Quatrain about birds for children. Winter Bird Poems for Young Children

Website "Mom can do anything!" collected the most interesting poems about birds for children preschool age. Look at the pictures with the children and read the verses. Discuss how the author reflects the character traits of certain birds, how he describes their appearance. Learn your favorite verses by heart.

Flocks of birds have flown
Forest in snowdrifts to branches.
That's when we waited
Our northern guests.

The winter forest does not sleep, but slumbers,
All wrapped in silver.
Without leaving this earth
Many birds are left here.

Bullfinch sits on a branch
In a pink vest
And the woodpecker in bright red
Satin hat.
Jays flicker in the distance -
Blue cowboys.

By the side of the road
A long-legged stork is walking.
The best of fathers
Looking for food for the chicks.

They flew to us with the winds
Flocks of bright waxwings.
The waxwings have arrived,
They sang the song of the north.

Past the blue doves
A sparrow is flying.
Sparrow is so tiny!
Looks a little like me.
Nimble little chick
Fidget and fighter.
And a fervent cry rings out:
- Chick-chirp and chick-chirp!

Shrubs blushed
Not from the dawn.
Those red lanterns
The snowmen lit up.

I'm going to the water now.
Who is swimming in the pond?
By the bushes where forget-me-nots
Ducks guard the fish.
Nearby is a brood of ducklings,
All ducklings want to eat.
Telling them something
Ducks quack: - Quack-quack!

field lark,
There is no better singer!
In an open field - your house.
In a clear sky - a song.

The shell in the nest crunches.
A curious eye shines:
From eggs, as from diapers,
A chicken is chosen.
Stretched, brushed off
Quietly squeaked, looked around:
- Well, I guess I'll go.
And I'll find my parents!

Hen and rooster

The chicken cackles: “Kooh!
How I want peas.
And the cock to her: “Do not crack.
Better get up and look."

What do sparrows sing about
On the last day of winter?
- We survived!
- We survived!
We are alive, we are alive!

The sparrow jumped in the garden,
Nearby the cat played hide and seek with him ...
- Do not catch me a cat,
I am agile on the fly.

Jump and jump, what a bird
Everything is not in place.
In appearance there is no one braver,
A sparrow jumps fast.

Along the paths, along the paths
Jumping gray sparrow.
What is he looking for? looking for crumbs
For myself and for the children.

Finch got warm
Finch: - Ping! Ping! Ping!
Take off your coat! Throw off! Throw off! -
The finch has blossomed -
The finch is warm!


Stork - long,
Stork - thin
The house was built without a porch.
Look - stork
Born all in the father.
He still looks like his mother
She works late.
Give them, woodpecker, a telegram,
Congratulate them on their new home!

Around -
But on the hill - no!
We saw rooks.
Everyone screams
Like a sailor from a ship:
- Earth!


Sparrow in a puddle
Jumping and spinning.
He ruffled his feathers
The tail fluffed up.
The weather is nice!

Jumping nimble tit
She doesn't sit still
Jump-jump, jump-jump,
It twirled like a top.

I sat down for a minute
She scratched her chest with her beak,
And from the track - to the wattle fence,
Tiri-tiri, shadow-shadow-shadow.


Poor, poor sparrow
He sits and cries
Because the thief beat
His name means.
It's not his fault at all.
Which is a little thieving.
These janitors and cats
Yes the boy is evil
Don't let a crumb peck
Someone is feeding the pigeons
Don't get lost, sparrow!
Bread crumb on the fly - grab it!
And on a branch, to feast.
Author: Ekaterina Zhdanova

Come on!
Dear starling,
Come, finally!
I built a house for you
Not a birdhouse, but a palace!


Rain, rain pours everywhere.
The chicks are happy in the nest:
- Mom will stay at home,
Never fly away!

Together with spring, it flies to visit us,
A black dash flickers in the sky.
Fast bird, arrow tail,
Deftly hunts for mosquitoes.

What, cuckoo, are you cuckooing,
Making everyone sad?
Maybe you miss the chicks?
Looking for them - KU-KU, KU-KU.

Owl hoots, laughs,
He wants to scare everyone in the forest.
I have from this bird
Goosebumps run down your back.

"Goose, but they tell the truth,
What are you pinching everyone in a row?
“What are you,” the goose said, yawning, “
I can't pinch everyone."

I am a beautiful rooster
There are spurs and a comb.
The tail is beautifully painted -
All our chickens love it.

Little penguin walking
All alone among the ice.
Mom and dad are fishing
Dinner is being prepared for the baby.

Friends are called by a family of starlings:
We invite you all to visit tomorrow!
Our address: street of singers,
Birdhouse number eight.

What is this bird
Proud of her beauty!
Tail - like a golden fan
At wonderful bird toy!
Author: Andrey Paroshin

covered with snow,
Snow covered streets.
Passers-by in fur coats
They huddle, slouch.
They beat with a felt boot on a felt boot,
They are standing, waiting for the tram.
Suddenly a small sparrow
Right here!
And jump
And sideways
The tail is gray
Without a coat
No boots
Pair of feathers
Yes, legs.
This brave sparrow
All bold and cheerful!

under my window
Made a nest -
And sings to himself
Spring red


We are two brothers, two chicks.
We are newly out of the egg.
What kind of bird is our mother?
Where can we find her?
We don't know anyone here
And we don't even know who we are.
Geese? Ostriches? Peacocks?
Guessed! We are penguins.


My sparrow, sparrow!
Gray, nimble, like a mouse.
Eyes - beads, paws - apart,
Paws - sideways, paws - sideways ...
Jump, jump, I will not touch -
You see, crumbled bread ...
Move your beak to the side of the crow,
Who asked her here?
Jump closer, come on, come on
So yeah, just a little more...
The wind throws snow, slyuka,
Both on the back and on the chest.
Make friends with me, birdie,
Let's live in the house together
We sit side by side under the view,
Let's learn the alphabet...
Closer, well, a little more...
Furh! Ran away ... What an impudent!
Ate all the grains, ate all the crumbs
And he didn't say thank you.


Only morning comes in the garden
Before I wake up, I hear:
On the branch, then louder, then quieter
Without restraint, the finch sings.
Bathed in scarlet dawn
Clicks tongue,
Like the best in the world
He had breakfast

It's warm already. And sometimes
A loud cry is heard from the garden.
Then there are a crowd of sparrows
They shout on the branches: “Chick-chirp!”

Satisfied birds that from the clouds
The sun will peek out for them for a moment;
They meet this beam
Cheerful cry: chirp-chirp!

That ray whispers to them that the earth
Everything will soon become like a flower garden,
Drown in the greenery of the field ...
And louder you hear: chirp-chirp!


Quiet by the swamp at noon
The willows gently rustle.
Crane on the hill
Teaches cranes.
Only heard over the meadows
Where cranes chirp:
"One two Three! Leg kick!
Get off the ground!"
Zhuravlihin's voice is thin,
There is joy in it, there is sadness in it.
The youngest crane
He says: "I'm afraid!"
The mother looked at her son:
"How dare he!"
Pushed with a long beak -
The crane flew...
Distances are great!
Difficult way for cranes!
For the first time in foreign lands
The cranes will fly.
And in the spring you will find them
Where the willows rustle
At the familiar swamp
With a new flock they crane.


- Kra! -
Crow screams. -
The missing!
The thief crept in
Early in the morning!
He stole a penny
From the pocket!
And beautiful
- Stop, crow.
Don't scream.
Don't you scream
Shut up.
You can't live
without cheating -
You do have
No pocket.
- How?! -
The crow jumped
And blinked
- What did you do before
Didn't they say?!


What kind of bird
What kind of bird
To us on the first page
Arrived and sits;
sharp beak
Early in the morning
It looks like it's charging
Is our tree hollowed out?
then you, bird,
Crazy -
Are you knocking and not singing?
At dawn
Every now and then
Do you let the kids sleep?
- And she didn’t go crazy at all:
Singing songs is not our business,
Here I am sitting, knocking:
You will become
Very boring,
If suddenly I shut up.
And shut up...
But in the morning
The bark is falling again
Again the same knock is heard:
Knock Knock!..
Knock Knock!.."
Is that you again, buddy?
– Who else? - answered the Woodpecker.

Sparrow wanted to swing
Our sparrow swing
On a visit to a thin blade of grass
Sat on the very top -
qin qirin:
"Shake me, you were a little girl,
throw it up!..”
A blade of grass sways in the wind.
Oh how the sun shines bright
in the morning!
Oh, how fun when in the world
You are a sparrow, a blade of grass,
shake it!


Hairy snow on the fence
It lies in a thick bed.
The jackdaws flew in an instant ...
Wow, what a serious look!
Walk sideways along the fence
Heads bent,
And each other soon, soon
They grab the beak with their beak.
What are you arguing about, little birds?
Not enough space around you -
On the top of a birch tree,
On the porch and under the porch.
Oh, if I myself were a jackdaw -
I would wave through the window
And a fun dive
Drowned in the blue sky...

The starlings have arrived
A tall maple awaits guests -
The branch house is fortified.
The roof is painted
There is a porch for singers ...

In the blue sky, chirping is heard -
A family of starlings is flying towards us.
We got up early today
Waiting for the birds yesterday.

Security walks around the yard
Drives cats out of the yard.
We wave our hands to the starlings,
Drum and sing:

Live in our house!
Well you will be in it!
The birds began to approach
Arrived at the yard

We couldn't resist
Chorus shouted: - Hurrah!
Amazing thing:
The whole family is gone!

doctor woodpecker
Doctor Woodpecker sat on a bough,
Knocks on the bark: knock-knock.
- That's it, rowan tree, -
Dr. Woodpecker says -
You are sick, you have a sore throat,
That's why it looks so gloomy.
Here's a sweet potion for you
For the temperature to pass.
And for each of your branches
I'll prescribe the pills now!

white dove,
blue skirt,
Walked on the water
Soaked the skirt.
blue dove says:
- Oh, you, a harmful puddle!
And the pigeon says:
- Oh, you, my poor!

Gathered swan geese
Fly to the warm south
Cheerful looking
Filling the sky all of a sudden.
They hurry, they say goodbye
Until next spring...
And now they are turning
In melted dreams.
Fewer autumn days
And, in anticipation of a blizzard,
We see birds flowing
Hurrying south.

Rita Khabibullina
Poems about wintering birds for children younger age


Sparrow: "Chirik, Chirik!"

Worms are used to pecking.

Once chirped - immediately a flock

He comes to help.

Past the blue doves

A sparrow is flying.

Sparrow is so tiny!

Looks a little like me.

Nimble little chick

Fidget and fighter.

And a fervent cry rings out:

Chick chirp and chirp chirp!

She doesn't sit still

Jump-jump, jump-jump,

Spinning like a top

I sat down for a minute

She scratched her chest with her beak,

And from the track - to the wattle fence,

Tiri-tiri, shadow-shadow-shadow.

Sparrow in a puddle

Jumping and spinning.

He ruffled his feathers

The tail fluffed up.

The weather is nice!


Chick-chirp, chick-chirp!-

What a hubbub, what a scream?

The sparrows met

Discuss last night.

This noisy conversation

Dragged on until lunch -

Shout to fight

Woe - bullies!

Brawlers and screamers

We don't need neighbors!

If you want so -

Fight away fly!

And we have quiet time!

V. Pakhomov

Masha feeds pigeons

Scatters crumbs

Birds fly to her

Food is pecked from the palm of your hand.

Here, as here, and a sparrow -

Small bird,

Not afraid of pigeons

And people are afraid.

Wants to grab food as soon as possible

Rogue thief-sparrow.

Jump and jump, jump and jump

Grabs food, and - run away!

T. Tarasova

Look what a bird

to us in the glass is now knocking.

You open the window for her

this bird is a SPARROW!

Our Antosha guessed:

The bird wants bread crumbs!

N. Kukolev

A bunch of gray feathers

Our cheerful sparrow

Busy in the garden, spinning,

Here I bathed in a puddle

And to the children under the window

Flies for bread crumbs.

Jumping, jumping sparrow,

Calling small children.

Throw the crumbs to the sparrow -

I will sing you a song.

Throw in crumbs and barley -

I will sing to you all day!


Jumping nimble tit

“Chick-chirp!” Among the branches

Jumping gray sparrow.

“Chick-chirp! I want to eat.

D. give crumbs! I'll swallow it!"

E. Grudanov

Look kids

They are sitting on a branch

Little birds

yellow titmouse

M. Biryukova

Happy tit

Morozov is not afraid.

Even at minus twenty-five

Likes to sing songs

N. Agoshkova

galloping fun titmouse

And the frost is not afraid:

She doesn't mind the cold

If there is food in the feeder!

T. Lavrova

On the birch near the house

Someone is shaking familiarly.

At the feeder noise, fun -

They are having a housewarming party there.

Quickly pecks grains,

Yellow-bellied titmouse.

E. Evseeva

Tit, tit,

What are you dreaming about?

Grains, midges,

Yes, bread crumbs.

Tit, tit,

Is there anything else you dream about?

house with porch,

sun, river,

Boy Antoshka

I. bread crumbs.

G. Klyuchnikova

There are two birds under my window -

Yellow-breasted Titmouse

Loudly chirping for a long time

And they began to knock on the window.

Apparently they want to eat.

Snow is everywhere, really

You can't find food for tits.

We urgently need help.

I will tie a tray with millet,

Sala fresh slice.

I'm not sorry, peck, birds.

Yellow-breasted titmouse.

T. Tarasova

Outside the window on a branch of a bird -

Yellow-breasted Titmouse

Ding - day, ding - day! -

They sing all day long.

There were few clouds in the sky

The sun shone brightly.

Kidneys woke up from heat

Leaves have sprung into them.

The snow is melting, the heat is cold,

It turns into puddles.

The birds frolic more cheerfully

Titmouse sing about Spring.


Aunty Au

Two handfuls of wheat

I carry in a mitten -

one snowman,

and the other titmouse.

And your joy

I also give them

First the tit

then bullfinch

Bullfinches, bullfinches,

Like fragments of dawn

They jump on the track.

you frost,

don't take them

Burn your palms.

N. Masley

sitting on a branch

In a pink vest

And the woodpecker in bright red

Satin hat.

Jays flicker in the distance -

Blue cowboys.

A. Ignatova

In the summer, to be honest,

It is difficult to meet a bullfinch.

And in winter - grace! -

You can see him a mile away!

I. Skorodumova

Like reflections of dawn

Bullfinches on the trees.

ruddy apples,

But rather strange.

Lisa is surprised

Do apples fly?

V. Sibirtsev

Shining sits on the snow,

Flock of red-breasted birds.

Love it soon

On the handsome bullfinches!

M. Borina

Oh what bullfinches

Colors of the dawn

Sat on the trees

Bright watercolor.

black hats,

thin paws,

round fluffs,

Pink cheeks.

The flute whistled

Wow, fly.

What kind of birds? Guess!

A flock of bullfinches on the branches.

Everyone sit down in sight

Like apples in the garden!

One, two, three, four, five-

It makes me want to break it!

Reached for them quickly!

There are no apples. And snowmen.

Poems about a crow

N. Berestova

Karrr! Crow screams. Karrr!

I'm off to the market!

Crows, don't fight!

And wait for me in the nest! L. Kireeva

On the birch near the house

Built a crow's nest.

Protects day and night

A crow wants to become a mother.

A. Geiker

dressed crow

No worse than a baron -

tailcoat silver,

Black sleeves.

Bow your head -

Well, why not a matron?

Walks gradually

Wings to the side. L. Lukanova

Kar, kar, kar" crow cries

A thief stole my crown

mirror, ring,

Shoes and first aid kit.

How to find my wealth?

Help the crow brotherhood!

A. Barcel

Black-dark crow

in the evening, when the crown rustled

in the rain that poured relentlessly,

sang a lullaby to a child

black as soot crow:

"Bay-bye, bye-bye,

sleep, my white, fall asleep "V. Sibirtsev

High on a maple tree

The crow was preparing to sing

Showed a singing gift

Shouted loudly: Kar-rr...


V. Chernyaeva

Forty will not get rid

From a terrible vice -

Looking for little things everywhere

Hides in its own nest. V. Sibirtsev

Near the house on the road

The dispute was started by magpies.

Friends could not decide

Who is more chatty in the neighborhood.

E. Volodina

Magpies on the fence

They crackle quickly.

Telling the news-

We collected a hundred-o-only in a day!

silver mirror,

Two large beads

Three shiny stones

Possibly gold.

Pin, key, feather...

Well, she seems to have said everything.

What a crow

Lost it all?

V. Laktionov

Cracks on the whole green forest,

Glittering white side

Will tell many miracles

Chatty magpie.

Drag the news on its tail

merry talker,

And let every stump know

What is the cuckoo singing about.

T. Kersten

Magpie grumbles at the bitch:

With shirts of trouble!

Day and night I bake from midges

Cakes for cute babies


M. Piudunen

I extended my hand

Bread crumbs in the palm of your hand.

Doves flew in

Feel free to take bread from your hand

M. Piudunen

I extended my hand

Bread crumbs in the palm of your hand.

Doves flew in

Feel free to take bread from your hand.

It is important to walk side by side,

They cooed among themselves

Everyone was talking

To find more for dinner

D. Ponomreva

Pigeons, doves, stupid birds

What doesn't sit right in place for you?

We want to stroke you - you run away,

We want to catch up with you - you fly away.

Why are you afraid of us fools?

We are still babies! T. Vtorova

The dove landed softly

He shook off all the feathers,

And spun in place -

Collecting grains.

And cooing and spinning

He dances the Viennese waltz.

I. Ostapchuk

How tufts are wavy!

Oh! How important they are.

march like ministers

The most important country.

Top, top. They are arguing about something.

Top, top. They go, they stand.

Maybe they're history

Want to get along?

top, top. There and back again.

Top, top. Faster, faster.

A flock passes okay

Chubby pigeons.

Quickly, look, take off!

They followed the sun.

Apparently meeting

Still moved. M. Lvovsky

Pigeons pecked millet,

How delicious is it

And they want to eat again

And only the well-fed do not understand!

You don't chase pigeons

They better give bran,

Pour them some water to drink,

And immediately become more fun!

When you go for a walk

Take a piece of bread with you

Be kind, do not regret food,

Love, children, pigeons!


The trees have their own doctor,

Not ordinary, but forest,

Talks simply

It is with birch and pine.

Without drugs and tools

He will heal the patient

Arrived and sat on the bough -

How is your health? Knock-Knock.

Knock-knock, knock-knock, knock-knock-knock,

What is that other sound?

Who knocks like that on a pine tree?

Very interesting to me

I looked up and suddenly

I understand what the sound is.

The woodpecker is sitting there in the foliage,

Looking for worms in the bark.

D. Gerasimova

Woodpecker tree: knock-knock,

And through the forest: knock-knock-knock...

Glorious doctor Aibolit,

He is sitting on a tree.

Who knocks in the deaf forest

Loud like a hammer

Its motley appearance is pleasant

In the red cap is a woodpecker.

Our vociferous feathered neighbors decorate our everyday life not only with their singing, but also with their very presence. And they are just amazing. Birds can live high in the mountains, and in hot deserts, and in fields and forests, and even next to us, in gassed cities and megacities.

They share airspace with aircraft and keep their nests out of reach. Wise, harmless, proud and such alluring birds...

Birds have inspired and continue to inspire poets and writers of all countries to create brilliant poems and stories. In, we invite you to a poetic evening dedicated to birds today. Let's tell children about birds in rhyme and read and discuss children's poems about birds together.

Poems about birds for children

About migratory birds, about sedentary birds and forest birds, about all there are beautiful lines from the wise, who know how to observe and notice authors. Poems about birds for children will help you get to know them better and learn more about their mysterious life)))

bird feast

Leaves fall off the branches.
The rains don't stop pouring.
Flocks of birds fly away
heading south.
But the gray dove remained
winter on bare branches.
Up and down the trees
a flock of tit birds jumps.

The crossbill bird huddles in the nest,
and the crow is at the window.
Help the birds meet the day
when spring comes.
Walk along the slopes
give them feeders.
Even from the north bullfinch
will fly to this feast.
Tatyana Bokova

* * *

Jumping nimble tit
She doesn't sit still
Jump-jump, jump-jump,
It twirled like a top.

I sat down for a minute
She scratched her chest with her beak,
And from the track - to the wattle fence,
Tiri-tiri, shadow-shadow-shadow.
A. Barto

The caterpillar is gone

Geese walk in the morning
Through the wide yard
Worry, scream
They will not consider goslings in any way ...

Ha-ha-ha! go-go-go-go!
There is no one gosling ...
Did he run off into the woods? -
The rooster tells them.

Not; didn't the kite take it away? -
A duck is arguing - a flat nose.
And the turkey: - Baldy-baldy!
Search by the water.

White geese converged
They trudged along the road.
The black raven has arrived
On the wattle fence sat higher:

Carr-carr! I saw it myself
Like a wolf running with a gosling.

How to help the trouble now?
Geese with grief - march to the water
And set off on the waves...

Look - the caterpillar is there too!
The geese roared at once:
How dare you leave us?

And the gosling: - Go-go-go!
I like water the most.

R. Kudasheva

The starlings have arrived

A tall maple is waiting for guests -
The branch house is fortified.

The roof is painted
There is a porch for singers...
In the blue sky, chirping is heard -
A family of starlings is flying towards us.

We got up early today
We were waiting for the birds yesterday.
Security walks around the yard
Drives cats out of the yard.

We wave our hands to the starlings,
Drum and sing:
- Live in our house!
Well you will be in it!

The birds began to approach
Arrived at the yard
We couldn't resist
Chorus shouted: - Hurrah!

Amazing thing:
The whole family is gone!

A. Barto

Ten birds - a flock

Sing along, sing along:
Ten birds - a flock.

This bird is a nightingale
This bird is a sparrow.
This bird is an owl
Sleepy head.
This bird is a waxwing
This bird is a corncrake

This bird is a bird
Gray feather.
This one is a finch.
This one is a haircut.
This one is a merry siskin.
Well, this one is an evil eagle.
Birds, birds - go home!

I. Tokmakova


white doves
They flew to the hole.
They have ice cold water
I want to get drunk
Just one drop
So as not to catch a cold.

M. Plyatskovsky


white dove,
blue skirt,
Walked on the water
Soaked the skirt.
blue dove says:
- Oh, you, a harmful puddle!
And the pigeon says:
- Oh, you, my poor!
Nina Orlova

* * *

Bullfinch sits on a branch
In a pink vest
And the woodpecker in bright red
Satin hat.
Jays flicker in the distance -
Blue cowboys.
M. Plyatskovsky


Only morning comes in the garden

Before I wake up, I hear:

On the branch, then louder, then quieter

Without restraint, the finch sings.

Bathed in scarlet dawn

Clicks tongue,

Like the best in the world

He had breakfast


Timofey Belozerov


By the side of the road
A long-legged stork is walking.
The best of fathers
Looking for food for the chicks.


Stork - long,
Stork - thin
The house was built without a porch.
Look - stork
Born all in the father.
He still looks like his mother
She works late.
Give them, woodpecker, a telegram,
Congratulate them on their new home!
Viktor Bokov

* * *

They flew to us with the winds
Flocks of bright waxwings.
The waxwings have arrived,
They sang the song of the north.
G. Ladonshchikov


Past the blue doves
A sparrow is flying.
Sparrow is so tiny!
Looks a little like me.
Nimble little chick
Fidget and fighter.
And a fervent cry rings out:
- Chick-chirp and chick-chirp!

* * *

The sparrow jumped in the garden,
Nearby the cat played hide and seek with him ...
- Do not catch me a cat,
I am agile on the fly.

Jump and jump, what a bird
Everything is not in place.
In appearance there is no one braver,
A sparrow jumps fast.

Along the paths, along the paths
Jumping gray sparrow.
What is he looking for? looking for crumbs
For myself and for the children.
M. Petrov


Sparrow in a puddle
Jumping and spinning.
He ruffled his feathers
The tail fluffed up.
The weather is nice!
Agniya Barto


Poor, poor sparrow
He sits and cries
Because the thief beat
His name means.
It's not his fault at all.
Which is a little thieving.
These janitors and cats
Yes the boy is evil
Don't let a crumb peck
Someone is feeding the pigeons
Don't get lost, sparrow!
Bread crumb on the fly - grab it!
And on a branch, to feast.
Ekaterina Zhdanova

* * *

Shrubs blushed
Not from the dawn.
Those red lanterns
The snowmen lit up.

L. Tatyanicheva


I'm going to the water now.
Who is swimming in the pond?
By the bushes where forget-me-nots
Ducks guard the fish.
Nearby is a brood of ducklings,
All ducklings want to eat.
Telling them something
Ducks quack: - Quack-quack!

* * *

field lark,
There is no better singer!
In an open field - your house.
In a clear sky - a song.
V. Berestov


Rain, rain pours everywhere.
The chicks are happy in the nest:
- Mom will stay at home,
Never fly away!
Grigore Vieru


Together with spring, it flies to visit us,
A black dash flickers in the sky.
Fast bird, arrow tail,
Deftly hunts for mosquitoes.

Tatyana Koval


The dark forest glowed in the sun,
In the valley of steam, thin whitens,
And sang an early song
In azure the lark is sonorous.
He is loud from above
Sings, sparkling in the sun:
Spring came to us young,
Here I sing the coming of spring...

V.A. Zhukovsky


What, cuckoo, are you cuckooing,
Making everyone sad?
Maybe you miss the chicks?
Looking for them - KU-KU, KU-KU.

Tatyana Koval


It's close, it's somewhere far away
Walks all over the forest.
And the summer blooms softly
Underneath it's sweet

Slightly smells of overheated tar.
Facing the breeze,
I lie blissfully under the tree
And I listen

"Coo-coo, coo-coo!"

E. Blaginina

two blackbirds

You see, they look from the nest
Two young thrushes.
The beak will show the first thrush,
And the second will show the nose

S. Marshak


The blackbird is black as coal.

The blackbird is like a black raven.

Only the beak of a different color -

It's orange...

Exactly the same in the beak

A drop of dawn

Strongly holds the Bird-night.

Svetlana Pshenichnykh


Here is a crow on a sloping roof
So from the winter and remained shaggy ...
And in the air - spring bells,
Even the spirit took over the crow...

Suddenly jumped sideways stupid lope,
Down on the ground she looks sideways:

What turns white under the tender grass?
They turn yellow under the gray bench
Last year's wet shavings...
It's all at the crow - toys,

And so the crow is happy
That spring and breathe freely for her! ..

A. Blok


What kind of bird
What kind of bird
To us on the first page
Arrived and sits;
sharp beak
Early in the morning
It looks like it's charging
Is our tree hollowed out?
then you, bird,
Crazy -
Are you knocking and not singing?
At dawn
Every now and then
Do you let the kids sleep?
- And she didn’t go crazy at all:
Singing songs is not our business,
Here I am sitting, knocking:
You will become
Very boring,
If suddenly I shut up.
And shut up...
But in the morning
The bark is falling again
Again the same knock is heard:
Knock Knock!..
Knock Knock!.."
Is that you again, buddy?
– Who else? - answered the Woodpecker.
Sergei Kozlov

Poems about birds, poems about a tit, poems about a sparrow, poems about a finch, poems about a starling, poems about a lark and others birds .

Poems about birds for preschoolers

Flocks of birds have flown

Forest in snowdrifts to branches.

That's when we waited

Our northern guests.

The winter forest does not sleep, but slumbers,

All wrapped in silver.

Without leaving this earth

Many birds are left here.

Bullfinch sits on a branch

In a pink vest

And the woodpecker in bright red

Satin hat.

Jays flicker in the distance -

Blue cowboys.

They flew to us with the winds

Flocks of bright waxwings.

The waxwings have arrived,

They sang the song of the north.

Shrubs blushed

Not from the dawn.

Those red lanterns

The snowmen lit up.

field lark,

There is no better singer!

In the open field - your house.

In the clear sky - a song.


What do sparrows sing about

On the last day of winter?

— We survived!

— We survived!

We are alive, we are alive!

Finch got warm

Finch: - Ping! Ping! Ping!

Take off your coat! Throw off! Throw off! —

The finch has blossomed -

The finch is warm!

Around -

But on the hill - no!

We saw rooks.

Everyone screams

Like a sailor from a ship:

Jumping nimble tit

She doesn't sit still

Jump-jump, jump-jump,

It twirled like a top.

I sat down for a minute

She scratched her chest with her beak,

And from the path - to the wattle fence,

Tiri-tiri, shadow-shadow-shadow.


Sparrow in a puddle

Jumping and spinning.

He ruffled his feathers

The tail fluffed up.

The weather is nice!


Come on!

Dear starling,

Come, finally!

I built a house for you

Not a birdhouse, but a palace!




under my window

Made a nest -

And sings to himself


Spring red



It's warm already. And sometimes

A loud cry is heard from the garden.

Then there are a crowd of sparrows

They shout on the branches: “Chick-chirp!”

Satisfied birds that from the clouds

The sun will peek out for them for a moment;

They meet this beam

Cheerful cry: chirp-chirp!

That ray whispers to them that the earth

Everything will soon become like a flower garden,

Drown in the greenery of the field...

And louder you hear: chirp-chirp!

Sparrow wanted to swing

Our sparrow swing

On a visit to a thin blade of grass


Sat on the very top -

qin qirin:

"Shake me, you were a little girl,

throw it up!..”

A blade of grass sways in the wind.

Oh how the sun shines bright

Oh, how fun when in the world

You are a sparrow, a blade of grass,

The starlings have arrived

A tall maple awaits guests -

The branch house is fortified.

The roof is painted

There is a porch for singers...

In the blue sky, chirping is heard -

A family of starlings is flying towards us.

We got up early today

Waiting for the birds yesterday.

Security walks around the yard

Drives cats out of the yard.

A. Monich

Proudly swims in the backwater
Duck like a steamship.
A string of ships
Seven ducklings rush after her.

T. Goethe

Quack! - said duck-mother, -
Go to sleep, children!
Eight yellow babies
They rush to her under the wings.

A. Gross

Shel duckling across the bridge.
The duckling was walking barefoot.
Raised a gray ponytail to the top.
Jumped into the river somersault.

R. Zaitseva

Quack Duck on a sleepy pond:
"I can't find any ducklings!
Where are you, my dear children?!"
- "Mom, don't quack! We're playing hide and seek!"

L. Schmidt

All for midges! Quack quack!
To the river in the morning.
Not a minute without water
Ours cannot live ducks.

E. Grudanov

“Ku-ka-re-ku! Ku-ka-re-ku!" -
Pete can't sleep rooster.
He wakes everyone up: “Enough sleep!
It's time to get up!"

V. Zubkov

duck nibbling grass on a hummock,
She ate berries and leaves.
Well, then I rested in the shade
And I decided to go fishing in the river.

E. Ranneva

The goose explained to the chickens:
- I'm not afraid to get wet!
The river is better than the meadows
It's nice to swim ha-ha-ha!

I. Naumov

Bird, little bird
Why did you steal the matches
And pulled up her gloves
What did my sister knit for me?

E. Gorbovskaya

They looked into our window
doves: ghouls-ghouls.
Don't be afraid of them baby!
Fly away: shoo-shoo-shoo!

E. Shendrik

flock of wild pigeons
Passed with a whistle.
The sky became doves
Where it was hazy.

G. Kodinenko

Fell asleep on the rock eagle
The old-timer of these mountains.
Highlander's advantage -
The sun meets everyone first.

G. Dyadina

sea, like sugar, white.
Black at a seagull only a tip of a wing.
As if on the wings by accident
She poured out her morning tea.

Z. Palaia

Screams sadly over the river
misses the sea waves.
- Bird, who are you? Answer me!
Shout sadly gull

Y. Simbirskaya

Gull above the sea
Floats without movement.
Like a seagull
Her reflection.

S. sleep

All penguins in Antarctica
Walking in black and white tweed
Because it's minus thirty
You will get sick in a light chintz.

Y. Polyakov

Penguin hibernates among ice floes.
And on the cold ice
He doesn't need aspirin
Like people with angina.

D. Ponomareva

Heron walks in the swamp
It's like he's looking for someone there.
Oh, I'm afraid that this heron
The frog wants to grab.

A. Ganiev

Heron- bird of the field,
Walks barefoot,
For your own, for slender legs,
The heron will not find the boots.

K. Slavyanskaya

flies owl: uh huh!
I'm flying into the harsh taiga,
Catching mice, scaring animals
Rather, the children sleep in bed.

S. Marshak

Take a look at the little ones owl-
The little ones sit side by side.
When they don't sleep, they eat.
When they eat, they don't sleep.

O. Karelin

Drives the weak birds back,
Catches rabbits and mice
Zorok, wise and powerful
Inhabitant of the forest - predatory owl.

V. Zubkov

The wise one sighs owl:
"Well, it's just a headache!
I can't appease the chicks,
And during the day all owls should sleep"

The stork loves to live higher
He built his nest on the roof.
He has a spacious house
He loves the nest.

A. Freifeld

It brings us, breathing a little,
Stork in the baby's beak.
Storks want to know:
- Who brings storks?

A. Manskaya

Stork I saw a baby in a cabbage
and he said with great sadness:
- How can a baby live in cabbage?
I'd rather take it to the people!

R. Bekonina

Long-billed, shaggy
Came to us white stork,
He chose a higher place
Made a nest on our roof

M. Biryukova

Happy tit
Morozov is not afraid.
Even at minus twenty-five
Loves to sing songs!

N. Agoshkova

Rides fun tit
And the frost is not afraid:
She doesn't mind the cold
If there is food in the feeder!

N. Masley

Look kids
They are sitting on a branch
Little birds
yellow titmouse.

R. Aldonina

That's titmouse- flower bird
A small piece of blue sky.
Bright, cute, lively bird.
Eat, don't be afraid, titmouse bird.

E. Malenkina

Dad- starling- four chicks
Two docile chicks plus two tomboys.
Daddy starling does not eat or drink:
He will find a worm - and carry it to the children.

Z. Palaia

Who sings so loudly, purely
among the branches of the night?
This is the loudest
May nightingale.

E. Grudanov

“F-yu-yu-t - whistles starling on a branch,
Eat dear children
There are many midges here in the forest,
I'll bring you more."

G. Kodinenko

Black rook- blacker than the night
Tired as a worker:
He followed the plow during the day,
He caught worms with his beak.

Y. Kamysheva

To reprisal quickly, hot
local bully rook.
Sharp beak, easy steps -
Watch out, worms!

N. Agoshkova

Branch - one, fluff - two -
Just spinning my head!
Why are the rooks screaming?
Build nests for roar.

A. Garkovenko

They rang in the hills
Silver keys.
Returned to the nests
Black rooks.

Aunty Au

thoughtful magpie between this and then:
- All year round I'm wearing a black and white dress!
I'm tired of wearing the same...
And another, white and black put on.

Y. Simbirskaya

Through the thawed areas
A rook walks in a black suit.
Rook thaw in color
And it's like he doesn't exist.

N. Tomilina

They sit on the branches bullfinches,
They shine like lanterns.
Their warm, pinkish color -
Like hello sunshine.

S. Smirnova

To us titmouse arrived,
She sat quietly at the window.
And looks with one eye
What kind of children, what kind of house?

Y. Lyubimov

Wagtail with white chest
Arrived for a minute
shook her tail
And disappeared behind a bush.

rejoiced swift:
"I'm fast, oh!
In a dream, probably a swallow
It will only catch up with me."

N. Sergiyanskaya

Smart, beautiful and chirping -
Wants to tell us something
In North Cape, Greece, Morocco
Lives like we do magpie.

I. Fink

At magpies Glashki
Full pockets:
Looks where, what will shine
And quickly puts it in his pocket.

Aunty Au

Remember - have crows custom -
What lies badly, it considers prey.
But is it only about conscience that crows talk?
We ourselves the other day so missed the ring!

I. Nikolaevich

plopped down pigeons into a puddle.
The puddle serves as a bath for them,
Must be before spring
Wash with melt water.

L. Kireeva

On the birch near the house
built a nest crow.
Protects day and night
A crow wants to become a mother.

E. Ars

Two crows early in the morning
They fought over a lamb.
There was a commotion.
The red cat almost went deaf.

Z. Sosnina

Crow looked
in the spring puddle:
What beauty is there?
I'm no worse

N. Berestova

Karrr! screaming crow. Karrr!
I'm off to the market!
Crows, don't fight!
And wait for me in the nest!

G. Ryaskina

By the side of the road
walks stork leggy
The best of fathers
Looking for food for the chicks.

S. Melnikov

She lives in the swamps.
He does not sing songs to people.
Heard: "Kurli, kurli!"
are flying by cranes

L. Ishchenko

Today cuckoo promised me
Already a thousand years, which, of course, is a lot.
And if she still can cuckoo,
Let it bore my relatives too.

T. Vtorova

Cuckoo hid in the forest
and shouts to us: cuckoo, cuckoo!
And here comes the fun...
Ku-ku! - echoes back to her!

A. Alferova

If only, thought ostrich, -
Instead of wings there would be a sail,
Then I would run in the woods
On swollen sails.

R. Zaitseva

"It's better to hoot than to groan, -
Said owl.
And I thought:
"And the owl is right...

T. Vtorova

Sleepy owl- owl
I forgot all the words...
Taking a breath from fear,
She exhaled a long breath: wow!

V. Sibirtsev

What a miracle, across the clearing
There is an important bright fan!
The beauty of that ruler
proud of his tail peacock!

Near the house on the road
Dispute started magpies.
Friends could not decide
Who is more chatty in the neighborhood.

High on a maple tree
I was preparing to sing crow,
Showed a singing gift
Shouted loudly: Kar-rr...

Under the sunset of the crimson sun
A trill of ringing song flows.
And the singer among the branches -
Vociferous nightingale.

These birds are very happy
Hide, winter, your outfits!
Even a small stream
Glad to welcome rooks.

Shining sits on the snow,
Flock of red-breasted birds.
Love it soon
On handsome men bullfinch!

I can't understand everything
Here and there it sounds: Ku-ku.
I went through the forest to the edge,
Where did you hide cuckoo?

look, angler
He hides his catch in his beak!
The bird's beak is like a pocket
Fishing pelican.

Someone is walking on stilts
Very bold in the swamp.
Well, not a bit scary here,
life is good heron!

We can't enjoy everything.
We are the flight of this bird.
The mistress of the blue sea,
Flying over the wave gull.

This bird with willpower
A hundred times a day is in the field.
The bird has no time to be lazy
Carrying food for chicks tit.

Always ready to repeat
This bird is word for word.
Don't blame the bird
talkative parrot.

In Antarctica, like on a beach,
No frost is terrible:
In the midst of snow and ice
important stomping penguin.

Without much effort
Wings spread wide
Got fame in the sky
Floats above the ground eagle.

In the sky as clear as a page
Birds fly by smoothly.
Over the fields
wedge of beauties cranes.

Over the steppes in the blue sky
Predator proud and handsome.
Beauty and power do not fade
And beautiful up close. golden eagle.

A. Freifeld

Ostrich runs faster
The fastest horses
Though half the size of the legs
I could get it from my mom.

N. Volkova

At ostriches there is a lesson
how to hide your head in the sand.
In that science, of course,
they go head over heels.


At peacock beautiful tail,
Bright, long and big.
Feathers spread like a fan -
Kuram went to show off.

B. Zakhoder

How handsome peacock!
He has one vice:
All peacock beauty
Starts with the tail!

I. Fink

quarantine at the zoo
The kid got sick penguin.
Maybe he ate fish?
No, it's overheated in the sun.

I. Darnina

Birds built nests.
Will be until late autumn
Raise small chicks -
Feed them worms.

N. Polarus

Rides outside the window tit.
And not afraid of frost.
Just a sunny bird
Yellow-breasted titmouse.

On the mountain ash among the branches
A flock of nimble bullfinch.
And try to figure it out
Clusters where, where bullfinches.
Early in the morning at the porch
I see starling.
I know that he is the Messenger of Spring.
It's finally getting warmer!
a lot of rooks worries,
Literally, mouth full.
Feeding little chicks
So much like their fathers.

No limit and no time limit
Rattles all day magpie.
And carries around the whole
A lot of news.
to me cuckoo cuckooed
The whole day is carefree.
I'm tired of counting
It looks like I'll live forever.
I looked out the window.
The birds have been sleeping for a long time.
Only romantic nightingale
The song makes you happy.

I. Alexandrova

Gives concerts nightingale
From the thick willow branches.
Knows in these bushes
The best acoustics.

L. Zubanenko

Three tenors sit in a nest and sing songs,
And the spectators-parents scurry back and forth.
Well, tell me, how can children not sing in their own garden,
If the spectators-parents put food in their beak.