Regulations on customer service standards. Encyclopedia of Marketing

Methodological guide for employees of the Krasnoe&Beloe stores.

Service standards

Product Information

Work in the 1C program

Chelyabinsk, 2014

  1. Name the lighthouse positions (beacons) of the goods.

At different times, due to the change in the trading matrix and the preferences of buyers, different products can be beacon positions. Lighthouse goods are such goods, the price of which the consumer remembers by heart and at the price of which he usually navigates a cheap or expensive store. An example of a lighthouse position is Martini, Baltika -3. Bread and milk are not considered lighthouse positions, because the state limits the markup on these products.

Name the bestsellers in your store. Are these positions different in other stores. What brands of products is our company interested in selling?

Bestsellers in your store, you can ask the manager. 1C has a special report that shows what is a bestseller in this store. First of all, the company is interested in selling goods that bring profit to it, and personally to you a salary. These are exclusive goods or goods for which we have direct contracts. As a rule, these goods are registered in the MVO matrix.

What customer service standards do you know (tell us in detail about each standard)?

Customer service standards.

Friendly and helpful staff

Efficiency and benevolence of response to the behavior and questions of the client

Completeness and promptness of answers to questions asked by the client

Saying goodbye to customers as they leave the store

Thanks for making a purchase

Observing and anticipating customer needs

Proper production behavior of sales personnel in a store, warehouse, office

1. Friendly and helpful staff

Helpfulness in relation to the client is the key to the professionalism of the seller. If you do not want to become a professional in your field, change your profession. Our hallmark is quality customer service. As an employee of Red and White, you must:

1.1. Greet each client when contacting him ; Standard greeting: "Good morning", "Good afternoon", "Good evening", "Hello".

The first phrase of the client's greeting should not contain the possibility of a negative response from the client.

Greet the customer first

Make eye contact when greeting

Speak in a warm, open tone that expresses gratitude to the client for their choice.

The standard formula for starting a conversation with a client after a greeting is: “How can I be of service to you?”.

"Thank you for visiting our store."

Be sure to inform the customer about ongoing promotions in the store . "Good afternoon. Today you can buy three bottles of champagne for the price of two.”

1.2. Use the client's name (when possible);

1.3. Never argue with a client and accept objections (acceptance does not mean agreement).

1.4. Comply with the seller's competency threshold. You cannot know the answers to all questions asked by customers and satisfy all their claims. In the event of unregulated situations, you should invite the administrator of the trading floor.

Standard response: “Please excuse me, your question (claim) is outside my competence. Now I will invite the store administrator to help you.”

1.5. Never make promises that you cannot keep. Remember that at work you act as a representative of the company, and not as an individual. If at the moment none of the store employees can give qualified advice to the client or answer his extraordinary question or the necessary goods are not in the store, invite the client to leave his coordinates, by which he will be contacted in the near future. For example, a client needs three boxes of expensive vodka for a banquet.

Be sure to indicate the range of time in which the client will receive information (day, three days, week, month)

Standard response: “Sorry, this product is currently out of stock. Most likely, the goods you need will go on sale at the end of the week. Let me write down your contact number. I will definitely call you back within the next ten days.”

If, however, the client does not want to leave his contact numbers, you must hand him the phone numbers of the store.

Standard answer: “Let me write down our phone numbers and the exact name of the product you need. We are waiting for your call."

Regardless of whether this product appeared on sale or not, be sure to call the client back and tell the result, whatever it may be.

Standard response: “Hello, you are concerned about (say your name) the Red and White store. Can I hear (say the name and patronymic of the client). The product you are interested in (name the product name) has arrived at the store. We have postponed for you (name the amount). We are waiting for you from (the start of the store) to (the end of the store). We work without lunch. Goodbye".

If the client was not there, and someone else answered the call. Be sure to introduce yourself and state the reason for the call. Ask what time is convenient to call back. It is undesirable to offer the client to call back himself.

If the required product was not delivered to the store. Try to find an alternative replacement for the product. “Hello, you are concerned about (say your name) the Red and White store. Can I hear (say the name and patronymic of the client). Unfortunately, the product you are interested in (name the product name) did not go on sale this week (will not arrive in the near future). We offer you a great alternative - this is the product "X". It perfectly suits your requirements (briefly tell the characteristics and indicate the price). Come and see. Waiting for you. We work without lunch, from (the beginning of the store) to (the end of the store). Goodbye".

Or at least inform the customer about the lack of goods. In any case, it is necessary to show attention to the client and show him personal care.

“Hello, you are concerned about (say your name) the Red and White store. Can I hear (say the name and patronymic of the client). Unfortunately, the product you are interested in (name the product name) did not go on sale this week. Most likely, this item will be in (indicate the approximate date of receipt). We will definitely inform you. Goodbye".

2. Efficiency and friendliness of response to the behavior of the client

You must be polite to the client, whether he is polite to you or not.

2.1. In the presence of a client on the trading floor, it is unacceptable:

Conduct conversations with other staff that do not relate to the problems of this client;

Turn on loud music;

Get distracted by cell phone calls.

If the sales staff is busy displaying merchandise, when a customer appears, it is necessary to maintain eye contact with the customer, and if necessary, take a break and attend to customer service. Customer service refers not only to the act of selling and presenting, but also to maintaining an atmosphere of friendliness for the customer.

WHEN THE CLIENTS ARE IN THE TRADING ROOM, it is necessary to ALWAYS be in the field of view of the client. You must maintain eye contact with the client and not be distracted by extraneous stimuli.

It is forbidden to address other personnel by abbreviating or distorting their names and surnames, as well as to be familiar.

You should always be ready to answer customer questions or introduce products.

2.2. If you need to refer to catalogs when answering customer questions, you should:

Kindly ask the customer to wait. Standard response: “I’ll look in the price list (catalog, stock balances) for a minute…”

If you do not know the answer to the questions asked by the client regarding the product - your actions:

Ask the customer to wait, invite the store administrator.

Standard response: “You asked a very interesting question, please wait, now I will invite a specialist who will give you a comprehensive answer”

2.3. If a client asks for an unregulated discount - your actions:

Tell about our current system of discounts and say that, unfortunately, the provision of discounts is strictly regulated.

3. Completeness and promptness of answers to questions asked by the client

The client should receive the information of interest immediately. If for some reason you cannot immediately provide the necessary information, show the goods, be sure to apologize and warn the client with a mandatory explanation of your actions. The standard response is "Sorry, now I will find the necessary information and give an answer to your question." "I'm sorry, I'll bring another item from the warehouse now."


You must give the client a full detailed answer to all questions regarding the product and services provided.

If you cannot provide the information required by the customer, apologize and invite the store administrator.

If you made a client wait, be sure to thank him for his patience.

Do not forget that being at the workplace, you are the face of the company.

The foregoing in paragraph 3 applies only to questions aimed at getting acquainted with the goods and services. For all questions aimed at clarifying commercial information, you must politely answer the following: “This is beyond my competence” or “Please ask this question to my management”

Examples of questions that should be answered this way.

- What is the store's revenue?

- What is the trade markup for certain goods?

How many products are sold per day?

To negatively posed questions such as

How many returns do you have for this product?

- Have you had customers dissatisfied with this product?

- Should answer: “During the work of my shift was not”

4. Farewell to the client

Whether the customer has made a purchase or not, you must say goodbye to the customer.

Standard treatment: "Goodbye. Glad to see you again" or "Goodbye, come visit us again"

On the eve of such holidays as "New Year", "Christmas", "International Women's Day" it is advisable to congratulate customers.

Standard treatment: "Goodbye. Happy New Year"

5. Thank you for your purchase

After the client has made a decision to purchase the product and paid for it, you give him the product and be sure to thank him for the purchase. Standard phrase "Thank you for your purchase, come visit us again"

If you need to go to the warehouse for the goods being sold, be sure to notify the client. It is necessary to explain to the client that the warehouse is located at some distance and you need time to bring the necessary goods. The client, not knowing where you went to the next building or to the next room, starts to get nervous, because he thinks that you are slow. In general, this negatively affects the image of the company. Standard treatment: "Please wait, I'm going to a distant warehouse and bring your goods"

It is unacceptable to lose interest in the client after making a purchase. You must be attentive before the client leaves the trading floor.

Follow the “1+” criterion - customer motivation to make an additional purchase (Wine + sweets + coffee + ...)

6. Observation and anticipation of customer needs

Always maintain eye contact with the client. It is unacceptable to stare at visitors, but you should not engage in extraneous matters when a client is on the trading floor. Maintain the necessary distance if the client moves away from you. It is unacceptable to impose on the client immediately upon entering the store. Give the client a chance to look around. If you see the client's interest in a certain product, stay nearby in order to present the products of interest to the client. Try to ask leading questions in order to first of all present to the client not all the goods of the store, but only those that interest him. If the client came to buy wine, present only wine to him.

7. Correct production behavior of employees

Use telephones, faxes and copiers located in the store for personal purposes.

Consume food and drinks throughout the store.

In conversations with clients, touch on the following topics: racial, national, religious, and everything related to third-party money.

Shares personal problems with clients.

Selectively focus on customers. It is impossible to judge the solvency of a client by his external

Noisy behavior in the hall, group discussion of issues not directly related to work.

7.1. If you need to leave your workplace for a short time, you must notify the Loss Prevention Department. It is forbidden to leave the workplace without notifying the PPO specialist. It is unacceptable to leave the workplace if one of the employees has already left, or if all employees are busy working with clients.

8.3. If you have any questions related to your professional activities, please contact the store administrator. Also, with all your complaints, questions and suggestions, you can contact the personnel department or write to the official website of the company.

8.4. You leave all the problems, troubles and mental trauma behind the threshold of the store. Only an unprofessional seller transfers his mood to customers and work colleagues. Learn to manage yourself.

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From this article you will learn:

  • Why are customer service standards implemented in the company?
  • What are the benefits of using customer service standards
  • How customer service standards are developed in the company
  • How to Effectively Implement Service Standards
  • What are the typical mistakes that occur when developing and implementing customer service standards

Almost every company has sales managers on its staff. And budding entrepreneurs often face the following situation: a manager quits, and his clients “leave” with him. As a rule, this causes serious financial damage to the company, as "their" clients appear with experienced, professional managers. However, even the loss of one or two customers is still unpleasant. As a rule, the loss of customers with the departure of the manager is simply explained - your employee built relationships with the customer on personal sympathy, and not on loyalty to the company as a whole. To avoid this, it is necessary to develop customer service standards for the company.

What are customer service standards

Customer service standards are an internal corporate set of rules that regulate the company's customer service activities, an algorithm for communicating with customers, and general standards for responding to unusual situations. The customer service standard is an integral part of the corporate standard of the company's work.
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Customer Service Standards Features

  1. Arrange. The client does not encounter problems, does not see them, which means that he is sure that all employees without exception are professionals who know their business.
  2. To control. It is difficult to evaluate and control the work of each manager if there are no clear evaluation criteria. At the same time, the implementation of the sales plan cannot be the only evaluation parameter; it is necessary to know whether the manager adheres to the standards of customer service adopted in this company.
  3. Adapt. Among other things, the existence of customer service standards simplifies the procedure

Customer service standards are effective if the client does not see the difference between the work of two (or more) managers, but sees only “branded” service, always the same, regardless of any external factors and circumstances. A customer service standard that has been proven in practice, supported by experience (perhaps even someone else's), created on the basis of analytical research and recognized methods, can be called "golden". It allows you to increase profits, improve the image of the company, attract new customers.

The use of standards is necessary in the following cases:

  • with increased competition;
  • with an increase in the number of complaints from customers about the work of the management service;
  • with an increase in the number of "problem" cases when working with customers or after customers make a purchase;
  • with an increase in the number of "lost" customers due to the fault of the sales department;
  • in the absence of a built-in and logical technology for working with clients;
  • in the absence of a system for evaluating the work of managers, as well as monitoring the quality of work with clients.

What is the purpose of implementing customer service standards in the company

A superficial glance allows you to see only the tip of the iceberg - convenience for the client. For example, a person who goes on a business trip to another city or country should know the main thing - wherever he is, the company will serve him equally well, the process will be familiar to him and will not cause any difficulties. All actions of both the client and the company are predictable. He knows how the company will behave with him, and the organization, in turn, is ready for any of his questions, requests and wishes. However, behind this is the main task of the company - increasing customer loyalty, and, as a result, improving economic performance.
The goals of implementing standards are as follows.

  • For employees with experience: minimize the number of erroneous and unnecessary actions. The result of this will be saving time for each employee (no errors - no need to waste time correcting them). And, as a result, improved performance.
  • For novice employees: customer service standards allow you to transfer the necessary knowledge in the most concise form and in the shortest possible time.
  • For the company: the abolition of dependence on the old-timers. Not all employees who have worked in the company for many years (or even since the day of its foundation) are able to resist the so-called star disease. Having knowledge and experience, a person loses the ability to objectively evaluate his work, it begins to seem to him that he is the best manager in the company. This can end very badly - in case of dismissal, such an employee will take the base, and turn customers against the company. Customer service standards are needed so that all employees can be evaluated on a single scale, based on the actual benefit they bring to the company, as well as the attitude of the employee to the company.
  • For the company: uniformity of control over the activities of managers. The standards are unambiguous, exclude double interpretations, and therefore cannot cause disputes about the rightness of an employee or employer.
  • For managers: the standards of unified customer service are the same for all managers, and this allows you to make the remuneration of each manager absolutely transparent and intelligible. Realizing that there will be no ambiguous interpretations, the manager may not be afraid that he will be paid less than expected - all his mistakes and achievements are immediately visible and understandable.

The application of service standards allows:

  • develop a company style in communicating with clients;
  • increase the effectiveness of the work of managers with new clients;
  • bring the quality of communication with customers to a higher level;
  • to create a positive opinion of the client about the company, so that he would recommend it to his friends, thus increasing the number of potential, and then real customers;
  • minimize conflicts between the manager and the customer;
  • develop a technology for training beginners;
  • transfer the assessment of the manager's work from subjective to objective, transparent and understandable to everyone;
  • establish a procedure for monitoring the work of personnel;
  • increase the motivation of managers to work.

As a result, all of the above will lead to an increase in the client base and the company's income.

Why it is beneficial to use customer service standards in a company

The manager in the company is always under double control - on the part of management and on the part of customers. Customer service standards give the employee confidence that his actions will be analyzed and evaluated objectively. However, the manager understands that there is a clear algorithm for evaluating his work, which means that excuses and the search for arguments in his favor are useless - if he really made a mistake, this will be identified and assessed accordingly. The “debriefing” will be just as fair for the rest of the employees - both the punishment and the reward will be fair. Thus, the manager strives to show the best results in order to receive an appropriate reward.

Benefits of using service standards

  • Accumulation of experience: the entire base is concentrated in the company, and not in the hands of “old-timer” managers. Thus, the departure of one or more "old" employees does not become a "natural disaster" for the company.
  • Motivation, analysis and control: customer service standards allow the development of a transparent scheme for motivating managers based on a clear, almost mathematical analysis of their work. The sales process is streamlined.
  • Setting goals. With the help of standards, the company is able to set clear, reasonable plans. This allows you to keep the atmosphere in the team friendly and stable, and the absence of "indistinct" tasks - to increase the loyalty of managers to the company.
  • Customer Service Standards is a fairly mobile system that allows you to immediately detect errors in working with customers and quickly eliminate them. In addition, at any stage of working with a client, the head of the sales department can intervene in the process, noticing an error in the work of the manager, and even act ahead of the curve - to prevent the error that the manager is making.
  • Quick and easy start for beginners. Customer service standards are actually a knowledge base, collected, analyzed and ordered. Such information is easily transmitted and assimilated by beginners, which means that the beginner quickly gets to work and begins to make a profit. In addition, a newcomer will not spoil the relationship with the client with awkward actions, as he already knows what to do in any conflict and problem situations.
  • Customer trust. Customer service standards allow the latter to feel confident in the company - wherever the customer is, he will always easily recognize "his" company by brand features and can be absolutely sure that in a small town he will be served with the same quality as in a million-plus city, because that everyone in the company knows their job well. So this company can be trusted.

What criteria should customer service standards meet?

  • concreteness. Since customer service quality standards are created to control the activities of a certain group of people, they should be simple and understandable to each member of this group, regardless of their age, work experience, education and other factors. There should be no vague, fuzzy, wording that allows for different interpretations. So, if a standard for the illumination of a room is created, it is not enough to write that it “should be light at any time of the day with the help of lighting devices”. This immediately gives rise to a number of questions and misunderstanding - what does “light” mean? What kind of lighting fixtures can be used at different times of the day? Is the use of all appliances in clear weather considered a violation, and if so, will the person in charge of the premises be punished? Therefore, when drawing up a lighting standard, it is always clearly indicated which lighting devices, at what time of day and in what weather, should work.
  • measurability. The customer service standard cannot contain such ratings as “quick”, “slow”, “prompt”, etc. For example, a manager should not answer an incoming call “quickly” - this is a loose concept. It would be correct to indicate that the manager must answer the incoming call within 7 seconds.
  • The reality of performance. Before introducing customer service standards, make sure you have the resources to enforce them. Make sure employees are provided with the necessary tools for the job. If at some point an employee discovers mutually exclusive or controversial concepts and definitions, immediately respond and correct the defect.
  • Transparency for employees. Since customer service standards are created to improve the efficiency of the company as a whole, it is necessary to bring this information to each manager. The easiest way to explain this is to newcomers, because when they join the organization, they immediately accept the “conditions of the game”. The most difficult thing is the introduction of standards for the "old-timers" - accustomed to working according to their own system, they often do not recognize any innovations. Explain how what is happening will affect customer loyalty, what problems may arise in case of non-compliance with the standard (not for the manager, but first of all for the client).
  • Relevance. Customer service standards should correlate with the objectives of the company as a whole, both today and in the future. Therefore, if necessary, they need to be quickly changed, supplemented, improved. But a balanced approach is needed - too frequent changes introduce an imbalance in the team, the staff may get the impression that "the authorities themselves do not know what they want."
  • Providing employees with autonomy within their powers. No matter how much you want, no standard can provide absolutely all the nuances of working with clients. Therefore, employees should have opportunities for creativity and personal contact with the customer. Provide for some variability - if the manager has been working with the client for a long time, he is able to make the right decision from the proposed ones in accordance with his needs and character.
  • Complexity. All activities of the company should be as standardized as possible. This applies to all departments, not just managers directly. For example, if a company is engaged in connecting the Internet, then in addition to the specialist offering the service, the dispatcher, performing technicians, etc. are involved in the execution and execution of the application. It is necessary to form service standards for all employees involved in the process.
  • Economic expediency. Compliance with standards should not be unprofitable for the company.
  • Recommended criterion: observance of a single structure of standards for all positions.

How is the development of customer service standards in the company

The process begins with the appointment of a working group and a direct project leader. The most competent are personnel officers and marketers, and the working group should also include employees of the sales department as the most “immersed” in the situation. The team must have a representative from among the "ordinary" managers - with his help, you can take into account all the nuances of the work of salespeople. Next, we act according to the plan.

  1. The project manager must be empowered to collect information, schedule group meetings.
  2. An action plan for developing customer service standards is drawn up and discussed with the group. Responsible for each area of ​​work and work schedule are appointed.
  3. There is a phased discussion of the work. All subtotals are recorded and analyzed.
  4. The final version of the project is drawn up, which is submitted for consideration to all employees of the company. At this stage, the management makes corrections and suggestions to the plan, and it is important to consider all wishes as tactfully and in the interests of all employees as possible. Often at this stage, a top manager makes a mistake, which can subsequently negate all efforts: what is called, “presses with authority”. It is better to act democratically - to bring proposals and additions to the attention of all members of the working group, give time for reflection and hold a secret ballot. The trust that the manager will provide at this stage will additionally stimulate employees and increase their loyalty to the company. In addition, managers will fulfill the standards, and their opinion should be listened to.
  5. After making all the additions and proposals, the finished customer service standard goes to the CEO (or other person exercising general management in the company). At this stage, the head can already make adjustments, and whether or not to accept them will be determined by a secret ballot, in which this time the heads of structural divisions will participate.

What are the steps involved in developing customer service standards?

Stage 1. We determine the indicator by which the company is ahead of its competitors. It will become a cornerstone in the development of customer service standards.
Three main benefits can be identified.

  1. Price-quality ratio"

We choose if the company sells a product with an optimal set of qualities at a minimum cost. Our consumer is a thrifty person who values ​​practicality above all else in a product or service. When developing service standards, special emphasis is placed on everything that helps to reduce the cost of goods (services). It is also important to emphasize the ease of maintenance, the speed of obtaining a product (service), its (her) durability or length in time.

  1. "Best in line"

We use it if the product (service) has one or more unique qualities, parameters, properties that are not represented by competitors. Our consumer prefers reliability, but prestige and the opportunity to show individuality are also important to him.
In this case, the customer service strategy is largely "tied" to the manager - he must thoroughly know the properties of "his" product, as well as analogues, in order to conduct a comparative analysis for the client. Also, the specialist must “know the client by sight” - who is the person who could need exactly your product? In addition, it is important that the manager does not overdo it in trying to sell the best, taking advantage of the fact that the buyer does not pay too much attention to the price.

  1. "Proximity to the consumer"

Assumes an individual approach to each client. Our customer appreciates attention, sincerity. He will pay tribute to the new products that the company will offer, anticipating his requests and needs, but will not overspend, trying to acquire the newest and most prestigious.
The main role in such a strategy is played by the seller of goods (services). He must be a psychologist, be able to maintain a conversation with the customer on any topic, unobtrusively collect information about him, necessary for the sale of goods.
Stage 2. Organizational structure, selection of positions.
Having decided on a competitive advantage, we select employees for whom customer service standards will be developed. Pay attention to the following.

  • First of all, it is necessary to define customer service standards for “technical” specialists, lower-level employees. These are those employees who repeat the same actions every day when working with clients (for example, “cold calls”). It is relatively easy to create customer service standards for such workers, as well as to implement a system of standards. As a rule, there is no or almost no creative component in the work of such employees and there is no decision-making function.
  • Creating standards of customer service for executives, starting with the head of the department, is almost impossible. It is only possible to create a common standard for the entire management, which will include the technical aspects of the work, the principles of maintaining and reporting.

Stage 3. After choosing the type of advantage, formulate a model of "ideal service".
If your company had a code of conduct, mission, and values ​​prior to introducing customer service standards, use that information.
There should be two models: the ideal organization as a whole and the ideal work of specific employees in their positions.
For the first model, we answer a number of questions:

  • What should be our company in the eyes of customers?
  • How should relations between employees of the company be built?
  • How should the relationship between management and executives be built?

Questions for the second model:

  • How should an employee of the company look in front of the client? (appearance and behavior pattern)
  • What is the relationship between the client and the individual employee, their nature.
  • What situations are possible in working with a client?
  • At what stage does a particular employee begin to communicate with the client (for example, at the beginning of negotiations or at the final stage).
  • Non-standard situations that arise when communicating with a client.
  • Terms of reference for the maintenance of the premises and tools for each position (office, office equipment).
  • A package of documents for each position.

When developing models, it is necessary not only to take into account the opinion of all involved employees of the company and its management, but also to involve customers in the process, especially for the formation of the first model. By the way, some companies also take into account the models of competitors, for which they specifically communicate with them under the guise of customers. Of course, an ordinary customer will not be allowed into the internal “kitchen”, but nevertheless, in this way it is possible to identify annoying or, conversely, details and innovations that are conducive to communication.
Stage 4. Establish common customer service standards for all employees.
At this stage, you need to create a certain subculture that is unique to your organization, but based on the principles of business etiquette, handling objections and claims, and corporate ethics.
Stage 5. Form unique customer service standards for each specific position involved in the process of working with a client.
At this stage, it is necessary to literally lay out the entire production process “on the shelves”. You can use the following division as a template.

  1. External customer service standards.

These are the standards that the client sees: the type, shape, color of the room, equipment, technology in which the work is being done, as well as the actual communication procedure.

  1. Internal customer service standards.

This group includes standards that the client does not see, although he can see the result of their implementation (for example, when it comes to cleaning premises for work - a store, office, bank branch). This group also includes document processing standards.

  1. Technological standards (regulations for the work of employees).

Step-by-step guide: how to effectively implement customer service standards

In order for the implementation of customer service standards to go smoothly, you need to do it at the stage of company formation. Then the staff will take this for granted. However, many enterprises and organizations were formed long before the introduction of customer service standards became the norm in Russia. In such companies, it is rarely possible to do without open and hidden resistance of employees to innovations that are being introduced by management. Let's talk about how to implement customer service standards as efficiently as possible and minimize employee resistance.

Step 1. Bring the standards to the staff

Remember: in order for corporate rules to work, it is necessary that all employees accept them, and not just “reconcile” under pressure from management. And for acceptance, understanding is necessary - it is important to bring to each employee, from the general director to the incoming technician, why it is necessary to comply with customer service standards. It may be necessary to resort to unpopular measures to influence those who are particularly recalcitrant. But it is important not to go too far, but to really understand what you are dealing with: is it a stubborn reluctance to leave the comfort zone and conservatism, or do employees really have reasons not to accept customer service standards in the form in which you offer them?

Step 2. We hold a meeting of employees

It is necessary to hold a general meeting of employees and clarify the prospects. Don't talk about what punishments threaten an employee who does not want to work according to the new rules. Tell us about the prospects of the company, about the positive consequences, explain that ignoring the changes will have a negative impact on the work of the enterprise as a whole, and therefore on each of its employees. Be sure to print out the standards for each employee who has to work on them, and record the results of the general meeting and distribute them to the employees for signature.

Step 3. Set the "transition period"

Do not try to introduce customer service standards, as they say, one day. In this case, shock therapy is not the best way out. Set a deadline for employees to learn the new rules, conduct several trainings. Do not immediately punish those who make mistakes - explain and correct. But the boundaries of the "transitional period" must be clearly defined and communicated to each employee.

Step 4. We check the assimilation of information by employees and

After the transition period, test employees on the new customer service standards. Do not rush to punish those who showed the worst result, give them a couple of days to prepare, and then conduct a “re-examination”. By this point, employees should have learned that they will have to work according to the new rules. Excuses “I didn’t understand”, “It needs to be done differently” are no longer accepted - clarifications could be received during the transition period, and proposals were accepted at the preparation stage and also during the transition period.

Step 5. We develop penalties

Be prepared for the fact that you will have to punish especially stubborn employees. In this case, neither their past merits nor other subjective reasons should stop you. Think over the system of punishments in advance - these can be fines, reprimands, deprivation of bonuses, bonuses, benefits, etc. You may even have to part ways with a few employees. And the parting will be unpleasant, given that in this case the team will most likely be on their side (“They came up with nonsense, and even fired a well-deserved employee because of it!”). But even the hottest heads tend to cool down if they see that you are serious.

Step 6. Require the implementation of standards

Demand service standards from all parts of your production chain. And equally seriously control all participants in the process. For example, if you require a manager to increase the number of home Internet sales, then you must be sure that the technical service that works directly at the connection point will cope with the increased volume of work. All requirements of customer service standards must be physically achievable.

Step 7. We control compliance with standards

At first, while the employees are not yet sufficiently accustomed to the new requirements, there may be breakdowns, attempts to "under the guise" to switch to the "old" scheme familiar to them. Control yourself, demand the same from the heads of departments, appoint responsible persons directly from among the performers so that they report to you on compliance with customer service standards. These are internal controls. Combine them with external control methods (for example, use the “mystery shopper” service).

Step 8. Standards Analysis

You do not need control for the sake of control, analyze the results and be sure to act on their basis - encourage, fine, conduct additional training. Perhaps it is advisable to change something in the customer service standards, or maybe you did not take into account something at the preparation stage and the standards need to be supplemented.

Standard "Serving guests with a reception and accommodation service"

  1. Greet guests cordially with a smile.
  2. It is necessary to talk with the guest only while standing.
  3. If you know the names of the guests, address them in such a way that they know that you remember their names.
  4. Know how to establish personal contact with each guest, accompany every appearance of the guest with a smile.
  5. Give all customers equal attention, as they are all equal.
  6. Let the guest know that he is noticed, even if you are very busy. You can't keep guests waiting. It should always be remembered that for us there is no more important person than a guest.
  7. Always offer help to guests and don't wait until they ask for it.
  8. Before moving on to serving the next guest, you need to ask the previous guest if they need anything else.
  9. All special wishes of regular guests must be taken into account and carried out automatically.
  10. We apologize for any inconvenience to the customer.
  11. Be attentive to the needs and wishes of the guest, make decisions based on their interests.
  12. When a guest makes a request: listen carefully; absorb all the information; if something is not clear, ask again; provide the necessary assistance.
  13. If a guest makes a request that obviously seems impossible, in no case should you refuse.
  14. Personally deal with the guest's request, try not to send him to another department or to another employee. If the guest's request is beyond your competence, invite a competent employee or accompany the guest to him.
  15. Any request of the guest must be fulfilled as quickly as possible, quickly and clearly report to the guest about its implementation.
  16. The requests of the guests are fulfilled in such a way that the guest is satisfied with the result.
  17. Provide guests with accurate and complete information. Employees are required to know the hotel, facilities, opening hours of services and general information about the hotel.
  18. Always have ready information: about car rental, taxi order; dry cleaning, laundry; excursions; conference hall services; shops, markets, shopping centers, etc.
  19. Professionally recommend various hotel services to guests.
  20. Saying goodbye to the guest, you should definitely smile at him, wish him all the best and thank him for the visit, this must be done sincerely. Each guest should have the impression that he is always welcome at the hotel and on his next visit he must definitely stay here, where his opinion and mood are valued.
  21. Always remember: the guest is always right, the guest must always be satisfied; the guest is the most important person in the hotel, whether he is present in person, in writing or by phone; the guest is a living person with his own prejudices and the right to make mistakes; the guest is an integral part of the business and not an outsider.
  22. It is strictly forbidden for hotel staff to: show the guest whether you like him or not; read morals to the guest; ask the guest about his personal life; listen to the conversations of the guests; discuss personal or work problems, political and religious issues with guests; swear with colleagues in the presence guests; show your disapproval to a drunk client.
  23. Always speak positively about the activities of the hotel. No negative comments, always emphasize the advantages of your hotel over competitors.
  24. Become a member of a single team - help, support and share experience with your colleagues.
  25. Maintain silence in the guest service area.

Standard "Telephone conversations".

  1. All outgoing calls must be answered no later than the third ring.
  2. Greeting: “Good afternoon (morning, evening)! Hotel "X". Kristina. How can I help you?".
  3. The answer to an incoming internal call should be: “Good afternoon (morning, evening)! Reception service (security service, business center, etc.). Kristina. How can I help you?"
  4. A hotel employee should always talk on the phone with a smile.
  5. The voice of the employee should be pleasant, speech - clear and intelligible.
  6. The hotel employee must have all the necessary information about the services provided and the equipment of the hotel.
  7. Listen carefully to the requests of the guest.
  8. A guest should never be rushed during a telephone conversation.
  9. Repeat the guest's request to avoid misunderstandings.
  10. The name of the guest should be mentioned at every opportunity (if the call came from a guest).
  11. The caller should not be put on hold without their consent.
  12. If a call requires forwarding, remember that you can only forward a call once, so make sure that the forwarding is correct. Before you transfer the call, be sure to notify the guest of your intention.
  13. Never ask a guest to call back.
  14. Save the guest from having to repeat what he has already said. Briefly state the essence of the question to the employee to whom the call is forwarded.
  15. Never transfer a call to another department or to a guest's extension until it is answered.
  16. If no one answers this extension number, the hotel employee should invite the guest to leave a message.
  17. If the subscriber insists on a new connection, the hotel employee must return to the line every 20 seconds.
  18. Do not leave a call on hold for more than two minutes.
  19. The standby music should be classical.
  20. Back on the line, thank the guest for waiting.
  21. A hotel employee should not connect a subscriber to a room without knowing his name.
  22. Express regret if a guest's wish or request cannot be met.
  23. When you need to take another call or have an urgent distraction, ask the guest if they can wait, wait for an answer.
  24. Do not use the words "no", "impossible" and derivatives from them.
  25. At the end of the conversation, the employee should thank the client for the call. Make it clear that all the promises you made will be kept.
  26. You can hang up the handset only after the interlocutor has already done it.

Guest complaints standard.

Upon receipt of a complaint from a guest, the receptionist should act as follows.

  1. Determine the level of authority required to review and resolve the issue.
  2. Once you are face to face with the guest and their complaint, take a break from your current work and focus all your attention on the guest.
  3. Listen carefully to the guest's claims, do not interrupt, give him the opportunity to speak.
  4. Listening to what the guest says, show him respect, make it clear that you share his feelings (put yourself in his place).
  5. Thank your guest for their trust. Explain why you appreciate the complaint. For example, you can say: “Thank you for pointing out the error to me” or “Thank you, thanks to your complaint, we will improve the work and will do everything to make you proud to become our client.”
  6. Be sure to apologize regardless of whether the mistake was made by you, someone from the staff or management. Do not try to explain who is to blame.
  7. Do not make excuses or accuse the guest of dishonesty until it is proven that he is lying.
  8. Show genuine interest and sincere concern for the situation.
  9. Never try to prove to the guest that he is wrong. Never argue, do not object to the guest and avoid manifestations of aggression.
  10. When dealing with dissatisfied guests, do not explain or refer to the established management procedures and general policies of the hotel.
  11. Never blame employees of other departments or specific individuals. Take personal responsibility for solving the problem.
  12. It is necessary to remove a guest who violently expresses his dissatisfaction from the guest area.
  13. Promise to take immediate action.
  14. Find a solution to the problem and agree on your solution with the guest.
  15. To begin with, offer the guest the most acceptable, from your point of view, solution to the problem, and then alternative ones. Give the guest the opportunity to choose the most suitable option.
  16. Suggest joint actions, for example, you can say: “What do you think we can do together for you?”
  17. Gather all the necessary information. Find out what the guest is expecting. Take notes and do not hide notes from him.
  18. Specify the time needed to resolve the issue.
  19. Do not take any action unless you are authorized to do so.
  20. Be sure to deliver what you promise and only promise what you can deliver.
  21. Try to solve the problem before the guest leaves the hotel.
  22. If you are unable to solve the problem yourself, contact the manager immediately and pass on the solution to the problem.
  23. If the guest wants to express his remarks or comments in writing, invite him to fill out a book of wishes and comments. Try to get the name and address (fax, telephone and office address) of the disgruntled guest. In this case, the management will be able to bring him a personal apology.
  24. Keep the guest updated on the current status of the issue.
  25. Make sure the guest is happy with the solution to the problem. Once again express your gratitude to him for his complaint: send a letter of gratitude (preferably on behalf of the head of the enterprise).
  26. When receiving a complaint from a guest, always leave information about this in the Shift Transfer Log, and also report all claims and complaints to the hotel duty officer.
  27. Analyze the complaint, establish all the reasons for the claims: why the guest was dissatisfied, what caused the error. Keep records and analyze all customer complaints to improve the quality of service.
  28. If you have received a complaint in writing, give a response to it within two days, do not delay the resolution of problems.
  29. Do everything to restore quality service.
  30. Guests who make complaints are assigned VIP status. Be sure to inform the guest about this.

Standard "Appearance of an employee of the reception and accommodation service"

General requirements for the appearance of an employee:

  1. A prerequisite for working in the reception and accommodation service of the hotel "X" is the wearing of uniforms.
  2. The uniform serves as the obligatory and only form of clothing during working hours.
  3. All employees are required to wear a name badge (badge) on the left side of their uniform during working hours.
  4. The uniform must always be in perfect condition, clean and ironed.
  5. The jacket should always be buttoned up, except when you are sitting.
  6. Wearing a uniform outside of working hours is strictly prohibited.

Requirements for the appearance of male administrators:

  1. The uniform set is a men's suit consisting of trousers, a jacket, a long-sleeved shirt and a tie.
  2. The shirt must be buttoned with all buttons, including the collar and cuffs.
  3. Pants should be well ironed and worn with a suitable belt.
  4. The tie should be tied into a neat, strong knot at the collar of the shirt.
  5. Socks should be dark colors (preferably black).
  6. Shoes should be exclusively classic style, black and closed.
  7. Hair must be clean, neatly trimmed and styled so that it maintains its proper appearance throughout the working day.
  8. Hair neither on the sides nor on the back of the head should touch the collar of the shirt.
  9. The face must be carefully shaved. Wearing a beard, mustache, sideburns is not allowed.
  10. Men are prohibited from using decorative cosmetics.
  11. Nails must be clean and neatly trimmed. Men are prohibited from using nail polish other than colorless.
  12. The fragrance of cologne should be light - persistent odors should be avoided.
  13. Of the jewelry, it is allowed to wear a watch of traditional design and a wedding ring. Wearing bracelets and earrings is prohibited.

Requirements for the appearance of female administrators:

  1. The women's uniform set consists of a skirt, blouse and jacket.
  2. Wearing a full set of uniforms is mandatory, except for the summer period (without a jacket).
  3. The blouse must be long-sleeved and fastened with all buttons, including the collar and cuffs.
  4. The length of the skirt should be no more than 5 cm from the knees.
  5. Regardless of the season, it is obligatory to wear during working hours tights or stockings of flesh or black color without a pattern and not denser than 20 denier.
  6. It is obligatory to wear only closed shoes with a heel no higher than 4 cm, classic style, black.
  7. Shoes should always be polished and repaired.
  8. Hair must be clean, neatly trimmed and combed. Women's hairstyle should be compact, wearing bulky hairpins in bright colors is prohibited.
  9. You can wear loose hair only if their length does not reach the blouse collar.
  10. Hair color should look natural.
  11. Makeup should be as natural as possible. It is forbidden to use dark and bright tones of shadows, lipsticks, blush.
  12. Nails must be clean, neatly trimmed and polished. It is allowed to use nail polish only in neutral tones.
  13. The fragrance of perfume should be light - persistent odors should be avoided.
  14. Unscented deodorant must be used daily by all employees.
  15. The wearing of jewelry during working hours should be limited. Of the jewelry, it is allowed to wear one thin chain around the neck, a wristwatch of traditional design, one simple and / or wedding ring, one set of simple, small earrings (without pendants). Ankle bracelets are not allowed.
  16. Tattoos and piercings are prohibited.

How to implement customer service quality standards in the store? - this problem is faced sooner or later by every owner of a retail business, who aims to ensure that the store sells "more", "better" and "with an individual approach to each client." In our article, we provide typical customer service standards on the trading floor that are suitable for implementation in the work of any retail store.

Customer Service Standards: Why Follow Them?

Each of us today is a buyer of something and each of us wants to be served "on the highest class", regardless of which company provides this service: in a cafe, restaurant, cinema, when buying a tour to hot countries or in a store "at home" format.

Today, people do not just buy goods, but try to make purchases only in those trade enterprises where they will be truly welcome, and they will know that they will be served efficiently and quickly. Any buyer wants to be pleased to communicate with the seller, to be satisfied with his purchase, to enjoy the process, and only then will he want to return to the trading enterprise again.

This can be achieved today only when store employees his face" comply with customer service standards. Without a doubt, service quality standards must be developed in every trade enterprise. This document allows you to solve several problems at once.

Firstly, the store's customer service standards help the work of new employees: they help to avoid stupid and serious mistakes in communicating with customers, they help to better understand and understand what is called the "corporate culture" of the company.

Secondly, customer service standards greatly simplify the work of sellers: they know the rules for working with customers, what is acceptable in dealing with them, and what is strictly prohibited.

Sellers do not need to once again "think" about how to sell goods more efficiently, how to communicate with customers all the information necessary for their work is already systematized and structured in customer service standards.

The CRM system for a store from allows you to assign tasks to responsible employees. sorted by importance. The service also provides for the possibility of commenting and discussing each individual task, which will simplify communication between employees.

Many entrepreneurs believe that the strict adherence of employees to the standards of customer service "eliminates" the individuality of sellers. In fact, it is not.

An employee of a trade enterprise simply works in accordance with the principles and rules adopted by the company, and they do not prevent him from showing all his abilities and the gift of persuasion within the framework of the accepted standards of customer service.

High-quality service in a store today can become its "chip", a distinctive feature, a competitive advantage that will help retain customers.

If an entrepreneur manages to bring the quality of service to a new high level in a store, he will immediately receive a number of advantages:

  • customers themselves will return to such a store, they will recommend it to friends, acquaintances, relatives;
  • the average check amount will steadily grow, and sales will not depend on seasonality;
  • each salesperson in the store will be motivated to sell more, generate more revenue, and receive more bonuses for excellent work.

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It must be said that customer service standards in each store will differ, often they can even be diametrically opposed, but, in general, they are usually standardized and include:

  1. General requirements of a trade enterprise;
  2. Requirements for the appearance of sellers;
  3. Requirements for the behavior of sellers on the trading floor;
  4. Requirements for customer service, principles of working with store visitors;
  5. Rules for working with buyers in conflict situations, non-standard situations;
  6. Requirements for compliance with sales stages;
  7. Requirements for knowledge of the assortment of goods in the store, types of products, ongoing promotions.

Let's take a closer look at some of the listed requirements within the framework of the developed standards for customer service at a retail enterprise.

Requirements for the work of employees in trade

As mentioned above, the general requirements for the work of employees in each trade enterprise will be different, but all sellers and consultants must comply with them without fail. For example, these are:

  • Each visitor to the store, regardless of gender, age, financial condition, must be served only at the highest level;
  • To each visitor and buyer of a trade enterprise, sellers must treat with the utmost respect and only on "You", regardless of the age of the visitor, his nationality, solvency;
  • In the trading floor of the store, the absence of sellers is not allowed;
  • Regardless of what the seller is doing, he must answer the buyer's question, as much as possible to satisfy his interest in the assortment of goods in the store;
  • The store clerk should always be extremely polite with customers, friendly, courteous, attentive and try to create the most pleasant impression about the trade enterprise for the buyer;
  • Any request and "whim" of the buyer must be fulfilled by all possible means in the shortest possible time, while the seller must always be considerate towards store visitors.

Requirements for the appearance of shop assistants

An important section of such a document as « Standards of customer service at a retail enterprise” are the requirements for the appearance of store sellers.

This is really important because they “meet”, including in the store, “by clothes”, which means that the impression the buyer will have of this trade enterprise depends on how the appearance of the employee will meet all the requirements.

  • Store employees must wear uniform, if any. The seller's clothes should always be clean and ironed;
  • The store employee must wear a badge with name, surname and position;
  • The hair of a store employee must be clean, beautifully styled., long hair should be tied up. It is allowed to use only wedding rings, watches, a chain, small earrings as jewelry;
  • The seller's hands and nails must be immaculately clean., it is allowed to have a manicure, but without long nails and the use of varnishes of bright colors; the seller's make-up should be moderate, bright colors in make-up are unacceptable;
  • The aroma of the seller's perfume should not be sharp and intrusive, also the store employee must monitor the freshness of breath;
  • The salesperson's shoes must always be kept clean and match the color of the employee's uniform., shoes should be closed, the heel should not be high.

Requirements for the behavior of sellers on the trading floor

In a document like « Customer Service Standard at a Retail Enterprise”, the requirements for the behavior of sellers on the trading floor should be described in detail. Often these requirements are not observed by store employees and it is absolutely impossible to allow such a state of affairs. this can negatively affect the image of the company.

  • In the trading floor to the seller prohibited use a mobile phone, including talking on the phone on personal matters;
  • In the trading floor to the seller prohibited turn your back on the customer;
  • Leave or "ignore" buyer questions addressed to the seller is prohibited. The buyer must always be assisted at his first request;
  • All store employees must greet each visitor politely trade enterprises, regardless of whether he just came to look around or intends to make a purchase, regardless of his age and social status;
  • prohibited: lean on equipment, talking among themselves on abstract personal topics in front of buyers, chew gum;
  • Store employees on the sales floor it is forbidden to allow oneself familiarity in communication with visitors;
  • Store employees on the sales floor don't talk too loudly, take food and drink, yawn;
  • Store employees are forbidden to speak negatively about the trade enterprise in which he works, about the assortment and quality of goods, to discuss internal problems of the company with customers.

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Requirements for customer service, principles of working with store visitors

This section of the store's customer experience standards describes how a salesperson or consultant should behave when dealing with customers. These rules must also be strictly followed. It must also be remembered that in dealing with customers, salespeople and consultants should not be too intrusive.

Most store visitors do not welcome the "increased" attention from the attendants and prefer to make their choice on their own without anyone's intrusive help and participation. This also needs to be remembered.

  • Every client needs unobtrusively offer help in the choice of goods, in case of refusal, allow the visitor to inspect the retail facility and the range of goods on their own;
  • When communicating with a client, the seller must try to determine his needs as much as possible and, based on this, to assist in the selection of goods;
  • The seller should not "put pressure" on the client, impose on him the purchase of goods, “sell” slow-moving goods, should give him time to choose and think and try to help him in his choice as much as possible, select only the best goods, give him alternative options for choosing, listen to his opinion and wishes;
  • Consultation must be provided only to those buyers who themselves ask for it or who will not mind it;
  • Seller Help or a consultant should be provided to everyone who asks for it: the seller must find the right product, answer questions about the assortment, availability of goods;
  • The seller must good knowledge of the range goods of the store and be able to give full detailed answers to any questions of buyers, regarding this, sellers and consultants must constantly improve and increase their knowledge about the goods;
  • If a customer asks about the availability of goods in a store, the seller should not just show their approximate location, but should escort a person to the location of the goods, walk with him in the right direction, get and show the required goods, give advice;
  • The seller must not complain in the presence of a client, make a displeased or bored expression. Remember the shop visitor this is a guest of a trade enterprise!

The rules of working with buyers in conflict and non-standard situations are really important for each seller or consultant of a trade enterprise.

In the CRM system for a store from Business.Ru, you can maintain a detailed database of customers with various notes to them. This will allow you to track conflicting buyers and target them to more competent employees.

In stressful situations, many employees get lost, start to either be silent, or say something unintelligible, or begin to “quarrel” with the buyer in response. This also cannot be allowed. Sellers must strictly follow the rules for working with buyers in conflict situations.

  1. Not a single complaint, problem, situation that has arisen with the buyer should be left without the attention of store employees;
  2. The seller is obliged to listen carefully to any complaint from the buyer, to treat each complaint as kindly as possible, regardless of the tone in which the client expresses his dissatisfaction;
  3. The seller should try to sort out the problem that the buyer has, on his own, but if this is not possible, you should contact the store manager or management for help;
  4. The seller must accept the goods if the buyer returns them, and try to find out what the reason for the return is;
  5. If the reason for the return can be eliminated, then the seller must replace the product with a product of a different size, or offer an identical item in return;
  6. In any conflict situation, the seller must behave with the buyer as correctly as possible, not allow himself to raise his voice, be irritable, and express his dissatisfaction aloud;
  7. The seller or store consultant should not: argue with the buyer, succumb to provocations, raise his voice; the seller or consultant must offer solutions to his problem, argue his proposal, then solve the problem as quickly as possible.

Compliance with sales stages

As you know, any sale telephone or in a retail store must be carried out according to a certain algorithm. When working with clients, each seller must follow the 7 stages of selling goods:

  1. greetings;
  2. establishing contact;
  3. identification of wishes and needs;
  4. presentation of goods, assistance in their selection;
  5. work with objections;
  6. sale of goods, settlement;
  7. farewell, subsequent service.

It is the observance of the stages of sales that will become the standard of "branded" customer service.

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The service will improve the efficiency of the store by reducing the loss of product balances, significantly speed up the process of revaluation, printing price tags / labels, strictly discipline the work of the cashier and limit his opportunities when working with discounts / sales at a free price.

  • When a buyer appears, the seller must show sincere joy and attention to him, say hello, be sure smile;
  • The first phrases when communicating with a client should not cause tension in the buyer, irritate him. The seller must try create the most pleasant atmosphere for the client, demonstrate your interest in his person;
  • The seller must try "establish" contact with the client, arrange him for a conversation, set him up in a friendly way, and skillfully asked questions will help the buyer “open up” and identify his needs for a particular product;
  • The seller must maximize the interest of the buyer in the product range shop, offer various options, at the same time listen to the preferences of the buyer, compliment his taste, help the client to choose the right product, size, look, do everything willingly and as sincerely as possible it always disposes each client;
  • In order to identify customer needs, the seller must ask open questions, listen carefully to what the buyer will say, try to get maximum information from him, clarify the details, all the data collected will help the consultant sell the maximum number of goods and increase the average purchase receipt;
  • Based on information about the needs of the client, the seller makes a presentation of certain products. It is necessary to show the goods, giving them into the hands of the client, it is also necessary to tell about the main advantages of the goods, the buyer must be able to independently inspect the goods, try them on;
  • Completing the sale, serving the client at the checkout, the seller must be sure to thank him for the purchase, offer to visit the store again, as well as talk about planned promotions, the existing bonus system, etc.

Implementation of customer service quality standards in the store this is one of the effective methods to improve the work of store employees. When each of the employees knows exactly what rules must be observed in communicating with customers, and what mistakes should not be made, then the quality of service will increase accordingly.

All entrepreneurs who have implemented customer service quality standards in the work of their employees note a positive sales trend, and sellers the simple fact that it has become much easier for them to work with clients.

Read articles about working with staff and clients:

  1. How to write scripts for sales managers that will give results