The concept of "system". Organizational and BTS

By the way

On June 23, Alexander Lukashenko instructed the Government of Belarus and the Presidential Administration to work out all problematic issues by the end of the third quarter of 2009. technical questions supply and refining of oil in Belarus, as well as to determine the list of oil suppliers to our country. The main oil flow to Belarus comes from Russia. 21.5 million tons of oil is enough for a full load production capacity Belarusian refineries. However, as the press service of the president reports, "at present, some Russian companies - oil suppliers do not choose previously agreed quotas for the supply of this raw material to Belarusian refineries. As a result, this hits the state's revenues." It is worth noting that the meeting with the president on June 23 was attended by representatives Russian companies LUKOIL, Gazpromneft, Transneft, TNK-BP are the largest oil suppliers to Belarus. It is also known that the meeting discussed the method of calculating subsidies to suppliers of tolling oil from Russia. As stated in the official communiqué, "the state is ready to provide more favorable working conditions in Belarus to those suppliers who ensure stable supplies of oil to Belarusian refineries." In addition, the head of state drew attention to the need to look for more efficient options for supplying oil to the country and selling oil products..

On June 10, Russia announced the launch of the Baltic Pipeline System-2 project, which is essentially an alternative to the Belarusian Druzhba oil pipeline. Given that the eastern neighbors are actively lobbying for the construction of the Nord Stream gas pipeline, which can be a significant competitor to the "Belarusian" branch "Yamal-Europe", the concern of official Minsk in the search for alternative sources of hydrocarbons becomes obvious.

The first stage of the BTS was put into operation in 2001 and is intended for pumping oil from the Timan-Pechora and West Siberian oil and gas provinces, as well as from Kazakhstan. To date, the capacity of BPS-1 is about 76 million tons of oil.

Recall that the BPS-2 construction project arose during the oil conflict between Russia and Belarus in early January 2007. Thus, for several days Russia did not supply oil to Europe via the Druzhba oil pipeline due to Belarus' refusal to let transit flows pass without the Russian side paying a duty for the transit of raw materials through Belarusian territory. After the signing of the relevant Russian-Belarusian intergovernmental agreement, deliveries resumed in full. However, as they say, the sediment remained.

However, more than 2 years have passed from the very idea of ​​​​BTS-2 to implementation. The fact is that the BPS-2 is primarily a political project, since the economic feasibility is seen as rather vague. "Against the backdrop of falling exports and excess pipeline capacity, laying new routes seems economically unjustified and motivated solely by political considerations," says a partner and analyst at the RusEnergy consulting agency. Mikhail Krutikhin. According to analysts at FC Otkritie, "the total investment in the construction of BPS-2 may reach $3.8-4 billion. Since this project may lead to an increase in borrowed money, then the inflated investment program of Transneft can lead to a negative value cash flows; This threat may materialize before 2012."

However, on June 10, the Russian oil company Transneft began construction of the second stage of the Baltic pipeline system. BPS-2 will run from Unecha in the Bryansk region to Ust-Luga in the Leningrad region with an additional branch to the Kirishi refinery. It is assumed that up to 50 million tons of oil will be pumped through the BPS-2 annually. The total length of the pipeline will be about 1,200 kilometers. Completion of construction, which will be carried out in two phases, is scheduled for mid-2012.

However, BTS-2 has a number of significant drawbacks..

Firstly, Transneft may have problems with financing the construction of BPS-2. After all, we should not forget that Russia is actively trying to build another oil pipeline "Eastern Siberia - the Pacific Ocean", and it is rather difficult to attract credit resources in a crisis.

In addition, the question of what kind of oil will fill the pipeline with a capacity of 50 million tons remains open. In an interview with Kommersant, the head of the Ministry of Industry and Energy Viktor Khristenko said that no volumes for BPS-2 would be taken from Druzhba, so as not to pose a threat to the activities of European plants. For his part, Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin pointed out that the volumes of BPS-2 will be filled by increasing production by Russian oil companies. But Konstantin Cherepanov from KIT Finance believes that with stagnant production in Russia and an increase in the share of oil going for processing inside Russia, part of the volumes from Druzhba will inevitably have to be taken away. To a large extent, the Russian authorities rely on Kazakhstan to complete the BPS-2. However, Kazakhstan is unlikely to be able to provide more than 10-15 million tons, says Mikhail Krutikhin.

The construction of BPS-2 is fraught with tangible economic losses for Belarus.

With the commissioning of the new pipeline, Minsk is deprived of revenues from the transit of Russian oil in the direction of Poland and Germany. According to analyst Mikhail Krutikhin, the damage could amount to about $600-700 million a year. Losses can be expected if the Russian oil companies stop refining oil at Belarusian refineries. The fact is that Russia is going to build an oil refinery at the end point of BPS-2, which can replace the Belarusian Naftan.

Now the revenue part of the Belarusian budget is estimated at $6 billion.

However, experts say, when conceiving the BPS-2 project, Russia counted on an increase in oil production and, accordingly, the volume of its transit. However, there should be an "iron guarantee" from transit countries. In an interview with BelaPAN, an economic observer Tatiana Manyonok reminded that at the end of 2008 Belarus and Russia at the level of Deputy Prime Ministers Vladimir Semashko and Igor Sechin agreed to establish a joint oil holding. And Russian Ambassador Alexander Surikov made it clear that if this decision is successfully implemented, then the Russian side may push back the BPS-2 project. Analyst Mikhail Krutikhin, in an interview with TUT.BY, did not rule out the possibility that the BPS-2 could be used to a minimum. "Putin can allocate only 12-15 million tons to his friends in Ust-Luga and not use the existing capacity of 50 million tons. And give the rest to Minsk. But this can only happen if Belarus and Russia agree on some important political issues," he said.

At the same time, Belarus is considering the possibility of alternative use of its oil pipelines.

Although, according to experts, so far there is no economic feasibility of supplying oil alternative to Russia. In particular, the option of supplying oil through the Novopolotsk pipe "Druzhba" to JSC "Naftan" through the Lithuanian port of Butinge is being considered. It should be reminded that until 2003 Russian oil was transited through the system of Belarusian oil pipelines in the direction of Ventspils (Latvia), until 2006 - to the Mazeikiai refinery and the port of Butinge. The current project with the filling of the Novopolotsk pipe is being considered within the framework of the EU program "Eastern Partnership". However, it is not yet clear what kind of oil Belarus plans to import to the Baltic port. Is it really from Venezuela and Iran, where Belarusians are already developing local oil wells?

As for the Gomel part of Druzhba, it can be connected to the Odessa-Brody oil pipeline, which was built by Ukraine to ensure the supply of Caspian oil to Europe bypassing Russia, and lay a pipe section in the direction of the Baltics. However, one nuance is that it will be necessary to negotiate with the Caspian states. But, according to Mikhail Krutikhin, "they have no great desire to redirect oil in this direction. In addition, there is such a factor as the quality of oil. Refineries in Poland and Germany use Russian Urals oil for processing." It is probably already obvious why the meetings of the leaders of Ukraine and Belarus began to take place with a rather high frequency, although until recently our relations at the highest political level were practically frozen. In addition, energy issues are being discussed with both Azerbaijan and Turkmenistan.

nord stream

However, in addition to BPS-2, there is another energy project, the implementation of which greatly unnerves the leadership of Belarus. Talking about pipeline nord stream("Nord Stream"), which will connect Russia with the European Union through the Baltic Sea. Obviously, this project is also an alternative to Belarus, since it bypasses the country. Nord Stream is a joint project of four largest companies: OAO Gazprom, Wintershall Holding AG, E.ON Ruhrgas AG and N.V. Nederlandse Gasunie. In less diplomatic terms, this is a project former president Russia Vladimir Putin and former German Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder. It is planned that Nord Stream will deliver up to 55 billion cubic meters of gas per year.

The President of Belarus in January 2007 called the construction of Nord Stream"the most stupid project in Russia". "It is not known what can happen to this gas pipeline, which lies on a pile of ammunition," A. Lukashenko said. Commenting on the speech of the President of Belarus, a source in the Kremlin told RIA Novosti: "These words are another good confirmation of the need to build such pipeline".

Unlike oil, Belarus has practically no alternative gas supplies. Therefore, the official Minsk stubbornly offers Moscow to build a second branch of the existing gas pipeline "Yamal - Europe". The head of Beltransgaz, Vladimir Mayorov, recently stated in an interview corporate magazine Gazprom that economic efficiency of the Yamal-Europe-2 project is beyond doubt and meets the interests of all interested parties. The second line will require less investment, since the possibility of its construction was laid down during the construction of the first pipe. Hence, respectively, the reduction of the construction time and the payback period for the Yamal-Europe-2 project follows.

According to the intentions of the Belarusian side, the project consists of two stages. The first is the construction of a pipeline from Nesvizh to the Polish-German border. It would cost $2.5 billion (5 times less than North Stream) and would allow an additional 23.5 billion cubic meters to be pumped to Europe. meters of gas. At the second stage - with the extension of the pipeline from Nesvizh to Torzhok - the capacity would increase to 33 billion cubic meters. meters. And, accordingly, through two pipes, the volume of transit would increase to 66 billion cubic meters. meters of gas per year. Russia still insists that it is developing the supply of hydrocarbon raw materials along routes that are not connected with traditional transit countries.

However, the other day, Russian Ambassador to Belarus Alexander Surikov called not to worry about the commissioning of the first stage of the Nord Stream gas pipeline. They say that the volume of Russian gas transit through the territory of Belarus will not decrease because of the Nord Stream. "As it was 30 billion cubic meters through the Yamal-Europe gas pipeline, it will be so, as it was 14 billion cubic meters through the Beltransgaz system, it will be so. However, as we see, the capacities allow us to increase the potential for cooperation. Together we need to join forces and add 16 billion cubic meters of transit, thus receiving a profit from the joint venture, and replenish the budgets of the two countries through taxes," the ambassador said.

In fairness, it should be noted that the uncertainty from the implementation of the Nord Stream project is of less concern to Belarus so far. The fact is that a number of Scandinavian and Baltic countries oppose the Nord Stream project, which see the NS as the cause of an environmental catastrophe. Therefore, various environmental assessments are now being carried out in this regard. Analyst of the consulting agency RusEnergy Mikhail Krutikhin in an interview with TUT.BY confirmed the existing disagreements between the countries. “I recently spoke with Swedish and Polish diplomats and realized that the resistance from their countries is very great. It will be very difficult to overcome it. However, I cannot say that Nord Stream will not be built. Never say never. I already once pierced when he claimed that Ceyhan (the Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan oil pipeline is a pipeline for transporting Caspian oil to the Turkish port of Ceyhan, located on the Mediterranean coast. - Red.) will not

Hello ARMY's Amino! This is my first post here, so I really don't know what I should write. It took me a long time, I hope you enjoy it. :smiley: :rainbow: Editing is completely mine. :star2:

:sun_with_face: Jung Hoseok-sun.

The Sun is the star at the center of our solar system, which is responsible for the climate and weather on Earth.

:rainbow: Symbolizes:

:sun_with_face: A new beginning

:sun_with_face: Living force

:sun_with_face: Life

:sun_with_face: Illumination


:sunny: Kim Namjoon-Mercury.

Mercury is the closest planet to the Sun, which due to the distance is not easy to see, only if at dusk.

:rainbow: Symbolizes:

:sunny: Intelligence

:sunny: sociability

:sunny: Awareness

:sunny: Possibility


:star2: Kim Seokjin-Venus.

Venus is the second planet from the Sun and the second brightest object in the night sky after the Moon. Venus is also the hottest planet in our solar system.

:rainbow: Symbolizes:

:star2: love

:star2: Beauty

:star2: Art

:star2: Harmony


:fire: Jean Jungkook-Mars.

Mars is the fourth planet from the Sun and the second smallest planet in the solar system.

:rainbow: Symbolizes:

:fire: Action

:fire: Desire

:fire: Passion

:fire: Energy


:star: Park Jimin-Saturn.

Saturn is the sixth planet from the Sun and the most distant planet that can be seen with the naked eye. Saturn is the second Giant planet and is known for its stunning ring system.

:rainbow: Symbolizes:

:star: Honor

:star: Growing up

:star: Mind

:star: Discipline


:snowflake: Kim Taehyung -Uranus.

Uranus is the seventh planet from the Sun. Although visible to the naked eye, it cannot be recognized as a planet due to the slow rotation of its orbits. Uranus is also the coldest planet in our solar system.

:rainbow: Symbolizes:

:snowflake: Originality

:snowflake: surprise

:snowflake: Eccentricity

:snowflake: Variability


:cyclone: ​​Min Yoongi-Neptune

Neptune is the eighth planet from the Sun, it is at a great distance in the solar system. Neptune is also the slowest planet.

:rainbow: Symbolizes:

:cyclone: ​​- Reverie

:cyclone: ​​- Hidden side of life

:cyclone: ​​- Magic

:cyclone: ​​- Intuition.

The company with the full name "LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY "BTS-SYSTEM"" was registered on September 12, 2012 in the Moscow region at the legal address: 107150, Moscow, Boytsovaya street, 17, building 1, room 2.

The registrar "" assigned the company TIN 7718901477 OGRN 1127746728658. Registration number in the FIU: 087408014381. Registration number in the FSS: 773804429777381.

Primary activity according to OKVED: 95.12. Additional activities according to OKVED: 16.23; 16.23.1; 26.40.5; 41.20; 43.21; 43.22; 43.31; 43.32; 43.32.3; 43.33; 43.34; 43.39; 43.91; 43.99; 43.99.2; 46.43; 46.51; 46.52; 46.73; 47.41; 47.42; 47.43; 47.52; 47.54; 47.59.9; 47.63.1; 47.63.2; 71.11; 71.12; 71.12.6; 95.21.


OGRN 1127746728658
TIN 7718901477
checkpoint 771801001
Organizational and legal form (OPF) Limited liability companies
Full name of the legal entity LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY "BTS-SYSTEM"
Abbreviated name of the legal entity LLC "BTS-SYSTEM"
Region Moscow city
Legal address
Name Interdistrict Inspectorate of the Federal Tax Service No. 46 for Moscow, No. 7746
The address 125373, Moscow, Pokhodny proezd, household 3, building 2
Date of registration 12.09.2012
Date of assignment of OGRN 12.09.2012
Accounting in the Federal Tax Service
Registration date 12.09.2012
Tax authority Inspectorate of the Federal Tax Service No. 18 for Moscow, No. 7718
Information about registration in the FIU
Registration number 087408014381
Date of registration 18.09.2012
Name of the territorial body State Institution - Head Office pension fund Russian Federation No. 7 in Moscow and the Moscow Region, Sokolniki Municipal District, Moscow, No. 087408
Information about registration in the FSS
Registration number 773804429777381
Date of registration 13.09.2012
Name of the executive body Branch No. 38 of the State Institution - Moscow Regional Branch of the Social Insurance Fund Russian Federation, №7738

OKVED codes

Additional activities (31):
16.23 Manufacture of other wooden building structures and joinery
16.23.1 Manufacture of wooden building structures and joinery
26.40.5 Manufacture of parts of sound recording and reproducing equipment and video equipment
41.20 Construction of residential and non-residential buildings
43.21 Production of electrical work
43.22 Production of sanitary works, installation of heating systems and air conditioning systems
43.31 Production of plaster works
43.32 Joinery and carpentry work
43.32.3 Manufacture of works on interior finishing of buildings (including ceilings, sliding and removable partitions, etc.)
43.33 Flooring and wall cladding work
43.34 Production of painting and glass works
43.39 Manufacture of other finishing and finishing works
43.91 Roofing production
43.99 Other specialized construction works, not included in other groups
43.99.2 Works on the installation of scaffolding and scaffolding
46.43 Wholesale of household electrical goods
46.51 Wholesale of computers, peripheral devices for computers and software
46.52 Wholesale trade in electronic and telecommunication equipment and its spare parts
46.73 Wholesale trade in timber, building materials and sanitary equipment
47.41 Retail sale of computers, their peripherals and software in specialized stores
47.42 Retail sale of telecommunications equipment, including retail mobile phones, in specialized stores
47.43 Retail sale of audio and video equipment in specialized stores
47.52 Retail sale of hardware, paints and glass in specialized stores
47.54 Retail sale of electrical household appliances in specialized stores
47.59.9 Retail sale of household goods and appliances, not included in other categories, in specialized stores
47.63.1 Retail sale of musical records, audiotapes, CDs and cassettes in specialized stores
47.63.2 Retail sale of unrecorded tapes and discs in specialized stores
71.11 Activities in the field of architecture
71.12 Activities in the field of engineering surveys, engineering design, construction project management, implementation building control and architectural supervision, providing technical advice in these areas
71.12.6 Activities in the field of technical regulation, standardization, metrology, accreditation, product cataloging
95.21 Repair of electronic household appliances

other information

History of changes in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities

  1. Date of: 12.09.2012
    UAH: 1127746728658
    Tax authority: Interdistrict Inspectorate of the Federal Tax Service No. 46 for Moscow, No. 7746
    Reason for the change: Creation of a legal entity
    The documents:
    - R11001 Application for the establishment of a legal entity

    - Charter of the legal entity
    - The decision to create a legal entity
    - Letter of guarantee, COPY ST-VA,DOV-T-COPY
  2. Date of: 12.09.2012
    UAH: 6127747831942
    Tax authority: Interdistrict Inspectorate of the Federal Tax Service No. 46 for Moscow, No. 7746
    Reason for the change: Submission of information on the registration of a legal entity with a tax authority
  3. Date of: 14.09.2012
    UAH: 6127747911692
    Tax authority: Interdistrict Inspectorate of the Federal Tax Service No. 46 for Moscow, No. 7746
    Reason for the change: Submission of information on the registration of a legal entity as an insured in the executive body of the Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation
  4. Date of: 19.09.2012
    UAH: 7127747017138
    Tax authority: Interdistrict Inspectorate of the Federal Tax Service No. 46 for Moscow, No. 7746
    Reason for the change: Submission of information on the registration of a legal entity as an insurant in territorial body Pension Fund of the Russian Federation
  5. Date of: 11.11.2016
    UAH: 2167750382611
    Tax authority: Interdistrict Inspectorate of the Federal Tax Service No. 46 for Moscow, No. 7746
    Reason for the change:
    The documents:

    - CHARTER of legal entity


  6. Date of: 26.02.2018
    UAH: 9187746310040
    Tax authority: Interdistrict Inspectorate of the Federal Tax Service No. 46 for Moscow, No. 7746
    Reason for the change: State registration changes made to founding documents legal entity related to changes in information about legal entity contained in the One state register legal entities, on the basis of an application
    The documents:
  7. Date of: 29.08.2018
    UAH: 9187748297904
    Tax authority: Interdistrict Inspectorate of the Federal Tax Service No. 46 for Moscow, No. 7746
    Reason for the change: Changing the information about a legal entity contained in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities
    The documents:

Legal address on the city map

Other organizations in the directory

  1. , Chelyabinsk - Liquidated
    TIN: 7447092678, OGRN: 1067447027240
    454085, Chelyabinsk region, city of Chelyabinsk, Plotnichny lane, 9
    Director: Sergeev Kirill Arkadyevich
  2. , Yaroslavl - Liquidated
    TIN: 7607024478, OGRN: 1037601002372
    150048, Yaroslavl region, city of Yaroslavl, Slepneva street, 22, apt. eighteen
  3. , Zhukovsky - Liquidated
    TIN: 5013051361, OGRN: 1055002331251
    140180, Moscow region, city of Zhukovsky, Gagarina street, 2
    CEO: Polonetsky Vladimir Arkadyevich

  4. TIN: 7814358398, OGRN: 5067847539799
    197342, St. Petersburg, Serdobolskaya street, 44, lit. A, office No. 5
    General Director: Maxim Rusinov
  5. , Yekaterinburg - Liquidated
    TIN: 6658363371, OGRN: 1106658009589
    620109, Sverdlovsk region, city of Ekaterinburg, Kraulya street, 11, apt. 59
    Director: Zelinsky Pavel Vitalievich
  6. , Omsk - Liquidated
    TIN: 5504067620, OGRN: 1025500994441
    644070, Omsk region, Omsk city, Stepnaya street, 73
    General Director: Sovitskaya Irina Yurievna
  7. , St. Petersburg - Liquidated
    TIN: 7820032926, OGRN: 1027809006389
    189623, St. Petersburg, Dynamo settlement, Krasnaya Slavyanka street, 1
    Chairman liquidation commission: Khokhlacheva Olga Anatolyevna
  8. , Moscow - Liquidated
    TIN: 7733888661, OGRN: 1147746830978
    125466, Moscow, Yurovskaya street, 92, office 1
    General Director: Ignatovich Andrey Lyutsyanovich
  9. , Miass - Liquidated
    TIN: 7415063226, OGRN: 1087415004335
    456300, Chelyabinsk region, city of Miass, 8 March street, 169A
    Director: Popov Alexander Borisovich
  10. — Current
    TIN: 6372021964, OGRN: 1146372000235
    446351, Samara region, Kinel-Cherkassky district, Kinel-Cherkassy village, Moskovskaya street, 2, B
    Director: Ershov Pavel Evgenievich
  1. — Current
    TIN: 7718901477, OGRN: 1127746728658
    107150, Moscow, Fighting street, 17, building 1, room 2
  2. — Current
    TIN: 9718101227, OGRN: 1187746469130
    107143, Moscow, Verbnaya street, building 6, building 1, room 412/1, floor 4
    General Director: Starodubov Dmitry Olegovich
  3. — Current
    TIN: 7736309030, OGRN: 1177746600778
    119311, Moscow, Krupskoy street, building 4, building 1, office V KOM 2
    General Director: Zubarev Sergey Viktorovich
  4. — Current
    TIN: 7728428193, OGRN: 1187746468887
    117342, Moscow, Butlerova street, 17B, floor 2 room XI ROOM 61 (RM6)
    General Director: Zubarev Sergey Viktorovich
  5. — Current
    TIN: 7728428210, OGRN: 1187746469118
    117342, Moscow, Butlerova street, 17B, floor 2 room XI ROOM 58 (RM52)
    General Director: Zubarev Sergey Viktorovich
  6. — Current
    TIN: 7726431049, OGRN: 1187746473837
    115191, Moscow, Dukhovskoy lane, building 17, building 15, FL 2 KOM 11 OF 59
    General Director: Zubarev Sergey Viktorovich
  7. — Current
    TIN: 9718102485, OGRN: 1187746502701
    107143, Moscow, Verbnaya street, house 6, building 1, room 203/4 ET 2
    General Director: Zubarev Sergey Viktorovich
  8. — Current
    TIN: 7728432552, OGRN: 1187746579250
    117246, Moscow, Nauchny proezd, house 10, office 478 ET 1
    General Director: Zubarev Sergey Viktorovich
  9. — Current
    TIN: 7718901477, OGRN: 1127746728658
    107150, Moscow, Fighting street, 17, building 1, room 2
    General Director: Zubarev Sergey Viktorovich
  10. — Current
    TIN: 7718053883, OGRN: 1157746081184
    107076, Moscow, Bogorodsky Val street, building 6, building 1
    General Director: Zubarev Sergey Viktorovich
  11. — Current
    TIN: 7727343613, OGRN: 1187746404372
    117042, Moscow, Yuzhnobutovskaya street, 139, room 2, room 1, office 6, floor 1
    General Director: Zubarev Sergey Viktorovich

The Baltic Pipeline System (BPS) was created to ensure the transportation and export of oil from the fields of the Timan-Pechora, Western Siberia and Ural-Volga regions through an oil terminal in the Gulf of Finland.
The BTS includes the existing oil pipeline in the Kharyaga-Usa section, main oil pipelines in the direction of Usa-Ukhta-Yaroslavl-Kirishi, as well as new main oil pipelines Kharyaga-Usa and Kirishi-Gulf of Finland with the construction oil terminal in Primorsk.

1999 Section "Security environment» as part of the BTS feasibility study at the Yaroslavl-Kirishi-Primorsk section. 1 turn.
Projected facilities are located on the territory of four constituent entities of the Russian Federation - Yaroslavl, Tver, Novgorod and Leningrad regions.

Projected objects include:

    reconstructed and new sections of the oil pipeline with a total length of more than 1300 km;

    three pumping stations (PS);

    tank farms at the PS (80,000 m3) and oil depot (500,000 m3).

The project includes special technical solutions, providing the highest level environmental safety:
- for the first time in the practice of environmental protection, a microtunnel was built when passing the route under the bed of the Neva River in a protective casing (“pipe in a pipe”) with gas protection,
- crossings of especially dangerous sections along the drainage basin of the Neva River and Lake Ladoga are made in a protective casing;
- to ensure the quality of atmospheric air, the Kirishi PS was relocated to new site located 20 km from the project.

2001 Section "Environmental Impact Assessment" (EIA) as part of the OI of oil pipelines in the Nenets Autonomous Okrug.
Designed to transport oil from remote fields of the Nenets autonomous region in existing system oil pipelines BTS.

Designed objects:

    two new sections of the oil pipeline with a total length of about 340 km (Oil pipelines Yuzhno-Khylchuyuskoye - Kharyaga and named after A. Titov - Zapadno-Khosedayuskoye - Kharyaga);

    three pumping stations (PS).

2001 Section "Environmental Protection" as part of the feasibility study for the BTS at the Kharyaga-Usa section. 1 turn.
The Kharyaga-Usa oil pipeline is designed to transport oil from the fields of the Timan-Pechora region to the oil pipeline system of OAO AK Transneft. The starting point of the oil pipeline is the Kharyaga PS, located in the Kharyaga oil field, the final destination is the head facilities of the PS "Usa" of the oil pipeline Usa - Ukhta.

Designed objects:

    an oil pipeline with a total length of about 147 km;

    two pumping stations (PS).

2002 Section "Environmental Protection" as part of the feasibility study for the BTS at the Yaroslavl-Kirishi-Primorsk section. 2 turn.
The second stage of the BTS project includes the construction of loopings and the reconstruction of existing PSs and the construction of new PSs to increase bandwidth the existing oil pipeline system BTS up to 18 million tons of oil per year.

The development of the Baltic pipeline system to increase oil exports to 50 million tons per year with its delivery to the port of Primorsk involves:

    construction of a new pipeline route with a pipe diameter of 1020 mm in the same technical corridor with the route of the first stage of the BTS (about 710 km);

    reconstruction and construction of additional facilities at non-pumping stations and oil terminal;

    looping construction.

2003 Section "Environmental Protection" in the Feasibility Study of BTS. 3 turn.
The development of the Baltic pipeline system to increase oil exports to 62 million tons per year with its delivery to the port of Primorsk involves:

    construction of loopings with a pipe diameter of 1020 mm in the same technical corridor with the BTS route;

    reconstruction and construction of additional facilities at oil pumping stations (NPS Nevskaya, Sestroretskaya, Pes, Pravdino, Yaroslavskaya) and the oil loading terminal;

    construction of an additional section of the oil pipeline LPDS Yaroslavl - PS Koromyslovo in the Yaroslavl region;

    construction of a cofferdam on Kirishi 1.

2004 Adjustment of the section "Environmental Protection" in the Feasibility Study of BTS. 3 turn.
Correction of individual subsections of the environmental protection for additional objects.

1. Appointment

Downhole cableless telemetry equipment (hereinafter BTS-172) is designed for operational management wellbore trajectory of directional and horizontal wells in the process of drilling with hydraulic downhole motors using an electromagnetic wireless communication channel for information transmission. BTS-172 can be used for the following technological operations turbine drilling:

for measuring wellbore parameters (zenith angle, azimuth); to orient the whipstock at the bottom, if necessary, change the azimuth of the wellbore or its zenith angle;

for orientation of the whipstock at the bottom in vertical wells when sidetracking in a given direction;

to determine the angle of twist of the drill string by the reactive moment of the downhole motor;

to indicate the dynamic characteristics of the bit; to measure load resistance (apparent resistance). BTS-172 is used when drilling wells with hydraulic motors in geological environments that do not have magnetic anomalies.

2. Specifications

2.1. Ranges of measured angles:
zenith angle 0° -120°;
azimuth 0°-- 360°;

deflector installation angle 0° --360°.

2.2. Limits of the permissible value of the basic absolute error
measurements of static parameter values:

zenith angle ± 0.2°;

azimuth ± 1.5°;

deflector installation angle ± 2°.

2.3. Limit of permissible additional reduced measurement error
angular parameters from temperature changes - no more than OD values ​​of the main
absolute error for every 10°C relative to 20°C.

2.4. The sensitivity of the UPM is not lower than 30 μV.

2.5. Operating conditions of the downhole tool:
ambient temperature 5... 100°C
vibration with an acceleration of 150 m/s with a frequency of 10 ... 100 Hz
maximum hydrostatic pressure 60 MPa
maximum alternating loads on the downhole tool 10 6 N
maximum torque 15 kNm.

2.6. Ground equipment can be operated under the following conditions:
temperature from + 10 to + 45 °C

2.7. Maximum transmission frequency -10Hz

2.8. Overall dimensions of BTS-172, mm, not more than:

2.10. Connecting threads to the drill pipe string 3-147 (GOST R50864).

The device and principle of operation of the BTS-172

To transmit information from the bottomhole, a wireless electromagnetic communication channel is used at a frequency of 10Hz, 5Hz, 2Hz, 0.5Hz. With an increase in frequency, the range of the communication channel decreases. The principle of operation is explained in the figure. When the generator voltage is applied between the upper (1) and lower (2) parts of the drill string, separated by a dielectric insert (4), leakage currents occur, flowing through the rock and closing on the upper part of the string. Part of the current flows over the surface, which can be detected by connecting the receiver input to the drilling (5) and to the receiving antenna (6) located at a distance of 40 - 160 m from the drilling. Information enters the UPM and is processed by a computer.