Reference information in the system 1s enterprise. Reference information

Inventory accounting

Regulatory and reference information: inventory accounting subsystem

All regulatory and reference information that is used to display inventory transactions can be divided into two groups:

    Objects of analytical accounting of operations with stocks - nomenclature, warehouses, nomenclature groups,

    Accounting parameters of operations that are assigned "by default" - item prices, accounting accounts, tax assignment.


A list of the range of stocks, equipment (not put into operation tangible non-current assets), and a list of services that are received, rendered or internally-production are kept in the "Nomenclature" directory.

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Fig.1. Nomenclature

The directory does not depend on the list of warehouses and organizations on whose behalf they keep records in the database. In other words, the same elements of the directory can be used in the display business transactions for all warehouses and all organizations. The directory element almost does not store the accounting characteristics or parameters of the object. Therefore, the same element of the directory can be displayed in accounting as a material, and as a product or product, or even as equipment. In other words, the item type will be determined in the context of the business transaction.

The only attribute that defines the system is the "Service" flag. When it is turned off, this is a sign of material value, for which they conduct quantitative accounting and inventory records of movements and balances. If it is included, this is an intangible item, for which inventory records will not be kept.

If the number of elements in the directory is large, then in order to simplify the work and optimize the search for the required position in the "Nomenclature" directory, it is reasonable to create groups of elements. Separate groups, such as: "Materials", "Semi-finished products", "Goods", are created during the initial filling information base(performed automatically on first start). At the same time, it is possible to change or delete previously created groups, transfer directory elements from a group to another group. The creation of the directory structure or restructuring is allowed to be performed at any period of work with IS.

The flag "Form of strict accounting" is defined for the material nomenclature, the accounting of which must be kept not only on the balance sheet account, but also in parallel behind the balance sheet (account "08 Forms of strict accounting"). If off-balance accounting must be kept at the legally defined "nominal value", then one more flag "Accounted for at nominal value" should be defined.

Flag "Is transport service", which affects the creation of a printed form of the "Tax invoice" document, which is issued to the buyer.

The value of the "VAT rate" attribute will be used by the system for default substitution in purchase/sale documents of this item. The attribute "VAT relief" becomes available for input and editing, if the value "Without VAT" is selected in the attribute "VAT rate". Here the basis for the VAT exemption is shown - the corresponding clause of the VAT law, the text is used to create a printed form of the tax invoice.

The flag "Measured in sum terms" and "Text for printing in tax invoice" are used to display services in the printed form of the tax invoice, if the service is not measured by quantitative meters.

The attribute "Nomenclature group" is filled in with a reference to the element of the reference book "Nomenclature groups". The value of the attribute assigns the entry of the nomenclature into the group for grouping sales revenues and enterprise costs (including production costs).

Attribute "Cost item" - the parameter that will be used to substitute the appropriate item by default when writing off goods and materials to costs and expenses of the organization.

In the standard solution, it is possible to display operations with the same item in different units of measure. One of them must be recognized as the main or basic (set on the "Basic" tab). All movements of goods and materials in quantitative terms will be converted into this unit. To convert a quantity from one unit to another, a "conversion factor" is applied. At the same time, when displaying transactions in "commodity" documents, you can choose any of the units that are registered for the provided nomenclature on the "

In previous lessons, we discussed with you that the 1C configuration consists of a set of different 1C objects. Such objects are of different types.

Today we will consider the features of one of the types of 1C Enterprise objects - directories.

Directories 1C 8.2 are designed to store information that will be used in other 1C objects - documents, reports. Thus, accounting in 1C is carried out in the context of (according to) directories.

The information that is stored in directories is called reference information.

Directories 1C 8.2 are divided into the actual Directories and Classifiers. Classifiers (in the conversations of 1C programmers) are reference books, the composition of which is approved by the state (and there are a bunch of them, for example, the Classifier of the countries of the world or the Classifier of units of measurement).

Nevertheless, this does not prevent many companies from correcting and supplementing such classifiers as desired.

Why are Reference Books 1C needed?

A vivid example can be made on the example of a product. There is a certain product, for example "Shovel". The movements of this product (purchase, receipt at the warehouse, sale) are documented by certain documents.

In "life" - these are paper documents, because. some forms, when filling out which everyone simply writes by hand - Shovel, 20 pieces.

AT electronic system, 1C is electronic documents, where there is also a product field. But if each operator writes the name of the product by hand, then there may be typos. And then we bought "Shovel", and sold "Lapata". Additionally - the downside is that we have to write it many times.

Therefore, we start a list of products in which we start this product once. To specify a product in the documents, just select it from the list. An additional plus is that when we add a product to the list, we can indicate any data on it, for example, “Country of origin”.

Thus, directories in 1C Enterprise are ready-made lists of data that are needed for accounting - goods, customers, and so on. Users can supplement and modify these lists on their own.

Where are Directories 1C 8.2 located

In the 1C Enterprise mode, the user works with the user interface that the programmer has developed for him. Different users may have different interface. Therefore, the programmer could place each specific directory in completely different menus.

In the thick client, a user with administrative rights (Administrator) has a standard Operations menu. In this menu there is an item "Directories", through which you can open any directory.

In the thin client, the administrator also has a menu, only called All functions. Its work is similar to the Operations item.

In the 1C Configurator mode, the directories are located in the Configuration branch of the same name, in the configuration window. Having opened the branch, we can start working with any directory (more precisely, change or customize its template). In order to start working with it, you need to double-click on it with the mouse.

What do 1C directories look like?

When you open the directory, you see its list form. Since the directory is a list of data, in this form we see it. The list can be grouped into groups for ease of use.

By clicking on the group, we fall into it. By clicking on an element, the form of the directory element opens. It consists of a group of fields of this directory, which is supposed to be filled.

In 1C Enterprise, directories usually have two required fields by which one element can be distinguished from another. This is the code and name of the directory. However, the programmer can disable the presence of these fields, although this is rarely done.

The Code field, which is usually filled in automatically (numbers in order), is usually closed by default from editing by the user. You can change it in this way (of course, if it is allowed by the rights).

Directories 1C 8.2 can be interconnected (subordinate directory 1C). For example, one element of the Customers directory may have several subordinate elements of the Customer Agreements directory.

Setting up and developing 1C Directories

Create new guide 1C or you can change the existing one in the configurator. The general method of work is the same as with other 1C objects, which was discussed in the previous lesson.

The main features of 1C Directories, by bookmarks:

1C: Enterprise 8.0. Universal tutorial Boyko Elvira Viktorovna

5.2. Entering information into the directory

To enter a new element, select the item "Actions - Add" lookup list form or press the INSERT key or you can use the buttons on the lookup toolbar:

Add item

Create a new group (CTRL+F9)

In order for a new element to immediately fall into a certain group, before entering the element, you must first go to this group.

If display in the form of a hierarchical list is disabled for a hierarchical directory, the entry of a new element is made in the current group (the one that was selected before changing the view mode) or in the root group.

If the element entry form contains the requisite "Parent", then regardless of the mode and the current group, you can specify belonging to any other group.

The basic details are filled in the form "The code" and "Name" and other reference details. If this is due to the configuration, when entering an element, its code will be checked for uniqueness, if it matches one of the codes already in the directory, a message will be displayed "The code is not unique!". In this case, the code must be corrected.

To add an element to the directory, press the button "OK". To refuse to enter a new element into the directory, press the " ESC. If you enter information about a directory element in a separate dialog box, you will be prompted to save the changes, which in this case should be answered " Not».

If for a specific directory there are two options for entering a new element (directly in the list of the directory or in a separately opened dialog box), then the choice of a specific option is carried out from the menu item "ActionsEdit in dialog", which is a toggle. When the "pressed" state of the item, the input is carried out in the dialog, when the "pressed" state - in the list.

If it is possible for the directory to organize a hierarchical structure in it, then to enter a new group, select the menu item "ActionsA new group" list form or use the button

guide window toolbar.

Just as when entering a new element into the directory, when entering a new group, editing the code, name and other details of the group can be done in two ways: in the directory list or in a separate dialog box. The editing method is determined at the configuration stage.

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1. Directory "Employees" Directory "Employees" has 5 pages in one dialog box and can have up to 13 periodic details. When entering information about an employee, keep in mind that the program automatically records the value for the current date. To

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4. Directory "Nomenclature" Works and services, goods and finished products are specified in the "Nomenclature" reference book. The type of item, posting account, as well as the dialog box for entering information sets the "Type" attribute. When entering a new object in the directory, a type is suggested

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5.8. Directory "Counterparties" A counterparty is general concept, which includes suppliers and buyers, organizations and individuals. An organization that has several own legal entities(holding). In this case, the directory

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5.9. Directory "Nomenclature" The directory "Nomenclature" is designed to store information about goods, kits, kits, products, returnable packaging, materials, services, construction sites, equipment. There is no strict division into such categories, only

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5.11. Directory "Banks" The directory "Banks" contains information about banks in which there are settlement accounts both with the company itself and with counterparties. This directory contains information about the name of the bank in which the company's or counterparty's settlement account is opened,

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The program provides a service for updating data in the basic classifiers from external sources. For example, the directory of banks can be updated from the website of the RosBusinessConsulting agency.

The main reference books of the system describe the structure commercial enterprise and implemented nomenclature.

Company information

The structure of a trade enterprise is represented by three main directories of the system.

  • Stores - organizational units of the enterprise intended for sales retail customer;
  • Warehouses - places of storage of goods in the store;
  • Organizations - a directory of subjects of economic and legal activity of the enterprise.

A store may have several different warehouses that are used to store goods or retail. Each store warehouse belongs to a specific enterprise organization.

One of the store's warehouses can be designated as a receipt warehouse, and the other as a sales warehouse. By default, these warehouses are substituted in documents when registering incoming and outgoing transactions. The warehouse of receipt can be the same as the warehouse of sale.

In order to isolate the accounting of goods movement, the departments of a single trading floor of the store can be represented in the configuration as separate warehouses with the type Shopping room . The program supports semi-automatic distribution of incoming goods by departments and storage warehouses in accordance with the preliminary settings.

Rules for assortment formation and retail price determination can also be defined for each store.

In the program, goods flow is accounted for separately for each organization of a trading enterprise. For the organization, a taxation system is determined, general or simplified, and, if necessary, it is possible to establish the use of UTII for individual warehouses.

Accounting for balances Money produced by storage locations - cash desks and operating cash desks of the store - also in the context of organizations

For the most complete filling printed forms documents provide for the maintenance of bank accounts of the organization and acting responsible persons.

Nomenclature information

The reference book of nomenclature is the central reference trading system. For each accounting position of the nomenclature, data on the article, manufacturer and country of origin of the goods, the main unit of measure and sets of packages, and the VAT rate are stored. The user can enter a text description of the product, save its image.

To structure data and reduce the number of errors when manually entering information, auxiliary directories are used:

  • Dictionary of units of measurement - a list of units of measurement used for goods, which can be replenished from of the all-Russian classifier units of measurement (OKEI);
  • Directory of packages - a list of packages for this product that can be used to transport or sell the product;
  • Price tags and label templates - user-configurable templates for printing price tags and labels on a regular office printer or a specialized label printer.

To separate goods with different composition of accounting parameters, use the Types of nomenclature lookup. For each type of stock item, the user can assign a way to account for inventory balances - by stock item or drilled down to item characteristics, define the accounting parameters for product series and additional accounting parameters.

The user can also define a price tag or label template that is specific to this type of item, and an arbitrary list additional details and product information.

The program keeps separate records of the movement and sale of goods purchased from the supplier, and sets assembled directly in the store. The list of kit components is stored in the account card. Directly from the item card, you can also view a list of suppliers supplying this product, assigned to the product prices, go to the report on the movement of goods.

Configuration stores and recognizes barcodes various types. It is possible to print barcodes on price tags and labels, search and select goods in the tabular parts of documents using special equipment.

The functionality of the program provides for the centralized introduction and automatic distribution of reference data to the peripheral databases of stores in order to avoid duplication of records. When using several configurations for enterprise automation, it is possible to maintain system directories in different programs in accordance with a specific concept of sharing.