What is cost cost. The formula for calculating the cost of goods sold

The statement of financial results is defined in paragraphs 18, 19 of PBU 10/99 and paragraphs 16, 23 of PBU 2/2008. In particular: - Expenses are recognized taking into account their connection with receipts (for example, the cost of performing work is recognized simultaneously with the recognition of proceeds from their sale as part of income); - if the expenses cause the receipt of income during several reporting periods and the relationship between income and expenses cannot be clearly determined or is determined indirectly, then they are recognized in the Statement of Financial Performance by their reasonable distribution between the reporting periods; - if a small business organization recognizes proceeds from the sale of products and goods not as the transfer of ownership, use and disposal of the delivered products, goods sold, but after receipt of payment, then expenses are recognized after the debt is paid off.

Cost of goods sold

It should be noted that the cost of purchasing goods includes not only the cost of these goods, but also all costs associated with the purchase, such as transportation costs, insurance, customs duties etc. Collectively, these costs are known as direct costs.

When determining the cost products sold only net purchases are taken into account, i.e. the value of returned goods and the amount of direct costs associated with them are not taken into account. Formula Methodology for calculating the cost of goods sold for manufacturing enterprise different from the methodology for trading company.

For a trading company, the formula is as follows: In this case, the net purchase of goods is calculated by subtracting the cost of returned goods and discounts (for example, for early payment or for quality) from the gross purchase.

Cost of goods sold: formula, methodology and calculation example



  • Management Accounting
  • Cost classification
  • Definition Cost of Goods Sold (COGS) is the sum of the cost of producing products that were sold during an accounting period.

    For a trading company, this is the amount of expenses for the purchase of goods for further resale that were sold during the reporting period. The cost of goods sold is calculated as the balance finished products at the beginning of the accounting period plus the cost of products sold during the accounting period, less the balance of finished products at the end of the accounting period.
    Abstracts from expired expiration costs, and thus the actual costs for the year.

    Cost of sales. line 2120

    Nevertheless, in conditions of instability, it is necessary to include certain risks associated with the release of products into the total amount of costs. Costing formulas are used to determine the exact cost of manufacturing a unit of output.

    The correctness of the calculation affects future profits, so it must be calculated accurately and correctly. So, in order to determine economic efficiency use the full cost formula (hereinafter referred to as PS).

    It looks like this: PS = ∑ production costs + sales costs The PS formula is the main one, all the rest represent its separate parts. This indicator indicates what the planned cost of the finished product will be.

    What is the profit of the enterprise and its types

    The vast majority of companies engaged in the production of various products always take into account tax deductions in the process of forming a single price. The only exception may be the presence of any tax privileges or tax holidays for a certain time interval.

    back to contents Conclusion The cost of waste is one of the most accurate and effective tools for analyzing the entire production cycle of a company, regardless of whether products are created or a certain set of services is provided. One of distinctive features cost formula is its temporal universality.
    The calculation can be made in any convenient time frame, which gives ample opportunities to determine the profitability of the development strategy followed, taking into account the seasonal factor.

    Cost of sales - concept and calculation method

    As a result, 125 thousand rubles were spent on pans:

    • materials 100 thousand rubles;
    • electricity 15 thousand rubles;
    • a salary with deductions of 5 thousand rubles;
    • depreciation 3 thousand rubles;
    • other expenses - 2 thousand rubles.

    For pans 61 thousand rubles:

    • materials 50 thousand rubles;
    • electricity 5 thousand rubles;
    • a salary with deductions of 2.5 thousand rubles;
    • depreciation 1.5 thousand rubles;
    • other expenses - 2 thousand rubles.

    The cost of a frying pan is 4 thousand rubles. (125/30), pans - 4.6 thousand rubles. (61/13). As a result of the sale, the company sold all the pans and pots. The total cost of goods sold is equal to the sum of the costs of producing all goods, i.e. 186 thousand rubles Analysis of the results Analysis of the results of the calculation of the actual cost is carried out in order to identify the inefficiency in the use of resources.

    Calculation of the cost of goods sold

    The above formula is generalized and understandable to those who have already encountered product costing. If you don’t know what the terms are made up of, check out the detailed formula, which looks like this: Full cost price = CMP + PF + FER + ZOP + ZAP + A + SV + PPR + SR + TR + RPS, where: CMP - material - raw material costs; PF - semi-finished products spent in production; FER - fuel and energy costs; ZOP - the salary of the personnel of the main and auxiliary productions; ZAUP - the salary of the administrative and managerial personnel of the company; A - the accrued value of depreciation of the fixed assets used; CB - the amount of accrued insurance premiums; PPR - the value of all other production costs; SR - the amount of marketing expenses; TR - transportation costs; RPS - the amount of other marketing expenses.

    The total cost of production is determined ...

    These numbers are order codes.

    • A copy of the notice of acceptance of the order for work is sent to the accounting department, where the calculation is carried out.
    • The accountant draws up a card for accounting for the costs of manufacturing the ordered products. It reflects the preliminary amount of costs.
    • After the production of products, the order is closed, wages are paid to employees, and the shipment of materials is stopped.
    • The buyer receives invoices for payment.

    The custom method is convenient to use in small enterprises where there is no prepayment.

    This is a calculation of the cost of finished products after the order is made. The total cost is divided by the volume of finished products.

    Basic formulas Understanding the definition of cost is not difficult. Difficulties arise with formulas for its calculation. The calculation of the cost of products is regulated by law.

    • Waste sorting and logistics of the final product - five percent of the production cost.
    • Waste of a general economic nature - twenty percent of the wages of production workers.
    • Waste per line wages- forty percent of the payment of the main production workers;
    • General production expenses - ten percent.
    • Purchase of electricity and fuel technological goals- 1.5 thousand rubles.
    • Purchase of materials, as well as raw materials used in the production process - three thousand rubles;
    • The salary of the main workers is two thousand rubles.

    The task is to determine the level of the manufacturer's cost per unit of production, as well as the amount of income from its sale, in the case of an acceptable level of profitability within 15 percent.

    Cost of sales balance calculation formula

    Tax accounting involves the correct formation of the tax base for the calculation of corporate income tax. According to the tax code (Chapter 25), in order to find the tax base, the amount of an enterprise's income can be reduced by the amount of expenses, with the exception of the list of expenses presented in Art. 270.


    Managerial and statistical types Accounting Management cost accounting is used for the purposes of the head of the enterprise. Depending on the tasks of management, cost samples, cost accounting criteria, and cost formation parameters change.

    For example, within management accounting you can track the cost of a new product, to make a decision on the feasibility of its further production and sale, you can monitor the work of a particular service in terms of the ratio of costs and income, or calculate the planned cost of the proposed project.
    One of the most demanded concepts of commerce, economic science and entrepreneurship is the formula for the cost of production and sale of products. The indicator is explained as the total number of funds spent by the company on the production and subsequent sale of a service or product, in strict dependence on the sector of the economy in which the company operates. Calculation: existing types and types of cost of waste Today, the cost is divided into marginal and average (in other words, the full cost). The full cost implies the volume of all production waste of the enterprise, including commercial ones, aimed exclusively at the production process. The marginal cost indicator is the cost per unit of product created. Key types of cost:
    • Workshop.

The concept of "enterprise costs" is closely related to the concept of "cost". The cost price plays a leading role in the overall system of indicators characterizing the efficiency economic activity enterprise and its structural divisions.

The cost price is a general indicator of the use of all types of enterprise resources. The cost price also provides for the replacement of these resources, which is necessary to continue the production process. The level and dynamics of the cost allow assessing the feasibility and rationality of the use of resources that are at the disposal of the enterprise. The cost of production reflects the technical level and organization of production, economic efficiency as a whole. According to NP (C) BU No. 16, for goods and services involved in the economic turnover at the enterprise, three types of cost can be distinguished:

1. cost of goods;

2. cost of goods sold;

3. production cost.

The cost of goods is determined in accordance with NP(S)BU 9 "Stocks".

The production cost of products (works, services) sold during the reporting period includes only direct costs. Thus, the production cost of production includes only those overhead costs that can be distributed among all types of products (works, services).

The cost of goods sold includes:

production cost;

Excess costs;

unallocated overhead costs.

The cost of production represents the current costs of enterprises for the production and sale of products (works, services) expressed in monetary terms.

The cost of production is a qualitative indicator, since it characterizes the level of use of all resources at the disposal of the enterprise.

The cost of production of a particular enterprise is determined by the conditions in which it operates. This cost is called individual.

If, on the basis of the individual cost of enterprises, we determine the weighted average of the costs for the industry, such a cost will be called the industry average. The average industry cost is closer to the public necessary costs labor.

The main document that guides the formation of the cost of production at the enterprise is the Regulation on the composition of costs for the production and sale of products (works, services) and on the procedure for forming financial results taken into account when taxing profits.

In order to analyze, record and plan the whole variety of costs included in the cost of production, two complementary classifications are used: element-by-element and costing.

When grouping costs by elements, the costs of the enterprise as a whole are determined, without taking into account its internal structure and without highlighting the types of products. The document, which presents the cost of the elements, is an estimate of the costs of production. The cost estimate is compiled to calculate the total need of the enterprise for material and monetary resources. The cost amount for each item is determined based on vendor invoices, payroll and depreciation records.

Cost elements are the costs of all services and workshops that are homogeneous in nature for production and economic needs.

The costs that form the cost of products (works, services) are grouped according to their economic content according to the following elements:

Material costs (minus the cost of returnable waste);

Labor costs;

Deductions for social needs;

Depreciation of fixed assets;

Other costs.

Material costs reflect the cost of raw materials and materials purchased from the outside; the cost of purchased materials; the cost of purchased components and semi-finished products; the cost of works and services of an industrial nature paid to third parties; the cost of natural raw materials; the cost of all types of fuel purchased from the outside, spent for technological purposes, production of all types of energy, heating of buildings, transport work; the cost of purchased energy of all types, spent on technological, energy, motor and other needs.

The cost of sold waste is excluded from the costs of material resources included in the cost of production.

Production waste refers to the remains of raw materials, materials, semi-finished products, heat carriers and other types of material resources formed during the production process that have completely or partially lost the consumer qualities of the original resource. They are sold at a reduced or full price material resource depending on their use.

Labor costs reflect the cost of labor production staff enterprises, including bonuses to workers and employees for production results incentive and compensation payments.

Until recently, deductions for social needs reflected mandatory deductions from the cost of remuneration of employees included in the cost of products (works, services). These payments were made on established by law norms to the bodies of state social insurance, the Pension Fund, the State Employment and Health Insurance Fund.

From 1 Jan. 2001 all contributions to social off-budget funds replaced the single social tax.

Depreciation of fixed assets reflects the amount of depreciation deductions for the full restoration of fixed assets.

Other costs are taxes, fees, deductions to extra-budgetary funds, payments on loans within rates, travel expenses, training and retraining costs, rent, depreciation on intangible assets, a repair fund, payments for compulsory property insurance, etc. d.

Grouping costs by economic elements does not allow accounting for individual departments and types of products; this requires accounting for costing items.

Calculation is the calculation of the unit cost of a product or service by item of expenditure. Unlike the elements of the cost estimate, costing items combine costs, taking into account their specific purpose and place of formation.

There is a standard nomenclature of costs for costing items, but ministries and departments can make changes to it depending on industry specifics.

The typical nomenclature includes the following articles:

1. Raw materials and materials.

2. Returnable waste (deductible).

3. Purchased products, semi-finished products and production services of third-party enterprises and organizations.

4. Fuel and energy for technological purposes.

5. Wages of production workers.

6. Deductions for social needs.

7. Costs for the preparation and development of production.

8. General production costs

9. General business expenses.

10. Loss from marriage.

11. Other operating expenses.

12. Selling expenses.

The total of the first 9 articles forms the shop cost, the total of 11 articles - the production cost, the total of all 12 articles - the total cost.

The shop cost is the cost production unit enterprises for production.

The production cost, in addition to the costs of workshops, includes the general costs of the enterprise.

The total cost includes the costs of both production and sales of products.

General production costs are the costs of maintaining and managing production. They include the cost of maintenance and operation of equipment and workshop costs.

General business expenses are expenses associated with the management of the enterprise as a whole: administrative and managerial, general business, taxes, mandatory payments, etc.

Selling expenses include costs for tare and packaging, transportation costs, advertising costs, and other distribution costs.

Cost items included in the calculation are divided into simple and complex. Simple ones consist of one economic element (wages). Complex items include several cost elements and can be decomposed into simple components (general production, general business expenses ...).

Cost accounting is necessary to determine the financial results of the enterprise.

Hello! Many people ask the question: what is the cost of goods or products? For the production of any goods, a number of various resources are spent: natural, energy, land, financial, labor, etc. The sum of all costs incurred will be the cost of production. More this question Let's take a look in this article!

What is the cost of goods

First, let's look at the definition of the cost of goods.

Product cost - this is a monetary assessment of the current costs of the enterprise for the manufacture and sale of goods, as well as the actual cost of labor and financial resources.

In fact, the cost price is an indicator of the production and economic activity of the company, reflecting the financial costs of the organization for the production of products. The price of the goods directly depends on the cost price. The lower the cost of finished products, the higher the profitability of the enterprise.

How to determine the cost of goods

Depending on the method of keeping records of expenses, several methods for calculating the cost of goods have been formed: normative, process-by-process, per-order, per-order. In turn, the cost is also divided into several types: gross, commodity and realized.

What is included in the cost of goods

Surely every novice entrepreneur at least once wondered: why do we need the cost price? And it is needed in order to objectively assess the profitability of the enterprise, determine the wholesale and retail price of the goods, and give an objective assessment of the efficiency of spending and using resources.

The cost of goods takes into account many indicators, depending on what exactly needs to be controlled.

The cost of a unit of goods directly depends on the quantity of goods produced or purchased. To understand this, it is enough to consider a simple example:

Let's say you went to the store to buy a pack of tea worth 100 rubles. Then the cost calculation will take the following form:

  • Suppose you spent 1 hour on a trip (with an estimated cost of a working hour of 100 rubles);
  • Estimated depreciation of the car was 15 rubles.

Therefore, the cost of goods includes: The cost of a consignment of goods (in this case, packs of tea) + Costs) / Quantity = 215 rubles.

The picture will change significantly if you purchase not one pack of tea, but, let's say, five:

Cost price \u003d ((5 * 100) + 100 + 15) / 5 \u003d 123 rubles.

The example clearly shows what directly depends on the purchased quantity of products - than large quantity you buy (or produce), the cheaper each unit costs you. No company is interested in increasing the cost of goods.

Types of production costs

In fact, the cost price is the sum of all costs attributed to the production and release of goods. The cost price can be calculated both for the entire manufactured product, and for a separate commodity unit.

Strictly speaking, there are several types of cost, and, depending on which area of ​​activity the entrepreneur wants to control, the following indicators can be calculated:

  • Workshop, containing the costs of all departments of the organization aimed at manufacturing products;
  • Production, including the shop cost, as well as general and target costs;
  • complete, consisting of production costs and expenses for the sale of products;
  • General business, which includes expenses that are not directly related to production process but aimed at doing business.

Production cost contains all the resources spent at the production stage, namely:

  • The cost of purchasing raw materials and basic materials for the manufacture of products;
  • Costs for fuel and energy supply of production;
  • Remuneration of employees of the enterprise;
  • Costs for internal movement of raw materials and supplies;
  • Maintenance, Maintenance and maintenance of fixed assets of the enterprise;
  • Depreciation of equipment and fixed assets.

Realized cost implies the costs of the enterprise at the stage of the sale of goods, namely:

  • The cost of packing / packaging / preservation of products;
  • The cost of transporting goods to the distributor's warehouse or to the direct buyer;
  • Product advertising costs.

The total cost of a product is the sum of production and realized costs. Also, this indicator takes into account the cost of purchasing equipment.

Maintenance costs entrepreneurial activity and it is customary to divide it into certain periods during which these costs should pay for themselves. Such costs are added in equal shares to the total costs of production and sales of products and are included in the concept of total cost.

There is also a planned cost, this is the average estimated cost of products manufactured in the planning period (for example, per year). Such prime cost is calculated in the presence of consumption rates for the use of materials, energy resources, equipment, etc.

To determine the cost of one unit of finished products, a concept such as marginal cost is used. This indicator directly depends on the amount of products produced and reflects the efficiency of further expansion of production.

In addition to the cost of production, there is also

The cost structure is classified by cost items and cost elements.

According to the calculation items:

  • Raw materials, materials, components, semi-finished products, aggregates, etc. necessary for the production of goods;
  • Fuel and energy resources spent on production;
  • Depreciation of fixed assets of the enterprise or fixed assets (equipment, tooling, machinery, etc.), the cost of their maintenance and maintenance;
  • Remuneration of labor to key personnel (salary or tariff);
  • Additional remuneration to personnel (bonuses, additional payments, allowances paid in accordance with the law);
  • Contributions to various non-budgetary funds (for example, Pension Fund, social insurance fund, etc.);
  • Production costs in general (sales costs, transportation costs, payroll for employees of the enterprise, etc.);
  • Travel expenses (tickets, hotel fees, daily allowances);
  • Payment for the work of third parties;
  • The cost of maintaining the administrative apparatus.

By cost elements:

  • Costs for materials (raw materials, parts, components, fuel and energy resources, overhead costs, etc.);
  • Employee wage costs (wages of workers, auxiliary workers, for example, maintenance of equipment, wages of engineers, employees, i.e. managers, managers, accountants, etc., junior service personnel);
  • Contributions to social institutions;
  • Depreciation of fixed assets of the enterprise;
  • Other expenses related to advertising, sales, marketing, etc.).

Under general production costs, it is customary to understand the organization's expenses for paying salaries to management staff, payment for security, travel expenses, as well as remuneration for the management department. This item also includes depreciation and maintenance of buildings and structures, labor protection, training and education of specialists.

The figure shows the approximate cost items of the enterprise for the production of products.

Theory of Constraints

According to this theory, there are certain significant costs that do not depend on the quantity of output. Such costs include loan payments, rent payments and payroll for permanent employees. If there are such fixed costs, the use of production costs as an indicator becomes a constraint on the economic policy of the enterprise, which can lead to illogical decisions. For example, a product that sells below cost is withdrawn from production, which in turn raises the cost of other manufactured goods.

Methods for calculating the cost of goods

There is no single method for calculating the cost price as such. This indicator can be calculated in completely different ways, depending on the type of product, the method and technology of its production, and many other factors.

As a rule, in order to calculate the cost of production, you need to consider the following factors:

  • The sum of all expenses for the production and sale of products;
  • Producer costs to operate as an entrepreneur;
  • Costs associated with the preparation of product documentation.

It is necessary to keep records of the cost of goods directly for a certain production cycle of products. In order to determine the price of the goods, you need to make a cost estimate. It is compiled based on the number of products produced (in pieces, meters, tons, etc.). The calculation should reflect absolutely all costs associated with production. (Which articles are included in the calculation is described in the paragraph “Cost structure”).

Method #1

Full addition of expenses to the cost price. The cost price is full and truncated. At full cost, all expenses of the enterprise are taken into account. When truncated - the cost of a unit of production at variable costs. A constant share of overhead costs is attributed to the reduction of profit at the end of the specified period and is not distributed to the goods produced.

With this method of determining the cost, this indicator is influenced by both variables and fixed costs. When added to cost necessary profitability the price of the product is determined.

Method #2

In this method, actual and standard costs are calculated based on the costs incurred by the enterprise. The standard cost allows you to control the cost of raw materials and materials, and, in case of deviation from the norms, take appropriate measures. This method is very labor intensive.

Method #3

The forward method. It is convenient for use in enterprises with serial or mass production, while the products go through several stages of processing.

Method #4

The processor method is mainly used in mining enterprises.

So, to calculate the total cost of production, we use the following algorithm:

  1. We calculate variable costs for the production of one unit of output, taking into account costs;
  2. From general factory costs, we single out exactly those that relate to this type of product.
  3. We summarize all costs that are not directly related to the production process.

The resulting value will be the cost of the finished product.

Since there are several types of cost, then one calculation formula is not enough here.

Production costs:

C \u003d MZ + A + Tr + other expenses

Where C is the cost of expenses;

MZ - material costs of the organization;

A - depreciation deductions;

Tr - waste on wages to employees of the company.

To get the total cost of the finished product, you need to add together all the costs of its production:

Where PS - full cost;

PRS - production cost product, which is calculated on the basis of production costs (expenses for materials and raw materials, depreciation production assets, social and other deductions);

PP - the cost of selling goods (packaging, storage, transportation, advertising).

The cost of goods sold is calculated by the formula:

Where PS is the total cost,

KR - costs associated with commercial activities enterprises,

OP - the remains of unsold products.

Gross cost is defined as:

C \u003d Production costs - non-manufacturing costs - future costs

If an enterprise produces only one type of product, then its cost and price can be determined using the costing method. In this case, the price of a unit of goods is obtained by dividing the sum of all costs spent on production by the quantity of goods produced. It is worth remembering that all calculations are made for a certain set period.

Calculation and analysis of the cost of goods produced large enterprise, a very complex and time-consuming process that requires certain knowledge, so an accountant solves such problems. It is customary to divide costs into direct and indirect.

The most common way to determine the price of a product is to calculate the cost of production, since this method allows you to calculate the costs of producing a single unit of output.

Cost classification

Depending on what task you want to implement, the costs are classified as follows:

  1. There are two types of costs that are usually added to the cost of the finished product. These are direct costs (these costs are added to the cost of finished products in an exact or single way) and indirect costs (costs added to the subject of calculation according to the methodology established by the enterprise). Indirect include general business, general production and commercial costs;
  2. Depending on the quantity or volume of products produced, the costs are:
  • Constant (not dependent on the volume of goods produced), indicated per unit of output;
  • Variables (depending on the volume of production or sales);
  1. There are also costs that are significant for a particular case. Such as relevant (depending on the decisions made) and irrelevant (not related to the decisions made).

All of the above indicators of costs and expenses to a large extent affect the formation of the price of goods. But there is another important indicator - tax deductions.

If the definition of cost itself seems intuitive, then the formulas for its calculation are already strict mathematical expressions. To understand them, it is necessary to study the analysis technique used in each specific case.

First step cost calculation always is the determination of the costs of producing a product or service. This process is denoted economic term: "product costing". Costing can be planned, normative or actual. The first and second express the idea of ​​how the economic process. The actual calculation is based on real data.

Product costing in the Republic of Belarus is a process regulated by many legislative and industry standards. This is due to the practice of setting prices based on the value of the declared cost. In many cases, instead of market price changes, enterprises have to resort to regulation of the cost calculation system through the redistribution of costs from one type of product to another in order to have a legal opportunity to raise / lower the price.

After finding out the amount of costs and their distribution by expenditure items, it is the turn to calculate their specific value. This is exactly what cost formulas are for.

Costing is a universal procedure for any economic process. Such calculations have the greatest complexity in the analysis industrial production. It also applies here the largest number different kind costing formulas. These formulas can be adapted for other economic processes as well.

Total cost formula

For overall assessment the economic efficiency of the enterprise is often used the formula of the full cost. In its simplest form, it looks like this:

Total cost = the sum of production costs + sales costs.

The full cost price shows the largest amount of planned or actual costs. The results of all other cost formulas are parts of this total.

For great importance is not just produced, but sold products. Therefore, the cost formula takes the following form:

Cost of goods sold = total cost - cost of unsold products.

An example of calculating the full cost in expanded form, i.e. with the selection of individual elements, it will look something like this:

Full cost = Raw material costs + Energy costs + Depreciation charges + Key personnel wages + Management and support staff wages + Payroll deductions + Sales and sales service costs + Transportation costs + Other costs.

Special costing formulas

Knowledge total amount the cost of production and sale of goods or services does not provide sufficient information for understanding and evaluating the individual elements of this system. So from the total cost is not visible the amount of costs per unit of production. The cost of the individual process remains uncertain. For this, many specific cost formulas have been developed that calculate individual values.

Given the fact that some costs depend on the volume of production, and some do not, it is customary to distinguish between variable and fixed costs.

The amount of fixed costs is calculated by summing up the values ​​of some unavoidable costs of the enterprise. Calculation example:

Fixed costs \u003d Fixed part of the salary + Expenses for rent and maintenance of premises + Depreciation deductions + Property taxes + Advertising expenses.

Method of calculation variable costs in general view can be represented by the following formula:

Variable costs \u003d Variable part of the salary + Cost of raw materials and materials + Cost of energy resources + Costs of transporting products + Variable part of commercial expenses.

The cost of a unit of production in general terms can be found by simply dividing the sum of costs by the volume of output in physical terms:

Unit cost = Total cost/Number of units.

For realities commercial organization a more complex version of the same formula is more suitable:

Unit Cost = Production Costs/Number of Units Produced + Sales Costs/Number of Units Sold.

There are many other formulas for calculating the cost. Their exact number is difficult to determine, because. each of them is formed according to the requirements of the accepted calculation methodology.

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The basic concepts that economic science operates with a certain degree of simplification are income and expenses. Their ratio forms other economic categories. For example, for a single product, the costs of manufacturing and selling form the actual cost, which is included in the price of the product along with the desired profit. Relative to the total turnover of sold products, it reduces the income received by the enterprise, leaving at its disposal the gross profit. And now let's move on from simplification to specifics: we will deal with such a multifaceted concept as cost.

The concept of cost in accounting policy

AT Russian practice There are 4 types of cost accounting in the enterprise, which differ in the purpose and specifics of the formation of the analytical cost base, namely:

  • accounting;
  • tax;
  • managerial;
  • statistical.

They are carried out at the enterprise at the same time, so it makes no sense to prioritize them. Although, according to the criterion of punishment for improper performance, the tax and accounting types of accounting are the most strictly regulated.

Accounting and tax types of accounting

As part of accounting on the basis of the PBU, its actual purpose is formed - an accurate accounting of costs, summarized in the balance sheet. If the concept of "full cost of goods sold" is present in accounting, then tax accounting replaces it with a simple summation of the company's expenses. Tax accounting involves the correct formation of the tax base for the calculation of corporate income tax. According to the tax code (Chapter 25), in order to find the tax base, the amount of an enterprise's income can be reduced by the amount of expenses, with the exception of the list of expenses presented in Art. 270.

Management and statistical types of accounting

Management cost accounting is used for the purposes of the head of the enterprise. Depending on the tasks of management, cost samples, cost accounting criteria, and cost formation parameters change. For example, within the framework of management accounting, you can track the cost of a new product, to make a decision on the feasibility of its further production and sale, you can monitor the work of a particular service in terms of the ratio of costs and income, or calculate the planned cost of the proposed project. In this case, the cost of goods sold, the formula for its calculation and the method of determination will vary greatly.

Statistical accounting is necessary to study trends economic development on certain types activities, it is based on accounting analytics and on the TEP reports of the enterprise's activities.

and their relationship with cost

Expenses represent the resources used in the activities of the enterprise, the cost of which is expressed in monetary terms. They can relate to expenses if they are realized in the reporting period.

According to the tax code expenses- these are documented expenses of the enterprise incurred in the reporting period; they lead to a decrease in the organization's income from the main and other activities.

Costs is a concept economic theory very close to cost. Costs are the costs of production and / or circulation, presented in value terms. The summation of production and distribution costs forms the cost of goods sold, the formula for calculating which will be discussed below.

Tying expenses to the reporting period and their connection with income makes them the basis for cost formation. Therefore, we will continue to operate with the concept of "expenses", allowing the use of other concepts as synonyms.

Cost price by economic elements

The formation of the cost of economic elements is an enlarged grouping of homogeneous costs, more indivisible and independent of the place of their occurrence. These include the following categories of expenses:

  • material (R M);
  • wages (R OT);
  • social contributions (R CO);
  • depreciation (A);
  • others (R PR).

When summing expenses by economic elements, the cost price is formed. The calculation formula will be: C RP \u003d R M + R OT + R CO + A + R PR.

By specific gravity one or another group of expenses in overall structure it is possible to draw a conclusion about the nature of production. For example, with a high share of labor costs and related social contributions, the enterprise is engaged in labor-intensive activities.

Cost by cost item

Structuring expenses by items involves taking into account heterogeneous costs, while a separate costing item may include several economic elements. The typical nomenclature consists of the following consumable items:

1. Workshop costs (R C), which form the workshop cost (C C):

  • Materials and raw materials.
  • Payroll of the main workers.
  • Social contributions to payroll.
  • Expenses for operation and maintenance (repair) of equipment.
  • Energy and fuel for technological purposes.
  • Expenses for the preparation of production, its development.
  • Mandatory property insurance.
  • Depreciation.
  • Other shop expenses.

2. General production costs (R OP), which are added to the workshop. As a result, the production cost of goods sold (C PP) is formed:

  • Marriage loss.
  • Other

3. Non-manufacturing expenses (R VP):

  • Shipping costs, packaging.
  • Delivery.
  • Scientific and technical developments.
  • Personnel training.
  • Other non-manufacturing expenses.

4. Selling expenses (R K).

According to the specified costing items, the cost price is formed. The calculation formula will look like: C RP \u003d R C + R OP + R VP + R K.

Cost types

Based on the costs, there are several types of cost.

  1. shop cost calculates all the costs of the shop associated with the production of products, namely wages with deductions, the cost of maintaining equipment, materials and energy, management shop expenses.
  2. Production cost is the summation of the costs of manufacturing products of this type, taking into account the cost of workshop and general production costs.
  3. Commercial (full) cost is the cost of finished goods sold, including all possible costs for the full life cycle goods for production and distribution.

Methodology for calculating the cost

There are several methods of cost accounting and cost formation.

  1. Cost accounting for actual cost- based on accurate accounting of existing actual costs of the enterprise.
  2. Cost accounting for standard cost- the method is relevant for mass and serial production, which are distinguished by homogeneous repetitive operations, the cost is formed in accordance with the standards and norms adopted by the enterprise. An analogue of this method is the foreign "standard-cost".
  3. Cost accounting for planned cost- used for planning, based on predicted figures, which are calculated according to actual data using predictive coefficients, suppliers' proposals, expert evaluation results.

Cost in formulas

A) Determine the cost of goods sold, the formula for its calculation is as follows:

S RP \u003d S PP + R VP + R K - O NP, where all indicators in value terms:

  • C RP - cost of goods sold;
  • With PP - full production cost;
  • Р VP - non-production expenses;
  • R K - commercial expenses;
  • О NP - unsold products.

B) Given the volume of products sold (O RP), you can find the cost per unit of goods. To do this, you need to divide the entire cost by volume (Task No. 1):

S ED = S RP: O RP.

C) For analytical purposes, relative indicators are used (Task No. 2):

Marginal profit margin(N MP), which shows the ratio of variable and fixed costs in the enterprise, it is calculated by the formula:

N MP \u003d (P M / V) ´ 100%, where

  • P M - marginal profit;
  • B - proceeds from the sale of goods.

Cost of goods sold ratio(refers to operating costs), shows the share of costs in revenue and allows you to evaluate the reasons for the decrease in profit from the sale of goods, it is determined by the formula:

K SRP = (S RP / V) ´ 100%.

Profitability threshold(or break-even production) shows at what volume of production the costs pay off, it is calculated as follows:

TB \u003d R POST / (C - R TRANS.ED), where

  • TB - breakeven point;
  • P POST - fixed costs for the entire volume of production;
  • P PER.ED - variable costs per unit of output;
  • C - the price of the goods.

Task number 1 to determine the production cost of a unit of goods

Calculate the total production cost of a liter of juice. We will use the following data for the calculation.

1. Direct costs, thousand rubles:

  • material (concentrate) - 2500,
  • labor − 70.

2. Overhead costs of production, thousand rubles. − 2600.

3. During the reporting period, juice concentrate was used, thousand liters - 130.

4. Juice production technology involves the loss of concentrate up to 3%, while the share of concentrate in the finished product is not more than 20%.

Solution progress:

1. Summing up all the costs, we get the cost of goods sold, thousand rubles:

2500 + 70 + 2600 = 5170.

2. Let's find the volume of finished juice in physical terms, taking into account technological losses, thousand liters:

130,0 − 3% = 126,1

126,1*100% / 20% = 630,5.

3. Calculate the cost of production of a liter of juice, rubles:

5170 / 630,5 = 8,2.

Task number 2 to calculate the break-even point, profit margin and operating costs

The table presents data on the formation of profits of an individual enterprise, thousand rubles. During the reporting period, the volume of products sold amounted to 400 units.

For each additional unit sold, the contribution margin will gradually cover the fixed costs. If one unit of goods is sold, fixed costs will decrease by 200 rubles. and will amount to 69.8 thousand rubles. etc. In order to fully cover fixed costs and reach the break-even point, the company needs to sell 350 units of goods based on the following calculated data: 70,000 / (500 - 300).

To determine operating costs, the full cost of goods sold is used, the calculation formula is as follows: (120,000 + 70,000) * 100% / 200,000 \u003d 95%.

The rate of marginal profit will be 40% according to the calculation: 80000*100% / 200000 = 40%. It shows how the marginal profit will change with a change in revenue, for example, an increase in revenue by 1 ruble will lead to an increase in profit by 40 kopecks, subject to the same fixed costs.

The ability to calculate the cost of production, vary income and expense transactions, analyze the economic situation in each specific period in any context of data is the key to the success of the enterprise.