Direction of technological machines and equipment by whom to work. How much does a specialist in the field of technological machines and equipment earn

All professions are important, all professions are needed. This saying reflects the fundamental reality of the world order. But who to work with and how to decide on this difficult choice? Who should go to study? To do this, there are a lot of career guidance courses and, of course, the Internet, where the features of the specialties included in the discipline courses, exams, and subsequent directions are described in detail. labor activity. So in this article we are considering the specialty "Technological machines and equipment" - what it is, who you can become after graduation. And also what educational establishments offer their students to learn this profession.

"Technological machines and equipment" - what is it?

What is the basis of all production, all plants, factories? Everything that is created, packaged, cut, turned, and so on, is produced using various machines, machine tools and equipment. These funds do not appear out of nowhere. They are created, designed, assembled, monitored for technical correctness, safety of use and the result of their work. All this is done by masters with the appropriate education.

Just the profile education that such a master, specialist, worker needs. This education is necessary in many industries. At first glance, it seems that this is a work of an exclusively physical nature. Imagination just draws a worker in uniform overalls, who methodically from eight in the morning until five in the evening, with a short break for lunch, grinds the same spare parts for any equipment. The essence of the profession is very far from the drawn image. Of course, you can go to the factory just to find a similar job, but there are other tempting prospects for graduates with such qualifications.

Entrance exams and terms of study

Technical, and depending on the field and industry, it can also be associated with highly complex technology, with internal systems programmed using a computer language. And therefore the results according to the One state exam are required in the following subjects: Russian language, mathematics (profile), physics or computer science. The passing score in Russia is from 31 to 68. The terms of study vary depending on the form in which the student decided to study. On the basis of eleven classes, full-time education will take four years, part-time, evening and mixed - five years.

Graduate Qualification

Depending on the university where the applicant decides to study, they can be assigned the following types qualifications: operator operator, engineer, design engineer, technologist, mechanic technological machines and equipment. In higher education institutions with a narrow focus on the main qualification, a specifying one can be assigned. For example, a design engineer of technological machines and equipment in the oil refining or logging industry. Specifying directions by type of production can also be assigned: packaging, filling machines, equipment for the manufacture of food or technical spare parts, and so on.

What will students learn

Very a large number of students each year receive a specialty "Technological machines and equipment". How will graduates work after graduation, what skills will they need to successfully build a future career in this industry? First of all, it is necessary to consider the list of skills that they will receive in the process of mastering their specialization.

  • Graduates will learn how to maintain electric drives, hydraulic drives and pneumatic drives.
  • They will learn how to master, maintain and use various machines, systems and complexes.
  • Learn how to set up production facilities for the manufacture of new products.
  • They will monitor compliance with safety regulations, control the production of defective products.
  • They will master the preparation of technical documentation and reporting on the quality management of machines and equipment of controlled and newly created equipment and devices.
  • Environmental safety is also their future responsibility.
  • Mathematical modeling, experimental structure of machines and technical machines, their testing and documentation of results.
  • Graduates will have to conduct tests and draw up documentation on design and economic decisions.
  • Preventive inspections of existing equipment, installation and adjustment of new machines, as well as the introduction of programs for the manufacture of new products.

All this and much more is the result of training in the specialty "Technological Machines and Equipment". Based on this list, it becomes quite clear who to work with. The technical professions of designers are waiting for their specialists.

Profile disciplines

Each individual specialty has its own specialized subjects, the knowledge of which cannot be neglected if a person really plans to connect his life with this profession. The specialty "Technological machines and equipment" is no exception. Where to work after graduating from a higher educational institution, if you do not know the foundation of your specialization? Let us list the most important subjects for students of this specialization.

The first is life safety. If you do not know the safety rules when working with complex technical systems, you can easily get injured. And sometimes such an injury can cost a life.

Engineering graphics will be required for students to design new machines, upgrade old ones, install, set up a production line.

The next subject - metrology, standardization, certification - all engineering students should be familiar with this.

Fluid and gas mechanics, basics of design, fundamentals of mechanical engineering technology, technical mechanics, technology construction materials, electronics and electrical engineering - all this should be known to a person studying in the direction of "Technological machines and equipment". How to work for an engineer who does not know the laws of physics, how different substances react when different ways impact, and so on? Without these disciplines, there simply cannot be a normal engineer.

What institutions offer this specialty

In Moscow higher educational institutions, this specialty is often complemented by the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Science ("Technological Machines and Equipment"). It will be much easier to decide who to work after graduating from the capital's university. Although tempting prospects await not only graduates of the city of Moscow.

So, the first educational institution is the Moscow Technological University. Twenty budget places have been allocated for training at this faculty. Those who do not fall into the number of state employees will have to pay for their education in the amount of 155 thousand rubles a year.

The second educational institution is the National Research Technological University MISiS. It has 25 budget places at its disposal. The cost of a year of study is 125 thousand rubles.

Third University - Moscow State University print them. Ivan Fedorov. There are 25 budget places available. A year of study here is much cheaper - only 66 thousand rubles.

The fourth institute is G. V. Plekhanov (13 budget places and 180 thousand rubles a year).

The fifth representative with the corresponding faculty is Moscow State Technical University. N. E. Bauman. There are 18 state-funded places and 166 thousand a year for tuition on a commercial basis.


At Izhevsk Technical University, the direction "Technological machines and equipment" (specialty) is quite prestigious. IZHGTU attracts a fairly large number of students. Izhevsky M. T. Kalashnikova also conducts specialized training for these specialists. This specialty belongs to the Faculty of Mathematics and natural Sciences". Training profile - "Machinery and equipment for oil and gas fields."


Moscow State Forest University also provides training for students in the specialty "Technological Machines and Equipment". Who to work? MSUL determines the following specifics for graduates professional activity: providing the forestry and timber industry complex with high-tech equipment, its adjustment, modernization, development. Graduates possess the knowledge and abilities of a researcher, designer and operating mechanic.

What to work after graduation

One of the main questions of potential applicants for the specialty "Technological machines and equipment" (hydraulics): what to work with? Here is a list of available professions today: engineers different category, apparatchiks, operators of complex machines and systems, safety engineer, production quality control engineer, designer, installer industrial equipment, designer, mechanic, locksmith, technologist and so on. Many technical professions suitable for further work with this education.

The specialist in the field of technological machines and equipment is skilled worker who controls the work complex systems. The duties of the master include repair and adjustment various complexes. The final level of earnings of the performer depends on the field of activity.

So how much does an expert in different countries peace?

The value of a qualified master in the Russian Federation

The average salary of a refrigerator repairman in Russia reaches 60,000 rubles / $896. Most official vacancies are open in the Moscow and Leningrad regions. Most of all, a specialist earns in the Rostov region - 75 000 rub. / 1119 bucks.

In other regions of the country, the salary of an employee is:

  • the Republic of North Ossetia - 50,000 RUB / 746 USD;
  • Sverdlovsk territory - ₱50,250 / $750;
  • Vladimir province - 55,000 rubles / 820 bucks;
  • Moscow region - 60,000 rubles / 895 USD;
  • Kaliningrad region - 60 150 ₱ / 897 $.

Most employers pay qualified craftsmen a salary of 53-72 thousandRub / 932USD. In Russia, as of September 19, 2018 9 vacancies are open.

By city of the country, earnings are as follows:

  • Moscow - 60,000 rubles. / 895 c.u.;
  • St. Petersburg - 50,000 RUB / 746 dollars;
  • Yekaterinburg - 49,850 ₱ / 744 bucks;
  • Sverdlovsky - 49,500 rubles / $ 738.

Employment in the segment of repairs of technical devices is distinguished by stable earnings.

Having gained a decent client base, you can get a good profit per month.

Colleagues of the repair specialist technical machines and equipment have the following salaries:

  • finishing work in the apartment - 75,000 rubles. / $1119;
  • dishwasher service - 65 thousand rubles / 970 bucks;
  • maintenance of washing machines - 60,000 rubles / 895 USD;
  • repair of gas boilers - 55 thousand ₱ / 820 USD;
  • specialist in household appliances- 43 333 rub / $ 646;
  • shoe restoration - 42,500 rubles. / $634;
  • service of computers and gadgets - 40,000 ₱ / 597 bucks;
  • repair of electric tools - 30 thousand RUB / 447 USD

Sometimes it takes a long time to find a job. However, if you are a professional in the repair of technical machines and equipment, then there will be no problems with this.

Prestigious places for employment are:

  • repair company Astek» (Moscow) -80-150 thousand rubles. / $1,716. The organization is in need of a qualified assistant for the repair of refrigerators. The duties of a specialist include on-site diagnostics and conclusion of contracts with clients;
  • shop " Used market". The staff needs an apprentice master to expand activities. Salary here starts from 65,000 ₱;
  • Services 47 (St. Petersburg) - an average of 45 thousand RUB / 670 dollars. The professional must go on calls. The work schedule is flexible.

What is the cost of employment in the defense industry?

At Russian military factories, a specialist receives good money. So, for example, experts in technical machinery and equipment have earnings in the amount of 56,627 rubles / $976. Back in 2016, this figure was 43 804 bucks.

  • OKB " Simonova"- 68,283 rubles. Specialists incl. assemble drones "Altair";
  • CJSC "Enix" - 60 911 RUB. The organization produces aircrafts and air targets;
  • PJSC " GNII Applied Optics". The average income of masters is 77,000 ₱. Let out production is presented by optical devices, thermal sights and other equipment. The highlight of the enterprise are laser sights.
  • Kazan Electrotechnical Plant - 41 486 rub acts as a reliable supplier of ship equipment and the formation of ground anti-aircraft systems. A milling operator of the 5th category earns about 35 thousand rubles here;
  • Kazan Helicopter Plant - 39,249 RUB. Hot processing of parts has a price of 35-45 thousand rubles. The master of the detailed processing section can count on a salary in the range of 34-40 thousand ₱.
  • company " electrical appliance”, which is part of a large holding, on average pays technicians 38,000 rubles. / 567 c.u. Engineer designers have a special price list (from 24,000 rubles);
  • PJSC " Tupolev» — 37 997 Rub. The enterprise plans to launch the Tu-160 M2 strategic missile carrier in the coming years. Certified bureau chiefs have an income of 32-45 thousand rubles;
  • JSC " radio device"- 35,787 rubles;
  • « Engine building Production Association "- 35 thousand rubles. The organization is famous for its VK-2500 engines;
  • Optical-mechanical plant - 33,152 rubles. It is one of the country's most important suppliers of electronic warfare equipment;
  • Zelenodolsk plant - 30 727 ₱

Depending on the type of employment, a specialist earns different amounts.

Mechanical engineering technology is the direction on which the economic stability of many developed and developing countries is based, incl. and Russia. Professionals in this field make parts for machines, design and build equipment, study ways to reduce production costs while maintaining quality. So who and in what sectors can people who choose mechanical engineering as their life's work work?

History reference

Scientific knowledge, which is the basis of this profession, began to be collected by mankind from ancient times - for example, the term "technology" itself first appeared in Ancient Greece ("techne"), where it denoted art, skill, ability. Despite the fact that the initial technical achievements quickly and firmly entered the life of the population (for example, in the form of crafts), already in the Middle Ages there was a sharp slowdown here, because the Holy Inquisition opposed new developments.

Society had to wait until the 15th-16th centuries, when the Renaissance came to Europe, and then to other territories, with its rapid development of technology and the appearance of original tools. Positive shifts have taken shape in the military and especially in artillery, hydraulic engineering, architecture and construction. The very attitude towards technical experience, the creation of equipment, the construction of apparatuses was revised - all this began to be seen as a blessing, bringing tangible benefits in "everyday affairs".

Simple handicraft labor was no longer enough for people. There was a need to build large and, as a rule, centralized production facilities with a division of duties. So in the Italian cities the first manufactories were built, the projects of which then migrated to the British, Dutch, and French. The emergence of these collective workshops made possible the further development of mechanical engineering.

Profession in modern times

In fact, process engineers of various profiles are trained in the specialty "engineering technology". The choice of who you can work with is simply huge: designers in the aviation, railway, shipbuilding and other types of industry, operators of machine tools and equipment with a numerical program management(CNC), mechanics at the enterprises of machine-building, metallurgical, rocket and space, defense complexes, etc.

In general, the sphere itself is divided into 3 large blocks - this is mechanical engineering:

  1. Labor-intensive, where instruments, equipment, machine tools, agricultural machines and apparatus, cars, airplanes, fighters, etc. are created. Distinctive feature labor-intensive industries are dependent on the availability of qualified and competent employees, therefore, such complexes are usually located in large cities with a high concentration of the population (in the Russian Federation, these are Moscow, Kazan, Samara).
  2. Metal-intensive, in need of large reserves of metals and serving the production of heavy industry (metallurgical, energy, mining, etc.). Here, specialists prepare tools for metallurgists, miners, blacksmiths, oil workers, and also develop complex automatic structures. large sizes: elevators, lifting towers, cranes, conveyors, heavy excavators.
  3. Science-intensive, requiring reliance on the achievements of advanced science. Science-intensive engineers are literally at the forefront, because their tasks include the production of innovative electrical, nuclear and space products. Majority Russian factories, based on the production of ultra-modern machines, are located near Moscow, St. Petersburg, Yekaterinburg, Novosibirsk, etc. Moscow region "science cities" - Zhukovsky, Zelenograd, Dubna, Korolev, Obninsk.

Where to apply

To understand what the profession of “mechanical engineering technology” is, a young person can enroll in this or a related technical specialty both in secondary specialized and higher educational institutions. The average term of study is 3 years 10 months for secondary vocational education (according to the state educational standard number 15.02.08) and 4 years for HPE (according to the standard number 15.07.00).

Institutes and universities are considered the most promising options, not technical schools and colleges. Although the latter will allow the graduate to realize his own ambitions in work faster, experts still advise getting a bachelor's degree in one of the prestigious universities.

Among them are:

  1. MIPT - Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology.
  2. Moscow State University - Moscow State University M.V. Lomonosov.
  3. RGU - Russian State University of Oil and Gas. THEM. Gubkin.
  4. MEPhI - National Nuclear University.
  5. HSE - National University « high school economy".

The educational process in the specialty "Mechanical Engineering Technology" is built in the same way as in all other technical areas:

  1. In the 1st year, students study general subjects and receive basic knowledge about the profession.
  2. In the 2nd year there is a deepening in specialized scientific fields. So, in addition to general physics, higher mathematics, computer science, technical mechanics, cutting theory, management, metal science or other subjects provided for by the program are added. In the process of learning and passing practices, the guys develop an understanding of who they want and will work in the future. If interns perform well, enterprises may take them on for further internships or part-time employment.
  3. In the 3rd and 4th years, young people study only highly specialized subjects. It could be electrical engineering, basics technical processes in the manufacture of machines and parts, theory and practice of economic analysis.

Responsibilities and Requirements

It becomes clear that such a profession as mechanical engineering technology is not suitable for everyone. A person must have a technical and analytical mindset, a high level of attention and concentration, a good memory, and spatial imagination. Discipline, perseverance, and accuracy will help to successfully complete complex processes. Due to the fact that process engineers often have to deal with large amounts of work, they need to be able to properly organize their own time in order to get the most out of it.

The responsibilities of a process engineer include:

  1. Development and implementation of new technological processes in the manufacture of machine parts.
  2. Interaction with design, reporting and other types of documentation (their use, analysis, addition of production schedules, design, etc.).
  3. Designing Creation Paths constituent parts and blocks.
  4. Use of specialized software to simplify their activities (for example, computer utilities "Compass" and "AutoCAD", which allow you to model any device in 3D).
  5. Payment production capacity in order to obtain data on material costs and economic profitability of the project.
  6. Organization and conduct of patent research.
  7. Identification of marriage, establishing the causes of its occurrence and taking measures to eliminate defects in products.
  8. Control over compliance with standards and norms when using equipment by employees.
  9. Timely identification of systems and complexes in need of repair, and notification of this to their immediate superior.
  10. Ensuring overall technological safety enterprises.

Prospects: employment, salary, career growth

The profession of a mechanical engineering technologist is stable and well paid, because almost every workshop or production needs a universally qualified specialist of a similar profile. The average salary is 30,000-35,000 rubles, and the employee has every chance to increase this figure by raising his own rank. In the future, a sufficient level of qualification will provide him with a position as a shop manager or production manager.

In educational institutions, young people receive such a large store of knowledge that they can later afford to get any of the following positions:

  • sharpener;
  • tooth cutter;
  • grinder;
  • adjuster of automatic lines and machine tools;
  • locksmith;
  • turner;
  • milling machine;
  • machine operator of a wide profile;
  • nuclear technician;
  • housing and communal services technician, etc.

Vacancies for mechanical engineering technologists do not dry out, but only appear again and again, and they are offered by both domestic and foreign employers.

The acute shortage of representatives of this applied profession in the industrial sectors of the economy provides such engineers with confidence in the future, because they will definitely not be left without work.

Service technical equipment more important than ever these days. This article will talk about technological specialty and professionals working in this area.

About the profession

Quite relevant and in demand today is the area referred to as "technological machines and equipment" (specialty). What kind of work do people with the appropriate education have to work with? In fact, there are many options. Competent professionals capable of high-quality maintenance of various technical devices are needed in almost every production.

The main task of specialists in this direction is the creation of powerful technological products that can compete with the material produced by other enterprises. You can also highlight the work on innovative computer modeling and ensuring optimal technical processes.

Required education for work

To work in the field "15. 03. 02. Technological machines and equipment", you must obtain higher education. You can do this in almost any technical university in the country.

Such specialties as "market of machines and innovations", "light machine industry", "equipment of the forestry complex" will allow you to get a job in the considered professional field.

To enter a university for the above specialties, it is necessary to pass the Unified State Examination in the disciplines "mathematics", "Russian language" and "physics". Some educational institutions, however, will not allow higher technical education without credits in computer science, chemistry or foreign language. The term of study is, as a rule, 4 years of undergraduate studies.

Knowledge required for work

Higher technical education in universities should ensure the complete assimilation of all necessary disciplines by the student.

What exactly can be highlighted here? A specialist working in the field of technological and machine equipment must know:

  • mathematics;
  • equipment in metallurgical production;
  • computer graphics;
  • physics;
  • fundamentals of ecology;
  • basics of design;
  • mechanical engineering methods;
  • fundamentals of strength of materials;
  • basics of information technologies;
  • electrical engineering;
  • automation and some other subjects.

It is worth noting that the knowledge of the above disciplines alone will be completely insufficient for the implementation of labor activity. The very specialty "technological machines and equipment" involves constant improvement and addition of existing knowledge. The fact is that production is constantly being modernized and modified. It is unlikely to succeed in working for several decades, while having a clearly outdated knowledge base. That is why it is so important to constantly improve your skills and think about your work skills.

Required Skills

A person who has chosen the specialty "technological machines and equipment" will not be able to work normally, having only knowledge. No matter how much theoretical knowledge a specialist has, certain working skills, abilities, and even character traits are no less important.

Fortunately, technical universities help students to master the profession in many ways, and therefore develop a special practice, during which students could acquire all the skills necessary for work. It should be noted that the specialist must be able to:

  • maintain the devices and equipment elements assigned to it;
  • properly operate machines;
  • ensure control over efficient production products;
  • deal with documentation;
  • installation and commissioning of products and much more.

About professional responsibilities

Despite the fact that the specialty "technological machines and equipment" includes many different subspecies and categories, it is still possible to single out the most common and uniform duties of specialists working in this area. Special job descriptions prescribe that the employee must:

  • engage in maintenance of various kinds of devices and equipment (electric, pneumatic, hydraulic, etc.);
  • to carry out special preparatory measures for the high-quality production of the necessary products;
  • monitor compliance by workers with qualifications below safety and efficient production;
  • control the level of environmental safety;
  • to check the functioning of machines;
  • develop work plans;
  • deal with the necessary documentation, etc.

Thus, experts in the field technological production have quite big amount duties and functions.

Types of profession

The specialty in question is incredibly extensive. Work with technological equipment is needed in most industries. What types of work should be carried out by a specialist? Where can he work? This will be discussed further.

The man made his choice of profession and received a diploma from the university. Where can he work now? The specialty under consideration involves the following activities:

  • in the design and calculation sphere (in engineering companies, construction organizations);
  • in technological and production environment(factories, manufacturing enterprises);
  • in the field of experiments and research (universities, educational institutions, laboratories);
  • in an organizational or management environment;
  • in the service environment;
  • in the field of installation and commissioning.

Subjects of professional activity

The specialist in question works with certain subjects of activity, which are enshrined in a special job description.

These include:

  • technological equipment and machines;
  • power devices, running machines, drive systems;
  • special systems required for traffic control;
  • life support systems;
  • materials of construction or operational equipment;
  • necessary for the disposal or manufacture of equipment;
  • devices for designing machines and much more.

Thus, an employee with a specialty "technological machines and equipment" deals with a fairly large number of items and devices.

About professional rights and responsibilities

Like any other employee, a process equipment specialist has a certain number of professional rights.

What exactly can be highlighted here? Here are some of the points that are written in the job description of a specialist:

  • the right to receive social guarantees;
  • the right to timely payment of salaries;
  • the ability to request from the management all the documents and tools necessary for the implementation of labor activities;
  • the right to professional development or its confirmation;
  • the ability to submit to the authorities for consideration various ideas, plans or proposals for improving the activities of the organization.

All this reinforces job description profession "technological machines and equipment". Work, however, is impossible without a certain share of responsibility. So, the job description fixes that the specialist is obliged to bear responsibility:

  • for improper performance of work functions or their complete failure to perform;
  • for being at the workplace in a state of intoxication;
  • for committing offenses, crimes or other illegal acts in the workplace;
  • for violation of safety regulations, etc.

Pros and cons of the profession

What are the strengths and weaknesses of the industry in question? In fact, each employee will be able to find something of his own in the presented profession. However, the most general points can still be distinguished. So, the advantages of the specialty include:

  • decent salary;
  • education can be obtained practically in most cities - there is a faculty of "technological machines and equipment" in almost any technical university;
  • the possibility of early career growth;
  • relevance and prestige of the considered labor sphere.

Of course, the profession in question has other advantages. And what about the disadvantages?

Here it is worth highlighting perhaps work in a production environment, which is somewhat harmful to health. For some, a considerable number of responsibilities will seem like a big minus in the profession.

Nevertheless, the profession in question is very prestigious and in demand. Many young people prefer this specialty.