The payback period of equity shows. Business break-even point

The ratio of the average value of the company's equity capital to the value of the net profit of the analyzed period.

Payback period of equity is calculated in the FinEcAnalysis program in the Analysis of the financial condition in dynamics block as the Payback period of equity.

Payback period of equity - what shows

Payback period of equity shows the number of years during which investments in this organization will fully pay off.

Payback period of equity - formula

The general formula for calculating the coefficient:

Calculation formula according to the balance sheet data:

K desc = 0.5 * (p.490 ng + p.490 kg)

where p. 190, p. 490 ng - at the beginning of the year, p. 490 kg - at the end of the year of the income statement (form No. 2).

Payback period of equity - value

Payback period of equity is important for the owners and shareholders of the company, because through an assessment of its size and dynamics, they, as a rule, draw conclusions about the effectiveness of their capital management. The faster investments in the company reach payback, the faster they begin to make a profit.

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Profitability indicators are formed as follows:

where R&I - the profitability of certain economic assets and their sources P - profit (net or balance sheet)

Overall profitability

This indicator is the most common in determining the profitability of an enterprise and is calculated as the ratio of profit before tax to the proceeds from the sale of goods, works and services produced by the enterprise.

The indicator shows what part of the proceeds from sales is profit before tax, is analyzed in dynamics and compared with the industry average values ​​of this indicator.

where Pdn - profit before tax Vreal - sales proceeds

Profitability current assets

It is defined as the ratio of net profit (profit after tax) to the company's current assets. This indicator reflects the ability of the enterprise to ensure a sufficient amount of profit in relation to the working capital used by the company. The higher the value of this ratio, the more efficiently working capital is used.

where NP - net profit OA - the average annual cost of current assets

Profitability production assets

It is defined as the ratio of balance sheet profit to the average value of the sum of the cost of fixed production assets, intangible assets and working capital in commodity and material values.

The level of profitability of production assets is the higher, the higher the profitability of products (the higher the return on assets of fixed assets and the rate of turnover of working capital, the lower the costs per 1 ruble of production and unit costs for economic elements (labor tools, labor materials)).

where P - profit before tax PF - average annual cost of production assets

Return on assets of the enterprise

It is defined as the ratio of net profit to all assets of the enterprise

where PE - WB net profit - balance sheet currency

Profitability financial investments

It is defined as the ratio of the amount of income from financial investments to the amount of financial investments.

where Pfv is the profit of the enterprise from financial investments for the period EF is the amount of financial investments

Profitability of production

Profitability of production is defined as the ratio of gross profit to the cost of production.

where VP - gross profit CC - production cost

Payback period of equity

Payback period of equity. It is found by dividing the average annual value of equity capital by the net profit of the analyzed period. It has importance for owners and shareholders, because through an assessment of its size and dynamics, they, as a rule, draw conclusions about the effectiveness of their capital management.

The payback period of equity is calculated using the following formula:

where SC - average cost of equity NP - net profit

Payback period

The payback period of capital T is the ratio of capital Ksob to the sum of net profit and depreciation.

We determine by formula (65) the payback period of capital T, years:

T \u003d Ksob / (Pch + Ram), (65)

This parameter shows how many years the funds invested in this enterprise Ksob will pay off under unchanged conditions of production and financial activity.

T \u003d 1,339,218.00 / 1,326,687.16 \u003d 1.009 years \u003d 1 year 1 month

Business break-even point

The concept of a break-even business can be expressed as a simple question:

How many units of production must be sold to recover the costs incurred for this.

Accordingly, product prices are set in such a way as to recover all semi-variable costs and receive a mark-up sufficient to cover semi-fixed costs and make a profit.

As soon as the number of units of production Qkr is sold, sufficient to reimburse conditionally fixed and conditionally variable costs (full cost), each unit of production sold in excess of this will make a profit, and the increase in the amount of this profit depends on the ratio of conditionally fixed and conditionally -variable costs in the structure of the full cost.

Thus, as soon as the volume of units sold reaches the minimum value sufficient to cover the full cost, the enterprise begins to make a profit that grows faster than this volume. A similar effect is observed in the case of a reduction in the volume of economic activity, i.e., the rate of decrease in profits and increase in losses outpaces the rate of decrease in sales. The definition of the break-even point of housekeeping is shown in the figure:

The break-even point is calculated separately for each type (A, B, C) of manufactured products.

To determine the break-even point, the costs associated with the production and sale of each type of product must be divided into conditionally fixed and conditionally variable.

Based on the data on production costs calculated earlier according to the methodology, it is assumed that the conditional variables Ruper, rub., are the costs:, Rzori, Rzdi, Rsni.

The conditionally fixed Rupos, rubles, expenses for the entire volume should include: Rami,, Rari, Reki, Rts.nki, as well as a part of the overhead costs Rnki of the full cost of the Spi product, related to general factory and commercial expenses, which can be calculated from the expression Рнкi = (Спi - Сцi). Fixed costs Rupos are calculated on the volume of output of each type of product.

We determine by formula (66) conditionally variable Ruper costs:

Ruper \u003d + Rzori + Rzdi + Rsni, (66)

Ruper A \u003d 280.51 + 168.96 + 20.28 + 49.20 \u003d 518.95 rubles,

Ruper B \u003d 228.81 + 41.64 + 5.00 + 12.12 \u003d 287.57 rubles,

Ruper C \u003d 104.24 + 28.16 + 3.38 + 8.20 \u003d 143.98 rubles.

We determine by formula (67) the overhead costs Rnki:

Rnki \u003d Spi - Sci, (67)

Rnk.A = 950.96 - 565.20 = 385.76 rubles,

RNA.B = 393.25 - 305.08 = 88.17 rubles,

Rnk.S = 257.55 - 150.87 = 106.68 rubles.

We determine by the formula (68) conditionally constant Rupos costs:

Rupos \u003d Rami + + Reki + Rts.nki + Rnki, (68)

Rupos A \u003d 42.12 + 3.11 + 1.00 + 0.02 + 385.76 \u003d 432.01 rubles,

Rupos B \u003d 16.50 + 0.75 + 0.24 + 0.01 + 88.17 \u003d 105.67 rubles,

Rupos C \u003d 6.18 + 0.53 + 0.17 + 0.01 + 106.68 \u003d 113.57 rubles.

In this case, the break-even point for the product according to the formula (69):

Qkr A \u003d 432.01 * 2400 / (2150 - 518.95) \u003d 636 pieces / year,

Qcr B \u003d 105.67 * 3500 / (490-287.57) \u003d 1827 pieces / year,

Qcr C \u003d 113.57 * 4500 / (590 - 143.98) \u003d 1146 pieces / year

We enter all data on the economic analysis of the enterprise's activities in table 9.

Table 9 - Results economic analysis enterprise activities



unit of measurement


return on capital

Working capital turnover ratio

Product profitability A

Product profitability B

Profitability of products С

Return on assets

Return on equity

Payback period

1.009 (1 year 1 month)

Break-even point for product A

Break-even point for product B

Break-even point for product C

Profitability of core business

Profitability of sales

Return on equity

Return on advanced capital.

Repayment ratio of receivables

The duration of the financial cycle

Operating cycle duration

3.2.4. Profitability analysis

The main indicators of this group are indicators of return on advanced capital and return on equity. The economic content of these indicators is to calculate how many rubles of profit fall on 1 ruble. advanced (own) capital.

You can use either total profit reporting period, or net.

Indicators do not have standards.

3.2.5. Indicators of the situation in the securities market

This analysis is performed in companies listed on stock exchanges and listing their shares there. securities. To financial reporting needed Additional Information for analysis.

The given indicators are conditional, since the terminology for securities in the Russian Federation has not yet been fully developed.

Earnings per share. This is the ratio of net income (NP), reduced by the amount of dividends on preferred shares, to the total number of ordinary shares. It is this indicator that largely affects the market price of shares. The disadvantage in the analytical plan is the spatial incompatibility due to the unequal market value shares of various companies. Calculation:

data accounting.

Share value. It is calculated as the quotient of dividing the market price of a share by earnings per share. The indicator shows how much investors are willing to pay at the moment for 1 ruble. earnings per share. The relatively high growth of this indicator in dynamics indicates that investors expect faster growth in the profits of this firm compared to others. Calculation:

Share dividend yield. The ratio of a dividend per share to its market price. This indicator characterizes the percentage of capital invested in the company's shares. This is a direct effect.

There is also an indirect effect (profit or loss) expressed in measuring the market price of the shares of a given firm. Calculation:

accounting and securities market data.

Dividend yield. Calculated by dividing dividend per share by earnings per share.

The interpretation of the indicator is the share of net profit (NP) paid to shareholders in the form of dividends. This indicator is associated with the profit reinvestment coefficient, which characterizes its share aimed at the development of production. The sum of the values ​​​​of this indicator and the profit reinvestment coefficient is 1. Calculation:

accounting data.

Share Quote Ratio. The ratio of a stock's market price to its book price. The accounting price characterizes the share of equity per share. The discount price consists of the nominal value of the share, the share of share premium (the accumulated difference between the market price of the shares at the time of sale and their nominal value) and the share of profit accumulated and invested in the development of the company. A coefficient value greater than 1 means that potential shareholders, when purchasing a share, are ready to give a price for it that exceeds the accounting estimate real capital per share at the moment. Calculation.

most often measured in years. Also, the indicator can be displayed in days, weeks, months, quarters, etc.

Explanation of the essence of the indicator

The payback period of equity is the most important coefficient for owners. The value of the indicator reflects the period during which their capital will pay off. This means that the use of equity capital will generate net income, which is equal to its current amount. The indicator is calculated as the ratio of the average annual amount of equity capital to the amount of net profit for the year.

Standard value:

The normative value depends entirely on the considerations of the owners about the efficiency of the use of their capital. If the company is commercial organization and the owners created it to generate profit, then you can determine the quality of the use of equity capital by comparing the current payback with the payback for alternative areas of investment. The easiest way is to compare the return on equity in the studied business entity and the return on investment in various financial instruments(deposit, diversified stock portfolio, etc.). If the return on equity is significantly lower than the values ​​for alternative directions, then it is unsatisfactory.

Of course, a negative value of the indicator is unacceptable and indicates a decrease in the welfare of the owners.

When analyzing, it is necessary to consider the indicator in dynamics, because a stable decrease in payback will indicate constant increase the efficiency of the company.

Directions for solving the problem of finding an indicator outside the normative limits

As in the case with other indicators of profitability, payback is formed under the influence of absolutely all areas of the company. Based on the calculation formula, you can reduce the payback by increasing the efficiency of using financial resources, which will allow to return part of the equity capital to the owners, or by ensuring the growth of net profit. To increase the latter, it is necessary to take measures to maximize income or reduce costs.

Calculation formula:

Payback period of equity = Average annual cost Equity / Net income (loss) (1)

Payback period of equity = 100 / Return on equity (2)

Average annual cost of equity = Amount of equity at the beginning of the year/2 + Amount of equity at the end of the year/2 (3)

Calculation example:

JSC "Web-Innovation-plus"

Unit of measurement: thousand rubles

Payback period of equity (2016) \u003d (1503 / 2 + 1494 / 2) / 491 \u003d 3.05 g.

Payback period of equity (2015) \u003d (1494 / 2 + 1403 / 2) / 473 \u003d 3.06 g.

Thus, the efficiency of JSC "Web-Innovation-plus" is high, and the return on equity is about 3.05 years. This is significantly higher than the payback of alternative instruments. The return on investment in securities is now low. Therefore, we believe that equity management is at the proper level.