Where do you earn more? On Advego or eTXT? Secrets of successful work on the exchange of articles and copywriting Advego What is better than advego.

Advego is one of the most famous and popular. It unites more than 2.5 million users. Copywriters and rewriters choose Advego because of the regular replenishment of the list of orders and additional free programs on uniqueness checking, spelling and seo-analysis. Customers - for the opportunity to quickly acquire high-quality content. For those who are just starting to work on the exchange or want to increase their earnings here, we have collected useful information about this service in one article. From it you will learn many of the nuances and subtleties of the functionality of this online platform, which will help you work and earn guaranteed and quite productive.

Official website of the Advego exchange: https://advego.ru

Types of work on the exchange

Tasks for Advego are divided according to the degree of difficulty:

  1. Low: Perform tasks in social networks(likes, reposts, invitations to communities), comments on forums, search for information by certain criteria;
  2. Medium: decoding (translation into text format) of audio and video files, advertising publication on a third-party resource (for performers who are the owners of the site, blog);
  3. High: copywriting, rewriting with SEO elements (multiple keywords must be inserted into the processed text), translations, text proofreading, SEO services (key selection using special services)

How to fulfill orders

In the "Job Search" section, available tasks are posted. All information for the performer is placed in the order card. To select a job according to certain parameters, there is a separate tab (filter), where you can specify a price that is acceptable to you, a topic, type of work, and execution time. The minimum period that can be presented to the performer is 30 minutes, the maximum is 120 hours (5 days).

When did you find interesting offer- carefully study the terms of reference, evaluate your capabilities, including time. Then click on the "Take to work" button.

The customer can independently choose the contractor. In this case, the order card is marked "Tender". If you decide to take part in the tender, then you need to leave an application, and in a special field indicate your advantages or explain why this order should go to you. You can start work when the customer in his personal account will select you as the performer.

Helpful advice from the companyLookFreedom»: do not take an order, focusing only on short description. Open full text. AT terms of reference sometimes there are nuances that you may not be able to do. Refusal to work, regardless of the reasons, affects the rating.

Any questions to the customer can be asked in a special form "Discussion of the order".

Remember(!) on Advego it is strictly forbidden to exchange any contact information: both in private messages and in discussions. Breaking the rule will result in a ban.

Personal order and white list

The customer has the opportunity to choose the contractor not only with the help of a tender. If he liked the level of work performed, then next time he can immediately entrust his order to a specific person. For this, there is an option "Personal order".

When there are several performers who suit the customer, he forms a “White List”. In this case, only the profiles specified in this list can respond to applications.

Work for authors (copywriting and rewriting)

Copywriters and rewriters can make money on Advego in two ways:

  1. Take orders from the general list;
  2. Sell ​​articles in a special section "Shop".

Only the author who has already completed more than 10 orders and received payment for them can put his article up for sale. Before the article gets to the store, it is moderated. The reviewer (moderator) can return the material for revision. The performer has only 3 attempts to correct.

What you need to do to get your articles bought (mini-case ):

  1. Follow the optimal volume - 3-3.5 thousand characters;
  2. Attract attention with an original headline;
  3. Bring the brightest fragment for review (better if this is the beginning of the text);
  4. Place the outline of the article in the description so that the buyer knows what your work is about;
  5. Specify key phrases by which users can search for your material using search engines;
  6. Don't forget uniqueness. The minimum allowable indicator is 85% according to Advego.

Rating, efficiency, commitment

  • The number of completed orders and their average cost;
  • Scope of work (number of characters written, number of complex orders, etc.);
  • The number of customers with whom cooperation took place.
  1. Efficiency (coefficient of performance) should not fall below 95%. This indicator is calculated based on the ratio of paid works to their total number. That is, high efficiency means that the execution suited the customer, and he paid the contractor. For efficiency below 70%, permanent blocking is provided;
  2. Work with different clients;
  3. Complete 30 jobs in a week, 200 in 90 days;
  4. Select orders with prices above the minimum;
  5. obligatory- above 95%. The main criteria in the calculation are the number of refusals from work and the number of improvements in completed orders.

Important Tip: if you set to work, but realized that you could not do it, it is better to refuse in the first 30 minutes. In this case, the mandatory data is not reduced. The user account is blocked if the obligation is below 85% for 3 months, below 80% - forever.

Artist Status

*If the customer indicates the level of the contractor in the tender conditions, then the minimum order price is multiplied by a multiplying factor

Anyone can become a guru. Certification

According to the new rules of the service, now any registered user of Advego can get the status of "Guru". To do this, you need to go through the certification procedure and complete several tasks. They include writing:

  • information note;
  • SEO text;
  • Text for a small .

Pay attention to 2 important aspects:

  1. Certification - payable service(cost - 10 USD, or 600 rubles).
  2. Passing tests does not mean automatically obtaining the status of "Guru".

All certification participants receive in personal messages from Advego a detailed analysis of the work, indicating errors and recommendations for improving the quality of assignments.

Prices and earnings on Advego

The customer on the exchange has the right to specify any cost of the work. However, it is still limited minimum prices (per 1000 symbols):

  • Rewriting — from 0.25 c.u. (15 rubles);
  • Copywriting - from 0.35 c.u. (25 rubles);
  • Transfer - 0.35 c.u. (25 rubles);
  • Correction of errors (proofreading) - 0.2 c.u. (15 rubles);
  • SEO Services – $0.15 (10 rubles);

Everyone good day! We are glad to welcome you to Andrey and Dasha's blog - Thebizfromscratch! Friends, have any of you already tried to work as a copywriter? Do you know which copywriting exchange is better: Etxt, TextSale, Advego? In today's article, we want to find out. Are you with us? Then let's go.

Earnings, called copywriting, in recent times gained great popularity. And especially for this activity, convenient exchanges appeared on the Internet. There are all conditions for fruitful work, and most importantly, the possibility of deception is practically excluded. After all, everything is strictly controlled by the administration. Today, there are several popular copywriter exchanges on the network, where modern writers prefer to work.

So, the exchange, called TextSale, appeared in the early 2000s.
Thousands of performers and customers are already registered on it, which means there is a lot of work here. Its advantage is that even a beginner can start getting good money, because. the approximate cost for 1000 characters is from 40 rubles, and for top performers from 100 rubles for the same number of characters. Naturally, the system takes a commission, which is ten percent. This amount is divided equally between copywriters and customers. Earned funds are withdrawn to the electronic wallet within two days after you order the withdrawal. By the way, the minimum withdrawal is 200 rubles.

ETXT, our first and most likely favorite exchange, even though we stopped working on it.
Payment on this resource is much more modest, especially when it comes to beginners. Not only are they rarely trusted with orders, but also the cost is about five to six rubles per thousand characters. Here, in order to reach a normal income, you must:

First, pass a literacy test (minimum 70%);

Thirdly, receive only positive feedback.

It may take a lot of time to "increase", but a promising author will also be offered money orders. The system also has a commission, but it is slightly less than that of TextSale - eight percent. As for the withdrawal of money, it takes at least five days to spend on the transfer, and the minimum wage is 250 rubles. For the withdrawal of funds to the wallet, only employers pay a commission. Artists withdraw the entire amount without interest. This option suits copywriters very much, because you do not need to spend money on translation. In this matter, eTXT certainly has advantages over other projects.

Another giant of copywriting art is the Advego exchange.
More than five hundred thousand copywriters work on it. The minimum cost of a thousand characters of text costs about 30 rubles. Like on TextSale, the project takes a ten percent commission.

All the presented exchanges have a special section where articles are sold, i.e. performers and customers do not have to look for each other. Copywriters can, without waiting for a good order, write unique material and put it up for sale in the article store. At the same time, they determine the price for their work themselves. Employers also often use the sales section: using a convenient search form, they look for the articles they need and buy them.

All projects have a support service. Each user, if necessary, can ask for help if questions arise. But if you carefully study the reviews, it becomes clear that Advego support works the worst. People are dissatisfied with the administration's responses. Often the service ignores their requests, or is very slow to respond. Personally, we ourselves contacted the support service only on TextSale and ... thanks to the guys for their quick problem solving and pleasant communication.

Which copywriting exchange is better: Etxt, TextSale, Advego? It is impossible to answer unambiguously. For beginners, in our opinion, it is more convenient to start a career on eTXT. Those wishing to earn as quickly and as much as possible, we advise you to register on TextSale or Advego. Each project is good in its own way, and if you are a responsible and reliable employee, you can succeed on any exchange.

Good day, dear readers! More recently, a vote was held in the VKontakte group, where it was about article exchanges. As a result, 2 leaders were determined: Text.ru and Advego. Let's find out why these exchanges were preferred.

To begin with, we will designate the criteria for the success of the exchange of articles. The main ones are 3 points:

  • First, the exchange should be easy for beginners. As they say, Moscow was not built immediately. So here, first you need to interest the customer, each time raise your level, understand the nuances of copywriting work.
  • second, the exchange of articles must perform work to order. According to statistics, a copywriter's income is 90% dependent on orders and only 10% on free sales.
  • third, there should be a referral program, i.e. expand the circle of willing copywriters.

We recommend, especially for novice copywriters, to use the Text.ru exchange and the Advego exchange. They meet all three points.

You may be wondering which article exchange is the best? Our answer is the Advego exchange. Why? Because on the Text.ru exchange, the customer chooses the artist, and on Advego it is the other way around, which makes it possible to prove yourself to the customer, even if you are a novice copywriter.

My advice to you: if you still decide to register on the exchange, then register on two at once: on Text.ru and Advego. At first, pay attention to Text.ru, where you can get your hands on good orders with decent pay, and over time, customers themselves will start looking for you.

We wish you good luck in your endeavors and decent pay!

The year 2015 is coming to an end, and it's time to draw some conclusions, to remember what was good about it. And one more thing - what pleased users of popular domestic freelance exchanges, what innovations and updates were made, how it affected the work of exchanges and the freelance market as a whole.

Perhaps it will even turn out to make a small digression into the future, and lift the veil of secrecy - what awaits us in 2016? What gifts have the administrations of popular resources in store for us?

I would like to start with popular content exchanges, namely -Advego, eTXTandMiratext.

The administration of one of the largest content exchanges did not sit idly this year, and made many updates to the resource, both small and large.

A new versionAdvegoPlagiatus

The program, which is trusted by many customers and copywriters, has experienced another update. Version, according to the creators, is critical, and only it needs to be equal, because. all other versions do not work correctly.

AT new version programs, characters typed in a different keyboard layout are highlighted. You also need to enter captcha less often when working with Yandex.

In addition, the beta version works Plagiatusonline, launched in January this year.

Change in minimum prices

Before the copywriters had time to recover from the lowering of the minimum prices in December 2014, in August 2015 the exchange again changed pricing policy. The minimum cost of work was twice as low as the previously announced prices, and amounted to 0.02 USD / 2 rubles.

A little less than 4 months have passed, and the minimum prices have changed again. From December 15, the following prices are in effect on the exchange:

Copywriting - $0.35 e. / 25 rubles. for 1000 characters.

Rewriting with one source - 0.20 c.u. e. / 15 rubles. for 1000 characters.

Translation - 0.35 USD e. / 25 rubles. for 1000 characters.

Text proofreading, error correction - 0.20 c.u. e. / 15 rubles. for 1000 characters.

  • Guru - 10x
  • Experts - 4x
  • Professionals - 2x
  • Specialists - 1.25x
  • Lovers - 1x

There is also a multiplying coefficient for tenders - 1.25x.

Instant withdrawal

From the first of December, users of the exchange with a passport not lower than the initial one can order an instant withdrawal of funds from the exchange, with a commission of 5%. The function is available to those who withdraw funds the second or more times. Money is credited to the account within one minute.

Second currency - rubles

The Advego exchange has always worked with only one currency - USD, since December, users have been able to choose which currency they want to work with - with rubles or USD. You can change the currency in your profile settings. A commission is taken for the shift: the first time - 1%, subsequent - 3%.

In connection with the innovation, the minimum withdrawal threshold has also changed. In rubles, it is 500 rubles, in c.u. – 5 WMZ.

Many innovations were made for customers: quick notification by mail about the completed order; a new section "Works" was created; an absolute order limit for performers has been introduced.

Several literary competitions were held for performers: "Fables of Advego", new year's competition children's story"Advego for children".

What awaits the users of the exchange next year is still anyone's guess. Let's hope it gets improvedPlagiatusonlineand that prices won't go down any more. The work of copywriters still needs to be appreciated, in fact it is not such an easy job!

A large content exchange, with a store of ready-made articles and its own program for checking texts for plagiarism and the presence of rewriting, which is very popular with both customers and performers, is eTXT.ru.

The resource has a long and rich history, which in 2015 was replenished with significant events:

The following figures testify to the fact that 2015 was a successful year:

In total, according to statistics for December 2015, more than 800,000 users are registered on the exchange;

Since January 1, 2015, more than 250,000 users have registered on the exchange, which is 18% more than last year;

Every day, 9,000 orders pass through eTXT.ru. In 2014, this figure was 7,000 orders.

Exchange updates in 2015:

  • the full functionality of the article placement module has been put into operation, which helps exchange users to order and place articles on resources immediately through the eTXT.ru system. The module was created for advertisers who would like to promote their resources through articles. It's simple - the user creates his own campaign, adds articles to it for placement and sends them for moderation. After the moderator accepts the articles, the user can select suitable sites and apply for placement. Webmasters place articles on their resources. For webmasters, this is an opportunity to fill their resource with unique content and earn additional income.
  • SMM is launched in beta version since December of this year - module. This system will allow users to effectively promote content on social networks.

The eTXT.ru exchange is the organizer of the first specialized content marketing conference in Russia, Russian Content Marketing. The conference was first held in 2014.

In 2015, the Russian Content Marketing conference was held on October 2 at the Technopolis Moscow Congress Center. In total, 26 speakers spoke to the audience, and 6 master classes were held. More than 700 people took part in the conference, taking into account online listeners.

Plans for 2016

Alena Reutova, Deputy CEO eTXT.ru exchanges:

« We have big plans for the coming year. We will not reveal all the secrets, but we can say that in 2016 the international version of the eTXT exchange will be launched.”.

Speaking of popular content exchanges, Miratext could not be missed. This exchange is considered one of the most reputable for copywriters, and differs in the principle of its work from most similar sites. 2015 was not in vain for the resource, let's see what the work was done on.

First, some statistics .

Listed on the stock exchange 1086 copywriters, of which:

  • 592 active;
  • 494 banned (for poor quality of work).

11105 users who want to become copywriters, but cannot pass test tasks.

Daily ch̶e̶r̶z̶z̶ ̶̶̶k̶̶̶r̶̶̶ ̶̶̶ ̶̶̶ ̶̶̶n̶̶̶y̶̶̶ ̶̶̶i̶̶̶ ̶̶̶o̶̶̶p̶̶̶h̶̶̶h̶̶̶h̶̶̶h̶̶̶y̶̶̶y̶̶̶ ̶g̶l̶a̶a̶ ̶r̶d̶a̶k̶t̶hr̶h̶ ̶ ̶ ̶ ̶ ̶ ̶ ivs through the experience and prism of the knowledge of the editors of the exchange. 457027 characters. And even more without the services of an editor.

Over the past month, the following has been posted on client sites:

  • manually - 295 articles;
  • automatically - 73 articles.

In order to protect content, approximately 620 Articles per month are regularly sent to the Yandex module “Original texts”.

For all time has been created 223 carefree project. In the largest it was written 7168 articles. Some are so lengthy that the work has been going on for 9 months!

  • Author 1 - 73379 rubles.
  • Author 2 - 63245 rubles.
  • Author 3 - 44969 rubles.
  • Author 4 - 38256 rubles.
  • Author 5 - 32573 rubles.

Users earned in the last month 9822 MiraKeksa, which are actively exchanged in the bonus store.

Registered in 30 days 1854 user.

Exchange updates in 2015

One of the most important innovations is appearance of the servicecarefree project ”, which has been well received by many customers. By ordering this service, the client receives not only ready-made texts at an affordable price, but also placing them on his website.

It was also implemented automatic placement of finished articles in CMS Wordpress. Now the customer can entrust placement not only to managers, but to the Miratext robot.

  • expanded the possibility of exchanging bonuses. Now they can replenish the account in Miralinks, Mirahab, PR-CY;
  • implemented open statistics of copywriters, namely TOP-5 authors by monthly income;
  • website analysis tool updated. A service that will help customers analyze the site for errors and find out its overall uniqueness;
  • tool createdquery clustering for the convenience of customers.

Plans for 2016

Miratext administration shared with our readers their plans for the next year:

“The priority for us is the creation of comfortable conditions for working in the system. Often even to the detriment of ourselves, but we really try to make it convenient.

Of course, there is still a lot of work, but the following areas can be distinguished:

  • Training for both copywriters and clients. We are preparing a lot of materials that will expand the horizons of our users. We will explain what to do and what not to do.
  • We will classify copywriters in even more detail, and also make it possible to more fast way find a person for cooperation.
  • We will direct our efforts to speed up the work of the site and make the work even more comfortable.
  • We will continue to develop new directions: a carefree project, site analysis and query clustering.
  • And a secret development :)”.

As you can see, a lot of work has been done, and the leading content exchanges have huge plans for the next year. We look forward to the implementation!

Very little time is left until the New Year - a holiday that all freelancers look forward to. After all, this is not only delicious treats, tangerines and sweets, an elegant Christmas tree, but also such a rare opportunity to fully relax from order fulfillment!

Domestic content exchanges congratulate all freelancers and customers on the upcoming main holiday of the year.


Congratulations from eTXT.ru

The administration of the eTXT.ru exchange wishes all freelancers a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! We wish you success on the Internet! May all your best wishes come true in the New Year 2016. cherished dreams and wishes!

Congratulations from Miratext

Miratext team, all friendly staff

I hasten to congratulate you on the holiday and wish you strength!

Find a source of inspiration for many years.

And to always have access to the Internet!

Good luck, creativity and a thousand ideas!

Calmness, patience, ahead for many days!

Orders, yes more, interesting topics,

We wish you only flattering comments and reviews!

Strive to develop, achieve the ideal!

Become better in the coming, no more and no less.

The year of the monkey is bright, the year of creativity, fun,

We wish you such a mood every day!

Let in New Year dreams and wishes come true.

We appreciate each of you! Thank you for your attention!

Freelancers, Happy New Year!

Freelance. Today joins the congratulations, and wants to wish the Administrations of content exchanges success in their difficult task, further development, and the speedy implementation of plans for the future!