, freight transport products are an economic category, and the volume of cargo transported and freight turnover are a system of indicators for characterizing this category.

Transport statistics is broken down into its component parts:

industry sign;

thematic sign.

According to the industry, statistics of individual modes of transport are distinguished in it:





· internal water;


By topic:

· statistics of fixed and working capital;

· production costs and financial results;

investment and innovation.

Of these, the most specific for each mode of transport are:

· statistics of transportation of goods and passengers;

· statistics of the main part of the fixed capital - vehicles and means of communication (transport terminals).

Unit of observation in the statistics of cargo transportation is dispatch, i.e. consignment of cargo, the carriage of which is formalized by the relevant document (contract of carriage). Primary documents on different modes of transport have different names:

road list - for railway and river transport;

bill of lading and manifest - for maritime transport;

· waybill and consignment note - in road transport;

· the accompanying sheet - in air transport.

Freight transportation statistics has developed a system of indicators that provide an opportunity to comprehensively characterize the work of each enterprise and the country's unified transport network. These indicators are divided into two groups:

Volumetric (total);


Volumetric indicators of freight traffic statistics include:

sent (departure) of goods;

arrived (arrival) of goods;

transported (transportation) of goods;

transported in direct mixed traffic;

The volume of transport work performed - freight turnover.

Cargo turnover represents the volume of work in the transportation of goods, calculated by summing the products of the mass of goods transported by the distance of transportation in kilometers (miles). It is one of the main indicators in evaluating the efficiency of a transport enterprise.

Cargo transported (volume of cargo transportation)- the amount of goods in tons transported by transport. It is taken into account by means of transport, communication, track gauge, type of cargo, directions of transportation. The initial moment of the process of cargo transportation is reflected by the indicator "sent (departure) of goods", the final moment - by the indicator "arrived (arrival) of goods". For individual transport organizations, to characterize the entire volume of work, the indicator "carried (transportation) of goods" is used, which is defined as the sum of goods sent and goods received from other transport organizations for transportation.

Qualitative indicators of freight traffic statistics include:

average transportation distance per 1 ton of cargo;

average density of transportation of 1 ton of cargo;

average duration of transportation of 1 ton of cargo;

average speed of advancement of 1 ton of cargo.

The distribution of freight traffic between individual modes of transport depends on their characteristics and economic advantages. For example,

rail transport is used for the transportation of large volumes of goods over long distances;

road transport - in cities and regions for short, as well as for longer distances when transporting valuable and perishable goods;

· maritime transport - for the transportation of bulk cargo in areas gravitating towards inland water and sea basins;

· trunk pipelines are used for pumping gas and crude oil from fields to refineries and for transporting finished petroleum products from factories to consumption areas and terminals;

Air transport is used to transport goods over very long distances.

Railway transport.

During the period when navigation on the rivers is stopped, rail transport successfully replaces water transport. A large volume of trade with other countries is carried out precisely by rail. It also ranks first among other main modes of transport.

Automobile transport.

Road transport is the most mobile of all modes of transport. It is capable of transporting goods both over long and short distances. Disadvantages - high cost and labor intensity, high level of environmental pollution.

Pipeline transport.

The variety of pipeline transport, depending on the types of transported products, necessitates the use of grouping (classification). Main pipelines are divided into oil pipelines, product pipelines and gas pipelines. The former serve to pump crude oil from fields to refineries. The second - for the transportation of finished petroleum products from factories to consumption areas. The third is for gas transportation. If the product pipeline is strictly specialized for the transportation of any one type of oil product, it is called accordingly: a kerosene pipeline, a gasoline pipeline, an oil pipeline, and a fuel oil pipeline. The advantage of pipeline transport is that it has continuous transportation and does not depend on natural conditions. The big drawback is environmental pollution.

Sea transport.

Sea transport is able to transport any cargo, any type and size. Unlike other modes of transport, sea transport mainly export (46%) and import (70%) cargo. Disadvantages: dependence on weather conditions, the need for expensive port facilities and a high share of the cost of initial and final operations. In the conditions of the current crisis, the turnover of maritime transport is growing. This happens due to the fact that many business entities are switching to cheaper modes of transport, such as sea transportation.

Inland waterways.

These include: rivers, lakes, reservoirs, channels suitable for navigation. On inland waterways, the movement of ships is not allowed across the entire width, but only on the ways that are prepared for navigation and which are marked with navigational signs.

Statistical accounting of cargo transportation in inland water transport is carried out by inland water transport enterprises: ports, shipping companies, shipping companies, as well as enterprises of other sectors of the economy that carry out transportation work on a commercial basis.

Air Transport.

By air, goods are transported over very long distances, but this mode of transport is much less than others used to transport cargo. They carry, as a rule, the most expensive goods: precious furs, expensive clothes, weapons, medicines, etc. The main difference between aviation and other modes of transport is its high ground speed and long non-stop flight range.

1.2 Methods for calculating statistical indicators

statistical analysis freight transport

All calculations are entered into a statistical table called statistical grouping .

Statistical grouping- allows you to characterize the size, structure and relationship of the studied phenomena, to identify their patterns.

Methods for calculation :

· Series of dynamics (absolute and relative indicators, chain and basic and average values);

· Graphic construction (graphs and diagrams).

Absolute indicators- named numbers that have a certain dimension and units of measurement. They characterize indicators at a point in time or over a period. Depending on the various reasons and goals of the analysis, natural, conditionally natural, monetary and labor units of measurement are used.

Absolute growth is the difference between the research level of the series and the previous (or basic) level.

Chain - y \u003d yi - yi-1.

Such absolute indicators are also called the growth rate. Chain indicators characterize the intensity of the change in the level from one period to another within the period of time that is being studied.

Basic - y= yi - y0.

Where y is the absolute increase;

yi - the actual value of the indicator;

y0 and yi-1 - the basic value of the indicator.

For y0, the first time indicator is taken, and for yi-1 - the previous time indicator.

On the basis of absolute indicators, relative performance .

Relative indicators .

They characterize the change in the level of development of a phenomenon over time. Otherwise, the relative values ​​of the dynamics are called growth and growth rates.

Growth rate is found according to the formula:

Rate of increase is found according to the formula:

Tpr \u003d Tr - 100%.

General formula:

Tpr \u003d 100% - 100%, T pr \u003d T p -100%.

If y0 is taken as the previous time indicator (variable base of comparison), then the growth rate is called chain.

If the first time indicator (constant base of comparison) is taken as y0, then the growth rate is called the base one.

Relative indicators of the structure characterize the composition of the studied population, shares, specific weights in the total.

Share of population parts is found according to the formula:

d is the specific gravity;

yi is the value of the i-th (from 1 to n) indicator;

n - total indicators of the population.

Averages .

The average is a generalizing characteristic of a set of units on a qualitatively homogeneous basis.

In statistics, various types of averages are used: arithmetic, quadratic, geometric and structural averages: mode, median. In addition to mode and median, averages are calculated in two forms: simple and weighted. The choice of the form of the average depends on the initial data and the content of the indicator being determined.

simple arithmetic mean applies in cases where options are presented individually as a list of them in any order or ranked series.

Average annual growth rate is calculated by the formula of the geometric mean of the chain growth coefficients:

Tr \u003d T1 T2 ... Tn

Тр – average growth rate;

Тn – chain growth rates;

n is the number of coefficients.

Or by the formula:

where Y are the absolute levels of the series of dynamics, and n is the number of years (levels of the series of dynamics) in the studied period of time (without the base one).

Chapter 2. Statistical analysis of the activities of public freight transport

2.1 Analysis of the transportation of cargo by public transport.

One of the main indicators of the work of freight transport is the amount of cargo transported. Table 1 presents the interval series of the dynamics of cargo transportation by types of public transport. The average amount of cargo transported over 5 years is also calculated.

Table 1

Transportation of goods by mode of public transport (million tons)

2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 Average over 5 years
Transport - total 8768 8978 9167 9300 9450 9132,6
Including types:
railway 1161 1221 1273 1312 1345 1262,4
automotive 6468 6568 6685 6753 6861 6667
pipeline 976 1024 1048 1070 1062 1036
nautical 36 29 26 25 28 28,8
inland waterway 126 135 134 139 153 137,4
air 0,8 0,9 0,8 0,9 1,0 0,88

The largest number of cargo transportation was observed in road transport in 2010 (6861 million tons), the smallest - in air transport in 2006 and 2008 (0.8 million tons). The average value for 5 years is calculated using the simple arithmetic mean, since the series is interval.

Data on the structure of cargo transportation are presented in table 2.

table 2

Freight transportation structure by types of public transport, in %

2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 Average over 5 years
Transport - total 100 100 100 100 100 100
Including types:
railway 13,24 13,60 13,87 14,12 14,23 13,82
automotive 73,77 73,16 72,93 72,61 72,60 73,0
pipeline 11,13 11,41 11,43 11,51 11,24 11,34
nautical 0,41 0,32 0,28 0,27 0,30 0,34
inland waterway 1,44 1,51 1,46 1,49 1,62 1,50
air 0,009 0,01 0,008 0,0097 0,01 0,0096

According to Table 2, it can be seen that the largest share of cargo transportation is occupied by road transport. In 2006, its share was the largest and amounted to 72.77%. The smallest share is assigned to air transport - 2008 - 0.008%.

The average annual structure of freight traffic is reflected in the diagram (Fig. 1).

The data in Table 1 can be presented in the form of a graph, which can be used to trace the dynamics of transport transportation.

The predominant mode of transport in terms of cargo transportation is road transport, and the number of its cargo transportation is growing from 2006 to 2010. It is followed by railway, pipeline, inland water and only then sea and air. The graph shows that all other modes of transport are significantly inferior to road transport and do not surpass each other. Least of all transportation is carried out by air transport.

There is a change in the transportation of goods by those modes of transport that have relatively low rates, such as air and sea transport. Therefore, it is appropriate to reflect the cargo transportation of these modes of transport on separate graphs.

From 2006 to 2009, there was a decline in cargo transportation by sea. By 2010, the number of cargo transportation had increased almost to the level of 2007 and amounted to 28 million tons.

The dynamics of cargo transportation by air is of a spasmodic nature, and from 2008 to 2010 there has been an increase in the number of cargo transportation.

There is an increase in the number of cargo transportation by inland waterways from 2006 to 2010. Only in 2008 there was a slight decrease.

For a more detailed study of the dynamics of cargo transportation by modes of transport, we calculate the indicator of change in the series of dynamics.

In order to find out how the level of the series has changed for a certain studied period of time (increased or decreased), we calculate such an absolute indicator as an absolute increase.

Table 3 shows the absolute growth of cargo transportation by modes of transport on a chain basis.

Table 3

Absolute growth in freight traffic by modes of transport, in million tons (on a chain basis)

2007 2008 2009 2010 For the entire period Average absolute growth
Transport - total 210 189 133 150 682 170,5
Including types:
railway 60 52 39 33 184 46
automotive 100 117 68 108 393 98,25
pipeline 48 24 22 -8 86 21,5
nautical -7 -3 -1 3 -8 -2
inland waterway 9 -1 5 14 27 6,75
air 0,1 -0,1 0,1 0,1 0,2 0,05

To identify the relative rate of change in the series, the growth rate of the dynamics series is calculated. Table 4 shows the growth rates of freight traffic by mode of transport.

Table 4

Growth rates of cargo transportation by modes of transport, in % (on a chain basis)

2007 2008 2009 2010 Average annual
Transport - total 102,40 102,11 101,45 101,61 101,89
Including types:
railway 105,17 104,26 103,06 102,52 103,75
automotive 101,55 101,78 101,02 101,60 101,49
pipeline 104,92 102,34 102,10 99,25 102,13
nautical 80,56 89,66 96,15 112,0 93,91
inland waterway 107,14 99,26 103,73 110,07 104,97
air 112,5 88,89 112,5 111,11 105,74

Data on the growth rate are presented in table 5.

Table 5

Growth rates of cargo transportation by modes of transport, in % (on a chain basis)

A positive growth in general can be seen in all modes of transport, with the exception of maritime transport, in which, even despite the jump in 2010 - 12% (3 million tons), the average annual growth was negative. There is a decline in rail transport, as well as in pipeline transport. The increase in cargo transportation by road transport is of a spasmodic nature, there is a positive trend in the growth rate in 2010 compared to 2007, though slightly, but increased. The highest growth rate was recorded for air transport in 2007 and 2009 and amounted to 12.5%. The lowest value of the growth rate is observed in the cargo transportation of sea transport and is a decrease of 19.44% (7 million tons). The trend in changes in freight transport by inland waterways is not constant, but in general there is an increase, especially in 2010 - 10% (14 million tons). The growth rate of cargo transportation by air is also spasmodic.

There is a similarity in the dynamics of the growth rates of air and inland water transport. By 2008, there was a decline in the growth rate of cargo transportation for these two modes of transport, however, unlike inland water transportation, air transport tends to decrease by 2010. The growth trend of cargo transportation by sea is very clearly visible, by 2010 their number has jumped sharply, and the increase in this type of transport amounted to 12% (3 million tons). The growth rate of cargo transportation by pipeline and rail transport, as can be seen in the graph, is declining. Cargo transportation by road transport is relatively stable in its growth rate.

Freight transportation is also carried out by international means of communication. Table 6 presents data on cargo transportation by certain types of public transport, and also calculates the average amount of cargo transported over 5 years.

Table 6

Cargo transportation in international traffic by certain types of public transport, million tons

2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 Average over 5 years
Automotive - total, including: 1,14 0,96 1,82 3,56 1,75 1,846
export 0,43 0,30 1,02 0,41 0,54 0,54
import 0,69 0,64 0,76 3,11 1,17 1,274
transit 0,02 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,01 0,06
on the territory of foreign countries 0,00 0,02 0,04 0,04 0,02 0,024
Marine – total including: 17,7 11,5 12,4 10,7 20,3 14,52
export 10,5 7,9 9,1 7,7 12,9 9,62
import 1,1 1,0 0,7 0,4 2,1 1,06
between foreign ports 6,1 2,6 2,6 2,6 5,3 3,84
Inland waterways - total, including: 29,9 31,9 29,3 21,0 21,8 26,78
export 22,5 22,9 21,3 15,2 15,3 19,44
import 0,9 1,4 1,4 1,1 1,4 1,24
between foreign points 6,3 7,4 6,5 4,6 4,8 5,92
transit 0,2 0,3 0,1 0,05 0,4 0,21
Air 0,3 0,4 0,4 0,4 0,5 0,4

The largest number of cargo transportation in total was recorded by inland waterway transport in 2007 and amounted to 31.9 million tons, and the largest number of export cargo transportation was recorded in the same mode of transport in 2007 - 22.9 million tons. The smallest number of cargo transportations was noted by air transport in 2006 - 0.3 million tons. It can also be seen that there was no transit traffic at all by road between 2007 and 2009, and was the second-lowest freight carrier (0.06 million tons) for the entire period after inland waterway (0.21 million tons). ). The average value for 5 years was calculated from the simple arithmetic mean, since the series is interval.

Table 7

The structure of cargo transportation by certain types of public transport in international traffic, in %

According to Table 7, it can be seen that the largest share in the total number of cargo transportation by types of public transport in international traffic is occupied by inland water transport. In 2007, its share was the largest and amounted to 71.27%. Air transport has the smallest share in cargo transportation; in 2006, its share was less than all other modes of transport and amounted to 0.61%.

The average annual structure of cargo transportation by individual modes of transport in international traffic is shown in the diagram (Fig. 2).

In order to trace the dynamics of cargo transportation in international traffic by mode of transport, you can build a diagram according to table 7, taking only general data for each mode of transport.

According to table 7, diagrams (Fig. 7) and it is clear that the predominant mode of transport in cargo transportation is inland water. The number of its cargo transportation first increases from 2006 to 2007, but then decreases significantly by 2009, after which it again goes up. Despite this, inland water transport is not inferior to any of the other modes of transport. Maritime transport in terms of the number of cargo transportation is in second place. The graph shows the unstable nature of cargo transportation by this type of transport. But in general, the number of its cargo transportation by 2010 is increasing, catching up with the number of cargo transportation by inland water transport. The number of cargo transported by air is relatively stable and increases between 2006 and 2010, which is not the case with road transport. The number of its cargo transportation increased until 2009, and then by 2010 it dropped sharply.

In order to identify how the level of the series has changed over a certain period under study and the relative rate of change in the series, we calculate the absolute growth and the growth rate and growth in freight traffic in international traffic by mode of transport.

Table 8

Absolute growth of cargo transportation by individual modes of transport in international traffic, in million tons (on a chain basis)

Table 9

Growth rates of cargo transportation by individual modes of transport in international traffic, in % (on a chain basis)

Table 10

Growth rates of cargo transportation by individual modes of transport in international traffic, in % (on a chain basis)

A positive average annual growth rate of cargo transportation is observed for all modes of transport, with the exception of inland waterways. By 2009, there was a significant decline in cargo transportation of this type of transport (a decrease of 28.33% - 8.3 million tons). The highest value of the growth rate is observed for cargo transportation by road in 2009 - 95.6% (1.74 million tons). And the lowest in terms of cargo transportation by sea in 2007 (decrease by 35.03%). As for air transport, it can be seen that the rate of its growth in the period from 2008 to 2009 remained unchanged, and in 2007 and 2010 it tends to increase the number of cargo transportation.

There is some similarity in the dynamics of cargo transportation on international routes of communication of inland waterway, sea and air transport. In the period from 2009 to 2010, there is a positive trend in the growth rate of freight traffic by these modes of transport. What, however, cannot be said about road transport. Its growth rate trend turned out to be negative.

2.2 Analysis of the turnover of public transport

The second of the main indicators of the work of freight transport is the freight turnover. Table 11 presents the interval series of the dynamics of freight turnover by types of public transport. Also, the average value of cargo turnover for 5 years was calculated using the arithmetic mean of idle time.

Table 11

Freight turnover by mode of public transport (billion ton-kilometers)

2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 Average over 5 years
Transport - total 4284 4558 4676 4801 4915 4646,8
Including types:
Railway 1669 1802 1858 1951 2090 1874
Automotive 173 182 194 199 206 190,8
Pipeline 2273 2413 2474 2499 2465 2424,8
Nautical 85 66 60 62 65 67,6
Inland waterway 81 92 87 87 86 86,6
Air 2,7 3,0 2,8 2,9 3,4 2,96

Table 11 shows that the maximum freight turnover was recorded in 2009 for pipeline transport and amounted to 2499 billion ton-kilometers. And the smallest cargo turnover was for air transport in 2006, the numerical value of which is 2.7 ton-kilometers.

To find out the share of each transport in the total amount of cargo turnover, we calculate the relative indicator of the structure. Structure data reflects table 12

Table 12

Freight turnover structure by types of public transport, in %

2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 Average over 5 years
Transport - total 100 100 100 100 100 100
Including types:
Railway 38,96 39,53 39,73 40,64 42,52 40,33
Automotive 4,04 3,99 4,15 4,14 4,19 4,11
Pipeline 53,06 52,94 52,91 52,05 50,15 52,18
Nautical 1,98 1,45 1,28 1,29 1,32 1,45
Inland waterway 1,89 2,02 1,86 1,81 1,75 1,86
Air 0,06 0,07 0,06 0,06 0,07 0,06

According to the available data in Table 11, it can be argued that pipeline transport has the largest share in terms of freight turnover. In 2007 it was the highest and accounted for 52.94% of the total cargo turnover. Air transport has the smallest share. It was the lowest in 2006, 2008 and 2009 - 0.06%. The second and third places are occupied by rail (the maximum value in 2010 - 42.52%) and road transport (2010 - 4.19%), respectively. In 2006, the share of maritime transport in terms of cargo turnover was higher than that of inland waterways. However, in 2007 the situation changed and the share of inland water transport became higher than that of maritime transport. This position of the share of inland water transport in terms of cargo turnover remained until 2010.

The dynamics of cargo transportation differs from the graph of the dynamics of cargo turnover. This is where pipeline transport comes into play. This is due to the fact that, for example, such goods as gas and oil are transported mainly through pipelines, as it is more convenient and cheaper. The second place in terms of cargo turnover is occupied by rail transport, and then all other modes of transport follow. Air transport ranks last in terms of cargo turnover, as well as in the dynamics of cargo transportation. The graph clearly shows an increase in freight turnover in rail transport, and a decrease in freight turnover in pipeline transport since 2009. Freight turnover for the remaining modes of transport is relatively stable, increases and decreases in freight turnover are not very large.

To get a general picture of changes in the dynamics of freight turnover by mode of transport, it is worth calculating absolute and relative indicators, such as absolute chain growth, chain growth rates and increments. These data are presented in tables 13, 14, 15.

Table 13

Absolute growth in freight turnover by types of public transport, billion ton-kilometers (on a chain basis)

2007 2008 2009 2010 For the entire period Average annual absolute growth

Transport - total

274 118 125 114 631 157,75
Including types:
Railway 133 56 93 139 421 105,25
Automotive 9 12 5 7 33 8,25
Pipeline 140 61 25 -34 192 48
Nautical -19 -6 2 3 -20 -5
Inland waterway 11 -5 0 -1 5 1,25
Air 0,3 -0,2 0,1 0,5 0,7 0,175

Table 14

Freight turnover growth rates by types of public transport, billion ton-kilometers, in % (on a chain basis)

2007 2008 2009 2010 Average annual

Transport - total

106,40 102,59 102,67 102,37 103,49
Including types:
Railway 107,97 103,11 105,01 107,12 105,78
Automotive 105,20 106,59 102,58 103,52 104,46
Pipeline 106,16 102,53 101,01 98,64 102,05
Nautical 77,65 90,91 103,33 104,84 95,51
Inland waterway 113,58 94,57 100 98,85 101,51
Air 111,11 93,33 103,57 117,24 105,93

Table 15

Freight turnover growth rates by types of public transport, in % (on a chain basis)

According to the data of three tables, it can be noted that for the period under study, the average annual growth rate of freight turnover for all modes of transport, with the exception of maritime transport, was positive. However, it acquired a significant downward trend between 2007 and 2008. So if in 2007 the increase in freight turnover in general for all modes of transport was 6.4% or 274 billion ton-kilometers, then in 2008 it was only 2.59% or 118 billion ton-kilometers. The largest negative growth was recorded in 2007 according to the growth rate of cargo turnover in maritime transport and amounted to 22.35% or 19 billion ton-kilometers. And the largest positive increase is noted in the cargo turnover by air transport and has a numerical value equal to 0.7 billion ton-kilometers or 17.24%. Also, in terms of freight turnover of this type of transport, the largest average annual increase was observed, which amounted to 5.93%.

For a more visual representation of the change in growth rates over time, we will build a graph.

Looking at the graph, it can be noted that the freight turnover for all types of transport, except for pipeline transport, was declining by 2008. Then, by 2009, there is an increase in growth rates for all modes of transport, again, except for pipelines. The growth rate of cargo transportation by this type of transport is declining. In general, by 2010 there is a trend towards an increase in the growth rate of freight turnover for all modes of transport, with the exception of inland waterway and maritime modes of transport.


In the course of this course work, an assessment was made of the activities of public freight transport. All tasks were completed, namely:

· Using the methods of the general theory of statistics, calculations of absolute and relative values ​​were carried out;

· The dynamics of the main indicators of public freight transport has been revealed;

· Actual and analytical performance indicators of public freight transport were clearly presented on graphs and diagrams.

Based on the work done, some general conclusions can be drawn.

During the study period from 2006 to 2010 in the Russian Federation, the largest share of cargo transportation in general is occupied by road transport. On average, over five years, the share of road transport in cargo transportation amounted to 73% of the total, and the number of its cargo transportation is increasing from year to year. There is a positive trend. The smallest share is assigned to air transport and is 0.0096% of the total number of cargo transportation. It is also possible to draw a conclusion about cargo transportation in international traffic by some modes of transport, which were considered in the course. The predominant mode of transport for cargo transportation in international traffic is inland waterway - 61.5%. Despite the fact that the number of its cargo transportation is declining by 2010, it still occupies a leading position. Also, by 2010, the share of cargo transportation in the international sea transport is growing, and is approaching in its value the value of inland water transport - 45.77%. This happens because in the conditions of the current crisis, many business entities are switching to cheaper modes of transport, which is sea transport.

In terms of freight turnover, the picture is changing, and pipeline transport takes the first place in terms of freight turnover. Its share in the total cargo turnover is 52.18%, which is more than half. However, the growth rate of its cargo turnover is declining. The smallest share of cargo transportation is assigned to air transport and amounts to 0.06% of the total cargo turnover, and its cargo turnover increased by 0.5 billion ton-kilometers in the period from 2009 to 2010. In general, by 2010 there is a positive trend in freight turnover for all modes of transport, with the exception of sea and rail in the period from 2009 to 2010.


1. "Russian Statistical Yearbook", Federal State Statistics Service, 2008.

2. "Transport statistics", E.V. Petrova, O.I. Goncharenko, A.L. Keves, Ed. M.R. Efimova. - M.: Finance and statistics, 2001.

3. "Theory of Statistics", edited by Professor R.A. Shmoylova, Moscow, 2005.





"Transport Statistics", E.V. Petrova, O.I. Goncharenko, A.L. Keves, Ed. M.R. Efimova. - M.: Finance and statistics, 2001.

"Theory of Statistics", edited by Professor R.A. Shmoylova, Moscow, 2005

The modern branch of production and sale of equipment and spare parts is one of the most transport-intensive sectors of the economy. As the scale of production expands, the tasks of timely delivery of products to the warehouse, as well as bringing products to the consumer with the least losses, become increasingly important.

The solution of these important economic tasks belongs to a well-organized transport network. Transport plays an important role in the country's economy, serving individual sectors, carrying out the relationship between agriculture and industry, it contributes to the constant growth of social wealth.

Transport plays an important role in the development of the national economy. Transportation of raw materials, materials, semi-finished products, finished products is a prerequisite for social reproduction.

The development of the transport economy is under the influence of objective economic laws.

When transporting goods, the value created by the labor of workers employed in transport is added to the value of the transported goods.

Expanded reproduction causes an increase in the level of equipment of enterprises with motor transport.

Transport - as a type of economic activity is divided into public and non-public transport.

Public transport - meets the needs of all sectors of the economy and the population in the transportation of goods and passengers, moving various types of products between producers and consumers.

Non-public transport - (departmental), as a rule, transports goods and passengers of its enterprise.

In the conditions of market relations, the criteria for production efficiency, some scientists consider the maximization of profit on invested capital.

In this regard, the following main trends and patterns of the formation and functioning of transport are substantiated:

  • 1. increasing the role of the transport link as an intersectoral factor in the implementation of the targeted comprehensive program by ensuring the normal functioning of a single process of reproduction and sale of goods and services.
  • 2. Accelerating the pace of development of the transport and road network.
  • 3. strengthening the role of transport in the development of additional investments related to the acceleration of the intensification of activities.
  • 4. Deepening the division of labor and further specialization of transport services through the formation of large transport units.
  • 5. Proportional development of all components of the infrastructure that affect the normal functioning of transport.

In the field of activity of the enterprise, it is necessary to move spare parts, equipment, machinery, fuel, lubricants and other goods over different distances, which requires the organization of the operation of vehicles in various conditions. Therefore, this field of activity cannot be limited somehow to one highly efficient mode of transport.

All cargoes transported by our company can be conditionally divided into four groups, each of which is characterized by certain types of cargo, economic importance, conditions and terms of transportation, departmental affiliation:

  • Group 1 - this group includes the transportation of large-sized equipment.
  • Group 2 - this includes small goods delivered to customers (spare parts, small equipment).
  • Group 3 - includes the transportation of goods of a technological nature, performed within the enterprise. These transportations are united by the concept - on-farm transportation.
  • Group 4 - includes goods necessary for the operation of the enterprise itself (fuel, spare parts, blanks ...)

Cargoes of the first group occupy 12-16%, their national economic importance is great.

The second group of cargo transportation in its volume exceeds the first one by 2 times.

A large share in the volume of transportation has intra-farm transportation. They are carried out over relatively short distances - 7-10 km. They are associated with production processes that satisfy the daily needs of the enterprise.

The transportation of goods of the fourth group is relatively small in terms of its volume, they usually account for 10-15% of the total volume of transportation.

Of the total volume of transportation, about 80% is accounted for by road transport, the rest of the transportation is carried out by railway

Transportation performed for the needs of the enterprise is usually divided into two categories - on-farm and off-farm.

The on-farm category includes transportation of the third group, and the off-farm category includes transportation of the remaining groups.

A feature of the performance of cargo transportation at the enterprise is a relatively low level of mechanization of loading and unloading operations.

L.F. Kormakov in his book divides all cargo according to the following principle:

  • 1. bulk;
  • 2. packaged;
  • 3. piece;
  • 4. indivisible;
  • 5. bulk;
  • 6. small batch.

Table 10 shows the percentage of this type and type of cargo for Selkhozmashkompleks-invest OJSC.

In Selkhozmashkompleks-invest JSC, the main modes of transport are cars. On average, 80% of transportation in enterprises is carried out by their own vehicles, which are used for off-farm and on-farm transportation of goods.

Table 10. Percentage ratios of modes of transportation of goods to the total volume

Road transport is the most efficient, it allows you to quickly concentrate the required number of vehicles in the right place and ensure the delivery of goods at the lowest cost of labor and money. Vehicles have high maneuverability, good cross-country ability, sufficient carrying capacity and speed. They not only serve the technological process of production, carry out work with high quality and in optimal time, but also provide production links between enterprises located at different distances.

There are 4 principles of highly efficient transport service:

  • 1. the principle of completeness, reflects only the degree of development of the program of cargo transportation, characterizes the volumetric results of the functioning of transport and only partially determines the formation of the final indicators of transport services for production.
  • 2. the principle of the timely execution of transportation, most fully expresses the requirements of the normal organization and technology of the reproduction process at its various stages and has a decisive influence on the formation of the final results of production.
  • 3. The principle of quality in the development of cargo transportation ensures the preservation of mass and consumer value in the process of transporting material and technical resources to the sphere of production and finished products.
  • 4. The principle of cost-effectiveness of cargo transportation embodies the requirement of the law of value in the transport sector and creates opportunities to reduce specific transportation costs as at all stages of the reproduction process.

From a practical point of view, it is also important that the degree of adherence to the principles of high-performance transport services can be quantified. To determine the completeness of cargo transportation, a coefficient can be used, determined by referring the volume of actually transported goods to the planned one:

The coefficient of timeliness of cargo transportation can be determined by dividing the volume of goods transported in the terms established according to the technology and organization of production to the total volume of goods transported:

Ksv \u003d Qsv / Qph

The quality factor of cargo transportation should be determined by the ratio of cargo transported on vehicles that meet industry requirements, including delivery on specialized rolling stock, to the total volume of transported cargo:

In science, there are dozens and hundreds of coefficients and formulas by which the economic efficiency of the use of transport is calculated. The most important ones to read:

1. The coefficient of efficiency of investments in transport is calculated according to the formula;

Ep=(C1-C2):(K1-K2); where

C1 and C2 - annual operating costs for the compared options (C1>C2) rub.

K1 and K2 - capital investments for the compared options (K1>K2) rub.

2. The required number of rolling stock (enterprises).

Na - number of cars,

Q - the volume of transportation per change of tons,

Kb - vehicle fleet utilization factor,

Pa - production of cars for a laugh.

3. Average technical speed (Vt)

L is the total mileage of the vehicle (with and without cargo),

Tdv - time of movement.

4. Operating speed (Ve) km.h.


Tpr - the duration of downtime.

The relationship between operational and technical speed is expressed by:

Vt \u003d VeL: (L-VeTpr) km.h.

5. Average trip length (Le)

Lgr - total mileage with cargo,

Z is the number of completed rides.

6. Average transportation distance (Lr)

Qt km - freight turnover in ton-kilometers,

From - the volume of transportation in tons.

7. Mileage utilization rate (J)

J=Lgr:(Lgr+Lx+Lo); where

Lx - idle run,

Lo - zero mileage (from the garage to the place of the first load).

8. Load utilization factor (g)

F - platform floor area sq.m.,

H - stowage height in meters,

V - volumetric weight of the cargo, t/cu.m.

Fhv is the ratio of actually loaded rolling stock to the nominal carrying capacity of vehicles in tons (q).

9. Vehicle turnover time depending on transportation distance, technical speed and other factors:

Tob \u003d 60L / VtK + tp-r min

L - transportation distance in km;

Vt - technical speed of the car, km.h.,

K - mileage utilization factor (0.5),

tp-r - downtime of the car under loading and unloading (taking into account the time for paperwork).

10. The number of equipment needed to service one or a group of vehicles.

A \u003d ObTo / gYin

About - the amount of work performed,

Y - load capacity utilization factor,

g - carrying capacity of the car, t.,

That is the turnaround time of the car,

In - the interval for the car to be loaded.

When analyzing the current state of motor transport services in the region, it is necessary to consider many indicators on the basis of which a conclusion is made. We should not forget about the availability and condition of roads in the region.

I - Main on-farm roads.

II - Entrances connecting settlements.

III - Field roads connecting departments, agro-industrial enterprises, livestock farms, as well as main on-farm roads with fields, gardens, etc.

IV - Roads and driveways on the territory of rural settlements.

The importance of roads for the development of motor transport services is great. In general, the development of any transport without the development of communications is impossible. Pave the road does not mean to promote the development of motor transport. Pay attention to the quality of the road surface. The efficiency of using cars also depends on the condition of the road. Under bad road conditions, the cost of fuel and lubricants increases by 33%. The service life of cars is reduced by 1.5 - 2 times, which requires additional capital expenditures for repair and renewal of the fleet. According to the latest calculations of scientists-economists, for the normal functioning of the country's economy, it is necessary to increase roads by 2 times.

Analysis of the organization of transportation in LORRI LLC

Today, cargo transportation services are in great demand. And no wonder: the well-being of the population is growing and, consequently, the level of provision and financial opportunities is also increasing. Now, in order to carry out cargo transportation of any volume, it is very beneficial to use the help of a transport company.

Many people have been convinced more than once from their own experience that cargo transportation, carried out exclusively on their own, takes a lot of effort and absorbs a considerable amount of time. A lot of worries are connected with the proper packing of things, ordering transport, in some cases it is required to rent special equipment, and, in fact, loading and unloading things is also a very laborious and burdensome process.

It is very difficult to plan your own transportation. There is a high probability of missing important, seemingly insignificant details that can lead to unforeseen situations and unpleasant losses, both material and financial.

To properly plan the entire process of cargo transportation, you also need to have experience in such things. Putting the organization from "A" to "Z" on the shoulders of one or two people would be an illogical and inefficient solution. Therefore, there are special transport companies that have a staff with qualifications in different directions.

One of such companies is LORRI LLC.

The transport company LORRI LLC offers a full package of logistics services.

LORRI LLC provides its clients with comprehensive consulting support on issues that arise during the delivery process and offers services for the development of optimal schemes for the transportation of foreign trade goods:

  • - transportation planning;
  • - calculation of tariff rates for transportation and time of transportation of goods at the stage of concluding contracts;
  • - advice on optimization of transport costs.

The logistics concept of the company offers planning, organization, management and control of the movement of freight and related financial and information flows, which makes the transportation process simple and reliable.

This concept provides the following services:

  • - provision of reference information;
  • - development of optimal schemes for the delivery of goods;
  • - dispatching and monitoring of transport;
  • - organization of cargo storage;
  • - preparation of shipping documents;
  • - insurance.

LORRI LLC specialists provide clients with detailed background information on the specifics of the issue in order to eliminate all possible misunderstandings in the process of work.

An analysis of transport, time, storage, customs and organizational costs allows you to choose the optimal transport scheme that saves time and minimizes the cost of cargo delivery, while ensuring high reliability of transportation.

At the same time, a number of options are analyzed - for each of them, initial data is collected - and then, based on the calculations performed, the best option is recommended.

For example, it is necessary to consider the determination of the cost of transporting fertilizer - ammonium sulfate in the amount of 10,000 tons from Rostov-on-Don (supplier) to St. Petersburg (buyer), provided that the main transportation is paid by the supplier. In accordance with these conditions, Lorry LLC must organize the main transportation of cargo, transshipment at the port or at the railway station, transportation to the destination.

Forwarder Lorri LLC can offer the following delivery schemes:

1) Rostov on Don - Railway transport - St. Petersburg.

Costs for transportation by rail from Rostov-on-Don to St. Petersburg are $25.52/t plus $6.09/t - the rate for loading and unloading at the destination. Total transportation amounted to 31.61 dollars per ton. Total amount = $316,100

2) Rostov on Don - Sea transport - St. Petersburg.

To carry out cargo transportation, a pusher tug with a capacity of 2400 hp is used. with trains with a carrying capacity of 15 thousand tons. Motor ships have the necessary registration documents for the transportation of general, bulk, dangerous goods of hazard class 5.1.

24.42 + 5.9 + = 30.32 USD/t.

Total amount = $303,200

3) Car option from Rostov-on-Don to St. Petersburg: Total amount = $430,000

For the price of transportation, the second option will be optimal, in addition, the final cost will include the time of transportation, and the likelihood of unforeseen expenses, delays in transit, and possible damage to the cargo.

The work is carried out under a contract for the provision of transport services based on customer requests (see Appendix 8).

Calculation of the optimal schemes for the delivery of goods from the sender to the recipient, from the manufacturer to dealerships, from the supplier to the consumer is an important task, since the correct and efficient delivery schemes allow the company to significantly save on transportation costs, which sometimes make up a very significant part of the total enterprise expenses. The development of optimal delivery schemes is carried out by delivery service specialists with relevant experience and knowledge, as well as the ability to work with the most modern software.

Behind the seeming simplicity of developing a delivery scheme from the sender to the recipient, there is a responsible and complex work, which consists in analyzing a complex of factors and circumstances. Analysis and accurate calculation of all factors for organizing the most optimal delivery scheme is a very difficult task, which can only be handled by experienced and highly qualified specialists who have an understanding of the specifics and features of working with various types of cargo.

The timing, reliability and quality of cargo transportation is influenced by a huge number of factors that need to be carefully analyzed. Optimal delivery schemes are developed taking into account the following factors:

  • - the cost of delivery according to the "door to door" scheme;
  • - the specifics and nature of the cargo being transported;
  • - the need to comply with special conditions for the transportation of goods;
  • - efficiency of using the load capacity of the vehicle;
  • - the declared terms of delivery of the goods;
  • - possible delivery routes;
  • - analysis of customs tariffs;
  • - the possibility of using different types of transport;
  • - the need to use related services in the organization of transportation;
  • - analysis of the external economic situation;
  • - special requirements of the client to the organization of delivery, etc.

Thus, the development of optimal delivery schemes is a complex process of analyzing numerous factors that directly affect the quality and efficiency of cargo transportation. To solve such a complex problem, LORRI LLC specialists use various software modules that provide a multilateral analysis of factors to select the most optimal scheme for delivering cargo from the sender to the recipient.

Specialists of the delivery service of LORRI LLC can offer various options for delivery schemes. In particular, transportation can be more economical in terms of time, but slightly less reliable in terms of the safety of the cargo during transportation. At the same time, experienced specialists have already developed mechanisms for calculating the most economical and beneficial delivery schemes for the client along certain routes, which greatly simplifies the task of choosing an effective cargo delivery scheme. High-quality development of such schemes ensures the company's competitiveness in the market by organizing efficient and reliable cargo transportation at minimal transportation costs.

The transport dispatching and monitoring system at LORRI LLC uses the resources of cellular networks (GSM) and satellite GPS. In the system, at the modern level, issues of access rights and information security are resolved, the latest achievements in the field of communications are used, and advanced approaches in the field of transport management are implemented.

The main objective of this system is to reduce the cost of the fleet. In addition, there are a number of advantages of using the system:

  • - centralized map. There is no need to purchase maps of cities, districts or regions. The cards you need are already there. Periodic updating of maps (2-3 times a year).
  • - centralized software. Any computer with Internet access is enough to set up a dispatch center. LORRI LLC receives all the necessary information through a web browser.
  • - high reliability. The information center of the system is built on high-performance servers and is equipped with redundancy and uninterruptible power supply systems. This means that traffic and transport status data is stored in a central database even when the dispatch center is not operational.

When the object is located in the zone of reliable radio coverage of the GSM network, the information is transmitted to the server in real time. In the event that the object leaves the GSM network coverage area, or in the event of a malfunction in the mobile operator's network, the devices switch to the autonomous information recorder mode, saving route and event data for transmission to the server after the connection is restored.

  • - free software update.
  • - compactness. The on-board kit, slightly larger than the palm of your hand, is easy to either place in any "corner" of the driver's cab, or hide somewhere inside the vehicle.
  • - economy. To work with the system, there was no need to create a department or hire a separate specialist; an ordinary dispatcher from LORRI LLC handled it.

The system is built on the basis of a new information transmission technology - General Packet Radio Service (GPRS), due to which the cost of operating the system becomes extremely low, which distinguishes it favorably from systems that use SMS text message technology to transmit information. The new GPRS technology allows you to transfer information at speeds up to 39 kbps without occupying a voice channel. In addition, when using GPRS, calculations are made in proportion to the amount of transmitted information, and not to the connection time.

The on-board kit consists of 3 main elements: a system unit, which contains an information processing board, and GPS and GSM antennas. In addition, door status sensors were installed in the place with the onboard kit.

The on-board kit located on the vehicle of LORRI LLC determines its coordinates using the global satellite positioning system (GPS), and also receives data from the fuel control board connected to it. The on-board kit sends the collected information to the Information Center via the cellular data network (GSM). From now on, the data is available in real time.

Among other things, it is necessary to note the possibilities of the system:

  • - location determination. Determining the location of LORRI LLC cars and other objects of the urban environment (offices, warehouses, points of sale) on an electronic map.
  • - traffic monitoring. Obtaining in real time comprehensive information about the speed and direction of the car. Emergency alerts will be delivered within seconds.
  • - control of the routes. The dispatcher controls the movement of the vehicle along the route specified when preparing the waybill.
  • - control of fuel consumption. The actual fuel consumption is determined on the basis of the standard systems control board installed on the vehicle or using alternative control means.
  • - Creation of a statistical archive. It is possible to analyze the routes of movement of vehicles of LORRI LLC for the past day, week, month, etc.; determining their length, obtaining detailed information about the operation of various sensors on the vehicle.

As noted earlier, LORRI LLC also carries out activities for the storage of goods and goods, which is a comprehensive logistics service for the storage, escort and handling of goods, which allows customers to reduce time and financial costs at all stages of distribution and logistics chains. Storage services are goods turnover just in time and with minimal client participation.

Providing this kind of service allows customers to:

  • - to direct the attention of its management personnel to the main activity, without being distracted by the storage of its products and other logistics services;
  • - save money in the maintenance of their own warehouse complex, in the wages and payments of sick and vacation drivers, loaders, warehouse manager and other personnel providing warehouse services;
  • - reduce the tax burden on the enterprise (UST, deductions to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, the Federal Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation, etc. from the wages of employees who provide storage of goods and goods);
  • - receive significant discounts in the cost of long-term and medium-term contracts for storage services compared to paying for a one-time storage service;
  • - get a full package of documents for accounting.

LORRI LLC, having a modern well-equipped warehouse complex, is able to meet the needs of a wide variety of customers. Storage of goods and goods fully covers the need for construction, assembly, equipment and maintenance of their own storage facilities.

To organize the management of the storage process, the Ariadna WMS system is used, which is implemented to work in warehouse complexes with a cellular structure for storing goods on pallets or on box racks. The system fully manages the processes of placing and collecting goods.

The increase in warehouse space, the design and development of meaningful logistics schemes allow LORRI LLC to significantly reduce costs. In this regard, LORRY provides storage services at one of the lowest rates for logistics services in Moscow and the Moscow Region, which gives customers the opportunity to optimize costs and reduce the cost of storage services.

Recently, the management of LORRI LLC decided to expand the geography of activities in this direction by renting a warehouse in Omsk.

Therefore, LORRI LLC has an offer for enterprises in the city of Omsk on cooperation on a long-term and medium-term basis at preferential rates:

  • - lease of a warehouse in Omsk for the production, sorting, assembly and pre-sale preparation of products;
  • - lease of a warehouse in Omsk for the organization of wholesale trade;
  • - storage of goods in Omsk;
  • - storage in Omsk of goods, products, raw materials, materials, etc.

The modern warehouse complex in Omsk, equipped with the latest technology, is equipped with all the necessary equipment, has a developed infrastructure and a large adjacent area for free maneuvering of heavy vehicles and parking, is provided with qualified labor resources trained in warehouse business by LORRI LLC specialists and fully ready for work.

LLC LORRI takes care of all the concerns related to the execution of various documents, permits, passes, which greatly simplifies the life of those in need of urgent cargo transportation.

Professional loaders of the transport company, having at their disposal all the necessary and additional equipment (belts, fasteners), carry out office, apartment moving in the shortest possible time. Carefully perform loading and unloading of all types of transported property, including heavy and oversized items in complete safety and security - perform all types of rigging.

In addition, you do not have to worry about the safety of the cargo on the way. After all, loaders of transport companies securely fix items with the help of special fasteners, and managers, in addition to concluding a contract, in some cases, offer to make insurance.

It is not possible to exclude the fact that during the transportation of goods there are often a lot of problems that can lead to damage and damage to the goods. Therefore LORRI LLC offers transportation insurance service. The cost of cargo insurance more than pays for itself if any unpleasant surprises occur along the way.

Despite the fact that LORRI LLC does everything possible for the best safety of the cargo, there is always the possibility of force majeure; therefore, the cargo insurance contract is not an empty formality.

Transport insurance of goods, insurance of dangerous goods, insurance of property goods - this is an incomplete list of services that are understood as the service of cargo insurance.

LORRY specialists do everything possible for the safety of the cargo, and it would seem that there is no need to conclude a cargo insurance contract. Experienced loaders provide reliable loading and unloading, qualified drivers deliver the goods with all precautions, freight forwarders monitor the cargo throughout the journey. And still, LORRI LLC also provides for cargo insurance, because no one is insured against accidents.

Tariffs for cargo transportation insurance has a flexible price system that provides for insurance of transportation not only for large companies, but also for individuals who have conceived an apartment or country move.

The LORRI LLC program provides for strict accounting of cargo insurance. After considering all the nuances of the contract for insurance of transported goods, the customer is issued a policy of cargo insurance, confirming the conclusion of the contract and being a reliable guarantee of compensation for losses.

The conditions and rules of cargo insurance of LORRI LLC comply with all international norms and standards.

The driver base consists only of Moscow cars, which guarantees timely and high-quality delivery of cargo in Moscow, the Moscow region and other regions of Russia.

Thus, LORRI's clients are offered attractive contractual rates for road transportation, and optimal cargo routes are developed. And experts provide advice on all issues related to road transport, provide all the necessary information on the cost, possible routes and features of road transport of goods.