Job description of the Deputy Director for General Affairs. Job description of the deputy director of the enterprise

The head of the company is not able to cope with all the management responsibilities on his own, therefore, the organization has deputies who are delegated a significant part of the director's work.

Features of the work of the Deputy Director for General Affairs

Such specialists are not able to completely replace the function of the head of the company, but with their correct work, it is possible to achieve maximum efficiency in enterprise management. The most responsible position is the Deputy Director for general issues. This specialist does not have a clear specialization, and must perform most of the duties of the director, during his absence or excessive employment.

The position of Deputy Director for General Affairs is very responsible and requires the candidate not only to have a higher education in the specialty, but also to have significant leadership experience. Very often, the director of the company completely entrusts this specialist with overseeing any sector of production. This specialist also replaces the director in the absence of the head at the workplace.

Very often, the Deputy Director for General Affairs performs the function of settling various issues and conflicts that arise at an early stage of development.

Thus, not allowing the problem to grow to a scale where participation is required CEO in the process of resolving the problem.

What is the instruction for?

Job description for the work of this specialist, it is necessary in order to completely eliminate the misunderstanding by the employee of his duties in this position. Despite the vagueness of the wording, this specialist performs many functions of enterprise management, and therefore, before embarking on his job duties the employee must read the job description. This document indicates the full list of duties of the employee and his responsibility.

The job description also states general provisions regarding the work of this specialist and his rights. This document should be drawn up taking into account the existing regulatory legal acts, and not contradict common sense. The preparation of the document should be carried out only by specialists in the field in which the documented rules for execution are prescribed. official duties Deputy Director for General Affairs.

Who writes and signs the instructions?

The job description of the deputy director for general issues is developed and approved by specialists on the basis of regulatory legal acts and instructions. Personnel service enterprises may make additional changes to this document. All amendments made must not contradict the Labor Code of the Russian Federation and other legal documents.

The developed instruction is signed and approved by the general director of the enterprise. Then this instruction is included in labor contract, or separately subject to familiarization and signature by the employee who will be accepted for this position.

Only after signing this document, the employee can perform his labor duties.

Job description of the Deputy Director for General Affairs

The job description of this specialist contains a large number of paragraphs that describe the duties of the Deputy Director for General Affairs, as well as his responsibilities and rights.

Among the main job responsibilities of this specialist, the following should be highlighted:

Depending on the specifics of the area in which the Deputy Director for General Affairs has to work, original items to be implemented may be introduced. There is no established state standard for this document, but the job description must necessarily indicate the rights and obligations of the employee, as well as his degree of responsibility in the performance of his official duties.

What items does it consist of? Here we will analyze it in more detail.

You will find out what an electrician does, what rights and obligations will be spelled out in his job description.

What does a storekeeper do, what are his responsibilities? We will talk about this in the material.

Rights and obligations of the Deputy Director for General Affairs

This specialist has the following rights:

  • Get access to information that is necessary to perform job duties.
  • Make proposals to the General Director on issues related to the direct performance of their duties.
  • Coordinate the hiring of employees who are directly subordinate to this specialist.
  • Get additional training at specialized centers advanced training.
  • Independently prepare draft decrees on the economic part.
  • Require subordinate employees to comply with anti- fire safety, rules work schedule and clauses of the employment contract.
  • Submit a proposal to the General Director of the company on the priming of employees who are directly subordinate to the Deputy Director for General Affairs.
  • Participate in meetings and make decisions on issues within their competence.
  • Require the CEO to ensure safe working conditions.
  • If there is a threat to life or health, stop performing their work duties.

The Vice President for General Affairs has the following responsibilities:

  • To carry out the functions assigned to him qualitatively and without delay.
  • Provide support for various events.
  • Decide on your own professional tasks within its competence.
  • Ensure acceptance of work performed by subordinate employees.
  • To take measures in case of detection of theft of material property of the enterprise.
  • Implement rational spending financial resources, which were allocated to meet the economic needs of the enterprise.
  • Apply to the CEO for disciplinary punishment employees who are directly subordinate and violate labor discipline.
  • To exercise control over the timely training of personnel in refresher courses.
  • To be a member of the commission for drafting collective labor agreements.
  • Monitor the status of fire alarms, and labor protection rules at the enterprise.
  • Instruct subordinate employees on the rules of conduct in the event of emergencies.
  • Remove from the performance of labor duties those employees who do not comply with safety regulations at the enterprise.
  • If obvious threats to the health and life of employees are identified in the organization, suspend the work process of the enterprise.
  • Supervise the timely passage of medical examinations of employees.
  • If there are prerequisites for the emergence of emergency situations, inform the higher management about this.

Specialist Responsibility

An employee who acts as a Deputy Director for General Affairs, along with rights and obligations, is responsible for the performance or non-performance of certain professional actions.

The area of ​​responsibility of this specialist includes:

  • disclosure trade secret, as well as information that relates to the personal information of employees.
  • Failure to properly perform your job duties.
  • Incorrect or untimely provision of the material and economic part.
  • Failure to comply with the instructions of the General Director of the company.
  • Manifestation of low business and professional qualities.
  • Unwillingness to improve labor skills and take refresher courses.
  • Violation of internal labor regulations and moral standards.
  • Disregard for safety regulations.
  • Causing material damage to the enterprise as a result of the activity or inaction of the employee.
  • Violation of labor protection rules and safety instructions.
  • Negligent performance of direct labor duties.

If material damage has been caused to a significant extent, or if a person has died or harmed health due to dishonest performance of their labor, the Deputy Director for General Affairs is criminally liable, and penalties are made against this employee to compensate for the damage.


The position of Deputy Director for General Affairs is responsible and in demand. Only a specialist whose level of competence is not in doubt is appointed to this position. An employee who works as a Deputy Director for General Affairs must not only have the appropriate education, but in many human qualities superior to his subordinates.

In contact with

What are the requirements for a Deputy Director? What are the responsibilities of this specialist? These and many other questions will be answered in the article.

Basic goals

The Deputy Director for General Affairs has, according to the job description, several main professional goals:

  1. This includes ensuring the information and economic security of the organization. The presented specialist should contribute to the continuous development of the company, as well as form personnel reserves.
  2. The employee is obliged to competently and efficiently engage in the selection and assignment of employees to certain missions is also within the competence of the specialist. Do not forget about the main goal of the Deputy Director: to provide staff with comfortable and modern conditions labor.
  3. Finally, the Deputy Director of General Affairs must maintain the established standards and norms at all times. If necessary, standards should be created.

Requirements for a specialist

In the case, as with any other employee, certain requirements are imposed on the specialist in question. And the first thing worth noting is that the Deputy Director for General Affairs must have higher education. It should be either legal or technical - depending on the direction of the organization.

The work experience of a specialist must be at least 5 years. In addition, the job description fixes special provisions related to the necessary for labor activity employee knowledge:

  • Issues of missions, standards, local regulations and various business plans should be the responsibility of the represented specialist.
  • The employee must have a good knowledge of all theories of personnel management.
  • The employee must know everything about the ways of moral support of the team.
  • The Deputy Director for General Affairs must have an advanced level of PC proficiency.
  • The employee must be familiar with all the principles of the organization.

About the workplace in the organization

On general issues, it contains items about the place of the represented employee in the structure of the organization. What can be highlighted here?

Firstly, the specialist in question is assigned to the group of managers. He is appointed to a position or dismissed from it only according to the order of the director.

Secondly, according to the document, the employee is a second-level manager. So, a specialist does not have his own staff when it comes to operational subordination. However, in everything related to the topic personnel policy and safety, the operating personnel must obey him.

About evaluating the work of a specialist

The instruction of the Deputy Director for General Affairs prescribes special evaluation criteria labor functions specialist.

Evaluation is carried out by the director of the organization. Here are the highlights in the document:

  • performance of all labor functions enshrined in the job description;
  • the level of discipline and concentration of the working personnel, the high level of performance of their duties by the working personnel;
  • security in the organization; the degree of effectiveness of the methods that can be taken in the event of an emergency;
  • presence in the organization effective system moral and financial incentives or incentives for workers;
  • implementation of an effective and economical personnel policy;
  • ensuring quality personnel reserve, which includes workers with a qualification level;
  • the presence of a friendly atmosphere within the team, the absence of conflict and contentious situations.

Thus, quite a lot of evaluation criteria are fixed by a specialized instruction (professional, or official). The Deputy Director for General Affairs must perform his duties very efficiently and effectively in order for the management to evaluate them at the proper level.

The first group of specialist duties

The job description of the Deputy Director for General Affairs fixes the requirements and functions. Here are the most common ones:

  • Timely development, implementation and adjustment of business plans related to security in the organization (how often such plans are developed depends on the organization itself; as a rule, this happens once a year).

  • Formation of organizational personnel policy; drawing up an annual personnel plan.
  • Development and implementation of a system for checking applicants for vacancies; organization of a high-quality system for checking candidates for jobs.
  • Organization of permanent and effective work for the preparation of a personnel reserve.
  • Organization of effective competitions to attract the most promising and competent specialists to work in the organization.

Naturally, only a part of the functions that a specialist is required to perform were presented above. The second group of labor duties of the employee will be presented below.

The second group of duties of a specialist

The job description of the employee also fixes the following main functions:

  • organization of a quality adaptation procedure for each new person in the organization; appointment for these purposes of elders or mentors who would help new employees to get used to the workplace as quickly as possible.

  • Control over the distribution of responsibilities for working with
  • Preparing everyone necessary materials and documents for presenting certain employees for awards or incentives.
  • Search and execution of all documents and materials for imposing on employees, if necessary, administrative or disciplinary responsibility.

The duties of the Deputy Director for General Affairs are thus quite extensive and complex. Separately, it is worth highlighting the system of security measures and methods of negotiations with various kinds of authorities.

Additional requirements for an employee

One of the main responsibilities of the Deputy Director remains the provision of security measures as a single system.

Here we can highlight the following:

  • Analysis of the state of objects in the organization for security; assessment of these objects.
  • Taking measures to modernize the security system at the enterprise.
  • Prevention of security threats.

In addition to all of the above, the represented specialist is also required to protect information in the organization. The Deputy General Director for General Affairs performs:

  • analysis information base organizations;
  • preparation of a list of information and data on trade secrets;
  • work to effectively protect trade secrets.

In the duties of Deputy director, among other things, includes a dialogue with various bodies and enterprises. In particular, the most frequently carried out and necessary are negotiations with law enforcement. The specialist is obliged in this case to respond to all requests sent from them and to participate in all necessary legal processes.

Work with the documentation

Performs quite a lot of functions on general issues. Responsibilities related to documentation are probably the most common in the work of a specialist.

In particular, the employee is required to submit the following papers:

  • Work plan for the next month - until the fifth day of the month; the recipient is the director.
  • Financial monthly report - before the first day of the month; the recipient is the chief accountant.
  • The final monthly report on the work performed - by the fifth day of the month. The recipient is the CEO.
  • Instructions and regulations - as orders are received. Users are the employees of the organization themselves.

1. General Provisions

1.1. Deputy Director for General Affairs belongs to the category
managers, is hired and fired from her by order of _______
(name of the position of the head)
1.2. Deputy Director for General Affairs directly reports
(name of the position of the head)
1.3. For the position of Deputy Director for General Affairs,
is a person who has a higher professional education and work experience
leadership positions at least ___ years.
1.4. The Deputy Director for General Affairs must know the resolution
leniya, orders, orders, other guidelines and regulations
higher authorities related to administrative and economic services
nia; the structure of the enterprise and the prospects for its development; means of communication, you
numeral and organizational technique; procedure and deadlines for compiling
parity; means of mechanization manual labor; procedure for purchasing equipment
dovaniya, furniture, inventory, stationery and decoration
payments for services; fundamentals of economics, labor organization, production and
management; labor legislation; rules of the internal labor race
order; labor protection rules and regulations.
1.5. In his work, the Deputy Director for General Affairs
- legislative and regulations, regulating production
water and economic activity of the enterprise;
- the charter of the enterprise;
- labor regulations;
- orders, instructions and other instructions of the head of the pre-
- this job description.
1.6. During the absence of the Deputy Director for General Affairs
his duties are performed by his deputy appointed in the prescribed manner
bearer, carrying full responsibility for the proper fulfillment of these obligations

2. Functions

The Deputy Director for General Affairs is responsible for the following
2.1. Participation in the conclusion of business contracts of the enterprise and
control over their timely and accurate execution.
2.2. Taking measures to expand the economic ties of the enterprise.
2.3. Control over the safety of the property of the enterprise.
2.4. Ensuring healthy and safe working conditions for subordinates
executors, control over their compliance with the requirements of legislative
and normative legal acts on labor protection.

3. Job responsibilities

To perform the functions assigned to him, the Deputy Director for
general questions must:
3.1. Organize the work and effective interaction of entrusted
to him structural divisions, workshops and production units, directed
lyat their activity on the development and improvement of production, increase
improvement of enterprise performance, quality and competitiveness
manufactured products.
3.2. Organize production and business activities
widespread use latest technology and technology, progressive
ny forms of management and organization of labor, rational use
production reserves and economical use of all types of resources.
3.3. Solve issues related to production and economic activities
3.4. Ensure compliance with the law in the implementation of economic
but-economic relations of the enterprise.
3.5. _____________________________________________________________.

The Deputy Director for General Affairs has the right to:
4.1. Represent the interests of the company in relations with others
organizations and bodies state power.
4.2. Get acquainted with the draft decisions of the company's management regarding
lasting his activities.
4.3. Submit proposals for improvement to management
enterprise activities.
4.4. Sign and endorse documents within their competence
tion, issue orders for the enterprise under his signature within
its competence.
4.5. Correspond with organizations on matters within its scope
4.6. Interact with department heads
enterprises, receive information and documents necessary for the implementation
their official duties.
4.7. Control the activities of his subordinate structural sub-
company divisions.
4.8. Require the management of the enterprise to assist in the use of
fulfillment of their duties and rights.
4.9. _____________________________________________________________.

5. Responsibility

The Deputy Director for General Affairs is responsible for:
5.1 for failure to perform (improper performance) of their official
the duties provided for in this job description, within the
lah, certain labor law Russian Federation;
5.2 for those committed in the course of carrying out their activities
offenses - within the limits determined by the current administrative,
criminal and civil legislation of the Russian Federation;
5.3 for causing material damage - within the limits determined
labor, criminal and civil legislation of the Russian Federation;

The job description of the deputy director regulates labor relations. The document prescribes the procedure for appointment and dismissal, subordination of an employee, qualification requirements, necessary knowledge and skills, a list of documents that he should be guided by in the course of his activities, functional duties, rights, as well as his responsibility.

Sample job description for deputy director

I. General provisions

1. The Deputy Director belongs to the category of "managers".

2. The Deputy Director reports directly to the Director.

3. The deputy director is hired and dismissed by the order of the director.

4. A person who has a higher education and at least five years of experience in managerial positions in the industry corresponding to the profile of the organization is appointed to the position of Deputy Director.

5. During the absence of the Deputy Director of his law, functional responsibilities, responsibility is transferred to another official, as reported in the order for the enterprise.

6. In his activities, the Deputy Director is guided by:

  • regulatory documents related to its activities;
  • internal labor regulations;
  • orders and orders of the director;
  • the Charter of the enterprise;
  • this job description.

7. The Deputy Director must know:

  • regulatory legal acts that determine the production, economic, financial and economic activities of the organization;
  • equipment used, capabilities production capacity and human resources;
  • fundamentals of production technology for products manufactured by the organization;
  • tax, civil, labor, economic legislation;
  • the procedure for drawing up and coordinating plans for the production, economic and financial and economic activities of the organization;
  • market methods of managing and managing the enterprise;
  • the procedure for concluding and executing contracts;
  • demand and supply of the market segment in which the organization operates;
  • organization of labor and production;
  • norms of business etiquette and communication;
  • internal labor regulations, fire safety.

II. Responsibilities of the Deputy Director

The Deputy Director performs the following functions:

1. Establishes the work and effective interaction of the structural divisions of the organization, controls their activities.

2. Develops and coordinates plans together with the director of the enterprise:

  • production development;
  • financing of organizational units.

3. Controls the timeliness of the submission to the director of the established reporting.

4. Delegates and assigns certain issues to others officials- heads of departments of the organization.

5. Approves the staffing table.

6. Installs official salaries, allowances.

7. Supervises the organization of work to stimulate staff.

8. Takes measures to resolve issues related to financial, economic and production activities.

9. Contributes to the implementation of tasks related to the current organizational and executive work of the organization.

10. Ensures the full fulfillment of the company's obligations to suppliers, customers, creditors, as well as business and employment contracts.

11. Takes action to improve planning economic indicators activities of the organization, to create and improve the standards of labor costs, the use of production facilities, the expenditure of inventory items.

12. Controls the accounting of expenditures and receipts of funds, the use of inventory items.

13. Implements measures to maintain a thrifty attitude to material, labor and financial resources.

14. Monitors compliance with financial discipline.

III. Rights

The Deputy Director has the right:

1. Sign the established documents.

2. Act by proxy on behalf of the organization.

3. By proxy and order of the director, represent the interests of the enterprise in relations with counterparties, public authorities, and other management structures.

4. Require the subdivisions of the enterprise to submit materials necessary for the performance of their duties.

5. Check the activities of the organization's divisions in terms of the economy and production, give them appropriate instructions aimed at improving efficiency.

6. Send proposals to the director on rewarding employees of departments for high performance and on penalties for violating established requirements in terms of the organization and economics of production.

7. Push rationalization proposals regarding the activities of the enterprise.

IV. A responsibility

The Deputy Director is responsible for:

1. Providing management, employees of the organization or other persons with false information.

2. Causing material damage to the enterprise, counterparties, employees, the state.

3. Violation of the provisions of decisions, resolutions of the organization's management.

4. Disclosure of trade secrets, confidential information.

5. Fulfillment of their official duties contrary to the norms and rules established in the organization.

6. Offenses committed in the course of their activities.

7. Violation labor discipline, safety, fire protection, internal labor regulations.

8. Conducting unauthorized meetings, negotiations related to the activities of the enterprise.

The duties of the Deputy Director in the job description and the content of other sections may differ depending on the specialization.

For example, the Deputy Director for General Affairs is responsible for organizing work to provide business services to the enterprise. He takes part in the conclusion of business contracts and controls their implementation. Ensures the creation of safe and comfortable working conditions for subordinates, compliance by personnel with fire safety rules, industrial sanitation standards.

The main task of the Deputy Director for Production is the timely release of quality products. It promotes the introduction of the latest planning and production systems.

The Deputy Director for educational work directs the educational process. He organizes extracurricular and extracurricular educational work with students.

Deputy Director for academic work ensures the implementation curricula and programs, supervises the work of the teaching staff.

Compiled in ___ copies. I approve _______________________________ (initials, surname) _________________________________ _______________________________ (name of employer, (head or other person, _________________________________ _______________________________ its organizational and legal authorized person to approve _________________________________ _______________________________ form, address, phone number, job description address) _________________________________ e-mail, PSRN, TIN / KPP) " ___"_______________ _____"___"________ ___ N _________ M.P.

JOB DESCRIPTION of the Deputy Director for General Affairs _____________________________________________ (name of the employer's department)


ID of the electronic copy of the document.


This job description has been developed and approved in accordance with the provisions of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation and other regulations governing labor relations.


1.1. The Deputy Director for General Affairs (hereinafter referred to as the "Employee") refers to managers.

1.2. This job description defines the functional duties, rights and responsibilities of the Employee when performing work in the specialty and directly at the workplace in "__________" (hereinafter referred to as the "Employer").

1.3. The employee is appointed to the position and dismissed from the position by the order of the Employer in accordance with the procedure established by the current labor legislation.

1.4. The employee reports directly to the director.

1.5. The employee must know:

Laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation, methodological and regulatory documents relating to the activities of the AS;

Organizational management structure nuclear power plant(AS), prospects for the technical and financial and economic development of the AS;

The procedure for the development and approval of plans for the production, economic and financial and economic activities of the AS;

Market methods of managing and managing;

The procedure for keeping records and reporting on the results of the financial and economic activities of the AS;

Organization of logistics, administrative and transport services, loading and unloading operations;

The procedure for developing standards working capital, consumption rates and inventories;

The procedure for concluding and executing economic and financial contracts;

Requirements for the organization of work with personnel at the NPP;

Basics of economics, basics of labor legislation;

Rules on labor protection and fire safety;

Internal labor regulations.

Qualification requirements. Higher professional education in the specialty "Economics and Management" and work experience in the field professional activity at least 5 years, including at least 3 years of work at the NPP.

1.6. During the period of temporary absence of the Employee, his duties are assigned to _______________ (position).

1.7. The Employee is subordinate to: ________________________.


Manages the financial and economic activities of the AU through the management of logistics, transport and administrative services, as well as the effective and targeted use of material and financial resources, reducing their losses, accelerating the turnover of working capital.

Ensures the participation of subordinate units in determining the strategy commercial activities, drafting financial plans, development of standards for logistics, organization of storage and transportation of material and technical resources.

Takes measures for the timely conclusion of economic and financial contracts with suppliers and consumers of raw materials and products, expansion of direct and long-term economic ties.

Ensures the fulfillment of contractual obligations for the supply of material and technical resources (in terms of quantity, range, assortment, quality, timing and other conditions of supply).

Carries out control over the material and technical support of the nuclear power plant and the correct use of working capital.

Leads the development of measures for resource saving and the integrated use of material resources, improving the rationing of the consumption of raw materials, materials, working capital and stocks of material assets, improving economic indicators and forming a system of economic indicators for the operation of the nuclear power plant, preventing the formation and elimination of excess stocks of inventory items, as well as overspending material resources.

Provides rational use all types of transport, improvement of loading and unloading operations, takes measures to maximize the equipment of the transport service with the necessary mechanisms and devices.

Organizes the work of warehouse facilities, creates conditions for proper storage and preservation of material resources.

Ensures the preparation of cost estimates and other documents, established reporting on the implementation of logistics plans and the operation of transport.

Organizes constant monitoring of the operation and repair of the housing stock and existing facilities for cultural and community and communal purposes.

Carries out activities for the improvement and landscaping of the industrial zone of the plant and adjacent areas of the city.

Organizes catering in production, providing workers with special meals. Coordinates the work of subordinate departments.

Carries out work on training and maintaining the qualifications of the personnel of subordinate subdivisions of the NPP.

Supervises the implementation by employees of the rules on labor protection and fire safety.

Participates in the certification of workplaces.


The employee has the right to:

Management of subordinates;

Providing him with a job stipulated by an employment contract;

A workplace that meets the state regulatory requirements for labor protection and the conditions provided for by the collective agreement;

Complete reliable information about working conditions and labor protection requirements at the workplace;

Vocational training, retraining and advanced training in the manner prescribed by Labor Code Russian Federation, other federal laws;

Obtaining materials and documents related to their activities;

Interaction with other departments of the Employer to resolve operational issues of their professional activities.


The employee is responsible for:

4.1. Failure to fulfill their functional duties.

4.2. Inaccurate information about the status of the work.

4.3. Failure to comply with orders, instructions and instructions of the Employer.

4.4. Violation of safety rules and instructions for labor protection, failure to take measures to suppress identified violations of safety rules, fire and other rules that pose a threat to the activities of the Employer and his employees.

4.5. Failure to comply with labor discipline.


5.1. The work schedule of the Employee is determined in accordance with the internal labor regulations established by the Employer.

5.2. In connection with the production need, the Employee is obliged to go on business trips (including local ones).

5.3. In accordance with _______________, the Employer evaluates the effectiveness of the Employee's activities. The set of measures for evaluating the effectiveness was approved by _______________ and includes:

- _______________________________;

- _______________________________.

The job description was developed on the basis of ______________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________. (name, number and date of the document) Head of the structural unit _____________________________ _____________________ (initials, surname) (signature) "__"______ ___ d. familiarized with the instruction: (or: received the instruction) _____________________________ _____________________ (initials, surname) (signature) "__" _____________ ___