Organization of retail trade in the Republic of Belarus. The essence and features of the functioning of retail trade in the Republic of Belarus


(as amended by the resolutions of the Council of Ministers of March 16, 2005 N 285,
dated 06.03.2006 N 317, dated 11.09.2006 N 1179,
dated 06/01/2007 N 744, dated 02/15/2008 N 206)


1. These Rules are developed in accordance with the Laws of the Republic of Belarus dated January 9, 2002 "On the Protection of Consumer Rights" (National Register of Legal Acts of the Republic of Belarus, 2002, N 10, 2/839) and dated July 28, 2003 "On Trade "(National Register of Legal Acts of the Republic of Belarus, 2003, N 87, 2/981) and regulate relations between buyers and sellers in the sale of certain types of food and non-food food products, implementation Catering.

2. The buyer (consumer) is understood as a citizen who intends to order or purchase or ordering, acquiring or using goods (works, services) solely for personal, household, family and other needs not related to entrepreneurial activities.

The seller is understood as a trade organization, an individual entrepreneur who sells goods to the buyer under an agreement retail purchase and sale.

3. The mode of operation of the seller is determined in agreement with the local executive and administrative bodies and must comply with the established mode of operation.

The mode of operation of a seller engaged in public catering in commercial catering facilities located in organizations is also established in agreement with the administration of these organizations.

In the event of a temporary suspension of its activities (for repairs, planned sanitary days, and in other cases), the seller must provide the buyer with information about this in a timely manner.

Buyers shall be notified of the closure of a retail facility for repairs (refurbishment) no later than five days prior to its closure by a special announcement.

The closure of a retail facility for repairs (refurbishment) is carried out in agreement with local executive and administrative bodies. When catering in organizations, the closure of a commercial catering facility for repairs is coordinated with the administration of these organizations.

4. Buyers are served during the established working hours of the seller.

It is forbidden to stop the access of buyers to the trading floor in connection with the approaching lunch break or the end of the seller's working hours. 10 minutes before the end of the working time, the seller can warn the buyers that the working time is ending and the customer service is terminated.

When closing for lunch break and at the end of the working day, the cash desk stops working in strict accordance with the established working hours of the seller.

All customers who have cash and sales receipts in their hands must be served.

The entrance of buyers to restaurants, cafes can be stopped 30 minutes in advance, to other commercial catering facilities - 15 minutes before they close.

5. The range of goods offered for sale, the list of services provided, as well as the forms of service are determined by the seller independently in accordance with the profile and specialization of his activity.

The range of food products offered for sale own production coordinated with the state sanitary supervision body.

Assortment lists of goods, products of own production, which must be constantly on sale in a retail facility and (or) a commercial catering facility, are agreed with local executive and administrative bodies at the location of the retail facility and (or) commercial catering facility (except for cases provided for by parts four and five of this clause).

When carrying out delivery and peddling trade, as well as trade in forms carried out without a trading facility, the assortment list of goods is coordinated with local executive and administrative bodies at the place state registration seller.

Assortment lists of goods for retail outlets, summer and seasonal cafes are not coordinated with local executive and administrative bodies.

(Clause 5 as amended by the Resolution of the Council of Ministers dated March 6, 2006 N 317)

6. The seller is obliged to comply with the mandatory requirements, taking into account the profile and specialization of his activity, established in technical regulatory legal acts.

7. The seller must have the necessary premises, equipment and inventory to ensure, in accordance with the established requirements, the preservation of the quality and safety of goods, during their storage and sale in the trading facility - appropriate trading conditions, as well as the possibility right choice buyer of goods.

8. The seller is obliged to have and maintain measuring instruments in good condition, to carry out their metrological verification in a timely manner and in the prescribed manner.

To check by the buyer the correctness of the price, measure and weight of the purchased goods in trading floor Appropriate measuring equipment must be installed at an accessible location.

9. The seller is obliged to have a book of comments and suggestions, a book of checks (revisions), a sanitary log (when selling food products, catering), a marriage log (when catering) and other documents established by law.

(Part 1 of paragraph 9 as amended by the Resolution of the Council of Ministers dated March 16, 2005 N 285)

The book of comments and suggestions is presented at the first request of the buyer. At the same time, it is prohibited to require the buyer to present identification documents or explain the reasons that necessitated the inclusion of comments and (or) suggestions in the book.

(part 2 of clause 9 as amended by the resolution of the Council of Ministers dated 06.03.2006 N 317)

10. These Rules are brought to the attention of buyers by the seller in an accessible form.

11. The seller is obliged to bring to the attention of the buyer in Belarusian or Russian the name (company name) of his organization, its location and mode of operation, and for commercial catering facilities also the type of object, the mark-up category, by placing this information on a sign located at the entrance doors (facade).

The seller - an individual entrepreneur must also provide the buyer with information about his last name, first name, patronymic, as well as state registration and the name of the body that carried out his state registration.

The seller is obliged to provide the buyer with information on special permits (licenses) for all types of activities carried out by him related to the sale of goods that are subject to licensing, indicating the number of the special permit (license), the period of validity, the authority that issued the special permit (license), as well as at the request of the buyer, provide an opportunity to get acquainted with the original or a copy of a special permit (license) issued in the prescribed manner. This information must be placed in a convenient place for the buyer to familiarize himself.

The information provided for in parts one, two and three of this paragraph must also be brought to the attention of buyers when carrying out retail outside the permanent location of the seller.

12. The seller's staff must be provided badges indicating in them the position, surname, name, patronymic, and in grocery stores - also with special sanitary clothing, in commercial catering facilities - with sanitary or uniform clothing.

13. Samples of only those goods that are on sale should be displayed in the showcase. Samples of goods in the showcase must be sold at the request of the buyer after checking their quality.

Samples of goods used as elements of the compositional design of a showcase or as inventory are not subject to sale.

14. The buyer, who allowed damage to the seller's property, is obliged to compensate for the damage caused.

15. The seller is obliged to promptly bring to the attention of the buyer in an accessible form the necessary and reliable information about the goods and their manufacturers, which ensures the possibility of the correct choice of goods.

Information in without fail must contain:

  • Name of product;
  • designation of a regulatory document that establishes requirements for the quality of goods (for goods manufactured according to regulatory documents establishing requirements for the quality of goods and operating in the Republic of Belarus);

ConsultantPlus: note.

On the issue of informing consumers about the presence of genetically modified components (components) and food additives in food raw materials and food products, see Resolution of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus dated April 28, 2005 N 434.

  • information about the main consumer properties of the product, and in relation to food products - about the composition, nutritional value (for products intended for children's, medical and dietary nutrition - calorie content, the presence of vitamins and other indicators that, in accordance with the law, it is necessary to inform the buyer) , an indication that the food product is genetically modified or genetically modified components (components) are used in it, as well as in the case and in the manner determined by the Government of the Republic of Belarus, information about the presence of substances harmful to the health of the buyer, comparison (correlation) of this information with mandatory requirements of a regulatory document that establishes requirements for the quality of goods, on indications for use by certain age groups, as well as on contraindications and indications for use in certain types of diseases, the list of which is approved by the Government of the Republic of Belarus;
  • price and terms of purchase of goods;
  • warranty period, if any;
  • recommendations for the preparation of food products, if required by the specifics of the product;
  • date of manufacture (packing) and (or) service life, and (or) expiration date, and (or) shelf life of goods, if they are established for specific goods, an indication of the storage conditions of goods, if they differ from normal conditions storage of the relevant goods or require special conditions storage, as well as information on the necessary actions of the buyer after the expiration of the specified periods and possible consequences if such actions are not taken, if the goods after the expiration of the specified periods pose a danger to the life, health and property of the buyer and environment or become unsuitable for its intended use;
  • name (company name), location (legal address) of the manufacturer and location of the organization (organizations) authorized by the manufacturer (seller) to accept claims from the buyer and perform repairs and Maintenance goods;
  • information on certification of goods subject to mandatory certification, on state hygienic regulation and registration of goods subject to state hygienic regulation and registration;
  • net weight value, volume, quantity or completeness of goods and a special sign (where it is provided for by a regulatory document establishing requirements for the quality of goods);
  • necessary information on the rules and conditions for the efficient and safe use of goods and other information that, in accordance with the law or relevant agreements, is mandatory for the provision of the buyer, including information related to the contract at the request of the buyer.

If the goods purchased by the buyer were in use or a defect was eliminated in it, the buyer must be provided with information about this. In the case of the purchase of such goods, information about the presence of a defect (shortcomings) must be indicated in the document confirming the purchase.

When selling confiscated goods, the consumer must be provided with information that the goods are confiscated.

Goods packaged and packaged in consumer packaging not at the place of their manufacture, in addition to the information specified in part two of this clause, must contain information about the packer and packer.

16. Information about goods and their manufacturers is brought to the attention of the buyer in Belarusian or Russian in the documentation attached to the goods, on consumer packaging, labels or in another way accepted for certain types of goods. For certain types of goods, the list and methods of communicating information to buyers are established by the Government of the Republic of Belarus.

17. The buyer must also be provided with visual information about the services provided and the conditions for their provision, about their prices, as well as about the methods of sale of goods and forms of trade used (sale of goods by order, trade on samples and other methods and forms).

18. When selling goods, the seller, in accordance with the established procedure, must familiarize the buyer, at his request, with the documents certifying the quality and safety of the goods (original or copy), or information about the documents certifying the quality and safety of the goods indicated in the accompanying documents confirming the receipt of the goods.

19. When selling goods, the buyer is given the opportunity to familiarize himself or with the help of the seller with the necessary goods.

The buyer has the right to inspect the offered goods, to demand that the properties be checked in his presence or a demonstration of its operation, if this is not excluded due to the nature of the goods and does not contradict the rules established in retail trade.

It is not allowed to try on underwear, hosiery.

(Part 3 of paragraph 19 as amended by the Resolution of the Council of Ministers of 06.03.2006 N 317)

20. When selling goods by the self-service method in grocery stores, the selection by buyers of goods is carried out in baskets, carts and other similar means (hereinafter referred to as inventory packaging) intended for transportation of goods by buyers in self-service stores. The goods selected by the buyer must be in the inventory container until they are paid.

To ensure the safety of the buyer's belongings (shopping bags, packages, suitcases, briefcases and other large items), the seller must equip special place.

21. The prices of goods sold by the seller, as well as other terms of the contract, must be the same for all buyers, except for cases of establishing advantages or restrictions provided for by law.

22. The seller is obliged to ensure the availability of uniform and clearly defined price tags for the goods sold, indicating the name of the product, its grade, price per unit weight or unit of goods, as well as the signature of the person authorized by the seller, the date of registration of the price tag.

When selling sewing, knitted outerwear, fur products, hats, shoes by the self-service method, a single price tag may not be displayed.

In commercial catering facilities, the seller brings information about the products sold, goods, and services provided to the consumer through the menu, price tags and other methods adopted in the provision of such services.

The menu contains a list of products of own production located in a certain order, purchased goods offered to the consumer in a certain period, indicating the mass, volume or other measure of the product unit (portion), price, as well as the signature of a person authorized by the seller, the date of registration of the menu. For alcoholic beverages sold in bottling, the menu indicates the capacity of consumer packaging and price, as well as the volume and price of a serving. For champagne, sparkling wines, the price in the menu is indicated per unit of their consumer packaging. Portioning of these drinks is at the discretion of the seller.

(Part 4 of paragraph 22 as amended by the Resolution of the Council of Ministers of 06.03.2006 N 317)

The consumer packaging of alcoholic beverages sold in bulk at catering outlets using a catering mark-up must be marked with the seller's stamp. The order of the specified marking is determined by the seller.

23. When selling goods packaged and packaged by the manufacturer with an indication of the weight on the package, their additional weighting is not performed.

24. Sale of long goods (fabrics made of fibers of all types, knitted and curtain fabrics, artificial fur, carpets, non-woven materials, ribbons, lace, braid, wire, cord, cable, linoleum, baguette, film, oilcloth and others) is carried out by any measures, required by the buyer, except in cases where the splitting of the remainder of the said goods results, at the discretion of the seller, in the formation of a remainder of such a measure as is unfit for use by other buyers.

In the event of the formation of residues of meter-sized goods that are not subject to further crushing, the seller is obliged to inform the buyer about this by marking such goods with an indication of the measure, price per unit measure of the value of the remainder.

25. The seller is obliged to transfer to the buyer goods of proper quality in containers and (or) packaging in a certain set (set of goods) and completeness, with documents and accessories related to the goods.

Requirements for the quality, container and (or) packaging of the transferred goods, its completeness, accessories and documentation, a set of goods, as well as the conditions for the delivery of goods are established by technical regulatory legal acts.

The goods are handed over to the buyer in a packaged form without charging an additional fee for packaging. The exception is food products pre-packaged by the seller in plastic bags without sealed packaging. At the request of the buyer, the seller is obliged to transfer such goods in a free package.

26. The goods for which the expiration date and (or) shelf life is set, the seller is obliged to transfer to the buyer in such a way that it can be used for its intended purpose before the expiration date and (or) shelf life.

27. Services offered by the seller in connection with the sale of goods may be provided only with the consent of the buyer.

The buyer has the right to refuse the services offered during the sale of goods, as well as require the seller to return the amounts paid for services provided without his consent.

In commercial catering facilities, a preliminary order for a service (rendering a service) can be issued by drawing up a document (order, receipt and other types) containing the necessary information (name of the seller, last name, first name, patronymic of the consumer, type of service, its price and payment terms). , the date of acceptance and execution of the order, the signature of the person who accepted the order, and other information), as well as by placing an order by telephone, electronic or other communication. The pre-order procedure is determined by the Ministry of Commerce.

(As amended by the Resolution of the Council of Ministers dated February 15, 2008 N 206)

If the seller, for reasons beyond his control, cannot organize the service at the stipulated time, he is obliged to notify the consumer about this no later than 7 days before the agreed day and, with his consent, ensure that the service is carried out at another seller. The buyer has the right to refuse the service at any time, subject to payment to the seller of the actually caused damage.

28. The seller is not entitled to condition the sale of certain goods on the obligatory purchase of other goods or the obligatory provision of services in connection with their sale, except in cases where the goods are subject to technical requirements cannot be assembled and (or) installed (connected) without the participation of relevant specialists. The provision of such services must be carried out within the time limits specified in the contract, but no later than three calendar days from the date of delivery of the goods to the buyer.

In case of delivery of bulky goods by the buyer, the seller is obliged to ensure loading of the goods on his vehicle.

29. The contract of retail purchase and sale is considered concluded in the proper form from the moment the seller issues the buyer a cash or sales receipt or other document confirming payment for the goods, unless otherwise provided by law.

30. A retail sale contract may be concluded with the condition that the buyer accepts the goods within the period specified in this contract, during which this product cannot be sold to another buyer, but no more than five working days from the moment the document for payment is issued to the buyer. The buyer is issued a sales receipt (invoice, waybill, receipt) indicating the date of receipt of the goods, and the goods are supplied with an announcement indicating the date of receipt and the name of the buyer.

Unless otherwise provided by the retail sale and purchase agreement, the buyer's failure to appear or take other necessary actions to accept the goods within the period specified in the retail sale and purchase agreement may be considered by the seller as the buyer's refusal to purchase the goods.

31. Payment for goods is made in the form of cash or non-cash payment in accordance with the established procedure.

In the event of the return of goods, settlements with the buyer are made in the same manner in which it was paid for, unless otherwise established by agreement of the parties.

In commercial catering facilities, the seller has the right to offer the consumer an advance payment for products, services, payment after the selection of dishes or after eating, self-payment or other forms of payment. Upon completion of the service, the seller issues to the consumer a document confirming payment (cash receipt, invoice or other document containing information about the seller, the services provided, products and their price). When organizing concert and variety performances, consumers may be charged with the issuance of an entrance ticket.

ConsultantPlus: note.

From March 1, 2007, legal entities and individual entrepreneurs engaged in trade to the population at facilities according to the established list are required to install payment terminals within six months for registering transactions made using bank plastic cards (Decree of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus, the National Bank of the Republic of Belarus dated 09.01.2002 N 18/1).

ConsultantPlus: note.

On a question regarding the procedure for accepting cash Money, see the resolution of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus, the National Bank of the Republic of Belarus dated 09.01.2002 N 18/1, the resolution of the Ministry of Taxes and Duties of the Republic of Belarus, the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Belarus dated 03.09.2004 N 99/134.

32. The seller accepts cash using cash registers or special computer systems, unless otherwise provided by law.

33. Personnel (cashier or other employee) who accepts cash must make settlements with the buyer in the following order: clearly name the amount of money received from the buyer, and put this money separately in a place visible to the buyer; knock out a check; tell the buyer the amount of change to be given and hand it over with the check; place the cash received from the buyer in the cash drawer of a cash register or a special computer system or another place of a similar purpose, determined by the operational documentation for cash registers, special computer systems.

The buyer checks the correctness of the calculation for the purchased goods at the venue.

In the event of a dispute about an error in issuing change, the buyer has the right to require the seller to verify the readings of the control tape of the cash register or a special computer system with the actual amount of cash in the money box of the cash register or a special computer system or another place of a similar purpose, determined operational documentation for cash registers, special computer systems.

34. The seller is obliged to accept worn banknotes from buyers, which are not allowed for further circulation.

35. It is prohibited to store in the money box of a cash register, a special computer system, or another place of a similar purpose, determined by the operational documentation for cash registers, special computer systems, cash not accounted for through a cash register, a special computer system, except for those received before starting work in advance for expense transactions.

36. Personnel are prohibited from storing personal belongings and goods that are not the property of the seller in the trading floor, cash box. Outerwear and personal belongings of personnel should be stored in a separate room in places intended for these purposes.

37. The buyer, to whom the goods of inadequate quality were sold, if its defects were not specified by the seller, has the right, at his choice, to demand:

  • replacement of low-quality goods with goods of good quality;
  • a proportional reduction in the purchase price of the goods;
  • immediate gratuitous elimination of defects in the goods;
  • reimbursement of expenses for the elimination of defects in the goods.

The buyer has the right to demand the replacement of a technically complex product or an expensive product in case of detection of significant shortcomings in it (a significant violation of the requirements for its quality). The list of such technically complex goods is approved by the Government of the Republic of Belarus.

In case of detection of defects in the goods, the properties of which do not allow to eliminate these defects (food products, household chemical goods, etc.), the consumer has the right, at his choice, to demand the replacement of such goods with goods of appropriate quality or a commensurate reduction in the purchase price.

(part 3 of paragraph 37 was introduced by the Council of Ministers of March 6, 2006 N 317)

Instead of presenting the requirements specified in part one of this paragraph, the buyer has the right to terminate the contract of retail sale and demand the return of the amount paid for the goods sum of money, as well as compensation for the difference between the price of the goods established by the contract and the price of the corresponding goods at the time of voluntary satisfaction of his claim, and if the claim is not voluntarily satisfied, at the time of the court's decision. In this case, the buyer, at the request of the seller and at his expense, must return the received goods of inadequate quality.

(part 4 of paragraph 37 was introduced by the Council of Ministers of March 6, 2006 N 317)

When returning to the buyer the amount of money paid for the goods, the seller is not entitled to withhold from it the amount by which the value of the goods has decreased due to the full or partial use of the goods, the loss of their presentation or other similar circumstances.

(part 5 of paragraph 37 was introduced by the Council of Ministers of March 6, 2006 N 317)

38. The exchange and return of goods of good quality and the satisfaction of the buyer's requirements due to the acquisition of goods of inadequate quality are carried out in accordance with the legislation on the protection of consumer rights.

39. The terms for the seller to satisfy the buyer's claims in relation to the defects of the goods are determined in accordance with Articles 21, 22 and 23 of the Law of the Republic of Belarus "On Protection of Consumer Rights".

  • to minors under the age of 18 alcoholic and low-alcohol (with a volume fraction ethyl alcohol not more than 7 percent) drinks, beer, tobacco products, playing cards, and for minors under the age of 15 - also matches, lighters, pesticides and flammable liquids, pyrotechnic products. Information on the prohibition of their sale to minors is placed at the place of sale of these goods. In the event of a dispute, the buyer is obliged to present a document confirming his age;

(As amended by the resolutions of the Council of Ministers of 06.03.2006 N 317, of 11.09.2006 N 1179)

  • pyrotechnic products for entertainment purposes in the period from January 15 to December 1;

tobacco products:

  • self-service method, other methods in which the buyer has direct access to these products;
  • from open consumer packages of these products, by weight, by the piece, with the exception of the sale of cigars and cigarillos in individual packaging;

(As amended by the Resolution of the Council of Ministers dated September 11, 2006 N 1179)

  • fishing nets and net materials without presenting a permit (voucher) issued in accordance with the established procedure for the implementation of paid amateur fishing with fishing gear from net materials.

The seller has the right not to serve persons who violate the law.


41. Public catering (trade and production activities) - a type of trade, including the production, processing, sale, organization of consumption of food products with or without the provision of related services population.

42. The procedure for dividing commercial catering facilities into certain types (canteen, restaurant, cafe, bar, cafeteria, snack bar, etc.) and assigning them to mark-up categories (luxury, highest, first, second, third) is carried out by the owner of these objects or a person authorized by him in accordance with Article 10 of the Law of the Republic of Belarus "On Trade" in the manner determined by the Ministry of Trade.

43. Trade entities that carry out public catering in accordance with the requirements established by the Ministry of Trade for commercial public catering facilities of certain types and markup categories determine the menu, the assortment list of products and the minimum list of services provided, service methods, staff qualifications and quality of service, as well as provide the technical equipment of the premises.


44. Goods before they enter the trading floor or other place of sale must be freed from containers, wrapping and binding materials, metal clips. Contaminated surfaces or parts of the goods, the upper yellowed layer (staff) of fats, animal oils and margarine must be removed.

The seller is obliged to check the quality of the goods (by external signs), to reject and sort the goods.

45. In the event that the seller performs pre-sale packing and packaging of bulk food products, the volume of packaged goods with short terms expiration date should not exceed the volume of their sale within one day of trading.

On the packaged goods, in addition to the information provided, its name, weight, price per kilogram, cost of a plumb line, expiration date, packing date, and for especially perishable goods - the time, number or surname of the weigher.

46. ​​The price of food products sold by weight is determined by the net weight.

47. Food products of good quality are not subject to exchange and return.

48. Bread and bakery products weighing 0.4 kg or more may be cut into two or four equal parts and sold without weighing. Slicing of bread by auxiliary workers and buyers is prohibited.

It is forbidden to sell bread and bakery products, with the exception of products in the manufacturer's packaging, by persons accepting money from buyers.

In self-service stores, for the selection and determination of the freshness of bread and bakery products, the buyer must be provided with special equipment (forks, tongs and other equipment intended for these purposes).

49. When the goods are released to the buyer without cutting, it is allowed to add no more than two makeweights, not exceeding 10 percent total weight purchases. Attachments must correspond to the grade and quality of the goods sold.

50. When selling bulk milk and dairy products, it is prohibited to keep the container in which the goods are sold over an open container with milk and dairy products, and also to drain them from the buyer's dishes into a common container.

51. Cheese is released to the buyer with a crust. Round heads of cheese are cut deep to the center (segment) in such a way that the crust is commensurate with the amount of cheese dispensed.

Cheeses by weight in a wrapper are released freed from it.

52. At the request of the buyer, cheese, sausages and smoked meats must be cut.

53. It is prohibited to sell raw food products (eggs, meat, poultry, fish, seafood, vegetables and other similar products) at the same counter together with food products ready for consumption.




54. Fabrics, textile, knitted and sewing (clothes, underwear, hosiery, headwear) goods, fur goods and footwear must undergo pre-sale preparation, which includes unpacking, sorting and inspection of goods, before being placed on the trading floor or other place of sale. , checking the quality of the goods (by external signs), and, if necessary, cleaning, ironing.

Retail trade in clothes made of natural fur and leather is carried out only in stores, pavilions with a trading floor, shopping malls.

55. Goods offered for sale must be presented on the trading floor grouped according to seasonal purpose, types, models, sizes, heights, with size indicators. Taking into account the peculiarities of the applied form of trade, samples of goods offered for sale may be exhibited on the trading floor, according to which the buyer is given the opportunity to choose the goods he needs.

Knitwear, clothing, fur goods and footwear for men, women and children should be placed separately on the trading floor. Fabrics are grouped according to the type and type of fiber from which they are made. Each fabric sample must be accompanied by information about its width and the percentage of fibers from which it is made. When selling shoes, the buyer must be provided with information on the conformity of metric, unit-mass and inch sizes of shoes with an interval between adjacent sizes of 5 mm.

56. Sewing, knitted, fur goods, hats must have labels, shoes - marking on the product in accordance with the requirements of technical regulatory legal acts and on consumer packaging. The labels and markings indicate the name, article number, price, size (for clothes, linen and other garments, hosiery, shoes, hats) and height (for clothes and linen), type of fur (for clothes, hats and fur collars).

57. The seller is obliged to provide the buyer with garments, outerwear, hats, fur goods and footwear for their fitting. For this purpose, the trading floor should be equipped with fitting booths with mirrors (when selling sewing, outer knitwear, fur goods), mirrors (when selling hats), equipped with benches or banquettes, stands (when selling shoes).

58. The measurement of woolen fabrics, batting and other heavy, voluminous fabrics when sold to the buyer is carried out by imposing a rigid standard meter on the fabric lying on the counter (table) in a free state without folds. Thin and light fabrics are measured with a rigid standard meter by throwing the fabric on the counter with a free, tension-free application of the fabric to the meter.

Measuring of all types of fabrics, except for woolen and knitted fabrics, can also be carried out by placing the fabric on a counter (table), on one side of which a metal measuring tape verified in the prescribed manner is mounted.

It is forbidden to add cut-off fabric to the purchase, as well as the sale of pieces of fabric with a factory label and brand (chazny ends), if the factory finish is broken and the brand is not put on the wrong side.

59. The staff involved in the sale, when dispensing goods in the presence of the buyer, checks the quality of the goods (by visual inspection), the accuracy of the measure or quantity, the correctness of the calculation of the purchase price.

60. When selling fabrics, outer garments, knitwear, hats, fur goods and shoes, the buyer is given a sales receipt, which indicates the name of the goods and the seller, the date of sale, article number, grade and price of the goods, as well as the signature of the person who directly carried out the sale . If the cash receipt contains the specified information, the sales receipt may not be issued. At the same time, the signature of the person who directly carried out the sale is not required on the cash receipt.



61. Household television equipment, video equipment, radio equipment, acoustic equipment, magnetic recording equipment, photographic and film equipment, computing and duplicating equipment, clocks, communications equipment (telephone sets of all types, answering machines, amplifying-switching devices, telefaxes and others), household electrical goods (electric refrigerators and freezers, washing machines and laundry centrifuges, electrical machines and appliances, electrical appliances for processing and cooking food, electrical heating appliances, electric blankets, heating pads, power tools, electrical instrumentation, transformers, electric lighting fittings, sewing machines, electric lawn mowers, electric bells, electric shavers, electric hair dryers, electric hair curlers, electric massage devices) and other technically complex household goods must undergo pre-sale preparation, which includes unpacking the goods, removing factory grease, dust , shavings, inspection of the goods, checking the completeness, quality of the product, the availability of the necessary information about the product and its manufacturer, if necessary, assembly of the product and its adjustment.

Retail trade of the specified goods is carried out only in shops, pavilions with a trading floor, shopping centers.

62. Samples of goods offered for sale must have labels indicating the name, brand, model, article number, price of the goods, as well as brief annotations containing its main technical characteristics.

63. Goods must be shown in assembled and technically sound condition. At the request of the buyer, the seller must acquaint him with the device and operation of the goods. Goods that do not require special equipment for connection are shown in working order.

64. When selling in the presence of the buyer, the quality of the goods, their completeness, the availability of documents related to them, and the correctness of the price must be checked.

65. When transferring the goods to the buyer, the set of accessories and operational documents established by the manufacturer of the goods (technical passport or other document replacing it indicating the name of the seller, date and place of sale, operating instructions) are simultaneously transferred.

66. The seller, other legal entity or individual entrepreneur performing the functions of the seller under an agreement with him, are obliged to assemble and (or) install at the buyer's home goods, self-assembly and (or) connection of which by the buyer in accordance with the requirements of technical regulatory legal acts or technical documentation attached to the product (technical passport, operating instructions) is not allowed.

If the cost of assembly and (or) installation of goods is included in its price, then said works should be free of charge.

Information about legal entities and (or) individual entrepreneurs performing the specified work, the seller is obliged to bring to the attention of the buyer when selling goods.



67. Perfumery and cosmetic products must undergo pre-sale preparation, which includes unpacking and inspection (for external signs) of each item.

68. The buyer should be given the opportunity to get acquainted with the smell of perfumes, colognes, toilet water using litmus papers soaked in fragrant liquid or in another way provided by the manufacturer of the goods, as well as other properties and characteristics of the goods offered for sale.

69. When transferring perfumery and cosmetic products with a cellophane wrapper or branded tape, the buyer should be asked to check the contents of the package by removing the cellophane or branded tape. The performance of the aerosol packaging of the goods must be checked in the presence of the buyer.


70. The seller is obliged to carry out pre-sale preparation of furniture, which includes checking the completeness, availability of parts necessary for assembly and a set of accessories, furniture assembly schemes (when furniture is delivered unassembled), as well as checking the availability of all items included in the furniture set.

71. Samples of furniture should be exhibited on the trading floor in such a way as to provide free access for buyers to them for inspection.

72. When furniture is sold, the buyer receives a sales receipt, which indicates the name of the goods and the seller, the article, the number of items included in the furniture set, and the price.

73. Assembly and delivery of furniture are carried out for a fee, unless otherwise provided by the retail sale contract.




74. Retail sale of copies of audiovisual works, computer programs and phonograms is carried out in shops, kiosks, pavilions, shopping centers.

75. When selling copies of audiovisual works, computer programs and phonograms, the seller is obliged to provide the buyer, in addition to the information specified in paragraph 15 of these Rules, the following information about the goods offered for sale, the presence of which on each copy (packaging) is mandatory:

  • name, location of the manufacturer of the copy of the audiovisual work, computer program or phonogram;
  • technical characteristics of an audio or video carrier, as well as recordings of an audiovisual work and a phonogram;
  • information about the owner of copyright and related rights to audiovisual works and phonograms.
  • With regard to copies of films, the seller must also provide the buyer with the following information:
  • the name of the film, the country and studio where the film was shot, the year of its release;
  • basic filmographic data (genre, annotation, information about the script author, director, composer, leading actors, etc.);
  • movie length (in minutes);
  • film index and recommendations on the age limit of the audience (if any) in accordance with the state distribution and (or) state classification certificates for films.

(paragraph 5 of part 2 of clause 75 as amended by the Resolution of the Council of Ministers of 06.03.2006 N 317)

76. Copies of audiovisual works, computer programs and phonograms must undergo pre-sale preparation, including inspection and verification of the integrity of the packaging of each unit of goods, the availability of necessary information about the product and its manufacturer, before being submitted to the trading floor (placement at the point of sale).

77. When transferring the paid goods to the buyer, the person carrying out the sale shall check the integrity of its packaging, and, at the request of the buyer, provide him with the opportunity to familiarize himself with fragments of an audiovisual work, computer program or phonogram.

78. Sale of copies of audiovisual works, computer programs and phonograms is carried out only in the manufacturer's packaging.

79. The sale of film and video works that do not have rental and (or) classification certificates is prohibited, and for films that have been assigned the indexes ****, E18, also the conclusions of the Republican Expert Commission for the Prevention of Propaganda of Pornography, Violence and Cruelty.

(paragraph 79 as amended by the resolution of the Council of Ministers dated 06.03.2006 N 317)



(introduced by the Resolution of the Council of Ministers of 06.03.2006 N 317)

79-1. Retail trade in used non-food products (hereinafter referred to as used goods) is carried out in trade facilities in agreement with the state sanitary supervision authorities.

For the sale of used goods in retail outlets, specialized departments (sections) should be organized.

79-2. Used goods must undergo pre-sale preparation, which includes inspection of goods, sorting by type, degree of wear, quality check (by external signs), product performance, completeness. If necessary, dry cleaning, washing and ironing of used goods should be carried out.

Retail trade in used goods, in respect of which, in accordance with sanitary rules, a hygienic examination must be carried out, is carried out in the presence of a conclusion issued by state sanitary supervision bodies.

79-3. Used personal hygiene items, perfumes and cosmetics, household chemicals, underwear, sewing and knitwear, hosiery, women's toilet items, goods for newborns (rattles, chewing rings, bottles, nipples), bed linen are not subject to sale. , toys, disposable utensils, gas equipment without examination by the relevant gas facilities for suitability for further use, animal skins without the appropriate manufacturer's marking.

79-4. Information about used goods, in addition to the information specified in paragraph 15 of these Rules, must contain information about the sanitary and anti-epidemic measures taken in relation to the goods (cleaning, washing, disinfection, disinsection), technical specifications(for technically complex household goods), the purpose of the goods.

Information characterizing the condition of the used product, including its shortcomings, must be indicated on the product label or other document.

79-5. When selling used technically complex goods, the buyer is simultaneously transferred (if the seller has it) the relevant operational documents (technical passport or other document replacing it, operating instructions), as well as a warranty card for the goods, confirming the buyer's right to use the remaining warranty period.

79-6. The buyer, to whom a used product of inadequate quality was sold, if its shortcomings were not specified by the seller, has the right, at his choice, to present the requirements provided for in paragraph 37 of these Rules.

The requirements specified in paragraphs two and four of part one of clause 37 of these Rules may be presented by the buyer, unless otherwise follows from the nature of the goods or the nature of the obligation.

The main role in state trade is played by the system of the Ministry of Trade of the Republic of Belarus. For organization and coordination trading activities in the republic, the following main functional departments are formed in its composition:

  • - Department of Economy and Trade and Development of Market Relations;
  • - Management of finance, prices, accounting and control;
  • -Management of the organization of the consumer market of food products;
  • - Management of the organization of the consumer market of non-food products;
  • - Department of organization of trade and services;
  • - Department of organizational and personnel work and office work;
  • - Department for the coordination of foreign trade activities and the creation of a commodity-producing network abroad;
  • - Department of Consumer Rights Protection and Advertising Control;
  • - Department of public catering.

Through these departments, the Ministry of Trade provides regulatory guidance and control over the activities of all retail trade organizations in the territory of the republic. The powers of the Ministry of Trade of the Republic of Belarus in the field of state regulation of trade, according to the Law on Trade, include:

  • - development and implementation of long-term and short-term trade development programs;
  • - coordination of activities of bodies government controlled and other organizations in the field of trade;
  • - maintenance of the trade register;
  • - formation of commodity resources, conducting procurement and commodity interventions;
  • - implementation state control in trade;
  • - monitoring of the conjuncture of domestic and foreign trade;
  • - other powers in accordance with the legislation.

In January-September 2013, the volume of retail trade and public catering, taking into account all sales channels, amounted to 193,087.3 billion rubles. and increased compared to the same period of the previous year in comparable prices by 18.6% (for reference: January-September 2012 - by 11.7%). Retail trade turnover through all sales channels in January-September 2013 amounted to 183,416.7 billion rubles, which is 18.9% higher than the level of the corresponding period last year.

The retail turnover of trade organizations increased by 19.2% and amounted to 148,207.7 billion rubles. Retail trade turnover on trading places and in retail facilities in the markets, in shopping centers amounted to 35209.0 billion rubles, or 118.1% of the level of the corresponding period of the past. His specific gravity in retail trade turnover through all sales channels amounted to 19.2%. In the current period, there is a general increase in sales volumes by trading network individual ministries and departments (111.7%), whose share is 16.1% in the retail trade turnover.

The share of retail trade and public catering organizations of state ownership amounted to 12.8%, which is 1.3 percentage points lower than last year, the volume of trade of these organizations increased by 10.0%.

Retail trade turnover of privately owned organizations, including foreign ones (without consumer cooperation) increased by 22.7%, the share of trade turnover amounted to 76.5%, which is 2.4 percentage points higher than last year. The turnover of trade organizations of consumer cooperation increased by 4.5% compared to the corresponding period last year (the share in the turnover of trade organizations amounted to 10.4%).

In public catering organizations, there is an increase in the volume of trade compared to the level of the previous year - 112.4%. In January-September 2013, trade organizations increased the sale of food products, drinks and tobacco products by 12.3%, non-food products - by 27.4%.

The ratio of food and non-food products in the retail trade turnover amounted to 54.1% and 45.9%, respectively (in January-September 2012 - 54.5% and 45.5%). The share of sales of domestically produced goods by trade organizations in the retail trade turnover in January-September 2013 amounted to 71.7%, including food, beverages and tobacco products - 83.3%, non-food products - 56.3%.

As of October 1, 2013, the volume of commodity stocks in trade organizations decreased by 1 day compared to October 1, 2012 and by 21 days compared to January 1, 2013, providing 40 days of trading.

Table 2 Retail turnover of trade and public catering through all sales channels by regions and the city of Minsk in January-September 2013 * (billion rubles)

Name of areas

Retail trade and catering through all channels


retail trade turnover through all sales channels

catering turnover

in % to 2012 in comparable prices

in % to 2012 in






Republic of Belarus

*Source .

Retail trade in Belarus is fully controlled by the Ministry of Trade, which plays an important role in its development. Currently, the focus is on the consumption of Belarusian products.

General provisions

1. These Basic Rules for Conducting Retail Trade and Trade and Production Activities on the Territory of the Republic of Belarus (hereinafter referred to as the Basic Rules) are developed in accordance with the Law of the Republic of Belarus "On Protection of Consumer Rights", regulate relations between sellers and buyers (consumers) in the sale of food and non-food products, as well as in the implementation of trade and production activities (public catering) and apply to all business entities, regardless of the form of ownership and subordination, engaged in retail trade and trade and production activities.

2. A buyer (consumer) is a citizen who purchases, orders or intends to purchase or order goods intended for personal, family, home or other use not related to entrepreneurial activity.
The seller is understood as an enterprise, organization, institution or individual entrepreneur who sells goods to the buyer (consumer) under a retail sale and purchase agreement or carries out trade and production activities.

3. Food and non-grocery goods, the sale of which is regulated by special rules, are sold in compliance with these rules.

4. Features of certain types of retail trade (commission trade, sale of goods on credit, by order, by samples, and others) are regulated by separate rules.

5. These Basic Rules and other information, the composition of which is approved by the bodies implementing state regulation trade, in a visual and accessible form is brought to the attention of the buyers by the seller.

6. The seller is obliged to have licenses for all types of activities carried out by him, which are subject to licensing. If the seller includes several trading facilities engaged in retail trade and (or) trade and production activities, then an application to the corresponding license must be drawn up for each of the facilities.

7. The mode of operation of the seller of state property is established by the executive and administrative bodies at the place of his location.
The mode of operation of the seller of non-state property is established by him independently in agreement with the relevant executive and administrative body on the territory of which his activities are carried out.
The mode of operation of a seller carrying out trade and production activities on industrial enterprises, in institutions, organizations, etc., is also established in agreement with their administration.
In the event of a temporary suspension of its activities (for repairs, planned sanitary days, and in other cases), the seller must provide the buyer with information about this in a timely manner.
Buyers shall be notified of the closure of a retail facility for repairs (refurbishment) by a special announcement no later than 5 days prior to its closure.
Closing for repairs (re-equipment) is carried out in agreement with the local executive and administrative body. When carrying out trade and production activities at industrial enterprises, institutions, organizations, the closure of a trading facility for repairs is agreed with their administration.

8. The seller is obliged to comply with the mandatory requirements, taking into account the profile and specialization of his activity, established in the regulatory documents on standardization, labor protection and safety, sanitary, fire regulations and other documents regulating trading activities.

9. The seller is obliged to have and maintain measuring instruments in good condition, to carry out their metrological verification in a timely manner and in the prescribed manner.
In order for the buyer to check the correctness of the cost, measure and weight of the purchased goods, appropriate measuring equipment must be installed on the trading floor at an accessible place.

10. The seller is obliged to have a book of reviews and suggestions, an audit log, a sanitary log (when trading in food products, carrying out trade and production activities), a rejection log (when carrying out trade and production activities), which are maintained in accordance with approved instructions. The book of reviews and suggestions is placed in an accessible and visible place for the buyer.

11. Personnel must be provided with badges, with a clear indication of their position, last name, first name, patronymic. In grocery stores - also special sanitary clothing.

12. Medical checkup personnel is made in accordance with the established procedure.

13. The seller is obliged to maintain in proper sanitary condition the premises for the sale and storage of goods and the territory adjacent to the trading facility.

14. The seller is obliged to bring to the attention of the buyer in the state language his name, information about ownership (owner) and mode of operation, number, date of receipt of the license and the name of the authority that issued it, placing this information on a sign located on the front door (facade).
The seller - an individual entrepreneur must provide the buyer with information on state registration and the name of the body that registered it.
Similar information must also be brought to the attention of buyers when trading in temporary premises, markets, fairs and in other cases, if trading is carried out outside the permanent location of the seller.

15. Buyers are served during the established working hours of the seller.
It is forbidden to stop the access of buyers to the trading floor in connection with the approaching lunch break or the end of the seller's working hours. 10 minutes before the end of the opening hours, the seller warns customers that the opening hours are ending and customer service is terminated.
The entrance of consumers to restaurants, cafes can be stopped 30 minutes before, to other public catering facilities - 15 minutes before they close.
When closing for a lunch break and at the end of the working day, the cash desk stops working in strict accordance with the established working hours of the seller.
All customers who have cash and sales receipts in their hands must be served.

16. Samples of only those goods that are on sale should be displayed in the showcase. Samples of goods in the showcase must be sold at the request of the buyer after checking their quality.
Samples of goods used as elements of the compositional design of a showcase or as inventory are not subject to sale.

17. The buyer, who allowed damage to the seller's property, is obliged to compensate for the damage.

Reception, storage and preparation of goods for sale

18. Acceptance of goods in terms of quantity and quality is carried out in the manner and within the time limits established by law.

19. Goods with expired suitability, storage (sales); goods subject to mandatory certification, but not certified in the National Certification System of the Republic of Belarus; goods that are subject to state hygienic regulation and registration, but have not passed it in the prescribed manner.
The quality of goods must comply with the mandatory requirements of regulatory documents on standardization, the information specified in the labeling and accompanying documents, as well as the terms of the contract.
Upon receipt of goods that do not meet the requirements of regulatory documents on standardization and the terms of the contract, the seller has the right, at his choice, to demand from the supplier:
proportional reduction of the purchase price;
gratuitous elimination of defects in the goods within a reasonable time;
reimbursement of their expenses for the elimination of defects in the goods.
In the event of a significant violation of the requirements for the quality of the goods (detection of irreparable defects that cannot be eliminated without disproportionate costs or time, or are detected repeatedly or reappear after their elimination, and other similar defects), the seller has the right at his choice:
refuse to fulfill the contract of sale and require the supplier to return the amount of money paid for the goods;
require the supplier to replace goods of inadequate quality with goods that comply with the contract.

20. Each batch of goods must be accompanied by a supplier's document of the established form, confirming the quality of the goods and its safety for the health of buyers.
The list of goods subject to mandatory certification and documents confirming the fact of certification of goods, the procedure for marking such goods with marks of conformity to the National Certification System of the Republic of Belarus are established State Committee on standardization, metrology and certification of the Republic of Belarus.
The list of goods subject to state hygienic regulation and registration, and documents confirming the fact of its implementation, is established by the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Belarus.
It is prohibited to accept and sell video cassettes with recordings without registration certificate State register of cinema, video films and film, video programs.

21. Accepted goods must be credited on the day of receipt according to their actual availability in the prescribed manner.
It is prohibited to store and sell goods without accompanying documents confirming their receipt and being forms of strict accountability.

22. Seller with state form property and the system of consumer cooperation must send goods for sale within the following terms: no later than two days from the date of receipt - for food products, three days - for non-food products, one day - for fruits and vegetables.

23. The seller must have the necessary premises, equipment, inventory, ensuring, in accordance with the requirements of regulatory documents on standardization, the preservation of the quality and safety of goods during their storage and sale.

24. The goods must be properly prepared for sale (freed from packaging, wrapping and binding materials, factory grease and dust removed, adjustment and minor repairs of technically complex goods, cleaning and ironing of clothes, mandling pieces of fabric, checking the completeness of products, removing contaminated parts, cutting and pre-packing of food products, etc.).

Sale of goods

25. Goods on the trading floor are laid out (exhibited) in the full range available in the back rooms, in an amount that ensures the continuity of the trading process.
The sale of goods prohibited for free sale by the legislation of the Republic of Belarus is not allowed.

26. It is prohibited to sell to minors under the age of 18 alcoholic beverages, beer, tobacco products, playing cards, and to minors under the age of 15 - also matches, lighters, pesticides and flammable liquids, pyrotechnic toys. In a disputed case, the buyer is obliged to present a document confirming his age.
Forbidden retail pyrotechnic toys from January 15 to December 1.
During calendar year sale of pyrotechnic toys is made legal entities by bank transfer.

27. The prices of goods sold by the seller, as well as other terms of the contract, must be the same for all buyers. The establishment of any direct or indirect restrictions on the rights of buyers is not allowed, except in cases of rationed distribution of individual goods and other temporary measures to protect the consumer market.
Certain categories of buyers in need of social protection may be provided with benefits and benefits in trade service in the manner prescribed by law.

28. The seller is obliged to promptly bring to the attention of the buyer in a clear and accessible form the necessary and reliable information about the goods and their manufacturers, which ensures the possibility of the correct choice of goods. The information must contain:
Name of product;
company name (name) and location (legal address) of the manufacturer of the goods (for an individual entrepreneur - information on state registration), location of the enterprise authorized by the manufacturer (seller) to accept claims from buyers and perform repairs and maintenance of goods;
information about the main consumer properties of the product (and in relation to food also - about the composition, energy value, safety of the product, the presence of contraindications for use;
warranty period, if applicable specific product, and the procedure for filing claims;
rules and conditions for the effective and safe use of the goods, their storage and safe disposal;
expiration date or service life, if they are established for a specific product, as well as information about the necessary actions of the buyer after the specified periods and possible consequences if such actions are not taken;
price and terms of purchase of goods.
Goods made individual entrepreneur, must have a label (label) indicating information on state registration, as well as the designation of a regulatory document on standardization, which the manufactured product must comply with.
If the goods purchased by the buyer were in use or a defect (shortcomings) was eliminated in it, the buyer must be provided with information about this.
The seller must also provide other information about the goods, provided for by legal acts, the requirements of regulatory documents on standardization.

29. Information about the product, its manufacturer and seller is brought to the attention of the buyer by the technical documentation attached to the product, the marking applied directly to the product, as well as by other means provided for by legal acts and regulatory documents on standardization for certain types of goods.

30. Information about goods and their manufacturers is brought to the attention of buyers in the state language.

31. The seller is obliged to ensure the availability of uniform and clearly defined price tags for samples of goods sold, indicating the name of the goods, its grade, price per unit weight or unit of goods, the signature of the relevant official and the seal (stamp) of the enterprise, the date of registration of the price tag.
Sewing, knitted, fur goods, hats, shoes must have labels indicating their name, article number, price, size (for clothes, linen and other garments, shoes, hats) and height (for clothes and linen). When selling garments, outerwear, fur products, hats, shoes by the self-service method, a single price tag may not be displayed.

32. Goods packaged by the seller must have information about the name of the product, grade, price per unit weight (kilogram, liter, etc.), net weight, plumb value, packaging cost, expiration date, date of packaging, number or name of the packer .
When selling goods packaged and packaged by the manufacturer with an indication of the weight on the package, their additional weighing is not performed.

33. The price of food products sold by weight is determined by net weight.

34. The seller is obliged to transfer to the buyer goods of proper quality, in containers and (or) packaging, in a certain set (set of goods) and completeness, with documents and accessories related to the goods.
Requirements for the quality, container and (or) packaging of the transferred goods, its completeness, accessories and documentation, a set of goods, as well as the conditions for the delivery of goods are established by regulatory documents on standardization.
The goods are transferred to the buyer in packaged form without charging an additional fee for packaging, with the exception of food products pre-packaged by the seller in plastic bags without hermetic packaging and labeling. At the request of the buyer, the seller is obliged to transfer such goods in a free package.

35. The buyer must be provided with clear and reliable information about the services provided, the prices for them and the conditions for the provision of services, as well as the forms of service used in the sale of goods (sales by pre-orders, sales by samples and other forms).

36. Services offered by the seller in connection with the sale of goods may be provided only with the consent of the buyer.
The buyer has the right to refuse the services offered during the sale of the goods, as well as demand from the seller the return of money paid for services provided without his consent.
The seller is not entitled to condition the sale of some goods on the obligatory purchase of others or the obligatory provision of services in connection with their sale, except in cases where the goods cannot be assembled and (or) installed (connected) according to technical requirements without the participation of relevant specialists.
Installation, connection, adjustment and commissioning of certain technically complex goods, for which, in accordance with the technical and operational documentation, it is established that the buyer is prohibited from independently performing these procedures, as well as mandatory briefing on the rules for using the goods are carried out service departments the seller or other enterprises with which the seller has contracts for the maintenance of goods sold by him. The cost of these services is not additionally paid by the buyer. The provision of such services must be carried out within the terms specified in the contract, but no later than three calendar days from the date of delivery of the goods to the buyer.
In the case of delivery of bulky goods by the buyer, the seller is obliged to ensure the loading of the goods on the buyer's vehicle free of charge.

37. When selling goods, the buyer is given the opportunity to familiarize himself or with the help of the seller with the goods he needs.
The buyer has the right to inspect the offered goods, demand that a property check be carried out in his presence or a demonstration of its operation, unless this is excluded due to the nature of the goods and does not contradict the rules adopted in retail trade.
When selling technically complex and other goods that require verification, conditions must be created for its implementation.
When selling non-food products for personal use(clothing, shoes, knitwear, hats, etc.) the buyer must be provided with conditions for their fitting.
For this purpose, the trading floor must be equipped with fitting rooms with mirrors, benches or banquettes, stands and other equipment.
It is not allowed to try on underwear, corsetry, hosiery and mittens.
When selling by the self-service method in grocery stores, the selection by buyers of goods is carried out in inventory containers (baskets, carts, etc.). The entrance of buyers to the self-service trading floor without inventory containers is prohibited.
The buyer is prohibited from placing unpaid goods in his bag before paying for the purchase.
To ensure the safety of the buyer's belongings (shopping bags, packages, suitcases, briefcases and other large items), the seller must equip a special place.
The seller is responsible for the safety of the buyer's things accepted for storage in accordance with the law.

38. The contract of retail purchase and sale is considered concluded in the proper form from the moment the seller issues to the buyer cash receipt or a sales receipt or other document of the established form confirming payment for the goods.
When selling technically complex goods, textile, knitwear, clothing, fur goods and footwear, products made of precious metals and precious stones, a sales receipt is also transmitted to the buyer along with the goods, which indicates the name of the goods and the seller, the date of sale, article number, grade and price of the goods , as well as the signature of the person who directly carried out the sale. When selling products made of precious metals and precious stones, the sample, weight, price per gram, type and characteristics of the precious stone are also indicated.
When selling goods that have a technical passport or another document replacing it, this passport with the seller's stamp and a mark on the date of sale of the goods also serves as confirmation of the purchase of the goods.

39. Payment for goods is made in the form of cash or non-cash payment in accordance with the established procedure.

40. The seller accepts cash and checks from check books (single checks) using cash registers and computer systems, unless otherwise provided by law.
To accept cash, it is allowed to use cash registers and computer systems included in the State Register cash registers and computer systems used on the territory of the Republic of Belarus, registered with the State Tax Committee of the Republic of Belarus at the location of the owner of the cash register.

41. A cashier or other employee who receives money for goods must make settlements with the buyer in the following order: clearly name the amount of money received from the buyer, and put this money separately in a place visible to the buyer; knock out a check on the cash register; tell the buyer the amount of change to be given and hand it over with the check; place the money received from the buyer in the cash drawer of the cash register.
The buyer checks the correctness of the calculation on the spot, near the cash register.
In the event of a cashier's mistake in issuing change to the buyer, in the event of a dispute, the buyer has the right to demand that the administration withdraw the cash desk.

42. Cashiers and other employees who have the right to receive money from the buyer for the sold goods are obliged to accept worn banknotes from buyers, which are not allowed for further circulation.

43. It is forbidden to keep personal money and money not accounted through cash machine(except for money issued before starting work), as well as personal belongings of the cashier or other employees.

44. The non-food products selected by the buyer may be kept by the seller until they are paid for within a certain period of time, established by agreement of the parties. Such goods are supplied with an advertisement indicating the time of payment and the name of the buyer.
Goods paid for in a non-cash manner (by checks, checkbooks, etc.), selected for making a purchase on credit, are stored until they are paid and received within three working days. By agreement with the seller, this period may be extended.
After the expiration of the specified period, the goods are subject to sale.
Purchased bulky goods (furniture, Construction Materials, pianos, refrigerators, washing machines, etc.) the buyer has the right to leave for storage with the seller, but not more than for one day. In agreement with the seller, the storage period can be extended for a fee. If the buyer does not appear at deadlines for the paid goods, the seller has the right to terminate the contract unilaterally. Settlements with the buyer are made using the same form of payment as payment for the goods.
The goods left by the buyer for storage are accompanied by a copy of the sales receipt or receipt of storage, which indicates the shelf life, the goods are supplied with an announcement: "Sold". The seller during this period is responsible for the safety and quality of the goods.

45. The exchange and return of goods of good quality and the satisfaction of the buyer's requirements due to the acquisition of goods of inadequate quality are carried out in accordance with the legislation on the protection of consumer rights.

46. ​​It is prohibited to sell goods from warehouse, utility and service premises, as well as before the beginning and after the end of the established working hours of the seller.

47. Personnel are prohibited from storing personal belongings and goods that are not the property of the seller on the trading floor. Storage of goods that do not belong to the seller in his warehouse and utility rooms is carried out on the basis of an agreement.
Outerwear and personal belongings of personnel should be stored in a separate room in places designated for this purpose.

Features of the organization of production and service
consumers in the implementation of trade and production
activities (catering)

48. The seller carries out trade and production activities (public catering) in accordance with the menu or assortment list of products approved in accordance with the type, mark-up category of the trade facility. The menu, assortment list of products determine the number of items of dishes, products, their nature, providing freedom of choice of dishes or products within the established limits for a given type of enterprise. The menu indicates the name of the dish, product, weight, volume or other measure of serving, unit of product, price. The seller is obliged to ensure the availability of dishes, products listed in the menu, assortment list, throughout the working day or the period intended for their implementation (breakfast, lunch, dinner).

49. The seller manufactures products according to technological normative documents (collections of recipes for dishes and culinary products, flour, confectionery and bakery products, etc.), and also develops and produces new branded dishes and products based on them.

50. Products produced by a seller in public catering and retail trade may be released for subsequent sale to other sellers in accordance with concluded agreements.

51. In order to speed up customer service, pre-sale of subscription checks for meals, the release of completed rations, pre-laying of tables for lunches, breakfasts, dinners, the release of products through the tea, buffet, catering on credit, etc., are carried out.

52. Payment by consumers for sold products is made in the prescribed manner.

53. Musical services are organized by the seller on a contractual basis with concert organizations or by the seller himself, subject to a positive conclusion. local authorities culture about the creative state of the orchestra or ensemble. When organizing concert and variety performances, consumers may be charged with the issuance of an entrance ticket. The amount of the fee is set in agreement with the concert organization. The order of the orchestra or ensemble is placed in a place visible to consumers.

54. The seller does not have the right to establish a minimum order value and offer the consumer a mandatory range of products.
When servicing pre-orders issued in the prescribed manner (weddings, banquets, etc.), if the seller, for reasons beyond his control, cannot organize the service at the stipulated time, he is obliged to ensure that the celebration is held at another seller and inform about it customer no later than 7 days.

55. When dispensing a low-quality dish (product) or a dish (product) prepared in violation of the technology, the seller is obliged to replace or pay its cost to the consumer.

56. The seller must ensure that the consumer's belongings are stored in a wardrobe (if any, depending on the type and mark-up category of the retail facility). For the loss of consumer items from the wardrobe, the seller is responsible in accordance with the law.

Similar information.