Customs broker declarant. Declarant - who is he and what does he do? Who can act as a declarant

With development foreign trade and the introduction of new rules for declaring, the question of who the declarant is is increasingly becoming. Therefore, we decided to talk about this in detail, place the concept (definition) of the term declarant, and also describe the types of declarants. Looking ahead, we want to say that there are many declarations and if you need help, then legal advice in Cheboksary will help you fully understand and collect information about declarants and declarations.

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Issues under consideration regarding the declarant

Who is the declarant

So who is the declarant, what does this term mean? There are different interpretations of the concept of a declarant. Therefore, in this section we will tell you who the declarant is, we will give him a definition in the general collective sense and from the point of view of laws (legislative acts Russian Federation).

The concept of Declarant (in the broadest sense)

First, we will reveal the concept of a declarant in the broad sense of the word, in other words, we will give a definition in a general, collective sense. So short and in simple terms term " Declarant" - is a person who declares or communicates information about property, goods or activities carried out in the relevant government bodies, this person can act as the owner or intermediary.

The concept of Declarant in terms of laws

In this subsection, we will reveal the concept of the term Declarant based on the laws (legislative acts) of the Russian Federation:

  • Based on the Customs Code of the Russian Federation and,
    Declarant- a person who declares goods or on behalf of whom goods are declared;
  • Based on the Law on the voluntary declaration of physical. assets and accounts (deposits) in banks,
    Declarant - individual which has submitted a special declaration in accordance with this federal law who is a citizen of the Russian Federation, a foreign citizen or a stateless person.

Types of declarants

In this section, we will tell you what are the main types of declarants, and also describe what types of declarants are in the context of specialists (professions and representatives) who carry out the declaration procedure.

Main types of declarants

Main types of declarants:

  • Individuals:
    • - ordinary citizens
    • - deputies and civil servants
    • - individual entrepreneurs
  • Legal entities:
    • - organizations and enterprises declaring themselves
    • - firms acting as an intermediary
  • State(declarations of independence, declarations between countries, etc.)

draw your attention to that a foreign person can also be a declarant.

Who can act as a declarant

Let's list who can act as a declarant(types of declarants in the context of specialists conducting the declaration procedure or signing the declaration) depending on the type of declaration:

  • as a citizen:
    • - deputy;
    • - civil servant (including the president, head of the country's Foreign Ministry, members of the federation council and other senior officials of the executive branch);
    • - an ordinary citizen declaring income from a transaction or transporting vehicles, etc.;
    • - individual entrepreneur;
  • As full-time specialists of a legal entity:
    • - Customs declarant;
    • - Accountant or specialist in taxes and taxation;
    • - Head of laboratory, head of production, chief engineer;
    • - Sales Manager, Head of Sales Department, Purchasing Specialist;
    • - Occupational safety specialist and others.
  • As an intermediary(legal entity for maintenance):
    • - Customs Broker;
    • - Tax declarant;
    • - Accounting outsourcing;
    • - Commercial and non-commercial certificate authorities;
    • - Other firms providing services for filling out, compiling and submitting a declaration.

Video on the topic of the declarant

You can also watch a short video of the declarant - a customs broker, why he is needed and his "excuses".

Today, the business of many companies is difficult to imagine without foreign partners. Someone imports goods from other countries, others, on the contrary, are engaged in export. The field of activity of firms with foreign contacts can be completely different: some are engaged in investment, others in trade, and still others in joint production, etc. Often, cooperation with foreign companies is impossible without investment activities, barter transactions, sales contracts, various contracts etc. The results of such activities are often various materials, goods and cargo that should be moved from the contractor to the customer or from the seller to the buyer. And in order to transport goods across the border, it must be declared and carried out through a series of customs procedures. And the work of a customs broker in Moscow, like in any other city, is precisely this. They provide goods to various companies at customs.

The bar chart below shows the change in the level of the average salary of the profession Customs declarant in Moscow:

The declaring customs broker will submit all the necessary documents to the customs inspector, calculate payments in accordance with government regulations, legislative acts, draw up a cargo customs declaration. Also on his shoulders lies the provision of operational information on issues customs clearance and customs duty both accompanying and shipping documents. The necessary certificates should be issued to consignees and consignors. For successful and quality work The customs declarant requires knowledge of the legislation of the Russian Federation, as well as international rules for determining the customs value of cargo and concluding contracts for the sale.

Below is a rating of similar vacancies in terms of wages in Moscow. Among similar professions, the most highly paid is the Deputy Director for Logistics. According to our website, the average salary is 125,750 rubles. In second place is the Head of the Foreign Trade Department with a salary of 85,000 rubles, and in the third place is a Customs Clearance Manager with a salary of 72,500 rubles.

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Among the qualities of a customs declarant, composure, attentiveness, stress resistance, perseverance, sociability, responsibility, knowledge of a PC, the ability to work with documentation, and decency are especially valued. Those interested in the vacancies of a customs declarant in Moscow will find them in no time at Trud. It doesn't take long to find your dream job. Unless, of course, you search through our job portal. Take just a little time to find interesting offers cooperation, and you will definitely find suitable vacancies. Even if you are a customs declarant with no experience, you can find something suitable for you.

Customs declarant is engaged in the creation and execution of documents necessary for the import or export of goods, interaction with representatives of customs points. The specialist works with physical and legal entities being an indispensable employee. The profession is suitable for those who are interested in economics and law (see choosing a profession for interest in school subjects).

Short description

A customs declarant is a person who acts as a link between the participants in the transaction and customs control. The profession is quite popular, because all companies working in the field of foreign economic activity need such specialists. If the enterprise has a customs declarant, then export and other customs procedures performed much faster, safer and cheaper.

To work in this area, excellent legal, economic and linguistic training is required, because the customs declarant must know at least 1 foreign language, which is necessary for preparing documents and communicating with representatives foreign companies. The profession appeared several decades ago, its popularity is due to a significant increase in the volume of goods. Note that the specialist must necessarily be a citizen of the country in which he conducts his activities.

The work is very responsible, because any errors will lead to a slowdown in the clearance process, penalties, and delay in cargo. Young specialist and a person who decides to change the field of activity, having completed specialized courses, will have to study the Customs Code of the Russian Federation, the basics of foreign economic activity and gain other knowledge that prevents force majeure from cover to cover.

Features of the profession

Experienced customs declarants can easily find a job in their specialty, because the service market needs such experts. This employee works not only with documents, but also interacts with representatives of other companies, advises management. It is he who is looking for ways to help reduce the cost, optimize or speed up customs procedures. The duties of a specialist include a huge number of works:

  • registration of customs declarations and documents, checking for compliance, selection of TN VED codes;
  • participation in customs inspections, evaluation of the transaction, if necessary;
  • introduction of information into electronic registers, archiving and storage of documents;
  • preparation and submission to the responsible authorities of a package of documents and permits necessary for the implementation of various procedures;
  • conducting business correspondence, sending requests for missing documents;
  • training of young employees;
  • control of the movement of goods and terms;
  • monitoring of all changes in legislation;
  • calculation of customs payments, payment of customs duties, delivery of money, ensuring their correct receipt and storage, reporting.

The specialist must fully protect the interests of the company in which he works, preventing force majeure, penalties and other unpleasant situations. The scope of duties depends on the place of work, line of business, volume and nature of exported or imported goods.

Pros and cons of the profession


  1. A sufficient number of vacancies, you can work at the enterprise permanently or go to a company specializing in the provision of customs clearance services.
  2. high wage, allowances and bonuses based on performance.
  3. The opportunity to gain knowledge in retraining courses, having a diploma of specialized education.
  4. Working in the company, the employee receives guaranteed social protection.
  5. For prospective customs declarants, the employer can pay for accommodation, retraining courses or a foreign language.
  6. Working in this area ensures continuous professional development.
  7. The working conditions are simple, the declarant spends most of the working time in a comfortable office.


  1. Irregular working hours.
  2. Daily stressful situations.
  3. Huge responsibility for negligence and mistakes made during work.
  4. Frequent business trips are possible.
  5. Material liability.
  6. It is difficult to find a vacancy without work experience of 1-3 years.

Important Personal Qualities

Responsible and nervous work has an impact on the nature of the customs declarant, because these specialists are able to notice all the inconsistencies, are distinguished by caution, quick response, and communication skills. Their character must contain the following features:

  • learnability;
  • excellent memory;
  • logical thinking;
  • accuracy;
  • punctuality;
  • stress tolerance;
  • full commitment to work.

It is desirable that the customs declarant knows how to drive a car, knows 1-2 foreign languages had organizational skills.

Training for a customs declarant

Applicants who aspire to work in the field in question can receive higher education by choosing the direction of preparation "Customs". University graduates can get accelerated retraining by attending courses in their region. courses in St. Petersburg

The duration of the course is 60 hours, you will have to attend classes in the evening, which is the best solution for working students. The program consists of 9 blocks, students are taught by current employees customs authorities, which increases the efficiency of training. The price of training is 14800 rubles. during the promotion period.

  1. The declarant belongs to the category of specialists.
  2. Appointment to the position of the declarant and dismissal from it is carried out by order of the director of the organization
  3. The declarant must know:
    1. 3.1. Customs Code of the Russian Federation.
    2. 3.2. Orders and instructions of the State Customs Committee of the Russian Federation.
    3. 3.3. Instructions, orders, teletype messages, information letters and other guidance materials of higher organizations in terms of responsibilities.
    4. 3.4. Agreement on international transport cargo communication.
    5. 3.5. Reporting procedure.
    6. 3.6. Tariff guides.
    7. 3.7. Commodity nomenclature of foreign economic activity.
    8. 3.8. international rules conclusion of contracts of sale "Incoterms" in terms of responsibilities, International Rules for the Interpretation of Trade Terms "Incoterms".
    9. 3.9. Methodology for determining the customs value.
    10. 3.10. Scheme of the relevant transport network and the main routes for cargo.
    11. 3.11. Forms of primary documentation for cargo and commercial work.
    12. 3.13. Fundamentals of economics, organization of production and labor.
    13. 3.14. Fundamentals of labor legislation.
    14. 3.15. Internal labor regulations.
    15. 3.16. Rules and norms on labor protection, safety measures, industrial sanitation and fire safety.
  4. During the absence of the declarant (illness, vacation, business trip, etc.), his duties are performed by a person appointed by order of the director of the organization. This person acquires the appropriate rights and is responsible for the proper performance of the duties assigned to him.

II. Job Responsibilities


  1. Carries out registration of cargo customs declarations of various types for the carriage of goods in international communications.
  2. Checks the correctness, completeness and completeness of transportation and accompanying documents.
  3. Performs the calculation of due customs payments and fees, guided by the decrees of the Government of the Russian Federation, orders of the State Customs Committee of the Russian Federation and other regulatory documents.
  4. Enters information in the prescribed volume into the automated control system or transfers it to the customs department.
  5. Makes copies of documents.
  6. Maintains operational records production indicators, transportation and accompanying documentation.
  7. Issues certificates to consignors and consignees and operational information on the application of tariffs and customs clearance of transportation and accompanying documents.
  8. Receives fees for services rendered.
  9. Ensures compliance with the rules for receiving and storing money.
  10. Maintains operational accounting of revenue and draws up reports in the prescribed form on cash and non-cash receipts for the reporting period.
  11. Leases sums of money according to established order.
  12. Ensures fire safety in the workplace.
  13. Performs individual official assignments of his immediate supervisor.

III. Rights

The declarant has the right:

  1. Get acquainted with the draft decisions of the organization's management regarding its activities.
  2. Submit proposals for improvement of the work related to the responsibilities provided for in this instruction for consideration by the management.
  3. Within the limits of his competence, report to his immediate supervisor about all the shortcomings identified in the course of his activities and make proposals for their elimination.
  4. Request personally or on behalf of the management of the organization from the departments of the organization and other specialists information and documents necessary to fulfill their official duties.
  5. Involve specialists from all (individual) structural units in solving the tasks assigned to him (if this is provided for by the provisions on structural divisions if not, then with the permission of the head of the organization).
  6. Require the management of the organization to assist in the performance of their duties and rights.

IV. Responsibility

The declarant is responsible for:

  1. For improper performance or non-performance of their official duties provided for by this job description - within the limits determined by the current labor law Russian Federation.
  2. For offenses committed in the course of carrying out their activities - within the limits determined by the current administrative, criminal and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.
  3. For causing material damage - within the limits determined by the current labor and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.

Customs declarant - a person who ensures the declaration of goods transported abroad. The main result of the work of the customs declarant is customs declaration. When exporting goods - an export declaration, when importing goods - an import declaration.

Only citizens of the Russian Federation can act as a declarant, as well as:

  • persons carrying products for personal or family use;
  • foreign organizations that own registered representative offices;
  • foreigners with customs privileges;
  • carriers from different countries peace upon declaration of transit.

The declarant may also be the person on whose behalf the declaration is made. A customs declarant may also be required when foreign organization or a foreigner has the authority to dispose of goods at the border of the Russian Federation.

If the company rarely leads foreign economic activity, often the duties of the declarant are performed by the logistics manager or the foreign trade manager. However, with regular deliveries, it is better to trust a professional company - a customs representative.

The customs representative plays the role of an intermediary who draws up documents on behalf of the declarant under his own responsibility and seal. The liability of the customs broker is insured. Each customs broker is included in the register of customs representatives and has a certificate of this.

Duties and rights of a customs declarant?

The customs declarant has the right:

  • inspect, measure the cargo subject to declaration (the customs declarant can do all this even before submitting the customs declaration);
  • view the results of samples and samples of goods held at customs;
  • take samples and samples of goods imported into the territory of the Russian Federation and subject to declaration (it is allowed to do this only with the permission of customs officers);
  • submit documents necessary for declaring products in electronic or written format;

The customs declarant is obliged:

  • submission of a declaration to the customs, which must be executed in accordance with all state regulations, as well as the provision of all necessary information and documents on the cargo;
  • in the case when the customs inspector requires the presentation of the goods subject to declaration, do so, and also not refuse to show the transport in which the declared products were transported;
  • ensure the settlement of customs payments or pay them yourself in accordance with the provisions of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

If the company produces its own goods, then it is allowed to carry out the declaration on its own, but for this, the declarant must be on the staff, who has the necessary license to engage in this activity.

Customs declarant services:

  • work with transport documentation;
  • execution of a declaration for the transported cargo;
  • identification of TN VED codes;
  • calculation of the amount of customs payments and control of their payment;
  • provision to customs officials required documents by cargo;
  • deals with issues of provision of temporary storage of transported goods in a warehouse;
  • monitors how the customs registration at the border goes.

We have assembled a team of the best specialists in the field of customs clearance and will help you to declare goods in import, export, customs transit and other more complex modes. We work with legal entities and individual entrepreneurs all around Russia. Regularly presented at all key customs.

Do you need a customs declarant? TAISU-TB will professionally provide services in the field of customs clearance and support of your foreign economic activity.