Sample CV for resume. Autobiography and resume - concepts, features of compilation and design

The world is arranged so that everyone has a chance.
Vladimir Matetsky, composer.

As is known, personal business documents - these are documents created by a person in connection with his professional activity or related to its implementation. Examples of such documents are: autobiography, resume, questionnaire, personal statement, characterization, recommendation, personal power of attorney, receipt, etc.

Consider the rules for compiling and formatting an autobiography and resume - documents compiled upon admission to an educational institution or employment and describing individual life events, achievements, professional skills and abilities of the author. It happens that the applicant, starting to write an autobiography or resume, suddenly discovers a lot of new and interesting things in himself.

Autobiography: concept, structure, sample design

Autobiography - a document that recounts the events of life in the first person in chronological order. An autobiography is required for admission to an educational institution; in employment, mainly in state institutions, etc.

An autobiography is written in any form on a blank sheet of A4 paper. It is desirable that the amount of information is no more than one sheet.

The entire sequence of presentation can be represented in the form of the following main blocks:

  • Full Name; Date and place of birth.
  • Information about parents, family.
  • Education from school years.
  • Labor activity indicating the place of work, position, reasons for dismissal.
  • Residence address; date of writing, signature of the author.

In addition, men should indicate the period of military service and military ranks. Women can provide information about periods of maternity leave, child care.

Summary: concept, purpose, design procedure

Summary - a document drawn up when participating in a competitive selection for a position. the main objective of this document - a presentation (self-promotion) of the applicant for the position, where it is important to show positive traits, virtues and leave in the shadow of weaknesses.

There are many resume options depending on the addressee, presentation method, goals, features of competitive selection, specifics vacant position and etc.

According to the form and features of compilation and design, any resume, including its most modern varieties, is a kind of questionnaire. Possible combinations of questions are detailed in template "Master - summary" text editor Word .

At present, we can talk about our own traditions and rules for compiling resumes that are being formed in Russia.

Resume format, types of formats, resume design samples

Resume Format - this is a way of organizing information and placing the necessary accents. Various formats favorably emphasize (or allow shifting emphasis from unwanted information) certain aspects and facts professional activity candidate.

The following resume formats are available: reverse chronological format; functional format; combined format, achievement format; target format; international resume CV; portfolio.

Target Format - a rather creative format, implies a high individuality of the compiler and (or) high requirements for creativity to the applicant. As a rule, it emphasizes those advantages that should be of interest to the employer. Suitable for almost any job seeker, as it gives the employer the opportunity to demonstrate their strengths and benefits.

International CV (Curriculum Vitae, from the Latin "track record") - a detailed, detailed summary, which is compiled in reverse chronological order and usually takes 6-8 pages.

International CV CV - the preferred option by international recruiting companies, is compiled by those who are looking for work abroad or in international organizations.

Guide this summary follows on English language or the language of the country in which the job search is conducted. It is recommended to attach a cover letter (preferably handwritten), which should emphasize the readiness for adaptation in another country.

Portfolio – kit creative works applicant, accompanied by a resume. It is recommended to issue a portfolio in a separate folder with a table of contents to facilitate the search for information. Portfolio can include :

  • description of career goals;
  • full version resume in the chosen format;
  • samples of works confirming qualifications;
  • awards, customer reviews, incentives, bonuses, etc.;
  • documents (copies of documents) confirming education.

Initially, the portfolio was used in areas that require creativity, creativity (advertising, PR, industrial design, architecture, photography, painting, graphics, culture, etc.). Today, each student has his own portfolio, and its electronic version - the web portfolio - has become relevant.


It does not have a standard form and is compiled by the author independently, in any form. However, individual components and details must be contained in the autobiography. They write an autobiography by hand on a sheet of A4 paper or on a special form when applying for a job or study. The form of presentation is narrative (in the first person). All information is given in chronological order and in such a way that you can get an idea of ​​​​the life path, business qualifications and socio-political activities of this person.

The autobiography usually indicates: the title of the document; name, patronymic and surname of the author; date, month and year of birth, place of birth; information about parents (last name, first name, patronymic, place of work); education and specialization in education; labor activity; last place of work and position; awards and promotions; participation in social work; attitude towards military service; availability of government awards; marital status and family composition; home address and phone number; date; personal signature.


This is a document that the administration of an institution, an enterprise issues to its employee when solving a number of issues.

The characteristic provides a review of the official, social activities of the employee, an assessment of his business and moral qualities.

The characteristic can be drawn up on a common form of A4 format. Details of the characteristic: name of the type of document (CHARACTERISTIC); an indication of the position of the person to whom the characteristic is issued; the name of the organization issuing the characteristic; name, patronymic and surname of the employee; text; signatures; seal.

In the text of the characteristic, it is possible to single out logically interconnected components. The first part is personal data, where the name, patronymic and surname, position, year of birth, education are indicated.

The second part of the text is information about labor activity(specialty, duration of work in this position, in this enterprise or organization, information about promotion, level of professional skills, etc.).

The third part is the characteristic itself, i.e. assessment of moral, political and business qualities: attitude to work; promotion professional level; participation in the life of the team; relationships with workmates. It also indicates that the employee has government awards and other official incentives.

The fourth part is the final one. It contains an output that indicates the purpose of the characteristic.

The text of the characteristic is stated from the third person.

The leader signs the internal characteristic structural unit, external - the head of the institution. The signature is certified by the official seal. Indicate the date of issue of the characteristic.


A resume is a document containing autobiographical information for the purpose of attracting an employer to an applicant and securing an invitation to an interview. The volume of the summary - up to 1 page of text.

It reflects:

what the applicant can offer the employer;

how it can be useful to the organization;

why he is the most suitable candidate for this post.

Resume structure:

title (full name);

basic personal data: address, phone number, date and place of birth, citizenship, marital status;

the purpose of obtaining a position: what kind of work he can and wants to do, on what conditions;

professional work experience. It is given in reverse chronological order, indicating dates and places of work, positions, main functions and achievements;

education. It is given in reverse chronological order, indicating universities, specialties, qualifications received;

additional information: degree of ownership foreign languages, skills of working on a PC, including the software used, the presence of a driver's license, personal qualities;

date of compilation, signature.

The resume may also include:

  • - information about social activities;
  • - an indication of readiness for travel and change of residence;
  • - Willingness to work with irregular working hours;
  • - an additional hobby, if it is related to work and can be considered a serious personal achievement;
  • - information about recommendations.

An example of writing an autobiography may be needed by any person working on the creation of such a document. It is not necessary to compile it every day, and a lot of questions often arise: are there any special rules for writing an autobiography, what data must be indicated in it, and much more.

Rules for compiling an autobiography

The document may be needed when you get a job, go to study, as well as for the personnel service of the enterprise, as a document that is necessarily included in a personal file. And if in the personnel department of the enterprise where you are already working, they will look at this document as a formality, then in a commercial structure it depends on its competent compilation whether they will offer you a job or not. Everyone should know how to write an autobiography and how to do it right.

There are no legislative requirements for the preparation of this type of document, therefore, you need to be guided by the rules of office work. In the case of an autobiography, this is the rule for writing business letters.

  • The biography should form a clear idea of ​​the life path and the main biographical events of the compiler. It is written in an arbitrary form in the first person directly by the compiler, on an A4 sheet, by hand or in hard copy. It should begin with the words "I, surname, name, patronymic ...".
  • The autobiographical document should not be too large in volume. When describing events and facts, try to be brief. Its volume should not exceed 1-2 sheets. Experience shows that a long autobiography does not achieve the result for which it was created, but has the exact opposite effect.
  • The manner of presentation should correspond to the business style. When reading your biography, attention will be paid not only to its content, but also to the design, style of speech, and of course, the absence of grammatical, stylistic and punctuation errors. All this will give you additional bonuses.
  • Important in compiling this document is to respect the chronological order. You need to state all the events of your life in order, without jumping from one event to another and without missing anything.
  • The information you provide in your CV must be true. By including erroneous or inaccurate information about yourself in the document, you can spoil your business reputation, which will prevent you from getting the job you are looking for or achieving another goal you have set.

Sample CV

In order to get an idea of ​​how to compose an autobiography correctly and make it easier for you to work on them, we will give an example of compiling an autobiography.

CV Writing Sample

“I, Ekaterina Ivanovna Morgatyuk, was born on August 08, 1989, a native of Vladivostok, Primorsky Krai. In 1996 she entered secondary school No. 5. In 2006 she graduated from school. In 2006 she entered the Far Eastern Humanitarian University with a degree in Philology. In 2011 she graduated from the Institute with honors. From August 2011 to the present I have been working as a journalist in the magazine Life of Vladivostok. I have no previous convictions. Married.

Husband Petr Morgatyuk, born May 31, 1980. A native of Vladivostok, has higher education and works as a lawyer. He lives with me at the address: Vladivostok, Sovetskaya street, house 4, apartment 25. We have not judged before.

Mother: Ivanova Galina Petrovna, born in 1967, higher education, works as a teacher. Lives at the address: Vladivostok, Sovetskaya street, house 4, apartment 25. No previous convictions.

Father: Ivanov Ivan Arkadyevich, born in 1967, higher education, works as a doctor. Lives at the address: Vladivostok, Sovetskaya street, house 4, apartment 25. No previous convictions.

Sister: Ivanova Alina Ivanovna, born in 1995, a native of Vladivostok, is currently studying at the Vostochny national university by specialty "Programmer". Lives at the address: Vladivostok, Sovetskaya street, house 4, apartment 25. No previous convictions.

Any other autobiographical document is drawn up according to exactly the same scheme and the information that is indicated in it is adapted for specific purposes. For example, if a student's autobiography is being compiled. It is advisable to indicate in the text information about academic achievements, participation in olympiads, thanks and diplomas, participation in competitions and other school life. You can also talk about sporting achievements, if any, visited circles and electives.

In the student's autobiography, accordingly, it is necessary to talk about attended conferences, participation in scientific papers that took place during the study period. Participation in public life educational institution. It is advisable to provide information about the passage industrial practice. Reflect the life position that the student adheres to. Describe the level of theoretical training. Tell about the competitions in which the student represented his university.

Writing an autobiography for a job

The scheme for compiling an autobiography for employment is not much different from the scheme for compiling a general autobiography proposed above. However, there are still features of its writing:

  • For employment, such a document should focus on the qualities that are important for the employer, in accordance with the position that you plan to take. This will be a kind of advertisement for your working qualities, and can play a positive role in deciding whether to hire you.
  • Describe the projects you have been involved in that best reflect your professional quality. Give examples from practice that characterize the level of your vocational training, flexibility of thinking, ability to work in a team, get along with the team, etc.
  • List all the places of your training, advanced training, but do not focus on this, unless you are a young specialist who has just graduated from training and has no work experience. You should not talk about the specifics of your training, as this information is unlikely to be interesting for the employer. This, most likely, will be discussed at the interview, if the employer shows interest in this.
  • It is advisable to immediately, without hiding, reflect your wishes and preferences regarding future work. If you are not a team person and cannot work in a team, indicate this fact without fail, do not break yourself, waste time and try to build team relationships. As a rule, all the same it ends with dismissal. Not only you are interested in getting a job, the employer also needs an employee. Specify the amount of payment that suits you, as well as certain working conditions that are acceptable to you. Consider attending business trips and whether this is acceptable to you. if you have Small child, which will not give the opportunity to go on long trips, you should definitely indicate this. It is not advisable to hide such a fact, you will only waste your time and your employer's.
  • Evaluate your business qualities, describe the positive aspects. Pay attention to such qualities as sociability, responsibility, commitment, etc.

Sample curriculum vitae for work

Consider the scheme by which a sample of writing an autobiography for work is compiled:

Autobiography example

“I, Roman Andreevich Savelyev, was born on April 1, 1980. (Further, the sample follows the one provided above, listing education and marital status until you get to seniority.)

Since January 2012 I have been working in the newspaper Life of Vladivostok. Some of my articles written for the newspaper were especially popular. These include “Ecology or Ten Years of Change”, “Building Materials Kill”, “Roman Statues”, published in issues No. 9, 14, 28. labor collective, under my supervision, the project “Specialist Report” was developed, which was subsequently implemented on the official website of the publication.

According to the results of traffic monitoring, it was concluded that the page traffic increased by 10%, which increased the popularity of the publication. Thanks to the implementation of this project, the newspaper took first place in the competition "The Best Newspaper of 2015" and received certificate of honor and a prize."

Autobiographies indicate not only your labor achievements, but also the reasons why you left your last job. Saying nothing, for example, “due to family reasons”, should not be indicated, unless, of course, this became the real reason for leaving. When giving reasons, be tactful and polite. If the reason for leaving was a conflict with the administration of the enterprise, then you should not talk about the stupid, picky director who made you leave your job. Touch this issue tactfully and streamlined, but in such a way that it would not be possible to convict you of lies and bad manners.

For example, you can indicate that the reason for dismissal was a change in working conditions. If you are asked what specific working conditions did not suit you, explain that this was a change domestic policy enterprises, for example, an increase in the volume of work, a change in the level of responsibility, etc., which has become unacceptable for you.

Additional information in the autobiography

An autobiography written by a job seeker is called a resume. Distinctive feature This document from the above sample of compiling an autobiography can only be called that in the resume there is no need to disclose information about the husband, parents and other family members in such detail. This question can be touched upon, very concisely. Otherwise, these two documents do not differ. The main task of the resume is not to reveal all aspects of your life, but to focus on working qualities and previous working career, which will enable the employer to evaluate you as a future potential employee.

Now there is a fashion to supplement resumes with your photos. There are no special requirements for photography, however, the style of clothing in which you are photographed and the hairstyle must be businesslike. And the background should be neutral. Palm trees and the sea, of course, will not do.

A good addition to the resume will be characteristics and recommendations from the previous place of work. As a rule, such documents are drawn up by the head of the enterprise. This can be an added bonus when hiring you. Such documents are especially useful for humanitarian workers and workers with a narrow specialization.

In an autobiographical document, it is advisable to mention the passage of military service for men, about maternity leave and childbirth, for women. At the end of the autobiography, the signature of the person who compiled the document and the date of its compilation is put. Passport data and the exact postal address are indicated. Now you know how to write an autobiography for a job.

To get hired Good work, it is necessary that you provide the employer with a well-written autobiography. Your life story is very important to the employer in order to determine if you can be trusted, so you should list the best aspects of your life on a sheet with the heading “CV”.

In this publication, I want to give you a sample or example of writing an autobiography for a job that I, as an employer, have dreamed of ever seeing. I want to show an example of how a competent and sensible autobiography is written from a psychological point of view, so that it briefly and concisely covers you as a reliable and promising person who can be trusted with responsible work. I also suggest that you download a sample / example for free for your convenience.

So what is an autobiography?

An autobiography is a handwritten description of your life from your birth to the present. It is not so much all the chronological data of your life that is completely important, but an indirect description of your inner peace, which cannot be shown in a resume or, for example, in a description. It is an autobiography that can emotionally dispose an employer to you, so do not neglect it even if you are not required to write it when applying for a particular job.

After studying my sample and example of writing an autobiography for applying for a job, you will be able to qualitatively present information about yourself to a potential employer who is more important not what you write, but how you write this information. Your fate, as they say, is in your hands. The first impression is very important (they are greeted by clothes), so show your face to future bosses or management with better side with the help of a very important tool, which is the autobiography. My favorite expression: “The main thing is to tell everything correctly!” And then success is in your pocket! And this is where a well-written autobiography can help you!

What is a competent, high-quality autobiography?

You must understand that the authorities do not have time to read a large amount of information, so it is best if your autobiography is one A4 sheet in size and presents the information presented in a logical sequence. Note that your autobiography will also help you during an oral interview, as it will be a kind of summary prepared in advance, which will greatly help to cope with both the excitement during the interview and give you a certain charm of something meaningful in this life of a person.

You should also understand that, perhaps, psychologists, employees of the Security Service (security services), graphologists or other specialists will study your autobiography. It depends on what kind of job you are applying for. Therefore, be prepared for the fact that your autobiography will have to be written by you manually in the presence of a personnel manager, and not submitted in a finished printed form. However, you must have a pre-printed version with you!

It is highly desirable that your CV be with your photograph. Moreover, the photo should be successful, in which you would like yourself. It doesn’t have to be as strict as a passport, but it’s good enough to reveal your positivity.

Here are the main mandatory blocks that your CV should contain:

    Date and place of birth.

    Information about parents.


    Period of military service (for men).

    Labor activity.

    marital status and short information about the spouse (cohabitant) and children.

    Information about maternity leave (for women)

    Information about personal achievements, awards, encouragements.

    Information about the hobby.

    Passport data (series, passport number, by whom and when issued, registration)

    Actual home address.

    Contacts (mobile phone, home, e-mail)

    The date of the autobiography.

    Personal signature.


(sample / example 1)

I, Sergey Ivanovich Vasiliev, was born on April 12, 1974 in Krasny Liman, Donetsk region (Ukraine).

Mother - Vasilyeva Tatyana Stepanovna, born in 1951, Ukrainian, has a higher Teacher Education, worked as a teacher (educator in kindergarten, then a school teacher), retired. Lives at the address: Krasny Liman, Donetsk region, st. Railway, 123.

Father - Vasiliev Ivan Sergeevich, born in 1950, Russian, worker with a secondary technical education, worked as an electric locomotive driver, retired. Now lives at the address: Lozovaya, Kharkiv region, st. Ryleeva, 47.

In 1981 he went to the 1st grade of the Krasnolimanskaya secondary school No. 3 in his hometown of Krasny Lyman, and in 1989 he received an incomplete secondary education and entered the Donetsk Economic College as a technician-technologist, which he successfully graduated in 1993.

From 1993 to 1995 - military service (rocket troops, reserve senior sergeant).

In 1995 he entered the Slavic Pedagogical Institute, and in 1999 he received a diploma of a specialist in the specialty of a teacher of physics and mathematics.

In 2004 he entered the Krivoy Rog Institute of Economics (part-time department), from which he graduated in 2009 with a diploma in economics (bachelor)

Since 1999, my working career began as a teacher of mathematics and physical education in a rural school.

In 2004, he got married and moved to a permanent place of residence in the city of Krivoy Rog, getting a job in private firm to the position of Account Manager, where he has worked to date. For many years successful work As a manager, I gained a lot of experience in working with clients. I quit due to the fact that there was no opportunity for career growth, and I would like to realize myself not only as a manager, but also as a head of a department.

Married. Wife - Marina Anatolyevna Vasilyeva, born in 1982, Belarusian, higher legal education, currently on maternity leave, lives with me.

The autobiography requested when applying for a job does not have a definition in the legislation, but there are still important features regarding its writing.

Unlike a resume, which reflects purely professional and business qualities, an autobiography is a much more meaningful document: it contains data relating to both business and personal aspects of the respondent's life.

Why do you need a CV for a job?

If you have any doubts about how to write an autobiography, you can ask a potential employer for a sample. But why is it needed if there is a resume?

The fact is that if the applicant knows how to write an autobiography based on the information contained in it potential employer be able to draw conclusions about:

  • career growth;
  • social level;
  • hidden professional opportunities of the applicant.

When you need a CV sample when applying for a job

Your own autobiography, an example of which is given below, will be required upon admission to educational institutions, upon employment in commercial organizations(although Art. 65 Labor Code and does not include it required documents in employment), and state (mandatory):

  • customs;
  • police;
  • fire service;
  • other government agencies.

Each specific institution requires that the autobiography sample of writing should have its own, with characteristic accents (on study at specialized agencies, specific and / and profile work experience, etc.).

How to write an autobiography

If a curriculum vitae is required, a sample of its completion is usually provided by the employer, since there is no established by law its rigid, obligatory form.

However, if the future employer did not have a sample, you need to adhere to general rules how to write an autobiography:

  • exclusively with his own hand, without the use of typescript, preferably in black ink;
  • brevity of presentation, - its optimal volume does not exceed one-sided two pages;
  • strictly without errors (spelling, punctuation, speech, etc.);
  • official style of presentation, i.e. without emotions, colloquial and slang expressions, etc.;
  • observance of a strict chronology of the events described, from the earlier to those that are available at the time of writing the autobiography;
  • statement of true facts.

Tip: To hedge against an important interview with personnel service, and do not experience difficulties with how to write an autobiography about yourself, it is better to take a sample filling prudently with you!

Sample CV for work

Depending on the employer, one of three possible options for filling out information about yourself can be offered at the interview, in the form of:

  • a ready-made form with questionnaire columns;
  • free form, in the form of a factual statement on a sheet of A4 paper;
  • essay, - a stylistically sustained answer to the proposed questions.

If the choice of the employer fell on a free-form autobiography, a sample writing for a job is as follows:

I, Ivanova Anna Nikolaevna, was born on May 23, 1982, the city of Rostov-on-Don. In 1989, she entered secondary school No. 33. She graduated from high school in 1999. In 1999 she entered the Rostov State University to the Faculty of Chemistry. In 2004 she graduated with honors.

Since September 2004, she worked as a chemist at the Selmash plant.

From May 2016 to the present day I have been working there as the head of the chemical department.

I have no criminal record.

Son: Ivanov Mikhail Ivanovich, born on May 7, 2008, the city of Rostov-on-Don. Student of school number 10.

Additional Information:

Mother: Marinina Vyacheslava Ilyinichna, was born on March 11, 1958, the city of Nikitsk. Graduated from Nikitsky State University, retired. Lives at the address: Rostov-on-Don, st. Rogova, d.5, apt. 13. Not judged.

The best plan for how to write an autobiography

A well-written sample will help to have a visual idea of ​​​​how to write an autobiography correctly.

But, in case the sample is left at home, it is better to learn a simple plan that gives a hint on how to write an autobiography on your own:

  1. First of all, it is written in full, as in the passport, the last name, first name and patronymic of the person filling out the autobiography: "Ivanova Nina Mikhailovna."
  2. Date of birth in the format "day-month-year": "June 15, 1985."
  3. Place of birth, according to the information indicated in the passport. For example: “Rostov region, Neklinovsky district, s. Varenovka.
  4. Received education, starting from school, while mentioning the name of the educational institution and the period of study, indicating the name of the position: "Varenovskaya secondary school, 1992-2002, higher legal education, DSTU, 2003-2008."
  5. Periods of official employment: “2008-2017. Taganrog Pedagogical College, legal adviser.

Features for women: how to write an autobiography for a job sample

If the employee was on maternity leave once or several times, the woman’s autobiography (sample for work) should contain information about the period of time she was on parental leave in the paragraph on the periods of her official employment.

Such an autobiography would have the following example:

Ivanova Nina Mikhailovna, born on June 15, 1985, was born in the Rostov region, Neklinovsky district, with. Varenovka.

Graduated from Varenovsky high school, 1992-2002, in 2003-2008 Received higher legal education, DSTU.

From 2008 to 2017 worked as a legal adviser at the Taganrog Pedagogical College.

From 2009 to 2011 she was on parental leave.

Autobiography Supplement

Of course, an addition to an autobiography would be preferable to a dry and boring enumeration of places of study and work.

And if a brief autobiography sample has the most concise, then additions to it will concern:

  • family information, marital status, indicating the date of its acquisition, and close relatives: “Father, Ivanov N.M., mother, Ivanova O.P., married since 2002, elastic Sviridov T.K., son, Sviridov D.T. (or “single/single”);
  • attitude to military duty, indicating the recruiting office and the date that called;
  • the presence of an academic degree and / or title;
  • social background in autobiography;
  • hobbies and hobbies;
  • native language;
  • citizenship and nationality;
  • passion for sports;
  • training in the system of additional education;
  • additional courses, trainings;
  • knowledge of languages ​​and any skills, etc.

If there is a desire to indicate your social background in an autobiography, an example could be as follows:

  • employee - if it concerns public positions;
  • worker (for persons with the relevant specialty);
  • peasant - for farm workers.

In any case, it is important to maintain a middle ground and healthy restraint so that an autobiography, a sample for work or study that is rather exaggerated, does not look either overloaded and ridiculous, or too dry and boring.