Display of goods. Merchandising Basics

The placement of each product group in store No. 39 occurs in accordance with the location of a particular department that sells the goods of this product group, and certain types of goods are located within the group.

The placement of goods is based on the traditional approach. This approach assumes that the area allocated for a product should be proportional to the volume of its sales. It also takes into account: profit received from the sale of goods; stock of goods in trading floor; the need to maintain the desired direction of movement of consumer flows; locations of entrances and exits.

The placement of goods is presented on the scheme of the trading floor (Appendix I).

The display of goods is also important in the organization of customer service, which in modern conditions is not only a part of the technological process, but also acts as an effective means of stimulating sales, can be an element of the image of the enterprise and a permanent component of the culture of service. Under the display of goods, one should understand certain ways of laying and displaying goods on the demonstration area of ​​the trading floor.

Store No. 39 sells goods mainly through the traditional service method, with the exception of bakery products and groceries, which are sold using the self-service method.

In departments with a traditional method of service, both product and decorative display are used, it is used for window dressing and allows you to attract a buyer.

In the department where the goods are sold by the self-service method, the product display is used in a vertical and horizontal way. The vertical layout provides good visibility of goods, which allows customers to quickly navigate the assortment and make a purchase. With the horizontal method, a certain product occupies one or two shelves that are in the field of view of buyers.

Analysis of the display of goods on commercial equipment is given in table 3.6.

Table 3.6 - Analysis of the display of goods on commercial equipment in store No. 39

Name of product

Display type

The equipment on which the goods are laid out

Laying method

The criterion underlying the calculation

Benefits of laying out

Calculation disadvantages

1 Juice, canned fruit and vegetables


Wall slides


1 manufacturer

2 pack size

Good product visibility

2 alcoholic beverages, beer, drinks


Wall slides


1 manufacturer

2 pack size

Good product visibility

It is not easy to compare the price, may lead to the exhaustion of goods

3 groceries


Wall slides


1 manufacturer

2 pack size

Good product visibility

It is not easy to compare the price, may lead to the exhaustion of goods

4 Sausages


Refrigeration showcase

1 Manufacturer


5 Bakery products


Wall slides


1 Manufacturer

2 Assortment

3 availability of packaging

1 Ease of selection

2 effective use of shop equipment

For successful work, it is advisable to plan the placement and layout in advance, this allows you to save time for buyers when choosing goods. To do this, in store No. 39, a display place is “fixed” for certain goods. Figure 3 shows the planogram of dairy products.

A planogram is a diagram (drawing, photograph) that determines the place, location and method of presentation of each commodity unit on commercial equipment.

Figure 3 - Planogram of dairy products

It is also important to correctly and correctly place price tags. The price tag should be well read, its location should not raise doubts about which product it refers to. At the same time, it is necessary that the size of the price tag corresponds to the dimensions of the product and does not cover it. These simple principles can significantly increase sales. The store administration and sellers control whether the price tags are set correctly, however, due to the wide range of some products, it is not possible to place price tags under each type, which complicates the selection process and causes dissatisfaction among customers.

However, due to the lack, in my opinion, of specialists in this field, the insufficient number of employees, the display of goods is not always satisfactory.

But still, the main thing in the store is the product: its assortment, and then the placement and well-placed accents. If the product is uninteresting, of poor quality, does not have its own "face", then all your efforts to design the trading floor, alas, will be in vain.

    Concepts of assortment of goods and its classification.

    Assortment management.

    Factors of assortment formation.

1. The concepts of the range of goods and its classification.

Product range is a set of goods formed according to certain characteristics and satisfying diverse, similar and individual needs.

There is also the concept commodity nomenclature - list of homogeneous and heterogeneous goods of general or similar purpose.

Thus, the commodity nomenclature of foreign economic activity is a list of goods intended for export-import operations. The range of products subject to confirmation of conformity in terms of safety indicators is intended for the purposes of mandatory certification.

Thus, the above concepts are close to each other. What they have in common is that they are both product lists. The differences are in the assignment: product range designed to meet the needs of consumers, commodity nomenclature- to regulate certain professional activities or other areas of application.

Classification of the assortment of goods.

The range of consumer goods is divided into:

    into groups - by location;

    into subgroups - by the breadth and depth of coverage of goods;

    into types - according to the degree of satisfaction of needs;

    on the variety - according to the nature of the needs.

The classification of the range of goods is shown in Figure 3.1.

Figure 3.1. Product range classification

By location of goods distinguish between industrial and commercial assortment.

Industrial range - a set of goods produced by a manufacturer based on its production capabilities.

Trade range - a set of goods formed by a trade organization, taking into account its specialization, consumer demand and material and technical base.

In contrast to the industrial assortment, the trade assortment includes, as a rule, goods from various manufacturers. The exception is branded stores of manufacturing organizations, the strategy of which is based on the sale of goods only of this company.

The breadth of coverage of goods included in the assortment is determined by the number of groups, subgroups, types, varieties, brands, types, names of goods.

Depending on the product coverage the following types of assortment are distinguished: simple, complex, group, expanded, accompanying, mixed.

Simple range - a set of goods represented by a small number of groups, types and names that satisfy a limited number of consumers. Such an assortment is typical for stores selling consumer goods in areas where buyers with little material resources live. For example, bakery and dairy shops in working areas, rural areas.

Complex range - a set of goods represented by a significant number of groups, types, varieties and names of goods that satisfy a variety of needs for goods. Such an assortment is inherent in wholesale depots and retail trade organizations such as supermarkets or department stores, focusing on customers with different demands.

Group assortment - a set of homogeneous goods, united by a common feature and satisfying similar needs. Most often, a functional or social purpose is used as a common feature.

The group assortment is the basis of the organizational structure of many commercial enterprises. So, at non-food wholesale depots, warehouses differ in group assortment. On the same basis, different sections are created in department stores.

Expanded range - a set of goods that includes a significant number of subgroups, types, varieties and names, including branded ones, belonging to a group of homogeneous, but differing in individual characteristics. Such an assortment, as a rule, is found in specialized stores, and the number of groups of homogeneous goods can be relatively small. So, the trade assortment of stores specializing in the sale of building materials includes several groups of homogeneous goods (paint, tiles, etc.), but these groups are represented large quantity goods of various brands.

Associated range - a set of goods that perform auxiliary functions and are not related to the main ones for this organization. Related products in the building materials store are ceramic tile detergents, etc.

Mixed range - a set of goods of different groups, types, names, characterized by a wide variety of functional purposes.

By depth of product coverage in distinguish an enlarged assortment, which is divided into specific and branded.

Species assortment set of goods various kinds and titles that meet similar needs. He is integral part group range. For example, the range of materials for walls and partitions includes brick, which can be ceramic, silicate, lime-slag, slag-alkali, etc.

Vintage assortment a set of goods of the same type, branded names or belonging to a branded group. Such goods, along with the satisfaction of physiological needs, are largely aimed at meeting social and psychological needs. These needs are met by prestigious brands of cars, clothing, fine wines, and the like. An example of a branded assortment is an assortment of perfumes: Chanel No. 5, Nina Ricci, Paloma Picasso, etc.

According to the degree of satisfaction of needs distinguish between rational and optimal assortment.

Rational range - a set of goods that most fully satisfy realistically justified needs, which provide the maximum quality of life at a certain level of development of science, technology and technology.

The formation of a rational assortment requires accounting a large number factors and indicators, many of which are quite variable. These factors include real needs, which depend on the standard of living of the population, the achievements of scientific and technological progress and other features. external environment. So the achievements of scientific and technical progress stimulate the development of new products and form new needs. This is clearly manifested in the formation of a rational assortment of household appliances.

The optimal assortment a set of goods that satisfies real needs with the most useful effect for the consumer at minimal cost for their design, development of production and bringing to consumers. Goods of the optimal assortment are characterized by increased competitiveness.

For the consumer, the optimal assortment is characterized by a significant number of goods with a high coefficient of optimality. At the same time, this assortment for different segments of consumers will contain an unequal set of goods. So, for wealthy consumers, high-quality goods of prestigious demand are of the greatest importance, which to a large extent determines the beneficial effect of consuming these goods for them. For socially unsecured consumers, the cost of purchasing in the form of selling prices of goods is more important. Therefore, the optimal assortment of economy-class stores will be formed due to the predominance of goods with reasonable prices and proper quality. Expensive goods of prestigious brands are not available in such stores.

A rational and optimal assortment characterizes mainly its qualitative side.

Depending on the nature of needs range may be real or predictable.

The real assortment the actual set of goods available in a particular manufacturer's or seller's organization.

Projected assortment - a set of goods that must satisfy the expected needs.

2. Assortment management - activities aimed at achieving the requirements of the rationality of the assortment.

The main stages of management are the establishment of requirements for the rationality of the assortment, the definition of the assortment policy, the organization and the formation of the assortment.

Establishment of requirements for the rationality of the assortment begins with the identification of consumer requests for goods of a certain assortment. For this, the following methods can be used marketing research like a sociological survey.

The level of requirements for the rationality of the assortment is individual for each organization and is determined by its assortment policy.

Assortment policy- goals, objectives and main directions for the formation of the assortment, determined by the management of the organization.

Purpose of the organization in the field of assortment- the formation of a real or predicted assortment, as close as possible to rational, to meet a variety of needs and obtain the planned profit.

To do this, the following tasks must be solved:

    real and perceived needs for specific goods are established;

    the main indicators of the assortment are determined and an analysis of its rationality is given;

    the sources of commodity resources necessary for the formation of a rational assortment have been identified;

    the material possibilities of the organization for the production, distribution and / or sale of individual goods were assessed;

    the main directions of assortment formation are determined.

The main directions in the field of assortment formation: reduction, expansion, deepening, stabilization, renewal, improvement, harmonization. These areas are interrelated, largely complement each other and are determined by a number of factors.

1. Reducing the range quantitative and qualitative changes in the state of a set of goods due to a decrease in its breadth and completeness. The reasons for the reduction may be a drop in demand, lack of supply, unprofitability or low profitability in the production or sale of individual goods. For example, in recent years there has been a tendency to reduce the range due to cheap food and non-food items. food products, not profitable for the manufacturer and seller, but necessary for the consumer.

2. Expansion of the range quantitative and qualitative changes in the set of goods by increasing the indicators of breadth, completeness and novelty.

The reasons contributing to the expansion of the range are the increase in supply and demand, the high profitability of the production or sale of goods, the introduction of new goods or manufacturers to the market. Thus, the current state of the Ukrainian consumer market is characterized by the expansion of the range due to imported goods, as well as goods made on the basis of foreign technologies.

The expansion of the assortment along with the increase in the mass of commodities is one of the most important conditions for expanding the market for goods. The expansion of the range can occur due to its renewal while reducing the share of goods that are not in demand. The expansion of the range due to imported goods is associated with a reduction in the range of domestic goods, as well as a decrease in their production in general.

3. Deepening the assortment - quantitative changes in the range of goods due to the development and proposal of new brands or their modifications.

Trademark- This is the brand name of one or more products, determined by the manufacturer.

The reason for choosing a deepening of the assortment is the high saturation of the market, the desire to reduce the risk of releasing goods of little novelty, the presence of well-known, sought-after brands, the inability of the organization to produce new types of goods.

It should be noted that many manufacturing organizations, especially foreign ones, consider the deepening of the assortment as the highest priority. For example, automobile factories often produce one brand of car for many years, but in new modifications.

4. Stabilization of the assortment state of a set of goods characterized by high stability and low degree of renewal.

This is a rather rare condition of the assortment, inherent in the main assortment of food products of daily demand. The range of non-food products is characterized by a high degree of change under the influence of fashion, the achievements of scientific and technical progress and other factors.

5. Range update qualitative and quantitative changes in the state of a set of goods, characterized by an increase in the indicator of novelty.

The criterion for choosing this direction can be considered the need to meet new constantly changing needs; increasing competitiveness; the desire of manufacturers and sellers to stimulate demand, encourage consumers to make purchases of new products to meet functional, social and psychological needs; fashion changes; achievements of the NTP. Therefore, updating the assortment is a very responsible direction of its formation, associated with a significant risk for all subjects of market relations. At the same time, in a competitive environment, it is impossible to do without updating, since the novelty of goods is one of the most important criteria for the competitiveness of manufacturers and sellers.

6. Improvement of the range quantitative and qualitative changes in the state of a set of goods to increase its rationality.

This complex direction of changes in the assortment of goods determines the choice of possible ways: reduction, expansion or renewal of the assortment of goods to form a rational assortment. This should take into account scientifically based rational needs, as well as the requirements of society: ensuring safety for consumers and environment, using the achievements of scientific and technological progress to maximize the quality of life.

One of the ways to improve the assortment can be its renewal. However, renewal is not always associated with improving the quality of goods and the greatest satisfaction of needs. Moreover, sometimes cheaper raw materials and simplified technologies are used in the production of new goods, which is associated with a decrease in quality. Therefore, improvement and renewal cannot be considered the same directions for the formation of the assortment.

7. Harmonization of the range quantitative and qualitative changes in the state of a set of goods, reflecting the degree of proximity of the real assortment to the optimal or best foreign and domestic analogues, most fully corresponding to the goals of the organization. In the Ukrainian consumer market, this direction of assortment formation is relatively new and is expressed in the desire of a number of “elite” stores to form an assortment on the model of well-known foreign firms. In addition, this direction is typical for large subsidiaries, corporations, joint-stock companies that have subsidiaries in various regions (cities, countries, etc.). An example is the harmonized assortment of a construction company such as Budapest.

Course work

Topic: Placing and displaying goods on the trading floor


1.1 Evolution of merchandising

1.2 Characteristics and essence of merchandising

1.4 Types of merchandising

Chapter 2. Basics of placement and display of goods on the trading floor

2.2 Rules for the display of goods

Chapter 3. Placement and display of goods in Polushka stores



When visiting stores, not every person thinks about why this or that product is located exactly in the place of the store where we buy it. We think that this is natural, because when visiting retail outlets, the consumer pursues completely different goals. When a person is in the vast world of the trading space, the opportunity to think about this moment is completely excluded, many distractions appear on the way, such as advertising products, the presence of promoters, etc. The placement and display of goods is by no means an exception, it is one of the most important attracting moments and significant sales promotion tools. As a result, the buyer no longer even thinks about his own thoughts, feelings, problems, but is faced with the choice of a purchase, which is often unplanned.

Target term paper is to conduct theoretical and practical research and study the basics of placement and display of goods. Coursework provides for the solution of the following critical tasks:

Studying the essence of merchandising;

Theoretical studies of the basics of placement and display of goods;

Research and analysis of placement and display of goods in Polushka stores;

In this paper, the object of study is JSC "Polushka". The subject of the course work is the ways of laying out and placing goods in Polushka stores. The topic of my course work is relevant and important, since all merchandising activities are aimed at increasing the competitiveness of the store, building loyalty, managing the process of selling goods, saving the budget when promoting them, effective placement and demonstration and, as a result, an increase in sales volumes and profits.

Chapter 1. Basic concepts of merchandising

1.1 Evolution of merchandising

Merchandising was born in ancient times, when people did not yet use money. Already with barter, the ability to beautifully and correctly lay out your goods, organize your trade and exchange place gave positive results to the first merchants. Since then, one of the rules of merchandising has become: everything should be clear to the buyer with minimal explanations from the seller. Over the following centuries, merchants improved the possibilities of displaying goods and creating the identity of the store.

The scale of trade of the past centuries allowed the owners of commercial enterprises to personally control merchandising and think over its strategy.

Merchandising was not previously singled out as a separate area, and this word meant nothing more than the art of retailing.

In the 1950s, the post-war period was characterized by the growth in the number and size of retail outlets and the emergence of retail networks, which led to the need to train salespeople in the art of merchandising. Specially trained employees - merchandisers began to stand out.

The tasks facing them became more and more complicated: large areas of new shopping centers make it difficult to analyze the relationship between the calculation, distribution retail space and profitability of sales. To maintain the possibility of managing the sales process in the new conditions, special methods and programs are being developed. In advanced countries, the rapid accumulation of knowledge necessary to improve merchandising began.

It is believed that on Russian market merchandising ideas were introduced by corporations such as Coca-Cola, Pepsi-Cola, etc.

However, market traders were the first in Russia to use merchandising. They specifically came to work earlier to arrange the goods in order to attract the attention of buyers.

In 2000, the gap between our and Western systems trade has not decreased, however, we have come close to the most stable modern stage of development. At that time, only distributors could afford merchandising, between which, accordingly, there was competition for retail space. In Russia, the merchandising complex was dominated by advertising technologies, in contrast to the Western scheme, where display and placement technologies prevailed. Representatives of the retail trade did not seek to buy back the goods and, accordingly, did not see the point in also increasing the efficiency of its sale.

However, supermarkets and large department stores have already appeared and begun to develop, to which the main efforts were directed, since such large points served 2000-8000 customers a day, the level of income of the consumer of such outlets was usually above average, and, finally, the main schemes developed and tested in the West were intended just for points of this type. Until some time, merchandising was not needed in Russia - money could be earned by other operations. And only after the crisis of 1998, accompanied by tougher competition in consumer markets, Russian business interested in this area of ​​marketing.

So, as a result of its evolution, merchandising has also become a tool that gives tangible competitive advantages. Many corporate manufacturers have made merchandising part of their marketing strategy.

A review of the economic literature on this topic showed the existing variety of definitions of merchandising. Therefore, we will focus on the following limits:

Merchandising (merchandising) includes activities for the acquisition specific goods or services and offering them in those places, at those times, at those prices and in those quantities (volumes) that allow the retailer to achieve its goals. "(Berman B., Evans J., Joel R., 2003, 731)

"Merchandising should be considered as a philosophy or an independent science that uses a number of psychological tricks influence on the buyer, which contributes to an increase in the volume of goods sold. It is important for a company to carry out such actions along with advertising campaigns, creating and maintaining its own image, etc. "(Taborova L.G., 2009, 5)

Merchandising is a generalized concept, this technology includes not only good communications, excellent work of the staff, the main thing is to achieve the necessary harmony between the visitor and the place of sale, so that the visitor feels easy, comfortable, free and convenient. Encouraging the buyer to buy, merchandising works equally significantly in the direction of marketing and sales.

To achieve these goals, it is first of all important to develop an action plan and strategy. In most literary publications, the authors distinguish the following areas of merchandising: stock organization; proper arrangement of goods in the sales area and on the shelf space; effective presentation of the offered goods; the atmosphere of the place of sale; customer service quality.

"So, by merchandising they mean a whole system of measures aimed at promoting a particular product, brand or brand on the market." (Taborova L.G., 2009, 9)

1.3 Tasks, functions and goals of merchandising

In virtually all retail firms, merchandising decisions are cited as having a huge impact on a firm's bottom line.

"AT retail organizations Merchandisers play a very important role because they are responsible for presenting products on the market that should interest and please target groups of buyers. Rarely is there a situation like this. retail when so many zeal and results depend on a very small group of people." (Berman B., Evans J., Joel R., 2003, 731)

The main purpose of merchandising is to promote products and increase customer loyalty.

All merchandising activities are aimed at increasing the competitiveness of the store (brand), building loyalty, managing the process of selling goods, saving the budget when promoting them, effective placement and demonstration and, as a result, increasing sales volumes.

If we specify the tasks of merchandising, then they can be divided into two main blocks: external and internal. The first includes the organization of an effective stock, the location of brands, as well as the design and promotion of goods. To the second - the development of the concept of merchandising, its implementation, the formation of the structure (division) and training. External tasks are less studied, therefore they are of the greatest interest.

Creating your own merchandising philosophy, retail company outlines the roles of merchandisers and "internal" store personnel. At this time, the responsibilities and functions of both parties are determined.

"If a retailer adopts a merchandising perspective, then its merchandisers perform all the functions of buying and selling, including selection of assortment, advertising, pricing, laying of goods in the store, staffing and individual approach to sales. If the retailer looks at everything From a "purchasing" point of view, merchandisers are responsible for buying merchandise, advertising, and setting prices, while store personnel sort, display, arrange, and display merchandise to prospective customers. (Berman B., Evans J., Joel R., 2003, 737)

The functions performed also depend on the level of formality, the degree of centralization and the sources of personnel, i.e. from all parameters listed in the purchasing organization definition.

Thus, it becomes clear that the main functions of merchandising are as follows:

Providing a point of sale with products and its availability for consumers;

Attracting attention to the product among similar product groups and other competing manufacturers;

Proper use of the area of ​​the trading floor and shelf space;

Product introduction the best way.

To implement these functions, tools such as:

Correct design of price tags for each product;

Display of goods according to the planogram drawn up by specialists, taking into account all the nuances of the product;

Availability of any additional commercial equipment.

1.4 Types of merchandising

Each individual firm must evaluate which scheme is best suited to implement its own strategy.

To take advantage of merchandising opportunities, more retailers are now turning to micro-merchandising and cross-merchandising. "When using micromerchandising, the retailer adjusts how they allocate shelf space for products according to customer demand and other local market conditions." (Berman B., Evans J., Joel R., 2003, 732)

"In cross-merchandising, a retailer offers additional products and services to entice people to buy more products. That's why clothing stores also sell a variety of accessories." (Berman B., Evans J., Joel R., 2003, 732)

Cross merchandising, like mixed merchandising, can be ineffective if taken too far. But, nevertheless, it has great potential.

Traditionally, communicative and visual merchandising are also distinguished. Communication skills include the ability to communicate, establish contacts both with customers and with employees of retail outlets, the ability to deftly and unobtrusively convince the buyer that he came specifically for your products, even if he himself does not mean it. If everything is done correctly and correctly, then the visitor will purchase the product, and if he is satisfied with the quality of service and the product itself, he will undoubtedly return. However, the ability to convince, position and provide information should have clear edges in use. If the buyer does not like the tone, manner of communication, form of dialogue, excessive obtrusiveness, then you will lose both the buyer himself and other potential buyers to whom he will tell about your failure. "In communicative merchandising large companies PR is often used.

"Visual merchandising is an activity aimed at automatically drawing the attention of the buyer to the product due to the fact that what he sees will produce the proper interest in the product." (Taborova L.G., 2009, 10) It is believed that this type of merchandising includes:

Location of displayed goods in retail outlets;

Preparation of the necessary price tags;

Marking, packaging of goods;

In the event that we are talking about our own points of sale, visual merchandising will be added: the choice of location trading place(shop); interior design; design of signs; window dressing and other outdoor advertising; arrangement of product groups within the store; transformation of the appearance of the adjacent territory; form of behavior, service and appearance of employees.

Most often, there are points of sale that include goods from many manufacturers, for example, developed self-service networks, in connection with this, merchandising is often of a visiting nature. But if you leave this issue completely unattended and underestimate the role of merchandising, i.e. to completely entrust the store to the work of sellers, then at best the product will simply be present on your counter, but you can no longer hope for its competent location. Of course, this also depends on the status of the store and the conditions under which you, as a supplier, entered the network.

In any case, a set of measures is needed to manage the display of goods in order to create a favorable impression of the product, to distinguish it from the goods of other manufacturers.

2.1 Placement and display of goods on the trading floor

In the management of trade processes, an important role is given to the organization of the placement of goods on the trading floor, the distribution of the installation and demonstration area between individual groups of goods. In this case, it is necessary to take into account a number of factors, the main of which are: the frequency of purchasing goods of certain groups, the dimensions of these goods, the time spent by buyers on inspection and selection, as well as the number of varieties of goods offered to buyers within certain groups.

Display often refers to the complex process of arranging and stacking a proposed product item so that it is displayed to the consumer in a winning manner.

"Properly arranging goods is an art, the strategy of which must be calculated and thought out in advance. A well-designed and well-maintained layout always contributes to the purchase of goods by the buyer." (Taborova L.G., 2009, 56)

"The efficiency of stores, the quality of customer service largely depend on the rational placement of goods on the trading floor. It allows you to properly plan customer flows, reduce the time for selecting goods, increase throughput store, reduce the labor costs of the store staff when replenishing inventory on the trading floor. "(Dashkov L. P. 2000, 343)

Rational placement of products helps to stimulate the flow of customers and significantly saves time for serving visitors. Regular visitors quickly find the product they need, as they know its location.

"The determining factor in the distribution of the installation and demonstration area of ​​the trading floor between individual groups of goods is the frequency of their purchase. The higher the frequency of purchase of goods of individual groups, the greater the installation and demonstration area (and, accordingly, the area of ​​the sales floor) is necessary for their placement." (Blank I.A., 2006, 95)

This principle of placing goods allows you to more evenly replenish inventory on the trading floor and more rationally use the trading area. Therefore, within the framework of the product specialization of the store, chosen by the trading enterprise for the implementation of its activities, the frequency of purchases of goods of certain groups by buyers should be determined, taking into account seasonal characteristics of demand.

An important factor influencing the size of the area of ​​the trading floor allocated for the placement of individual goods is the time spent by buyers on their inspection and selection. In order not to create an excessive accumulation of buyers in certain areas of the trading floor, a large area should be allocated for goods that require a significant investment of time for their inspection and selection.

"The breadth of their assortment has a significant influence on the distribution of the area of ​​the trading floor between individual groups of goods. The higher the number of varieties offered for sale to buyers within a particular group, the larger, all other things being equal, should be the area of ​​the trading floor allocated for their placement." (Blank I.A., 2006, 96)

A certain influence on the size of the area allocated for the placement of individual goods is exerted by their dimensions. For bulky goods, ceteris paribus, a large area of ​​the trading floor is allocated.

Taking into account the considered factors and features of the formation of a group assortment of goods within the framework of the chosen form of its specialization, the distribution of the area of ​​the trading floor is carried out in the context of individual commodity groups.

When placing goods, first of all, the choice of the most effective methods of their calculation should be ensured. In self-service stores, the following basic methods of displaying goods are used: in bulk, in a stack, in a row, hanging, stacks, and others.

"The most common technique is the laying out of goods in bulk. This technique is convenient for both buyers and staff - it requires less labor for laying out and ensures more efficient use of the equipment demonstration area" (Blank I.A., 2006.98)

Especially convenient is the display of goods in bulk in containers, baskets, on the shelves of slides, on counters - showcases, etc. However, this layout is not suitable for all products.

AT foreign practice for laying out non-food products in bulk, tables with high sides are used (especially when selling discounted goods - in packaging and without it). The buyer freely chooses the necessary goods, and after inspection they do not need to be laid strictly in their original place. In addition, with such a layout, constant supervision by sellers is not required, but at the same time, the coefficient of the demonstration area is somewhat reduced.

When laying out goods on the equipment, one should be guided by the principle that the goods are not decoration. The floor should not be made up of pyramids and other non-shaped structures from goods, as this creates inconvenience for buyers during their selection.

The purposes of using the display are the same for all brands:

To ensure that the product enters into the trust of the consumer and becomes loved;

Increase sales volume;

Be a strong competitor for similar products from other manufacturers;

Increase the impact of the product on the consumer;

Earn recognition through the perfect presentation of products.

"A conspicuous product most often becomes the choice of the buyer, the shelf on which the product is placed is especially important. Numerous studies show that the middle shelves located at the level of the visitor's eyes contribute to maximum sales, among the people merchandisers call such shelves golden, it is for them that "There's a fight going on, but we'll talk about that a little later. Shelves above eye level have lower than average sales figures and are called silver. Accordingly, the lowest shelves are doomed, they rank third in terms of winning placement." (Taborova L.G., 2009, 60). The most convenient area for choosing goods is the area of ​​the buttocks, located at a height of 110 - 160 cm above the level of the buttocks. Less convenient areas for choosing goods are the buttocks located at a height of 80 - 110 cm (lower) and 160 - 180 cm (upper) from the floor level. (See Appendix 1). Taking into account such zoning of the equipment shelves, individual goods are laid out. The goods on the equipment should be placed in such a way that its demonstration area is fully used and the goods occupy the maximum space between the shelves. The greater the mass of goods located on the equipment, the better they are sold.

There are a number of general mandatory rules used in merchandising:

Closer to the buyer should be a product whose sale period is close to completion. Products with a later expiration date are far away, at the back of the shelf. This principle helps to avoid the remnants of expired goods. In addition, stale goods with an expiring shelf life can be sold by applying additional promotions, presentations, tastings, etc.;

Products are placed facing the customer and must be visible in their entirety without blocking each other. good review helps to increase visibility and sharpen the attention of the buyer;

Price tags must be truthful, aesthetic, consistent with the product and carry easily readable information. A plus would be the presence at the counter of a catalog with products and prices, where buyers could independently find the information they are interested in and need about the composition, clarify the cost;

If you want to take the product in your hands, there should be no unnecessary barriers, the consumer should be comfortable, an accessible way to the product is another rule.

Perfect appearance products, maximum neatness forms an impression about the product, the manufacturer and the store as a whole. Neatness refers to display cases, shelving, shelves, and other shop fittings that must be kept clean and tidy;

For highlighting and better perception, it is desirable to accompany the layout with decoration, advertising media;

Products should not change their location frequently.

Even the smallest space of the trading floor can be used effectively and it is not at all necessary to build complex compositions that occupy a large area.

"The efficiency of stores, the quality of customer service largely depend on the rational placement of goods on the trading floor. It allows you to properly plan customer flows, reduce the time for picking goods, increase the throughput of the store, and reduce the labor costs of the store staff when replenishing inventory on the trading floor. Therefore, the placement of goods on the trading floor of the store should be carried out taking into account the following basic requirements. (Dashkov L.P., 2000, 343)

When placing goods on the trading floor, it is necessary to follow the rules of the product neighborhood. Each product group should be assigned a permanent placement area. Goods that are being prepared for sale in the store are placed closer to the area where the preparatory operations are performed. Bulky goods should be placed near the settlement area or the exit from the trading floor. Goods that require a long familiarization of buyers with them are located in the back of the sales area so that they do not interfere with the movement of customer flows. In compliance with this principle, goods that are in frequent demand are also placed.

Goods with a high turnover should be placed closer to the sources of replenishment. It is better to place homogeneous goods in a concentrated manner.

Compliance with the layout rules ensures maximum purchases, and works to maintain the product on the sales market.

2.3 Technology for placing goods on the trading floor

"Placement is the placement of products in the floor space and equipment of the sales floor, and the most progressive retailers pay due attention to these aspects of the activity, and this is not surprising, placement and display are important means of sales promotion." (Taborova L.G., 2009, 62)

When placing goods, the principal way of laying out is determined - vertical and horizontal.

Vertical display provides for the placement of goods on all shelves of this slide vertically. This display method is more efficient than the horizontal one, as it provides quick orientation in the trading floor and convenient selection of goods for customers of different sizes.

The vertical display method provides for the arrangement of homogeneous goods in several rows on the shelves of the racks from top to bottom, which provides free access for buyers of various sizes and a good display of items. Larger items are at the bottom, smaller items at the top.

"Vertical display is more effective due to better visibility, faster visitor orientation and a more complete visual presentation of the assortment, which speeds up the sales process." (Taborova L.G., 2009, 57)

In the case when a horizontal layout is necessary, it must be taken into account that the lowermost shelf contains goods that are cheaper or less attractive, as well as products of large sizes. The movement of goods is directed from left to right in series and in decreasing volume

With a horizontal layout, one or another type of goods will be placed along the shelves of the equipment, while occupying one or two shelves.

Such a layout can have two options for dividing the goods and depends on how a particular product presents itself. In the first case, products are divided by type of product. The second option would be horizontal placement by brand, so that each manufacturer's product is positioned completely apart from its competitors.

"The horizontal layout has its peak sales areas to the right of the center and in the very center of the shelves. The weakest placements are on the sides and on the left side of the center. As a rule, inexpensive goods are located in weak areas, it is believed that the buyer will find them there, and in the strongest zones - products more expensive price category." (Taborova L.G., 2009, 57)

In practice, there is often a mixed type of layout with elements of both horizontal and vertical schemes. A display layout is considered to be a winning one, when a branded rack or stand is located at an observation point in the direction of the customer flow. Being in its own way additional commercial equipment and advertising rolled into one, this additional point of sale can present products well, use various tools and ways of arranging goods.

Block layout is also used, or the layout of products in blocks that form trademarks (in this case, it is possible to arrange both in the horizontal direction and in the vertical direction).

There are many types of product arrangement, or display: on shelves, separate stands, shelves, pallets, baskets, special boxes and other devices. Whatever the layout, it should be attractive, sustainable, have visibility and encourage the desire to purchase goods. To do this, when placing the desired assortment on the sales shelves, make the product more visible than competitors, interest, attract attention, convince the buyer of a winning additional information, to create convenience and accessibility in search and physical contact, to find new solutions.

Let's take a look at a few more principles for laying out goods.

1. Inexpensive items work to give the customer a favorable impression of the store's price level.

2. The principle of alternation, when goods with low and high prices alternate, brings the outlet the greatest profit.

3. Taking into account the previous principle, the main expensive brands, brands should be placed at the very beginning of the assortment group. This is logical, because a person will put more goods in a still empty basket.

4. In the foreground, the so-called faces are placed on the shelves - this is a product unit located facing the buyer, there can be a different number of such rows, which is associated with the available volume of products in stock and the possibilities of the shelf space, the most optimal is 3-5 faces of each type of product .

5. The principle of pomposity and harmony depends on the availability of the product and its range. If the products are presented in small quantities, although it is possible to fill the equipment with a large number of products, then it will be more difficult for the buyer to focus on this product, it will be perceived as a single, fragmented, lost in the eyes of the buyer.

6. The principle of lengthening the shelves. You can extend the shelf by placing a basket with discounted goods. Illusory elongation with the help of mirrors is also used, moreover, if the mirror is placed on top, then an imaginary doubling of the product will occur.

7. The principle of combining goods into groups. Applies to items of the same series.

8. The principle of "the best product - the best place" is more applicable in our own stores. The product that brings the most revenue should be located in the most advantageous place.

2.4 Placement and display of certain types of goods

When placing individual groups of goods on the trading floor, it is necessary to take into account the shopping habits and complexity of demand for individual goods. So, groups of goods with a high mutual complexity of consumption should be located as close as possible (for example, dishes and cutlery).

All groups of goods are assigned permanent places on the trading floor, which allows buyers to get used to their location and speeds up the sale process. Allocate different types goods:

"The staples (staplemerchandise) are those items that the retailer sells all the time. For supermarkets, staples are milk, bread, canned soups, and facial wipes, for example." (Berman B., Evans J., Joel R., 2003, 739)

In the list of the basic assortment of goods (basiccklist), the stock level, color, trademark, style, size, packaging 1 other characteristics of each main item sold by the retailer.

To assortment goods(assortment merchandise) refers to clothing, furniture, automobiles, and other types of products that a retailer offers in an assortment to provide the consumer with a choice. Many items in popular sizes and colors are ordered using the model's stock plan; In order to diversify the assortment, small quantities of less popular sizes and colors are also ordered.

"Fashion goods (fashion merchandise) are products whose sales are cyclical due to changing tastes and lifestyles of people. For example, such products, bow ties or mini skirts, sell very well for several years, then for some time fall out of favor and then come back in. For such products, it is quite difficult to make forecasts." (Berman B., Evans J., Joel R., 2003, 739)

Seasonal goods (seasonal merchandise) - products that sell well only in the season, i.e. in certain periods of time, not following one after another. Items such as ski equipment or air conditioning systems sell well during only one winter (or summer) season of the year. And since the highest sales of seasonal products usually occur at the same time of the year, it is quite easy to make forecasts for them.

With the help of entertainment products (fadmerchandise), large sales volumes are generated in a short time. But very often the popularity of toys and games is short-lived. Therefore, the retailer should be careful not to be overly optimistic or pessimistic about entertainment products, making predictions for these products is difficult because you need to determine whether they will really be a big success and how long it will last. Sometimes entertainment products become "long-lived", and then there are residual sales phenomena over a fairly long period.

When making forecasts for the top sellers (which can be basics, entertainment, etc.), use the "always on sale" list to determine how much of the item to buy for resale. The goal is to purchase enough of these items to keep them in stock.

2.5 Atmosphere of the store and factors influencing the purchase

"The atmosphere of the store is a combination of external factors present in the trading floor and having a certain effect on sensory receptors and psychological condition a person focused on the formation of emotional-sensory components of the behavior of a visitor to the trading floor and their management. "(Razamanov I.A., 2003)

Professionals in the retail industry are convinced of the need to use the potential of individual elements of the store atmosphere to create comfort and preferential visitor behavior on a subconscious level, which can generate positive feelings and emotions that contribute to the achievement of the goals of the retailer and visitor, and ultimately leads to increased shopping flow. and sales volumes.

"The atmosphere of the store acts as the main factor in the formation of emotions, feelings, business activity of buyers, opinions of visitors." (Razamanov I.A., 2003)

Therefore, retailers must create an in-store environment that is optimal for shoppers to experience and fulfill their mission.

As can be seen from the above, the atmosphere of the store becomes an important factor in managing the behavior of the visitor to the trading floor and an argument for ensuring competitive advantages. Therefore, the study of the factors that form the atmosphere of the store should be the object of special attention of specialists.

Various environmental factors can be used to form the atmosphere of the store, which can be classified according to various criteria:

"The environmental factors that shape the atmosphere of the store are related to phenomena occurring outside the store, the nature of which is reflected in the perception of visitors. In most cases, environmental factors are not subject to the efforts of the enterprise, since they are often represented by forces of a more global nature. Therefore, its management has to take into account the influence of the external environment when choosing a location or adapt its activities to the characteristics of this environment. (Razamanov I.A., 2003)

The territorial environment (location) of the enterprise has a significant impact on the perception and attitude of customers towards the store. It is advisable to highlight the factors of the external environment of the store: central business areas, residential areas, city outskirts, suburban areas, rural areas, roadside areas, recreation areas, etc.

From retailers located in the central business zones of cities, especially large metropolitan areas and industrial centers, customers expect a high level of service and satisfaction of emotional needs. In addition, it should be noted that shoppers in this area are assigned the status of high-price shops, which reduces their attractiveness for many buyers.

Shops and service providers located in the so-called residential areas, where the bulk of the population of large cities lives, are perceived with less emotional and sensual tension. The stores located in the suburban area, on the outskirts of the city and in the countryside, as well as in the roadside area, are not associated with the satisfaction of any emotional needs.

The architecture and design of the buildings and other structures surrounding the store has a significant potential for creating positive emotions and pleasant feelings that will affect the perception of the store itself and the associations of buyers. However, it must be emphasized that the discrepancy between the architectural features and the design of the store itself, on the contrary, can be perceived as bad taste, which can give rise to negative emotions and repressed feelings.

The external ecological environment of the location of the enterprise, which is a combination of natural, climatic, sanitary and hygienic and other factors, has a significant impact on the formation of the emotional and sensory component of the buyer. The environmental components of the external environment of a retail outlet can be divided into factors that contribute to the preservation and improvement of the ecological environment, and factors that cause the deterioration of the ecological environment.

The formation of a favorable atmosphere can be facilitated by the territorial and transport accessibility of the enterprise to the main segments of customers, which is determined by the state of transport communications, access roads and parking areas for cars, accessibility for pedestrians, etc.

Quite often, the attendance of individual enterprises is associated with the reputation attached to the location of the store, which can influence the atmosphere of the store itself and the formation of positive or negative emotions and feelings.

A negative reputation associated with unsanitary conditions, the accumulation of petty scammers, obsessive fortune-tellers and people without a fixed place of residence, etc., as a rule, have microdistricts near bus stations and railway stations, places of concentration industrial enterprises, whose employees have a low educational and cultural level, etc.

"Factors internal environment store, unlike environmental factors, are subject to the efforts of the enterprise, they are created by the company itself and can regulate them in such a way as to create an atmosphere corresponding to a certain level of emotive-sensory components of the visitor's behavior and maintain the activity of his activity. "(Razamanov I.A., 2003)

Ecological factors of the internal environment are a combination of climatic and sanitary-hygienic components of the store environment itself. Temperature, relative air humidity, gas composition and air exchange, illumination, noise, etc. can be attributed to climatic indicators that determine the comfort and nature of the emotive-sensory components of the visitor's behavior.

Lighting and lighting effects used to highlight sections and products, create a certain mood, evoke feelings that are appropriate for a given department (target market) or reinforce the image of a store, shape the design of a store, are an important environmental factor and a flexible component of the store atmosphere.

"Illuminated advertising is a system of advertising media based on the use of various light sources (incandescent lamps, fluorescent lamps, etc.). The main means of illuminated advertising are signs, illuminated posters, illuminated panels, running light lines, etc." (Blank I.A., 2006, 129)

The main feature of illuminated advertising media is that it complements other advertising media during the period when stores are already closing (in the evening). This feature determines the specifics of the use of this type of advertising means - they should be placed, as a rule, on the main traffic flows of potential buyers, formed in the evening.

Lighting, together with other components of the store's atmosphere, makes it possible to hide architectural flaws that are often found in trading floors located in buildings that are not specialized for this purpose, and which cannot be eliminated in other ways. They are able to have a significant impact on the objectivity of the perception of goods and the situation on the trading floor, on the emotive-sensual characteristics of the behavior and decisions of the visitor, etc.

The sanitary and hygienic environment reflects the cleanliness of the floor, walls, ceiling and other structural elements of the building (premises), equipment, goods, sanitary and branded personnel clothing, as well as the presence and composition of biological pollutants (insects, rodents, birds, microorganisms, etc.). ). It can also include noise pollution: the noise of vehicles, refrigeration and other equipment, the sounds of music that does not correspond to the situation, etc.

The organizational environment is represented by a system of organizational behavior, a hierarchy of the entire system organizational system, the relationship between the individual components of the system, etc. Knowledge of the organizational environment is extremely useful in shaping the atmosphere and considering the dynamics of the relationship between visitors and the store as a whole.

The information environment is a set of means and methods of transmitting information to the consumer to control his behavior. The information environment of the trading floor includes images, signposts, route schemes and the layout of departments and sections, price tags and others. Accessible and understandable to the visitor, the information environment of the point of sale allows you to better navigate the trading floor and find the necessary departments and goods with the least amount of time and cognitive resources, positively affects the atmosphere of the store and the attitude of customers.

"The main role of in-store information is to streamline the process of customer service in the store, in the "information support" of all components of this process." (Blank I.A., 2006, 128)

"The goods are laid out on the equipment with labels and pictures on the packaging in the direction facing the buyers. The goods are provided with price tags fixed in special holders." (Dashkov L.P., 2000, 347). "Price tags are one of the most mass media in-store information that accompanies the buyer along the entire path of his movement in the trading floor. "(Blank I.A., 2006, 133)

They should be placed as perpendicular to the buyer's eye line as possible. The size of the price tags is determined by the dimensions of the goods and the types of equipment. To make the price tags readable and attractive, it is recommended to use different combinations of background colors and numbers.

The aesthetic environment is a set of objects of the trading floor that have aesthetic properties and ensure the attractiveness of the atmosphere of the trading floor.

Anthropogenic environment - a set of subjects whose interaction can affect the behavior of visitors to a trading enterprise. It may reflect the socio-economic status of the main segments of the visitors of the trading enterprise and its personnel, include the psychological environment, anthropogenic factors, ethnological and cultural environment. The psychological environment is the result of the combined impact on the visitor of at least all of the above components of the environment. This environment is particularly influenced by the internal components - visitors to the trading floor, which are not always available to merchandising specialists and sales floor staff.

All of the above circumstances point to the need for retailers to exercise extreme caution when exerting a psychological impact on the behavior of a visitor to the trading floor.

3.1 Characteristic trading activities shop "Polushka"

Open Joint Stock Company "Polushka" is a large enterprise engaged in retail trade.

The company is:

Self-service network with a wide range food and related products;

Focused on a buyer with an average level of income, while offering an assortment for buyers with any income level;

Works in the "at home" format.

Today, the network of supermarkets 24 hours "Polushka" is:

59 twenty-four-hour supermarkets in various districts of St. Petersburg and the Leningrad region;

More than 144,000 Buyers daily, 52 million Buyers per year.

As of the beginning of 2009, the Polushka network is one of the ten largest retail food chains in St. Petersburg and the Leningrad Region in terms of average annual turnover. The success of the development of chain supermarkets 24 hours "Polushka" is primarily associated with:

Location of supermarkets. Supermarkets of the "Polushka" network are located in the most accessible places, which ensures a constant flow of our customers.

assortment policy. The assortment matrix, depending on the format of the store, ranges from 2000 to 6000 items;

Pricing policy. The pricing policy ensures that retail prices correspond to the minimum prices for a selected circle of competitors;

The quality and completeness of the goods presented and the quality of service.

Form of ownership: private property. Organizationally - legal form: public corporation.

"Joint stock company - a company is recognized, the authorized capital of which is divided into a certain number of shares. Shareholders, i.e. owners of shares of this company, are not liable for its obligations, but bear the risk of losses associated with the activities of the company, within the value of their shares, i.e. carry limited liability." (Lapusta M.G., 2008, 16)

"Joint-stock companies are divided into open and closed. In the first case, the participants in the company can alienate their shares without the consent of other shareholders, in the second, the shares are distributed only among the participants. The number of shareholders of an open joint-stock company unlimited." (Titov V.I., 2008, 36)

The organizational structure of the Polushka company is presented in Appendix 2.

There are three categories of employees in the staff of Polushka stores: a) management personnel; b) sales and operational personnel; c) support staff. The division of personnel into categories of employees is general form functional division of their labor.

As part of the management personnel, positions of managers (managers), specialists, etc. are allocated. As part of the trading and operational personnel, the professions of sellers, cashiers, controllers, cashiers, etc. are distinguished. As part of the support staff - the professions of packers, loaders, cleaners, etc. As part of the positions of specialists, economists, financiers, commodity experts, accountants, etc. are singled out.

"Store Manager. A senior manager who is responsible for all aspects of running the store and ensuring its profitability. Creates the general atmosphere in the store, work attitude, work culture and communication to achieve success in customer service, work operations, profit, education and development of workers, presentation and sorting of goods "(Berman B., Evans J., Joel R., 2003, 738)

Store manager assistant. Manages all activities related to merchandise movement, store logistics, cost control, stock-outs, and sales support functions for a significant proportion of the store's merchandise. Assumes the duties of the store manager in his absence.

Main directions economic activity companies in the food retail market are: maintaining the role of one of the largest enterprises retail food chains.

The company's policy is to offer the buyer a fast and decent service, a reliable selection of quality products at the most affordable prices, create a pleasant shopping atmosphere, save time and effort of the client by providing the fullest possible range of goods and services under one roof.

The company's strategy is to search best ways in order to offer consumers products of the most High Quality. The organization constantly increases the range of products offered and strives to develop the marketing component of the business.

The main competitors of Polushka are: Okay, Pyaterochka, Quarta, Dixy, Nakhodka, Family, etc.

The target audience of Technosila is the most voluminous and diverse segment - the mass market (mass market). Focusing on the complex structure of demand, the trading network achieves the main retail business- balanced price offer.

The organization in question is a commercial one. The enterprise independently concludes contracts with consumers of products, as well as concludes contracts and makes settlements with suppliers of the necessary production resources.

The first store "Polushka-mini" in a small format was opened on October 7, 2008 at the address St. Petersburg, Specific pr., 27. First of all, the small format differs from the convenience store format in the size of the area. If the standard size of the area of ​​the supermarket "Polushka" is 300-700 sq.m., then "Polushka-mini" is located on an area from 150 to 225 sq.m.

The assortment of the small format store includes up to 2500 items. "The small format is extremely convenient for residents of a big city. Despite the fact that St. Petersburg does not have a low level of development of network trade, even here there are microdistricts in which network trade is extremely poorly developed. The small format is perfect for developing a network in such areas, since the opening big stores sometimes it is difficult or simply impractical.

The organization under study operates within the framework of the strategy organizational development and, in particular, modest growth strategies.

3.2 Placement and display of goods in the trading floor of the Polushka store

The trading network, which takes into account in its activities the complex consumer needs of the widest audience, operates stores in the most efficient format of modern retail - self-service stores. Each store of the network has all the necessary conditions for a comfortable purchase - spacious halls, convenient trade equipment, convenient display of goods. The self-service system, along with qualified consulting and full pre-sale preparation of goods, allows customers to significantly save their time.

In self-service shops "Polushka" goods and commercial equipment are placed in such a way as to direct customers in a clockwise direction: aisle by aisle throughout the store. Basic food products: tea, coffee, bread, meat, sugar, eggs, which bring a small or medium income to the store, are placed separately, at the back of the store.

In search of these products, the buyer walks throughout the store, surveying the goods placed in abundance on the left and right sides of it. In this case, the buyer is tempted by goods with a higher difference between the cost and the selling price. Thus, the maximum volumes of sales and incomes are stimulated.

"Fast-traffic" and low-priced goods are placed higher and in narrow aisles so that they can be taken from both left and right. The maximum increase in sales volumes is facilitated by placing goods on shelves at eye level.

In Polushka stores, baskets are placed at the end of the corridors, in which tin cans with dents and products with expired storage. These items usually sell out quickly. Often the prices for similar goods are lower than similar full-fledged goods.

Goods in Polushka stores are grouped into sections (complexes). Their specialization is based on the commodity-industry principle: section - drinks, section - bakery products, etc. (See Appendix 3.)

Determining the location of sections is, first of all, a well-thought-out sequence of their placement on the trading floor, taking into account the psychology of buyers, the location of auxiliary premises, and the nature of consumer demand.

Assignment to the sections of the placement zones in the trading floor is carried out taking into account the following basic requirements:

The zone of commodity groups that are being prepared for sale in the store should be adjacent directly to the premises where preparation for sale is carried out;

The zone of product groups requiring long-term familiarization of buyers with them is located in the back of the trading floor;

labor costs sales staff associated with the replenishment and movement of goods on the trading floor are minimal;

Buyers have free access to goods;

Compliance with the principle of product neighborhood, taking into account the specific features of each product group;

The sequence of the sections is kept unchanged. As shoppers become accustomed to product locations, they don't have to waste time looking for the right section.

In the trading floors of self-service stores "Polushka" the following methods of displaying goods are used: in bulk; stacked; stacks in a row.

The most common and used technique is the laying out of goods in bulk. As practice shows, buyers are reluctant to select goods laid out in pyramids or stacks, and bolder take goods located in bulk. This is also convenient for sellers who do not need to constantly adjust goods stacked in piles or pyramids. (See Appendix 4.)

Polushka stores use the horizontal layout method. (See Appendix 5.)

The combined display method is also widely used, combining horizontal and vertical methods of displaying goods. It allows you to most effectively use the display area on the equipment and place more goods on the trading floor. (See Appendix 6.)

In "Polushka" stores, the goods on the equipment are placed in such a way that its demonstration area is fully used and the goods occupy the maximum space between the shelves.

When placing goods in the hall and laying them out on the trading equipment, the methods of their sale, the configuration of the trading floor, etc. are taken into account. In this case, the characteristics of individual goods and their packaging are of great importance.

Gastronomic products are laid out in refrigerated display cases in various ways:

Sausages and smoked meats - in several rows, while the product is cut and placed with a cut in the direction of the buyer; Packaged sausages and smoked meats packed in cellophane film or parchment paper are laid out by type and grade.

Packaged cheeses, animal butter, margarine and fats are laid out in piles or in several rows according to the packing weight, types, price. Bottles and packages with milk and other dairy products, packaged sour cream and cottage cheese are displayed on open refrigerated counters in rows.

Packaged meat and meat products are laid out in refrigerated showcases by types and varietal cuts on enameled pallets, and bulk meat and meat products - in pieces on pallets by types and varieties.

Frozen fish is laid out in low-temperature counters and showcases, chilled fish is laid out in refrigerated display cases. Perishable confectionery products are laid out in refrigerated equipment.

The display of gastronomic products in Polushka stores is presented in the appendix

Packaged groceries and non-perishable confectionery products are laid out on the shelves of wall and island slides by name. Depending on the type of packaging, they are stacked in rows or stacks. To place packaged vegetables and potatoes on the trading floor, container-equipment is used.

Bread and bakery products are laid out in rows on the shelves of wall-mounted or island slides, or containers with a protective screen are used for this purpose, the presence of which is necessary to ensure sanitary requirements. To accommodate bread and bakery products cabinets made of modular elements can be used.

The operation of the principle of super-abundance, or rather, the possibility of its implementation in Polushka stores, also leads to an increase in sales. Customers are more willing to buy goods in stores chock-full of groceries.

JSC "Polushka" has a well-established positive reputation and a formed group of regular customers who prefer to regularly purchase food in stores sales network"Polushka".

Another factor contributing to the successful implementation of the project is the advantage of the material and technical base. Refrigeration equipment in Polushka stores is represented by slides, refrigerating and freezing bathtubs made in Italy. When equipping the first stores of the network in conditions of lack of financial resources used Polish-made equipment was purchased. The experience of its operation has shown the expediency of acquiring new modern refrigeration equipment with a significant operational resource and warranty service.

For many competitors of the Polushka network, the service life of a significant part of the equipment exceeds the standard by 1.5-2 times. The modernization of the material and technical base, necessary for increasing sales volumes and improving the efficiency of operations, will require significant financial investments.

Most stores selling food products have an unfavorable age structure of equipment, the total percentage of their wear production assets reaches 70-85%. This causes the emergence of a competitive advantage of the new refrigeration and trade equipment of the Polushka distribution network over the worn-out material and technical base of many participants in the retail market.

3.3 Analysis of the main economic indicators economic activities of the store "Polushka"

The main indicator of the economic activity of JSC "Polushka" is the wholesale turnover. It reflects the transition of goods from the sphere of production to the sphere of circulation and their movement within the sphere of circulation.

"One of the main conditions for the successful implementation of the plan and high growth rates of wholesale trade is the correct organization of an operational analysis of its development."

"The product is key factor in the marketing mix as a means of meeting the needs and requirements of a particular person or community of people. Identification of real needs for a product and satisfaction of human needs is the core commodity policy." (Eremin V.N., 2006, 267)

"The challenges facing the retail trade in present stage, consist both in the growth of trade turnover and in raising the level of customer service on the basis of further more orderly development of the retail trade and warehouse network of all forms of ownership and departmental affiliation. Without a sufficient network of modern stores, refrigerators, warehouses, vehicles, further development of trade is impossible.

The enterprise is operational control, both for shipment and for the sale of goods. Plans and schedules for the delivery of goods to individual customers for a month, for decades, and often for individual days are established for the warehouse. The turnover of JSC "Polushka" is presented in table. 3.1.

Tab. 3.1 Turnover of JSC "Polushka"

JSC "Polushka" promptly controls the flow of funds for the goods sold, the implementation of the plan and the dynamics of trade. This information is used in the operational analysis of distribution costs, financial results, solvency of the enterprise and the development of measures to improve its economic and other activities.

Currently, there are significant shortcomings in the activities of the enterprise. Often, the terms of delivery of goods are not observed, contractual obligations in terms of the volume, assortment and quality of the goods supplied are violated.

The development and successful implementation of a product policy require compliance with the following conditions: the company has a strategy for production and marketing activities with a definition of the company's mission, its main goals and objectives; a good knowledge of the market, first of all, the nature of its requirements, and, finally, a clear understanding of its capabilities both now and in the future.

Further in the paragraph, an analysis of the financial condition of Polushka OJSC will be carried out. The purpose of the analysis of the financial and economic state of OJSC "Polushka" is to assess the strengths and weaknesses of the financial and economic activities of the enterprise and determine the prospects for its development. The results of the financial and economic activity of JSC "Polushka" are presented in table 3.2.

In 2008, there was an increase in production and sales volumes, which had a positive impact on financial result society. The amount of proceeds from the sale of products increased by 41.9% compared to 2007.

The increase in production volumes led to an increase in the cost of production by 33%, however, based on 1 ruble products sold its value decreased by 6.3% compared to 2007.

Table 3.2 Results of financial and economic activities of JSC "Polushka"

Name of indicator 2007 2008 Deviations
+/- %
Revenue, thousand rubles 587010000 833280000 +246270000 +41,9%
Gross profit (rub.) 197250000 318040000 +120790000 +61,2%
Net income (retained earnings) 37940000 90620000 +5268000 +138,8%
Profitability equity (%) 2,2% 5,0% +2,8
Return on assets (%) 2,0% 4,3% +2,3
Net Profit Ratio(%) 6,4% 10,9% +4,5
Profitability of products (sales) (%) 12,8% 18,3% +5,5
Capital turnover (quarterly) 0,34 0,46 +0,12

An increase in sales revenue and a decrease in production costs led to an increase in gross profit by 61.2% compared to 2007.

The amount of net profit (retained earnings) increased by 38.8% compared to 2007. The main factor in the increase in net profit in 2008 is the increase in production and sales volumes and cost reduction.

Return on equity and assets. In 2008, the efficiency of using the issuer's assets increased, as evidenced by the return on assets and equity. The main factor behind the improvement in the return on assets and equity was the increase in the company's net profit (+138.8%). Return on equity increased from 2.2% to 5.0%. Return on assets increased from 2.0% to 4.3%. In 2008, the profitability of sales increased.

The capital turnover indicator in 2008 increased relative to the corresponding indicator in 2007 as a result of an increase in sales proceeds. Table 3.3. the factors that influenced the change in the amount of proceeds from the sale of goods and profit (losses) of JSC "Polushka" from the main activity are indicated.

Table 3.3. Factors that influenced the change in the amount of proceeds from the sale of goods and profits (losses) of JSC "Polushka" from the main activities

In 2008. revenue from product sales increased by 41.9% compared to 2007.

The main factor that influenced the increase in revenue from the sale of goods is the increase in sales volume and improvement in market conditions.

The combination of factors led to an increase in sales profit by 101.9% in the reporting quarter.

Table 3.4. presents data on the liquidity of JSC "Polushka" and capital adequacy and working capital.

Table 3.4. Liquidity of JSC "Polushka" and capital and working capital adequacy

Own working capital. As of 2008, the amount of own working capital increased by 9.3% compared to the level of 2007. The increase in own working capital is explained by the growth of own capital due to retained earnings. In 2007, non-current assets increased insignificantly (+4.1%), therefore, the entire increase in equity capital was used to finance current assets, which led to an increase in the amount of own current assets.

The fixed asset index in 2008 remained at the level of 2007. This indicator satisfies the recommended value of the permanent asset index.

Indicators of current and quick liquidity decreased in the reporting period compared to the previous period of the current year. The deterioration of these indicators was affected by the growth of short-term liabilities by 88.7% (due to the increase in accounts payable).

The dynamics of the current liquidity ratios testifies to the sufficient provision of the issuer with working capital for conducting business activities and a high degree of the Company's solvency.

Autonomy coefficient own funds. This indicator indicates the share of equity in assets and characterizes the degree of financial independence of the issuer from creditors. The coefficient of autonomy of own working capital as of 2008 was 0.86. This indicator allows us to speak about the low degree of the issuer's financial dependence on creditors.

Adequacy of capital and working capital of OAO "Polushka". The increase in the assets of JSC "Polushka" is ensured by the growth of equity capital. The share of equity in the total assets of the company as of 2008 was 85.5%.

Based on the above analysis of the indicators of economic activity of Polushka OJSC, it can be concluded that the company is successfully labor activity, carrying out retail trade in food products, including due to the fact that it pays special attention to merchandising.

Summing up, it should be noted that in the management of trade processes an important role is given to the organization of the placement of goods on the trading floor,

Properly arranging goods is an art, the strategy of which must be calculated and thought out in advance. A well-designed and well-maintained display always contributes to the purchase of goods by the buyer.

Therefore, the placement of goods on the trading floor of the store should be carried out taking into account the following basic requirements: creating conditions of comfort during the stay of customers in the store; providing customers with the necessary information and a wide range of services; optimal use of the retail space of the store; ensuring the safety of material values; organization of rational commodity flows and settlement operations with buyers.

Proper display of goods allows you to effectively use the equipment, improves the conditions for the inspection and selection of goods by customers, reduces the labor costs of sales and operational personnel for replenishing stocks on the trading floor. This process plays a special role in self-service stores.

Course work is done on the example of JSC "Polushka". Polushka is a trading network self-service shops.

Based on the above analysis of the economic activities of the company "Polushka", it can be concluded that the company conducts a successful labor activity, carrying out retail trade in food products, including due to the fact that it pays special attention to the classic placement and display of goods.


1) Berman B., Evans J., Joel R., Retail: a strategic approach. - M.: William, 2003. - 1184 p.

2) Blank I.A. Trade management. - Kyiv: Nika-Center, 2006. - 780 p.

3) Varley R. Management of retail sales. Merchandising. - M.: Prospekt, 2004. - 272 p.

4) Vesnin V.R. Management. - M .: Prospect, 2007. - 512 p.

5) Vinogradova S.N. Pigunova O.V., commercial activity. - Minsk. The highest school, 2005. - 352 p.

6) Glukhov V.V. Management. - St. Petersburg: Peter, 2007. - 608 p.

7) Dashkov L. P., Pambukhchiyants V. K. Commerce and trade technology. - M.: Marketing, 2000.- 448 p.

8) Dion J., Topping T., Retail: How to open own store. - M: Alpina Business Books, 2005. - 211 p.

9) Eremin V.N. Marketing: basics and information marketing. - M: KNORUS, 2006. - 656 p.

10) Lapusta M.G. Directory of the director of the enterprise. – M.: INFRA-M, 2004. – 912 p.

11) Nikolaeva T.I. Management in trade. – M.: KNORUS, 2006. – 320 p.

12) Ogarkov A.A. Organization management, - M .: Eksmo, 2006. - 512 p.

13) Pankratov F.G. Commercial activity. - M.: "Dashkov and K", 2005. - 504 p.

14) Paramonova T.N., Krasyuk I.N. Retail marketing. -M.: FBK-Press, 2004. - 224 p.

15) Polovtseva F.P. Commercial activity. – M.: Higher education, - 2005. - 248 p.

16) Ramazanov I.A. Merchandising in retail trading business. - Minsk. Business Literature, 2002. - 112 p.

17) Ramazanov I.A., Marketing in Russia and abroad // The atmosphere of the store and its factors. Number 3. 2003

18) Razdorozhny A.A. Organization (enterprise) management. - M.: Exam, 2006. - 637 p.

19) Taborova L.G., Smart merchandising. - M.: "Dashkov and K", 2009. - 160 p.

20) Titov V.I. Enterprise economy. – M.: Eksmo, 2008. – 416 p.

21) Tsakhaev R.K., Murtuzalieva T.V., Aliev S.A. Marketing Basics:. - M.: Exam, 2005. - 448 p.

Attachment 1

Product selection zones

Annex 2

Organizational structure of JSC "Polushka"

Appendix 3

Grouping of goods in "Polushka" stores by sections

Appendix 4

Display of goods in bulk

Annex 5

Horizontal layout

Appendix 6

Combined way of laying out

Annex 7

Display of gastronomic products

Quite often, coming home from a store (especially a supermarket) and critically evaluating a considerable amount of purchases (necessary and not very necessary), you think about the reasons that encourage you to make such rash spending. And there is a rather logical explanation for everything - merchandising, in accordance with which a competent display of goods on the trading floor was made.


A natural consequence of the improvement and glut of the market is the intensification of competition not only between producers, but also between trade organizations, which often largely depends on final result overall production efficiency. It is merchandising, that is, a system of measures to increase sales in retail trade and create an atmosphere conducive to this, that contributes to the successful sale of goods. Literally translated from of English language this term means the process of trading.

The basic principles of marketing strategies are formed as a result of a thorough analysis of the behavioral stereotypes of buyers. Thus, the basis of merchandising is to draw up clear, psychologically justified measures aimed at stimulating purchases. If we take into account that on average more than 70% of goods are purchased impulsively, without a balanced preliminary decision on the need for such a purchase, then the ever-increasing effectiveness of merchandising in modern conditions becomes clear.

Properly made display of goods on the trading floor - as the first step or the basis of merchandising - should ensure maximum availability of products, as well as visually affect a person, helping to attract his attention to the object of purchase.

Marketing strategy

Properly organized display of goods in the store is the most significant part. One of the most important conditions for the sale of goods is its visual visibility, attractiveness. Analyzing the actual turnover, marketers came to quite logical conclusions: goods placed on shelves at the level of human eyes have the highest sales figures. However, there are many other factors that have a significant impact on sales volumes.

Target areas

The display of goods is used to achieve various narrowly focused, often overlapping goals:

  1. Increasing sales volumes.
  2. Formation of consumer confidence in the product.
  3. Strengthening the impact of the brand on the consumer and the formation of persistent taste priorities.
  4. Increasing competitiveness among similar products.
  5. Acquisition of well-deserved recognition in the field of successful promotion of products.

Product presentation options

Various options for the presentation of goods are due to the specifics of individual sales offers, consumer needs and taste preferences.

Style or type grouping is carried out in grocery, hardware and manufactured goods stores, where this type of placement is traditionally used in relation to everyone. For example, in various departments of the store there are sections with outerwear and summer collections, shoes, haberdashery and so on.

The ideological grouping is most often based on a concept or simply the reputation and image of a trading facility. For example, salons that sell furniture according to samples exhibit the most attractive specimens for a complete visual perception. At the same time, the surrounding interior is reproduced in accordance with the most fashionable trends, emphasizing the advantages of the advertised products.

The color scheme when laying out goods is typical for shops and boutiques with high trade margins, designed for the most affluent category of consumers. Such a contingent is attracted by the brightness of the image, stimulating them to buy.

Price grouping allows buyers to evaluate the diversity of the assortment and choose products at the most suitable price, while a large-scale layout forms an idea for buyers about low prices for a large number of homogeneous goods.

With a frontal presentation of a product in expanded form, the buyer is shown all its features, emphasizing their attractiveness as much as possible.

Placement of departments and groups of goods

The logical placement of certain types of products on the trading floor is the result of an adequate assessment of several fundamental factors:

  1. The number of purchases per unit of time of certain groups of goods, i.e. the frequency of their purchase.
  2. Dimensions and weight of products sold.
  3. The number of different product modifications.
  4. Time and space distance required by the buyer to inspect or review a potential purchase, as well as to select the most attractive item from the analogues presented on the shelf.

In addition to quantified factors, the display of goods directly depends on the quality and texture of the products offered, packaging, the image and layout of the store, and the profitability of certain groups of goods.

For example, in elite salons and boutiques, the presented products are often combined according to their stylistic and color similarity. In stores with a medium price level, goods are usually grouped by size, while in outlets with minimum prices, they can be placed simply in containers.

Traffic routes

To achieve maximum rationality in the use of available retail space, it is necessary to determine the sequence of location of departments in the store as a whole, and the choice of the most successful location for each section. After considering the established traffic path in a large store, experienced marketers place departments with insignificant, impulsive products on the way to sections with the most frequent purchases. This means that a person who seeks to purchase only certain things is forced to go through other departments in which a properly organized display of goods literally lures and forces to make a purchase.

The art of product display

The methods used for displaying goods traditionally depend on the placement of products sold in relation to homogeneous products and specialized equipment.

With a horizontal layout, homogeneous goods are evenly placed along the entire length of the shelf. At the same time, in one direction, the units are ranked as the volume decreases (or increases), according to the serial production, placing the largest and cheapest on the lower shelves. And products intended for quick sale should be as accessible as possible to the buyer and in a certain way attract attention.

With this placement, the least popular goods, located not far from more popular counterparts, will be in high demand, partially borrowing consumer preferences from them.

With a vertical layout, homogeneous products are placed on racks in several rows: smaller and lighter ones are on the upper shelves, and their larger counterparts are on the lower ones. This method improves the quality of visual perception and is quite convenient for buyers, regardless of their height. Most often, this kind of display of goods is used in large trading floors of self-service stores.

The display way of laying out is carried out with the help of additional points of sale, i.e., goods are displayed at the most favorable angle on a stand-alone company stand or counter. The location of such a stand is in no way tied to the actual place of sale of a particular product.


The presentation of goods to the buyer should not be carried out randomly, but in accordance with a scheme (drawing, drawing or photograph) that has been thought out and made manually or on a computer, which is called a planogram. On it, each position of the laid out assortment list should be depicted in as much detail as possible, indicating the exact location for each trade unit. A planogram is drawn up for the display of goods, taking into account the wishes of suppliers and buyers, as well as the capabilities of the retailer. The time spent on its preparation, as a result, significantly reduces the time required to place products on the trading floor. In addition, there are currently many software products, significantly facilitating and accelerating the process of such detailing.

The product display planogram must be approved by the head of the outlet, and all its subsequent changes are also subject to approval.

General principles

Depending on the specifics of the store and the products sold, a wide variety of positions are followed when developing a planogram. But general principles product listings are as follows:

  1. The principle of visibility - is implemented in the creation of visual appeal and accessibility for review.
  2. Achieving the highest efficiency at reasonably reasonable costs (rational use of retail equipment and space). For each type of product, areas are allocated that approximately correspond to the volume of their sales. Maximum areas - for fast-selling or advertised goods; the latter, in turn, should be located in the most viewed places of the trading floor. Do not forget about ensuring free passage to the laid out products.
  3. Consistency. The placement and display of goods is carried out in complex blocks, i.e. things that are interconnected according to some attribute are grouped in one place. For example, household goods, and nearby - a showcase with dishes, etc.
  4. Compatibility of nearby goods in relation to each other, i.e., the negative influence of commodity neighbors must be excluded. The laid out coffee products should not be located near spices or wet products. Such a neighborhood will negatively affect the consumer properties of the goods sold (coffee can itself acquire a foreign smell, or it can give it to surrounding objects).
  5. Impulse-purchased items should be close to high-demand products. For example, the correct alternation of expensive and cheap goods allows you to increase the profitability of the store, drawing attention to units that are diametrically opposed in their properties. At the same time, the aesthetics and safety of the laid out products should be ensured.
  6. It is very important to monitor the sufficiency of the display, i.e., the most complete representation of the available assortment, depending on the retail space, the specifics of the outlet and the demand for the proposed list of goods, as well as the entire range of marketing policies.
  7. To create an enticing image of the store, quite often (especially when it is opened) they resort to reducing trade allowances, promotions and discounts. This is provided for the formation of stable sympathy of buyers for a shopping facility.

The specifics of the display of food products

The display of food products is designed to ensure not only accessibility, but also maximum safety. Depending on the storage conditions, the packaging used and other factors, various methods of their sale are used. Liquid products in bottles are conveniently arranged in several rows on the shelves, occasionally right in the boxes. Meat, fish and sausage products - in exposing the buyer to the cut goods in the most attractive form. Packaged products (or in packs) are neatly laid out in rows or stacks on shelves, grouping units by type.

For bakery products, near-wall and island slides are used, as well as special equipment that ensures compliance with sanitary storage standards. Such a display of goods (the photo is presented above) is the most rational for its safety.

Features of the display of industrial goods

Industrial goods are characterized by their maximum differentiation into groups in accordance with types, articles and purpose. Clothing, for example, can be distributed around the trading floor depending on styles, seasonality, gender, age, and other characteristics. Hats are placed on special consoles, as well as designs of various configurations, which make it possible to show this or that thing in the most advantageous way. The display of goods in the store allows you to plan an effective direction of consumer flows that contribute to the profitability of the trading business.

It is very important when planning the display to ensure that the product is not blocked by a queue that limits its visibility and accessibility. At the same time, its front side should be best presented to the consumer's gaze. It is believed that the most advantageous arrangement of racks is on the left side of the direction of movement of the main customer flow. With a uniform loading of goods on the shelves, that part of it, on which the maximum marketing efforts are directed, should be approximately at eye level, and in addition, it should be located close to the checkout area. Strengthening the impact on consumer sympathy can be achieved using a variety of advertising media. The increase in turnover also occurs when the same product is displayed in several zones of the shopping facility at once.

Product placement options

Thoughtful placement of goods in the store significantly increases sales. To most effectively attract the attention of the buyer, quite a variety of types of display of goods are used with the involvement of special equipment:

  1. Shelves and racks.
  2. Counters and special exhibitions.
  3. Wire baskets and floor pallets.
  4. Separate stands.
  5. Dispensing machines.
  6. Advertised packages, beautiful boxes, etc.

Exhibitions of goods in promotional packages look very impressive. High-quality and expensive printing, competently provided by the manufacturer, is of particular interest to store visitors, drawing attention primarily to themselves.

Features of merchandising in a pharmacy

The use of a competent marketing strategy in the pharmacy chain has some features in relation to other trading facilities. Merchandising in a pharmacy is a complex increase activity through promotional activities aimed at drawing consumer attention to over-the-counter drugs. One of the most important features of a pharmacy outlet is the specifics of consumer psychology, often expressed in rather shy behavior: the client tries to get as much information as possible on the windows before asking questions, for example, about drugs for fungal or venereal diseases, as well as other rather intimate medicines . Pharmacies are developing a certain system of rubricators that facilitate the search necessary information by therapeutic group of drugs.

In addition, when looking for a medicine, a potential buyer inspects the trading floor and involuntarily becomes interested in other medications that he needed earlier (but it was not possible to purchase them) or those that he will buy today or in the future.

Pharmacy display zoning

Traditionally, the display of goods in a pharmacy is carried out taking into account zoning, which makes it as easy as possible to find medicines. Almost every pharmacy kiosk has the following zones:

Products sold without a prescription. These are rather voluminous calculations in which drugs are placed according to their areas of application.

A separate place is reserved for medicinal plants and dietary supplements, various homeopathic preparations.

Many vitamin complexes, products for diabetics and people seeking to lose weight are located in a separate area. Also here you can find a variety of modifications of drugs for people leading healthy lifestyle life.

Various variations of natural and decorative cosmetics (from toothpastes and creams to lipsticks and pads).

Medical equipment and patient care products, orthopedic products and compression hosiery.

Products for children younger age, newborns, their mothers and pregnant women. On the shelves are lined with specialized cosmetics, baby food and various devices for the development of the child.

In separate zones, drugs are usually allocated that help increase efficiency and prevent stressful effects on the human body. The showcases display medicines against motion sickness, which strengthen eyesight and protect against harmful effects. technical means at workplaces.

In the checkout area are located Special offers, advertised products and seasonal equipment, as well as printed materials devoted to the problems of maintaining and restoring health.

Adequate visualization of the presented drugs provides for their location not lower than 0.8 m from the floor, but not higher than 1.6-1.7 m, i.e. not higher than the head of an average person.

The highest sign of the effectiveness of the marketing policy, which takes into account all the rules for laying out goods, is the growth in sales volumes, as well as the reduction in time spent on finding the necessary products by buyers. Competent marketing not only facilitates the buying process by reducing the time to find the right product, but also draws too much attention to not the most necessary things.

Hello! Periodic studies of marketers show that the correct and rational display of goods in a store or trading floor directly affects the level of sales. It helps to create optimal comfortable conditions for the buyer at the point of sale, makes it easier for him to choose the necessary products. In fact, the display of goods on the trading floor is various ways and tools to demonstrate them to customers. We will introduce you to the intricacies in this article.

Goals and objectives of rational calculation

The main goal of displaying goods in a certain way is not to create a spectacular picture, but to control the behavior and desires of potential buyers. Do not confuse placement and display of goods. In the first case, this refers to the distribution of products on the trading floor, and in the second - the search for the most profitable and convenient place on commercial equipment.

Rational placement and display of goods on the trading floor of the store should solve certain problems:

  • To create ideal conditions that help to present products in the most profitable way;
  • Determine the level of visual review for the buyer, direct his attention in the right direction;
  • Increase the attractiveness of goods of impulse demand;
  • Create conditions that highlight some units in the eyes of the buyer;
  • Make the shopping process convenient and enjoyable.

Together, the solution of all these problems helps to present the seller in a more advantageous light and distinguish them from competitors. Statistics show that in stores that adhere to the rules of merchandising, sales volumes are higher and more stable.

Calculation principles

When placing goods on racks or shelves, a specialist must follow certain rules or principles:

  • Adequacy. It assumes that the largest assortment should be presented on the windows.
  • Consistency. Products should be divided into groups - juices will stand with groceries, and kefir with dairy products.
  • visibility. Customers like to look at the product, so it should be available on the shelves.
  • Efficiency. Every free centimeter should “work and earn” in the store. Therefore, it is necessary to rationally arrange commercial equipment and furniture.

At the heart of all principles is the desire to simplify the search for the right product, to facilitate the process of making purchases. This will help to return a person to the store, turn into a regular customer.

Ways of displaying goods

The principles of displaying goods must be observed in outlets of any type. They are the same for hypermarkets and small convenience stores.

Before and, it is necessary to understand the main types of product location on commercial equipment:

  1. Vertical or horizontal shelf placement. The former gives buyers the widest view and promotes good sales. With a horizontal one, you can systematize goods, arrange them by price level or brands. Most often, stores use a mixed type of arrangement. With vertical placement, the highest quality and most expensive goods are usually placed at eye level, and the cheapest - on the lower shelves.
  2. Corporate. All products of the same brand are placed on one rack or shelf, creating a bright recognizable block. This type of display is used if the brand occupies at least 5% of all store stocks. It is based on the principle of a color spot, which attracts increased attention with the help of contrast.
  3. Display placement. In this case, the goods are installed on a vertical stand in a conspicuous place: in the center of the hall or not far from the entrance. Often this arrangement is used at small branded outlets, trying to present the goods to customers as fully as possible.
  4. Floor arrangement. This type is used quite rarely when there is a shortage of commercial furniture or equipment. It is good for bulky goods and completely unsuitable for small ones: customers are unlikely to like to bend over a small box to examine its contents.

AT recent times large hypermarkets are increasingly practicing bulk display: packaged products are displayed in special metal containers without packaging by type or brand. Usually it comes at the same price with a discount, and buyers can safely choose and view products.

Any chosen option should provide the product with the attention of buyers, the complete safety of the packaging and all qualities.

Basic rules for displaying goods

Marketing takes seriously the study and compilation of product display technology. It is based on research by well-known experts and the psychological characteristics of customer behavior.

The most commonly applied rules are:

  • "Face to face". Goods must be placed on the shelves so that the buyer can see them from any angle and can read all the information. To attract attention, you can put several identical bright packages together. A recognizable wrapper or box is obtained through special experiments with the tastes of consumers, their color and visual preferences.
  • "Basic Brands". The rule says that it is better to place the brands necessary for a potential buyer at the beginning of the shelves in front of other similar groups of goods. Psychology says that the buyer will put more goods of the main brands in his empty basket.
  • "Shelves in priority." When laying out goods on commercial equipment, the most popular and profitable products for the store should be placed at eye level. This rule also applies to promotional goods, which should “strike” the eye and attract more attention.
  • The rule of "lower shelves". They place products that buyers purchase without fail and without additional advertising: large economy packages, little things for the household.
  • Top shelf rule. More expensive and fashionable products are laid out on them, which need to attract attention for an early sale.
  • "By package size" The rule requires placing small packages to the left of the buyer, and large ones to the right.
  • Location "among competitors". Good way increase sales - place a batch of a newer product among a well-established competitor.

A good marketer checks the distance between shelves and stands, adjusts them for the convenience of customers. For him, the surrounding picture and the direction of the light in the hall matter.

For a logically correct placement, a specialist has to take into account several factors:

  • The frequency of buying a particular product;
  • Dimensions and weight;
  • Number of varieties or species;
  • The time it takes to inspect a product, label, or instructions.

The correct layout even depends on the routes of customers through the store, the width of the shelves and the image of the entire outlet.

The main stages of the calculation

In the vast majority of cases, buyers make a decision on choosing a product while standing at the counter. In order to imperceptibly correct their actions and persuade them to buy, marketers use different display features.

When working on the placement of goods in any store or supermarket, it goes through three important stages:

  1. Organizational. Goods occupy certain places on the shelves or in the hall, which must be kept in order. Many customers get used to a particular place and purposefully go to the store for their favorite juice or sweets. And placing the necessary accessories (dishes, spare parts or spices) next to the main group encourages unplanned purchases.
  2. Managed. At this stage, it is necessary to evaluate the rationality of each trading place, to calculate what financial return it brings to the store. It is better to put high-demand goods in the most prominent place, to draw additional attention to new positions.
  3. Seductive. At this stage, it is necessary to analyze the dynamics of the development of the entire store. The layout should attract, seduce and encourage purchases. This is especially true for the time of discounts and promotions, for which goods are placed taking into account offers that are beneficial to buyers.

The goods should not be presented randomly (which is a sin of small stores), but in accordance with a special scheme. This is a reasonable planogram of the product, which is drawn up in the form of a drawing on a computer or by hand. It should contain the exact placement of each product in the hall, the quantity on the shelves or pallets. Such a planogram must be approved by the head of the store, and the sellers adhere to it in their work.

All technology of displaying goods should be aimed at the convenience of the buyer. She must shorten the search required product and unobtrusively offer novelties.

The simplest rules help to do this easily and quickly:

  • Goods should not affect each other, so they do not have household chemicals and food nearby;
  • It is better to place large and dimensional products closer to the entrance so that they do not block the view;
  • Seasonal novelties and goods with a good discount are best placed in the most prominent place;
  • The buyer needs to give the effect of accessibility, so open shelving and self-service shelves are very popular;
  • For a profitable presentation of goods, you should not save on equipment for trade, purchase only modern and high-quality refrigerated display cases, stands and mannequins;
  • Price tags must be read, and to some non-food products samples can be offered.

It is not enough to make a calculation once: the marketer constantly analyzes all the options, their impact on the level of sales. This makes it possible to choose the most profitable positions and constantly raise the income of the outlet.

Online merchandising rules

Despite the lack of conventional shelves, a rational approach to the placement of goods helps to increase website views, the number of returns and purchases online. The more convenient and original the product is presented, the more buyers recommend it to their friends, return for new purchases. Moreover, modern computer technologies make it possible to make bright and stylish presentations that attract attention.

The main rule when displaying goods in an online store is to provide a potential buyer with as much information as possible about the properties, colors or possible discounts.

You can use many marketing techniques to do this:

  • Develop several filters that will allow people to view products by price, SKU or availability;
  • Create a hype effect through colorful banners, bright inscriptions about discounts and recommendations;
  • Make interesting and "delicious" descriptions of product cards that will attract attention and remain in memory.

3D presentations, original inscriptions and convenient location can give a good effect. background information. A significant expansion of online sales allows us to talk about the emergence of a whole direction in marketing - Internet merchandising.