How to sell a product that no one buys? Conspiracies for good trade, sale (many) For the sale of clothes.

Personally, as an experienced trader, I have had to rack my brains more than once on how to sell stale goods. Quite often, one or two things from the party remain and ... hang. They lie in the store for a year or two, but are not sold. Sometimes it happens even worse - you get a batch of goods, they seem to be fashionable, of high quality, they should quickly disperse, but no one is looking at him.

At the same time, often, goods that were in doubt during the wholesale purchase and were bought “for the assortment” disperse like hot cakes and, conversely, the goods from which you expect good profit may not be of interest to buyers at all.

1. Discounts are the easiest way to sell stale goods and the one that is used in the first place. Just do not forget to warn buyers about links - create bright signs or cross out prices in red and put new ones on them. And remember - 5% is ridiculous!

2. Promotions: two products for the price of one, you take two - the third one is free, all for 299, all for 999, "Bestseller", etc.

13. Liquidation, final sale. Everyone knows that closing the store and department, they arrange big sales, selling everything at bargain prices. You could very well set up something like this outside of your outlet, preferably somewhere where no one knows how much your goods are actually worth.

How to sell stale goods on the Internet?

The World Wide Web is a special world; here, along with the usual laws, completely different ones, unknown in real life, work. How to sell stale goods on the Internet? To do this, you can create your own website, online store, Vkontakte group or place ads on virtual bulletin boards. In addition, many goods can be sold through auctions or specialized forums. In addition, as in real trading, you can hold a variety of promotions, contests and sales. And it is here that photos of stars with your product will be especially relevant.

If you have your own experience in how to sell stale goods, please share them in the comments. Perhaps it will be useful to some of my readers.

Conspiracies of the Siberian healer. Issue 36 Stepanova Natalya Ivanovna

To sell stale goods

To sell stale goods

God help me! God bless!

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

In the dark forest stands a cypress tree,

Roots up and branches down.

Who will see my goods,

My word will win.

Who will look at my goods,

That my word will remember:

Look at my goods and take

And put your money in return.

Lips. Teeth. Key. Lock. Language.

Amen. Amen.


This text is an introductory piece.

To sell a car There are a lot of requests to include plots to sell cars in the book. For example, Nina A. for a long time gave paid advertisements to the newspaper, wanting to sell her car, she spent a lot of money on it, but there was no result. After reading a special plot, she

In order for the product to be sold Touch your product and say three times: Like people run from rain and thunder into a hut, Like people go to church on a holy feast, So that they go to my product, Take it, buy it, but not for nothing. For everything that they took from my hands, I would have my money

To sell stale goods In autumn, when rye and wheat are harvested in the fields, countless different birds usually fly. All of them, taking advantage of the opportunity, eat grains to their heart's content. For people involved in bargaining, this time is truly a fertile time, as they can

In order for the goods to be bought up Standing near the shelves, be baptized and read such a conspiracy: Go, the goods, get out, Return the money for it. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Important: do not do this on major church holidays and the first of March!

In order to sell a house, an apartment at a profit They slander on a broom at three in the morning, and in the morning with a pink glow they sweep in the house. So for three days in a row. As I sweep, I sweep, so I nail buyers to me. The first will come, the second will come, the third will buy, take it for himself. Amen.

In order for the goods to be bought up, they are baptized near the shop with the goods, saying: Go, the goods, get out, return the money for it ringing. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Do not do on church holidays and the first

The magic of trade, or How to successfully sell goods Success in trade Particular attention was paid to the magic of trade among the people. It uses conspiracies and prayers, talismans and amulets, rituals and rituals. To succeed in trading, I advise you to use the following

To quickly sell out the goods 1st method. Bring the first money from the proceeds, put them in the corners of the table. Light 3 candles on the table. Talk, stomping and clapping your hands:? “Altyn Khatan took all the goods. I bought one, saved the second, so I will have everything. Amen. Amen.

How to make sure that your product is quickly sold out The first money received for the product is laid out on the corners of the table, on which you first place three candles. The plot is read by stomping and clapping their hands. The words of the conspiracy are as follows: Altyn Khatan took, took all the goods. One

Every entrepreneur who is closely connected with sales strives for good earnings and financial well-being. The process of earning is improved thanks to some magical phrases that have long been established among the people. The use of whispers for trading, attracting buyers, attracts good luck to a person’s life, puts protection from envious people or enemies. It must be remembered that thought is material, therefore, when pronouncing magic words, you need to believe in them.

Profits will increase with the help of magic whispers

Before you start talking about a product for a quick and profitable sale, you need to familiarize yourself with some rules:

  1. Sincere love for business and customers brings positive energy to the store.
  2. Belief in the effectiveness of whispers is the key to the effective impact of a conspiracy.
  3. Magic words are pronounced from memory in a whisper, after reading - you need to thank the higher powers.
  4. Saturday and Wednesday are the best days of the week for strong whispers to trade in the store, it is recommended to work on rituals on the growing moon early in the morning.

Magic words must be spoken clearly and clearly, in a low voice. It is important to vividly present the result - this will help to convey to the higher forces, together with a whisper, all the power of innermost desire.

The successful sale of the goods will be only if the ritual remains a secret for everyone. It is impossible to talk about the fact that a conspiracy was carried out either before or after the sales.

There are whispers that must be pronounced with strict conditions - if one of these is chosen, it is important to adhere to the prescriptions.

Whispers for successful trading and good earnings

For success in business, there is a strong whisper for good trading, before which you need to cross the goods three times, and stroking it, pronounce the words:

“As I am a servant of God (name), I iron (name) my goods, so I get along with buyers. One will look, another will praise, the third will buy for himself for joy, and for me - for profit. My word is strong, to the goods is molded. Amen".

Words can be whispered in your ear to successfully sell a product

The presence of Thursday salt will allow you to conduct an effective whisper on the proceeds, profit from trade. Thursday salt can be obtained by consecrating it in the church on a clean Thursday before Easter. The ritual itself is carried out as follows: leave the house in the morning, turn around over your left shoulder and throw a pinch of salt, saying:

“It's nice to watch when the treasury is full! It's nice to look when the bins are full of gold. May it be so! Amen!".

A strong whisper for trading, which will multiply profits several times, is carried out on a cloudless day. Go outside at night, look at the sky and whisper:

“As the sky is full of stars, so my pocket will be filled! I am a good merchant! A merchant to all merchants! The stars are in the sky, and the gold is in the chest. Goods for you, chest for me! Amen! Amen! Amen!".

An effective ritual with a whisper to trade in a store is pronounced before the start of sales, in the morning. Having crossed the goods, you need to say:

“I am a good merchant, my goods are attractive. I'll sell everything. Goods for you, money for us. Full of bins, replenish the treasury. Amen".

After the magic words, you need to turn to the east and cross yourself. The above ceremonies guarantee brisk sales, worthy proceeds from trade.

Rituals before buying

Going to purchase products, every entrepreneur hopes that all goods will be sold in a short time. It is also important to invest in products that are profitable for you, and subsequently receive a profit. To attract fortune, you can resort to whispers - the acquisition of a successful purchase is guaranteed.

“I baptize goods, I baptize for sale! So that you can see your product as a reflection in a mirror, So prettier and the client likes it! So that the first one who comes - buys, the second - buys, the last one also buys! And no one left me without a purchase!”

It is important to hold a mirror in your right hand, pointing at the product. Before shopping, a whisper will send positive energy to the product and be stored in the mirror. The mirror must be kept near the cash register until the goods are sold. You can use this mirror in the future, with the next repetition of the plot.

Attracting buyers

The cash register will be empty if there are no customers in the store. The flow of people guarantees at least public awareness of what kind of outlet exists and what products it offers. It often happens that visitors enter, but do not make purchases. To do this, you need to say a whisper to attract customers who will purchase products. Before opening the store, go outside, spit on your palms and run them through your pockets, saying:

“Oh yes, merchant, oh yes, well done! Every merchant is a merchant! I bargain with all sorts of merchants! Their word is the first, and my second! Their word is copper, but mine is gold! Amen!".

Whispers will help you make a successful deal with an attracted buyer

After the successful sale of the goods, look after the buyer and whisper:

“Go, go, bring with you. It will be so, but nothing else! Amen!".

On weekends or in your free time, passing by an anthill, you can look at it, introduce your store and say: “It's just as crowded! Amen". These words, along with the use of previous conspiracies, will attract buyers and improve things at work.

How to revive sales and quickly sell stale goods

The trading floor should always be busy: there are many buyers, sales are in full swing. For this to work, you need to say every day a whisper to trade in a store before starting a work shift:

“In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen! Amen! Amen! Lord, teach, Lord, help me, a servant of God (your name). May Your name be hallowed today, tomorrow and always! Amen! Amen! Amen!"

After that, you need to cross yourself three times and bow to the east side.

A downturn in business can happen at any moment, but in order not to lose investments, you need to sell the goods quickly - a whisper to trade will help with this. For the ritual, you will need a cup of water, and a gilded spoon. Splash water in a cup and read the plot:

“The oak is strong, the spirit is strong, faith is strong. Amulet-water, wash away the bad, give dear. Now, forever and forever and ever. Amen".

You need to resort to such a conspiracy only to quickly sell goods. Performing rituals with faith in the result, a lively trade is guaranteed.

It happens that goods are stale on the shelves, which for some reason are not sold for a long time. In order not to lose your own money and quickly sell products, a whisper for a successful trade will help. Stroking the product, say:

“As I looked, I was so stunned. The goods are good, the merchant is handsome. I sell, you buy! My word is strong, like a castle, like a rock, like a stone! Amen!".

After that, spit three times over the left shoulder.

If the product is not sold for a long time, then use magic whispers for a quick sale

Often, defective goods come from suppliers, but they are not eligible for return. In this case, by all means, the store must sell the product. If the product is small, you need to put it on your right hand and tap with your fingers, if it is large, tap with the fingers of your right hand, saying:

“I am a good merchant! I have God's crown! I'm walking across the field, leading the bees! Bees fly to honey, and I go to the market! My product is good! Goods for you, money in my wallet! May it be so! Amen!".

Products are sold within a few days if the ritual is carried out two or three times per shift.

To keep competitors out of the way

Perhaps the root of the problems in trading lies in envious competitors. It is in the field of sales that there are more of them than anywhere else. To get rid of the negative energy of competitors, to drive them away from yourself, you can resort to a ritual. At dawn, go out into the yard or look out the window, holding a broom in your hands. Waving a broom, you need to pronounce the following words:

“I am walking across a clean field, seven spirits and seven winds are running towards me. Everyone, white spirits, strong, brave and strong, go to dashing people and keep them on a leash so that I am safe and sound on the way and on the road, in foreign lands and relatives, on water and on land, at conversation and feast, at home and at work, and whoever thinks dashing of me, then you, spirits, help me to this hour and to this time. Goy."

This ritual effectively cleanses from competitors and not only: ill-wishers, envious people, enemies will disappear in the coming days. He also puts protection on the workplace so that no one steals the goods.

A strong energy message to the Cosmos will be a conspiracy with candles. On the full moon, purchase 13 candles in the church and at the exit from the temple say:

“As soon as my opponent starts to shit, the conspiracy will immediately take everything away. Amen".

Saying the words to go home and not talk to anyone on the way. At home, close yourself in a room and light candles, mentally imagining competitors and enemies in good health. Imagining a wall growing between yourself and your ill-wishers, repeat five times:

“As soon as my opponent wants to harm, the conspiracy will immediately become disgusting. Let the competitor not start enmity, I will patiently wait for the lunar day. The evil that he does to my mind will immediately run back to him. I put a strong defense forever, now a person will not harm me. May it be so. Amen! Amen! Amen!".

Candles burn out, stubs are thrown away. Such a conspiracy is held for three full moons in a row without interruptions. This ritual will help in sales, reliably protect against any negative impact.

There are no restrictions on the number of whispers spoken. To achieve your goals, you can resort to a set of rituals for:

  • Successful start of your own business;
  • Attracting clients;
  • Sales revival;
  • Sale of stale goods;
  • Getting rid of competition;
  • Seller protection.

A complex of whispers, boundless faith in higher powers will bring a positive result in trading.

In the life of every person there comes a moment when it becomes necessary to get rid of some object. Often, throwing away the object of desire does not arise, since it can be expensive, useful and in good condition.

In this case, the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bselling an item comes to mind, and a conspiracy to sell a thing can help realize what was planned much more profitable and faster.

To conduct a successful sale of goods, it is enough to use magical powers and call on higher powers for help in this matter. So, without the help of magic, it can take quite a long time to realize what was conceived, while with the help of magic, the item being sold will be acquired very quickly.

To quickly and profitably sell one thing, it is enough to pronounce a conspiracy over it, sincerely believing in its power.

Through a magical rite, you can create talismans, the constant wearing of which will improve the daily sale of goods. Such talismans will perfectly help the owners of outlets, sellers whose salary depends on the proceeds, and ordinary people who from time to time are engaged in the sale of personal items.

What determines the effectiveness of the ceremony?

In order for the conspiracy to be effective, and the result to the liking of the performer, it is necessary to strictly observe all the instructions for its implementation. So, conspiracies for the sale of things should be read all alone, so that no one knows about the ceremony.

Moreover, even after the successful sale of the goods, even the closest people cannot be told about the previously performed ceremony, otherwise it will cause some unpleasant consequences.

It is absolutely unacceptable to laugh at such rituals - they should be taken extremely seriously, otherwise the consequences are inevitable. The ceremony is allowed only for people who believe in magic, who know how to concentrate on what they want and put all their strength into the conspiracy. In addition, most of these rituals are performed on the growing moon, while 3 days before the ritual, the performer is not allowed to drink alcohol.

The charmed item will bring profit to the seller

The people know a large number of conspiracies that can help you quickly sell this or that thing. So there is a rather strong rite for the successful sale of goods through water. Spring water is drawn into the vessel, a spell is pronounced three times over it, after which the item being sold is sprinkled with the charmed water.

Conspiracies "For the sale of things" for spring water

“A bargain is going on in the market square. They sell everything: both silks and furs. Your product (name the thing) and I will sell, its price (name the price). Whoever sees it wants to buy it. Amen."

Another no less powerful conspiracy is read to the key. To perform the ritual, you will need a glass or earthen vessel, spring water and a key. A container of water must be put on fire, then a key should be thrown into boiling water. The words of a prayer are said over the steam 9 times, after which the water is left to cool.

Conspiracies "For the sale of things" for a key and water

“Just as people cannot do without a lock and key, so they cannot do without (product name). Just as people cannot live without water, so they cannot live without (product name). My word is strong! Amen."

Chilled water together with the key must be drained into a glass vessel. As soon as the day of the sale comes, hands are rinsed with charmed water, and the things being sold are sprinkled. It is recommended to keep the key until the next sale.

In order for the trade to be successful, things must be crossed three times, after which it is necessary to cast a spell over them, while stroking the goods with your right hand.

Conspiracies "For successful trading"

“As I, the servant of God (my name), I iron (name) my goods, So I get along with buyers. One will look, the second will praise, the third will buy for himself for joy, and for me - for profit. My word is strong, to the goods is molded. Amen."

A very strong rite for a quick sale is carried out with the help of a penny. On the growing Moon, a coin should be taken with the right hand, held for a while, and then said a prayer over it 12 times.

Conspiracies "To sell things" on a coin

"Pyatak Pyatakovich! Give me (your name) luck without surrender! For now, forever, forever! Amen."

In order to quickly and profitably sell the goods, it is recommended to take the coin with you all the time.

Will the trade be successful?

In order to avoid consequences, magical rituals should be used in exceptional cases, when no other ways to sell the goods fail. The use of black magic is not free - at some point, the performer of the ritual will have to pay for the service rendered. Thus, a trader may lose some part of the goods or all, lose a round sum of money, or pay with health. The most severe consequences will manifest themselves in cases where the ritual was not performed according to the rules or as a joke - magic does not like to be mocked at it.

Video: Conspiracy to sell things

If one of the goods is covered with a thick layer of dust, and the storekeeper does not remember its location, then you can wholeheartedly rejoice for the entrepreneur, because he has a wonderful opportunity to practice selling illiquid assets. It is by successfully selling stale goods that the true art of trading and the talent of an entrepreneur are manifested.

Before you start thinking about a plan to sell stale goods, you need to conduct at least a superficial analysis of the market and determine the most favorable time to start the company.

For almost every product, there are seasonal fluctuations in demand, which must be taken into account in order to maximize the benefits and minimize advertising costs.

Plus, the upcoming event can kill two birds with one stone, because if any holiday is expected in the near future, then the sale of illiquid assets timed to coincide with it can not only help get rid of old stocks, but also have a good effect on the implementation of the main segment.

The easiest ways to sell illiquid assets are advertising companies. Promotions, issuance of certificates, intensive publications in the media, booklets - all these are proven schemes over the years. Their disadvantage is that all these sales tools are associated with certain costs. Therefore, before spending money on advertising, you can try a number of other standard measures that are practically not associated with costs.

The first thing to try is to change the product layout by putting slow-moving goods on the most prominent shelves. Usually this gives a certain result, and part of the product is sold.

The second is to start motivating sales staff, and it is not at all necessary to base motivation on material promises. Competition for the title of the best manager is sometimes enough to awaken in people the desire to demonstrate their own professionalism.

For an experienced leader, this will not be any particular problem, because selling is a pleasure, courage, a subtle game of psychology, and it is much better to captivate people with this than to educate them in a dangerous craving for bonuses and bonuses.

In addition, a very popular way to sell illiquid assets is to make sets or gifts from stale goods, where they are sold along with popular products. At the same time, you can make a fictitious discount on this set, due to which the buyer will go home very satisfied with a bargain.

What you should not do when selling illiquid assets is to play with reputation and blatantly deceive the buyer. This is especially true for low-quality goods or food with an expiring shelf life.

Of course, it is possible to repack them into other containers or use them in cooking, but if some buyer gets poisoned or discovers a forgery, the store may have very big problems. It should be understood that many of the clients will not return after being deceived, and they will even spread it all over the district about your dishonesty.

A well-built company for the sale of illiquid goods will help the manager to better understand his mistakes, train staff more deeply in working with clients and, as a result, lead the trading enterprise to much more advantageous positions than firms where there are no illiquid goods.