Banner surfing. Earnings on banner surfing (viewing advertising banners for money)

On Seofast, there is the possibility of additional earnings by viewing ads - surfing banners. In order for users to take advantage of this feature, a number of conditions must be met. First you need to add your own banner to the rotation on Seofast. Secondly, you need to make a payment for displaying your banner in one payment, not less than 3 rubles. For beginners, the question may arise, where to get your own banner? Let's say the user is registered on other similar seofest projects. All such sites offer their customers referral banners to attract referrals. Here you can use them. There are two benefits to this method. First, you get access to banner surfing. Second, by advertising your referral link, you can attract referrals for yourself on other projects.

Let's take a closer look at how to order banner surfing. Take for example a referral banner from the ProfiTCentR project. Here they are in the "ref-system" column in the "Invite referrals" section. Each banner has two indicators that we need in the future to order advertising for banner surfing. This is the site URL (your referral link), which usually looks like this -, and the banner URL (image link) that looks like - .gif

Add a signature

Separately, we will stipulate that only 460x80 banners are accepted for rotation at Seofest.

To get started, go to the section of the site "Place ads" on Seofast. In the form for advertising in surfing in the column "Select the type of surfing" select banner surfing 468x60.

Next, fill out the surf placement form. Accordingly, we indicate the data of our banner taken from the Profitcentr project. We set the time for the user to view the link (from 30 to 60 seconds), and specify how to show the link, in the active window or not.

Additionally, you can set the display speed, display audience and geotargeting. After filling in all the columns, at the bottom of the form, the cost of one banner display in surfing will be displayed. To complete the order, click - Create. Surfing successfully created.
Next, you need to replenish the balance of the advertising platform we created and launch advertising. For further actions, go to the "Manage ads" section. Here you need:
Pass the test of the advertising we created. To do this, click on the "Pass verification" button. You also need to replenish the impressions balance by clicking on the wallet image. You can replenish from the advertising account, from the main account or through the order basket, paying for impressions in a convenient way for you.

After checking and replenishing the balance, the launch icon, on the right side, will become active. By clicking on it, you can start showing ads in banner surfing.
As mentioned earlier, in this way you can attract referrals or advertise your projects. However, if you do not plan to do this, then spending 3 p. you still won't lose. The funds spent will quickly return due to the opportunity to view banner surfing.

Once again, I decided to dedicate today's post to beginners, i.e. those Internet users who are just starting to master Internet earnings and do not know where to start implementing it. Although, it seems to me that the information presented in this post will be useful not only for them, but also for seasoned advertisers who, like no one else, are constantly looking for high-quality advertising platforms and sometimes practice less popular advertising formats to promote their services or projects.

As a matter of fact, today we will talk about one simple, but at the same time extremely rare way of making money, namely, making money on banner surfing, which will consist in viewing advertising banners for money.

What is banner surfing

Basically, banner surfing- this is all the same surfing sites, i.e. visiting and viewing advertising sites for money, which, I'm sure, each of you has met more than once, if not on specialized resources, on this type of earnings, so on mailers (boxes) for sure. However, there is still one difference between standard site surfing and banner surfing, which is only in the process of switching to an advertising site. Simply put, unlike standard surfing, with banner surfing, to go to an advertising site, you will need to click not on text links, but on advertising banners. Further actions to receive a reward for viewing an advertising site will be entirely identical, namely, all the same, you will need to wait for the timer to end and solve the captcha.

In general, as you probably already understood, making money on banner surfing is nothing new and complicated, which means that with its help absolutely any Internet user, including a beginner, will be able to earn their first and far from the last money on the Internet without any problems, and everything else, even without investments. Well, how much can you earn on banner surfing, you will find out further.

How much can you earn on banner surfing

As practice shows, banner surfing on some sites is paid about 2 times more expensive than regular site surfing, i.е. not for 0.02 - 0.04 rubles, as in the case of standard surfing, but for 0.04 - 0.06 rubles. Based on this, it seems to be possible to assume that it will be possible to earn 1.5 - 2 times more on banner surfing than on the usual surfing, i.e. not 300 - 500 rubles. per month, and at least 450 - 1000 rubles, while working simultaneously on 6 - 10 sites specialized in this type of earnings. However, in reality, the amount of earnings will be completely different, more precisely, approximately the same as with standard surfing. And all this is due to the fact that now in the network, there are not so many sites on which you can implement banner surfing as you would like. Actually, further, you will have the opportunity to get to know the best and really paying sites with banner surfing.

Best and Really Paying Banner Surfing Sites

1. and - two popular and on this moment the only mailers that, in addition to the standard methods of earning inherent in mailers, also have the opportunity to organize earnings related to banner surfing. But there is one thing, but on both mailers, in order to get the opportunity to earn money on banner surfing, you will first need to open access to it. This is done quite simply, for this you just need to place any of your banners in banner surfing for a certain amount or number of views.

As for the mailer, then in order to open the possibility of earning money on banner surfing, you will need to place your banner for at least 3 rubles. This task is implemented as follows:

1.) Go to the " Surfing" subsection, which is located in the " Earn" menu, after which you will see 2 earning options based on viewing advertiser sites and banners. The first option will be immediately available to you, but the second one will not. Instead of the second, it will be written short instruction what needs to be done to open it. In general, in this instruction, find the clickable line " link to order a banner in surfing” and click on it.

2.) Next, you will see a form for advertising in surfing. This is a form, you will need to fill out (I marked the main fields for filling with arrows) and click the " Create" button:

3.) After that, the advertising platform you just created will appear in front of you, and further, you will be required to perform the following actions: check the platform for operability (just click the button under the banner " Pass test"), and replenish it with 3 rubles. in any way convenient for you:

4.) As soon as you make the payment, your banner display will immediately start, which means that now banner surfing for earnings will be available for you in the " Surfing" section:

On the same, the process of opening access to banner surfing can be said to be almost identical, the only difference will be the number of views for which you will need to place your banner in banner surfing.

You will need to place your banner for at least 500 views (at current rates, this pleasure will cost you about 12 rubles). At the same time, payment for accommodation will need to be made from the internal account, and not from external sources, i.e. the money that will be earned on the project with the help of surfing, passing tests and reading letters.

Simply put, to implement this task, you will still need to visit the section " Surfing sites", Which is located in the menu" Earnings». Then, approximately in the center of this section, you will need to find a kind of instruction for activating access to banner surfing, in the text of which there will be a clickable text of the following content - “ Go to order banner surfing and enable access»:

by clicking on which, you will be taken to the form for placing an order to launch banner surfing. In general, you will need to fill out this form completely (I marked the important fields with arrows) and click the “ Place an order» button:

Next, you will see the final invoice form, which will need to be paid from the internal account. Having successfully paid for it, now, in the section "Surfing Sites", you will be able to earn money the new kind surfing, namely banner surfing.

2. , and - excellent almost on full automatic, viewing advertising banners in your browser. It is possible to install these extensions in almost any modern browser, so you don’t even have to worry about the fact that they won’t fit your browser.

Earnings themselves, as I said, will be almost automatic. You will only need to install one or all extensions at once, after which they will automatically run and bring you profit every time you start your browser. To be more precise, earnings will consist in periodically broadcasting advertising banners (from the side or from above, depending on the extension) over the sites you visit, which after a certain amount of time will disappear and pay for themselves. In this case, the time for displaying banners, as a rule, will not exceed 15 - 60 seconds, and their payment will vary in the range of 0.02 - 0.05 rubles. for every show. The amount of payment, although not large, but from my own experience of using these extensions, I can say that you can earn 300 - 600 rubles / month with their help. no problem. Considering the fact that you don’t need to do almost anything to make money, well, except maybe just do your own business online, then such income can be considered more than worthy.

3. and Onlinx - a well-established pair of completely similar services that offer advertising and earnings services, just related to banner surfing. On them, this type of earnings is paid many times more expensive, on average 0.05 - 0.06 rubles. for each viewed advertising site, and all payments are made exclusively on. I am sure that for those who practice, this will even be a plus, because. with their help, they will be able to earn extra money for development in games.

At the moment, these are all really paying banner surfing sites, well, at least all the ones that I know of. If suddenly I find any more, I will definitely add them to this list. But in any case, I would advise you not to limit yourself to one banner surfing. If you want to earn more, use others, which, believe me, there are more than enough on the network, and on my blog.

Not so long ago, or rather, 2 years ago, I talked about a fairly simple opportunity to make money on the Internet, which consisted, or simply put, in the so-called surfing sites. Today, I would like to supplement this information, or rather, consider a far from new and more profitable, but little-known way of making money, namely, making money on banner surfing.

In fact, banner surfing is practically no different from the standard and well-known surfing of sites that we are used to encounter on mailers (boxes) and on some other projects that allow you to earn money on the Internet in this way, except perhaps only by the type and amount of payment.

If to speak plain language, then the main difference between banner surfing and regular surfing is as follows: in order to get to an advertising site and get paid for visiting it, you will have to click not on a text link, as you had to do with regular surfing, but on a banner, which in turn can be as animation or static image. At the same time, banner surfing, unlike the usual one, will also be paid on average 2 times more expensive, which actually makes it more attractive for organizing earnings. However, banner surfing is far from being found on all mailers, more precisely, only on units, and on some projects specially created for this type of advertising. Actually, further, I will just share with you the best banner surfing sites that I know about and that really pay. So, if you are interested in such earnings, then you can safely use these sites to implement it.

Best Banner Surfing Sites

3. - a less popular box than SEO-FAST, where you will be waiting in the same way not only for viewing advertising banners for money, but also for browsing sites, reading emails, passing tests, as well as many interesting tasks to complete. The minimum payout is 3 rubles.

It is worth adding that on this mailer, you, in the same way, will not be able to immediately start making money on banner surfing. In order to get this opportunity, you will first have to place your banner in banner surfing for at least 500 views (it will cost about 12 rubles). To implement the placement of a banner, you will only need to go to the " Earnings" menu, go to the subsection " Surfing sites", In which, further, it will remain in its very center to find the link " >> Go to banner surfing order and activate access<< » and click on it.