What hinders effective communication during the conversation. General principles of effective communication


“The ability to communicate with people is a commodity, and I will pay more for this skill than for anything else in the world.”

(J. Rockefeller)

Man is a "social being". This means that he lives among people and carries out his life activity (achieves goals, satisfies needs, works) only through interaction, communication - contact, mediated or imaginary.

In communication as a process of successive mutually oriented in time and space actions, reactions, behavioral acts, there is an exchange of information and its interpretation, mutual perception, mutual understanding, mutual assessment, empathy, the formation of likes or dislikes, the nature of relationships, beliefs, views, psychological impact, conflict resolution, implementation joint activities. Thus, each of us in our lives, interacting with other people, acquires practical skills and abilities in the field of communication.

Considering the process of human cognition of a person in communication, one of the founders of Soviet psychology, S.L. Rubinstein wrote: "In Everyday life When communicating with people, we are oriented in their behavior, since we, as it were, “read” it, that is, we decipher the meaning of its external data and reveal the meaning of the text thus obtained in a context that has its own internal psychological plan. This 'reading' is fleeting, because in the process of communicating with those around us, certain studies are developed, a more or less automatically functioning subtext to their behavior.

Effective communication is the only thing that can be really important for all people living in a society. Not thinking about effective communication while communicating is like crossing a street in a busy place without looking around.

Effective communication:

Promotes mutual understanding

directs the flow of information in the right direction;

helps people overcome barriers to open discussion;

Encourages interlocutors to take action to achieve their goals;

· communicates information, encouraging employees to think in new ways and act more effectively.

This paper describes the most significant techniques and technologies for effective communication.

Effective communication

Communication plays a huge role in the life of society. Without it, the process of education, formation, development of personality, interpersonal contacts, as well as management, service, scientific work and other activities in all areas where the transfer, assimilation and exchange of information is necessary.

Communication plays an important role in a person's mastery of cultural and universal values, social experience. In the process of communication, this specific form of human interaction with other people, a mutual exchange of ideas, ideas, interests, moods, attitudes, etc. is carried out.

Increasing the importance of communication in modern world requires the ability to communicate. This means that communication needs to be taught, communication needs to be learned, which implies the need for a deep knowledge of this phenomenon, its patterns and features that are manifested in people's activities.

It is proposed to put the following definition of this discipline into the basis of the theory of speech culture as a special linguistic discipline. The culture of speech is such a set and such an organization of language means that, in certain situation communication, while observing modern language norms and ethics of communication, can provide the greatest effect in achieving the set communicative tasks.

The effectiveness of communication is that "final product", the creation of which should be facilitated by the theory of speech culture in its practical application. By the effectiveness of communication, we mean the best way to achieve the set communication goals. The communicative goals of communication are closely related to the basic functions of the language.

Effective communication technologies are such methods, techniques and means of communication that fully ensure mutual understanding and mutual empathy (empathy is the ability to put oneself in the place of another person (or object), the ability to empathize) communication partners.

Communication itself as a complex socio-psychological process is characterized by three main content aspects: communicative, interactive and perceptual. Each of them has relative independence and provides certain goals for the subjects of communication:

The communicative aspect reflects the desire of communication partners to exchange information;

The interactive aspect is manifested in the need for them to comply with the established norms of communication, as well as in their desire to actively influence each other in a certain direction;

The perceptual aspect expresses the need of the subjects of communication for mutual empathy, sympathy, empathy.

A special place in the content of technologies for effective communication in conflict is occupied by the target settings of conflict participants. First of all, this is due to a significant contradiction in the very process of such communication. On the one hand, rivals especially need to understand each other correctly. And on the other hand, such mutual understanding is hindered by the lack of proper trust between them, their "closedness" in relation to each other, due to conscious or unconscious self-defense in the conflict. Therefore, in order to ensure constructive communication in a conflict, it is desirable (if possible) to create an atmosphere of mutual trust in this process, to form a target setting for cooperation.

The main content of effective communication technologies ultimately comes down to compliance with certain rules and norms of communication.

Basic rules for effective communication:

Concentrate on the speaker, his message.

· Clarify whether you have correctly understood both the general content of the received information and its details.

· Communicate to the other party in paraphrased form the meaning of the received information.

· In the process of receiving information, do not interrupt the speaker, do not give advice, do not criticize, do not sum up, do not be distracted by preparing an answer. This can be done after receiving the information and clarifying it.

· Make sure you are heard and understood. Follow the order in which information is presented. If you are not convinced of the accuracy of the information received by the partner, do not proceed to new messages.

Maintain an atmosphere of trust, mutual respect, show empathy for the interlocutor.

Use non-verbal means communications: frequent eye contact; nodding the head as a sign of understanding and other techniques that encourage constructive dialogue.

For effective communication, you need to know some tricks, because. many of them operate at the subconscious level.

A few tips for effective communication:

- "Rule of three twenty":

· 20 sec. you are being evaluated.

· 20 sec. how and what you started to say.

· 20 cm of smiles and charm.

6 rules of Gleb Zheglov:

Show genuine interest in the interviewer.

· Smile.

Remember the name of the person and remember to repeat it from time to time in a conversation.

· Be able to listen.

· Carry on a conversation in the circle of interests of your interlocutor.

· Treat him with respect.

How to increase the usefulness of a contact:

· Be observant;

· Make a compliment;

· Talk about the problems of the interlocutor.

Black's Rules for Effective Communication:

· Always insist on the truth.

· Build messages simply and clearly.

Do not embellish, do not stuff the price.

· Remember that 1/2 of the audience are women.

Make communication exciting, avoid boredom and routine.

· Control the form of communication, avoid extravagance.

· Take the time to find out the general opinion.

· Remember the need for continuous communication and clarification of a common opinion.

Try to be persuasive at every stage of communication.

As a result you will get:

Formal contact develops into normal human communication.

· You will win the interlocutor.

· You will increase your self-esteem.

Let's look at some of the effective communication techniques and the importance of applying them in more detail.

First impression (first 20 seconds)

The first impression of a person is 38% dependent on the sound of the voice, 55% on visual sensations (from sign language) and only 7% on the verbal component. Of course, the first impression is not always the final verdict, but it is important that communication is built on its basis from the very beginning. Therefore, it is important to be able to make a good impression on others.

To safely get through the "minefield" of the first 20 seconds, you must use the "Rule of three" pluses ".

Experts have noticed: in order to win over the interlocutor from the very beginning of an acquaintance or conversation, you need to give him at least three psychological “pluses”, in other words, make pleasant “gifts” to his Child three times (The same applies to the end of a conversation or meeting).

There are, of course, many possible "pluses", but the most universal of them: a compliment, a smile, the name of the interlocutor and raising his importance.


At first glance, a compliment is the easiest thing to communicate. But to make it masterfully is the highest art.

Compliments are of three types:

1. An indirect compliment. We praise not the person himself, but what is dear to him: a hunter - a gun, a “crazy” on dogs - his pet, a parent - a child, etc. It is enough, going into the office of a female boss, to notice in passing how tastefully the furnishings are chosen and how comfortable you feel here, in order to earn some favor with this.

2. Compliment "minus-plus". We give the interlocutor at first a small "minus". For example, “Perhaps I can’t say that you are a good worker ... You are an indispensable specialist for us!” After the “minus”, a person is lost and ready to be indignant, and then, in contrast, something very flattering for him is said. Psychological condition resembles the sensations of a person balancing on the edge of an abyss: first, horror at the thought of death, and then, indescribable joy: “Alive!” Psychologists consider such a compliment to be the most emotional and memorable, but, like everything potent, it is risky. If the "minus" turns out to be stronger than the "plus", the consequences can be disastrous for us.

What helps and what hinders communication?

The main goal of communication between people is to achieve mutual understanding. But this is not easy to do. Why is it easy to communicate with some people, but difficult with others? Why do we get along with some people and fight with others all the time? It is clear that it is much easier to establish relationships with a person with whom there are so-called points of contact. Before eliminating disagreements, it is necessary to find out their causes, and only after that to establish relations with the interlocutor.
In the art of communication, it is very important to be able to listen and understand the person with whom you are talking. By explaining to people your intentions and the considerations from which you proceed, you will be able to prevent many misunderstandings, quarrels and conflicts. Honesty in a conversation with an interlocutor is often the only way out. conflict situation. But the truth should be spoken not in order to humiliate the interlocutor, but, on the contrary, in order to elevate him in his own eyes and clarify your position.

What hinders and what promotes communication?

The reasons for misunderstanding between people can be different: political, religious views, worldview, psychological characteristics. However, the main reason lies in the inability to hear the interlocutor.
The most important part of the communication process is the ability to listen. If a person carefully listens to his interlocutor, then he is educated, delves into the problem of the speaker and, as it were, helps him to formulate his thoughts correctly.
The process of communication is complex, it is influenced by various factors: mood, set of circumstances, the character of a person, his sociability or, conversely, shyness.
Depending on the type of communication, formal or informal, it is necessary to choose the right demeanor, tone, gestures, words and expressions. Informal communication is communication at home, with parents and friends; formal - at work, while studying, with unfamiliar people.
In communication, we often allow something that interferes with mutual understanding. This is the use of offensive words and expressions, offensive nicknames, unnecessary abbreviations.

Contribute to the establishment of interpersonal relationships signs of attention that can soothe and have a lasting effect. "Hello", "thank you", "please", "excuse me" ... - these simple words have power over our moods. It is very important that they are always present in the communication of people at work, in public places, and used in the family.

So what is a culture of communication?

If a person correctly expresses his thoughts, knows how to behave, treats his interlocutor with respect, we say that this person owns a culture of communication. There are rules, the implementation of which helps to establish good relations with people:

* Communication on an equal footing, without rudeness and subservience.
* Respect for the personal opinion of the interlocutor.
* Lack of desire to find out who is right and who is wrong.
* Communication at the level of requests, not orders.
* Search for compromise solutions.
* The ability to appreciate the decision of another.
* Ability to accept the experience of others.

If a person does not know how to enter into a conversation, then you should choose any interesting topic for conversation and the time when the person being addressed is not busy with any work.
You should always remember that the other person is not like you, and you need to be able to look at things through his eyes, especially in conflict situations.
A respectful attitude towards a person is impossible without respect for his point of view, even if it does not converge with yours. You can cultivate a respectful attitude towards people only if you learn to see individuality in each person, that is, those character traits that are unique to him.
Each of us deserves respect. By respecting the other, you respect yourself, so if you don’t have a relationship with someone, it’s in your power to make an effort to put it in order.

Psychologists give good advice, which is as follows:
do not forget about the interests of your interlocutor. Your lively and sincere interest in what he is interested in will cause him to be animated and enthusiastic.
There are several important rules for conducting an open and honest conversation with an "uncomfortable interlocutor" that both adults and adolescents need to know:

* Use "I-language". Starting a phrase with the words: “From my point of view ...” or “The way I see it ...”, you soften the conversation and show the interlocutor that you are expressing only your point of view, without claiming to be the ultimate truth. Thus, you recognize his right to have his own opinion. Surely you will be listened to much calmer and more attentively.
* Try to talk about a specific case or behavior without going over to generalizations. For example, generalizations like:
"There was no case that you came home on time (did your homework)."
This start of the conversation will give the teenager the opportunity to get away from the problem under discussion. He will begin to remember and prove that he once did something on time.
* Try to show the interlocutor that his behavior in the first place interferes with him. In order to create conditions under which an adult or teenager would want to change their behavior, it is necessary to try to explain how much they lose in life because of their own behavior.
* Invite the interlocutor to change the behavior. Explain to him what exactly he can do in this situation in order to correct it. It is possible that since you do not want to offend him, it will be quite difficult for you to tell him the truth. However, remember: by remaining silent, you can harm him.

When talking to a teenager or adult, don't expect to be understood right away or to agree with you. If in a conversation the interlocutor takes offense at you, do not be afraid to patiently explain your point of view to him again. Pay close attention to his reaction to your words. Try to reach mutual understanding, use a return to what was said, ask again and agree, do not forget about clarifying questions and summing up what you heard ...
Of course, for some, such a relationship building may seem too long, but all this will take much less time, effort and emotions than action-reaction communication, since such a conversation does not give any result at all.
More often than not, honesty is the best policy in dealing with people. It's amazing how often we start conversations with clever strategies and tactics, forgetting to try to just speak the truth first.
Honest dialogue is the most effective, simple and reliable remedy to turn conflict into cooperation.

In the art of communication, it is very important to be able to listen and understand the person with whom you are talking.. By explaining to people your intentions and the considerations from which you proceed, you will be able to prevent many misunderstandings, quarrels and conflicts. Honesty in a conversation with an interlocutor is often the only way out of a conflict situation. But the truth should be spoken not in order to humiliate the interlocutor, but, on the contrary, in order to elevate him in his own eyes and clarify your position.

What hinders and what promotes communication? The reasons for misunderstanding between people can be different: political, religious views, worldview, psychological characteristics. However, the main reason lies in the inability to hear the interlocutor. The most important part of the communication process is the ability to listen. If a person carefully listens to his interlocutor, then he is educated, delves into the problem of the speaker and, as it were, helps him to formulate his thoughts correctly. The process of communication is complex, it is influenced by various factors: mood, set of circumstances, character person, his sociability or, conversely, shyness. Depending on the type of communication, formal or informal, it is necessary to choose the right demeanor, tone, gestures, words and expressions.

Informal communication- This communication at home, with parents and friends; formal - at work, while studying, with unfamiliar people. In communication, we often allow something that interferes with mutual understanding. This is the use of offensive words and expressions, offensive nicknames, unnecessary abbreviations. Contribute to the establishment of interpersonal relationships signs of attention that can soothe and have a lasting effect. "Hello", "thank you", "please", "excuse me"... - these simple words have power over our mood. It is very important that they are always present in the communication of people at work, in public places, and used in the family.

So what is culture communication? If a person correctly expresses his thoughts, knows how to behave, treats his interlocutor with respect, we say that this person owns a culture of communication.

There are rules, the implementation of which helps to establish good relations with people:

  • Communication on an equal footing, without rudeness and servility.
  • Respect for the personal opinion of the interlocutor.
  • Lack of desire to find out who is right and who is wrong.
  • Communication at the level of requests, not orders.
  • Search for compromise solutions.
  • The ability to appreciate the decision of another.
  • The ability to accept the experience of others.

If a person does not know how to start a conversation, then you should choose any interesting topic for conversation and a time when the person being addressed is not busy with any work. You should always remember that the other person is not like you, and you need to be able to look at things through his eyes, especially in conflict situations.

Respect for a person impossible without respect for his point of view, even if it does not agree with yours. You can cultivate a respectful attitude towards people only if you learn to see individuality in each person, that is, those character traits that are inherent only to him.

Each of us deserves respect. By respecting the other, you respect yourself, so if you don’t have a relationship with someone, it’s in your power to make an effort to put it in order. Psychologists give good advice, which is as follows: do not forget about the interests of your interlocutor. Your lively and sincere interest in what he is interested in will cause him to be animated and enthusiastic.

There are several important rules for conducting an open and honest conversation with an "uncomfortable interlocutor" that both adults and adolescents need to know:

Use "language-I". Starting a phrase with the words: “From my point of view ...” or “The way I see it ...”, you soften the conversation and show the interlocutor that you are expressing only your point of view, without claiming to be the ultimate truth. Thus, you recognize his right to have his own opinion. Surely you will be listened to much calmer and more attentively.

Try to talk about a specific case or behavior without jumping to generalizations. For example, generalizations like: "There was no case that you came home on time (did your homework)" will not help in any way. This start of the conversation will give the teenager the opportunity to get away from the problem under discussion. He will begin to remember and prove that he once did something on time.

Try to show the interlocutor that his behavior in the first place interferes with him. In order to create conditions under which an adult or teenager would want to change their behavior, it is necessary to try to explain how much they lose in life because of their own behavior.

Invite the interlocutor to change the behavior. Explain to him what exactly he can do in this situation in order to correct it. It is possible that since you do not want to offend him, it will be quite difficult for you to tell him the truth. However, remember: by remaining silent, you can harm him.

When talking to a teenager or adult, don't expect to be understood right away or to agree with you. If in a conversation the interlocutor takes offense at you, do not be afraid to patiently explain your point of view to him again. Pay close attention to his reaction to your words. Try to achieve mutual understanding, use a return to what has been said, ask again and agree, do not forget about clarifying questions and summarizing what you heard ... Of course, for some, such building relationships may seem like a matter of too long, but all this will take much less time, effort and emotions than action-reaction communication, since such a conversation does not produce any result at all.

Often honesty is the best policy in dealing with people. It's amazing how often we start conversations with clever strategies and tactics, forgetting to try to just speak the truth first. Honest dialogue is the most effective, simple and reliable means to turn conflict into cooperation.

Effective communication skills are far more beneficial than a pay raise.
This is one of the most successful people planet - Aristotle Onassis does not need comments and additional explanations.

In one of my previous articles on , I dwelled on some important aspects ability to become an interesting interlocutor. The topic of today's article is effective communication with people.

How to learn effective communication and why is it needed?

Communication is a very important part of any interpersonal relationship, be it work, friends or family.

What is "effective communication"? It is an interaction with another person that benefits your interlocutor and you, thereby creating an emotional connection based on mutual sympathy.

Why is it important to communicate effectively? To achieve your own goals. We all live in an interdependent society, and none of us can ever succeed by ignoring other people. Any person is strong not only with his knowledge, but also with his relationships.

Have you ever wondered why it is difficult for you to communicate with people, while for someone else it turns out on its own? With this other, people are happy to get closer, but not with you. After all, you are not stupider and not worse. What is the point then?

I already wrote about this, but I will repeat. Some people receive the gift of effective communication from God, others specially learn this, either by "trial and error" or with the help of appropriate trainings.

But training is not always necessary. Most are quite capable of learning on their own if given the right direction, which is what I'm about to do now.

Secrets and principles of effective communication

Wait for your interlocutor to finish the thought before you start talking yourself. Pay attention - “finish the thought !!!”, and not “finish the phrase” or “pause”. This is the whole secret.

Paraphrase the most important statements of the interlocutor with an interrogative intonation. …Hmmm, apparently it is necessary to explain what it is.

Paraphrase - retelling in your own words. Suppose the interlocutor in the course of the story expressed, from his point of view, an important thought. This can always be unmistakably traced by intonation, emphasis and other features.

You paraphrase this thought and address it to the interlocutor, in the form of a clarifying question (with an “interested” intonation), for example - “So, you want to say that ... / If I understood you (understood) correctly ... / Let me clarify to make sure that I correctly caught (caught) the essence. Do you mean that…. (a paraphrase is pronounced here) ... ".

This type of communication will not only show your respect for the interlocutor, but also let him know that you understand what he is talking about and listen to him carefully.

Use the expressions "I believe" / "I think" before making categorical or controversial statements. This will show that you are speaking "for yourself" and it is about your personal perception, which you can change under the influence of arguments.

This technique allows you to significantly reduce the level of "defense" of the interlocutor, and avoid negative perception on his part.

Don't blame. Even if the interlocutor understands that you are right on a particular issue, he will feel offended if you speak in the spirit: “Aha! You see!"

Avoid referencing other people to confirm your correctness. Your task is to express own point vision, so any incorrect methods of conducting a dialogue should be excluded. For example: “Yes? And my friend, Tanya, also went there the year before last, and she didn’t see anything like what you’re telling me about here, so don’t…” Remember that the purpose of any of your statements is to convey your personal point of view and nothing more. We are talking about communication, and not about "victory" over the interlocutor or proving one's own innocence.

Ask clarifying questions. This will let your interlocutor know that you are really interested in what he thinks or how he feels.

Avoid words like "always" and "never". It's best not to say them at all.

Don't threaten even as a joke.

Never scream and don't raise your voice.

Maintain eye contact. This form of non-verbal behavior demonstrates your equality with the interlocutor. In addition, it commands respect. Be careful not to look down, especially with your head tilted.

Recognize the interlocutor's right to their own opinion and respect his feelings. Most people during the discussion are much more concerned about your respect for them than the discussion itself.

Listen carefully to what is being said to you m. Be willing to gladly acknowledge that the other person has an interesting point of view or correct judgments. And all the time remind yourself that listening and coming to a common opinion is much more important than proving your own case.

FROM THE AUTHOR: My responses in the comments are the opinion of a private individual, and not the recommendation of a specialist. I try to answer everyone without exception, but unfortunately I don’t physically have time to study long stories, analyze them, ask questions about them and then answer in detail, and I also don’t have the opportunity to accompany your situations, because this requires a huge amount of free time, and I have very little of it.

In this regard, I kindly ask you to ask specific questions on the topic of the article, do not expect that I will advise in the comments or accompany your situation.

Of course, you can ignore my request (which many do), but in this case, be prepared for the fact that I may not answer you. This is not a matter of principle, but exclusively of time and my physical capabilities. Don't be offended.

If you want to receive qualified assistance, please contact me for advice, and I will devote my time and knowledge to you with full dedication.

With respect and hope for understanding, Frederica

A modern person strives to be successful everywhere - both at work and in his personal life. Career, family, friends are all parts of life, and effective communication allows you to improve all areas and reach maximum agreement. Everyone should strive to improve their social skills. Even if difficulties initially arise, over time this knowledge will bring well-deserved results - reliable interpersonal connections.

Definition of communication

Different ways of transferring information from one person to another is called communication. It includes all the variety of channels for transmitting and decoding signals and happens:

  • verbal;
  • non-verbal;
  • written;
  • pictographic;
  • space-symbol, etc.

It is believed that communication is effective when the sender of information communicates on the same wavelength as the recipient. However, even communication in a single sign system does not guarantee that the message will be correctly deciphered.

Effective communication allows you to minimize the loss of meaning of the message. For successful promotion business, to maintain friendships, for a vibrant personal life, it will be useful for any person to improve their communication skills.

Fundamentals of Effective Communication

Communication as a banal exchange of information is already present in the simplest animals. Man in the process of evolution has brought communication to perfection. Spoken and developed and gradually expanded to written, symbolic and figurative. However, this process has complicated understanding, and effective communication becomes a separate object of study.

The communication process includes five elements:

  1. A communicator is one who conveys information.
  2. The content of the message.
  3. Method of information transfer (how it is carried out).
  4. The audience, or recipient, is who the message is intended for.
  5. The final stage of communication, allowing you to understand whether effective communication has taken place. It is possible only if the previous four are sufficiently satisfactory.

Principles of Effective Communication

Without positive communication, it is impossible to achieve mutual understanding on any issue. In order to make sure that other people correctly perceive outgoing information, a number of requirements must be met.

First of all, you need to pay attention to the principles effective communication:

  1. Communication must be two-way. When all participants are interested in a positive outcome of the conversation, and it is equivalent for them, the necessary effect arises.
  2. The recipient must make every effort to correctly perceive the message.
  3. The message should be clear, structured and concise.
  4. The recipient must trust the speaker, respect his opinion and not question his competence.
  5. Effective communication is always emotional, to the extent that is acceptable in a given situation.
  6. Patience and condescension to other people's shortcomings. Acceptance of people as they are, without trying to correct or correct anything.

Below we discuss the basic conditions for effective communication.

How to achieve a positive effect from communication?

For communication to be considered effective, certain conditions must be met:

  1. Speech should correspond to the original purpose of the conversation, be adequate. You should not talk too much or touch on issues in a conversation that have nothing to do with the topic under discussion. It improves effective communication skills.
  2. The words used must be logical and lexically accurate, this is very important to achieve the goal of communication. It is achieved through constant self-education, reading various literature and attentive attitude to the native language.
  3. The story itself should be logical and competent. A clear presentation structure creates favorable conditions for listeners and increases the chances of a positive outcome.

Effective Communication Techniques

Any person lives in society and is dependent on it. Even the most desperate homebodies, perhaps not directly, but enter into interpersonal relationships. Both for work and household social connections effective communication will be helpful. Techniques and communication skills can be developed and improved - this will make the life of any person much easier.

Do you want to get positive in the process of communication? It will be useful for you to learn some techniques for improving communication efficiency:

  1. Learn to listen carefully to what they say. You should not only look at the interlocutor during the conversation, but also lean slightly, nod your head, and ask relevant leading questions. This technique will allow you to accurately understand the point of view of the interlocutor.
  2. Be clear, concise and to the point. The more clearly a thought is formulated, the more likely it is to be understood and perceived correctly.
  3. Include in your arsenal not only verbal, but also non-verbal communication. Take the same posture as the interlocutor, try to use only open gestures, do not touch your face during the conversation.
  4. Pay attention to the emotional coloring of speech. It should be moderate, but enough so that the interlocutor understands your interest in the issue.
  5. Mastering the techniques of mastering the voice allows you to accelerate the development of effective communication. Clear articulation, correct timbre and adjusted volume will make any message positive.
  6. Master the technical means of communication. Any adult needs to be able to use the phone, fax, Skype, email. Written communication skills should be developed regularly.

These are just basic techniques designed to facilitate and improve interpersonal communication.

Rules for Effective Communication

Everyone must meet certain standards. Their violation leads to a lack of understanding between the interlocutors, conflicts and even to a break in relations.

Rules for effective communication:

  1. Speak in the language of the interlocutor. This rule should be understood as the need to take into account the level of education, social status, age and other parameters. To be heard and understood, it is necessary to formulate your thoughts, based on the characteristics of the audience.
  2. Prepare to communicate. If the conversation is not spontaneous, you should find out in advance with whom and for what reason you will meet. Take visual aids and technical means. Develop a conversation plan.
  3. Learn the tricks active listening, this will help to position the interlocutor and better understand his point of view.
  4. Speak clearly, moderately loudly and confidently, do not stretch the words, but do not slur.
  5. When writing a letter, stick to the chosen style.
  6. Before making a phone call or Skype, plan ahead for the conversation and the questions that need to be discussed.

Ways to Communicate Effectively

In order to achieve mutual understanding in the process of communication, it is necessary to create conditions and take into account possible ways effective communication. There are six of them in total:

  1. Strive to express your thoughts as convincingly as possible. Always speak briefly and to the point, avoid unnecessary heaps of words, omissions and possible double interpretations.
  2. Use terminology and professionalism only when appropriate.
  3. Even in everyday communication, jargon and slang expressions should be avoided, especially when it comes to intergenerational communication.
  4. Avoid excessive emotional load, both positive and negative.
  5. Try to contact in a personalized way, by name, by scientific or military rank, or by uniting a group of interlocutors with a common word.
  6. Always follow the etiquette.

Nonverbal cues to improve communication

Interlocutors perceive each other not only by ear. Verbal exposure can be increased or decreased by various non-verbal cues. Our body sends them to in large numbers, and other people read and interpret them on a subconscious level.

To improve, it will be useful to master the techniques of positive non-verbal reinforcement:

  1. Be always clean and tidy: even if the clothes do not quite match the dress code, general impression from the conversation will be positive.
  2. Try to control facial expressions and emotions. Facial expression should be neutral-positive and respond with changes depending on the course of the conversation.
  3. Avoid touching your face during a communicative act - this is subconsciously perceived as an attempt to cover your mouth, respectively, your statement is false.
  4. Learn to "mirror" the position of the interlocutor's body. It is important to do this delicately, without excessive zeal, so as not to look like a caricature.
  5. Avoid "closed" poses - crossed arms and legs. This position of the body indicates a lack of readiness for effective communication. While open palms and a friendly smile are able to win over any interlocutor.

Conditions for effective communication using technical means

Technological progress has given us new tools to facilitate communication. These are telephones, faxes, the Internet. Communication with the help of technology should be built according to the same rules and principles as interpersonal communication. You should follow all the rules of etiquette, the principles of business and personal conversation.