Advertising message examples. How to write an ad (sample)

If you run a business, you know that you need advertising to attract consumers and get results. A well-written ad captures attention, stimulates interest in your product, and leaves consumers with a distinct desire to purchase it. Go to the first point of our guide to learn the basic principles of writing interesting, powerful and effective advertising copy.


Mastering the basic principles


    Emily Hickey is the founder of Chief Detective, a social media promotion agency that helps some of the world's largest companies retail and startups advertise themselves on Facebook and Instagram. Worked as a development specialist for over 20 years. She received her master's degree from Stanford high school business in 2006.

    Founder of Chief Detective

    Consider creating videos for social media. Emily Hickey, founder of a social media agency, says there's no need to be afraid of video: in social networks, especially on Facebook and Instagram, video is becoming paramount, but creating one doesn't have to be difficult. You can simply film your product and mount an image of it with text overlay."

    Tailor the text to your audience. What consumers are you targeting? Ideally, everyone who reads your ad should want to buy the product. But in reality, you will get better results if you tailor the text to a specific segment of buyers who are initially more interested in your product than everyone else. Use language and associations that are close to the audience your product is aimed at. This may alienate the rest of the population, but remember that the main task- reach out to the hearts of those who have the potential to become your loyal customers.

    • For example, if you're selling a service that allows a consumer to self-publish their own books, you should present the information in a writerly elegant way. This way, your target audience - people who have written books and want to publish them - will understand that they are in good hands with your company.
    • If the product you are selling is aimed at a younger audience (for example, a new variety of candy that will paint your mouth in all the colors of the rainbow), then drop formalities and speak in a language that your audience understands. target audience- children who are willing to spend their pocket money on sweets or beg their parents to buy them your sweets.
  1. Don't start with a question. You can use very unusual, creative rhetorical questions, but stay away from standard opening phrases like "Want a new car?". Consumers have already read thousands of similar questions, and they are tired of constantly answering them. To capture their attention, you need to dig deeper. Find a creative, out of the box way to let people know you have what they need without asking the obvious questions.

  2. Make people want your product. Bridge gives you a chance to create a strong desire to purchase your product. It is an opportunity to play with the emotions of your target audience and give them the feeling that your product will satisfy their needs. Sounds a bit manipulative, and it is. However, if you offer a product that will really benefit people, then there is no shame in playing on the sensitive strings of the soul of your potential buyers - after all, you are helping them buy a product that will improve their lives.

    • Nostalgia can be an effective tool when trying to capture people's hearts. For example: "We use the finest traditional peppers to make our hot sauce as good as your grandfather's secret seasoning.".
    • Playing on health anxieties often works too: “Quitting smoking is not an easy task. Let us help you prolong your life.".
    • Be sure to include your company and product name in the text.
  3. Tell us how to purchase your product. At the end, write a strong closing text that tells you what to do next. Offer readers simple actions through which they can buy or experience the product.

    • You can just write the website address so people know where to buy your product.

It is very difficult to surprise an ordinary user with anything, and even more so, to encourage them to make this or that purchase. This is especially true for brand new and unknown products. Therefore, manufacturers and marketing firms they go to great lengths to promote their new brands in such a crowded consumer market. In any case, to attract attention, you need to have a creative approach and a lot of creative ideas. We will tell you more about what a successful advertisement of a product from the new line is like below.

Difficulty in launching a new product

Most PR people know firsthand how difficult it is to promote new product. Especially when dealing with a cult brand. In this case, advertising the product simply forces you to take risks. And, as they say, "who does not take risks, he does not drink champagne."

This is exactly what the creators of the Red Bull energy drink did. First, they came up with a jar that is small in size and looks like a battery. And, secondly, they deliberately increased the cost of the drink (about 2 times) and began to place it not only in the drinks department, but also in others, for example, bread or milk.

Moreover, branded cars with a huge can of drink at the top began to drive along the streets of cities. Behind the wheel sat beautiful young girls. On certain days, they stopped in crowded places and handed out jars of new energy drinks for free. Such complex and unusual advertising of the product brought its results. The product became recognizable and took its place of honor along with such giants as Pepsi and Coca-Cola.

If you want to advance yourself, remind about useful and ordinary things

Promoting a new brand or trademark, often use traditional approaches that do not bring results. Taxi service companies, for example, are choosing a tactic that has been tried and tested for years, but partly does not work. Most often they publish advertisements in the press, rarely make videos on TV, and even use asphalt to create a stencil with the name of the service and phone number.

However, product advertising does not always have to be the same type and standard. Sometimes creative ideas perceived by people much better. And skillfully filed and partially veiled advertising, and even bearing a certain benefit to the buyer, will be an excellent tool.

This is the approach taken by a Canadian taxi service called Mike. They didn't just print promotional leaflets with an address, phone number, and brief description services, but also made a kind of map of local cafes and restaurants. A potential client opens such a booklet and sees where the most delicious Viennese waffles are served. And then he reads the phone number and the name of the taxi service that can take him there. Original, isn't it?

There are not many ads

Advertising a new product should be constantly in front of users. This method was used in their advertising by representatives of the well-known marketing company HBO. Shortly before the third part of the continuation of the cult series "Game of Thrones" began to be broadcast on large screens, a huge shadow of a winged dragon periodically appeared in newspapers, magazines, on vehicles and even on the walls of buildings.

Because of this successful, in our opinion, publicity stunt, people simply could not help but think about the release of the new season of the series. As a result, the number of viewers watching the series, struck the imagination of even the most malicious film critics. And the telesaga itself was recognized as the most successful project throughout the history of the marketing company. As it turns out, HBO advertisers know how to make product ads stand out and be effective.

Great ideas don't grow in garden beds.

Sometimes long-standing rivalries are used in advertising for new products. For example, a high-quality advertisement for food products from a farm in Dallas clearly demonstrates a similar trick. On a beautiful poster, you can see fresh vegetables neatly packed in a red box. Notice the similarity? This picture looks like french fries from the famous McDonald's. And this is the confrontation between natural food from the farm and hard-hitting fast food.

An ad that sparks fantasy

Some PR people create ads with a special meaning. And they do it in such a way that different people have the most unexpected associations. For example, this is the case with shoe advertising. When creating a bright poster for TM Brazilia Shoes, a white background was chosen, on which there were female legs in magnificent colored tattoos.

It is noteworthy that they were without shoes. The girl, whose legs are shown in the photo, stood up on imaginary heels. On the one hand, such advertising said that the advertised shoes are so light that you almost don’t feel them. This was evidenced by the birds depicted on the legs and the legs themselves, raised on half-toes. On the other hand, they seemed to emphasize that ordinary Brazilian girls do not wear shoes and this is the prerogative of wealthier ladies. Who knows what was meant? Perhaps the author just liked such graceful female legs ?!

Successful product advertising: examples

The originality of the ideas of PR people sometimes just rolls over. For example, the chewing gum company Orbit turned to graffiti artists for help. Those, in turn, depicted huge faces of women and men on the pavement. At the same time, instead of a mouth, they had pits, drains, sewer and ventilation hatches.

Such advertising of products (photo can be seen below) is symbolic and needs further clarification. In particular, with such drawings, the authors of the advertisement wanted to draw an analogy between a mouth with an unpleasant odor. In other words, if you haven't eaten two Orbita plates, your mouth will be the same as in the picture. Simple and clear.

"It's easier to write ten correct sonnets than one good advertisement."

Aldous Huxley (British writer)

Out of 10 new subscribers, 1 sends their sample advertising text. Often these are weak examples of advertisements. They are full of classic mistakes. In this article, I will give advice on how to write advertising texts not to tell the basics in personal answers.

This will be fundamental knowledge:

  • positioning,
  • Images,
  • headlines,
  • signatures,
  • suggestions,
  • main text,
  • social Proof,
  • call to action.
  • call to the company
  • transition to the site;
  • cut out a discount coupon (magazine, newspaper);
  • save an electronic coupon (ID number, for example);
  • download the application on the phone;
  • familiarize yourself with the products (first touch);
  • subscribe to the community in social networks.

Rollback is often the only real goal pursued by image advertising.

All these flashes to the general public can afford large companies. Expensive PR, of course, CAN pay off in the long run. We will talk about advertising, which solves the problem of a more trivial task - increasing sales with a minimal budget.

An example of advertising text from novice copywriters

There is nothing to laugh at. Just a person does not know how to write an advertising text. It's good that Natalia took the liberty of sending her version. Many copywriters with 10 years of experience write something similar. Some businesses place similar ads on their websites.

Why is the copywriter seeing this ad in their feed? It would have been much better if I had seen an ad: “Copywriter: It's time to find clients through YouTube. We remove the fear of the camera in 10 days.

What's wrong with this ad:

  • incorrect positioning for the target audience (TA);
  • there is no direct benefit of "become a video producer" so what? Why do I need it?
  • Why is there a car in the photo?
  • great expensive camera - I can't find the money for it!

The calculation is that a person will be tempted to a free webinar. I have a free webinar associated with vparivaniem.

"Homework" - the first stage of writing an advertising text

Working according to the principle: “if only the customer accepts” differs sharply from solving sales problems, where “the effectiveness of advertising is determined by the client of the company”. The main differences will be in the results.

As the angler knows what to catch a particular type of fish, so the advertiser must know who he is catching with his advertising and what.

Who do we write advertising text for?

We know that a person makes a decision based on rational arguments and emotions (motivation).

Women and children are more likely to make emotional choices.

He sees a handbag - click-buzzed - I want, I want - I bought - I forgot. The "click-buzz" effect is described in more detail by Robert Cialdini in the book "".

Men may be more rational in their purchases, but there are exceptions. Buying a cool jeep for trips around the city is difficult to explain rationally.

As you already understood, the first thing to do is to divide the target audience (CA) by gender.

Dividing target audience by parameters and groups is a segmentation process.

What else do you need to know about the target audience, to segment it in as much detail as possible:

  • average age;
  • average income;
  • profession;
  • hobbies and interests;
  • how they make a purchase decision (emotions or logic);
  • what they pay attention to when buying;
  • marital status;
  • why they might need the product/service;
  • what objections will the target audience have;
  • who are the potential idols of Central Asia;
  • what social evidence they consider.

What are we advertising?

All goods, services, companies, people have advantages and disadvantages. There are bad goods that can be sold once. There are also high-quality products that a client can buy several times without re-touching with advertising.

The quality of the goods is determined by the client! Therefore, everything that we learn about the subject of advertising must be considered from the point of view of the target audience.

The study of the subject of sale is also necessary, as well as the study of the target audience. This will help work out the positioning.

Positioning - WHAT we sell and to whom.

There can be many benefits. 10, 20, 30 points! Is it worth using all of them? Yes, but in different advertising messages for certain segments of target audiences.

What will be important for a woman obsessed with clean air due to allergies when choosing a vacuum cleaner?

Air purity. It should be used in advertising for this target audience. We can assume that if a woman is interested in the purity of the air, then she will be interested in the purity of the carpet. Can you indicate the amount of dust that the vacuum cleaner sucks in and holds in itself? It might work.

A man will like the power parameters of a vacuum cleaner more. More powerful - tougher.

A woman may ask "Is it powerful enough?". It's good if the advertisement demonstrates the power. I'm sure you've seen many of these ads.

What information should be collected about the subject of advertising:

  • what problems are we solving;
  • what other ways can these problems be solved, and how our method is better;
  • what is the uniqueness of the offer, product, service;
  • what stereotypes do potential customers have;
  • how much does the subject of advertising cost (correlate this with the target audience);
  • is it good quality or not?
  • what are the features of the product / service;
  • product advantages and benefits;
  • limitations.

Everything we collect about the product and product should be recorded as selling information. Disadvantages must be turned into advantages, and the advantages must be painted in terms of benefits for potential client.

I repeat once again that everything that we learn about the subject of advertising must be tied to a specific segment of the target audience.

Where will we advertise it?

An article for the Kommersant magazine, an advertising post on social networks, a TV commercial and an advertising booklet are completely different advertising channels. However, you can prepare advertising texts for each of them if you have collected selling information.

  • likely coverage of the target audience (more is better);
  • expected result (advertising channel potential);
  • the maximum amount of information that can fit;
  • the cost of creating and placing advertising;
  • additional advertising opportunities;
  • testing opportunities;
  • is it possible to place graphic information;
  • ease of operation.

For the banner, you need to prepare an image and a short message that can be understood in 3 seconds.

  1. Collect information about the target audience and the subject of advertising.
  2. Decide on an advertising channel.
  3. Come up with an advertising idea.
  4. Write promotional text.

Why did we devote so much time to the first two points? Because this work takes 80 - 90% of the time. How to write an advertising text without understanding the target audience and the product is a mystery that I cannot solve.

“If you have a good selling idea, then your secretary can write an advertisement for you”

Morris Hite (20th century copywriter)

We write advertising text

The information you have collected will help you write your sales copy. Classic advertising text, as I said at the beginning, includes:

  • image,
  • title,
  • subtitles,
  • signatures,
  • sentence,
  • the main text of the advertisement,
  • social Proof,
  • call to action.

Level 1 cues: image, image caption, and title

The task of the signals of the first level is to break through the advertising protection. We need to hook the target audience (NOT ALL, but only the target audience) in order to lure them into reading advertising material.

as picture you can put an object of advertising, a representative of the target audience + an object of advertising. If a person looks at the image, they will most likely read the caption under it. Use this knowledge.

Headlines have been legendary since the 20th century. Their writing and importance cannot be described in one article. Read Proven Advertising Practices by John Caples. It has many examples of headlines that increased efficiency. advertisements factor of.

If the struggle for the attention of the target audience is won, now you need to quickly convey advertising information.

Second level signals: subtitle, main ad copy and offer

Signals of the second level should tell the person that this “thing” will solve his problems 100%.

“Damn, I need this,” something like this should react to a person's main advertising text.

The debate around "how long should the advertising text be" is groundless. Because there is a very accurate answer from the classics and the founders of the advertising business.

“The text is like a woman's skirt. It should be long enough to cover the essentials, yet short enough to be interesting."

From Joseph Sugarman's book The Art of Marketing Messages

Level 3 Signals: Social Proof and Call to Action

Social proof is confirmation that we are telling the truth. People are more likely to trust people than companies. Although many do not believe reviews and recommendations, they are still read with pleasure, especially negative ones, because people love the negative.

Fashion is something that goes out of fashion all the time. People spend money they don't have on outfits to impress people they don't like. Every owner of online clothing stores wants to take their place in this food chain. And the text for advertising clothes and shoes is a sail that carries the ship of sales to the horizons of profit.

The information in this article is the common truths of selling copywriting, confirmed by personal experience and experience of my clients. Axioms that do not need proof.

How to attract a client to a clothing or footwear store?

The main channels for attracting buyers:

  • Social network. Targeted advertising and publication of posts in thematic publics will help here.
  • Notice boards. If you write the right keywords in an ad with a good structure, the traffic will be excellent. VIP only enhances the effect.
  • Search. It will depend on the setting of advertising - whether pure traffic will come or the budget will merge into the void.
  • Advertising in transport. Make sure that potential buyers travel along this route.
  • Advertising text for clothes and shoes on the radio. The USP, objection handling, benefit list, and call to action need to fit into 10-30 seconds of airtime. And preferably with rhyme. I will give examples below.
  • Distribution of leaflets. In order to attract a client, leaflets should be handed out near the store.
  • Reviewers. One "but". Sophisticated users will quickly see through an implausible review.

A skyscraper will stand on a good foundation, and a one-story house will not stand on a bad foundation. The selling text for clothing advertising is the very foundation on which the entire advertising campaign rests. The problem is that a lot of people don't pay enough attention to it.

I will briefly review the key points with examples that you should pay attention to when selling clothes or shoes over the Internet.

Shoe ad headline

The most important thing, along with a quality illustration. The purpose of the headline is to get the first sentence of the text of an advertisement for a men's, women's or children's clothing store to be read. No more, no less.

Close attention should be paid to the length of the title. What for? Because customers will come to the shoe store from the search. On average, out of 10 people who read the headline, only 1 clicks on the content.

In the search for Google and Yandex, from 48 to 62 characters are displayed in the results with spaces. In social networks and on message boards, the numbers are slightly different. Make sure that the buyer can read the most important thing without clicking on the title!

If the title is longer, no problem. The main thing is that the most valuable information is contained in the first 50 characters. In these few words, you need to fit the key benefits, as well as important keywords for promotion in the search.

Buy women's sneakers wholesale 425 rubles - retail from 637 rubles [the key advantage is indicated - the price, the target audience is defined - women]

Brand shoes in Moscow - More than 35,000 models from Italy‎ [location indicated - Moscow, key advantage - large selection]

Call to action in shoe ad copy

Text for ads for women's, men's and children's clothing without a call to action is like digging for treasure and abandoning this venture when the shovel has already hit the lid of the chest. A call to action is placed at the end of the description or ad when the benefits are described and objections are handled.

Examplescalls to action:

Promotion -50% on sneakers until the end of the day. Hurry up to buy!

Order sneakers now and you will receive your order as soon as possible.

Surprisingly, some buyers may not understand what they actually want. The call to action puts all the dots over the “ i ».

If you have your own online clothing store or a group in social networks, this is a must-read! If not, skip.

An example of the text of an advertisement on the radio for children's clothing. Timekeeping 30 seconds

In every little child

There is a need for diapers

And in t-shirts and pants

And in baby booties.

Happy moms and guys

After all, there is a store "Sovyata"

Here, of course, it's not expensive.

The soul unfolds.

And bottles and nipples

Anything to make life easier...

And clothes and toys

And there is a cutter.

Moms, dads and boys

After all, there is a store "Sovyata"

Come, we are glad to see you

Here you can't count everything!

Shop "Sovyata" - the center of Solikamsk, st. Revolution, 94. We work from 8 am to 8 pm. Shop "Sovyata"

Text for advertizing clothes for dogs on radio, example (timekeeping 45 seconds)

Taxi driver Serzhik is crying bitterly

Third winter without clothes

And the neighboring pug Leva

Shows off in a cool jacket.

I should tell the owner

I would keep warm in a bunny coat

In a jacket with fur, warm trousers,

A closet would be great.

I would envy Leva

He's not the only one in a cool jacket.

And I would walk beautifully

Was healthy and happy.

To make sure that your pet is healthy and happy, as well as good-looking, a specialized dog clothing salon will help you. Clothing will protect your four-legged friend from winter cold and summer heat, rain and other troubles. Makes your trip longer and more comfortable. You can buy and order your favorite model from us. We invite you to shopping center"Belarus", pavilion 406. Walk beautifully and be healthy!

How to insert keywords into text for clothing ads?

In order for the shoe site to come out on the first places of search results, we prescribe search keys on the pages. I will briefly list the main points:

  • Each page needs to be sharpened for one (!) main search query.
  • Write the main key in the title, first paragraph, one of the subheadings, in the illustration, repeat a couple of times in the description itself.
  • Add tails to the request. These are refinements to the main key. Low-frequency keywords with such tails bring quality traffic to people who are ready to buy.

This page was promoted for "text for advertising clothes and shoes on the Internet." By him or a similar request, you came here. Further I will tell about this in more detail using the example of clothing itself.

You can view the list of keys in YandexWordstat, Keyword Planner services. Professionals download 170 GB of Bookvarix database with 2 billion keywords.

Text for advertising clothes and shoes on the Internet: selection of keys to attract a client

As an example, take the key buy a sweatshirt for men". The main key needs to be clarified, for example, "buy a men's sweatshirt with a hood." Other options: "zip", "hooded with a zip", "online store", "inexpensive", "large", "fur".

The main thing is to prevent overspam. If the repetition frequency of a word is more than 2%, replace it with a synonym or remove it.

Getting into the TOP to attract customers to a clothing store takes several months. Therefore, you need to initially write high-quality, useful, moderately optimized text. It's like cooking: undersalting is bad, oversalting is also bad.

What else do you need to know when writing texts for the site of men's, women's and children's shoes?

  1. Use lists, subheadings, short paragraphs. Structured information is easier to read.
  2. List all shipping options and payment methods.
  3. If there are a lot of goods, then start writing with the most popular ones.
  4. Leave links to similar products in the description. Anchor (link text) should be organically included in the article so that the buyer's curiosity is aroused, and he switches to the right product.
  5. Catching out typos. To avoid this:

Text for clothes on the Internet: a typo in contextual advertising

I wish that all visitors to your site act on the principle of "come - see - order." If I missed something - remind me in the comments.

P.S. Want to order a text in an online clothing store - right now!

Article update dated 02/27/2019

Friends! Now my site is up and running and I can't handle the flood of orders. Despite the great desire to help entrepreneurs, there is not enough time for everyone. Therefore, I suspend writing advertising texts on the subject of clothing and footwear.

Exchange №1. On this exchange, you can not only order sales texts for clothing advertising, but also order the creation of an online store, the design of flyers and banners for the sale of children's clothing, customization contextual advertising for sports shoes, creating and promoting a group in social networks for bed linen, voice acting for audio clips, creating sales videos and much more. Many do this in a highly specialized way, so finding a quality performer at a reasonable price is quite realistic.

You can register there in one click using your Vkontakte, Facebook or Google+ account, mastering the interface of the exchange is no more difficult than reading this article to the end :) To order text, advertising, social networks, audio, video for a clothing showroom, click here.

Exchange No. 2. This exchange specializes only in copywriting. I recommend it if you need to get a text for selling clothes at the lowest price or you need a very a large number of articles to drive traffic. There are a lot of performers here, so there will be no end to those who wish. If in doubt about the quality of the artist, check the box “Select the artist manually” and choose from the responses of the authors with the most readable portfolio :)

Consider the rules for compiling advertising texts, or, as they are sometimes called, advertising messages. The concept of advertising messages determines the intonation and the system of arguments with which you will address the consumer, they will become the tip of the iceberg that your future buyer will see. Therefore, everything that you can say positively in favor of your product should be said in this appeal.

The more useful the consumer learns from your appeal to him, the more likely it is your product that will attract the greatest demand. Some compare the behavior of an advertiser to that of a lawyer in a trial where the buyers are the jury. And you need to tell them everything that is possible in order to achieve your goal. And the goal of the entrepreneur and the advertiser is the same - sale! All words that you are ready to say must be subordinated to this goal. But in order to achieve it in full, you need to know the product being sold and potential customers well.

Features of the advertising text

In your product, you need to identify key features that could distinguish it from similar ones. Remember? "Our show is the most musical of entertainment and the most entertaining of musicals!" This does not mean at all that someone determines the musicality and entertainment of programs with a special device, and then gives out statistics to everyone, but nevertheless an interesting move was found, and it was immediately beaten and put into circulation.

This example is more of a joke, but the same rules apply in the serious world: Volkswagen And Volvo have been claiming for years that their cars are standards of quality and safety, Toyota advertises reliability and ease of management, and the company Ferrari keeps talking about the gigantic speeds that her cars are capable of developing. So, the key property of the product is the basis of your appeal to the consumer. Such a property should be found in the process of developing the concept and subject of advertising.

Well, if there is more than one key quality, then the advertising campaign has an excellent chance of actually creating in the minds of consumers the opinion of your product as standing out among its peers. But remember that the key quality must be to promise the buyer exactly what he wants to receive, otherwise he will never even be interested in your product. At the heart of any advertising appeal should be a movement to satisfy the desires of the consumer. In addition, your widespread statements in words and actions that you are striving to please the client will work in favor of the company's reputation, which will also favorably affect the sale of your products.

In order to confidently state that you are a competent representative of the product you are selling, you must know everything about it in detail, and not in general. You can get this information by reading the relevant literature and comparing your products with similar ones on the market, following directly the production of the product itself.

For a person, there is nothing more convincing in advertising than comparison. If you can easily explain the advantages of your product over others using examples and comparisons, then the advertising campaign will achieve its goal - the consumer will see with his own eyes the advantages of your product, be convinced of this and now will convince his friends and relatives in favor of this choice. Advertising promises such as "before and after" also fall into this category. If you show leather boots standing next to each other, of which one is treated with the cream you produce, and the other is not (provided that the difference is perceptible), then this will convince better than words.

  1. How is this product useful for people?
  2. What is it made of?
  3. Does it have any advantages over other similar products?
  4. What is its price?
  5. Does he need any maintenance?

The same questions should be answered in relation to competing products, and the most important question with such a comparison: what is the main difference between them? Your advertisement should give honest answers to the buyer on these questions.

Advertising messages can be addressed either to a whole group of people or to an individual. The more precisely you know your reader, the more precisely the appeal should be chosen. Answer for yourself next questions when you write a promotional message for a group of people:

  1. What are their common goals, classes?
  2. What unites them?

In other words, it is necessary to get a clear answer to the question: “Who is our consumer?”, That is, to determine the target audience. It is important to know what approximate amount of money consumers will be able to pay to satisfy their need for a product, how long they will be ready to buy again, how consumers relate to the product and its manufacturer, what affects their choice, what is the capacity and ability of the market to expand.

Advertising text rules

The following rules will help you when compiling advertising texts.

1. Saying the product is great is not enough; I have to say why it's great. However, if you have nothing to say, limit yourself to just a catchy illustration and an original title with a promise, and leave your address instead of text.

2. Readers need to visualize what you are writing about. If they present how they use this product, then you wrote your message correctly.

And yet the most common, "classic" beginning is the description of the product. And the first sentence should contain the following meaning: if the buyer purchases your product, then he will only benefit from this. The next proposition follows logically from the previous one. If the reader does not see the relationship between the initial and subsequent sentences, then he may think that he was deceived and will not read the entire message. In this sense, the following example cannot be considered successful:

Do you want to become a millionaire? We ourselves would like to become them. But we know how you can feel like a millionaire. Have you tried our latest invention - menthol shaving cream?

Yes, the first sentence is short and interesting, in the form of a question. But it assumes that the letter will talk about how you can make a million, which is not consistent with the subsequent content.

4. Focus on what you really are. important point your advertising message. First of all, you should highlight, as already mentioned, the point that describes the difference between yours and other products. This point is located at the very beginning of the letter, and you should strengthen it throughout the writing of the entire text.

Factors such as reasonable price, fast delivery or excellent service can be used as distinguishing features your product.

5. Not many people will buy a product just because they will help someone out. How, for example, buyers will react to the following letter:

After several years of effort and money, we have finally created an electronic dictionary.

This message does not cause almost no desire to buy the product. But if you remake it and focus the buyer's attention not on the problems of the manufacturer, but on the problems of the consumer, and even write it correctly, it will turn out like this:

Your suffering is over! Time is running out and it's time for your literacy to improve! Now you can use WRITE-SPELL (electronic dictionary).

7. We remind you once again that when choosing an illustration (photo or drawing), keep in mind that it must correspond to your advertising strategy, convey, together with the text and headline, the main idea that you are trying to convey.

As an attraction for women, for example, it is always good to place a photo of children or fashionable dresses, flowers or perfumes, fashion models. A man should be affected by photos of new cars, sports battles, weapons and, of course, beautiful women. Regardless of the nature of the target audience, funny scenes from the life of animals always look good. Humor can also grab the reader's attention. In any case, the picture increases the effect of the advertising text by about 2 times.

8. Flattery, unsubstantiated statements, exaggerations give the impression of unreliability. Just one sentence can destroy the credibility of the entire message. Example:

These are the best plastic pipes on the market today. They are the latest achievement of the chemical industry.

To talk about which pipes are the best, you need to examine all the pipes on the market today. But we are not sure if the person who talks so peremptorily about pipes in the above example did it. And of course we suspect that this person does not know everything about the latest inventions in this area.

9. Indicating the price of the product, show in numbers how much money buyers will save if they buy your product.

10. The chances of attracting attention increase if you write about the actions that you need to take in order to receive the ordered products. And if the reader is provided with a blank check or a custom-made form, then these actions will be of great benefit. For both psychological and logical reasons, readers are spurred to action by a reminder of the reward for making a decision. The steps the buyer needs to take should be easy.

We expect a prompt response from the buyer to our letter. The more he weighs our offer, the less likely we are to make a deal with him. Here are the most common examples that encourage quick response:

Buy before prices go up! Buy while the discount lasts! Buy now, it's not long before Christmas!

The author of the advertising message must be self-confident. Instead of writing "if you want to save your time, then...", you must write "to save my time", because in the first case, the implication is: I doubt if you want to do it. And if such doubts are in the head of the manufacturer or sales manager, then they will certainly be passed on to the reader.

The envelope and the paper on which the letter is written must be from the same series. Tricks such as "Urgent", "Personal" marks, if this is not true, are unacceptable.

11. The title is designed, like the picture, to draw the reader's attention to the text of the advertisement. Therefore, the first requirement for the title is ease of reading and understanding. The title should be simple and clear. But this is not enough. He must interest the potential client, offer him something that he wanted to receive, or hint that an easy way to get something the buyer needs is described in the text below.

The headline accounts for more than 75% of the attention, which means that 8 out of 10 readers of your advertising text will not be interested in the content of the entire message, limiting themselves to the headline.

12. If you managed to attract the reader with the “bait” contained in the title, then the text should play the role of a “hook”, swallowing which the reader will become your client. The picture of the product becomes more vivid when the recipient of the letter is himself the hero of this story.

This effect is based on the playful nature of advertising. The phenomenon of play is of interest to many humanities and natural sciences, since in many areas human activity play is an important component (any learning process, creativity, courtship ritual, many marital quarrels, etc.). Advertising, apparently, is also one of the areas of activity that has a gaming basis. J. Huizinga identifies a number of features of the game, which are reflected in the following quotes.

“The game “represents” a struggle for something, or is a competition in who will present something better than others ... The game can be called a free activity, which is realized as a “false” activity performed outside everyday life, however, it can completely master the player, without pursuing any direct material interest not to seek profit, but to be a free activity that takes place within a deliberately limited space and time, proceeds in an orderly manner, according to certain rules, and brings to life social groups that prefer to surround themselves with mystery, or emphasize their difference from the rest of the world with all sorts of disguises. J. Huizing also notes that in the course of the game, a special attitude of people to game events is formed - half-belief.

Game techniques in the preparation of advertising texts

Many game techniques also save language means for expressing meaning, which, if the norms of the language and the rules of speech communication were preserved, would receive a more detailed embodiment in the text. Thus, graphic distortions create the possibility of a “dual” reading of a phrase and, thereby, recognizing two different but related meanings in its composition ( "Well, I froze!").

A. Graphic and phonetic distortions.

B. Intentional spelling errors.

Spelling error as a game technique has two main functions in advertising.

a) Often it allows you to introduce additional connotations. "Take care of your teeth with deshtva!"(Advertising for a dental clinic.)

b) Other function spelling error is to make an advertising phrase (usually a slogan) more harmonious phonetically or graphically (to create intra-phrase repetitions).

B. Game morphology: neologisms.

"The fill is the thrill" -"The filler is what excites" (Candy advertisement Fazerfills with liquor. Word fill- it's truncated filling.)

G. Game techniques of semantic compatibility (techniques for creating a paradox).

Often in Russian advertising, the rules of semantic compatibility of lexemes and phrases are subjected to game rethinking, in violation of which the effect of a paradox (combination of the incompatible) is often created. It can be based on metaphorical, metonymic transformations of the semantics of words, models of synecdoche and other types of tropes. To create a playful effect, it is important that the advertising text does not use the figurative meaning of words already fixed in the language. The figurative meaning must be created anew, then the phrase will be perceived as non-standard, playful. There are several semantic types in this group of game techniques.

1. Attributing to an object properties and actions that are not characteristic of it. This is the most common type of language-generated paradox used in advertising texts. We can distinguish the following goals (or "trends" - in the Freudian sense), which the language game serves here.

Increasing the animacy rank of an object.

This type includes examples in which inanimate objects acquire the characteristics of animate or animals are assigned properties and actions that are characteristic only of a person (“personification”).

"Amata. The kindest home computer.

Lowering the animacy rank of an object.

“And yet I forgot something!” (Twix. The phrase is spoken by a woman; the word "something" refers to her husband.)

Expansion of the sphere of control of the addressee.

Expansion of the sphere of sensations of the addressee.

Creating the impression of a non-standard product.

“Our bottles are washed with hot steam!”(Beer advertisement Schlitz.)

2. Manipulations with evaluation scales.

Creation of new rating scales (grading of non-gradable concepts). *

"More tomato for you money!"(Literally - "More "tomatoes" for your money!")

Create a new scale pole.

The main technique used to create a new pole of the scale is paradoxical hyperbole.

"Are you still using prehistoric copiers?"

Rearrangement of the pole of the scale.

“Not just clean - immaculately clean!”(Detergent advertisement Ariel.)

3. Playing on the polysemy of a word, or the consonance of two words (phrases), or their semantic similarity (pun). There are three main semantic types of pun.

Pun "neighbours". This type of pun rarely gives an increment of meaning, more often it is based on a simple summation of words that are consonant or similar in meaning.

"In good tea, the soul is not tea".

The pun "mask" suggests "a sharp collision of the meaning of the played" words or phrases, in which the initial understanding is abruptly replaced by another. It can be based on the effect of deceived expectation, when an ordinary phenomenon is “unmasked” as an error or absurdity, or on the effect of comic shock, when the unusual or absurd becomes ordinary, understandable.

“'Hoper-invest' is a great company. From others".

The pun "family" is characterized by the fact that the played meanings (as in the "mask" type) sharply clash, but there is no winner, none of the meanings cancels the other.

“We raise everything: even the mood”(Advertising forklifts.) Advertising pun targets.

With the help of a pun, a causal relationship is indirectly established, which is important for the advertiser.

“The Guiding Star has risen - prices have fallen”(Advertisement for the Guiding Star company, which sells computers.)

With the help of a pun, the “hidden” meaning of the name of the product (false etymology) is revealed.

4. Stylistic dissonance.

Game techniques for creating stylistic dissonance (or stylistic contrast) are the use of linguistic means that are uncharacteristic or even conventionally unacceptable in a given communicative situation. We list the techniques of stylistic contrast in the preparation of advertising texts.

Dissonance between real and expected objective modality.

In the following example, the text is structured in such a way that a possible purchase, deal, win is presented as a fait accompli. “Every Saturday you watch “What? Where? When?""

The dissonance of the real and expected communicative role of the speaker.

The dissonance of the real and expected communicative function of the utterance.

Genre dissonance (global or local).

Hermes Finance. Only good news."(Disguise advertising under the genre of news programs).

Prepared based on the materials of the book: E.N. Zaretskaya. Business conversation. - M. 2002