Business plan for a hairdressing salon for 2 jobs. Barber shop business plan

Hairdressing is a sought-after and popular service. At the same time, it is one of the most popular types of small business. Indeed, a business plan for opening an economy class hairdressing salon is not particularly difficult, and the very opening of an institution is not so expensive. However, there are certain features in the development of this business.

First of all, this concerns the choice of a point of sale, especially for mini-hairdressing salons.. Next, consider the organization of the enterprise in more detail.

Distinctive features of economy class hairdressing salons

If we are talking about economy-class hairdressing salons, then they are focused on clients with medium and low incomes. Based on the target audience, you can also describe other features of the institution that is supposed to be opened.

Basic mini-hairdressing services

  • haircut;
  • Hair Styling;
  • painting;
  • shaving;
  • model haircut;
  • creating hairstyles.

At the same time, hairdressing services can be divided into men's and women's. Such a division is justified with the specialization of hairdressing salons or the division into male and female halls. The device of a universal hairdressing salon also needs to be calculated, focusing on the planned flow of customers. It is not always justified to receive all clients in the same hall by the same master.

Overload various additional services such hairdressing makes sense only if these services are in demand in the environment potential clients. Here, before adding a service, it is appropriate to study the possible demand in the course of some time the hairdresser's work with a basic set of services.

Additional services can be of very different directions:

  • for the main activity (exit hairdresser, thematic hairstyles, etc.);
  • related activities (stylist, make-up artist, manicure, etc.);
  • service (coffee bar, internet, taxi, etc.).

In any case, a basic set of services is taken as a sample at the initial opening of a mini-hairdresser. This is the main product, which accounts for the lion's share of earnings. An exception may be the case when there is already an established customer base of some specific service, or an agreement to provide it, for example, with some enterprise for processing the skin of the hands of its employees. But in this case, it is necessary to consider not how to open an economy class hairdresser from scratch, but other business models.


From the above, all mini-hairdressing salons can be divided into three classes:

  • men's;
  • women's;
  • universal.

For the purposes of analysis and planning of business processes, it makes sense to highlight more:

  • targeting a specific audience;
  • broad orientation.

The latter requires an explanation. For the purposes of the organization production process It is convenient to have an idea about the target audience. Those. any specific target audience (whether it be completely homogeneous or several homogeneous layers) involves certain work with her. Accordingly, typical developments can be immediately calculated and invested in the organizational plan. If the location of the barbershop is supposed to be in a public place, where it is rather difficult to single out the specifics of clients, then more universalism is included in the organizational plan, which usually leads to an increase in cost.

Indeed, in a hairdressing salon located in a wrestling sports complex, you can not initially plan the cost of dyeing your hair. Conversely, when located at international airports, the list of services should be more extensive, although some of them may be in demand very rarely.


Mini hairdressing salons are most conveniently located in residential areas of the city, at the intersection of crowded streets, in public places. Those. the main principle is the availability of the enterprise for the target audience. It is desirable, at least at the initial stage of work, that there be a large flow of potential customers near the enterprise.

Over time, this factor is leveled. If it is possible to work for some time at a loss until a certain client base is formed, then the requirements for the location of the hairdresser are less critical. This may result in lower rental prices. However, the remote location of the barbershop is not in the best way impact on revenue and business development.

The same goes for competitors. With a close location with similar institutions, the client base may begin to blur between them and the business may become unprofitable.


Recommendations for the area of ​​​​the room - 5-6 square meters. meters per master. Converted premises on the first floors of multi-storey buildings are usually suitable. Or rented premises in public buildings (train stations, shopping centers, etc.).

The room must be equipped with water supply, sewerage. It is desirable to have a working area, a recreation area for staff, an area for customers. The premises will need to be refurbished and decorated accordingly.


The set of equipment in economy class hairdressing salons is minimal:

  • swivel chairs;
  • mirrors;
  • a set of scissors and combs;
  • hair clippers;
  • hair dryers;
  • furniture (bedside tables, chairs, tables).

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There are certain requirements for the selection of personnel. In general, hairdressers in such establishments do not need to have highly qualified. Enterprises are organized on the masters of the middle class. In most cases, this is justified, since high-class masters are much more expensive.

The profitability of such institutions is such that it is not possible to hire additional staff economic sense. In general, mini-hairdressers are usually organized by the hairdressers themselves. In this case, earnings and business income merge. When hiring staff, you will need to calculate the break-even point well.


To open a barbershop license is not required. Organizational form sufficient IP. need joint-stock company in this case is highly questionable. The creation of a joint-stock company will require large material and organizational costs, in this case there are no advantages.

From the documentation, a set is sufficient:

  • constituent documents;
  • external documentation (lease agreements, contracts, etc.);
  • internal documentation ( job descriptions, customer visit logs, etc.).

Internal documentation is developed based on economic specifics. First of all, for the purposes of optimizing activities (in terms of costs, in terms of work time, etc.)


A ready-made business plan for a hairdressing salon with calculations must necessarily contain a marketing part. Marketing in general is simple here and is divided into two parts:

  • promotional activities;
  • scheme of work with the client base.
  • choice of name, production of signboards;
  • production and distribution of printed advertising (brochures, business cards, announcements).

The scheme of work with the client base includes a system of discounts, discounts for complex services. In some cases, work with agents, nearby institutions may be added.

Sample cost estimate for an economy class barbershop

Here is a small sample calculation. Hairdressing salon for 2 masters. Additional staff will not. All work is carried out independently. Room 20 sq. meters. Basic set of services.

The average revenue from one client is 200 - 300 rubles. With the passage of 20 - 30 people a day, we get - 4 - 9 tons of rubles a day. On average, it will turn out 100 - 200 tons per month.

Profit is: 30 - 50 thousand rubles per month.

The payback of the project will be approximately from 0.5 to 1.5 years.

About 2-3 months after the launch, the break-even point is reached. For these 2-3 months, you need to expect that income will not cover monthly expenses.

Starting your own business has never been easy. There are always many questions that are best dealt with gradually, but without delay. To open a hairdresser, you will need not only finances, but also your own physical labor, worries. Of course, if you develop or use a ready-made scheme of actions aimed at opening a hairdresser from scratch, then things will go much faster. The best option for such a scheme is a business plan for opening a hairdressing salon from scratch, drawn up taking into account all the features of this business and the specific conditions of this place, this area of ​​​​the city.

To understand and understand how to draw up a business plan for a hairdressing salon, you can only look at the websites with samples of business plans for hairdressing salons with calculations. There is plenty of such information that is very useful at the initial stage of a business on the network.

The main indicators of the project:

The cost of the project is 600,000 rubles.

The average revenue per month is 65,000 rubles.

Profit - 40,500 rubles.

Payback -1.5 - 2 years.

Where to begin

It is most logical to start a business from registration actions, from determining the form of future activity. Numerous examples prove that the form of IP is more suitable here, since it involves a simplified form of taxation and minimization of the tax payments. The second condition for rapid progress towards success will be that the entrepreneur has a certificate confirming the completion of his hairdressing courses. These points are well specified in the ready-made business plan x hairdressing salon, which are now abundant on Internet sites.

You will also need certificates from the sanitary and epidemiological station and state supervision. Such documents can be obtained by selecting and equipping a suitable room in accordance with the purpose of the business. Specialists from these authorities must inspect the premises of the future hairdresser, and only after that they can issue a permit for the activity.

A businessman must already take care of the list of services that will be provided to customers in his institution. For starters, a standard set is more suitable, which is in demand in almost all similar establishments. And as it develops, it will be possible to supplement the number of services that are profitable and in demand by customers.

Instructions for the first steps in the hairdressing business will be the following:

  • registration steps;
  • rent or purchase of suitable premises;
  • work permits from SES and fire safety inspection;
  • recruitment of a staff of workers, both certified craftsmen and technical workers.

In order to spend as little time as possible on business registration, you can use simplified scheme, which involves the selection of a suitable OKVED code and the optimal sequence of steps for independent registration actions. In case of lack of time, you can entrust this work to a lawyer who provides clients with similar services.

Important, that ready-made examples business plans for a hairdressing salon are different from similar documents for beauty salons. And the main difference is the list of services provided. The easiest way is to develop a business plan for an economy class hairdressing salon, and this will cost much less.

Room selection

When choosing a room, it is important to decide in advance the question of the proximity of the institution to the city center or to a residential area. The fact is that renting a room in the city center is much more expensive than the same area on the outskirts. With a higher rent, the entrepreneur will be forced to increase the cost of the services provided in order to recoup his costs. But in a residential area, if customers are satisfied with the quality of work of the hairdressers of your enterprise, you can very quickly get a permanent clientele, which will provide the revenue required for the break-even operation of the institution. This will be facilitated by moderate pricing, which is possible only with a low rent.

The area of ​​​​the premises should correspond to the number of jobs for hairdressers who will work in the institution. According to the rules of the SES, one hairdressing chair must have at least 2 square meters area. From this norm, you can calculate in advance the entire required area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room. It should be noted that in addition to the workroom, you will also need a small room for waiting for clients and a second room for an administrator with an accountant. If you draw up a business plan for the organization and development of a hairdressing salon, then it must take into account the need to increase the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe establishment as it develops. It is better to immediately rent a larger area than at some stage of development to relocate all the property of the institution and ready-made design developments to another place.

The question itself - whether to buy a room or rent it - depends on the availability of funds from the entrepreneur at the stage of establishing a business. Both forms have their pros and cons. When renting, large funds are not needed at the beginning of work, but the purchased area will no longer require significant monthly payments to the owner of the premises, but the initial investment will increase significantly.

Barbershop equipment

The expenses of an entrepreneur, of course, do not end with renting a room. The second significant item of expenditure is the purchase of equipment for the enterprise and consumables. It is better to immediately find such equipment suppliers who already have good recommendation from working hairdressing establishments. This will guarantee the good quality of the equipment, and it will also be possible to count on consulting services supplier in the first steps of business.

The set of equipment for the work of masters includes:

  • two scissors for each barber various types(thinning and shearing);
  • one hair dryer for each workplace;
  • shaving accessories for each men's chair (two sets for each master);
  • clippers (two for each workplace);
  • a set of combs of the desired assortment;
  • large mirrors for each chair;
  • wardrobes and hangers for clients' clothes;
  • washing sinks for washing the hair of the head (according to the number of seats);
  • tool shelves or tables for each master.

Consumables purchased from a supplier are usually calculated for a month of work, or better - for three months. Such a mode of supply will guarantee the uninterrupted operation of the institution for the whole quarter at once.


The staff will have to include not only experienced masters, who are not easy to find, but also beginners who have just completed courses in hairdressing. The selection of beginners can start right where they are taught - in the courses. But it will be possible to lure experienced craftsmen into your institution only with a higher salary, other benefits in working conditions.

If you hire only graduates with brand new certificates of graduation, then there is a risk of getting a not very good reputation among customers. This can adversely affect the profit of the institution, and hence its profitability.

There is no doubt - an experienced master will be able to make a client's hairstyle much faster and better than a beginner who has just completed professional skills courses. And visitors see all this perfectly, they take everything into account for the future. If someone was dissatisfied with visiting your hairdresser, then his next visit can be expected no earlier than six months, or even more.

Production plan

Consider the production plan of the institution, which should be an integral part of any business in the service sector, and in particular the business plan of a hairdressing salon. If you plan to open not just a hairdressing salon, but a hairdressing salon, then you will have to add a whole range of services to the list of services provided. It will include not only haircuts, perms and hair coloring, but also a pedicure with peeling, a manicure with photoepilation and a solarium. The functional and social purpose of such a salon will be to maintain clients in excellent appearance and good physical condition.

Usually in hairdressing salons, visitors are provided with professional preparations. And manicure and pedicure are performed not only as a professional treatment and varnishing of the nail zones, but also as a complex care for the skin of the hands. Also in the salon used masks for facial skin, peeling, massage.

If you perform manicure and pedicure regularly, then the client's hands and feet become healthy and beautiful in appearance, their youth is maintained for a long time. Masters of the hairdressing salon must be fluent not only in cutting, but also in various methods of nail extension, eyelash extension.

The owner or founder of a hairdressing salon should see the benefit in renting a room for an establishment in a large mall, where there is always a congestion of visitors. It will be enough to have an area of ​​\u200b\u200bthis room of about 150 square meters. meters. Of this area, 110 meters would be more reasonable to use for production purposes, and 10 square meters. meters - for storage. It will also be necessary to allocate a small corner of about 10 square meters. meters for the administrative office. At the same time, excess, unused area will reduce the profitability of the enterprise, its profitability. After all, the rent for the premises increases in direct proportion to the increase in its area.

An institution of this magnitude will only need to hire four hairdressers, two beauticians and an administrator with a cleaner. Accounting services can be obtained from free visiting specialists working under a contract. It is enough for an accountant to be at work once or twice a week. The administrator can work according to the schedule week after week, and the cleaning lady must produce wet cleaning premises at the end of each working day. Once a week, a general cleaning of the entire area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe hairdresser is also required.

The organizational plan, along with the production plan, is always an important part of the overall business plan of a hairdressing business. This section of the business plan must include a list of all activities organizational plan. This includes the purchase of the necessary equipment, the purchase and arrangement of furniture, service personnel and supplies of consumables.

AT production plan the exact amount of equipment, the number and location of interior elements and furniture should be taken into account. It is also strictly necessary to take into account all members of the working team.

Financial plan

The initial stage of any business rarely does without capital investments. This also applies to opening a barbershop. Let's try to predict the costs at this stage and get at least an approximate amount of investments, without which it is simply unthinkable to open a business in this service sector.

To open a barbershop you will need:

  • registration costs for individual entrepreneurs - 5 thousand rubles;
  • to buy or rent a room - 100 thousand rubles;
  • to buy the necessary technological equipment- 15 thousand rubles. for one master;
  • for the purchase of materials of the expenditure group for the quarter - 20 thousand rubles;
  • advertising expenses - 5 thousand rubles.

Advertising is the factor that largely determines the effectiveness of the project already at the first stage of work. At this stage, you can get by with free advertising actions in the form of leaflets on billboards. But for serious work on the marketing plan, you will need videos on the network, notes or short messages in the media. The competitiveness of the institution also depends on advertising actions. But this is mainly at the first stage of business development. Further success will be largely determined by the skill of the hairdressers and the overall quality of service, the cozy and modern atmosphere in the working room, as well as the courtesy of the masters with visitors.

In addition to these costs, you will also have to pay for the work of an accountant. For this, at least 50 thousand rubles should be included in the business plan for the provision of hairdressing services annually. But wage hairdressers must make up at least 40% of their daily earnings. If a hairdressing salon is planned for seven chairs, then the daily net profit for all expenses can be up to 3,500 rubles. To this should be added those consumables that are used for services to customers at a price significantly exceeding their cost. It also generates significant profits. With such an income, the payback period of the initial investment usually does not exceed one or two years. Of course, in opening a hairdressing salon, as in any business, risks are inevitable. They may be associated with an inaccurate assessment of customer potential, an underestimation of the impact on the business of a competitive environment. Any business should be prepared for this in advance, and it is also necessary to make a financial reserve for this in planning.

An important role is played in the pace of promotion of the enterprise and the quality of the services provided. It is also important to choose the optimal mode of operation of the institution for the size of the profit. You just need to take into account those hours when the influx of customers is the largest and ensure the highest intensity of work during these periods. If this is the city center, then the most intense work occurs during lunch break in neighboring organizations. But in residential areas, the influx of customers usually occurs in the evening.

Do you often go to the hairdresser? Think about it. At least 6 times a year if you need a haircut. And if you take into account other services (hair coloring, styling), then there will be significantly more visits. This business is in demand.

How to organize the opening of your own business in order to invest only 400 thousand rubles? And in a year to return this money and make a profit?

Domain analysis

If you are planning to open a hairdressing salon, you should familiarize yourself with the possible formats of establishments. They are like this:

  • Budget(economy class) - differ in a small range of services and low prices. Pricing can also be influenced by the quality of work, distance from the center, comfort of equipment and design.
  • Elite(business class) - designed for clients with high and medium income levels. Usually they are located in the city center or close to the transport interchange. They are distinguished by expensive repairs, the availability of high-quality equipment, the level of professionalism of the masters, the use of expensive styling and hair care products.

By type are distinguished:

  • Baby- These are highly specialized institutions that are rare. They are designed, as the name implies, for a special clientele. They are distinguished by the specific design of the room, the presence of multimedia devices, toys and other items in the interior that can distract and interest the child in the process of cutting.
  • Women's- designed to serve the female population. They can also provide manicure and pedicure services.
  • Men's- in them, the masters specialize in men's haircuts.
  • mixed hairdressing salons have a male and female hall. They also cut children's hair.

By the way, a beauty salon is a completely different topic, which differs in many ways from a hairdresser. Mainly, the range of procedures and services offered. In the salon, in addition to styling and cutting hair, various cosmetic procedures can be carried out. But in this case, completely different requirements will be presented to the institution.

If you are interested in the idea of ​​​​opening a hairdressing salon for only 400 thousand rubles, consider the option of a mixed-type budget format. The project will be designed to provide various hairdressing services to the population with an average income and below average. The pricing policy will be loyal - within 150-500 rubles for one service.

Organizational events

Where to start opening: with registration or selection of premises? To do everything on time, follow the preparation plan:

  1. Finding suitable premises.
  2. Conclusion of a lease agreement.
  3. Obtaining permits.
  4. Development of room design.
  5. Holding repair work.
  6. Purchase of inventory and furniture.
  7. Personnel selection.

To reduce the cost of repairs, paperwork, it is worth choosing a room in a shopping complex. The most suitable location is on the ground floor. There is a large flow of visitors per day, so the number of potential customers will be sufficient. The premises must comply with sanitary and fire regulations. It must be equipped with ventilation, a bathroom and other necessary communications.

When registering with the tax office, select an individual entrepreneur (individual entrepreneurship) according to the simplified taxation system. So you can pay 6% of gross income. : "93.02 Provision of services by hairdressers and beauty salons."

Variable and fixed costs of opening

To organize the launch, it is necessary to provide 400 thousand rubles. These funds will be required to pay rent, purchase equipment, and repair activities.

Estimated starting costs:

The biggest expense item is the purchase of equipment and furniture. For the amount of 200 thousand rubles. planned to purchase the following:

  • 3 dressing tables in the amount of 27 thousand rubles;
  • 3 armchairs in the amount of 14 thousand rubles;
  • 2 sushuars - 23 thousand rubles;
  • 2 washes - 26 thousand rubles;
  • a sofa in the waiting room for 13 thousand rubles;
  • reception desk for 27 thousand rubles;
  • inventory and cosmetics - 70 thousand rubles.

After opening, the monthly cost estimate will be 250-260 thousand rubles:

Item of expensesAmount (rub.)
Total:256 401
1. Rent payment45 000
2. Salary of six employees136 463
3. Deductions40 938
4. Payment under the contract to the accountant and cleaner11 000
5. promotional activities8 000
6. Expendable materials5 000
7. other expenses10 000

Detailed information about the opening of such an institution can be gleaned from the video:

Required personnel

In the estimate fixed costs included wages for one month to six employees in the amount of 136,463 rubles. At the same time, it is planned to attract two employees under the contract - a cleaner and an accountant. Them wage fund per month will be 11,000 rubles. Six masters will work two days in two to three people per shift. The administrator will work six days with one day off.

Job titleNumber of personsSalary (thousand rubles)Monthly salary fund (thousand rubles)
Total: 143,46
1. Administrator1 15 15
2. Master hairdresser5 40% of revenue121,46
3. Cleaning woman1 5,5 5,5
4. Accountant1 5,5 5,5

If you do not want to pay additional funds to a recruiting agency and plan to select employees yourself, take into account a few tips:

  • The remuneration of experienced high-class craftsmen for a start-up enterprise will be unbearable. Therefore, invite mid-level masters, three with experience and three beginners. All employees must have the appropriate education.
  • The selection of employees can be carried out by announcement. It is better to find young masters among graduates of educational institutions, paying attention to the assessment in practice. Experienced craftsmen can be lured from such hairdressing salons by offering good conditions labor.
  • The health status of staff should be reflected in medical books and should not interfere with work. Each employee will be required to undergo an annual medical checkup and do the necessary tests.
  • It is worth discussing with hairdressers official duties, having imputed to them the maintenance of cleanliness in the workplace during the day, tidy appearance friendly attitude towards visitors.
  • The cleaner can work several hours a day. For example, before opening and at the end of the working day. Once every two months, a general cleaning should be carried out.

promotional activities

Simultaneously with the registration and selection of premises, an advertising campaign should also begin. This requirement is due to the high level of competition that is seen in the beauty industry in busy cities. Plan to order flyers with information about the opening, pricing, contacts and opening hours. Run information in social networks or order the development of a website that will periodically update information useful to customers. Order a remote outdoor advertising that will attract customers shopping complex. Just before the first day of work, order advertising banner and advertise in local newspapers.

These methods must be used constantly, attracting new visitors and forming a permanent clientele. Another marketing ploy is to analyze the work of the closest competitors. Observe their work, identify weaknesses and strengths establishments. Take the necessary note.

Planned revenue and payback of the project

  • number of people per day;
  • the number of services provided;
  • name and cost of services;
  • average consumer check.

It is planned to serve from 20 to 25 people per day at the start (750 per month). They will be provided with 25 to 35 services per day (1050 per month.) The average check of clients will be 395 rubles. Clients will be provided with the following services:

NameCost, rub.)
1. A haircut150
2. Washing head40
3. Drying40
4. Festive styling160
5. Hair coloring700
6. highlighting500
7. Evening hairstyle500
8. Perm500

Thus, taking into account the average payment of 395 rubles and the average number of services 30 per day, it comes out 11,850 rubles per day, or 355 500 rubles per month.

It should be taken into account that during new year holidays and summer vacations, a decrease in demand for hairdressing services is possible. With a good advertising campaign and the skill of employees, a permanent client base is formed, which will provide a constant income.

The annual gross income of the enterprise will be 4,266,000 rubles, and including taxes - 4,010,040 rubles a year. The amount of fixed monthly expenses per year will be 3,076,812, taking into account the payment of salaries, rent, purchase of consumables and other things. Net income after the first year of operation will be 933,228. Considering volumes starting investments, which amounted to 400,000, then the net annual profit will be equal to 533,228 rubles per year. Wherein initial investment paid off within a year. The profitability of the enterprise will be 12%.

A novice businessman should take into account and possible risks such as seasonality, low vocational training masters, uncommunicative administrator, ineffective advertising campaign. If you manage to eliminate all risks in time, the business will be successful.

There are types of businesses that will never lose their relevance, and their profitability will always be high. Hairdressing services are related to such activities - people will always take care of their hair, make fashionable haircuts, coloring and other procedures. Therefore, opening a hairdressing salon is a business that can bring high income. Nevertheless, a novice businessman should conduct a market analysis, determine the target audience and plan his business in advance. advertising campaign. In the article, we will consider the business plan of an economy class hairdressing salon with calculations.

Advantages and disadvantages of opening an economy class hairdresser

Hairdressing business plan: about the project

It is better to open an economy class hairdressing salon in a residential area dominated by people with low and average incomes. It is on them that services, prices, and mode of operation should be oriented. The hairdresser should be open from 9 am to 9 pm. Pay special attention to weekends: many working people prefer to get their hair cut on these days when they have free time. Consider competition, seasonal and pre-holiday hype, when the number of visitors increases dramatically.

Video lesson from Elena Sapogova: “How to open a hairdresser from scratch?”

Market Research

general review

According to statistics based on marketing research, the Moscow hairdressing market is growing by 400% annually. The number of salons is especially growing in the sleeping areas, North-East, North-West, Golyanovo and Kryukovo. The number of officially opened hairdressing salons exceeds 22,000. We should not forget about the masters who provide services at home: it is impossible to take them into account in the general statistics, but they are competitors. Demand for hairdressing services has increased today, there is an upward trend.

Concept development

The business plan for an economy class hairdressing salon begins with the development of a general concept for the salon. This is the so-called style that will dictate the design of interiors, as well as meet the name of the company - a sonorous and memorable logo. For example, let's choose a glamorous style in the economy class price niche.

If you still plan to provide cosmetology services, you will need to purchase a license for this.

The target audience

In hairdressing salons, women are the main customers, making up 75% of visitors, and the business will be focused on them, because women's haircuts and hairstyles are the most profitable activity. In this project target audience Women aged 18 to 60 are considered low- and middle-income women.

Initial list of services

The standard list of hairdressing services includes:

  • A haircut;
  • Coloring;
  • Hairstyles for special occasions;
  • Hair extension;
  • professional care;
  • Manicure.

In the future, to attract customers, it will be necessary to expand this list by regularly adding new services.

Required documents

If you are just starting to do business, then registering as an individual entrepreneur without education legal entity quite suitable. In addition to the registration itself, you need to obtain a number of permits: from the SES, the fire service and other authorities. The table below shows Required documents to register as individual entrepreneur, and a legal entity, as well as a patent system for an individual entrepreneur.

Form of business organization Benefits of using Documents for registration
IP ( individual entrepreneur) Used to create a barbershop where you will be the main master and plan to recruit employees (up to 50 people)
  • receipt of payment of the state duty (800 rubles);
  • certified application by a notary in the form No. P21001;
  • an application for the transition to UTII or an application for the transition to the simplified tax system (otherwise it will be OSNO by default);
  • copy of all pages of the passport.
OOO ( limited liability company) Used to open an economy class barbershop if you plan to raise borrowed funds and scale the business, and also if you want to sell the business.
  • application in the form No. Р11001;
  • charter of LLC;
  • a decision to open an LLC or a protocol if there are several founders (partners);
  • receipt of payment of the state duty (4000 rubles);
  • copies of the founders' passports certified by a notary;
  • an application for the transition to UTII or an application for the transition to the simplified tax system (otherwise it will be OSNO by default).

In law authorized capital LLC cannot be less than 10,000 rubles!

Patent for IP Used to create a barbershop where you will be the main master (or up to 15 people)
  • application for a patent in the form of the Order of the Federal Tax Service of Russia dated November 18, 2014 No. ММВ-7-3/589;

After tax registration, you will additionally need the following documents:

  • Purchase and sale/lease agreement.
  • Conclusion of SES, sanitary passport.
  • Contract for deratization with disinfestation.
  • Conclusion on fire safety.
  • Waste collection agreement.
  • The presence of a book of reviews and suggestions in the room.
  • Documents for settlement and cash services: registration certificate of KKM, passport of the version of KKM, magazine of the cashier-operator, etc.

OKVED codes for hairdressing services

Register your type of activity under the code 93.02 (Provision of services by hairdressers and beauty salons). This group includes: washing hair, trimming and cutting, styling, dyeing, tinting, curling, straightening hair and similar works, performed for men and women, as well as shaving and trimming beards - cosmetic facial massage, manicure, pedicure, makeup, etc.

Code 93.02 excludes the activity of making wigs (code 36.63.5)

Organizational business plan for an economy class barbershop

One of the key points in planning any business is the organization of its activities. It includes the selection of premises, the purchase of equipment, hiring staff. Depending on the size of the initial budget, you can rent or buy a room. Having rented a room for a long time, you will have to invest in repairs and landscaping, so consider this factor as an additional expense.

Premises selection

When choosing a room, make sure that it meets the requirements:

  • There is a separate entrance and a place for outdoor advertising;
  • The premises are located on the ground floor (do not purchase basements and semi-basements);
  • There are communications, water, electricity, a bathroom;
  • The room is responsible SES requirements and fire safety, is non-residential, since it is prohibited to place a hairdresser in residential buildings;
  • There is room for repairs;
  • A large flow of potential customers lives or passes around the premises every day.

Purchase of equipment

When buying furniture and accessories, try to save money, but at the same time choose quality items with a long service life. Workplace should be comfortable, all tools are correctly located. As a standard for a hairdresser you will need:

  • Hydraulic chairs.
  • Dryer for towels.
  • Trimmers.
  • Hair dryers, curling irons, mirrors.
  • Computer, printer, office equipment.
  • Combs, hairpins, clips, curlers and other tools.
  • Chairs, tables, wardrobes, waiting chairs, TV, hanger, bedside tables.
  • Boiler for water.

Also keep in mind that you will also have to buy consumables every month: paints, chemicals, hair sprays, mousses, foams, shampoos and other economy segment cosmetics.


The success of a business largely depends on the qualifications of employees, so look for advertisements in the media, conduct interviews and hire experienced staff. Consider the level of education, skills, experience, ability to communicate with people, work in a team.

When deciding on the amount of wages, be guided by competitors. Assign employees a salary and a percentage of the total revenue (20-40%) as an incentive. Such a system will allow you to treat your work better and perform it more efficiently. All employees must conclude employment contracts, issue them sanitary books. For a standard barbershop you will need:

  • Administrator.
  • Master hairdressers, preferably generalists.
  • Manicurist (if you plan more manicure services).
  • Cleaning woman.
  • An accountant who will be outsourced and required to draw up documentation at the end of the reporting period.

All your procedures with workers need to be regulated, so in the future you will be able to understand your existing business processes and timely optimization. For example, here are the regulations for an economy class haircut.

Economy haircut regulation (example)

1. I start the haircut with the design of the temple. With a control strand I create an edge line.

2. I separate the hair with a horizontal parting, by applying a strand to a strand, I cut the hair at the temples.

3. Lines parallel to natural hair growth, I separate a strand 1.5-2 cm wide and draw out the end line of the future hairstyle. I divide the hair into partings by applying strand to strand, and along the edge line I cut the hair at the back of the head.

4. Depending on the shape of the back of the head, we determine the length of the control line that will be needed when cutting the parietal zone.

5. Parting through the top point of the head on the previously marked control line, I cut off the hair.

6. I focus on the control line, draw up the parietal part.

7. The haircut line can be chosen differently depending on the hair growth.

8. At the back of the head, the hair is treated with filler scissors, removing it to nothing.

9. The bangs are cut by trimming it with the previously trimmed hair of the temporo-lateral zone.

10. Bangs can be straight blow-dryed according to hair growth, while mousses, foams, gels can be used.

11. I take off my client's underwear. I put the napkins in barrels with dirty linen, put the peignoir on the shelf. I'm cleaning up my workspace.


Choosing a location is one of the key success factors in a hairdressing salon. If the place is standing still with a lot of traffic, then you will always have people at minimal cost for advertising. What you should pay attention to - outdoor signs of a barbershop. In advertising, you can use handout flyers and discount coupons.

Financial calculations by example

Now let's calculate estimated costs and the level of profitability of the barbershop. Of course, in your city the situation may be somewhat different, so take your indicators for calculation.

Calculation of investments for opening

  • Purchase of equipment - 90,000 rubles;
  • Purchase of furniture - 70,000 rubles;
  • Repair, decoration, design - 100,000 rubles;
  • IP registration - 10,000 rubles.

Thus, initially it will take 270,000 rubles.

Monthly expenses

  • Rent - 50,000 rubles;
  • Salary - 50,000 rubles;
  • Housing and communal services - 5,000 rubles;
  • Purchase of consumables - 15,000 rubles;
  • Advertising - 30,000 (in the future, these costs can be reduced by 2 times).

Monthly expenses - 150,000 rubles.


We take into account that a standard haircut costs at least 200 rubles. 300-400 people will visit the salon per month, and after six months of work - about 600. In similar salons, the monthly revenue is 150-200 thousand rubles a month, after six months of work, income doubles.

It turns out that the payback is from 8 to 10 months. But, of course, these numbers depend on the level of competition, the brightness of your brand, the success of the advertising company, the choice of location and other factors. The main risk in the work of a hairdresser is the level of services provided, because thanks to the quality you can scare away or attract customers, so special attention should be paid to the selection of personnel and equipment for work. You should not save on consumables either, then the hairdresser will bring a stable, constantly growing income, and the visitor base will increase regularly.

Evaluation of the attractiveness of a business by a magazine website

Business Profitability

(4 out of 5)

Business Attractiveness


Project payback

(4 out of 5)
Ease of starting a business

(4 out of 5)
The hairdressing business is profitable business. Location is one of the key success factors in it. The second success factor is hospitality and quality of services, since it is through this that you can make repeat sales and create a loyal customer base, which will ensure repeat sales. The profitability of the business is about 50-70% and payback ~ from 3 months. Unlike cosmetic services does not require a license. It is possible to open a business under a patent, which will simplify the maintenance and payment of taxes.

Dear visitors, we present to your attention an example of a hairdressing salon business plan with economic calculations in Excel format. The document is made in accordance with all the laws of business planning and can be used as a model for drawing up your own projects and providing them at the place of demand (to a bank, investor, educational institution, to government agencies to receive subsidies and other requirements).

The calculations were prepared by specialists with an economic education in Excel format, and you have the opportunity to see how they were carried out without leaving the site. If you have any questions about making calculations or describing a business plan, you can ask us questions in the VKontakte group, by mail or in the comments below.


Goal: opening a hairdressing salon in the city of Tula.

Objectives: opening a hairdressing salon oriented with average and above average incomes.

Initiator of the project

The initiator of the project is an entrepreneur who previously worked in a hairdressing salon as an employee. The decision to open my own salon was made in connection with large quantity personal clients interested in a master who opens a hairdressing salon. Your salon will allow you to select the appropriate staff with necessary training while the level of services provided will be at the highest level.

Investment costs

The amount of investment expenses is 580,300 rubles. The organizer has 200 thousand rubles, which are invested in the business. 380 thousand is taken on credit at 15% per annum, for which two guarantors are involved.

Investment costs include:

  • Registration of individual entrepreneurs and obtaining permits - 60 thousand rubles;
  • Conclusion of a lease agreement and payment of a security deposit - 50 thousand rubles;
  • Cosmetic repairs of the premises - 220 thousand rubles;
  • Advertising and design expenses - 154.5 thousand rubles;
  • Purchase of equipment and machinery, delivery, assembly and installation - 117.8 thousand rubles;
  • Initial purchase of goods - 20 thousand rubles.

It is planned to rent a non-residential premises, which was previously a three-room large apartment and transferred to a non-residential fund, as a premise. The room has its own entrance and cosmetic repairs.

Project financing

For cosmetic repairs, purchase and installation of furniture and equipment, and other preparatory activities necessary for opening the salon, 200 thousand of own funds, for 380 thousand a loan is taken at 15% per annum. The loan is secured by two guarantors.

After carrying out all the calculations for the opening of the hairdressing salon, the following indicators were obtained:

  • NPV - 2,424 thousand rubles;
  • Simple payback period - 3 years;
  • The discounted payback period is 3.5 years.

Suppliers and contractors

A hired team is used to carry out repair work. The foreman is an acquaintance of the project initiator, they previously cooperated. In addition to carrying out repair work, the same team will deliver and assemble equipment and machinery.

Furniture and equipment will be purchased second-hand, which will significantly reduce the initial costs.


The hair salon will provide the following services:

  • women's haircut;
  • men's haircut;
  • children's haircut;
  • model haircut;
  • styling;
  • washing head;
  • hair coloring;
  • lamination;
  • coloring;
  • biowave;
  • shaving;
  • manicure;
  • gel polish coating;
  • drawing a picture on the nails;
  • pedicure;
  • facial massage;
  • face masks;
  • face cleaning;
  • injections.


Practice shows that by ordering a business plan from specialists, you will save time and increase quality. finished document 4-5 times and increase the chances of receiving investments by 3 times.

Investment plan

Investment size

The required amount to open a hairdressing salon is 533.3 thousand rubles. The cost breakdown looks like this:

Name of works/goods/services Quantity Price Price
IP registration 10 000
Security deposit under the lease agreement 50 000
Cosmetic repair of the premises 220 000
Obtaining permits (Rospotrebnadzor, fire inspection) 50 000
Making a sign above the entrance 41 000
Making a banner and decorating the facade at the entrance 54 000
Purchase of equipment and machinery: 117800
Chairs 5 1200 6000
Mirrors 2 8000 16000
Hair dryers 4 1000 4000
Couch 1 7000 7000
Haircut accessories 5 2500 12500
Sofa 1 17000 17000
Reception desk 1 3200 3200
Coffee table 1 2300 2300
Clipper 4 1200 4800
Plasma TV 1 45000 45000
Delivery and assembly of furniture and equipment 8000
Initial purchase of goods 20000
Starting advertising costs: 59500
Production of customer cards 1 10000 10000
Making business cards 1 7500 7500
Roller on the radio 3 7000 21000
Flyer printing 1 5000 5000
Site creation 1 16000 16000
TOTAL: 580 300

Investment work plan

The work schedule is shown in the diagram:


For a hairdressing salon, it is planned to rent a room measuring 64 square meters. Previously, it was an apartment transferred to a non-residential fund, a separate entrance was made. The room has been renovated, it consists of a bathroom. node, two rooms (for haircuts and for procedures), premises at the entrance (reception), where the administrator is located.


The equipment was purchased used, but of good quality. In addition to hair dryers and clippers, equipment for cosmetic procedures will be purchased.

The supplier is an acquaintance of the project initiator who is selling hairdressing equipment due to the closure of the business.

Working hours

For the convenience of customers, the salon will be open from 9.00 to 21.00 on weekdays, from 11.00 to 19.00 on weekends. This time range is suitable for employees with a standard schedule (after work, you can have time to eat and take care of yourself), and for those who have a shift schedule, are on vacation or do not work.

In addition, if the working time does not suit you, specialists can see you at a convenient time for you, for which you will have to pay extra. In addition, home visits are provided.

Service delivery process

When contacting a hairdresser, clients discuss everything with the administrator. It can be expressed in the following steps:

  1. Appeal to the hairdresser. This can be done by phone, on the salon's website or in person.
  2. Refinement of details. You discuss which service you are interested in in what volume. You are offered services that you may also need.
  3. The administrator determines the approximate cost of the services provided.
  4. Are you satisfied with everything? Negotiate a convenient time. You can also arrange for the services to be provided by a specific specialist.
  5. You come and get a service or services. If you arrive early, you can wait on a comfortable sofa, look through magazines or watch TV.
  6. You pay for services.

Cost of services

The main cost of services is payment for the work of personnel. Their salary will be 40% of the cost of services rendered. Accordingly, the more the master works, the greater will be the amount of his salary.

Marketing plan

Competition and location

The city has a large number of hairdressing salons and salons, which are designed for different classes, so they have different pricing strategies.

Our hairdressing salon is located in the city center and is designed for the middle class and above average, so the pricing policy assumes a high level of prices. At the same time, promotions are held in the salon that will allow you to get high-quality services for little money, which will attract additional customers and justify spending enough money for comfort and professionalism.

Range of services and prices

To determine and establish optimal prices, an analysis of existing hairdressing salons was carried out and the following amounts were identified:

100 ">
Services hairdressing
economy class
middle class
high class
women's haircut 300 400 500
men's haircut 200 250 350
children's haircut 200 300
model haircut 500 700
styling 100 200 300
washing head 50 100 150
hair coloring 500 700 1 000
lamination 1 200
coloring 1 500
biowave 1 500
shaving 200 300
manicure 200 300 350
gel polish coating 200 300 400
painting on nails 100 200 250
pedicure 500 700 900
massage 800
facial massage 400
face masks 300
face cleaning 1 500
injections 5 000

Prices and cost of services

Our hairdressing salon is designed for a class above the average, as it is located in the city center, only high-class masters work, and a wide range of services is additionally provided. Therefore, our prices will be as follows:

Services Price Consumables Master's share revenue from sales
women's haircut 550 220 330
men's haircut 350 140 210
children's haircut 300 120 180
model haircut 750 300 450
styling 300 100 80 120
washing head 150 100 20 30
hair coloring 1200 400 320 480
lamination 1200 500 280 420
coloring 1700 700 400 600
biowave 1500 600 360 540
shaving 300 100 80 120
manicure 300 70 92 138
gel polish coating 450 150 120 180
painting on nails 250 100 60 90
pedicure (coated) 1000 350 260 390
massage 800 70 292 438
facial massage 400 60 136 204
face masks 300 150 60 90
face cleaning 1500 500 400 600
injections 5000 2500 1000 1500

The sales structure is assumed to be as follows:

Volume of sales

On average, it is expected to provide 49 services per day (when the requests reach 100% of the possible), while the revenue will be 940 thousand rubles. There is a slight dependence on seasonality, which is expressed in the following graph:

It is planned to reach 100% of requests in 19 months. The 100% exit graph will look like this:

SWOT analysis

For successful work and assessing the competitiveness of the hairdressing salon, an analysis of its strengths and weaknesses was carried out.


  • Location in the city center;
  • Wide range of services;
  • Masters of the highest class.

Weak sides:

  • Lack of market awareness.


  • A large number of hairdressers, as a result of which it will be difficult to attract a sufficient number of customers at first.


  • Expansion of the number of services provided;
  • Attracting the highest quality craftsmen.

Advertising strategy

In order to disseminate information about the opening of the hairdressing salon as quickly as possible, the following activities are planned:

  • Create a site with detailed information about the services provided and the price level. On the site, you can get all the necessary information, as well as sign up for a convenient time to the right master.
  • Decoration of the facade around the entrance with a luminous sign at the top, a large banner, placement of a pavement sign, as well as a sign around the entrance.
  • Distribution of hairdressing business cards.
  • Issuance of loyalty cards.
  • Launch of a radio commercial.

organizational plan

Business form

The hairdressing salon will be opened for an individual entrepreneur, as this will reduce registration costs and simplify reporting. Taxation will be submitted according to UTII.

Personnel and staff structure

To provide services and quality work barbershop needs hairdressers, manicurist, beautician. The number of staff and wages will look like this:

Job title Qty Salary, (rub.) Prize Total
Director 1 20 000 5% of revenue 20 000
The hairdresser 5 40% of work 0
Manicurist 1 40% of work 0
beautician 1 40% of work 0
Total 8 20 000 20 000

The organizational structure will look like this:

At first, there are no plans to hire a separate person for the position of administrator. His duties will be performed by the master, free at a certain time. Only after reaching 100% will a separate person become necessary.

Financial plan

The calculation is made for five years ahead. The following indicators are used for this:

  • Annual inflation - 10%;
  • personal income tax - 13%;
  • Social contributions - 34.2%;
  • Tax rate - 15% (UTII).

Project financing

To finance the project, the initiator uses his own funds in the amount of 200 thousand rubles, and in addition, a bank loan is taken at 15% per annum for three years in the amount of 380 thousand rubles. Since the premises are rented, no particularly large investments are required.

Project payback indicators

The performance indicators, after carrying out all the calculations, turned out to be the following:

  • Discount rate - 12.2%;
    1. There was a decrease in the income of the population. This situation will negatively affect the financial situation of the hairdresser, but will not significantly affect the development of the business, since high-quality services are in demand among a certain class of the population, they will still visit the salon. Moreover, promotions are provided, thanks to which you can get high-quality services for little money, which will additionally attract customers.
    2. Opening another barbershop next to the salon. Due to the quality of services, the salon will quickly acquire regular customers. In addition, only high-class craftsmen will be hired, which will prevent the outflow of customers.


    The considered business plan for opening a hairdressing salon for the population with incomes above the average will be of interest to both banks and private investors.