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Today we will talk about the methods by which business process optimization is carried out. It cannot be said that we will talk about something supernova: these techniques have long proven themselves. We want your optimization to be as effective as possible, so we offer you a kind of cheat sheet.

From this article you will learn:

  1. When it needs to be done
  2. Simple Optimization Techniques
  3. Approaches and examples of online store business process optimization
  4. Walkthrough optimization
  5. Common mistakes during this process
  6. Valuable tips for optimizing business processes in an organization

What does it mean to optimize business processes in a company?

Optimization of the company's business processes is the work on improving the actions carried out in a certain sequence. The task of optimization is to find the most favorable way to achieve the company's goals. The effective functioning of a modern company is impossible without the implementation of this process.

Business process optimization will be effective if personal qualities managers and owners of the company.

An important condition for creating profitable business is a mandatory agreement marketing strategy with the method of its implementation. But do not exclude the following scenario: a good strategy has been developed, an implementation methodology has been thought out, but it is not possible to reach the desired performance.

When you need to optimize business process management

For some time, the company can work normally without optimization, but every day the need for this process is getting closer:

Signs that you need business process optimization:

  • the decision-making process is very slow;
  • slow and poor-quality implementation of the decisions made;
  • occasional lack of control over certain aspects of activities;
  • the manifestation of nervousness and the growth of psychological tension among employees due to insufficient regulation of their rights and obligations;
  • day-to-day operations require unreasonably a large number of time and effort.

As an example, consider the problems we face:

Working with buyers:

  • during the working day did not answer the incoming call;
  • failed to call back in time;
  • did not provide a full consultation on any issue related to the goods, payment or delivery of the order;
  • failed to inform about the status of the order;
  • communication with the buyer was not polite enough.

Submit your application


  • delivery deadlines are violated;
  • did not warn about the change in delivery time;
  • did not notify the arrival of the order by mail;
  • damage to the goods during transportation;
  • did not pack the order;
  • they were not convinced of the correct configuration of the order and did not bring what was required;
  • the catalog did not provide reliable information about the availability of goods.


  • did not pay for the accounts with which you promote your resource;
  • did not place an announcement about a sale or promotion in a timely manner;
  • it is impossible to track the conversion of website promotion;
  • no analytical site settings;
  • not conducted after he received the goods.


  • delays in payroll;
  • late payment of tax payments.

If you observe for some time how purchases are made and how often the content is updated, how logisticians, accountants and marketers work, then it is quite realistic to draw the right conclusions that will protect you from possible problems, and the optimization will be quite effective.

Such simple methods for optimizing business processes

Business process optimization is carried out using a variety of methods, the choice of which depends on the problems being solved. The diagram below shows possible optimization approaches.

Exclude - Eliminate the causes of interference, reduce process levels and transport routes, cancel the control at the entrance.

Simplify - reduce the complexity of ordering and the complexity of services, organize and evenly distribute work.

Standardize - use methods that involve working with technologies, programs, stages and components.

Reduce - Eliminate stages that lead to additional costs, shorten the duration and number of events.

Accelerate - conduct parallel engineering, automate processes, set up rapid design of layouts and samples.

Change - introduce new methods of working with materials, increase / decrease production volumes, change processing procedures, technologies or work systems.

Provide interaction - improve a unified information system to ensure coordinated actions of employees, production systems and organizational units.

Select and include - install and introduce new components and production processes.

Approaches to optimizing the business processes of an online store

Optimization of time and labor costs

Optimization of business processes involves reducing labor and time costs. To do this, you need to understand in detail all the production processes. Analyze the chain of action, identify and eliminate all problem areas.

A modern system for optimizing business processes includes a lot of features, the use of which makes it possible to facilitate the work of the seller as much as possible.

For example, there are technologies that allow products to be uploaded to the site directly from XLS and CSV files that come from suppliers in the form of price lists.

In addition, if you set up automatic synchronization of balances between the supplier and the online store, you can save a lot of time and protect yourself from the risk of a conflict with the buyer due to the provision of inaccurate information about the price or availability of goods.

Optimization of financial costs

The leader must be able to effectively spend material resources. This is not easy to do, especially at the initial stage of activity, since there is still not enough experience and knowledge of all work processes.

Don't spend a lot on:

  • website development service(you can use the template and management system provided for free, or rent a ready-made online store);
  • organizing your own delivery service(this can be entrusted to specialized services that take payment for the completed order);
  • rent of office and warehouse space(you can try to deliver goods 1-2 days after placing the order and do without a warehouse and office);
  • professional salaries(while there are not enough funds, talented youth can be attracted to work);
  • purchase of large quantities of goods(it is better not to take risks and not buy a lot of goods, since the state of the market can change at any time, for example, the price will change or demand will fall);
  • big budget marketing promotions(for starters, for various search engines and for mobile, place information on product platforms and free bulletin boards, set up contextual advertising and start building a customer base);
  • personal needs(It is better to put the first profit into circulation so that the business can develop, and not withdraw all the money to spend on private needs).

In order to have a complete picture of the effectiveness of spending funds, it is necessary to regularly review financial reports.

Business Process Optimization: A Step-by-Step Guide

Step 1. Determine the goals of business process optimization

The question often arises: “Why do we need business process optimization, if it is already clear that the processes should be inexpensive and fast?”. It is, of course, so. However, optimization has a completely different goal.

Let's use the Brainstorming method and determine the true goal of optimization. To do this, remember the five key “why?”, And now we change it to “why?” and give answers. For example:

  1. To increase sales.

  2. Why increase sales volume?

    For more profit.

Therefore, the goals of optimizing business processes are the achievement of indicators to increase income. Naturally, in order to achieve this, it is not enough to simplify the process of issuing invoices. This means that it is necessary to adjust all the moments that affect the receipt of profit, and include them in the content of optimization tasks.

Consider another Brainstorming example:

  1. Why do we need to optimize the process of issuing consignment notes?

    To speed up the process of issuing / receiving.

  2. Why speed up issuance / receipt?

    To avoid production downtime.

  3. Why avoid production downtime?

    To increase production volumes.

  4. Why increase production?

    You don't need to do this. The established volume of production corresponds to the demand of consumers.

This example shows that the company initially incorrectly determined why it needs to optimize business processes in the enterprise, that is, there is no correct goal. However, the billing process needs to change. Let's look further:

  1. Why do we need to optimize the process of issuing consignment notes?

    To reduce labor costs and reduce the number of employees involved in this process.

  2. Why reduce the number of warehouse workers?

    To cut costs.

  3. Why should we save?

    To reduce the cost of goods.

  4. Why cut costs?

    To conquer the market, strengthen positions thanks to low prices(reduced selling price will not affect the profitability of production).

Thus, having paid attention to the design of invoices, we saw that the optimization of business processes should not be limited to one direction, our goal is much more serious.

A competent formulation of optimization goals will make it possible to correctly distribute forces without wasting them on trifles, solving absolutely unimportant tasks.

It happens that the following is discovered in the process: some processes are so primitive that they need to be complicated. For example, financial transactions can sometimes include additional control procedures to guard against the risk of financial leakage.

Step 2. Select the elements of business processes

Each production process has certain characteristics, and the optimization of business processes can change any of them:

  1. Process object.
  2. The subject of the process.
  3. Input-output of the whole process and each specific function of this process.
  4. Process resources.

So, a little more about the elements of a business process:

Process objects determine what participants control by performing their functional responsibilities. That's what they manage.

For example, an accountant is not able to influence the fact that primary documents are provided to him in the original. Therefore, the optimization of internal business processes should be aimed at both accounting processes and document management. But the document flow is managed by completely different participants, which means that this is a different process.

Defining subjects of the process, it is necessary to identify them correctly, and not just give them a name. In other words, you need to define:

  • the role of the subject;
  • areas of responsibility and its KPI;
  • the way in which performance in a particular area of ​​responsibility will be measured.

Defining the role, it is necessary to follow the technology of business process optimization and build subjects in the logic of the matrix RASCI:

    R- a responsibility,

    BUT- agreement,

    S- support,

    FROM– counseling,

    I- informing (to whom the result is reported).

When using RASCI, it must be remembered that responsibility (R) must be personal. If we are talking about a voluminous process where R cannot be personalized, then it is divided into sub-processes and a person responsible for each stage of work is established. Failure to comply with this principle is fraught with a disruption in the implementation of tasks, since when everyone answers, no one answers.

When distributing areas of responsibility among employees, they must be clearly formulated and a unit of measurement defined. For example, an indicator could be deadlines, no complaints, etc.

With regard to alignment (A), business process optimization does not provide for such a strict distinction. One coordinator is, of course, the best option, although collective agreement is also acceptable.

Coordination with several subjects (collective) can lead to a delay in the implementation of the process, and this, as a rule, is an unjustified risk. Of course, there are exceptions, for example, the approval of expensive transactions.

There are no strict restrictions regarding S, C, I. The main thing is to be guided by common sense so that the process is not overloaded due to the large number of participants.

Inputs and outputs of business processes − the stage at which work is carried out with the “steps” of the business process: identifying and eliminating inefficient zones, establishing the order of useful ones. We can say that the optimization of business processes largely depends on the correct definition of inputs and outputs.

For example, for accounting, primary documents are required. Therefore, the document is the basis for entry (the process of generating the posting). Often, in large companies accounting is lagging, as documents go quite a long way.

Let's trace the route of the consignment note: the warehouse - the MTO service (logistical support) notes the completion of the procurement procedure - production services that note changes in the availability of raw materials - accounting.

At first glance, all stages are equally important and all these services must have information about the receipt of goods and materials (commodity assets). However, on the way to the accounting department, the document may be “lost” or, which happens more often, arrives with a great delay.

We'll fix it. If logistics business processes are optimized, then the original invoice can go a shorter way: warehouse - accounting. Other interested services can get by with a copy of it, since information is important to them, and not the document itself. Thus, it becomes possible to improve the quality of the process by reducing its cycle.

By analyzing the inputs and outputs of the process, one can reveal a radically opposite picture: the input of one cycle is not the output from the previous one - this indicates illogicality or gaps between the steps of the business process. And this should not be.

Optimization of logistics business processes provides for the distribution of responsibilities between all participants in the process, which, in turn, will help to avoid gaps. Let's recall the RASCI matrix and pay attention to I (informing). In fact, we are talking about the consumer of the result of the process, which may be several, but they cannot be absent.

Thus, if the exit is not directed to anyone, then this process is not needed by anyone and should be excluded from the business chain.

Let's move on to ensuring the implementation of production processes. The main task of the stage is to honestly answer the following questions:

  1. Does the goal of the process justify the costs incurred as a result of achieving it?
  2. Maybe changing the goal or abandoning it is the best solution question?
  3. If the end justifies the means, what is its priority?

Please note that resources are not always money spent on staff salaries and material support. The main resource is time, which is simply impossible to replenish.

When business process optimization is being carried out and the issue of the cost of the process is being decided, it is worth comparing several scenarios by simulating them. So you will accurately determine the most optimal option: it works quickly, it is inexpensive, it is easy to implement. The results of this analysis can be used to make the following decisions:

  • on the direction of some functions for outsourcing,
  • about making changes to the model business,
  • about the inevitability/necessity of automation,
  • about changing staffing etc.

Step 3. We carry out fragmentation of business processes

It doesn't matter who invented the conveyor itself (Henry Ford or Eli Whitney), but it is important to be able to put the principles of the conveyor into practice.

The biggest mistake companies make is having one employee carry out a complex process from start to finish. For example, if a highly qualified lawyer checks in draft contracts not only the terms of their conclusion, specifying the details and powers of the parties, then the quality of his work will definitely decrease.

Automation and optimization of the company's business processes provides that elementary and frequently recurring operations should be performed by less qualified specialists. A competent approach to the distribution of duties and powers helps to increase the speed of processes, reduce labor costs while maintaining the quality of work.

Step 4. Implement changes in business processes

You have already drawn up a target business process model, which means it's time to move on to its implementation. All changes must be made to the internal documentation: regulations, in job descriptions and in the workflow schedule by making them mandatory.

Thus, the optimization of business processes is not something unbearable. The main thing is that the company itself is ready for changes. Often, in order to implement changes, management must make a lot of effort to convince employees to abandon their usual, “accustomed” processes.

It happens that the unwillingness to accept innovations is caused by a number of fears of employees: they are afraid to lose their jobs, they don’t want to do more than what they did before, they are afraid of overestimated requirements for the quality of work.

Timely implementation of a number of activities aimed at involving employees in the preparation of changes will help to avoid such problems.

An example of optimizing business processes in an online store

Let's consider how the optimization of business processes in an online store can take place, taking the order processing process as an example. The figure shows the order processing scheme if the online store uses a warehouse, courier delivery and payment on delivery. If payment, shipping, and sourcing options change, the scheme could become more complex.

The store consultant or call center operator, guided by scripts and knowledge of the assortment, must confirm the receipt of the order over the phone.

Operator efficiency criterion are considered:

  • the number of orders placed;
  • number of resales;
  • the amount of time spent processing incoming orders.

As a result of processing you can get the following options:

  • order confirmed the order is reserved;
  • additional sale confirmed the order is reserved;
  • item expected the order is delayed;
  • didn't get through the order is delayed;
  • refused the order order cancelled.

Each of the resulting options can start a new process:

  • call back call repeat after some time repeat process;
  • call interruption call back at another time convenient for the buyer repeat process;
  • order cancellation identifying causes adding a potential buyer to the customer database setting up sms and e-mail distribution;
  • waiting for goods ordering goods from a supplier assortment replenishment repeat process.
  • order reservation product packaging Express delivery acceptance and payment of goods or their return.

Let's consider what the optimization of a business process might look like by compiling its algorithm based on this scheme:

Stage 1. Formulate optimization goals

Goals must be measurable and achievable within a specific period of time using certain means. Set indicators that need improvement.

For example, it is necessary to simplify the process of "Processing orders" by synchronizing the display on the site of the remaining goods in stock.

Stage 2. We observe the process and describe it

Monitoring the process will provide an opportunity to obtain objective data about it. At this time, you communicate with the performers, identify existing problems, determine the time required to complete the tasks that are components of the business process.

Consider an example. The order processing process includes the following steps: reception, availability check, confirmation by phone, filling out the buyer's contact form. Watching the process, you find that the need to constantly check and clarify whether the goods are in stock irritates the operator.

Stage 3. We calculate performance indicators

A measure of the effectiveness of a process is the time and money spent on its implementation. If reconciliation with the warehouse causes irritation, then the process is not going quite right. Indeed, it is quite troublesome to contact the storekeeper every time or run to the warehouse yourself to make sure that the item of interest has not yet been sold.

For example, after calculating the time it takes for the entire order processing process, it turned out that 70% of the operator's time is spent on reconciliation with the warehouse.

Stage 4. We reveal "extra" places

Let's go back to the previous example. Calculating the efficiency indicator, we found that 70% of the time the operator spends on the reconciliation process, which is not at all difficult to automate.

Stage 5. We design a perfect business process

After extra places have been identified, it is necessary to understand the choice of means by which business process optimization will be carried out. It is necessary to consider all the "+" and "-", to calculate whether the inevitable costs will be justified.

For example, to synchronize information from a warehouse on a website, it is necessary to integrate the website with the 1C program (after placing an order, the order quantity will decrease by one, and when a new product arrives or is returned, the quantity will increase).

All information will be instantly displayed on the site. Naturally, the operator will not need to call anyone or run to the warehouse. During this time, he will process 1-2 more new orders.

Step 6: Implementing the updated process

Now you have to implement the program and teach employees how to work with it.

For example, online stores created on the beseller platform can integrate with 1C: Enterprise. Thus, the site will automatically update all data about the product.

Stage 7. Analyzing the results

Now there is a new observation to determine whether the optimization of business processes has affected the indicators, whether they have become better.

For example, nothing irritates the operator, he does not have to make senseless manipulations and body movements, and all his energy is spent on additional sales. You will definitely notice this in the profit that your online store began to bring.

Similarly, you can work out almost all significant processes aimed at ensuring the performance and further development of an online store: the formation of an assortment and work with suppliers, attracting and retaining customers, accepting payments and delivering goods, etc.

4 typical mistakes of managers who conceived the description and optimization of business processes

  1. Emotion-driven business process optimization

This is perhaps the most frequently repeated mistake. It is committed at the moment when a violation or breakdown of agreements occurs at some area of ​​work. The leader orders to eliminate this "misunderstanding" and not to repeat the mistake in the future.

In this case, the reason for the decision lies in the emotions, not having any arguments under it, which can only be obtained after a thorough analysis. Therefore, the real cause is unlikely to be identified and eliminated, which means that the situation may repeat itself.

  1. Using intuition instead of technology

Guilt in elementary incompetence in matters of technology. Many modern technological solutions are amenable to logical explanation, the main thing is to identify and implement them in a timely manner. But often services to optimize the company's business processes are provided by people who confuse these concepts. Therefore, it is not possible to avoid repeating mistakes.

  1. Use of business process optimization technology for other purposes

This error may arise as a result of incompetence in process activities. Not everyone can define the very term "process". Guided by ISO standards, we can conclude that almost everyone makes this mistake, since they have a rather approximate understanding of the processes of activity. So,

A process is a set of interrelated and interacting activities that transform inputs and outputs.

The definition is quite generalized, and processes, projects, and tasks can be “fitted” under it. However, each type of activity has its own management tools.

For processes, these are technologies of regulation, description and optimization. Moreover, optimization technology is very important for the process, but absolutely not suitable for the project or tasks. As a rule, the effectiveness of the optimization project is zero, since its application was simply inappropriate.

  1. Personal involvement of senior leaders

This fact negatively affects the elaboration of details, which is why all the optimization of business processes loses quality. Usually top management thinks very big, which can turn into a real restructuring.

Therefore, optimization should be done by specialists. But this does not mean that the management should be “deleted”, they must understand what the master is doing in order to identify the problem in time, formulate the task and, of course, accept the work.

  1. Separate the wheat from the chaff

When working on business processes, many people make the same mistake: they look at them from one side. If you look at something that already works well and gives a corresponding result, then you may not notice some small (or not so small) details that interfere with making a profit.

For example, if business process optimization focuses on marketing channels and you ignore the rest, then you can miss the errors associated with the delivery of the goods, which will affect the profit. Therefore, it is better to carry out the work in a complex and in a strictly established sequence, do not try to cover everything at once and do not ignore anything.

  1. Feel free to ask for help

Practical experience shows that only performers see the whole situation. They understand her inner world”, so follow their recommendations, consult with them.

Managers usually see the system from above, so they cannot see all the nuances. Only where there is mutual understanding and the desire for joint activities, there will be a desire to change and improve something. Moreover, this applies to both performers and leaders.

Currently, in order for a business to develop successfully, it is necessary, including through the Internet and its own website. If you already have your own Internet resource, but you can’t call it cool, then we advise you to audit the site.

Any company, production or business is an organized team of employees who fully perform all the tasks. The duty of the leader is to ensure manufacturing process tasks that together help to achieve the main result - increasing profits. Process optimization in the organization of business activities is an integral part of a successful developing project. There are several ways to improve the development of a company.

Why business optimization is needed

When deciding which industry to build your business in, it is impossible to predict in advance all the risks, features and disadvantages of the market. Any market is a dynamic for better or worse, so you need to be able to correctly and timely conduct optimization processes to reorganize the existing business concept.

Optimization of work begins with the definition of tasks. In order to carry out effective work to improve an existing project, it is necessary to initially determine the goal: why optimization is needed, what is its role, at what stage it is advisable to improve, and what is the result of the entire campaign.

With the satisfactory operation of the enterprise, the manager intuitively understands that it is possible to serve customers faster, better, and cover a larger volume of potential customer base. To do this, it is necessary to carry out a set of works that are aimed at improving the work of each employee, department, and responsibility center. Business optimization is necessary in such cases:

  • if necessary, increase the productivity of the enterprise;
  • to improve the quality of service;
  • in case of high competition in the market;
  • to modernize individual processes of the company that will meet the new requirements;
  • to increase profitability;
  • if necessary, reduce jobs, but increase the productivity of the entire business;
  • when expanding the business;
  • in case of performance reduction;
  • for the planned improvement of the business in order to obtain greater profits.

Business optimization works are carried out at any stage of development. However, most often, such actions have a clear structure that helps to see the current problems and how to fix them.

Mandatory 4 Rules for Effective Optimization

The goal of business optimization is to improve sales, increase work efficiency, and reduce disadvantages. However, in order for such a structure to work, it is necessary to carry out a number of procedures that are aimed at studying and compiling a business model at this stage.

Top managers should not optimize the process in their own company. This is a matter for professional structures that have received education, own optimization technologies, and have experience in implementing effective business improvement techniques.

Methods for optimizing processes today are presented in large numbers. They differ in duration, principle of implementation, efficiency. However, in order for each method used to be truly useful for a particular business, it is worth following the 4 basic optimization rules.

Rule #1 - Optimization Basis

In fact, the main task optimization is to group all business processes in such a way that in the end it works more productively, more efficiently, better. Therefore, before carrying out an improvement in the industry or in the business as a whole, it is necessary to single out and separate business processes, draw up a conditional pictogram that answers the questions:

  • business duration;
  • efficiency and effectiveness (in terms of profit);
  • the number of departments, people in each of the departments, the number of managers and workers;
  • success in the market during its existence;
  • market risks;
  • features of doing business, its specifics;
  • the course of the processes.

Such a clear structure allows you to see "from the outside" all the important points and features of a particular business, what are its "misses", and what actions have yielded results. Simply put, the basis of optimization should consist of a detailed overview of the specific entrepreneurship, its goals and set but unrealized goals.

Rule number 2 - "Clean the fish from the tail"

This rule makes it possible to evaluate the optimality from "private to general". That is, it is worth paying attention to individual shortcomings of productivity, its unrealizable moments. For example, there is a task to sell 10 cars in a luxury class showroom. At the moment, the implementation is 5 cars. The specialist, when analyzing this situation, takes into account such points as:

  • business duration;
  • number of personnel;
  • market specifics;
  • competition;
  • salon pricing policy;
  • the presence of attractive moments for the buyer;
  • the quality of the goods sold.

Based on the data obtained, you can draw up a graph that will show the number of sales, and what has been done for this before. The specialist evaluates the prospects, gives recommendations that will help improve sales, subject to specific rules. That is, the goal is initially set, the optimization model is evaluated and its implementation is carried out. This essence is defined by the term "optimization". If it is advisable to use "from the general to the particular", then the process will be called "reengineering" or complex, system change entire business, starting from the ground up.

Rule #3 - Optimization Flexibility

If the business has been working smoothly for several years, there is a certain stability that does not improve in dynamics, but does not worsen, then it is advisable to carry out additional research interaction of all internal processes of a well-coordinated system. In some cases, optimization is a complete redirection of business, which can negatively affect individual, previously profitable structures. Therefore, flexibility in optimization should “smooth out” possible negative aspects that may appear both immediately and some time after the restructuring.

Rule #4 - The Human Factor

When carrying out optimization, you should be prepared for the fact that not all employees will be able to appreciate any innovations. Therefore, there is often a reduction in jobs in enterprises with process optimization. In any case, it should be understood that optimization does not aim to reduce jobs, it aims to redistribute working moments in such a way that the whole business only benefits. In fact, such a thing as an “unnecessary” person in the office disappears, each employee does his own thing, clearly performs tasks, follows the schedule.

The algorithm for introducing optimization may not appeal to every employee. Especially those who perform work that is not productive, not aimed at the main goal - making a profit. An example of the distribution of work responsibilities in a standard office, where one department of 5 people performs the task of attracting customers, improving marketing products, and another department of 10 people is engaged in the delivery of products to the client. In fact, the profit of the business depends on attracting customers, and the delivery system can be optimized.

Techniques to help you optimize your business

Step-by-step optimization of business processes, their concept and organization options depend on the goals, business specifics and the intended result. The first methods for optimizing the company's business processes, which included a complete market analysis and project expansion options, are described in the literature by M. Hammer and J. Champi.

Until now, the monograph "Business process reengineering" is considered the best training material for business restructuring. However, with the development of the market and business, in general, there are new, more modern methods analysis and optimization of business processes.

Engineering optimization method

Engineering - a complex for the introduction of new technologies informational character, which help to model the existing organizational structure of a business. When rendering paid services engineering, a businessman receives consultations of a different nature, which will help in the future to ensure the production process, improve the operation of facilities, maintain economic facilities, and sell products. There is advisory, technological and financial engineering.

Specialists who provide engineering services are required to have higher engineering and management education. Consultations of this nature imply knowledge in the field of engineering, and therefore it is impossible to get constructive and useful help without special education.

Reengineering method

Reengineering is a complete rejection of existing business processes and methods. Such internal method allows to attract investments, introduce new technologies, improve technical means, increase the growth of technological progress. They use methods of reducing resources, personnel, breaking blind spots, combining the work of several departments into one. The risk is a possible shutdown of the production process, since some moments require a complete reformatting of the existing process.

Reengineering is the best option if the existing business does not bring real profit, there is a question of either bankruptcy or improvement of the existing business. In fact, you should be prepared for the fact that production will need to be suspended for a while.

Continuous Improvement Method (CPI)

Business optimization systems need to be constantly improved, adjusted to the new needs of a developing business. The CPI method allows you to plan the process in such a way as to improve all its stages. Process management methodology is the basis of planning for a dynamic market that is difficult to predict. This method differs in that the entire optimization process is lengthy, and the production process does not stop, but is simply gradually improved.

Total Quality Management Method

Creation of a new product that meets the needs of the modern market. In this case, the plan can be developed both in parallel with the existing project, and with the replacement approach of old products. The activities and actions of the program are aimed at the gradual improvement of work processes, the production of products initially in a limited period of time.

Optimization of a business or its individual processes is a mandatory moment in development. However, when choosing a specific method, it is worth paying attention not only to the duration of its implementation, but also to the final result. In some cases, incorrect and unprofessional optimization leads to a decrease in profits, the productivity of the entire business.

Business process optimization

Business process optimization is a complex process that grows on the basis of an analysis of current data on an enterprise, with the aim, if necessary, of increasing production capacity, reducing production costs, increasing output while increasing sales in the current market segment, etc. Optimization in this context is a very laborious process, it takes a lot of time and money, because the final decision that will be made must be objective and justified, and is also based on at least positive forecasts. Such an analysis of the situation and a forecast takes not 2-3 days, but 3-6 months, otherwise the enterprise may suffer huge losses.

Almost all companies (with the exception of only public corporations) need to optimize business processes, because there is no limit to perfection, and taking into account the fact that the market is an extremely unstable substance and very dynamic at its core, in which the rules are dictated only by its participants, there is a need to quickly respond to changes in the environment and in this regard, it makes sense to monitor and correlate the state of the environment with the state of our organization. A company that is constantly striving and developing cannot but have in its structure a separate division dealing with optimization issues, and the company that does not skimp on these technologies will be more successful, because it is already obvious that they are the future.

How to approach the choice of the most priority business processes? To do this, you need to define priority criteria. Such criteria exist and are used in practice. They are:

the importance of the business process;

problematic business process;

the ability to change the business process.

The first criterion is importance. Obviously, for optimization, you need to choose the most important business processes, because it is the improvement of the most important processes that can bring the greatest result. What is the importance of the process? The importance of a process to an organization is determined by the extent to which the process contributes to the achievement of the company's strategic goals. However, if the process is the most important, but at the same time good, then no matter how you optimize it, it will not become better. Or it can be improved, but why do it and spend effort on it if it is already good. To distinguish such processes, a second criterion of problematicity is introduced.

It is necessary to define what we understand and will further understand by the word problem. By a problem, we mean its classical interpretation, namely, the gap between the desired and the actual. In other words, the problem is the difference between the goal and current state. Accordingly, the problematic nature of the process is the gap between the required and current state of the business process. Accordingly, the importance and problematic characterize what result we will get as an output when optimizing this business process.

And the third criterion - you need to choose those processes in which it is most easy to improve. In this case, the cost side of improvements is considered - how much the improvement will cost both in terms of financial and other types of costs, for example, moral costs, costs associated with the deterioration of the psychological climate in the organization, etc. That is, it also considers negative factors for the organization as a whole, which may arise when optimizing this business process.

Having determined the degree or assessment of importance, problematicness and the possibility of making changes for each business process, we are able to rank them and select the highest priorities. Of course, the highest priority will be business processes that are the most important, the most problematic and the most inexpensive in terms of making changes.

Problems can be successfully solved when not only all processes in the company are known, but also their mutual influence.

There are several technologies that allow you to define and formalize business processes. Fundamentally, these technologies differ little from each other and involve the implementation of approximately the same stages of creating models "as is" and "as needed". It is important to choose a technology that contains methods of improvement organizational structure and allowing to minimize its non-optimality and, accordingly, non-optimality of control. The technology should ensure that in the model created with its use, employees will perform only those functions that the enterprise needs, and management will receive information that really reflects the results of the processes and their operations and is really necessary for decision making. It is necessary that descriptions that are consistent with each other are created in the model at the same time:

functional (who does);

operational (what does it do);

Informational (how it is confirmed, by what information signs).

It is also important that such technology uses formal (objective) methods, rather than methods based on the consultant's personal opinion, confirming the optimality of new organizational structures. Besides, in methodological basis Such a technology should clearly define what a business process and organizational structure are, how to determine their optimality, describe the process in the minimum time, and correctly, create and implement new regulations. The methodology is developed to the level of document templates, information storage structures, work regulations project team, order templates for the enterprise, which are issued at the beginning of optimization work, in the process and at the end. This will keep the structures optimal in the future.

Formal scheme of technology for describing and optimizing business processes.

1. The main, auxiliary and limiting processes are singled out, their description is given with an emphasis on management. Using formal methods, it is proved that the created description is true. In the course of the description, it becomes clear problematic issues management that require a solution, a set of documents is formed for subsequent use by the enterprise. "In combat conditions" a team of analysts is formed from the employees of the enterprise, able to analyze and maintain the optimality of the organizational structure in the future.

2. With the involvement of formal mathematical methods, the process model is optimized: unnecessary links are eliminated, unreasonable branches and cycles are eliminated. At the same time, the requirements of a specific situation and specific owners of the enterprise are taken into account (it should be noted that the mathematically optimal structure will not always be optimal from a political point of view).

3. After creating and testing a model that is optimal for the given conditions and the organizational structure of the company, a set of regulations for the transformation and future functioning of the enterprise is formed. Further, these transformations are carried out, the regulations are implemented. After some time, a proof is made that the actually created structure functions adequately to the optimal one embedded in the model, and is effective in terms of performance results.

4. After the creation of optimal regulations, a new one is established or the existing one is modified (if it is possible in principle). Information system to support the company's activities under the new regulations. This corrects:

· system of budgets taking into account the support of the new process;

functional responsibilities of employees;

personnel motivation system;

processes for the quality system.

5. A group of analysts (two or three people) is created at the enterprise, who will subsequently independently maintain the optimality of the organizational structure and processes, taking into account changes in the market situation and external conditions.

Having studied and structured the information on this topic, we can say that there is no general cornerstone approach to optimizing business processes, because any optimization at a particular enterprise always involves an individual approach. But the common link of any approach is always the goal itself - it is to improve the functioning of the organization.

Production optimization means the introduction of innovative technologies and the improvement of the labor process. As a rule, such a modification is carried out in order to increase the efficiency of work and reduce the costs of the enterprise.

What is process optimization

Optimization of production is the elimination of shortcomings of the enterprise, focusing on the advantages of technology. The procedure involves the passage of three stages: planning, approval and implementation. It helps to reduce the amount managerial mistakes and shortcomings, reduce the cost of production, increase the profit of the enterprise and work efficiency. In addition, production optimization can be implemented in order to get out of financial crisis. Its effectiveness will become faster and more obvious if it is directed to the main technological processes.

Optimization of production management should be carried out in accordance with the approved plan, which indicates all the stages and sequence of implementation. It is best to start with the adjustment of narrow functional moments, then the risks of the enterprise are reduced and the possibility of returning to the previous course remains. As a rule, relevant activities are carried out as soon as possible.

Optimization of production implies the improvement of its structures, the revision of their relationships and interactions (the functions of one unit can be assigned to another). Usually the result of such actions is: increasing competitiveness, increasing sales and profits of the enterprise, forming its positive image, but more on that later.

Remember that before carrying out reforms, it is necessary to analyze the features of the technology, formulate tasks, and create a business process diagram.

How to optimize production without investing in equipment

Is it possible to increase the productivity of a company without investing in equipment? The editors of the General Director magazine offer three ways to optimize production without buying new equipment.

What leads to the optimization of production in the enterprise

Manufacturing companies are optimizing to increase their competitiveness and, using various tools, reduce the expense item. However, it is not always possible to achieve the set goals. Sometimes it is worth reconsidering the approach, methods and ways of implementation in order to increase production efficiency and achieve the desired result. This conclusion was made by specialists from BCG (Boston Consulting Group) after studying the experience of many industrial enterprises (including Russian ones).

The need to study the practice of increasing production efficiency came when the competitiveness of Russian companies began to decline due to the fact that at the beginning of 2010 the growth rates of wages of personnel employed in industry did not match the rate of increase in labor productivity.

The scale of the problem is shown by illustrating the dynamics of the remuneration of the company's specialists and the efficiency of their development. In China, the increase in staff pay was twice the productivity, and in Russia it was eight times. This indicates that the relative competitiveness of industrial enterprises in Russia has significantly decreased (compared to similar companies in China). The decline was also influenced by the fact that the rate of decline in production exceeded the reduction in the number of employees.

In 2014, the production costs of our industrialists reached the American level. A decade ago, one hour of work cost $7 in Russia and $18 in the USA, and today this ratio looks like this: in Russia - $21.9, in the USA - $22.32. The Boston Consulting Group cites evidence that Russian companies cannot produce goods cheaper than American ones, due to the increase in wages and energy costs. Only competent optimization of production can change the situation.

Industrial companies implement various efficiency improvement programs using various methods and forms. Many have succeeded in this process: reduced costs and increased profits, improved the quality of their goods, reduced delivery times, increased employee engagement. Due to insufficiently ordered optimization measures, a number of enterprises received local advantages. Companies that have achieved tangible results gradually lose their "fighting fuse", not reaching the main goal - the integration of the entire business process or the application of the necessary techniques in all structural divisions.

After analyzing the ways to successfully implement optimization, the experts concluded that an unsuccessful outcome could be if:

  • the specificity of departments and workshops is not taken into account;
  • production optimization is not fully calculated, that is, there is no clear sequence of using tools and the consequences are not thought out;
  • the focus is only on implementation methods;
  • no instructions were developed for the heads of departments, on the basis of which they could manage the reorganization.

Practical experience suggests that when the approach to the efficiency improvement program is changed, it can be intensified.

Consider an example. industrial enterprise optimized production and achieved very high levels of productivity and product quality. However, after some time (3-4 years), the performance first stopped, and then completely declined. The optimization of the production of this company included measures that were not systematized, but were directed to individual workshops. Following analytical work, a holistic approach was considered. The company gave the program a "second life". Comparative analysis showed the need to prioritize plants, to develop and implement a number of activities. Optimization of production costs allowed to reduce costs by up to 15%:

  • quickly redeployed enterprise resources and implemented value creation opportunities;
  • improved communication between plants and identified deviations from the norms, for example, indicators of efficiency (COP) and output were adjusted and began to be used to achieve performance;
  • identified innovative methods used at the enterprise and systematized their implementation in relation to the entire technological chain;
  • production optimization was coordinated according to the “top-down” principle, which made it possible to distribute material resources more efficiently.
  • to use in the work the most important factors affecting labor productivity;
  • strive to achieve quick results;
  • strictly follow a certain course, taking into account the capabilities of the enterprise.

How to Optimize Production with Kanban

The first Kanban system was implemented in Microsoft's technical support department in 2004. After 15 months, performance increased by 200%, and client requests began to run 90% faster. Learn how to implement this system in step by step algorithm from the editors of the magazine "General Director".

How to set production optimization tasks

Production optimization involves solving problems associated with competing properties of the technological process, such as:

  • production volume - consumption of raw materials;
  • the volume of production is the quality of the goods.

An effective solution lies in the process of finding a compromise for such properties.

To define reorganization tasks, you need to order the following options.

1. The presence of the object and the goal of optimization. Tasks must be formulated separately for each object of reform, that is, the system should not include more than one criterion, because the extreme values ​​of one parameter will not coincide with the boundary indicators of another.

An example of an incorrectly formulated task: "Achieve the highest possible productivity at the lowest cost of production."

The error lies in the fact that the task is aimed at optimizing two quantities, in fact, contradicting one another.

The correct wording might be:

  1. Achieve the highest possible performance with established cost products.
  2. Achieve the lowest cost of production at the planned performance.

In the first variant, the reorganization is aimed at productivity, and in the second, at cost.

2. Availability of optimization resources. Resources mean that the selected object must have control actions, that is, a certain degree of freedom.

3. Opportunity quantitative analysis optimized value. It is possible to evaluate the effectiveness of optimization and compare the effectiveness of one or another control action only when there are specific quantitative indicators.

What are the methods of production optimization

On the present stage optimization of production costs is possible using a variety of techniques and strategies. All of them are more or less successfully applied in practice and fall into three main categories:

  1. bottom-up method.
  2. reengineering method.
  3. Method of directive approach.

Reception "bottom-up" is carried out in relation to many processes in the enterprise by improving the methodology and technology. Moreover, the structure of the company and the main production stages are not affected, the optimization concerns ordinary divisions. Reengineering is based on fundamental changes introduced into the business process, technology and organization of production in order to achieve a qualitatively new level. The method of the directive approach involves the reduction of funding for the divisions of the enterprise by a certain amount.

Bottom-up cost reduction is an ideal technique for achieving long-term cost advantage without high investment and risk. The implementation of the program is based on the principle of involving the maximum number of employees of the enterprise in the reorganization at all stages of implementation (development and implementation of proposals to increase labor productivity and improve the efficiency of technological processes, increase quality indicators at all stages of production).

For example, the optimization of production costs was carried out by implementing the idea to cover the roller table bearings of the rolling mill in order to eliminate oil washout and extend the service life. The result of this modernization was a saving of about 20-30 thousand dollars. But if there are a hundred such ideas, then in annual terms the effect will be more than one million dollars. As a rule, such rationalization proposals are on the surface, one has only to pay attention to them.

Almost all companies can optimize costs and improve production efficiency. So why don't they do it? Most likely, the reason is the organizational complexity of the process.

A few decades ago, a number of companies faced a similar problem while working with clients. The result of resolving the issue was the development of methods for organizing and implementing large projects at enterprises aimed at reducing costs “from the bottom up”. The program was called "TOP" - total production optimization. It is based on the experience of the world's leading companies and is constantly being improved. The results of the analysis of the effectiveness of the implementation of TOC show that the optimization of production costs led to a 16 percent reduction in total costs in the steel, mining and pulp and paper enterprises.

Reengineering- one of the most effective methods aimed at increasing the competitiveness and reducing the costs of the enterprise. This method requires significant investment and takes a lot of time, which can cancel the expected effect. In addition, the key processes and technologies used in the basic manufacturing industries have already exhausted their resources and are not subject to radical optimization. All this suggests that a company that has conceived reengineering needs to think about reducing a number of operating costs in order to remain competitive during serious measures aimed at increasing production efficiency.

Directive approach often the most efficient and fastest. Despite the effectiveness of this method, it very often suffers from a lack of strategic priorities. Reducing the budget of divisions can lead to the fact that the enterprise will not make a profit, its income will stop growing, and the place in the market will be lost. A directive approach should be applied selectively with respect to those structures that show their inefficiency (for example, in comparison with competitors, a large staff of personnel officers).

A good example of production optimization

Today, large-scale optimization of the technological process of production is carried out at some Russian metallurgical enterprises. For example, on Vyskunsky steel plant as part of the program, 270 rationalization proposals were introduced, the effectiveness of which over the course of two years amounted to $30 million.

As a result of the application of innovations, the automotive company Porsche has significantly reduced the time welding work(from six weeks to three days) and the number of flaws (four times).

Optimization of Goodyear's production (tire production) is carried out through the implementation of a program aimed at reducing the production cycle time. Thus, the company seeks to increase productivity by 135%. As a result of the implementation of measures, the cost of inventories was reduced by half, and for raw materials - by 15%.

The company "Khortytsya" has optimized the management of the enterprise under the ERP-class program Oracle J.D. Edwards Enterprise One. Moreover, the implementation of this project at the distillery was carried out with the involvement of specialists from the department and external consultants. Further development of innovations in the company continued on its own.

The practice of McKinsey gives reason to conclude that the bottom-up method can be effective, when the company's employees were motivated to rationalization activities in order to optimize production. Such a program within a year and a half can reduce the costs of the enterprise up to 40%.

Basic principles of production optimization at the enterprise

It was said above that the most effective production optimization program is implemented according to the TOP scheme. Now we will dwell on this method in a little more detail.

The techniques of this program are completely different from other optimization methods. First of all, because when it is used, changes relate not only to production efficiency, but also to the effectiveness of the work of employees of the enterprise, their motivation. Thus, the program is aimed at long-term application.

A complex approach

From the name it follows that the method implies a set of goals: reducing costs, increasing labor productivity and product quality. In this case, efficiency is achieved by expanding subdivisions with low production rates and obtaining additional profit due to the fact that a high-quality product replaces a lower-quality predecessor. For example, at one metallurgical plant, during the implementation of the TOP, a proposal was made to replace the lifting mechanisms that move rolls of sheet steel. The optimization of the foundry proved to be effective, as the edges of the coils were better preserved (by 80%), and, naturally, the quality of the goods increased. This gave the company the opportunity to attract new customers, increase the number of products produced and raise the company's revenues.

Identifying Specific Cost Reduction Targets

The specific goals are based on the data of the analysis of the leading enterprises in the industry. At the stage of the beginning of the TOP implementation, the structural subdivisions are given the task of reducing the costs provided for by the budget by 40%. Moreover, the calculation of cost reduction is done separately for each sector, taking into account its specifics. Metal raw materials are a non-reducible quantity, but the production waste that is inevitable in the production of slabs can be reduced. When it is not possible to determine the amount of irreducible costs, then they are guided by the performance of companies that succeed in this industry. As a general rule, 40% of cost reduction equals 15-20% of total costs. Of course, such optimization of production costs is a tough method, especially since the process is carried out without any special additional investments. But it is quite realistic to achieve the goal, as this is practically confirmed by many foreign and domestic enterprises. If a unit succeeds in achieving its goals, then it becomes head and shoulders above its competitors (even if they are considered more successful).

Use of existing know-how

For the organization and implementation of TOP, the heads of units are mainly responsible. Usually they are more competent in matters of the specifics of the enterprise departments and know which of them have the greatest potential for improving efficiency and which ways to optimize production are best used. If TOP subcontractors and clients of these structures are involved in the implementation process, then it is possible to give a more accurate assessment of the effectiveness of the process. The fact that the ideas of employees are used during the implementation of the program allows them to feel involved in the life of the company. And this has a beneficial effect on the corporate mentality and sets up for long-term fruitful cooperation.

A new course at the "School of the General Director"

Using unconventional ideas

When the program is implemented, many common truths are called into question. As a guideline, as a rule, the experience of leading companies and the most successful models of production optimization are used. For example, in the course of an efficiency improvement program at a smelter, a proposal was made to increase the number of tanks used for slag collection. It seemed impossible, but the number of containers used has increased 10 times due to the introduction of an unconventional method of spraying with a heat-resistant composition. Performance was accurately tracked.

Clear results tracking

The conditions for optimizing production require that all proposals accepted for execution be applied strictly in accordance with the plan and have a specific result that can be measured (for example, reduce the budget of a structural unit for the purchase of consumables, raw materials, etc.).

To track the progress of the program and the implementation of plans, a controlling group is created. She has been given broad powers and the opportunity to communicate with senior management. The group is given a number of tasks, the key of which is to determine economic efficiency implementation of the TOP, delimiting it from all other changes in the budget, which may be due to the instability of the exchange rate, fluctuations in prices for raw materials and consumables, and other factors.

  • 4 control optimization methods that are most often used in practice

How many levels does a production optimization project have

In the process of reorganization, a gradual increase in the efficiency of the company takes place, its qualifications develop, and it begins to use the accumulated advantages. Production optimization provides for the passage of three levels of maturity, and enterprises that have competently approached this process overcome them systematically, gradually moving from one stage to another.

Of course, each company implements the optimization process in its own way, being at its stage of development (maturity level), having an individual improvement plan.

First level of production optimization

At this stage, the basis of the production optimization system is formed. The work is aimed at analyzing best practices, diagnosing the actual state of technological processes, setting goals and formulating tasks for improving efficiency. Moreover, a thorough study is carried out in relation to key indicators for several KPIs that underlie high performance (usually equipment and production lines).

Specialists are looking for alternative ways to reduce production losses by increasing efficiency and quality, reducing costs and the time required to complete the production cycle. At this stage, it is very important to have not only theoretical knowledge, but also to be able to apply it in practice (set up equipment and maintain it in working condition), so that it is possible to quickly improve the functioning of individual structural units (factories).

By streamlining the work of the main objects and processes in the enterprise, such as equipment, logistics and management, you can quickly move from the first level of production optimization (basic) to the next more mature stage.

Second level of production optimization (more mature)

Production optimization moves to a new level if, after the introduction of basic methods and technological processes, the modernization of individual workshops and the company as a whole begins. At this stage, specific standards are developed, favorable conditions are created, experts are involved, and practical application theoretical knowledge. All this is necessary in order not to lose the positive experience accumulated in the process of work. Usually the more mature stage takes more time, requires a systematic approach and better organization of employees.

At the second level, the optimization of the structure of production as a whole begins. As a result, the company achieves cost reductions that do not affect the value of the product itself, in other words, the cost of its production is reduced by up to 15% (with the exception of raw materials and other components), material losses are reduced to almost zero.

Companies suffer from a lack of specialists of a certain profile, management experience, expert groups that support implementation new products, or a specific division of responsibilities. This conclusion can be drawn if we take into account the fact that enterprises often simply do not pay attention to highlights related to the organization and management tools, labor resources, qualifications and professional competence of employees.

Measures to optimize production should include a mandatory increase in the skills of personnel, their specialized training, for example, in the field of loss analysis or waste control in the production process, in the field technical support etc. According to experts, it will take at least three years (or even all five) to organize an effective commodity business.

If the optimization of production has yielded a small but significant result, and the complex has not been fully implemented, it is possible to accelerate activities in order to move to the second (more mature) level. Experts believe that tangible efficiency can be achieved only if the developed program is systematically and systematically implemented in the presence of professional management.

The third level of production optimization

Third-level events are held in companies that are able to evaluate the effectiveness obtained as a result of the work done, and do not stop there, but continue to work towards improving the functionality of production: they review the supply and implementation system, the planning scheme, and so on. Thus, enterprises move to the next stage, which not only optimizes the production process, but also uses more complex tools (comprehensive planning, reorganization of management, specification of technological cycles, etc.).

Typically, companies that have moved to the third level of optimization are fully aware of the costs that do not affect the value of the product. By this time, technological processes have already been reorganized. The efficiency of structural divisions, plants and equipment meets the requirements of world quality standards, and the development of the company is possible due to production, which has become the main source of income. By this stage, already developed and implemented innovative technologies for product segmentation and management strategy, improved main process planning and implementation.

Of course, the transition to a new level is a complex procedure, but if the optimization of production is carried out consistently, then the company will certainly increase its potential.

If an enterprise seeks to achieve more significant results, then it begins to reorganize management and service, because heavy expenses in this part of the activity can significantly reduce the profitability of the business as a whole. Experts note that in order to overcome the threshold of the first or second level of optimization, companies introduce short targeted programs, and for the third they use a wide range of innovative technologies.

Return to the first level of production optimization

Modeling and optimization of production is unrealistic without overcoming a number of difficulties, but they cannot be a reason to give up on everything, because it is possible to achieve efficiency one way or another. To do this, you will need to return to the initial level and implement shorter programs that cover a smaller range of tasks. If you use a controlling system, then with quick optimization, efficiency can be achieved in the shortest possible time (up to several days). This technique is recommended by experts who have sufficient experience and have seen this in practice.

The main thing is that the optimization of production is carried out with the help of the most effective levers. It is necessary to carefully study everything and draw conclusions about which of the methods should be used at the moment, and which ones later. For this you need:

  • establish the predominant probability of obtaining efficiency in terms of time, resource size and material benefits;
  • to concentrate resources for which there may be a shortage in the production areas selected for rapid optimization;
  • prepare coordinated measures for the speedy introduction of innovative methods in the departments within which production optimization is carried out;
  • create conditions that motivate employees to work quickly and justify certain risks.

As practice shows, the most successful rapid reorganization can be carried out in 5 areas:

  1. Optimize equipment utilization by increasing equipment efficiency, improving service quality and reducing downtime.
  2. Optimize the cost-effectiveness of workpieces by reducing losses that occur due to insufficient equipment capacity.
  3. Reorganize logistics by increasing work activity storage facilities and reducing transport costs.
  4. Optimize inventory by more accurately calculating production volumes, orienting them to projected demand, which will help streamline the movement and potential of raw materials and materials.

The planned program will be successful if a small number of specific tools are introduced into the most effective segments of the enterprise. According to experts, quick results are observed in the following production areas:

  • improving equipment performance;
  • staff development;
  • reduction in the number of defective products.

All of the above areas lend themselves to analysis and, as a rule, do not require large investments. In addition, in these areas there is always the potential for the optimization of the firm's production volumes to be effective.

  • Warehouse business processes: a step-by-step plan for optimizing order picking

Total production optimization: 6 stages of implementation

Stage number 1. Organization of the process

The organization of the TOP process is the most important stage. It is during this period that the work designates the areas of activity to which the optimization of production will be directed, the responsibilities of managers and group members are distributed, and the participants in the process are trained.

As an area of ​​reorganization can be designated as small structural units and larger segments of the enterprise. Typically, no more than 300 people are involved in the life support of an optimized unit. The process is usually led by the heads or their deputies in these units.

The key indicator for their selection is the desire to take part in optimization, the respect of the team and, of course, the professional preparedness and intellectual abilities of the candidate. It is worth motivating managers by giving them the opportunity to implement ideas that have not been used before due to various objective reasons.

In addition, it is necessary to give a chance to show your potential to team members ( working group) and head administration. Optimization of production costs becomes the responsibility of group leaders: development of proposals, efficiency calculations, approval from higher authorities. The organization of the TOP process, as a rule, has the following form:

Stage #2: Setting Goals

The key task of the stage is to determine the goal of reducing costs. It is recommended to start work by calculating the budget per unit of production. This phase can be simplified: during the formation of units, it is necessary to focus on what organizational division is established in the enterprise, and on the methodology for accounting for finances. When the budget of the object is determined, a scheme is drawn up for optimizing production, the receipt of raw materials and materials. The costs of each production unit are divided among all operations and thus find the approximate cost of an individual business process.

After that, all costs are divided into two groups: technical and operational (i.e., energy and raw materials), non-reducible costs and costs not considered in the project (suppose depreciation) are singled out. Usually, a certain proportion of operational and technical costs falls into the category of non-reducible, the value of which is determined using theoretical calculations of the least requirements. In other words, they calculate the minimum allowable level of use of raw materials and energy, provided there is no waste, leakage, etc. All other costs of the enterprise belong to the group of those that can be reduced.

When all are done necessary calculations(the budget of departments and workshops is set, irreducible costs are determined), then a new goal is set for the units of production - to reduce the remaining part of the costs by 40%. In order to achieve it, the head of the unit and his support team must develop economically sound rationalization proposals, the effectiveness of which will be at least 40% of the budget to be reduced.

Stage 3. Development of proposals to reduce costs

Brainstorming is a key method for choosing an idea on the basis of which cost optimization will be carried out. The event is organized and conducted by the head of the structural unit with the participation of members of the initiative group, employees of the unit, subcontractors and customers. As a rule, the result of this work is a large number of rationalization proposals and ideas that are aimed at reducing the costs of the enterprise, increasing production efficiency and improving the quality level of products. Note that absolutely everything is taken into account, even the most fantastic statements, because the goal of the assault is to develop the largest number of ideas (the question of their quality is not raised).

All proposals received must be recorded, formalized and entered into the database, after which they undergo a test for effectiveness (an assessment of the possible financial result, the level of risk, the timing and degree of complexity of the implementation of the program are determined). If, as a result of the brainstorming undertaken, a solution has not been developed that can reduce production costs by 40%, then it becomes necessary to conduct an additional survey of employees of the departments on the basis of which optimization is planned, to attract experts and study the experience of leading companies - representatives of your industry.

Stage 4. Evaluation of submitted proposals

At this stage, an assessment is made of the complexity of implementing ideas for optimizing production: the volume of investments is specified, the effectiveness of implementation (including economic efficiency) is determined, issues are agreed with suppliers, subcontractors and other participants in the process. As the work progresses, the proposals are replaced. In a word, there is a constant interweaving of the third and fourth stages.

The result of this phase should be a ready-made list of ideas, the implementation of which will make the production process and production optimization as efficient as possible. Moreover, the investment should pay off within two years of work.

This article talks about 7 simple tricks that can be used to optimize both business processes as a whole and sub-processes and operations.

These techniques are not "know-how", but have long been actively used around the world. The purpose of this article is to compile a simple and short "cheat sheet" describing the main optimization techniques.

Technique #1 - Taking the IFR (ideal end result) out of the process.

When optimizing any business processes, a clear description of the RBI is necessary. As the sophisticated reader guessed, this is the first step from the algorithm for solving inventive problems created by the TRIZ developers. What would seem to be easier than the formation of IFR when designing a business process? But the consciousness of a person plays a cruel joke with him, concluding the search for IFR exclusively within the framework of the process itself.

Example 1

The company, located in Moscow, manufactures products that are used by customers throughout the CIS. The company has a logistics center that delivers goods to the client with its own trucks. Recently, the cost of maintaining the logistics center has been on the rise. Those. delivering products to customers the same way becomes problematic. Not The right way definition of RBI will look like this: “Reduce the cost of delivery by our logistics center by 10%” In this case, a number of not bad solutions can be found:

a) change trucks for more advanced ones that require less cost for repair and maintenance

b) use cheaper fuel

c) negotiate with customers to convince them to pay more for shipping, etc.

But at the same time, the author of process optimization closes all other resources of this situation for himself. What opportunities are being overlooked? To answer this question, let's form the IFR in a different way, namely, based on the understanding that the meaning of the business process should go beyond its own. Those. the meaning of the work of the logistics center is not in the work of the logistics center itself, not in the fact that the loaders would put the company's product on the truck, and the driver would take it to the client, but in helping to implement a more global business process, namely the sale of the company's products, through delivery goods to the company's customers. Therefore, in this case, IFR, in my opinion, will sound better formulated as follows: "Make the receipt of the company's product by customers not more expensive than N rubles per V km." Thus, when searching for solutions to this problem, consciousness is no longer limited to the work of the logistics center, but at the same time it does not exclude the possibility of using it, and we add to the already obtained possible solutions those that in the first case could not come due to a narrower areas of search for solutions:

d) outsourcing delivery

e) the possibility of discounts for customers who pick up products on their own

f) opening production in the regions where large customers are present, etc.

How to use the reception?

To form an IFR that could be achieved not only through the implementation of the process, but also by all available means, as it was in the example.

Reception number 2 - Exclusion of unnecessary steps from the process.

When implementing this technique, it is necessary to consider the purpose of each step of the process, to ask whether any steps can be excluded or combined.

Example 2

In the company Technosila, when hiring a seller for a job, he had to go through the following stages:

  • Phone interview with HR manager
  • Face-to-face interview with the HR manager at the central office
  • Interview with store manager
  • Bring the documents required for employment to the central office

And only after going through all these stages, he could start working in the store of his choice.

The tasks of the HR manager are to exclude random people, such as those who do not match in age, education and place of residence, etc., for an interview with the store director. the role of the personnel manager is a kind of filter, and the decision on hiring is carried out by the store manager. After analyzing the tasks of these stages, the management came to the conclusion that stages 2 and 4 are redundant. It is also possible to weed out a candidate who does not meet the basic requirements during a telephone interview. The fourth stage, namely the registration of the employee, was transferred directly to the supermarket where the future employee will work.

How to use the reception?

  • Are there stages that duplicate each other, is it possible to remove one of them?
  • Are all stages of the process necessary for the main goal of the process, if any, without which you can do without?

Reception No. 3 - changing the sequence of stages of process execution

Example 3

In his book How to Clean Up Your Business, Mikhail Rybakov describes interesting example bank loan procedures. The sequence of the described actions is such that first the bank manager draws up all the documents and only when 90% of the work is done, a request is sent to the security service. If the security service does not approve the issuance of a loan, 90% of the work turns out to be wasted man-hours, depreciation of equipment and other consumables, plus lost profits. It is clear that every business has its own risks, but the task of the manager is to reduce them in every possible way, and in this case it is extremely easy to do. All you need to do is check potential client the security service to make one of the first steps in the procedure for obtaining a loan, this will allow you not to make unnecessary operations in case of refusal.

How to use the reception?

Analyze the step-by-step business process through questions.

Which of the steps in the process are the most significant for the successful completion of the process?

Can these steps be moved closer to the beginning of the process?

Technique #4 - Split Operations

I.L. Vikentiev repeatedly repeats at seminars that the more perfect business processes are, the less requirements they impose on the qualifications of employees. The essence of this technique is precisely in such a crushing of processes and operations, which leads to a simplification of the process as a whole. In fact, this is a conveyor principle of operation known since ancient times. One of the most brilliant examples of how such a principle can increase productivity is the case described by Adam Smith.

Example 4

The 17th century English artisan kept a workshop where pins were made. Each apprentice led the pin production process from start to finish. Due to the economic crisis, the owner could not pay for the work of qualified employees of his workshop, so their cooperation was terminated (he fired them). As a result, it was decided to divide the production of pins into small sequential operations. Each of these operations could be mastered by any unprepared person, or rather, they recruited boys from the street 15-16 years old. Thanks to this move, not only did labor costs decrease, but production increased by more than 200 times! If earlier the workshop produced about 80 pins a day using the labor of skilled craftsmen, now the workshop produced 48,000 pins through the efforts of apprentices.

How to use the reception?

What operations in the process require the greatest skill of the performer?

Can these operations be divided into simpler operations, so that the requirements for the performer are reduced?

Reception number 5 - Making operations outside the main process

Often in complex processes, saturated with operations, the same performer performs all operations, which significantly delays the process, and also significantly reduces its quality. Because as we know master wagons are very rare. We can be convinced of this by looking into a rural auto repair shop, where the same employee is also engaged in the repair of the "running" and, if necessary, he will undertake the repair of the carburetor, which is difficult to imagine in any professionally equipped workshop.

Example 5

In the furniture holding Stolplit, initially, sellers were entirely involved in processing loans. In this regard, a lot of difficulties arose in the work of outlets:

  • firstly, the process of registration itself was greatly delayed, i.e. I already said you can’t be a pro in everything, both in sales and in the preparation of bank documents.
  • secondly, for obvious reasons, when applying for loans, the total number of clients served decreased; turnover fell
  • thirdly, sellers often made mistakes when filling out loan documentation, which again reduced the number of loans issued, etc. etc.

In the situation described, it is clearly seen that the loan is the anchor that slows down the sales process in retail outlets, but should, on the contrary, stimulate it. Because It is absolutely clear that today not a single point can do without the provision of a sale on credit service. On the face of a clear contradiction, the service of selling on credit should be present at the point of sale, but at the same time it should not draw on resources.

The way out was simple: a remote loan processing center (UCSC) was created, which worked with all Stolplit partner banks. The seller's task was only to make a photocopy of the passport and send it to the UCSC to indicate the type, amount and term of the loan.

How to use the reception?

Analyze the steps of the prescribed business process through questions

Which steps in this process are the most energy intensive?

Can these operations be entrusted to other performers without affecting the process? Moreover, it is important to understand that operations can be entrusted not only by an employee of their company, but also outsourced.

Reception No. 6 - Combining an operation in time and (or) space

Example 6

Consolidation of extraction and production. The production of canned fish is often located directly on the vessels that are engaged in fishing. At the places of extraction of minerals, their processing is often organized.

Example 7

In a beauty salon, several masters can work with a client at the same time.

How to use the reception?

Analyze the step-by-step business process by asking questions:

If in this process the operations that it would be more expedient to unite in time and (or) space?

Reception number 7 - Automation, the transfer of performance of part or all of the functions of the machine

This technique is used in a situation where a technical device can fully take over all operations for the implementation of the process, and a person periodically services the device.

Example 8

The first vending machines to replace the seller appeared in the United States in the 1880s.

In 1946 the first coffee machines replacing not only the seller, but also the bartender, because not only sold, but prepared coffee from whole roasted beans.

How to use the reception?

Analyze the step-by-step business process through questions:

If at the moment technical devices (machines, programs) that can perform operations present in the process without loss of quality.

List of sources:

  1. E-book “Introduction to TRIZ. Basic concepts and approaches” v. 3.0
  2. Creative technique: "Ideal final result(IQR)"
  3. Rybakov M.Yu. How to put things in order in your business. Practicum" Icarus 2011
  4. Oleg Bezrukov "Is it possible to increase labor productivity by 10,000% within a year?"

Bondarenko Denis Alekseevich, business coach.

© D.A. Bondarenko, 2012
© Published with the kind permission of the author