Russian business coaches in logistics rating. Top business coaches in Russia: who to learn from

layout kindergarten, boarding school, or complex must first of all comply with hygienic standards. In any children's institution, maximum safety for the health and life of children should be ensured. For the aesthetic design of such premises, there are rules that must be followed. A children's institution can be equipped in a specially built building or a ready-made building can be replanned for this.

Example standard plan kindergarten

The main tasks of a private kindergarten are raising children, teaching them the basic skills of being in a team, communication, and social behavior. Primary preschool education and preparation for school is another important task of modern children's centers.

In addition, classes in various kinds of creative circles can be held in kindergarten. In them, children will learn to draw, sculpt from plasticine, etc. The main thing is to initially determine the main directions of the kindergarten's work, the range of services provided. This will help with childcare. In kindergarten, children are brought up in different age groups.

The layout of the kindergarten with the designation of the premises

For each group, a separate space is needed in which children will study with their teacher according to the main program, relax, and communicate with each other.

When planning kindergartens or centers, it is necessary to clearly distinguish between rooms for children and office space.

Premises for different purposes (children's, administrative, service, utility, etc.) must be located separately from each other. It is advisable to equip utility, utility rooms in a separate building. All interior decoration of children's centers is made only from environmentally friendly materials. High Quality. In addition, rooms should be easy to clean. All surfaces should be durable and easy to clean. This will protect children from accidental injury and the spread of infection.

Variant of the project and layout of the kindergarten

Cleaning should only be done with chemicals approved for use in children's rooms. and should be carried out on the basis of the main purpose of the children's institution.

Hygienic requirements and safety standards

Kindergarten or boarding school should be located in a residential area among residential buildings. Equip children's institutions near parking lots, roadways, boiler houses or production facilities Absolutely forbidden.

Read also

Situational plan of the land plot

The basic sanitary and hygienic standards prescribe the following:

The main and additional premises of the kindergarten

The main premises in the buildings of kindergartens are:

Conditions for a full-fledged daytime sleep can be created in group rooms. In this case, it is better to purchase rollaway beds. To store beds and bedding, you will need a built-in wardrobe or a small closet. For a small kindergarten (no more than 30 children), you can equip a common dining room. For more children, it is more convenient to arrange a place for eating in a group room. At the same time, dining tables can also be used for classes or board games.

A medical office with an isolator is mandatory for kindergartens where children will stay all day or around the clock. If the institution operates in the "short day" mode, the first-aid post can be abandoned. It will be enough to conclude an agreement with a nearby clinic for the provision of medical care if necessary.

Group and sleeping quarters

Group rooms of the kindergarten should be isolated. It is desirable for each group room to equip a separate entrance from the adjacent territory. You can arrange a common entrance for two or three groups different ages. Near the common entrance, it is desirable to equip a dressing room for outerwear and street shoes.

Reception of children should be carried out in a separate room or in a dressing room. In the latter case, it is necessary to provide conditions for examining children. Entry of parents into group rooms is discouraged in order to protect against infection and maintain cleanliness in the room.

Arrangement of a sufficient number of window openings should be planned in the group room required size. This will provide good ventilation, natural light and access ultraviolet rays through which the room will be insolated.

It is preferable to equip the bedroom on a covered, insulated and or. You can allocate a place to sleep in the main room of the group, separating it with a sliding partition. For children aged 5-6, bunk beds are allowed. On the upper berth, the arrangement of a protective side is mandatory.

Restrooms and swimming pool

The toilet room is adjacent to the play area. It is advisable to equip a small separating corridor between them. For kids from nursery groups pots are used. For older children, toilets are placed in open cabins. Cabin dimensions - 80 by 80 cm, dividing wall height - 120 cm.
When arranging a swimming pool in a kindergarten building, it is necessary to plan the arrangement of a shower cabin, a dressing room and a toilet room.

A special bathroom for learning to swim should be equipped with an area of ​​​​3 by 7 m or a little more.

Layout of a kindergarten in buildings of various shapes

The simplest option for planning a small kindergarten in a square building is done according to the following principles:

  • the front door leads to the hall;
  • the doors to the catering department, the first-aid post and the manager's office open into the hall;
  • from the catering unit, an external exit is required for the delivery of products;
  • a corridor from the hall leads to group rooms (no more than 4);
  • group rooms are located around the multipurpose room.

Additional group rooms are arranged on the 2nd floor. In the 3-storey building of the kindergarten, only utility rooms are located on the top floor. In this case, an attic can be additionally involved. Here you can equip the pantry. The layout of the elongated building of the kindergarten assumes the presence of a central corridor passing between the end walls.

Design and layout of a kindergarten for 150 children

The central entrance is located closer to the end wall. Nearby is the manager's office. Further along the corridor, on one side, there are utility rooms: a dressing room, a kitchen, a first-aid post, a toilet room for staff, a pantry for things and products. Along the opposite wall is a multi-purpose room that opens onto the lobby. Further along the corridor, rooms for children are being arranged: group and bedroom rooms, toilets for girls and boys, a washroom, etc. At the end of the corridor, you can equip another large room for sports activities, dancing or active games.

As already noted, private kindergartens are becoming more common, especially in large cities. Places in the usual municipal kindergartens are sorely lacking, and not every family can afford to hire a nanny or governess. In addition, do not forget that the child needs communication in the children's team. For many, there is only one way out - to send the child to private kindergarten.

Business plan for a private kindergarten

Opening a private kindergarten, as well as the process of raising a child, is a very difficult and rather troublesome business due to the difficulties in obtaining permits and other restrictions (in particular, the requirements for the premises of a kindergarten).

The first step on the way to a private kindergarten is the registration of a legal entity and the selection of a room that meets all standards, the area of ​​\u200b\u200bwhich will directly depend on the number of children in the kindergarten. According to sanitary standards, one child should have at least 6 square meters. meters of area.

If we are talking about a large project, then the best option would be to rent the premises of the former state kindergarten from the local authorities. In this case, you will not have to pay for the refurbishment of the premises, since such a building already has a kitchen, halls for sports and music, bedrooms, etc.

When it comes to creating home kindergarten, then you should have a fairly spacious, bright room with a separate room (at least one) for children. Usually, a room is rented for a small private kindergarten. This may be an apartment, a cottage or renting a suitable area in any existing educational institution. For example, renting a four-room apartment will cost an average of 40-60 thousand rubles per month.

To obtain license for educational activities, you will need to develop educational programs, provide information about the teaching staff, obtain conclusions on the suitability of the selected premises from the SES and firefighters.

A private kindergarten should be equipped with special children's furniture, equipment for sports and recreational procedures, fire alarms.

Kit necessary equipment for the organization of a private kindergarten includes special children's furniture, toys, sports equipment, dishes, kitchen equipment, bedding, medicines, stationery, teaching aids etc. The total cost of equipment for a group of 15 children can be from 300 thousand rubles.

Of course, in a private kindergarten (unless we are talking about a home group), qualified teachers are required.

In addition, you must take care of medical care your little visitors and a balanced diet. Be prepared for the fact that these positions will be controlled quite tightly.

In addition to the above organizational issues, Your private kindergarten business plan must include all the necessary financial calculations, which will be different in each case.

To necessary costs should include:

  1. purchase price or room rental,
  2. the cost of repairing the premises (if necessary),
  3. the cost of the necessary equipment and inventory,
  4. Communal expenses,
  5. staff salaries,
  6. food expenses,
  7. laundry and general expenses.

The income will differ depending on the services and conditions of a particular private kindergarten. It is one thing if you draw up a business plan for an elite private kindergarten, and quite another is a small kindergarten for a group of 5-7 children of your friends and neighbors.

For many years, the problem of kindergarten has not become less relevant for parents. Firstly, it is very difficult to get there now, the queue must be taken almost until the birth of a child (even a state program has been adopted to compensate parents for kindergarten). And secondly, the enrollment in groups is so large that an individual approach to the child is simply excluded, which greatly affects the development of the baby. Private kindergartens come to the rescue. If you put in enough effort, then this is a fairly profitable type of business. Read more about how to open a private kindergarten.

It should be noted right away that high-quality child care requires serious investments. The main tasks that the future owner will need to solve are the selection of premises and personnel, as well as the collection of all required documentation.

Registration of a legal entity is a rather troublesome period, which, according to the law, should take a month. In practice, this period is significantly increased. After you have registered a legal entity, you need to go through several instances in order to agree on the implementation of specific activities. It is imperative to register an educational institution with the tax authorities (there it will be assigned a taxpayer identification number - TIN) and in all off-budget funds: pension and social insurance, as well as in the organization of state statistics.

If the educational activity is carried out by a legal entity, it is necessary to undergo licensing and obtain a license that will give the right to such activities. License issued State bodies management of education and local governments.

You can obtain a license by submitting the following documents:

1. Charter of the organization.

2. Agreement for the lease of premises or the right of ownership to it.

3. Document on tax registration.

4. Conclusions of the sanitary and epidemiological station and firefighters on compliance with all safety rules in an educational institution.

5. A document stating that the institution has all the necessary material and technical base and educational and methodological literature.

6. Educational program of the institution for each age group.

7. Data on the teaching staff and the number of children.

Getting a license is prerequisite. Otherwise, the founders may be held criminally liable. At the same time, activities that do not subsequently involve the issuance of documents on education are not subject to licensing. These are classes in circles, sections, organizing leisure activities, providing consultations, conducting trainings, etc.

The choice of premises must comply with all the norms and requirements for preschool educational institutions, regardless of whether it is owned by you or under a lease. Kindergarten long before opening in without fail employees of the sanitary and epidemiological station will visit to monitor compliance with all rules. Each child must have at least six square meters premises, it is necessary to have separate rooms for sleeping, games, a gym, a medical office. It is obligatory to install a fire alarm around the entire perimeter of the kindergarten.

The next cost item will be equipping the premises of the kindergarten with all necessary equipment. These are educational toys, stationery, children's furniture (chairs, tables, beds, individual lockers for clothes), teaching aids, equipment for free games and educational activities. It is necessary to equip the teacher and children with musical instruments, and the gym with equipment for outdoor games and physical activities. You should also purchase furniture, appliances and utensils for eating, pots, towels and other household items.

The staff is selected, as in the state kindergarten. It is obligatory to have educators, nannies, a health worker, a cook, a cleaner and a manager in the staff. Depending on financial capabilities, a private kindergarten may have a psychologist, security guards and a sports coach. Non-state kindergartens are associated by parents with highly qualified specialists, for whose work they are ready to pay good money. Therefore, the choice of employees must be approached with all responsibility and scrupulousness, so that they, in turn, preschool at a decent level.

This type of business is not considered highly profitable, moreover, its opening takes a long period of time due to the execution of all documents. How to increase profitability by opening a private kindergarten? The answer is simple: you need to implement additional services(for example, circles). Therefore, this direction is very promising.

The kindergarten business plan involves the provision of services such as the maintenance, upbringing and education of the child. The idea does not require significant initial investments and can be implemented in almost any city in Russia.

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Services provided by a private institution:

  • day stay of the child in the garden;
  • nutrition;
  • lessons;
  • walk in the fresh air.

Additionally, you can offer:

  • developing classes;
  • school preparation program;
  • accompanying the child to the section (if it is nearby);
  • overtime or overnight stay in the garden.

It should be noted that the number of services depends on the size of the institution and the orientation to a particular target audience. The cost of the monthly fee will be the higher, the more varied these offers.


The relevance of organizing a private kindergarten (including at home) is due to:

  • an annual increase in the birth rate;
  • the enthusiasm of young parents for a career that requires the investment of temporary resources (against the background of the closure of some federal institutions);
  • moving to a new place of residence (it is necessary to become in the state garden after the birth of the baby);
  • exactingness of parents in terms of nutrition and other conditions of the child's stay;
  • financial opportunity to provide a child Better conditions food and attitudes from the staff;
  • fashion for the use of modern methods of education in private institutions (classes according to Montessori);
  • the desire to place the child in a kindergarten with a small fullness of groups.

Description and analysis of the market

The kindergarten market in Russia can be characterized as follows:

  1. Nursery groups for overexposure of children under 36 months have ceased to exist since 2014. This applies to all government agencies.
  2. More than 2 million children are on the waiting list for public kindergartens.
  3. In 20 years, the number of public kindergartens has halved. At the same time, the policy of the state in the form of assistance to families with children contributes to a rapid increase in the birth rate.
  4. The demand for children's stay under the supervision of educators in kindergartens significantly exceeds the supply. 10% of children do not receive a place until they enter school.
  5. In 2014, SANPIN sanitary standards were approved for the organization of the functioning of preschool institutions. This provoked the entry of private entrepreneurs into the market.
  6. In Russia, there are approximately 12,000 private gardens and 46,000 federal ones.
  7. Starting from 2012, kindergartens organized by large families began to appear. More than 530 of them are registered in Moscow.
  8. The officially allowed number of children in a state kindergarten group is 25-30 people, private - up to 15.

The cost of a monthly stay of a child in a kindergarten in large cities and regional centers is as follows:

  • state institutions - 1000 rubles;
  • home stay - 6,000–15,000 rubles;
  • private institutions - 15,000–25,000 rubles.

The maximum cost of a monthly stay is 120,000 rubles in a private garden in Moscow.

Competitive advantages

Planning own business involves the selection and implementation of competitive advantages.

These can be such ways to attract and retain your target audience:

  • availability of weekend groups;
  • flexible work schedule (as agreed with parents) - from 7 am to 21.00 pm;
  • quality materials for the preparation of children and activities during the day;
  • a variety of themed toys (for games in the store, hospital);
  • sports activities with an invited coach (rhythm, dancing);
  • installed video surveillance system for children;
  • the presence of security;
  • 10% discount when paying for an annual subscription.

As advantages, you can organize the following activities with children during the day:

  • Painting;
  • creation of applications and modeling;
  • soap making and cooking classes;
  • creation of toys;
  • English (and/or Spanish);
  • lessons to get general information about the world and nature;
  • exciting walks-picnics;
  • theatre studio;
  • creation and presentation of your own crafts based on read fairy tales (materials are provided);
  • fairy tale therapy with a visiting child psychologist 1-2 times a week;
  • morning work-out.

Advertising campaign

To ensure recognition, you can use such advertising methods as:

  • colorful design of the room with the creation of a large bright sign (5,000 rubles);
  • leaflets that can be distributed a few months before the official opening with the help of a promoter or through children's stores (1000 rubles);
  • banner in the area of ​​a supermarket or large baby store(10,000 rubles);
  • own website (15,000 rubles);
  • advertising through mom bloggers (3000 rubles).

Step-by-step instructions for opening

The implementation of a commercial idea begins with a kindergarten business plan with economic calculations. Finished project can be downloaded free of charge on the Internet and adapted according to economic zoning, or compiled independently.

After the final approval of the business plan, the following steps are performed:

  1. Company registration.
  2. Obtaining permits from government agencies.
  3. Looking for a room to renovate or rent. The construction of a new building is also allowed.
  4. Repair work.
  5. Carrying out marketing activities.
  6. Equipping the garden with equipment and other inventory. Including ordering toys and teaching aids.
  7. Recruitment.

Detailed instructions for opening a private kindergarten are taken from the "How to open a private kindergarten" channel.


The first step is to apply for registration as an individual entrepreneur or LLC. This can be done online or in person at the Registration Center. You must have a passport with you. If several founders are planned, it is necessary to draw up an appropriate protocol and provide the Charter of the future enterprise. Registration takes 3-10 working days and costs about 800 rubles (state duty).

  • pension fund;
  • Social Insurance Fund;
  • Fire Service.

It should be noted that when choosing a type of activity such as childcare, it is not necessary to obtain a license.

Room and design

According to the SANPIN Resolution No. 68 on the requirements for the premises of preschool institutions, the layout of the kindergarten includes:

  • a dining room with an area of ​​20 m2;
  • bedroom - 18 m2;
  • game room - 18 m2;
  • dressing room - 15 m2;
  • kitchen - 9 m2;
  • utility room for washing and storage of equipment - 3 m2;
  • bathroom - 3 m2.

Thus, it is possible to rent the premises of an old state kindergarten or a 3-room apartment with an improved layout. Rent will cost 15,000 - 35,000 rubles, depending on the location.

As an interior design, you can use:

  • bright furniture;
  • funny pictures;
  • interesting posters;
  • colorful carpets.

The main thing is to make a room in kindergarten:

  • spacious;
  • attractive to parents;
  • interesting for children.

Repair will cost about 50,000 rubles.

It is important to pay attention to the presence of an outdoor playground. There are such sites on the territory of the state garden, it is enough to paint them and bring sand into the sandboxes. If you rent an apartment, you must initially choose a place near modern playgrounds.

Equipment and inventory

Equipment and inventory can be purchased new or used. Through the Internet you can order special beds and children's tables.

To complete a private kindergarten, you need:

Thus, you will need to invest from 281,500 rubles.


To work in a private kindergarten, you will need to carefully select staff, consisting of:

PositionThe number of employeesRequirements for a candidateResponsibilitiesSalary in rubles
  • work experience of 3 years;
  • age up to 50 years.
  • maintaining accounting records;
  • preparation and submission of reports.
30 000
  • work experience of 5 years;
  • medical education.
  • assessment of the condition of the child brought to the garden;
  • providing first aid if necessary.
15 000
  • Teacher Education;
  • love for children;
  • equilibrium;
  • continuous work experience of 4 years.
  • conducting developmental classes;
  • supervision of children;
  • observance and organization of the daily routine.
20 000
Assistant teacher (nanny)2
  • Teacher Education;
  • love for children;
  • stress tolerance;
  • At least 3 years of experience working with children.
  • assistance to the educator in organizing the daily routine;
  • control over children.
10 000
  • special education;
  • work experience of at least 3 years.
  • menu planning;
  • control of the purchase of products;
  • cooking;
  • compliance with SES standards in the kitchen.
20 000
Cleaning woman1
  • punctuality;
  • obligation;
  • cleanliness.
  • room cleaning twice a day.
10 000

Thus, the salary fund per month will be 170,000 rubles.

Financial plan

For financial calculations, the following initial data are used:

  • a private kindergarten registered as an LLC;
  • number of seats - 15;
  • work schedule - from 7 to 20.00 from Monday to Friday;
  • work on weekends: Saturday from 8 to 18, Sun - by appointment;
  • The premises are on long-term lease.

How much does it cost to open?

To determine the amount start-up capital the following costs are considered:

Recurring costs

The monthly costs will be:


The cost of payment per month is 20,000 rubles per child. In case of illness, the cost is not compensated. If parents warn about the absence of a son or daughter for a period of more than 2 weeks in advance, the amount allocated for food is removed from the subscription fee.

Thus, when loading a kindergarten of 15 people, the monthly income will be 300,000 rubles. Net profit - 51,000 rubles. It should be noted that fast full occupancy can be achieved with an early start of the advertising campaign.

Calendar plan

It will take 6-9 months from the moment the idea arises to its full implementation.

Stage1 month2 months3 months4 months5 months6 months7 months
Market analysis+
Business plan preparation +
Registration of a package of documents +
Obtaining Additional Permissions +
Premises for rent +
Repair work +
Purchasing and stocking +
Recruitment +
Advertising activity + + + +
Opening +

The business plan of a private kindergarten is more relevant today than ever. Although currently in preschool institutions there are no longer such huge queues that existed a few years ago, the demand for kindergarten services has grown significantly.

This was partly due to the active promotion of the proper upbringing of children, according to which children must constantly communicate with their peers, receive the knowledge necessary at their age, and be under the vigilant supervision of adults, which parents, who are almost always busy with their own affairs, or while at work, cannot provide.

The draft presented to the reader's attention does not claim to ready business plan private kindergarten, but may well be used as a guide when compiling one.


This project is a business plan for a private kindergarten with a payback period of two years.

Project goals:

  1. Creation of a highly profitable enterprise
  2. Organization of obtaining a stable profit
  3. Satisfying the market demand for services for the upbringing, education, and pastime of preschool children.

Project funding source: own funds or bank loan

Form of reference entrepreneurial activity: IP

The total cost of the project: 12 million rubles

Payback period: 1 year

Included in the calculations interest rate: 25 %

total amount interest payments will be: 3 million rubles

The investor's income will be: 3 million rubles

Payments of loan funds and interest on the loan will begin from the first month of the project.

Main stages of project implementation

The beginning of the project implementation - immediately after the acceptance of the business plan by the Customer, or after receiving credit funds.

The main stages for the implementation of this project, the conditions and terms of their implementation are presented in Table No. 1:

Stages of the projectDeadlines
Conclusion of an investment agreement1 month
Getting borrowed funds1 month
Entering into the state register, registration
in administrative and tax authorities
1 month
Location selection and design
1-6 months
Purchase and installation of equipment1 month
Recruitment1 month
Holding marketing campaign 1-24 months

General description of the project

A private kindergarten is intended to create a service for the upbringing and education of children, care and supervision of them in the territory of various settlements RF. This concept includes the following institutions:

  • Nursery
  • Kindergarten-school

In addition to the economic component of the project to create a private kindergarten, a special component is its social significance. As is well known, the number of kindergartens in Russia lags far behind the number of children their parents wish to place there.

The motivation for the creation of a kindergarten in the form of a disinterested mission for the proper upbringing of children can be ruled out immediately, since the current moral principles of society as a whole leave much to be desired. But since any inspection can immediately close the institution if it reveals inadequate quality, compliance with established rules and regulations, and the costs of creating such a business are very significant, any entrepreneur doing business in this area tries to keep everything “on a level”.

Today, in order to arrange a child in kindergarten, you need to stand in line. And in a large city, this line must be occupied even before the birth of a child! Usually. The application is submitted at the beginning of the year, but in practice, admission to kindergarten is carried out throughout the year.

In Russia, there are two forms of ownership of kindergartens:

  1. Government agencies
  2. And non-state

The latter, in turn, can be further divided into 2 types:

  1. Private kindergartens
  2. And homemade

The mode of operation of state kindergartens, as a rule, provides for a 10 or 11-hour stay of a child in an institution. Many private kindergartens operate on a schedule - from 8 am to 12 noon and / or from 14 to 17 hours. And, despite the fact that long periods of stay of children in kindergarten are in the greatest demand, there are quite a few such institutions, it is extremely difficult to get there, and therefore they are in great demand.

Any preschool institution organizes its work in accordance with the law of the Russian Federation "On Education", must be properly registered, have a state license, and a premises that meets all necessary standards.

Premises for kindergarten and its location

A private kindergarten, unlike a home one, is usually located in its own or rented building:

  • Necessarily low-rise
  • Freestanding
  • With a closed adjacent territory

In the city, these can be former buildings of state or belonging to various departments, kindergartens, or new buildings built according to all SNiPs. And outside the city - small cottage-type buildings, erected according to the same rules.

Unlike a private kindergarten, a home one usually occupies a 3- or 4-room apartment, of which most of the area is devoted to placing children. Often, home kindergartens are semi-legal, or completely illegal. Therefore, for an entrepreneur who does not want problems with various supervisory authorities, the best option is a private kindergarten.

When planning to open a business, in the process of preparation, you should determine the place for the future kindergarten that best meets the necessary parameters:

  1. The selected area should have as few competing organizations as possible, both similar and state type (optional, but recommended condition)
  2. When choosing a district for the location of a kindergarten, it is necessary to be guided by large number new buildings and houses under construction, where young families with small children usually live

The technical characteristics of the room should be as follows:

  • It should be in a residential area so that in the event of its purchase or lease, the cost would be significantly lower than that of a residential property.
  • The room must comply with the standards of the fire service and Rospotrebnadzor specified in SanPiN "Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the device, content and organization of the operating mode of preschool educational organizations."
  • The optimal area for 1 child should be at least 6 square meters. meters. Based on these calculations, it is necessary to determine the number of children that can be kept in kindergarten.
  • A private kindergarten should have separate rooms for games, sleeping, eating, and a medical office.
  • Sanitary rooms for boys, girls, and separately for adults.

If the found premises do not meet these requirements, then it is necessary to make redevelopment and repairs in it, if the property agreement allows it. Ideally, they manage with cosmetic repairs, but most often you have to redo the building almost completely. And this is one of the most significant expense items in the entire project.

Necessary documentation for opening a preschool institution

According to the scope of the legislation of the Russian Federation, which regulates the activities of kindergartens in the country, only legal entities– organizations of a non-profit nature (partnerships, associations, unions, foundations, etc.), or individuals, registered as individual entrepreneurs . OOO, any joint-stock companies, etc. are not allowed to engage in educational activities.

Based on this, the most suitable form of doing business for the owner (owners) of a kindergarten is an individual entrepreneur. After registering a business, it is necessary to collect a package of documents that are needed to start a kindergarten.

First of all, you need to register with the tax authorities with the mandatory assignment of TIN, in the statistical authorities with the definition of OKVED, OKPO, etc. The full list of taxes paid by the individual entrepreneur can be found.

For, to get a license to drive educational activities it is necessary to submit the following package of documents to the Department or the Committee of Education in this subject of the Federation, local governments:

  • Extracts from the relevant registers confirming registration as an individual entrepreneur
  • Certificate of registration with the tax authorities
  • The act of Rospotrebnadzor confirming that the premises for the kindergarten are in proper condition
  • Conclusion of the GPN that the premises have been checked for fire safety
  • Compiled educational program, both of a single type and of our own design
  • Certificate confirming the availability of material and technical equipment and teaching materials
  • Data on the composition of the teaching and educational staff, the number of children, etc.
  • Payment receipt state duty for a license

To obtain the conclusion of Rospotrebnadzor it is necessary to conduct a number of paid studies and analyzes, among which the main ones are:

  • Measurements of illumination in each room of the kindergarten intended for children
  • Measurements of radiation in the building and in the surrounding area
  • Analysis of the composition of tap water in kindergarten

To obtain an act of GPN necessary:

  • Install a fire alarm
  • Treat the wooden elements of the building structure with a special compound
  • Have an agreement on the conclusion of services for the maintenance of fire alarms
  • Equip all premises of the kindergarten with fire extinguishers, signs with direction indicators to the exit, and fire evacuation plans

Obtaining a license for a kindergarten is such a troublesome and costly procedure that many entrepreneurs, faced with this need, refuse to implement this business idea at this stage.

Meanwhile, the further process is much easier, and is not without some "bonuses" that are unique to this type of business. So, for example, in the work of a kindergarten, one of the main problems of any business is missing - the lack of clientele and the struggle for it, the lack of institutions of this type is so acute.

A business plan for a kindergarten, without which it simply cannot take into account all the nuances of the organization, can be ordered from companies involved in business planning. Such a service will cost from 50 to 150 thousand rubles. You can try to write a description of the project yourself. For help, you can suggest that you familiarize yourself with this information -.

However, it can be reiterated that market for services preschool education so free that there is practically no competition. And therefore, even in small towns, large and small private kindergartens exist relatively quietly nearby.

Marketing plan

It should be noted right away that the activities of kindergartens were not affected by economic crisis, which began in 2014, in terms of falling demand for services. The need to raise children in kindergartens does not depend in any way on the financial situation of their parents, the increase in prices for food, clothes and shoes public utilities, etc.

The course to improve the demographic situation in the country, taken by the government of the country several years ago, has now begun to bear fruit, and the birth rate has increased significantly. At the same time, requests for kindergarten services have also grown. It is impossible to underestimate this business idea.

One of its advantages in comparison with other types of business is its absolute win-win, even with the inept organization of the business. In the capital, for example, there are quite a few families in which children are sent to kindergartens in most cases, clearly violating the norms for the maintenance of children, simply because there is no other way out.

Based on this, we can conclude that there is no need to conduct any special marketing campaign, therefore, you can save a little on this expense item. Besides the best advertisement will be reviews of satisfied children. Therefore, almost all that is needed is to organize a really good institution with an interesting developing educational program.

However, there is still a problem in organizing a private kindergarten. This is a matter of personnel - highly qualified educators and teachers. These professions are among the lowest paid today. Excluding, of course, the situation with elite kindergartens. Many specialists either "left" to tutoring, as nannies or governesses, or began to work in related professions.

The situation will be somewhat saved by the fact that the main job seekers are women over the age of 40 with solid work experience.

Table 2 shows the average salary level for kindergarten workers in Central Russia:

The problems of enrolling in kindergartens in Moscow began to be solved by enrolling via the Internet, on the websites of institutions, or through the MFC - multifunctional centers. It is hoped that in the very near future such a procedure will be introduced in other regions of the country.

Table No. 3 shows the average prices for kindergarten services in various regions of Russia:

CityPrices in the state kindergarten, thousand rublesPrices in a private kindergarten, thousand rubles
Moscowfrom 60from 80
Permianfrom 40from 50
Vladivostokfrom 45from 55
Krasnoyarskfrom 35from 40
Kaliningradfrom 40from 55
Sochifrom 50from 60
Yekaterinburgfrom 50from 60

There is reason to believe that such an analysis of the situation in the field of kindergartens will be quite satisfactory for any investor who will appreciate the benefits this business.

Production plan

The main equipment and inventory for kindergarten can be divided into the following categories:

  1. For children's development and free games. This includes toys, stationery, teaching aids, children's furniture, technical devices and tool kits.
  2. For music lessons and physical activity. This category includes children's musical instruments, workplace teacher with musical instrument, teaching aids, a physical culture and sports complex indoors and outdoors, toys and equipment for outdoor games.
  3. The necessary accessories for organizing sleep are beds and bed linen at the rate of 2 sets per child.
  4. For storing children's outerwear and changeable clothes and shoes - lockers, stools, children's sofas and armchairs.
  5. For eating - furniture, dishes, cutlery.
  6. Sanitary equipment - baby toilets, pots, towels, soap, etc.

At the same time, equipment is needed to organize conditions for children:

  • Kitchen appliances and equipment
  • Cooking utensils
  • Uniform or overalls
  • Washing machine
  • Iron, ironing board
  • Equipment for medical office– furniture and special furniture, medical equipment and appliances, overalls, etc.

Separately, you need to consider the possibility of purchasing vehicle(bus or minibus), which will bring / transport children.

The technical support of the kindergarten must meet all the necessary requirements. Particular attention should be paid to security issues. In addition, the purchased equipment must justify the investment in the future, and provide a full payback.

Financial plan

The beginning of the financial year of the institution is January.

The main taxes payable are presented in Table No. 4:

Type of taxtax basePeriodInterest rate
income taxIncoming profitMonth20%
Property taxEstimated value of the propertyAccording to the payment schedule2,2%
VATAdded valueMonth18%
Income taxpayroll fundMonth13%
Social paymentspayroll fundMonth34%

The forecast of volumes of service provision and revenue is presented in Table No. 5:

PeriodType of serviceNumber of children per monthService cost, rub.Revenue, rub
1-12 month40 - 60 25 000 from 10 to 15 million
1-12 month40 - 60 35 000 from 14 to 21 million
13-24 monthRaising and educating children for 9 months50 - 75 27 000 from 13.5 to 20.25 million
13-24 monthOne-time payment upon admission to kindergarten50 - 75 37 000 from 18.5 to 27.75 million
25-36 monthRaising and educating children for 9 months50 - 75 30 000 from 15 to 22.5 million
25-36 monthOne-time payment upon admission to kindergarten50 - 75 40 000 from 20 to 30 million

Analysis of possible risks

The main risks in doing this business are as follows:

  • A high degree of bureaucratic "delays" when registering a business
  • Possibility of frequent inspections in kindergarten
  • Low level of training of pedagogical and educational staff


The kindergarten carried out in this business plan showed that this project has high development prospects, the possibility of making big profits. Most of the possible risks can be minimized or avoided altogether with the skillful, flexible management of the institution. Economically, the implementation of such a project is fully justified.